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Deadwood Evening Independent from Deadwood, South Dakota • 3

Deadwood, South Dakota
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lowered the water in tho Plutus and Mil WU Health Restored ALL RUN DOWN No Strength nor Energy upon its final reading and adopted. It provides that the chief of police shall ring the fire bell at it oVlix-k every eveniug, giving it nine single taps, and all children under the iige of 16 years who are found upon tho public highways after the bell rings shall be arrested, unless they are out upon the cousent of their parents or htive a good excuse. The penalty is a fine of fl to $10 or imprisonment in A.T Tbk Palace C. M. RANDOLPH, Proprietor.

S2.50 PER DAY. RATES $2 AND DEADWOOD, S. D. FULLY 100O DOZEN OF Lambs' Wool, Natural Wool, Fleece Lined, Ribbed In Tan, Brown, Camel's Hair and all Modern Shades. IJ'nrnitrire, Crockery and Prices Lower than Anywhere Else 1000 Dozen Overshirts of the best make in all fabrics up to the Finest.

Prices to suit any purse. Grlassware. ill SAM SCHWARZWALD Is now ready to offer to the people of Deadwood, Central and Lead City, the Best Quality and Lowest Prices in Furniture, Crockery and Glassware of any Furniture House in the Hillss. I Defy Competition Come and examine Goods, get prices, and bo convinced. Yours Resp, THE PALACE Neckwear Department is complete and comprises the up-to-date in DE JOINVJLLES, THE DARTMOUTH, THE HARVARD, THE WESLYN, THE ELYSEE, And all the Dress Ties and Bows of most Modern Fabrics.

Succennor to GIB STOXE CO. THE TROY the city jail for 21 hours, or both, at the discretion of the court. AmuaemenU. The amusement loving people of this city are looking forward to the coining of Alanani Minstrel com pany, that show in Deadwood Thurs day tlie linn, ine success tins com- pany has scored during the past few years is the best evidence of the sat isfaction it gives the people. Every body who has witnessed the company's performance down the road has a good won! to say for them.

The Dubuque Herald says: Colored Minstrels being the attrac tion. In these days of farce come dies and stale repertoric pieces, it is lirhly rL-freshiuK to see an old time minstrel entertainment with its hiirh class musical first part, new jokes, novel specialties and side splitting olio and after-piece. Every member of Mr. Mahara company is an artist in his line of work and the perform ance throughout was meritorious. FEK80NAL.

Hi Dotson, of Spearfish is in town today. John Cook came up from Rapid this morning. J. M. Tcgarty, tke vocalist, came up from Rapid last evening.

1. S. P. Weeks, chief engineer of the B. arrived in the city this after noon.

Mrs. Shields, of Winfield, a sis ter of J. C. Shurts. arrived in the city this afternoon.

Miss East, official court stenographer accompanied Judge Smith and wife to the city yesterday, Miss Mundy returned home this morning from Whitewood, where she us been visiting for several days. H. Marvin, chief train dispatcher of the M. at Alliance, accompanied by Miss Eva Marvin, of Sheldon, Mrs. Fred Pierce, of St.

Al- bans, and Miss LaV'aughan Phelan, of Alliance arrived in the city on the Burlingeon. The party went ever to over to Spearfish yesterday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. S.

Marvin. EXCUBSION TO HOT SFHI.NUS Via. The Burlington Route. 5.20 for the round trip; tickets on sale every Saturday good to return on or before the following Tuesday. Bear in mind that the B.

M. has the Hhortest line and makes the quickest time into Hot Springs. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING CONTAGIOUS completely eradicat- BLOOD P0IS0Hs.sorse8obasnd ulcers yield to its healin? powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system Vllusbls trotlie on the iIIkik and In trettmem milled free SWIFT SPECIFIC Auaau, Gs. a a i I Miserable IN T1IK EXTREME.

Hands COVERED with SORES, CURED BY USING Ayer'sSarsaparilla "Several yours nun, mv Mood wa In Of nad condition, mv all run (town, ami my gfinial "liisilili very niiu'h tin- 0 iiairi'il. My handt ooviTeil Willi Oj larue sori'4. ilisrliai'Kinti all tin' time. I Oi liail no HlrtMiulh nnr em-ruy am) mv frel- 0 Imkh Heir niisi'ialili' In tin' i'Xiri'in. At last.

1 I'oinim'iH'i'tl taking Ayor'n Sarsa- iiarllla anil himmi notlrcil a fhaUKi fur tin' lii'tti'i. My appi'ilii' ri'tiirni'il anil Willi oi It. ri ni siriMit'tli. ly Oi llirse results, I ki jit on hiking tlii'Kar- siiparllla. nil I six lioitlrs, ami i my health was resioreil A.

A. Towns. Oi Hiil). Harris House. Tlioiiiiisun.

N. Dak. Ayer'SoTySarsaparilla Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR eooooeoooooooooeooooeeol ANTED for inventors with Cadi developed MINES. Money Kuiuinlied for DevelopliiK Mining rnUdrCtldi Good (iOI.I). SII.VRK and COITEK properties run be SOLD QUICKLY AMERICAN MINING KXCIIANOK.

Boston, Muss. ELINQl'ENT SALE NOTICE. (iarden City Mining Company orini'lpal place of business, Central f'lly, fl. locu tion of works, Ida (Iray Mining District Lawrence coulitv. South Oakota.

No! IceThere delinquent upon thfl fol lowing? aescrliieu suiek on aceouin or assesH-mint No. 12. levied uikiii the lMh day of An it- list, tsifi. the several amounts not ommi- sitetlio names of the reaped I vt) shareholders to-wlt: No of No. of Cert.

Nam Shares. Ain't R. M. Maloney fi no i.imo no a Geo. W.

Crise ltumtl so 8.0JI -'4 no 77 l.VXi Nil U. M. Malonev mm k. i. Haiph 4.IU7 And In accordance with the law and an or der of the board of directors, ho many shares of each parcel of such stock as may tie nei-es nary will lie sold at pulillc auction at the otliee of the secretary.

John It. I.e Ilea Intenlrul Ity, South Dakota, on October at oVlock u. to pay said delinuuent assess ment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. J. B.

I.aBkai', Secretary A SSESSMENT NOTICE. I'lH'ohontas Mining Company; principal place or business, iieauwood, soutii uakinn: to-cation of works. artionate Mining District Notice Is hereby given bat at a meet lug of the board of directors of the KlMive-nanu'd cimmanv. held on tile lltll dav of September. an assessment i No.

Ill of one and one-half il'il mills jkt share, was levied upon the cai-11 al stock of the company, payable Immctliuie-ly to Urn. A. Ickes, treasurer, al Dead wood Soiitb hnkota. Any stock upon which this assessment -hall remain unpaid on the llith day of Octoliei lsir. shall he delinquent and advertised for sale, and unless Davment is made before, will tie sold on Saturday.

November V. IsiiS, o'clock n. at the office of llie treasurer. Wm. A.

Ickes. Deadwood, S. to pay the delinuuent assessment, together with the Costa ot advertising and expenses of sale. .1 CLICK KLHSAML'N, Secretary. CM'MMONS.

Money Demand Complaint kSta'le of South Dakota, ElRhth Judicial Circuit Court ss. In the Circuit Court In anil fur Lawrence County. South Dakota. Esther M. Siosson, plaintiff, vs.

hdliolm ft Akin Jewelry Company, a corporation, ile. The State of South Dakota sends greeting to above-named defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to answer tho riimplalnt of tho above-named plaintiff, which will be tiled In the office of the Clerk of tin; Circuit Court within ami for said Lawrence County, at Deadwood, South Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber at his oilier, in the City of Deadwood. South Dakota, within Thirty Days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or the plaintiff will take Judgment against, you for Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven Dollars and Forty Cents, with Interest lit 7 per annum since June 17lli, lMi.ri, besides costs. Dated August 14th. A.

D. 1h5 KniimiT N. oonhN. Plaintiff's Attorney. To the above-named defendant: You will please lake notice that the complaint in the above-entitled action was filed In the office of fieri of Iia above-entitled Court.

On the auih day of Anirust, im. HUBERT N. OljOKS, Attorney tor Plaint iff. UP Os0KK0 0K000 0 0 COOLIDGE JACOBS, Proprietors. GOODS DONE ON "The Palace," the only place for the neatest, shapiest stiff hat, "The Gotham." Respectfully yours, ROSENTHAL'S PALACE DEAD WOOD, S.

D. MATERIAL injurious to tho most delicate fab rics used. We guarantee not to fade tho moit delicate shades, nor to shrink woolen goods of any kind. Tornado, so that no troublo is cxperi enced while tho surface workings all around have not had tho disturbing element to contend with during the pant summer. Bald Mountain News, Joe Schaller, who has held the posi tion of manager of K.

G. Phillips' drujr store for several years, has resigned His place will be filled by Frank Over man, formerly of Spearfish. In county court yesterday Judge Bennett issued order to the sheriff to turn a.i insane person by the name of Antoine Bomo, who has been con fined to the county jail, over to his brother, who resides at Central. A fine horse belonging to a farmer attenipted to cross the Elkhorn track near Tilford ahead of the train this morning. He was struck by the engine and cut to pieces.

Some of his hide was on tho p'lot when the train pulled into town. Confusion as to the choice of a blood purifier, is unnecessary. There is but one hkst Sarsaparilla.and that is Ayer's. This important fact was recognized at the Warld's Fair, Chicago, 1893, being the only blood-purifier admitted to be placed on exhibition. Fred Kline's boarding house at Terry was totally destroyed by fire last night.

The fire started in some mysterious manner, destroying the building with all its contents, There was no insurance on the building. Two of Mr. Kline's children were quite badly burned in the fire. ''I was troubled for a long time with an itching humor on the scalp," says Mr. D.

1. Davis, Neal's Landing, "but at last, being recommended Ayer's Hair Vigor, I tried it, and a complete cure was effected." Everyone who has used it speaks well of this dressing. HERE, NOW, ull you who hope to buy. The new ('amp Co. piano in one of the best of its grade.

The ESTEY piano everybody knows, it is the pride of our homes. The DECKER piano is the highest grade known you cannot go higher. All these and more to be had at Hawley's Black Hills Piano Store on the very best of terms. The Regimental Standard, published at Fort Meade, bays: Our esteemed conternporary, the Kansas City Times, in a recent issue, printed a leading editorial on the baneful effects of continued practice upon that most difficult of musical instruments, the 'odoc," etc. The Standard Rues on to comment on the subject; but just imagine the Standard calling the Kansas City Times "our esteemed contemporary." A new use has been found for the phonograph.

In some sparsely settled districts preachers are not easily secured for funeral services, so an enterprising undertaker has a phonograph charged with a few sermons, hymns ii anu prayers appropriate to the occasion and in the absence of a minister he plaees an appropriate cylinder in the machine and starts it. The audience is generally well pleased with its workings and say it can do everything required of it in a religious way, even to the asking for a collection. Ex. What the Deadwood People Want Is a I Depot. I Tho people of Deadwood and the' Independent man have managed to keep their shirts on for five years since the Elkhorn built into Deadwood, and as yet they cannot see where the Elk- horn people are making any move toward building a depot.

The Times haB built this depot so often that the visionary reporter sees the towering pinacles in his mind's eye. He interviews the general manager of the road and he tells him the company intends building a depot in si le of fifteen minutes, and the boy belieyes him. From what we can understand Mr. Burt has been in favor of building, but his ef forts have been hampered by the management of the road. Because a railroad official says so and so is going to be started or completed, does not make it so, and it is a poor proposition to bet on.

We are like the man from Missouri, "you have to show us," and when the Elkhorn company makes an effort to secure the ground essential for their depot we will give them due credit. If the Times man is correct in what it says about something going to drop on the 25th of the present month, we will be patient until that time. It may be that his wisdom, is anticipating something beyond the knowledge and comprehension of ordinary mortals, What the people waut is a depot. City Council. The city council met in regular session last evening.

Councilman D. A. McPherson was elected vice president and took the chair in the absence of both Mayor Steele and President Lardner. Members present: Moore, McPherson, Kidd, Large and Denui.s. Justice Early's report for August was adopted and report of September referred, as was the treasurers report for the same month.

The petition of Sweariugen Byrnes for license to conduct a variety theatre, was referred. The committee to whom the petition for closing barber shops on Sunday was referred, reported back the petition and upon motion it was tablet. The Curfew ordinance was placed I Orders left at Glickauf's Barber Shop, Keystone Hotel and Ackerman's THE WORLD'S Greatest Typewriter, THE DENSMORE" SAM SCHWARZWALD. LAUNDRY 24 HOURS NOTICE. Millinery Company.

Operate, Wear Out. KNOWLES, Agt. Deadwood, S. MATT KLOPP'S PALACE CAFE Is now open in DEADWOOD. This is strictly the Finest Restaurant in the Black Hills.

All Orders Promptly Filled. PRICES WAY BELOW REASON. T. J. DOWD, PRACTICAL Matchmaker, jeweler AND OPTICIAN.

BLACK HILLS GOLD JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. Watcn Examiner for E. M.V.R.R. Qlre me a trial and I will guarantee satisfaction Id work and prices. LEE 8TREKT.

OPPOSITE P. O. DEADWOOP, 80. OLD OOOOC 00000000 The Independent. ored at ttie Post-Offioe In Deadwood, S.

aa aeoond-claes mall matter ADV1KTIBING RATIB R1ASONABL1. TUESDAY. OCTOBER. 8, Railroad Time Tables. Deadwood Central Time Table.

DEAOWOOD AND LEAD CITY. Leave Deadwood. 8:30 a. 9:30 a. 1030 a.

..11:30 a. 1:18 p. p. 4 :45 p. id p.

7:00 p. 8:00 p. in 9.1)0 p. Leave Lead. a.

....9:45 a. in .10:49 a. a. p. 2 :45 p.

in p. m. ....5:05 p. ....6:05 p. in.

...7:19 p. ....8:19 p. 9:19 p. ...1019 p. m.

.10:30 p. tThla train connects with Burlington outiroind rpaasenger. 'Dally. All other trains daily except Sunday. LOCAL JVEWS.

Boots and shoes stZipps. Get your boots and shoes at Zipp'a. Try "Our Best flour at J. Goldberg's. It is imtrnse.

Pictures framed at reduced prices by Max Fishel's. Dr. Louis Howe, office at Franklin's Drue: Store. Telephone at residence- If you want your Pictures enlarged and first class work done bring them to Locke Peterson. DR.

A. NAULTEUS Physician, specialty surgeon and gynecologist, over Goldberg' 8 store Dr. Flora Stanford, Home-onathist, Office and resideoce Williams st, between Lee and Gold sts. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Gripe Crejm of Tartar Powder.

Free om Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 THIS TMI T4Wt.5. mm mm. Ml Try "Our Best" flour at J. Goldberg's. It is immense.

Wall Paper. Latest designs and lowest prices at Max Fishel's. Try Old Mexico Cigars, fire for 10 cents. J. Goldberg.

Read W. E. Lowe Co's. special announcement on fourth page. C.E.

Zipp has just received and has in stock Bicycle Shoes both the high and low cut. Marry DeLeray, agent for Wanna-maker Brown. Office with Dexter, Whittaker block, Deadwood street. Have your Photographs taken by Locke Peterson. You will get better work than any where else in the Hills.

Book repairing and book binding of every description done on short notice and in first class style at the Independent office. I. C. Shurts still remains very low. His condition is reported the same as yesterday.

Goldberg's delivery horse indulged in a runaway this morning but without any damaging results. The advance sale of tickets for the Mahara MiDstrel Company performance to be given at the opera house Thursday evening it. very good. A well known sport yesterday was made about $800 richer by taking advantage of the big limit at one of the down town club rooms. Frank Lynch who has been at Sioux Fall attending the fair as a member (if theJYankton hose team, woa the coupling contest the other day.

Bishop Newman will be at Hot Springs Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to attend the inter-confer-eoce of the Black Hills college. Mahara'g Minstrel show came up as far aa Sturgis this morning. The company will put in tonight and tomorrow night at Sturgis and Fort Meade. C. F.

Hood, administrator of the estate of C. II. Benson, deceased, was authorized to sell pergonal property of the estate at public or private sale. Alta R. D.

Lodge No. 3, will give a sociable this (Tuesday) evening at the lodge hall. All Odd Fellows and their families are invited to be present. If the hair is falling out and turning guy, the glands of the skin need stimulating and color-food, and the best uiedyand stimulant is Hall's Hair Rencwer. The ButtlcsoD shaft is proving to be a drainage for the workings within a rndius of two or three miles square.

The raise of water in this shaft baa Fine Bargains, 3 Easiest to Hardest to FREEMAN The INDEPENDENT Office, gUROPEAN Restaurant (VlllS New Restaurant will open at thntand formerly occupied by the Lite KeKtauram, on LEE STREET, DEADWOOD. S. DAK. CHAS. HENLEY, (Graduate State School of Minos.) ASSAYER, p.

o. box 1. Central city, s. d. Olfli'c on tlio Terrirvllle road, between Central and Terravllle.

300 yrd from the Caledonia Mill. OUCHES FOKHENT, lected by and Kent Col- JOHN BAGQALEY, acil Real Estate BROKER. Office opposite Wentworth House, Miio Street, Desdwood, 8. D. Mining I ah the Latest Styles in Dry Goods 3: New Stock now Ready A Grand assortment and the Best ir Display nf seasonable attractions and latest styles of Fall and Winter stock to select from itr and worthy of your atten- 2E: tion an opportunity to procure for yourself ONF OF THE BEST BAHGAINS Ei in seasonable Dry Goods ever known.

IZS You can now reach the limit of the purchas- zm ing power of your dollar. Give us a call. fc Yours for bargains, JE Successor II. H. J.


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