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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tl'-VV that it bad to succumb to adverse clrcnm reetly to eonaciesce and reform a aa exeate. that Congress The people hare bad a a a I federate Hooker was speaking la the Hoaae ef Bepreaestativee, aad imperatively com TIMOCRAT WACJOT for emeete and SL for am ateeh on hand. wnp. conveyed to Urn quantity of real estate, ami four montba later went into. Bankruptcy.

Thea conveyance were impeached by tb sasignee, and Judge Hast decides they were invalid, aad that tho aslgie should recover torttaa aaseUolaU thaeradltora. omciAZ. fapxm or ram P.1RADE HOUSE, I Ba'aU, Tkirsday Asa. 17, 1878. TO nouee WW be of, iMinir mmmtmitaHan.

The i of mpendtntt rrUi net ee ataa git vara. Breyoanwwmew teadortupon oM turreni hrpca.hmnain mm dertmmttototewnrefeeio in uminirunffiiic i ADVMRTIBXRB-Qmr eueUmen art to- tarty howrme potMiUe, tnorOer lha tee oaon me properly otastifaii. That not retxtmtd before Uafeioak (noomJtetU not me interim I Eepubllcan Nominations. AOM, 1 rMMBXDMKT, EDT1IEBF0KD HATES, iw; (OHIO, ro witLiia jl wheeler; Beading Matter oa Outside Facet, fJRST- PAOB-Our New Tork A irieulturaU Bulgaria: An Important UNPARALLELED SUCCESS, i JSXE1SE Citt MTHUSIASTIC aJc-eas-aiftnient for One tigut Only. Niagara, tanon, 1 1 th Wonder ot the On lory, who will spnear fS all the daring aad aruatle -Jaoes which have eleetrilled th world by Oa Saturday Evening, Aoffi 19, Between thabonrs of 7 aad o'clock, Th GUANO nnril, t.v imn Ni' BAN wiU ooaawueeat 4 a.

U. 'otbe rrauada- rKIB. Baleen Ra-eerved heats, oeata. UEATIIC0TE SCHOOL. THE rALt.

TIBat WlLl OPEN Oaalonday, Sapt. 4, 1876. Thoronah liwnmetfatn fa an hjL.w..' -i u. uLLA.i10 ma.le, or lafoTma-uob oitteteed, eliher by mail a by ealiina at tha School from to Aim, I LESTEK WRCtLM. anlTUU ueadMaalaiw ST- JA1VTT7C1 .1 i a 4." TTAT.Tai 4 TVRTH I AOS Two Bonnett: A CM- rtWd ORlGINAi: concerts' TUB HEWS.

Mr. Boat dm aaaa the late Sod and tys It If aot the loot Ysterdsy's paid dmllon to tha taaatal exhlbtUon aumlwred S8.411. At Oarrlaoa'a oa the Uadaoa last Bight, Oharloa Broat, aged DIteea, was drowaed while bathing; Old North-(ixto Whia Trauae or Krtormera. hey appear la hi.

A COaTU K. the Orxaa aad Orcheatrai Aooumpaaimeat, and also play toa Jaw-Boasi, 8heU njld Cltrvin. Keserved Boaia aa tMtim a A motion tor an iojaoctloa against the New York Kleratcd Ballroad extending Ha line waa dented raatardaV a ttetram Inn Aleaaadria ears: laforeemente are leaving for Abjsinla wbenea axae romorsol Egyptian extra charge. T. H.

D. Hoore Son's aaah lactorr, -at lowvUl. Lawls County, was barned yester- day. Loss, $9,000 laaoraaea M.000. Woha atoOoyera waa killed Xoaday at Dextec, IfJehlgaa, by falUng andera moving freight train be waa trying to Jump on.

la aald that Mrs. Cur ran, an old lady of Utlea, wa frightened to death -by some one looking la her window during the night. S-T Arnca-aulSutl 1 -r- A HI A PARK. ll COKCESTB BT AD ETEBT WMMldlr aul Ithi.J vui ja- ---j vw. ommM.nuji ainusp.

Admiatloa 11 coats. lySteeT vniva JUKFT BASS COSCEKTS. acBEWKEitaaxK's nkxx comi AMD VIKULNIA. BTSJCXTS. Every Wediesday tid Satirilay Evsilitt.

AdBdastoB, rifteea Casta. 1 JeSOteeiate J. ft. Whitlea, glora marcbaat of Bur- ling ton, VL, and daughter, aged thirteen, ware drowned la Lake Champlaia yesterday while bathing. An aetof the Leaialatara fixes tha penalty 'tat Jam ping oa and off trains while la motion, ''i at 00t and coats, end, rfra or tea days Im- pnaonment.

eorr-xg UrtE ARTS, ACADEMY, 4 lU i la XU AssoeUtlon Bnlldinr. i .1 At a ple(e of Tha Turners held at 8Hir Lake, laneeota, Bonday, a lad nauted Kobart Clnkler, of MinnaipoUa, was drownedwhUe 1 learning to awlrn. Boston's aewfree regetable market has sJraady msiarUlly reduced the al garde produce, and now there la a ery for fro at 4 A jdospateh from Belgrade say a war maallesto wtU ba lasoed by Frfnos Milan to- day declaring that Servia and HonUnegro will iiTB ABT OALLKBY wlU open every da d' exeeptedj from I A. 7. tXt 22 missioi 5 eeeta.

Monthly Taoketa. so oaata. raatu, lickete, good tiU Jancarf 1,17, 1 A. M. ra Bsniu n--.

Instruct iytu ISelfjct passes 'In jDajjcliig ie ass neoenOy returned from Europe, will 5ljafJi bis msiTOottea ta atODERS At MeArthar'a Hall, early Ssptsatbsr. i -t tght together till the laat man. The llsbtUUe of Gibson Tyler, woolen "manufacturer of Minneapolis, whose failure recently reported, are assets, M19.000. UuUide speculaUons caused the failuse. -r' A lad named Frana Bbmmelbacher was mortally inland at Detroit Monday afternoon, Jby lalllng ander a Milwaukee fralitii train vpoa which ba was attempting to climb while fc It was in motion.

WILLIAMS ACADEMY i The Bar. W. H. Leach, elerk In to Au o. aa7 ixlaln ptreat.

BOABCIKQ ATHD OATBCUcjoi, FO BOT A I AppUcatioai by mail or at bouse after Aua, fsx -j aSefAi i ditor General's office at was run over and killed by the car at Fenlnsula Depot, Monday evening. Ha leaves a wife and atreral small ehlldrah. At Wolverhainpton, England. Lawaonv thf bioyollst, ha oompleted hi feat la riding alx hnndred miles oa a bicycle la six tlr day. He finished at 8.40 P.

M. The last fUtaen mtlas took one honr and one mlnnta. Eighty convlcU front Auburn and fifty from Slug Slog prison are now employed on tba new State Reformatory at Elmira, and tba work Is being so rigorously poshed to jrive vromlse of itaoompletton taxly naxt Spring. At Milwaukee1 Monday afternoon a boy SreoBd Assembly District. The KepabUeaa Bleotors or OaSimlAina.

bly Dlatrtet are requested elect three delecataa tnm eack Ward to atVnd a District Coavealion to be held at ta County Coauntttee Boosts oa OAiUKUAr. Atir. IS. at 10 A. M-.

to three aelegatas to attend the State Convention S3 be Bern at Saratoga Aug. 13, for the purpose of nomi-aatinr Stata ameers, They are alaa reqswat to elect three delegates to attend tha District dsmetai canvenboa whleh will be held at the sasae tiiae aad plaoe, to elect two delegates to attend a Judicial Coavenuoa to be called aere- anesv OBO. r. HOrHXINa. Chalrsaan Disb-iot Committee, Third Assembly District 1 The Kepuelicaa Sleesarset the Third ai bly Pistiiet are laqueaied te elees three aetegataa irass eaea ivard 10 attend a Duns-iet GonvasuloB to be held at tba Ninth Ward Wigwam, II iagara atraetea SATtrnDAT.

the istsvat 10 A.M-to eteot fear delegates to attead the State Cob ven ues 10 be aM at Saratoga Aug. SS, tor Uh pur- pose ot Boasiaatieg State oaloarai They are alao Bqunitad to elect three deleKatrs trotn each Ward to attend the District Judioud Coaveaticsi whleh will be held at the aaae time and place. So elect two delegates to attend a Judicial Convention to eeoejiea hereafter. QEO. AILKn, Chairman District Oomsaittee.

Fourth Assembly Dbtrlct. The JtopoUioaaa ot the Fourth Assembly Dla- trkstarenqaested to eleot three delnrates from eaeh town ia said district, to attend a District uon veaooa to be held at Chris. Sob winger's Haul in tee village of Tons wan da. oa SATOaVOAT. Ang.

IS, 1878, at 1 o'clock P. At, to eteot two delegates to auend the State Cottventtoa which wlU be held at Baratega Aug-, JS, lif78, at 10 o'elock A. aC, toe purpose of aomfaatiog candidate for state omeera. They are also teqoeated to elect three delegates from eaeh town to attend the District Jsxlioud Con ventioa whleh will be held at the same time and place, to elect two delegate te attend a Judicial Convention to be ealted hete- WlluaowvUlsi.Jnlyaa.lSIS. ill i JOHN KOCH.

Chairman Dit. Committee. I'liu Assembly Hlatriet. 1 I The BspnUieans ot tha ritlb 'Assembly Distrlot asexwauesun te sleet throe delegate fromeaoh tows in said distrlot, te attend a Distrlot Ooavea- traa te be held a Kopp'a Hotel, Whitn'a Coraera, on 8ATDKOAT, Ang. Is, ins, at 1 o'olook P.

at- eleot three delesstes to attend the State Coa- vention which will be held at Saratoga Ang. SS, 187. at 10 o'clock A. lor the parposeot aomi. Bating candidates for State offieera, and also to elect two delejrates to atUnd the KighUi Judicial Distrlot Cbavontaoa that at to be called, i Dated OoLUns Centre.

Aaaj. 10, 1HTA -1 J. H. JOHNSON, Chn Diat. Committee, 1 Ward Caucuses.

The Republican Kleelers of thsae bly Dlatiicts are requested -to meet la their re spective Ward; herein below designated; im rsiDAx nvgNlNa, o'clock, tor thaparposeof etoestng terse dstegatee to attend tee Aaaambly Conventions, to eleot delegates to state Convention at Saratoga aS tee Sihth udleial DUtriot Conrentioai 1 Mrst Ward Wls-wanv. Perrr Street, near Chi cago, jj -1 1 i t- 1 necona ward wigwam, earner of rolsoat and Michigan stwetao I I xmru warn wigwam, reaeea Btrret. 1-Fourth Ward National Hall. KU100U fctreet. Fifth Ward finmmju.

mmaw William and fpring atreeta. Mxta ward Wigwam, eorner Kaae and Syoa, mors streets. eeveath Ward Wllrwiam. i Bllahiram Btraet. above Virginia.

Eighth Ward Wigwam, eornes Oeneaes and Terrace streets, Ninth ward Wigwam, Niagara Street i Tenth Ward WiVwam. ani of Virginia and Sdward atreeta. 1 Kleventh Ward Wigwam, The Avenue. Twelfib Ward Wigwam, Nburara Street. Thirwenta Ward Houaa of John Hooa.JS21 AbboUKoad.

By esder Of the City Committees 1 I JAaUS A31I. Chainaaa. 1 Im F. Rkichxkt, Secretary. Pioneer Hayes and WhMler Out).

The Plmtaar TTavaa anA BTIimIjmp ilnk will: hAlA it regular meeting on Friday evening, Ang. Is, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, over IS Seneca street. The meeting will be addressed by O.n. T. W.

Oonwav and other. All memttara ejt tha (Huh are earnestly requestid to attend juk. j. kihu, tr resident. viau, aa.

jtAOJSHr, nearetary. ji i First Ward. 3) A regular meeting ot tlie Flnt Wsri Kepnbllean neforua Club will held at tha Halt eorner ot Michigan and Fnlton streets, on Thursday evening, Ang. 17, at 71 clock. The members of tee Bxseutite Committee are requessed business ot.

much importance ia to be transacted by them, GEO. B. MOORE, President. JamsPbboi.d, Secretary. .1 it- First Ward Cancus.

Tbe Republican Electors ot th First Ward are requested to meet at the Wigwam on Parry Street, near Chicago, oa Friday evening. Ana. 18. at 7I o'clock, for the purpose ot electing three dela- bw. auoau Mia ira.

aemuiy atiatriol uon-vantion. to be held atBonney'a Hotel Ang. IB. una. Mi JOHN MONAMAKA, Chairman Ward Committee.

1 1 Seeond Ward Catiln. tNir There will be a woo of the Republican tlect-orsof th Meaond iVard at their Wigwam, eorner ot MioMgan and Folsom streets, on Fziday evening. Auk. is, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose ot eteoiing three deletratea to attend the herafnd As- aemuiy AiM.rict tnventum, to le held at tbe mi Mfun.r uvpuuiiuaa umaiiuat SOOIB1 a Haturdsy, Aug. IS, at 10 o'clock A.

1 3 r. a. rnnvml Chauman Ward Voinmitte. 1 Third Ward, Caucus. -1 Tbe Eepnblloan Kleoters of the Third Ward ate requested to meet in cancus at their Wia-a-aja.

on Seneca Sureet, aw raiday eveningy Ang. l7at gates to the Second Assembly Uiatriot Coavei tion, to be held Aua-. la, una. 1 rT atyonlerof tee Ward Committee. 4- M.

DBULI.ARD, orareuuy naru wnaltlM I Lit Fifth Ward Cancus. 'The Republican lector, of the Fifth Ward Bra rcqneated te meet at I he William Street ttirmmer Gardes, eorner ot William and Snrtna- atrorta. an Friday ovening, Ang. 18, at 7M o'ctock, for the purpose of electing tluee delegates to the District Convention which will he held Saturday Au a. 19, UaKV J.

KKKINHKIlKIt i Chalrnuut Ward Committee. Sixth Ward Caucw The Bepoblican Xleetnrs at the Sixth Ward are requested to meet at their 1 igwasaon Hy captor. opposite Kane Street, oa Fri wi iday evening, Auansi utwih o-oioeK, zor ine tha nnriwi. of In. delecataa to attend tha beoond Aaaembly District (Jonveauan.

to be held Anannt 111. mil i MKanV BWABTK, Caalrman Ward Committee. Eighth sr. There will be a tha Tihth w. on.

Friday evening. An. 18. ft 8 aeloeh. to wi crrsajB busis issaiiSBsistai Heipate la the dedication ot tbe Wlswam 1 ITKH- atent busln in eotmeetlon with AUiUsl.mrtteWUl r-'.

CHAS. TH0BH, Presidsnt. ninth Ward yvatrnan JLIOCIon OT ma H1BSB Wara Br lUl meet at their beadqaarter oa Niac- is. wwwa, tur toe pnrnosoor eiecttnx three delegates to attend the Third Assembly Ciairtot tm awtu auk. iw, lea Chalmaaof Ward Utmmiltee.

-Tenth Ward Cancus. I "jpuuiiea aieetor or me Tenth Ward JR BfPublleaa Hectors of the Tenth' Ward ward Hays riaia atreeta, on Friday, the 18th, lrom 4 to P. at. tor th bur- pose of sleeting three deleiratealo attend imtri aanomoir xiietriflt Coaventioa to be held WaS wSSvf Ward Wigwam, no. B.

ALl.nw. 'f Chainaaa Ward Committee. Twelfth Ward i The ReOnhllnaai VlaAtflM nff tha mit.i w. IHiSi Wigwam, on niairara Street oaThiinrtav ovaaiaa at o'clock, for tba I RorPoaeof eleoting three delegates to attend tee bird Aeaembh JT amvontioB to a held Saturday, ibe Unto, at I A. at th Ninth WafwaaBa) -i i 4 Twelfth Ward.

Aralrve HuiVmiKk avMi mmm piaoo on twturday evonuur, Au ooeasion the new Wigwam, on Nlae-a he The Bon to Rlna tl S5ebra, neorojaily Invited to Jamb a. JtOBBB-ra, Secretary. Wed. i i i. kjm ay.

ThoapaoB, aged a a-r a autfl awanaaska P4" I Pnaeral lrom hi late residence, Pine I "i frMay, the ISth, at 1 o'clock A. M. lends at the tentilyare cespseUally invited te SBtwa. Tn this -elty, on the tot Inst, Lama, child of Bern). Sautes, scad 10 month, Vew AD VMM TIMtRQ Wants, WoUeet, IS or wsa, tn iw ptaee (uw oeaf reapers for a oaata ta arm fetssrtsoa.

Bfvkm sXawwt nnfliriOrBtal 9oWmt9k)e, a-3AT Ctoslu-awt Sale. 7S0 Srat-' ook tovesTltenge Bad Parlor 'UrC? -OOPFEK oat of IS different cindsof CoSeePots: Kureka. Old Waaa-av eV aan suit yow mate, OL.IH&. Sill ai.i. I liKSTS WANTKI1 for at seU tbe full History of Moodr aod Kanke ff PPa lawTSoS: -u.

r. 'awit mbliaber and nwaiagamwiaaia street, isuoaio. aul4t PPLKBT'S WITCH IIAZKL treekle. nlmolea, blaek eiMtc.k.- yea, oeuiio bites, atwaa of inaeele. bnrna.

tuMia, atcea snd Inflamed eye. 1-harmatsy, Jmt Mam iHreeC nituu i Honusopaittts yxitt A HKWARDof 110 ia offered fcw anr ea JTA. Vorrn teat cannot be eared by a proper an. piioalraaof Hiiia'oeie orated Corn aad Wart Ito-atroyer. Ns piasten required, anu by sll STtatM BBroaaB Kaa auoaaVaa St 1 a A XHIMO OP WOKDK8 and a Joy forever.

nianur nusvKnaiHiigornRnr, 75 I I SH nanilfil, coaa-ute WlU which 1 'aajsed John Farstnger fell out of a yawl boat and was drowned. 4 s'rad Bemp, employed at Burnham's wood swept off the dock aad drowned by the ctvlnaf way of a pile of The artowaaaa of "Siegfried," tb ae- ond of tha Wagner Trilogy, postponed from Tuesday, took place yesterday. It' tested em and half tours, including tw inter- Buasioas ef am boor each betwma tha acta. Th audience aaaatfaatad tha greatest ntbu- etanav Mm la which the dialogue be tween Miegfried and Waldvoegelein occurs prodaead a marked impress Iob. aa did alaa tba aaala of tha art set, la which Siegfried forgo tha award, Tba dosing eeana ef tba 'opera where dirunnude aroused from sleep oa the Sery rock made a striking fleet.

Among tha distinguished penoa present Was tba Aus trian IMme xinurter, Coaat Aadnasy. JBK PBIMAST WMXtlSGS. At length we are able to tnotlce the official ealU for the EepnhUcan District ConrenUons in Erie Comity, to elect dele- jratec to the State Convention which is to be held at Saratoga next Wednesday, the 23d and delegates to the Eighth Ju dicial District Convention, to be held at some time and place aot yet announced. The First Assembly District Convention Is to be held at the United States Hotel, oa the Terrace, la this city, at 3 o'clock next Bacoroay afternoon; the second at the County Committee Booms In the Ar cade Building, In this elty, at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning-: the -Third at the Ninth-Ward, Wigwam on.magara Street, In ttda city, at 10 o'clock, on Saturday morning; the Fourth at SckwnrazB's Hall,) Tonawanda, at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and the Fifth at KOrrf) Hall, White's Corners, at 1 o'clock oa Saturdaa; afternoon. The esucuaaes to hooe the delegates from this-city to' theae Conven tfans will be belt! in tbe different ward tomorrow erening at naii-pasi 7 o'clock, at places designated by the City Committee In, the call-printed elsewhere under the head of Political Notices," It only remains for -to expreaa the bope that there wVl be Agcoeral turn-out at the primary meetings, totne end- of giving proper expressioa to.

the univenal feeling la favor of sending noiiefcnt dta-ereett and upright Republican to these important Conventions, men who Way safely be trusted to act for the best good of the whole party and the people, la the selection of candidates for the State offices and 'the Judiciary. This is a matter of sweater Importance than tire rank' and file of the party are apt to consider It. delegates aboold lie Republicans of ap proved integrity and judgment, who have a higher standard of political Insplratioa than tbe mere seeking of office," the gratlflcation of personal animosities bred of disappointments In that direction. Es pecially should the delegates sent to 8ara togai go thither with minds unprejudiceu, prepared to take counsel with their brethren from other parts 01 the State, and to act antrammeled, with a cordial desire for harmony and success. 3 BX1MISINGTHS RIC0BD.

No proof of the Democratif party's nnffitneas could be desired better than furnished In the record of the House than has just adjourned, The party was on its trial, as. It -were. Jit had unexpectedly beeu IVored with more power than had been accorded to it for aome time. For years it had found fault with the Republican party, had declared its legislative policy a failure, and had promised; that needed reforms should follow a Demo cratic revival. The party was suddenly called upon to redeem, these promises.

It assumed control of one branch of Congress just upon the opening of a national campaign, and hence its representatives were under additional incentives to make legislation satisfactory and to expedite the reforms 'about which they professed to feel so much interest. It does not need mnch examination" of the reeord of the Boase to see how completely theDemo crata failed to redeem their promises, or to prove, their party worthy of popular confidence. -ti -3 I It was certainly expected that the majority lu the House would at least make some show of an effort to promote aamioo trform, yney have constantly as sailed the Bepuhlfcaa Administration for being indifferent In this regard, and In the campaign of 1872 they made this reform an object; of their special devotion. It la fair to say that every principle of elvil-serytce reform was utterly disregarded by the hungry Democrats. They had but little patronage to dispense, but for that there was a strife altogether without precedent.

Worthy subordinates of the House who. had held, their positions for years, and of whose fitness and honesty there was no question, were at once removed to give room, for Democrats with out experience, and, as Subsequent devel opment proved, with very little moral character, will not do for the Democrats to maintain that their course waa in accordance with precedents; for they bad led the 'people to thins: that under their Influence a bad precedent would be disregarded and a much-needed ref orm Immediately instituted. From the vning of the session an effort was exerted to make the House take some action In reference to the financial situation. Caucus after caucus was hut all to no Weeks passed, but It became evident. that there was so hope of agreement.

And when the session closed, the Democrats had done nothing In this respect save to repeal the only measure that fixed a day for the resnmption of specie payments. There was great delay on the part of the proper committees In bringing In tiie nsual appropriation bills, i This was ac-oounted for by an alleged desire to give thej departmental estimates a thorough scrutiny with reference to effecting a great reduction of expenditure. When Mr. Raxdau. at last-produced the bills It was evident that they had been tinkered at by partisans whotared not how they crippled the public service," provided, they could make a display of alleged economy Had their first suggestions been followed out the Government would have been unable to uphold its dignity abroad; our national -uamereUT interests would havet, iously the effective and sary force of the Army and -Navy frJnjhave- been diminished; there fw seen naruiy a oranen 01 tne eloned 'act that woald not hare had its Sixty-riiod "materially lessened.

As liKOeOB AAarftfa .) nnAT.nnnArt hewtfter proVW posed of five roducliott of distances of -we out subse-yards. The 6. 1. have to make between memu. 1 every measure reduction the bl leans willing Divlston, tho hi- "aoocHirraB.

Seventh DtvUttm. jOnoa HaL F. A. CtA B. Cnmpbeli, Cpt3S.

8. Fneliis, Uc.I House tL Jonas Jouea. the The dlstanoe wi two le'a resulted la a 1' TICTOttY FOB, BOL stS New score 67 to 61. The Buffalo alone at five hundred yards, n. a score ot 60 poiata.

The matche. several other team took place d. ternoon, but a ao (hooting above was made, we forego giving tbe scor. The officer of the Association and torch goesta returned te the city at halt-pas. o'clock.

Were drive a through-several and streets, and afterward escorted to the three of House, where supper was served. to by It oft -t i Ji i BOA1TDING SCHOOL ZJS Tor Young Xaadlaav i JyTtos.i batavia, k. t. i Auction Sates, JPABK AUOTIONi HOUSE. s-ixvu AlHlOaalTMUi.

Anesii '1 il.iS. i WHIDAX. AVQ. 18. AT Si A.

tU lUoffrfoteatantioBkUrgasortm New and .1 ICE-BOX, BOOTES, nSTAST.TBITn tftjV BxirsT tbe revolver in his hand. Th Inst as tbe nrucer wa about to enjer, and warned him An at Cody had a revolver ia hie dou.i nomine aannted. Officer Jenersoa nteredtne hallway. Both men were over- aaatea. ne ball was dark.

At oae enM euurway, stood (Jody, glaring ea hi pursuer and panting for breath, but covering tbe the doorway with hie weapon. Tbe officer stood near the entrance, hesitating aa to the beet means of securing his man. He sam. moaedCodv to nmniW ht Bd doeUred with aa oath that he would Vil i attempted to advance a atop. The olhoer then raised his pistol to intimidate Cody, and said that if he did aot immediately wrrender be vanld certainly shoot him.

Cody qrtea th rowing ue both his hands, "St OOD, DON'T 8HOOT." This waa the ehiam Kt nSi4 been waitinr for: and anri nirfnaw am ia ssaein he disarmed him ia aa Instant and secured his wrtou with aippars. The urisoner bow repented of hi surrender and tried to get away, not a stronir Bull of the ninoers brouaht ni reason, utnoar Jeffetnoa took Cody to Patrick Codv ham IHMmt iv'Mhmiail' trnm Sing Sing Prison, where he had served a ternaJ "era, year tor roooerv. He said to oe 6 stpert pickpockets aad sneak uuayca iaj jaew SOra. At is aBOWU to DO bBSPnaAtK CHARACTBK. and would Often draw a trait nr nlatnl wf th.

out the slightest provoeaUon. When asked wnv ne surranMrel an tha afffM vlrlmut Ur- Ing his last cartridge, be replied that in the excitement of tbe moment he thouarht he had fired them all off. -If he had only known that uit one more snot na Sua would have Shot tlui nffinan. I BKAtE SmVS FIGHT. Worn Che An Yortt.Tlmet.

Augumt 18. While Mary Garry, the domestic la charge 01 tne residence District-Attorney Phelps, corner or rorty-aeventh Street and Sixth Avenue, wa Sweeping tft sidewalk on Saturday morning last at 1 aclock, a burglar entered unseen. Oa returning to tho house, ef which she was the sole occupant Mary saw the intruder In the act pf rifling' the bureau-drawer In the bedroom of Ms. Pbelpson the second floor. On finding himself diseovered the tnief walked towarS the windows ani stated that he wanted to examine them, She, however, defined the true state ef affairs at a glance and rushed toward tbe burglar alarm.

Tbe bnrglar, aVeing her intention sprang toward her, seise her by the throat and planing a pistol at; ler head swore he would kill her It she mi Jsuy further alarm. The courageous girl, thine daunted, seised the burglar, who drag led her down stairs to the vestibule In hi eff orts, to scape. rTbs ball door beinsr elosed at .71 Ibe a-iri still hold ing on to the ourgtar, avther struggle took Siace, ik tne course ail if nicn we intruder ropped 44 jimmy. rf-mlly, thinking that she woukLobtain assistail speedily from the treat the girl opened the hall door with one baud, while with the otBer she retained her hold of the burglar. No sooner, however, did tbe intruder find the aloof open than he broke from tbe girl's grasp aad elaareu th stoop with a bound, turning the street corner in a second.

The girl pursued him along Sixth Avenue, shouting 44 stop thief," and was joined by some workmen la tb vietnlty. 1 The burglar, however, distanced his pursuer, and, jumping into a wagon in waiting oa Forty-eighth Street, was driven oC at a lively pace by two confederates. A strict search of tbe bouse was made bv the oolice. but it waa found that nothing had been stolen, tbe bnrglar, having been disturbed just a he-wss auout to commence operauoaa. AS CSFUUSDEO SCANDAL.

JothIfe rorm Tribune. A very infamous and slanderous story con cerning Mr. Kate Claxtoa Xyon, a well- known member of the Union Square Theatre Company, wa published ia the Boston Her. ota 01 nonuay, ana repnousnea in tms etty yesterday on the authority of another mem ber ot the same eompaay. On inquiry it has been ascertained that the scandal was with, out foundation, except in the imagination of a rival aotress.

ine jtaay ana ner nussana, who is a well-known real-estate broker of Wall Street have Issued the following card In ueouu 01 tae rumors snooting toeir relations Sir On our return te the eity we were startled by Urn pubuoatlon-ef seaaational a lories affect in s- ounielveH. Nothing whatever lias taken place to lustily Ue etatentente therein eontained, nor Is Uiere the slightest foundation for the allegation tiutt MUs Claxtoa proposed to institute proeeed- ings iut ui.un iiiim iter nuMwaaioruunt- wii ineauoneu ur lor any rea-on, wnatsoeveri ji ours very truly, uuttisi liu.n. ya K4TR I few York, Anguel -U IQKK STATE HEVY8. A four year old gelding made on the tiuusou tuver rare last week, ana was sold Immediately for i i John L. Chamberlain, of South Uvonla.

Livingston County, was selected recently aa tne nest uuaiinea eanaiaate: tor west roint, and be Will therefore receive the appointment. A Hudson-river paper says Travel is In- creasine rapidly en both tha boat and cars. Especially are the day boat carrying immense. toaus ut paanangerii, anu tne pleasure travel over tne uuason niver uaiiroad Increases Mr. Hiram Starbuck, a much-respected farmer of White Creek, Waabiagtoa County, whoj has beea atiilcted for soma time with melancholy, cut his throat a few dava sinea with a butcher knife, causing almost instant death.

1 I The venerable wife of Sol. Northup, th slave who was taken from bondage several year ago, and after exhibiting himself through the country became a worthless vagabond, died last week at Reynolds' Corners, at the age of seventy-eight1 year. Four families of twenty persons, in two one-horse covered wagons passed through Glens Falls last week. They came from Hoi-toa, Vfarton County, Maine, near i the New Brunswick line, and were en route tor Kan-. They had, been on the road four weeks.

1 Wednesday morning considerable excite. mm'w' "CJtufd, to Oawsgo, by the report that Charles J. Bobinsoa, lately proprietor of tbe Bt Nicholas hotel, had shot himself ia th neaa an was aeso. i ms financial affairs have troubled him greatly recently, and although be had a good bank balance, he aeemed to be troubled more about Imaginary difficulties. There were 690 death reported in New York City during the week ending.

Ang12, being an Increase of 81 a compared with the week previous, and 1 Us than the number reported during the corresponding week of last yeaA The actual mortality for the week ending Aug. fi was 688. which represents an annual death-rate ot 28.76 per 1,000 peraoa living, the population tiaatodat 1,061,028., "i The AUMny Argue of the Stat fair prospects: Th prospect are, though, that tbe displsy will 1 the finest-ever held by- the State Society, e.peetally in tho- live Stock departments. Tue cattle classes will be unusually large and attractive, aad those of hones, sheep and swine scarcelyNjes so. In the department of implements and machinery the entries are lighter thac u- al, but any deficiency here will be more than made np in the other department.

tl ry-A- drought prevail throur 'at Schoharie The atream are ually Jow, many well have given but, the vlh is dry and-parched, fires prevail In sevet I localities along tbe railroad, and some fires consides able extent hsva swept over the Woods in various localities. The rain which prevailed in Oteego County Monday night er Tuesday morning did not reach Kicbmondv e. or anv v. m.v yv. m.u vt ovuvup IOlinty.

The fall crops will foal the jcte of tse drought quite seriously, i The Adirondack survey, nn''sr the direction of Verplanek Coivin, has introduced a feature la It work which I au icting th attention ot portemee who are tr veiling about tbe wilderness. The station 1 Blue Mountain" la furnished with a thin chronometer and astronomical instrument, and at nine o'clock precisely each night a pan of powder is ignited. Tbe flash 1 visible a great distance, and, although. It Uintei solely lot the use of the surveyors at er stations, sportsmen, and summer excut onlste avail themselves of thia opportunity to arrest their Tseedsy afternoon the inrr'ie of the tore la Broadway, between -n and Murray streets. New Tork.

were st by a loud explosion, and hurrying to thr doors they war jost la time tee Peter i 1 the driver of on of Hyrnes'a oua-w-ater wagons, drenched with a volume of wa' -i-parently falling front tbAf clear ky. tbe sixteen great retort. ,1 till of eoda-wau with which thia dray vrajsaloaded, had bur and thrown eight foaming liqu. high to the air. The rCPi I wa of copper, and no fragment were titt.ired.

The explo. sion lorced out the head ot 'tl ding it and the side ii fry direction, a. eurung tne uuck coppeai (might have curl ed an autumn leaf. Jg 'VhMd wa charged with a pressurs of fa tmp i John Wood, a thitst year old bob of Mm Moses Wood, livWti fcout two miles aorth of the viUago of sfex, experienord a Barrow escane fronwcaanilaentaL hane-inr Be wa swjiTiF by a rope hal ter attached to a nail tl woedhouse, his hands holdiug tbe ropoiboVIe his head, with the loop of the baiter uMer ais chin and running upward aad back rard. While in this position he- conceived I jst it Would be pleasant to let go the rope swing by his etiin.

bat be insteaUy did.ored hi mistace. Strangulatiea iastantly followed, and be was Kwerles to regain hie hold upon the rope. hto-Btraggiea for breath aad freedom the nail gave way and he tell to the floor uncon scious, from which it required several moments of active effort te restore hint. '-Tbe divorce of If 'rid Maria Antoinette Bush from C. Bash ba been entered on tbe Supreme Court reeord la Brooklyn.

The proceeding have beea conducted with tbe greatest seerefy. Bush and hi wife moved tor eome time ia fashionable eireie in Brooklyn. She was, before her Burrtage, ts toe uaugoter 01 weaitny parents. tbe son of a wealthvmaawho lived in -a AveBue. He is a years olii, and w- oms time with ileasrs.

Kidd. 1 rce Wall- Street brokers, lie was an aoe ed base-bail player, tu owner of the j.Uie judge and owner of fine b- -nd a military man. Be wss Thirteenth Regiment, snd a Major in 1 and Fortyeventh Kfc-imfoM. hired bras; oaaoa recitieMsiy to woo iitarv omoar. Flnt Jltstrirt.

e-imt Aaemably District roe delegate from each i. The are requested to ward in said iSeneca, to aU.ti at Boaney'a ad from the town of West Hriot Convention to be held states Hotel, ea tee Terrace, msknt Stma mil 1 Charles Harris, of Fsyottevllle, Onondaga County; who was at work at Wagner' lob. Oswem Falls, was killed Tuesday, by niece of (tone from a blast. He was about stances. We hope now, that the company will reorganize under more favorable auspices aad take lis place la line again, It the business-men of the metrop olis fully appreciate the commercial situation they win not allow ac enterprise like this to die out for the lack Of a little material support.

OuB ATTBimox Is invited to the fact that the Buffalo Brpre still Continues to exist and proposes to continue its hercu lean efforts tor the political destruction ot Senator Comxrara For the- moment we had forgotten all about It But our proper consciousness Is rudely revived by the Sxprett, in a eharacteriatlc misrepre sentation of something that the Cost it r- said. Referring to the trife over jthe Saratoga nominations and to our recent article on "Mr. Conkhho In the contest," the Xxprett asserts UuU the CoxMEBCiAt "does not say In so many "words that if Mr. COHkltho Is not el lowed to have his own way and dictate term to the convention that he will in directly aid In tha defeat of the ticket, "but that Is the drift of its argument" This is simply untrue. That we said -v plainly said, and there was iu need to speculate about the drift of our argu ment.

It tended clearly to the object of securing for Hates and Wheeler the Inestimable services of Mr- Cohbxtng. in this State, where he can do the most good. Tbe Bxpreot cannot quote from the arti cle any sentence that Justifies the above assumption. Having a clear recollection of Its own recent futile attacks upon Mr. COHKLIHO, it seems to have taken to itself our expressed objection to sacriftcine "the friends of Mr.

COKKLtsa fori no other purpose than to afford a tew small minds- the pleasure of 'getting even with the great Senator." But our fret ful contemporary may rest assured that the smsIS minds we were thinking of. just at the Were not the small minds that are trying to fertilize the un fruitful columns of tho Bxprei. dome VERT effective cartoons are given In the current number of Harper1 1 Weekly from AST's versatile and sting- lngly-polnted pencil. One represents the lying la a cradle, very sick, while TiuEit is acting as nurse and giving it plenteous doses of Saratoga wa ter. Near the cradle stands Hendricks anxiously watching the effect The car- ricatnre is one of the best things the tist has done for some.

time. Another cartoon shows How they gotarouhd it" A tiger, with a Tildkh head at one end and a head of HehdbickS at the other, contirive8 to go around two guide-boards, one pointing to hard and the Other to soft" money. The heads meet and are united by a ligature of red Near by stands Jomr Horrisset flourishing pilet) of greenbacks and rejoicing at the feat of the Democratic tiger. The severest punishment known to the law should be visited upon the vlUaln who deliberately throws a passenger train irom tne cracic, sucn a crime contains an tho elements of cold-blooded hardly seems possible that human: nature can ibe so depraved as tooolly contrive a plan for maiming and kUTTng cores of men and women, aot. one ot whom has injured the yUUerfn any Itlsnot often that the perpetrator of so infamous a deed Is detected.

It Is easy to place obstructions upon a track in some lonefy spot and without observation. But when the law does get such scoundrels into its clutches, it! ojaght; to make an awful warning of iuem In the most summary and effective way possible. 7 THE ARKANSAS Eepublican Seem to have adjusted their 'difficulties and will enter the campaign with united ranks. This is as It should be. We regret to hear that their allies In Missouri are? disappointed In not securing the acceptance of the candidate nominated at the head of their State ticket The matter will have to be settled by the 'Central Committee.

It is very unfortunate; but then It was not 'judicious to nominate a man In defiance of his; protest and declaration that he would not serve. Mi -1 Tpx Wretched father of the long-lost Charlie Ross has been sent upon another fruitless search; by some 'silly people who felt certain they had found the child. In many of these eases there is not the first resemblance; the hopes of the parents have been cruelly aroused1 for nothing. Tho child, If alive, is In the hands ot those who, will not reveal bis whereabouts till they Sec fit. to do so.

He wlU not be found in the company tramps. IT as though there must be ex-i aggerationln the story of the atrocities perpetrated In Bulgaria. On our first page is the most vivid description we have seen ot a condition of and murder almost, without precedent In civilized countries. Should this continue, other powers will be impelled! by every consideration of humanity to Interfere. 1 1 POLITICAL.

The Connecticut Democratic Convention haa been called to meet in Hartford 'on Wednesday Sept 6. i-ji1 The Denwcratlo State Convention of South Carolina nominated Gen. Wade Hamp ton for Governor. 1 "ff i Mr. Xtllte Devereux nam ap pear oa the Bepublieaa Nation sl.CommiUee'i list for campaign 4 j-'ty The following Bepublieaa Congressional nominations are reported: Vermont Second District D.

C. Dennlsoo; Ohio, Sixth District Ex-Gov, J.D, Cox. MXXH 'u, Judge Settle'' canvass la tbe western nart ot North Carolina, ja the Bepubllean candidal or Governor, is a srand He is bringing out all the old Union and they are rallying: to him as the great standard- bearer of the Union. -l i i t-The Bepublieaa delegate to the Saratoga Convention from Monroe-, County. Seeond District are a H.

Torrey, Thomps J. Seville, Charles S. Bsker, Tbeo, Bacon, Adolph Nolle, and Wa N. Emarien. Aa aati-CorneU reao lottos) was passed without dfsseat.

-s 1 i The dSSerenee between (hem Is clear as the site What. Hayes magi he'U do, Xiluen hat done. 1 Bottcn Jri. Tilden has done that Terrs Hants roalt j. Hayes hsant tbe difference thus is snowed; 4 Hares fought tbe Union's canse to maintain, Tiluea why liter Is (he difference again 1 Jklbany Journal.

"Already," lay the venerable Peter Cooper, aoeordlog to a oorreapondent of the Boston Traveller, have seat oat at my own individual expense, through the mails 200,000 pamphlets, embodying the view of the Independent party. I do not deslret the position of President I only desire the good of the country." 1 i -i-GJ, 'A. Finkloaburg, nominated by the Missouri Bepublieaa State Convention tor Governor, notwithstanding hi statement that he would no accept, wa yesterday m- by.a committee and positively the A meeting ot the State Central Committee te called for the 2lk Inst take action la tba mat tar and fillthe vacancy. Democratio 1 nomination for Congress are reported aa follows: Kentucky, Eighth District Mttton Durham, re-aomtaatad Fot Henry Cfhamber-. lain; T'" District BeveMyi'B Dou' beinocrats aad atiohai party' ot the 2 nistrtet nominated Yyroa Hai' -tion wt.o -a breat- Separate COB-'v in jreuwr DOBu.

erlyxlecll -vf unity--d plsce -i nominee of the Bishop accept-tbe regulars, end-for the 7-ty the tiit -teal ticket dies by mutual omuk. Oraen -ance idate lor 1 way jrtng tbOL 10 properi.y is to i the iti rs used in ut whisky traue into ter aad better channels. T1- is theobjert bis partr, be says, and he is sure the 1 --istoBish the wi' i Its strec. i bf. many years sve itsed.

Taelr favor woman 8i.5r ad he expect to see tbit come -1 1 Ta har. i vlth tUe triumph of pro- i a 4 fe thirty years of age and leaves a wife and four forewarning of the evils that would result from ench a change; and. for that, and that only, are they under obligations to the Democrats and ex-rebels of the Forty- r'i WEMSI TBXi BONOS, IS DOE. A subscriber; wants to know whether the Buffalo Coufier was right in asserting that Brick PofuwoT's paper was the ficst expose the enormous thefts perpetrated Tweed and the Tammany King. If the Courier eve made any such assertion, was wilfully wrong; for the Courier knows, as every journalist knows, that to the Sim fork Timti, solely, belongs the great; honor of having been the first to the fbremost through out the prolonged fight Which ended in bringing to justice that ethbadiment of Democratic corruption, wekB.

uut Docause tne xintes was generous enough to award to 'Hi, Tn.rit all due credit for the ahare took ln the good work lonff after It wa apparent that hi own political aaivationt ana mat 01 ma party depended upon cutting loose from the notorious Tweed gang, certain Dem ecratlc organs-the ftoarfcr among them now undertake to prove, by this honor able concession on the part of the Tts reaf author of Tweed's downfall, and they deny thai the Tla took any important part In the business or deserves any particular credit for the result. i'All that they prove, how-t ever, Is Mr.TiilDEifs dishonest snd Intense selfuihness, in setting np such a claim, and their own nnscrnpulous subserylenoe to! his imperious demands; In Interest of his unworthy 1 It is to be carefully remembered, more oyer, that while the Tfoei was doing1 battle single-handed sgatngt Tweed and his desperate who had at 'command all the power unlimited wealth, stolen from tbe publlo treasury1, and 1 while Mr. TrLDEa was very, dark and watch. Ing to see Which- side fcn the struggle was likely to win, the same Democratic jour nals the Buffalo Courier among them-4 arrayed themselves against the IY and gave to Tweed all the aid they could or dared to give Him, In Old form of mlsrepi resentatlon and abuse his intrepid asr sallanfc They sought to kill the Tfmeaif they did not hope to save Its victim. Nor should the fact be forgotten, la the same connection, -thatj, after Tweed, was convicted and 'safely lodged in jail, he was shamelessly permitted i to, escape, by the sheriff of NewlYork, alUiough that official was repeatedly; warned of the Thiers purj- pose to give i-n osu.

Buena vukmkk is on-of Mr. TnjDEifs most ardent supportj-era, and our niodel. reform Governor has never called that derelict ofncial to account for his gross or bis absolute connivance in, this humiliating defeat of Justice. It the BherlfC and the Thief had only teen Republicans, i no doubt Gov, TrffDEir woald have promptly removed the1 officer, and appointed an expensive (but strictly bon-partisan) Commission, composed of this personal friends and political ingents, to Investigate the whole matter ana report in tne snape Tilden campaign documents 1 'i- ii I 11 I WBA A31B WM COMING TO The account published on this of a sanguluary! street-flght In Jfew Tori City, reads like the description of the "shooting scrapes' that used to 'be so common in the towns In the Far West There lis hardly a border ruffian who 'would h4 guilty of such indlscrimii nate shooting1 as that witnessed at the riot referred ytr Tbe provocation was a very slight one. A blow was followed by the drawing of a revolver.

This was 1 the signal for general riot, and the original offender then amused himself by firing at all who came within sight as long as his ammunition held out Several bystanders wtfro seriously and some per haps fatally wtounded. These uxhlhttlons are not uncommon nor are they Confined to the metropolis, It is almost a universal habit with the criminal class to carry loaded weapons. A revolver, 1 foynd upon nearly ever thief, burglar and street rowdy, i What Is these arms are tarried with an intent to ItillJ should there be any prof vocation. If seems to- be growing a habit with men who ought know better to carry loaded rearmsJ I With many it ii deemed a necessary precaution In this era of ruffianism, But the habit is a bad one and often leads to violence and death which might slave- beeu avoided, had it not been for the presence of the weapon so effectively -used in giving passion its full vent There ouht to beiStilagent legislation to' put, a stop to this carrying of loaded weapons. Whenever they are found upon those! who1 are' arrested for ofleneesj the tact Should be taken into account in tbe punishment of the prisoner.

Many of the tramps who Infest the country carry revolvers or other, dangerous 'weapons, Tho punishment fof this should bo most severe, and whe detected the police ahocld have the power to confiscate alij' such Implements ot des truction to human lifeul 5 Something must surely be done, and that soon, to prevent the revolver from playing so prominent, a part In every street fracas or personal enoonnter. i i i i 1 I U-- TBB XTFB STB AM BBS. AjlTewTorc despatch; announces that the patents, patent-right and boats of the Baxter Stcam'Canal-boat Transportation Company were all sold yesterday by auction to Messral Kemtncitok Vah Dtkk tor tfhls was forced, sale to satisfy certain? judgments which the com pany was unable to meet, and which have kept the boats tied up all this season. After the award ot superiority was made by. the prize eanal-boat commission to the steamers WiUiam SoxUr mod William Newman, a company was organized and great confidence was felt) that asufficlen amount ot stock could be die nosed of build and operate: a dally line of boats between Buffalo and New York: The necessary new Steamers Were built in the expectation that thoi enterprise Woald receive the support of New York capltali- lats.

An Indebtedness of over $100,000 was Incurred, but the anticipated aid was not given to meet the! Maturing paper; The company, waa consequently placed to the hands ot a receiver, and it was finally sold out yesterday as stated. The purchasers, Messrs. RbminqtoH and Van Dries, were largely Interested In the old company, the former as a stoeki-holder and the latter as President aniji stookh6lder.The tact that the steamers aad tit thevajppurtenanoes Of the Baxter ompanyrere bought in by then would seesa-tor Indicate that the Jcffort to Intro duce steam On the, canals is not to be abandoned by1 those who interested them selves' In tho Baxter patent. This system Is, without doubt, best for shoal water navlgaf The si flclent that hak i ed. 'aioed' Vj the hoaH 8 suf- cti'eal pnrpoSb, ud the "ig waa eomparafvty model of thel aic- "ited "M'tnaX They wr 3 the eld awa7 oer' utul tors capacity some a ia; -a ot tonnage, together -ate of wvra 'it I tiu.

2 to the Dreaa Hambi; 1 I jio.wy liabilities "Iding-tiew --uld have eaeiee assort and wkte yua Faoa adisSntrale Feruviaa Syrnp, and 1 prediction, it bas maiie a tato my system new tit longer treTnulons ad last saw me, but larjrer capacity for jer.ani Uian at l- dti tt --TH i.l- Sold br i ha be- aot only for himself, bot for ait other ty for- mm weir puagea mors in order to agree in the prindpfes, approve the policies, and ym-pathlse with the" purpose enoaetated in that platform," which he onhesltatlngly la this chapter it mot expected te enter more entenaively into the view of these caa-didatea. eoneerning the general Welfare of tha corporatioa; but it mayee closed with the remark that Jones pat about 4S19 words into hi statement while Mr. Bircfaard ex-preeaed his views la about 1250. Mr. Thomas exhansed ever 1740 words, and Mr.

William contended himself with about 1000, la another chapter, however, their vie baU fee eonaMerad fnrfSer, and perhaps some of the principle mentioned fa tha as-ealled plat forms ot the two elssssv ot stockholders, i. OBITUABT. ut nav. avj r. smith.

j' The Kev. P. 'Smith, whose death in Africa was announced recently, was bora In South Britain, Conn In, June, IS27.i He wa graduated from Vale College in and from the Aadovac (Mass.) Theotogtoal -Semi-ary tn 1850. Ia the Sallowing year he became paster of a church in Pepperell, At the outbreaa of the war he was a delegate uader the Christian Commission became field agent for the Army ot the West and afterward of tbe East, aad served aa Secretary ot tbe Commission at Philadelphia. When the war closed he associated himself with the American Missionary Association, and aided in' establishing freedmen His greatest 1 notoriety was acquired Inaaon- neotlon with Indian affaire.

Ia 1871 hews made an agent among the Chippewa in Min nesota, and.ln IS13 was appointed to tbe re-poniible position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. His name has been connected with many of the scandals el Indian management which grew np under Secretary Delano' idminatraiioa. i Mr. Smith was ppointed ta the Presidency ot Howard University ta December, 7 1 RUBBER WORKS ABLAZE. three Hundred Operatives Thrown Out 1 of Work at New Brunswick, i 1 Prom the Sew Yorh WtU.

Aug. Kih. The city of Mew Brunswick, wa thrown into a state of Unusual excitement at an early hour yesterday morning by tbe most vigorous ringing of all the church and shop bell and the noise created by scores of steant- whlstles, sll of whloh announced the begin- ningof what proved to be the most destructive fire that ha ever taken plaoe In the city. The flame were discovered by Pstrlck Smith, tbe watchman employed by the New Jersey Bub- her Work Company, who, while nuking hi usual rounds, perceived in the compound-room a can of cement on fire. This was at 8:10 A.

aad being Unable on account of tbe hour to obtain immediate assistance, he attempted to throw the burning mass into the street but in doing so was badly burned about tbe nanus and loreea to.orop tne can, tne content ef which spread over tbe floor with alarming rapidity, communicating the flames to au -p COXBU8TIBLH If ATBRIALS with which it came In contact. The watchman ran at once to another Dart of the factory snd called Nicholas Webber, who bas charge ot tbe heater, and together they attached a bose pipe and turned en the water. The stream, however, was so small as to be of no service, and appeared to increase tbe spreading ot tbe burning liquids. Smith then rang the bell violently and afterward notified the engineer, who out out tbe fire under tbe steam boiler and drew off the water to prevent an explo sion. Tne ringing 01 tne laetory Den, tnouen of short duration, was so violent as to attract general attention, snd a minute afterwards sll ef tbe church and factory bell Spread the I -I Tbe call was first responded to by Phosnlx Engine Company, bot work wa delayed some five minute In getting up steam, and a further delay wa caused by an ineffectual attempt to draw water trOm a streeb hydrant.

Washington engine arrived next! and had fairly begun -a most effective service when Y'y -itHB Hosn and another quarter of i an hour was lost 4m-fere work could be resumed. The factory had a frontage on Neiison Street of 30 feet and extended' 125 feet te Dennis Street where the frontage was 110 feet. Midway between these two streets a wing extended 430 feet in a southerly direction to Richmond street where it had a frontage of 49 feet The: chemical-room was located In the southern portion of the building whloh fronted, on Dennis street, and tbe compound-room, ia whieh the fire was discovered, adjoined it ion the West. From this room the names spread in every direction, and the accident which befel the engine companies caused a load of time which proved extremely disastrous. By the time th engines were all put in working order -TUB HU AT WAS BO OUEAT on Dennis Street that the crowd was compelled to give way, but the Bremen many of whom suffered severely stood their ground, and for an hour succeeded in confining the greater part of the fire to that portion of the building fronting on the street named.

About this time, however, the wind changed, and blew in gust from the northeast east and west carrying with it numerous "fire-brands sad sparks, and altering me oonnse ef the flames ao that the works on Richmond and Neiison streets were else set on lire. To add to the general eonstereavlon there remained1 tbe fast that tbe entire factory completely surrounded by frame-buildings, and at this time it beesme evident that if tbe fire reached these the greater portion of tbe eity would be destroyed. At 4.19 A. M- one hour after tbe fire was discovered, large portion of the root fell In and the names burst upward some 1 I THIKTY On'jtWtY- FSBT. The' Fire Department though working heroioally, unable to eembat tbe flamee, and telegrams were sent at once to Newark, Elizabeth and Jiahway for assiit-ance.

At the same time all occutrants of resi dences in the immediate neighborhood began to remove their effect to the streets. The firemen now redoubled their eners-iea. and with such effect that an hour and a half after- wara tnejn gainea complete control or tne name, which had been maiuly confined the laetory. aad it waa deemed sale to coun termand thee requests for assistance from other cities. The; firemen made repeated effort to get into the chemical rooms, in order to remove the explosive material, but their effort failed oa account of the intense heat.

i -'-ATBanOTc nxrxosiOn) occurred, and a laree quantity of the burning uquia no wea aowa tue street. me factory buUdibgs. which were two stories hlzh and covered nearly the whole of a large block, are a totat wreea-, anu ute loss is emmateu ai $390,000 oa buildiiiga, stock and machinery. The tasorane is chiefly in Mew York com. pan lea, and will cover about one hftlf tbe loss.

The fire will deprive 300 operatives of employ meat, and the loss of tho S7.000 which wai disbursed weekly among the hands will be severely felt among tbe tradespeople, who will now be obliged to a large extent to give their customers erodit for moalha to eome, in order 1 hi prevent starvation among tnem. Si SANGUINAUr CONFLICT. -ii- Three Men Snot bj a Desperado In Sew -f: mm i' Tertt. fromth Sew Tork tleraict, August U. Oet the aorth side of Flfty-elxth street, about 200 feet tram Tenth Avenae, aom fworkiBgnwB were engaged in Jaylng- the foundation for a now house.

tJohn Cody snd his two sons, James aad Patrtak, superintend ed them. Kearly eppoette are aeves-al tene ment house la eooa-so lot cobs traction, where some fifty laborer are SIM employed. While John Cody was talking to his son 1 James oa the lot where tbe Masting for the foundation waagolag on, Richard McCarthy, aged seventeen, came by and looked at the; work. McCarthy lives at No. 4J0 West FUtydxth Street and was acq sainted with both-gangs of laborer.

He often came by that way to watch their work. A he approached yester day afternoon John Cody, imagining that he eonld ever hear his coBversattea with his son, petulantly ordered him away. The hoy not ooeying promptly ajoay ran to aim and i KNOCKINQ HEaf I i kicked him. The boy cried loudly tor heir and attracted tho attention of the laborer on tbe other aide of the Borne ef them topped across the street and told the old man to let go tbe boy. Cody, however, paid no attention to them, bat kept oa cruelly abusing the boy.

Hugh Fitepatxick, ne of the number who had crossed the street, then tried to stop him by force. At this Juncture Cody's sen I James seised a hay-baling stick, and truck Fits! patrick such a powerful blow with It that sw broke, hut arm. Fat rick Cody, who jitn tsn came, up, also joined in ut ugbt en uu tauier a aiue. a.B tire out 1 A t-Aatdn SWAMP-ANG SI. RKVOLVKB.

holding five very large cirtridges, and ared at Fltzpatrick. The ball struck him on tbe right side of the head, glancing off, but inflicting a iri'wwaw -xaaBneuiateiy aw tne laborers en the Dther aide ot the street twshesl acroa in a body -Jto the rescue of Fltzpatrick. The scene wa now one of the wildei. About ntty excttea laoorera, Drandiahing every weapon they could lav their hand noon. joined in the fray.

The unconscious form of iizpatricK lay oesore tnem, bis arm broken and blood oozing from tba Ugly wound in his bead. The laborer weridatr aha Calm had aireatly fled, aad John and Janes had dis- appeareu. I'atrlclc atone wae left, standing ew wtw iotinuations, boruing hie enormous revolver in his h.n.i aad eooily awaiting tbe attack of the infuriated laborer. They advanced quickly oa 1'at- tca, wuu, waiting unm tney were eioa by, took deliberate aim and Bred at the lrnt of them, Jsmee Clifford, The ball entered hi unt siue. xnere was now no time to beat tate.

riffiu ratsea nia weanon ad smh one of the retreating crowd, John Harkia. who fell with a bait through hi shoulder blade. 1 HB VIBRD ANOTHBtt SHOT i a group of the gying tBis time ulf of them. His owa retreat wa effected by scaling a fence in the rear of V3icat 'efferaon, of the I'rcclpct, heard the firing and ran back alone- luivli. .1..

lion of the and arrived just at the last botwa. fired. He aaw the three "en lying Wounded oa the noouL a.d vuv The oflioer started la pursuit. The ehaaa fence .1 lanes ta tha throueh rear varda and rBer of Kinth Avenue aad Fifty-sixth htreet, atl-heTro I Street, taking refugoto a bsil-wsy a few feet (rout jfciirhUt Avenue" tiunn? the chase the oiti ran uown tlje Ave- avray. banner that they kept h-rJ into the Wi.r brushed paet a aan ataod-pg 1 manding his eoUeagnea Sosalla aad Lynch, So I never saw rash Indig estion hi men's faces aa tbe six aetored' mea present sre wearing at this They know, to their bitter sorrow, how, falsa is Hooker's rose-colored statement of affair.

Lynch baa loss returned from a three weeaV abseaos in Mississippi, aad tells me that every Democratic club is a -regularly organized military eompaay, driillag every day." PZBSOXAtm Mr. Sullivan, wife ef tba unfortunate murderer of. Han lord at Chicago, has become 0 ill from grief that it is feared she 1 dying. Citizens of Savannah, Georgia, have pur chased a handsome eane ef orange wood, with a gold head, which will be sent to Gov, Tilden as testimonial of Southern esteem. Mr.

George Child, of the JPhUadei. pkia ledger, at hi owa expense, is sentBag ali the boy in the House of Befuge at Phila delphia to ase the centennial Exhibition. r-The children toe tate William T. Gar ner, who lost his lite oa board of the Mohawk, have arrived at Newport, Shade and are occupy inc one of the ella eottaaee with their grandmother, Mrs. Thome, mother of Mrs.

Garner. 4 I nj 4 1 Jh, -The Chicago Journal announced the re tirement of Frank W. Palmer from the posi- tion of edtwt4a-ehief ot the Chicago Inter- Ue.M noeeeued Dy U. A. Pierce, one ef tae associate editors.

Mr. Palmer pur chased a large interest la toe JnlerOeean a few years ago, upon leaving Congress, ooat- lng, wa said, fou.ouu. A despatch from Bockbrldge Alum Springs, at 10 o'clock last night says: "Speaker Kerr's condition tonight give scarcely a ra tional hope of hie being able to lire much longer. Ha grows weaker hourly, but his mind retains Its clearness and vigor, and he converse freely about hi condition, recog nize fully the near approach of death, is calm and resigned, and, though suffering ter ribly, endure with patience and fortitude." Six women are at present Knights of the Grand Cross of the Leg km of Honor, asmely Madame, Dabar (Suiter Vietoire), Superior ef the Convent Esperance in Nancy; Bos Boa hour; Lady Pigolt, decorated by M. Thiers tor her izeal la helping the wouoded en the battle-fields in the late war; Mim Bertha Bo- eher, of Havre, who founded several charita ble luSvitutlons aad hospitals; the Superior of tbe Sisters of Charity ot Toulouse, who at the risk of her life saved many persons during the recent floods; and the 'Superior of tbe Sister of St.

Joseph ot who has labored for forty year among the poor and sick in the French colonies. THE U. S. MASUFACTUEiye CO. chapter "HB ME WHO WAWTBD TO BiVS fHX The XT.

SManufacturlng Co. was In diffl eulty. It wa an extensive corporation. The General Manager and the Assistant Manager were about to retire, and it became necessary to appoint other ta their stead. It waa a cor poration involving many interest, had mil lion of stockholders, and on of Its prhtcipli was that no one save a stockholder and the ion of a stockholder should be either General or Assistant Manager, Its difficulties did not gtow out a scarcity of Individuals who were thus competent by birth to awnae the duties of those stations, for the corporation had been In existence many generation aad bad constantly increased but the stoekhohKl er wore -much dlseatUfied, and there was a settled variance of opinion among them.

growing out of its innumerable Interests and these differences had led to a division of the great majority or stockholders into two eUaaeav holding antagoniatlo views, aad each! labored to have their representative in the office of Manager. I When the General Manager and his Assistant therefore, were about to retire, each of these classes proposed (heir representative men to take the places, and a majority of the stockholders agreeing upon one er the other wa binding upon the minority. At the Urn 1 a question one of these classes bad presentee the, names of Mr. Birchard and Mr. William for the vacant positions and tbe other das presented the name Of Mr, Jose and Mr.

ii i Before the day of the 'great meeting of the stockholder on which tbe election of these servants or officers should take place, accord' ing to tha time-honored. custom, they severally submitted to the stockholders, In writing. their views of the course they deemed advisa ble for the best interests ot the corporation; When the news of tbe selection of Mr. Birchard a the representative of hi class wa made known to him, It 1 said be turned pale. Hawass msn who had been In battle, and had faced the carnage of without fear.

Bnt tor some turned pale on receiving hls news, and; modestly intimating his sense of his own unworthiness, hut ceding his duty to those who repoted conn deuce In! him, expressed hi thanks. When Mr. ones was informed that fas had been selected by his class, be did aot seem at all surprised, but (aid, "Why, these fellow want reform and 'they find if embodied In we." It was said that Mr. Jones had been reforming his class for some time- before hi selection by them for the offiee of General 7 It did not requires Mr. Birchard a great while to put his views in writing aad William submitted his a short time after.

They held no conferences With one another, acted independently of each other; yet their statements seemed to coincide remarkably a to principle. Bot although Mr. Jones felt confident of his selection, it took; him a long while to reduce his vast schemes to writing. There was much to reform and magnificent plan for its i. accomplishment which took much time to get Into definite shape) beside which, it was not certain that his class, as- whole, had been so entirely reformed a to upport all the plans of the great reformer.

As another difficulty, he knew his scheme did not entirely cult Mr. Thomas who had been proposed as hi Assistant. After they had held many eonfereaose, however, and th stockholders had become impatient to what they would do about it" their state ments severally appeared. Now, tn these after day, when the excitement of tne period. pawed, we can look back at those various statement, and per- ehanoe draw some useful in form at Ion aad little entertainment from their content aad psculisrities.

,..1 ii Mr. Thorns, in accepting hi selection, for Ibe plaoe of AssUtant-ManairBr said: "It nomination I had aeimer expected or desired, and yet I recognize aad appreciate the high honor done by the Convention. The choice of such a body, pronounced with such unusual unanimity, and accompanied with so generous sn expression of confidence, ought to out weigh all merely personal dealre aad prefer ences of my la studying the history of thoeeday it appear be was very truthful In penning those words. He really neither expected nor desired tho nomination for; the plaoe of Assistant Manager he expected, aad desired the aomlaatioa of General Manager; bat, as hiBtory also shows, Jones, although bitterly denounced by the partisans of Mr. Thomas, succeeded in reforming the conven tion, ta which he so pathetically alludes, to such an extent a to gain the first place for himself.

And although Mr. Thomas had re peatedly said that he would not accept the second place, yet is avideat be, too. came so refbrmed, allow: not only his personal desires sad preferences, but also hi pledged word to be outweighed by. the usual unanimity ef "ewe a body," Mr. Thomss alto said: It Would have been Impossible for me to accept the nomination if I could not heartily endorse the platform of the convention." It might be well to explain unwii r-pwuuTHi," la sue aene used by Mr.

Thomas, wa a term in common use in those days to express the view ef me class adopting it In convention. It; was supposed to eoatala the principles oa Which the elass etooo, and hence tae name platform. But as hh warn ot wuca we are speaklna. aa ia. sastlgalioB of the so-called 44 platform" shows that it contained more dennnetatloa of the principles of the other class than enunciation of their own.

This term then being explained, voe stuueni eaa eaauy fuscover how. Mr. Thorns war srried away, either hi. bitioa, or by hi snthusissm, and not aotaated either by hie reason or conscience, la accepting his nomination. "It would have been impossible," be (aid, for him 44 to accent the nomination if he could aot heartily endorse um ymvarmm sue eonvenuon." Tet it wa uufjmtuio iur mm eo aecentika iaattoa because it was for th second place, and h.

hd said he would not accept the Bom-InaUoa for the second place; heno. bew. not aotoatod by hi conscience. waTnoTtov 5 wip we nomination, althouirh view did aot agreehL? Jones who received tho nomlnatki. trst place; therefore, he wLTtl.

Jis reason; but rsther striving for toefirst eth.haln oTSrj It demoastraUa "at consistent men as lor Its exponct. This must be it. -and Thomas because it w. tl this sense that Jlr. Thou.

desired his aetioB toe tain. for be folio 1 Hen. fur. r. Ke wid" i-T 1 Perv ao noblv r-Lf re.urtn.- AoUiue can wtu our anairs ubiii 11..

ua or re" 'on vWu KWanQ. ranted to be A 1, for sale SS per eent. cheaper any other ahop. WM. BATKJhdi 1M aad ItwiKuurara Street.

mhS7M DO KUT be deoeived ss to size or qnalities of diSerentMoTaaaBrf intn.11 amine personally the sample foor at tba Foundry, iJ "'Miaaipm streets, aad Buy a goodarbole. Itemarkauly liw urtcea. aalTUeS Ne-. ti-eS era hnea or lew. ra tht.

nlaos (the iBtaepaperi for seoenta the i rat laaeruOB, onaeeof prsventioB A' IS Worth a noand nl aiM. Am ImJL. seleetine Sum i Mwdn.iv. Jl JL IT Select the move that gives th moat best with Mis aMnawu. waweu a itooi.

anus SA.I.K A yooaat Um. aoond and Ue: la perfectlv sale kor a lad drl- i. a STPS aad wiU oM ehesp. a O. Box 41.

a3r T7URK BRICK and CaatMn aeeded te repair an har gee of Jevett Koot's mana- faatara eaa be 1 urn proenreit at the Foundry, 5Sl by ordering. oor. through ttiatriet Xaleraph olhoa ta eitv. with BoardA pleasaat Koom Mil AltUlr 12i Ptfafftri 14a SVaas. Kr4nT mssltQ Mi class House, with lari ai .1 oornerof Caralina and SnuiTiuu.

iZ fl04 given May iaqalraot A. DORS, as W. cords Bearh Bad Mania root or uenesee Wreet te lets to suit. Pnee low. 11 IK AM H.

BM1IQ. JS WlU hams ntoak, oa tee ttoak. na AAI.S1 STmv k-u am "l17' of 1-aad at SastBnt-taio. Inquire of A- A. HOWARD, Mam St? tet 1 ooms at 74 Xdaawt at.

OU8KS ADS aa aTn t- osnt lJs or other property, or payment ea at about aama nau iL 1 i jZ: 5 RICK, SOS Mate at. or WW Dsjtewan aadiS IK'iH BS1H1KADS tor Servants: Paner tnst Pansj and, Bih" oombhteT; Steves to l.roa oyj, FhiUng Maehine. S-lneh. witn Clan and Tonga, Sr Fly Trap, 60, SO, 76c; Xoaatelod SaooepaaaZfV.W OllTWiMaUBi. RBB? THK MOjjky ta aot send It abroad for articles made la Buffalo, lty pursulaa- this policy we will build np uroity.

Tbe cry ot destitution will aot be heard se often. tpt inrmring niasaesj 'aui7S9es Nf MOKE extravagant prices for Stoves and "Sfc JSVWRIXAMOOIareiuaoeersiB thia rafotm. Give th-m, therefore, your earnest support te keeping prices down, call at foundry fata aa mutda savaaaaa-a 4a VJ-KW W.ATIBON with extra botta, Flatiag rPI Umbrella atanda, saw Silver aheea uiaureiia eianaa, aew bilver I Range, 8 boles, alavated eloset, extra large Range, holes, for lo. SUvar-platsd Wati tea, lir. W04.xaVSlIaiSeu 5 Koaa areaadi.

3 'VTOTICbV Wante, Notteea, lines A-v less, plaoe (the beat la the paper) tor 4lsarttoa, aad at eaal eaobaddi- Prii.zTK,tKT below the brtdsre runnina aaat aeeeaaible. and only a ahora walk from Main are JB.Wa.TT A stco mleei-ooms. where voa eaa iirHNw i.miuuiji auitaea KSEBVOIRS so arranged at to be eoavea-AV'ieiit, durable aad cl.ep are al Untied te the stenpes aad Cooking Stove saanaisetured at the oelebrsted Stove loeated at the eorner of RtnTIMll 1 rt- tttatiottra UTHAYKU from the premises ot the suBseri-kTJ ber, a Brtadi Com Aitr oae giving tefor-matioa leading to ber reeovory will bo snltaMv rewarded. O. KOZMFUa, eonterot Fourth and aaleU? rpuK eBATUIC UANOK having stood the tet lor tw yoars, ha reeommeaded Hself ao gpiy aiuiai.

ottiaena anas piuia and presentanoa oaanotadd te it youutaritr. Coae m. Wlua, al BUUB otraet. rs-uaBi to rasnme specie payment ia to A. ouy your goods where you caa get tbe best and' chea peat.

po not help InflaUon by payin enortnotui proSta. if rT A iiOUT. eoraer corner BBlIUeS ot rpu RBNT-rrom 1st of May next. Store la rfaauiaiKW. akrooi.

WBBSUngKWl tttOOB, BOW Ooonpied by Sweet, Cook OoTlnauire of laiBti MATTHKWS wAKtlV, LBy nxehaauro Street, Waah- aanassi at WAxaaa. WHAT YOD Rati, nvs lines or leea, la thta place (the In the paper) for SO eents the nrat laaartiota. aa, av lines or teas, la thia place (the best a rv i ru vri o. wa.vvr.vvv' "eat atstat seeuritv, mortfrage, centrally located la MuSalo. iCall Immediately, w.

W.MACOMUBB-ander Vankot otmiih atua xoan streats. BBJut BUFFALO CITY SPECIAL' WAN. tr Proposals fori $199,000 Tax" i Loan Bonds. i.x.-. -i a i- coMfxnot.i.s Ka orricx, i AMD PROPOSALS will ba received at th comptroller' OiHce, City aad Coaaty a uemtay.

uto ma inaa, at 19 O'ClOCK A for th purobase ef th wool or any part of the sum of On Hundred and Mlaety-nine 1 housand four Hundred and Ninety -three w-iuo rMtllara of Ilia Tax Loan I ton da av tiwriaou oy ooo. ta ot xitto 1 oc -the vevuedCity Charter, and by ajeaolutioa ot the XSommoa CounoU adopted July at, me. for die nurvose of paying sor tha purohaaca mad by tbe City at the laie annual 'lax hale, owina to th uoavnavnuutt of taxca. ii The said Honda will bear interest at th rate of t'l iier cent, per annum, psvaoie semi-annually at this ottloe oa the Srst days ot Janaarr 4r4 i eo.oouoa payable Jnlv lrxo! i payable Jaly nau. The proposals will state tbe amount of' Bonds and Ute price per one -hnndred dollar thereof, and bo Lid lea than aa aad aoartted interest will be eowlderadT "OBru if nsjeej say or all the wa aa wuawiuarvul nJaClBlrT DrOLttCK Ol BBS' mot tee Interests of the Oitv of BiiMoT ii wi irA'Hf tha Bonds www.

aul7tS8 in at. xvawSL Onrhsilsa I Notioe of rpBtK COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exto u7 r. uasTisuj and g. A. Lif fit? day dissolved by mntnal eon-sent.

All unseUled business ot the late Arm will be justed bya dini i' a a. i ia vr- ntitVml a A vft VbbU.M -BaaaBBBt ABtBe AXffVJ. 4 Kotlow of-Oopaxtnerahlp. fV J. ABTIKGS hsvin pambased the Interest ot 8.

A. obermaa hi tbe steal Batata Business of nnderai.aed har. tn c. J. a p.

HAsnSGa, I and will eoaUnne the Real Estetcaand Iam.l I at Uia old atand. Boom 4 (trawa's Build-1 wltl happy to wait their I roaage ot all otbea lntemaled' ST.TLVTL the pat- to Heal Jtotete '1 g. J. Bnaalo, August IS, 1878. ttaBtuiwn, i aui7tis NOTXOE.T lraajOItUTIOW of PSTtawrship -Notice la JLf hereby siven test th Copartnership here! at anxictM haa beea diaanivad i- ninn.i sent AU aoeouarki owiaa tho flrat nnu to the uairralannl torn tttUMritni.Mil mJ I 1 1 IS, llflS.

aulJtlS THOMAS U. MKNDSaS i TransporUtion pany. FOR JD BT ROIT, PT. HUKOIf. KACKIAC.

inn rurpAiA 9hm PMawnafOT Btmtrsrw ffifPTBai STATE, Ga. r. WriKht, laMter. aw 'rmtfhfeU foot of IW fMhinfrittn Htrmen aiut 1 frwa- at Kraa nnrfa TUIIIiLltlV a. ta or rmgny or trmamti Vliy mt Ut tJtwiiuv'SA 1 Washing run ntrtni Htrswt.

Yd, ar I AXLKN, Ja, ataaarer. B. Bt CsntATB, Pa tnn Jta-aUl oiiawr AAwat, i aul6UJ FOX fjri. BMAtC ACKAE EXFEES6XT i ir FOE TAMiLT USE, AT TBU i PSOFZalTS STOZIH, 2fta ant Sr-ldWaoTifwet va I i r- I AT TEST low EATE3. V7.

IX. f. X7 IS 17 I Wa I in Hear of 82 antf 91 Bourn Street A anmber ef Store Carta: alto. aaanBti-baaA I "wwaaa acnaa, lor saM eaeap. i TO MViLM en.

ma M.f MAm. him r. (B. Sfcatn Ct, C3 Basra Bf-tapargaTT, 433 EL, Etl2a1. CLACH3 DITD.TWIC3 A TTEaS, We aend for anS dallaar wnrk la me alty without extra sears.

traotEaAUt niAtrsa ml i i 3 Cl V.zztz, 215 WAsitiKcrrcN eTniT, i WlUIABJ a SWBa-r. Jootab p. cook, eaoaoa W. Swbbt. a Tlam, iXtllCl" a patt.

Ksn leus. ia, f. V. abb. ay ay a unaatdu'cua ctr nutter i i 'M l.

i JEa MX tJUWlUC, I ff I avrav children. At a meeting of sewing-silk wanflfactur-. art ta New Tork yesterday a general advance of IB per cent, oa all classes wa reoodimended la view of the advanoa, amoontlng from 80 to 1, 60 per osntwrsw The road bed ior the new railroad from By cnAs. O. XRXSB.

CJty AnetlM Nam. SO 3 firasiilagtsa St. i OH BATTJEDAT. AUa'li AT A. Bt, West Chazy to Bonse'a Foint Is nearly finish-' ad, and the rails are being laid rapidly, some fir mile being already There Is little doubt tbe regular trains will be running by September Li-: i r-Aa Charles 3.

Adslt waa crossing the rail- road track Monday, at Newman, Champalga County, 111., he wa run over byatrelaaad t' instantly was a young man, 2S year old. and bad lost a leg only a week ago a IhrMhlna machine. WlU be oSaTod. regsnlles of i ATTBACTiri nOUSBHOID FUBNITUBE, 7 HouiTOnniaiia, anacELLAXEoca r' SUlniKA OempTialng everything ssqaiaiu for gSBtesl tar Oood at private sale. OrCmmn Baadttwaayamoantof asaoaa-haad' lrnHur oa appUsatioa at tee Store.

i i t3T City loan Oface. taood atoraget' AssUtaat Adintant-General Drum haa re-' eaivad a despatoh from Fort Brown, Wyoming Territory, stating that a Shoshone Indian had just eome la, who had left Gea. Crook oa the 10th InsC, well down oa Tongue Blver. lie thought Crook would strike the Indian by the "JIUrorlSta. -y At Wast Springfield, a boy named Frederick Brooks, twelve year old, mounted aa wnbroken colt.

-The animal suddenly reared, letting the boy slide off back ward, W. and, (tapping back aa he earns down, planted oae foot in the pit of the bey stomach. The lad was picked up helpless, and soon after i i .1 -1 Prico of Ckal Beduceil. LOYAL-SOCK mommm fatte inthrito Coal- in World, 1 1 IB make P01 making tee saav itegaa AtAT ia a aiwaa ti-taT C3 per Cent pir6 r- A meeting of the managers of the South-era and Booth western railroad was organized Saratoga yesterday. The atteadanee la Vy Isrge, eomprlslBs; repraseataUve of la Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, MK Bouih Carolina, Alabama, MlasUsip-v Th4 naasee, Keutucky, Mlsaourl, Tsxss, Vborootoi: i-- S-'t-v ing tosiSrade It is reported that the and, of edEaild Ietrowatea and Mltro- 8.

P. HastiaWllltarB 8erT'- These towns who will atfoata and north of Badovtnal. whatever matf General The eira. tbua ouMaakad. was odovlnil.

Is reported TnAXK. The te General Kalarooff. a sloa Sunday School, i Tuesday at Athol fiptenaa, aged about success. Ttey dealre tdcaaal a Brock-. gentlemanly and ebllglntjdopted son of Grove, Mr.

Sbennaa, who ot the boat hi sffort all day to make eMbe villas ant. He aot only gave tha His wife charge, but atso pleatlfully suppIU the boy i "With water and ice. Morsoyer, bin boy' atU disposal of everyone who agup- ride dowa to the lake or Bay Vievss Grove, ao doubt, la time will become It reaort fes pie-nie parties, for which favorably adapted. 1- whteh 1 ta exeemot say at toe Wyoathv Talur i Coals Mrered In Una market. TbislSuia thVnW pertr from which heat la made I.

relate K2T -toe Loyal 8oak coal endures tonaw AO UU vztt 'tot, a.Ba,acEEnEAJfB) pg Scniocs Axcidbnt. About alne o'clock this morning a little Polish boy named Felix Kasprowlcx, aged tea years, was "gleaning" ooal along the Central-Railroad tracks at East Buffalo, and erawled aader a trrin. Tbe can auddenly started, and the wheels the boy' left leg above. the knee, completely aa raring it from the body. Tha little sufferer waa taken to bin home.

No. S21 Colt Street, by Patrolmen Beer and Ruserf of the Kightb Precinct, snd attended by Dr. Vaa Peyma. He was subsequently removed to the Hospital, and received further surgical aid at the handa of Dr. Miner.

'Burrai-o avn Sraacosa Ciucarraas. The Siraeuae Journal of last evening 1 has the following "At a meeting of the dsga Cricket Club, held yesterday th fbi-lowlng players were selected to play In the test teaa any of tb. other. It a4aa aa TaraViJ kfilL a. nal is tvifniaMiia.Bi.

TT.r TUCKEB Aj TTlEKaJ rtrtB ftetall a wwa. at aucaUfaAJI ftXAJta iwn sX iTat ivSJLf buw BWS MAOUIM (ill. li iw'r4! Mai. Wua ataoamngaotreef, any hour at th day or nirhl OKtl.if.le, COAL G.i:.T7ILS0ir&C0. TBX1U dk (Caill-cre Ccal AT WUOLISAXJi AnD EXTABh, UAHKEt miCIS.

reared a ALSO, aLOSoUUKOlI AJTD SOFT TaiBii Etilctly Cash. Oflee. CM Sfnla Streiat Braaah niliu. aa nu. Aacauiacobtnet, say lata J011S SON, EnHalo Work.

PIOJf DSXT DOCK TABD, tiAKSOK BTKEKT, BUFVAUJ. Shortest "SSI rmi mil NCKl-OnTs-S fl.M.Lkt 1, 7 wu'- tii4, e.lillW mni him 2 toonjr, at prioes that def eomiietitinn. hi jKnaa "i tuy.t a. J. lul-ijt Co.

D1X. i i ftil CH rv. tar fu IO- 1 yeBavrsV et a fa4W i a -i VarniilefJ i i off li' PAQ ganta to take place next Saturday between the Syracuse and Buffalo Cricketers, grounda la Uu forth Messrs. Mill son, Bex, Fields, Noakes, Vine, Westoott, ileoit, Dawes, Nawaome, Godssll. Link, tek, Gray.

This team is a strong ae. will doubtless defend the honor ef Syracuse is --the approaching contest," Aic OcTaaoa. A the Republican light pioosuloa in the Sixth Ward, laat even; intr, wa passing St. Mary's Chareh On Beta-- via Street, a gang of rowdies oa the sidewalk amused themselves by throwing atone other missile at the men In tha line, iti.iiihi ivrT ex. a- te the itelesroomsef toe Foundry I BTsXIaTe CCOeX CtL'-U-of Perry and Miaaiaaippi streeis, will rill M--f VSto, TBNt of fe Thegea-tlemeo from aboard were escorted to the depot at 8.40 last evening and left for home.

Those whom were struci, one nr. Humbert of Cspt Hunter company receiving a severe eut in the head. It Is to be hoped the perpe-, trators of such an outrageous act will be csujrht and severely punUued. who remained at the ground returned city oa tbe 8 o'clock train last evening. SusDAT-Bcnooi.

Msamso. The alii? -school Association will hold fts r-" 1 ers' meeting in the lecture-room Tn Contested Sua ur tub Board or Supervisors. Tbe Special Committee ot the Board of Supervisors, to which waa referred the matter of the contested seat from Grand Island, met at the City Hall this morning at half-past ten o'clock, but np to naif-putt eleven had not done anything. It is expected that this will be the final meeting of the committee. Aa A eorner pay any on in aearoh ot a pood Uesung or Cook' stove or Bang, tieavy oasuag, uunuei ATTKJtTIOJf la respectfully called to the large and varied aaaortmentof btoven lUuiares to be lound atteeSalearoonuot Jh wtt i I A avOOT, comer Terry aad Miaaiaaippi t.

AU uitir gouaa uae aurj piates. auuuwi A i), A rnmt Parlor (with aleeping-l room Bear if deeired), with Board; aio, a I saaiww atooaa, aa aoa a-ianann earoei, an Lit TJOAHIJ-A few retiUemen en ecnrecnra- A-r form ox a pieaaant nome oa mouemte term, IA it i inc. jibwu tu wn need a I move vo eoiia or aeaa, anal ute 9 oundry, eor. Perry and Miaaiaairtoi sta is the place to go and wiv. a-oiito sow prices, an lienor I gomia ana prompt ugtiyeriea.

aul.mei AL.K of Jewett A Hoot 1 oj ife vi. eotet. to it root I liaptist Church this e- f1-? at a quarter before eight t. I 1. Peters, ot CtJax-Street Buffalo regn- ot of ex 1 SAT Hit to elect tli' ventioa 1 Bating also re- tee I heKl delr ug.

IS, at I o'clock p. to attend the State Con-e held at aaratoga AacSS, tow th purpose of notni-- State aoans. They are three delegates to attend Coaventioa which will be and place, te elect two a Judicial Convention to be 4EO KVAFS, Jt.i -rsiajtr iCx-ntUca. Ho LAtnas should be without Toilet articles of A 1 a party llei' irr i erHoe I i. Laiiies at reonement dislike te pur-c ueot pentieaien.

1 te ntaoi thaf, tno rat Score, 17 oai iiTi'o st, T' ,1, kviuiinisu, A j. i.

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