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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 22

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THU TI. oUlIDAY. VIRGINIA HARRISON TO WED CAPT. GROSS Daughter of Ex-Governor of Philippine to 'Marry War Hero at A)eciras, Spain.

A ROMANCE OF ISLANDS DriJ3m-to-B a Ch.caseart, Wear Oecoratlona of and United States, Termer Governor Francis Burton Harrison of tb IliIJipHo. who la at present In Fps-ln, cabled to r.rrvis here yesterday. timniBdnt the fncaomrat of Kl deugbter, Mies Virginia, RndJph Harrison, to Cs plain Chrletlan Groaa Zf The Marriage will take place at Algeeirea. Spain, nevf, year. No definite plans having-been announced for the wed ling aa yet.

Mlse Harrison accompanied her father th ltiMipplne after his third nur-rUft In Mar. 1010. la Uim Elizabeth rrrlmon. a A LR-yewr-otd student at I v-rai 1 of California. T' marriage took place In Chicago a.

few hours after Mr. Harrison's second wife. Mrs. Mie-I Jodaoa lUjTlf oWlnH a oe-ere af dlvorc from Mm In California. Vl Im Harrison's mother, who waa M-ry Crocker of Han Kranclscu, waa kiUd In an automobile accident la Two tiri Liter her father marriei Mabel Jadaon In France.

She-ls a granddaughter of the lata Mm. Barton Hir-rlon of Wast leg-ten. D. C. It waa Lack In the BO, before Mr.

Kar rteon ftnlhei roire at Tale, that be first met Miss Crocker, who waa thru her aunt. Mn. C. B. Alex- nJr of hle city.

After the'r nurrw(4 they In lias. reeWeil on Fifth Avenue nil entertained largely. Titty had two children. Virginia and Barbara. After tie first Mrs.

Harriaon'a death her for-tana waa divided between her husband and her two children, ch of tho latter. It la said, receiving about e2.UJO.oOU. Mptcial Tkt A'ste York Tim. CHICAGO. Dec 10.

The. engagement Captata Christian Groaa. young-eat son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.

Groaa. Chapet -Avenue, to. Miss Virginia. Harrison Is a military romance born In the Philippine Islands when Francis Burton Jlarrtaon waa G-overnor. Captain Grose Is at present a Franco-American scholarship student in Oren- bie University.

France. He weara the decorations of rrtnc, England and thx United 8fatee for bravery durlnc the vsr. when his service began with- the French legion and ended aa supervisor a railway In Siberia, for the American Government. i 'KavlUe Btaka. Mr.

and lira. M. K. Neville of 23 "eightieth Street, Brooklyn, announce the tncagement of their da ugl.ter; Mlas Mary V. Neville, to John M.

Assistant United Btatea. Attorney far New Tork. Maef ariane Tbasspsoa. Mra. Ceorre Rae Macf ariane of Tampa.

Fla announces the encasement caT her daufhtar. Mlaa Mary Baa Maxrf ar iane, to L'ldJie Thompson Jr. of thia city, tVai JJr, and Mrs. Julius Strauaa of Brook lyn announce the encarrmeni of their daarhur. Mlsa Helen Babette Ftruas.

to Donald M. son of Mr. and lira. Nathan Wallach of Ne Tork. DEBUTANTES GREETED." Irllasea Rosemary W.

Baltx and Katherlna L. Trlppe Introduced, ilf. Harry R. Balta rave a' reception j-eiterday afternoon at her residence, 131 Iat Fifty-fifth Strwet. to Introduce her c'lujit-r.

Miss Rosemary VTelllnr Balta. The debutante had recelrfna; with her the Mlas Juliet Oelafield LonrftJIow. Harriet Greene. Elizabeth Swerda. C-lestlne Goddard.

Jtarv Starrs, Dorothea Arar and Marrarct Cromwell. A followed for the receivinf party, and the young men dinner guests were Ktmuel Keynolda. Fella Bowen. Arthur North, Donald MaeDourall. Harwood VOlte and Frederick Jackson.

After I lnrter the party went to the Saturday I evenlrr oance at the Plasa. Mlaa Balta la a frerhmaa at Bryn. Mawr and a ember of the Junior Lsas-ue. 1 Mra Checleaj W. Trlpo introduced her I daughter.

Mlaa Kstherlae Louise Trippe. eatenlay afternoon at a.n afternoon e-ceptlon which waa followed by a dinner and a party to the plqy. Those receir- Ing with Mrs. Trtppe and the debutante were the MUsea Elinsr Cochran 8teV- art. Murld VanderbllU Constance Banks.

lna Sheffield. Kate Darlington. Vir ginia ny an. Helen I. iic and Lwra HotchXisa.

Mrs. TrtrPe will give a dance later at the Rita-Carlton and also a 1'incheon at. the Ciony Club for Mlaa Trtppe. Mrs. Frank Rlchrtrda FVird of 23 West Tenth Ptreet yesttrday Introduced her oaugoter, miss ussnisva He-len Fvrd.

at a tea at ner resieence. a dinner followed and nfter t'at there waa dancing, dances. The Italian Welfare League, of which Mra. LJooetio Pfrera la I "resident, gave a benefit suppe danee last night at the which eras largrly attended. The Wterho-d of the Home for the Aged 'and Infirm cf Bushwlck Avenue, llrooklyn.

gaa Its annual dance and entertainment 'at the iUtx-Carlton last evening. A costume "ball la to be held at the TUta on Wednesday evening. Jan. 11, for trie- benefit the Soldiers" and Pallors' (tub. It w'4t be under the direction of Miss Mabel E.

Beard uley. The Ijsagpe of Advertising Women cf Js'ew Tork Ix-ld It first costume dance last night at the Cafe dea Art I -tea. and triers a novel display of original coetvtenea. 7 WELCOME MRS. VANDERL1P.

Ccveral Hundred Women Voters Hold Reception at Beechwood. Sp rtel Tie Tort Timet. N. Dec. 10.

Airs, A. Vsnderlip, lfe of the former President of the National City Bank waa welcomed heme from an rx-t-nslfe tour of urope with by eeevral hundred member of the Tork State Lagua of, Women Vottrs. this afternoon, 'when a reception a i held in the privet theatre -on the estate. Beechwood. Mrs.

E. 1. Knapp, Chalrnuui of the Cornmlttee on Artan jements. aald the reception waa arranged in recognition of a hat Mrs. Vandcrlip hail (ion- -to advance caua of women voters, Mrs, Vanderiip.

addressing" the gathering, described conditions abroad, ber being. "The New Democracy ef Kurope," A -und waa raised by charging admission to those invited. It Is to tit used to promote State edocatloaaJ work for good citiaenshtp. Giuseppe Lombardo, Baritone, Heard Giuseppe Lombardo whoa light baritone voice pleased fellow -soldiers at Camp Dlx and la the Seventy-eighth Division overseas, appeared last Bight at Aeolian Hall, following a debut earlier at the Brooklyn Academy. He gave on the present occasion a Joint program with several other alngera, hia own contribution being the prologue to Pa-fj iacci.

an air from Andrea Chenler." alar melodies by Edwards and Kennedy RusaelL and a duet from Rig-clfitto" with Grace Hoffman. E. rvT. Newman to Lecture on Alaska. E.

Newman wCJ give a an extra in his thirteenth season of travel ii'xe the, lecture on Alaska." which lnciudi-e aom of his finest color photo-rrai-Ha of North American scenes, at Town Hail next Tuesday night. This In his regular Sunday series at trnegi Hall, he Is showing his pie-t as of a North Kuropean tow to Swedea and 2iorway SOCIAU NOTES Xew Terk, Mrs. M. HJddt Watson of 3TJ Park; Avenue gave a reception yesterday afternoon for her son and daughter-in-law. Mr.

and Mrs. Kdward Seymour Hidden. -h were marrid last July aC Hallowell. Me. Mrs.

NewboM' LeRoy Edgar of 125 l.t fortieth Strwet. who arrived from Kurope last Tuesday, has gene to her borne In Tuxedo J'ark for a few daya, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart aalled from here yesterday for Bermuda to spend the holidays, ana iairr- wi.i their yacht, the CenUur. at Miami.

Kla fer a cruise in the West Indies. The Misses Alice and Berth Ireland i tt aiadlaon Avenue will give a Amw.i hn Hotel Gotham Friday, I-. SO. to Introduce their niece, Mlaa Florence lirwn. On Thursday Mrs.

Francis FllUam Wit-end of Park Avenue will give a lurK-heon at the Rlts-Carlton for her daughter. Misa Thekla Wlgand. Mrs. James H. Kidder of lUst Wghty-second Street will be at home on New Yefs lay.

from 4 to 7 o'clock. Mrs. Kidder Is reviving the old custom of receiving ber friends on New Tear a. Mrs. Edward C.

Parish. Mrs, Iugene Revnal Un J. Honea Harding and Mra, h. Ogden Chi sol are members of the committee for the Saturday afternoon danee. the first of which waa held yesterday by Miss Benjamin: in the roof garden at Delmotdco'a.

Mr. and Mrs. John King have left the Kltz-Carlton and have gone to Palm Beach for the Winter. Mrs. W.

K- VanderbUt 2d has ar-raogod a aeries of four dances, to be given at Lula Fherry'e during December snd for benefit of the Big Sisters. Prince Tokowaga of Japan' will arrive from Washington. D. C- on-Dec 20. to be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by Lindsay Russell at the Ambassador that evening.

i Mrs. Fred-rick J. Fo of 143 Kast Nineteenth Street will give a tea en Dec. 14 to the recently founded Women a Auxiliary of the Oremercy Boys Club. Mrs.

Edwin Weed." Mra. lie those Adams. Mrs. Philip A. Clark and Mrs.

Kimonetti are among those In charge of the four-day. sale to be held at the Waldorf-Astoria, beginning; Tuesday, for ths benefit of the Free Hospital for Animals, founded by the late Mxe. James epayer. The Pall Mall Supper Club will give a MlsrJetoe Ball at the Lorraine on Christmas Kve for the benefit of the disabled ex-service men of the Dur Out. of which Mrs.

Edward Mc Vickar la Chairman. MISS BlAGDENWpDS GERALD CHITTENDEN if Daughter cf Mrs. Samuel P. Blag-den Marriii Educator in Grace Church Chantry. i The marriage of Miss Margaret Wendell Blagden.

a daughter of Mrs. Samuel P. Blagden of 14 Kast Tenth Street, and Gerald Chittenden, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Horace H.

Chittenden, took fiiace at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the chantry of Grace Churh. The eremony waa performed by the Rev Dr. Charles Lewta Slattery and the Rev. Dr. Samuel 8.

Drury of SU Paul's School. Glbb Cate. i -Miss Lois Cate, a daughter Mrs. Stobo Cate et 343 West Eighty-sixth Street, and John Richmond Glbb. a son of Arthur Glbb of were married at 4 o'clock yesterdav afternoon in the chantry of St.

Thomas's Church. The Rev, Dr. Ernest M. St I res officiated. asHisted by the Kev.

Dr. William Beach Olmstead of Pomfret School. Garrell Maaries. The marriage of Miss Ruth Maurice, a daughter of Mr. and John Beecher Patton of 2 West Sixty-seventh Street, and Edgar Staley Gorrell.

a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kdgar Gorrell of Baltimore, took place yesterday at the Santa Barbara Mlaaion at Sent Barbara, CaL i Sinclair Kmaasel. 'The' marriage of Miss Jehhett Khgllg Emanuel, a daughter of Mr. and; Mra.

John Henderson Emanuel Jr. of Engle-wood. N. J. and Harold Howland son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold A. Sinclair, also of Englewood. took place at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church in Eniewood. The Kev.

Dr. Carl H. Elmore officiated. Sehleslager 4)elrie. The wedding of Miss Ruth Dorothy Quirine of Brooklyn and C.

Martin Schlesinger of Washington Heights took place yesterday. The ceremony was performed by William P. Burr, Justice of the Supreme Court. Before leaving for an extended honeymoon In- Florida tie couple will be at the Waldorf-Astoria for a few daya. Mr.

Schlesinger has offices at 2 Rector Street. Baanard Hibbard, The marriage of. Charles Heath Ban. nard Jr. of Haverford.

and Mlsa Charlotte Edwards Hibbard, the younger daughter of Mr. and "Mrs; Omri Ford Hibbard. took place yesterday at the home of the bride's parents, 20 Monroe Place. Brooklyn. The Rev.

Walter de Forest Johnson Of Christ Church officiated. In the presence of tie family and relatives only. The bride, in ivory satin and lace and an old family lace veil, had her slater. Airs. Malcolm Roberts, as her only attendant, and Horatio H.

Morris of Philadelphia was Mr. Ban-nard's best men. Mr. and Mrs. Ban nard will live In Chicago.

Cheater C. Woodford Dies at 107. AVON. Dec. 10.

Cheater Randolph Woodford, aged 107. Who had been the oldest form-T member' of the Con-cectleut General Assembly, died today of pneumonia, lie represented this town In the House In 18'Ji. He bad been In fair health In recent years. Mr. Woodford wss bom In the homestead In which he died.

4 In IfcTH Mr. Woodford went to Illinois and while thei he had. legal troubles and engaged Abraham Lincoln aa bis lawyer, who won his case, for him. St. Cecil Lodge at Winter Garden, The Winter Garden has 1 been bought out.

for the vaudeville ana tl nee next Tuesday by the JSC Cecils Lodge. "No. 1ft, of the Masons, and the entire house will be occuptel by the lodge members and their families. The occasion will mark the annual ladies I day of the lodge. The attraction will be "The of New i urk." with a number of added features for that performance.

Anderson Martell Cuerin. Anderson Martell Guerln organiser of the Morris County Road Drivers" Assorts tlon and a member of the Republican Committee of that county, died yesterday morning in the Morrtstown Memorial Hospital at the age of He had for many years been President of the New Jersey Road Horse Association. His wife. Josephine Pruden Ouerin. and three children survive.

He was a thirty-second degree Mason. Harold A. Blair Dead. "ORANtlE. N.

Dec. 10. Harold A. F-Utr. 2S years old.

President of the Union Loan Company of Newark, who was found unconscious In. an automobile with Catherine Bower, a Newark waitreaa. lst Wednesday evening, died tonight in the Orange Memorial Hospi tal. Hia death waa due to high blood" Obituary Notes. DAVID BACH AHA CH.

head ef photo-graplUe studios tn this city. Wash Inst on and Baltimore, died yesterday, at, hia bom In Baltimore. N. 8. FENt'LETOPi.

payraaster for the natlmuTC 4 (hio for seventeen ears. died restrrday la i WAK1CMAN. tnagasln and newspaper writer. died Thursday, at th aaa of ft, af ioJurHav auffered la aa aaco-molHU) acctdvnt. LOUIS B.

AILcn, formerly la tbe motion picture hualncss, dted- yesterday morning at the age ot 6a. at 51 West 144th Sireet. Dr. MARVIN" VAN DENBtTRa. died Friday oisut at; his homav 10T.

Union Aveau. Mouut Veraan. aged 71. Dr. ASHLET J.

SCOVTSL, an anenlst. ef dlad FrMay alB la 8C John's Boepttai. Toakars, Us waa 9 years old. HARDYARE DEALER MARRIED IJALOllE Delayed Record of His Wedding to Miss Stevens on Monday Revealed in Peekskilf. C0UPLE SAILED YESTERDAY (:.

Justice of Peace Left Customer Waiting at 8tor to Hastily Perform Ceremony. Special Te Xeto Terfc Times FEEKSKIL1W N. Dec. 10 -Dudley Field Malone and Miss Doris Stevens were married here by the local hardware oealer In the back "room of tbe Tpwn Clerk'a office last Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Edward J.

Wilson was waiting on customers In his hard ware store when he received call by telephone that bis services as Justice of the Peace were required at. once He put or his coat and hastened over to the Town Clerk's office, where In "a partitioned off from the public, offices Mr. Malone and Mlaa Steverxt in ordlaary dress were waiting to be married. Justice Wilson briefly dlspatved the eere-roofiT and went back to his store. According to local collectors of gossip, generous fees were paid by the -bridegroom in the Interests of secrecy.

Town Clerk F. Allen Lead said that Mr. -Malone had Impressed on him that it was of great importance to prevent any newspaper publicity. 1 Peekakill newspaper men. who on Monday afternoon looked over the volume in which marriages war recorded, found no reference to the marriage.

Today, however, the facts required by law were found to have been written In the book, following the syttem bf delayed reoord-maklnc aometioMia ured in cases where publicity Is not desired for documents. Secrecy waa maintained by Judge Wilson and Clerk Lead until the sailing of Mr. and Mrs. Malone. which occurred after repeated denials of tbe- marriage.

Today, however, tbe facts were admitted, Mr. Malone and his bride drove up to the Town Clerk's office In a touring car with Mr. and Mra. Board man Robinson, who acted aa wl-nessea. The motive for the secrecy was not explained.

but It waa assumed to have some connection artth the tact that the divorce decree obtained by tbe former Mrs. Malone at Parla had lust become public. Ms- lone gave Crcton-on-Hudson as his address and Miss Stevens gave uroana. Neb. i Mr.

Malone said that they were ro- lng to aail on the Rotterdam on Saturday and that they would live in Paris hereafter," the Town Clerk said. Wben Mr. Malone was asked, as the law requires, to produce evidence that he had been divorced. Mr Malone handed over a copy of the Paris decree. The document was written in French.

There were ne French scholars present to decipher the interesting document, but Malone's word waa accepted that It satisfied all the lecal require ments. The whole proceeding occupied only a few minutes and the wedding party mo tored away. Dudley Field Malone. former Collector of the Port of New Tork. sailed yesterday with his bride on the Holland-America liner Rotter-laiTi for Boulogne.

They occupied Suite 141 1 which; Mr. Malone oric-lnallv reserved a week- ago. A crowd of moving picture operators and photographers waited on 'the promenade deck. Mr. and Mra.

Malone did not arrive until tbe last moment. The Rotterdam wss escorted down the harbor by a squadron of U. S. Army aeroplanes as a- compliment to William Mitchell. Assls'ant Chief of the U.

S. -Air Forces, who-is rolng to Europe to study aeronautics avccompameu oy tiiuuicuaui ivu i -1 v. BlsaelL I VICTOR JAC0BI DIES MUSICAL COMPOSER V. 8 Author of 'The Rambler Rose 'Sybir and 'The Love Letter' Was Briefly 111. i Victor JacobL.

composer of music of many musical comedies and light operas, died In the Lenox Hill Hospital eaterday afternoon following a abort Illness. lie waa a Hungarian, having been born Zt years ago in Budapest, where reside1 the only surviving rela tives, a brother and sister. He been living at 38 West Fifty-ninth Street and had taken out hia citizenship Intending to make the United States hia home. Service Will bei beld at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Funeral Church. The young composer completed, his first operetta, The Proud Princess." the year that he attained bis majority.

There followed The Brave Hujiir," Tea or No." The Rose and the Thorn." "The 'Queen's Gown" and Johnny," all successfully produced abroad but not brought to this country. His first score to be heard here waa The Marriage Market In 114. Hia popularity Increased with Rambler Rose and Sybil." the latter ia 191S starring Julia Sanderson. Joseph Caw-thom and Donald Brian. With Frits Krelsler he wrote the music of Apple Hlossoms.

presented at the Olober Theatre In 1919. At the same theatre hia last work. The Love Letter," was recently perform eti. Several of his songs caught the popular taste, notably. On Miami's Shore." I Critics of Jacobl's music have re-Marked on his versatility, hia refusal to descend to the tricks of composition and hia abstention from Jaxz and synco pation.

Clara' C. Gabrllowltsch Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch sang a program of modern poetic lyrics by Hugo Wolf, which she gave tn English, assisted by Walter Golde at the piano, at Aeolian Hall yesterday afternoon. Herself a charming stage picture, and musically Intelligent In all she alma to do, Mra. Gabrllowltsch did not convey to her hearers the sense of beauty In Wolf's passionate songs, or the literal words that a contralto voice should clothe with tenderness. Ker twenty selections covered a wide emotional range, skillfully accompanied by Mr.

Golde. Samson O. Oppenhelm. Samson D. Oppenhelm, editor of The American Jewish Tear Book in 19 IB and 1919.

died yesterday at the age of 54. Services will be held at 10:30 Monday morning at his late residence. 63 SWest Ninety-seventh Street. Mr. Oppenhelm graduated from City College lar from Harvard In aad some years later received a law degree from the Law School of New Tork University, though he rarely engaged In legal -practice.

1 James Domato Dlea at 100 Years. James known as Westchester County's oldest man. died ytaterday at the Home for Aged and Infirm on the Grand Concourse. Manhattan, aged 100 years and nine days. He was born in Italy and came here forty-two years ago.

Ijs had been a resident of Mount Vernon for twenty-five years. Several tnontha ago because of. hia weakened condition he was taken to the home, The Rev. Walter. Drum.

BALTIMORE. Md Dec. 10. The Rev. Walter Drum, since 1908 Professor of Scripture at Woodstock College, died a V.

ZL -i T. M. He was ordained In 1904 a priest of th Society of Jesma. He studied at I SelruV ryrla, and Innsbruck, AJiatrla, THE OPERA Br Rlcharri AJJHd. Mane.

Jeritsa la CAVALLERIA nCSTTCANA. opera in one act Book la lurilaa. hy G. Versa. Tsr-.

tfonl-ToKzottt and G. Mmasd. alusle ay rtetro MascagiU. At Metropolitan Opera Houae. Santusxa Jeritsa Lola-.

Flora Perm! Turidda PertUs Alflo MJIo Plcco Lucia MattXeld Conductor. Roberto Mcraneonl. Mm. Marie Jeritsa showed a new side of her art to the New York' public the section of It that patronises the Saturday evening popular performances last evening, when the appeared at the 'Metropolitan as Santuxxa, in Caral-leria' It waa a performance as remarkable In its way. as either of those that she had hitherto given In New Tork.

Her portrayal of the Italian girt was hot-blooded, rude and fiery: despairing. Imploring, revengeful, swept by a fury of passion potent In action and facial expression, now subtle, now violent. For the audience certainly, the climax of her Impersonation was at the cul mination of her interview Wltn Tunaau when he repulses her on the church steps and she falls and rolls down their entire length. Mme. Jeritsa found means of expression as effective In her vole an her del rverr of the musk: as in any other of her resources her singing waa filled with all the nuances, the passions that swept through her roul.

Her methods were at times vio lent, and there were moments when her vocal style was not open to lull commendation but ther are few who are not deaf to the demands of vocal style when the fury of Santuxxa Is upon them. The Turlddu was Mr. who appeared for the first time the other evening is Tosca." He did not greatly improve the impression be made then as a singer. His voice had a good deal of the characteristlo whlteneas of bis kind, and he poured It out with more lavishnesa than be did on hia first The performance was not oy any means in the moat finished style of the Metropolitan. Shortcomings and insuf-fldonciea of chorus and orchestra might be- explained in part at least by Jhe fact that a performance of La Boheme was presented by the Metropolitan's forces at the same time In Brooklyn.

Cavalleria Rustlcana waa followed by Pagllacci." with Miss Easton. Mr. Crimi and Mr. De Luca In the chief parts. The audience was very large and tblaxe with enthusiasm.

Toeea, la the A terse a. In the afternoon Tosca was re peated, with Mme. Farrar again In the part of the heroine, "Mr. Scott I aa Scar- pla and Mr. Martlnelll as Cavaradosst.

Mme. Farrar waa a vision of beauty in the church scene, hatted and gowned in the style of lNOOj she sang with care and attention to style and beauty of tone. Mr. MarUnelH'a attention waa largely focused on the production of the greatest possible volume of tone; and in this he was extremely successful. VT libel Baebaas's Second BeettaL Wllhelm Bach a us.

Ore German pianist, waa In an emphatic mood at hia second recital yesterday afternoon tn the Town Hall and put emphasis his playing of Brahma's minor Rhapsody, Beethoven's Sonata Op. Ill, and Schubert's Wanderer Fantaale. -He made, them all Interesting and appealing by his vigorous and masculine treatment rather than by poetic feeling or insight. The rhapsody by Brahms is a turbulent and fiery piece and responds to this treatment. So is and does tbe first movement of Beethoven's sonata, heaven-storming music but not so the arietta, music which wings Its way and soars to heaven without storming, and in -which a much less matter-of-fact-treatment than Mr.

Bachaus gave-It is Indispensable to disclose Its spirit. There is a tremendous energy, too. in the opening of Schubert's great fantasy, tn one movement of which he makes use of the melody of his shng, "The Wanderer." It was all heard Fn Mr. Bachaus's playing. Perhaps his performance of it waa, on the whole.

htne rinesT. or nia acmevemenisv in inn It reached nearer to the composer" a pur poses. -t r- Mr. Bachaus's am axing strength of arm and finger, his bewildering technical facility and accuracy, his sweeping brilliancy unite to make such: of his performance as can give full play to these qualities something very Unfortunately, Mr. Bachaus is unable to produce a fortissimo tone of any depth or quality, or a tone of any kind of beauty and color, or to produce differ- ences ana varieties or.

tint. it is mucn to be regretted- He closed his program with a series of Chopin pieces; among which was a new undertaking the romance from' the minor concerto. Chopln'e orchestration has often been held up to disapprobation, but not often to quite the extent of disregarding It altogether. There waa an abundance of reason In those compositions to moderate and mollify the vigor and resolution that Mr. Bachaus had shown la his earlier num bers.

Bauer Plays for Young People. Harold Bauer played at the Symphony Orchestra's second matinee for young people yesterday In Carnegie Hall, assisting both In Mosart'a piano concerto in A minor and Liszt's Hungarian Fantasy." Walter Damrosch- interested the big audience in Beethoven's Eg-mont overture, saying this work had Inspired Wagner to write dramatic music There were also played a movement from Rachmaninoff second svm- phony and Lalo's overture to Le Rol a is." ADELSDORFER Mr, and Mrs. M. R. dorfer (nee Sydslle Hharltser) announce tbe arrival of a daughter, Dec a.

Carlton Sanitarium. BAI.KR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bauer (nee Hyina.Oottllebt announce the birth of a daughter Dec 9 at Jewish liospitaj, Brooklyn. DeGROOT Mr.

and Mrs. Mortimer Detiroot (ne Henrietta Gold), n31 Hast-Insa Pntstaurgh, announce the arrival of a aon on Dec 1S21. GRUNBERC Dr. and Mra. M.

Grunberg (ne Kita Horn) announce the birth of a son. Stanley Peter, Nov. 27. 7 Lewis A Broeklya. HENS EL Mr.

aad Mrs. Clarenca H. Hansel. 1U8 Kast K2d ariaouoce the birth of a son on Dec 1, at th Wornan'a Hospital. HOLTZMAKN Mr.

aad Mrs. Jacob L. Holta-mann (nee Lillian Plots) announce the birth ef a son on Dec 10, 1921, at Brooklyn Hospital. K1EVE Mr. and Mrs.

Caesar Kiev fnee Lenoir Stalner) of fts Sherman Plana. Jersey City. N. announce th arrival of a son, Robert, on Friday. Dec 9.

LEW Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy (ne Back) announce tha birth of. a dauchter on Dec. 9, 7 Burr Piaee, Wee-haw ken, N.

J. MENCHER Dr. aad 'Mrs. Simon Menrher (ne Goldstein) announce the birth of a daughter, ithoda Adele. on Dee.

1921. MILLER Dr. and Mra. M. A.

Miller (see Eckert) announce birth ef daughter ea Wednesday. Dec. 7. 1021. Hamilton Sana, tori urn.

Union Hill. N. J. MOCK Mr. and Mra.

David A. Mork (ne Edna Gorman) of 401 West 141st an-; nounce th birth of a son. Robert, at Flower Hospital, en Tuesday. Dec 4. NEUWELT Dr.

and Mrs. Louis Neuwelt (nee Dorothy Lambert) of 40 St. Nicholas Place, a son. at New York Nursery and Child's Hospital. Dec 10.

ROBINSON Mr. and Mrs. Jem Robin soo i (ne Edith Munves) of SSO West 8ih New York, annonaje the of a daughter. Dec. 10.

mi. 1 Mr. and Mr. Louts Ct Raw (ne Frances Cohn) annaunoe th arrival ef a son. Dec f.

Lloyd's Sanitarium. ROTH Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rath (nee Helen ocawarui announce the arrival of a aon on Dec 7. ROTHHEUO Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Rothberc lae Esther Roaenbluml. 24 Fort Wash- Ington announce th arrival of a bay 1, on Dec. 10. SA0U1 Born, a daughter.

Jane' Carol, to Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Saqui. oa Dec. 10, at t03 West inth WOLF Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert Wolf (ne Kon suiner) of 1.210 Sheridan Av, a i i. attaTDss. a. WOTU Mr.

and Mrs. Louis S. Wotls. 9ZZ Hamilton Itoad. Koutit Oranrs.

N. J. nr Florence lain), ruinoonc the birth of -a dauchtsr. ZACH ARIAS Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel N. Za-h- trltu of VZt Brooaljro. announce th birth of a Sauerhter. Use lf2 ZINOV0T Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Wnovoy nee Pauline Rosenbsrg). 29 East 124tk announce the arrival of a daughter at Com-xuunity HocrpitaJ on Friday. La. S- CnnSnnatiiitt. BALL40v'BC-i-Mr.

aad Mrs. Wlllfkra Bsl-lenltars. West lTfKb, acnouoe bar mitsvah of son. Nsthanlai, Saturday, Umt-t IT, Mt. Nebo Temple.

WOth b-B'tiar. 1 o'clock. DBTCTHCH Mrs. Alexsnder TOeutseh of Tli West llikh St, announce the bar; mltxvak of their son, Emll. at Teetpl Anabe Chesad.

114th St. and Tth on Iec. 17. at 9:10. tio cards.

rXCTOIt Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Doetar, MJ Wen 14 th at-, announce the bar mttsvab. of their, son ira Paul, at Mount Neboh JPOth- Kt, near "Broadway, oo -Saturday, Uec.

IT. at 10 A. M. KANZEM Mr. and K.

M. Kanser or l00 UutbwicK Uroolciro. announes the bar mitsvah of their on Dec. 10. at th Synagogue.

Galea of lrajrr. KRFH3 Mrs. M. Krels In rite their relative and frtande t.tbe bar mlczvab of their aon. Carieton.

flarurda-f Deo. at 10 o'clock, Mt. Neboh Temple. Watt lCtOth. neay Broadway.

At home ttuaday.4 the 1Mb, ieA West, lolst tKVT-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lvy. ij0C3 Both Brooklyn, announce the bar mltsvab of their -sua, Julian, on Saturday, Dec IT. at Tample. St. and Lexington Av. At borne iialurday. 4-4 MARKOWrrz Mr. and Mrs.

Meorica Marke-wlts of .370 -Manhattan Av. announce th bar mltrvak of their son. Daniel Albert-at TamHe Jarael, U6ih t. aad Central i Park West, gaiurdar. Dec 10, at 10 A.

M. At horn Sunday. Dee. 11. 3-4 I.

M. SIMMON8 and Mrs. Harry Leonard Simmons of 1 10 West 80th announce the bar mitsvah of their son, Jerome, Saturday, Dec IT, SO- A. at the Jewish Centra, 1S1 West th 8t. BEIUCHARDWEI- Mr.

Henry Weiss. Boston. announces the i.nsaeme nt -of his dausbter Blllle J. to Mr. Walter H.

Bemhard. sod ef Mr. and Mrs Harry Bernbard. fM Monuncslde Drive. T.

No cards. DEXNISON VOLTTTTR Mr. "and Mts. Adolph Voltter of 301 West I Ohth St. aa- nounc th engagement of their daughter.

Jeanne, to Mr. (Jeortr D. Dennlaon, eon of Mr. and Mra. Murray Dennlaon of tMO Riverside Drive.

DORSO.V SHEINBACM Mr. and Mra. H. Sbelnbaum ol 9U2 Southern Boulevard announce the engasement of their daughter. Sid.

to Mr. Kobart Dorsoa of Nw York City. GOODMAN MODLIN and Mrs. M. Mod-Iln of 1.4Ui Brooklyn, ajtaouaee the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Mr.

Murray Coed man, son of Mrs. M. Ooodmaa ef BeaaonlMirst, Urooklyn, OCRIAN KAPLAN- Mr. and Mrs, 8. Kaplan.

Kast 106th wish to announce tit engagement of their daughter, Anna, to Samuel HIRSCHFELD JACKSON Dr. and Mrs. M. Jackson of 174 East 70th 8t. announce the engagement of their daughter Ruth to Samuel H.

C. Hlrschfeid. HOROWITZ BOB Mr. and Mra. O.

Bob ef 1,878 7 th Avenue announce the engage-. ment their lighter. Florence, to Abraham A. Horowltx, son at Mr. and Mrs.

8. S. Herawlts of POO Riverside Drive. i -i JERSKI KQrrt.B Mr. and Mrs.

Louis M. Kopple of IM Fort Washington Av. wish to announce the rngsgement of their daughter, tlyhrla (TSibble). to Mr. Norman K.

Jerskk son of Mra. Theresa Jerskl. also or Fort Washington Av. KXEPNER WE18MAN Mr. and Mrs.

L. Welsmaa of 1.054 Southern Boulevard aa-nounc the betrothal of tbelr daHchtar. Esther, to Henry M. Klepner, son of Mr, and Mrs. S.

Klepner. LAVENTRALL JACOBS Mr. anl Mrs. Frank Jaeobs Norfolk, announce the engasement of their daughter, to Mr. Max Lavrnthall of Brooklyn.

-LEVINE--KAHAN Mr. and Mra. Samoel Kahar of 1.720 East 19th Flat-. bush, annoubos tha betrothal of their daughter. Pauline to Oscar Le- vine, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Sisvound Levin ef Flatbash. Reception at hotae oa Sun- day. Dec 18. 193.

to P. M. No cards. MASBACK REISMAN Mr. and I.

Relsman of 71 East With Bt. announce the engagement of their dauchter. Janet to Mr. Chester A. Masback, aon of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Ma aback of 370 Central. Park West. At horn. Sunday, 18.

from 3 to 4, MONH EIMEW AMPE Mr. and Mrs. Bernard I. Canpe of 7M0 West nd Av. an-.

Bounce the enaajrement of their daughter. Mia Leimtine Ctan, to Henry F. Mon-helmer, sob of Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph H.

"Monheimer of -this city. Reception date PREtlKR KrRSCHBAirM Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kirsebbanm of 357 West 1 18th Sireet. announce th engagement of their daughter.

Laura H-. to Mr. Ralph S. Preger. QUICK BALLOV Mr.

and George Haaaena naliou or park Hill. Tonkers. N. have announced the engagement ef their eaucnter. Mlaa Ctllsta Idell Balloo.

to Francis E. Quick ot Newton Centre. aiaas. Mr. uuick la a graduate of Cor nail University, class 1018.

and served in the Naval Aviation Corp during the war. ROSALER WOLFF Mr. and Mr. Louis Wolff. 104 Lenox Ar.

announce the en gagement et their daughter Fanny to Mr. Henry B. Rosaier or Fallsburg, N. Notice of reception later. ROSE TANNEXBATJM Mr.

aad Mrs. M. Taansabauru of Montreal, announce the engagement of -their yoangest daughter, Miriam, to Mr. Theodore F. Rose, eon of tne late Mr.

and Mrs. Ms uric Rose et Montreal, ROSENBLATT COLBT-Mr. and Mr. J. A.

Golby. '41S Central Park West, announce th engseement of their daughter, Rosa- una, to nenry i. Rosenblatt, N. C. STRAUS PEYSER A ERR Mr.

and Mra. liermaa Baehr of O0 Weet 161st St. an nounce th rasa f-e meat reception of their eaugnters. Estell to Julian 'A, 8traua. son of Hermln and th late Moses Btrans.

and Irene to A. Morel Peyser, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Simon Peyser. At the Hotel Ansonia oa Sunday.

Dec 18. from 3 to 4 a. xso cards. WALLACH STRA (788 Mr. and Mra.

Julius utrauss or ii rook lyn aaaoune th engare- men i oi tneir daughter. Helen to Mr. Donakl M. Wallach ot New York. At nome Dec.

is. from a to 6. 857 Ocean x-araway. WINORSKY COHEN Mr. and Mrs.

Masr Cohen announce the engasement of their aaugnier. pessie, to Mr. Wloersky. WOHL 6CHWARJ5 Mrs. Rebecca Schwars of 631 Crown Street.

Brooklyn, announce m. niHaneii or ner eaughter, Henrietta, to Mr. Max Wool of New York narrifia. BAUTNARD HIBBARD On Saturday. Dec lO.

at tha home of her parents. Charlotte c-awarae. aaugnier or Mr. and Mra. Omii r.

Hibbard. to Mr. Charles Heath jr. of uaverrord. Pa.

CaUTTENDEN BLAGDEN At Grace Church Chantry, Dec iq. by the Rev. Dr. Charles Lewis Slattery and the Rev. Dr.

Samuel S. Drury of St. Paul' School. Margaret Wendell, daughter et Julia Ooodmaa Blagden and tbe late Samuel Phillips Blagden, to Gerald Chittenden, aon of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Horaoe H. Chittenden. LEWENTHAL SMITH Mrs. Dolores Smith announces the man-tags of 'her daughter. Ursula Dorothy, to Mr.

Roland R. Lewen-thal. on Nov. 80. MARCH DUNBACHER On Saturday.

Dec 7 th" Rvr- Dr. Merle St, Croix at eve Riverside Drive. Mrs. Lottie Dunbacher of New York, to Mr. Herbert BUlingtoa March ef Orange.

N. J. i MENDELSON ALTMAN Mr. aad Mrs. Altman, 611 9tk 8t, Brooklyn, announce nrarriag of daughter.

Beatrice, to Mr. Joseph Mendelaon of Brooklyn, to take Place Suaday. Dec 11. NEWMAN inCITLER On Dec 11)21. by ine rtev.

Aaron Elsenman. Laura Marie, daughter ot Slgmund Heltler ef 603 West 141st ft, to Horace Newman of Macon. Ga. SAMUELfl-lJjOTD-On Nov 24. 1921.

by the xv. auuney Goiaatelo, Mlsa Pearl Lloyd to Isadora Samuel. Attninrrflariffl. JONAS Mr. mad Mrs.

Julius Joaaa of 698 Trl, r. announce thei golden wedding anniversary Thursday. Dec 15. at The Ellsmere. 80 West 126th St.

Reception after 8 o'clock. Ne cards. BiriV ABLER Louis husband ef the late Ra-- cbel Adler (nee Scbeoer). devoted father ot Minnie and Bertram Adler and Lucille Urbcb, Funeral services at the residence ef his daughter, Lucille rjrbach, 0 Weet 144th Monday. Dec 12.

at 2 P. M. Manhattan Lodge No. 111. I.

O. F. 8. ef and New York Lodge No, 10, CA Ok, are reqhestsd attend. AMTrnrrV At ToMjs Ferry.

N. Tee. Archibai1 huehand ef Alvln AnMdes, aced 8t yeara. Funeral from hi late real dance, on l-Ul instu. l-Ui inst-.

I We v. m. APPLETON On Frldar. aec. P.

at I West Chester. LaiIs. Mat. wife ef Edwin Appleton. late of Brooklyn.

Funeral e-r-vic at Oreenwooil (Vnvtffy Cbauel oa Monday, Dec 12. 3:30 P. M. BAXER In New York; 9. William Llewellyn Baner.

M. IX. husband ef r'Mx- abeth Girnoux and son of the late 11 liam J. and Martha Fowler Baa-en Fu '-'neral service at-vthe Church of th evenly Rest, fith Av. and 4th at II M.

Monday. Inc. 12. I'laasa omit flowers. Interment at convenience of the family.

i RlVm At a arvM-lal mtlnn IHe! Xfaifl. cal Board of et. Vincent's Hospital, held Friday, Dee, mi. the following action was taken: Hesolred. That tbe Medical Board of St.

Vincent's Hospital has learned with profound regret of the death of Dr. William I Baner, who was a member of th's hoard for alntoat twenty years. Dr. Baner skJil and gentus as ph-sicla commanded the highea respect and esteem or ma eoiicaguea: niKini y. eeneroua dlstoaltton and cood fellwhln made him the prrsnnal friend of every i member or tn ooere.

i The staff of the hospital Is hereby re quested to attend In a body tbe funeral of VT. lianer. at till tL-nuren or tneineav- ealy Rest. 40th St. and Fifth Av.i Man day.

lec. II cleck. EDWARD KKTEH jn PreaMer.t. BERLINER On Di-c lO. at her residence.

2 West Emm Berliner BIum. beloved wife of Abraham Berliner and devoted mother of Lee. Edwlni Fred erick and Frieda, and sister of Eugene Blum. Funeral notice later, CIARK On Dec. 8.

William Btevenson Clark! In the 42d vear of his age. beloved son of Mary L. CI ark. and the late Tbom- as Clark, i Funeral services oa unsay, at 2 o'clock, at th Chapel, Greeawood; Ceme tery. V.

COHEN Israel, belo-ed husband of Rachel (Tiee Dorf and father of Jennie Nea- dorfer. Moe. Ik. Charlie, Lily pavtea. Joe and Nat-- Fnneral from Wyera Funeral Parlors.

22 Lenox Sunday, Dec 11, 10 A. M. I COHEN Israel, on Dec 8. Members ef Krakauer Wociety are Invited to attend funeral from Meyer a Chapel. Z'iS Sunday.

Dec II, lO A. M. Id. I N. WOLBURU.

President, D. KEPI'LKR, Secretary. COLETTI Irene E. (nee Matthews), beloved wife of Paul V. Colettl.

sister of C. Jon- aid Matthews, at ber realdence 1,744 Undereurre noma no. Friday. Dee. O.

Funeral on Monday, Deo. 12. Reouiem maaa at the ot tbe Holy Spirit. Burnside and Unl versity Avs at 10 A. M.

CROW ELL Oa Dec. 10. 1921. Annie Henry, vwWow of F. Randolph Crowall.

Relatives and friends, also members of Star of tbe East. Chapter. No. 47. O.

K. 8.. en ln- vtted to attend tne funeral services ai her let homo, fuj Beech 8L, Arlington, 'N. on Monday. Dee.

12. ai P. M. Interment at Arlington Cemetsry, DE OROFT-On Friday. Dee.

9. 1921 at her residence, 211 Patterson A East Ruth erford. N. Hannah Jane Wicks, beloved wife ef the late Isaac De- Groff. as 83 years.

Remains at FredHerbst Bona Mortuary unapei, so riroos-- lyn. until Monday. Dec 18. IJOiP. M.

Bervlcea at Greenwood CerneteryS Chap- ei, 2:30 P. M. Interment Greenwood. DUNN Suddenly, on Dec 10. Mary tA- beloved wife ef Patrick H.

and mother of Walter EL, Gertrude Charles Hchm C. Edward Frank Mra. Frank J. Ankner, and slater of ex. Lieutenant of Police Edward J.

Kelly. Funeral from her late realdenne, 641 West 184th Tuesday. Dec. 13. thence to tha Church of St.

Elisabeth, -187th St. and Broadway, where a solemn high mass of requiem will be offered for tha renose of her soul, at 10 A. M. ln- tarmenr Calvary Cemetery. AufiDmoblkr cortege.

I DUTCH ER45n Dee. 9. 1921. Anna Mj widow of George W. Dutcher.

aged 61 years. Fu neral service at her late home. Bel-grove Lrtve, Arlington. on Sunday, Dec 11. at 2 P.

interment on Monday. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytowa, I F18HER Charles In his 70th year, at hia horn. Spring Valley. N. Dec 7.

1021. i Funeral services at City Club, 1 Spring valley. ounaay, uee, it. at JP. M.

FISHER Clarence M. Campbell Funeral Church. B'way-eCtb Monday. ID A. M.

FREDERICK Oa Dec 10. 1921. James R. Frederick. Funeral service at his lata residence, 1.988 Belmont Bronx, on Monday at P.

'M. interment. private G1LMARTTN On Dec 10. Thomas, ibeloved son of Patrick and. Mary Gil martin (ne Foley), and brother of Rev.

Hugh, John, May Nsnnlnger. Catherine, Beatrice and Emma. Funeral from his lata realdence, 431 West 57th at 9:30 A. Dee. Solemn mass of requiem at Church of St.

Paul tho Apostle, 5Pth St. and Columbus Av. interment Calvary. GUERIN-At MorrtatoW N. Dec 10, 1921, Anderson M.

Guerin. husband- of Josephine H. Pruden. Fnneral aerelee will held at his late borne. 4li Western Ac, Tuesday.

Dec 13. at P. M- KAASE Met a at- ber residence, Nep- pime new nocneiie, natureay, iec i i i i U- jWK VI I HABEL Adolph. In' his 72d year, iSee, 10 after abort Illness. Dee.

13. at 11 o'cloclt, from l.KW Park Place, Brooklyn, HANLKT On Dee. 10. Mary Neary. aged T4 years, formerly a member of Bt.

Michael's Pariah. West 34th and widow of the late Michael Hanley. Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mra. a. Kleman.

143 Park Av, Leonia N. 'Time later. I ILARDINO On Dec -10. William beloved husband of Helen E. Harding.

In his 1 year. Funeral services at his residence, 133 West Dudley Westfleld, N. on Monday. Dec- 12 at 4:45 o'clock. Train leaves Liberty SL, N.

Y'st 3:40 P. M. i HARORAVE On Dec. 10. William Har- grave.

in bla sevenry-aecond year. Funeral 'service at his late residence, 433 Convent Av, Monday. Pec 12, at 11 A M. Interment private. HEIDR1TTER At Elisabeth.

N. Thursday. Dee. S. 19-21.

August Heidritter. aged S3 year. Funeral a at his late rasi dance, l.Z4 Waverly Place, ElLx- abeth. n. Monday, Dec jz.

at o'clock P. M. JACOBS Rose, widow the late William Jacobs snd beloved mother of Fanny, Kdna and Ellis, at ber bom. 1.U0O Park Av. Fuaeral prlTate, JACOBI Victor.

Campbell Funeral Church. Rroadwayrooth Tuesday, 2 P. M. KATZ Herman, aged 54, beloved father of Bertha. Stella.

Hoe. Gertrude, Blanche. Frances and Samuel, on Dee. 9. Funeral services Sunday.

1 P. 634 Laifayett llrooklyn. Please omit flowers. In terment Mount Hebron Cemetery KEILHOLi Suddenly, at her residence. 309 A del phi Brooklyn.

Unl aiever, widow of the laie William F. KellboU. Funeral services will be held st 'her, late residence Dec Is. at a P. KID On Saturday.

Dec 10. at Rah way. N. Mary Hemaley. wife ef the late Henry E.

Kldd, la her 76th year, mother of Mrs. F. M. Crossett and Frank -W- Kldd. Funeral services at her late residence, 123 St.

George Av, Rahwav. N. on Monday at 3 P. M. Interment private.

Peonsy-lvania trains leaving Hudson Terminal, downtown New York. 1 and 1 P. M. Monqay. wiu be met at Rah way station, paterson IN.

and Boston (Mass.) paper pleas copy. k-ING-fte Friday. Dec. 9. 1921.

Frank King. In his 44th year. Funeral services will be held at August Etckelberg's Par- lors, U34 8Ul between 63th and 66th this afternoon (Sunday) at 'CIOCk. KNODLE Blanch. Campbell Funeral Church, Broadway-46tA Bt.

NotKe later. KRISKA Adolph, dear father ef ji Jutlu. Harrv. Bertha and Mrs. Ella enapiro.

Funeral from his late residence, 139 Wast 117th Monday. Dec 12, at 2 F. LEVY At Hotel Monterey oa Dec 8. aeed 04 years. Mary, widow or tne late Jonas Levy and devoted mother of Edward Albert and Milton J.

Funeral from chapel of Saul A. Rothschild. J50 West 120th Sunday. Iec. 11.

10 A. M. Clncla-' aatt (Ohio) papers please copy. LI LI EQ VEST On Dec. 10..

Leonard Lille-quest. Funeral services Chapel Stephen Merritt Burial and Cnimiiloi Co, 141 8th Av, corner lHth St, on Monday even-Ine, 8 o'clock. Funeral on Tuesday- morning at 10 'clock. I CEMTETEHIE8. -JLMMJUCA'M UVRIjLL PAaVK ptsrmaaent ''and beaotifuS.

Prices of lot moderate. 103 park TeL If array HUl 1S4X WrU "Psaeieie of COy rnm-ttrtn. A CHOICE LOT IN W00DLAWN CE3IETERY Reasonabl to cash buyer. Address; Ura-ent. Box 74.

Gfnd Central Station, N. Y. THE W00DLAWN CEMETERY C34 ot. By Harlem Train er Subway. Utflc.

84 East ild New York. Lata ef small sis (or sale. MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY 1 WCSTCHESTCa C0UMTV ON-SECTARIAN Family plots, eoaveauent payments i descriptive booklet Cre. Office 2VO Lebex Ava, LIN F.KAN Dennis, on n-e." beloved hu-hand of Abby (nee Kelieher). Foneral frora his late residence, 43 Amslerdum and requiem mass at Holy Trinity Church, Weet SIM 10 A.

M. Monday. Dee. 12. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

LIVINI58TON At Orang. N. an IW. ft. very suddenly.

Mary Ktlsy.h, daoehir nf the late Charles Jame sitd Charlotte Lucia Livingston. Funers.1 Mondays I ec. 1 at St. James Church, Hyde Park. N.

upon arrival ef train leaving Grand Central Station at 12:23 P. M. LOEBA; his residence, lot West lri-th. oa Friday, Dec. 9.

Alfred Lech, in ftls 5-1 in year, beloved husband of Kolth Loeb (nee Marx), devoted father of Richard. Fu-" neral aervtce an- Ham Rothschild's Chap el. fOH Lenox A at 120th St, Moaday, Dee. 12. at 10 A.

M. -McCORMICK At her resldenee. 47 East Kllh St, on Dec 8, ir.lea J. McCormick (nee Gordon), widow of the Hue John J. Mc(rmlck and beloved mother ef Mary, John and William McCormick.

beloved sister of Mary, Hugh and Charles Cordon. Funeral frora Ail Sa'sts Church. Madlaon Av. and St, Monday, Dec. 12.

at 10 A. where a solemn hi iii mass will be offered tor the happy repose ef her soul. i McDEllMOTT At Patchogu, if. T. Dee.

10. 1021. Annie, wldw of Joha Meler-mort. In her 70th year. Funeral aenrtce ati St.

Francia De Sales Mon- day, 9 A M. Interment Belluort. Long McKEON-rOn Dec 10. at her residence, II West 9Ath St, Ellen beloved wife of the late police officer Wm. K.

MeKeoa. Y. P. D. Solemn requiem mas, at Chi re of the Holy Name.

Isiih St. and Amsterdam Av, oa Tuesday, Dec 13, at 10 A. Interment Calvary. MAPLES On Dec 10. -1921.

Mary tt, be-. loved mother ef Frederick Maple. Fu-neral from S37 Central Av, Far. Rock-away, N. -Monday.

-Dee. 12. at 1:30 P. M. Interment Greenwood Cemetery.

MARSHALL On Friday. Dee. 9. li21. at ber 3JM 8h Braoklrn.

Alice A. Msrsball. Funeral service Monday eve-nlr. Dec- 12. at o'clock.

Interment Rol Hook. N. Y. MA TTH IE On Friday, Dee. 9.

1021, William. A. C. Matthi. Services at Reeves's Sumner Av.

and Monro Bnwklyg, on Monday. Dec. J2. at 7 :43 I'--- -v Dec.r S. 1921, XaUr- meat Wooeter, Ohio.

MILLS Suddenly, at Bedford, Dee. 10, .1921. Phebe E. Mills, In her Bad year. services at her late residence, Bedford.

N. on Tuesday, Dec 12. at "ef. aale -r. NASH Dr.

Charles on Nov. IS. tn his eisbtleth year. Ha practiced dentistry In New York City over fifty years. Hia wMow and family live la 1'rpperell.

Mass, NAVAN Cornelia (nee Walker), -beloved vt't of William J. Navaa and mother ef Arthur William Harry fci. and Mr. A. 7rrenner.

at her realdence. 2,619 Roberts Av, Westchester. N. oa Sat-, unlay, Dec 10. Funeral service at St.

Peter's Church oa Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at WoodUwn Came-y- tery. OPPKNKEIM Samson beloved husband of Kathrya O. Funeral 10:20 A. M.

Monday from Ms late residence, 63 West vim bt. RAPPAPORT Max, suddenly, at his reel-- dence. 900 Riverside Drive, beloved hus-r band of Bessie, father of Jack. Notice or funeral hereafter. REEVE Lillian Blsbee.

beloved wife of A r- -tnur rteeve. I too be Ferry. N. in Dobbs rerry rtoepitai early Saturday rnernlng, Dec 10, 1921. after a short li loess.

In her 63d year. Funeral from her late home. ogden Park. Dobbs Ferry. N.

Mondsy. )ec 12. 2 :30 p. Interment at Ksa- aieo Cemetery. ROBLES Dec 10.

aged 7 years. Michael, beloved husband of Julia (ne Levy) and devoted father ef Mrs. -Philip Bltts snd Mrs. Maurice Simons and brother of Sol Hobles. Funeral from 1st residence, l.VI East 84th St, Monday, Deo.

12, 2 P. M. SATZ Abraham Eats, la hia S8th year, be loved niubaM of Betty, father ef Her man (J, um Bert frl, Lillian. Kusel and Etta Slater. -Funeral from bis late residence, 9 New-Broadway, Fa Rock-away.

L. L. Dec, 7. 1821. 8ECOR On Dec.

10. In her 83d year. Liza i oeeor tne TnompKins). daugneer et the late Colonel Wll'lam Ward Thomp-klna. Funeral services at -the residence of her granddaughter.

Mrs. J. 8 tender, 1.M7 Rose lie St, Westchester, Bronx, ea Monday evening, BP. M. Funeral Tuesday, lO A.

M. Interment Rural Cemetery, White Plains. Automobile cortege. SMITH At Upper Monte lair. N.

Friday, Dec Edward a. smith, in his 80th year. Funeral service at his late home. 18S Bellevue Av, Upper Monte lair. Sunday afternoon.

Dec 11. at 4:30. Train leaves Jersey City. Erie 4 for Upper Moatclatr. STERN Theresa, en Dee.

9, In her 74th year, widow ef Charles Stern, beloved -mother- of Joseph Henry It- aad Haiti Mlndea. Services at residence, ii-SO East Hunday. Dtc. II. 8r00 P.

Interment, Mt. Neboh, Cypress stills Cemetery. THORN Suddenly, st fiaranae Lake. N. Dec T.

1921. -Jesse Stanton Thorn, only eon of Ste-enaon J. and Clartsaa A. Thorne, aged30 years. Funeral on Sunday at 3 P.

M. from Tremoat Baptist Church, 178th St, and Webster Av, New Tork City. Interment private. TOCH Serena, died suddenly Dec 10. Be loved sister of Mrs.

1. ti. Weinberg, Mrs, Herman Mayer, Jacob Henry Lucas B. and Max Tech. Funeral private TOUFSAINT Charlotte, suddenly.

In Paris, France, neiovee mother ef JLiouls c. Tous-salnt and Louise H. Remy. Requiem mass Monday, Dec. 12, at IQ o'clock.

at the Church ot St, Vtnoent de Paul. West 23d St. UNOER--Solomon A. beloved hus band of Iena Unger nee sheyer, on Dec 10. Funeral service on Monday, Dec 12.

16 from- MarUa Pick Chapel. 227 Lenox Av. VAN BRUNT On Dec 10. 1021. Jennie E.

Van Brunt, widow of Honorable Charles H. Van Brunt, Funeral ssrvtee at her late residence. S40 West 7 Id St. N. on Tuesday morolng, Dec 13.

at. 11 o'clock. VAUGHAN It Is with deep regret we an- ounce the death of Brother John G. Vaughsn. at Interment at Westerly.


John Riverside Hos pital. Yonkers. 4n Friday, lee. Harriet L. Waterbury.

widow of William Ferris Waterbury. Funeral seitloe at Havey'a Funeral Chapel, 78 North Broadway, Tonkers, N. Monday at 1 o'clock. Interment at Stamford. Conn, WHALEN Dec 8.

1921,. at 64 Central Av, White PlAlns. riannab I hereee. belTved wifs of Jeremiah F. Whalen.

in her year. Funeral services will be held eat St. John's Church on Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock. WILKENS Suddenly, on Dee. '9.

1941. Her man Wl'kens. tne beloved Dusbana ot (eealne Wllkens (ne Hunken). Funeral services bis late residence. 60 Forest Road, Ridgewood.

N. oa Sunday. Dec 11. at 4 P. internment at coovasience ef 3n ZtmovisaxL BENJAMIN In aad and loving memory -et our deer aon and oeiovod brother.

Jacob Benjamin, who died Dec 11. 1914, BERNHARD In loving memory of our be loved eon, father and brother, Samuel Bernhard. who departed this lit Dec 12. 14. Goo, but not forgotten, BLACKBURN Constant and beautiful trtem- oty or our dearly beloved President, Hannah Blackburn, died Dec 12, )04.

Rest in peac. BULLWINKEI In fond and loving memory or our near aiatner ana grandfather. Charles Bu.lwtnkaL who departed this lif Dec 11. 1914, UNPEBTA I WHEN DEA TH ENTERS YO UR Call "Columbus 8200" At Any Hour, Th paxtlnfli honor iu wv i reiuwuicxcrca wnrn tne arranse-- ments are in the hand a of Mr. Campbell and dcriptivti booklet cn I rati 'y-: recetpf of rr A XTtr "THB FyNEL.CHURCHk 1 Broadway at FWwetwfovaBOecaalaaa.

Artistic JACOB HERRLICIi'S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS CMASCL 332 East 86th St. Lenox 6652 t94S Ceeoeerae. sear irttb Tel. 252 Trraaaa HUNDRED NEEDIEST CASES. In your Christmaa giving', do not forget the Hintlred'Neest Cases, printed in Section 1 of this issue.

Prompt response to the appeal will make it possible to rseet tbeir urgent wants before Christmas. Checks should be Tnada to Hundred Neediest Cases," and sent to Tha New York Time. PERr-HIt 1n tovtre rd-cory fattier. lienY, who Hieii, I.iec.i DHEIFUS. Is lovk my leioved ujit-and sn.1 Sten.

Wirt? cIULDkVv ERAIANN Aaron. In Um4 aa4 memory of a devoted Uu.enj. 1, who depart el this li' vT'J B-14. wife, DAU.urriiu jcams CROSS In sweet and (rating mmnev erv ui aur linn iat iwiTniurr. imvj.

in ia not forsottea -T. li and Brothers. MEYER Max la. lovinf roe mo rr ef my nd and lr, lC, la lite la. ii.

In p-aj lore Sehlf f. -s loved husband departed th his soul rest In pvej Sehlff. our beloved son and who ed this life Dec 11. a U1V5 'AT I DANTZIO Unveiling off nCalrnt t. ew.

memory of my son. (Mars I nti ZT ataJth Infantry. Co. A. kip, nfo Cetneery.

Larg thc at 1 P. M. rrlends kindly atleniT EDMAN UnvelHng of wurnnt in tw-. ory of rrv beloved htsiband snd aur 1T1 father. Morris L.

1.4 maa, Suaday TZ 11. st Washlnstna t-metery. at M. sharp Relatlvee Sand rienda IbyIt In ease of rain, foiioiring Sunday EICHENORUN-Unveiling monument Mcherurruo, bekn husband ef Alice, devoted fatinir ef Kam. at Mslmonldeaf; Cemetery.

Chna Jllll A MJ friends Invited. Ia case ef irain. ing Sunday. T.J GLASS Joseph Mordecalf UnvelHng and a. mort- aervlce will jtake place at Jodah Ceanrtery todai at P.

M. Jo ess of inclementi weather. poatiiJ4 to foliow Ing 7 JACOBS The unveiling the tablet In kw. Ing meKMiry et Caroline Jacob. reUct ef Lewis Jacobs and rly of Myvr.

Harry. jnn, Abr. hams. Rose Abrahatss. Amelia Rarhr.

a end Anita Schsucupri) 1ll take piaee Mount Neboh Cemetery Bundav sttrraaan. Iec. IS, at 2 o'clock. IWlaUrea and frlenda Invlsed. i JOS EPH Unveiling of sonament In rr.

ory ef Carolina Jorea.h, beloved wife of Hermaa Joseph, Sunday, t. jj, -y P. at Riverside iCerSrrery. Rorheiie Park. N.

J. Buses "meet Budae. luver trolley- cars from Fort Lee IVrrv at Rochetl Park. It traux postponed ta Sunday. Jan.

8. 1" KATZ Cn veil Ing sad rafernorlsi serrVes tn memory of Solomon KaU, i kalorej husband of Bertha Katsf and dear father cf Stella, Leonard enJ Jerome, wm taks p'aoa at Maimonldeaf CertwXrry, rnraaa HUla, Saaday. Dee. at eciock. ia ease of inclement weather, poaxnasctaeiit until Sunday.

Jan. 'J rt i KATZ-Nsthaa B. Irvlni snooeneee tbs unveiling of hia. father's raoeumeat on Suaday. Dec.

18. St SiSO aharn, I'ale rievas meiry. 5 i KAUFMAN veiling moeurneat la kretrt memory oi itrria rvaux mnj Dciovaa wilt and mother. at Mosnt Hqpe Cernetery, Cypres Hills. Sunday.

Den, 18, st P. M. invited. KRAUS Unveiling of naabaolruifc In cheriehea memory ef I gnats Kraua, beloved fcas-' band ef Julia, devoted father ef Arthur, Ruth and Jerome, and Sear brother ef Slgmund aad Herman Krans. At L'slon Fields Cemetery, Suaday, tier.

IS. at P. M. 'Relatives and friends Invited. 12 weather Inclement, following Sunday.

LEVY Unveiling ef moraia-ient In ecrd memory ef my beloved husbard. Klmra dear father of iElanclie Blumberg. Jerome, Noah. Lawrence, Evelyn Tar. will take place Dec IS.

2:3) P. Union Fields Cemetery. In east et rain, postponed to fallowing Sunday. MEYER Unveiling and memorial aervkre in a Hit Mrver. I Miaad Amelia fnee Levi! and father of Ctarenea Klaoener and Louis, LiilUm Bechhnfer, to lake plf-re Baa-, day.

i)ee. 18 at P. rain er shine, it Malraooidles Cemetery. (jVpre Hills. li.

i MORGENSTERN UnveiPmr of tablet memory of Caroline Morfenstern, beloee wife and mother, onj Suaday. Dee. 18. 1 P. at Mount aonCemetry.

Relauvet and frlenda In event -of rxUi. postponed to following Sunday. ROSENBERG Unveiling of tnonomarrt is cherished memory ef llarry ut, Roeenbert, beioved husband of iSIcU-nl W. Koaaa-' berg, fsther of Paul, devoted aoa et Bertha Rosenberg aad near brother ef Mary. Nsttiel Isasd T.f WHIUn and Bernard at Jl'nien I Fields Cemetery, Cypress Hills.

SundsyJ Dec. It. at P. M. Relatives andfrlends VUI take plac- regardlesai of Weather.

ROSENHEIM Unveiling Sf tnooument ta memory ef Roe Roenatm, belevat mother of Mr. Ir 2iitora, Ciaavi Sancler, Amelia Blunvi Carrie Loee. Sarah Oppenheimer, dUruKhe Morgaasttri snd Jacob Rosenhefrn. wll taka pi et Munrlay, Dec 11. ate 2 0 Valot) rielU Cemetery.

RSlativt and frlenda mvtted. In event of postponed I following Sunday. I eraiuovrtl mmHIm. Ln fK. aaaea.

UV ft A 11 meet of the late Jessie: Rrhamroth. say beloved wife and degr mother of Minnie, Anna and Carrie, on Deci 18, Mt. Hebron Cemetery, at P. 6 action O. lot T.

Frien-ls snd relatives ia-' vlted. If rain, the kfoll4wng Sundiy. SCHNEPP Dr. Leo. Sundsy.l Dec.

II. 2:30 sharp. Mount afebok Cemetery, seal ef Adam Society grqunds. tamlly. I i i i STRAUSS Unveiling of niohu merit hi mavn- ory of my beloved anisfand.

Ainerr, eeae father of Beatrice and Leon, beloved aoa of Mr. and Mrs. Luls -Strauss, brothar of Leo will take: place at Moant Hon Cemetery. Cypres 1 i lis. i Sunday.

Dae IX at 3 P. la rase ot rata, potnpocra. Relativea and friends In riled. WAAG Benolt It. UnvelUne for aanninneai at Ml.

Ztoa Cemterf oa bunday, ic ia rater oa SUndi MT 1 f-. -i -i l- 1921. at 2:80 P. BERGERMAN Mrs. A rs.

A and fstn- lly wish to thank? the! i relaU vea ef frlenda for kind reraeiiitiranc teodef4 to them during thelf recent! beraaveraam. HOSE Mr. B. J. 'Hose srishes.

to 'exftfia since rest thanks to relative ano ineno for th many eourtesles and expresstoe oNeondolenr extended tb km la hia iat be rea vaxnant. i KAXJSHER To all fe hv, been ktsd ta HVy tiTemv v-ira-rii, a riraj 111 thanks. MRS. SMUgLj KA IJ.IH&a. 1 I Asaesavceaaewts of AirtM aad CeeOte fw aserrio im The Vorfc Flaaea mt teiejtAowed emrU mtdadokf to litryaMf luua li IS HE A MASON? 'appreciavte from 7 icoys Masonic Books It and Poena in special Gift Editions.

Jewelry, Lodge Supplies, JovrjlUes, Ritalj. Aprcns, etc Pub! Ce 45 Join St, York- FRS. 0MB Day or Night will be paid In a way your requett. w. w- w-wa- -a- e-i! 21" Street at 8f Ava.

FnaeraJ Deelgas Speelaity LOOMINGDALE FtOR13T SHOP. and LexlngtM AveArtistla tl and tie: ooe evaauura wad up; lalepa Pia i V.J Bill II llll 'I 4.

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