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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 3

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T. jCaaV By fie Reapportionment Bill T1i Measure Adds 42 to the Hou and No States I oifn Senata' Amendi to Pranent Gerrymander. ing. Washington- Aafo la1t1attr. and referendum" feature to safeguard against garrymandring1n In a number of tat tII.

congressional tsspportloamnt bill PUee tha senate today nfl the totur. Dtfshlp at fS I with t- j. more when Arttona and IIWX1oo attain state hood 4nst ad of the present There was not even tie formality' of a roll alt on the Clnal vote. Tw mndmnts both of nNI by snstnr GJvtoII et Ohio were attached lo UM aonas' measure ajid on' thes a sontorenoe with the house will be held all that stands In tbe way of. Presl- drat Taft's approral ofthej Din wfclcn Is to ink.

not Merck 4. 1 1 AU 4 EXMmsa MMM a Tear. The fctorea In the thememberhlp of IS banaa will an addidexpensa to tb entry of approximately ar. The salaries of the 41 new members will aggtecato i 415 00 Each will hey. at least one clerk at ll.

a which win add. SOOO to the total. Mileage and othr Incidental expenses will still further Increase the sum bringing It to. u. amount first The apportionment hill ts 10 drawn that no state win lose In representation.

in om cases there will boa derided Increase. New Turk heads the lilt with an In. creisa of six members. Pennsylvania tout. California and Oklahoma three each Illinois.

Massachusetts. New Jersey Texas and Washington two each end Alabama Colorado Florida Georgia. Idaho. Louisiana. Michigan.

Minnesota. Montana. North' Dakota. Ohio Orjen Rhode Island tooth Dakota. Utah and West Virginia one each.

he average congressional district will contain great popula Unto than at present. th averags district comprising 211577 under the new laltiatlve MiH a mai Th initiative' and referendum provision was tacked on the bill Just before It. passage today. Itwu on of tb Burton amendments It provided tint In caee-6f an increase in the reprosen- tat ion of any the the Instead of velar done br. the state legislator.

a. provided by the house. should vln the manner provided by tbe laws' of. the te. thue" leaving th to the tlve and refependam laws wherever they have been placed a states stab tt lt rte etat hive adopted the 1.1 Iatlve dnm the of Oreiton Oklhoma NevsAa Missouri.

Montana. South pt Colorado. Arkanas and Maine. Utah has adopted a i similar. amendment.

but the provlon tnopmthr hence. of failure of the legislature to naetthe heeeieary a ei o.apanylag- VBeildei theie in the toUo1U state such an amendment has been Jefl Tla area but has sot yet been' voted upon California. Washington. Wyom beg. North- Dakota Nebraska.

Florida aBdldabo This amendment was agreed to by a trIot party vote ttto II the rpu1 Itcan a natora voting for. It and. tb democrat against It. Ne UaUM ael The ether amendment adopted pre- scrlbd that evndWvte for' represen or representattv I arse shall nominated in the lame manner a candidates for- governor unless other- wipe provided by th laws of such atata ID some states the repr eentatlon la teereae by this bill but through con. Utatlon1 limitation or- other.

cau their levialatnree cannot' divide' the si netsH Pnuwta B. riles BU FM or Citizen who motored to Atlanta la the Jnterezt of Brown cotuitT. Hon. Dougla MeArthnr. of Mont gomery county.

and MessrsW W. Bourn Gordon Ponder cud Xu1400Ja McRas. all prominent clttsens of. Telfair in toAtlantaIn the In terest of a movement to er ata Brown county. of which lta proposed to make Lumber City' the county seat.

This committee believes that a' splen did new county can ho created out of a part of-Montgomery-and part of Teltate counties end thy have accord- log arranged jcmpalgnto that end They raids presentation-of of their- eau aulte a number. or members of th. legislature yoaterdajr5 They" do not Hope for canon at this session as the bin has. not Introduced but they ay they propose to ret busy-between now and next summer. These gentlemen made the trip from Lumber City to Atlanta In an automo- bUoeomlnc byjway of Hawklnsvllle.

Fort and to Atlanta-We hid a good trip. said Mr. Mo- Arthur. This lathe best way to see Georgia and I would advise anybody who wants to now Georgia as It really. I.

to tab The i Constitutions round- the-state tour this fan. The tourr goes through theheart of Georgia and. It will be. an. opener to those who have 1 never taken a trip.

around the state- In an automobile. The whole committee. concurred' In the" statement that crop conditions are unexcelled and this le true of every county through which they passed from Lumber City to Atlanta It le the MACON IS WAGING PURE FOOD CRUSADE Baker of City Will Be Re" quired to to-Thoroughly Wrap All' Bread. Macon. Oa Angus' I Special.

At the next session of the city council an ordinance will ie pused requiring the bakers ot the' city to wrap alt loaves of bread in tissue This Is-- a' sanitary measure' recommended by the board of health and la to protect the bread from with which maybe Infected handling by. delivery and ins transporting through the streets In wa ons. Typewriter Rented 5 for 3 months. American Writing' Machine Company. state into districts.

The house bin provided for an electlonan such ease but. not for a nomination and the second Burton amendment designed to mftt that emergency. Three other. amendment werevoted drwn. Theae Included provision by Knot of New Turk to retain the pres- nt membership of In.

which was de feated 10 to ZS. by XcCumber of North Dkoto fling the membership at. 4 5 defeated It to and by. Reed of Ml souri providing that where any states representation. li Incred each rep- roientatlTei should be elected at large by- the.

state-at-large until the state 1 redlstrlcted by the lerlilature or by the people defeated 38 to It. The senate bill will bee taken up by thee house cen ne committee tomorrow morning. Many. house democrat pressed the belief that the amendments maybe aCcpt4 the houses best stand of-cotton arer known' In orsl said XI' UcArthnr. and the term.

of Oeorfiaare trolnif to have so much money this fan that the bank vaults will hare to be nlarr to hold iwv. The thing that. struck 1me xctostw said Mr. Bourne was the tl lily nUcant inoreaae In- torn acre Everywhere wt went we' saw splendid stretches of corn with marked evldenee of avaettiner a ia tli la re fe of other. cereals showing that the-people off this state have read with profit he Constitutions teaching Ztorv the paat twenty years that rora11lCt1on meant prosperity they are dlverslfylnr i now aa never bfore And Ju let me add.

sold Mr. Ponder that I kept on thalookout for cattle and hogs and It was aulDc to see the number found alomat In every community through' which' we passed. Myobservation of the trip" la that Georgia la nowoa hog and hominy basis of our own- raising. I am a modest mansaid Raoho I. a brothrot Dr.

Floyd Uctlae of Atlanta and I am not ac. utomd to a newspaper notoriety but I do not mind aping that I corroborate every word spoken by my associates ol cur trip. I am lust back. from Mexico where I have been' civil. engineering.

and Georgia Is th garden spot of. the rldv never sawaueh a wouderfd change aa has taken place i In. a few years and I would not have missed this trip throughout the state for a thousand dollars. POLICEMAN- RALEY ANSWERS' LAST CALL Oldest Patrolman on Albany Force. Dies.

Suddenly at Hi Home. Albany Oa August J. Special. Robert T. Raley the oldest policeman In point of service on the Albany police force was- found dead i In bed at bl.

residence this afternoons He went It his room after telling a servant not to allow him. to be disturbed and looked the door. Later hi wife was unable to secure. a response. to- repeated knocksonthe door.

andwhen anen trance was forced be was found to be dead. vr Balay had been In oor health re- irrtly but was en' duty last An Inquest' may be held. to determine the cause St his death. During his career as an officer Raley figured In some thrilling affairs. He was several times badly wounded and was ford to kill it least two men Inthe discharge of III.

duties. WEAVERS TAILORS will' move to 14 Luckle St Septlst opposite Piedmont. TWO- MACONPARTBES SUE FOR DIVORCE Ga. August t. Special Two suit for divorce were filed today.

Mrs Oussie Wright. Jones alleges that her husband. M. Jones treated- hr cruelly and she desires separation notwithstanding that she Is the mother or a Infant. vr.

RlleyParrott declares thathis wife has threatened to take his life and he divorces Trousers Sicilian and Serge Loafs at August Prices You may buy. nowthe best- of summer apparel Sicilian Coats and light weight trou sers for a price that makes them of more than ordinary interest for August wear. BlackSicilian Coafsthat were 5650 850 to 1100 are now 25 Blue' and Black Super Serge Coats that were a50 now Odd. Trousers' that were 400 to iaOO are now Clothing Co. 53 00 750 tlP1 Tattered arid Lingerie Waists It t5ft00 and 250 Styles for 75c Early Buyers today will get the' best waist- value weveever offered over our signature.

This final cleanup sale consists of about five hundred waists ranged on three long center tables consisting white tailored waistsoMiheh and Ifiiene black and white madras and. lingerie materials richly lace and embroidery trimmed ltthlSt season's fashionable' models and worth all the way up to Choice Today 75c Skirts New shipment Handsome Tallcjr nadeSlcirts of Pana-5" mas cheviots serges and fan cy- fixtures extra good val- uesati369 495. 595750 975 to 1850. Wash Dresses now' of lot of Wash-Dresses of lawns ba- dates and ginghams formerly priced 450598 andhigher. Choice 395 Tailored Suits Each days express brings small batch Tailored Suits' in Fall models of plain cloths and rough snitings at 1750 35 6 and higher.

Fall Suits 995 We aresher rinj a small line of Woolen Snits tailor-made in new Fall models bought yeryrnuch under value. These offered at 995. JMHKS COMmNY. JM JiKH CffliB NY. ROUNDING UP BLACKS WHO KILLED MERCHANT Murdejj- of J.

R. Bullingtop at Macon Precipitates Chain of. Sensational. Events. Macon.

GL. Aurost 3. Spedil The killing of J. BBuUington the Houston that grocer. by a no named.

Frank DII1I. onr Saturday night. precipitated' chain of sense tional and sanguinary events. Daniel. without any provocation excepts that II.

wsa ordered out Of' the store for dlsorerly' conduct. Bulllngtons life and escaped. TII. sheriff and' his deputies went to the lIoaof a- nOIlTO named Simon Barroo believing him to' beln hiding there. Barren snot- through the.

door and twice Lanler a. negro- deputy who is now to the hospital. He then made his escape. Ytorday aft. rnoon the sheriff arrested JoeKemp a negro.

who I Implicated with Dan- lei Be Is charged with having joined In the attack on Mr. Bunington. Then last night about I o'clock the sheriffs deputies- went to a 110 house near Sklpperton la search of Barrow A negro named Charles lack. son jumped out of bed and- shot at Deputy Mullally. who flied back.

kill- lag the negro This morning. Simon Barn was caught as he was attempting to leave the county. tA the record now stands Mr. Bunington and Charles Jackson. th latter a negro are dead Joe Kemp and Simon Barron negroes are' In Jail.

and a net Is rapidly being drawn about Frank Dnlela tJadra4. who is' at NORFOLK AND RICHMOND AND RETURN VIA SOUTHERN. Saturday. Augustl0. Through' sleep.

Ing cars and dining- ear service. Phone MaJnm 148. HOSPITAL PI ji on Foot to Establish a Modern Institution. Dublin- la iugnst- Special.W-i Th people of TJublln have' a' hospital under way which seem tb bee an. assured fact AtiA public meeting.

a central.conk mttt e1conilstlni of Kobert MMar Rowe and Stanley end Mr r. Robersen Mrs. B. :1 Blackshesr. Mrs.

A. Pr Hilton. Mrs. Isie htnSkland W. Baum.

was Tamed to work out tha detail Captain I Q- Stubbs and waaaddress Dr Herrman of ast- man. councilor of th Georgia Medical Society for the eleventh district who was present by invitation of th chain her of commence. w. Dr. Herrmaa.

showed thin city for a public Hospital which he aaidVv would meat. thee demands perhaps 3000000 peoples. Tile central committee' was organ teed by Jame sfU Finn chair man and- R. Martin secretary. A.

public meeting will beheld next week. if. proposed' to raise a a tartar for the establishment or tile hospital. e.r i IVmEfield Elected SoDcitor. Eatonton.

Anaii 6 clal After one of most exciting election that has ever occurred In Putnam Colonel TerreU WigSold wasislecud county solicitor. For twelve years Col onel Wingfleld-ba served- the county la this capeudty. having been by th dtgereet governors. was p- posed fry-- Colonar rt airn and Colonel Thorns Davidson sad UN wa t3attif. 1-- g5 BEER FOR HEALTHY SOLONS MILK FOR THE AILING ONES Macon a.

August Special The barbecue and entertainment to tilt Georgia legislature Saturday wpl decidedly be the biggest thing Macon ha ever The preparations for the one Itself' began" today with the killing' of 1600 pounds of bet pork. kid and lamb. In addition to this there will be 15 0 plates of salad and eighty gallons of Brunswick stew. Figuring- on three bottles of beer to a person on an average. the committee Ms ordered 6000 bottles' of beer which will lie Pike County Irutitnte.

Brnerllle Oa. August Spe- claL Quite a successful farmers' In was held at' the Sixth. District Agricultural School There was a large attendance of farmers from the surrounding section and all the addresses were beard. 100. questions were die- cussed and the farmers showed active interest' la all of them.

Among the speakers who addressed' the Institute during the morning end afternoon x- relHs were Prtor Dufey. principal a the school Han- T. G. commissioner agrleul- praetleally. donated by the local breweries.

There win also be iOv gallons of buttermilk' and SO gallons T' lemonade It la Intended that the milk shall be for th dyspeptic and Qi lemonade fo- the ladles- The barbecue win cost boat 12160 The eating of It starts Friday morning at daybreak win continue up to-'the very hour of Twenty tables each with a capacity of 100 have been erected under the shade of the oak trees at Ix Cabin Club. hire I E. Bite Professor J. W. Han and Dr.

P. Bahnsen state veterinarian. President Mitchell of the Barneedlle Chamber of. Comn also made an address telling of the purposes of the trt- coukfty fair which Is to' heheldtn Barnesvllle November ll. and ask ing operation of the farmers In making' It a 500055 FOOTE JDAVIES CO.

eir. Broad Stv Phone Main 61. CONFESSED KILLING MAN TO PROTECT' KINSMAN Attempt to Have Himself Held' for Crime' for Which An other Is Accused. Albany- Ga Augustl 3. KSpeclaL The unusual case of one ngr at tempting to have himself held for the murder of which another negro stands accused' has Interested the authorities hero today.

Fred lackettwas shot and killed in west Dougherty' several days ago and- Pompey Murray surrendered to. Shritt Edwards claiming to have-fired tile fatal shot- At a commitmenttrial today Itjwas clearly brought' out by evidence that the killing wa done bj Wal. tr Murray a nephew of Pompu-- who' Is held for. the alleged crime. Pomp.

Murray was releasedunder hlsl wn ia Hall' Seeks Water Board Place Macon. Qa August Special. Charles H. Hull. Jr.

a well-known attorney at lawn- today announced his candidacy for the office of waterworks There be threat commissioners' and there' are three candidates namely Alderman W. H. Ytnr Mr. Hail and Alderman Wi T. Anderson.

It is oleo likely- that- Colonel W. A. Huff former mayor will r- also A1 FLAT PRICE OF TWENTY DOLLARS for. any Suit in our stock to those familiar with the quality represented here means more than any off propo sitton yet announced. When one considers that he has unlimited scope in the matter of selection a.

stock most complete in variety and sizes a department for fitting which is as painstaking and thorough as the custom tailor it is- no won der that men take notice of aour announcements and respond. Those who have a notion of adding to. 1 their clothing supply might do so now right profitably j- likewise in other departments. Stanford Go Sixty-one Peachtree. Street a mao k4CAINS fnni' EssMAH ffi Reapp-Drti nm BilI ised QgreS I1Ut uN' idde' :42 ia beritO House aaICN sea A Denda erlJDuulerj ID.

wbi B. I aa4rirrndn sUns Int r17meD4. the thtutW eJa1p Wlt11 hdorwIIOII attalDataU- Jao te4 of. puf form lltj. tlnalvot to hIIC 11' MouameaurdDntII ltIItIIe lIoawUb 14 enthat tea44IBtll.

Pr. 1 Tan Oftb wIWJa Ma eJa 1811. uMS I' 1aOlhtJa p. tbebeewill ai. adddU e.

100001 7 Itto. 000 71UTII. 1arIuof n. fSUOo BaaIlWllJ clorkt LIO n800 KItead furtb11ncra. PporUai ntblU a tJaao 11110.

tI. thorWllI ael4a4In. NTOTk bo. Wl In era. fouCalltoTDI Ok1l 0m.

tlo. N. or. 1' Loulo1anaMlchlen. raisRllodo WtVIrlnl 11.

Ih dlatrl 'willtal" 0l1OOO5TOtpOpul. tlotbl1 pre. lt lI1prlal tILlndr Olo iaJua TII. 1ltlaU. rfr 1dumprol ut pe.

tod. It. ono the mndmtaIt 1. of. taer.

1. opr ra4 10 11 i ho. in tbmnn1 10 I. the redistricting subfeec t. the' inltla- UYaDd referendum la.

wh. th. taIIL' II. tIAt1aadfPGJI4tmt atltutlIMJan4. N.4..1 Kt.

nrL b1lFth. is IBU. oftallure ft. ITQPGDTIDI1lat1on. Be14.

tII. m. bn submitted 10 lata. bt Nb 14. aeedto I ton' It.

an4the au. cti The other pr. 4. D4k1t. representatives-at-large Hmlatdln mnnra I 4I4t.

onor 11111. the pr oal cause rT QRJif Nff AT rlQIJOOSJl jlWfY 4j vIF i fit' I roo8 I II Dotore toAtlut mthoJnt eat JfBrcm1C lmU- I I Hoa DaucJU rtbur t. com. x. W.

I 4 prollllntltlHn untJInAtlanta Increate Bro ofw1llcll ItIaprop TIlle' 1IaII coaat71D of aaflrt meaad art ntl. th II Th sr lit. liultea ber. lelP1tor708o147. GtIODt thlll" IOD Jiuallt eaatatroduM 0tII7 rh.

cntlmonJDade trlptrom Clt tiT i. Valle7. Kcon 4 IrO 4trf aaf4 XrXo I ArtharTbl I. the wa to. bod i ta Jrr taTII 11 heart of an opnr tb.

h. who nurr e. th. t. evGrJ' lIlcl1tbe pauedtrom LumbrCltto It' MACoNISW NC iPUREFOODCRtlSADE ken it Re.

quired. a 0101 or41nWlll Pe thebakersof oftbelt toWTpaU loa. Is a lIor 4 c. With hlcll It 7. b.

lahdIlD I dell 1 1' ue te aco tjpewrlteITRented AmerlcanWritina lIitliotOdltI1etL Iou. 1 Iotlo In I. emr eao hr tell NTorl pint de- rot448 nb IIxln t. 405. Xla- 1I at an atJrg is bvth.

or. th. ea inlUee 1 m. be bY bo. or eotton Geor l.

XcArthDId oGeorCl II. I Ulte111 enlarged. It. atrukcat highiy aI. w4It otcowlth kYI4.

tII peDDI plOlItrb for' twont tJ' nerbef lust m. the lookout. bo. andtt a. 1o01ta 11' observation trip' 1I lano.

on a' has rp" amodf man 1d t. Vo XqfAUalito ano1Iamnot. rInc 81 okn of wb. I. b.

the-garden OftII. WOrld. such II. 11. ni f.

11 te POLICEMAN1R LEy P.troIman/oa atHia pA1b 1I tea thA1bnJ t. bad be4t anmo room 1Itat1O tb400rlAtal his ul1bl. 0. teel and when 4 tjJlIa r' Ral be ln ar lIea1tll but. wn d1lt A.

oar an Ral. ral b41wou40d dlcllr dutl WEA VERS LuCkieSt Pi nt MACON PARTIES' SUE r. GaADIrDt aw today 1. alt. berhaad JIC Sonetreate 11 that' bl.

0 t. dlo I dd" TrOl serS CQ ts' lIl1gustPrices. Youy tij apparelSidlian Coatsand Jighfwe hlffou nptd hari in erest forA ustw l' a Ck. hat weJ 6OJ. 50to 11OQar fJOW.

l- lL5 1' Bl fa kSupeSeg ll 50' no It 7ro sers' 1000 aJ I1oW il SO' i Ge seeJollilpgjlZ i i tt i rX iij f' 41 l. e'- bM1I1 9 t' QRD RSc FILLED i- c' FILLER c. ie i i i tA YYI 31S QlIt ff c- i UTXrl TnT TTD BfT 1. 0' Qt il te 7Li rie lsts j'c 3- I. 1 jIJg QJ 1iCt 5Qtyl f9i' :5.

j' t1 i5" 7. EarlyJ1 yers ve everpffered' oucsignah re. is 7 p5al i5Sct1. tyAfiY ridteq Wistsat1g d. o1ith l1tertabl nsisti ng pf whiteff il istS' fHine 1' lli linenblack rwhitem dfas' fid 4" riaJsrlchlYJa and q1btoid rytrimm son dels nd lftheway p' 2 5O.

eI 7. 'iS" ci i j. Dt sscs JlilQredStlits Il' uits995 NewshiPmentandsome rOeanncen W' il t. Ei We ares smaliline Tailor-made Ski pmaw si1 Dresses ofla s- ba'- bif Ta ored i 1ofW oi Suits or niade maschevi tsse ges ndfan otplaln In Fall eymoo1resextragoodval 750. tSo.

i1d. gl1er. roug sniti gs rNo g75tOi2 50. a choice2gs 2 nd atggs i' 1 0 Mu JIIGB I mIGB U' U' 0 d' A ROUNDINCUPBLAckS VHOKIL ED fJ 1 ctOa' Mac SemationalEveDta t' 1hltlhlr 4 10 pr chInof and nta Danlelwltbout ordr4out dlaorrl Bullln toa' hledpuUwent to-the rroD bldln th. throuCbtll.

wounded Will in. tdlo Kemp 11. Is Ith Ia HI the. ocloekithh ma bo. In outot IDe ut Mullallywho fIre41Iaek.

I bolhie oD 1. LAS Bullln on Char 1. 1Cl oo" the angro ft I a odFraDk I ANDRICH. ANDt YJASOUTHEltN Saturday. a Idi rT1 FORnUBiINl un" Plaa JF ttOEStblish Modenllnatitution lti Speeld DUbllIIv enterprla 1In4or' II 1U04 A4 a meatlatral ofRobenJII Karlin.

lam- IL I. Q. 81 aa4UX. 15 XY rL. JBlackshearMrs APHllton WBDn1.

r1t upre as LQ 11 d. of-East. 1I Gaor1Xc11C1 rf. urff. I er showed.

af po1 Uo for aleetI. 1mILFlne ptalll1 GaAugust tf I 1' In I TuW1w1le1d was al. the dUr He. po xrt1retherA4. IhomnQY14ao1IJII4 7 fJf ERf JHE ftHYSOt NS Mf tIpRraE8ILI JES CSpecb GeorclIIPlaton Xaeonloaa TIIpparatioua ce Wltb' Inad4Itlont tlll1I wI11ibe I500pltot ahdelghty JIG.

11 014 lred 5OOObottl l' beerwlllcbm t' PikeCOuntylmtitut 0. I Sp Quite ohlarmn ttb trtct of. frmrtrom ddr attatlnl 1Iaard. Va red I r.t eh" 04 tl lurtD nOrD OOD war fey. of HOJLT.

I GHndao1 omml o1oer of" dOlI. tec1. th. IOcai b. 1 ThwI11 lLIaobe gallons' n40 Iflon It' Ia' thatthe nit II1i forth.

fth141 sG. Frld. to tlncTwnt peclt 100. n' LoCabln r. EHIte Pr SW.

4 thB1I1. wrcoo ddr 4 PWlIoof cotrtyfalrwhleh 1 h. bld In 1D romt 17 DA VIES 6 N. PhoneHain 6 KIL ING Iq PROTECTKlN5M H' lfH id' WhichAD Ia cL" Alb. 8 pe 7 cof ne ro ud h' tt Jihot4 ru dIQ IItDoaghertr ra de a nd pmpvXurraVeurrondrd to Edwardsclatmlog hy ns At commltmenttrt1t04yItu 1IIfbrou bt out rof aUq 10104 nr on rot.

t. Se kaWater Kacona a HaU1r tort1w1od eoIlon 1hwI11 I r. I KThall 1LIa0ran. 0. A LATPRICE itm out toth6se ri1iH i itb ith qtlaJiffrepie ent aaiet nl S' nireitJJ 1 riY.

ff 1 S1g9nsY :1t11J1.0M Wh 1lon tonsiderstliath hasunl 1iitea jp jJitll ecti91 ast Kiijl lt ty QDJP m. yane n' sa 1 fo hichJ S' aSi. pa ist ki g' rl rolgljMb ri ilr if bWri dertthatPm ofUo an uric fc rt j. Jh ir cl 1ijiijg. pplyi1 ghtl4Q driWrigh1 fP gi 9Y f' i' tJi.

rtI ts' i1W 1. lQJd tanfQrdS :4 1 1 "f'x Fk 1 1 coxsTrruTtox15 Ay wGvsrt is11 rs rd bni GE RG i flNCRESSMAR Passedb1 Congress 5 Ph Mem- bas tetha Bill to Pre ent a laltlaUva referendamfeatnrato thecongTOS tonal adthsnsts It Ix. nrlth trmore Arbonaiaod NawtYulooattaln hod theprant These theforniltyof Tw. rnatort6artohor Ohiowereatteched tethehone me a raendon thee. eolsreooewitb ttho wayofPrut- Iato 1 1111.

AidedECnse MOOOOS 7earr Tbner a elan an added erpnae 1400- year. alarlea aggregate31600. atlat i16etthich 1020000 w1A the. rapvoUoomantbill is Inin ber e. areas.

JerseyTezasand Colorado. Florida. Miehl sa ri will over 17000 the average' lanlativeyd neferniers was the case Sate deneb b. the tata to o1 utbooka thefnl- Uatlvoand refsrs dnm In the beustituGesat amendments OrgonOklahoma paketaColorado Ar amendmentbvttbeprowWoo toenact the legislation. Beideethese bythe- egis- lateres yom- Idaho.

it to lloanenators the nainstis. 1Cadldatee. eandidatesfor be as governoror I reyree otatin-i5 Increavd entationalllmltdtou HERE' TO BOOST BiOWNGOUNT is yaels er PinTh 5 yacOaehe citizenswbe Atlantvin theIntmmt county WooDenrl McArthur Mont- andMessrs Bourne Atlanta It countysat a didnewco ntyccn that to a the been introducebpt ay' to-get busy between Cltyto bile. by way beet-way andIwouldadvise the take atrip oundthe in thetatement thatt crop and 2rSpsolst bepssed i germ. may in delivery-and' thestreets la wagons Ontht that otheramndments drwnThes 351 it Suing Increasedsuch the legislature census democratsex- accepted of eottonever In Georgia.

areEoing Win tebe tt" The me most MrBouene 1g. 1ncorn aoreage. weaw-splndld a wt tn the aerige 3h. thepast twenty7ears s' Ikept wasamazing the My' now' a said Ras who DrFlyd werldy saww a In afew state athou a PAtro man' tni enly Fore SpeolaL founddeatnbed at wsttntt hlrroomafter servantnstc With-was toseowsa knocks onm an en was foreedBe poor re centlybnt en ea officer 1n thedischarge move to14LncldeSt snits' Jonese hiswlfe totake andhe Odd andSer mri tf fora thatimakes moree wear. L11 I1 Black.

Sicilian loafs that' ti Black SuperSerge ii Coafsthat wer 65 I I Z5O Geo. 1use Clofh 9 r. i br. 0. a AT r- ORDERS Saie I FINAL CLEATSIUE fh ored i 150 200 4y buyerstoday we've over oursi nature.

of white waists of linen a sea- orth 250. Todd I 1 Dresses Clearance lot are showing r. Skip Wash in tailor mac cheviotssergesandfan modelsotplain esv cy mixture. prftxd45o598 and higherr Very much ilea at 369 7S I25o a5 oo 95' Y' hlcw i J- 11 Million I August 2rSpedat 7 B. Bullington a hews for diaorerlyconduct took Mr.

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a Lockett was inq. Murrayenrtndered todheriff tohavefled commltment trWtodayttiwae by killingwae actually done byWal- crime. warelaedundeyhis a BoardPlace e' threee threecandidates Uyehar ale run. OFTWENTY a to propo ett i 1 asythe custom' no vies meats-and ry 4 tf y. 3 vrrt a 1.

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