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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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th bias with a trail party at his supporter. Unofficial reports that there ar 4.00 loyal Carrees Soldier standing by him and that li Mr egalaat tit revolutionist art not credited Urf. Aimiu of th Mealraa reolutionteU lata this afternoon received Information ram Vara Crus reiterating that Omarai Candida Aguilar, eoa-ln-Uw of Ueaeral Carrara, who commended Cerranse'a troops at Vera Crus. wit killed and that several members of lh fugitive 'resident's party had likewise beea killed. Thia telegram rarrid aabmg-to from Vet Crus Via, Tampico.

atrewnevlll aa! Sea Antonio, mm rvad: hliurt reach Antonio from firownavUl ta (ha effect that information waa received at Tamplc from Vat a Crua that Juan Merlgo. In chare of fiflaaa train of tha Carranaa ceovey, fleeing from Mexico City, declared la favor af fconora and wKh hla troop en-acd Candid A (Millar at Cordoba, routine Aguilar. In lh mele Aguilar waa killed, aa well aa Manuel Amay a aad Kiutarlo Avtla. abo ha 4 thdr train loaded with fund tha Mexican Ka-tionai Treasury, which they refused ta deliver. NatWadad Meclae anil Crsvl-ala war taken prisoner by Merigo, who formed a Junction with General tiuad-aiupa Ranch's, and tbey ar now pursuing Ueneral f'sderica Moctea In the Vicinity of Aplsaco." Arullar had bwn raported killed la earlier unofficial dispatches.

Tula had also Man dented. eaday Vwi Latest from Capital. Tha Stat Lfctpartmant waa virtually cut eft from Mexico City today. Tha only massage admitted by official ta have been r4y-4vl today from the Mex l-n Kmlatwy borr data of IWunday, May. 1A ll mat (nril hrrin ti.A -enlaced M'llr City with hi force at tfton bundey and tbe situation waa Sulci i Nary Dopertment reports from Cap-taia lon at Tampico a la led thar war no dlaordar there.

Na request has been to tha But Department for the recognition of any ew Government In Mtilro. It la In. elated by accredited asrnts of the revo lutionary movtmart htre that thar wilt Immediately after da la Huerta mora ill MAI nf invArnmini aa ptavI.Iah.i rreeUent to Meatoo City will call a meeting of Mexican Governor to con-aider the ltuUon ami convoke a epe- riat aeaaioa or ina Masican la ardar to prcaarva tha tfnnaututional continuity of aoernmmt In Mfilro by a traaafr of power from Uta old to the aw uovarnment. in Mexican Con (nturtm I'rtaldrnt until tha aaptration of Carranta'a term a at Lacmtar and to nil win aaaau 10 unci an id auparviaa tha aiactlona to be held on Jul AdolfO de la liuarta. tha Tmnnrir ary tToviaionat 1'reakiant, about ii ytan nli.

Ha la miiitmimt mm ibout 42 ytara bora la Bonora. whar ha apent moat of hla life. Ha took part In the revolution of 1V1J. of which Carranaa waa Klrat lilaf, and waa Obrvcon a repreaanta-tiva at Carranaa headquarura duiina that revolution. II la drarrtbed aa a ajulet.

atadlou fallow, who won hla reputation through ucrful admlnlatra-tlve rapetlty. Ha aa eevaral ttmra ael(natl by Carranaa to rv aa Temporary Uovemor of Ktataa whoa affair nailed atralclitt-nlnr. Mora than a year ago he wa rlrcted Governor of wofcora. Tahlaet llaara Matte. WARH1NOTOX.

May 11 (Aaaorlatad Free). -Official reporu tflllng of the Overthrow of )rrldnt Carranaa of Mekko arra for rrraldrnt Wllaon and hla Cabinet tiKtay. but tha now turn of event aoulh ft liiu border waa to havr bn given only paaa-Inf attention. L'luwat from navy officer and Hate lH-fartmvnt ripreritatlve have all Indicated thua far that aasuranca rrvtaction to Amrriratia and other fortlgnara had aen given by victorious -aor of the ivvotuiionary force, arul thr waa nothing of an emergency nat-ue In the altuatton. offtctala Indicated, that called fur action by the Waahlng-totl Uovernment.

Th urUradnnught Oklahoma waa route from New York to hy Went tonight, but reporte from Captain Ing, commanding dt-atroyra now dlatrlbuted along tha aat coaat tif Mcalco. told of ro dlaorder. Ttie movement of the undaritood to only an additional prrrautlnnary tneaaure. The attitude of Manutl I'alaei. throughout Carranaa' admlnlatratlon tit da facto ruler of tha oil dlatrlct aeuto of Tampico.

waa being; -wmchl here with particular Intereat. The" tna-orlty of repoita, orfk-lnl and unofficial. liee indicated hla aupport of the move-ii'ent that foiled Carranaa from pownr, rut It waa auggeated that until this waa tonrirrnrd he ruuld not be eliminated Irom the Itat of potential oppoaera of the aew Uovernment. Wrre communication with the Mexican Capital hae bwu leatored. but a cenaor-hip apparently ha been rigidly applied.

PREPAREFOR battle ABOUT MATAM0R0S Rtbtl Advanced Guard Approaches City and Aw ait Main Body Before Launching Attack. BROWNSVILLU. Trxaa. Way U-Four hundrtd armed men. Including Federal aoldler and cuatoina and tmir.K gratlon guard tite Matamoroa garrl-on.

were standing behind nnbankmot and In trtnehea south and weal ot Matamoroa late inlay pr pared to defend the Mixlcan city agalnat a thrrat-enod atUck by a revolutionary force trength wa tn.1 knoan. The rbU on the w. were reporud ta have captured all railroad and river towna brtwftn Mlr. about one hundred BtlUs Wtat of o. utid the latter placa.

Ueneral Kurl Colung-a. commander of the Kedtral garrtaon. waa reported to have said ylijtiy that if a recog-alaad comn.ander with a force of any aiae apprnathed he would surrender, but that If th appioachlnc forte piuved ta In command of eome bandit" he would flghl to laat. ritlien have urgid him to surrender the loan and avoid bloodahed. Tha International bridge and ferry laa were clua-d to traffic at nooti today folloalng a brh-f aklrmlah between raaala and KeJaraia on kite, south side of Matamoroa.

I nked rttatea military officer, however, arranged to expedite traffic from th Mexican aide In the vent of an atta.k to irinit civilian refugee to leave the city. American aoidlera with machine euna were ata-tluned at the lirownavllla end of the bridge. Cnltad pilatea aviators, who "are making observations along- th lower Rio tirandt. reported this afternoon that they were unable to locate any troop movements on tt.a Mexican side near Malamorua. They rei.a-ted.

however, tnat two brldgea on the Mexican National Railway between Matamoroa and Keynoaa were burning. Aa advance gur.i of revolutloniat approiA lied the aouthern side of Mata-iiMtroa shortly brfora noon toitay and exchanged alnita with a Carranaa outpost. Tha rebel move wae believed to be pre-I mlnary to an attack in force. Three hundred revolutionary troopa are 'ported advancing on Matamoroa from Konoaa. la.1 mile west.

A general at-lac. was expected by nightfall. lederala Reated la Hablaa Maht. EL. PASO.

Texas. May 11 -Reports of a lew minor cngagrmerta between I'ed-ral and rebel lorce along tha north-aaaieia border ot Mexico reached ravo-lutlonary haduarter tolav. Carranaa fi.rcea at Sabtnaa. Cna-huila. ware routed by trodpe under General Aatonlo lruneda.

and after tha bat-tr a tralnload of wounded Federals waa seat to lied re Negres. oppo-lt Eagle l'aaa. rt waa reported. a.iht hundred borer and their fam- iiiea were reporte1 aa having gathered at MoaeUnra. foahuiu said ta ba aaeklng pcolet tton irom th menaca of Carranaa, turns bpcraUtut In that rex loo.

SAYS CARRA.NZA WILL BE TRIED CtMrcct'U Preferred When He la Captarcd, Ajent Her Asserts. General Joaouia V. riei v.n agent of Governor Adclfo da aorta "onpva. araeo IH Nsw ToK TlMf a yjaterday to tuake clear th Infnt.una Mexico ineae ara. to frea electkma.

do away With tha d.cta. lonai potuiaa or CariatitM an-l aastue f1'4 th adra the laaaral iUvolutloaarjr Fartj ara try" fnr ta affect a blooAleaa revolatioa. and lfi rrvanca fot1 haada. aa event he 4eecribad aa about aoeur. wlU sot be executed or mletreated.

but will be put on trial on sack chargee aa tha drcumstancea appear to warrant. General del Valla denied that either OencrarObregon or la Huerta want to tin rflr.tA.k hi- ir- that Villa had put himself at tba aopoeai 01 me teauera or tha re-volt and waa in linnv ntntvre o.aI and A commercial agency of tha IJberal ConaUtutionaltat Party of Mexico has ewtablUhed In Jiaw Tori, accord-Inaj to Manuel da la Pena. who venter-day described himaeif aa ''Acting Commercial Agent of tha new Government. -uuuvb ami suier nuatneaa tranaactiona must be made through hla added that business transacted with rep- innuutn SI tn LSJT4MX (inveni. ment waiM i a k.i.

7" ciaxms oontrois much asaertaat tkae lit. v- WM ejuwuh cordial relation and to work tn harmony with tha United tht honest development u. nco4raeJ. rerard- ii 7' l' promottra. All political prisoners, ha added, wlU numej hu to tneir country.

THE OKLAHOMA SAILS SOUTH. CmUer Rochester Is Also Expected to Proceed to Key West. Tha battleeTi Id Oklahoma lifted v. anchor shortly after 6 o'clock laat eve-nln and sailed for Kay Wt, where na wui join tha veaaels being tnoblllsed thera ready to to Tampico. All day long Lighter ware alongald tha Oklahoma, and tha work of taktaf toraa on board went on.

Tha battleship had expected to get under way by noon, but tha movement of store waa slow, and It was not until tha coming of darkness that tha laat case was hoisted on board and tha crew had all ot back from their duties ashore. Tha Oklahoma carried a full war-si rangth crew of 1.800 men. Ona hundred additional marines for shore duty were taaun on board from tha Philadelphia. J'vt tuga took threa seaplane off the Oklahoma, and thee were taken to tba destroyer ShaarauL The destroyers Herbert. Freble and Ellis ara reported to be going to Southern waters.

Two of them were expected to get off late last night The third will sail early today. According to sailors who came ashore, tha Rochester has been ordered to Key Wast, and aha will probably leave bar anchoraara early today. TO ADMIT FOES SOON TO LEAGUE OF NATIONS Austria and Hungary at First Meeting, Germany and Bulgaria Next, Geneva Hears. GENEVA, May and probably Hungary, may be admitted to the League of Nations at lu first general meeting this hummer. It is learnel from a hlch source.

Germany. Uulgarla snd possibly Turkey will be made members at the second Besslon, the date of which lias no! burn fixed. Germany. It in reported, win participate In the International Financial Conference st Brusaul on the same basis as the allied nations, and It is further pointed out that this Is part of the plan or the Allies to re-establish as soon aa possible political and commercial relations with former enemy countries taking the Ieairue of Nations as the to accomplish this end. The first general meeUng of the League of Nations will be held at Geneva.

SEIZED IN DOUBLE MURDER. Brooklyn Man Arrested When Brothers Are Found Slain. Secret Service aBents and men of the Erookljn Detective Bureau last night declared that the shooting and killing Jo-Ph nd Baptist Vultagg-lo brothers. In an apartment etore at Central was ine result of a quarrel over money obtained through the muklns of nuiM.rf.n v-iJ'T, on the premises The brothers wer ron. or thu Uson Avenue stUon.

In an examlna- j.w.. orunciii uie policeman round a number of Counterfeit half ron summoned DetecUves FlaschttU, Dardls. Fattrlzxo and Geodano, and lati r-tnfJ 5-yB terfh they arrested VI to Grille. Meserole Street. Brooklyn In a public bath at Wilson and Willougnby Avenuea w.s Uken to PoUca Hendquartere.

where he waa locked ui ns a suspicious person. The four detectives then went to his home, where, they declared last night. Oiey found six half--dollar counterfeit coins, half a doren bur of comblne.ttori of solder and tin and a loaded 4o calibre pistol ROLAND MORRIS TO RESIGN? Toklo Hears That Ambassador Will Return for Presidential Campaign HONOLULU May 11 (Associated rcaa). According to the Toklo correspondent of The Honolulu Advertiser It Is reported 4hat Koland S. Morris Lnltinl States Ainbaasador to Japan intends resigning In the near future to participate In the 1'resldenUal In the United States.

MOVES TO DISSOLVE FRENCH LABOR BODY fly EDWIS I- AMEN. oatinued from Page 1, Column due to the Federation that work In thes corporation has not been completely stopped. And with whst motives have they wished to stop work? It was not to defend professional interests, but with a political elm. to obtain a very reform against the wishes of the Government and of Parliament, in other words. It is a power which tri.

to rung-e itself against the public powers' to obtain the triumph of lu desires Mopping the life of the country and profoundly troublmg its Interests, habits and public needs. "it was not for this that the law of 18S4 waa enacted. The Government does not wish to touch In any way syn-dical or federation rights. 1 am more than ever convinced of the necessity of working class organlxaUons. but within the law and respecting the law.

Nothing could be mora harmrul to the syndicalist Idea or worklngmen's organlxaUons than the events to which the federation haa treated us during the laat tew days. It has eought. and In doing ad haa violated the wlthea of the ln-mene majority of Its adherents, to put lUwlf above the laws of the Republic It haa no more rights than any other association in the country. The Govern-meat has firmly decided to carry out the social program which It outlined on taking office. Not only will It not permit any one to touch the social laws already voted; not only doea It intend to Insure respect for the spirit and letter of the eight-hour law.

but It Intends to push. In accord with Parliament, the laws for social organisation which have bn proposed and are now before the chamber. i. (HciTiuii, ob any equivocation or confusion on the aim I JbJ th aimple action i airniries only that the Government demanda oba-. dlenca of all tq the law." When the newa of the decision waa told to Leon Jouhaux and i other militant leaders who were at toe jui iinisning iiincncon.

tne director of the strikes quietly replied: "Thank you vry much for brmg-ttijr the newa. It doea not excite me; neither dees It excite my companion, lint the Government haa deckled upon lis no mearfrtr. I shall Walt patiently rd with eonfldrtfe. rederatlan Defies the QaTerhaaealL PARIS, May. 11 Associated Prass).

Judicial taformaUona. will ta sUaued THE NEW HIHESASKSPATIEIICE IH RAILROAD PLAHS Retiring Director Expects Less Satisfactory; Service w'rth Change of Regime. TELLS FINANCING PROBLEMS Government Loan, Ho Sayt, Havo Made) the Nation Actual Owner" of no-Twelfth off the Unea. WASHINGTON', May lL-Tnaport-Uon service for montha to coma "leee saUsfactory" than durinr Federal control waa forecast tonig-ht by Dlractor General Klnea in what ha tanned hla valedictory eonuaenu on the ganersJ railroad. altuaUoa.

Mr. Hlnes apoka be fore tha National Frees Club. Ri muh. sailed public paUenca and coopratlon ay the corporate owners and tha pubUc Without these, he said, the prospect of successful restoration of adeouata aar. rksa waa materially leaaened.

Mr. Hlnes plana to retire as Director General next week and therefore, ha aid. ha could speak with a reasonable aegree of detachment with respect to railroad problems. The principal problem waa question of financing, Mr. Hlnes aald.

mo estimated the annual needs of roads conservatively at II raw mn 000 for new equipment, extension of fac ilities and general rehabilitation of th properties. hTaad nf a rit ilr.i..i niiKil would put the roads on a self-sustaining basis waa described by the Director General Importance." with. an enormous volume of Bf. offered for trans- i.uum jar. uncs conunusd, with a long suapension of the normal increase tn facilities and equipment, with con- mfckln beginnings In that direction, and with a breaking off to a considerable extent of unified practices which prevailed during; Federal control, the public must be prepared for unsatisfactory service.

1 strongly advise the exercise of patience and rood temper in putting Up with a service that, especially as measured by the volume of freight traffic moved during periods of heavy demand, la, and promisee to continue for some montha to be. leas satisfactory than waa rendered during Federal control. Equipment Keeded ha Tea The roan not Intimately acquainted with railroad affairs finds It difficult to understand the magnitude and pressing character of the demands for addi tional capital expenditure. Addition' equipment alone calls for perhaps per year. In addition, is on nearly ail railroads need for great enlargement of terminals, generally In costly localities, as well as for modernisation of shops and engine houses and construction of additional facilities.

There are demands also for additional trackage, construction of heavier brldgea to admit of the use of heavier power, the reduction of grades and curves, and the Installation of safety devices and other remedial construction. "No scheme of railroad management and reg-ulatlon can permanently succeed unless It If able to- draw from some source the capital neceaaary to make these expenditures." In discussing the new Transportation Jlr- expressed the opinion that there could not be "a successful permanent development of the theory of private management of the roads of this country without thoroughgoing and far-reaching- consolidation Into a few larae systems." The new law provides for voluntary consolldatlon but Mr. Hines argued that substantial resulta could not be complished in the absence of further legislative pro visions which either com- P.con.?f tkn or offer inducements that will Insure voluntary unification. if we are to avoid Government ownership. One of the Important thinrs which haa necessarily come about," he said a result of the conditions created Hy l.

I for th "rt time In its history the Government has become a larg-e owner of railroad InvestmenU It now owns $354,000,000 of equipment trust certificates and about $40. 000.000 of addiUonal railroad debt which will be evidenced by notes- or bonds. In probable that most of the WOO.Ouo.Ooo appropriation made by the TransporUtlon act will be loaned to the railroad companiea. The prospect, therefore. Is that the Government, at an early date, will hold approximately SI.

100.000. OUO of the railroad securities of the country. If, in addition, the proposals Just made by the Railroad Executives to Congress should be adopted and t500.000,000 additional be loaned to the railroad companies, the Government's hnlrllnv i i IllVCFi- ments would be increased to tl.600 000 -(Ml Thls is perhaps one-twelfth or more of the total value of the railroads of the country. Special fo Thr Sew Tork Timet PITTSBURGH. May railroads of the United States, and particularly in the Eastern group, which Includes all roads north of the Ohio and Potomac and east of the Mississippi River, excluding Wisconsin, will be -Lontinr solvent companiea after against members of the admlnUtratlve council of the General Federation of Labor, directing them to appear before the Correctional Tribunal for alleged Violation of five articles of the law of 1SNI.

This was announced tonight after a conference between the Minister of Ju-tlce. the I-ubllc Prosecutor and other prosecuting officials. If found guilty the labor loaders will be subject to a inr thKlf 6 who" Proceed- The federation has replied to the Gov. ernment decision to dissolve it ta maaifeato declaring that such artion amounu to admission of the impoAanc of the movernnet and ahowi that the Government Is "at Its wits' end ba! cause the federation has a leaSl exis? ence Other Governments fiT pointed tried to brn sbout iu dissolution, but were obliged to renounce by afflrmlna talne.1 irvlVw il ena -Te at- paper, and3 hTt'ters. "rhey found headquarter.

Inthee aeVorar au-BcUea. and no arresi wei mide." Mere Arreata at Lab.r I.dera. among them aevaral labor leaders, were arrnt.v5 i oJ1 reMerday on' charge? "of tu'mlds t-oWva cording to the charge. TTiere were aJ labor foda? disseminating BolahevUt ajSd anarchist PrpPnda Several docurnenta war. sclxed In premises at CO Rue dVh! Colonie.

the headquartera of th? pertod Strike condltlona today wra tmDrrwr from tha poim of view? TheSu ure of the electrical workers tn to th. call of the FedtotrSSk andub-way trains gave no Imrreaaton that anv pneraL strike waa In prorreaa. VcS7. oondttctora la tncreaalna: numbers. YORK TIMES WEDNESDAY.

MAY next Sept. when the federal g-uar-aatee ends, unleaa rate lncreaaea aqual to SO per cent, are permitted. This was th assertion today of Daniel Wlliard. President or the Baltimore ex Ohio Railroad, epeaidux afUr tba noon luacheoa to the members of the Pittsburgh Chamber Commeroa. Mr.

WUlard pointed out hat since MM operkUnc expenaea, wares and cost of equipment- havo advanced and a fracUon. per whereas rataa have been advanced only 34 a-10 per cent. He alao pointed out that prior to the rallroada spent approximately d00. 000,000 annually for lncreaatna; fadll-tlea, wheraaa they wOl now he required to apand approximately twica that much for taa tun increase of facilities, due to tha advanced coat of materials and labor, i SAYS PRISON TERMS WOULD END HIGH PRICES Representative Welty of Ohio Criticises Supreme Court't Interpretation of Anti-Trust Law. WASHINGTON.

May 11. -Prison aen-tanoes for violators of tha Sherman antl-truat law would bring about a material reduction In present high prices. Rep-reaentatrve Welty. Democrat, of Ohio, declared today before the House Judiciary Committee. Jc.rlU(;linr Supreme Court decisions imder the law sir.

Welty urged amendment of the Constitution so that Con-rreaa could limit the tenure of office of all Federal Judaea to a period of years. Instead of for life. Unrest In this country, he asserted, waa largely due to the courts not being- "mora responsive to publlo sentiment." Not a aingle person haa been sent to prison, except a few labor leaders." JURY CONVICTS PROFITEERS. Utlca Clothiers Found Guilty In First Case of the Kind. SYRACUSE, N.

May John A. Roberta Company of Utlca, was found guilty of profiteering in eleven counts by a Jury In the Federal Court. The conviction of the Roberts company la aald to be the first In the United States for the sale of wearing apparel. Sentence waa deferred until after the Circuit Court of Appeals hands down a decision of a demurrer to an Indictment similar to that In the Roberts case, which Is scheduled to be argued in New York on Friday. PRISONERS IN SIBERIA BEGIN LONG HIKE HOME Thousands of Ragged Austrians and Hungarians, Without Provis ions, to Tramp 4,000 Miles.

WASHINGTON. May In remnants of the uniforms they wore ta, 1Q14 wHn. a- 9 vjicu uj uie nnssiana, thousands of Austrian and Hungarian prisoners have be tun on foot the 4.000- mlle Journey from Siberian concentra- ww i.niiii'i iu wieir nauve lana. rte-Dorts to American tera here today told of the march of the liberated prisoners. No provision was made by the ltolshevirt authorities for feeding, clothing or repatriating; the men.

the reporta aald. American relief organlxaUons and churches have started a campaign to raise $3,000,000 to supply the necessities of life and to aid in repatriation. Nearly 1,000.000 already haa been sub- BVI1UCU. WOMEN PLAN PARTY RALLY. Republicans to Discuss Loyalty Dr.

Butler a Speaker. Republican women, regardless of differences over Presidential or ether csr-dldates, will hold a "get tcgethc.f rally, at which the only topic discussed will be party loyalty, at the Waldorf-Astoria next Monday afternoon. Mrs. Charles H. Sabln, wife of the President of the Guaranty Trust Company, heads the Committee of Arrangements.

The speakers will be I Jr. Nicholas Murray Butler. Ogden Mills. Francis H. Sis-son and James R.

Sheffield. Mrs. John T. Pratt will preside. Miss Mary Garrett Hay, Chairman of the Women' Executive Committee of the Republican National Committee.

Is active in the plans for the rally. Other members of the committed Include Mrs Margaret M. Crumpackwr the Hiram Johnson Campaign Committee, Miss Juliana Cutting cf the lynard Wood Campaign' Committee, Mrs. John Shep- rard, head of the women's work or Dr. Butler; Mre.

Herbert Pratt, a member of the Herbert Hoover Campaign Coammlttee. and Mrs. Olive Stott Gabriel of the Lowdtn Committee. Others takinr p-t in the arrangements are Miss a3n Varlck Boswell, Vice Chairman of tOT New York County Republican organization Mrs. Arthur I Llvermore, Chairman of the Republican Women's State Executive Committee; Mrs.

Courtlandt Barnes, Mrs. Daniel Gugeenhelm, Miss Maude Wetmore, member of the Women's Executive Committee of the Republican National Committee; Mlas Florence Marshall, Miss O. Robinson Smith. Mr. Norman Dike Mrs.

Whitelaw Reld and Mrs. ft. Vosburgh. BOOTLEG PANIC IN CHICAGO. Illicit Whisky Declines on Report Law Will Be Found Unconstitutional Special to The Aw york Timet.

CHICAGO. May 11. There waa a sharp drop In the quotations on whisky here today coincident with a report that the Supreme Court Is about to declare the Eighteenth Amendment unconstitutional. Latest quotations were $19 a case with no takers. Best bootleg brands, which sold at 6i a ago to proprietors of South Side resorts, declined to 1J0 a case Saturday.

When the saloon men remained apathetic a panic struck the bootleg-sera and the present movement to unload resulted. thc vr heer salesmen made the rounds of the cabarets, advising them to replenish stocks. Krdf were takfn for of less than 100 per cent alcoholic content for Immediate delivery should the long dry on Pcted by South Side oraclea. DEMOCRATS AID KNOX PEACE PLAN Cantioaea from Page I. Colaaaa 1.

altuaUoa. The American people ara the victims of the new system of purchasing- political support by enacting purely class legislation. "They are the victlma ot a policy of surrendering the interests of the unorganised and ineffective many to serve the demands of tha organised and effective few. They are the victims of a policy of utilixlng the Federal Treasury to meat the demands ot orranixed claaaea. no matter how ejtorbuantor tneouitable auch demands.

ministration haa been one of surrender to those demands. That course baa been followed from tha day the Executive lT. bill down the "JJta at a reluctant Congress. That course followed during- tha war upon us a cost at lea at five times what tha war should have fwnonths of tha appUca-tite of that policy to tha operaUon of riyZtT.Umr Govern me nT control 5 -That policy roanlfeated itself la of rfallsu and theorists with whom nearly every official Place haa been filled during the last four unhappy year a. That policy la Buvaif eat TELL WHY AUERICA IS HOW UNPOPULAR Looked On at the Great War Profiteer, Saye Sir H.

Perry 1 EUROPE IS DISAPPOINTED France ReeenU Lack of Confidence, Aeeerte M. Casansva Mlsundsr-etood In Japan, 8as lye nag a. Tendenclea ot antipathy toward America abroad ware analysed by cltlaeae oa foreign countrlea last niabt at a dinner of the Council on Foreign Relation at tba Hotel As tor. Misrepresentation. It waa asread.

played a largo part In tha ether countries' Interpretation and the exchange of professors and editors waa surges ted aa a remedy. The speakers Included Frederick Palmer, who presided Maurice Case-nave. French High Commissioner; Sir H. Perry Robinson of Tha Londoa Times, Dr. T.

lyenaga of tha Eaat and West Newa Bureau. Robert Wllberforce of tha British Koreigh Office. John V. Noel ot a tin-American newa service and A. Arblb-Costa of La Tribuna ot Rome.

Sir H. Parry Robinson declared that Americana were never so unpopular la Continental Europe and so little popular In England aa they were today. He added There are three chief reasons for this unpopularity. First. Europe feels that the United States has not carried out their hopea, which tha visit of President Wilson to Europe promised.

When President Wilson arrived In Europe It was believed he would set the world In order. That hope haa not been fulfilled. The President. It la believed, did his best to carry out his promises. In England your unpopularity Is largely due to the Irish agitation In the United State, I know that that la being caused by a very email group of Americana.

Then you are beastly rich. I remarked an example of -that when a taxi-driver pulled up nit trousers and showed me his socks, saying Those socks cost me $3.23 a pair and they are not worth 11.50.' If a London taxi-driver said that he had paid 18 shllllnrs for hla sock, we would say that was Mr. Casenave declared that Franc resented America's lack ot confidence In her, which, he -laid, was due largely to unjustified and inaccurate assertlona. We intend to pay our debts," he cried. He defended France from charges that France had refused to Impose sufficient taxation upon herself that she had made no efforts to repair the disastrous effects of the war, and that she waa mlUtarlstic France wants to be perfectly certain of her security and nothing more." he said.

Geographically she Is Germany's neighbor. Historically she has suffered repeated Invasion by Germany. France now desires to change this state of affairs. She wishes to be safeguarded afralnst Invasion." Dr. lyenaga referred to the laws discriminating against Japanese subjects and the Siberian problem.

He asserted that most of the attacks against Japan were made for political reasons, but that, unfortunately, the Japanese people were not versed in American party manoeuvres and misunderstood America's attitude. Mr. Noel declared that moat of the criticism directed against the United States was due to our provincialism and lack of International contact. He asserted that we were lamentably Ignorant of tha history, and problems of the Latin-American countrlea. To the uninformed only la the United States merely a land of dollar chasers." he declared.

Several of the other speakers said that one reason for America's unpopularity abroad was the tendency toward a misunderstanding of the newspaper reports which were cabled back and forth. I. eonce Levy of the Paris Matin suggested an exchange of editors, political writers and Industrial writers between France- and America. GERMANS GET DUTCH CREDIT Holland Will 8upply Foodstuffs In Exchange for Coal. Caorrtsta.

lUt. bj Tba Nra Tork Times Coopaay. Special Cable to Til New aa Tim as. THE HAGUE. May 11.

-An agreement haa finally been reached by the Dutch to credit Germany with 00,000 OUO gull-dera for the purchase of foodstuff a In exchange for coal. The negotiations had bten broken and postponed many times owing to political events in Oermany. A preliminary credU of 000,000 guilders has hn -ntntAi fnr ,4 m- purchase of foodstuffs, whereby ihe Netherlanda Government agrees to aell 0,000 tone of wheat at 1.570.000 guilders uu lurmtr guarantees uermany a grain supply as soon as the transporters' strike is ended. Germany also agrees to buy larre quantities of meat, herring, milk, milk products, cheese snd lam are baaed on the world market price. ne uuicn consider imperative that Germi.ny receive food for the continuation of her economic life.

SUED FOR UNION FUNDS. Former Maintenance of Way Official Asked to Account for $172,000 DETROIT, May 11. Charges of failure to account for 1172,000 of the brotherhood funds were renewed in suits filed In Circuit Court here toaay against Allan E. Barker, former Grand President of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes and Shop Laborers A second suit charges Barker and Peter A. Millar, attorney for the brotherhood, with conspiracy to defraud the brotherhood in a transaction in land contract The new suits are brought by E.

Grable. Grand President, and a Pegg" Grand Secretary and Treasurer of the brotherhood, to take the place of original complaints dismissed on the ground tnal they were not properly drawn up. First Spanish Children's Court. BILBAO. Spain.

May flrat children's court to be -jsubllahed In Spain was opened here today, authorities of the city and province being prea-ent and showing great Interest in the tribunal. The Mayors of lugo and San Sebastian attended the proceedings and aald they Intended to establish similar courts, a building waa oonetructed es pecially to nouae tne new tribunal. today In nearly every appointment that cornea to the Senate for confirmation." Senator McCumber. in discussing the question of making peace, aald that Congress undoubtedly had power to ter-mlnate the war which It had power to begin, but declared that settlement of peaoe questions must bo through th medium of a treaty. Se noboly understood President llson statement that tha war thus comes to an end to be a peace proclamation or In fact anything more than aa expression made by th President In the exuberance ot hia Jov that through hi Influence and preaeur th German armle wer saved from utter annihilation or unconditional surrender, and this country aad Its associates thereby deprived of the sacred right which by rivers of blood and oceans of treasure they had earned the right to behold th abject and unconditional surrender ot militarism." He aald th state of war with Germany ought not to be concluded until def nite understandings had been made safeguarding American right ta Ger-maa property and German ahipe aelsed during hostilities.

It ought not to be ended, he added, until th war haa ba won. and thia. he aald, has not been accomplished, for th spirit of militarism ia not dead la Germany, nor are the Germans carrying out th term of the treaty they signed. He declared that failure of th United States to cooperate with the Alliea la enforcing" the trtr a desertion of the cause for Which fought. The' President's refusal to recognise the Senate's right to make reserve Oors waa a blow at tb cause for which Mr.

Wllsoa battled. Mr. McCumber aald. aad waa a wrong ta a generous aad expectant world, 12 1D20. SAI.WEL F02 PALESTINE Former British Secretin Likely to bt Named Branicis Had Been Mentioned.

LONDON. May 11 (Associated Praa.1. Prior to the gran tins; to Great Britain the mandate for Paiaatla Louis XX Brand aia. Aaeodat Justice el Use Su pram Court of the United Stat, aad Herbert Samuel, former BocroUry ot State for Home Attain, were most favored for the post of HJg-h Commla-sioner. But as Great Britaia haa beea made the mandatory rower, this rirtaally eliminated const deration ot the Amert-oaa Jurist, aad official annouacataent ot the appointment of Mr.

Samuel la retarded aa aaaured. Mr. Samuel recently ret ara ed from a three months' tour of Palestine, where aa Commissioner or the XSrttlah Government he waa delegated to ureaUffsle on financial, economic and other considerations pertaining to th transition of Palestine from military to civil control. Mr. Samual haa been aa advocate of the establishment of a Jewish national bom in Paleatln sine the declaration of Mr.

Balfour oa th subject. A romantic sidelight to Mr. Samuel's prospective appointment aa Commissioner is the engaremant of his so Edwin to Hadaaaah Graaovaky of Jaffa, whom he met while aervlng aa Lieulen-' tUs regiment In Paietin. THREE CLAIM SHARES IN THE FIELD ESTATE Marshall Field, 3d, Contend, That, Since Brother Has Died, Residue Goes to Him. CHICAGO.

May II. The residuary estate of Marshall Field, estimated at $100,000,000. is at stake in an action begun in Superior Court today by Captain Marshall Field. d. grandson, who aakx Immediate poesesleon of th stats.

The suit, which was brought to construe a section of the merchant's will, contends that, sicca the death ot th Plaintiff" a brother, Henry Field, th satire residuary estate should be surrendered to Captain Field Mrs. Nancy Perkins Field Tree, widow of Henry Field, who was married laM week to Mr. Tree In London, has filed a cross bill claiming a dower Interest In Henry Field' share of the estate. A third claim Is set up by Henry Anthony Marsh, four-year-old son of Henry Field and Peggy Marah. a London chorus girt.

Former Governor Edward F. Dunne, representing th boy. argued that two-flftha of Henry Field's interest should deacend to his son The probate court decided recently agalnat PfgT Marsh's son In a suit trought to collect a share of a tAOOO 000 trust fund, created by Marshall Field. JAMES C0L0SIM0 SLAIN AT RESTAURANT DOOR Chicago Underworld Character Is Shot Dead by an Unknown Person. AeoI to The Fork Ttmes.

CHICAGO. May 11 -Jamea Coioermo. widely known In Chlcago a underworld, waa ahot and killed late this afternoon by an unknown assailant at th front door of his restaurant at X.1M South Wabash Avenue. Coloalroo waa known throughout the country as a guide to the night life or tne city In tne envlrona which he frequented. He waa alaln by a aingle bullet, fired rrom a cloakroom aa he was about to leave the building, p.ut one actual eye-witness to the killing waa there, a man eating an early dinner, who disappeared before the finding of the t1 Whether this man waa the slayer or whether he lJrer eacap.

la unknown. In Coloaimo's hip pocket aa found a pearl-handled revolver. 1 callhar It had nnt Km rw, i tii-u. ii was i evident from Its position thst Coloetrao Kairl nnt Was a a i miw as I sail IU QrtW il STORY OF RED PLOTS ON COURIERS' BANDAGES ey I a Germans oeizra in Lithuania tied Reports on Linen Strips Bound About Their Bodies. Copmsht.

by Tha Nrw Tork Ta tpevial CabU to Tin New Toaa Times COPENHAGEN. May special dispatch to the Berllncske Tldenrf. the Lithuanian police have, captured I three German Spartacide couriers on i their wsy to Moscow carrying on thtlr bodies long, linen strips covered with extensive wrltUm descriptions of the plans of the Spartacidca and of propa-aanda work In Ttalv rfL LT Slovakia. Hungary, Austria and Gallcia. Atvuruint iu uieae reports main Interest now attaches to Italy, but the cause Is advancing strongly in France two papers.

Le Peuple snd Le Populate, are said to be on the Bolshevist side. The leader of these couriers had bogus passports and a large quantity of documents, one saying that a secret Bolshevist conference was begun May I at Koenlgaberg with representatives of Poland. Russia. Lithuania. Esthonla and Finland present.

SAILOR NAMED IN RUECKERT MURDER Cewtlaa rreaa Page 1. Calasaa a. St. Mary's Hospital. Hoboken.

during the hours Just before hla death. Hoboken authorities had been told that Miss Horvath was there. Mr. Kewmaa declared that Mr. Ruecaert had made a will shortly before his death.

He aald Miss Trash waa there when It waa mad. Efforts by reporters to obtain a direct Interview with Mis Traak failed. I've laid all the lady's cards on the table." Mr. Kewmaa declared. aad yo know ail there Is about It." Mr.

Kewmaa aald MLss Traak lived with her parents, but refused to state where. He denied that she bad ever resided at 113 West Heventy-flrst Street, th addroae supplied by F. Brunei, pho-Wgrapher. Fifth Avenue, but admitted that the photograph described by the woman who telephoned Monday had been on delivered to his clteat. At th horn of Mlae Norvath It waa said ah waa too 111 to dlecuaa th ease Friends aad a Hoboken polte official, however, aald that while tn meat had bea broken aevea montha ara.

it had been renewed recently after a rfeoaclllatloa. Mayer I "a trick Grtffla of Hobokon. cloe friend of Ruocban. declared last night that Kueckert had been engaged for two years Mlas Horvath. "Taer.

had a secret understanding. be atdd. which provided that ihrr would be married as eoon as Hueckert waa eligible to become aa American eit-taen and take out final papers. Two mentis aga some dispute inn aad the engagement wa broken off. I do not know whether th breach eras heated ad thy became engaged again er ot," JEWISH WAR RELIEF Ht'Tetlt th Builrrtt Men cf Ntw York City Why Thty Should Contribute, STARVING PEOPLE A MENACE Two Judge Aid Cast tide Campaign Cable Meeeaee Telia uffertnj la Paland.

Oorarnor Alfred K. Brarth yesterday seat a latter wit a ooetrilMiUoai of 1jq to th fund for tb relief ot Jswwa war a off sear la Caatral aad Kastarm Earope, argtnjr tn Saala aea aawet erf Uaa City to give financial aid la tb far tlJOJ.OW sow bring ra dutled la thia city. AaaouaicewA of coatrtbaUoat waa sna ywscay al th headquarter of th fund ta lb )ita lliltmor. 'Th letter froa Uevaraor Smith read; It tne batata aaea) la aatr dry would ealy realia that naager la the greatest tnotlv power for rtrurtoav. yu should bar a difficulty ta gotag over th top la thia drive, BiarvlBg people cannot reaaoaed with.

By all mean let ua help ail was are hungry. a soul pas out of this world rb4 of th life that God gave beae a prayer for broad waa aaaaawerad by Teatarday waa East Sid Day at th local campaign faad)urtra, aad speoche were made by ustice Mag Levin of th Municipal Court aad Jog Joseph F. Mulqueea of th Court of Geo-era! Sessions, both ot whom wer bora on th eaat aide. JaaUc tvhaa ara la Chairmaa of th Eaat Sid Coaasalue and Preakleot ot aa orgaadsatloai of id resident of th eaat aide known a th Grand Street Boys, of which Oovemar Kmllh la kw WW peopl In that eectioa of th elty wer raapoodlng nobly la the camoajga. aavvb wwiw, ewTviary or ta of at Distribution Committee, which la to dis- w.

is xf an. trlbuta tha i-V. fMl Cm Mi i. be raised In thia country for th aid of uiv iwiw aauierara, rose a cabt from a reproaantatlv mi Uva eornrnltte in Poland wtach deeUrwd oocditiona In that eouatry wer terrtbte. due to th activities of the Hoda Th BMaaif alao mad aa urgent pie for money for th lramdiat roliel of 100.000 childrew In that country suffering from die-, and hunger.

It farther stated that tb typhus eptdetnle bad been checked somewhat, out that more tic fill Ddcl, were argeotly Judge Mulquea told tb gathering that there was no reason why the people of this city could not subscribe tn itys quota of or moot, avea they spent about ta.000.000 a moath for imuaMBaaU. Among th eubaciiptiona ta th fund received yeecrrday war Waaainrto HataW.s elatrsst. SIM One The cetna foots trsda 1A ah- .4. nwe-oa. Tha clMfcias tra Ja in Broax lata Th Jewelry Ji a.f1r,T.Pwee'k.,"m WUX STRATONS ROUTEDBY FIPL Second Blaze Wltmn a Week Disturbs Pastera ramily.

Mrs. John Roach St If. af Ut pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, whoae recent vice disclosure led ta the Indictment of Police laaprctor DomljuVk Henry, was routed with her Pit rftU-dren from ihHr apartment at JOS Wet Ftfty-siith earty yesterday morning by a fir, starting rn tbe'ba-ment of the bulldlcg, Thr wife Ot the pastor told Ieputy rtre Cnlef Roe that 11 wa tb second fie In th building since laat Taureday. Mrs Strata aai one of her eons discovered tha first blase on th third floor, which waa as-Ungulahed by the tenants In view of the Informatiwa given by Mra Ciratoa. leput CMef Koaa saM would aa the lire Marshal to make an Investigation.

Ltr. Stralaa was abawnt. In Port with 11 of Their Children. Beftor and Aehora Maau-1 L. Mulaao-vlch and their eievea children ware among the paaaengrra who arrived here yesterday on the Ebro from South American porta The family came to New Tork to Join three mo children who are studying rn coUegvs In this country.

Seftor Mulanwtch. whoa home Is In Lime. Peru, waa for many years bead of th Peruvian Staamaala Company. The Ebro carried 15 paa-sengers. FRANKLIN SIMON BOYS' SHOPS FIFTH FLOOR The W2-ga" Shoe for Boys A Boon for Comfort And a Brute for Wear! THE Wear moor Boys' Shoo is anatomically perfect The expert who designed it has devoted years to the study of the human foot, particularly the boy's foot, and into our WEVRM00R -last he has put the cumulative, concentrated knowledge of a professional lifetime.

And we, ourselves, leaving nothing to chance, select the leathers and the linings, and supervise the workmanship, from raw material to finished shoe. jmnMlncSxmoitwVfib. Fifth Arena, 37th nl 38th SxrtttM Boy. and ChUdrtri'i Hilrwttlnt Shop, FlTtb Tloti a cf Jertey Giy fcf rrcre flsusn Tld Eeptrt Dlsctxaj. Cantata aia a zrr: -7- -4 wei at the o.

aad Amar p-Ceava of a CeTZ, Ut night st w.a- th beeasjxai sheew the of kfarhor Fr4 wa arreatad UU, TT Wat a-girts. of bTLaf' tseab aw th a SMrtaaert ko. am wTT aaa A. 'reay Ot. last (raada hj Which MmW bleb taloda rtm tin 1 was a -x iw ie rwr vwa.

Hm trawat nk 28,000 CAT SK1XS ON SALE. On. Featwre ef th U. ternatstal rr A actio paetal to TU Few Ter Twaea. mor thaa oseit.

la tuTZl from the pa rabrwy agate taday. tha aaoaad of the TjiiaT ee far ctioa at th rwam rl VT The day-S aaJee 7 prexlmately im.esa, Bgee. be a. rt. w4eeiaa.

ha. a wblvs fa. or. wveTj snsal tat glfwafiai arta.i.M th f.l badger petts Wmm JJ 1 mil fare, which, draoaad ad eyed. Ira a.

Tb Ta hwa rata ffared biM. BaaJTrssLrSSS put oa wwr l.we aaru from Alaska. PrV far tCawT staadard grada of U-JaV and ea Mt et eWv VuT waa kaockad dar ot llUeTLT 1. tfr.e Keaeiaa aqelrrwi pT lag waa bnaa. we ---fiTp sd kga lilt aiaoa, SOVIET RULE III KMiVX Oevemmant ef Praeldewt KbgUM Meprtd OleplaeeC COXaTAhtTINOfTJS.

May CAaw rtatad loaal ftova Oeaww meat haa Wra 1 -1 1 1 aVwa capital of Arwe.le, dlef4adag Qi IVesidrnt KhadUaa, tnrA. ml pau-a rwrtvd hf th Araweuaa trtarrhat here 21 Sedation or Gaiety A MAN and Na faswy may at thai betal find tha mwmr q-mruvree and perseaal aervtr aaaooeta wrttb a bom of reftn. mnt. la fact It a owaeen af marry bom, lr the lookirf for just that; and a epacfcms Ins wfih all tb wneurpasaed delights of town and roan try for othet Maasr waiLUatAJi rum mi unraacetna- to mw art Uasf-ar aasi 1.

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