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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'I'UKSDAY, MARCH 17, COURIER NEW3 PAGE FIVB CLASSIFIED ADS Two cents a word lor first, Insertion and one cent a word 'or each subsequent Insertion. No advertisement taken lor less than 50o. Count the words and send the cash. Phone 306 V1AD'MANAGE LAURA LOU BROOKMAN Author of OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Aliern FOR SALE 5 USED CARS S25 TO $55 WIU- liUY FORD TOUIUNG CAlt STAR COUl'K FOKW COUl'E '21 1'ONTJAC COACH $75 TO SI25 Wfl.L HUY WHIPPET COACH '28 CHKYSI.EK SEDAN '28 FORD COWE CHEVROLET COACH $150 TO $195 WILL HUY '28 FORD TUDOK SEDAN '2R CHRYSLER "G2" COACH '2'J FORD SPORT ROADSTER '2D FOUI) TUDOR SEDAN '29 FORD STANDARD COUl'E Convenient Terms; See Our Many Special Values At Reduced Prices On All Our Used Cars and Trucks. Phone 811 TODAY PHILLIPS MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealers FOR Chicks.

All varieties. Custom hatching solicited. Marilyn Hatchery, Blyticvillc. 20-CK-TF IIF.RI* III-UIK TODAY (IVI'SV ID-M'IlT-old niUrrillilc and Innrly n-lirn lhal CIKIS- rrlilrnrij frunl t) )i-nr nnd a hull In I'nrU luiljlni; nrl. tin limsrr tarm for Iirr.

Crokbjr Infnltialfd ullfc MIIS. I.AXU- I.HY. dlvurrcr. who L-GII- tiowera for by! Tiowurlilso rujolnrd them. A Etn- Wallace al a corner florist's shop I linn nllendaut.

wllh sonorous lust before iho ceremony. Tlicre voice, was caUlns out da- a cluster of gardenias iiarlurc of irnln. lOSl to DHnlllll Ill3 I1CW8- IKH'cr. Gynsy dropped llio lunya- zlno and stared oul llio window. wins nothing iiutcli lo sco.

hrrxflf lu'Ciimi-K )oli linJ ulirn I. ILTI. lcil Nllli hrr rrlllrliril tor She m-rciila Invltllllt'li frinil krr nrnlllir cauiht, AXM1 TIIIIIV- to InUr llu- plurr til iin- olht-r nl furiunL ilhiurr. The imtlj 11 liurf. Shr in BCI her virnlm and tn IIIIMII-, II IK'kv hi Ibr nt-Al rnulLi liml Ihe dinir In vlliiihliiK In tlir nlnilim.

IK- I. JA.MI-IS I.ACi:. KUCMI nhn him riilrrtil by Ibr flrc I'sruiu- 10 nvold Ihi- dlnni-r VVnllnrr Irllt liven jlllril lij bin tlniin'. bbr nU- bin liitd riiinl- i-lU'c. Tn Ihr tlrl Hf for.

In liintrj hltu. J)'hi- bul Irilrr nr- ceylK. Tfcrj nmrrlrd next KUIV OH UN WITH TIIK STOItV 10 tlie lapel of Gypsy's suit coal While tlowers. swoel and fragrant, for a bride. I In one old bulky suit caw Istun-uJ nway Ihii "I 111-.

1 car weru all ff hcliini! The mil was mil crowded. Unit a dujcu dresses I comprised u'rl's waidro'je Tlie iillicr ihhijlj Iliid been UOH "Not oura." Wallace hastened I Slid turned back lo tlio nrllclo to ussiiro Gypsy. Tin wlilr anil liustlo nf tin- sreat rotini rouscil (lie girl. "Oli. AIIUC." (iypsy mlil.

"I' 1 I'm not In SLL- yun reading. Tjjo words blurred. i This was linntymoon. Gynsjr (iyffy Wallnro now hfr liulbiind departing un uiiy i Uielr Sho was sayliiK nol Tlio ncwsinner ncross (lie. nlslo Anno Trow bridge, lint in nil she drixipcrt.

Slie heard nor nnmc uinl was leaving belilnd, tn () Wallace, from belilnd she was nsiiameil lo lo those crowded days in riihls of print imncr. was I them. Tlie old Iwctd coal, uu in- Naiiiarii'a, to memories of licr, liri llb! Cr "Cypsy." liu Mild, to any liousseau. tho lind faiher. lo Alan Crosby, (iyi-sy 'there aro EOIIIO luliifjs 1 siiM'osa to O'llure to be handed laughed nnd no doubt the thongtt Iho tears In lier wore of happiness.

I bull down to licr llcr-ldea the lliu ''asc roiitnlncd llic fen' llilnKS Gypsy nnd saved when slie itisimbcil o( tlie household possessions aflcr uer father's "You'to Kolnr; to Ilku II where you'ie KOhiR," Anno reassured her. "Whul's tho name of the CHAl'TKK XII was Anno Trowlirlil 'death A clod; lliat had lielonscdl Place? Forest 8 right, to her niDllicr. A small, old-fash Write to us. uarllng. We 11 he loncd pholusraph nlhnm liounil; wail Ing lo hcur Irom you! IT esclainied.

Aren't you "Heavens. who Jim! kiss Hie bride?" Anne had relenled In Her disapproval sufficiently lo come asacied rilii. dill lo ECO the couple mar- Anne's rolco ried. Gypsy's reverie: James Wallace, bent his bead and dutifully saluted Gypsy'E check. Slio beard the magistrate EayiiiB sninelhiiiE In Ilia hoarse voice al'ont wishing ihem a "long and happy life." Phil was lalklng what he said was fl Joke because the others smiled.

Gypay looked about her and tlio ollic-rs seemed figures In a dream. This could not he really tbe, -Mcllrlde. beside Ihc lall yoiuiB man wilh blue eyes was holding her arm. Another moment and the ivake and know she had imagined Ihc whole thing. On the second of Gypsy's left Un ycllmv idush.

coiUninliiB I'lc-1 Ot course sho would write, urea of her raiidparcnta. Her Gypsy clunu to Anno's arm. This father's copies nt "David Copper-1 cousin whom she hnd thought of field" and "Trlatrnin so casually bad suddenly become Packing MicEe Ihlntss hod seemed the last remaining link between They circlet were very ol diamonds bright. 'I 1 hoy broko In on 'I'm GO glad the sun Is shining." she said. "H's.

a gojd omen, you good luck." "I'm glad too," Gypsy agreed. Sba wasn't thinking nbont iiro- pltlons oiiicna. She was tklnnlns the last''-spring' suit which wafi her bridal costume would look much more appropriate so long ua the day warm. The brown suit had been nn cslrav- SEencc. even lliough Uypsy und bought It lato In the season.

It had been Irreslstlhle because It was exaclly Iho abode to make her brown eyes seem more lustrous and velvety than usual and liecause It had Irlcky pockets she could sink holb hnnds into. Wliei she did tills Gypsy looked llko a the now life and the old. 1'hll Trovvbrldgo's big wo o'jglit lu "All rlKht." tt'nllaco discarded the liaier. "riral of nil." bo Ij "cverylioily calls me Jim. 1 you don't beller cull mo lhal'loo." "Jim's a nice name." ihe girl agreed "1 llko It.

We usod lo liavo an olnco boy named Jim." "llrlBht boy?" "1 don't know. Me only stayed hand fastened Itsell over Gypsy's In grip Hint was almost painful. "Wish you every happiness!" lie old her grinning. "Deserve It. Think Jim's damned lucky! Noddy's told mo 1 could kiss the bride hut I'm certainly going lo!" Ho planted a ijuict; klsa on jypsy's lips.

In the confusion and laughter lliat followed Iho Tonnd herself beyond tho train ijato. waving' one- gloved hand nt Anne and Phil across tho barrier The colored boy with tho baggage wns ahead leading tlio way. Gypsy tried to match her short steps lo Wallaco's great, slrldlng a al cal i she di rather Iwo weeks. I Ihlnlc (hey sorno money from llio olllce ei- pensc drawer." Uolh ot them smiled. So Inim us were on trivial everything was nil right.

"Is Gypsy really your name?" The K'rl nodded. "Don't you llko 11?" "Vos. of course. It's of unusual. never ho.ird tore.

For a real name 1 mcan. IJ "I've never been called nny- tblng else. My father named me fiypsy before 1 was old enough to' walk or talk or anythliiR. They did christen mo Mary ICiliabcth It was vvrillen In llio lilhle used to I Ilko Gypsy BECOME VES BECAUSE MAM'S BY OF LooKlMa AS If A CROP I see YOU MUS-fACrfe A(4T POWDER IT Tliey reached the car, entered it. and ihe girl's eyes widened.

Tlicro wore, great, comfortable armchairs in place of Iralu caught fire from the sunlight andiralhcr naughty small hoy. chni it ivirk it, iinrrllnc r.irtianri- Anno knew Iho suit was la Tl'e season's hut she comp.imenled wore already In Iho car. las; I seals. A halt dozen passengers FOR rooms and bath, Uugan Slreet. 51300.00.

Small cash NICE HOME on South Division. Will let it eo (or what is against it, SH50. Small cash payment, ual- ance 517.50 per month. 40 ACRES f.AKD, Clear Lcike, $1700.00, 20 acres of it, in cultivation. any number of lioriies at right prices and on easiest of terms.

Thomas LauU Company. not magined them. Then 1 her on Its becomings. There lead, chair there were liltle rlfiht. Jim." There vvns pause heforc sire asked: "What lime do wo net lo Forest CIlyT" "Oil.

uol for quite a while." looked at his walch. "About BOOTS ATND HER BUDDIES By Martii; WELL, THAT'S THAT! knew she had nol imagined any of it. it was nil true. James lace was her husband. 1 There wus no lime for a wedding Wallace was anxious In niiiiic Iho 11 o'clock Ira.ln llu had the tickets in his pocket.

They went out ot the building lo where Trowbridge's car ivas waiting. The car was a sleek dark blue and Anne had r.ol even nben limo to shop for a new hat. Uypsy wore tin. 1 close-filling felt sue' had bougln last June and thanked heaven Ihe summer had been so warm that she iiad given It scarcely any for magazines or books. Tlie while-coated porter led them to the other cud of the car.

Ho liclpul Wallace out ol his coat ami hung It away. Gypsy sank into her bis chair. Sho closed her wear. Her blouse was while for an instant, opened ihem the gardenias did a good deal for: again. the costumo.

Wallace was watching her. Wallace and Trowbridgc nerc; "livcrylhlnrr nil righl?" he asked. i lo see Iho plnco?" Gypsy said she haven't lold me much ahuul yourself." she said. "What do you do? I mean your business yon haven't told me anything about Inc'lde. Wallace w.ii over the- wheel, "ever dtlic Used Car Bargains 1 Ponfiac 2 iloor Sedun, 1U29, Looks new $305.

1 Plymouth 4 Sedan, 1320 Low mileage S'i50. 1 Plymouth Coupe, 1929, a good buy 1 Chrysler 70 Coach, a. good one $250 Set Them Now Lee Motor Co. rod SALE-Good, dry cook wood, Buchanan Coal Co, Phone 107. 11P-CN about "confonnde; 1 uafisc" as he followed Ihem.

Ho had cnced one unfortunate tie-up in New York streets and never forgotten it. "Darling, you're looking pale." Anne said to Gypsy as they started. "Didn't you sleep well?" Gypsy smiled. Sho did look tired. "I'm all right." sho said.

"After 1 got home last night I racked. And 1 was up at seven Ihis moruine." "Xevf-r mind," Anne reassured FOR of all kinds. Hedge and Evergreens, Lombardy Poplars 12 lo 15 feet. Special for ten days $1.00, We are bonded nurserymen and licensed lo sell. Hcatou's Home ol Flowers, Blyllie- ville.

17C-K23 rGii IlENT FOR bungalow on newly decorated, hot and cold water. Apply Iks Miller, her. "flrldcs are supposed lo be pale anyhow. 1 remember at my She chatted on but Gypsy was not listening. Whenever she heard that word "bride" sho wanted lo turn and look tor another person.

It seemed impossible that she was tho one referred to. OUNO rs. Trowbridgo had Phone 835. 11C-TF FOR RENT Deaiililul suburban dono her best lo give the hasty marriage conventional touches. She had to it that there were Gypsy nodded.

Her husband about at tho other passengers. A woman this fellow? Know what a I directly ahead of. Gypsy was talking about the car. "Say. Gypsy." Phil called back demon he IsV" "No-no, I haven't throwing off handsome inlnk coal.

She was a lall woman. Her "Well, believe me, you've got features were not beautiful but something to look forward to 1" Ihey were distinctive. As ehe Wallace uroteslcd. Mo taiil II i moved Gypsy sensed tho odor of was safer to drive fast than slow. I spicy, elusive perfume.

Anyhow, lie wasn't reckless, Suddenly Wallace jumped up, look chances. What Ihis country "N'cwsriapcrs!" needed was a minimum, instead "Forgot about of maximum, speed law. hack! king I icles', Tho conversation was cut hurried out o( Iho car. as they reached Ihe railway sta- Uon. Amid a hub-bub of barkin taxi horns and suoiting veh they arrived nt the passenger en-! bulky morning newspapers and trance.

Throa rrd capa ran magazines. Ho handed Ihe to gel their baggage. Wallace helped Anno and Gypsy out and Phil drovo away lo the car. Ho called after them that ho would return immediately. lace wilh voice.

The big station clock pointed I Iho rages. Presently sho felt tho to 10 minutes of II. They waited near tho galo uutlli FOR apartments. One for $17.50 and the oilier S30. Thomas Land Co.

J7C-K20 Hat and home, block oil on lars'J FOR terraced lot with shade. Residence liousc on liearn bt. lias bath, lichts, water. Bar- ages, chicken house. 4 acres alfalfa adjoining; it.

servant houEC. Ideal home. Renl cheap to parties phone tn8. FOH room furnished flat, paragc and coal house. Call; who will lake care of place.

Thoami 618 Land Co. 17C-K2 i FC)r nice furnished -i apartments. $17.50 and $30.1 llll RE lnas I nnd Company. FAY 0. DAVIS Phone 421 ALL KINDS OF SIACHINK WORK Electric and Gas Welding done OSBRON SHOP 115 X.

Franklin St. FOH room house. 110 W. Rose. Garden.

Phone 6H. i 16P-K20 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED To run HcUerlm? in Mississippi Ccnnty. Many make $60 lo S75 v.eekly—y-ar around lay oft. Write tcrtay for frrc G. C.

HEBERL1KG COMPANY. Dent. 21, 'Uloomington. 111. 11C-K20 Invest With Safety paid nuarlovly on full jnml slock, and up.

Gnai'iinU'ud by 1'irsl mortgage loans on homes in Blytlicvillo. Secured and Insured. Blythevilie Building Loan Association W. Jr. Burns, Sec.

IIAVf! a client who wants lo borrow $200 on edge security, payable I5cc. 1st. Thomas Land Company. rOULTKY WANTED Market prices imid nt C. L-.

Bennett Red Co. 210 N. Railroad west of courthouse. J. E.

Fithcr. Phcnf 01 24C-TK man bctucnij ages of 25 and 50 to Mtbply olrt cslahliihtd demand Icr Good Heallli 1'rodut's in Greene county. Surely coulracl required, Coir.p.iny furnishes everything but the car. Good profits lor liuairrt Write the W. T.

Kruvlelgh Com-1 1 pany. Memphis. or sec me 'Mr Edwards. Lcachviiic, Ark. 12C-K13 I POUL-THY prices, any quantity.

Marilyn Hal- cliery, 210 S. Fourth St. 8C-TF OW i SttM OOttS 60Mt VMJCV -CHECWW4' op WOW VOO T.WCT OOT HWOWW VPHVJX OWN T'fAWt WOT I'M WNSX MOW CftN 00 100 Hint." "I'm a lawyer," he told her, "Tim ts. I'm supposed to 1'ractlco wllh Mark Harrison, who used lo be my fallier'u partner. lie's one ot linest old fclluws In tlio world.

Smart, leu! There's another fellow in the firm named lllalre Mills. I'm the youngest. lioen wilb the others three years." "Being a lawyer ought to be nteresting." "It's all right," Wallace agreed. "Have you known Phil Trow- CWVO 5OORCE. Of VQO VWl.

jridge a long whilo? "Kvcr since vve were in law school. Phil's never pracllced, has He reached lor his hat he? Seems to hpw lo mako dough, all rlfilit. New York's been WORVt Of -NND OUV Of fv CVtNl a few minutes ho was back. Wallnc.G stirred restlessly. Ilia anil Gypsy said no more.

magazines to Gypsy. "Thought you might like some Sho said sho did not. half an hour heforo he returned. "Didn't know what you euro for. There was a furrow between Jim iinpn thcso are r.ll right." Cosim Harper's and Lit) i it all right," said Wai "Gypsy," he said, leaning for- Striiin moving out ot tho Elation (To lio Continued) KKECK1-KS AND HIS FRIENDS MV STAES DOM'T SO UP MOT so 1V6 PUEMTV 1)4 LAST FlRS'i IT VJAS FAQBAR AM' THi LIVJDV'S AU.

FIXED OP AN' GREAT Boyi HE HAD WE WORRIED A 'l Boy IF TU, HAVE TURIUS THAT SHAHS Or- EX LATELY, OBIE'S CAMYOiJ AVI' TVEM TH6 AWDTH6 OF VANISHED A SUHI'RISK WASH TUIiHS SELP VMTrt Ml WlVtM FAINT "HftUO" RS THEM, WW POTT-POTTS GROVJ VOUfER. MEA.RER— AW rtlNA-7 INTO FOR RENT Bedroom, private 1 toy deaf children en's Aid. which also has equipped tlie Goodman Memorial Theatre i bath, close in. Phone 785J. Jlrs.

was installer! by the Chicago Worn-1 n. number of Chicago churches and wilh hearing alachrr.eiits. Belle M. Wood. IBC-TT! OC-TF MH M19 Eh5N P.E»\Ctt SROM) WKTER, ARC.

tyOEO VirtKt TO 00 TrtEN OF MOTOR. BOW INi Irtc.

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