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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


fTtHE t. ef BSdnay Shenard Oo kt esvat fh for I aav, 1fw Ssftaey Sa. FROM S. M. PETTENGILL ADVERTISING AGENTS.

lM and 10 STATE ST- BOSTON. They are Ageata the best and most widely circulated touraals tat tea tea ana the Uanadas. Dry Orooda. tistes n. MUT.I:R-Impor ef French, Gorman lis NASSAU ST NEW-YORK.

Oat ard wlUotmllaaa tsshisrlTiMssi the AM at SJ. SIDNEY 8TTBP mh WM- YOTT. PARTNERSHIP Nni at the oat staaa oi m.v. ao. sip-, i i I rrE senti have this day tsrawd a pa BrtJll5J A under the firm name of Piano AWtict? s.

Ac 33 Broadway. N. deMtaal 1 eaatlatM tbe AacthwJXnsai lateoa and JacMng andSsrlsaDry enawis, woolens, Tova ad Fancv Oooda. AHLBORN OO-M Maiden Lane, (up stalrsj I B-'tt. WELCH.

COPARTNERSHIP NOTICBV 1 the Drug and Medicine busmisa. BJAMTCA? nnder the name and firm of A. BTmoQRE a (XL i- 1 sad retail MOORIl A sail i firm wiu eontinaa ta Trnnifasia at the old staiM.e. xxs staia st. 185.

mhrtf NOTICE. JAS. D. 8HEPPARD AND HUGH fXyiTTEE save tht dy termed a o.parsrap wader tbe name sM arm? BHxprASJi a uoTTLas, ror tn. purpoa.

of carrying en I I era! Music and Musical Instrument mesa, st ths stars occupied for the past twenty -two years ness by Jaass D. BBirraJUx, SSf Main Bkt. Buffalo. xbaAarUAlL i HQTT' NOTICE TT IS hereby given that the -copartners bartAeam ea-Uur between the snbacrlbers and Emmatt p. under the name and firm of Bna i rw dissolved on the lith day of July last past, and taatOorr tua A.

WaMran is alaoe antaonsea te settle the boeiMei he late firm, and Lo nln th. artn'a aain. taat n.t ttnlhl- An nil.n 1S O. A. ITALD nnf GAP.

W. W. GROCERY AND SHIP CHANDLER TkTO, OHIO STREET AND totweeh the toot mmui ana sisunnai sts flnasw day formed a Oopai taeniilp oader aame and ttnn PiSCK A to a Wholesale and Retail Groosaad Ship Chandlery the eld stand ef Mors. Jokjassa of Groceries and Ship Chaadlery. Tarred and ManUla, jKre.

JAMES 1 rpam OOPAETr RSHIP erstore esi ueteesu 1 i aatorsiapedtitAae iiit sy suDtaaioonsenk tr fcf the hste arm are entbAU slga Uosl ttc Tea 1 Buflalo. Alar USA. 4 JO S8Q8, 7 Ki 1 THOMAS LATHROPS. JorTtONin Main St, Ooeare Advertiser Buildings T.RM8 Uvred to sbeerrber til erty, tod sent by mail aftornooo, at Kmc year. BI-WMtLl, te mail and office sobsCTtbers $.

AUaabKTiptUn. dim be settled one la fix month. JST No subscription received for period tfc mdvamee. THB BUFFALO PATRIOT, (w aly for the country.) Is also pubhshed st this office, having a very exWnalv cir-cuton In th wbleb mdm a tt valSAbie advertising median for merchants and others, who wish tbelr Mvertlsements widely circulated In toe country tw tiaadeadjccouns. RaiM af Advertlas.

The nndeninted, proprfetort of Daily Papers In the elty Bule nave ted upon the following rate of AdvsrtDg fm and after Jaauary 1XS4: Tenia of Advertising by the Square In Dally TWKLVE LIN 8 or leal make a squares For on Square, on insertion, 7 cent, for each sabse- asm inseruoa, up to one wee ma. I Square ...43 00 Square I months $10 00 1 uoo 5 I month. OB 00 too 1 1800 20 00 Tsanxr AmniiiH, per annanv the space ooeuplci ant to rcri two Aon e. at one On Square, changeable quarterly If dealrad. Ml Two Vruares, $36.

Eacb additional Square $10. SracL Nonets, and Hottola tta Local Oohunn 10 cents Ulna at. tnj tlon. tiTKs, CoacxxT, Ac. to be chAT-i a su per cent, in uuou win rates.

AifvA.rtiaA.msnt for Oharltable Instltatlon. VI (Imim. leu. Ward and other Public Meetlnts, will be charged half ma rvgui raw-. All Transient AdrarUaementa to be paid for In ad! IHOMAB A LATHiOPB, Oom'l Adver.

uoOalo. Jaanary 1. 18M. Buffalo tiwwtmi Wtilstt. WednrmAmr fTenlna, Ancnet 39, 1833.

Explanation of War Term. At the present time, when news from the seat of comes to us couched in the phraseology lamiliar to military men and when so deep an interest is felt in all the events happening in Europe, the following explanation of terms so frequently used in the accounts which reach us from the Crimea, will be useful to many of our readers A Divitton consists of a force amounting to several thousand men, and is composed of two or more brigades, as a "Brigade" is formed by several regiments, which consist of a certain number of companies. A proportion of artillery is usually attached to each division, with one or more batteries, so that a di-vinioTi can act as a small army, complete in itself: It is a Lieutenant General's command, and each brigade is under a Major General. The Staff consists of the Generals and their Aids-de-Camp, Brigade Majors, Assistant, Adjutant and Quartermaster Generals. When civilians read that a division, brigade or regiment moved in "close column," "open column," or "column at a quarter distance," the term, perhaps conveys no definite idea to the uninitiated.

But if they understand that a "close column" of a regiment is formed by the companies of which it is composed being drawn up in the rear or close behind each other, so that a solid square can be formed, in a few seconds, or a line formed on any named company, by the remaining companies deploying on the company indicated, which company stands fast during the movement of the others, the meaning is at once obvious. A Column at Quarter Distance has an open space between the divisions and companies! of which it is composed of one-fourth of the ground occupied by eacb, so that by closing the first and second to the front, and moving up the two rear companies, while the remainder wheel outward by sections, a square, four deep, is formed. An Open Column is when the companies of a regiment are placed behind each other, with intervening spaces sufficient to allow each company to wheel on its flank or pivot, and thus form into line, etc. An Aschelon Movement is a term applied to an oblique line of march, which movement is accomplished by wheeling the companies a given numler of paces before marching, according to the decree of obliquity required. Gum, a term generally applied to field artillery, which mostly consists of six, nine and twelve pounders, with a few howitzers, which latter are something between a mortar and a gun half-brother to the former and cousin-germain to the latter.

Trie howitzer can throw sperical case shot, small, sTfells, etc. Shells are hollow case-iron globes, filled with gunpowder, in which a fuse is inserted, so that when it burns down to the powder an explosion takes place, and the shell bursts, scattering the shattered fragments in every direction. Guns of Position are larger than field guns, and are mostly used in places where an enemy occupies a deiensive position. Being more cumbersome than field guns, tbey cannot be moved with the same celerity as the smaller cannon, and are, therefore, notso generally used. Siege Guns are of heavier metal and larger calibre than either field guns or guns of position, and consequently throw larger projectiles.

''Field-Battery" generally consist of six guns with ammunition wagons, ana th requisite number of horses to draw them, and the proper number of officers and men to work them. A Wing of a regiment implies one-half; thus every regiment has a right arid left wing. The same term may be applied also to an army. Outlying Picquet, or Picket, is a sma 11 body of men, commanded by an officer. Its place is in front of an army, to prevent surprise.

Pic-quets are constantly on the and sleep not. This duty generally commences at sunset, and terminates after full daylight. Inlying Picquet is a similar force, which remains in camp, ready accoutred to turn out on ihe slightest alarm. A covering Party generally consists of an officer and forty or fifty men, who take up a position in front of the principal trenches, and protect the workmen employed therein from molestation. Trenches are long narrow excavations, some feet in depth, the earth from which is thrown up towards the enemy, so as to afford shelter to the troops who guard them during the night against surprise, etc.

Duty in the trenches is always unpleasant, and in cold weather particularly so, as the men have to remain quiet, or they would bring a heavy fire on them, and thus increase the danger to which, in trench duty, they are more or less exposed. Although trench and picquet duties are the most arduous that fall to the lot of a soldier, yet, in the British army, the officers and men so employed, even for months, seldom obtain credit or promotion for their service. But the French act very differently to their troops when engaged in such dangerous and fatiguing duties, for we gerr efally hear that General Canrobert has promoted and rewarded with the Legion ol Honor, many brave men for their gallant conduct in the trenches. Gabions are baskets of cylindrical form, filled with earth, and which are placed opposite the enemy's batteries, as a protection to the men when they first break ground and commence to entrench themselves. The term Fortress is applied to a fortified place on an extensive scale that of Fort to a smaller fortification.

Lunettes are small works usually raised in front of sally-ports, etc. and, when filled with met, are capable of offering considerable resistance. Embrasures are openings in a work, through which the guns are pointed. Loopholes are small apertures in a work, thro' which muskets may be fired. Redoubt is a general name for nearly every kind of work in field fortifications.

Redoubts are sometimes triangular, with flanks; sometimes in the form of a star, called a Star Fort. Redoubts for the defense of positions are in gen-oral intended to contain only about 50 men, with three guns; but works in the form of irregular polygons are sometimes constructed to contain from 1000 to 1500 men, and from twenty to twenty-five pieces of artillery, if intended for the protection of any place. Spelling Word more than one Way. From the Glean (N. Journal, Aug.

24. Several years ago. "wnen the country new, Hon. Nyrum Reynolds, of Wyoming county, enjoyed quite a reputation as a successful pettiiogger. He wasn't very well posted ap sxther in "book larnin' or the learning of the law; bat relied principally upon his own native shrewdness his stock of which has not tailed aim to this day.

His great success creat-sjd quite an art active demand tor his services. Oil one occasion he was pitted against a "smart-appearing," well-dressed limb of the law from neighboring village, who made considerable sport of a paper which Reynolds had sabmiued to tho court, remarking, among other things, that raU law papers were required to be written i the English language, and that the one under aderatiov from its bad spelling and SSeeL' 00 1irnes therefore to be ex-'' "Gentlemen the Jury," said Reynolds, when he "sammed up' 'and every word weigh-) a pound -the learned counsel on the other r'eride finds fault with my writin' and my spellin', -j am though tie merit of the case depended upon ieh matters 1 I'm agin lugging in ich outside affairs, but I will say, that sum aul be a 1 eel tktca'tpeil ssswsf swrt fJUst The jury sympathized with ten- dered it decision favor his client is i' 'if I 1 1 1 SxtxMM if 1 1 1 "ii n.miiA Beats i Saturday, sMrtLEbea' it Colweli of Ipswfcrv was about lakin tswemn at sa.t,ptiMi far Boston, she frit itrisn laJ W.A. COOTS CO, MERCHANT TAILORS, NO, 137 MAIN -SrTREET, Mansion Hoe Block, have received and are opening a complete iiaiiiunsii nf SPRING AND BUMMER aOa For Gentle en's wear, which they are prepared to makeup. woraer xn ute latest styie at tne lowest casn prices. A very full supply of Ready-Made Garments and GENTS.

FURNISHING eOODSJ, constantly on hand. Coots.) H. Ensues, C. bu, splfl W. A.

OOOTB A CO. THE WARDROBE OF A GENTLEMAN 18 too important a matter to be disregarded. A certain amount of taste Is demanded In selections of fabrics and colors, ana also in knowing bo far te approach the ex treme of fashion One would neither be a dandy nor a clown, and to drees well an art few gentlemen would Muowiwji, toemseives not uj possess. JAMES B. DUBOIS MO.

149 MAIN STREET At the old stand a few doors above the 0. Lee A Co. Bank, wouid call the attention of his old patrons, and gentlemen who are paieing through the city to his stock of OOAT-iNGB. and PAJJTALOON MATERIAL, of French, German, English and American manufacture. The medium.

uuew ituMiuOTi iiww in marKet, always on band, embracing the newest styles, and aa desirable as beautiful. Staple and Fancy CASSIMERES, RICH YES-TINGS, and the usual stock of Shirts. Cravats. Sort II n- ia,, jsrawers, xuuiajtercniexs, c. soana in the line of Merchant Tailor.

The lean tatlnn for nfnrm. lng to tbe tastes of his natrons In rettlnr nn th nf vw, ruiwvr went, wnica ne nasisr many years sustain ed, ui promptness or aeuvery ot same when promised will be a guarantee for the future. jab a. Dubois, Merchant Tanor, ap2S LeContenlx Block, 149 Main street. NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES.

It THE Subscriber has Inst returned from New York. where he has selected one of the largest and best assortments of CLOTH and CLOTHING ever brought to this market, made up tn the latest spring and Summer styles. fTn h.a nnstjt.tlv nn an nvtjmslvA KnmAnt nS CLOTHING, comprising Dress and Frock Coats, Silk Velvets, Satin and Fancy Vests. Pants of every description, bought at greatly reduced prices In New York. He Is also well sup plied wif omrts, Ltinen nosoms, tjouars.

Hosiery, uotton and Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Ac which he offers his customers much below tbe price they have been In tbe habit ot paring. Those wno may iavor mm with a call wfll find this establishment the cheapest west of the city of New York. The latest Fashions always received bv Express, and the most Fashionable Cutters employed. Please favor him with a call at No.

27 Main street. Buflalo, April 18M. WM. NICKLIB. apt Draper and Tailor, 27 Main St.

D. HIBBARD FASHIONABLE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. No. 70 Lloyd Street at Its Intersection with Main street. The subscribers having formed a partnership unaer tne name ana nrm oi u.

llLlsAr.w for the transaction a GENERAL CLOTHING and GENTLEMAN'S FURNISHING BUSINESS, are re- celvtnr and will keep constantly on hand a great variety of UCKMAJX VZ VU. CSZ21, XlMJLMlUi. VEBUJJXUS. SC. which thev offer to the public as cheao as a fair nroflt win afford.

This Establishment Is one of the most penect GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSES Western New York, and where aU articles of Dress are offered, made of the finest materials, and acoordlng to the most approved fashions. The services of EXPERIENCED CUTTERS, have been secured. READY-MADE CLOTHING. ef their own manufacture, In great variety, and of the finest quality, constantly on nana. Agency of SCOTT'S AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN rAsaiOM! Ppnng ana cummer jnst received.

YOUTH CLOTHING MADE TO OSDXS. The subscribers hope to merit a continuance of thai generous patronage neretoiore extended, pledging every ef- ion to piease tneir customers. ti. v. rllllnAKil, myistr P.

A. MoARTHUR. PIANO FORTES. We are now receiving the most complete irfTre. ssortment of rjiano fortes ever nffarvA in Western INewxork.

Our lnstrumenta. with tne enure meuunc rrame, are rrom NONE BUT THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, and we refer with confidence to all who are using them, a list of whom may always be found at our rooms. We sell them at the lowest factory prices, varying from $225 to i nose wno wish the cheaper class of Dlano fortes can aiso De accommodated, as. on tne opening or navigation shall be fully supplied with the wooden framed instru ments, from as good manufacturers as make them, and we suaii sen uieni AT PROPORTIONALLY LOW PRICES. Instead of charging for them the same prices as for the entire metallic frame.

Our facilities for obtaining them are such that we can sell them at from $1(0 to $260. The last being either 6V or 7 octaves. Old Dtanos wanted In exenangs ior new. mariu J. AUK A SONS, 209 Main St.

Buffalo. BUFFALO PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY, KEN EGA A PETERSON, (Suonsssoas to Bszreoif A resDectfullv announce that they have taken the premises No. 1S4 and 196 Washington street, formerlv occuDled bv D. inson A where thev will continue the manntactnrA nf riaiio curtea ui everv ueacnDtion. xnev art now nnmnintr.

and will keep constantly en hand, an assortment of t. Si, tX and 7 octave Piano Fortes, In Rosewood and Mahogany, uicu tuey oner as at low prices as similar instruments can be obtained in any city In the Onion. Their Instruments combine all the latest Imnmvnmenta. Including the celebrate 1 arch bottom, Iron brace, and they feel every conddence In vxirranUne their Instruments to o. equal tone ana nnisn to anv manuiacMirea in tne country.

nano ones tuned ana repaired, old instruments taken In exchange for new. AU orders promptly attended to. Dealers dealt wtth on reasonable terms. 1a20tf WESTERN PIANO FORTE COMPANY. No.

10, 12, It and 1C, Court street, neaj- n. Invite the attention of those about nnr- Pf fjchasing, to their Improved metallic framed Sf II instruments, with all the modern lmureve. ments, which they warrant to be equal in brilliancy of tone, delicacy of touch, and superior finish, to any In the United States. Tnese pianos are warranted to stand In tune In anv cli mate. Professors, dsalers, and the public generally, are requested to call.

Old pianos taken In exchange. DRAW, HK1NTIAN A ANNOU8KY. The following testimonial was received from the caIa. brated pianist il. Strakosch, on his late visit te Burials 1 certify with pleasure, that I have examined a beautiful octave Improved metallic framed nlano forte, nf the Wont.

ern Pianoforte Manufactory In Buflalo, made by Messrs. Drew, Helntznian A Annousky, and that this Instrument was very superior toned, and had a verv deltctA touch. I think that these gentlemen deserve great credit for their fine workmanship and enterprise. American llo-tel, Buffalo. April 3, ISM, jnnl MAURICE STRA KOSCH.

CHICKERING'S PIANO FORTES. MANUFATURED and sold by JONAS CHICKERING, No. 334 Washington street Boston. The attention of the public is re-SbectfuUv caUed to these Instrument. Mr -hlckerinE has been known tut the hrat mlrAr nf Plan, Fortes in Boston, tor nearlv thlrtv tun Tn 1KS.1 mw-aI- the Prize Medal for his Square Piano Forte, exhibited at the woria-s Fair in sdon; also, especial and complimentary notice from the Jury who examined his Grand Piano Porte.

I have sold these In Buffalo tor over twenty-six years, and have never known an Instance where they have not given entire satisfaction In every respect. An assortment of these may at all times be found In Buflalo, at 266 Main street, No. i cromiin, at in factory rnces, by JAS. D. SHKPARD, who Is the exclusive atrent fbt this citv.

1. aian fh. sale Pianos by tbe following makers Adam Stodart A Co, New York; J. B. Dunham, do.

Firth, Pond A do. A. A J. Keogh. Buffalo, and others.

All of which may be examined, eo and imril at the Piano Forte Rooms, over the Music Saloon, 'AM Main street. Old Piano Fortes taken in exchange for new oaea. Planes for hire, tuned and repaired. seStf GRAND ENLARGEMENT Cabinet Warehouse on the Cash System. No.

iM)3 Mala BaSaio. THE increasing demand for good Furniture, jsa, at a low price, has induced a still further en- El largement of this establishment by carrying up the bnilding on Main Street, and extending It 111 thronsrh XO feet rinpn nri EtnriAa hlh Tin Washington Street. These are the largest Ware Reoms in the State; they embrace Nos. 199, 201 snd 203 Main Street, and running through to Nos. 201 and 212 Washington Street.

Main entrances 204 Main and 212 Washington 8 ta, where may be found the Largest, Cheapest and beat assortment of Plain and Elegant new styles of CABINET FURNITURE Ever before oflered. Embracing almost every article in the line that can be named; Among which are. Mahogany and Rose Wood SOFAS, TETE-A-TETB8, Divans, Ottomans and Lounges, covered tn Broca telle, Plush, Damask, and Hair Cloth, at prices varying from $3 to $160 each. PATENT PRJOMIUM SOFA BEDS, Of all the late Improvements. Also, PATENT RECUMBENTEXTENSION AND BAST Of aU kinds.

Also, Rocking, Sewing, Easy and Common Chairs, over 100 different patterns of Mahogany, Rose Wood, Walnut, Oak, Maple, and fancy painted, at prices varying rom 33 cents to $60. Also a great variety of Bureaus, Book Oases, Commodes, 81deboards, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, Hat Racks, Piano Stools, Music Racks, Corner Stands, Ac. OFFICE FURNITURE, Chairs. Desk. Ac.

Painted Bedroom Setts at prices varrl rom $30 to $160. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. Curled Hair, Cotton and Palm Leaf Mattrasses. Bolatara. PUlows and Cushions.

LOOKING GLASSES At MaDHfactcrer's prices. Cabinet Hardware and Upholstery materia for sale to the trade. Having largely Increased nunnfsctnrtng facilities. It Is my purpose, by a large Increase In baslness, to sell at a reduction on former LOW PRICES, while the quality of the work win be as heretofore, unrivalled. Every article sold, will therefore be warranted to be properly made, and oi good material.

Furniture made to order. Repairing, Boxing and Packing done In the best manner, and on the mostreasonable terms. AST one can understand that the Cash System does not require Large Profits to make np for losses by bad debts. Those wbo wish, by paying Cash, to obtain a good article and save from twenty to Any per cent, are respectfully Invited to give me a ct ISAAC D. WHITE.

jel? 208 Main Street. EMBROIDERIES, LACKS, AND MILLINERY OOODS I am now receiving at my New Store. 238 Main street, (one door above my former location,) a large anil choice asaorExneat of Rich Embroideries. Lacea. flne Muallna.

A Ac Tha n.w consists In part of Real Gtmpure, Malt see. Thread, Hordton, VaDCmas and Smyrna Laces. Kmoroldered Dollars, under Sleeves, Flouncing. Under Hdkla. Infants' Sebea.

Skirts. Bands. PrriXt ttViw. i tents' Waists, Swiss and Cambric Sdings and InserUnzs. la all their varieties.

Ribbons. Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, -Gloves and Yankee Ser ytGoor wtUl large and splendid assortment of Ladles win at all times find tn the MUeTTenerteient a large variety of Fashionable Lawn, Silk, Crape and Straw Bosmeta, Head Dresses, Dress Caps, Rich Ribbons Ac Please call before purchasing elsewhere, and rv selves that you can save 2 cents on the deilJy buytna yonr gnods at 230 Main st- ma THOMA8 WRIGHT. A CARD. dnBB fSL ding purposes, are prepsjed to furnish contractors ith any quanuty 01 tale beanufni and durable their Eagle Harbor Quarry, upon very resA- able All persena contetnplattng erecting good trnnrhitrs. saonlfl certainly acquaint themselves with this exceilent rtaL -Y00 1-dgea, to be th.

best bailding stone la America. Order respectully eollclte Of a sndlYard at tbe foot ef Gf.nt.eti street, arrffalo sutsn A. M. BUTLER. 1 ,1 TWENTY-FIYB OT.

DAGUERRKOTYP rTOetraef BngalowUl ptens note that the Origlna ATwonty-fl-ve Cent Dsnarreaa Rooms are at a Ma stL next to tbe Bnflalo Savings Bank, where CARPENTERA OO. hold not equal. "K-T 1 Iaraa sts Dagrreo tv tor with 1 com atete. Call, 1 try bodjrl Now is CANDEE. WUWIU CO AM Pf prepared tedo an Knds of work bakAXftagte Tlnswrrtha or Ptnmbers to as, wtth vqi7ea a.

any otoer ia us aty. and see riiu. CANADIAN FLOUR AND FEED STO K. Nit.T. TEEN HUNDRED BB Choice Brands of Superfine and Extry Family tossis- tots to sett caatota-C wTS A.

BUM WALL. H. 8. BKKCH KK TT isimuvad Han Wa Be. Math.

n-Otral Wharf. ad)orntng Chirtarad We as. MerGKEGOR COAL STOY- TRetMr il 9. M. DTTPT.ET rtlTY eRBIEH IOi mm Be nTTri si If 2 li O.

bje srhBed a ners srteHtam Is 8 It An ES CITY LOTS FOR ALK- rpH Subscriber has elllglble lots tor sale on the fbnowtog streets, vis: Main, Pearl, Franklin, Park, North WuHam Marvin and College sta, which he Is disposed to sell at prices, xiue penect terms oi A- n. MEECH.CS Main, cor. Swan at. FAMILY COACH. TUBT received from New York a splendid Family Oocch, si by one of the beet New York Makers.

It will be sold lew for cash er approved paper. Piease apply at the New York Carriage Repository, filler's Block, on Evans street and the Terrace. JeSr WM. r. BUYER.

FRUIT, FLOUR. PORH, FIbjH, CIROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ac-B. COURIER A CO. it Marn atnat Rrift.1, would return their No. nerM thanka fn.

th uKmi natronaze heretofore receiv ed, and wonld respectfully Inform their friends and the dduc generally, waiiney are prepaid ww, the above line la the most satisfactory manner, and at the lowest cash prices. Goods delivered in any part of the city free of charge. se DAGUKRRIAN ROOMS. MODORKUi A celebrated Rooms removed to SOS and tta The only establishment west of New York where doable fun stse oletures are made. All the smaller slsee mad.

as usual. Daguerrian goods for sale wholesale. Tlint I III Smiiih fflvam In -rT Rooms mi from TJ A. M. ttll TX P.

M. Remamher the Wa ana 1 in ti'. B. A splendid lot of Lockets, Ac, Ac of all alaeshave on nana. jiym AGENCY AT WASHINGTON.

rrE 1 Attnrn.v and Counsellor at Law of th Buprssae Conrt of the United States, and late Reglat-t of the Treasury, will attend to such claims and business upon and ha the Departments of Government and before uongrees. as may so entrusted, to nis care. N. 8ARUBNT. N.

B. Claims for Indemnity for spoliations of property by the British, during the war of 1812, especially attended to. Washington, Sept. 1st, 1863. se7 MICHIGAN LAND.

I WILL EXCHANGE 80 acres of Land, lying In Lenawee Co Michigan, within a few miles of tbe flourishing village' Adrian for land In this city or vicinity. The title Is free from incumbrance- If the property oflered in ex Chan Is greater In value, the difference will be paid by tne. Apply at tbe Niagara Land Office. N. 1 Niagara st, to 1c2 GUY H.

SALISBURY. Real Estate Agent. NEW FURNITURE AND Upholstery Establishment COND CCTID ON IHE CASH PRINCIPLE By L. WHITEHEAD, 174 Main sr. WHERE can ha fhnnd Chairs.

Bedsteads. So fas, Tete-a-Ietes Stands. Bureaus, ottomans, Lounges. Ac. Ac.

Also av.rv rinttnn nt RRDDTNO. Curled LI K.llaaaAfl Cushions, Pillows. Bolsters, Comforters, Ac, and where all kinds of UPHOLSTEHY WORK, can be obtained, ol the best quality, and at tbe LOWEST PRICKS. mr team boa La. Hotels, Private Dwellings, ana jsoara-g Houses, furnished at the shortest notice.

A Particular attention tyald to Cornices. Curtains. Dra lng peries, Shades, Ac. and to Repairing and Renovating Old Furniture. Cash Crockery House.

GOULDS ELLIOTT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF EARTHEN WARE, CHINA AND GLASSWARE No 195 Pearl street, and No. 61 Chambers st. NEW YORK Would aav to Merch ants and Dealers generally that, having established a Cash uouse in wis prancn or trade, tney are tuny convinced that they can sell Crockery. Ac. at such nricea as will oav the purchaser a fine profit to retail.

Experience has proved very conclusively to us that, by adheilng strictly te the cash system, we can afford to sell from Ten to Twenty per Cent below the regular Credit Trade Prices. To this end we ask an examination of our styles and prices, a list of which will be forwarded by mall to any party desiring. As" Earthenware by the Invoice, single package, or very carefully repacked for the Country Trade. Jyli1Jyl8 Lake Oeorge Young Ladies' Institute, MISS JULIA A. SMALLEY, 1 MR8.

LYDIA K. P. RRAVTnM Principals. PnS INSTITUTION to located on the Eastern rhore of the beautiful Lake whose name It bears, near the site of Fort WUUam Henry, and opposite tbe village of Cald- weu. ciiuatea on a projection rrom the main land and luletly nestling In a beautiful forest grove, it commands a picturesque and delightful view of the Lake, Its mountains, bays and islands for a distance of sixteen miles.

The Bandings are all beautiful, healthful, and convenient, and adapted to the accommodation of 300 pupils. A board of competent Teachers Is emnloved means secured to reader this Institution second to none of Its kind. rbe Academic year Is divided Into two sessions nftnm. ty-two weeks each, the first commencing on the 17th May. x-upiis wm ue receive at any time onnng tne session.

Also, durins the summer montha. a few boarders will be received. Farther Information mav be received hv annliotinn tn the Principals, Caldwell, Warren Co. N. Y.

myJ6 To the Ladies of Buffalo Vicinity THE Subscriber respectfully announces to tbe Ladles that the tipper Restaurant of his new and elegant Ho tel, comer Eagle and Main streets, wi i be opened on WEDNESDAY, June 27th, for the reception of visitors when he trusts he will be favored bv a uortlon of their val uable patronage. It Is bis desire te render his Restaurant a perfectly gen-teelplace of resort, where Ladles can come unaccompanied by Gentlemen If theg choose, and order lnnch dim, or i.r lighter refreshment, and be pledges himself to do every buiug piuiuvM, ma rt coimon oi tnose wno lav or mm with their patronage. There will be a person In the reeentton room which Joins the Restaurant to take charge of parcels, satchels, ior laoies bo accompaniea. ghr ifintrauce on Alain street. Tbe Lower Restaurant will be nnennd f- Gentlemen In a few days.

M. EDKY, Proprietor St. James HoteL PATENT LEATHER BOOT MANUFACTORY GENTLEMEN desiring to obtain a first rate Patent Boot Opera, or any other extra style, are respectfully invted to patronise the LONDON SHOE STORE, the enly Store In Buflalo where the best qualities are made to measure, and very variety on hand. No. 42 Main Street, between the Terrace and Whites Sank.

THOMAS FIELD Kvery article in the Shoe Trade on hand and made te tder. fet HAMBURGH CHEESE. PIE subscriber would return his sincere thanks to his numerous patrons, for their liberal oatronaroi for th. oast fifteen years, and Inform them and th nnhii that is wen suppiie" wiui iiatiiuurgii, rte, nyoming andChau-tauque County Cheese. Also, Pine Apple Cheese, tor sale tn quantities to suitfbr Cash.

lentseiu usu. A. wuuitE. 68 Main st. Buffalo.

SODA WATER-PURE AND COLD. CHAS. COLEMAN would call the attention of the public to his inimitable Soda, manufactured by a process known only to himself, which he has brought to Its present state of perfection, sfter having been engaged In its manufacture for tbe last twenty years. No metal or substance of a deleterious nature used about his apparatus. Tho water used is the pure Niagara, and carefully filtered.

He would also call attention to his new and Improved mode of Cooling his Soda, a method ef his own Invention, ttnd known only to himself, whereby the soda Is made twice as cool as by the o'd method. To those who have drank of Coleman's Soda, not one word need be said to those who have not, iet tliein call and try for themselves. CHARLES COAN. Chemist and Apothecary, an6 288 Main street. Kremlin Block.

TAKING THE RESPONSIBILITY. CULVER'S PATENT HOT AIR FURNACE has stood the test over ten years, and still retains its great and deserved popclarity, while other furnaces have been Intro dnced, and after a run of a year or two have disappeared. The undersigned propose to put up the above Furnace, and If after three months' use, It does not give entire satisfaction, we will refund the money and remove the furnace. se HUBBARD. BALL A HART.

VOLCANIC REPEATING PISTOL, Smith Wesson's Patent. CAN be discharged with' greater rapidity and certainty than any other pistol. Thirty charges can be loaded and discharged In 60 seconds. The bahs are conical shape, containing the powder and cap, and water proof. This pistol Is a decided improvement on Colts Agency, 190 Main street, 1el2 JULIUS WA LK ER.

AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. rjTWICE DAILY EASTWARD CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after Monday, December 12, two Expresses will leave the office for the East daily. MORNING EXPRESS By Mall Train tor New York Albany and intermediate places, leaving the office at IX o'clock, A. M.

EVBNIN9 EXPRESS By Express Train ftr New York and Albany enly, leaves the office at 5j P. M. dels WELLS, BUTTBBFIELD A CO. BATONS' PLANING MILL. CORNER OF COURT AND HOSPITAL STS.

STEAM POWER TO LET Several large shops, with steady power, In a new building erected expressly for the purpose Doors, (kiln dried,) Sashes, Blinds. Mouldings, Door and Window Frames, Flooring, siding, and all kinds of lumber dressed and undressed, constantly on sale noor brackets, ttotmc wark ana Boxes or any else msds to order. ly. an Straight and Panel Sawing done prompt. ne prompt.

P. B. At NEW STORE, AT MAIN STREET. HAYING lust rented the above location, I am now prepared with a fall assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Plate and Coal 8toves; Parlor Grates, Cooking Ranges, Chllson's and Portable Furnaces; Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Ac, to supply the wants of the city and country trade. A portion of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited.

de GEO. E. DUDLEY. PATRICK'S DEFIANCE SALAMANDER SEFES Over U.000 of these Safes are now In use, and not one of them has ever failed In accidental or experimental ares, though tested in some five hundred instances. They are also furnished with Gofdn's Defiance Lock, which the pick-locks have never been able to open.

For sale by teftf PARMELEE A HADLEY; 207 Main street. HUSBANDS WHITING, ATTORNEYS AND OOTJNSEXLORB AT LAW, Proc tors aodiAdvocatee in Admiralty, win give prompt per-sonal attention to bnslness entrusted to them. In or out of the State. Office No, I South Division street, Buffalo, N. near ths Clarendon.

J. D. HugsAircg. oclTtf W. p.

c. Wmrnfa. REFRIGERATORS. THS undersigned, having engaged In the manufacture of Refrigerators, now offer for sale, wholesale or retail, the Palace and Cottage Bnigeratots, Ice Tops, Ice Boies. Ac.

They believe they are now able to offer the public a better article than has heretofore been sold. mylO PARMELEE A HADLEY. 20T Main stwwt 8 PRATT'S PATENT HKL F-8 KALIN A NH. ANEW apply received this day wantiag would do well to call soob, ss the demand is greater than th greater than the supply; sold by GEO. PAGE.

Seneca street. SPERM OIL. BLEACHED Winter Sperm OIL of the purest qnalitr ab ways for sale at CALLENDER'fl GROCERY STORE, delT Mata street, 4 doors above rj HALF CHESTS YOUNG HYSON TEA i it For sale eheanby JelAc CHUBtmjLL A PARKER. S3 Main street. BASKETS fancy Travelling.

Market. Clothes, Dinner and a great variety ot other lands of Bkets7 ways on hand at LEM H. FLERSTTErarS VARIETY STORE, sayM 187 Mata street Brown's BolMinirn. nHKWING GUM Tryon's clarified Spruce Gum A US OT mKn nr nun uoc, uv uur At to. Chequered Store.

jyw Washington street. LIVERPOOL SA Al irv Bait Pin. grod. for table tor sa. by 3TER A OO.l leM WEBSTER A Seneca street.

sp mMM Gothic Hail. LINSEED Oil -Boiled sad raw far sals by thebb and at retail, by C0 jiaasasm jr, us Main Street. an AdMttms; Gothic h-h WAGON FOB. fUUB, rpHE snberrTbsis have a very superler Wagon, wntchkl IY BOW. Ui I cost MS.

aplttf We WU sen th. u. low tr a afn' GEO. A. PRINCE.

3B UB JWKM MOURNING 8U mas, Grensytlnes. HfMIBS IP fc ttusltna, can ha 4hn na as myis SFAs tarn Sps-ST by TAW A aow. at WUkt "PaRIKD APPLES Pbxma. Cherries, said -LJcurrants, (or ssjaby CHUEIII- PARKEft, sahlT S3S Main soSit- F-eeblUHl ali'srScirfthfrnjr Bpe.sfwat Asi ai aataausi'H vabukt say-. 7 Mate stisut, Boikaasr.

UNION HOUSE, Ovpasd-e nis B-aUrsmsl Depot, Albaay gtrswt, TROY, 9. Y. THIS HOUSE will be opened oa or about day a of March, for the aceommodatlon of the public The an I Eocae Is new, and If fitted up wtth all the med-rs bnprovementa, ana is Deing rarniacea a sap not mazmsr. The proprietor wlB be happy to see any of nis fortnerfrtends also, all those si the traveling public who may favor hln wruiaeau. mhlSti J.

W. STEARNS. Proprtetcr. WOODRUFF HOU8K. aa, Watertown, JefEtrson County, New York, D.

DOR-TT BEY, Proprietor. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, Ogdensbnrgh. D. DO SE A BROTHER, proprietors.

Wnndraff Ho la now In oron renalr. and In successful operation. It win be conducted as heretofore by the undersigned, who It than km! ror past favors, and respectfully solicits the further patronage of the travelling imbue D. DORSES. The St.

Lawrence Hotel is now undergoing repairs and refurnishing, and many extensive alterations are In pro gress, which, wnen cempietea, wui extern, uiv accommodations and add to the comfort of their guests. This Honte will be conducted by D. Vorsey Brother, under the ln mediate supervision or r. witeax. WADS WORTH HOUSE.

Comer of MeooKunee and Miehioaa streets. Buffiilo. USTATHER A COS. PROPRIETORS This new and com. 1U modieus house has been built the past season for the express purpose of accommodating travellers and citizen wno nave so long ana rusuy oompiainea 01 tne want ot ao oemmodaona at th.

atern Denot. The Parlors are so arranged that a rail view can be had ot we Tsnou trains arriving ana aepertimr on toe new xors Centra1, State Line, andBulo and New York City Rait roaaa. The rooms are all large and airy, and furnished with new and elegant turnlmra. The Dining Hall Is easy of access, and under the direction of Mr. B.

F. Poppls, so long and favorably known to sne paouc as a caterer, ana cannot be exceuea. Tbe house Is furnished thronehout with all the modern improvements, snch as Bath Room, hot ana cold water Gas. Barber's Room. Ac.

JUsy xne slain entrance and omce is on Exchange st. few steps east of the old Railroad Hotel. Also, a broad and convenient entrance on Michigan street. The proprietors pledge their united exertions to render the WADSWORTH HOTJ8B a nloant resort for their mends ana ths pa sue. TtUDOi anil D.


The "arecently become the sole lessee of this celebrated Hc leu lun ueiovan rm entintiv ranoTtuaa tnu srinntt from attic to basement, and has been re-flnlshed and re-fur iun on a scale oi magnificence not interior to any note la this country in ail ItaanDOlntment. The nrsnrietor Is de. tirmlned that no effort shall be wanting on his part to sue. i aiu we mgn reputation ol this noose, ana to renuer it a pleasant home far the traveler. Mr.

S. W. SPERKY, ths popular assistant, who has been connected with this bouse from the time It was first opened, and who Is most favora- Diy xnown to tne traveling public, wm continue nis connection with the house as heretofore The Delevan Is situated directly at the terminus of the Boston and Great Western and Northern Railroads, and in close proximity to the Hudson River Railroad and Steamboat Landing. Passengers going to er returning from Saratoga Springs, Whitehall, Canada and Niagara Fails and the Lakes, can take or leave the cars directly at the door of the house A continuance of the liberal patronage which the travel. fog pnouc nave neretotore extended to the oelevan House respecuuuy soucitea cy tne new proprietor.

rnnJtf THEOPHILUS ROES8I Plumbing and Gas JAS. E. THOMSON, practical Plumber and Gasfltter, Importer and Manufacturer, is prepared to execute all orders In his line of business, with despatch, and in the most approved styles. He has in his employ, also, a large num ber ot bands, who are accomplished mechanics, skilled In the baslness of PLUMBING ANDGAS FITTING, and thus ne is enabled to mi large orders or to perioral complicated, difficult, and extensive lobs on the shortest notice. The curious, and those desiring labor or materials In bis line are requested to call at his extensive establishments, and examine his stock, which comprises all kinds of arti cles, from Tl PLAJNf AND SUBSTANTIAL to the MOST DELICATE AND ORNAMENTAL of both Foreign and Domestic Manufacture.

My stock of Gas fixtures Is the most extensive In the city, amounting in value to about $7,000. and from the best English, French and American Manufacturers. In Plumbing, my stock Is unsurpassed, consisting In part of Ornamental Water Stands, Sell-Acting and Pan Water Closets. Ornamental Fountains, Copper, Lead and Galvanized Iron Bathing Tubs, Improved Drinking Cups and Strainers, and all varieties of Plain and Ornamental Works for Water Fixtures. All descriptions of Steam Apparatus for Hotels and private residences.

Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. JAS. E. THOMSON, late Thomson a McFarlane, ap27 68 Lloyd st. Show Rooms 285 Main street.

SEWERS AND STENCH TRAPS. THE attention of the public Is called to the following City Ordinance i IN COMMON COUNCIL, Buffalo, April 27th, 1866. Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Buffalo do srdaln and enact the following Ordinance, to be known as Section 18, of Chapter 2' of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, viz: 2 13. No person shall make or construct, or aid or assist in the construction of any receiving sewer in any street or alley or elsewhere In the city ot Buflalo, or any drains from any building connecting with any of the main or street sewers of said city, except snc receiving sewer er drain is properly secured by a stench rap In such manner as to prevent any erhuvia or stench from passing tbrough snch receiving sewer or drain, under the penalty of Ufty dollars for each and every offence Approved April 25, IBM. ELI OOOK.

Mayor. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly enacted by the Common Council of the city ef Buflalo, on the 23d day of April, 1886. Dated Buffalo May 5d. 1855. R.

BURROUGHS, City Clerk. The subscriber Is prepared to construct sewers of any required size er shape, In the best manner, In conformity to the absve Ordinance. Orders addressed through the Post Office, or left at my office, corner of Michigan street and the slu ana uamDorgn nai, wiu be promptly attended to. myjltf ISAAC ritj fOLLOWAY. HERSEE TIMMERMAN: CABINET CHAIR DiJANTJFACTORT Warereoma No.

307 309 Main st, Ormosiie the Hotel. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS. Also. Soring Beds. Hair and Grass Mattresses.

Pailiaaami PllIowsAc. kept constantly on hand and made to order. Si Furniture careidly paekeajor Shipping. vine recently erected a large and commodious building on Main street for Warerooms, five stories high, and extending through to Washington, which we now occupy, and wtth Increased facilities tor Manufacturing, by the addition of new and extensive Machinery and Bteam Power, at our manufactory (located In Elm street, between Genesee and Sycamore streets, we are prepared to till all orders In our line with promptness and despatch, and In a styl and finish which will challenge competition, and cannoi faU of giving entire satis taction. Grateful for past favor; we hope for a continuance of that patronage and suppor which has been so liberally extended to us by the citizen: of Buffalo for the past nineteen years that we have bees In business In this city.

THOMPSON HER8EE, BENJ. TIMMERMAN. "PRO BONO PUBLICO." 'I curiosity of many a paper by the well known Jew- elry Store 166 Main street, having been excited to the enquiry what has become of the time honored Clock, the well tried and faithful servant, whose familiar visage has doubtless Imparted many lessons of wisdom In making practical an old adage "time Is money." The query may be easily solved by a glance at ISO Main street. Having shook off the old dust and received a dress tn keeping with its new habitation, win be wont as in Its primitive days to attract the admiration and continue, as formerly, In the public service. In connexion with may be found a thorough mechanic In the line of Watch Repairing at No.

160 Main street. -Til LI Tig WALKER. SAGE Sc SONS' AMERICAN GUITAR. TT7 would respectfully call the attention of the public fv to our manufacture rf GUITARS. We are now making nine different styles, which for tone, beauty of finish, and durability, are not equalled.

Ail except No. 2 are furnished wtth an IMPROVED PATENT HEAD. The prices are as follows: No. 1 mahogany, with lmprov'd patent head, In case S15 No. 2 rosewood, with peg head IS No.

3 rosewood, with Improved pat. head 20 No. 4 rosewood, with pearl Imp pat. head 2S No. rosewood, wli large size "80 No.

9 rosewood, with com stz'd ext enlarged 30 No. 7 rosewood, large pattern Imp pearl pat hd 4S No. 8 rosewood, com size Imp pearl do ex lnPd 60 No. rosewood, large size ext I I'd pearl pat hd CO We warrant them to stand all the changes of any climate without cracking. Professors, amatears, and the pnbllc are respectfully Invited to call and examine them.

J. SAGE A SONS, Piano Forte and Maslc Dealers, ap 209 Main street. CHEAP PAPER HANGING DEPOT. 0Ts 2Si-The Subscriber, In acknowledged iaprttae dotded preference triven to his Papers dn ring the ptult season, takes this course to Inform his friends and Ueiabtiothathe continues to receive sally from ths ant n.anultorWs America and France, a supply of PAPER HANGINGS, In every variety of quality, style and pattern, and which he Is determined to self at such prices as to defy competition. In order to lake room for an entire new Spring Stock, I am selling, and will continue to the FaU and Winter, my present large stock of Paper Hangings, Borders Ptre-Board Prints, Ac- at considerably bslow their usaal prices.

Painter and large consumers supplied on liberal terms Paper and OU Cloth Window Shades In a great variety Tassels and Cords for Curtains and Pictures, Putnam's Patent Ourtatn Fixtures aeinng low. ocJOtf H. G. WHTTEI Observe, 273 Main street, opooslte the chniehes. HONEY TO LOAN AUCTION AND COMMISSION.

Cash paid for Diamonds, Piano Fortes, Watches, Jewelry, rare and valuable Books, and personal property ef every description. Business confidential and promptly executed. Persons wishing to dispose of their entire Household Goods, Furniture, and Personal Effects, win, by applying to the undersigned, find a Cash Purchaser. Applications through the PoetotBce win receive prompt attention. PETER SWEENEY, lif Washington street, aplgtf Corner of Carroll.

A. AMAIN YILLE HAS removed Bis stack of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, and choice FAMILY GROCERIES to No. 183 (formerly 156) Main street, occupied before by Julius Walker as a Jewelry Store Thankful for past patronage, the subscriber hopes for a continuation at the same, as he intends not to be excelled by any dealer, tn his line of business, in regard both to quality and prioee. His Stock is composed of the best Brandies and Wines of his own importation. Port, Madeira, Sherry, and an other Foreign Wines, Havana Cigars, Preserves of all kinds, 8u- Sra, Teas, Coffees, and Dry Groceries, at wholesale and re-IL apSstf A.

DAM AIN YILLE. FREIGHT NOTICE. aCrnla, Brsuttfard stasl Gaslerleh Railway. ON and after Monday, May the 14th. an Freight for this Boad.

and Freight coming over the line of the Road, wffl be received and delivered the Michigan Central Railroad Dock, foot of Water street, ware all lnformatlen win be given, and tartflt supplied. E. 8. AliPURf, Gen. Ft.

Agent, Breatford. Buflalo. May 12, 1856. mrls LOST. IHAYB lost many Step Ladders, Painter' Ofl Cans and Buckets, which have bea lent, and some left at the dif-ferent houses where my mea have been at work.

Any of my Meads that will interna me tarsasrh the Peetefltoe or otherwise, where they can be found, shan have the thanks the subscriber, ud liberal deduction opon any future bill of work they may have doo. by m- apStf H. a. WHITE. LAND FOR SALE.

4 LOT tftsate on West sMe of Delaware street, near t. Ferry, its rro by (00 ft deep-a desirable bnlkllng Lot. AJiio Block No 17i sad 1FL Prospect HIIL a ccrser 1AH SB on dcos at. eyiw a. aeep.

ea ineea. For further psrticnlars, appty at the srxchange otBctfbt WM. AtABUH. Ja- No. las Main Cnd thegacteu Harbor Ban ROOM WITH STEAM POWER TO RENT.

with anitai no. Also, smaller Rooms with power. rah THOMAS A LATHROPS. Com. Advertiser- NEW CARPETING A XT UPHOX8TERY GOODS FOR THE TRADE-we ii anraoarrmca I Cloths sad Obi a MatertaUtalso, a treat of Upholstery i.Ti.wn wra x.

i ssaia IWaalei Zv CAJJJtNDEBrB GEOCEET ETOR de 2 Main street. doors above Swan. wgy ISlEaTA BOUfAIT, Rata street. YrKNC KENC WHITE JlfA Wrest, ''A FROM W. H.

WeDONALDS ADVERTISING HOUSE, MB NASSAU STREET, H. I. THOMPSON ROLLER No. lis Maiden tan A Importers and MaxmiatiBr-rs Purs, and Wboieeal Dealers In Hats, straw rfon uc aplsf Fire Bricks! 90 flflO RUFFORD STOURBRIDGE, HICKMAN 8TOU KB RIDGE. 10.000 RED WELSH.

15,000 GAKNKlitK. UMNO LISTER. 10,000 Cupola shape. Welsh lumps. mIltSlH' 10 a to5h- WELSH FIRE-CLAY, and BTOREBRXDQE do For Glass purposes.

YIRKAND, FACINGS, and COAL, of all kiaT Constantly In yard and afloat, and for saleby SAMUEL THOMPSON'S NEPHEW. aplftocU 2T Peart, and S3 Gold rta. N.w York. FARE REDUCED N. Y.

California Steamship Line YIA NICARAGUA. Redaction of Prices to suit ths Times. The Cheapest and test Bonta. awvea Hundred Miles Shorter than any other Route, and avoiding tne deadly Panama Rover, and two miles of Dangerous Boating ia Panama aJJ. TRROnnll TN tnVAKns en fn Aeoessom Transit Ormpany of Nhanurua.

troprietsn. xnewirBTtiafl UUHT, STAR OF THE WEST PROMETHEUS or NTKl-Voi-FBD 5f class doable enrlii. bt win i x- the Sth and toth of each month, connecting by the Nicaragua Transit Route, (having but twelve miles of land UsportaJion, over a gooo marsmlzed road in first frTN'91 BaRRA NEVADA, AM 7i f0 -BBOIHJ JON A. THAN, one ofwhich will leay. San Juan del Sur.

the Pacific Terminus of tlie Tranatt Route, wherethe Pacific Steam. iwmn tin x-asaengers at tne company's Wharf Immediately en their arrival, and proceed at once to Bah Fran- For Information ot passage at reduced rates, apply only to nii no Agent. mtsetr66 Bowling Green. N'ew York. Oak Hall (notliine.

tUR New Stock of Spline and Bummer Cinthin. i. pleted. and we will sen cheaner than anv otiioiu iii uin uiutw Dtatee. WM nnvinnrvn ait Oak Hall.

84 and St Fulton street, and 47 and 09 Gold st, New York. mySltausOp Spiritual Telegraph. rpHE organ of modern Spiritualism. Fourth Vol. com men j- ces in may.

xi contains tne ruiiest record extant of vun upiuioos on opuimai intercourse Pmo-Usiied weekly at $2 per annum; also, all Spiritual Books for sale by PARTRIDGE A BRFTTAN, 342 Broadway NY B' tl0Ene Spiritual Books sent on application." Cotton. JOHN DICK AND SONS. nPHREAD MANUFACTURERS, request the attsntlon of STir" "eir mase os miu yard cord Spool Cotton, which they can confidently recommend to the American public. As tor strength, finish, length and Buyers please note It can be had of ROBERT LOGAN A CO. 51 Dey st.

New York BURN HAM WELTON A CO. to Milk st. Boston. J. W.

ARRELL, Chestnut st, Philadelphia. D. MclLVAINTBaltimnre. D. LONDON.

Richmond. Va. mySltar.anp To the PnbliA. rpHE BRANDRET HHoUnK is nn plan and ready tor the reception of the travelling pub- Brandreth House, No. 416 Broadway, opposite New Ha pw rnvaie entrance No.

41 Canal street. New tEIAlA lOUU. BRANDRETH HOUSE RESTAUR ANT. nPKslNew RiV'0a(1 DAPOt, entrance on Lis. penard and Canal streets.

Meals served at all hours; oys- uiun oi very superior quality; every of the season on hand. The upplv oi fe-b-derloln steaks Intended to last until five clock In the afternoon. George Slater, Ute of the New York Hotel. fan Tt ntnnd at mrtv A uuus u. uaruuraii, ao place in the city can supply a cheaper or better dinner the many and the few win have equal cause (or sat stactlon.

Remember 1- auuuauai entrance on either strt-et. N. Dinner and supper parties can be accommodated with pri vate rooms If desired. mv7n Gentlemen's New Spring Goods THO-AB KENNETT, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1S3 MAIN STREET? BRO WNS BUILDINGS A JOUNCES to the gentlemen of Bnrtalo and vicinity that his Bnri Stock ta now ten for Inspection, and respectfally solicits a call. The Stock of CLOTHS embraces French, German.

Erg-Bsh am. otev rv shade and onaMtv In Si'API AND PAiiCY CABSlMlJitKa' most extensive and beautiful assortment ever exhibited in this or any other market. Some anti of cnoesfr8' fUn1 weU worUl the attenOon His VEaTiNGH, including SUk. Satin. Marseilles, Velvet, Ac.

of the newest, richest and most exquisite patterns, and embradnga wide range for selection. 1 In the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, win be found as USUAL a comDlete aaaortiriAnlnf Stocks, UndersMand CUSTOM WORK Made te orderln Ws usual elegant and recherche style. An assortment of superior READY MADE CITHING made particularly to his own order, constantly on hand, CLOTHING. at tne soncttatlon of nnmero rittun, ed a denot for Boys' and Chn.t, i Clothing for children of all ages from years ofl and upwards made la the best and most fashionable style may be found and purchased at a less cost, than usual: It Is his Intention to nav narttaniar ,.7. and he requests the co-eperatlon of parents and guardians in a matter which will be found of mucupecumary Invest AU work warranted to give soMsraetkm.

as usnal THOMAS NETT. Merchant Tailor, toa main street. OIL! F. a PEASE. Man ufactt er and Wholesale Dealer in Ol NO.

1 MAIN STREET. RTIVVli SPERM. ELEPHANT "frLARD, LJXSEKD fOT Durnlng. Superior to Sperm or any other Oil whatov-r, and the only reliable Lubricator tit a suoerier Burning Oil, that wlUOteep bearing cool. rrijjij nor UUMl MASTER MACHINIST'S OFFICE 1 Micmoin SouTH.t Raioaj.

F. 8. Bnflalo: InVeaard tit Ih. Thi by you, I am confident that you cannot recommend it too high, as It will stand ANY TEST that It can be put to Our rpaa nssarwayt nereteto refused the beet SPERM OIL for the last six months I have used your IMPROVKD MACHINERY AND SIGNAL LIGHT Ot Lon i tlveS Of thlB Rod. ad 11 hH sivAS HKTTD 4 rT TION.

Jt also Be on the K. Division of the Central Jtoad, about atx month-, with ifiUUAL SATIS. I Ca Cfc ertitY rw.l lTTiKnd vnnr rwi fiDfr -s LEAL 1'HOU AN i GALLONS, as the CHEAPEST and mostDURABLE OIL for Railroad use, thatl am acquainted with, and practical experience proves that It is a KronSm 40 Alteon percent overJSPERM or ANY OTHER OIL whatever for lubrtcatlne or hnrnt 11 WILL NOT GUM. H7 D. KENiiEbY Master Mechanic M.

8 Railroad. BRHu'S CATALOGUE OF SEASONABLE GOODS FOR JULY. FANS The largest variety la the city, from 3 cents to $30 each. Beltsfer Ladles. Mlsae.

Rnvanrl .11 silk, rubber and mohair. Feather Dusters, aU sizes, full and first quality feathers, at reduced prices. Bird Cages, both wood and tin, of new design and at all prices. fancy Gigs, Carriages and Cabs, from $2 to $40 each, single and for twins. willow Hampers, four sizes, for soiled linen In hot weather andJerfuils6' mJnta' brushef powders, soaps, puffs JMsketa, travelUng, workstand, sailor work, etc.

fro DiSh Cover. Aval Anrf mnnri A.tAn 1 flies, etc. Table Mat. Of Wtllnw mah uma A-rt T. 1 Quality.

beautiful assortment of fancy, dirk, gold, sliver sua pearl heads Fishing Tackle, roda rlg lfns- hslsTB ta fllaasi atr.v wlveU, etc. 1 sjbro'dery Materials, a complete stock. Shell Com il 1 i hair pins, etc. and Tmca ptot' roceptlon' PiMzt- sewing size? boSt. tanas, pans, tables, etc etc.

of large Newspaper files, yard sticks, tape tines- Ac. Taylor Cravon'a twist, gimp, Ac. Traveling fiaaks. adapted to the requirements of the Maine Law. Hat Brushes, aia nlnsh hat mtt tooth do.

Indian Beads, three cans of my own Importation, all sites and colors. mm 2 Main street Is the "Orlninal," 8. O. A MUM'S GREAT VARIETY STORE. Jyl Main street.

WEBSTER'S OIL STORE. Comer TFttsl Uaafoa emd Quay Streets. Buffalo. N. Y.

GEO. O. WEBSTER, Hscturer sod Dealer In Sperm' nsry 01 ie, lard, Psinie Tanners' ahUchi. WEBSTER'S FOSSIL OIL. A new Machinery Oil.

nndonbtediv nse (or ths foUowtng reseont: That 1 lubricity oa laMdng surfaces Is unequal! ed, preventing friction beyond any other OU known; That the most -eral ad accora tents prove lu tendency to absorb atmospheric oxygen, and thereby to form gum, to be "fJ2" thu suy etber OU; That rtWrree from acidltyntatrdng nothing which can lnjurioaaly et machinery machinery upon which It need. wIE rua easier and toagar with the same propelling ESS? baWtuy cleaner and berrdef. th leesUbor of an with the use of any other lubricator known; A that after rust and exposure win recommence iu motion, with the aaiue ease aslf it had been only bsmb nv sns; wtA, 1- deHtderato nt. wUl esdur. tar mere cold tb any mhrlca-4 WSenO- ZFZ" WEBSTER'S MACHINERY AND BURNING OIL.

admirable Machine OU. adanted to miM peat durtyjrui not SIGNAL LIGHT AND AXLE OIL. i-- ASJk M4 Vlia) rJh1-QS snd steam ressela OU. sh Drnss' sad PertoeaaT less as water. especial ly am LARD OU, and 1 LINSEED OIL, raw and boUed.

xauow BihS Vulcan FoundryWater Street a san a wArrur. aavtnsrmwr fn k. u. n. tM taoas to1rbrit Mart mm aiT km BUILT.

AH Unds efnia 2S BEsTa eUw ear era ploy, sad win te aaysasl ness eotr asted wtth entreated with ALBERT I ali rower to axMo roory moca. ss. -S-SJ-e U. WHITE A OO, ifUtA "ft br A Ottm tlrfn FAMILY 1 OUR Of ea Hvered free ef chanre to any part of the at vT -M WnTtTA CO. 1 feVoe street- HI- Ntn RIf a nn yTfTT A-irs for sale WJb 's OnoTjd .1 i 1 11 1 lis ark, BEsTa mr nnrrr niaios ieui give us paaatta aarai ssEt TREES.

SBbsx3ersa a I te A Main Street Buffalo, New York, J'" aut-cujuit sr, CLEVELAND, O. DIRECTORS: MS- Hon. N. KJHalU Wm. A.

Moaeley, Washington Bant. 8. BaTene, O. O. Steele, do.

L. Klmberiv, Esq-C. M. Reed, JSeq, ThV Kit OaA Hon. Victor M.

Rice, Wm. A. Btrd.Eaq., Jao. R. Lee, isq rewsr a.

i-orter, P. K. Bpencer. FACULTY H. D.

22on.l-PlofM?or" of the Science ef Accounts Jno. R. Penn, nd Lectarer on Btuineae Chutoma. James W. Loak.

1 wroctora In Boslneas and Ornamental W. P. Spencer "nmanamp, ana Lcture In Mer- I r-snti Let flni iisisiii ii 1 i Hon. Judge Masten, A. a.

BLan chard and others, Lectnr- Bin uu uuiuiercij LMW. John R. Lee, and otaera, Lecturers on Banking, Finance, EeV. J. Hvt Smith tnH Kbn.

r- ii.i, miiucn a i v- Reverends L. R. P. Thomson, Q. W.

Hosmer and G. W. tteacock. Lecturers on Mercantile Ethics. Oliver Arey.

M. J. Oat man and K. 0. Pomeroy, Lecturers TEAMS: For fall conrse time unlimited including all do-Dartmenta of Rnnfe RMninv I i n.

cal Penmanship $40 00 lor same coarse In Ladles department 25 00 Persons taking Penmanship alone will receive twenty leeaonn for 00 siyies 01 ornamental Penmanship as may be agreed nrjon. For instruction In Baslness Arithmetic only, as per The DJC8TOV Of TniHtntlnn I -rnKa 1 1 ties for acquiring In an expeditious manner a borons knowledge of Commercial Science and Art, as practically employed In the Counting Room and Business pursuits generally. The BOOK KEEPING! DEPARTMENT Is under the per-" enc 01 most accomplished Account- 7 7, uu 18 oeuevea mat no Mercantile College tn the United States posseiwes superior advantages thorough and practical knowledge of commercial science. The OOLLKOr ATE COURSE will embrace the most approved and practical forms for keeping books by Double Kntry In the varlona lepartments ol Trade and Commerce, including General Wholesale and Retail Mercantile Exchange, Commission, Manutacturlnit, Railroad, Banking, Printing, Mining, Shipping, Steaniboatlng, Individual and Compound Company Business. All manuscripts from which the Student copies are written lu a bold rapid business hand, which will serve as a great auxiliary him an excellent style of writing.

DAILY LECTURES will be delivered upon the Science of Accounts, Commercial Law, Political Economv, Commercial Calculations, Banking, Mercantile Custom. Commercial Ethics, Railroading! Business Correspondence, Mining, Commerce, Commercial Geography, Ac. PENMANSHIP, Practical and Ornamental, will be taught In the moat effectual manner by gentlemen of the highest accomplishments, as systematic and rapid penmSn, nd we pledge ourselves to impart to our patrons to a more Ceral extent than is done at any similar Institution, a writing In every respect adapted to business pursuits. Gentlemen and Ladies desiring to qualify themselves for teaching Penmanship, wUl And ample facilities at this College. The BUTTE OF ROOMS occupied by the College are spa-clsus, elegantly furnished, and conveniently arranged for pursuing every department of Mercantile Education.

THfc LADIES DEPARTMENT la entirely separate from the entlemens', and Is fitted up In a neat and convenient manner. Through the extensive business acquaintance of the Principals, many of the Students on graduating aie placed In lucrative situations. jay 8end for a Circular by mall. Jet)e8 The Crisis has Passed! GOODS BOUGHT FOB CASH! fXktf be sold from 10 to per cent, cbesper than those bought on time; In direct regard to this W. B.

BISHOP Of the Mammoth Mtore, No. 21 1 Main street, Has been and still Is selecting and buying entirely for cash the largest and bst assortment of CARPETS AND DRY GOODS ever brought to the Buffalo Market. DSESS GOODS. In Ladles' Dress Goods he has everything that can be called for, from a 4 cent print to a hurdred dollar Silk dress. LACE DEPAR TMENT.

The stock of Lace Goods Is complete, and defies competition. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. He hss constantly on hand a mrge assortment of Shawls, and In the Mantilla Department he thinks his styles a Uttle ahead of anything to be found In the Bo Halo market. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. A roll assortment ot the abovs Goods constantly on hand LINENS.

COTTONS AND WOOLENS. In the more substantial departments the Proprietor does not hesitate to say that his stock of Linens, Cottons, Woolens and Cloths of all textures and fabrics Is the largest and cheapest In estern New York. TRIMMING DEPARTMENT. The assortment of Trimming Goods will be found com. plete at all times.

ENTLEMENS' ETTRNISlriNG GOODS A complete assortment constantly on hand. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS The Proprietor calls especial and careful attention to his Immense stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, among which are the most beautiful patterns snd designs, varying from a Is Ingrain to the magnlQcentMedalllonCarpet. worth from Two to Five hundred dollars, and In OH Cloths he can lur-nlsh all the newest styles, from 1 to it wide. APERIES BEDDING. UPHOLSTERY GOODS The attention of those about to fmrnlsh Hotels, Steamboats and Dwellings, Is respectfully called to the complete assortment of Upholstery Goods, comprised of everything used lor upholstering Parlors, Bedrooms, Saloons, Ac.

and In the Drapery Department there Is everything that can be called for, from a Muslin Curtain to the most elaborately embroidered Lace Draperies and Brocatelles. He basin bis employ the most experienced workmen, and all Carpets put down and Upholstery work done at this establishment will be warranted. He keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Beddlac, comprising Feather Beds, Sea Grass Straw and Hair Matrasses, Pillows, Ac. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. Merchants, both In and out of the city, will find It greatly to tbelr advantage to purchase at this establishment, as there Is constantly kept on hand about two hundred thou-sand dollars worth of goods, thereby ensuring a great variety.

In conclusion, the Proprietor wonld say, please give him a call, and be win satisfy you that for variety ana cheapness of Goods this Is THE ESTABLISHMENT. W. B. BISH jP, ill Main atreet- IMPROVED CENTRIFUGAL FEEDING FLOURING AND CORN MILL. rpms subscriber continues the manufacture of these mills at his old stand, corner of Washington and Scott sts, a few rods above Main street bridge office corner of Hanover and Main streets.

These mills received the highest prize medal awarded to mills at the Crystal Palace, from a committee of scientific mechanics, distinguished tcr their practical skill and scien. tlflo research. The severe test to which they have been tubjecte 1 warrants the assertion that no mill now in ase will compare with them either for flouring or corn grinding. The subscriber has In his possession a great number of letters (rem those using his mills, which ro to show the universal satisfaction they have given. They are now being nsed In most of the States in the Where economy of power, whether steam or water, is a consideration, they can be nsed to great advantage, saving at least from twenty-live to thirty-three per cent, over large stones or mills running upon the pressure er lever principle, perform lng most perfect work, and mnng guperlor flour with close yields.

I connection with his mill manufactory he has a finishing and mill furnishing shop, where all descriptions of castings tor mills or other purposes are finished In the beat manner and at the shortest notice. He continues to manufacture French burr mill stones of an alses In the moat superior manner, and of the choicest materials, whether eld or new stock-Likewise the sale of Dutch anker bolting cloths, screen wire, mill screws, mill picks, damsels, spindles, cast Iron proof staffs. Grimes', Pagln's and Leonard Smith's smut mlllvstucco and land plaster, water lime, Ac. Ac. For the purpose of afdlng those who design building mills, he has secured the services of a skillful millwright, whose success In building some of the best mills In the west places him In the front rank of his profession, who wul make estimates of power, cost of construction, and draw plans and drafts for building, if required.

All mills, mill stones or mill furnishings sold by me warranted. Buflalo, May 1st, 184. nav JOHN T. NOTE. I AM no receiving a fresh supply of Wines, In casks and cases, all selected very carefully, and Imported from the moei commendable French houses' Chateau Labranch, vintage of IStl.

8t Tullen, vintage of 1848. Margaux. vintage of 1848. Burgundy, from O.Marey nults cote d'or. Cabinet Champaign, from Rulnart pere te'Sls.

Also Table Clarets of different brands. jel A- DAMAINVILLE. 183 Main street. SHIP BOAT BUILDING Sc REPAIRING. JjjafWrrmi THE subscriber has fitted np aefffrfc 'nmt ssd convenient yard at tbe.3sBB& foot of Virginia street, on the Erie Canal, with four good substantial Hallways, where he will attend to the repairs of all Boats sent to him for that purpose.

From his long experience in the business, he flatters himself that be can do It to as good advantage as any other person. He is also prepared to execute any orders fer Lake or Canal crafts, with dispatch. By dlillgent attention to business, be hopes to receive a liberal share of the patronage of the Forward-ers of Buffalo. myWtf SKTH SUMMKK GOODS, SYMPATHISING with the public In general. In consequence of the Hard Times.

I will offer my stock of Summer Goorts at a great reduction from former prices. My stock of Summer Goods constats of Plain, suip'd A flgM Silks, Organdie Muslins, Bilk Robes, Tovas, French Orgaxlnea, Halouas, Pine Apple Robes. Grenadines, Barege Robes, SLtt Hernanlas, Crape de Paris. Also, a beautiful assortment of Muslins, which I will sell at the low price of Si cents per yard. lJ W.

B. BISHOP, all Mam street. THIS LITERPOOL AMD LONDON FBI 10 AND LIFE INSUBAHCE wmrAlMX VATOAL aAniaa low as other responsible Companies. Less es by Fir. paid immedlawiy.

Me charge tor Potties. Apply to L. B. SMITH, Office over Poetomce. Refer B.m,n a vm jaAltUaJO SlruaSO Prstt A Co- BIX EBASONS WHY you should buy yonr Hata, Gaps, Umbrellas, Or 4Trunks at A.

aV A LI, XS1 Main street: 1st Because ne Id Because he baa the best and largest aasortsoest. id Because you oaa depend on being suited. 4th Because he manutactures moat of his goods, 1th Because yea will And them genuine artic SSZST (uatom la conveniently located at No. XS Main, between Swan and South Division street. mvS THB McAJttTHURS iuiu now op tor the winter, where Oysters, Tea, (feSeVoaocolate end otessiuss wMbe served lop ftjffiaKwTm their asaal srwTste.

at Matw t. ocIS PATM.ICK.'H DxSFIANCK RALAMANDKR 8AFES. Over UJXO of these tenable In aaa. and not one of them has aver fail ed la accidental er "Sgorlmejbaljn anasftv aVU HMsaana, A ABSav vwsuiw sw wrsaa i sai i vj he most akllml bnrflara. Forsateby -STrir PARMELEB A HADLEY.

VI Main st. orwTH. WTJK.NI8HING GOODS. rOWSYBTISe of Bhlrta, Collars. Oravata.

Bibpeaden, Uoiovee; UndeTTthlrta and Drawers, Ac Ao. constantly BU ass st-nxett. TIABJLH0KAe Aa-Ootama Syrap of BUcWwtt Boot, per sow, mumrj -r i i- ir In tse hawse, to nave iwkj i. af need. Mannfao- tarsd and wre aretatL bv lltl IHS aaU EremHn Block.

rttv Tt meat beaattml article that eve rtOMNBCITICOfr tm.1 JeMTlT, tTT.TWXB tsatWl ana XV Liberty Street, importers Ol Toys ana oooda. jaiBtnearas W. Jackson Son, AND FENDER MAKERS, 146 Front street VJ930 Broadway, NewJYork. Jy.10Tjy2vl' Artificial Flowers and Feathers. ATEW STYLES.

JAMES TUCKER, Importer sad Wholesale Dealer, 387 Broadway, near White street. noon York. Tbe bet terms for cash. rmariotm art "Looking Glasses. A ND PTCTPRE FRAMES.

JOHN 8. WILLARD, Mann- lactirrer, aw rean street, near street, n. s. ruiarmOTgpn LADIES ARE REQUESTED TO GIVE Dick's Spool Cotton A TRIAL. ASK FOU IT WHEN SHOPPING.

THT31ian301 ROBT. LOGAN A CO. 81 Dey st- N. Y. Shellac, India Twine.

ptOIR YARN, COCOA MATTING. COIR AM) JUTE MATS, and India Ooods generally, for sale low for cash cy uxvo. vi dow a uo. importers. leytqear wo.

7 Hurting Slip. New Yorlt. The New Jersey Lantern Co. A RE now pre flared to furnish orders in the above line ea -the most reasonable terms. Othce, 164 Maiden lame, new iora.

factory, jersey t-ity. near i. j. Poct31toct30 HEN PRICK SON A HOVER, Combs, Fans, Perfumery. A ND FANCY GOODS of every description.

New Stock -t for Spring Trade. ery cheap for cask. Orders will receive prompt attention. jrman2Uy JOSHUA JBROWNj 6 Murray st, N. Y.

Patent Elastic BATES ANC1S, 1 BRACLA N. Y. ial i tun are genuine except they bear the rtsmt vi i nu uiuiuuKtu rem Muers lnrnng lng. will be prosecuted abcording to taw. English Carpe tings, VIL, CLOTHS.

Ac Medallion, velvets. Ui Trm v-r sols, and three-ply and Ingrain carpets, floor cloths, I coir matting and mate of all kinds, and every article In the carpet uusitiess. VY 31. a THUD. LEWIS, Pmari2tmsrii 451 pearl street.

New Yor. Wiers, Wiffs, AND all articles of Human Hair, at Barker's Great vHg and Hair Repository, ASS Broadway, New York. Or- uoio turoujfii toe express auenaea to with punctuality, and in a satisfactory manner. Please cu' this out mvSitmvSap The Best Hair Dye. D1 O.

M. BALLARD '8 -(New article.) received th st uremiuin at tne vtnrin'M ir ann institute, where it was examined bv th. ii-kAi chemists. Dr. Chilton and Prof.

John Torrey, and pro-noun ced the best. For sale by the best druggists. Plincl- umtc to ana ouu oaaway, Itev kork. Pmarl2tly American Plate Glass Company! IACTOKY. WILLI A AiS BURG, L.

subscrlier having taken the Agency of the above Company. Is now enabled to lurnlsh their Rnnph iNtA tll.c lights, Ifioor tiles and of a quality superior to ir, auu at uiucu lower rates. Jy 1 1 JOHN PLAIT, 79 Murray N. Isaac L. Piatt, IMPORTER of Polished Piate Glass, from the old estab lished nianufactoo of ibe -t-ut- itavennead, Lancashire, Liigiand.

Pol shed Plate of all oien HUlijiitie ior windows ior -mrDB ri.a teases Resell Lamps, Kail Cars, ac. constantly on t-and at nEIUUKO. UUU imii St. r-ew lcrK. IVlltoCiOI1 KXTK.NSIVE PIANO AND Music Fub-shingr House.

BROAD VTA V. Ne iork-Agent for Haines, Bro- i.iin,iiiinCT ana urowu a Allen's Premium noiesai. and rtetall lor -h or ttiornVMi Induceinenui oflered to Music Teachers and Dealers, being uc 1 uew music as received rrom everv ouarter ol the Ij mon ih-w, orders. Music i-elected l.y us may. If not liked, be changed wWi)n six months lor any other pieces.

Music Mailed li: York. A. V. Stout Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND WIIOKS, No.

48 Warren at. N. HPinSY wiU keep constantly on hand a complete stock of uwuo, tue wauta 01 uountry Aterchaata. Tnv.lltnt.Vjp Carpetings. PETERSON HUMPHREY.

Q7Q BROADWAY, tor. White st New York, have Inst tl I 1' received from the late lartre anctlnn -1 1 Aooo, ii 01 pettug, wnicn tney will sell at the following low prices: men velvet uarpet lis to 14s per yard. Rich TapfStry. 8u to 10s per yard. Rich per yard.

Three 3s to lis per yard. Ingrain. (Lowell make) 6s per yard. And nniie-jGoo-is low. mySltauSOr Millinery Goods for Spring Sales.

-v 1 V3 I I importers and Wholesale Dealers tn fKKHTI x. 11 1- r. xj l.iill uww. aii.i as vis! Strsst. np stairs between Rmidvii- onrt lJW "--j iorx.

mns Bullalo and bo; 11 back combs. In great variety, twist, dresa-125 Buttons-Steel, gilt, lasting, mohair thread, agat; Ac. Brush es-HTir tooth, nail, Ac Linen thread, snool cotton hooks and eyes, hair vius. elati- cotton tapes.

linen and cotton bobbin, scissors, thimbles and a great variety of fancv eoods TIi PmI0ArtT Fancy Goods for Fall Trade-1855 PINNEO A CO -76 Chambers street. New York, have Just opened their Fall Importations of Silks. Ribbons? fAli.VS VELVETS. FLOWERS laces, embroidene. feathers, Including a general aa-sortnient of millinery articles of the most fashionable a recherche styles, which they are enabled te sell at the very lowest prices for cash or short time.

P. A Co. import their own poods, and dealers with them will save the ear, rdere by leWCT crofQllT D1 Promptly 8TRKT' nw Broadway, and opposite thejrvl ng UouseN wYork. Prn lfjtmar; Millinery Goods. HAT8, C1PS, FURS, Ac ALLASON BROT9 A OO have au entire New Stock of new and desirable Goods, of our own importation and from our manufactory jatin and Vsivet Pattern Bonnets, Ruches, F-theri; Jrench snd American Fiowers, and all articles our line: We would call the attention of our friends and close bnv-ers to an examination of our stock before they make their purchases.

As Orders promptly filled. n.n. 3 Warren st. NEW YORK, mvltro.Vrp (Oer the store of B. H.

Terry A nA English, French and German FANCY GOODS. "VCTM- TASEER, 10 Park Place. N. Y. Combs ef every YY description and style, French and Chinese fans.

mSc fans new asal very choice perfumery, cotton andthread needles, pins, books and eyes; satin, wax, coral and la beads and Deck laca Urge and extensive variety; indie rubber goods all kinds; dress buttons, flne ajswrtment reticules, very select patterns; pocket books, porte mom-naies. Ac. Ac Including a very large and extensive stock of fanc-ygood, gokl and gilt Jewelry, Ac. Great Induce-menis wul bs off erad to cash buyers. Order ty letter put up in the beet manner.

WM TA8KER. PrnaMO-qiaro No. 10 Park Place, New York. John J. Diossv Co.

LA BOOKSELLERS PUBLISHERpV No. 1 Nassau street, Nw York, have Jast published THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY OF THE STATE OF 1V! 0l. Comprlginjr the Text of the BeTlMd 8latntc, the Votes of the Revisore In their Report to the LegsUture, 18X7; R. flown to the nra-tit time li-ty. FORMS OF PROCEEDINGS under th.

York Pr. hlbltorv Liquor Law. with a oe tilled cony of the aZ aid of mlstrates. lawyers, dquor pX COMUU-' "fflcer. aSri Also, a general assortment of law books tnr most frms.

Orders iTaH IOT 8 Pjy7toc6- id- JOINT 8T0CI. Express and Exchange Company 7'A BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Capital Stack, rpHIS COMPANY have purchased the Enrqpean A presses of Messrs. Livingston, Wells A Co i-K Co. and Edwards, Ban ford A and arV weoared to forward Parcels.

Packages. Mercr-Vtluae Sit, Iffaf-! H11 th PriiP' MtWrtolr i.C5fTi;U" bMlues. with unequalled Tdepatcb S.h and pTuumoreTtofar -fiS nt'r ife? sod JSa i' the PoclP-J cltle- of Great Brioa ryerfp0n: forwarded by ail the Express Lines of tbe CaJtod States and the Caoadia. HUiM oTuT-change of this Company on the principal Cities of Europe tW-" LONDON. JolYiPQBREMMS, JyltUuUp H.

8- LANSING. Manager. COAL GRATES. TTJ8.T RECEIVED and for sale. dArtdetry the most AesJ-O nbi aajertment of Coal Gratea ever oflered by the b- iV7 Tny ot new a Also, a fun supply of Ornamental Shelf Brackets.

Gut and ronse. Togethst with a qaanwty of Marble ILila iperlorartlcie of Nova Scot- Plaster, In larrToV lent Hies, to sort purchasers. Also BOAP HTSlWa aTVal rinaaum-a, Polishes' Ctoth, and si -eea MatMa WfrrV, D.yrtUt HgT T'W LOT TO LEASE, WILL lease for a term of tea years, a lot an the aar side of Fn ton st. Chin. a 7 a firing im twn bonis Tenos avs to Apply at the Niagara land Agency.

I Blaoara st te GUY H. SALISgUR- RealsAgt. (i HANK NOTES win be re denM at tbe Bsmklnc Offlee ef BROWN A OO. Brown's Bulidiag, No. 2 -hec.

stat 1 ir cent, d- Atlanta Bank, Georgia. InteWor Bank, do Banked nW rM apStf Wisconsin Flreasd Mar ne InsnrsnceCo. Mil snkea HOME! HOME Ji moaxnsL pant aas aisposed of opwarda of sixty en IapertlL The sltnamtakealtaT dasn 8 5S ora-ryprovlngand InrrsaslPA- la van. Arw vrtwwtla sevaa year for similar Cottages. aatbe rriiT nn it irmr a bis Tesiiienea.

KDWIE THOMag PruwcA, HUL THE SAW. fi jrDEB, WIS WELL A OO have Jnat ftasa tae snanaeacturers, aa aaaortsaeBt at Mm Crassest Ctrcular Saws, which thi eT-Vt as! pngBniaaii tv pOCKET CUTLER Y- Every -Variety a. a tadj ftne Pocket Cu-J-rry. for sals bv fT:" J-wAU rIw riTALIB-s cwuej far t- -A the aew Peso Hi by v. TRAD.

B-T i no. 4 Bptu dlns T.4 LARD SO hM and cy and on A ny. sre now one far Ad -aw. wn ty ea eated Tbe 'l'M A. The nnderslaued wfll oonunu.

fti TThltlrisili and Main street. mart- JOHN BENSON. DISSOLUTION. vxwais nerac (rean, tttat the Ooeai-m Al tofore existing betweaa the under snadTi UUQIO' H.l Alln In of W. A.

Fox the clt of Bu ihl. niBsoived by mutual consent, snd the bnatnam wui ue aoinstea by atsea Poa. -7-J' td a.ii w-A- t0i 'tatm WI THDRAWAI. nsr Pisesso 1 T7DWIN JACKSON has this day withdraw, th fn 4 firm of PHIA! liK-v a wnnojswaw a tae of this city. The remaining partnee was are llnsi i The withdrawal nr't the tanmedlAM collection of an oeaWt ttUHO PHlNaIY.Oosi Ei.rnn cnniviv1 VV I D1SSOLUTI AN I.

no copar tnersn in heretofbra all having claim will present them for v. ia suwunssiB Slga IA uA.uu wm uunue toe Duameas old HciSL RNU3, wiiiiiiiittic. tae mvers or ute CT1P1 taanKel BARN EJCHAD B. BARN mhT lis Main afix. DISSOLUTION.

THE Partnership heretofore ax latins; andar 0. 0 SrsauToo has been lasolvedbT ru sent. Th. at flm beasBd by slSU? the snbscrtbers. oa i2eiS Bufo.svj4.u W.VbaEJ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.

The undersigned have this day formed a, will conduct th here they ssle and r.taTi: toother Blank Books, and Bookbling Buflalo. April U. ISM. WM. McEuZ mylg DIMni.Ttllaa Co was dissolved on tisieal rIBw? Mr.

E. Renwlek from said nrav Tr i1 lot ati3rised te Tfl--' tomers fd ssnVTsl- wlth thetr Mtrorie aisjt be pleased stvor aj BoltAla, February ieth. lataj T. E. QLL mhl Fa EXHIBITION OF CARRIAeSS.

from tle" tid S. ofrrery to -ore. IS UhlftinrTop Trotting Sulke B-n ntS ViX? hM V- "tv- au rj oe AM jl AhUk nn uLj where extortlonr d. tie ett af New Tnr extra price. paiq ODj, holdtEg ateck at The attention of Llv-rv kn Lrno.

"97 ant a first ci Proprv Ulm''t of AriJu.Vc,T? a fur. spectrally called to this stock ad a careful lnapS KT-s win be of- of fini.alar. neas forth. ro workmahin THE Wit wsi P. DAYia 'a THE bur- irr fV -ETRT.

and UaariateJT Tf" "orth and Best streets. In accordance wf -V? tneorerat April 1864. lesslstare.pasd A suitable AwalHn. ml, and for somVmt i.1" rsetad aa tbe Bra-voting hi. a lfit ment of the grounthe LSinmmmt sad embeilan- of the a Uioee wbo advanced the 'Zffi1 the rtoSsooi stton tkn tT Purchasa snoc.

-zss Pnetior riaT-s. sa- was sS.3 ppropnet to dtlse inter- 1 rate prs. ef EBlah antooTlsed to perfct i th trrsstcos lJAH PORDt fOBT.POMEROT. Ja HaB7 Trr AITTnMM Benny Havsn. Ob I atarvort wrt selling om the Sd MiUorT "Wsaag.

Wears "K' Cbar G. Desmta. Gildersleeve. This ballad aa ai wora by of the pnbHc setHM-T and fV- i eahlbitias of since that ve -dncad tSZ tot tt Reindeer eftv en to tare tt, lveom tsbta wsajyts, tt 4a vni. Tota m-kh-Kam aM UU1CII.

l- l4 BTiutaa a m. Ma's DrnT ssl nomas. Eeo. author of WiiH a wear. Pot Poor! on.

aarplest style, and VdeT. fatned wu bJcn Popolar a. hta worlo wide repotaL varaed for for sals by OT Plpn sre eublled tba.a. TA.T BALDWIN mtMt SJ PwMb HaVBWV Vii MS- thetr new at ty tare nr ts w. P1VRE Wi la addruon our ailr rt ts tn WOTTriWd P-.

J. A ai.hwis. iPO oetNe LiZKd. saa fepper Boxes. and 0aars.

er sw ahtw 2b, the varis-besoldst-slowearpa :2 every srtfc wy" Ms- craved sp--tteesbev-OTec? a-tteatar a psrssc WatVade- a aadMapB-aqnaJ to rteanUaion ef work rOTpiM "OSSTON SH inuMrr. SlO.OOO a57 and 'shoes, a Proin-lttor. of aarwwa i etttsaa af tOT pectnu aatlry the SEWrt -ai SS5 CANT, ynwmr a op. SOLD I.KVirXt ar ersCIAX NOTIOX. mamttM aa a ds stsesraf' ssssat.

srstsraai Am aivt ii i I aay aad all of his Wsrasrlaa smA fwmtls -T -anal (f i.iiiiisaiil mm Joeelii ala a mad ATfi WAL i51BjLs8sfy- always sAd at 2E rvf PATENT FAiNT- Easkat Pa -fT-T5 tK-Aajojii I-. MnA bataa 2 MUB reet, known as -Ear7K I ifer "wssdbvaThy mBtl etFsS! th rtbrnary. 186. AfTpersoM requested to snaka Imt 'Tmn Paymec- iSth ia the pocket of her dreat, and insUatly eeiatag the intruding member, found that belonged te a aeaaiP'Oi tne nsswyn wu nnrnnnatft the- cttt. ins Dockat to hSowa use.

Mm CoJwell mi Poc" fallow, in raita of his StI 'W-V Z.Z--3i"- t9 1-4 i9W an loo mirfiaitu a an. JT HI! 1 1000.

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