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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FItOTI PORT ROYAL. JiuSalD omincrrial rrl4r Evening, Itaeenab-er 1861. LOCAL MISCELLANEOUS Cklraao flrk(. Bf TtUgrmpk. Dec S- FUvur Active, and a shade better Grain Wheat Quiet.

Sales at 7070 for a. 1. and 64964 for Mo. 3 tn vtwre. Corn Dull and unchanged.

Sale at l92Sic for mixed in store. iUoeiBtav 4M0 bbl flour, S9.000 ba wheat aad 21,000 bn ourn. Xo ahipmenta Sterling Exchange Firm at cent premiam. OrA. Only two days mora remain on which can few aeiured for the evening night of rh approaching rrpVa enasen, and those wko wiah to obtain even etanvflag room will find it iiuinsi to apply before tTitoorrow eveaing.

The sign all point to a brilliant epenr ing, and th epera ef Lucia" will wltaoat enM be per-foraed to an audwar nanrpaawtd, ia refiaeaaent, by any that baa ever aaaembled in the eity We tranacrib the Vgumeat: "Sir Edgar Ravenawood.a poor bat proud Bcartch nobleman, beeoroe enasaored-of Loci, the eiatan- of Lord Ajh-ton wh holde the forfeited Ravemrwood eetatart, and is till farther embittered agaiort 8tr Edgar, by political prejudice. Ad. led to tbi, he dtre to effect a aaarriage between Laete and Url Arthur Bueklaw, that ne may repair a fortune tetrrewhat jnpaired by diaipOon Lpcie, Imnvsf, loe the landlea Kdgar better thaa fe lord of Baulav, and when Kdgar i nt la embaawy France, she plight her treth tn hrnl Wbire in Franca, Edgar dipatehea many fond nia-ive to bevi Lacie, but they are Interoypted by her bro'hwr, who 1 ever ready, beeide, to put the wiTiV construction upon th pprnt neglect or t4i abaeat lover. Lucie however, still vea. aeglect; and her brother, annoyed by wvr? needy faith, and urged by hi rersonal wanra, it lee than by bitter hate of 8ir Edgar, at a paper tending te prwre that Sir Edgar ia etrTiithfnl to her Tern by conflicting emotiana, glowing with love, tortured by jealousy, and goaded ijaot to madnaee by tbe ceax-iesa unU and solicitations of her brother, the unhappy l.ocie at length, unwillingly, eoaaenta to neeom the bride of Bueklaw.

Tbe dreaded marriage take place, but uild th festivities of the gueeta, after tire nrtv-wedded pair ha. retired, groan are heard proceeding from tbe nuptial a ham be r-, on entering which. Lord Buck-law la discovered, breeding to death. The storm of baa proved too much for Lacie, and now ia wild mama err brnndrshe tbe sword of the bnseaod ah ha slain, menacing tbe berror-atricken gueeta St on her aeueea return, but only a life depart. Tue terribl event which complete her vatelegoe of miseries, aod precipitates her death, stvle and wake remorse in the heart Lord Henry Aahton, hv brother, and be with mingled terror and grief, the reevlt of bia machinations.

Sir F.dgar retorna, te take a last look upon bar whom he loved, and deemed false, but is undeceived finds that she baa been faithful uate death, and minglee bia tear with Ihoee of her precept. r. Raymond, over the sad fate of tbe unfortunate Lucie. The aeon of thia opera ia laid iu Scotland, aod the fact upoo which the plot ia baaed, occurred in looSI." ScMRioa Cocavr op BrrriLO. Criminal Term -on- Jaenph 6.

Maetaa, Jmrtiee; Bristol and Talbot, Jnatiew of the Peace. Deeanatewr Tbe People ra Joan Wiebael Boehrtnger a ad Augwata Bnehringer. Iodictnrent for murder. The prlaoner were let to bail in th sum of fifteen hundred dollara, to appear at next Criminal Term of this Court. Court adjoemed ausa ate.

a ArrrtA Eipots. Tbe Atlas state that during the firatfbnr hnaineeii day of laat week, 160 ton of butter and cheeae were shipped from Attica station. One hundred ton of tbeee product were taken En at one warehouse in two days. CoftaTKA Eoikjb No 11. There will be a Ipecial neug rf Ihia ktngin Company at 8 o'eloci tbi lining, at their engine bouse.

By order SrTTiLO, Dec tb, 18ol. MARINE INTELLIGENCE tOw-Oa-TO, Dec 5, IMl. E. P. Dkr: 3q4 Tag to Lng Point, RdyAl ATbor.

abor'her It Cbihbolm. Royal Albert ia 21o ton A 1. owaed by Si re peon Chis- tiolrn, af OakTiHe, Canada. Saasioi of tbi 3rrmYisiG Board Post-oted Capt Auguatua Walker. Snperriaing Inapectar for the Ninth Marine Diatnct, haa receired a comma iication fruiai the Hon.

Secretary ef the Treaaury, notifying him that the t.m of tbe Annual Session of tbe Board ia further postponed until the 10th of December, then to ae-semble at the city of Washington inetcad of CleTeland, Ohio. ty A ria-LL Crash. The achooner W. Whaling, while being towed do wd tbe Creek thia morning, manageil somahew, to run her jib boom in the upper works of tbe Propeller low, by which the latter venael waa damaged to the amouut of about $250. The schooner uataioei ho iojury BURLS PABJIIXO TBROUOB TUB WaXLAfD CAXaL We are indbtsd to Capt.

P. Dorr for the following liat of re am La paMing through the Wetland Canal: VtU Bud West Where from. When Ui On the ft tl. Bark Col Ellsworth. FaaaeaJ hmmd Cewt the 3d Propeller Clereland.

Un the 4th Propeller Buckeye. Ogdeaaburgh Propeller Wiaconain, Allenaearg-h. Where from. Chieavgw, Chicago, do Toledo Pt Colborne Whert to Oftenaburgh Ugdeoaburgh. do do Kingston.

Oeweyo Ogdfnabnrgh Schooner Queen of tbe Lakes, Chicago Schooner Clyde, Ck icago. On the 6th Propeller Michigan, Chicago, Propeller Ontario, do tio rsamea or veseeta mat ten tie re yesterday, bonnl Bng Uo be if an, sr. bra Fletcher, Eanperor, iflnel Weat Rrerae, Winra of the Marnier. Gilbert. Venae la in thia port for Harbor Propeller Illinoia; bri Robert Burna, acbra Joaephine, Curtis Mann, Daniel HUuteo, Indian Maid There are four Propeller in the Canal going Weat, vix; Young America, Empire, JfTeran and Kentucky, they were at St Catbarinea at 9 o'clock A.

and the propel lera foing Eaat were at Allenaburgh at tbe aame hour The achr Clyde baa not yet left for Oswego, but la likely waiting fr orders. Tbe bark Col Ellewartb could not get through the allanburgh lock, she ia trying to make her way b-Kk here Iy V'hkl8 Akrivkd am Pambd. The prop. Dunkirk arrived up eater day morning from Buffalo and will load here for that port. Tbe prop.

Globe paaaed down with a cargo of lumber for Toledo, alao the achr John It). Miner with lumber for the aame place Dei. bre Prt jy 1VAH Boi'nd Ki.KaT. Of tbe upward bound flei destined fur tbia pert to lay up. the moet ot them, if not all, will reach here before tbe close of the preeent week, which will terminate any farther interest regarding marine mat term.

lb TRADE AND COMMERCE. COMMERCIAL ADVEhTlSER OF KICK Buital-o, Dac 6, 1H61. i Buffalo market, Friday Iec fl. Floi The market ia dull and unchanged, the demand bii.g confined entirely to the requirement of the home trade. Sale nine yesterday noon 250 bbli at A 70(4 87 fr the range cf extra lUinom, Wiaconain and Canadian; $5 12 for extra India aa and Ohio, and i.Sa6 62 for double extra Wheat The market ih dull and lieary aud nothing of important'' doing, the only transaction reported nince yea-teiday rtOn being 200 bu white Canadian, in bagn at 05.

COKH Marketdull and nothing doing Nothing doing in other grains and quotations unchanged. Steady Sales 60 bbl yesterday aflerneoo at 16 Dkmskd Hooa Are dull at S4c. Lake Import. Tha following show a tha import, of leadiug article a by Lake, during '24 hoars ending noon to lay: Kloar. bbla Beef, bbl I'repsed Hog, Skint, b.lls Wool, bia 1,328 2 4 6 13 Wheat, bn Butter, tbe.

Cattle, Sheep, 2,000 Vorit inarlcet. Nw Touk. Dec. 0 P. yiwOO-i RocoipU 17,663 bbl.

Market a nhade firmer Sales l.nOO bbla at $5 46(q6 f-0 for eurerflne state; $5 70 (Qh 76 for extra state; $6 i'nb 50 for guperfine western, $5 706 90 for common to medium extra Western; $6 905 9a for shipping brand extra round hooped Ohio. Canadian (lour a shade btter. Sales 6000 bbla at $-r 45j5 60 for duperfine; $6 66g)7 60 for common to choice extra. Rye floAr steady at $3 6o4 40. Qanviw Wheat receipt, 230,106 oash.

Market rules quite firm, with fair export demaud. Salea 11,000 buah at $1 2o for good Chicago spring $1 291 29 for Milwaukee club; $130(1 31 for amber Iowa; $1 32 1 37 for winter red western; $1 3H far anibtr Michiiran. Rye ftrui Sales at H4(85c. Barley steady and unchanged at Rceipta of corn 159,563 bush. Market unchanged Sales 90,000 buah at for mixed wentero; 71c for white western.

Oat unchanged at 4446 for Canada, western and state. PBOTiaiowa Pork quiet Sales 1 ,700 bbla at $12 50 13 for mefw; $8 25f9 00 for prime. Boef unchanged. Cut meats inactive Lard quiet and unchanged. Salfn 100 bbls.

at 8S.c. Butter selling -t for Ohio, aud 1623c for SUte. Cheeae steady at 6g)Sc Whisky Quiet at 20c- Moftbt Eaay at per cent on call, and first claaa paper. Stirlvq KxomAwat Quiet at 10SV109 Stocks Pull, but without mnch change. Chicago and Rock Island Galena Chicago Illinnin Central script Panama Michigan Southern Harlem JCri Pacific Mail Co Delaware ft Hudson rioroland Toledo RR CleTeland, Columbus A Cincinnati RR.

Cleveland Pittaburtrh Michigan 8 guaranted New York Contra I on ahjrt 52 70 60', 111 17 12 31 HS 82 32 i 100 11 783a 97 81 40 82 82, S2J 8S Penn. Coal Co. Galena At Chicago 1st bond Brooklyn Water Loan Michigan on MiMouri eixe Tennessee mxoa California 7s Unitod States 5a, '74, coupons I'nited States 6s '81 coupons Unitod States 6s, "81, registered Cotton Very firm. Sales 800 balea at 30c for middling nplands. Qrockkibs Coffee holders firm Sales 800 bags Rio at 1617r Sugars firmer.

Sale 120 hhds Cuba at 8(S8 Philadelphia IHarkeu PHlLana-LPHi Dec Flour firm. Sales 2,500 bbla auperSne at S5 371,. Wheat Salea red $1 35; white SI 421 45. Corn dull advanced. SaJea 20,000 buahela at 84c CorTee Salea Rto at 17c; I.aguyra at 20c.

Wbiakey Dull at 20e. Ckaix and Lpmbir Brsi.xagaor Ogwxoo. The follow- inir table ehowa the airs-re irate receipta of grain flour re duced to wheat) and lumber at thie port aince the open ing of navigation to liec lat, in uie laat nve aeaaona: urain, bu. l.Qtnber. n.

1867 7,840,300 1848 11J28J82 110.i8ji98 1868 7,127.880 1880 17,03,52 189.8848 18151 17,709.082 80,359,889 Rkckipts ar Oawauo via th Wilujcd Railway. -Of the reoetpta of grain at thia port aince the opening of navigation to Dec lat, in the laat two seasons, the annexed table shows the quantity which came ria the Wetland Rail- wy- Wheat. Corn. 28.901 TI 4,748 39.180 44,647 408.162 146.526 83,471 64,884 Wheat. 14,574 80,634 112.546 63.213 138,307 148,878 232,646 Corn.

12.068 219,917 307.182 141 4BL2U 484.214 174,710 28,312 April May 9.381 June 11,610 July 141,087 August September 197.018 October 314,624 Total 1,082.602 1,427,587 778,596 2JU8.O20 Rscairrs via Sakxla ad W. Railway. Of tha re ceipts of graia at this port aitice the opening of navigation to Deo. 1st, ia the laat two eeaaona, the following ahowa the amount which came over the Sarnia and Great Western Railway: 1800. 1861.

Wheat. Cora. Rye. 16,063 Wheat. 64,119 2470 67.686 90,323 13L650 68,470 Corn.

2633 63.047 66,896 128.539 8,627 90,880 49,043 Rye 9,700 7,400 10.021 Mar June oaoat .46,624 133,198 0,. .516 Sept 521 oet Not 12358 898 84.611 134 Total .387,070 268,736 42717 42265" 27021 Racmirrs tia Tata v-ollisswood Korj-ra. Tha receipts at this port from Laka Michigaa ria CoUingwood and o-roato, fat tha month of Deceeriber, in the hut two aea-aoauv wars aa foUowa; MrM. 1861. Wheat, ba.

Beptosnber 84J12 October taeoe Norensbar 117,030 17,989 Wheat, bn. S8.631 88,096 68,880 Corn, ba. 61,922 SL.731 44,408 Total 17.989 180,908 128121 No srraia waa raesirad aarar this roata prariens to September. Caax Kxromra at OWwato Tbe total exports by Canal (roam Oawaf aiaee the naantna at navigation to tbe 1st af Danambar.were aa abOowi: Floor, bbla 438,071 Wheat, bw 768,871 Crm, ba 4S38411 98,704 Barfcry, ba l.70,134 Byw, ba 868.1 1MM Oraw.ra Twaasi i 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I. PLIMPTON Al7CTIOVKR.

ArcxioN sc conrtiissnjn nSBCIU. Ae. 50 Malm -X. IMP TO. gie hta paraonal atteotlca te Ihe aale of Krai Xt' fl Stoka, General Merchandize and Hopaeboid Farnri Partiee breaJtinf np houae-keeping, oain hare their Im' I enld either at their rreideoee or the Aaetton Liberal adrancea male cpoa MercLandite.

if deauwd. HOOKS AND STAllONEH BREED, BUTLEa AD VERA NEW STOKE1 lluoks at Heduced Price. IH BUFFALO. BREED, BUTLER Ca, (Successors to l'hinney Co) NO. 188 NTHKET, Keep constantly un fcau.t tbe fnblreatious of the prtavti Pabliahers in New Tork, Boston and Philadelphia.

AT et'BUSHKKy VRICKS BREED, BUTLER 188 Main rrtttcET, Hst the PnMleativSa of the AMKRIC.IN SUNDAY-SCeiGOL UNION, AKKKiCA," T.A'T SOCIETY, Bonton, AMKR1CAV TRACT S0CIETT. New To 1-OH BLTTEK tOM UKNL Onlv complete aud unabridged etlitioa A rove story, from temple Bar. superior Vo Jaoe e.Tre sr a aiudtoI) pe riu for the rfMinavs. anr qaarrrily of Books suitabl Juat received aud for aale bv de iiKEEl) BITLKR ft CO. BOOKS.

A It Vol 1ALE Of' a ii nd A. for sale by Ir3 butler co OLD CCKIOM TV bouseholi Kdition 3 vi-luuies. lilustiAtrd bv larl'y Uilbelt. Alan. n'w sJ i I Ci cil r-ewe.

lei HRKKH, BI TI.liB CO NKW IIOOKN. TUK iUARTIl. Tale of a riUJS CLOISTER AM' (Jraiidfatt-er V.ils 3 and Uniform with Uouae- hulfi edition of Waverly Novels. BREED, CUTLER CO. Prospect Hill Sknting Pond.

1h of or li corner of NIAGARA AND KHOPR ISLAM" STREETS, Las U-en leased lor a term rars. nml is being teuced and filled uj ith suitable building lor a SKATtM. I'OMi TLe frronud occupied 416 fv't long tr 1:81 f't r. IHK NlAtiARA STRr.KT CARS run dlTcctlr past thia l'ond. rei.firing it eav of aci-ena both tbe CitT aad Klaca hvery atletitinn will be rrrr.1- 1.1 tb.

who may jatrmse tl j.lac' i-' i i at t). Weed 'I U-ee-l Huii- I Co 188 Ma. U'-i Ciis sul ll.r.'. lil.r cli. 1 li rreabrf" aud lit tbe eLtraocv 1 tb- rKioaa or tigrkta will is as foti.owa Kor (h eulille 1 to extra tvket lot 76 'nr a Hentlfnian 8 SO Kiir a Lad uodor lb yeara For a Lady rVr a l.a-iv.

entitled to i.d Kxtra under 12 veals nle Tmketi- for adm ui kiii I 60 in kl fur a 'Mian a ki tfl! be allowed to One Spectator on Kacb purchaser Se.iaon inrnlue fn lua or lit-r endu: ordinary ocCJUiona. Ti, On evenings vben a Band is in attendsoce will be clia i an n.l cf 10 Celt All Tickein ah every niinitAed. ject to tbe Regulation ad, pled the L'llib-HONORAUY VANAOEHS: Spectators will be sub- IL.u A iberer. Hon (I Clinlo l- i Otis TieaViey, .1 Lamed, Ta'' 1 in i. A

Ken li 1 aae. A Hi -I I ml Hon II Master, Wm A Bird, Jr Kdwin Tbooiaa, i IlohhiDS, .1 Vt 1 ent. It li Otis. .1 II i.e.. I', oley, A I'riuce, rtfin, n- on II Cheater, I is A Clark, I lore liowland a Slrtway, Kili-berlv, Wu- WardwelL Hon A Horatio Seymour.

A Biun-'k id ay. in A A lera, Alfred 1' lluboell, II Mason, nil. I Han'. Hrnry -ier, tnep! 1 Ur li AtMuter, Kust 'bieve, Linus Hubbard II I lien 11- i A Wm I Jl i lie t. li Surk weather, Dr boow.

deitjad SWAN STREET SKATING POND. Mi'K f'T 1 1 ADMISSION t. tins skatiu l'ond, for woe. of UeWitt rnin(r" Co corner Harnes, ISO ataia i i any of tbe inter, ran be obtnine i Weed Co iLi Main ti-et (' 1'wtirl and Set, ecu e's: Kdivhrl v. II.

lv. i. i i. 1 thi Sletooerho in- i 1 Toe rices 'of Tick, are as For a (tontleuian entit lo a I. ail 's Ticket (SOO ror a Lud or under IH js of a-e 3 00 turaLatyor Young Mis.

2 00 All '1 ic.kets are sold the printed regulatiooa, and su, other rules aa tbe Club may trout time tm time see til to adopt. MKMHKK8 Oeorge IUiward. N. H. .1.

Wells, Jaoo Seiton, Oeorge Beala, Ctiaa. II. Rathbun. (i. Havward.

K-lward Harries, C. M. Hurt, id, I J. White. James rlowells, Jus J.

B. r'arke, II. Run. nit Wtn Powell, Batler, Robt. Keating, P.

Wood Jobn N. Ball, H. Peabody. nolltj.l Delaware Street Skating PoDd -To avoid a diU'Cuity einenced heretofore, peraoua wt-bintr ti Ska.e nog winter, Cats ruud. must prfseut in wr.tiui.

tbeir with place of jealdeuce, to ll)S. G. the of tbe Buffalo Trust Cf Ifftccepled, Tickets c-in be puicbaaed of Mr. Parsons. Children in addition, give the name aod place of reiideor-e of their father mother Jpeetators' Tieketa to be obtained in the Same naJir price and Rules will be as last year.

it. r. HILI.K.K, fi. H. HAZARf, C.



W. R. L. P. BUSH.


.1 HAARIf KVtRARK PAS.MEK. DR. WALTER CARY, OKO. TRUSCOTT, oclbtjanl5 Erie County Tax of 186L Bullmlf). Ucember 'id, lbfil.

OTICE ih hrb- fcjiTen. thht the County of 1861, with the anMnf meul ml- nl for tb fcf-erul whhIh of tbe City of Huttalo, bv bt-n recfttTd bjr ni, nD'1 all and c-'i(i''raUdijr. umo-d therein -vie r-4Uir. to pay their Thx, ut tb ufflca? fil tb Trjiurer Kne on or lfnre Hit- litii day ot Mttrcb, t'p'in kll T.s j- tvi-J tt; firtdaof JftSQAry next no tvl'htioi. will he ma le An uciuitiOu of cot ptst

then oI'-r will lie metale upoo all Taxfiajrom time to tim rpiijumiui; 1 1 i (iN'il riTu p4pr ont flhall ad'ifd The Viil mul on the f.ecfLil nod mi'ftnt). dava of -acb raonlh. AM uttfrai'l tn. will dr.w intereHt ut tljf rate of twtv per cent, per annum, from the firm Jnv iA Mrch ijxtf nod oa live sixteenth day of aid Warcb. th bounty Trtjatrarer will innue warraLitt to QMtablfe, arj'J tuUtifit tha coll-t)OD of till "tich unftaid taxeH.

NORMA.V li. McNEAL, Treaurer of Eric Cuont. Otfloe under the CHntoa Ba cirner of HDOa u4 Penrl itreetn. Offlro Imnri from A. to 4 d4tf lANfUJiOD.

Ilovt How Hectored Just Published In a Sealed Envelope Prtee eta. A Lertnro on tne Tretatreient'aUitt Rad cal Cure of 8permatorrbafc or eakieaa, In o.iritary Sexual I oility, and lutteuriDeDts 4 atarriaire geoerally, Nervousueas, Consumption, Kpilepay an i its; alenUU and Physical In'-spaoty, reaolUna from Abase, Ac By ROBT. CI LVERWIlLTm. autb'T of the (tree fiwk. kr Itoon to Thouunds of gafterara." Ker.t in a piaio eurelope, to Xnr address.

pott pmtd. on rec-ipt of six cents, or two poataire atampa, by llr I II. KI.1VE VJ.1 BOW Kit i 1 POST Of KICK BOX LOOK, LOOK, LOOK Just rewired, and f--r ale very low for rash, MEVOR a. Ml CMS. of over 30 diiTeirnt stylea; TIMB Weekly aod MoniMf lumber tally books, library catalogues, PoCKET-BfMrKS, In great variety or sale by E.

HU JEWETT CO.) Wholesale arel Retail Stationers aud Dealers. iV'14 1B1 in atreet. A. uridines. tRLM.

BY or Chant of the ee-ita. HEITARD caTTlltRrVciola. capur Trau r-ptiou. Krasa) Wert Thou in the Cauld Bia t. Tranari)Uoa.

Priee 5 ceata first YioteL Tranaciiptioo Price lit trata. reetrof. do do aiatbleen Mavoameea, do Price 36ilrte. Fairie's Dance do Price 30 iut. Warbliufrsat Era.

Rouuusce. do Yoeor (laund Marb. do floating- on the Wind. Transcription. Price JO carats Grand Val-e.

Korean Balon. Price ij Caata. 8HEPPARD COTT1F.R,2jS MaiaatreMt. B. Music sen! by mail, pssstaare paii ea reeatift of the marked rrioe.

either iu mosey or soarn' pa. arcJsw Job Work and Eepairing W5 ARE PREPARED to do ail kirjdacaf JOKBUTe ia our line of business, on abort notaeai Sawd am aeav otaabla pricea. 04TTRa, COHDfCTOR PIPE. TIN BOOnVO, CXDX-NKT TOPS, CORMCEiJ, ao, ao. KELLOGG aV BOMlcXU amaataaae ITg 3t atat, PAELOE ST0VIM FOR WOOD ORtGOiAL, -ja Great Vaiiety at KELLOGO OtiJlBXjU acce Mn.

lit Ma4n asswdt, 1 THE AN KUrGAMT l'ABUA FCRHAC. Imnalaiaia Win kwp are tha ainrre aeaaoa. Oaa aMw ewe la af erabon oar Na-IT Main aerawllB ttXVMJOOO at jfjWtilTfetaU aATEIIT BwVOOriMCse S'HE r.l bead appointor! fLa! Afeut (or KOOK PATJfT COBtl (iATIO tMoM EOQi-9. Ordars i eve. led tsd promptly atta4att H.

a CHOATK. Tiakart A rent rn.W. IJmm. JOHN c. JEWETT, "Iain Street 259 depot for jKwrrr Roora COMBISATIOS COOK 8T0TE, with tbe GENUINE BRICK OVEN! Aeknowleifed by the thooaaoda that a it, tbe Bwt Batkinc aod Routine; Ovfn In th World.

fui Stove baa been tested nearly three vari- The r- anit a COMPLaTK VICTORY Tbe Brick Oven Stoe, a Coal Burner, i fVonderfttllf Economical. 1 2.00 per month is the taost it can eoet for Hare! Cod Fuel, an-: rtill lea with CoRe. The durability of tbe Briei Oven is guaranteed for TEN TEARS. It takes no more than Fira afjniitaa loogwr to heat up tb Bnck Oven ready for baking, than an Iron Oren. ThLS ia more than compnaa.ted for in the duration of the heat, which is twenty times longer than an Iron Oreo, and is Perfectly Uniform and Steady.

The careful watching which ia indispensable in the dm of the Iron Ovena, is ent. rely anneeeaKary with the BRICK OVEN. The Bake of this Orn is thorough and complete, ooth-; ing being wasted by being burned or scorched. All unite in saying that the bread ia far iweeter and richer to the tart, and the meata. when hung apoa the spit, are the perfection of B.OA5TINU The Broiling Arrangement.

wtth the Brick Otd. ia pronounced perfect. Any par chajx-r of tbe Brick Oven Stove, can Lave tbe pririlege, I altera tiial of two moutha, of retnrning tbe i ame. if not proring entl-elj satisfactory. HOlttE MAXiFACTUBE! Repair can always Ire had at a moment's notice, and at tridiDg; eipeosf.

Reference is made to a rew the raanr persons ha ring the COMBINATION' BRICK. OVEN COOK STOVE in (. Hev Hosmer. A Thompson. A Clapo.

Doct Loomi. Miller. I) it Marshall. II Kiunv, Miihgir. ijeo Galea, 1.

II Rumnll, ''trife Palmer, lini Bab-ock, A Holbrook, Elijah Iioct Waller Cary, Hainrt, Aoatin. Oeo Webeter. Silaa Sawin. ohn Peaae. I) a rook.

Bttiiiifer, I) 11 Peatiodj. Mr Guthr, li-lwarii S. Kick Hale, Ban-, Albert Sawin Sherman, Hi'am Brush. Richard William-, Jos Warren. John Noyes, Tifft, 1.

Bogcrt, rt Tiliien, A Hedge, Woodruff, Bement, A Beecber, Cornwe'L 1'oct Geo Hayes, Ttionia Clark, Timmerman, John Crawford. fleelev, Tifft. Jewett Root's "Improvement" First asa Cok Stove, fur Coal or Wood. Price greatly reduced- Cheapest of this class Stovea in market. ireat demand for Jewett Root's NEW CO COOK THE ILLINOIS.

A hplendid pattern. Kama Hard Coal, Soft Coal, Coke or Wood. Large Oven. Heavy castings. New open fr.tot ti replace, with two Beta of doors.

Thiee sue? Prices very 'ot. For Coal, $18, $22, and 2. Kor Wood. 17, $24 With Furniture Complete. THE COMPEER.

The Clieapest Coal Cook Store in the World. Coal, Kor Wood, ith Furn.ture complete )o do ia, $ia, $12, tlo. 18 1H REMlfMBKR HOME MANUFACTURE. Castlnpa, Oratea. ko can always be had when jou want them root's COOK STOVES FOR WOOD.

CI.IPPKK HOT AIR, do KoYAl. OAK do HARVKST HOME do rith Furniture, only do do do do do do 111 IS 15 15 Jewell Root's "Peerless." NEW PARLOR COOK STOVE FOR COAL, Writ nu-4 Lattr Oven aod Boiling plaeea. Warranted a liwi-: baker aud to burn coal tiiiely. A nice Stove tor the I'mtUa Rot.m i'riceh very low or IS to I'i Far ood 8 to 11 Jewett Root's Coal Heating Stores. AIR TIGHT SMOKE AND CAS BURNERS.

THli KADUTOK aud THE nEBIDIAN Otr tinii'i Kiri. Nlht anl Entire rfeaann. ViU burn Irtitn 1 ueutv to F'ort -Kigh Ho-jra, WITH OUT KKr-LKMSHlNti. A SavliiK of One-Half tbe Expense Of orilmary Stoves, can be effected by using the RADIATOR or the KR1U1AN. ECONOMY IN FUEL AND LABOR are ef.

n.illy i.eairablc. and in DO heatinjc Stove haa tbia end b-en t-uccesfuliy attained aa in tt.e KADlATOK and MKK1D1AN. HOME MANUFACTURE -Kepaim can be had at any tim at a TRIFLIN'i THE RADIATOR. A Wl) THK MERIDIAN, give univerbal aatis'acti'n aa fuel saving and labor aavinr heaterti. for Parlora, Halle, Stores, tlfStea.

and any room where heat ia required. Sheet Iron Parlor Stove for Wood. bielf Kegulatinsr do do Cast Iron do do Plate (lores do do All of the above in great variety. AMERICAN. RUSSIAN arid BELGIUM STOVE PIPE.

8HKET ZINC. JOBBING AND PUTTING UP STOVES TO ORDER Beautiful Parlor Coal Vases st only $4 50. Galvanised Iron Coal Hods very durable Common Hods, Ash Pails, Coal Siiters all kinds STEEL I1RE SETTS. Bronte. 1 Fire Setts Standards.

Hat Standa, Umbrella Stands, Wash Stands. PAHIiOK COAL GRATES. IRON BEDSTEADS-IRON SETTEES AND CHAIBS. Silver- Plated C.ood. WAHKANTI-D DOI'HLK PLATK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A large stock on hand and conHtaotly receiving.

Splendid Tea Setta, 6 piecea, from. $20 00 to 40 00 Cake Basket. 4 60 to 12 0" Caateni, 2 "6 to 12 CO fc Breakfast Caatera, 4 60 to 7 00 Strawherry Dtshe. A new article. Pickle Caste ra.

Very nice. Double Ice Titchers 00 Butter Diabeft, Syrup upa, Salt Standa, Tea Cms. Soup aad Oytter Ladles, Fish and Pie Knives, Cramb Knivt. Silver-Plated T-a Spoons 6a p- aett Table Spoons 14s. heaert Korka 14.


Beautiful Tea Ko rea 8 SO per dozen J. Meamm Table 5 00 to 8 00. Ivor; Hamiled Kmrf, with Plated Blades. Ivory Handled Carvers. Forks aad Steels.

Rubber Handled KolTet. A new article, and tbe most durable gooda made. COCOA AND K03EWOOD HANDLED KNIVES ANT) FORKS. Bread and Butter Krjivea, Chopping Knives, aod a fall and complete aaeortment of FAMILY HARDWARE. BRITANNIA WAKEI Of Every Description.

Oood Britannia Tea Pota for Casters for oo 1 00 Beautirul Sett Toilet Ware M7 OffX MANUFACTURE. Three Pieeea for 12 1 3 60, 1 4 00, aod 4 60 This is at least $1 00 per Sett las than osaal praeea FANCY AND PLAIN BIRD CAGES, OF MY OWS aLANTFACTCBE, At Vary Low Pheea Sa, 7v I'a, 12a, fce. Warrantad better made and Eastern make. AT LESS PKiC nicer ornamenaad S. Alao, tban.


APT HA BTjRNTKG JaUoi John Jen ett' tiraa. Itc-re Depot aad Hoeje-IMwi Kvnporiavo. MW Maaa etreet ly ia Caastsa avet rae OU ft asiat to1jaere A to 50 on Co. a T. or in in ly this MORxnrers despatch.

A Rebel Party Dispersed. HEW STYLE OF BEBEL SCOIT1NC Federal Dodge aod How It Worked. THE FINGAL AT SAVANNAH. 6,000 REBEL. SOLDIERS THERE.

rpecial to Tribune Washinotos, Dec. 6. Col. Leonard, of tbe 13th telegraphed Gen. Banks, yesterday, that bis men at Hancock shelled and dispersed a party passing westward too small for attack but large enough to incite rumOr-.

For some time past toe enemy has sent out daily from Fairfax C. IX, a scouting party of 1,000 or 2.000 men. It breaks up into sqnads of or 100, who attack smaller bodies of our men. They have been very troublesome to our picket guards of late. Lieut Knighi, of Co.

B. 3d New Jersey, went with 55 men a far as Burke's Station, on the Orange and Alozandria Railroad. They stretched, two telegraph wires across Old ruddock road, one as high as the forehead of a man on horseback, the other lower, and awaited the result this side. Presently half a company of rebel cavalry dashed up on a charge. The wires unseated two or three and threw the rest iuto confusion.

Our men rushed up, emptied six saddles and took one prisoner. Eight of the party who were in ambush completed the route and emptied tWO more Saddles. Eight horses gal loped within our lines. Un tee return ot tne party, another prisoner was taken, W. H.

Johnson, Co. 1st New York cavalry, who deserted the night before. We lost Stephen Tompkins. D. New Jersey 3d, who was wounded with pistol shot and is missing.

Newburry, shot in the arm and side, was brought into camp. The horseman taken prisoner, was Orderly.Sergeant. H. Dunham, of the fith Georgia Hussars. He gives information respecting t'e enemy's scouting expeditions.

He says that the Post Office hitherto at Fairfax has been removed to Manassas. A letter from Port Koyal says that a recently-taken prisoner there states that the ship Fingal, from Glasgow, with 70 ritied cannon and a cargo of rifles and munitions of war, ran up Savannah river in a fog since our fleet captured forts Walker and Beauregard, and that there are six thousand soldiers at Savannah. This information is discredited at the Navy Department. Letters found on prisoners recently taken, however, speak of the arrival of a vessel laden with contraband of war, in the latter part of November. She is the last that will reach that port.

Np lal oucet. POISON NOT THE HEAD with NITRATE OF SILVER use CHKITADORO'S HAIR DYE certified ti be PURE A KE 1' Eg CALLED, by CHILTON OF NEW YOFCK and OTHER EMINENT CHEMISTS. Produces any shade from rich mellow brown to glosaey black, in ten and contain no ingredient that its injurious to the hair. Manufactured by J. CHRISTADORO, h'o.

6 Astor l.ou, New York. Sold everywliertj, kdA p-phed by all Hair Drifters- no2Uuieludac FEVERS. FEVER AND A'H'K Billious Affec-tiona. CostiTWDesa, Consumptions, AflecUone of the Spleen, of the Liver, of tbe Heart, Tumours, and all diseases hich destroy lirf, have always exhibited, upon dissection of the body, a number of hard concrete points either in sou the organ's named or the bloo 1 vessel-, sometimes even rann'Mug in the flesh, aDd agajn deposited upon the side of a Now these little hard substances would nkvkr fo-m if Brand-reth's Pills were used they would be purged out of the system, aud year of happy life would be the sufferers lot, instead of aa early grave. Alwavs purge but k.kkv sicknea T.

D- Carpenter, tiouvemeur, St. Lawrence Co New York, 54 years of m. he hai use 1 lirmdreth's Fills for 34 )earp; adtinnintered them first to hi coachman, who had fever and ague; gave eight the day after the chill; chills and fever less severe; gave eight more the next uaj and so every other day unt.l chill and fever did not return, which was about eiht days from the firt attack. He then gave tour, every other uav, auolher week, when the man was entirely restored to bin usual good health. He was himself attacked; took them in the way and was cured in less time fie used uo other medicine ff.r 34 years found them always rwiable for himself a-id family when ick; haa recommended them te thousands, with the best results, and feela confiJent that everv tamr would have a larger average of health if the-e wpre u.ed in the place of calomel and other hurtful remedies.

Sold by HOLI-ISTER LAVKKACK 2Ki Wellington treet JOHN I. DIE ML 402 Main street, Uaflalo, Y. and by all respectable dealers in media nea. no20ulel94c I3THAIKDYE! HAIR DYK HAIR i I WM. A.

HAIR DYE. THE ONLY HARMLESS AND RELIABLE DYE KNOWN Ail tDrw are mere imitations, and should be avoMed if you to cape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blflck, wubout 'i injury to Hair or Skin. WM. A.

BATCH KLOR'S HAIR DYK a c.1, not to be distinguished from nature, and warranted not to injure in the least, however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied The haar is invigorated lor life, by this splendid Dye, which proper Unapplied at No. 10 Bond street. New York. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS nave bnen awarded to Wm. A.

fi.AT0H.tLOR. ace 1839, and over 'J00JKKJ ap plications hare been made to the hair of tb patron-; his famous Dye. Sold in all the cities and town of the Lnited Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, The Uenuide haa the name WiUiaii, A. Batcelor," and address upon a steel plat- on the four sidB ol each box. WHOLESALE FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY apPtSac Laat Broadway, New York.

t3T MATHEWS CHOCOLATE WORM DROPS never fail to destroy and exU-ranriate ail kinds: of Intestinal or iiia. Are perfectly reliable in alt caeea, and far superior to any and all the Fancy Worm Con tedious and nauseous Vermifugea which are in uaw. They may be taken at all times with perfect safety, as they contain NO MER CURY or other deleterious drug. Mothers should always purchase them and give their clilldh-en no other. ffedahartxc whatever is neoamary to be given1 For sale by all Drugsista and Dealers in Medicines.

A. I. MATHERS, General Agent, aullgySl N. and Fort Erie, C. W.

NEW GOODS! AffD GREAT BARGAINS, AT Eos en an 280 TO AI" STREET. We hare on hand, and are dally receiving, large lota of WOOLEN GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery ani Gloves, Leggings, lnfanteea. aleeeea, Hooda, Sontays. Clonda, Talmas, Bafqaea, Scarfs, Silk and Merino Wrappers aad Drawers, etc ALSO Cambric Coliara and Setts, Edgings aod Pocket-haodkerchiefa. Infanta1 Waists and Fobes, Lac and other Veils, Mourning Collars and Hett, Lace and White Goods, Bonnet and Vee! Ribbon, Flowers, Feati.e-a, 'elt Hhts.

VeiTets and Si.k?, Dress TnmmiDa. Battona, r'ortemonaies, Head-Dreas, CheaUle and Cord Netta, Corse ta Hoop-Ssirta, AND MANY MOKE ARTICLES, Too Nomarona to Mention, at Prices to Defy Competition. Ladiaa. pleaaa give na a rail, before purrhaang S. ROSEN A I cV CO.

elaewhere. no23 THE POPULalB LOAN. 1 am now prepared to famish tbe 7 3-30 Treasury Notee in any amonn, with tha spec for tbe payee's name left ia blank, so that any name can be filled in. H. N.

SMITH. UBearrent Moaer-HariBf Rat tea Toelar CANADA PER CENT. D1SCOCNT. Per Cast. Dts.

Ohio, Mienigaa aad Indiana, (State Bank; 1 PennaTlvania par to 1 Marrtaatd, Keotaekr and Indiana Free Backs. Missouri .1 Virgima U. N. SMIT1X, EaM 8snexsai mU, orO Near the Poat Office Attention, Coal Oil Refiners. Ws aie bow rsreoarwd ta TUN IS B.ETTNERS with CAC8TIC SODA, SAX.

SODA, and SCLPHCRIC ACID, in any quantity, aod at Lewsii ffltarkwt Prleea. We kavi alao wa hand a Boa sasiiitinsm of 8AJtPLX BorrLxs trwsvm bcxltkorx, BM)aU IM Maia nNwi He AS A A at of to of it a MESSAGE )F GOV. Want, the Seat of Wat Tiunsferred ATTACK OX FORT PULASKI HOURLY EIPECTED. MOVEMENTS OF FLOYD. Rebel Steamer in Diatrets.


ItEBBL OITKAOES AT L'DE PRVDEXCE. Retribution for a Portion of Price's Crew. RELEASE OF Jl'DGE BIRCH. New York. Dec.

C. The steamship Vanderbilt has arrired from Port Royal, 3d. No news. Health of troope good, tfeaulort ig unoccupied. Among tbe passengers are Fay master Hewitt.

Captains Farrell. Weed and Falconer. Also Capt, Christie and five of the crew of the nchr. Albion, taken in attempting to run the blockade. She nlao brings one Secession spy, takeu Port Koyal.

Foktkess MoMtoK, Lec. a. via Baltimore, Dec. G. A Hag of tnice came down from Norfolk bringing several Charleston passengers, but no news any kind.

('Jen. Wool also despatched a Hag of truce for Nortolk with a number of letters and considerable clothing for the Union prisoners at Richmond. The Illinois will leave here for Port Royal wilh troops for (Jen. Sherman this evening. The Norfolk Day Hook of today contains a message from Gov.

Letcher, the main point of which is his regret that Fort Monroe isnot in possession the Conteuerale Slates. The rebel Congress, at its session on the ad inst, a resolution of thanks to Geneial Sterling Price for his active services iu Missouri. Gov. Letcher urges a forward movement. He says Ihe banks ol the Potomac is not the place light, but the bauks of the Susquehanna.

Baltimore, Dec. ti. A despatch from Savannah, in the Richmond papers of yesterday, dated the ith says sixteen of the ships of the enemy are now inside the bar, and an attack on Fort Pulaski is hourly expected. The Richmond IHjspatchoi yesterday Bays that is currently reported that Gen. Floyd's command has leen ordered to another important post of duty.

A telegram dated Nashville, 3d insL, says that Gen. Floyd has fallen back to within miles of the Virginia and Fast Tennessee Railroad. Boston, Dee. fi. The brig Stella.

CapL Shields, of ihis port, fell in with the bark W'eldon Alloa, from Scotland for New York, on the lhe28lh ulL, iu sinking condition; took oft Captain and crew and bro them here. The ship Yorkshire, Liverpool, reports November 2.: Latitude 41.14; Longitude til passed a steamer. Lark rigged, showing the rebel Hag; she appeared as if she had lost her she had a spread eagle on her stern and white wheelhouse; she was steeling Southeast. The steamship Vanderbilt will return immediately to Port Royal with Quartermasters' supplies. The steamship Baltic sailed for Fort Pickens with the New York 75th regiment this afternoon.

The French steam frigates Pomone and Cate-net sniled today. Nkw York, Dec. G. The steamship Bavaria arrived this irniiniug from Hamburg via Southampton the 20lh ult. News anticipated.

Baltimore, Nov. G. The oih New York regiment returned from the eastern shore of Virginia yesterday. This morning they made a grand parade here, march ing from Federal Hill through the city to the residence of (jen. Duryea.

They had with them a large secession ling which they captured in lire land of Dixie. The Hair was carried Union down. On depositing it at headquarters the battalion gave three tremendous cheers for Gen. li. and the American Union.

Nkw York, Dec. G. The building No. 40 Murray street, occupied by James Casey, dry goods; Van Huron Terry and O. L.

Henry, was injured by fire last night, with goods destroyed to the amount of $30,000. Fully insured. Last night a man named Thomas McCormick was fatally shot in a Broadway concert saloon, by one of the Fire Zouaves named Thos. Buen. iu a dispute about one of the waiter girls.

Rolla, Dec. G. Advices from ihe Southwest' say that McCul-loch has gon- into winter quarters on Pea Ridge, near Bontonville. Benton county. where he is putting irp barracks for his troops.

Nothing definite is of Price's movements. Gen. -McBride was at Springfield with 2,000 men on Sunday last. Lkavkn worth, Dec. G.

Brig. Gen. J. W. Denver has arrived and has leen assigned to the command of all the Kansas regiments.

A portion of Lane's brigade remains at Fort Scott. '1 he 4th Regiment is ordered to Wyandotte. The 1st Cavalry, known as Jennison'e Regiment, is stationed at Johnny Leak, in the Delaware reservation, nearly opposite Parksville, Mo. The 2d Regiment rs nearly recruited, and will occupy the village of Kickapoo, ten miles above this city. The river remains open, but trouble wi'h marauding parties is anticipated hen it freezes over.

Trains are again runuin8 on the Platte county road. Our mail communications east are re-es-established. LoiisvrLi.E, Dec. 6. The New Orleans Crescent of the 25th ult.

contains the weekly bank statement to tbe 22d. as follows: Circulation deposits specie 13.771.000. There have been no gales of cotton or tobacco. Sugar was selling at 3fi3Jg per pound. Molasses 1 4321 jer gallon.

Flour $11 50(312 00 per bbl.Corn $1 00 per bush. Whiskey rectified at $1 10 per and rye at $2 25. Lard 2'J 30c per lb. Messs beef $33. Pork mess $45.

Bacon per lb. New Orleans cattle market Nov. 26. Texas ca tie sell at $20(ct45 per head. Hogs $10013 per 100 lbs.

Sheep, second qualities, $3(a5 per head. Vealeg $8(13 per head. The New Orleans Cre.nceni also says that the "decrease in the exchange of $274,000 on the week, is attributed to a desire to place funds in England to invest in merchandize, Sterling having been freely taken, at 125fct 126. We are not aware of any prospective improvement in commerce to warrant these figures which are much higher than in the bankruptcy of 1837 and 1840. It is bruited about that some parties are placing ail their funds in Europe, for fear, perhaps, the highway robbers of the world may penetrate our good city.

LorisviLLE, Dec 6. The steamer Pink Verble from here, with cotton mill machinery, proceeding to Nashville under permit from Secretary Chase, waa seized by the rebels and is now held by Lieut McGrave-rock. commander at Fort DanielsoD. awaiting orders from Gen. Johnson.

The machinery was taken to Nashville. Kansas Citt, Dec. 5. By order of Gen. Hunter, CoL jennison's regiment moved to a point midway between Kansas City and Leavenworth yesterday.

All communication between here and Independence is cut off. The rebel Hayes, with 300 men. visited Independence on Monday and seized all tbe horses belonging the Pacific Stage Company, and made a general confiscation of all property of Union citizens. Sedalia, Dec 6. Yesterday a party of exasperated citizens of all parties attacked a gang of returned rebelafrom Price's army, under CapU.

Young aod neatly, near Dunksburg, about 20 miles west of hare, killing 7 and wounding 10 of them. Among tbe killed was Capt Young. None of tbe citizens were killed or severely wounded. Three of tbe rebels wounded have since died. Judge Birch, who has been a prisoner in Price's camp for some time past, arrired bete today, having been released on parole.

Feed Cutters, Corn Shellero, At KtLLOGO BONN ELL'S, Ho ITS Maia stresrt. oc44 POTATOES 00 bsuh. Base lalaad Partaaja, iaat teselnJ and far aato, nMOeTMWatH WT3 tare and 1 I fl ia all 1 .1 Weigh Loce. The difficulty which bu iwre-tojore pnrntd the construction of a weifffc Tock Id this city hu seen overcome. A plau bM been made, aa vm mggMtad to Stat Engineer and Surveyor, which fur Ita etsnptlelty and perfect Ceaaability muat commend itself -at oaea to the attention of tbe Canal Board.

The plaa is the aame a ther other weigh lecka now in sum ca the Cwaate with the simp le addition of a rweerroir ex eMTated feu fret below canal bottom, and connected with the chamber of tbe weigh lock by means ef a enlTert. TUr, reservoir ha sufficient capacity to bold the requisite amount of water for weighing six light boata. the water tm pumped from the reservoir into tfre vraba) by a twenty -Are horee power engine. Tbe mm power alae rioeelaod opens the lock gate, which kre made en the same plan a tboee now in nae at the Rochester weigh lock. The plan alae contemplate! the cenetrnctroc of build-iog one hundred feet in length and thirty-nine feet in width.

The lower floor eoataina office for the Collector of Caoal Toll, and aim for the Weigh Master and hi Asajistanta. On the upper floor spacious aod ceavemeot Olcea are arranged fbr tbe Caoal CommiMioner aod for the Engiaeer Department The building and works cou--nected with the weigh lock will be aa orBAiBtot to oar Can. Board appointed a con.ra.tte) to x- amine thU -object, mod th nciy of constructing a weigh lock at th. point wm full iiliulUed. By tow ax--jrtioo on tb p.rt of oar citiaena wa haT no doabt that th work can b-s full completed uid in um in time for the ta4 bifbioew next year The etttlniated eoet, (eielo-of land dnj,) i Tbe coat of tbe weigh lock buildinga.xtureB, ic.

of tbe weigh leek at Sjre-cbm auioanted to tbe sum of 63 Of thil imouot 17,613 39 wu expended f'r cenxtracliog enlverU from the north side of tbe rin4i to street, aod frem 9-hna etreet to tbe Oooadjtf Creek, a nam more than laO-cient to construct tn rtSerrnir by $6,000. Theae 6gures are gimn of the mbl cent of similar work to show that tbe estimate no(neieDtly large to corer all contingen-riei that my ansa in the conitmction of the weigh lock. COMPUMKNTaRi BiC NIC FIT TO MlBH KlCH 'moa The complimentary beneflt tendered to Minn Rirb-ing( by a Urge uimtxr of well-known and appreciative citizens, will tak place thia ereuiug A really aplentjjd bill has ben prepared fr the occaaion, and tbe large number nf seat already secured that Mia Rich-iugs is to bare a benefit lu fact jui as in name The bill comprises opera, Italian opera ani melo-drama a most rare and attractive combination. Tbe entertainment will open with Wm Vincent Wallace's delightful opera, Mantann," in which Miss Rich-ings personates the heroiuii a iwitchlng ifirl and Mr. Riching up pears as -'Don )Amr Th-mu-ic of tbe opera is of the fanating ao4 the fair beneficial, baring we hV9 gmtihed to ob eerTe, almoet wholly record frvtn the harseoe.

w.ifa which she ha rr ixw naT been ted, will be prepared to give effect We are glad to see that "La Hicilienne- i to be Ther6 ar, fw more characters tha, -MariUna." ai.d Miss is particnlarly it reMUirer. good act.og as well as ringing A for Mr RlchlDgtf hli DoQ CmMr it nolnno-iv) nn ()f grMtest repreaentatianaes reat in wfcJ afJ 4 frre. Cade" 'iss Cuihmio'i "Meg wiil be followed by a grand n-ena and aria from '-La Traiata I. Mis Ricbings, iu full costume This will be one of tbe nnt'-t natures ef the evening. We prophesy that even those who are well actinaiuted with the powers of the yoang la-'y will be somewhat an-tonlahed at her easy familiarity with tbe Italian, aod that all will concede to hr the ability to rendwr the intricate music of that difficult scheol uite as well aa many who hare become the favorites of fame through like attempt.

The entertainment is to terminate with the beautirul artd sxciting me to drama rrititWd "Ella Rosenberg," with Vise Rlcbingsand her fattier iu tbu priocipal parts This piece Is new to Bu(Tlo. We are assured that it ia uncommonly vtraclivr We lmk fr a complete ovation to Miss Riohmgs thjs evening. Her admirer in Jtre many and hearty, and thgf will takti goudTrare that tbye urt- no empty nests A hvly in the amplest ne of the werd an actress of marked excellence and an aim out perlem ninger. she e-serres esteem, encouragement an-! rwar We trust it will be proved to har tonight that when a complimentary benefit waa teu icred bet by her Buffalo friends, they meant all that they said SotfiLnCT'Y or Natural Sciknceh. Kikht Ai- fVAL Vlft.TiMfi.

Tbe newly organised Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences bet 1 iu flrt annual meeting last at Lower Ht Jamtte Hsll. Judge Clintoo, tbe Pres- lu ant, delivered an aderess explanatory of tbe object 'ha Aaeoeiation, in which wait tb Mussed the value and importance of the scientific study of nature Tbe ad drew was an able and beautiful ooe, full of encouragement and practical suggestion. Rev. Dr Clarke and Or 3. 7..

Haven spoke briefly and pertinently of the elevating and ameliorating influence of scientific studies and ssseclatlonn, rejoicing that a saciety like that just instituted was likely to be a permanent and growing feature among the enlightened interests of the city. Both plmlged their hearty support and countenance to the enterprise. The constitution was afterwards read by the Secretary, Theodore Hew land, and sigLeii by a number of thoee present. The election was then had, with the following result: I're-Udent Hon W. Clinton 1st Vice President K'v A Chester, D.

I -d do Clu. I) OorrespndiDg Secrptarj Samuel Slade. Recording do -Theodore Hnwland Treasurer Leon Harfev. l. Librarian K.

CT'IATOKR. Zoology (ieo. K. Haev Ornithology Pror HerpetUgy aiul Ichthyohy Kotomology Chan I) Mir-lill. I'onchologj Coleman Kobinion B.iUo) C.

K. Hay. Geology Charlea Farntiaai PaleontoloffT lavid thir. Mineralogy Ctaaa Wad.worth Room have beeD ancurel by the Aeeiety erer th New York Erie Bank, Went Seoeca street. Giit Stove Empofui-m Our readers are invited to a careful perusal of the Tolamiuoua adTerti-meat, ia another column, of John C.

Jewett, proprietor of the Great Store Kmporiuui, No. Main itreet The variety of atoTe and household hardware tbereiu ana-merated, comprising all tbe modern loreotioori arid im proreanetlU, will be certaiu to aatiafr aoy want, ne matter how limited or extravagant. The itock of toTea include the Combination Brick Uvea," Jewett ft Koot'i "ImproTement," the '-Compeer," "Peerlens," lUMiator," "aferidian," Coal Heating Stove, Sheet Ire a Parlor Stove and a hoat of other which will be found mentioned in detail In tbe adverttaeraeat. A vtit to thia grnd empn Ham abould be made at once by every housekeeper about preparing for the winter. Music Many of our citizem, duriug some time past, have, occaManally in the opsqae hour, been Htartled from their repoae by strain of delicious' vocal muaie, which drive away all tboughta of sleep, aod hold the listener to deep and pleasurable meditation upon sweet sound A lady write to thank the unknown vocalists for their refined compliment, aod aka "who are We leern they are known under tbe title of the "Twilight Glee Club'" and althongh the aiuoriation is young, it already attaioad a remarkable degree ef excellence.

Tbi information i givea not only for the benefit of our correspond! t. but for the aatipfactioa of a curiosity that has been a healthy one many who have been similarly complimented. A Novil Idea. An entirely new fashion has been introduced by ladien who are justly entitled to be looked up to a models. It ha obtained the meat un bounded approbation from gentlemen who have tbe hap-plneen to be father or husband.

It consist of tbe dresses which were pnrchaeed last winter, and which, having been oarefnlly pat away, eoine eut with all the advantage of nevelty and eooaomy. Some leader ef the fashion hve gone ao far a to place in the Saving Baek the meney whieh new dreee woul 1 hat coat, but this habit ia pi ent confined to ladie of th moat exquiaite taste and judgment So graceful and well fitting a habit will, how ever, ttia prognosticated, have many imitator llTH Rial mb nt V. Voli-ntbrrh. Major Atax. If.

Stetaon ia in town accompanied hy Lieutenant Megarwy. He intendj opeuing a recruiting office under th aupwrrtaion of Lieut. Micary The ragimaat ia at prvaent taUoae-d at Nwsport ia in nplendid eoawlitioo. not baring let a man by dieeaae aince they left New Tork In April laat. Their Comaaandaat C.

McK. Le-oer ta aQ officer of the regular army a graduate of dis tinction from Weat Point They will take part in tha oxt expedition to tha South Recruit forwarded at onae pay eom Die noing from time of rauater Two 'Men of thb 49th Shot. A letter r- oaiTOd thia morning by Lieut. Boyd, from a Captain in tha 4.Hh Ragimoot UUd Doe. oaye Last night th rebel pickets were aaad to bar been within 40 rods of ua.

Tbey kept np flriog during th night Twft of our men wer ahot on from Capt Drak enot through tha foot; a k4 bat not dan-gorowU wo and. Another was ahot in tb log lie ah It haa ratafrd quit an excitmnt." SuaaTLT SvaraiaiNo. On the eTening of ThaakaflTiBg daj, twenty er twenty-Sre of the ehief mer-caanaa aa4 ataar bnaineaa men ef Bataeia, took tke reai-(Veaoe of Jemariaa Hawkall, Receiver of tha New York Coatral Kaiireoat Cempaaj, bj rtoraa, carryinf with them a haadaoaaa Hrrieo of rilrer platt, which waa preaenled to a. H. bjr oae of the aoaaaaay, Jaaaea M.

WiUetta, Eeq. la takes of the eetaean oad affectlea ia which ha waa held hytUtha Nw OaBCas. It la Bald that in a daw 0r two luiwaa wm Una orviwra mmiHiit the raisiaf or aar nwijnalw an4 regimenta which will fleet rereepiag tteagwlBtao atramt raUa a tweraiaac. It i. aaid retalatioa.

a lieafoant will at be com iaTaw4 Sfty taw art ralaaVa, ktvl a caataia BOt u- mmmn amUeee4. aWenita aro to to mtutawod lata aa that that aaaabw ia enrolled HM DaT a. TrtUainoui Canada rowdr rTl vaawSav awe, Wtt awVlktea a waflaaBi PORT OF BUFFALO. Wind fair S. W.

A rrtTod Ikeenber 56. Ste-ainer Squier. Fort Erie: 9 bead cattle Wicketl 68 do 2 abp Kirk wood 13 bia wool 27 I pk butter 1 bl akin Coi: dn 12 A Bead- out. tbeep skin Webb S00 ba wheat Fiah Ave- i rv 240 bbl dour Ceo Olds 80 do A Sberwood co I 4 do 1 bi poaltrr 1 bx butter Jones 342 bush wheat i Fiah Averv 868 do A Orr dreeawd hog 1 box I butler Coit Son Propeller Racine, Brettj Milwaukee 19,000 bo wheat 3 Hatard rja 100 bol Sour Erie RB Tug Home, Cook, Colborne; co cargo 1 Cleatrexl December 6. HteaJner International, Squier, Fort Erie tort of CBlcatco Dec.

S. AaaivtD from BcKrx.o. Propeller Susquehanna; brig Hani Crocker; achr Bonnie Doon. Richmond. Port of Milwaukee Doe.

3. Arr ved from Bcfvalo. Propeller Portsmouth. Sus-'juehaona, afiaaonh. Niagara.

MARTIN TAYLOR, Publisher. Bookseller and SUtioner! 299 MAIN 8TBEET, NEARLY OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL. BlfFAI.d NATIONAL EUrriON OF IUVIMG'S WORKS. W0LFERT3 ROOST, received OTiapleUng the re nee. Subacribers should complete thfir beta at once, before the style of binding is changed.

A few more aubacriftiuns to thin oest ediMon, maj be received ou early to MAKTIN TAYLOR. 2V9 Main street. nn30 Atrnt for Buffalo HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF DICKENl' WOKKS. 0' il l) CURIOSITY SlIiiP-J-iU three ne volumes this hne edition Rcived by oo3 TAiI.OK, Main Htreet nnoTHV ti rcon kvh nkw book. K.SS().N'o KKOat 1.1 KE Br the author -f TiUomb'' Letters, In I Bi't-r MeU die.

a ne supply ol all his worVa, received ny no3) MAKTIN TAYLOR. 29 Main street IKOn HADE A EE 4B FltO.TI PIB-EISI1EHM OIKEl'Ti I AM N'OW RKCK1VINH a Lor Sutpii of STANDARD IN lilNOl-S'liS, Private an. I Public jbraxies Kl.tUA.ST GIFT BOOKS BIBLES, PHA1 LK-BOoRS. JUVENILE BOOKS, fcc. Beufht at Prtett, anj will be aol-1 ccorin(rlv nc.iiU MARTl.N A LOK, 299 Main Ktt tllAM FUV SALE.

-IN CHANCERY, PPLR CANADA Bt-twenn (uige Hamilton, p.aintiti, an: Richard Hull Thurulail. bv bill, and Wilu.uu Hawkmc, Kichars Deniaon. William Stuckdale John Kirkpatrick Matthew Hormbrook. and Rbert Whi'ehead. tin Uev erley Robinson and Cbriitoph- Robinson, K.dward filake and Samuel Hurne Blakt, Wil jam Kainfford, Lewis Mo(- fait, and Alexander Murray, mad parties i'i the manterx office, defendants.

i To bo sold, in pursuance of Cue decree and final- orvJer in i thia cause, hosriog da to respectively f.t iouitrj day of I tecember, 18oi, and the nix teen ih day of Septeniltr. 1 S61, with the approbation ol Andrew Norton Bueli, JCmj master in ordinary ef this honorable Court, at the auction room ft of Wakeheld, Coate Co Jiiug street, Toronto, on Friday, the twenty-seventh day of December, 1861. at o'clock niion. accordinir to a plan cf the aam-bv 'ieorge Rykert, datd October, 1861: That valuable property in the Township of Bertie, iu the County of Wwllami, bfing contoMd ol hv south halve of lotr Ni-h. 5.

in th" Ut and 2d concesnioDS of tli said Township of Bertie, containing by adnifa-Hureaaent. on huudrcd and bfteen acre, he the same more or 1--k. particularly described in the mm in the iu this caue mentioned. The property i within a mile and a htlf of Fort Frie which is the Wrminu of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad, and nearly opposite Buffalo It .8 eligible for fithf or funning purposes, L'pon Lot No 1, which borders on the Niagara Kiver. lh-rf ia a good bnck 40 by2f; iefl.and high On Lot No 2, there arj a frame houe i tid a frame barn.

Atout 30 acrt-N i tbe rear of oaid property is wood 1 i. The soil i achv loam The property will be put up in tn parcels, for on the happening of th CTjtingeni'V as to tAiiure of Hale herein aftr mentioned, there is one parcel an specially provided in that behalf, a follows: 1 Lot 'o. 1 on nid plan, about 10 a.M ph. at the et price of '2oi 2 Lot No 8 on said plan, ah ut 10 acrew. at the upeet pnee of H0 3.

Lots No 's 6 and 7 on aaid pl.m, about 14 acres, 11 perches, at the upset 115. 4 Lot No ') on waid piin arcui 10 acrei, at the upset price of 8t. ft. Lot 4 on said pian, about 1 at the upe'. price of 1VJ.

fi Let No. 3 on said plan, nh-ut 1 acres, at the upapT price of S0 7. Lot No. 2 on said plan, about 10 acres, al the upaM price of 1110. 8 Lot No.

9 on said plan, about 10 acre, at the upset price of H0 V. Lot No. 10 on said plan, about 14 acres 11 porches, at th upset price of 115. 10 Lot No. 11 on ahl plan, aS-ut 14 acres 11 perches at the upset price of 115.

In the event of any one of the said parcel of land, sub- sequent to parcel No. 1. not ftchinR the upset price above mentioned, no ether of th" said parcels will be offered after such failure; but the rem lining unsold portion of th aaid propertrill bt put up in one lot ai a tarm, at a reserved bid. which been fixed by the sai master. The propertv will be sold subject to the leal claim for dower, of Mary Jones, widw of Charles Jones, deceased, The conditions of sal wll re thoae contained in the (Joneral Orders of this Court, with the foregoing and foi lowing variations, viz Ten pr cent of the purchase money ia be paid at the tune of sale, to the vendor or his solicitors, and the balance within ooe month there aftr, without interest The said plan ran be een, and further particulars ob tained, at th offices of Msn.

Robinson, and MrRride, aod Howell, Wellington Chambers, Toronto, and V. Hurd. sni Blake k. Blake Toronto. Dated 2dth November, 161.

Signed, A N. BCELL McBridk A Howkll, Plaintiffs OK KALE. The schooner M. BALLARD, fourteen thou sand bushel.H capacitv, in jtodU rder, will be sold cueap. enael no laid np LlevelanJ, fj.

Terms Half down, balance on time. For particulars, enquire of P. S. MARSH. Buffalo.

N. L. R. MORRIS, Cleveland. olffif CAIT JAS.

SINCLAIR. Chicago. 111. PROPELLERS FOR SALE. -1 The Propellers NIAGARA and SCIO- TA (nf C'ommerrial Line Propllerai TLeaaJiHfk are fc.r aale until thi 20th of December evaBaalBBBTBaWBBYeasanext.

Both Beat are now in excellent condition lor I'usinesa, extensive aud thorough repair having been done to them during the present year The Niagara is charreredto run between Milwaukee anil Grand Haveu ilurinjr the coming winter, the benefit of which charter parties purchasing now will receive. The object of limiting the time for aale ia that subsequent to the 'JOth of December the undersigned would require to make the necessary arrangement- for the business of 12. W. J. KEtVS No 11, Foot of Washington Rtreet.

nolOtf Buffalo. TO UEAT. Poaacation (Jiveii Immediately. MThe preaiaes lately occupied by James Reed, on the West side if Main street, opposite the residence of Alanaon. Robinson, Esq.

The iiouse is oue and a half stories high, and in good condition. The Barn is small, but convenient. Tbe Lot is 100 feet front by 23- feet deep, ani is well stocked with choice bearing Fruit Trees. Keut $200. Enquire of the subscriber, at his residence on Linwood Arenas, directly in rear of said premise ur at '1 Exchange atreet.

N. K. HOPKINS. Buffalo. December 3.

18fil. SLil (. UTERI AM PACKING. rpHE UNDERSIGN ED ia prepared to laughter and I Pack Hogs and Cattle on Commission, at his Packing Houm in this city Has facilities for rendering Lard and Tallow. Alao, for Smoking Meats.

Capacity of the house, 100 cattle or 500 hogs per day. Storage for S0.000 bbla JOB ALBEKGEK, oc31tde30 nmer Franklin and Terrace atreeta. 4King's Cough Syrup," th Tery best uele that can Ured better thtui Cavair, or Ioseoeeft, or Trochei pLoaatuit and crtin to reliere tvod CCRE. Buffalo, December lut, I860. It-ii with the pletuare, Ur.

that 1 rar jour Cough Sjrrup the best article of the kini I erer ud. JAMES GKAHAU, Buffato. Ma W. Klho. Jr iMmr Str- When I at first dot- elxaaed of yon a bottle of jour -'ough Syrup," I miieU aaj 1 had rery little fnitb thmt it would do me anr more good than a taunt ot avnicleM I bad already used without benefit, but to my aurpnae it gare me speedy relief, and jpffectual-jy cared me ot a very bad cold aod cough.

Bepiog jcu may meet with a rery extenie nale for it. I am. yours respectfully, THOMAS BRU4s8. 7 Swan itreet, Baffaln. Buffalo.

January 10, I cheerfully add my tentioioBy to tbe Tirtue of KtBr'a toogo ayrup, in an eavse oi (oia or oojgo, baTin uaao tt ror two or inree yearn, trunk it tbe beat remedy can obtain F. B. SCOTT. Sign Pointer, BntTalo. BrrvALO, Not.

16th. IMl. I bT used in my Camily. for two or three years, Kinf'i Con eh Strup, and rbeorfuMr recommend it tbe beat article we eer mkL JOSEPH CHCRCHYARD, January 19. 1961 I take pieaveure in aayrotr that I have ueed Klng'a Coagh Syrup, and bare alwaya found it a aare cur for any oagh or cola qui i aae eontracvexi.

G. 6. LCCKWOOD, CoMimereiai Adrertiar Offioa. FoT Eaurn, C. M-arcn 1.

lSfll- Mil Cucg i)cav Str: SftavU by tb baarar, a bottle of your Congo aymp. 1 bare ium if, and find it tb only uax frrwa nauooaiac renet. Yotira, trnly, JOHN MoCOKKELL. Kim. Drvgnot iMtrr Mr.

trodmood yonr (Wfaarnia I bocamt When Tou firat ii my familT haw xpfriooce4 ita Sow two yabmra ago. at om time, I porrhaawd mm dosen bottloa aad aent to frioBda ia Michiyan, and hart aerar heard af any ease where it tsiiad to care a cold or atop a coagh- March 23d, 161. C. R. FOX, BaftaUo.

Sold at King's 99 aDrog Store, 249 atUX 5TEEXT, Corner ftotam IHTlBion, mtaifffamlo. C3T frioa ia aaly Twaatf-Fira Casta. TtMOTWT UEP-M bags aanaaa TiaaotnT Sesrd (rasas ere, far aaW a a H. SAW ft seir i aa 1 I a Thk Artihth' Sale Last Eykvinu. The Ml of th painting' of Brdt I Clear, SIltAll, and Coleman, at tbe St.

Janet, block, laat wniDg, waa a rerj Kuccesaful ooe, nearly Try picture offierexl beiB ditpoaed of without tbe leaat difficulty The total amount of nalee, exrtuaive of tbe fraiuea, which were eeld wtth tb paiot-inga, $8H 00 We append th Hat, with the pric-a and namea of parchaaora. iikd'b. TlTli. Jat Pettibone, $32 60; Switzerlaad, Jay $32 bO, Ikke Somi, E. i Beaia, V' Swiaa Lrtodacape, Kafua Wheeler, $26; Deer (later, -ieortje $43; The Kafle'a S'ent.

8 8 Rogera, $4ti; pd Anklea, Rumwy, $16; Fexea, ngnett-a, (two picture.) H. Roet, $46 each; Wood Ducaa, R. 8. King, $4tt, tlunter'a Cauip, Jay Pettibooe, $43: fthewp on tbe Cam(na, Jamea Hrayiey, $30; Lake in the ore at. f.vrin.

$46, A MeetlDg on the Fence. Jay Pettibone, $44, Black $44; Headef Italian (i-jrl. A. Catttr. $f2 50 CLIil l.

Cutter. $60; tbe Tt Student, W. truant, A. Cutter, ft flKIJ.HTKbT'rt. iJroaeiD th Bar C.

Rumaey, $30; Clm at Kea, R. Kiof, $12 Vj; Keoaae at Hand, (ieorje Howani, $11; iilackwail Re-ach, Beaia, $16. IJOLKM aaJf S- Kufua Wheeler $26; Uornioz, K. 8. King.

$32 60, (iirl Sketcbma, Knfun Wheeler. $17 An IxTKLLitiiBLK iBTi.K. A nexel ia a rerattaacopy a If tter rfiree thia morning by Me nan. Bl'-lifftt Bradford The place from whence it Mine ta a uiyatery Indiana, DeeeoiUer the 2, 01 Mr Mlodgett and Bradford I want you to Send me a Roman violin String; the String or trible it ia tbe Qneet String I want yon to send a tolerable floe String yon will find poatage Stamp which I geae Will pay Cor it I te you one before and got one And it waa the beat I ever had I bad to with Some of the other flddlera and it Dident Iaate we Terry lDg Blodgett and Bradford 200 Main St Buffalo, N. the Roman Violin String imported H8 iocbea to length youre for eer 1 wiah you to tend aa quick na yoi get tbia eV Tuk HtiLiNU Art.

We will not Bay with Petrarch, the celebrated Poet Laureate, that Phyaiciana are of no uae, bat we thick the experienced of thia lata je valuable. Bat facta only can akow who are the in curing the many diseaae to which man in eub-ct In pAaain down one of our ntreeta lately, we found iidi ef ur tiret citizena prtatrate on tbtt mdewaJk from a fall. He waa in great agony aa we aaaiited in raising him ind helping him into his houne. Today we found him in a store, and be told ua that the pain waa ao intense that he (eared tbe lock jaw! And whence came relief He waa vinited three times by Dr Waahburn, whose offi -e is at lira. Lyon's, rear of 8t.

John's Church, Swan st This in only one among the many reaulta of his git-jag relief witLou. the uae of medicitea. T. D'Arcy McGe, M. V.

has If en admitted to the Lower Tnad. Mr. Kdwin Booth, tbe tragedian, ia reaidiDg for the prearot in Fulham, England; bat he waa soon to begin professional engagements at Manchester and Liverpool. Mr. C.

Re id, brother af the Superintendent of the New Tork, Albany Buffalo Telegraph Une, has been appointed Third Aaeistant Engineer in the N'ary. He has paiiaed examinatien before the Examining Board, and is now in Kec heater awaiting orders. For Acbi rn. Three prisoners for Auburn. and two boy a destined for the House of Refuge, left thia city yesterday morning in charge of an officer.

The name of the priaonera were: Charlea Slater, grand larceny, sentenced for two year and four montha. Prttrick Han Ion, larceny after felony, two years and six montha. John Woo, sentenced five years for the brutal offence of rape upon a young girl five years old. 5f" A liberal reward will be paid for any man, woman or child, who, afUr tating Fulltr I'atADt rnOrmeated Bread od wak, ran th eld-faflhiOLi jajit-mad brva4 without jrumbliug. Barnum wauta rurinnitie.

Applat Kall-r'n Bread Wurk, fi7 Fllicutt Htreet, whera th bat bread ever made can ba had. Twin-tj-ona Bred wirket for oae dollar lint Rolla rmiy daj th LieutaH. Bidwell and Bod of tha ah, who arrired hera a day or two iioca on recruiting aarTirtv hare takan pnMi'D of tb offica No- 3 L. 8. builwlio, and a room orer Jiuiei Adama tbacco afltabhahment a WiwdtDgton treat, where they will recruit for tha regiment.

No better opportunity for enlist ment la tiered in tbe city than tk.a, which euauren the traoafar of tha rtrcruit ilirectly to tha seat of war Detained Lktterh. Tbe following letters are dU.ined iu the Uullalu I'oat DfT.ce for nin-pay merit of poatage, and will forwarded to the Dead Letter Office en Monday next: Wm. Skelly. J80 Jrenwkh atreet. New York.

Tkioma Orake, N. Y. I. () 8 harm a Fredonia, S. T.

Mra. NaUia Pomroj. Lockfbrt, N. Y. Have you noticed? If not do not fail to alip in a you paaa Piatt and take a look at thoee Count Oyster.

If yen don't want to buy don't be hindered from goiug in to see Piatt keepx stor" for the accommodation of the public- Fie haa do thought of breaking down anybody'a ala bnainoea. But he fully be lie Ten he can get bia tiring by otTeriag th best in tbe market Married. In its appropriate place under tbe matrimonial head will found testimony of the marriage of Mr. It P- Nobl, well known among our dock xaercbaota and shippon. Mr.

Noble baM probably been enabled to af-Ford th expnair lnxury of matrimony by th recent high price of canal freights. As Abortion Cask in GarsKs. The Roch- eater ia informed that a physician wall known in Orleana county, wh haa hitherto sustained a high social position, and eajoyod an extanair practio. haa been arretted for producing aa abortion, which resulted in the death of a woman roaiding in flaine. Prospect Hill Seating Pond.

This pond is now reudered a certainty, the block of land on th corner of Niagara and Rhod Island atreeta, 415 feet long and 280 feet wide baring bean lead for tb parpooe. Refer-nc to th ai)TertiaemDt will diecloo tb terma ef membership and admittance. Abrkstkd. A woman named Eliza Alleif aaa kleody, waa arreated in "Smith 'a block" on Exchange treet laat night by Officer Kent and conducted to jail Her offence is tbe atealiag ol a coat front Mr. Germain, valued at $25.

which ihe afterwards sold to a canal boat captain for 1. Lecture at thb Central School. The weekly lecture before tbe Teachars' Claaa of the Central School, waa delivered yeatenlay by Mr J. Lamed, of the Eipreaa, anbjeet, Ouraetvea The lecture waa a thoughtrul and aaraaat oae, worthy of tb knows ability of ita author. VoLCNTMKBaD.

The Sigel Zouave, corapris- Ug orer thirty nombera, have voluateered roe Uo war. rwereitiaa; offioe kaa koea epeaed at 133 Geaweeo rtreet, (or tha paraoaa of Sllinc ap tbe ranks, and, tha eoanpany will ihortlj jein Ue Eacla Brigade at Camp Morgan. Dtowsto. An Jriah employee la tbe Iron W.rka of Meaan- Pratt. Co.

at Black Back, (ell bom a boat into Ue oanai, aa Wedneeday avemlac a abort dia-taaoe below rerry atreet, and waa drowned. It Is aoppoeed that he waa aoaaewaat iatoxieatad. Acikowliboikist. M. Kittangar, A-aistaBt Surgwea ef tbe Brigmdav acauowladgea the receipt of aa olafaat Coif a revolver, trom thai foOowing geeitleaneB reeldoata ef Loekport: H.

Murray, A Eaep, J. E. Owe, and J. B- Cemptoa. Cobbbctiok.

Mr. David Bell built the o- gine (or th taj Dragon," instead ef Shepard aa tatad jeatsrday. Mr. Ball ha alao foriiiahaa asm tiafer to which are eaacleywd ta ew Tar Harbor and on the Hadaoa nrar. CoMljfO Clob Homb.

Wm learn that Gen WTJUaaTja, Ciaaaaaailar af the Fwoee ia Caaada, lately aaid Tkat to fwrt trie, for what atresias leave oar raataarr seajiatan. asTTtaaa aaroat aaa Mlaaarajaal.

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