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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 2

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FAIHERriHgftHRK CHILDREN. ESCAPE x. TSmail Boj sTer His Life by Lying the Ties Will Die i September A iA rightful accident occurred near- Atlanta Junction on the Southern railroad at lq. 'O'clock' today. The northbound train front iwas about five minutes late and Engineer J.

A. Collins was tunning along. at' if lively" gait when ounded the TvhiisUerror the junction- wher he Selma division branches Qft fromth maln line. Rounding a sharp tha olnt hit was horrified to' see a mm with several children. on' Ahead of1 its train.

Ho Sine shut oft steam and applied but all to no purpose. The man and his oldest daughtera atom fourteen years old. with a. her arms and a smaller child were near enough to the end of therestle cff. but the woman was struck by the pilot and burled Into the water bout twenty Test below.

A little girl was knocked to one side and tell on the high ground while a little boy. about eight years old. fell between the crossties and the entire train parsed ov Mm. Jhe train was brought to a standstill and trie passengers and trainmen went- the Assistance of the victims of claent- fie woman was baity- i and bruised about the head andwentinto convulsions. The boy caught In the trestle was bruised across the where the undergear of' fthe trait" 0 razed his' flesh only' slightly him.

little girlwas only slightly Injured the shock. They were all taken. aboard ie train and brought to the city hospital. where Dr. T.

RGarllngton surgeon of the road. dressed their wounds. The woman was badly Injured internally. but was still alive at' a late hour. The others will re- cover.

The man gave his name as P. O. Cross and said that. he and his family had started from their home near the Rome fertilizer. works.

to the Junction to takethe train to Rock Run. They were not. expecting the northbound train and were In sight of the junction when they heard the roar of the train behind them. He called out to them to get ort and he and three of the cfcXldren reached the end of the trestle Justf in time to. save themselves.

His wife and the other two children wjsre a lttle In the' rear and she attempted to ve the little ones and In so doing was rself knocked Q1 the tract That aayoi them escaped was a miracle. James conductor and A. Collins engineer of the train. which was JSeCljTaTTcTTielther of them are chargeable with the slightest blame In the matter. THBEE KILLED AT BURROUGHS.

Churches Are Wrecked and Rice Fields Badly Damaged. Savannah. Ga. September special to The Morning News from Burroughs. Ga.

says The storm started here yesterday at 30 o'clock and lasted until 1:15 o'clock. The were blcwn down In the woods ard roads. About fifteen Louses in differ ent places are blown down. All the stacks In therlce fields are blown down. The new Ogeechee Baptist churel at Sfiiloh and the new Episcopalian church are blown to the ground.

Three lives are lost and several persons crippled. Th loss is estimated at 6000. All had to leave their' houses and go out into the open field to save their lives. WENT DOWN WITH ALL ABOARD. Smal Unknown Tug Sinks in Seventy Feet of Water.

Natchez Miss. September 30. The officers of the steamer St. Joseph report. small tug.

name unknown sunk last night near Dents landing and all on board wvre drowned. The water Is seventy feet ep where the tug sank and it cannot be raised. None of the bodies of the crew- have yet been recovered. ma Foot Caught in a Frog. Knoxville.

Tem September 20. Special Frank Lutky. a negro brakeman on tue Southern railway tad his foot caught In a frog- today and a car passed over his body crushing his body and limbs from. his right heel to nls left shoulder. Heis still aliv Sickness makes a mans hands useless.

General end nervous debility holds hint down just as surely as a great weight. He feels that he is down but ho hasn't strength or energy enough to get up again. His whole body seems tired out. His head is heavy. All effort is distasteful.

He is as tired in the morning as he was when he went to' bed. The sleep he gets i heavy dreamful and unrefreshin. Hi body is full of turgid thless impure blood. He is subject to' headaches and dizziness alid palpitation of the heart at the least exertion. He is on the direct road to serious sickness.

Few men appreciate how serious is their case when they say Oh. there is nothing the matter with me. My blood is a little out of order that to. all. w.

fe Ji. Vt Pure blood is essential to life. The more impure it becomes the stronger hold disease on the system. If instead of contain-faith-giving life-giving properties the i full of disease-breeding impurities daily waste of the tissues to be It is perfectly natural that the ge vitality and nerve force that and vigor. He will be use.

everyone else. comes from perfectly read if the proper measures. Vs purify it Dr. Pierce Discovery Is the greatest t. was ever known.

It It is a cleanser and in ole system. It strength. a works directly on the it to healthy normal acts twit strengthens the assimilation easy and. no- tt" drives all impurity out substitutes just the ma. biintra whole body back sof rer e3i- ii inai UwreSy-Tilta'-aflutoSbesfc wof k.

etnk a jeetle Uye and flmtdu HiAA aitinMJll4Vhe 1 Jl i 1 JiMAGByiNlBmWS" aV SC vsSw.i.-.i s- r. pjj. loaded was torced latotha boon The 9rle totally red Jake Hopkins Brunswick and JPancy Bluff epprt8" that twenty houserblowndraand one child serouanu to recover in the rancyJBluff lettlement Along- the Railroad. took the Plant system train from Way- lhls morning' to Brunswick. after spending the night away from here vending out reports.

Front the thirty post to Brunswick torn and. twisted Umber snows the effect of a. rebounding cyclone. In places everything is torn up. and at other spots untjiterrupted.

At Bladen a number" of. houses were wrcckV but no loss of Ills is reported. The Munford place at Wayneaville Is ap. parently uninjured but parks round it are cUterally strewn with the destruction ot turpentine farm Is' at- an entire toss. and he came to town this" morning to sell his timber for crossUes.

Witli all this destruction strange to say. with numbers of his men and teams In the woods not one was hurt. At R. Townsend's place a nupber of trees were blown across his bouse and It Is apparently badlyuamaBed. as seen from the train.

His large cattle sheds and barns were blown down. All along" the- line of road from Bruns- wick to the thirty-seven mile post are more or less houses arid shanties which were hurled to the ground but no loss ot life was reported at any- of. the stations. On the Southern. up to Sand Hill evidences of the storm are shown to.

a. slight degree. At Sterling the residence-of of Mrs. Clark was blown down and' Mrs. Clark reported badly hurt.

At Sapps stllljfa complete wreck Is reported of tproperty Including timber and. improvements. At Everett City the Incoming passenger trains last night were 6fowded with Belayed pea-- sengers on th Florida Southern and Peninsular which was badly wrecked all along the tine and the passengers report destruction of property and life around. White Oak and other points but to what extent only the wildest rumors prevail. v.

R. Townsend. a. prominent Glynn' county planter arrived on the late train tonight and' reports his damage 3000. with damage to crops and.

forests through- out. the country great. Brunswick. Is Brave. County Commissioner Wright will- place convict gangs once clearing.

roads to. Brunswick. The work" of clearing up debris and rebuilding is progressing rapidly. end Bruns- wlcklal1s are. facing their troubles with brave hearts.

I Passengers from boats arriving tonight report heavy damages to Bedells mills and store near Woodbine. on the SaUna river. Surgeon Burford arrived from Quaran- tine and reports his' buildings and furnish- ings damaged to the amount of 1510. Cumberland and Jekyl Island suffered no material damage C. W.

DEMINO. CASUALTIES IN CHARLTON Four Deaths and. Many Instances of Serious Injuries Farms Are Devastated Col lapse of Schoolhouse Kills Two. Way Cross Ga. September Special.

Accurate details of yesterdays storm in Charlton county. where death and win re- stilted most. were obtained this morning by the Constitution correspondent and the story is a thrilling one. Charlton and Camden counties' were in the center of the hurricane and houses were blown down In towns and county. Families were left homeless and In vain in some instances did they seek shelters.

The-desolation wrought by the wind beg. gars description. The school was In session at poulogne. just across the St. Mary river.

When the building collapsed there was a panic. two pupils. MISS JOHNSON and young STEW- ART were killed andseveral others sus- tamed serious Injuries. The. building was blown to pieces and the flying timbers did deadly work.

An Infant. in its mothers arms was truck by a. pieces of Umber and instantly killed. The motherscarcely escaped with her life. The Injured were rescued front the ruins and carried to their homes and physl- clans and surgeons were summoned.

The. only death at Folkstol1 was that of Tom Wright. colored who was in hi house with his. family. The' house was blown to atoms.

Wright wlb blown against a stump and his neck broken. His family sustained some serious injuries but all but Wright miraculously escaped with their lives. Eugene a clerk in Renfroe' tore was knocked down by of timber and his head cut open. Another School Panic. Jin.

datharaeEoddenberry was5ertos. ly injured al Folkston. The school was in session. and Professor ling tgr 4o SS piIiiS. rnpvv" if 3- of ground.

In OTe county j. well arf reaj. Ublo ro mewdSffUbhoo" and debris Th wads a impassable. Th farmers refu the genera oi the logs and debrti that they hr their houieifto build or repair 4 This is having a demoralizing effect Va everybody. TbV peopli generally In the country precincts" lost all their houses and Washington September The hurricane which struck Washington between 11 p.

and midnight last night respected Wther official not diplomatic properties. It pp oft some of the coping of the white house and laid low most of thftiuitor- Ie trees In the white house grounds. tnciu- big the elm which Lincoln pUuted and this gave the relic fanatics fruitful flejjj for their operations Itcarried away part of tile roof the state department. where the theomcl3rdocu nients are stored. but fortunatelyieftjijj uninjured.

The costly roof of. tent office constructed. after the fire therejoraa yeass ago. was picked up and all around the neighborhood a halt an Inch thick were. remorB en In.

The observatory i- TO other DUbllo Vr effc flrn. vferr COURSE OF TH DISASTROUS HURRICANE A Technical Description ieXjreatStormJby Weather Forecaster Marbury He TellsAWiy Atlanta lsSafeJrpmSuch Storms as Have DevastatedSavahnah Brunswick and Northern Florida. The above glyes. as netrtf- as the number of reports received at local weather reau offlce flflmlt. the cQuraataken by tji severe storm which has done so mucH damage on the lower Atlantic coast duri si thepast thirty-six hours.

The advance of the storm. was first no tlced' on the morning of the v2Sth. tjes weather map then showed that the atntt3- pherlc pressure was" low in the gulfif. Mexico. to- the southwest of the Florida- coast.

The presence of this' low pressure was shown by the general direction of the wind at an gulf stations. At that time winds were blowing spirally Inward from right to left toward-the-center of disturb ance a peculiarity of all suchstorms. At o'clock a. tn. September rtfift center of the storm was probably several hundred miles fromth It ovedj slowly northward urlng the day andj at o'clock p.

sn Us center was very Bjeaf the northern' coast of Florida and preceded by increasing cloudiness and ralnj as tar north as the. coast' of North Carolina The progress for the following twelve hours was slow. for on the morning of the 2tti It had advanced only as fas as tie' southeastern portion of Georgia. Its pro gress during the 29th. was materiflliy IB its.

center teaEhh thgj nttt of North Cdrollna by 8o cTock urIng the preedlng twenty-four bouts it in creased in severity as It moved up the coast as Is shown by the rapid deereae in' the air pressure and increased. wind velocities. Telegraphic communication has peen so interrupted that no reportshave been re celved from stations in. the east or south- east. Therefore It Is Impossible tQ.

trace outhouses. Horses and cattle are reported to have been killed in some localities. The damage to all kinds of standing traps was' great. and all the crops that hat bwn housed suffered loss Many persons to the rural homes of that county were- padly In jured. and In nearly every family there Is physical suffering.

The storm has-deprived many persons of homes and supplies and they areIn desti tute circumstances. There is talk here. of. a relief fund being started for the sufferers In Camden county the loss of life and propertyIs thought' to have been greater than in Charlton. though only meager de tails have as yet been obWnt jiere.

Homtrville and Dupont escaped the storm. JWASHIWGTON NOT SPARED Storm Is Abated but Little When It Strikes theCapital city. White House Suffers. pretty was more or less damaged. Churches and theaters suffered aUk The slate root of the church of th Connmt.

where President Harrison used lp wa blown down and each uare Plat by a ious freak Tinted Itself. the grass parking which surr9 Jtteeattl Still more disastrous was tbefue New York Presbyteria i recently attended. Sw wJole tower to match wood ifpii wiwps Of mlS" UTrti ta exact course progress after o'clock In. September 2th. This was a.

typical West India. storm. ommon at this season of the year. These ltorms originate In' the' West Indlas. move round first west then northwest.

north nd northeast until striking the coast of he United States when their course is renerally northeast up the Atlantic coast. The region wherethese storms originate Is. excessively heated by the tropical sun. and during the fall and winter cold air Is brought down from the polar regions. These coldL currents come in contact with the overheated all' tin equilibrium Is de stroyedand a tornado Is generated.

The heated. air rises rapidly. causing a. comparative vacuum at the center of dis turbance Into which the air rushes from all sides. At the' center of these storms there is almost a calm whne comparatively short distance out violent.

winds occur. The winds about the ter are spirally Inward toward the center in a direction opposite to thatof the hands of a clock. The air carried up in the vortex of these storms. oil reaching a considerable altitude. flows off in exactly opposite direction to that at the surfaceC Air brought in from the east W8OUt.

toward. the east. These storms increase in energy when fed by warm moist air as the condensation. the moisture lib tes heat When they come 19 contact withhigh elevations they rapidlydecrease In force due to thedry chilled air that la drawn in. This being the ease Atlanta with its elevation of more than 1000 feet above sea level.

is-comparatively safe from such storms as has lust passed over our less. favored sisters on the coast J. R. nMARDURY Local Forecast Official. The westwall was blown in and crushed into the roofs of two adjoining buildings one a.

saloon and- the other a lunchroom. Several persons were for a. time burled In the ruins but with one exception were unhurt. On Seventh street much dtrnage to stores and other structures Is reported. Shade trees in the numerous parks' and along the streets suffered In a lamentable degree and the streets are practically blocked by the wrecks In many parts of the vlty.

In Alexandria. the- Virginia. suburb of. Washington-just across the Potomac river. the damage done by the storm is estimated at not' less than 100000 and lot yeast two lives are known.

to have been lost. The killed are Mrs. Louisa Holt and William D. Stewart. crushed tadaath by falling walls.

Nearly two hundred houses were badly damaged by. the tornado In its course. Woqdley Is Demolished. Washington September 30. President Cleveland's suburban home at Woodley near the city which has been left in charge of servants since the.

the-president and his family went away to Massachusetts caught the. fun force of last nights gale. Root and rafters were carried away and landed 500 yards distant. No one was Injured. STORM BURSTS AT STAUNTON Dam Breaks and the Town Is Flooded- Animals and People browned.

Richmond. Va. September 30. The hen rain at Staunton fln i Tuesday resulted that. evening In the bursting of the darn of.

the- lake at the fair grounds the waters of' which rushing into Lewis creek which runs through' the cityvflooded the lower or- business section destroying a vast deal of property and cau lag the loss of several lives. jy. Thc large Jbrict bjBlidmsvrknowri as the Wilkes building wMfSnd rmlned and fell with a crash. iBurk flarge. Uyery stable was turned upside down the bridges over ittie creek werefBweptawayj the- Crown building- Is a wTeckfeThornbtirgs stable la i- rim and there is general wrecki everywhere.

special- Tlie DIspatch received today says the scene In the' flooded' district streets bein a horses andv mules were hepx dle- live- negroes haveSbeenS recovered. Other' persons are" Thega works are ae troyed At.W yne lrtrovtenmlies east of Statin- ton fifteen feet nd Wrenched buildings Xfrom. their foundations. One' manwas4drpirnedBeports from all theii surroundings country repoitr great loss to. the farmer STheloss at StauntonU tl- Take i aTe liromo Quinine An drug Slats reruod the money It ft falls toenre.

I5c. ratareir- ii CO rat fs i 73 fiZteZfSk fr Lowesttemperatur flatefa nilnK ho iiiiif.v-fV- WJ clencyof rainfall since Jaauarj Ut1811 sifS Continued End hotfi both large' st riedfaway TSofChath bcuse. at he south end Unreofed for a distance of four ctureilwmftt ArtyedyiuS fAh achiywaj cottages Anting the beic5 uescare iitoam H' The sea 1 between Tybee. and th I llevej the Tyfcee railroad Ir the low island lty and tjijts be i washed away oi rcQJieen Island a dte ofjtmrafmilei IMS v. to hayeteeEfiio loss ofv Nearly every' i telegrap vannahis prpstraf coming to The road was constructe on the marsh Morning ews points inX3eorgiaand Fl stormappearstg havefl Tampa swept nor thencei Jumping on to ij th the wind was unusually high tornado.

long continued have besn Jeyeled to th' loss of must he heavy. VIRGINIA SUFFER BY STORW Heavy. Gale Gets Work in Rih at There Is believe wire out of Sa Storm news 1 from roar ruek the land a ard to Savanna north. MI it I the velocity even for duration each placewa ltd- he stprnvbeej everyhingln Its path fw uli ground aridith salty have bee i Destructive ond. and Adjoining Territory.

Richmond. Ya. September 30. Thermos violent wind storm ever known in this. sec lion burst upon the city lest night about o'clock and eed for some two hours.

Th wind was accompanied by rain and the blot was from thesouthwest Trees were uprooted fences blown i down windows blown in and houses unroofed 01 every side On Broad street the- roof Jacobs clothing store was blown In on som sleeping children and one of them seriously nurt The steeple of the Second aptUf churcl was- oft. the point of It going mt the front of the Young Men's Christian As- toclatlon building. which is on the Pposl side of the street and doing considerable damage to that building. 3L colored ichurcl In Manchester just across the rlyfr fron Richmond was unroofed and the steep Dlcien down and parts of the steeples of th Broad street Methodist church and 04 St Johns Episcopal church this city led away. The wlresof the city fire alarm system a wrecked.

The tobacco factories especial seem to have suffered. The roofs we taken oft the factories of the 1. B. Pai Company and Ungwort sod the tank on the top Allen Enter factory- a branch of the Amertcl1. Tobacco Company.

was blown" off 1 The car barn of the Richmond Tractts Company was also unroofed. Grace pal church steepie and the third Fresh'- terlan church steeple were damaged. lie street were in total darkness all night sid the trolley cars had to stop running. The same stories Of the' storm come to Dispatch from allover the' state east of Blue' Ridge. Barns and small outhotes were swept away trees uprooted reside unroofed wires prjqstratea" and en al STORM RAGES' ON THE LAKES1 Many Vessels Dismasted an a Number Sunk Four Lives Reported Lost.

Chicago September 30 One. severest wind storms known for raged over the lake region last nighj part of today. It seems. to have expjnded most of-its force over uppar. hflfx Lake Michigan.

The loss of Ufa so. tar reported Uj llr men hayiJigbeen drowned qr the' sinking of the. steam barge Milwaukee. Much. minor damage waj to shipping In Milwaukee.

Grand rthej ears and aven. Chicago and other harbors and the nagter of such steamers as were out indhjlakes during the night seport one of thej est passages they have ever expericicedj Owing to the lateness of the seajin and threatening conditlonsiJwhieh prevaed fbrl twenty-four hours before The storr broke most of the sailing fleet up ln different ports. Chicago harbor ei wclajly being crowded. This fact doubt sa explains the small list of casualties Along the lake shore in' front of thtsktly all nfghtand this forenoon the wave dashed over the sea wall many feet. In the Inner harbor yacht and tfhooners were tossed abyut like corks tn'-iraves dashing many feet high over the water.

One lumber schooner dragged he anchor- during the forenoon ana before- tugs managed to get her under control again had crashed Into and sunk i number of small crafts. Those on boar the dif. ferent vessels were rescued. ret. The steamer- Atlanta.

of the Goodrich line. when making her dock thl morning after a very rough passage fror Milwau- kee was thrown violently against he piling by a. huge wave which swept up the The port side of the steamer plaiklng was crushed in for length of fe The steamship City or Milwaukee from St. Joseph with a. few passenjers and a large cargo of fruit arriyed mfofis her up- per rosin mast which was brol oft during the night and also having a portion of her bulwarks stove In.

Capt in Stewart says the rain fell in torrent all night nd the wind. which We a Drjous gale seemed. to whip around from al direction without the Bllghtest noUcedWhen this glde of th lake was Reached Uje steamship had to haul around three Umes before the entrance to the. harbor could made. The big tog S.

Pischif the Lake Michigan line. left SonttiCBjpago yester day morning with' three carfdrries in tow. each loaded wit tr gbt-faTf. storm. struck them last nlgh.

IC as de- termlned to runback to po and ih Ttug succeeded in getting' Inside Jthe' Chicago breakwater early this morninrjrttb Woor the ferries. fr Tbe other broke her lines about twffjnfles south lad wingto the roughness of th lake could not picked up. Her anchor ha been let go however bejorc she broke away completely and she was sighted this aft rnoonapparentlyriaing It Is feared however. thatjf the wind JresbeM agate tonight sbewlB ron so much that the freight cars will be Blunged toto tie" Dispatches Irom man points tenssttbstanttelly the mj iitorrjOn Lake Superior toe storm does not appear toTia so sevre at RASKAN HIKES SOUETEUIK6SP CHES Iarp sTerry LWJlTa. ptember TSOr1 his hlstpricato town had WWlainsJfBryan IT twenty ar ved onthe' peiilalitrafurnhAeajbj thfe Nsi Virginia entral commltleerf piQvoclwfc The train hid been delayet fie hour byvtheeffects herterrifflcjhpr whi sweptaOYfr this section last Isn't.

Mr. Bryan Vaddressedab6uti na from an embankment near the station and at o'clock toarded Ms train and started on MarUnsbure. The special was In charge J. LMeGraw national cVmmifteeman of est Virginia. Bryan'S special train arrived at Grafton w.

Ya. at 1110 p. m7 three poura jlate. 5The trip from Cumberfand was made- over the West Virginia Central road on account of a. hr6kenbrldge on the Baltlmore and Ohio road part of which was washed away by the heavy floods in thls section.

The necessity of hanging bark and a disarranged schedule caused the delay. Bryan addressed largo audiences at Cumberland and Keyser both In the chilly open alt. Senator Henry G. Davis law of Senator Stephen B. Ellclns presented lfl to the irowdjfathered at Keyser In an open field tt was hits' first earnest and unconditional Jeclaratlon for the' Chicago ticket.

Mr. lryan in his speech referred to the ex-senator's support. lie slid irr part I am glad this man Senator Davis living In the east la not afraid to trust the executive offices in the han ls of a man who 4a always lived In the west. Cheers. I ngladthatthjs man of mature years sj not afraid ol those who have not that Weft an gad ttattin richest men U.

yourstate is not afraid His position protects him trom attacks which' aremaaeagaln8t nje. He had been a senatorVvfbrtweiveyean thereforeour pponents cannot' cail him an Ignoramus or. a novice in legislation. pheerij Ills property in this state pro. sets him frombelng called an I.

think they call us anarchists who have less Laughterj and. cheers. I nv glad to find a maniswho has employed large number of men who does not try- 1 controlVihelr votes Cheers for Paylsand- iryan. My friendsVxthere are two kinds of employers in tnlsj country those wage and get workinJeturnanct aresat arid then there are' those who exped them that the jnan hbjworkslwlU voteasweU asWsfmuiicle to" his employer. to the diff erence between" a man llke SenatbrpavR who thinks his men sense' enough to know how voteas weuaVa to they.

please. i i- I wantyoU toVjjecbgnlze between th man as' an employer and the others swM ire trying to coercV their employes and ilofranchise every man who themJ TCheers. Small crowds which showeCOTeat ka- thud asm greeted Mr. Bryan. atK6dmoiV.

WyaOaWand Ud and Terra Alta a theiast aiBed place t' fhlgh it pointtouched bythe BaltimorejandCtoi Inthe Alleghenies. The ur Kiarrlve4 herfewas eojiiaiei MrrBryan decided not todisappoint large number pt. vhoJ1ad leen tt lngfprhimi9pngl4 VchUly i drir Ddmad8 themVa speech afterwUnr rhereUred for the jnlghft to starting foRCU csburejattfclo nJhe mflrnlng Flck keU followed rranartfair day and rea ft rich jharveatiilnlflie cHwd8JJSenator Paulknelrlostjhls posse eiipken1i CojonetiTltziBeraldr ulistic didat jof rgovernoiv jsC 3" l' a i. 1 iwis robbed. V' At Keyseri itwu- thw i after itJef tKeyser thaVavmahifrom ed most had been stabbed andkiHed thei ijflf TartlcularsA-r" 4 i Bryan at Martlnsbtirg.

Martmsburg W. Va- Bryan special train was a little behind time in reaching Martlnsburgfrom TjT hr togton caused by several washouts long the route. Mr. was apcompanied by Senator Butler. chalrmatf of the Wpu list national committee.

and large delegation of. state politicians. Few audiences of tie same size addressed by Mr. Brj In this campaign have been' Tw wildly-demon- itratlys that at Martlnsburg Thecan didate airiv A 3ust aglfJeff Chandler of California wasjconcludlrig a' free eInage' IpeeciL tie was introduced' by 1 Senator Faulkner andfo Ihec0urse of his remark said 1 a platform questions are coTfereaoui the election' always turns upon some paramount Issue and-- in this we have declared that the moneyQuestlon js the paramount issue. Jt there are other 4hlngB In which you believe the settlement of those things can be.

postponed ontiTaf- ter we havemetai passed the crisis presented by of thegold standard. Ouropponents otwe are responsible for the fact that In this campaign we are engaged a battle royal between the money power nd the common people These are' always brought" about by th of those who. to use them asajmeans of private gsla. Alt the great qeestions which TuTeirom time jotime forced npotM ml fativ jvt ii to isft I HP ankle JSe wu onand tipught Tshouldh tpjfiv wayHitept tTcouldjibt get any te mdjiaitSR tread a ff MLi lH ilir nllide iatrp Before Thai all it wcJ tUe the orehad healed elUng ad Jsphe down. 1 4.

i--- 1' i foi TW i i a iMtoW ea hijTlciai ol- Mt ngh rafstpfeHooclV awipi tila 4iMB I This dother 8imliaiciim prove thii' f- t- fiis Sarsaparilla tn It the One True Blood purifier. Alldnigjist tiepattr onli JJhjicJ food Cp LOTBB. Igucks Jplatce Gbbd liis ieii-cblfi arid- nice lunch. nls eihimr wvebeen forcedimot byjthevmaftyj1 4eVc bdth ifat tu artes ilaveVJoe upred thethpughtand ifli pepphi tt worliJlhayftibii made jyitheimassettaVHrJ feMe Ahdsp nnthUcampalgnthej tfe Wm marshaled tpsreslsV thlailit lions pf tKe gold standard. lj eUybu ttatatfprtigh arm wasrjP ttack uri that adrorelgntnavyiwiB hpr a gfti I uldSexpeci ybr jolnjlnattefforfctp rourlfpuntry front Jnyasionr.

anno ypiithat foreign financial ppll iot Tonlyf Invaded dur country bufttt jaln aVhoW and I5nalfparty7 JHe epubllcaniparly feial slared that ahi foreign pphcyr.shall iereVuntlltor gneraJthemselyw hai out to its retirement. Applause. gold standard jdea Kannjim ideaS applause iand Imy friends iir nottwhe1het attempt ojrestrala jfehlgh tariftorValovirrtarifl iI shaU1 bei content UAtlIsli drivenf 1 ind find npmorfik i Applause. This contest 4p nwliiplw liaye- entei Is teinpoi rjtSllg Some ofpur whor ff rked thJns iin tbe' past ur wInStl ampatsii tn rlheT wm feiOier prk5 the they summon enough courage to go tl sther" half and. declare themselves lTepn llcans.

Applause 1 want them to understanding that thy never JtoT turn until they- Tconiftiback In ind ashes. Greet applause. If these- men Who Save gained pros' nence ihrough the honors ven thenU thedemocrati have any theyHeari withdrawIx JheijiMivvited a command" her Hr they are making mistake the gr pss of rea as th tln gpeinv This is po temporary diugreeme who leaveT Ijhe empcratleHpa leave democracy andtheyca us themevec hereafter. jj piause he jrcfv livi yptedjvtp faaiscuss ioapn itnesxfollq jaddresies tlsat slmplequestlonV iure pf. law that npt7Jessensdl hderrthe i in fact ad nis famliiarnM Ih Si er4 ot1his wetQ iKpr4ct tii janguagei ppke i i Bja ii OnfiheyruaJf beautiful Mnac- valley i onta timf iremarksTt a- imanLcrois atj iMVfecpneiudtor ii jrpnpws1" Mlaljgoih abcut' iov have presenfedffrom cause asSl Bultsynfmy- def fof Very ittl consequence d3rbeileye thatVthppeopleg retried juf to theSpplIctes of th nsent Jan4 that they pughltet itaterest jmanlfesf Tat Jthp bj Cheers and applause.

1 BryaBi train rt iit- pL south veral oajth and telegraph No. Chlcagaj lardslldes. fiEVEBE Houses ganr advIcesTromth oriJ that further severe Is the southern and japan. In Hloga and Glft enormous damage and a large numb floods which folio storms. ltiYer broken down.

thoj bridges ws ed and 3 1 i tf1j 1i i i 1S mR U' H7f. rn YG k' Jj itf I I' lr1t11 i est61d 6r ln iw 1 i JHE DAU GtE81 1fi ti' if 1t ledJn etWter Whenthe n. tj 1 ATHERiiMl THREE ESC 4 all byLying Down l1 tw me sePteIll o- tr. htt lji ld nt ear lJnttl nonthe tt kt da En l1eerj atlIvel nund Wcli lieror he dlvl lon tro ln cu th f. lnt liina onth fWJ heado revers ho re apPueait bit dauht bOutfourtten babYf 0' gt ff str ck th Iow.

hl ears over as he 8 I Ilstanceof cIdent tile woman ba 1 ut and went Into convulI. where lrid rgear the wound girl' was ie man The lme home' nelU' the' to northbound train tlfe I the. tb I thr ctldre re licd th jus tcsave and children je t. he lo as. cond' ctor engt er was either THR frorallurrJugh5 oclo k.

he t1owlIA11 ll. SIIi 1J ptemb The offi i rs a dsep raised" he Kno viJIe. Sp clpJ hlsfoClt cru hlng eel He Is ds rvou9 debiUtyholds he bodyseenis efrorHs is unrefreshinr rgid. Heis when ith 11 ess ntial pure th' ving Imp rities. it laillsvaste iJi sh and to a.

the. meas s. t. IS waS i to utohealt imibtion ltdrves LimbsUtUtes bring' the 1 1t dtlt tt1. mom.

sot. t1. I1U 1n and ety tod iUibatork tT l1 1. 11ei lIel aI ctfUU1Ja. rtku1 w1llbi by tlc" jf i I 1) Ji JRt ota11Trioked.o bkif t1 Wereblowx down done ir the itfOAd rt rlleIldlng lgh walfrf1l1 Jen ioutre I1.

rom thJftf sev n-m1c'pos t9ma 1 1l er sfx a the el1 et. L. CYclOneln laces tomup othe spO BladenalUmber re nol report d. pareni1t unlnJ fed. parks terallY strewn the' s.

i VOWddletons m- iki1t1 towit ht lng l1 wi ik a nunber hlsbouse badf ged seentrom ca the' Hn from Br ns- the mnepost pore. roundbutilo at st tlons. sh wn to rcsldenClrof Mn. Cas rs. I i reJ Qrted still a co plete I propert cludlngtlmber provements At Clt In ng wded tle I was theUni rs round 1Iolntsbut rumorS Tow end reports' dalI1' ge ComntlssIoner Wright tt once ck.

T1ie hig p' tonlghtre- an andreporta dam agel Instapccs Injuries-Farms l. Accu atfl otyelt days where-death ob ained corrc pondent. the' dcwn. se The des lati n. 6c oolwas an4 several blown An In mother' scarcely Th lnjur were II t.

his house' 1 ff t1 5. ao. uvrre eu of. a. tBi ia shlngton hurr eane Up nelth olncla1nor he.

the mostof the 11 tor hlt Incl i1. tree. which plnteda there1lc tr1lItf l. eid theiXoperatlons It. rrled part roo ot fortunately erth cosU th i tent art ftreth e' yeaJsagO was pl ked lI ed I gJit a 8.

IJ I enin .1 A nth. ib iH TROUS pescr oni orthe Gr afSfo by. Tells l1y t1anta sSafejfom Such Devastat1Savapnah BruJiS1 nd Fl rida Th ch yes. asneUtfl' limit d. numbel" at 8 aI athel' bU om thecQUr takenb1 hzn coastdu the past wll1rstjC the2slh.

i atui i ph rlc waslow In. gult Florl press i dlrec1lonoft th Qwllig towa thecenterof dst ancea od Sept mber 28lbt i moVedf slowly northwardtduring an4ja. coast and- I iricr aslng clo dlness 1t coast. otNorth or the1ll0rnlng Of t1i is t1ie ou icastemPortlon ofGeo gla. prO- the19th.

materl reathlngth i1 PtnJ pre edll urs' ii1 creased decr Ilri eenso reportsihave 19 th- outh uses. rep rted had1n 1s ih Ies adli1 1s de tto clrcumsta ces. ere rellef fun suf s. lItend been eater' meagerde yetbeen ere escipedthe' N6TON I Whell1 the Capital ity WhiteHouse near9Y. ali a erssurte ed iJk ElateroOf thechurchotth ut.

where. Pr sldentHarrtloi sedJ i hip was downaJ1 1 JlUa 1 curious tr JIan. ed UP 1i the. I parklngwhlch urrQ1i11d I1oredlsUtrOUSwas. beJ 1e' e1' ortt Pr h.

hi I. an re ently slt ng L. JI Jl d1Lfp. 1 siarch Of80qyen1 had 110 im b- Ji tbeaterl wer uan171 j. M-'l t.

1rhlclii1i t1eidYiC npJetL ijk Illi1 tf Jfi fr tZ StK tie o' urse ss Se fhlswas this a80n ar rms West. then' pa Stat regi nwherei sto ms orlgtn te 5. a db tro ical nd tallnd from collcurrentllc lth theowerbeat 11 stroyed and torn dols com- ce ter whl lJthe therela cal a. out' th onre chlng 110ws ort brO ght ll ed Varmrrioist a Jn tst reJ1 te en e1om attonsthey rapidly. mase rce.

tothedrychIUe At anta more. a pass thecoast cal westj wall and Several were On much numerous an reca vlt hIrigton. 1Js Jan1 ge bythe 8t rm I tqbave lost. rlJ. WUlI to U3ath thetorJlado ts' 1 emb President Cl velands ho ie ar en orservants sln tor Ro way yards distant.

I m' nd nJn ls' Peo-- pri' If ay. biJrstingpf Ounds wa er which. tuah ek i runslhroug fth flooded ec n4estr Jlriravast perty al1d UE gtl1e sev ra1 The1ugeb tn owl WJlkes1fulldln detJt1InM8Ld thacrl as Ps thebrldgei ri ec ec ptt th Cro1n 1.I.u. i. 1Lvrec.k ornb s.

bleis andJbercb nera1 wre keyery. A. Dial 3toh tod t' theacene be deacrlptlonJothe Itr ta' dotilrne hlin been. vere persons ll 1Dg. tp et re destroyed At.c f11es1 Onten mltesean to thec rlle.

fee and 11lldings1rom th 1rtound UotlJ JiWiiwaaidr drowned. Reports Jh ru ndIng reount1Treport onIseIU III a1rutng ho11fS p.m. ii rau Jran1bnM. 1 ff. Xi 1 l' 111f ve4 th 1.

1 tol1' of several mile i ad1i iruct i JOIIUbelbeavy 11 4. i i li i ornl 1gtQTa1 Mornir ewarroI ni' i i then eJut 1 1IIgon tot AlltJ1e orresPon4 mt' agree tll vel tYoi the. WbidwasunuuaU gh. ven0for. tea hpl as short bo ur sto.

Jie lontcui nue4eey n. tn1tspaptW. qJ th oundandig otl1leJnustot 11 1t1 baVObeelf hea 1 i 1etsJ st CtJv. Ri Adjoi TerrtOry i. pte IieI 1h jnost Wlndsto ever 11lhJJI :1 burst.

uponthlrdty ht rag Wind waaa eonlpal ied pin iheObGW tromt1 southWeat. TreeS OOted fellcesblo i' wl wn side Brodaireet t1iaJo or ci thlngstore I ng ll en the alUstptur Wu' ofltgqlngJnt YoungM nCi1iistlan.As t1i thestreet anddol 1g deb to. A coloredc 1 Manch lterj r1 erf unroofed th eepl siee les on1i churehthls ity we eca 1 dtyfirealarm i tein Tho. tobac tohava the Compa Yarborough'- thetankon lle1 Gf 1ter obranChOfth bl 1 actlh mp ny alsou Ep1sf chu indthethlrd str- weredamag d. streetwere ta1 du mesa carihadtoto1 rJ1IU ng 1- sametorlell co i al over R1d rnsaM th 1f we.

W. iV ayr tre treaEEe ul1f09fedcVlre rated nd. zen Yre 1 t. any Vcs els" Qis asted NumberSunk Rci rted pter tb 1 nl 9 the xn wn. ears' ra.

ged r. ake d. ayIt ex nded of Its foreover th upp r. of 1 10ss' or rePOip drown th iob i. f.

dam. w4done In. YllWaukeerar nd av riJ harbQrsand thec ter suchsteamer asW re tlnthaie ort. 0. neo th ough f.

ev rexperf ce ri5' tothe Uies J1 id threatenlngCond tion hlchpre a 4' for tw hOU ra. be. tore Jhesto br 0. ke rtn chiCago. hl re dabi bengerowded 1hlaf doubtl' au t.

hesmaU lis t. al g. this it1 a night an th avil da ver sea wallm yfeet. 1 achts hooi1elj tosseda utll wave manY fe. tlf 1.

reak lumb ed bet- durinrtlie a be Jugs an ed i un 1fOJ. ag in fjishedJntoana nuUlVer rin those 1i. thedl Ye selsweJ' ver te Jper' i 1 heri3o ktht 1 il aitera yrp hip eto' 1 au' wasthfown i t1i. thep ling ptu therlver Th rt side ottbe iemer. pI Ing aa.

hed inJo tw fiv feei este r' p' I1 Wit fe Jla8Se fer anda' larilcargOofti11t. ye sh f' oftdur th nllbtand 111' i th n. ca I. Sle WaJf saystheraln Jell Intorren d. hIC rr- JowhlP caIVundtrom ciijl wi.

thJ 8. st n. i. W. h.

Il thlakwas ch dtO 1 1.1..a. ro u. dt JiteAI th i entranceto u1d i rr rf1. fr ltUckUiem Iwasd t4r 1 brww ter. earlthis morning with ie' 1e 1 i.

eoth troke erUriesaibo al1111el tf bad goilloW ver' ef rch 1 iok iFi tf fi i i l1 Wif iJ i tl r. b. TH ii t- il ouJSN e. rlliitaf eTerif RASK P. EJEl Pg ES tJ 13llIst rlCp14t V1 l4dWi i J.

iia 1' WilllimiJ rian1ip cbttnhli ci' 1 Jt adonjlecoun bt kenl Idg theil tlnioJea hlroa iijit hlchw ashedawa byt1ievt Uo ne lytc ap ng1 tan d. lt lelarJl r. Bry 1 ddies5 lar Ud1 1c at' r1 1d an ys Ji bothtJi enair. Senator. HeJ Pa 1 rherln i wt Ja tor.

tPhe B. pre ritel I a yser r' 91J anlJiJif apee rie4totheeXiep torBluPPor Jfe Ii1t rparh' I ladthIs p1an. natoyj i rj 1 i smglad thattWsmano Inat arsJs fra thO lIhoj av not tt a ebi tb rin onb rl st' yo i' uit lsJ1 fra1cl tr1ist i gover 1m nt IntnecJaD1sof. ihe 1 eople. ci eer8r gs u1 pro t8.

mb er therefore ouro pon nts' arinotcll hlnaq t' lAI tecs. hlmtroIDbelngcalledllnanaz htstc thlDkheX ci4us 1 htstSw roperty l4uJh eri ieert9. 1 D1 ti who JIlPloy a. rg umb r9 In fi WhdOIInot tq. tCheetsf rDavls an Yttrl ereare1V k1n employershi 1IS- lntl1 OI8c ViM' 1 at i twoI turnand.

fsfted tid 11 te arPJ se Me thafJi1 tl1 y' 1Ie' 1Dan qYfol 1 i oi JIJl1ont nt1l oc Mr Jo. ij It th fetln eDauf. Hke ex Senator Davis. wh hlsmen ns en ugh OW howthei ght vote iasw I Jia r1ghhtQ yot fci i1fhOJ1 Lu. i OgntU tw i lI1an8I mplQr.

r. LDdt e' aterylng toc eJheir mvl ll. ev 1 rk 1 ftf si whtch' ihow d' abi greeteffr11ryaD. f. Pledmost WYao at1dt ci an Tefr he stnam dpl etthe lg rt ree O- Thefulur friv her v.

his' Mr Bifan 4ec dcd. to disappotndh largnumbel je ee 1. ltf g. f. O.

r. h. 1m. s. J.

iihK 1. th Ch UIicd 16J th ltb' lreur dfo rt nl bt pr paratoritt star4ngfo ClUksburgt ctocllU' mOrn1ngk 1 PlckPocketfouOW tb 13rran. paitili at. and ilc lfharve Ifl1 he rtwdst iSenat9xGFaU1knetJlosthiS JItI tCum tv if mosthadbeen I atabbedand kllledctheltll1 a. poUU UUfe pru U14 1 iJlt Bryanspec alitra1qw alIttle.

timeJri reachl YartlnSb from yS atorJ3utler. ha1rmanoftbe cqniml teeaD4 statspoU w- a dt 1e' i ad ssedibY iUr BriJn J4 caI11pa1g1lbave 1M wndly' demon t1tltlve8J th tYatM rtl ilblrg lb arii 115. turnliupon 8OII1para i lif 1 ottho tponed until at- iiki II :1 ib1 11 eamp1gttwt I engag 4 In tL attl al tweegJ 4i iii wJlcbbaetroD Y. ftP bJt W' 1tt. lt' i i fftiJ1 tar 5 1 ft ttMJf trs A.

re 1 at i1rO cr iat dJ ill md cl It prk i' le- fli i 0. i iJ t. II BI Od1 orlner Ii dii1 dth rue" f- StS. rqitri 6 Hj Riirs j3 k' ti tlf Go cFwllisJti ota nd riic hUiblh f- c' andsee m. l.

Jo 4i ifroggle theIII ln Je se tAndtsojUtht mpal I the 1 igjn jhi1ed tl gQl4JltandardJt. 11' i 1il toyout at cY ri nl Jni ed 1Jt gairted fact holHh rgand mat. lt rnetsthem ltJlh I1t. 0 Jtlr ret1re 1 pp i ndard4eS a Jmpo de rid ft1 I t9U a teniPtio rest a Nt tt i i haJeente not yil Ji t. iTIn.

mW i cmpatgtFtha1p1q. el tf1. e. ift 1t- OU1rall 4ndrlhtepbbU ai1Q th y5 1mDiOit 4ura 4) l- II1 ecllrthmae 1 andashes eat al1Pl Lf 1i 1 i I 1 a Fatal earome OMN iltdIfltotheWftr SiflOuvk Them FATHER AND tf Between ma Woman r- Romeo Oa was 3 a henunded whistle for he cuetthatOlflt as ee and wonan. the tresU ust 1re ebris purpo ag1 baby cC hetinsbrought went ssIstance bar bout entlnto bs Crazed girl the he a re- ss andsaid thathe i toget jusin sve lrseIf orr of as I HI an fror iloh The 6000.

Openfleld 4 WENTOWN I. i. report re 5. et I SpciaL L- anegro today hi frombis aJ1YL i31 Hishead 4. is in to ed.

atthe is iS I i tt giving. ie the uvitalityand that i measur i a tJ U. OTkS es l-'i s- just I ttcof tt1i fymptoins or a i be Lr1P4 i a scocenr to LO itS leSt vork. 1f et lsgslire. twe.

fbcae uv be dcu- stoseau fs1Ipartlctlsi' i4 1tIfibnte ntstbY Si k' fleLPremjjejpQ sf which I6dgd in 1ntt1on creek. At r4il3 the cy. Press ojj wa uAroqfed smokestack blown dowfl ad do The root Tai brs mi1iw bIowil off ndjIs Binko 8ack isdow 1orc a isround ie resldce atPyleVgtnrsh was Wrecket Hopk th atman between tiOuRs eitd 1ij- expected iettiement I cross hj out jpiace ap- parentJyuninjured. retoaks BD4id41etona mOstantire arernore degr o. still gangs Devastated lapseotSchoolhouse some1flstaflC.

desolaUOfl flythgtlmber reaeu atpms- W5 Lesesne. a a piece Iiss Catharifle RoddenlerrY was Etrlo3 at was' H. Mitchuni closed the door and attesnpte to prevent the children fr01 rushing out into itorm. 1The pul15 were budied I gether. tiemb- anl peifWith fear in onO at tis' assetblr room.

when the wall fell' lnaDd the ooLcolIaPSedafld Ut headg of the prufefs and rbey werebemme11Th atd crc way ofegr0aS. AIlwere all 5tro ted znany were 1 JUTI fort they ere scutd The most serb in. 7 bey ih WM e1 t- 5 i0ufl1fant1itippar. Inca to7 that or a flewlycleared eye' locsuty In the I I Plantations abd os as re The- are tefuuo. obey' iuthn ni' ot t110 cornmisilozsera If of debri4 I saying thr honies to I I.

oa eopie eountr5rec1nctSkIt rn. flelther of lowmost jiJtor- carried ot oneialo0u. I ftilhem there esorne distrjue4 and remoraelesiuite t. 8hsact 5 ves---- uuiu 45S 1- 3. eLy 4Le I'- Jle I I jj I 1 1 ppzs i k1SviLtc tlAP TIlE DISASTROUS oftlie GreatStorin lie VhyAtlanta IsSafe from DevastateI Savannah char ddnuniber weather his- omcadmit.

tb during no- atrnOt. was thi 4istorb. te meved and- nter nei anwa ratn fft as uti It materlMy 8b1ck p. m4Dupng It in- been reports1 have re- iadiys- are in auff rers. llf property is de- vAsH1NGTori a.

nearly damage thater5 taw SQUare Uprgb surroid tlietj fhe fa ftbe ChUIdVhiI 5itUng1n Lhicoing pew. The whole ot thedi5 reduced sndpej in of souyenirs hadnO difflmlty. ot- t5ining tlem. ij Nariy verT other C1IUTCh in the if- red mon or less and their aniipodeJ the equally vf5it Xhe prOPSTtp In ingtonCitrbY tbO5tO ii ezt' at nearIbaIf a million doIIar' 7rhewa4 of building- tl5 ret' whlcbwas. ne3riyc55mP yiie1 veiue.

btween Twe ap genth itreet eoilPsed4 It' i' it wherethese girl de- dis- flows out moistair pthe Iilt comeip decrease safefrom fl on Wathington 4iist dond' wentaway nd Flooded AreDrow ed. 30. it ue6ay. rstingof city. causing Th brick building known was undermine Burt's large was uisidedown the were swept awur wreck Thornburgs is a wreck A toTbeDizpatoh intheflooded beggars descripUon.

the being inassof debris About and drowned and. the bodlea of dye have missing. The gas At WaynesbOro ten miles Staun- ton thecreek rose teens man Was. all the surround1ngcountry report The loss is estimated at W000c COLD IX ONE DAY LsxaUve Tablets. drug' to cure.

5- Weather Beport Loca report for Septimber flth Daily mean DaIlyssorinal temperaIore. Highest temperature. Lowest' 47 housto :40 00 DtScicnvyof Januar3lst 1.44-e. 0 Ponjfrst Page. hil boIhlarge itctisrei were cci sled away1 The Chath4a Artilledy clul tiouseat thefouth endf the beach.

Oflting thebear jUes areaIidan Lged' I Tli seawa3rdriyen otr islan the it Is distr4e 1b constructe4on the 1o will bebeavyjThere is have beenji or on Tybee. outof Si Vannab is still in Georgia and Ida by mail. storm appcars to the5laad i s-nd swept north correspondents butits duration place short-about an hour. I everylsing in wool ey led and5 11 of. life of.

Ri hi1ond 51. moi raged hurt SecondDaptist cliurc blown o. it doing onstderabic river and oc were cat wires of i ompany of. the I ompany al ad he 1 all resideres genfral ereckage prevai1 Sunk-Four i One of' exned ths uppar hllf. I isInail.

having been the Spmaa at done kaven inthl lake3 thepougti' experiiced an conditions ehlch for was tie cm 4eciaily doubtss and wave1 tin break- boar4 erent otthelGoodrieh wavewhich upthe of feet. Mllwelikee passen4ers mixis wasbrown havini f. CaptIn and bieWafirloUI fromejl When the tIm South. Chlb go freight 1ar. When.

the it was poIt thbtug insidethe' two he two miles. the notbe before atteinoon. apparently riding that if fresheni tonight she will rolifso thefreightdrl plungedtntoth Iske fromatiy ofthe lake tells' substantially same tory. On to bare be13s althou at Dulut.j thirtY-lIZ mos gale iris roriedt JtJ :1 BANllEAIiSOUTfl- PointS II estYfrgthia. AKSAT1ABPERS FERRY 11 tori Old PlacsLjstens to Gooa 5 DmoeratieThrtn.

I Greeted With EflthuIjc Crowds WbereverHeStopsWjl1 5- Now GWeit tarpers Ferry va. September- is historic old William Bryat minutes this morning. hear- edpnthe special train furnished bythi est VirginIa state committee ci :40 o'clock. by the fftg of the ttrrifilc hur' one which swept oyer this ht. addsed about ont iQusand people herpfrom a stand.

erected at hl eJ flryan' it late. The rm overt broke brIdge In thellaltimore of r. argo 0th or hiito rowU gathered anopenfleld th t0r' He lunhs ai lived-in gladthat tWa Is ot tat ageln hife I am that one of the. your state to cost the government in the hands of the Cheers rem are made agtlnst Inc. Ce senator for twelve years iieretoreouropponentscailnOt call an noramti5 or Theers.

hinifrom being an anarchist Laughter am lad a man' a irge tq ontroi their Davis and. friend5 there this who pa workin return and are sat- ded and arethoee bat when the btreai mntq work for man who works will sell his etc as cell as his riuscle fTheers. i I wan on this slossto eaT sttentio 0 difference bewe n' ax have ense they ought Is welles a right voteforWhOi hey I- 1 want you to recognize betweenthat ilan wts coerce ho works 5 ii' showed great at ta Oakland W. the stnamd at' the higiwet point touched by the Baltimore and tOo in the hour herh was so Bryan to te of people whohad been wait' ing for him so long in the chillydi7 ale and made them after which forthe nlght for ocloek in the Pickpockets the. Bryan party all reaped a harvest inlhe Senator.Fauikne- lost his 01.

were talcen thim populist vandidatiOr governor. At Cumberland' was reported-on the train. it left thataman from Zedin apolitical Particulars could not. I obtained. Br n.

at V. 5ept mber 30The Bryanspecal Martlnaburr Tech by5severai Dryad was Butierchalrrnfl a dlenm Bryan as that cafl arrived just as' Jeff was concluding the course se ln re coVered but campaign we money' question is If there-are ibingsln canbe bythe edvoeatesoflhegold Our' opponentsnot we faethat lothis In-a battle powrand runt00ts ire brougl the of seek asa means private-gain. thUS upon the public i. 11131 Pleasiug :1 JFaraIyzing1 Howgocd it gooditfsl. Axdlilwit sburs Wbyisot1ooiuithe question' Pill after P1c Eat youpie tde Aq" Pj11 aftered pieil1 paW dnotPr 5 thtcPiIs 5 i.

QCDTP clc' 4 C. 7' p- i S. QtofuIi I''o ium4i but jfor tJie blooej auJi ciire afl ecti-dtseases. Iad thIS iteber1S9lImade inssteii ASor Iwo Incises acroSs formed and ln' Isprsintdmyankic. worse could no pti aisdt thought liaveto give.

it I could not gej ndsadti itop wprk. I readof iiitiaresa by 10'5 S5X5apaflJs coilluddto IL I iaj ta wo ott1es sore had i. 3ellthghadnedOWfl. 5My FoOt. Is ow wellind I have been ys.

ljt4d 5otherWISe. bave' mncrieed glid am fnbetterhealth Icfl3ot u1thhonhin prsse of hIoods Saapi' BLL so 5j I and other aImilreure 1 tleOne rti iuriflerA drggI' on Ii1CLcod Cp Les I 5 tb best family floods Pius andllrerstimui i Bucks 1ac adodwbiskie8 coldS' him. ave been forced not by th iiiny few and th great struggles aye occupied the thought. and the the peopleoftha world- have be by theniasses in mae. And so in this campaign ra to resls the tif If iii you that foreignarrny wa us or a foreign navy hored at- our gates could expect tie of you toioln in an effortto Dull- country 1nvsion.

I you that a policy ot only our but it aineii hold iierC a' bnal part' the republican parts' has laredthat the polIcy shall era untiltoreigners themselVOsahail old ide is an lea and my i ot whethetyouattempt to restrain ft high tarift or alow tariff I shall until It shall' be driven' nfl nomors a horoe In our upon whkia ace entered 13 a ome of our democratic frlenith' with usintbe tell us int that they Wlllelth rWork urrankCCnd ranke hey ther themzelyesrepi cans I tbeinto go to urn come back sacke nd isIf ho pro tbroughthe given lie democratic party have idea they can the ot. enemy and the lnvlted cl jo. a ma es of whic crease the ti goci on A is the democratic P7Y and they can ac cuss The res of Mr a apetc' voted to a discuision the tion on lines tollqwed- addresses. iv. sImple questionthat rn ws4 it.

aa- ture of debtS l4e. hs4 not lessenedunder thegol atai in factma4e poinlsfamilar 04 bi era speeches in practf the language. Spokeat Baneocl f' eje4alap Fotoinac troll burg to Cumb rlard Mrlryan ili remarks. to a emaIl crowd tJhiiJ Mit. concluding as follows it Tn going- bout over the tenet7' presented from lime toltlth.

as I undqrstand it Whetie sult jnmy election or dgfeai 14a nsa of. little to 4e dn believe that thepeople eight ii as to the policies thj gel nd ought. to ke' interest manifeit at the al3 I' itr. Bl7afl' teethed CLe at 3 ii. In.

WAEOUTS IN PZr Traius 021 JI Bal3 Wires Ali Pittsburg Pa. Septe yams and high win" the western part abd early ibis mo Usa ninning sch yptiread pnering The heavfPt east of theI" the nieagrr age has iyivita raliro stQrI1 pratJ5 sod OhioraIh nd Several wash' on th Pitt nd 1. 0 Chicago STO Large Number Francisco Se adviceufrom the or a Gift1 Ii- i the astcrn.

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