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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The sale'of unaerviceable and enrplus store will, It Is thought not be reduced ia proportion ta the reduction of the military force. General, haa been assigned a Inspector, and Col. T. G- Pitcher, of the 44th Infantry, ap osrtaiSS? be astonlihed. Mct are arrested 'tor criixtaa the paslsbxMnt or Wnick wtMla be a tarts Of Team la aattustmtnu 1 kw.

locks, between wv- Buining to the signal corps nas oeen enecw, i most pi vuito 7- 1 tba penitentiary, and, la some caaea whan tJhe offence cannot be proven, the accused wQl be fined Cor disor The Subsistence Department ia engaged, under the joint resolution of July 25, 1866, in MTETttOfOjUTAN cock-1 I and UlVUe. or a.rlira- I IL AhrmA. and Clyde, or one pointed Superintendent The report of the Board of isitors for 1866 bears ample testimony to tbe usefulness and excellent condition command, to embrace the States of Virginia, except Alexandria and Fairfax Counties, and West Virginia. Headquarters at Richmond. Tbe Department of the South, Majar-Genexal Daniel E.

Sickles to command, to embrace the States of North and Sosth Carolina. Bead-quarters at Charleston. I entire geaSOUlM n-'-n- muiujm 1 11 minute daring the en" I All the temporary ordnance depots estab Dayinz. upon certificates erven JJ tne Com JObS H. KxauH missary-General of Prisoners, commutation of derly oonducV or some similar This ts certainly a good way oT replenish! nc the City Treasury, bat a very qneer kind of Jnatlee.

-i of tbe academy, and recommends the l. 1 tion. erels, we rlng the ww, wa (sparrow! rations to loose tnitea Mates soldiers wno vi toe ii limner oi caeiets to sou. rtitu un rACIXV O1 THE vear Hero- 1 lt1 tuwn diacontin- UBUI. year Here- 1 hase been discontin- ncn au were held as prisoners of war.

Tobacco is CA EntMnent for Sve aigt, rjnrtratod From tk returns of the 8tateea8us takes la 1665, present number of cadets but one graduate can be snoolied to each rer-imen everv second Tear. THE 'Bf 1, ,.,1 of THE ERIE now furnished to. the enlisted of the Tbe Department, of the Tennessee, Major aa reported from toe several ennwtlaa so tbeaoe of are likely to ne8B on the Erie Canal I the 8UppUes have seen sent to arsenals ftAr. nm 1 whn not worth the cost of after tberrrdinary demands of the staff corps vmoiija Ma JOHN OWKNa TTedBeaday ETenlBt. seaut tne secretary or state, appears that last year mi army, under proper regulations.

Ilie settle ment of accounts of officers who have per ize n. (jeo. ti. -i nomas to command, embrace the States of Kentucky, Tennessee. Georgia, WESTt B1 ZL.

Jio'nerB, In recent offi aola had a tetal popalattoa-oT Of this ar met. Dpring the past session of Congress important measures were adopted respecting Alabama and Mississippi. Headquarters at number, 1,093,111 are wbtte males 1,034,059 white I be presented thegraat Play, ta ZTl, formed duty with the Subsistence Department has rapidly procressed. Claims under the act BEtrOtus" i nit-- fnt flowing irom tans at sreenius uvc uu Sirauj uim tnat now Eastern Dinaion as nnoratimui limited. report to th.

0-- bOLON 8HINGLm- femalesa total white population of 9,11 LiOnuerilie. The Department of the Gulf, Maior-General iae hue stanuaru Of qua lines-tions for admission, and requirinit that appoint of July 4, 1864, which have been filed in the thedonDi ba taxed on the nneral hosoitals, hospital transports and o1ob Shingle Jofc- are colored males; 8,298 colored females; total col nac'UTof the Kile taaat iur a 7 twn hundred thoffliand "er uowara Mr Ju fie. subsistence office, amount in the aggregate to Philip EL Sheridan to command, to embrace much as the swgie ilroafl train, ambulance corps, and a number ments b9 hereafter made one year iu advance of the date of admision. The inspector, from ored popniation, In 1860 the ppulattoa of tMrm at Htv uiiuw- Illinois was 1,751,753, so that there has been aa in 51,758.031 04. on which 10, have been allowed.

Claims amounting to $1,021,123 70 tbe states or rlonda, and Texas. Headquarters at New Orleans. personal oiiserration, reports the authorities of ton. This estimate Diuea STtW there two hundred day, of Western Envision. of medical pnnreying depots have been dis- Th-only leasible plan-to provide lor tlMI wUh ftnd aU perishable articles of threatened avalanche of IVestern produce, is meiiciDes and hospital supplies, in eseees of To conclude with the iMsaabli Coody cc TUa HAPPISST DA 41 n-r tin crease of popniation ta tbjs State la f- joara of ma mt, tne institution as most assiduous in their efforts await final examination and decision.

The total amount of money drawn from the Treas The Department of the Arkansas, Brigadier and Brevet Maior-Geoerol E. O. C. Ord to to advance the. interests of the Academy and tructed al- -11 ik.

ivir mi the I. ho minremenu oi a neace estaoiisumeui. Mr, Oilman. Mr Joh It appears, bom advance sbeets of the lartkcomVng idfRV1 (Mr cs its aaministratioo is characterised command, to embrace the State of Arkansas by en.argmg nave bSea disposed of by public sale at advan- I own at 3 o'clock. Fwft opening- of tfl I' economy, and habits of frugality are incul report of the Adjutant-General of IULnol; that Ibis State furnished 256,897 men for the purpose of sop- and Indian territory west.

Headquarters at '(X ofaodt Erie Canal, so as to ou TJr tageous rates, and the reserved supplies con-j hurthen, moved by steam. This work rjeing -no flye g-Q The preds of old- cated. Excellent discipline is maintained and Little Hock. LttiU nasi day pressing the late rebellion also that th number of judiciously enforced. Tbe estimated appropn Tbe Department of the Missouri, Maior- done, and the canal in, nccesrful operation, 1 or ypia, medical and hospital property all on lor tne Military Academy is $243,867.

General infield S. Hancock to command, to ury and disbursed by the bubsistence Department during the past fiscal year was 54, including payment of claims under the act of July 4, 1864. The amount disbursed during the fiscal years of the war was: From July 1, 18B1, to Jnnc 30, 1863 $48,799,521 14 jfrom July 1, 1M, to Jane 30, 186 7S From July 1, 1S83, to June 3d, 1804 5.6H6.l 8 50 From July 1, 1S(4, to June 30, 1805 144,72 41 From July 1, lr, tn June 30, 180 7 51K .872 54 militia in this State subject to military aeraoels 357, 541, or about one to every six persons la the popv nrnride an adeanate anu cheap transpor- amount to In tne uureau or Kerugees, Freed. men ana T. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE.

A GRAND KHTKETAITnUNT OF embrace the States of Missouri and Kansas, But the sale and disposition of these large lation Abandoned Lands, the Commissioner reports tation, eual to the wants of commerce for dmeadar Evening. wc- JO" and the Territories of Colorado and New uimnnli of unserviceable and perishable stores There, Is a load cry against the inspection sys that there is no material change of organiza Mexico. Headquarters at FortfcBavenworth. still leave on hand an adequate supply of war many years to come. tem for grain in the city.

Grain shippers, have tion, but business is laciutated and vexed ques THE HCWI. tr four boat, each way, in each Tbe total num-ro7 lockage at Alexanders lock, situated Vocal and Light Gymnastics, The Department of the Plane, Brigadier and Brevet Major Gen. Philip St Geo. Cooke tainly good cause for complaint. Once they put It on tions settled by the law of 1866.

The jurisdic tion of assistant commissioners coincides gen material to meet any emergeney tnat can poa gibly arise. The stock of clothing, equipage hofnital and ord ihe aevenlh anni versary of (' THE STATE NOBHaL SCHOOLS. to command, to embrace the State of Iowa, the dt lNSTKunaNTAX MUSIC board or the cars they lose all coatrol of iti-they can not say where it mnst go to be unloaded Shave noth erally with department and district commands. of was iu Of John Brown. Terrilories of Nebraska and Utah, so much of Total amount No appropriation is required for the next fiscal year.

Arrangements will soon be consummated by Cen- We have but la distinct in Maryland and the District of ery many resident cf Easte" not yet had an official announce-1 nance stores, arms, ammunition, and field ar-he i.lacee selected by the Commission- I tillery is sufficient for the immediate eiiuip- tne Dakota as lies west of tbe 104th mendan, and which gave a lockage in each and every Win be given by the 8T0DSNTS OF ST JOSaPTrn OOIXKGK, on "ra'8 Wednesday Evening-, Dee. rtl 1B- ing to say in the Inspection out It la rajitgh-ed of the shippers that they shall pay for tbe Inspection, fcr the Columbia. Under the new law Mar land and fnnnirr- emigrated, or meditati so much of Montana as lies contiguous to the mem or larr armies. The disbanded trooiis storage of tbe grain, eta Theehlppqra nnat pre the medical department for tbe permanent se Arkansas sad Texas. new road from Fort Laramie to Virginia City ers as the loeationt for tbe lour btate IV ormai the national call Kentucky are embraced, and these States seem to require aid from the Bureau in promoting 13 1-10 roinutea Theoretically, tne esumoir of Commissioner Brace is right, but it is wrong, for the reason that the tonnage curity of its valuable mortuary records, in vent it going In the elevator although the could sell Montana.

Headouarters at Omaha. Schools, though it is time their decision was aD(J with our vagt means Gf transportation and XXTn luk'ioi7f lirkUTAvor thut Rnf- I Mlfl nt rranivatinn dvplmid dtirini? the war. I be total amount received from to yesterday, for the ci0elx aIld AT ST. JAMES HALL. A crowded bouse ia anticipated, ly- Ticket can be had at Breed, Butler Co a.

Theodore Butler's. ShennM ivicL VcT it on track for 4050c more than as inspected, a It the interests ot justice and education. In the The Department of Dakota, Brigadier and cluding 16.000 folio volumes of hospital registers. 47,000 burial records, 16,000 hospital Is stated that If a shipper ever asks to have his grain maae 1 -6-- ------aad Brevet Major Gen. A.

H. Terry to command Northern cities employment offices, of little expense to he Government, and not a source of hnwa fidraorl that I IflfV CUjII UtJ Ul, Bim'-a. MarK muster and pay rolls, alphabetical registers of falo is counted oat, a-s we Geo. Ueutheris. r' UO.IV (VIHUVU a-uwx I rtmor pat in a separate bin so that It can be drawn oat pare or vict versa, as tbe case might be, he Is jircf used the concentratea at wnaiever point the dead, containing names oi uiue, movinglrom the West is unequally mainour, iMjing large in the spring and fall months, and mall during the summer month, varying through all the navigation season with the revenue, have been established with a view to obtain work and homes for dependent freed' and 20,000 of colored soldiers, and the patho accommodation.

We will suppose a case, so that gency may reqmre. nile, tnereiorr. expenses have been reduced to the footing ol a logical collection constituting tne army metu- people, ana to relieve crowded localities. The ion of Albert SidiKf hV Professor of HWT SDKlton literature blngtda Colin-'8' v-! ultimo, saya the Denver On-Ixty dollar. In gold wa.

forwarded Wells, Fargo A Co. expri-At the receat St. Anlrn' Ftival in yonr readers generally will be better able jo under, A J1 Jjj A Ti inspection system," that there ia such a I the village of Fredoni in Chautauqua County, has been designated a3 one of the pointe, which or course dispoaes of our chances. Thevillage authorities, we linderstand, donated an eligible site containing five acres, beeides the phil eat museum. Durinar tbe year official evidence- mportance of selr-siipiiort has been urged by moderate ana economical peaoc the national military strength remains unim stand this obtainable from no other Bouree, of cause of proper means upon tbe laboring classes.

Wages winds and storms on tbe lakes, and with the markets which are sometimes very dull and -ome'imes very active. Tbe lockages at Alex cry against, and judge for themselves whether there paired and ia condition to Vl 1 death, or of discharge for disability, has been have been determined not by orders ot bureau to embrace the State of Minnesota and all the Territories of Dakota and Montana, not embraced in the department of the Platte. Headquarters at Fort Snelling. Tbe Department of California, Brigadier and Brevet Major Gen. Irvin McDowell to command, to embrace the States of California and Nevada, and the Territory of Arizona.

Headquarters at San Francisco. The Department of the Columbia, Major Gen. Frederick Steele to command, to embrace the State ot Oregon and the Territories of Washington and Idaho. Headquarters at is cause for complaint or not. W.

ships a load of forth. furnished in 49.212 cases, and 210,027 dis officers, but by circumstances orninarily affect wheat believing it to be No 2. The Inspector ex BATEMAN CONCERTS. ngton, a on of Temperance objected to th. ehare-es unon certificates of disabilHy have While the reduction oi me li! liUnosition or the advantage.) i oisP' osophical apparatus and library belonging to their Academy, and about $70,000 in cash.

amines it, doubts, re-examines it hd finally con ing the price ot labor different localities. The education of freedmen and refugees has scrap on the bill of fare, because 11 a been examined and classilied. ine total uum ber of surgical cases classified and recorded is, eludes, honestly, no doubt It must be rejected. Tbe rejected sold for, say 1 45 per bnshel--whlle If It Well, if Buffalo could not have tbe school, we tionof warrnatenal complisbed withou. dim in reoran.

been carried on vigorously, under the immediate patronage of benevolent societies. A su of wounds 133.9o2 ana ot operations io.wr. he captnre of John H. buriatt cou- are as well bu'i ted with the selection of Chau ander's lock are taken, because the tonnage of ibe lateral canal, including the Chenango, the Black River, the Oswego, the Cbemung, the Genetee Valley and tbe Oneida Lake Improvement, is added to that of tbe Erie, the Wgregate passing through this lock to and 'Vom tide water. The lockages at Alexander 8 0 ,1 wvwtn Ko tha Dbnra Tbe preparation for publication of the medi He wil! probablr he brongbt bac lotnir had passed for No.

2 it would have brought 1 90. Now any shipper knows that if he had great heslta cal and surerieal bistorv of the war has been tauqua County as we could have been with power of tbe favorably progressed, the regular an. In consequence ol at a man men Vj hj our own war retwele of the Mediterranean perintendent of education, devoting his whole time to his work, ia stationed at the bureau headquarters iu each State, and all bureau officers co-operate with him. prosecuted with energy, much of the manu The principal movements of troops have any other point. nm.

serict and several of the illustrations for the tion In deciding whether it was equal, to No. 2, that the difference in value could not be moje than 2 or 3 cents per bushel, but W. B. had to lose cents per been in Texas, on the Mexican frontier, and in flenry Ward Beeciier ia mortiued that tli first volume being completed. The army med the Territories, the details of which are given enlistments lor vohlQteer FerTioe, 153 were require tr author.

V.nbed on May 31. 1605, but IZed, were un u.y these com- ical museum continues to increase in valu lota were ur me iaoi ioiii ui'juhwui bushel. Where grain is sold by sample, the 3 or 3 in the accompanying report of Gen. Grant, rm who latvlj ransacked hi hou'e stole none rmoos The robber would have been 3ed If they had sto en tnem and read them and usefullness, and the greater security aud cents per bushel, instead of 40 cents, would have commanding tbe armies of the United States. I'M 1.11 in themiauteo.

nr additional accommodations of the building to iHlil 1NM1 -1HX The Washington liepublican says tbe grounds are to be whitewashed overhead been the difference in the price obtained for the lot. Thursday Dec. 6th, Friday Dec 7th, Saturday Dec 8th. Bclne positively tbe only night, on which the follow, ing great Artistes cm appear in this city: MADAME PARE PA, Whose conversance with the Italian. French, German and Spanish languaees, and magnificent voice and thorough musical culture, whether beard In operatic In sacred songs, or In those German and English ballads to which her exquisite rendering naa given nndylec fame, has roved her a wort hi mnrr.

and tbe reports ot division and department rnf Mr. Otto Goldschmiilt, hucliand of Ji-nn which it will be shortly removed, admit of the It is estimated that 150,000 freedmen and their children are now attending school In the Southern States. Schools for refugee white children are also established. Their formation is everywhere encouraged by the bureau. There has been but little uniformity of action in different States in respect to the administration of justice.

Assistant Commissioners have been instructed to transfer military jurisdic The best way to sell grain is by sample the next commanders, to which reference is made. Gen panieshad been completed. July 28, 1866. the regular 10 120 army now ff eavalrv. 5 a haa been appoinu-d Vlce-Prenldent of the Ko' in honor of the Congressional arrivals.

a addition of a great number' of interesting and This a lockage in lh60 for a boat in best by weight. All kinds of grain, except perhaps Grant reports that a military force has my of Mnsic, Jindon, I): Ben regunents. ot r-- regiujents. or compi instructive specimens not hitherto available barley, if of good quality, will weigh tieavy. The We from the Louisville papers r.r lu muiv, being the new Prealdent for want of space.

A small appropriation wil present Bystem of inspection Is certainly an unfair kept in all tbe lately rebellious States for the purposes of insuring tbe execution of law, and protecting life and property against the acts ol 45reKimei.L. or 450 companies, ot infantry, that Senator Guthre lias recovered his bealib It i atated that there are notv buiklin 11 one for shippers, and it needs revolutionizing. be required to continue tbe ork of classifiea tion and preservation ot this national collec so far as to be able to attend to busi em irriaay afternoon the last wall of earth of the those who, as yet, will acknowledge no law every .10 minutes; in IhGI in each and 9 10 minutes; in Hfi in each and every 7-10 minutes. Tbe total numljer of lockages at tbi -t lock for the navigation season of 1862 vvaa 42 WIG, which gavo a lockage in each and vrry 13 1-10 minutes. This shows the un tnd, or under ordors be built, twenty six iron -plated it war Trie e-ttimated expen ness.

Tbe indications now aie that be will tion. Lake Tunnel waa cut away, and the tunnel ia now but force a class smaller, in his opinion, than could have been expected after such a conflict The estimated appropriation required fo t.iis Ki. cot in ti.o at an earlv day of one unbroken tube from the shore to tbe crib two feon the hnl a of tneae veei, irom mc jsi 01 sor to Jenny Llnd tn the esteem and admiration of the American public- the medical department for the next fiscal hut to March next, lfl 2W1 68i as tbat through which we have passed, bul sufficiently formidable to justify he course VlfclXVJ UIO UlUt 1 Li the session. Sb.witor Hiikkman is preparing an impor year is $90,000. We recently announced the revival of the SIGNOR BRIGN0LI, miles out beneath the watara of Lake Mlcbfan.

The ceremony was not at all imposing, and was only wit nessed by a few the contractors, engineer, the super-lntendents, fcc the Mayor and (Jommon fouucli not The itav dvpartiiunt remains without mate which2 cava.iy aim -t m.cuj composed of colored men, and 4 infantry regiments of meu who were wounded in the une their duly One regiment or while cavalry had been luily recruited on September lo; tne jther regiment, assigned to tbe Pacific coast. nearly completed. Forty-eight ol the ..4 companies required to convert into regitre. single battalions of the 9 three-battau 'i'. regiments of the former organization have Is completed and eent to their regiments.

i Veteran Reserve regiments have been assign which has been pursued. Military movements rleClub of New Wo are now Inform rial change. In consequence of additional la This charming Tenor ha. returned with new laurels tant bill defining certain powers of not only ovil have also been directed with a view to the pro inn scene oi at. lormer triumphs, to rept thoe bors imposed upon this branch of the War at the scarce less famous Club of Mian wl I toon follow this example.

The i)r1n-r- participating As 1 stated in my last, it will be at least tectron ot emigrants on their way to tbe moun eaiJ the President but the Secretaries. It is alleg luierprmaiion. or operatic moMC 4 gual distribution of the tonnage. The locks the Erie Canal from Troy to Montezuma are VI double. From Montezuma to Buffalo the locks are all single, with the exception of the five combination locks at Lock-port.

During four months of the year 1802 Department by receut congressional enact tain territories against the hostility and oppo at 1 hat city prom ee to be unusually exciting. ed that moneys hive been paid out without three months before the tunnel can be wade use of. GOLD Dl'ST '5 ment, and in order to promptly pay the large sition ol the Indians Dr. CbBjiia'ii church in New Yorli lh any authority or warrant of law to persons usue of treasury certihcates. it was necessary Beside the operations thus recapitulated, of reduction, concentration, retrenchment, and ml ch of the Utvlne 1'aternliy waa dedicated on tion as rapidly as possible, to State judicial tribunals.

This has been done completely in some States, while in Virginia. Louisiana and Texas, bureau courts are Mill in existence. A claim division, instituted in March last and aided by officers and agents throughout the Slates, has sought to prevent frauds upon colored soldiers in their efforts to collect unpaid claims. One hundred and ninety-five claims were paid through tbe office of the 723 rejected at this office; 1.532 are in process of adjustment. The aggregate amount collected and paid is $10,539 09.

Detailed reports are given of the operations of the bureau in each State and the District of Columbia. Transportation is reported as furnished to 0,352 destitute freed people and 3S7 refugees 14,412,273 rations were issued between June I. and September 1, 1866. The number per month to refugees and freedmen was 894,469: the average number per day, 20,819. Tbe issue to whites increased until June 30, IRliO.

when issues to freedmen and who have been rejected and afterwards ap to retain temporarily a number aduiliona ed to districts where the men may be iiselu liay. The building is of ample dimension', 1- paymasters. employed in guarding storenouses anu of HelTBe stone and brick In the perpendlculai The estimated appropriations ot the pay ue married. On the 8d by Mev. Dr.

the res tdence or the bride's father, Mr. COUA. STOW 1TTS and Miss MARIA A. BOOMA.N, all or this city traNo Cards. tenes, ana on similar uuu; etlyleof architecture, Is handsomely finished, me name ramoas in both continents.

SIGNOR FERRANTT. 'rrosjstibly comic and dashing Bono, wno haa the public, whenever he an unequivocal sncceas. SIGNOR F0RTUNA, The pleasing and accomplished Baritone. Programme for Thursday Evenirig. PART FIRST.

partment amount to $17,728,560 00 for the pay ments will be recruited, asiar as pos-ioie, la capable of seating over sLxleeu hundred per oi tne army lor tne next nscai year. the business of the Erie Canal, including tbat of the lateral canals, reached practically its maximum capacity. The tonnage of tbe canals fur that year was 5,598,783, of which 2,619,401 tons were first cleared and moved eastward from Buffalo and Oswego, and 573,607 tons the colored volunteers still in service. i pointed by the President. Thk Nkw York 77m Washington siiecial says: '-The President's Message is regarded even by the most radical of he Republicans as a dignified, tempeiate document.

The chief criticism upon it is that it fails to take Un the 4th by Rev. Father BoniyeBtnrc, attfce The corps ol engineers at the close of the lis aw authorizes an assignment oi iou pna An extensive Wed of hydraulic limestone cal year consisted 9o officers, the battalion reorganization ol the military establishment, and payment, complete equipment and disposition of the army, other matters of national importance and interest have received tho careful attention of the War Department. The permanent defenses of the country have been strengthened. Their efficiency has already been much increased by substituting cannon of larger caliber and improved model for lightergunB, and wrought iron for wooden gun carriages. This work is still in progress.

resilience or John A. Seymour, Mr. UtwUHGK TUT TLE and Miss MAGGIE WALLS, all of this city. to a company as tne maximum, of engineer trocps, and tbe Military Academy been disc-ivercd ou Thunder liny MlverJ In Alpe-ptmty, Michigan. Excavations have been mKl minimum, anQ tne maximum Thirteen officers were on detached duty, serv Died.

Sonata in Trr piano and violin Bhmiiw, depth of twenty one feet without passing army is thus placed at raiib. anu i The present strength of companies is ttxed 64 privates for cavalry, artillery aud infant; ing in command ol military departments, special service connected with the levees ot tl Mr. S. B. MILLS and Mr CARL rVma December 4th, at the residence of he parents, cor gh tbe rock.

The bed Is estimated to be about any notice of the voice ol the people, ana inasmuch as it ignores tiiat potent influence, it and its author should be ignorel in return." ner of Niagara and Pearl sts MARY OtbLKN, only feet thick In some of Its component parts It Ania Alia Pace," (Giuramento) SIGNOR FORTUNA." Mississippi River, on the Light-house Board with the Department of the Interior, upon du sponda exactly with the Uoman rock Ca at a Largo al Factotum," were received at those points, making the total eastward and westward movement at those terminal polntB 192, 908 tons. During the -ume year 3,402,709 tons were delivered at tide water. It will be aeeu from the foregoing thai ibe tonnage from the latrl oania, the way tonnage of the Erie Canal, was only a fraotioc more than two-fiftbs of tbe whole. (Barblere) ioi The Toronto Globe says it la not tbe inten- uauunier oi no, aua Anne attne rtose, sgea i years, 4 months, and 22 days. on Thursday afternoon! at 2 o'clock.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. lit, Tt.alHnv mstmlmr AH XI A It IJ refugees were about equal. From June 30, 1866, until September 1, the number supported of lioth classes has diminished. Rigid scrutiny has lieen exercised to prevent Six nkw of Congress were sworn in ou Monday, viz: Messrs. Campbell, Annell, and will be continued.

Diligent and carelul efforts, based upon the designs and recommendations of competent boards of engineers, have been made to adapt eld works, as well as those in process of construction, to more pow- and 122 privates lor ngut irati", making an aggregate strength of 51,302. soan as tbe ranks shall be well filled, it is v-signed to increase the efficiency of the militi.ry rorco by raising the standard of qualiticatto Tbe troops iu service were regularly pa and the demand -i of thooC discharged and of the Canadian Government to Issue a gpecln nlsslen for the trial of the remaining Feuluri and liawklnr, or Ttfiintnwe, lio Dot thi issues to any but the absolutely destitute, and sworn last session becouse of failure to a ners, aa waa at one time expected. The time of 1 1 -sin, 1. Jj ruu of Henry and Frances Chandler, agtSl 2 months andlSdays. ty Funeral from the residence of his parents, at Hosatnl SIGNOK FERRANTI.

4. RouANZA "M'appsrt," (Martha) Flotow SIGNOR RKIGNOLI. 5. Cavai ika Bel raejio," (Semtramlde) MADAME PARbPA. 6.

Fahtasis Piano Forte, Mldacmmer Night'. Hreaml Mr. 8 MILLS. udites Is too ranch occupied to admit of It. It le tered out promptly met.

During the liscal y. The thirteen single locks between Rochester pear; and A. II. Ward, successor to Green Clay Smith; Elijah Ilise, successor to Henry tted, however, that the trials will come off at the No. 40 Niaaara street, en Friday, ilea, oh, at 10 ending June 30, lMi6, $10,431,004.42 were ioi o'clock A.

M. ary Assizes. and Clyde were, during the spring aud lni bursed to the army and Military Acaden Grider: and I.ovell H. Rousseau, who suc months of the year 1862, taxed beyond their $248 943 313 36 to volunteers; and in the tCol. J.

U. Johnston, an artist or BalU-, baa in his studio a bast of Andrew Jackson by ceeds him all of Kentucky. bursement of millions of dollars in small parts ot the ration not actually needed were cut off. Officeis were directed to hold each plantation, county, parish, and town responsible for the care of its own poor, but to very little purpose, for. with few exceptions, the State authorities have failed to contribute to the relief of tbe class of persons supported by the Government Owiug to the failure of crop, the requirements of circular 10, of August 22, could not lie rigidly enforced.

Upon the application of State officials, special issues are be capacity, causing vexatious and expensive de Powers It win executed In 1HW at the White The Journal, in reviewing tbe and amid great difficulties and hazards, tbe it. i and la said to be the only bust ever made en lays from the large crowds ol boats detained ry the Inadennate lockasre. During tbe naviga OST! LOST! A SMALL ROLL OK PAPKHS tal cost to the Government, in expenses ol President's Message, alludes to the undigni 1 erful armaments. Construction has been sus- petided upon some works, in order to await tbe completion of important experiments bav- ing in view the extensive use of iron shields or armor for the protection of guns and gunners: I the results already attained give the promise i of a practical and highly beneficial application of tbe knowledge cbtaiued by these trials. Surveys of tbe lakea have been continued, and progress has already been made in im- proving the harbors and rivers of the country.

I The woik will be energetically prosecuted un-. der tbe liberal appropriations made at the last I session of Congress. Active and careful measures have been in-I stituted for successfully aud speedily carrying by the sculptor with his own hands Col. John li in which was a list ef namea, of no use to any ery character, is but a fractional proportion ticl attempt of Thad. Stetens to procure an one but the owners.

offers it for sale, and there is Home talk of the Supposed to have been dropped on Main st. between Terrace and Nlagaja ats I'he I per cent. Every effort has been made to promote adjournment before and while the document 1:1 .1 -V i finder will it at of Htryland becoming the purchaser. -Sir ileory Holland, who passed bis sum- uv nuciuij ittwoiutm uii omvintr ties relating to the Pacific Railroad, on military surveys and staffs of the General-in-Chiel and Commanding General of the Military Division of the Gulf: the remainder were diligently engaged in the duties of their profession, officei of desirable experience and practice having direct supervision of the more important works. Tbe engraeer troops were distributed between the Military Academy aud the two depots of engineer supplies located at Willett's Point, New York, and at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.

The condition of the battalion with regard to discipline and instruction, is reported as satisfactory. At the two engineer depots, much valuable war material has been collected from the points where it bad remained after tbe close of active opera tions in tbe field, and it is proposed to keep on handa complete outfit on a moderate scale ot such engineer, bridge and siege equipage a would be most likely to come into requisition to supply unforseen demands in the lield. The Chief of Engineers suggests a modification ot tbe act of June 23. 1866, in respect to the man ner of procuring labor and material for improvements of harbors and rivers. The estimated appropriation required by the enyineer bureau for the next liscal year is So, 140.000.

Tbe Ordnance Department now hmits the operations of arsenals to the construction of wa-i being read." aud characterizes the per Breed, Butler A Main st comfort and health of tbe army, and to gi deltf ing made to certain Slates for the support of I vacation In America, was bereave! of his wife a their pauper population. Rations are sold to formance of the Pennsylvania political Belial J. P. 8HOKURAFT, Auctioneer I'IRT SECOND. 1.

Dt oo Da quel di." (Linda) Tonlaetti MADAME PAHEPA and Big. BR1GNOLI 3. Solo Violi Adagio and Rondo orconrerto, Mendelssohn Mr CARL ROSA. 8. TAnMTu.

Gla Lun.i," Rossini SIGNOK FEKKANTl. 4 Romanza "HplrtoGentll (Favorita) Donizetti SIGNOR BRIGNOLI 5. Bono "The Nightingale'. Trill," Gans MADAME PAKEPA. o.

Soto Piano Fobte RecoUectton. of Home," Mllla Mr. S. a MILLS. 7.

Dpo Cn Seeretto." (Cenercntola Rossini 8IGS. FKKKAN'i'I aud FOKTONaT teachers and agents of benevolent societies days after bis return to London. The deceaeed as a brutal and silly demonstration which Regular Peremptory sale or F0KKITWRE, CAR. PETS, MIRRORS, PIANOS, WOOLEN GOODS, under the same rules that apply to such pur who had passed ihe uinuier at a water side cot waa aeiaed with the day after her ar at home, hhe survived but forty ettrht hours li- would have disgraced a sulking schoolboy." Thk Nkw York Herald Washington specie tion season Of 1862, 1,980 tons equal, to' 9,904 boat loads of 200 Uns each were cle'ar ed from Buffalo; one hundred thousand tons ol lumber and timber equal to 500 boat loads were cleared from Tonawanda and sent east-yard; in addition to which there were about 700 boat loads from the Genesee Valley Canal, and 500 boat loads mote of the productions ol iho counties bordering on tho canal west ol Itochester; making 11. GOO boat loads to pa? lastward through the thirteen single The westward movenvnt of an equal number UltUUKJUXX, FL4T1SD ARB, i poses maae oy commissioned officers.

Bureau hospitals receive the usual freedmen's ration. The amount of land now in possession of the into euect the generous provisions ot Uongress for the benefit of surviving soldiers of the war At the City Auction Rooms, 5 and 7 West 8 en oca nconscioas state The atinck was unexpected. By u. Q. IRISH, ueau is 272.231 acres to be increased by 228 Holland was a daughter of Sidney Hinith.

says that the more intimate friends of the President assert thai his message as sent to Coiiltcss. in all that relates to our domestie li acts in Tennessee, ol which the number of The Erie DespjlcU of Tuesday says lor the nion. 1 he subject of the payment ol extra bounties to discharged soldiers, and extra pay to discharged officers, has received assiduous attention. The recent law devolving upon the best medical treatment to thewoundtd a i sick. Well-grounded apprehensions of the of Asiatic cholera as en epiden, c.

early in the present year, required prompt tion for the protection of our troops. A rhid military quarantine was established on Southern Atlantic coast, and sanitary precautions enforced. The adoption of these availed to control or eradicate the disea-c. at the recruiting depots and forts where il appeared, before it assumed its usual alarming epidemic form and official recognition has la-en given to the meritorious services of medi 'al officeis whose fidelity, energy, and skillful i.d-ministration succeeded in averting or diminishing the horrors of wido spread pestilence. In other respects the general health of the sterday morning about o'clock, a tank car, con U3 (roubles, is an entirely different documen ng about barrels of oil, caught fire (probablj War Department, instead of the accounting of- from th it first prepared.

The Johnson party a locom itive spark) on the Oil Creek Kallrond between Tyronvllle and Ilydetown. The train l.i ticers ot the treasury, the duties of examination and settlement of claims of this nature, imposed a vast accumulation of labor, and re now say that on tho appearance of Thad Ste vens here last eek in his great efforts to for? separated andho car left to burn. A telograpli was burned, leitlnsrthe wires down, and several Saturday, Dec 8, at 9K o'cl'k A. Will be sold to the highest bidder A large variety of first-class FnrnUurc: Pianos, Mirrors, Carpets. Softs, Teic a tetea Lounges tide boards, Book-caaea, Si fa and Eay Cbatra, Mahogany and Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus and Woshs'and, Hair aud Sea gross Mattrasscs, II lows, Feather Beds, Marole top and Extension Tables, Cane Chairs and Rockers, Quartettes.

Worsted Goods, Plated Ware, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Crockery, Glass ware. Harness, Hat Racks, Stc ty Terms cash. Dry Verzenay Winfes stal the action of Congress by committing in dividual members to extreme measures of hos ie tics were also burned up, detaining trains for iral hours -Lord Stafford recently addressed the fol- Admission one Dollar. Reserved Seat. 30 cents extra; may be had oa and after 'I uesday morning, December 4th, at Baeppard.

Cottier A Music Store deltf Academy for Ladies, Genjlemen and Children. NO 1 DELAWARE COTJR8B In Vocal a Light Gymnastics and ocniion. btammetlng cured. Special treatment for the Lonira. Class for Ladles at 10 A M.

Mb see and Master, a 4 P. i Tuesday, and Fridays. Mr HOHLBOT can bo seen ot 136 Pearl at, Thi. system Is approved by the most emlnsnt scholars In Bitflalo, and in the large Eastern delt7 acres has not been reported. The aggregate ntimb-i of parcels of town property, not included in the above, which have been in possession of the bureau is 3.724, of which 2.605 have been restored, leaving a balance of 1,119 parcels of town property.

The balance on hand or the freedmen Tund m3KS 52 1 he balanced district destitute lund 18.S3H It. The balance of appropriation 30 The estimated amount due subsistence department i- $297,000 00 The transportation reported unpaid 26 015 94 The transportation estimated due 20,000 00 Estimated amount due modcal department 00 Estimated amount due (Juar tility to the administration, the President saw but little likelihood of any favorable reception ng rather curions letter to a Norwick, England. A report being very prevalent crediting me of such conciliatory propositions as lie had de li a legacy of 0 000, I will thank you to have the signed making, and inasmuch as but kicks and Dness to contrndlcl 1(5 No such good luck has be cutis were to his portion, he could receive mo; aud I am afrnld, If I passively suffer the quired the considei ation of numerous acts of Congress and the regulations and practice of several bureaus; upon the proper performance of those extraordinary labors depends the disbursement of nearly eighty millions of dollars among more than a million ot claimants. Soon after the adjournment of Congress a competent board of officers was organized to prepare rules and regulations for the payment ol the authorized unties. Diligent application was given to the work, and tho regulations, having been found to be in strict accordance with law, were promptly approved, published, and directed to lie carried into effect.

To the same board the subject of bounties to colored soldiers was also referred, with a view to provide any additional checks that might uard the bounty from fraud troops has been good. Among white troops. the proportion ot deaths, from all causes, to 1 cases treated has been one to every 52. Among colored tioopa the proportion ol cases taken I sick has been greater than ith the white troops, and the mortality rate one death to every 20 cases treated. There were remaining in general hospital, June.

1S65. aud admit- led during the year, G4.438 patients, of whom, on June 30, 1866, only 97 rem uned under! treatment. The comfort and proper meelical treatment of tbe sick and wounded are secured ri. such treatment with better advautage on hi or to grow and be propagated, I may bo expected EXCLUSIVE AGENCY, At the old stand of jf boats would make 23, 500 lockages for tin-navigation season, being equal to a lockage in each and every 12 5-10 minuteB. This nura er of lockages, however, bing unequally distributed, there was consequently an inadequate lockage capacity for a movement as large an that of 1862, during about four months of the year.

This showa conclusively a commercial uocessity for doubling the thirteen 1- cks be tween Rochester and Clyde; and. having in view the growing commerce arising from the surplus productions of tho Western States and Oanada West, when these locks are doubled they should be of sufficient size to pass boate of 600 tons burthen, inaugurating the enlargement of all the locks on the canal to meet iho requirements of tbat commerce. This necessity can be further ebown by a comparative statement of tbe receipts and ca ual exports of grain and flour at this port: behave very much like a gentleman that Is, to own grounds. Hence be revised the message termasier department 200.000 00 and reasserted his former lino of policy three times iu value for any article I may feel ned to purchase V. TIPHAINE.

643,015 94 1 It is rumorad in Washington that the No. 193 Main street. ItRl'OItT OF neb Minister is disposed to take exception to the wrought iron sea coast carriages, and such ordnance supplies as are needed for immediate use; preservation of the ordnance stores left on band at the close of the war; breaking up unserviceable ammunition and completing unfinished buildings. Fire-proof workshops have been completed at Watervliet, Frankford. and Allegheny Arsenals; three magazines, with a capacity for storing 1.3,000 barrels of gunpowder, have been built at St.

Louis Arsenal; and one of tbe same capacity at each of the arsenals at Washington City and Benicia. A board of officers is engaged in examining suitable sites for depositories of gunpowder, provided for by an appropriation of the last session of Congress; and the erection of such magazines as will furnish secure and suitable storage for all our powder, ammunition, and niter, will be commenced early next spring. The arsenals at the South which were seized by tbe rebel, haing been retaken, are reoc-cupied, excepting tbe North Carolina Arsenal, which was destroyed, the Harper's Ferry Armory, tbe workshops of which were burned, and which has lieen used as an ordnance depot, the arsenal in Florida, which has been transferred temporarily to the Freedmen's Bureau, and tbe arsenal in Arkansas, which is occupied by troops of the line. Tbe Chiel of Ordnance is of opinion that it is not advisable Total balance for all purposes of expen- 'ture 55 Tbe Commissioner estimates the additional funds necessary for the next fiscal year as THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM HIS patrons and the cliiz.ns of Buflaio seneriily that he has been appointed by BOOCHE FIL8 A emont In the missae, that the French govern- in well arranged post hospitals, ot which there are at present 187, with a total capacity of ST. LUKE'S CIII Ill II Ladies' Fair Festival FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING INDEBTEDNESS ON CHURCH LOT.

To bs held at ST. JAMES HALL, Wednesday and Thursday, Day Ere. lugs, Dec. 12 A 13, 1866. Tickets 25 eta.

admits on for the season. rt38tdl8 TH SECRETARY OF WAR. gave no Intimation to tbe Department ot 881 beds. ulent assignees anu secure it lo coioreu soiaiers, of their change of plan in removing tbe entire Measures havo been adopted for the purpose 1 aud protect tho Treasury against fraud; and SOLE AGENT for the sale of tbe Dry Verzenay Winer hch army from Mexico this winter lnstesd of pro Salaries of Assistant Commissioners, Sub Assistant? and $147,500 00 War Department. I Wasiknqtos City, Nov.

14, lMbtj. "i log iu until November, 1867. Tbe mli de Montholon, It is stated, gave repeated fl! In this city, and that he is now prepared to fill all or ders for these famous Wines. of providing suitable shelter for the troops now i when the report was received, payment of the statiom don the Plains, and for those which liounties was ordered. As to the other class may be ordered thither, and to prevent suffer- i of bounties, the Paymaster-General regards it ing during tbe Winter.

Tbe army has been impracticable to mako payment until all ap well supplied with forage, about 1 ne-half the plications shall have been received, and claims Mr. President: of the volunteer forces in service at the time the Salaries of Clerks, stationery and Printing quarters and fuel Suosistence Stores MediCJil Department Itmations lo the Secretary of State within the 4 oo 63.0110 OU SOu.UtO 00 00 500,000 00 800,000 Oil month of the new programme of the Emperor, V. TIPHAINE, Dealer In Imported Wines, Liquors and 1 1g-rs, del'tal No 19H Mali, st Bnfftolo. Y. relxd armies surrendered; collecting tbe arms, FOU 11 RECEIPTS OT KI.OUII AN t) CHAIN kh seemed to afford entire satisfaction to Mr.

ordnance, and military stores scattered over IStVi- l.So-l ard The President, it is thought, waa offended 1S6-'I. W7 1, Assignee's Sale. ihe vast theatre of war; tbe sale and disposi Transportation School Superintendents Buildiuits for Schools and Asvliims (including constiuetion, rental and repairs Telegraphing and Fostago. the French Minister of Foreign Affairs did not tion of unserviceable material; storing'in arse 25,000 00 500,000 00 18,000 00 IN ORDK.R TO CLOSE DP THE BUSINESS OF JULIUS HOPFM4.NN. the entlreilock of rood.

a formal despatch on this snlij ct; but the uals, magazines, and depots that which might Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu. 'o-u, bu Ua(s, bu Barley, bu Kye, bu Peas, bu ich government evidently supposed tantarepre- be used; settling und adjusting war claims; re SO.Milit.SNB K37 111,51 i.Vil 27.77N I6T, 10,107. 414. IHi M)5 P.l 57S.847 SH4.I4U 127.122 cruiting and organizing the regular army un itlou by their Minister here ol the chan-e or with its was all that waa necessary.

In the No. 24 Main near Eagle, will be sold without reserve at greitly reduced Great advancages and good bargains are offered to Pedlar, and Store-keepers, who are particularly invl-ted to come and examine this large end splendid der the recent act; tho establishment of posts FOURTH ANNUAL BALL OV THI BUFFALO SEAMEN'S UNION WILL BE GIVEN AT ST. JAMES HALL, Monday Evening-, Dec. IO, 1866. V3T Music by Union Cornet Band.

IT" Carriages wlO cail ror ladles. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR. Committee of Arrangement A. O. Conaei A Bennett.

A. Mooro, J. Farley, D. Dots. noSdtdelO to retiuiia the rorth Carolina Arsenal, or to re-establish the armory at Hai'ier's Ferry, and ems clear that nothing was further from the in aud garrisons on the frontiei and in the Indian tne sale oi lutn is recommended.

All the quantity having been supplied Irom the stock remaining on band at the cessation of hostilities; the consumpuon for tl.e year has been 3,300,000 bushels of oats, bushels of corn, tons of hay. tons of straw. Subsistence stores ol good qualiu have been supplied to the army, aud though the larger part has been obtained at the principal market-centres of tbe Northern States, yet the general return of the ciiizics. North and South, to the productiveness of peace, and the ceosequent reopening of tbe customary channels and sources of trade, have enabled a partial resumption of the course of procuring supplies at the points where they are to be consumed. Eighty-nine contracts for fresh beef have made in tbe Southern States, at a country testing the various improvements of Ion of the French government than to give of to oars.

oi Fancy Toys, Tot'l grain, butD.iftil Wid CANAL EXPORTS OF FLOl'It ANU UUAIN FOR 7 MONTHS classified and registered by States and organizations; but by this preliminary process the ultimate payment of all will, it is believed, lie greatly expedited. Attempted otherwise, probably the work would never be fully accomplished. Of the valuable public records by which tbe validity of tbe bouuly claims is to be tested, there is in the archives of the Government but one copy, already much worn, for each period. An examination for each individual case would soon reduce them to illegible shreds. Tbe duty of the Government to thesoldiers who have been maimed or have fallen in its d.

f'ense has not been neglected. Much care has been taken, by precautions and practical tests, to secure for the former tbe most durablo, useful, and comfortable artificial limbs. From July Hi. 1862. the date of the u.t.

of Pnn breech-loading small arms, and supplying them small ai ms, and same of tbe other supplies I-M. de Langleas forwarded to the French to the army; practical experiments to determ 13. IStil. lstio lSiSti. B3U WiSe 140 745 Sleighs, Horses, Pocket SchMors.

Pocket Knives. Baskets, Children'. Perfumery, China Ware. ine tbe destructive power of projectiles and tbe 1 Uemy the following account of a young gorilla re comparative resisting qualities ot materials ly captured: Tolal $3,830,300 00 In compliance with recent enactments of Congress Commissioners to assess the value of slaves enlisted into the United States army during the war have been appointed for Missouri, Maryland. Kentucky and Tennessee, but their reports heve not yet been received.

Iu conclusion, il gives me pleasure to again express my obligations to tbe Chiefs of Bureaus and their subordinates, wbo, in reducing the War Department to a peace establishment, have evinced thesame diligence, ability and fidelity to the interests of the Government tbat distinguished them during tbe labors, anxiety and vicissitudes of the war and contributed so much to ils successful termination. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Flour, bbls. Wheat, Cora, tKl.

tints, bu tlarley, bu Kye, bu "Gaboon. Thk Zesmn. 2r7th isiiui. Work Boxes, Ac, Ac. completing seaboard defenses and providing them with armaments; planning and carrying 1.320,-All 10,087,717 1S.44!I 1UI 25.614,270 127.2MO 201 1 421,450 My subject ia a female.

I am told by the nbtck brongut it to me tnut the mother was in a palm rrhen he carried off the animil. It was eii inj A VI HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Will And It to their Interest to buy at 'this store, i all the goods will be sold at a great sacriCce EDWARilfcSTOKCK, aootSl Assignee rf JuIIbs offmann tpAlm fruit, those from which the palm-oil made. little '3lna Is always suspended trom iu moth li front in snch a position as to be able lo suck iu general average price of 11 00 cents per pound, Tot'l grain, 37, liM.J 44, IIW.OIM 1SG2. and in the interior of those States other arti- thbrizing artificial limbs to be furnished to July moment, and it always taftos up tiuu position cles to a small extent have been purchased Young Men's Association LECTIKE COURSE, 18ft6-67. ST.

JAMES HALL. 1, 166, there have been suDnlied tn disnhlnd the person who carries It lets 11 do as It likes It is very soon trnnbteaome, aud when you wish Canai. exports. 431.M4 DWELLINGS TO RENT. WITH IMMEDI hake It give np that position it titters cries, and it ATE possession North Division tc, No.

as, piy oy tnca mat it can nn mae to let. go its noin betweea Oak and Elm sis. A 2 utorv and base ltKCJtlPTS. 30,450, 255 ..24 667,7115 aitora manage to strip off their jerseys, and in way to let the rjoor Gina fl.rht with lh irartmnt Flonr, bblii Wheat, bu. Corn, tiu OsU, bu Barley, Kye, bu hit It asUintstiment when It finds the neonle it for the season iuowmg uaioi Lectures FROM CHICAGO.

27.751,7M 22,4.17, ISo 201,744 fallen among can get rid of their skin at ples-mre. nvelopes iuelf forthwith In the cast-off sar- wnicn were collected at uaton Rouge. San tonio, Augusta, and Mount Ver-nrl" rXaaiS have been removed, and the only supplies which have been sent to them were sucb as were required for immediate issue to troops. Tbe commission appointed under the act of April 19, 1864, to examine and report the value of property on Rock Island taken by ihe United States, by authority of that act, has entered upon its duties. As soon as good titles to the property shall have been acquired, the construction ot the armory and arsenal as required by law, will be hastened as fast as the appropriations will admit It is important that this establishment should be built up as rapidly as pofsible, and a considerable sum has been estimated for that purpose during the next fiscal year.

It is believed tbat all ol it is necessary and can be judiciously and advantageously expended. The operations at tbe national armory at Springfield, Massachusetts, during the past year have lieen confined to cleaning and repairing arms used during the war, and to making the requisite preparations for converting the Springfield muskets into breech -loaders. The power and endurance of the 8-inch and 12-inch cast-iron rifle cannon have leen subjected to piactical tests, and- the experiments will be continued. lite ordnance returns for three consecutive years, including a. November 2 1850 pt.

This does not last long, and It begins 'Its ueiierai Magrnation In Buiineii. 21, 27. Total grain, bu lids over again until it finds a "aw friend. It liken nn i he Labor lUarhet ment frame, 10 or 12 rooms, Niagara watf c. Rent 925 per annum.

Court st No. S2. One-story and basement frame. Bent $800 per annum i Niagara north side, between Bremen ridge and Auburn A 3 story frame, good yaallnr. Rent $240 per annum Spring east side, flrat dwcWK sonth of Wil liam st 7 a new frame cottage, 4 Rent $12 51 per month Apply at No.

8 Real Estate Aeents. December 4, td; In fact, ia very fond of it, mid ofieu prefers nit, which makes me hope thai It will survive the overstocked. Crime and Ue Punish II, HI. TIRNRY VINCENT HENRr VINCENT Frot BIUUMAN, Ja To be announced GEO. W.

BJCM1S Rev. H. CHapui A. W. BISHOP Dr.


LtMl a 'age to ment In Chicago. -Illinois State cen- January 8, 181)7. S2, sus lor 1865. Increase In Population 429,937.

Facts from Ine Adjutant General's Report. brain Inspection THE PRESIDENT'S POLICY. The market at New Orleans is now so well furnished, and has so far resumed a healthful mercantile condition, as to render it possible to procure there, at satisfactoiy prices, most of the subsistence stores required in the department of the Gulf. On the Pacific coast, for several years after California was admitted to the Union, all tbe supplies for troops there stationed were required to be shipped from New York; but an ample and reliable market, comprising the products of California and OregOD. and tbe foreign countries bordering upon the same ocean, is now found in San Francisco, and most of the subsistence stores for troops in the division of the Pacific have been there obtained.

In general the subsistence supplies purchased during the year have been procured upon contracts, concluded in pursuance ot advertisements for sealed proposals, written proposals, and acceptances. The importance of speedily providing the army with bree'eh loading small arms of the best pattern has been recognised and acted upon. By an order of January 3, 1G6. a board of competent officers waa convened for the purpose ot examining, testing and re on harbor and river improvement; theBe, with tho administration of the laws relating to refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands, have constituted the chief operations of the War Department during the past year. The entire number of volunteer troops to be mustered out was, on May 1,1865, 1,034,064, and niy last annual report recounted tbe operation of disbanding this force until November 15, 1865, when 800 963 troops had been transported, mustered out, and paid.

The work was actively continued after that date, and on January 20, 1866. 918,722 volunteers had been mustered out; February 15, March 10. May 1. June 30, November 1, 1,023.021 leaving in service 11,043 volunteers, white and colored. Tbe aggregate reduction of the colored troops during the year has been 75,024, and at this date one regiment of artillery and 13 of infantry, numberiug about 10,000 officers and enlisted men, remain in the service.

Commenced in May, 1865, the work of discharging and returning to their homes 1,034,064 volunteers would have been-completed in three months, but for the necessity of retaining in service part of that force. Past experience shows, tbat should any national emergency require a larger force than is provided by the peace establishment, armies could be swiftly organized to at least tbe full strength of a million of men. The reduction of tho army has been attended by a corresponding reduction of material and retrenchment of expenditures. The advanced depots of the quartermaster's department, which has been established as basis ni The number of Seaann Tb-u. mi.

portion of the radical Republican press system, a Great Evil. The Tonne, A'C. In persistently determined either to misun- price will be uniform, viz: $1 so each con he obtained st the Library rooms of the Association, at the Book i PAR 'PA'S SONGS THE RIGHTING ALE'S TnU; Osnz 85 etr. WbT dost thou linger yet? (Guards' walU,) Qotitrej ..50 eta. Slag, birdie, sing; Ganz 85 eta.

Klve o'clock in the morning: els. Und or misinterpret the position taken by Co, Martin Taylor at Pea body! and Sage' AToeker" Drug stores and of the members of the KxrcVuVe President, ia his recent message, upon the Special Comtpondencc Buffalo Commercial Advertiier. Chicago, December 2, 1806. For the past week or two there has been great sta nation and Inactivity in all business circles, and, in L'Estasl: Ardiri ij Utions of the Constitutional Amendments I cannot sing the old axmgs; Claribel 31 ct utw r. aKH UK.

Buffalo, Nov. 13," pf Suffrage, as preliminaries of Reconstruc- The Forsaken: Gabriel 80 cut consequence, on all aides cn )k heard complaint ot Bel raggio from Semlramldo: Rossini i V) ct. If certainly cannot lie fairly assumed, period of active service and ordinarv rsnid I dull limes. The week before the one inst cloced was Parted from thee; Matzka 35 cts. DELAWARE ST.

SKATING P0.1D! uuse the President is silent upon those show an average duration of five years lor cav- I considered about as bad a basilicas week aj there Jaosic mailed Iree oi postage, on receipt of price. SHEPPARD, COTTIEJy: A 215 Mjdn street conld possibly be, but the one ending yesterday was cs, that he, intends, either passively or ac- THE DELAWARE STREET SKATINfl Pnxm will be opened this wlmir POND airy carbines, of four years for cavalry pistols, far worse. In the cleartne bonse here, lor mc weex ly, to oppose either. If any significance is That the capacity of the Erie Canal reached practically its maximum in 1862, has hereinbefore been shown; that tho Great West is continually increasing its production of cereals the foregoing tables demonstrate; that it will be still more productive there cannot be oven so much as a doubt; that the Erie Canal has not been taxsd to its capacity since 1862 the canal exports in each year since 1862 will show; that may, and likely is to be taxed far beyond its capacity, it is our object to show. In 1862 tbe receipts of raia of all kinds for the year, at Buffalo, .88,464,934 bushels, against ol.249.CJ0 bjusjls for 11 months of 1866 being a decrease of 7,215,314 bushels However, on examination of tbe different kinds of grain received in each of these years, we find that, in 1862, the receipts of wheat were 30,450,255 bushels, while in 1866 tbe receipts of this cereal were only 10,377,095 bushels, being a deficiency of 20,123,160 bushels.

If we examine the exports of grain by canal, it will be found there were .53,258,973 bushels in 1862, against 44,462,094 bushels in 1866 deficiency in the latter year 8,796,879 bushels. This large deficiency is accounted fore last, there was a falling off of ome three millions Pi ice Gentleman and Lady. Lady $5 ro 100 attached to bis reticence npon those sub- IT" Tickets to be Droamd at u. Svlhe presumption teems rather that he con- or clearings as compared preceding week, and tbe last week's pub'tehed statement shows an other decrease cf over two and a half million be MS LA BBLLB AMAZONE A BR Lt'ANT AND showy Fantaaie, in the form of a March; by A Price 75 cents. The above, which we bare jnst published, has been played in public on several occasions hy Mr Alfred Petse, and has always created a irked sensation.

Sent by mail on receipt of the price SHJCPPAKD, OirrrTBH A 215 Main atrxnt. ra them both to lie (orergo to the legitimate saoieis uuu accouiermenig, or seven years for infantry muskets, and of six years for infantry accouterments. From January 1, 1861, to June 30.1866. the ordnance department provided 7.892 cannon, 11,787 artillery carriages, 4.022,130 small arms, 2,362,546 complete sets accouterments for infantry and cavalry. complete sets of cavalry horse equipments, 28,164 sets of horse srtilkry harness, 1.022,- porting on the various models of original breech-loaders, and the various plans for the conversion into breech-loaders of the arms heretofore borne by our troops.

This board met on March 10, and continued in session until June 4, when its report was submitted. ing a decrease In two weeks ofylre milliow and a half Uirements of an Executive Message to Con-pa, evidently conceives that bavingex- 8T. ODT'S DAKCIMa ACADEMY I of dollars in the traoaactions or the clearing house. The produce market, particularly, haa been very doll, tbe downward tendency of prices acting to discourage operations, have been broken up; tbe greater KREMLIN PARLORS, std his prerogative in reorganizing the and directions have been given the Ordnance Department for the speedy manufacture of THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF BUFFAIyO Bnf falo, Dec 5th, 1664. The regular Annual Meeting of the Mtnckholder of this Bank, for tbe election tea, tbat nothing more remains to be dene Cartridges for small arms.

1.220.555.- oneration Dnnng tne week wheat haa declined 5c, TTTTLL OPEN SATURDAY, OCT. 6th, 19W. AT fY 2 o'cl'icl Classes every Wednesday sad Bat- arms. In view of the great 435 percussion caps, 2,862.177 rounds of fixed corn 6c. oats rye 2c, barley 2c per bufhel, and arday.

Honrs for younger pupila from wiu oe tie I a at its Banking once. No Main street, in thi" city, on TUESDAY, the eighth anal fiiim. The resulting question of admitting pe States to federal representation rests ex- irciw. AAuies irom onm ciocc artillery ammunition. 14 507,682 cannon pri- pork i P-T oarrei.

uwmg to this decline dav of January, 1K67. Po tt will be open from 10 number of small arms on han 1, it has been deemed advisable to ctovert Springfield rifle-mnsk-ts, nt a comparatively email cost, into Classes for Gentlemen every Wednesday a- niers and flizers, 12.875.294 pounds of artillery and the downward tendency of tbe market, the far irely with Congress. ocioen nil ociocK A. a d8Mja8 O.hler. projectiles, 26,440,054 iiounds of gunpowder, I mers west of Chicago arc very generally holing on to 8.395,152 pounds of nitre, and 90.416.295 their produce, iu the hope that prices will advance.

efficient breech-loaders, rather than to incur he "amendments having lteen finally acted SUPERIOR IOCHT OF BiiKKALO Mary Ann Mitchell, plain tiff, against Georgo a by Congress, it would have been gratu- pounds or lead. In addition to these, there it is the opinion of those "posted," that both grain were immenafl on an Li ties of riArta nrovided for nd nork will ati! mr. -i dav evenings, from 8 on til 10 o'clock. Private Faroe, Scacols, sad ClkSSes attended. tW For Tenre sad Circular.

app4yTuslSnte ael7tf DANCING SCHOOL! Oornerof Main and Itooawk stresta. the cost of tbe entire manufacture of new arms of that description, at a time, too, when tbe invention may not have been perfected. This alteration of the Rnri and Impertinent for Mr. Johnson to have wuiMiik Int. Rev.

sump, 50 eents, cancelled- To George Mitchell any new recommendations in reirard to -J 1' I i uu lilC IC1VI repairing and making good articles damaged, reachin u9 from EngIand d0 not ranch bope for lost or destroyed in the service. The fiscal r- an advance at present The farmers, however, have sources of the ordnance bureau for t-e year a rim act own plea8nre sr U)ej lev Ten are hereby summoned to answer he complaint been effected so successfully as to render it an soldiers 3,981 legs, 2,240 arms, 9 feet, 55 hands, 125 surgical apparatus, and it is supposed tbat not more than 1,000 limbs remain still to be supplied at an estimate cost of $7,000. Iu order to include unfortunate cases in the tbe nature of the injury or operation, no limb or other surgical appliance can be advantageously adopted, the Surgeon-General has recommended that, if the appropriation for this purpose shall be continued, the money vdltiB of an artificial limb, in lieu of an order for the apparatus, be given to the maimed soldier. Forty-one national military cemeteries have been established, and into these had already been gathered, on June 30, the remains of 104,526 Union soldiers. The sites for ten additional cemeteries have been selected, and tbe work upon them, for some time delayed by tbe climate acd a threatened epidemic, is now in course of vigorous prosecution.

Although it may not be desirable to remove tho remains of those now reposing in other suitable burial grounds, it is estimated that our national cemeteries will be required to receive and protect the remains of 249.397 patriotic soldiers whose lives were sacrificed in defense of our national existence. The average cost ol the removals and reinterments already accomplished is reported at $9 75, amounting in the aggregate to and it is believed that an additional expenditure of $1,609,294 will be necessary. It is proposed, instead of the wooden headboards heretofore used, to erect at the grave small monuments of cast iron, suitably protected by zinc coating against rust. Six lists of the dead, containing 32.666 names have been published by the Quartermaater-Geoeral, and others will be issued as rapidly as they can be prepared. The tqtal estimate of military appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 18 38 is $25,205,669 60.

The Adjutant-General's office has immediate supervision of recruiting for the regular army, and disbanding tbe volunteer force, and charge also of the records and unfinished business of tbe Provoet-Mars-hal-Geueral's bureau, which, in accordance with Act of July 28, 1866, was discontinued on August 28. Arrangements have been made for the prompt settlement of the undetermined questions formerly pertaining to that bureau, and for the removal to Washington of the records of its offices in tbe various States. The estimated appropriation required for the purpose of the Adjutant-General's office is $300,000. In the bureau of military justice during the past year, 8,14 records of court-martial and military commissions have been received, reviewed, and filed; 4.008 special reports made as to the regularity of judicial proceedings, the pardon of military offenders, the remission or comma tation of sentences, and npon the miscellaneous subjects and questions referred for the opinion of the bureau; including also letters of instrnctiion npon military law and practice to judge-advocates. and reviewing oflit-ra.

The number of records' of military courts received at this bureau reached a minimum soon after the adoption of the recent Army Act, and since that time has increased with the military force. The other businees of 'the office, aa an adviovtory branch of tbe War Department, will also, it i believed continue to be augmented, until the peace establishment shall be completely organized and the new army fully recruited; and the fact, that, fa a large number of important cases, commanders of departments and armies are not authorized to exeoute sentences in time of peace, and that such caaea can no longer be summarily disposed of without a reference to the1 Execu-tiTe. will also require from the Executive, will also require front the bureau a very consider' able number of reports which heretofore have not beeo called for. aggregate bosines In this action, whV comDialni was Died in the of p. The suffrage question is not one upon fice of the Clerk of the Coattof Buflalo, cn uongTess can leaislate under the Consti- amounteu to oo, in their expectations they mnst bear tbe disappoint.

ajid TU UKSD A Y. TZJT on the first day of December. 1HH6, and serve a copy of yonr answer on as, at our office in thecty of Bsn- ln aa now reads. Therefore the Presi- iVTaVo 'ZrZL Lr'T5 043.804 28 The packer, here are doing part oi tne material soia at advantageous rates or concentrated in five principal depots and arsenals; and all unnecessary employes discharged. From May 1, 1865, to August 2.

1866, over 207.000 horses and mules were sold tor $15,269,075 54. About 4,400 barracks, hospitals, aud other buildings have been sold daring the year for $447,873 14. Tbe sale of irregular and damaged clothing in store produced during the fiscal year the sum of The fleet oi 590 ocean transports in service on July 1, 1865, at a daily expense of $82,400, was reduced before June 30, 1866, to 53 vessels, costing $3,000 per diem, and most of these have Bince been discharged ocean transportation being now almost entirely conducted by established commertia's line of steamers. Of 262 vessels which had teen employed in inland transportation, at an expense of $3,193,533 28, none were remaining in service on June 30, 1866; sales of river transports, steamers and barges during the year are reported as amounting to 92. The rates of wagon transportation in the Indian country have also been reduced by favorable contracts.

The military railroads, which were operated during the war at a total expenditure of $45,422,719 15, and which am Ladies at 1 11 P. it, Tbur-dsys. Children at 4 Wednesdays and Tkarede OeiUemm HTl.t'v lrii5? TnursdajB. wis viry properly silent upon tbat snb- TV 7 XL Triury. and aat erT mtl0' nQ stagnation ia thi.

line Is be r'TJlt IfTislirsinir officers felt by the leading Oiseomrt for, from tbe fact that the crop of wheat being short there was less flour for the railroads to carry to the sea-board cities, and its equivalent was made up by the railroads carrying eastward from this city between five and six millions of grain to take its place. The movement of whisky, beef, pork, lard, bacon, and hides has been unusually light this year. The whisky has not been manufactured. lo, wittun twenty days stter ine cemce serem, exclusive of the day of anch service, and it yoa Call to answer the complaint a aforesaid tbe plaiatlfl will apply to the court tor the relief demanded is the said complaint. Dated Baftalo.

De-ember lttttt. BOX OPRrTair, mm tiiovOT io oe oeuer in all respects man the Prussian needle-gun, while its metalic ammunition is regarded as superior to that of the latter. The Department has already on hand breech-loaders of approved patterns adequate for the supply of the cavalry and mounted and light infantry. Besides the measures that have been men- tioned to provide for the comfort and promote the efficiency of the army, stated mmtl.1. i UatMr'8 7" Henoeitories of June 30, I Merchant will have considerable difficulty, in many au s-t in a tu vri uuilu i casea, to meet maturing paper their sates being very iquired 1866.

The estimated appropriation lata, 1886. aeiatmnl) in avoiaing any and all complication in ejed matter of Eecomtreion we Johnson haa acted wisely, ij uas ily acted prudently in a personal point of i detia18w Art re, Buffalo. light and their country collection, exceedingly alow Tbe supply of currency has been steadily aeereasing NEW BINGHAMTOn BUCKWHEAT FLOUR wholesale sad retail, and st reduced prices, for sale by GEO. GAGE, and we fall to see any- justincsMion for spections have been made in every military Speculators and packers have been slow to asimosity by Congress on aoconnt of BUFFALO FlIiE ARTS ACADEMY. MiSn2efr SjaasoatlcketebOOrmt.

silence. v-v STEARIN CAUDLES 00 BOXES hToRB sad for sale at reduced prices, by dso. aim and 21B WiaaMnstmTst rrttdt i.if a are afraid. 1m a nttta mni the anbj of Post Office. It cries Foat Office i anally, and beeanss a gentlomaa coaaacted with tmrn afa niMa Madam Savah.

officially reported to have reached an extent of of late, and the Indications at present are that tn the course of a week or two the ecarcUy of money will be very great There are scarcely any branches of work ia this city tbat have not aa overplus of workmen in short taere are at present hundreds of both men and women wbo would willingly work for their bread. And yet men of all trades and profession are eootteaally arriving here, in search of employment, msay of whom have throws-op good situations on specolatiOD, The prospects are that a vtry large number of xae-ebaaica, and laboring men will be out of employment the greater portion of the winter, while clerks, good penman," assistant book-keepers," sad genteel TOImg men generally, wbo afraid to soil their hand, by heaest labor, wiU begging tor sUsetloas by the Ordnance Officer, u.y suen objta acquire early attention, ts In the Qtfic ifsary -General of prisoner a reduced force has been engaged in receiving and completing tbe records relating to prisoners of war, in furnishing information required by the various bureaus, and in the investigation of claims for commutation of ntioos to the United States soldiers while held as prisoners of war. Tbe clerical force at the office of the tignal oorp a employed in arranging and ia putting in durable form messages and reports which passed through and emanated from the corps during the war. The expenditures for the signal service daring the year ending September 30, 1866, were $3,900 15; the total amount appropriated and still available for signal aervioa September 30, 1866, waa kxftsmi was formerly Postmaster, it seems to tin purchase beef cattle, and hogs at the high prices that have ruled for fear of heavy losses, and the consequence has been that there has net, so tar, been as much pork and beef packed as nsuaL Aaimal products are moved to market generally by rail. The railroads not having- these to carry, have taken grain instead.

Stlf the crop of wheat ia the West had been abundant, with the tnnal amount of slaughtering and packing, the railroads would have had rj GREAT rMPKESSiONAL MEDIUM. HAS JastretoraedtoBaBsio. She is now iinri, bin that arerytbtng in the Szraa4 Uvrtttaa CHOICE MALAGA AND CATAWBA GRAPES In prima order. Also, ehotee Firs. Prunes: ehotee Fir.

as Xx-Ft point of view. The mianaxe Aamaons, wires, Lexonn PreL de fir e.Tanoc sale by cr" be vary natural to a bread and batter Fost Office omanlac, bat ts a sad mls'Abw nevertkeless." AT HO. 88 SENECA IT, Mnery Store, wbere woald 10 TP. friern and all that wish to hT oa aH Aflalra of I JG. p.

v- WBO. aaAGA, 1 and T15 Washington lit Mxpmi. tara, MarcaatfteTraaaactlecs, of any kted: Absent VJEW SULTANA VaW 1 etas, Extra layer and bLB. KAislns, Paps sad g. S.

almonds. Pscsn. Filbert. Walnut. AeTTT miles, and to nave possessed 433 engines, and 6,605 cars, have all been transferred to companies or boards of public works, upon condition of the adoption of loyal organizations of directors.

Cash sales of railroad equipment to the amount of $3,466,739 33 are reported, and credit sales of $7,441,073 22; upon the latter there have been paid, principal and interest, $1,200,085 18; leaving due to the United States, oa June 30, 1866, principal and interest, $6,670,074 05. The military telegraph, which attained an extent of 15' 389 miles of line constructed during the period ha yoong sprigs who now outvote the Sor editor of tho Express in the manage- Bold by GEO. GAGS. wuiuiwiu uutiug woii a vje to bring to notice and promptly remedy any irregularities and defects; and numerous special inspections have also been made tr.rougb.oiit the whole country, for the purpose of correct, ine abuses, suggesting improvements, and effecting retrenchment in the service. The inspection service baa not been changed by ibe fftnni to peace; the system developed during tne war, meeting the requirements as nearly as practicable, is still continued.

tne present organization of military depart-and divisions is aa follows: ane Department of the East, Major-General 5orge 6. Meade to command, to embrace the ad sutl- New York, New Jersey, TQd Fort Delaware. Headquarters at JPhiUdelphia. oT Lies, Brigadier and aZrV JoeePh Hooker to command, to embrace the States, of Ohio, Michigan, In-dtanlinom and Wiaconain Hendcpter. .2 Washington Brigadier fm to District of Columbia, Alexandria and Fairfax eountiea.

Vlr-' Wd Stat- of UTJJl war pt Fort warT rt vOTrojoipv juoiaRi sae wm uu yo if joa Wlilrscmcrijaatifoparty, or gala taw Esuta. Do not ntU eoasnlt bar aooa. t7Oaetkosn xroatSA SOIWall all the freight they could bare carried without taking grain. Moreover, had we received as much wheat this year aa was imported into nt of thai concern lose opportunity of at aay pries ia lac there are say number of the ist-ft lathe city a present enable to lad employment, although advertising a bonus of $30, $100, or even 565 97. No appropriation was reqeusied of 5,000 a eWrTELTt.

Buffalo la 1862, It would given us 872.780 bushel of grain receipts here, 12.907,- BAKitKLS MORE OF THAT CHOICE white AJU Mfcca. wheat Floor, Dp and No. ltnt. LBS A MXlJlFt Jl of hostilities, witn a total expenditure of rpOS LATEfcT AMD BEST CH0BCH MT78IC Ta I to be found in -The JshJate," lbs New Som hy X. O.

Xmsvaoa, www Harp of JsdabaM seea ta every Chor, Cooreat oa asd School iaa The nreeeat voisxee le aa laMirov.nsx CA BARJtMLS GREEN BAT CAAMBAKlUEaW OU oUoj at No. St Mais at at Borwrnr jt Ttoos oee. asd havina-aa xaaweaaa ami. 1 $3,219,400 during tne was, ana $567,637 during tbe last fiscal year, has been discontinued, the material Bold and disposed of, and tbe employes discharged, only a feconfideatial operators beintr still retained for cipher cor 84 6, bushels more than tne receipts In 1862. With bushels of grain, and the usual, or an increased quantity of other freight to be transported Eastward by canal during the navigation season, would it have bees possible aa-4oalsfespsefsJlysniciAed troea rrer nsrSTTr i jae ex-postmaster, ana tne want at they show; for hit.

feelings "in that almoe indecent- That gentleman tot a long period considered himself the -1 and front of. theXcpreaa, and we dare he has not entirely gWea np the idea jetJ "Chief most therefore feel 'flattered en the joong fledglinga he has lately takes j' allude him in his own eolamnaas si Uercan wnnded with the tie St feel IlVe the bird whola driren cf bis nest by the cuckoo, only BsBaoer last Congress, and done will be required for tbe next fSial year. At the last examination tne corps of cadets at the Military Academy numbered 228 members, and 40 cadets of the graduating class completed tbe course of atadiea and were eom-misssioned lieutenants in tbe army. Under the provisions cf the acta of Congrea. approved, respectively, July 13 aud 28, 1866, tna Military Academy waa separated from tbe corps of engineers, which, together with several professors and Cadets, had fereiofore coostitoed the institution, and tbe officers ei which had exercised exclusive trperrituoa and control over it.

Brevet Major-Gen. Edmund SchriTer, Inapeetor- more, for a sitnsttoo- Tbe past week has been rather quiet a regards crime that compared wtth the preceding few week. of smaller note than murder. Tbe barglare, bare been very setfe. For every burglar that is arrested at least half a dozen burglaries are committed, and, then when the Ponce are so fortunate as to arrest one tasss worthies, it generally happens that be escapes with a ought sentience.

Daring the week one of these desperadoes was acramea ia the act of bresk-infflnso sgasUeaasa's boase, baton being m.ialsiil. be was ne lot mrdertg etmtbKS Cooid yon attend the Peace Court htm for it lew dare you would 5,000 tree. Hold by aU Marie tealers rt i LBS. CHOtCaV iMMGHAMTO BiX.lL-WHEATFioar,atl Maia LKg a fronyrEf.ti respondence with commanders of important PHbltthere. 277 WaMnVtSr aSl- districts.

with the present capacity of the locks to hare ts BARRKL osiiems. iux Keceiyed oa OU coaaignaaant, at 81 Mala st. V-T for it u. 11 w. MnV nnt Thi.

I ixich subsistence stores as coma not oe re- oretnary arrangement and ore 72 -IWBaajrBBp-iw the reduced amy have Lea WIMTl (ia. ordi borees, are to be suimilss fross Ux wwTiutuie SAX OOFTELD. the iaro increaaea vonnage wouia jure jvguuw awui 1 fo, flje.most part Men sold at aatash ktisiaetory city. --'s The Department of the Potent and Brevet Major-General John M. 26,00 lockages during the navigation season I prices.

Brigadier shofiektto acUtf KrarLD. -4 Ji-v 'I' V1 I sswiwwr; ye..

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