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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 1

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Henry Wrick Gain arid lJrrpool TB Te iwcWOoiiniBa T31 i- iiTWi lil' ftW iSi1 nearY fW. fflJgr nUrtb Doniak ti 230 the Indu OoXoVembw 30th the wlndr bea lijjd i i Ih. i6lioili totl4 ng with a heavy erW irea and toppiag tb en- TbemwstHl continued' to EpVini next whwlrwa to ibAThW1tb. ye1. lie were launched ah proyUfobi i ftrf tbetrewYlth abontadoceo passen- getI sot into them.

The crjewwfco remained ty the te el were the captain second mate carpenter er leaving the vessel onYdf the bott wraped and the occupants fireln wbrrwrre re drowned. The survivors state bit lb ruer' covering board wbea thT iborrd off wa not more than two iacbe above the water. It supposed Uiat ah most have gone down with her lit Ing freight The Ute of the other boat it doubtful nothing ha been heard of tlfeir oocopaoti iinc A stem lug which ha jut arrived herereporti I bat she spoke to Inward bound bark with five more cur- ylvonot the steamer Borwislas disaster oft ioard. Tbe a at Liverpool of the Boruslia tat tbat there were one cabin cud. lilty- foomteerage passengers from Liverpool fof Xew Orleans end eighty te rag rpasen rn from Ouruirna fur Manna.

Later end reliable advio by telegraph from Liverpool represent that nothing really new concerning the Borusla disaster tin tie obtained. The name of the lark trftuus1y mentioned- having tveMdL- tionil survivors of the dltaater on board waj not obtained by tbe tug. The bark was spoie oil the Saltee Ulanas and. ihemay to two or three day getting in unless the towed In his statement tbe third officer of the Borutoiasayb tbat after tbe Urge boat containing Spaniards and mate a boat con- Uinlor thirteen penton had left th Boruj- lit and a life boat containing two stewar4a of the iteaiuergot adrift. He wa ent aft iHiboal by Jhe captaWandToolrtKirlgof it taking hi own boat in which Rye men wtrvlcfk- Thu tow-boat wiuawauipetl nd all on board drowned.

The third ofllceeri- drivared sgIn to reach UmUorwaia which wufut linking but was unable to make her tgiiul lb wind and was ulliniiely compelled to abandon the attempt. At thee time this occurred tin-re were Hill three boat with the liorusgl Tile owners of the liort Mi ll iiiat they brlieve the yvesl i iill etluat a she Ii built with water-tight oonipartmenti cud thaL he Is still In the trick thu ocean vtmels They era also hopeuf Con rrnlng the crew and pJWiteuKrx. Their boat before tLey left the Uoru ia. coutalnedb iide the Si anSards a mate cud three wbraenbuV wlien fere rtnTt5nat we partly stove by knocking ogalnat the uteaiuer. mate and the women cc curdIn1y returned to th wreck but the Spaniards partly staunched the hole in the boat with souls clothes.

and their ropi breaking they Wfrtcait ufffrorn the Uao They had tomeprovUion butnonuof them knew anything of Ihgir. aeanim hln. days and lx nlgUti ibey wee. totteJTaunt unerlne terribly. When they were observed by thej German bark Fu1da they were in latitude 33:1 north longitude 2:4 weiL They know nothing of the fate of the itorussic.

iN December 24 tUgraphs from Jsgdaituk to tiy Heavy tiring has been heart in tlheraireo tints of Cabul for to pau fcjty iftlitliours. ral iougli is alosf to lOttisinC and it heipectinl will reach taIul to-day. The malt oag from Ct Lul have arrived at Jiplallukthe bearers being harmlessly fired tenrwite. Therein nuuli dissatisfaction amone the Irish people because the government hat slut applied the kurplus of the Irish church land Tor the relief of dUtrcss which they are empowered to do by the terms of thf duestaUUliiuent act. The directors are member of the society of St.

Vincent de Paul mid publish a ileclara- tlon that elreiuoiynary vyttenu are a a err and a dulusitni if intended Uat ly to meet thedocu and dreadful famine now approaching. On the other han44rc bishop uaorabe of Dublin hat iMU la rlmrlarto tbe clergy of hi diocese aklbg them toapH inta day for col lee i ion in the churchm and to urge the parishioners to contribute. The telegraph cable which 0 open fo bailee lo iweun Aden Arabia inst south Africa touchea at ZanTh3r MoumbVjue De hay and Dubmin and nnne with time laud lines in south Africa. Thu isle' will 115 per word from London. A dltiatch from tTtkmwn says Chief Se- COUtIL surrendered on the 3d lust.

The latest clvieei frooi Cabot dated December AI. stat. that the lmmurgent. here plan- dared the il haztru In that city and it Is aid Utiv numbers are leaving with rJ i i vA1x. December 2t The enite to-slay approved time bill for the abolition of slavery to Cuba.

In tin' chamber of ttepiittte the bill vaiwad for the first tium andthe coin- Ultteefia appoinl 4 to TIIUI upon it. IUKXIC iibr 2 The cattle plagui rirMdiji No horned cattle are allowed 10 IMT or untcr into lArn by or riK lisecensher 24. The Greek boundary cuJuml ioiMir i Ve sent stiOts' tu the port lrm udin resuu lion of cx ret csi regardlngtne tron ie nutation. Th porto hwrriuted oar mil lion piasters for the relief of destitute per noua la CutMiauUuople during lh wLuer that Urcvy had agaitt tuiuuuinrd Ire-I sntLtitI an sI1Pgetilefl for a new wluUtry had been deOo itely arranged. bets cpaflmatiOn MM WiddiiiRtou DoPriyftncfand eat Uuet Lacour ire now.

at 3 to. erring at ttw nwidencv tol Wal4U ffc rkw The latest bulletin in front Uno tItled the tiJ lnt. saji that time en Pewiubtt 24 The MoUtat lUntaad Christianaof KuMlaarf 9ttatl sfsleet a restoration of the territory to Itacija eater2I ft TheZurthGer3a Ou tla tsuttlteliet Utter from leters burg Miirtlf line th reeat rtporu UI I ajs the tatter guts tatbevUHer palace daily sul attend time sfertneta tMlvr the mr and minister suvrr. 31 council of tL aa ia. bdvat which time KuropOM controllers of the presen Lhedlvo uibMUedVifit fc rani Gordon la gojijlaji The uihters.

zpresed zuanded auj zplazmaibn Urom Qarila Iath In another dispat Ij3rd Pa aa. datirtd 4bl Hty it tbcinl ii id Italy-a port iulb lIed tea la rq to produce otampliectioca. between fcu ia. and. Italy VThewhiUUrtuAsa cttli tbeveop aL Other diijw lo tb council front Qorfo lucotIhiateney killed kyengiae So.

4T jjarietta icd-i dem divided on cpuntrr an4 far a the ot stalwart republican reams of. Mr. Bayards unnecessary am ing eb tysup- the fight against republicanism for by it the fu be id ifcey wefc to nhrnki uURed Jrfdofsat4d crjllepatty of the Bortbidkuus. lotJnr oid democriU JtlUvFOt the a democracy. There are plenty of denlocI nd republican at the north who are op- fthe country.

ith saying be did not say. so to your correspondent that if the south intends adopt- ng any such proposition as announced by Senator Beysrd that they bad better adopt ie originators of it the republicans as ley better understand it" Dr. Felton strenuously opposes the Bayarsl resolution ndtaysthe south can support no party lat entertains views so inimical to herin- erest It is considered as a piec of stu pendous folly on the part of Mr. Bayard to isve Introduced such a bill at this time though hi friends claim that he has heretofore held to such views. Mr.

ills friends are dissatisfied at his attitude on the question though am informed Mr. Hill treats it entirely trout a legal point and holds the law makina greenbacks a legal tender to be un- on yUyqur ad ri all ku k4 ques- on is now before the supreme court of the nittl Ut4tes. A cisioii from that tribunal looked lor at an' early day bnf Us probable the decision will not be made I moridV to come. President Hayes wasarfesteM one of ie capitolj licaJJaturday. JTber are cjr- in seats rotuutUjsetf Mr Hsyf tOi inthe aiulaaiid4or1l ew moments Bat down on ooe of these ajje onlrejhtuv HESndj ihe president revDOndiuV vetj' readllv the policeman arrested him and started for the guard- room when an ensploye recognized the officer's mistake and informed him whom lie lad arrested.

The officer made profuse apologies but the president ai4ilhat is I. Stephens and was placed on the force Stephen Mr Birch's rrndther jned MrStephenas bond when he was released from prison after the war. From time time the democrats were court- ig Grant lie was coqueting with iem and the republicans occupying a like osition as suitor up to the present time it has stuck to his German motto Speech silver and silence is gold. He still sticks to the golden part. but has let loose a little the til very.

Still hit anxious friends iave not heard him cay whether he would accept the nomination for the presidency of heTnTteyStaterMofi asserted that he will let bls rtdfriatfon be knQW in Jaauajw iHe is booked orthii piMlhejaSrl ripf thiswwki. nd will be the guest ot General Beale at hich time your correspondent will try and los to him goinekon ivflYrtrn Cvero. ehce to loquacious for the nineteen HrnebJt in uugreta meets just before Chrtmaj oes little or no work and spends a consid- A1 that Is dons has be done dverwhen coBgresff re tertbe holidays. They should change the me to soue day in January and' the pro- UbilAjTstuaHt will be doe bythlirei seat congress C. II.

W. Dem1e 2 The per- MUorrHiM4Ua at Ilinaur- the olhetc litlidadjlsia tfe l-eople of lame In a public speech to treat Governor Garcelon and hi council a loath om lariah because the governor anti his counc il hive kept I heir oaths and executed the aws without fear or favor and the an- touncement that the president baa prowls advance to recognize a rump legislature Maine If the republicans wll anlse one ha started what promises lit the sanutlois of the. se1en iere Iemucrat1o congressmen twos all' sectione of country are outspoken In their denunciation of theiucendiary. talkxif Senator Ilioutiti and of the indecent haste which lilt alleged the president has shown 0 lend himself in advance to partisan scheme before the emergency hat arisen and before lie can osiiiWy know whether the republicans will be la the right or wrung odt legally or morally. Will UM opi Maine ubmittony such thing inquired Chairman hluckner Of th committee on banking and currency to-night.

They certainly ought ot to do so be added lie denounced the president' action in unmeasured term So did kmagrezaan lflutit of Georgia amid so Ijavea score of democratic members with nom nriJarttlked on the subject day limfa certain that the rtAidant. wilt mind himself in a hornets neftjif hen ttrilertifcw to to Senator Ikictee. let bun rvsxmuiee th Tl legUlatwre It he pluses. iaislcbmss Wouht to congress wil the legal legislature and will WH Ji JrT vvwvu vi yuici uahiw imuvj die taie' otLuther vs. ibrdcu upon whirls erej bllcanit tisaid propose to fopeI Hid Mr.

Blount. lecisioa goes further pehape then they have stopped to think. it does idad any tbatthe itrnddeni has tbVpower to fee. ojfuU hl it tr legal at government in oonttlc nd thai the court ar its duty bound to acknowledge and. follow th president but it ijoea farther.

amid says thaUltimate power ren altts with congress I. remu the diM- sionOf the president It It sew fit And. Tots remewbet thlswsedonelu Baxter- llrooka eoutest in Arkansas. The presIdent to recogulie ooeijoveranttnl TB Tol goternisleuL Tbiv report wait house and- All of the. democrat wt lutejkeard ot this latest pbsje of th sitaatkm in Mine are tlkto nt strain simllw to Mr.

Woun nt already that of rather than ipBlIcantsror In othn litics willno ent and Malsona for gorse 13 ChaU THE TAR-HEEL lEGROEt tb jtxtMtaa FeVer Wia Worked conspicuously the exodus section. Within ye nnndred negroes aeol women anc tWIdreo have left the swfotmdfarg conn- trjf fririndlena. tisent Ihere is a tern rary lull in the exodus tide attribu4aU iwirereputed toM Industrious and thrifty hers less industrious had lived front hand to mouth-as is characteristic of the negro. The. Indiana scheme was begun iere sonic months ago and appears to have een inspired by one Langda1e the edilof the GreeneasUelnd.

Bitoner a republi. can newspaper. Lau sdale Lead proclaim ed that he would furnish homes to colored migrants in Indiana and the paper seerat have fallen into the hands of a notorious negro named Sam Perry who taught a free school at Lagrange about twelve miles rora Goldsboro. Perry associated with him negro preache nained Williams arid they soon succeeded in producing an texodus ever among the negroes and it is said that levying fees they made the xci lenient a source of handsome rofit. Meetings were Iield in various sections and inflammatory speeches ere made by Perry and others.

Indiana as pictured as a perfect paradise for coloif ed emigrants. They were promised plenty work and wages from 15 to 0 per month and board good schools with the hUtsanf bindsfllfrom 1 to3ahacre coimect on with tUeje promises and. de- usioiis the more ignorant of the racewere usade to believe thatch sorts of Imaginary Sig er 4 ingx praqUse upon here. It was told then or Mtance that they cotilffriot reet4d1VatZhe Wares white Hi ludi- ana it would readily accorded tidiu. leir worst fears passions and prejudices wurked upon.

They were told by eihartf they remiined here should ie democrat elect the" next president herimil TOnsense. The negro 13 of a decided migratory disposition and while any of those who have gone didn't now whether Indiana was a state county or a city yet the very idea of a rand excursion infatuated them so that ley disposed of their little effects for a bieretrIflend recUesslylstarted out on wlr journey. A for the cause of their inaTThe farmers in particular are laboring under considerable uncertainty as to their future crop arrangements. All admit lat they are being treated well in North Carolina and that their condition has very uch improved within' a few years. The ndustriou negroes find- no trouble in lees- ng good lands for farming purposes and the most favorable terms.

This class of people are very munch sought after by laud- owners and are gladly supplied by the landlord with teams implements and pro- uions at moat reasonable prices to be paid PI out of the crops in yearly install. nxents. The negroes are perfectly secure in eireiviJrightsnd rbilB8tnue of time hitesmagnate prejudicesthe more intelligent masses form a strong conservative ementand the negro is sure of pktec- ont TKe sWetas provided JhffMraifidu- atldnaHaclli ties for the colored as loHlhe bite childreu the races Lng separately. educated. Ttja colored schoou gcnerally re eiipatro lis and the children make rapmdpmgresa.

The industrial state fair of the colored people ifld fhEalejgji last month was in every wjtjf tedat94 to their race. Politically. ie rights of the negroes are fully protected. They can vote In every election. Out courts justice are as open to them as to the bites.

Colored men serve on juries and thistoo Jo trJiaUaUog therlfiqn4Aed to iLitaa rtta tiJtn BV Jgtlr hjtVe written mot piUul letters from Indiana asking for money to get Lack to North ro- na Moit of oor' nechanica treiof Jtbetdbl- red race and they always find plenty work. In fact the white laborersoften corn- taiRtht toe negrueaaje jiftferM Wftftri1 oth hi mechanics. lri tS falniersgol III EMt Bound Trelbla. XjswYo hB ai of railroad arbltrattdhhras agreexl upon the ercentsgdof east bound freight to be al- oted to veu Peoria llothewestern cHleS will ned and their maintenance assured and all of cuttiitx Uteiicqmpletely removed. The arb riltor5Te that the Peoriadivision shall commence on Jan uary Island th PWJrialineslMW isteed npon a Joint srenV who is to put.

the pool Into effect on that day. tt i'lr. A Terrible Fight. Cracixiavi December 31 A J5L Louts dispBteheays that a terrible fight took place near therein an old stable Monday evening between a Siberian bloodhound anAPatsey Jreman a pugilist for two hundred dailies vilde. The roan was ictorlocraftenitdls- TBiiratecl in which his shoulder anm arms were terribly la 7 the dogs teeth Tue bloodhound haflJwtwvWi ApW i so badly luajnca that He died within an fesir bales Afcottoo vbJ1 the defendant and seized by the government after sevetaf trials injurious courts waVcalled to United SUbattir- cuiturerL The defendant filed an vsver which there is a general denial of the claim 1 WASju oTO eceaiber 21.

Lewis fun- biker a mulatto twenty-on. years old Hodeaa Smith a prettjrirhitesirl arrivet here bow iadison county Ta. to-day were married by a colored preacher. Tbe room stated that the bride a. relatives al opposed the znarrlue.

hulkstnioT hlm cad ha was determined to marry4 er. Am AUie Yietejsy. New You December 21 Th mail idvi- ces to the Perur ftharM4afairetieonuna the leWnphlc report of taebaUt of Itesv th. wheri the lUIedtorce Kgh yj liased with- the wndtttoti tibst VT to. which place they also mad ri short Wt Mr.

Ckment cays that the Toad with tib. trceptloij of a few bridges hat are not ft tirel finished andsome portlonf tbat ar pot tuIIibs1Iaste is In gppd running to 8er. Ther made the run front the junVttti t- jrf i rr xJ- a Ui-f jJ. Ri fJi eluding more than ibe usual lengthof stop ftiiJUstviasa1 Januar to complete we. work 9 DiaUt can be 4 January the will be jedy Wsjtart the regf ular running of freight ftaliwuj But itwill snot expedient to put on jjassengerlrains for business until about the let of February- In reference to the greet excursion Jof merchants from the south Mr Clement Mys it must wait until after passenger trains have been running regularly tot sonfe days so that there will be no cause for want of convenience and promptness.

Governor Bishop was lull of enthusiasm over the successful completion of the raid" and the fine prospects that are awaiting it in the way of business. If is said the trttf tees made a scrjBUnlzOigeiamiriitiqn of the entire road and fonnd the' work Well don There art ten miles not ballasted conlpUtf ly but that portion is on a solid foundation andean be safety used Tbe laterains b. developed some sliding places which er- abled the Workmen to provide aghlt. trouble in good season t4 The governor was delighted witli1 the col- diality of the reception given the party it ChaUaaeogau gbey were im ta4 tbe depot by large number of. leading citizens e- torted tQthe btftelUnd feastedJnnirioasiy.

Congratulatory speebes were made. all- round everybodyTfas happy. The. party by invitation made a liast' visit to Atlanta over the road which it his been reported Mr. Cole of the Louisville and Nashville railroad gobbled ufl.

There they werezaesived just as cordudrV asatCbnarx ogaThoughit waslloclock at night when they arrived they were banqueted and talked about the great enter prise nutilj o'clock in the morning. Next morning they were driven about the cityduriug- which they saw. many evidences qfprosperfty. They also" commissioners of peorgiaTvbo have charge. of the railroad above referred' to and were by them assured that there would be no discrimination by that road against the Cincfrfmttl Sontherny Its ctmarteroobtaimis a provision similar to that in the chartercjf the Cincinnati Sou them th tino road.

con necting with it shall be prlted of rigloa nd nrivflegeg givmlar ttttf i wpvittL tole has said that be has no a criminate in business with theincinnj road thatlt would not ha to his Interest to oso If be wished. The governor thinks there 6 fully as much interest in Tennessee along the lina active and successful operation as there among our own people. I To the question whether he thought the road was worth now all that it has cost and whether it could be sold for tbat amount replied I believe it worth all it has cost and more too. An ex rieiiced railroad ci rineerlLvSeywwir su JvnglifJtman who uilt the Atlantic and Great Western road ho has been at work on the southern end our road came upon our train over the main portion of which he had never passed nd he was surprised at the difticuliles vercome and that such substantial cu had been done for what It has cost. As to selling it he did not believe that should be the policy of Cincinnati even if she had the power to sell Under the chi- er it was her duty to lease the road and not to sell it sod tie.

thought that two or iree years' use of. the road would prove 1 1 he more valuable than it now seems to e. In other words would be estimated railroad men at higher figures than would he now without much data to calco ate upon. It was now being run at a cot only 6 per oent ot ItH earnings and le believed there was. no doubt that after the road gut to running regularly.

it would make large profits over and above all ex- enses. Macon Telegraph 24. One of Brunswick' most promising youn citizens called upon us yesterday and sai that whole region is much wrought up on he subject" of the. lease and future of the lacxui aud Brunswick railroad. Theycao lot tolerate the idea that this splendid prop- arty which furnishes the inland gate to the ar rio uriawlck5aball pass into hostile bands.

Hence. the determination spare no effort first. to control the ease themselves with the help of thei up eountr brethren and secondly. fail- tig in this to give all the aid aril comfort possible to the com pany' or organization wtdrwm atHtfosr liberally with them in the- subsequent conduct of the road. We cannot learn that any definite lotion has en decided opon but every one seerastdlW awaiUng the result of the.

conventions ileliberttloiis. Brunswick he lion and we learn that all the counties the line road between this city sad Brunswick have already taken ill. necessary steps be represeptsd the convention save Twigs Jocea Jasper. Newton Fulton and all that sectl1 mmediatelrtiitvrested lathe proposed ex- elision will doubtless conic to time afeo with their representative men when the convention assembles on Tuesday next That body it is. confidently expected wIl number pni veutjjlayp ly cue hunmired gentlemen raDybr fbow are possessed of argc experience and the highest intelll- genre.

rSOSt TBK uzae TO rue exit. Clevdan Herald. A view railroad connection pssed i theatteiitlprivflbe people of Cleveland llec nt railroad coaihinatiousbave resulted in the formation of a continuous line from Evnsvllle to Savannaln by the way of aajitjne Oiattanpoea and Atianit the made betaei Evaiisviile and Atlanta being consolidated under the management of Colonel Scott To complete tMs line to he lakescompahies have-been fonnemltth construct a void frcfe Ivansvflhe to Bay- luour. In4 thesics Ute Ohio line at or near College Corner and from that point to Belleltatainfatiibtate After th liae ire built it is proposed to consolidate them into oj Xv 4. trunk Iw Jt I a verted ihaiiaiarge amount ot attlbas been rotexland pnmiuedtotheratarprLie By the completion of these links a new and direct Ipnte faxoi Cleveland td the' be opened and tlWoaniJtciioM at tbjf point will nuke it thetuoft dlrec con- sontliwest' on he con linen SJhe' people along tb jjint of tbe projected roads ire ap.

pealing to Cleveland fur both material and tbe onnectioaof the mi doj link anti ttofMle tattltfojpealnf of tbe Una Will rf a la CUreUndWbat theTCindn- pall wat1sotgbinnesilsoed will fetye to Ondn- Slates supreme court to rendered Med AlbmOMoctfiOm tbe eastern distort sit Txaawhiebwascnll to moveri tioaota oartatuf al vi iinnwato 4 i preTwri pji S5K vejjdor. and the te feet of aljjnagaor npon dtftftfafatmtufof a prirau th lower court residence jof December 21 The bride fa a sister of tMAdalr Brothers- of Atlanta and. ntistcstimeble lady1 i i after a session of six Jffka. Oeorge was convicted for owy stealing and nA to fine of hsnjed orTv V7" 1 rnaUf Sing OA. December ZtV-TliestndenU wMiis Louise Pomneroy cky last Friday and Saturday nights.

Sbe es sowell pleased with he rtceptkm that- i the request of ft large number of ier ad- nirersth will return And play. Romeo and txumniB December 2t The residence of Mr. W. T. Bo wdoin was burned last night at I o'clock.

The fire originated from the stove. The house was a large two-story dwelling and burned ta rapidly that nearly everything in it was consumed the family hartly escaping wlth their clothing. Mr. Bowdolns loss is twenty dol. lars and was insured for fifteen hundred.

Itjseems that- ourlown is fated to the fttmes OA. December 21. EDITOBS OVSTITCIIOB Having noticed in your widely read daily of to-day's Issue a card concerning youthful telegraph operators at ow in. to say that we claim the jblne rib- bonl in that line. Willie Handley.

of this I CA began the busing Jabont' lour months agp at twelve years of age and now sends rapidly and takes exclusively by mend neverhaving used a register and to brief inform Marshall that we await the Homo. RoMe December 21 The Etowah gold mine in Cherokee county owned by T. Alexander P. M. Shibely EebeccA Hoff and TT Robinson of Rome hat been leased 6 Messrs.

Hart Tudor. The lessees are urtriera of large experience and have a ten- amp mill at the property and will add machinery rtcnlartyr ftdaptedto working le ores. In addition to several quartz vbM therVis aTargftsulphnref rein which taid to be by miners one of the richest i the stale. Work will be commenced on ie first day of Janiary and It is hoped lat their success may be such as to enable leiu to make a good report in a few mouths December A horrible acci- ent occurred here at 4 jpm. day.

Mr. V. Aull foreman of L. Hall Cos. sawmill was drowned in.

the Conasauga river. was attempting to save a raft togs that ejeftbonttogdorer the damn of Tread- ells mill. Eta was on the raft but leaped itoaboat justbeldre the raft got to the am. Just as the- boat started over the' am Le cried to the negro in the boat with 1m to jump. They were both carried over the damn.

in 19 the geething waters below where they were tossed up and down for mlnnteaadthen floated on tsTnen ro 7 smswrzic ia CA TKas tLL vDeceraber 23. The eleo- Lion for a county commissioner to fill out the unezpir term of Ii. Brandon re signed came offyesterday and resulted as follows iAaron Knight 331 3. if. Ned 306' George RGihbons 10L Our usually ui town was the scene ofa litle excite.

tuent and bloodletting last night. Some ne groes had a row in which Frank Itsuon received two flight wounds from pis wit in the handjof Bf and Foster Hender- son. One wound was in the hack the other in the arm. The Hendersons have been bound over for trial for assault with intent to murder It it said a woman was at the bottom of the. difficulty.

Mr. Bob- erl B. Tomlinson and Miss Matt ie Hardy of trite place were married here to-day. THOJCASTTLM December 22. John Roddenberry was killed here this evening by Mr.

E. Davis. Roddenberry and W. i K. Davis brother of J.

4 Davis were engaged In an altercation the former pressing upon the latter with a drawn knife when J. E. Davis fired al and instantly killed Roddenberry. Thebiirentered the chest and passed out. just below the left shoulder blade ranging through the lungs and in the region of the heart.

The killing occurred in the store Of W. N. Davis. Soon as Roddenberry fell Davis disappeared and has not been caught. The gen.

eral opinion seems to be that it was justifiable homicide and not mnurdft All the parties stand well Time whole matter is likely to go through the courts. Tbe Mitchell. house is comfortably full of northern invalids. Tb weather is fine. December 23.

The Tenessee iron anl steel company which" sus ended operations just before the unprece- ented jise in iron has hesbecusold after sev- ral months of litigation and will resume operations it is the 1st of Jannary. Mr. GeIL HoiWhursti so well and fAvorably knuwn Sr. VMVMIA. I Georgia and Colorado and B.

EWells manager of Dade coal nilnesare among the lncipal stockholders. L. Scofiell Sr. formerly of your taty still retain an' interest the concern. Several needed Improve- mentsare being made and when completed it will be the pest and tacit compact merchant mill in the south.

The concern will hereafter be known as the Lookout lolling miil. We have had within the list day or 4woxc edinxly Laid rain anq the Weather now Is as balmy as spring. fact too warm to be comfortablai Oaii Jpa send a cold Wave from your elevated for If this weather continues we tear tuth sickness will belbe Bpalding county. Mr. R.

8. Connelf showed we yesterday his books from which' I gatbv red the following in rep-rd to hIs farming Labor uaedone tunic and tone hands ct of labor 240 uano aOt maktngth. total expenditures 330. The production of tbe firma was IT balm of eottonand 125 bushels of corn The sales were as follow 17 bales cotton 437i 124 brahels com 9X75 cotton seed 4780 fodder 18 total 90180. This leaves a net profit of 63 3V whkb i considered tra good farming for poor Georgia lands.

Mr. Coanell sold hi mule at the close of the season for 135 cash. Last night the Bapti a commence a grand lazar which will last until Thursday night the Episcopal and. Methodists each bold festivals. Friday night the amateur talent of the city via tender Mr Clara Johnson complimentary coa cert at lh opera botue.

Tbe city council voted an appropriation of 300 last night to aid the Stonewall OK company the put- ehaje of a new steamer. Avisriva ILiuc. Dfcember 21 Tbe usionistj held a. public meeting list even- tug it which apeetbee were made endorsing li action of th ftjverDOfaixl a Icing thoroughly jo accoruaoce with law and lbs consUtuikn of the tateEe3oluOons ax- prsedgi sit jthese tiews were adopted Goreruor Garcelon madeV speech asking thatTitmself ndbls coUeajna be ins- iaieaciloa whidybe had titan ia OeocsSa tJynsDun to Corn. OreovnaBa eaaatthe espUot will 1' TM BoOem pey ttt a Last that Go.

cn rO Bittc dadaitiiefoacaaaa of tte of iptei i Vi aA thl LtM fc. j. linearly finished noif afidUuKfiM without any state aidT l5hsd ibSat as brlcii spoiled th othet a delayed the work iomewhjh he roof. vWetwerB JeleTmlned km replace terestedin npwjs the college is practically aecomplLstie laet The road iv of very reat importance' to Atlanta and Oeoigia twill do more to develop tb mlnlnflr treiti of Georgia tBan allttlher csajes cons. bined.

What is the exact comirstoflberoad to which youaliudBT It runs froni lainesvilj qn tfie Air'- 4pe toDah ne hemontr ns It ssesihrotjgn thf Destn mnfiiing fan a leorgla going through Bark ampi Au- aria etc. and terminates atDablonega which is Intie heart of theold regioV' How lobgls roadjp Sit Is twnty-seyen mile inlength and be most dfit easy to build. the las tea miles approaching Jahlonega will givers some trouble but even there the cost will comparatively small. We proposed to make It a narrow gauge and we have the most reliable estimates which put the cost fthe grading. the twenty-seven mile at 33000.

We figured sometime ago that the total required to build and equip the. road would not go over 3104100. This was be- ore the rise to lronetc and we nowcal- eutate that the entire cost will notgo up te 200000. I the roadnow under way Yes sir. The Air- Line road loaned their engineer for a while and he sad hit noire located our rontsv The first ten miles is already located and Li- now being con- ttwicted.

We have over two miles of the. road graded and Hugh Carlisle the great bridge building our bridge over the sihattahoochee Ohiyes weare going right ahead with oiir project. How munch money have you raised We have about 50000 subscribedand secured. We hope to be able to get enough to grade the road and then' we shall have no trouble. The friends- of the Line railroad in New York and the New.

York mln- ing- exchange will see that enough of our bonds are taken to get the iron for the road. General Condi 1 8ml th who Is very largely iaterestcxlinjthe development of the mining section asd who was formerly the en- by. the 1st of Aprilahd to Atit3rla50r Cincinnati station by tbe 1st of May vr one. We think that we will certainly have the road finished to Dahlonega by Christmas fear. Perhaps sooner but certainly1 then.

The last ten wiles will give us some1 trouble jn the way" of grades ridR LetcTnd 1 give allthe time necessary to' finish it. Will theroad finimncb local freightr I think it will- be one of ihehestlocal roads jo the country. Therjc hardy a square of ten miles along iU route that Is. not a good mining inferestThie machlriery required to work these wipes is. heayy and makes paying freight.

One cit the first jobs that the Itttleroad wills will he to haul 600000 pounds of. pipe for General Smith to Auraria. Then of ores will be very large. Of course the gold freight wUL be small but we have all sorts of. ore up there.

For instance there js right along our line the second largest mine of gray magnetic ore in the United States. It Uso thick that we could not survey our course through it except It deflected our instruments I knpw of one piece of it lying on top of the ground that is as big as a horse. Dr. of Liverpool who was looking through our. section lait year was very much pleased with it and said that it we could get jail to it ikhlacou- pany would take very tton of rtit that we1- could haul to Savannah.

But besides' this the section through which our road gbe Is arich' agricultural country. It raises reat amounts of crops all sorts. The Dahlonrga roast will dram rast region of country beyond ns ei it will be the joeareu way to get to nuiket he passenger trfde will ber uite large too In the summer season especially The. resident of the New York mining exchange ho visited our section a short time Binee with several' frlendawere snore than tls- fiedwlthonr rnii1 and tbstorof pf nr minerals and were carried awaywith be beauty and wildjie of our scenery. ney deCiiire0 mat it tmie acuities tor get- Ing to the mountains were- good there would be a rush of visitor from the north every year attracted by our cool and healthful breezes and four matchless scenery.

I am sure that it oidcarry erfectiatr am of In- spectore niinm aijdspecnUtors into the wines start theni to work and add enormously to the wealth sad prodncUvegess of OUST section and state. The world will never now until it is thoroughly developed oof rich the northeast Georgia country in minerals. Whenerer this 1 done lioweverf there will be na need to call for immigrants They will come faster than we can take care of them. Do the people bf nch 1irtrf ested In the coining roadT1 Yes sir they feel that rvery thing depend on it. You- little ides how nnea they- need AL' They re almost en tirely without a i market Thii tj miles aeenui abort diatanc Jkinifejeljepuntn Ioade4 wagons over almost mpassabW road It is.

severe a pull that it almost sate up the valueof the produce that 13 hauled. When' the rbadi finished the prodcctiouof that will bevastlr increased and Its population added to very largely. The rallies of the MonnUifr counties arevery rich and the uplands can MBPodastockregioaaaeajtTconeaeeand eda with eneoimngenien. prpduce beef mnttoa and poultry euoug to feed the whole state. Vben the direct trade tbi is sow a certainty la made fact We snail see northeast Georgia sending it quota of freights to England.

need not talk about the help thb od will be to Atlanta It wiUsimply tap another rtKion nd em ply its ereatninto your eilyu. While Atlanta tan of caurst receive i benefit olbeat great through Untfoads eems to me that whit builds her np aUaie roads that runout Uke th rea jpld web stopping Tat some" country town so that there Is nothing for- to do fwt tq fed ctto th cit7Tb other wayfor the produce and the trade to go Xotabiti ItseeawUutwbeneverfoni people wanl tiat aid lors any purps the supply Lull. exhaasted tWet bar aiaa- to get along Itowerer without an and the prospects are tbairaur more will be opened In ie ftftartt Tbe Iti gnat deal rfi is eeMiM aad r6a tewst- went Tbe great obstacle to 3 vtloiaeut 3 A i are so rough and aceemao. at dlcour a ret attempting lie" trip ii that prevent many mines from becoming meoded for tie Jnte Uw taken Iii tb development of the bwadr Hats1 tiat now feed Itallne at have always tUe lines tnatroold onega we do not doubt forwe be' Here it will prove to be for thehi agfoithe stats rat large one Mtt iJ.Tjpis tWbs31i. Edison claims to have aocow.

sncceededjn producing an elei- Mauorvoom wmDf ana oayia pnmur and private bousesand It cost no greats hanthau tbf cbeape wyii jf 2. Tbis is done withmachinerr no more complicates than that employed In the manufacture of gas and so arranged a to be esailylranzmlttsd ted by central machines and wlthouf wast et a Urge territory. 33Litt cities where" gas mains tie already" use theycan bf employed for transmit. ting the new light while the gas fixtures In use can be altered to admit this novel Illut Btnator wl very a 4 The light steady odorleavwlUieil moke or flame gives out little heat Isde4 Void of danger requires no matches to1 Igi nltevaod Isinde daUtUeun In itself or every householsL. jt 5.

Thelamps nse arelsimple in construe tiOnvThe ixtingulihingof onellght does 1401 alT theotherslnthe least amid by cmi ngeniouj device the electricity usedby each house can measured6r computed the seine as Is now done by the meter. ft By constructing the yneratlng aai bine a power Is generated capable of per ormtag light work such as tabbing sewing machine pumping water et vTp run aq fdlnarysewing machine requires the hanstion for only a moth electricity ash required of one jet of light andthe power nierely touching yenlemstly arranged. The point of discovery we make known this" morning is that carbonized paper the purpose that it was thought tinum alone could- serve and notonly as cheap as ashes but better than precious metal. All difficulties but tills of the coumposi. tion of the wick of the electrical candle had been oyercome.

The generation1 of electricity-has heroine familiar. There are many well known electrical machines. The dlvii- lbillty of tbevcurrent has been found potni- his. It Is indivisible under Edison's pro. cess is a volume of gas.

What of the Edison lamp It can be made at a cost of twenty-five cents. In Its simplestform it is at cheap as a gas tip It is a plain glass globe about the of a small orange or a large lemon. In the bottom is fitted a metallic' stopper through which the copper wires pass anda strip of carbodized par shaped like a horseshoe connects the wires. The air Is exhausted in theglobc. Turnbrrtbeelectricitywhlcbts quite as simple an operation as turning on gas and the carbon becomes andreoalni umihous giving out a soft brilliant pow- anal light- and the wick endures No limit to this endurance has been found.

No roatcbeare needed to strike. Ugh inch ki anrnber te Vduril illty can there be any conibuit the gsass and the light Is jostan tterlydistrnguiibed. The moment the air enters the light is ought. hi would be per. feetly safe' therefore.

to flat such i ligbtin magazine. It will be of Ittestlraa- lie advantage otfabiphoard. Itcanbeeip- ployed with the happiest results in mines heretofore hazardous It will by abolishing the use of matches In ourhouses aiid introducing a light that neither bests or wikindles vastly reduce the liability of res and thus speedily put down thr rate insurance. This light will do away with ie necessity of heat in well lighted apartments. One oslo produce a dazzling- ij- uminatlon without changing the tempera- As there is nd combustion there Is no smoke so that this Is the light long sought or picture gaJleriM.

Wherever a wire tan be tretched light may be cheaply pro- need so' there will be no excuse for dark alleys. This will be the terrorof burglars ot bytbe noiseless touching ol. a ykej not only an apartment but an entire house may be Instantly flooded with lfght to the terror and dlscomfiturdtof all who' seek darkness hat they may do evil. It Is a light that does not' barns the eyes nd that may' be shaded' and regulated at rteajure combining the softness of the nil iamupwltb the plendor burning tl carbon. points.

A PIe of Guilty. December 2t I ssefcashier Mlchells hank pleaded guilty of em bek- dement to-day and was sentenced to two yeaciln bouse of correction. is generally eHevedCbe' defalcation amounts to" $10000 though the Indictment charges buts a Milled i TifQ tailors on be bark Francisco Dadayerd from tIavona 5n 4 coot and boatswain and wounded the matte nd another ruin. The captain and the remainder of the crew subdued the mutineers and kilted and threV them overboard. atCarltoncollega Northfield yesterday.

destroyed Willis hall and the main build- ng with nearly all ihe contents inebedimir furniture books and the students affects. The ions i estimated at SOOG divided among a be 8. A. Sifcei of Lecaadyyille umned from the new suspension bridge to- Sy Into the Tbebodf has A a We were phased touteetin oarofflc Vf eto 4 otitbe" Independent' ATkanaLint published SCfDaraar Ark HrVMe- Unite a natJTe of-Georgia and ooroes from Havana was received by tbe Bpanl mlnUter Itatlne that xtheso alled Colonel Ouerra turrtnaered to-day at Holquln wf th Bf one men ooeaprfatoghla comwand Acis looks word tept ton tbe alphabet 6y which rtm jutj pdl ehwaeter. mUv i IF 5MftSwNMff5 4oc fflrtfan ptatfrttmai VBMtBqf4r5 BxUialMBwWkMnM tri i tt Twzv that win ct belie lljnnili mthar I acartu.

i sij TSj-Tl 90 when conlederate uaitf hii fiesw In the litigation over the Kimball received I asked jQdgtj Loch rtne what ha had made la tntprnsticf 4 lawywd ht nHedr taywe1xh in toll 1 thtiaoiwet would have people. Bat we mt ir weighed 90 gold piece found thatlt webbed Jan In ounce rauUipUedbrilxteenwt bad SWiMt value of pound of gold Judge Loohr Be weighs one hundredand two pound which at ttadjuiVb aTaaitn solid gold are am and be said that be had made four or five times that mach. We hare doubt of- this. At do of the war had uoth- lug. has always been a high liver and a man of generous habits.

And yet hit pays taxes new on 110000 worth of Atlanta dty property alone eligibly situated and well- rented. lie made IWX lit fees In the Bruniwickand rad Albanynllfoad litigation. The pirtiei representing the atatalo that ca3ca4' ommi ioDer got according to Judge Lochrane 10000 each. Jndga Lochran madea fee of 25000 in seine lottery case Inr which he represeute4tIlmmorip Dickinson Co. ever done by a Georgia lawyer bra short Urn was by Judge Loehrane just at the close of the had gone to.

WaihuTgtonjwHhiseveral lawyers otflhe way York. While in Wasl4ngton theamnesty proclamation was luuedIt was necessary for all men who were worth 1i over to make some tort of special application. Judge Lochrane quietly went to. Attorney general Speed and askwl him or the exact form In which these ppllea- lions should be made. This schednlee submitted to Secretary Seward andhad it approved and to President Johnson ttid had itspprovedMle then led batik to Georgia and opened an office at MaoQU for the pardon business Applications poured In opomi him His usual fee was 500 but he procured a great many for nothing and other for reduced fees.

la asbort time be went to Washington stayed a weekor ten day and returned with 158 imnesty pipers. For these he Collected 38500 Judge Loclirane now attorney for the Pullman palace icai company at a salary It Is saiaVot 10000 per lie takes special Mes outsldeofthUand adds verymaterially ca tAWtnuu There are not many err ricn lawyers' In botr several jrbo have mAasl jL- Inwelt to practice come train fees was over 20000 pet innato. lie has rnade no very large fees since the war that we knbwof except his fee from the railroad caseswhlchWfll amount to' over 10000 If he getiaraaaon- able percentage. In the Dupree a case it 8aldthaMle1and JlrilHlll ejOil OOO apiece but it is' more probable that it a 5000 HonAfHitephens has pushed his practice for the pay that WM in It and has only taken special cases for many jreartiThe percentage on the tales of his nooks' and hi salary as csngreesman give him many times over what his simple wants but forthe huge amounts given to charltableparpoaes he would hare amassed a large fortune. fe Jackson has jail gained a icase in Floridetouching the ownership of certain railroads In which his share of the amount gained Will be oyer 1100000 aid it Is more than like thstth Tcase will tie settled in a short time Mr.

Querrard js said to re an Interest in Ibis decision represent ing bondholders that will yield him a fee of about 0 or' PrinWp ofponjehth onlylawy rof North Geor- gla tbat we know ofv that list made much more" than a comnetencT He baj esUn- lisheds a bank in which his sons ate doinga nicking character and ey Messrs. Alexander TVnihtJ of Rome1 made a 10000 fee for eollectlng an be lafely said that a lawyer as well as conld beexpect 4rt when 5000 year-and by this we the best of thins. A lawytraiti on yesterday that lie didnotithlnkl there were five lawyers In Atlanta that averaged brer 5000 a year In fees It is noticeable that when-- ever superior court judge are wanted at 2000. a. year time supply exceed the Ls.

a i iAUanU i WJUldered a poor point for lawyers notwithstanding thfCtitJI the capitalandhaallthe courts here. One Objection i that there are more lawyers in comparison to the case brooght than anywhere eJ eTbere is not mqclJiprop- erfy In trust and little done in eonveyanc. lngTberelano bilMn Atlanta and eacblawyer harge what pleasea Ss vannab is the the best city for law yen in the tat There i an enormous quanhityof trust fund held thare the hoWlog of which requires a lewyris ad vice it every turn. The shipping practice Is considerable nd won be moats larger if there was. an sadnilratty eoefl i nU4 there permanently.

There a fine pphlt ofprDfeakrasIetbicjinBavamiahana bin which I strteUr' adhered toy The fe a paid titers are njnch. larger than Atlanta teen and the Incomes' ate probably third greater Angjitta I also laid to better than Atlanta and Jfaflon Is alU of trf loTer. Tntrewm fc few ca In the next ten yeaw thatTrllJ aflordaiore than 1000 feeaaadLasOwni beanMceed4nglygoodaver ge Theqtws- tlonsgrowlng out of the war have been let- tied th a ysbf big overanentalejftim are passed' the railroads have the of them settled into solid owneTsblp and an eriofttgnlafbosfeew has' come. The chances art though. that the i advance fu the tare Wtt Increased conftdecceiherila with Increased ottlne there laereaied oeedot lawyers.

A- good average lawy Lean Iq1 giving bii lime to his Tbe TCTT besJ lawyen may ftttom HOOO to7000Thw ar prteteoa ft ws that will over 10000 ye P' zfi VK ALUAXI river UUHteg towlj. to have a keel Wju- wm gm PllSF W' lfjHS vgifJ3ji js. XfVUItOm IJH UUMIIMr Mil jFhEIJNN UI- t-- U11 uJj OW wgwr J-- qr peJktIhbraI htbU a 4iP 1 tanSn WId4 M1IjI nI um us Wflhliin Btuut Day Dr WLIIIaZ abi. IeW J11I nixoD nd 4sdii 1n4 1L Iii Patrick Qfln sItt1HnerL OflIOIIbIIUrTIVOTI ItiIeI vr7 Uvr TbI Yee reached Oonna 1 0ymbertfl welL After hulnjjhjp. Wm1grantbi pcjd 1LTfl OAth13th Ifldb1DS Ib troz thethUtIIthI wtnd fruheoed ud 1arMId P1I on o1IoiItik' jjuJ1.u17thnge4to rtyt a.

1cbIh ship A thois pom4 frJJL1NS keeptls Rhfpfrej ilerAlltd hi eDOU2aniI Oo41i pijIdgOUt hi the gthe. The crew still work Ihi pthiplIfll dTd whinlivu dttiit1ntI ht and pruyWo d4 oftbcrwutibabouadoeeGpszen crew who tb TeeI threetg1Der eIeTen flrenieathree d1t ndtwcboI sbtI1rteT eue1one bt1jIrm the toaruera bordbu iT nurethaqt bthbaboye Ills iuppos 4that she IIIng a notlilnghabenhsardoj sInce. jaturlveti ir fiveinore data tour starsge ui aleerappaien rulu theBorussls cli. btwoorthredyi jitowed Iflhsstatementthethjrdofflcer oftbeBorusIasaythatcfterthetcrge n. iun the ru- ticaruerotadrlfL was5ent after this boat thecaptftt ittaktubisown were left.

was sww pnI oflIcee wufasiiisklig IisrsgsInt iiorusoII.e4bst they is as 4fthe Isopeureot- I Bomsia. I eoutaIiedjLsIde S1eniards women btit i1dt1Wbnat Th the par1 theirropi were ct btmcp bX ijfl9 but none 1auyth1J2Lptthtz auumah1u1or ft anblllslghta tusne4 slitu tke wereinatttuti331nortbhngitude vtbfite Locuot 2uoteorntsn a4oflowc the frty4IhtouN. dlAM flJ I 11 bags cbiif i attn rM114- Ui i anseck- antic a ttiecIeryot bIadiooeseaaklg to appoint a eulieciton I basl tel CCCII be itS 4 from mm lmn- mou1i. Zsnatu ThePeIitte i I mm wu tead amid the it Ievemnber Tlme tears Lamlea ma lamed. Tmse cv.

stiTAs Uuril oamiimutsaioimsr baie sItmopisTts slrmuumdtng rtsuwp- isumikreimcei i-egardlimg the tronPier Time has granted tour iattrr i the Iitt socmmiber 1 The 1amrt lrchlent LFtey addi tgtUI lPryetnCt and neidemiwbfL WmWLat3a4 mmarnj. i enilteese ltthmls cuudlcIalslmproyed' 555 cmmmca. iAStIssil Lo4mlzaIe- iThr1aUeaaofXulijaarsaattkUmle CEalms scsi I Gsztt SI sst re the warmd avitcls 11 4 the LisIer I1W5t1L 1icurammdw1nlaterj. 1' CsmtQ Dssceiuier 24- gitiatt jmdMSIer. baa ll at uLdUed a dis irons Pialti atadegtha tease ic ttLt t.s.O.- 1.

nds u4en craM aurprbi' n1 the khei4v di- smm frorn rsIun Patlt. desLredLbaI Eiiyst 1t Iii IbiS Ii tlsIIUtlPei II TheethtkttrfliewsscIIty IIIP0P. Otherdhpm aedited It tti the loefto ihmitbowd his i A atRe 1 tecnbythinaa I84em ftI wurnjt 0TP and bT eagles 474tWIley a a1sin on the SdoldsAeoe- 1:15 riI1za4lat uighL lleis 10 A5ITS IJn en escaped D3nhlef5 s' a I A IN i gtfJc LU AMOOTtTATEBME Ulnel Hay. ikst I Obacli vI Iuv 1a ieUMit ft Week Is hoist 4. f.

s1ftJC itsH1wGT0 Dcem Thd mew i democratic party' ongreas. ey ar ounty n44Pi uisjr6zIaiIi go a far as tb most drecotiof. and man a propos on unu some bearly cup. they afrrp1epjtrsnd praper on ynsaterlal merence ih Iwo par- ti'-4teIakta4a-thedemeeTaIIeraeka Is hailed by re1Iid e4IWe1M1eIe1 ryidenceo eas id his Ioasg toil yt egreat money poweroIthenot dtiagi4exaoavty nortbi dtetat iQthiroIlI tIPth nDflh4ru tI jotth nq 4i a and north but7 titat flWptjoiisentte thtWntbthtftgbffthvnetIrrfftds of the with aayso lug a the It. they and that her in- teresls stn- have his IIIlVs I tenslerto to4ftag.

tion1 ep4efc a1lcuw Lion cqur iciiLed i- an arlyday undstocotne the berg rec r- mails I 1 iset t9r I hay rtutsdat few 8 sa4abe 1ice Qr1ItT up ai4jhe hbt ai4tlLls all right I suppwejouwere cagrying Oat audwa by Mr. Stephemk signed Ing them position he it am er sileimceisgold. Heatillaticks of i1very. have tsepopilcetiori theipreaidency the a ted 8tatedrWtbesfalfV1 15 hls1i1eThsatfon kmscwarlj-inJ y41e or thlb this ei and Btat which yourcurrepondeulwil denc Tlip jc1LpLngrss daysl stt4s4wis4dfltf che4iitg ibrttm4w eId Abb4s does AIItltaI ladnh to cosigresre-assuibIes alter the changeibe titus bYtb tste utsxngss wessi wLJidio tormuaai otbktlifta4cIeig3 tpeop1e Ma teIn his as loatheom aha coun nIl iiseiroathsand laws In In ospnlze to here the to a pail sau a ill of 11 PtplofMains Ibecomumlumseon bcnklngsn4curtency not agi oN bom otiYbWrespoMenrbertalked diy nei' if he arelsrtsk carry. uur tM VmAml1 width hstaUeget Iabssrpsde the DmijsrIcglalaturu gICUiaU 111 recognise uiake ii very intermIieg for him.

I hut ott tyqet said your correspondent. decision of Chief Justice tenet In aee the repobllcans it It atid relvll 111114 IUT flT ki Tlmatdedsion 54t sto1' thittbelmseuiident hasilto iw uuie erhldt- tht all neat and bai era the tM miltlmte tamales aionoftbepreetdentlfltredflt. the ijrookseoultal 1lndtrwQ 10. gotirunseist iltar. ii4 ng sent commit- II.

doWn Te uihiuilttim kporttd bt iot of inethap' Tba doptkit L-bs bonfe end th istiddant bd tosubidit Itelt oobeadded 5tb4 umibta sun- pU ILtheY iive obeyed th41awa gnmtthey licteboplichty. Allof 4cusocratcwIsoLaeLeaMOt tbittiuon bIktnthitUtr1Iai stixdlastoUP. end II it apparent eOflEThi is elton this willing 10 reilat anx. atempta Ca the partot tha iMLndraintLwizt ifletne a5411P4IA tdnj up a fraedj 4 1 Li Generil Weier.saperInteaidL el Lb. esains ytthere traornrb In 1e report th4ths iupviio wm4ppfl1jtL Lii is si ti IPZYI43IW I lii- iLIWied of Li.

Heuyathat he Is to-be held I I iPOUbiftbemmmer4mawblth the Thrp1aI of the V4peTl1or bAwqL be i bleep. flbffltthebtbylfle Mcieccyo4rather thbpolltIco the orb dSjjljsmlitics will not eoTas A relibIegiJerj horn Virte. 1i I fo president vice tenpoga Tennfor the holidays w. Wk44fL 4hui 141 wwstIetk Ired auc risen and have Iefttheeeundigmn tr AVlt' nIhereia piracy theexodus. in 1 f3 iLuL teIsUUi1Um14 h4 extent or inc dIlcuh1-4oae DY5etlUietsnpOzs1tfle gartflese Uconi quences were thsierezpn Jcsitbepa4.

iig uptheirsayip ewe4lng ptisey iTt. vtipmnentswhlla mans' apeemoiettl 4 in 4Mhr iniatlpos Of. those wboAsatq alrey left IU st4thfgW Bd1tdfltftInt mt05 to ttthetothairo whletkie ma9rjty Jiad barel4 saoDg. Jat1ctf WsJington and some who had alas were left behind ft ttrbNonr reuted Olbera here 1sav been of Lausdale to Sam piil from a preachenmuned ewodu lever by excitement profit. Were was eoloz4- of froni good iiJtcAaalLndtlrdns td3sh acre Itt cuuueg4owith tie apd1i- lusiohsThe race ware cigs erg eiflg theos toldthens1 for thuhd1 iot hIIeilli an be 5acrdestiJi4iu.

Their enie hajf they mb tiey. wpddfr thrtist back into Maveryand btbilMlse i mnany know a city grand they theIrjoumy theasuse i4 Cam- en that touch lug on hQ LiL tbtirc1rit righs-andwbilc emne whit4 nsaFhave element and tiomTheW tU pvidedtstdp- the. coloreiTaa.1ozthe wlsItecbli4reu theraces bcbig TIenmiIord achoojigcneraliy I4 lw Thei-ihfsbtCh liegroesuttcfuly p1 LblstooImi tialsLtogetlserjq fiied toget Cero- laL oioun1ctanlds esroo1thddit- fit lab rersofteo pWiithL mfferlw4ij4m fsmeret EasiEoundFrighta. Iecenb 4 Ttme bnsmd arbitratiOn Russ percentage of sememi wads lemutwg ii hi. I.inn iIse rOsimns ri-1r iiit1eiTgtii- Jami- man lsttnd the PorialtiiesbsNegveed uponajointagenI putse I AL A.tIt dispaTch says figlittuok tsearthtreiti furiwolsundred wvIctortous tfter lia- terribi by lli usd i beaYy5liissAmtj oil arid was thatIie hptz1jtkcBce etvhuuteljhat were conceriieth 3 i ti csq RLiIl A 1 Kaw YEmW CarcsCCObtIiyitnd athst 1 Li.

lffAmat4 tifibta cIty for the recovery of c1tiew4iw bwidred-andIbrIy- belesoteettoowhichwuklforhlr4 hi' mueutaCteraevC5tfLal wunuilsd BnutMliistt cir' defeudautfilesl In Degd fltsatt7. WeuwucuLIeeember2l.Lvis and pretty white girt amid greom all bui5ahe loti-Lhimn baiwas marryber f5 vDIntL cowbgdhe ttJ9uy with IOU LeisEer wee rue Into by a miehoudee in waqiie tvt aw3sTtertidt tnuiir5eteitethOt on AaAIiiedYklr7. Tbu lelegriphiereport theheUeofTara iioetNucimbel 27th wheetMaiII4tore GtUT1T4O ven nad toUuissnd aassmdchar iibt ezecw- Wptgiuyow eth oiiiosr FaLIswuknocktdewaaa drobimmlofI13. fibproceedetrom etbif Ti 7 5' i st.L-i t- I :4 i4issig I1Tt1S ttirfa en i 1 gle t-0t LLs 4 5. iYa5aaI kra 5 iea a4 e-- i a5msor ta 0saete edrmireteiciethen GosurI Ulabop andM ugbr ol thtruzeesj turned frorz tbelrtrtai entalomlg hiving cotcebeck the deyJ JurLy i.

izjitel high1ymlIae4 tbeeendltlot of tl M4d de1igItedi1ih Ib 1them bthatChattanns lante to made' bprtYISIL UrClemenl tbj ex eptl iti fevbidgas tIteIytIflhIhedndsomeporUongthat sin ierTheyrnada therunfroni theJumct1q to uiusuooge Z5iZUhli44fl Leuhomm tfpf twn InfiTe an niorthinihd uzallength oftp pages. i willtke toth1Othpf January lmawork aq thaC It so clipleil by the Uuslees e4bj the 15th idy 8' trauma. will le passenger think oI C1emi passerig4 thatthere benocause ihesiiccesiful prospectsthat i tru- acrntlnlzthg ekitmnmnatlon fuundthework e1ldos. ar iniletimot dcowpie butthat Ison bejgLcir usedTheIite ratnli eij- orkm goodseason. governorwas wlththe Chattenoc lbeveremmnetakIbe feasted lnxnm-iomlj.

routid4everybodywas had gobbled justas cordial as at ChattaooogaTtmough ii was 11 ocioc tatkedta about enjet- until 1 zuorniugihey weredrivemi tl also' met the conimlwion4rsofOeorgiawbobaee if be Cinctrindtlmthern charter qf bjutbern ihaino coq- nectimmgwith dpHvedoftimj tohisinter stth dosoIfbewishsd I lITm of our road andits connections to see it i th roadwasworih torthat hrlted experienced on. gineerMtIeymteiratsugUsJmnan wl built who of ourroad up on mainjiortian ad ovefeonl torwhat coaL" fork three jt. to be. by late of twatta doubtibat mekedargespmfits overand aboveall t5 TUE LACOS coyvxicTso young umon said Macoiaud pm far mo lease country lug conipany wtcttwiltbhtnoetlibemlly been appone4 a yttry ttspg end ide deIe. ndwe at atepa.

tn be in ao I many oIwbumu large ramayac t1eiirlantlleraI Je tip on time stteutiomt of the of lIecent combinations has. OP. wsyof NasbiflfCLattanoogeaad managemu st She been itt atkw ruin tt llefontaltse in this state. the Lila Ot T5Jid. Une.

It ai ihiialargeaaountoi alit hat voted and iwonileed to theentirpri. anevai4 dirtettouta roan cottnu segar anJeiatILbbm sit b. aemith will. Ud41I4 cunzmtciie tbl lb. most sad iiuuoultnefroni theborthet to lbs sonthwestoutbecontinent Tha alun thiinoltbe moral aid inthecominection of mlsitmsg theysvesttIitthiopenlzsioIthe 1insiU pea baUvetandwImttb.flncln- wi1liy.

naiLs-- issil Jasu I us a- rWith. Unutd lenin thscssulWmJ tbiWps etsLes. thseaierwdistrict noLaqactexedateafisndunWipas- i i Il that eoka447cxM piesIe 10 heeuiam KMiIeftit1M1 thta b1eeatts ththslandwbleis 1seco lm4sl tmtfl deprIved of thpamecty1y ihreesi aethoafty impost oeiaI TtIID. melleg stile res1dan ant ill4nage urn eient ajudaitofth lOwitccor 4 Damiznazj inmvIlleatthe of liii bridaj imther iiy Eu. CWllkec JleyMr.

srrettto5flagMatileAfron the eyeni Iaot The Isa thq- AdsIr rothers and a lady. 3 superb cnrt her gdourned after wtski. Vaugha was ictienced pay a QXLIkeWesey. to. be on JanqaqMr5 8.

tIffiUuan of the Keiinesaw bpuae was rnCr riid. to lmDsUes6rLcGrange thu nbrnng. ATfltiOA Denber2t1bstndenle i silthaiuniy filiy viii hi Iiwcdi rh4. played In one yei ii let nextriday night FoaatTa The WT. bowdoln dwellln the is Ian It seems our town Famoaw 24.

concerntngyuuthfultelegraptioperators low theblue bois' pIs about 5 tn never having be cbrcimo The byT Shibelyflebecca HpfianJ to are stamp mathfndrybrtlcolariy Usc. aIargaalphtiletyeiowhlth is in the that theiraucceas to iheisi TILros dent pm. wJ off HalICos waadrowned in lIe ef wet. about to go over onthe theraft dam. dana I him I 1n4 seethl 8 I andwa fora I mInute amid then out.

The agro Aultnk CAcvxasvnazDeceOsbet The. I 4 3. re- Our psiot ne- pis- Mr. en Miasimiattie John thu 1 fireda The thelungsand is pearedand notbeeneaaght era The 1 Thqwether Curtsiooua- ceniber The tis. pended ente4xhe era 1stf Hnxbuistoelj WelLs wines are ofyourcity stiliretalni in We hi4withiu th twoexceedingly and In co ns thy for be the sssulO Oeir December the bestpiece of one-mule farming I have beard 1sf in Georgia goe to' the credit of from I otiabor t10137 boahelaeori O37C i lcaveanelprofitof 83420 sum his cl l3 oaouneacei kriday theaznater MraClerajobnaoua co the Tbe tat moapaayiu chusofanewsZeanser 5 GeniIf.

MWL5fleember The maileendoralog tLon thegovarnorend as ihoruughsljiniccunlance wlthlaw theie55vian Goveruoroerton niamue a llUrc e7 I NWgMtRg CPITOSII Tel 0rcoarseafltheeaesM the bg mdcy tmk 5 fSAsS Teceorthem the ersoiclqilg the amIurllapdstmtnamyk4aIgcan5 Twa reet veoit- De. hm eit the Fty spbwell Uie-c dea ci Vt. Or rerb sitU. s.i ainel h- jJ lit ad Oshgq re' fS WbiIe ovetbebigic' i mountaIn Iiarrowgingat tbe yaluble 9ecrgIi1 baa Cheef7voiesoxi yester1lay4 et hntar estsofht section ibdi1dit biverlodke4 thPough Ign6ranes' neriiLiig tbezn least. sn 9Ye buiiMftbi bufldlok tthd orthGedag1cnttj collegeti wereplied.

Ban bttbit flnLahednoa dthat too inystateaid O000bs the dWhlch 1i sele lI llI be cnuJ nuwaver vy ini ast dune uii0 bably 8ooner. We havenow saly ilxn theof. Ve were 4eternil i thyollege vithoutfa1L BiiLitltberaTlroadthat Ianijnoet.lo- terestodlnnoas an grrstlinporlancet Atiantand fo IL will Intha ill Other taus c' oust SOLD zansoc ioan. you ciiude from on th Line to DahonaJuhe5mnoautiinIl tlebest lands lit flarkfamp rena at DabIoneg lnthihieirI long is the road' the of it is be of the fore Is road now Line mis over hrldge-bullderis Oh yes we are our dOiX5) Ne jug-exchange ou Condii8mlthwbo isverylhrgely intarteillntise tT s. M7 wap aaIn unMugthBatkCamp bythe latof the1atof MaysirJune thlnkthat rOadImnialied certainly4heo.

whligire ussororoub1enibeway bridges etc an4 lt Wlllthemad findmnchlOcai onaof4hese4jocal roadijn. ltsrotitetfit miningr10tTh mscMti ry workIbea rsl Thenthflmaullng th freighttwilt. smtllbut sorted is mineof re lt1ism urse el ry much5plesdtiMthl a thatiL wecoultlgeirall th1sthe whlchourroadgiito1sarlchagrIculturt1 raisesreat cro Otall wilidra ayaslreglon0famUutrybeyoalduI betheseareflysy tOgBj0Inhet ttwiiibequIte rge in summdrestonespedIciIy piesident ofthe usiningexehange who vi4t oursection aahorttimnesinee sells- fled wtth5otr our mlneraLssnd ete- rMedawsywlh the Mii iIdueaof lucy or am sure waidi carryapcrfeel atisans aqd speculators OIdTCgtoIIIiI VoMd' oetdpt4 our kSOW Untilli bow I conntryls it beiiuncedtocaflforlmriuaigrente oftheni. 4' seentubebnvh inter- i road everything much tlmi tirelywitbout TbIitymilea a ditucaIp Ieyet anuntri bnlwlth heavy ImpassahIroadllias evere ro4 is be vastly f' cons ties ire very bemnadegoodilauds 11 can-be med. jest a I a stockiegiomi stuetTesmnesiee and muttomsend enough.

qeed When thetis a its 1 thebcIpthIarosdwilibe will simply zapaoolbcr egiouaad empty ereata Into ty mug eiszj at 1JSiied1W1i Iijieruedeiteewso herupjfierali ai heee brucb rudont the threads of spiders5 some buttofeedbecicm cd1y TfeI5fl0 way for logo has the elate aided yoti anyla yonv iced lucerne that wbenvro i wanthtetsaid forany PYKnUitSdstWi ai- edW getalooghsowseer Ui-md wiliget tbrouZbthoutaituut peopk- poorbut they are u1Lon ye and cs-- lcrprisewbenhcy pu1lIseijrbdiw a project. 5' 1x1zG ITasDTct iiui the manlog jnteres 5JIe up that tbefearg wore minesbelugworke4 than seer before that yj beopenedin tbbatfwiere Thaiw eo TbegieoimtaIe. dyeIeseit5 5 4 ThejCJst the ceoair pcohae It dbcoursee agremi isles people fihe the t5 Phi expeeg of rtlIcg esscblnery meaekaoyertsi lbsmwMi afa lIens wllluropIheioaeel Lg NmwuaiIeagsapj anuqt be te0Mmnglytomende4 unteiret the Hnaithatnow its line 1ai05PObateafl4poUrbfr slcis freight. lab AthcntatWjafl theAiUzn fly cannot engag isa eowpeny xn the baldlng of anrsoie lines. Its fietsd Iii itty Yark5heu14wbopw0- lii bOedlsfldslocka aiwsyamaip aged so help out the lute bituld tip thgresi lti5 That tbelwlfl tIhaIs 10 axtendhlssupportto thuMb.

fleveItwllpejve tote forthamu ilile-atlarge oo otthensost Important branch oadj built aloes Lbs wai 5- i fs Stat1 ismel Ia ak iai Edsuonthlmatlsyj a. ldpmduchiganelee lrbcught4.Iin ur hMllln I 4igtiqo bOth 1itdot. had thanthalof thscbeapssoIL' wills machinery audio a. fobs wltbontwasteOvea 3S Incltieswber Ia they cams ne canbe llIn wimbveryslighs axpenasrr 4. sinokeor fiameglves outlittle led teIg tilt.

antis indeda llitlesun for 5 Tbs1ampsusedarsimpIeincotsstruc lion. The ct the others in Itme used by be measnred or ms thlneapsiweris oper. formulngllght etc. Tp ax ordinary sewing cx. as a Is ofone jeloullght and the Is obtained by attaching the wheel of the sewing machine the apparatus by a little baltand knob can' thoughtplir.

tinumalonecould imuot only a- beenoverenine. the current It madeatacostof twenty simplest form size and a the Ttieairleexhaustedin Turn Li amid remains a lightYt The hey ddr I1I. jrrqrj on. I instantly an utterly distinguished. a light itt a pbwde bie advantageoicaliiphoard.

It can be emp- titeof nd noresikindles flree th of tb i. tare. no hightiong for atretchedllgbl maybe pro. so dark 111 terror of fot skeynqt not and maybe plessure-comuhlnirsgthe tiieiplendor carboutmolnis. A Fleaof MiLwtua Iiiecashler of Cmnbea- fo.

houseofcorrectjon Itisgenerally to I the te tlaotsaaa4doIlars. I I Ncw Ypew Deceuiber Tq rnntinlal on itis Inst nit iitini fh andwmuodedthe and andthrewthemoverboard. 5 A Celigeu Pire. 8w. Psux Mmmii.

December 24. 1lI at Crlton college at haltand log wlthnearly allihe aft ete. is dividedamong afveraI companies. rm AFaiaiJup. lacaia Pates A genilememi about sixty earsolmEinppoeeI to Bikes Y.

jmumi to river below The bodf notbeen found. l.r Mkiaiss ZdI10L erepIaased omiroIeeygmi Izrdeyiir MLXdIuIretUor andjso- prieiorofthe ibnsitn at Ark Mr Me- native andoismites withybe rxcqrzionlatsrosnArkans. I tistisisel alm WaiazsoroxDecewbc 2 from byitha fipeuush mlnistertatlug tbe SO-Called with on. menconsprislnz his I i. slagPwaP' I New You Yityjhaes oltheManhattap gas iizhmpaoysold at auction to for fi.

4afnstL4IX last sale rii 1 5t. 5109D PdSr f55- tzTaiaitsDdtnrIaMIureovIththqpqrtt1 ii7rIute. Wwsisnhwrouigsnd won5tsdmitllh always geta ilabnslou. Si. mthtsbasveeknswaiit bm4 ball Ua aisaibavs igera thiy see like always reputse y- the TaidszSbatby nrt Asotfors orasbeti arasveet14 itwexarai ima the eba sr- cot besasaislJeii eaneet hi Ii 7o.

dot bait Zsmai she wI irsasan4 A IZTTU pollaunpey 3neiMt eag Iheg to Toc-i will sevee iii. ae cal qs Ia beea5kwleauks aa4 1. beast I priN 01 eat lelgeeiea seeva eats 4. P1. Reaieai Iil.

5. 5 5-- I AI1satk aa4 OIt mi1rd CSSiIIIIM ii144 the question of teepee' fee. to geaee omii lbifouUff Iiia hard t1mlajta geIaAiej5iIWflO4peOperfOdk gme lhecitebaiflesQ1pe0plebutth pulnlawbeee etblmg goeaMu- rcl4 Iteaed epatmesaiy ig term lb. rdera sifTaaCoii ioI aLlimi aima time throw sora 1fohet psifmsslesthl ieoaiofjjs tint. jt must be premtid thai t4 Flyen below irere ot oltalaid free dii.

cxtlea thewseltea but. JeleM" 5) nor pseaey1M itt. refeheq wlhat qatlo. thaminvyer in tls54ak3435 fehnrtb.fourM.hujtIeMtJto- hi neklQed daly 1800 in ciebTiji iiot blIarget 1ee Ii dovIlthwa 18112 whenmofedeate reiMed ovu00OBQIn eun eMgTe- at flnt a portal the I th I bellremd thiswss cashed uponimnbe1ig en1remmcgJ thu5ovneahips lie aold his interg ifcash wblcbwith hIsrsts 1oiso4. iwerepresentedhis tee.

XrjlIUhce ousielms Cotton planting hlcb tmet a1do' ec-- UTITL3Er lx ioLtD OOLDn 5- iskedliidge Locbrasiivhathehadjnada uatbeprsetlceollaw andha eeplla4 More hart my weight goltL' The vich and plcthresque yiguanf this answer dlacotaep4 1 ai quietljwslghed veighedjust Oss tIle ofgolr Loohesue twopoumsd atIQmsdbMyaluaba 18210. We preseqi4theme dgcze Ioblm hesaid thatlie timesthal I Atths chased lee Ihhiialwiyibn llverand ncwoniiO000wortbofAtlantacfty 3Xl Albany railroad Thepartleaepreeentlng state that case sacomniiwioners lOtXXh JpdgeLoc inideafeeof23000In csaeaIawlilch DicklnsontCo he most lucrative sieclat practl Laps limps twat the war lie tVashtiigtomswlth several on the to issued. 1t Lochrsnqaietly toAltoraey-fleneralSpeed askedhim for form ThI schedai be awl had approved--acid it approve lIe otherifurrsdmscedfeea. luasborttlmnilie week or cai aild of 1otxlo outside of IbIs amid very materIally to his Income A GLIMFU or Sic-it very the bqtaeveail who 1flWlsdTh1niselC his in- 2OOJperannuad bunade know of mmmi time state eases will getsa reason- ii said. that lie and Mr.

11111 got t00O apl cebdt wts O0o llama A 1t Ispbemsc neyr It. taken years. The his require and givemito II iasald that- Oeneral usury iit. has caie tbeownerabIpofcertin shareof galnedwill beoverl00000 like1thsttba asewili shorillmneI UrGuerranlia4ldtobevean reprentingoti1er ielI 10000. uf4tome a Use oulylawyof NorlhQeor- thatwe of Ifebasestab- bankin dime cmi money A lOOii 1o oktws.tctaimn.-- S.

TTZt iLCWTEKI' zecoxas tmnsy beufelysaidthalatawyer ludotng be expected" he is gittimig a menu did not think oyer500O a upplyeceeds mind. Ailantaiacousldered syuor polbtfor Ii. capital and has all the objectionisthat more-Lawyers brougbtihan snywhcretlie. there is much prope fee-bill- In eacblavyerghargeswhat lme1euee. a forlaw- state.

is cii- and would therewu ornlIed of professional ethic. in' haTanisahand a fee tocThe Iccapsid nch-Jarger5 Auguigalso Libeller andifenois quit. fiyo1fg1eitsover. iii fewcaees yeaiethatwili aUursl aiorethial000 feesapd 2i01ll be an exceedingly good avenge. The qizee- lions growing thedaysof Mggovennentefgmjjms aicet ovneriblpand erA of regular bizabnere incqmsewlll future Wltbinctisisd 5 I increased bndnnnd 1 15554 of Lawyer byglvlng hi profeion hope to get' toni fr2 to aywar.

IThevevy blawyese aiygealromlfUlO 1037000. Tberear preelouulaqttmitwill make ayes sI 5' lj nowi a 4. wLaxssiasivertafaIlthgsiowly. Lwsutoj emitncby tiIai5eeyiTh debt OIAIt eaa kPM hana is. 1 Itn 4- 3 avl I A1maiotcwsI pandaiz who I.

iiq yeauic. 5 tueigj iSN. i KifeaPreless seagu. 1 I thttw1a 1- 4e it. 5 5- -Sf.

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