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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 7

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rv. Philadelphia- Press a letter firom if, John Patrick O'Brien, dated El Paso, tli' an wVieh iaexeeedinslriDterestliurk aa abeeoee from this place for nearir I months, I bare Just returned to El from a visit to the heart of Mexico, lioriaW the State of Chihuahua, Neavo 'Lecf CoLhilo, Dui-ogo, Zacateeas, Gan- r-fato, Jalisco, Sinaloa, Miahsran. San iliui Potoi and the Federal District, in-rinding the capital of the city of Mexico, -tjwhifili have mixed with numbers of the tfffrirf1 people canvassed their opinions 'Mtbeteadine topics of the day. and especially the views they entertain with regard if and his Empire, and Benito jaares. and the Republic.

My deliberate Into ent is that an immense majority of ie inhabitants prefer Government of fonoer to that of the latter. Moreover, I regard the opposition to the Emperor jJsxunilian as feeble in the extreme. True, vtanitn Jnsxex still continues to reside at the dtp I Chihuahua, nominally styli- Ihtk PrtMidont of the EeDublic and I exercisiDg the functions of his office within lbs limits of this State but not elsewhere. Since the 12th. day of October, 1864, then he entered the Quartel of Hidalgo, Aer a rapid flight from the city of Monte-wy, with' Gen.

Gonzalez Ortega and his Battered army in the rear, he has levied up Jithii time, off of the citizens of Chihuahua, to contributions and forced loans, one loilfion and a half of dollars to sustain his dediiuDg fortunes yet there is no foreign minuter, or secretary of legation, or charge1 d'tfiures' from a single nation to acknowledge the validity of his rule not even a count to bid turn good cheer, save Reuben W. Creel, who professes to act in the name pf UOvemment oi un unitea otaies, hot I dtrobt even if his exequatur has been Jj verified in official form. uarez, how-(W, clings to the hope that the Govern-yieotof the Great Republic of the West iriS come to. his support, and by force of antf aid him in driving the French troops jj ifuimilian out of Mexico. In this b-r jaf I am under the impression that he will (Ssappointea.

In the city of Mexico, the recognized rsmUl of the country, some fifteen or Mndms all the rreat leadinr nowers of 'Christendom, (the United States alone ex tfptad) bars signauxed their approval of Emperor, and tU facto and ji wrs the Government of Mexico. TisKepublie of Mexico is a failure a ires, a rcisefable farce, a wicked farce OS Bepublie of Mexico has had a fair tnsi for more than forty years, and it anted abortive it is played out" i INSURANCE. a-ataa! Is! BMW OttliHI. TSIMTCHSTB AMBUAI BTATXXXXT. Da hiwwtng MmI at the Jain ef tkle tan knm-be.

ta paafermlty wtu the reemlrraMate ef the ism. and us JaeisMsiarjM Firs anas Mill aa Elver Blahs i -Alt OS -1 iipiea BUrtae Slake saees Mtatut W4 00 iaUterm BSSiPmlakiiH kf (let Dae. 1m i -tCaatvuiy hmr th foltowlaf B-ak Stack. City. Stata kxmii sr far rraamiaau i to eo ee af CaUaaMoew.

teat Wt aa rand k- tnm tta hooka af Um Coaraaay. a. aaoi kianan, A. BiLOTRER. riaalilaal WETUUScTCtary.

I STATE At statk sr uimtiv U-aa.) ftriah of Qrl CK af Orlaaaa. i ea-aczibae baibra tua ED. T-W eettae ef the reea En MBOMIEa. rM af taa fni-r-h af Oriaaa. -MaaaMana sae ar raaraary, woa.

I CtarcaaUBaa tab-are a-taa te yetlle I 1' ar. and kaa or aa fcy ra, at toe cam I eatf rnBria-v OceWe. Ta Caaip etraea "Ttr-T ffttTTTTTB. rueJiml a a BL WaUUft, Sarretwy. w.

HaU, A. B. Jam. I. F-rlca, am JaaiakCoie, B.B 01N8UEANOE.

kizlaearuc vipji new ism MS- CAPITAL. l.ooe.ooe WtETS. 1.500.000 ui iMarasce Co. ar New xerk. UH MZT- 600.000 Onema, Marina and In nS Blska takea St aa ether flrst-cm Comnanlea.

Vhata tacltahiy ajastod, sad fxomfcry paid In X. TZLL, Agent, 61 Caaap street. MJal Ck I Bg StTwOC. aaaSJS Bona. rHOToasArHic: TV''-" "oa weebl rospectfnny UJeirm hie old -ep that haw ret-Ta, and la nlm-and alone rn the toalnna, and wfll glvabia ti.

at THREE DOLLARS ra eaffl farther notice. a. ABDEBSON. FASSMANN'S Cttoe) Irwai Cotxavw 'w CHEAPBB THAN ROPE. wlgBed kaa rsoeirad the BIB af Lading aad af tha Bbave tmperler Cottaa u.

arrive taalNBre-taa. ardmUabaw PAAawLAHlCj 'a 'tpreae Nwtloe). Vf BUL mt RonTH lamBiMi rr. VreeM laspactfaily notify kls ttiaadaand hpwni av v. s-WtClAL EXPBESa COMFANf.a4ie f''iLw7." aaad farward LETTEBS FAX AGBB and MERC HAST Bsw V-J.

Sk MartiaeviQa. LlTt "ajawa aa the efnee ef Comj aerclal Ba taadmrjaaa4 atreet. aaao-t I wlilS msu Mas oe SB-lt-M 1S.T-M 1 a-wsa i -nnnim im. im ts In i ton ay- S.40B "1 tee, a aa4 Ctts Texae 1 areMT hi ttmrwd, mm oe ee.we as mos ta aa is t.m as AaeetoaJ saM-ai af tte su-mw eansTwa attas, J. VniarraMe, C.

pfei-a. B. W. BtBttajl a Moara. O.


30 aa 321 Hew Leva Street. NEW ORLEANS. At bow reeeiv by almost erery srtifal Boa the North had Wast, a fresh as stock af GROCERIES, SVITASLB rot. WHOICUI- AMD BE Tlilt eaocx-S. AJIKT SOT-EKS, TaXK nostt -Aft ROSES, BOat STOB-f, ABMT AMD HAYY KEStES, l-ABTATIOH lurruEs, eavclt sottum.



Good Au orttst COrrEE-JaraandKio. SOUS KB. OUT. E1 IMPERIAL. XOUBO HTSON.




i. i If .31 eztis y- V1 i ClB Pa SOW.fKBV jstr er 1 1 wtmm. Q-ailflra. i -S t--'; oaaa BlaktA AFAL. ACHICOlrAi -TA.

Tha pilot aaat rouav ravuun a. J- atva. a wtu aa wtu aailfar Ute ebeve port oe MOlf jaT nr Far freight er applr aal a-l attka pra BU sea. ar HEN IT HOBOSa. ai as Blaai3a street.

FOB HATAHA-T-T arat-daaa teak eaffla ekaanar ADELINE. Baas tar. baviac 'laraa partiamaf her caraotaaii, eN lawafor part at aa early ear. baiaax: mt fratrkt or pjaaaye, karinf anrqaalad memmmiaM. eaply ta rot HAVANA To uil with oolftt dUsateta Tka weU kDova Enfliab clipper ecaoonor CONSTANCE.

Peraona. aatw. aarltitT lam aoy. ttaej af bar carta entafed will h-ve qolrk dUpatcL For balaaot ef reibt er pevaafe. karinf fin areata madetienA, apply aa aeexd, eppe ta Bw Market Sec and Blstiict, ar i a co.

mt ise via i aTl-rltfm. FOB FENSACOLA. Ft, I A Tke Sre faat aalHng H.tnt UNITED BTATEa Cap. Bajnta.aliM Part af ker cam cuiih ana eius oa board, will kare ealck dlapatcb. For kaktasa fretpbt arpanaie apply om beard at Beef atartret.

Second Braiat. FOB BRAZOS BANTIABO Pmart only Tka apleadid acbaaaer FLA NET, eariand, ataa-ter. kartaa all her cam iuikL can aocomme date a fcw peAarnarre (or tbo above aort OEO. W. HtNBON A aelS at CaaDpatreet.

Prvldeae. R. A. FOB PaoVIUEniC--OrtaaBS Idea Tbe faataaiUDa- acbaaaer ABSOS EYE. Tewoaeod, asaater.

la new loadtnc barine moat ef her cam eBfeged wlU bar ajck dispatch. pr balonra of rreiait app ta co. a rueuivtv. Jyai SO Camp atreet, corttar of 0 axjaiy aceai. FOB eALVasTOM.iae Al dipper aeboaner MaKINE, Capk June Hillac, bow luadm and will bare quick dMpatck.

For freight or appiy to a Camp atreet. FOB GALVESTON The Una. faat aaUing acbaaaer INDEPENDENCB, Wkltavore. aaaeter. barlnr a lerae port Km af her carco eneae-ed.

will bare qalck dia patch Par balance of freight or pel age, baring fine accommodationa, appry en hoard ar to Jylt T. FEENANDEZ CO. Litvrrawwi. FOB LIVERPOOL The A 1 taataHng Frnr-fan betb MA HQ ST. aenlirb.

meater, baviae part of ber cam enaaaed. will hare aaica For freight or paage, apply to OSCAB BERC1EB 41 and 44 Old Lerae at. GEO. W. HINSON A Salt lot Caaipatract.

FOB LIVERPOOL The sew AI clipper bark HELLESPONT. Bridge, muter, baring wort ef her cargo engaged, will Dare immediate die For balance of freight or poatag a. apply to GCO.W.HIMOB SCO, Caaap atreet. patch. ais FOB LIVERPOOL The Ont claae American bark BO BERT.

Carter, matter, hatlul'y half el her carco enaaaed and rot nr. en boa'd. will bare qalck dfapetcb. For Balance at freight ar paaaage, apply on board at Foot 17, Second Diatrict. or to Caroodetet atreet.

FOB LIVESPOOL-The Ai aew fet eaillac America bark VOLANT, Roiilna, muter, la bow ina. and aarioa? meat of bar cam aaamaed. will haee quick a patch. For balance of freight, air-ply to OEO A ee corner iini ana netcaea en eeta. FOa Tha AI faat aalHng abip RaRBJET.

Dalton. matter. I now loadlna aid will bare a nick dianatch aa above For balance of freight, appjy to i OEO. A FOSDICK. awi corawr ktmp ana Ktuou axreeta.

FOR LIVERPOOL The Al Ameaidan bark ALB1NA. Wafelear, maater, la now reajy to ra-cairacaraa. and will hare immediate dlaoeli li For freight er pa-aare apply ta nui i. 108 Grarler atreet. Or MABCT.

MX89ETT A UaURY, aa30 Brokera. I Ti Orarler street. gT FOR LIVERPOOL The Al epieedid anip r- AET1 AAN Oeorge Pollard, master, baring mwt a aaka of aer cam rnrvred. will hare aaica -t- For balance af freliht er paaaage. apply to ante tiio.

w. hibson, at camp atreet. FOB LIVERPOOL The Al clipper kark Wl WALL. Braak. maater.

Barina most af hr cam anaaasd. will hare oeick dltpatch. For freight er paage, apply to eta, n. aintvn ao: aa Camp atreet Hi FOR HAVRE The Al new rllpear bark 8HARPSB0Ra, Horace Staples, maater, hanag cargo engaged, win neve eulck dM af frelghi lapplyae OEO. W.

-TNSOBJ at Camp street patch. Far art Bab' king! FOB HAVRE The anlandid cliDOer arB Bf BABWARD, Dalaa. maater. baring meet af bar anaai raa. can taaasuu aaiaa rnnan aw roan.

parte For eight ef which, or paseego. appiy GCO. W. HTNSON aall Now TwrB. FOB NEW YORB- Holmes Line of Fackrra The wall known regular packet ship GALENA, BaaaasB Jan.

McNalr. master. Is now reading and will ha Immediately diepeecead. For freight ar steerage passage, aovl to the rapt em en beard. Peat Sft, Third Ulstnct.

ar ta DAVID hUCOARD, al log Comman etreeb FOB NEW TORB-Bega-r Line The new Al bark ADA CARTER. Taylor, master, kertag meat of her careo ens A will Aa va at For balance of freight apply to Sfcu. nmsun a ante at Camp street. FOB fraSTON Regular The reeular packet bark JANE lau, i naeraia. mes- baring most ef bar cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch.

War eaianre or riiTt appi IV to I GEO W. HTNSON Camp atreet. 13 FOB BOSTON Ra ester Line Tbo regular parket bark SCOTLA BU. Demoa. ber ing moat at bar careo enaaaed.

wiU have die- patch. For balance of freUht, apple to mxa. w. HI SON a at Camp atreet. FOR BOSTON BUeular Line Tha aradaaa etieoar acbooner DACOTAH.

Rlcharda. auatar. eas aa as a baring mast af ber careo sngagad, vrlii bare quack dispatch. For balance af freight apply to tJU. W.

IBBOn at salt at Camp street. Hlaafaalppl Deilly amel Wowkxly Otmrtmm. I TBB DAILT AND WEEBLT CLARION is ettll eab-Uaned at MerMmn. Ml aad contains the latest telegrams rtom all pa aa of tba ueaatiy. Ita aiaaaat saa-acript list new a a rasas tha caaMaad drcalation al the Press of iaaiasiprl.

having a circulation In every county that State. It baa bean published for twenty-nme years, and been ooepcaded daring that time bat eight wee be, teeatd by the destruction ef air an ay toe Federal troops aader Gen. Sherman, In Febnaery. 10M. It ta also the Official Journal of the State, tt has a large and Increasing carcaiatlon rn Western Alabama, la Ten.

Bissau. Arkansas and Teaaa. conatltatiag iv one of the best end Bsost profitable advertiatng medleani ta be foand In tbs Botrtksrea. J. J. at CO, SMltora an.i rroprle. Mb. JaJ a 1 rpHE Oldest and Beat Renowned. L. FUSEE.

Jr ex Liberty atrert. New Fork. JlST BBCitirBD A DIES' Morocco, Sewed BOOTEES at SI per pair. ai Gents' Patent Leather Sewed Congress at V) JEST BECEITED A large lot ef Lallea Sne Morocco. Sewed BOOTEES, Psteat Leather rv A very neat and Fasklanabla Dress SHOE Nos.

1 and Bl 00 per pair Noa. 3 and 4, at a I 20 per pair. Also a rey nice lot of rut, 'very Rue French PATENT LEATHEE (French made) CONGRESS GAITERS Silk Elastic and! Core top a very fine shoe at ft to per aalr. SeT Beaten the name and no bar AI0REIS WOOLK 1 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, (T ISO Poydraa. street.

st, jAuas BETWEEN GBAVIEB AND NATCHEZ STREETS i New Orisaais, Lau i CHARLES Manager IS establlehment haa been leased for a term of rears, and la now andereoins now undergoing tbe piete and thorough renovation and repair. It will be Par. nlabed wttfc new Furakure. Beddine. Bed nod Tnbie rao, irw mm 11 Wl rOOB.

rorc tt -led Forconaanienceef catiea and well arranged aea ven- ted nana. It has ao ecpatior in thte city theee tarts -and iantartae of Ita Tab and Exoraaasm. tha managaT sajly asks a trial. The Bar will bo opened aboat tbe flrst af negt asnntlL The Motel will be raaav be tha reaear a as. a nana aa the let of October BreatmaL Jra 106...........

rejaras Street 196 OLD WHlSKET-OLD WHISKET, 1 ym TenN In mtmf. BBU I OLD BTB WBiiKET-10 yaareea ham kbw- Old Bntra WHIBKEV yaareea band. IB Cere n-'" Snoerl Bream i --1 4. 4 -I nwkL reach aad Apple BBNDTk-T yaaraoa hand Old COGNAC a years on hand. i intake famaark auflVt 1 Tftt trarnakend Far eeie ky CBAB E.

ALTCB, lot raidraa atreet 1 VTRmt PROOF RAFRR. 1 i TALENTINB dht BCTLBB'S ALUM PATENT SAFES, with kas i lava laewder nroof leeka, tbe beat and mast reliable at Is lea far aale by tha aaaarrigned. I Also Boms Second Hand aryaired, boagt seld ar eachaaged. i. MSNBI HODGES, errrag.

between Pry drat sad Laarette. as the alietora of. SU. laaac Bridge. Jx-e STEAMSHIPS.

8TAR LINE OF BT13AM3KIPS. FOB BEW TOBB. DIB Cf The aw asd apatadid aide-wheal ateeanahlpe MOBBI5 STAB, kvna, Belaoa, EVEBUfS STAB, sots tona, urnns- star, aaaa MOBTBJ STAB, aoot tena Joae, Co a flder. NORTHERN IWHI, aoag tosa Weir, Coaamaadar. BtaDf STAB, ssm tooa.

BelLmimAiiaee. The aew aad tret-clam acre ateamehipa UNITES) STATES, 19 Share. Cot aauader. HA-BJPOkA. MOO tans Howaa.

Cammaa-er MOBTERET. law Comman dec The new and magaiilcent aide-whea kstramiblp QUIDINQ STAB. (asoa tens,) Berry. Coramaadat. wtll leers the Companys wharf, front of Jackson Square on SATUBDAT, Sept 1Mb.

at F. Bf precUely. The Lme hi composed af tha largest and mast elegant steamships which hare crer been built La this country far any home Una- They are In every respect fitted lot ocean err ice and the roots oa which they run. Their passenger accommodations are not esceliee. ky those ap on any ether ateamera ta the world.

PASSAGE, la side-wheel ships, let tm ad Cable S4 In screw ships, 1 Freight win be received at the Company's ararehouae, opon their pier, at all times daring baainess hoars, aad the Company la rates for fxeigbi will rlways a made aa aw as any other Una. For freight or paaaage apply to 1. BL COUBTENAT. Agent, aa ee ly Carondelat straeV FOB NEW YORK. CBOMWELL'S NEW TOBB AND BIS ORLEANS RTBA-SHll LlMat.

The eteaaiaalM of this line will are aa teilowe STAB OF THE UBIOB. Blancl rd, Satarday Aag. 14 FUNS SBUET. Cap. Hildretli Sept.

t. GEO. CBOMWELU, Capt. Satarday. Sept, t.

OEO. WASBJBOTOB. Cap. Oager. Saturday, Sept.

lg. At o'clock A. BL These eve amahlpe are t-claas. and therr paaaaaga accaauaada a are sot eipeaai 4 by any others Jn the trade. They are af light draft of water, aad la variably Croat the bar wtthoat detentio Neither the awaere nor raptalne af tbeee will be reap op alkie for jewelry, boliloa, predoa Ovw er platod ware, er for aay letters, packages ar par-cela, seat ky or pat oa board of them, anises regular bills af lading are taken for the same, aad tka ralee I Fw freight or ige apply be ALFRED MOOLTON.

41 Caraadeiat FOB VESA CBOZ VIA HAVANA. STEAM TO VESA CBUZ VIA HAVA- NA- The America- and Maicaa MAU teams Mp Company will diapatcb their new and el eg an aid e-wheel Steamrra tram Hew Tork, commencing Jane la, aa fallewa MANHATTAN, Capt. B. W. Tamer, an the lth af each montk VERA CBUZ, Cask.

BL M. Oregery, oa the 1st ef each month. For particulars Inquire af CHAB A WRITNET. Agent. JyT Sat as Bread way.

New lark. AtJaaUe mm Bllaalaatpsl aVta aaahlp Vwas laaya Umllrweul mt HtsManars, CABBTINS TBB U. 8. MAlf FOB BATCHES, ICRS BUR MEMPHIS, CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS Oae of the following aMsnlccnt eager ateaiiiera will laave Na Piles in for Cairo and St.







F. TABOR. Passenger and Shippera can depend an tha regular as partura of this Una ef boats an advertised an. Beam will leawa on the even days of Aaguat, odd days of Sep tern ber. end add doye of October.

This line will give through Bille of Lading to points 6n the Ohio Elver; to Cincinnati by rail or river from Cahre To Louis Title, New Albany, Evansvilie, Mount Vernon, Fadncah, and Intermediate ndlngu. Te Naaaville aad all landings en the Cumberland River. To Cast port and all landings on toe Tennessee River, making direct connection with the Blear T.aas pertatloa Company at Cairo. Te Chicago and Dunlalth. via Illinois Central Rai'roed Pa aw ngi re dealroaa of stopping eft any pots on arrest can procure Lay Over Ticket at the elBce oa each boat, giving them a choice of twenty end steamers te eon am us their passage.

Btabs-raoma can be engasred. and through tic beta pea enrod to ail principal pomia, ny applying at tha asset, mSie JNO. t. BOB, Predent JNO. N.

BO PTES EB. Sopt-B. BV' PEG RAM, Agent, 104 Common street, opposite City Hotel. mkil-tf RAILROADS. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS BETWEEN Niw Orleaan and natern Cltlan.

THE GREAT BROAD GAUGE ATLANTIC AND GREAT W3TEN 3 RAILWAY Is now pen and running two daily fast Express Trains from CINCINNATI TO NEW TOBB, and all Eastern cities. Passengers te the East win tnd tb Is a moat desirable roota. The equipments of this road are not sorpaaaad an this continent Elegant Palace Bleeping Cara accompany all night traits, an Smoalag Cars on all trains. Ample time IsaUoweo at regular hoars for tho-nnBroksn Bread trauga. witboat change aSersta passengers a degree at apeed, security aad cam-fort not to be lound on any at ber mate.

Connections vie Cairo. St Leo is Bud Chfrag i tor thia roota B'S certain, and also ennnectioaa for PitmbarS, Palladeipbia. Baltimore aad Wsshlegton. Tickets ran he bad and Beaguge checked tb rough at all irripocant aAotbwrvtera Otticeo For farther terms on a a through Tickets, apply to B. B.

FEGBAM, Office of the Atlantic and Mississippi Stenmablp 104 Common street, N. 0. D. McLARKN. General Sepertntendent.

E. FULLEB, General Ticket Agent, ISAAC PA TT. General SouUweatarn Agent. aa 3a rGMMIuurti-lM KaOIroa-U SFBINO AND SUMMBB ABBANGEMENT. i Fare andfreea the Lake, aaaaa day, SB cants Ta Gea Oily StarAon, Uceataenck way.

Oa and after SATUBDAT. 1st April, larjg, tha Trata wmraaaafe-awat From City End and o'clock A. Horse Car. From Lake End. it eNciock A at St'm Train ate a om Tram.

I Wit, IS a a a M. P. M. 1 It 4s. aia Bi P.

M. is SaV Paasengere for Gentlily must aotily too Conductor etotk loaepartmrsof tna train. PANDBLT, SuperiBten rnk mhJl I infeeia Oastrsl atsJlFwnw FABB BEDOCED TO NEW TOBB-T CK TWO DaILI TRAINS rtsaa freaa Cnlro ta Mow Ta Time from Caire to Bmtaa days aad Bears. Far Throngk TV-kats and furtkor tniermaaloa apply t-wewsy-tP-tLX AETH Bapertnt aa I aat. ilnaga W.

F. JOHJiSOBI. 'limit Asank. rhlraea BL BL PMBAaf. Aaenk, -t tot Csaanten atreet, apyoaiu toe City Hotel.

Hew Orianau a B. ft. ONGLBV. aa' tf Banwel Bastkam Bgsnt, BowGrlaana, v- dTlMrn- OftfaftnA TABA CHEBOOTB VlHV'UIJ loe oou eaaertad Igar Lm UmaiA, Bltl-ca and ethor fnrartta araada. Feraaleky T.

SBAIIaE IQake arsing and evening, apoa me amvat at saw aimnna ana Manas i il Bteaamhip Omapaayn Bints frees New Or- aaasymskrag Alma iianaei tuna ant nil -aea Bliatial a WOravierav. OTEAMgHIPa, FOB MEW ATLANTIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPACT. Te tall en SATUBDAT, isth at F. Bt FOB HEW TOBB. -Tba eptemUS Al MATANZAS.

(tSOOtona.) Wna. laatgang, Caaiamadar, win leave her wharf. Foot 14. First District, foot of St Joeeph atreet, aa above. First Cabin For freight er paaaage.

having superior accommoda tions, apply ta JAB CONNOLT A Agents as Poydraa atreet. Agents at New Term LI vTNOSTON, FOX alt 141 Broadway. fOB KEW TOBK. CBOMWBLL'S NEW TOBB AND NEW ORLEANS STEAMSHIP LINE. Te sail on SATUBDAT, at A.

M. FOB NEW TOBB-Tbe fast rateaeaehip GEORGE WASHINGTO St. V. Caawr, Csrarakader, will leaaa her wharf, foot of Toaloaaa atreet. District, aa above.

Flrat class cabin paaaage, gto. For frelfht or paaaage, apply ta ALFRED MOOLTON, alO 41 Carondelet acreet. FOB NEW TOBB. CROMWELL'S NEW TORK AND NEW ORLEANS STEAMSHIP LINE. To aan oa WEDNESDAY, W.h at a A.

M. FOB NEW rORJL The faat and tavdrita steamship B. B. OUYLER, Dolla'rd, Commander, wUl leave ber whart foot ef St. jeeeph atreet, Flrat D- trict, aa above.

First Cable SO For freight or passage, apply to ALFRED MOULTON, sis 41 Carondalet FOB NEW TORE DIRECT. COMMERCIAL STEAMSHIP LINE. FOB NEW TOBB, DIRECT The iplen- Al ataamehty OlaATJOUS. (aouo tons,) i J. W.

Godfrey, Commander, now loading and will have patch For freight ar peeeege, apply ta GEO. W. HTNSON as Camp street. FOB LIVERPOOL WEST INDIA AND PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL FOB UVEBPOOL The Al steamship TALISMAN, B. Cheaoweth, Commander; i la now ready to receive cargo, aad will hare Immediate dispatch for the above part, FBOB MOBILE, ALA.

Capacity 1300 bales For freight or passage apply ta FOWLER, STAN ABU A CO. Agenta, Mobile, Ala er to O. GRAHAM A aia Itt New Orleano. Axes Axea Axea, LOZEN HONT'S AXES 50 60 doien SHARPS' AXES. TAYLOR CHORCHILL, For sale by Hardware Deelera, 41 Megeatne atreet, opposite new St.

Jamea HotaL Tha Bastaa Faat, Kr k.NOWN ta the whole coaatrv as the anweverlng ad rara'e of DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, man and measures far nearly forty years tbo constant sappnrter of State Rights in tbc Union, and now the advecate af the tpeedy restora'inn ef nil tbe Statee to their constitutional reetlatia aa members ef tbe Federal Goverament, asks tbs attention ef Southern citlaens to its roe use Is to furnis a them with copies at the foilovring rates the fbiloaring rates -Bio per anas BO aTOH fOBT-llaily Sio eonnm. i Semi 4 Weekly i i Ttie Post sparee no eapsnee rn its telegraphic reports its correspondence, and in its general arrangements for news, tbat it may furuisb its 'eeyiers tbe earliest and tallest mlormation on all euj, com mere al. po-Utirai. ntiscellanaoaa and Uterary, foreign and damaattc. lo be obtained.

It desires to renew the intercomee with Ita Southern friends tbe war la'errutrL and ta extend its etrcu tarioa wherever Ita Damorratle and Conaervaare advoency of tba equal ngbia of tbe aretes and tna perpe-Loitr of tbe Dbion avav render la accentalhe Aovertiasmenta, which will be Inserted at reasonable rates, are alao ao'inteo. BEALS, REESE A CO. Fabllshere. 40 and 44 Congress street. an i a 3m B.

Fralcbla tt Mew Vgrk. TTR RIGHTS to New Tore, In first-class steamers, taken A at low rates, it appnei tor anon Apply to HA TVE8 A BOWED. Ship Brokers. 4W Carondelet. car.

Union street. aft tf Acaaey af Ala Br wary. 4 Bt. Loaia, Mo. HEBBEB A FORNEB announce that tney keej eonstantiy on hand a large stock at this celebrated PORTEB AND PA LB ALB.

brewed by JOBN W1LLIAMSOB St. Lee la in pac knees to suit caatomtaa. ire aa a eail. aa as Slen villa, near Ckartr ear a eie pee)eiB) 'Meets. rp BOMAS McELROY wlU.

en aad after tha let of September, receive orders tram tbe TRADE tor FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL GARDeN and FLOW ER SEEDS, Growth of ten. Mr the Fall Bad Spring Trade Correspondante will meet with Btt-nrlen. Write for prices. THOMAS McELKO I Seed Grower and Importer, aul 3m Jl Pine street. Haw Bork LOUISIANA HAT MAMJFACTOUY.

B. F. DUNN A WHOLESALE DEALERS AMD MAN UFACTU BEES. H9 CGBSBaaa atreet. arri A large and general assortment of a MEN'S- BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FUB AND WOOL HATS, constantly en hand and for tale low.

Hate made to order. Orders prcenpUy attended to. aad Uel Fteacsi Stnatm nu 79- 74 FHJLIPPB FORGET, PROPRIETOR. Furnished Roams, Board the aaonrb and tte 109 week. Planters will arrays) And well Fambod fteoma mt tha Ir lilamaltion.

Wad. ding Brag rhr-asenitia Dinners, ate rarnlahad at tb bores as w.el.a J. ntm fferel dk Corner ef Jackson aad Boa aaaaa ste. end B8 Magazine at. O' FFEB for sale a general aaaortment of GROCERIES receiveo from nrss oa oa.

am as toe rrlcaa. Will be and are receiving addlUoaal erock af au Inda of goods In nor line. ceU the attentioa ef retail stores and the trade la gneraL They will Snd ear wt--ri Infrrlar tononr In tte merkrt. Oar stor ef Floor te ante rive, both ef family an, i trade brana a. SO I Te Flu tore navel fflerefc ate.

MEBSRa. PHELPa of eareve-ert. La. kaeing tao PRINCIPAL COTTON WABEdODSE tbara, are prepared to Recarre and forward Cotton and atercban-diarTm connection with their GROCER I aad COMMISSION BDSINESS We sloe kava several Mrbt draft llnal I ire ranadas between the etty end Sbreveperk. Bbipvnenta to en aer aaaaa wua raw 1 'a-- Advancea made and charees paM on woaig.

a ta HARLOW J. rHELf Cg teurynm free) Beaieelry. w'o'iLtis'i Joan OeddaoL Jos. A. hakspenra.

GBUI iT factere WaUrDATa, evSLS, it DvaHBTS Mach CelBnvte eb Ctu Bos to infarm tnehr caatemsie that tney a II aon-ane tbe anaaatartara ef then- variewe etylaa nf FAMILY AND TOILET SOAPS, STARCH and CANDLES, Pikrs carraat forwarded ay wall en appBcetmn. COLGATB A CfA," eaim Noa.taadUJokaaL, Me lorkV asc earm aamww aa avsnnB anginaa, wvjaav rnea. MiU eadwtn Gear a. Co aaaak WaaSTBSB. aa lr 0T2AMBOATSe LOW FT asSURB STB SM FEB fa -are am SUBDAT.

it, aw taw arrrrai oa j.I ana fm BL a FOB AtOBlLB Tka new am4 ba FBANOE8. T.Ferbee. wfll For freight ar paiiiai apply aa I. ft waaara mBieiaMBMast' B-Freigbt wlU be reeetvad at tke Fsntcaartrara Bel road Satarday uatll 6 BL Bllla lading wltt aa elgaai at the arnca anMl a P. kt.

Bleklte. FREDA. 1Mb fnnt- at P. Bf. FOR MOaiLE Theftna mwaan lr.

et CHEROBEE, J. Hopkiaa. maaurJ R. Edwaroa, clera. will la ava OBaejeve on tbe a o'clock BL.

Ponlcaartrala Vuz mini mi of For ft elaht er paaase. aoelv to BiBNOTT A. HITB, ai4 IS Coma al Place. Learea an WEDHE8DAY aad BATDBDAf" at a P. te anaaa.

poR MO BILE AN INTERMEDIATE IpJ rw-aJT'n ndinge- The megniiceat Lake pan ingsr A steamer MAOMOI.IA. M. Evertdge, man rtrr, WUl lenve esaaevs, every WEDNESDAY and SaT-UBDAt, on the amral of the a BL PoatchertraiB cars, for ail tbe Watering Pksces an her coarse to Mobile. Ad freight far landlnns the Coast moot be prepaid at i aaur i. rrwiab, or awrsasv bmhv aa JOHN A.

STEVEHSON, Solo Agent. ans-tf Front au eat Tlcksearg. Leaves erety a ATCIUAr. ast vTCBSBDaer AND WBEK.LT PACKET LOD1S D'OR CHEMKY JOaNBO.t Master. Tfck) magnlScent ansetnger iraamw wlU wave as anore tar poaaiaeaamie, riaqae- mine, rert Hadeon.

Baton oasv. Bans 1 art Adams NatcUe Wuttruraal Sr. Jaw rob BLna. ney. Grand Go f.

Warren ton. New Carthage and Vicks- ourg ror ircagns or unssaaa appiy to CELLOS GOODWIN, sr warn aav- ins Lpsit U' win tats rreignt and pmiangera for Msmpbls and Yazoo silver, with prlvilrge of resalp-ptngan fiiat class purketa at. Vtckabarg. iblpaera caa rely apoa ber remsiaisg in the trede perensntly. sl4 Leavea everv SaTORDAT.

at o'clock. RFGQLeR VICBSSLRG WEEBLT PACBET-Tbemag lncertpacketi uiuia us. vneney jonnaoa. as above for Vicksborc. New Csrtbase.

Warren- ton, Grand Gn.f, Rodney, St. Joaeob, Wetarpraof. Matches, Port Adama, Baysa Barn. Baton Roues. Pert Hud son, Plaqnemiae, Uoiialdren villa aad alt intermedia ta lanainga.

for ireigtipor pwsage epom on boars, or te SINNOTT a HITB i lit Cammerrlal Place. The Louis D'Or will take freight aad passengers for Memphis end Fasae River, with privilege ot re shipping oo first -class packets at Vict abnrg. BaF Shippera caa rely on the Loala D'Or rematnlag la tbe trade. alt VICBSBUO AND NATCHEZ WE CELT PACBET. FASHION PR Master Leavea every SATURDA1.

at F. BL I ns marwoceae peas Beer weamer FASHION. Pratt, maater. Shear aad 8 rater, clerks, will leave as above foe Ooav tiosui Piaqnemlno. Port Hudson, Baton K.iu ee.

naeon nam, rort ra net, ware-proof, at arpo. Kodney, tfrand ttul', arrests new ternnaga. ana icAsoarg. or treigna or passage appry to D. CAB ROLL Agonia, as tf UaGravterst aaet.

Lseeee everv SATUBDAT. at P. run vicn-aauitu. golf. Hodaey.

riatcaex, rort Adams Hog ruint, Horganza, Bayou Sara, Baton Rouge, ria QBsmiue. iwnaidsonvllie aad all intermediate Coast lads- Inge Tbe new and aw I ft running aids wheel steamer FASHION, P. Pratt, aaastar, K. L. Snaw Chariee Grater, cictks.

ieavee regularly daring the esmon above. For freight or paaiage epBtp onboarc, or to A. BrTiTON, N-. Front atraat TITUS A 6WARTNET. tft Tchnnpi'oalas street, WOODRUFF BUTLER.

IT and 19 New reaJ BaF The Fashion connects with the fine aide when teamer Beeeccat learn tf tor Meaphb and the Bends oa Lcavas Every TUB-DA, air. KL In piaoa of tka ameamer oaa REGULAR TUESDAY. PACBET. Fat Hatches aad au antraaedlsht ne Bna AiTONA, John) WeeUoik, me air, Goo. A.

Wil. caera, wtu Isave regularly earing caa aaaaa For freight or passage apt ly on board, ar ta bt ot aaeeage apfly on bonrg. ar ta JOHN A. STEVENSON, Agwnt, Be. Fteat eui L.

BATHT. Bieevrne etreet, mt ttafaa ee BBITTON, Ag-nV TFiwntatiaeC fSwnsMi fkav BEGULAB BAYOU SABA AN FT. ADAMS PACBET TWICE A WKk. FOB BATOU SARA. PORT HUDSON, ton Range, Flaqaemrne, Dwasklseu villa.

a au inserm ooiate i mod loan The pn. aaiiger teamer LFODRCHE, nrown, set or, tv MONDAY and eaves oneane resrn tir itUMuii, as a ar. entendinf bar Tharaday tnp to rotnte t-eupee nag rort Returnlne. leavea Baron Bam even TUEBDAV. at la and SATUBDAT at 10 A coming dawn the Coast an oayugot.

AO com Knee on inuuut at nepxa anorr. J. FAGACD.Advertlaing Agent. as--tl BT Common street. every MONDAY at F.

AL. and FRIDAY a A H. a FOB BATOU SABA FORT HUDSON. IpJ Rouge, Plaqaamina, Do naidsen rills mT I Lea all harm, alafca aiflaa. mm aa Tbe new aad epaendid paaaeenger pec kark NINA 8IMMES, W.

B. Great beuea. maaeer. Loe Bayhl aa Geo Trozler. rleits wlil leave at above.

roes wince aw MONPAF. Sept-etb 1 Far fielght ee ftaeanam apotv on board oe to i TtTUS A GWABTNEY, I as lm IB Tchoapttonlaaet. BEGULAB BAYOU, SARA FACBET TWICB A FOB BA YOB SABA. PORT HUDSON. Baton Boon.

Plaaoetnme. Deaeideonvilie. end ell intermetfiatr landings The pi tarn -ATIONAL. V. B.

Baranco. master, a. D. our. clerk, learea New Orleans rearntariv arere TCEB- DAY at 5 P.

and every SATURDAY at 10 A HetoTTjina. leaves Bavou Sara everv WEDNESDAY at M. and every SUN DAY at a A. cominar down the coeat In eaytlgbt. ao rummance on an i uhuai.

aept. to. i For freight er paeeage apply on board, or to CELLOS A GOODWYN, I SIS tf AT CaaaB as afiesk J. PAGAUD, Adver tiling Agent, Common street, 7 BZ6ULAR BAYOU SARA PACBET. TvaiCat a artg, FOR BAYOO SARA.

PORT HUDSON, Baton Rouge, Plaqaemtne. intermediA to lanainga xne ne atita am sije- wheal steamer 1 BABATOQA. Samuel Ay Ire. maraarfer. learroe New Orlanna lariy every TLE8DAY.

at 6 and every DAT, at 10 A Rstnrnina. leavea Bayou, Sara every MONBAY THL'RBDAT, at A Si Baton Boage every M. DAY and TH0BSDAY, all A coming down coast in dayiiebt. TocommenceoB SATUBDAT, Sept. 9th.

taM. Tbe Saretwa will ran pertpanently thrnnihont 1 For fre'snt and pea. are. appir em board, ar bo i TITUS A GWaRTNEY. Aseuia, 1 15 Tcbaapt w.m street, or to WOODRUFF, BDTLER CO a IT ana is New Aovae etriett ADA MS EXPaEHS COMPANY.

GREAT NORTHERN, FXPBEBS EASTERN AND FOBWABBERB WESTEBN Capital, S3.OOV.0vO. Office in Near Orleane No. SI' Carondelet, eoroer of Common Street. HIS utd aad reliable Company is now running a Daily Express to all parts of the United Siat-e and Can- ades They hare opened officee et Gnlvveton, Haosten, Brownsville, Ben Antonio, and other points in Texan Connect at New York artth WELL8, PARGOaCOvw CALIFORNIA EXPRESS, nad wltk tbe -SEAT EU ROPEAN PRESS COMPANY for aU yarU Europe i Money. Vainah-a Packsgaa.

parcels and Freight, of aU deacnpi Ions, carried, through in the qOlCBEST POSSI BLE TIME. Freigbta taken at very low rates. Far rartber parties tars, inqalra at the Compeayli Office, 1 Carondalet street, A. LOCBWOOD. AgeaR -A.

8. BLASE, Bntwrfafondont. no31-lta Braaa-ee. Pherrrten. Ferte, (.

20 CAFES "Godard- BBANDIES 16 Seignetra" IS Leget Freree (( 10 Ik pipse New fork so It casks SHE RnUES variooegTadae so j( PORTS. lo ai PORTS rery olA sad fruity let, MADEIRA WINBi dml)ohee (a tallebar Wetthn OM Beeerve i 5 MAOEIBA. Foreala bys, B- HALL, 7t etnrawetreek. Old FJeareea. and' Bye Waiakeye.

3U BBLB OLD 8O0RBON WBISKETi I Miiier'e tf. v. Sana Old le OM Meewngeneln Tar sale low by H. HALL, TT Grarler street. 1 PUNCHEON OLD JAMAICA- aw 7- 1 SANTA CBUE.

i For tale by H. 6 favler etreet. I'; JTreeh reaeBee la LOO CASES BALTIMORE PEACHES so pints JELLIES and JAMB For tale ay H. r- -i -yg aad Seheet Slaktee. aaad Mar I aad lull Mamta a A.

Taaaaaod Bntaan Tape, Fkw aba, Cbaaa ni.IlarA Tama Beda. Black Roarda far kaaad aartaciaaaaldeef S-te aad Mai4a. Oidsre receiret ky JAB C. JAyiiatw, Mew Yarn. I atTteaauer Da haVll ePaaPaaeaL.s Al-ABTIC AND Migsjssirri stsumsbip COati v.eertw.

aw mm mdj mSU, ata -ua "5T a rOI ST. LOUIS, Ai8 twnuaui paenrar stenmor LSVLtTaAjr. A. J. Cae- in, aa.

aiaiaaii, can win kasva at above. For brignt or poaaase. apply a board ar B. PXflBAili Agent, 104 Cantmsn atraat. rbraegb ticker, to nil Northern nnafS-wsnd-maa SATUBDAT.

tbe lath mot. at a r. f.f"Va, roast Louis, caisx mempbtb. Baii.e, DaBaldaaavlle and all Intorm aaiaso iaanir, (isKevi, Sana aasn, aUSIIITA. It Saratsw.

maalai 1. BL OVaae.r dark aall 'eve aa akova. For freigkt ee a a nee apply an board, ar BaiTTON. sgsakj i- Pre at street. Learee en SATURDAY, lath tnat-, at P.

BL. UNXtiCALED FOB SPEED AND COMFOBtI J. THE 8UPEBIOB PASSBBGBB sau.aaa7j7 TtV A era a 7' An. 1 -Swltaet. master; John B.

Waaverr Jerk, WIU leave far St Louie. Calm aad iH aa ahwvc. With the rallreada fee aB BoaatoMortk aaad Boemt caa be aecarsd by applying to 'J JOHN A. STEVENSON. mi IT i Front MERCHANTS' AND PEOPLE'S LINE.

Leavea en 8CNOAT. ink at ie tg. FOE ST LOUIS. CAIRO. MCasPfrtW and aU Intsimedleli ndlnaS Tka aglea- pa.

w- k.i FattL. Jan Allen, maater, P. T. Barke, lerfc, will leave rer migns or eaaseai nppty oa JOHN A. STEVENSON MERCHANTS' AND PEOPLE'S LINE Leneee an MONDAY.

ltk at a BL'" run ST. LOUIS, CAIRO. MEMPHIS. ana all lartarriardlate lenrilaee The anion, did patBtagti etsamar M. MEPHAM.

maater. M. OauluL elark. anil laara aa Per freight or paiaaga mtmtr on board, arse -JOHN A. STEVENSOH.

Agent, sis sroi ifcatreeu. ATLANTIC AND MISSISSIPPI STEAMSHIP COM PANY. Leaveeen MONDAY, lath Inet.attP. M. -e (T7 aroa' ST.

LO0IS.TAIRO, MEMPHQL Natcbes, Baton Bmige andaif la ndinge The new an A inciMufl peaaenarer aaamar riuunE hkiii.i. ogh ai ara hi te, maater, Hegop. clerk, arlli lenre as above. imiaaw paa see apurr en soars er ee n. at.

rHKlB, Agent, 104 Commoa street, apposite City Metst. nWThrough ttckets toeil Nertnera and Faelsaa liHaa aoidat the Agent, omen. ma am lanarkoan MERCHANTS' AWD PEOPLE'S -Leneee aa MOB DAY, lata Inat-. aa a as ru ST. LOOIS, CAIRO, MEMPMIB.

Vlcsshorg. Natenea, Baton Beage, Ftoqee. mine, onaiasonruie ana en intnrmadlaaa landinsn. Tna new aad aaiendld naaaniaai MAGNOLIA, Goo Cable, maater. Cheek.

trader. tiers, wtu arere as above, rer irelgnt ar paaaaga apply a wmv JOHN A STEVENSON. Agent, Front etreet. al4T Leereeen FRIOAY. lth msL, at p.

Bt STEAM EB H.A. HOMETERJ r.LARRE. Master. fT5v n. BAioa LVfAleBaBdria, Norwaa'e Barsu Sara, Baton SaaBBaaweaak Rang-, Plequemtne, and all way Uu Coast.

Fat freight or paaaage apply on boar er te tsiaiwi aouuvwis. 014 B7 I Leavaatan FRIDAY, utk last-, eg i P. Bf. STEAM a A AKANTU J. C.

VVaNGARD. Mi FOR MHX VtfOBT, OKA BAIOO. urana Ecare, Aiewanana ee. man's. Barbln'a and all waar laiihusw or -tight ot tisane, apply on boed, erta aVim WUDsnu SM Tchaeplwj-lm atraet.

(INNOTT HiTE, CentnteerJal Ftoee The Amaranth gives through billa lading to Saaaeve-pertyanai atnnda AM in tbe laaurence emcee af thia city. Leaves en FRIDAY. I6tk In k.atBF. M. STEAM EB AMABANTH-J.

WIMGABD, Maater. FOR BHEEVEFORT, GRAND BAYOU, Campte, Grand Ecore, Cotile, A snndrio. Eroranaa-a, pareiv ama mt iinetmseieta For freJgbt ernaetage, apply on bear A or aa fHB 11, WlLBaJIkl aGO, BUY Learea on FRIDAY. 1Mb a 8 P. M.

FOB SHREVEPORT DIRECT-The rtme and new light draft pa vara per A- D. Clarke, setae, wul are aa above, tor Shravrpott, Grand Bayon Gmnd cure, senpto, Aaaadrka, and mil way fr S' oa Bed BIrac For -eight er paamow, nppip ob boaid, ar so amnui tuim. am is Commercial Place. tear She te now receiving freight at toot of Common Learea en FRIDAY, 16th at ML STEAM KB AMA BAN TH- C. WINGARD, Wawter.

fT a a. BOB SHBEVEPOBT.GBAND BAYOU. If' Campte. Grand Ecase. Cotiw Aieuodria, afiia.

anal i BsrMn'a, and all way landings. Pot freight paaaage appry on bo, rd. or to JOHN A. STEVENSON, BIB Front Leaves oa SATUBDAY. isth tnat, at f.

m. a f'nW' THE FINE A Sbravrporv Grand Bayon Gi THE nn AND NEW LI9HT DR. APT packet steamer HOMEYER. J. Bter, win atare as above tar port.

Grand Bayon Grand Ecore. Canrotn. Alen. andraa and all term aviate I iHage en Bed Bavar Far faadgbg er paaaage. apply on board, or to JOHN E.

BIOS A BIS Sl Natekes She now receives freight at tka toot ot Commoa' g-eet. Leaves on SATO BAY, ltb a a P. BL STEAMEB vAMARAKTH-J C. W1NGARD. Maater.

ruat SHaLEVEPORT.GaaVNU BAYOO. Campte, Grand Bears. Alexandria, Bar-bin 'a. and all way Far traiant as passage apply en board, or to A. BBITTON, Arent, elS 7 Pront eueek.

Leavea oa SATURt'AY. loth last at M. THE NEW LIGHT DRAFT STEAMEK 'MAXTIE COOB, Sidney Smith, maater. BieeUonea. clerk, will lesre smttlvelv mm abore lor Jr Hereon.

Shreveport and all intermedaaa Inr oa Bed River. Per freieht ar paa Bare apply aa BaaraL at tbe loot oi Bienville or ta ICLLOB at el3 ST Common street. LBveeew SATUBD4.Y. Iwth Inat. ait bt.

FOa JCtriKauN. SHRSVBPORT. Grand Bayoa Gram aVerv, fAiexaodria. aad all ear landman aa Bed CU raa out light draft pssacngrr peckrt UENkY'A. HOMEYER.

J. Clarke, master, will cava aa above. rerfielgktot laaaegB. eppty on beard.oy te- J. v.

ntitOml ana a Aganta. '4 a TcbeapMou ma atreak. Tbe Homer er stands Al wita ah iaaar. ence ofticra of this city, end draws only is inches of eater ogni. esives snronga au an nnrevoport.

Learaa oa SATURDAY, iwtk at a P. at a fSw FOR SHREVEPORT. SUA Giaad Ecore Cotllr Barbtn'a and aU FOE IHbt VEPORT. GUANO BaIOU. Atexundrin.

ibuiii avw, a uu. rwwDew BBEara UNA. H. Re-logg, merter, C. A.

Petroric. dor, arlll leave aa above. For freight or asaaaei apply oa bonrd. to JOHN D. WIL BAN KB a COL, Agents.

It a sac kite River-Leavra an BaTURDAB. itwh at o'clock F. M- rva xunioji anu KSae. lift draft packet Yl M. BUTLER.

akaJobn W. Tebtu. ma-tar, P. Work- tt-uae. cierk.

will leave as a sore tor tbo muoartnc a sa in (a Monroe. Pine Blurl, Columbia. Harriaonbairn. Trinity, end all li.termedmte Bdinea on Black Bivoc. Far freight or paaaage.

apply on board SINNOTT A HITE, 16 Commerciol Place. T'io Wh BCTLEB takes the Hare of tbe NINA SIM MI 8. and wiU sign toronga Mile af lading to Trenton bin: Monroe. all RierLAR ooachita pacref. Leavea on TOEaOAY.

Iptb at a P. M. ll FOR ALABAMA LAHOIRtt, OBiaww. ImSZiyfTtnUm Tbe tew water pssw agw packet clerk, will leave as above for the fO'lewiog; landinaa: Alabama Lend Monroe, Trrana veneina. Harriaonbars.

irnuty ona au- i 'ar la ndinae Hirer. For fretabt or iaee bmrd. ar to N. 4 WILSON A Avata, 6u Canal etreet Tbe Campbell aid give ckar bills at lading te Monroe and Trenton. al sal as every oi e'lT-ftr a.

'OR Sao Hirat irae as abore fori Laaras every SATOROAT. at 8 P. BL, rWHTUKTlUS All If BIOKUE me Heat drat parkas BUTLER. ToOtn. mastar, f.

Work, rk. tbe fntiowinar rsavllnesr Monroa. rtne Bind. Columbia, Hmrtaonbnrg. Trinity and all inter, mediate ndinge oa Black Barer.

For er pa laage apply an board, or to JOHN D. WILBANBS A CO. Aetata, antr itn Tcboapitoaias a rort. P. TbeWm.

Bat lor tefcee tke pieeo of tke Niae Slmmee and a iu sign through htlie ot lading to Trenton ana Monroe. SATURDAY, air nlTirsnni aieta No antte qk aJ fine light draft packet WM SUTLER. Z--John W.Tohin master. G. wiu wave ns above for tee teOawln glee einge Msaiai, Pino BianT.

Coiumkia Harrisoabarg, Trt'ilty, end nd m. teimtilieie In n-lnev on Black River. For trwWfc er pop kfatF en Board et le ta fTsaamarr I Place. P. -The WE BUTLER tkes tLc piece cf the NINA SIMMES and will sign through fciiia ef lading ge Tienton and Monroe.

Opeleaiae every WEDNESDAY, at P. ST run Watniaoiux, Fert Berre. aoa all tntormediote tandtaga Can-tabaa and Alrkemlarn tr lue tine eteemer CLEONA erul laare as above Returning wfll leave Washington ereiy Sendey atere-, nt iwo'etock. Tke Cleons an aatlra new neat and Ing. eacelieat cabin accmoaodatne Far freight er apohr on n.

apply on bears. The Cana wlU take fretgat i low aa any other ataer eoea. litakaa Leavea ee FRIDAY. lo tnat a P. FOE AXTAA A rte lot tn IB I ar! An Irani k.

wiUleeeamabeyrlar vtlie, t-ntreviliev rnmmfz? mm ail inamaatdkw-a leBdlsga. For arelekt and tuaiaas. aeeiy ea totrn, aw Bmavil- street, or te ILAEDTi ml ka-a-rnrn Be dUtWw aeF ln Howard. above Ibawnaar City, Patterean I Sana. Be.

Msawavo 1.

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