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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i JSC-? T' 'ttaiT'-iBi aammmwM iVrrnWflTtiliBii ii-rnaTasr. Latter froaa. VVrlal. -asstAtw Irk(r 4. 1S7 Sa fiAJiciaoo, Ser Gn.

Booaseaa will sail ior Sitka Geat, iett a Javm viU sail in t' StmU with 1 ihtexknaant Tbii nyniinri rKiy. vvASHinaTc.i. ma It- i -i 1 WSgar for frt Btafe sMTt rsaTSDCjrrM The ssarket is quiee at 15c for erode, and cents te refined m'Sfbraf i KSW T9KK MettBTH Naw Toaa, Bept. 343 P. at.

toas dosed quie. Wheat bisi Set dosed firm for Winter bat heavj tot Spring-! 1J 2 cent higher. Fork dosed lUajer-, a aJc cash. f-rdrJosedsasCTsiii 2M 5 "wWt! Stock aad MoBter mrk)t? Naw Toaa, Bept. 341 P.

M. Bamissi BsiaiMlaiii MS haZZ. HS' I'll'i Beadintr Cm Alton Chi at Alton pre AHeeATH Alton Tfi prel" BUeh Central Mich Booth ia Olev eiToteao 00 as new laaue 1U8 na mai ryatllAOcoap Tieasnry 1-Js Is se lot Treasozy AOs Id se 107 do 3d issaa- 1UT V1rgrnl6a 4S Missouri ss 1U2X Tenn. ex l'O 75 lJk 75 11 8W MS no isew issue rhm Miss car 3BKi hi Canton Co st SK, 1 DOBton water row nm uu I iaaahnleiui an JsAlaatla Btj mo .1 mwiboss Mtn'g uo, 11 Americaa axpress. Mariposa pr B.

do West Union Tel 88 Adams Express Mew York Central. If Weils, Fargo at Co Brie MerehHs Unami Mrtepre A eall et 7 dai mm it i I -v BraBuae BxoKABea 00 daya 108 -r sight llWt taoavn ijiosea st was in. 1 MllvwaaMee irfarlxex. it Mn.wAtrKBB, Sept SS- Flour-r-The market today is quiet. Bales of eoano-y extraaat 36 87fr Wheat Market is active aaq lower.

Bales at SI 88 1 80 for No 1 and at at WtopNoI. Oats Market ta firm Hahtanetor asl. CeraMarket is nomlnaljttl ttUtai OUor rejected. Rye Market is steady. Freights Are firm.

Wheat to Bufialo at 78C Receipt today -DOOO bbls floor: 148,000 bush wheat; bu oats; II, DUO bu corn Shipment today 8,000 bbls flour 143,000 bu wheat 4,000 bu oats. By MenrepM 5 abxWADXBW, Sep. 94 3eorg Jones et Co, Qenerai Commission Mer-eAantSt MUwaukee, report sa fbfloWs; Receipts wheat tor last 34 hours tm Bhipmenis wheat for last 24 boura loUUOO bu. No 1 spring Wheat in store Al aX- Ho. 3 Spring wheat in store SI ciX No.

8 spring wheat in store Rejected wheat in store I No. 1 oats In store 54c Freight nn wheat to Huintlo 7ic Prelim on wheat to Osweiro, tec By Telegraph from Geo Ruseell ry ston Merchants. MiLWArraBB, Kent. 34 Wheat Market weak. No 1 sorim? SI Nn do SI 8X.

FreUjhts Wheat to Bnflalo Tide, i Receipts 151.000 bu wheat. Shipments ba wheat. Chicago Market. Chioaoo, Sept 38 1887 Floor-The market todav Is dull and declined lSia Wheat The market la nniet and ArMneA ar- ana sii vr nui Cats Market is steady snd closed lame ai 54 c. Mffii Market Is less active and declined lc.

Bales at Si 19 for No 1 and at 1 lfdil 17 for No a i nMaiun mai ri in auu ana nrei cieea mpu pork is nominal at S23 7524 00 uara suu-aet is active at 18Wsi3Se Beef jCSltle Market la doll at ltt Ouvaiu 1 lor UvaHegs Market Is dull at io 75a7 90 for pood the. JSheep-rMarket is dull. Hales of rood cat at. 14 mi ss Freights Are firm. Wheat to4 Bcflato 1Wtt, and ralSXc HeceiDts todav 11.000 bbls flour: las rm hn t- 143,000 ba corn; 184,000 ba oata; bogs.

Wpments-13 ftlO-HbhMtetu'; wheat; bu com 5S.0UU bu oata. Bf tsliavaytAsst WeaA, tack Wheat Unsettled. "vo'i sprtng'Sl'o r-do SI 84i; No 8 do SI 77. Oorn-No3 SI 041401 Oa.v:-.T i but A Oats 54 He bid and 55c asked. Freighter Corn to Bunalo 7c asked i Kcetpta WheatU42.000 bo: corn m.000'bush: oata U0.UU0 ba.

uHUDB AND GOMMEROSr laiDoru. The following sretlm by ilto dariM IttBfc maun; apples, bbls Asheei cks Axes.Jbxs Barley, bu Beeswax, pkgs 340 Leather, rolls 17 3 ,000 64,754 Oil. bbls 5 Pelts, bdls ft SCAB 1. S3 Bundries, lbs 113 -sn 0,130 nouer piste, sneete Bones, pkes Broom Corn, Batter. Beam, via Htaves, No Spokes; raMs.A.

8S.700 Oiomngies, Corn, bu Coal. Cotton, bis Cranberries, 87,000 Uoap, bbls ins TobaooQ, Tobacco, Tobacco, bxs Tea, bxs An 15 8 168 10,310 100 1 55,000 CH 671,700 Bggs, bbls Flour, bbls Hides. No Vinegar, bbls Bones, No Iron, scrap, lbs Wneu, bt 177,77 VKKXl, COS 45 Wool, bis 34 Whiskey, UdJa 1 iron ore, ins amber, Stock or Obaib id Nbw Tobk Wabbhousbs: Sept. aa, Sept. 10, 1807 i Wheat, bu Corp, ba Oata.

ba Barley, bu Rye, bu Peas, bo Malt, bu tmrn 1,140,877 501.378 ,800 14.5M8 flsrn l.lHS.lWi 9.7U6 1S.981 ll740 66 477 Total, bu Canal Exports, The following are tbe exports of flour and grain during the past 34 hours Flour. Wheat- Corn. Oata Barla. Mve. Troy 197170 33740 704H1 8810 Lit.

Falls 71X10 Hoehester kw Middlept 7310 Lock port 10900 Total 338380 3279 9U480 8310 And for the week endlag September 23 I Flour. Wheat. Com. Oats Bsrly. Kye 64850 Trov ttaMO 4HHOS0S480 1 88857 Schen'ct'y aee tneTnarTjsteVsf 7IB0 15360 r4 1 sTOjSro JBdehted toMMlsher.

aaartbaieMjxiai Ckrmitfr for an advance -oof of their annual cottpti atatesneBt, which waa pubUahed Bat uroey mn-g eaes theas. th. e. fee The receipts sre bales, sgsinst bales tor the previous twelve -lai. indicating decrease In the receipts this 'year of only 174, ns bales.

PORT OF BUFFALO. jwsathermlw Vlnd lMrt.y..ii ArrlTeel-epteBBber 8S-S4. Steamer international, May, Fort arie; 3 car lumber Newton bu beney sunning at co I cars staves Ksltenback. Steamer Florence, Wilcox. Ft Brie; 308 bgs barley Maicolsa la era JO bbis viaegar Boeder strand 10 bbls free Johnson 1 ease Doherty.

Tag A Clifford, McCrea, Chippewa Propeller Pacific. Travern, Toledo; 8 pkirs tobacco IB bales cotton ti bdls carrfaceetafl-uubdm wood tn shape 3 boxen spokes 147 bdls wood in shape 1 set wheels 32 ska wool 1 box shces 10 bbls oil 1 bbl rum H0 bdls peitS 44 bbls fonMsVbls eggs.l cask ashes 301 bbls Apples 40 pkrs butter pkxs crsn berries 1 bbl beans 4i shirts 1 Sox plate 48 bdls pelts 1 etove 1 iretA In niww4 fn Propeller Wenona, Perkins, Chicaso, 7194 bo wheat a Bichmond A co 1500 bMs flour SOU acka feed ion hides bis btoom corn SB bbls tal ow. X7 bbl scrap iron 1 bx ware 1 ressvr complete 5 nkM wax mr Uf rt rroen Mllwaaaee, Mew obM hehr 7 rolls leather 5 bMs sands 1 keg 3 bxs ware antnsacraptroul bOBaeCRhV 100 bbl floor Propeller Kvergreen nty, Wetmore, Detroit; 10.848 r'-r-r4S bu wheat Geo 1 17 sr loslrs ashes lApkg ntd bbls ispples)! 4o exgs hhaatnhc 7 ft Tug Bpragae, Toaawnnda Bark Jesse lioQrrt Mil I4000ha tevkt rJ DStwyer 16381bo wheat HnitJ Bark, erpen ter, Chicago Wiuju bu barley Mints. Bark Ijavl Kawon, Butler, iti tenrt iron ore Venus Iron Worka. i Bark Col Bllf worth, Kteoardson, Chicago; bu wheat Marsh dt Sternberg Bark Great West, Harmon, Chicago; 18,500 bu corn Bennett A A very.

Bark Gen Higel, Norton, Chicago; from Kaclne 30.0UU Hu wheat A Sherwood A eo. Hdhooney Almeda, Kamadeii, Clair; suosj lumber 40m lath 1 Schooner Tartar, lawson, Saginaw; Cm stares Gil lesple 8-im staves Tyson iicbooi er Montezuma, Woleeu, Milwaukee; 18,380 Hchooney Transport, itichirdsou, Detroit; 18Jmium It Holland Scboooor Bay taeen, Lovelace, Hondesa 43,700 niAves i iQ pounce oaiter a uaie 8chr Pelton, Pel Lou, Vermillion 335 tons stone. dt Oo i tchr Taylor, Cleirmore, Chicago; 13821 ba wheat owners order. Scbr Mary A Kanktn, Bams, Cleveland; 3U0 tons coal DePoneet A Oove. Schr Uak Leaf, Morrison, Chicago; 31750 bo barley Sawyer.

Sehr Metropolis, Gilmore, Chlcaao; fi-ore Racine hu wheat Nimi Po-hr Wanrecan, Joyce, Milwaukee; 31000 ba wheat DMawyer. i Uchr Dta Vernon, tWmlck, Chicago; 18500 ba corn Barclay, Bruce A Co 1 ton coal master. Schr Wra Crowthwalte, McMillan, -Chicago 38000 bu AUeat Barclay, Brace Co Mntey, Blsev. Chicaro: 3mfi4 au barle at. Bchr Jupiter, Abalr.

Toledo; 118m Inml 8mitb-r-112ui lumber Scatcheril Cn aber Mixer Scow BcllpKe, hi lev. Ctiiuoewa: 45 corde wanrf im (huMhB shingles Riley. Mteamer International, May, Fort Srie. Propeller Gov Cnshman, Thompson, Mllwaukeel'SOO bbli aalt. Propeller Miflsouri.

FuBgeilj Detroit; mdse. Propeller New Toledo mdse. Propeller Mobawk. GlbsonuCaicasras mdse. Tug )Sprague, Booth.

Pt Kowaa Ta Cleraalls, Waterman, Cleve'and. og A luiiiiord, McUrea, Chippewa. Bark Acora, MCPhsrsodlirle, Bark Naomi. 0nwuiei Chicago Bark Racine, Merey, Milwaukee; ISO Ins coal. Bark Col JtllBwortu, Richardson, CiUcago, Bark Great West.

Harmon. Chtreiro Bark Elisabeth Jones, Bain, Chicago; 1500 bbls lime. Berk Advance' Jeiofaaa, Chteaao. B-irk tt Gone, Kerr, Erie iJ0 bbla salt-Brig Povshatian, Campbell, Green bay, 350 bbls salt Bebooner Jno Tbarsby, Brown, Chicago. Schooner Montezuma.

Walcott. Chiracm tichooneriKacine, Clint, Chicago Dtuuuiieri, anrwea Beea, Schooner! WlWlWlPhniioa, Milwaukee; 90 tne pig Iron. Schooner Snow Drop Allen, Pt Jpver. Schooner. Monitor, SeB, MQwaOBaet JUS tons BK iron.

Schooner Sacramento, Johnson, Cleveland 35 cords Schooner Teleeranh. Allen. Sairlnaw. ifeboooer Wm Piske. McArthur, Chicago.

aewmuer active, alien, rr Liover. Schooner Bcho, rjoland, Bay City. Schooner Jessie-Bad, Pt Stanley Schooner Bilen Williams. Boyle, Chicago. Schooner Fleet Wing, Hi mpson.

Oconto bchooner Alice Mary, MUlard, Pt Burwell. Schooner Kate RoMnsoe, Meek, Detroit; 708 bbh salt Schooner Uelos DeWoll, Joyce, Chicago. Schooner Mam Itubell, Obappeil, Pt Abino; 600 bbls Sahooner Wright, Swartz, Pt Maltland. Schooner Colombia, Downs, rle. Soeooner Citizen, MltcbeS, Bri; mdse.

hohooner Merriaaacr Ibootiaon, Detroit; 900 bbls lime. Schooner Japan, Davt, Green Bay; S00 bbls salt. scow Koot, Moot, Dunnvllle; 10 tons coal bbU lime. i .1 ortof ChileataTO Cleared Sept. a I.

Prop City of Boston, Ogoenaborg; SOOS bbls hour 100 green hides Prop Chicago, Buffalo: 32,010 bu corn 877 bbls flour 200 a hides and snnaav Bark Northwest, Buffalo; 99L5u7 hn 00m. Bark Winelow, BaOalo: bu com. Bark Champion, Bnflaio; 52,000 bu oats. Brig bailor Born saillaks; ha cam. Bark yde, St Catherines; bu wheat.

Barh Waterwitrh, Montwal; 14, DDI ha wheat. Bark odrufl, KTSgston: 18,821 bo wheat Barh Wm Joneo. Buffalo; 38.186 ba bariey. Bark MaiUund, ba corn. Back Annie ifberwrwfl, do Brig Cohea, Buffalo; 13,544 do tclv AdlrfmcW HuOhio; 18,138 do Schr Jennie dhlraie, Bafflsiq; tl.aOO be corn.

-Schr do -tlchr Bates, Buffalo; 18,888 bu barley. Bchr Willard, Buffalo: 18,418 ba wheat. Scbr Mary Collins, Baflalo 17,800 ba rye Scar Blah. Bothies Schr Fashion, Kingston; 10,1:13 bu wheat. Scbr Uermoda, Buaalo; 18 9B4 bo corn.

Scbr Frankey Wilson, Budalo; 13 WO bu corn. Scbr Sapply, Buffalo, 18,148 bu barley. ABBtvBB Sept 21 Barks Sunnyslde; schrs Jeannle iA0itiie, Simmons, Baydaa, Kosa Bell, Tuscola, Asa Childa, Ostneh; bark Wm Brown. Laks FaxiesRa 4Mpt Kith ffrelghts wo toler-ably ac ive, me-leiort Ohartess lavirurle the follcwirg: To Oswego Scbr Persian, with wheat at 18c; to Kiuiston Bark Jane Woodruff, with wheat at 18c; 10 Oyaaoshurg Sclxr Whitman, with Sheat at 19c 10 butfale frop Bradhary wltb uerier prop Oneida with wbest at 8c, and corn at 7c barks Maitln.nd, Wells, Dobbins, schrs Warren. Saginaw, Cohen and Adirondsc, all wltb com at Oc; fenr Kate Kelley wUh wheat from htclne at schr Wlcslow, with corn, at bark 11 Woodruff, with, oau a4 4c; schr 11 Be tea, to load st une house with barley at lKc; schr Mary Collins Vflth rye at fee Laks FakiaaTS-Hept.

23 Dull. The engas-tuen a were: lo tmualo yesterdav, schooner and Geo Fooie, wheat At 7c; bark Ogarlta, com at Be acur oumcrveaioc: toaay senra Jennie and Annie. riiTD Rt. fir- InHAulnaw Hh, A to he of OCAL AND he Special WaAer Co as tree A tsewdedi Own gar roan aretrdiesuBs, faptka, aalade-tlaa-Baf Umth rrEiUMl of (Ho lAaBv At-. nrlet-IaeBaetors of EesoJl" BinliUm-IMiei TW alarm Telegraph.

orrtorf-ealarlc flty Oflleere. i rhe following nan bar of mo Ooobcb were abaent a th Bcetlcc sesiarday aAoMooBt Bessr. Beyer, leaser, Gatlirie, wnaiea, bbtobt or tbb srsctAi. watbb cowarrrst" I coaunanicsttoa iu received ram Hi Baaac tbe yor In relation to tbe special Water rpsBsnlrWiA Mid. "At row meeting or Beet report of the SpcaiAl Wtar 4aarBiMds, the Cttj Atu laafracted to have prmtoa aLMt1afa rcrf aa be tboeght advisable, in order to save seen I alinf expeu.

The water qiehUOe: 1 eewef th st Important that cm coma baford joa toe dUco- Id, and I tbiok that BUre: vt aadhlst be i itad, ao that the OoaacU aad lha cjUaenessejaBirr lor tana tb peaUioa at the cftvia anttmnr, nwe- iom whh tbe Wator Vorka Ooaaeaj either- chase or contract Wraapplylaf tbe, fta hydrants. Keemvc aao reorjrteroered printed aH jtdb aaam aTrothr ArraMc. oafoUowtaf eoaimaleattoa from ths Maar was lived ana ressircd to Um Committee oe Fire: desire to caff your stteniiou uw lar Ke quantities eurele of petroleum, naotua and other mnaaawaiM stances suaed and piled to vidua pan of toe la Ita noeiesl portions, enaangerrnc; property ana uiBC great naeasinea ui tho mtDd trf Bay cUI-a vartoaa eeoipialBt kava also reached thai ay barrels la welch laasaunawaeii km bom bar aera plied as la large un iHlaalp, apoaaad 1 tb larj( eaaauoi of water coatassaiealiOBS dag rnto and oat of oar city, to tfcff greet danger HiliOUga, Duaia ana oioar city nmw. woaia lecoameso iu cnatnet ww oe tae cuv nances ratativa to the mannractara and atorlna and utbar ludammsbia aobaiaaeea," aaamaaoca era, be adwptaa ay your aoneraMa noai ho Uiat taa Bapartntuoaeat of rtra may me and iilv hciu aad arotorHon 4 I lirea and peoparty of oar citiima. C.

WXi8, Mayors It la to be bopad taai Ute are eonadttee wtll giv mauer early and tboraags eooatderaUoa. rarara lAijuaa ia ftererai dty officlala reponad Ihe aawoata doe oyeca la taetar oOoea, for aemeeadorlag tae September, and order vet dlncted to be ra. rannon Ddry peUUotii for declardtlona of ealoa, for per-(ion to erect and remore wooden balldin(a, Ac, pretated and acted apoa. I. IS ml lb and otbera preeaotod petition tot naairucUon of a mala aewer la Albany atieet i Niagara to Tblrtaenib atreeta.

Aleo for the traction of a aewer In 1 btneeata street, from AI i to York aueeu. Btfened to the Committee on -Territory. bcct4IO xjro wasBuoToa bulwat. d- Auchrnvole, from tbe UonuatUoe on Vlaaace', cd tbe bDowlag reaolatlon, wblcb mag adopted: at tbe cotnmaBlcetlon of tae Prralaent and ttecre-of the UaffAlo and Waabinxton ttailroad Oompa-aklna tbe CaaBcil ip altar or amend tae raeom -i paaeed by Inm Marcb ao tbat tbe Corn-may realize in caab or boada num'tbe hen tney have expended a tlfce amoant in bo lid tad eqalHua eald iodt be, and tbe aama la bere-4erredtuUMUucnauttaeofiba Wbola, and that aae be conaided at a meeting of tbe Ooaneii to ad wrxmj avoatiij, oeptemDcr aim, an. ZTaaaioir or thi lasp dutbict.

CampbeU, from the Uommlttea oa Lamp, re id tbe fblhrnlsg reaolaUoo, wblcb adopted: at the Commaa Uoaodi of the city of Buffalo into brder tbe Lamp LHatrlet extenaed on both side Weae atreet iromauea no no bubw, mua dder'of adaworUi Fara from UoUege alreet to a .360 Met wvaterly tberefrom. mraOTOBa oxcTIoir. atavna roppeabera waa appointed ioapector of Ion In tbe third district of th fourth place of John roell, realgned; Maubew Mailoy tppotutad mapaetoe of eiecttoa lu tbe Bret dn-of tbe nnt ward, In place of Timothy McAadff, ned; aad nobody waa appointed In the place of Koeeter, la the flnt dletnct or the aeventh babbob aaatruATtoBs. foUowlsg reaolatlon, by Aid. was ted: at tbe Harbor Hasten are hereby authorized sod ted to caeee sun notice to be printed eontatmng portion or tne naroor nagaieuun ui toe enj iflelo, a tbey may deem of general Interest to doiag IWIBIBO oa uie nvuur uwu eua wi dty.

Mca aotleta lo beposted la eonnpicaoos Bioug tne wnervv mju uwm vi vuv uj, muu ibnted among th bostmen and sailors freqaant- aa barbae. as voa Taa naa alabb TauanAra ornuToas. Bamleroflered the following, which was dop- Tim operators of the Telegraph. Office ftnd dealt to enter tne dwellings of ddxeae to mane ary repairs to tne telegrapb conseqaeuce 4 being recognised by sows appropriate badge to ante tbem tberefme, tirM. Tbat tbe Bopenntenaeni ot tae aire ue-lentprocare nttame badges lor tb oparators of Ire Alarm at au expense not exosadV 10.

aALABiai or art omens Bcben ClTired the following, which was passed Imonsly: so mucn oi un reeomuou pwm mnu. dxlng tbe salary or mayor, uompvuner ug Commissioner for tbe enaeing term, be, and usw I hereby reeclnded, and that tbe eahject of Axing salaries for city officers be re faired to tbe special com mines, sna repun twiwu. OonncU adjoorced for one weak. tare ILast Ewenlnf by-man II all. Bar.

Naw- North Presbyterian Church was Ailed by a Intelligent aad appredstlve audience last ag, to listen lo tea lector of Bey. Newman D. of Homy Chapel, London, Kngland, on at Britain aad the American Mefteiiion." Dev. if the deTgyaod prominent dUAena occupied I Upon lb platform, and th lecturer was lntro- by atev. Or.

Heacock, ha svfew very appropriate omplimentary lemarke, and Ttquastsd the oon Uoa to join In singing oar national anthem. erica," which they did with spirit, led by Dr ilmaelt When the latt strains cd the glorious mg had died away, the reverend lecturer corn ed, and for nearly two hoars hdd his audience ilgh spellbound. ing oar struggle, he observed, he hsd, In church, predicted that the North would ed; that It woold liberate tne slaves; tbat moid maintain ear victory; tbat oar armies disband wkea ear victory we achieved return to peaoafBl avocations; and hs wss Jul that ha had not one word to retract all eea veiiied. He thanked Ood that Where slaves kad beea bought sad sold, nothing of the kind na today. did not wonder that ware Indignant at his ry.

wi Ms a-ngasio expect wk a people bad always naag slavery in onr races would sthht with as la oar straggle agsmst this evil. baa Us sympathies lathe Trent stair were aU Jkt rebela, we had cause far Indignation. naople'of Xngtand ware led astray by Southern Whoaetanoat busmbs, aejaigmm as ever rafated themTba reeognltlon of bellig- wan not a recognition of the Coorederacy We nlaed It ouraelves by an exchange of prisoners lecturer then mad aa extract from lecture or la London, which, snr scathing don and atlon who soaght io destroy Union, has never exoatted la this coaatry. He maatioaed the of and maay other promt see who were ever outspoken la ear favor, and Mk asaatct that the sasssea all over Cnglaad oar arai frlenda, -which was attested by lae.aa-ja and eathaalastle mestlngsbald in oar favor, there was bat one single meeting 1b favor of jota. He cautioned as glnt taking tne Hsu pressing taa wish af the Xognah peop'e.

end 1 with an eloquent appeal to us lo use oar lnfla-er to. saalnsata peaceful relatlona with his ry. rtagtbalretBra tae speaker stated that the peo-r bis cbarg were to erect a bow chapel bat tt waa the lutantioa ta dedlsat one or the the memory of oar Majtyr-Prealdant; aad ths dose Ker. ayeeeott Calkin rvaaestad those eiahed to con tribute aa leave taotr ssmrs, at tae time snaMacud that aosaa 8a handred dollar eeapledgodhy these apoa the stand. 4 col lea.

was thea taken bp and a ssansnme Basawse d. jrroaa a xXiow-at Bbaajl M- laat about the 17th-a eiroalaf waa reeerved by rfatecdant Reynotta wons the Bhorrffof Heru- amaty to the fmlovrmg tffjct: Two saata Vlckermaa aaeV Bdward to rob a pedlar at Frankaart, rjirthner eooni aasrsaraaocklng him down by A heavy Mow, at (rlrbtasvsa aad raa away, smvtng their Victim ht aa tnaecilbl ttata. Tte woand wastsa-QBO, the aaaa waa la a very pw, sitrsis iwaialtlea. bat UlBt hepe. jrara sesewataad as his recovery ceveCuaU obtained a due the VrhareaboaU anvwB, osw ana asnrainar si II ilail haa ia that wet eommltksd ta th autsoa hems to of la In Is or of of a i gkKahiItn imertaa, a Fir timt rrthVclAi A Are occurred Sataxdar oraakh Aad, Werchant streets which deetroyed iasavsmd stores.

The loss at aboat $30, bmsaIj frame buUdinga. Fires bhr been Tv nrimesouA Utoly, and hr bam attribntad tn incendihrio. Earthqatke. Tho nnt aarfbouake shock felt In 1J asaa-aa was notioed last trrvmlna BntL The Sea Wll tt sd KimIm, Tn construction of a sea walf Broeklyn rock foundaUon lor the protecUoa of hartKw of San Franclsoo, now favorably regressing; ander the dirwotion of the BlMs lTT' "uuw ox th BtaU TS0M RICHMOHD. i Order by Gen.

Schtaeld. Richmond, Sept. ti. General Scbofield has iscued tbe foUowlng OTwrftsP: Firsi. All persona in this Military District a bo were subject to parole upon the surrender of the Confederata amies at the close of th- IsAe war, and who avoided jrivio.

their parole nvia me oountrr or othexwise, are hereby required to take tba nre- suribed parole within thlri da, -r. publication of this order. "Second. The parole oath will ba adsattiaJ and certified by any Military Commissiooer. It will be required to be certified in duplicate -one copy to be given to tbe person takine- le parole, and the other sent to these head-quarter.

FROM KANSAS. Convention of Germans, The UtraUTs Leavenworth peoisi Convention of the Germans of thU aiat today at Topeka to consider the poliUoat Batik atlon. Forty.five delegate, were prtawnt IV male and negro suffrag, were dimsasd a majority preferring to ignore thee. autk, in tbe campaign, and devou themselves to tba question of Mligiooa and social rights. The CorrvenlioniBAtUl in session tonight, ao def-n tte action having been takea as yet MISCELUNE0US NEWS.

Itilliard ChampioBsbfp clared Off. Match Ha. Nbw Tobb, Sept. S. The Herald Montreal Bneoiel emwe.

Information received hfere states that the nm. jeotod match for tho billrard chamDlonahin of Canada and the United States, between m-. And Nelms, haa been declared ofT. Nelms aav. iug forfeit.

The celebrated Unknown wbo1 bas challenged the champion fox his right to the champion cue Is John MaDevitt. Arrival at New York, The steamer Si. Xaut-eeaf, from Brest, has arrived. Statement Sealed. St.

Lotus, Sept 24. Jildge Kinney denies the statement nnt asiA, the other day by John W. Smith, chanrfn with fraud and injuatlo towards the Iowa Indians. 1 hi Atternoo tt' DiMpsitthtm, FOSUWIJEV.S. BY ATLANTC CABLE.

U. S. SBTitJe. Lohdok, Sept JJ Eveviino- 11 rt IUes are quoted as follows: Boa4s7SV4 Eria B4; Illinois Crntral 77. Consols 94 Foreign Harkets.

LokooV, Sept 28 Evening. No chanm in markets. Ltvbbpool, Sept. 23 Evening -Cotton Bales will reach 12,000 bales" Prices as follows: Uplands 8Ld; Orleans Breadstuff, provisions and produce am un changed. Fbankfort, 23d Evening Bonds cloaed at Arrived Oat.

Livkri'ool, 23d Evening. The steamers Il'inm and Moravian have arrived. FROM ALBANY. Impartial Manhood Saffrtffe. Albavt, Sept 24.

Tbe Evening Journal ol this afternoon takes1 strong grounds in favor of incorporating the principle of impartial manhood suffrage upon the platform of the Republican Convention at Syracuse. Constitutional Convention, Mr. Curtis called up his'resolntioo to adjooro to the second Monday in November, and advo cated its adoption. Mr. Weed proposed the second Tuesday its May next er such day as the Legislature may provide.

Mr. Kern an moved tbat tbe Convention pet feet an article as to the Court of Appeals, provide (hat the tame, and the article on euf- Irage, be submitted to tne people and voted poo separately at the coming election, and. then adjourn witbont delay. Mr. Greeley opposed piecemeal submission, and moved an adjournment to November.

FROM NEW TORK. Latest Cold Quotations. Nbw Tobk, SspC 24. Gold ctoaed at noon at $1 42z'. James Darling, linen bleacher, residing at West New York, N.

was called oat of hie bouse on Sunday morning by two unknown men, and shot dead. The assassins escaped. Suicide. Thomas Stappie Swift, a music teaclssr, last night committed suicide by taking iaudaaem. Arrived.

The steamer Methoap, from Antwerp, aaa arrived. Toledo Uarket. 1 Tnuoa.CJL.8ea4.sW Wloar The market tnda ta in, Awn isu wheat at 1 11 9UI 0. Wheat ltarkaafciBVaB, hot whit steady, (anaer ta a shade better, and aorins 1 drooptner. fcaAe of White AUehteaa at AH- emrew BflrhfeaA aa eea.

tti aad hUcBlgna sprms st $1 1 hale of seabar ail the BMHaiat is tt tt and lor th tret half efUcteber atta ta. vxtra JUrket is arater ana a enaae hettcc. aalse of No 1 Wabeah at ti 1sI IS. Mo a Wahaek es-1 ilsAi aad lehiaaaat fl 10. Bel.

1 sr au tJieswauaat i andNeSdoai vas-atsnaea is aiBi sa ass advanced a or iw ss BeJesoTBieast ii Barlev atarhet ta rhaare Ski. wbeaa and Kc oa eoni io 1 and rates sre TAberkMebmmarv waa chartered forsearroof salt from Xaat heglnaw to vsacasn aa sbc seen em-nnevaaB repeat taeaai-lowlng engay meate: Sear 1 tarts 9 Jocmeosv ptae ramberfnw IMacaaCaty to Uervelead aaaaso ea the rail. Besses hargeArlaeas aad scow Isrsie, haa. rhKtrotafland Beach to Toledo st tea the rail. raaaaxBAxa Wskara from Che Psikea meia, cosnnieeeial brokers, tbat the schooner Angnatas Ford wes sold on Hatareay by Capt TMartia to Caua-U.

Lius for Cbabtsbs Chas Parker A Son, cammerclsl brokers, report the following eatagesaents: To Detroit tichr Jt a Bemia, iroaatfLiMm ton fo b. i To Toledo Scar Augustas Jord, farlaiga aad Ben Franklin, rr iron at ti eO too roho To Chicago bear near of Hope, salt at Item beL Oasrpe Ttmo. Kbw IOPtiiaaii new piepeller be wltk knaib cailedtheM. Qroh, psssed down laaa evenfasi Bhe balls from Cleveland Bhe ia a handsome modeled craft, aad la tbts respect we down IT she Is surpassed by say of her otiaktesaors: M. p.

Labgb Cakso The bark Zeck Chaaeier paased down Thursday night with a cargo of 60000 busheJa afaata. Her passage through from Chicago to thi point was rapid, although we are not la possession of thepimcularsea tober. time Rncir Or tub Macs Tbe race between the batks AaiBlABberwood and Anale Voegot, which left Detroit tosetber for Chlcaao some days sgo, haa re sulted la favor of the Bberwood by over six boars' 8cBO)n-BB DABrax DnsLASTTO. We learn from the schooner Jaaaes Nave, which arrived her yesterday, that on Monday afternoon last she met tba schooner Dariea off the Matutoas ia A disabled eoooh Hon, and towed her late Beaver arbor The Dariea was caught la the soatheriy gale of annday. and had her foremast carried away, besides springing a had leak The broken ipar knocked a bole through her deck when It fell, and the vesel rolled so badlv that her seams were opened tn dangerous manner.

Her escape from going down with alloc hoard may be sea-ride red miraculous. The Dariea waa laden with corn for Oswego, we believe, and her Cantata baa sent for tbe Leviathan to tow the vessel to Detroit, where repairs wiu oe maae. jnnseawv jwtmh. Ths DraBBaioBS The new schooner M. M.

Patrb wblcb arrived bere reversi days since, was Hi aa used Saturday, with the following resell: Length, 17 feet: breadth, SS'feet; deoth, l'J feet; ragUters, 3115 w-lin tons, new style. Chi Tnb. Naw Vasesxe Tbe eubstasttalry berltt schooner Kate HlUett, capt. A Button, maae ner aret appearance in our harbor yesterday dooo, freighted with XH.UUU feet of lumber and lath, from rlaginsw. The following fimres show her dlmensloas; length ol keel.

131 feet; depth of hold, VI feet; breadth of imud, eu met; measures soo tooe, sua aees 9eu 1 tU.ii U. Mil Beq and is ewaed by tiapt. Bottoa and lake, ana w. nt A three-masted fnre-awdaft schooner, named the K. P.

Mason, also made ibis oort yesterdav. Her dt mensioosare as follows: Length, WU (set; breadth. 34 leet; aeptn, 8 Teet ana measures i ions new tyle. Her builder Is H. C.

Pearson, Eaq of Ferrys- bargb, Mlcbleea. bhe Is owned by Meaers Bkeete p.nd Belle, of K-icine. ebe is in oommaxd of Captain Dally, and was loaded with 160 feet of Umber from Man1ftee lt Qihck Tbif The staanch bark, Chicago Board of Trade, vapi. n. n.

nite, maae tnis port yesteraay, having mtule theronnd trip between Chicago and Buffalo In IS daysand 14 hours. This is said ta be extraordinary gooid time. is. DOMESTIC MARKETS. flaffalo nsvrkab tJOMMJIKOlAl.

ADVBKTIBBH OFFIOB, BtjSwaxvo, Monday, Bept 84. 1891. f. The market rules steady for flour, with only moderate beat qolct and In light request this morning. Tn sdvsncec 2c over yesterday's prices.

Cats axe better, with sales to arrive At! 64c Barley quiet- Bye Sc higher. Peas quiet. Mill feed unchanged. Provldaos steady; aad firm, Batter unchanged Cheese In only moderate demand. Other articles nominally aa quoted.

Gold clrwed In Mew Tork at Belling here at X9K above sad baying below New Tork rato' jf 1 Cahal FBaieBTS Firmer. To New York: wneet tic: corn 14c; oats tc 1 ltAU4tQAD FnareHTS To New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Wear 80c per bbl rourth class freight 10 100a. To-Boston snd Mew Bngiand: Flour 90c: 4tft ehtss frelgbt 45c par 100 lbs. The receipts of nonr at the ports of Chicago, Mil waukee, Toledo, Detroit and Cleveland tor the week segregate 146,110 bbis floor, and 1,784,694 bu grain, agilnst tSBStS bbla flour aad be gram for the previous week. Flour The market for flour is steady.

Bales 300 bbls rye Hoar at 1 7 95; 475 bbls dty ground spring at 10 35; MO bbls at 111 OU fox Iowa spring bakers, and $12 00 tor white winter XX western to arrive; and 100 bbls white Canada. at 13 1)0. Wit a at The market quiet and scarcely so firm-: Salsa yesterday P. M. 7800 ba Toledo per sample at 1 92; ltt.BOO bu No 3 Chicago spring at ti; 7550 bu Xo 1 Milwaukee spring at $3 06; and this A.

3500 ba No 1 Milwaukee spring st tt 0t; bo No. 2 Milwaukee spring at SI 97; 3000 bu No. 1 Chicago spring at $3 00. Cobb Tbe market 3c better and Arm at tbe advance Bales yesterday P. At.

8,000 ba Toledo at 1 1 18; 15,5 0 No, 3 to arrive on p. aud this A early 34,000 bu No 3 mixed at 1 17. Later, 25. 0 bu No a mixed at $1 18; closing flna at the advance. market lc better.

Sales yesterday 10,000 bo at 63X, and this A 37,500 ba to arrive at 84c. Bablbt Quiet. Held at aboat ti 86 for Chicago and SI 45 for Canada. 8n Fioub Nominal at 7 3S7 ED. Rms Bales yesterday P.

M. 8,000 ba Chicago No. 1 at 1 31. Pb as Nominal at I 001 10. Bxass Quiet at S3 768 to.

dasDfi Timothy a shade firmer. Held at ft clover at U0; Flaxseed nominal. Babutt ALa lt Quiet aad steady. Held at SI 60 i ea Mru, Fxxo Selling at Black Bock Mills at S0 to t31 for cpexse; 33 to. SB for fine and 88 to 81 for finished and Canada coarse at 33 from store.

Oat MaAL VnoteO at S10 UkSUU (Super bbl Conn MBAn Bolted, Belling at S3 SB to S3 85 est Hax Steady and firm. Onondaga and fins bar rel ss SO; coarse do SS SB. hxbkbt Raw Quiet. Rectified retail lota SI 903 48 as to quality. PBOTisioas Pork firm at S34 fiu3B 00 for heavy ess.

Lard firm tea 14c, kegs 14 Lake Fish Traat hlf bbJs SB 00; Whiten hlf bbls 5 U05 38 Pisa Oedfish, Georges' Bank, at 17 C07 25 per cwt. Mackerel, Ho 1 bbl SL half bbla S12 0U; No 3 bbl SKI 00; hlf bbls 10 80; kittsNol No 3 S3 SO; 8 bores S3 85; Herring, B6c per bx. Halibut lie. BuTTBB Prime scarce. BtAt fair to prime quoted atf083c.

CHxaaa Firm. Demand moderate, Factory 12X0 13c Dairy ll13c Obbbb Apitlbs Quoted S3 003 35 per bhL Baa Firm at 38c. Hiiibb Dry flint 17e)18e; butchers green BSXc. Uuns-Best slanglrter Tc; Bpanlah 88c. Cbjtbbt Cnmmings At Clark quote as Sallows: Akron Water lima SI 80; Rosexidale ft B0; Nov Scotia calcined plaster S3 10; whits land plaster S3 00; quick Bras SI 80 per bbL Mors Firm.

BOsyrae ss to quality. BiTuauaops CoAn Is for sale at the can In ear lots of ten tons, as follows: Brie Lamp 86 SS per ton; Brie Nat 84 50 do; Bile slacked tor steam engine oas i 75 do, and 50c ton extra for delivery within raa-sonabia dlstaqeef Pwraoxarra Crude at 16c; refined fBe60c Sold New Toaa, Bept 34 Closed at noon at S143K aoaVD -Bafihlo, Sept 24 Selling st H9e above and baying at XKe below the Mew York rates. Uabax Faaaesns Firmer. Carriers ssklpg and ob toinlng to HewYorii: Wheat 17; corn 14c oats Be (From T. Peatft OU Circular.) Oris There has been a fair demand for most all grades of oils.

Petroleum, mostly confined to select lots at 48S0c for light straw and white or 114 to 116 degrees fire test. The foreign exports of petroleum ffora the United States from Jan. 1st to Bept SOth, hare been as follows for the years indicated: uanons. 1887 WW 41,401,487 ...13,794011 1S4 Receipts at New York since January let, to Sept. 31 In the years indicated: Bbls.

1887 853.0O 1888 730,585 It is estimated that tbe total available stock at all pointa In this country on September 1st, 1887, was aboot 1,410,375 barrel a. It la estimated tbat there are some 900,000 barrels m'Sjrope. Taere are about UJ wens in progress of deveton- ment on tested territory, snd the prospects are that there is oil enough to supply ths world with light. Linseed oil more active, races nominally same as last quoted: Bngllsh, raw and boiled SI 80l 40 American, raw and boiled 1 3si eg Western, raw and boiled 1 so Lard Oil Is in good demand and prices sre more ftrnt- We quote strictly winter oil at SI 1591 30; weath mide, 1 10; summer oil, SI OS. Improved engine and sagas! ells sre firm and active.

Lubricating, dart, alia quoted all the way from su to ttr a to quality and quantity. Prices can only be quoted soot day to day and are rabjectto the variation of the market. .1 Ifarar TK Ashbs Feu 76; Pearls SIS 13 go. Leiiul The Bjaraet aoa sa senm bx mld- dtlng tnra-The market I tOstaOc lower tor common grades whUe othera are eaeted aachaasad. Tharei celpts Rwt Waa.

Bales sou mm st mm tor anperaBe fltate aad Wastara; 9 TOQw WSAlAh 80SA13 58 Wa, km at t59 bats st se of K.0QQhaav tor IbB- StSU; tt 8J etre Choice whit, MWll. gaa. Bye III Phrw. Ja emev lSc bettea atecarshs were ill at 18P1 gatorsataed Westera; SSSAI 38 for Sales 5,009 hu aid Canada West oa p- A kat lc better-" Mil tkaes el at Trs tor bow Ohio aad Chicago, ThePwrh atsraet Is heavy aad siteefeharMsJ Bt 3 fO34 88 tor Bases steady. Cat aasatastaady.

er a hhsaat lmMc 60mr eomsaast to Sheens taaakBSMU; fee sosBBBoar to eacaoa extas roaadajoped fcsw mark to steady. Hale S4B8 0L I eaAxB. wheat 9 sasar is scare aad the sdvaoemg; Saclnelasss lower. TneKicaipui, wesetAlO hashrht hre were sales i tarn Baass TaTK TcTILATOst BARS BntSCK AK9 Baa Hsatbx. Meaers.

Jewctt, Chorch A Co aaatlriaeaf qt Jatlot Watmg Btov Ventuafcar, which yoa pot su aoaaw a shew lima works perfectly lAayt Wish every family la BsaTilo bad cna tetMjaf ctmlUias sfl ihd Imnrrrtexraaihj which hmvajke made'Tn Uda" class of storwfmft pnasiavse la adrhttoa rt important a lienise one of which lsiw wtplts combustion of the gas, tit want of whtdt hss haeaisrajsi a radkaj defect Mt other tores. The pradhrtl woralng of fw Move Is so dmple and claui that It arast be the del ght of all tidy boaeeksSBaiai' ahea ai-ogethei, tbe-Teatfla- ay Mr au other atovea of thledaas i Sept. 11, 186T. seli-ta th Mf iff -t MercaUoseidef hhi woob, 5 It was not as deep as awvti.or a wide As gate, bat tt wUd da." 1 i-r--PLAMTATION BiTTAKA will aot raias the detd, Bat they cere tbe sick, exalt tbaearessed, Aad render life a thing to ba enjoyed. We believe there sre milMons of living witnesses this fact Dyapepeia Is a borr.d dlese, bat nsnta- lion Bitten win csra It It Is a most invigorating tonic for weakness and menial despoodeacy.

host who sre out of sons" aoeld try Pmatatloa BUters lUeaoUA Waraa. A delightful toilet article au aerter Sasagna, dat half theartcei' 1 BeV-tartll a-aiadtt I LAsrks Fnra Boot. New aad beaotifal style The most elegant Bat ton eoai for ladles that have ever beea seen in Buffalo. Call and new Boot just received. Being fully tbe dtlaea of Botato appreciate tbe benefits of a first-class shoe Htore, ere have perfected arrangements for fi stlU larger and acre complete stock than ever.

Ail oar good are of ihe beat quality, both in material and workmanship They are made expressly foc us, and are equal to say Custom work have la oar employ trie scat wwknaea ba the United Heat, and are prepared to make to order anything ta our line, which we guarantee caeaot heestceHed either In elegance or durability. JKWSTT DBAPAii, Mammoth New Bhoe Store, scSltf 816 Main strett, American Block. Ibpos.taj.-t Hints to th Ftrauc. Forty per cent, saved. 1 be most complete assortment of Rate, Cape aad Furs ever displayed la Buffalo la now being sold at ftom SO to to per cent, cheaper than, anywhere else lritfce dty, at S31 Main street.

Bergtold Biother nianufac ore their goods In. the latest style and o' ihi beef jBtaterlsia, aad to purchase or tbem la equiviojjlto 40 per cent. The algn of tht largj Bear. B1 Main street, Bergtold Brother. selltjal Frsbb AfiRmi.s.

A splendid stock of Men's and Boya' Clothing for fall wear, saporior tn style and flnirh to any thing ever oflered In this market; also, a fine fresh stock of Cloths and Cassfmercs astonishingly lew prices. biv recently added to out baslnewa a On tore Depertmeut, wMch Is ander the snpe-viblon of Mr. X. Petttt, farmerty with Tho. Kennett tia lent mads to order for.

both men and boys in the, best style and at moderate seiO BTOBM8 A FUKMAN, ll stain street. RAEK ChANCB FOE fiUTERH OF CLOTHS, CAAUaBbBS, 4c Cver aia cases just opened of a'l wool heavy doslde and twist Ouidmeres, In a BTeat variety rf atles, at $1 and 91 S6 per are ntretaUed in Buffalo for les than St; also, 500 plates all wael Broaaclot and Pea vers at ha'f their co to manufacture. Those want of Clotts shouM give us an early call. W. A E.

PARDRIEGK, se28t38 lDo Main street. 1 1 1 Tcbb WiIlls. Ts Bbst and Chkapast. No BrjarAca Watkb. These wells sre now being snecesefiiily driven in this city by Parker at Lapp, Horner A Co, The last one, st the residence of Mr.

at. Young, No. no Tapper street, la a grand success. Orders addressed to W. T.

Horner, care of Warren, 181 Mam street, will ba attended to. A goOdi Well, or no charges made- se34t28. Bpbncbb'b DrABBBcaA MrxTrntB. The suo-eess of this wonderful compound Is unparalleled ta the history of medicine. Why do not yon who arc suffering make the experiment of a trial of a single bottler It will cost but a trifle to bay It, and will sorely bring you speedy relief.

The combination of Ingredients used la making thia mixture la each ss to if.vt the heat possible effect with perfect safety Try for dale by ail dmgglsta Jj96tf Tub "Legislator" Cook Stote and the Ventl ator Bae Burner Parlor Stove ate said to be two of the best fctoves ever sold In this dty. They caxLhafooadat 1 JaWBTT, CHfJKCH at Cftt sel7lf Housekeepers' Brunovlmn, fn Main st Found A Batting of Cram 30 lo 40 per cent, which Is effected by purchasing yonr Hats, Caps and Purs at Zii Main Bergtold A BM. selltjal Hoi.mans Bursa Powdeb Is for sale by A. EAYNOLD.1 dt seSOtf 156 Main street. Lost Anywhere, from 30.

to 40 per by BorchaVmg yoar Hats, Caps and Fur inywhere" else than a fat Main st Bergtold ft Bro. selltjal A Gootf THWta A Bona Loveridge's Vegetable Bold by an druggist- mhltf Ambbioam Cow Milxino Mauhiks. Town and County Bights for sale at 1V0 Mala street, up stair. anStf Bead Falkoer, Potts A. Jackson's ad- Vt-rUseaieat.

FINANCIAL MATTERS. TheOhleago MUpubUcmt at the SOth instant says-On Batnrday there was more active demand for money than is usual lor the last dty of the week, and the market ruled firm at S910 per cent for first cUus names between bankers sad their customers, and 10 014 per cent-for good mercantile paper In the open markoV Exchange was In better supply, and the demand less aetlvt, which otnaed, heavy market, and rates declined to AOe dlscountipar baying, and Que prem-selllng. The clearings of the Chicago banks for the week ending theSlst were lit) 141,628 98, and balance 83, against clearings 99 and bal ance 53, during the previous week. The Milwaukee ITiaeo ra of tbe 31st Instant saya The past week haa been an unusually sctlve one in financial circles, and the Banks and Brokers have been able to exercise their proper business functions to their utmost capacity, Currency has been very Bcvce throughout, but par ticularly so daring the laBt three tys, when It has been Impossible to procure a sufficiency for the actual wants of grain dealers, to be sent Into the country for purchases. This will be remedied in a few days, ss the banks will meet the emergency by ordering currency from the Bast, the time occupied In making the transfer, where telegraph Is used being but shout three days.

The Urns Is fast approaching when there will be a reflux of money from the country, and the current has si ready toegua to be felt to a moderate ex tent by our jobbing houses, whose colllecUons have improved very materially during the week. When the sapply from this source becomes mors marked In volume we shall see a much more comfortable money market Kxcaanga, as may be judged from the foregoing re marks, and from the large shipments of grain, has been In abundant supply. Banks hare sold to each other at all pricse from IA to 8-10 dtscoont. Of the prospeots of the Bngllsh money market the tecmomit of a recent date says: CheaD ss money Is, nooae who knows the market doubts that it is nkeiy to be as cheap. The acenmn ration of gold In the bank, the scarcity of good bills, tbe want of nerve aad enemy tn the trading world, are conclusive reasons.

How long It will continue so no wise man will nroobesr- The course of the rate ef discount for some time after the two last panics shows that tbe depremlon conseoeeat on 1H lasted till tbe autumn or una, nut mat ice aepreesion following upon 196; was leaaserere, snncb. shorter, and lasted st most till tbe astasia or IfctgO, after which for some months money was very dear again. But In both these cases mere were peculiar circumstances which tended In the case of 18(7 to make the depression noser, and in tbe caee of 18S7 to make tt shorter Before tne proper depression conaeqaent upon the panic of 184? had spent I weir, the gold discoveries in altfomia and Aunralla helped to cause another, in 1SB0, hy a series of blunders, the bank of France ran down its reserve to a very low point forced up the rate of discount both in Pari and here, so that neither period Is aa exact precedent for what we have to expect The panic of ISM was, too, certainly, than It waa In 1B37, aad bas left severer traces. As compared with 1847, 1463 waa probably lea severe on the mercantile dasses and upon the nation. In 1847, tbe revenue was far more Impaired, snd the number of etrknly mercantile tail area was mack greater, having reference the asagnitode ot trade at the two eorrea.

poadiBg sorioda On taeotita hand in 186 the pres eare oa the banking classes has been very much sweatee, and? the peculiar credit malady of the time has acted principally upon those whose brad and lire Is their csedit, Justaa It eid la tats. We cannot an dertaaeteprouheaTia detail tor oar readers, hat we think ao easeful person can Hook at the above figures and remember that the butiioa la the bans; now or much greater than at any of the date stove gtven, wiuot leeiing sure that htoae; nay is like-After that ly se Boeneep lor sasay ssooin' we sana try to saeU oat each new cause as It arises As to money becoming cheaper, tbat I aot rooeabie; ebe eemh wotiid raxber hose trtaa rata In Droct hnr dacttua of the rate, lor tt weead change an eighth less snd woald wot sec ia btlls, and without some acOoBioa the part ef the bank, the ooter ssarket klikalvmneulaeiiirliaattM Jxlpw. jaaMod natmaur, list: .1 Op Prop Sanilac; barks 4nteTmaii, Cdmtltn-tiea, Taeaer, Onoaaans, Basnrhev Moattdr, Meat. i 8 Austin, JNknrarai ecbia a OgMS, era. Pelt lead, trturse 6Xta, Bt Mulvey.

Keighl Tesaplsr. JCmplre etaia, aeaator Bioed, Boya- Albert, Odve nh. LgOodeU, AndeeyBt, Pa4 Mam Alatale, rlaweotu -t g.TTT... gelleChy pthan. Aiten, Indianola, 1 SSTl "Weata-riiwtrt 5 ThhiotkawMgnaaBed Bwaday, Sept.

33d: K05fm' Frse Bute; barks 1 iZTTZStl KtnftTha. ZasvttbKoMe, IMspatck TTT. Bj- Conlandr flejetx 11 4Jrea, AbaoaDMor sMaoa Of wsies, Atontsaureacy brig Okaey Lea aeeAaasm OasahsA, TfkrfeslW TlTjllsl lasaaila, 11 Home. Toper, Dortea tarrlvedk. A Lib oa or -11 i fwaaai SB BeaajtnswsFjysaajsasa Mary B.Male, ihuat, loa, Berenlea.

MiasmTw ajaao, Myotic, Comet, Oak 1 'fcCSI WSSBW BhaalrA 1 VmissTA awtin Atfale Otmmeretat ttmmtitm Tb fcnewlsirldtieT, wtrttad by aaf al4 and reapeef ed fellow ciui C. Brletot, iefr, ftom ajaaches tar, New Jeraer, wbltaar to has gone to establish a new home tor Wmailf aad family, will be read with Utcrembytasaa-VaWVeTt Dam rat at Bis Isctar ta toe Opera aVeaamseevmae a at eVepartorsy aadbytbe pnOiidgeaerally ijjj. I bar been this place aboot two. weeks daring taat time 1 have looked aboot noma and mad a good atsny lsqalrtsst eoaniiBBg Jeraey." I Mai tbMapitomnaeoaiaTattTely short time, the lm- mtiaatrftaodlBOwUuwa opaa tosccaaia-Uars had nerer been effered ia th marker, far th per bo ladeosataaM people to bar aad leeeta After a long sad sever straw. gl wltb Oiat Ooworfol monopoly, tba Caaadaa a.

Am boy lUllroad wtdch for a sng flaw had aamaebme from tb mate giving them (xcltreive prlvltama lor carrying nsaaaogara and might Irtm one Btata Into aaotheri WPabA oxetqaloa of all otaaa railroad com pa le Usroogh the enerry and persistcct determination aa extettslveTara hoUUt. Hr. Torrey, a road has at ajaon beep rrsnslstn 1 1 Camaea, known as the Her Oe awase Bay KaOroad, atarttrg at MaatBg to PbMadelpnia Xauarly, a company bas been formed to connect wlUUas roadkt AtAlon, thence to Vlnelaad aaa so oa tp th Bay, when a road will cooatracud to Oov't, DeSMvara, aad tber salt with tbe great aMaaara road ta CMdestoji, The tract of MM scsas oa which Msachsster Is Sltaatwl, waa owned by Mr Torrey, who Is former timed made Iron, taking lb bog ore, and ulag the pine timber foe tisareoallsg aVBdamWIUag th or. When it wis discovered tbat anthracite coal eonld be niwd for mailing IroaFenearWeBla soon pot a stop to marrofacuire of that artlcl la Jersey, aad then there was of tb Iowa of old Manchester sooa want Into decay. 1 sai tald that Is Msacaester bad a popnlaUoa three Boom a dm, a woman, aad a boy of anept almssga.

Theaewas not a cow or boras one eat and a dog were all (he company th IcbablUnU had babpe of domesticated beings. The dozen old hoaaes were lo a dilapidated condition; every roof leaked Ilka a riddle, aad altogether It was tbe dreariest looking place, It 1 said, ttde of America. Ia lMl Mr. Torrey cdmaaea4 ballding It by araeilng csmerpoa eonvenlta cottagea, which by degrees beraaaa tenanted by the workmen la th machine and repair shop of the road which had been located at this point In 1868 or I dont know wblcb, he sold eat his entire tract, reserving about TOO eras ta and naat tbe village, to a wealtby company Naw Tork City. This company went Immediately aboat erecting cottages for those who wars to com with html Ilea, oatil tbey emld balld booses of their own oa the lands bought of the company.

Tny have slao spent large soma of aoaey la opening and tarn-piking av sauce through most of th tract. I think the oldtat ctvlllser," as Brother Brisbane ha it, Is not ever two years old. Tbe major part of those wno havw come to settle and boogbt tbssn UtUe farms, tiavs not beea bar to exceed one year aad a half. -It perfectly wonderful bow they hav succeeded In so short a time. The land was almost a wilderness, yet some have cleared and planted Ave, ten and flfteea scree, and raised good crop of sweet sad other potatoes, melons, cabbsgas, aad all -manaar of gardea-sUiiT, enough to sapply the family, With some to sell sad sUll vegetables are acarcela Manchester.

The company alae farnUhed tbe stock fora factory. It wss late vbn It waa got nnder way, bat for tbe time It Is doing a good basfraeas. It la carried on apoa the co-operative principle- Bach one farnlshee aU the tomatoes be raises, for which he receive credit according to quantity, and when the general dividend Is made, each on comes la for bis share. I sot told that la tae Imperfect and primitive mode of doing the basis oes tbe producer will realise one dolls' a boshel for bis tomatoes. One man planted three lour ares this spring.

I saw his crop, and he tells me bis land with bat hitlamsnars wUlgire Dim SStt bushels to the acre; pretty good for tbe ttrst year on the Jersey Barrens." The psodace Is eagaeed In advance by steamship company in which-' Urn proprietors of this soil are largely Interested. Thas yea will see that the lknnar la snra of a oas of 01 prod a ota lb moment he ralsen U. Th company, encenraged by their first experiment, win next year leer ease the faculties to foar limes the pre rat There Is an opening berotfor every one. Mechanic kinds can god something to do; mannfactarer Of bo Biattet of what kind of good ejsi the powe4 they want on their own terms, and there is market at their very door brick layers, Ala and copper smiths, hard war raanafacturers, taker, batchers a yanksa notloa store, tailors, shea maker, biacksmllhs, dress mAker, are needed aad can all make money wben once eafablished- VUlag property la cbesp and so are rents.

A hoes suitable for a family of six or seven, rents for from ISO OU per year. Meats, batter, eggs, and poultry are high; vegetables are cheap, and still cheaper wbaa raised by your own band. Hut I aball exhaust your patience 1 will write more at another time. C.C.R Tbe Wadswortbv House InceneUatrlCB KjcaaniUBtion of tn Prlsonere Vee-terday Afieruoon TUo Boya, Long and TorleMe tally Coaaoaltted for Trial. 1 he two! boys Edward Long and James jgvertck -whom we mentioned yesterday as having beea arrest ed on a charge of arsoa, ta firing tbe Wsdswortn Uoase on the lfth Inst, Were brought before JaMlce Vanderpoel at the Police Court yesterday afternoon tor axamlaatlon- Kiley HanDdera, spprired as counsel for the prisoners.

Two witnesses James A. Katgnolds snd Lettie Barrows wsr called to th sund. Mr. Rdgnolde-teatiaed that he was and Is employed at tbe Wads worth Boose as book-keeper; tbat the boy Long and JCverlck were employed at the hotel, aad had a ocas to all parts of the house. Some time since Everlck went Into tbe office while Mr.

Heig-nolds wss there and took a key from the key-rack, and was stopped by Mr. and asked what be was going to do with It; that It was an unusual thing for any one to go behind Ihe desk and do tbe like Kver- ick ate Led thai waa going to change bis room that ihe chambermaid hid given him leave to do ao. The buoK'keapar took the key from him and told him that hs'must Drat ask permission of him tr change Ma room. The key waa that of room No. 63; the room Bred was No.

40, on the same hail. The above was all tbat was noticed strange about the manner of either of the boys. Lettie (not Nettle) Barrows gave her evidence, which wss precisely according to the statement published Aiy us yesterday. 8ba teatlned, also, when questioned by Mr. Maunder, that the mason she did not inform say one or the Intentions of the boys wss, that she did not believe what tbey had told her; that she bad treated tt all as gasconade, and never dreamed that tti ey would carry out what they had said to her In relation to th matter; and that she was surprised when she beard aboot the Ore Lettie Barrows Is over SO years of age, a Canadian, and came to this city from near Dunnvllle, C- W- where her parents are at present residing, boa here about fourteen months ago, and has been ployed aboat eight months at the Wada worth House, aa dining room waiter.

Boe left the Wada worth just prevtosa to the Ire, and was employed In a pri vate dwelling house on Bwaa street when found by the officers. Jostlce Vanderpoel having heard the evidence, ansianuaiiy as we nave given it, commuted in prisoners for trial, and sent the girl to Jail, where ah will be detained aa prtndpal witness. Thiatm Opbtniho Metro politan Theatre, as previously announced, will be re opened to night- The work of Improving, renovating and repairing Is very nearly fintahed, and the public wUl tad that the house present a decidedly neat and comfortable appearance. Taa play lor tonight Is the now comedy of which, by the way, Is not by Boardcenlt, as heretofore stated, but by W. Robertson, of London, tbe author of Ours." The piece Is cast a follows: Th Honorable Geo D'Airoy Mr Charles Pope.

Kcdea i Hogere. Cept. Hawtree Goseln. BamGerrldf Gregory. U1xim I.

A. Barker. Bather- I Mr. Fred Meek. Tbe Mat oat A Bt Maar Mrs a Walcott.

Mr. James Dickson. We Shall Sxpect a meritorious performance this eve alag, aad treat that my not be disappointed. We ate pleas rrt to know that the peanut and loxenge" peddling nuisance la to be abated, as an ntdnr has been iaaed to exolade these venders from the bnsan An4 what i soil aaere cosaoUng, th gentleman who hedd'ed aoda-water from a portable muatala, wtlboat any advantages for washing the glasses that caald ta be tsnekhedj as ws are lanma Thlem a camtsi Idea, It Iwlli do away with a great sanoyanoa, and stopwhal ta soares of appsimsnsisa; sue nsver saw that chap got eg aboot with his "lea-cold apparatus (trapped to thai portion of hi body oppo. stunts back, that tt did not throw oa lute slat Of I fwerlah anxletrlest he aboakt ha saddstly aetaed with violent pata aaerblp araaaddl of con fasuoa, I jrAUrday afternoon therswUl matlaee tot tae aersyinniodatlon fars ilia Cast being Mattbbs.

Th hrst nlno of tbe I Ball Club wlU play lbs picked alae1 ty sfterBooa, oa thegrouaaaoaXerk tt -will he Mcotiected that the 1 beat the Niagaras soata time ago. -T a nreSiv doserr CCCtested gams rashBmar. the i kusarsa beat the CUftoea, te t. 1 yew uwejo on maayta rsc Ulaa rteatseug, as waa that thy wut not Pt am asthaaaasanttdpated. Thi being the ease, the Mteearas win aot leava bar aattt aMnrday atdae oVdoek.

when they Mathistor, paying ths -xcelaiors the same afternoon, had setaralag ss BuOalobaturday night. stroa aopea swat tasy wtUbeshovrn fair play by tb Bocbestor playeni and rjhth wUl be held this erasing, at half past aeea ri ipt ni'isn-Tnihshji mi 1 of thaPrteat 'y CmT' 1. -Ajwaatas awy- bsTTUluAnao IfoathlT. fiaiWa aiainh. vnxaag reus; aad the Pfcranologlcal V', ni tat sale, by T.

B. aa 4 rri aAmOaThhradi sateV kttxlh streetai etcked playsjn i Mr oat No till aad a dog a ala by to dtys sent of at th very and A to wa th Bnd In ead last first he the of be to as be of as ed ,14 McDoagal, lor paojr aja owner aad ef the "Uirow -orjooatte the Post- office, died suddenly, oa the lth lrisv, snd what 1 a sail a hsl dpgniar eomdlsiee, the taa'ly received a letter a day or two steep, ins isn Jut that a sister of waoeaaae ta this country with htm, died oa toeeamaday. Hi. McDoagal was ba ala eta year- Eecaaas to Oris coaatry from GaHoway-Mra, Scotland, in and was always sateemea a worthy aiaa. --onafiff6a anUred aalooo of Jacob Boaaks, yesterday, while the proprietor had stepped for a moment, aad took from the money drawer some two or three aoilart Patrolman Berry wss no-tlded, bat could get no doe to the thlef.

a criminal term of Of So per lor (bourt, Jadge Yerplanck convened yesterd-y. cases being ready lor trial, the Omrt adjourned Friday next. The grand Jury has been In session since Monday last. Rev. 3.

Hazari. Hartzeil deUvers a Uc tare before the Mechanics' anstitaU, corner of Main Eagle streets, tomorrow evening, subject: The Kethaelaam of tiaoma." The prosiaot Oaptaioa report a total of forty Its aoeata in thelaat tatmty Ipur hours, divided follows: First PredDcUJS; Thlid, Fourth, Filth, Amt sab precinct 1. Patrolman Schick found a Newfoundland yesterday on iQeneeee street. Tbe animal had on brass collar, or which was engraved Frank Jason i Michael Lynch. Tianger-on about Canal street, was fined 10 at the Police Court this maralng, for see suiting the talda of a gondolier Frances Haywood on the 20Ui instant William Weller was charged $5 at the moratng todole of Justice Vsnderpoel, for bringing closed hand In too close contact with Peter Kaapp's physlog.

A. black mare was found running at larga Patrolman Kane aboat 13 o'clock last Bight on the corner of Oenesee aad Washington streets, and senlJ the eeoesee House stables. Roundsman Bund found Cbas. Preebine's paint shop door, oa Main street, open at half-past 1 o'clock this morning. Lewis Yunn wag flood 10 yesterday af.

temoon st tbe Police Court lor stealing boards, some sgo, from tbe fence of Mr. John Ambrose. William Hardee waa fined $5 yesterday afternoon st the Police Court for pulling James A. Qrabam's nose. Anna a girl IS years old, wh to Kendall's Island for vagrancy, after an exam tnatlna by the Police Magistrate this morning.

William B. SIppel waa nraieted in tbe sum Set the PoHee Court this morning for ssssnltlng Kllaabeth liappel yesterday. Thi Opiba. There was a largo attendance Bt Jaraaa Hall last evealag to hear the fevortte opera of Faust. Though this opeja was written, by a Frenchman, for Frenah stage, It la now equally a stock piece with German and Italian companies, and in London tt bat been played In EngUsb.

Its popularity Is great, and deservedly so; the music unoriginal, lull of sympathetic and passionate melody, while taken as a work of art It. ranks very high, and has placed 6nnod ia the nrst rank of operatic pin of the popularity or this work 'is doubtless due the wonderful and beaurlfel story1. Qouaod baa taken another master-piece for the snb Jectofhlt lateat opera "Upmeoand Juliet," which learn la josi as good, tn fact, the music greatly resembles that of Faust. Qouaod baa adhered to toe story of Faust and Marguerite" as desety sa the exigencies of operatic wrttlnii will admit; hut we aU know that words la a musical workers only used, aaa foundation to build music on, and aa the composer expresses in a greater or less theL meaning of tbe words through the medium of song, or melody, or dramatic music, Just so greats-does be make his name as a composer. We have always considered the garden scene in Faoat to be ths very acme of poetical Joye-mualc Madame Frederld te quite equal to Che music of JfttrMterOk, and when tbe situation demands; she sets SHlgS Wlvn an ausnaim wmcu in a i uniri etectrtc.

th aad en scene, tbe Jewel and mirror rceae, snd lite last set, In the prison, tbe was exceedingly tne, was loudly anil deservedly applauded. Miss Lange sang the part of Sibtl very creditably. remember bar as having sang bare at a concert year. Bhe has a very nice voice. boM, we have been familiar with on the operatic Stage for so roe years, but we think he made bis first appearand lu thui dy In opera last night.

Since he came here (with the New Tork Arton Society no. tang the tenor air from rtha has chsnged la person ana voice Be has a very pleasing auaiity of voice and good method, but hardly fire and power one desires In an operatic tenor, though henas always been a favorite wherever he has sung Hermanns can be disposed or very Quickly, as all as know he Is Ihe finest tli-to this country has He was as great aa aw last night, and his gold song was, of course, encorof. Mr Sielaecke, a Vol ntie, played -end sang with Igor. Ills I an ezeol lent actor, sad nisi Us parts always with credit, though ls voice Is not what It aa. The chotos -was not what one always xpects with Germtn opera company, but we understand it will Improved tonight.

Tbe Eoldlere' Choi us wss finely given, Kh th tfllaent aid of our own Lleder- tafel, sod wseeswored. Tbe nnder Mr. Qroscurlh, was good, when we omislder that tbe mambers were mostly oar resident ptsyers, who only had one rehearsal. -The dlfflcultles ol the orchestral paru are wall known to mastdsas. Tboagb tbe stsge snd scenery of Bt.

James Hall can nardly'b said to he adapted to the production of opera, SlUlvr think the performance last night an InterestUia and creditable one, ana we are all glad hear oper.nnder almost any circumstances. We woukl suggest to tba manager that to begin a Utile anrelprbmptily would be sgreeable to most peo ple, and alfOmaka the InUnolasion between th acta short a possible. We repeat to Out masic-loving people that ft win long time ere we have an opera again, and they had better make the most of the present opportunity. Tonlrt, "lier Frelschata." PlBTVBBIXe A WaBNISO TO BoT8 Tw boy were wp before tbe Police Justice yester. da; afterneon, on ths charge of disturbing pub ic school No.

18, at BUnk Bock, They were not pa pus belonging ba the school, bat outsiders, and by their unwarrantable behavior greatly annoyed the teachers and scholars. Tbey were convicted, but at th request the principal, Mr. Todiig, Justice Vanderpoel sus pended sentence. The boys should remember that there Is a law to puniah those who are guilty of offences of thai character, and be cartful lest they get themselves into serious trouble. ChaotaIcooa Countt Fauu The thirty- 1 third snhoat mtr of the Chautauqua County Agricul tural society, and the ninth annual fair of the Chautauqua Farmers' and Mechanic' Union, win be bald a Grand paloa Fair, at Fredonia, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the present week, a nrjersi premium list hsa been lawiad, aad thaaftalr will doubt- ess prove a perfset an cross.

Ws acknowledge the courtesy of tbe officers in sending us an invitation to be present. RoBBTKd a TnX. Wa. Scrantoti was arrest. yesterday, charged with having robbed the money drawer of Mr Dean Gowsy's grocery store of IT 50, On being arraigned before Jostles Vanderpoel, this morning, Bcranton plead guilty sad waa sent to the wormoouae rar inree bqsuw.

ccruum no Dwa took this course t6 obtain quarters for the coming cold season, aa he -was such in want and presented A PBOsrKKoriq CoiaJPAJfT. Some time siuoe we took occislon to commend the roperlor manage ment evinced In condndng the affairs of the Com Exchange Fire jnsarsnre Company, of this dty, which orgaa'satlem, not tMlhst ending the disasters of th "Are period'! of eighteen hundred sad sixty-six, Baa, BX tne cemujtncemijni pi to current year, not only its vast capital of Fcjur Hundred Thousand Dot lam BBimpaired, but had tlso aecumnlated assets In cash of eeez savsntr-six tltonMuad dollars more. The prospsroos of bha Corn Xxchang Fire In suranca Cranpaoy contanes, and besides adding largely Ip the reserve fuMde, th Company has just declared a dStUend of Ate per eaut- free from Got-ernment tax. s-Ttjls Oon ipaiiy. which atsads tn the rroat raak of loaf leadlsg ineoraace orgtn'sitlona.

does a isrga csrefally suurvised and ratable bosl- aeaa la snderwrWag lr land, inland navigation poll ale. Ita atef ayp And Jtn pmcers, are men or wes lira seiergy, ewd sotMlty, Who hare 0 aa psriors ta tAaetlllng. Isevsrsamlcsbry, premptr tnteo.anAtheatnwist ssUsfhctioa Is expressed aU( hevma; dealings with them, the headTxar ter or the Cora Bichaige Fire Insunce COmpsay ia 'al patroads haa our experience urges as to Noa-rcBUH'A, iPbhiaa. pf thns took, place raa- terday ta th running of traiiis ca the Krkeaad lajaadksawasafBTBraaca nrrw lea-res smffia-. aresa the foot Krcat sAf MaU lLMTo- ronto, and jU 4 -Jt to -JHUeltel-TH'lXlmwoe ana aor aosoaaoaae waws 1 it i xcbsajsc iteTrfaxha or Jaly.atpir, by t.

av 0tiixppaia7oaurr anu Sis I sdiUeevrasaBtBoad, in tie OShif will bo a lWtrf 1 wwHxa so jam a aasoBB lawa who will aite a oatiast aasaaat oaswisam ftw varl oas tssposttkmi aad swi adUng epanmars Which pre. vaB" so xiastveiy ia IbcUtx. Bteaaaa rssaBatlesra. sbawaag the asraasayi aaaSfaf esA SkMr, -whey aadwr tba galas of cbsj fcy aaf saHkja, are sctaaJIy onvasar awcaaoptaas latoaey. thsrr hsllh, sad tasarsaujipaassBvaMBjnsvi.

.1 Ticket, Baata, sB cents'. lor law at CotUar as Daataas hjtul9 Star, "J' i 1. jsjoeatw vu 1 IT nBTfiranirni Mi I OI UTSK ml" taisUsaspasj brand oar Cles I st at C. It. acklea AppHcUwn for a Cwt IXi Of bqillry.

Nw Tobk, Sept. IS. Tba Wsehlngton spectsj aajai Gen. Grant today approved anal, forwarded to the President, General SickJeeV application for a Court of Inquiry. Mnch torirrftw to learn what tbe PresMaalt's stfeii loTlhia case wiU be.

It granted, U1 certainly afford aa excellent opportunity to vindicate th Bmeoetis of Military RdcoosVuotfooi and. If not granted, will ba eqtaiVaWtt to a vtadloation of Gen. Sickle. The ridiCuWua despatch, that, if not Ihttat Inlands to raaign' and take tie stomp, la toxf iflfWj fo serious contradiction. An afrray look plfecA at on of tf Aolst yestday, bet wwn JSenator rstaawfJT I nwaWL eriil flanpal CeU Ikkdtm.

Rtmi. Patterson slapped Kyle's face, wnereupoti Kyle kuocked him down. tHttetaoo tfteta atteinrrir fo shoot Kyle, whan friends interfered, reconciliation took nlnoe. the enmhalanta alannh BSJkJt, and thea took a drink. Postponing the fwatbern Ucellraa; A 7Vioue' WsAhlBgton special sayg; The dispatch in this coireepondence of yesterday, concerning the anticipated postpo Dementi of elecUons in the Sooth, was ofBclal, oorniss; trom President Johnson himself.

Ofl, rnqtilry' tGeD. Grant's headqnartert, learn that Gen. Grant has not yet had any oorrea-pondenoe with the Military Commanders on the subject of postponing the elecUons and suggesting a uniform day for the elections in all the Southern States. According to the pPSBldent, he and Gen. Grant had agreed that such a course should be taken, but although this alleged Understanding has been existing for several days, Geo.

Grant has, as jet, taken no steps in the matter aad it is given out semiofficially, from the Wax Department, that he would do nothing in the matter, neither In the way of ordering or suggesting; but will leave everything with the Military Command an themselves. Aowrding to this statement or trie situation, If Mr-. JohfaaMh wants pot- ponement, he will be compelled to order it on his own responsibility. Tandderig Steveaa. The LaacaehsT "papers announce that tbe Hon.

Tlsddeus Stevens was lying dangerously ill on Saturday mora foot -This forenooK a dis patch wsrecefvedby Hiss Davis, the ward of Usf -Stevens, residing at 297. fckwtu street, Capitol Bill, Lancaster, 9 A. hi. of today, containing the words, "Mr. Stevens i now dying." Nothing farther' has been beard Maoe-donoeraiag his condition, hut there seems be no ground for (he nope tbat ba will be able to rally; though hie vigorous constitution has repeatedly carried him through when apparently at death's door.

His disease ia drops, Ay on the chest On Monday last he took a trip to Adams county, Pennsylvania, to visit his iron Works there, muah against the advice of his physicians, and it is probable that he was barely Able to reach his home before being prostrated wi A his AprauMitly final illness. Pardon of th Rebel Secretary Mai- J''- vVnTyVM-The World says the President has pardoned Mallory, rebel SeereAary of the Navy. This is the first pardon granted a member of the rebel Cabinet. Troops for the Union Pacific Railroad. The contractors on the Union Pacific Bail-road Applied today to Gee.

8mlth for or work would stop, owing to Indian depredations. Gen. Smith raplieh that had no troops to spare. Gov. Crawford has tendered Geo.

Sherman one or more regi' meats oft volunteers to protect the laborers. West of Fort Hayes the Indians are holding high carujval. THE EPIDEMIC SOOTH. Belief by the Howard Association of New, Orleans. Wabhinoton, Sept.

24. From Kw Orleans we learn that Mr. E. Schmidt, president of the Howard AssociatioD, has received sufficient money to defray tbe expenses of the Association thus far. He haa ac-knowk'dgsd in tba dailies the receipt ot liberal jnatioDs lrom'ail the principal Northern cities.

Tho expenses at present are $3,000 per day. Applications from sixty families were registered today, in some of whomever- member was sick, About the san number of ap-pUcationg weraad5eBtjrdaT Thennnibw deaths dii on the iocreae. From these nreB wil bo seen the neoseaity ot eontinned and liberal aid froai the friends of humanity everywhenp. The Howard Association In iew urieang Qas been extending lis aia to infected districts in the State. Ravages at tbe Dry Tortngas.

Nbw Yoar, 8ept. 24. Tba Herald1 1 Key West special say si The yellow feyer on the Dry Tortugas has assumed a more malignant form-. It is estimated that one-tenth Of the entire number Of soldiers and prisoners pn the Island have died since the fever commenced its ravages. The Deaths on the Steamer 0 tfaiva," The British steamer JVaroa arrived at the New Tork quarantine yesterday from Key West, where she has been engaged in tbe work of lay ins; tbe Cuba Telegrapb Cable.

She has lest 1 persona by tbe yellow fever since engaging in the work, and now is in qnar-antine with foar cases on board. FROM NASHVILLE. Conflict of Authority A Bloody Col. Itdon I mm! neat. Nbw York, Sept.

24. Tbe HetaltTB Nashville special says A conflict of authority has arisen between Gov. Brownlow and the eity authorities as to who 1) tie proper party to appoint officers to command the election which takes place here on Saturday. The Registration Commissioners have appointed one set of officers by direction of the Governor, while the Citv Council have appointed another set The Governor haa leaned a proclamation tbreatenUg KiiQUa Interference 'if 'the civil authorities jHwufet, while Mayor Brown has issmed a proclaaiaiion iaaistiag tbat the city appoin-teas wiU superintend the election. General Cooper is bow concentrating militia On the other rtand, the Mayor will swear a lirge niimbef of extra police to resist the If snfmssnrT A bloody eolliaion is lnuai-j nettt If SomiB party does aot bank down.

Pre-ideArt ohnaon has teen appeaied to by the eity BAthorite i FKOU CUVELAK9, lather Prise fW lm Ptieptd, "Tho J3tc'a Clewelsoff special sayt: Tor several days ApertiBsr clrcAes in this city bare hewn enilveoed hr S.litttei fiewttacr war be tweaai Wn. aL AsaapTiae afatg veteran, and Cssvlee OallAgherf yimoa: asaiiraaU for fistic noaors, aa to; tbe relative aaerjbj of oonbroversy th Amedcat) oaee tbJsnorning in tie4wo tiien meefln aad atgn- lag arMclea of araeniisot to fight oa the fifth of October, within nrry mile of Detroit, kr 300 aside, to heiiaoTsaewd to $600 if tba parties tea Bt Awar Gow, of Detroit, back Gaa iagbert PavB is beekeei by Jobnay Macke? DavU Is the Ba4 who jSgahi ts-ntade-op iht with Elliott last JfA, wialisOAawt first attracted feswMio taiough iMfafatActwd to flabt SLUotf ba tier 8th ralT' vUb mmt tali tftroogft, owinf fQUHP' a a wee 3UU0 11KW 8050 WB 135O0 3740 rJ80, 44O0 500 'ABO A30 84180 1500 SOW) 18QQ0 VSrt-jmmiCTx To rSlaoMarlS VatTaad niTiiie-. Fayettv'll Prankfcirt. Mobawk 10100 OiTO Syracuse. Montxma.

Jordan aiioo 5Pi Lyons Kocbester arbor Lockport. Total 551470 7S5t 564330 381830 18157 863U30 608770 18WH0 64850 28800 Pre. week Cor week. 1888.. no opagW 500 ,.700 38A1H0 1 0488MI 1875 8 fcaB302.rTi77J SWJ4198 860731 809U80 Uor.

time, mee uuan yurjDWf.awwiyioooaiuwjainiti ouij id Bastwabo MovsMxirr or Frorra Aim GnAW bt Cabal. Callowing sUtersent, Including ship ments from Buftalo for 14 days enaine ftept 33d, and from Oswego for 9 days ending September will show about the amoant of grain and near on canals destined for tide-water FrmBufiklo Fl'r. Wheat. Corn. Oahv.

Barley. w'k end'g bush- bush, bash bush. hnab. bush. Sept.

38..... 4SSU40 4IWWW W4 18SSB7 K4850 EMipt. IS OUU DXIOSU OUV1SU 1UIW 1C3U0U dvs 5 0 948860 1097780 795630 3747 8b660 4938 85465 46t70r Total 541trniaB048T 7fVJfJ 4M16 gaic Pret Wk 111 7PIT99(M9 1312570 1M6M-J0 76670 Cof. Wk 1935 8U634S HU1814 8S7063 7D594 51 WW Bastwabp Movxiraar or Pica aw Qbaik raoa Labb Poarrs abd doUowing Will show ths eastward movement of Floor and Grain from lake ports for the week ending ept SI, and destination: To Flour. Wheat.

Corn. Cats. Barl'y. Kye Buffalo 56,3 (37,886 581,81.513,263 Osweeo 241, 4U PtOoTborne 30,588 41,908 Cleveland 13,572 22,153 "57 8,060 '366 Detroit 68 tin Saginaw Heyaeia za Pt 21.540 HtCotbari's Preecott 15,115 Klntrston 112.709, HoBtreai Otherporta. 804 97 SL 1,568 Totals 113,945 83.1)43 534.5M6 87,397 Pre.

Wk 81.7W1 1219,084 821 747 82.559 Oor wkW 105,637 873.404 US.7W 62,211 81,838 50.630 Bhlpaaents from Chicago by Kail are not included. OoarrABASrva rtacmrrrs at Ptvb Wbbtbbb Laks Poara. The following will show the comparative receipts of Flour and Grain at the ports of Milwaukee, Chicago, Toledo, Detroit and fAeWAkiad, h-oat Jan-, let to Bept Si, tor ldAAaad WW: loo. loan. laoo.

Flour, bbls 2,142,170 2,358,231 Wheat, bo 15,479,77 82,491,771) 16,281,489 Cora, ba Oats, bu 8,155,639 9,940,879 aariey, 817,046 886,269 ba 1,118,647 Total erain. .48.90888. 5D.57S.949 49,331,094 1887 Decrease In floor, tan Loot Aiutliesil in Kwa, OAax Baswrna Tbe following ahows the receipts Fleer sad Qraia at the Senc. 30. Fleer.

Wheal Maw York. I6.M "afijst HJUfJ "75,919 OiBdaseAI. 8,815 2,720 8JU4 sVSSJ 8 941 ltcaen 11.885 llT.UOJ 109.785 5S.84G 14JW0 hUrwaahaa 7,713 i.873 ToiedOwT. n.98? SSWi'fDO Wnili ttacBrrTS AT Lajcs Pones The following Shows the reeeipu at ths Mis alng odtngBeptM: Fkr Oora. Oats.

Barley. Bye. bosh Jhash. bvW busb asVfld Tt.5UK Byi.orar-Mn.-m etvoss 756.640 AOM 87.18B 140 8,998 340 5m patron -3Vm OeVMl A3S8 C46 30,100 sUotslI .150 6,883 Totals. 14rV110174 Of mi.T! 788.33B 851,414 94.3W iBWl5281U.056 M.W OBSiHO 386 J8 VftJUU CowktO A8t.91AKSja,4ai BtAM llSyrleO matrrm esABDtnss BnBThMtawtsatasesBesC reaarted by WUham th BoarCoTTrade, shows the sibssA oTsyata la sAore ia au uss avAe-Ur MwTi See.

33d. i 48,000 All "Hat A fit anjMB 1 I i aa i WBBWJBBShS. IB.HW ICnra. paUX-- nimmona (uanaaian vessels), wheat from Mllwau: keu al 13c Lakb Pbbisbts Quiet; 8c on wheat, 7con corn to Oswego. a4c on con, 4c on wheat, by steam, to Bufialo.

7Wa ZMaae, 33. ri of muwawsreo Clesrr Seats, ao 21. Prop City of Fremont, Pt Heron 683 bbla dour. Prop Acme. Ban thi: etsjs UM Soot rrop uaiena, ao; sun now sear ba wheat.

Prop Wenona, do; 1H67 bbla Hoar. Brk Newsboy, do; ba wheat. eehr Piemont, Cleveland 18,57 bu wheat. Aaamn, uept- su-i r-roi Acnie.tntonagon barks ovincime, Haasiuon. ruraves; ong ntarllgbt; schrs Walker.

Orenada, Jas Mavagh, Ooid Qeo Whitney, Owasco, Plymouth Hock, JLAKJraaiaHTs-aflered another decline today of 7 18c for wheat by sa td Buftalo and Oswego sod 12)ic to Kingston. Charters: To Oswego benrs Ger tt nmuo aaa -ran mms, (yesteraay) wheat at 13c To Bnfialo cbr Oeo i Whitnev. wheat at7c: achre Bigler and Monterey, same at 1c; prop Meadota, same at 8c To Klngitum Bchr Azoy, wheat at ISHc and Jessie Drummond, (to arrive from Chicago,) at l-JC. Arrivals hy Canal. 2 The following boeta arrived la Buffalo yesterday Wm Dan lop, Americaa Union, Kd Hlgglns, Barnard, A Briggs, Seymour Budd, Root Newell, John Leach, Andrew Slllott, otmon Cohen, Jones, Cnei Canal Clearaaveee-flept.

23 ZA. John Holmes. Hobnea, 8310 ba bariey, Troy. Mj43riSn, itUey, 7H12 bu wheat, do Crrtan BaTlins lumber, itue Hasin. Turner, warren, mixed, Hoeheater.

Waiiara Johasoa, AUbonse, 77T0 bu wheat, Troy. Stark, Pallid, 6d bo wheat, do Field, Dam, lumber, do Senator Kline, Case, 7700 bu wheat, do lllard, ttchnrib, 71122 bu do do Hplnt of the North, Lusk, lumber, do Joeh Clement, Van Hiyke, 7100 bu wheat, do Robt Newell, Hheeaan, 1O.S80 be eats, do A Horton, Hweet, 72f0 bu wheat, do A Tanner, Vincent. 7047 ba do do Titos, Davis, 740U ba do do Meore, Morgan, lumber, do Mary A Cady, (My. 1,400 be oats, do nee Patridge, Davenport, 7000 ba wheat, ubb law, rauu ou Acme, Campbell, QU bo Jewett, bo Nelson Morse, Dotlp, 7250 ba Lone Star, Vanan, 00 bu oats, Aqui, Warner, 7550 ba Aured and Albert, rotter. Israber, do do do do do do do do do do 1 Jo Vincent.

Huntley, TOUO bu w- at 1 1 tu. tPoboid, Traver, 7000 bo ron rouna auniiw, -Camden. WalbrUas. TWOhu Conger, Ooedrtoh, 700 ba corn. Hale aad Waw, sHevaeaoa, SSVO ha Kawshov.

Munswi ha -Maw cisi4, Doty, 13,777 ho it rfefth. Santa, ratted. I Walter Burling, Vast. HOD ha -David Whitehead, PeUid, lamber, Dan Hani. Uarst, VBOhW A AfBriEotaw.

caesraa, 78U0 bu do 4oJ do do ao r'-momee, lueera, wtl sa Dexter, TauOba harah Sing. (arsv. Toe hn Dexter, tnnls do Maggie Koae, Mom, 7805 ha Snnwnnla 1. 1 do Geo Bkiom, Lj-viLooi, TOOft ha wheat. Utile aUv.

lji Marble, aawiinaa. TOOQ bi A Mr. TAUie Bwda Wheat, jjoeaaon. rhealTMiodleport. i AJdricK TAiO-sn Joahia.

UaaUet lamber. Little Da- do- wtmowUbX iounga, do i do do aooSffutunnm, suvee, Locaporl. I Naxn. Vilkuia. bbis Aonr.

do BoBSUva, Haa.Rtajd:B4chjsv- 13 TALM OF OBASei rUTW1tM.wmj JL hioVMtaav treekiaa, asssples, eVe-, aad le rrt sawanaurpaesed frwntaa ajid beaaty mm Mala lTSaalBtB ii: v-J irfia '-'a 14 i-Xa1 swxv ia ww uesaaw Of HerUaar. Msch I wTbe tBsAaraado ao nrawriiaw gSaT1, 1 iLl bBrgtOab Mu The luagAraaoe aoc bars uah to' the eawtr wj wheat hyetaaaeseew. vxiJ la arm hat WBes at anatii i Bst aa -W)Htat a Srmer aad bet ssaesrvwi -f r- i. i-dlS WwiBter red sa oa ti. "m-lsrfceit Is active aad va a aalr list sad eaieaof So Westerns at Ui aad Balls or ---r e-i uiakvnnii get aa, a maasaaa ahoat rao age, arrests osaphdafof Robert West, proprietor of thaOesa del Hotel, JeaiardAJ, charge With aaaavjerlaa-articles heteagtas to Ah houee, wirHe aha was tbere.

A tumbler and soma kntvae wars id la Brldget'sirank, butaiMprsxaated her iaaa- hst, aad stated that oae ot two tasae srs aiead owa aronrtwbassey hswa as sibatau ihllah hr laaoceBoaj aad Jastlce ysaderpoat seat to th PssatatOary tt irty days. gfJQf itw Books. The Daughter of aa Empress, alas Msh'bieo, ti; tb Art of Diacourar.a byotem leethorir. by Ey, Ai ia; the Art of Magllssi Com Hi, hy Day, li sntbs Bolls and th JoDathsas. 1.

M. Paulding, sale by a Hawks' by T. a S. as ta; eeaeto1ngBrra. ij i tilt Vtirti n-i tt oe I- sue.

I i Br Bterket I Meade. Be lee at A i fAwll Bi Air Her h- Btete The raeelais were Want- Ateeeer isanettsaraiettl ea B3C Ma ataaai and 49 torOsnsds "7 doll at par. aw Weeiaea Jteeervet Petrol Marl Petrolewsa-atarhat Iiw. aad IB nod staaderd watte was hels) at sViKK in hoi fhjsasB Quiii snd ana. aunt.

tft.rsiW tuiA'i VjfJii a.

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