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The Vicksburg Daily Times from Vicksburg, Mississippi • 4

Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Louis and Cairo, and boata have to be careful In coming out Below Cairo there HUNfS- HALILi. THE BOST TOrVLXU SOfJTHEKJl AM U8-EJIT, FASUIOXABLE, EN JOYABLE HEAXTHFUL. General Assemblies, for ladies and Friday nights, from 8 to 10 o'clock. For gentlemen, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights, from 8 to o'clock. For ladies and children, to learn and practice, Tuesday, Thursday ud Saturday afternoons, from 3 to 5 o'clock, Season Tickets for Sale.

XThe Managers reserve the right to admit ONLY WHOM they CH00SK For Territorial Bights, Circulars, address a Box 280, Montgomery, Alabama, enclosing stamp. DST G00D8, kO. gentlemen, on Monday, Wedneedsy.anrJ HENDREN, TDRLET DEALERS US THE CITY. Circuit Cotrt, State cues set for Ifriday, December 23rd, 1870: 83. Bute vs Thomas Burke.

Appeal from justice of the peace. 89. game Mary HiiL Appeal from just ice of the peace. 90. Same ts Chan.

A. Stein. Exhibit-iig deadly weapon. 91. Same ve John Keith.

SeUlng lottery ticket. 94. Same yC. B. White.

Belling lot- tS.ti8meTC.F.Donthel. Selling lottery. TTT 96, 97, 98. Mayor 4 Aldermen ye J. W.

Thompson, (three eaeee). On writ of certiorari, to A. LarwelL judge city ooort. E. P.

Jaeobeon, for petitioner. Vkktburg Rink and Public Hall Association. The association met at the time appointed aaoeradvertieementjlaat night. The president. M.

Butterneld, tailed the setting to order. The proceedingi of previous meeting read. The several committees asked further time to report It appearing tht they could be leady to report fully on to-morrow evening, on motion, it waa decided to adjourn until to-morrow evening, December S3d, at 7 o'clock; to meet at rooms of dumber of com meree. L. J.

R. BaRXXTT, tcy M. E. Church Fair. Aa interesting occasion wai that, lart even-ing, of the ladies' fair for the benefit of the M.

E- Church. Ber. Wesley Jones, pastor, held at Lincoln hall, corner of Washington and Greve streets. There was a goodly number la attendance, despite the inclemency of the weather. The tables were well filled with toothsome refreshments, and the numerous fsncy articles dleaiayed were being rap-idly disposed of, by the young ladies in attendance, to anxious purchasers.

The evening passed in the most agreeable manner. Toe fair will continue on this snd to-morrow evenings snd also in the day. Dinner will be served at 1 p. m. each day.

We wish those having charge of this fair th success they so well deserve. Miscellaneous. Range of the thermometer jester-day: 9 a. 26; 2 p.m., 32; 6 p. 30; 12 P.

at, 30. The ease of the State vs. Torn Burke, charged with the killing of Ouin. in a saloon on Levee street, a year or so ago, was con-eluded yesterday. The Jury returned a verdict of "not guilty." The skating tournament takes place this evening.

Hunt's ball will contain beauty and grace enough to make one complacent and in a good humor for a week. The news of the sinking of the B. X. Lee eaused considerable excitement yesterday morning. We telegraphed immediately to Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, BOO.TS, HOFFMAN'S SHOES, HATS, AO.

NEW BUILDING, CLAY STREET. MIRROR FKO.TT. decldly FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. MAX KUNER, General Agent tor fllisslasippl, IU Wasalaartesi street, Tlckeearg, TUEDEH inrBSTED SINGER, THE NOISELESS ARB llflPLB 1C0I I GIBBS AI OTHEB8. CT Instructions given gratia to all pur chasers.

All .11 mi nsniDwo, jaacmne neeaiee, lnread and attachment for all Maehinaa w.c. onu. an7-daw FOB SALE, AiDIlETII'S Garden Seeds, chop io7o, 9 DOZE3I at wholesale. LEE RICHARDSON A CO. Pint Flasks.

pint and quart Flasks; Bottles, 6s; Bottle Corks; At wholesale by LEE RICHARDSON A CO. dec20dtf Amu' Shovels. Wheelbarrows; Red Warrior, Bunt and Collins' Axes. Axe Handles; At wholesale by LEE RICHARDSON A CO. dec0dtf 2000 ALMANACS, For gratuitous distribution.

Lr-K KICH AKDSON CO. Genuine DKKINUEK PISTOLS. LEE RICHARDSON A CO. dec6d V1NCKNT BOM ELL earner Santa an Malberrr, Has just received in store, and for sale low for cash 75 boxes Raisins; 25 barrels Texas Pecans; 15 barrels Rice: 10 barrels Coal Oil: And keeps constantly on hand a complete sicca oi urocenea at lowest rates in tni9 mar ket dectkl3m FOR SALE. Tbe large and commodious Iron Front Store, Na.

93 WAsHI.HSTIIlt STREET, 1 nsurpased as a first class Store. For fur ther particulars inquire of hou ruEsisEina goodi PRICES REDUCED. 9 A Newly Imported Fall Stock of FURNITURE, CHAIRS, OILCLOTHS, all And BEDDING of all binds. In fact a general Assortment ot Hoase Furnishing Goods, At Wholesale and Retail, pecial attention given to making- and laying CARPETS. ill IDE nov80d6m 177 DEUGGI8TS.

CREECY WHOLESALE AND Prescriptions Prepared Day and Night, Washington Hotel Block, fehMtf SEWING smeralar SesBl.Weekljr vlckebara; avac assli ractci. The Splendid Steamer ii HEN8L.EY NOEL Master. NOKia Clerk. WUl J- I rat.v every rnusj IS M. for Greenville and Eairie Bend.

Will leave Vicksburg every Tuesday for Bkipwun urana iak and jsuneb's Ueati. steturning, leave Greenville every Sunday at li M. Leaves Grand Lake returning, everr Thurs day at 8 o'clock a. sn. i or freight or passage apply on board or to SPXrClAt, NOTICE.

The pioneer steamer RUBICON W. H. BLAKK, Jfaster; rfhr'sia AL. eatfaon. Clerk; WUl leave Vicksburg for fit Louis and way pouu- rnaay, November Iltb, a p.

m. Friday, November 5 p. m. Friday. Ilecesaber tnh, 6 p.

m. Fridav. December 23d. 5 d. m.

Tbe Kubicox ia well known for ber auDe- rior accommodarjoDa and punctuality, and parties going North could not select a more desirable boat CAUiCMLL. GHEEN 00M Agents. Xeto Orleans, VUksburg Green ville Packet. Tbe new and mirniflcent Passenger steamer FRANK PARGOUD, fi fj JNO. W.

TOB1N, Muter; -rvy-j A. Mc Vay, Clerk, Will leave New Orleansevery TBUHsDAY at 6 r. M. for Vicksburg: and leave ick bure for Greenville, every Saturday at 7 a. Returning Leaves Greenville every Sunday morn ug.

arrivine at Vicksburg Minday night, and leaving Vkksburg for New Or leans every MONDAY at a r. X. The Fra.ik Pargoud is new, swift and magnificently furnished, and has every convenience and com tort tor passengers. For freight or passage apply on board, or to WILLIAMS DAI e.l.i, Agents, selS '70 Merchants' Wharf boat U. W.

MAIL LIlNlii. For Memphis, Cairo St. Louis Tbe fine passenger steamer COLORADO ISAAC SICKEE. Master; Henry D.rtrich Clerk. Tbe Colorado baa accommodations for pas sengers equal to any steamer on the river, is stauncn, sale and iau Connections are made with White and Ar kansas river packets.

At Memphis, with ail Railroads terminating at that point. At Cairo, with tbe l.iinois Central Railroad, and Ohio river packets. At St Louis, with Upper Misois-ippi, Missouri and Illinois river packets. Through Tickets furnished, and through Hills of Lading signed on the boat. For ireigbt or passage apply on board, or to ILLIAMS ti HALilA, Agents, au2'70 Merchants' Wharfboat.

THE FEHRI STEA.T1EH OMAHA. CIXY Will leave ber Landing, foot of Crawford street, at 7. ana clock; Returning at 8, 11, and 5 o'clock; For IVSoto and Delta, Louisiana. Tbe boat has a lileasant eabin for lailies. and the strict est order Is preserved on board.

satislactorv arrangements nave been made I'tl ween tne rerrv and tne Nortn Louisiana and Texas Railroad relative to tbe trauspor ution of passeugers and freight. ueciuti FOR DELTA. The Ferry TENSAS, Will make dailv tripe to Delta. Sundavs ex cepted, commencing on Monday the 12th and leaves Vicksburg at half-past twelve lCIOCK P. Jt.

A clerk will beat hr landinz from to to receive freight. The usual trips will be made to DeSoto. Patronage of the merchants respectmiiy soneited. decUd4t STEAMBOAT AGE3T8. MEUCUANTS' W1IAKFBOAT ASSOCIATION.

IKI1AL (Steamboat A.a-enta, VT THKWHAHFIIOAT Vickabure, MUa. WILLIAMS A BAUSMAN. Merchants' Wharf boat AgetiU "Ct7 DUS1IANE MEKIGOLD, General Htearaboat Agente Office. Washiugton Hotel, VICKSBURG, MISS. Through Tickets sold to all points en the Mississippi, Ohio, Red, White and Arkansas ui vers.

Travelers secure reserved state rooms hv purcbssing their tickets at this office, and will notified upon tne arrival of tbe boat In- nnation concerning Steamboats cheerfully iven. jan4-3m DENTISTS. S. KXAPP T. g.

FRENCH iieutal burgeons, No. 125 Washington Street icRguiirtT, ivliss. DLTJ3 6T0SE. DIU'GS AND MEDICINES The firm of HICKS 4 CO. having been dis- aMved, the business is conducted by T.


EISLEFFEL, tailor, CIIIMA STREET Next eor te Brickbat Saleea. VliKsBlUG, I9S1SSIPPI. AH kinds of French Cassimeres and Cloths con-tantly on hand. Orders executed in the latest stvle with di-patrh. decl0d3m SALE AID FEED STABLE, lerwinyonF.lVTPllaF.

SHUTTLE ToTSSiTiw TheuadmLraed wi to dUp. rfUir iZ. aw ad aettleaeBt of theaiMo Ptiea desiring to do office at Meridian, MiartrtpT WBtt Onr principal office la sk attaated at Chirn fiweat L1CB Manag er. of the Mlan. gratioa Agencr.

udlauri. Takea no at the of Warren, SktTcV 'uO sou east or Vicksburg, oa a Deeember, 1870, one strar h. Liilh dI MULIi; about twWveTi mark on tbe top taW-VLold'teoar valuea at seventy -Ave (76) doSiikV14: Alnerson snd D. O. Waltoi.

b' BICHARTvanv decSlda Coroner and Ban WOXICE. nglneer and Stiperintenilmt Dc8iiAKMEMIfioiA deel8dtf Agents. Tan Pavera rTlclabua7 Notice is hereby given by thwndwrtmtu Aaamaor ud of thi eit, o( VkTSr that (he annual tax on real snd prospertyfor theensuing year due bv ordiaaaee ot Mayor ud Aluem. December next, aaid ordinance declares lihtt per cent, damages shall be added.and thrt the Assessor and Collector $haU in Wi evert eat add and collect said loooT gether with said taxea. nis is to nonry esen and every one inter-eeted, that ths tax book and receipts saw tax will be ready est ud after the fifth dav of Tk.

i MV ahchw mo 1 1U H4M aauyiBUBdsys excepted) from 8 o'clock a. m. to IS and from i to 4 r. Mj, ready to receive aaid tai and receipt for the same. Tax payers wUl please notice the importance of attending to this matter during the early part of December to settle, when sufl.

cient time can be taken to adjust tbe same More especially are those intending to psy hi scrip or city indebtedness, requested to call early. TH08. B. LEAS, Assessor and Collector of City '1 axes. povlSdtlstJan LEGAL.

TRUSTEE'S SALE. ALB OF Valuable Real Estate, IN BOLIVAR COUNTY, MISSISSIPPL By virtue and in pursuance of a Deed ef Trust made and executed ia bvor of Be, tbe undersigned, L. F. Generii. on the ltttk day of February, 1H67, by Mrs.

Frances Adi Polk, and recorded in the office of the Probate clerk of Bolivar county, Mississippi, la Deed Book outages 452, 463, 464 and 466, (to which said deed reference is hereby made) I will offer for sale at public auctJcD, to the highest and beet bidder for ths same, at the BoSunda df the St. Charles Hotel, in the city of New Orleans, Stats ofLouliUns, on tbe llh alar Jaanary, I9TI. the following described Real Kstate, situated, lying and being, on Deer Creek, in tbe said county of Bolivar, to-wit: All of section 19; lhe east half of lection twenty; the northwest half of section twenty, nine, and northeas quarter of section thirty; containing twelve hundred and eighty acres, more or leas. The balance of the land mentioned in said deed having been sold to satisfy a mortgage owned and neld by one 1 Hameman, the sale of said property is to be made at the request of the creditors mentioned in said deed of trust, for whose benefit the same was executed, and for tbe nses sad pur poses therein set forth, and will be made upoa the terms and conditions following, to-wit: The purchaser la to pay one-third of the UJ 1 H.k A.w rj HUUUUI U1U, IU liwwti. vu mi.

wej v. to give his two promissory notes for the balance, payable In one and two years, with In terest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the day of sale. The said notes to fee secured by mortgage upon the property sold, with the clause denon abendo. If the noldrr or holders of aaid notes should be obliged) in order to collect the same, to foreclose the mortgage to be given as aforesaid, thea five per centum of the amounts of said aotei shall be added thereto and collected for the purpose of paying lawyers' fees. I shall only convey such title as Ii vested Ii me by the terms of deed of trust, though I believe the same to be good snd perfect (Signed) UF'eiN.

A. BOUL1GKT, Auctioneer. bale. W. Brlckell et als, Wirren ComtT T- Chancery Coart.

Chas. Hmedes et Als.) By virtue of a decree in the abovenamel cause, rendered en tbe 28th day of October, 1870, by the Hon. Chancellor of said Court, tie undersigned Commissioner appointed by salt-decree, will, on WemeslT Deeanber 1st. 10? between legal hours, expose to sale at puww auction to the highest bidder, at the east do of the Courthouse of Warren county," Vicksburg. Mis.lsaippi.the property ed in aaid deer, and in the pleadings of said cause, via: Part of lot No.

4 In aquareNe.of plater lota laid bit by Wm. Vick, as laid dows im Winn's map of aaid city, being also as loU ft and 10 in aaid square, together wu all the improvements thereon, and on wsw la a fine large frame residence, and all aeixs-sary outbuildings, tbe property of the ewus of the lateDr.Brondnax,on Wslnut streeU Terms of sale-One-balf cash; baUnce j.n nf ssle. wita per cent, inter from date, to be siJ ihs nittes 10 maformablv to tie directions in said decree. LAZ. LISD8BT, Commissioner.

MILLER BIECHKTT.Solicitors. ov. loio. dtda CWHallSSIONEB'S SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the CTancery Coa" of Warren county, State of dered at tbe October Term thereof, a.

In the suit of Dameroa J. McKavea vs. Ba D. McBaven. et al- in aaid Court forpartiu of the estate of Sarah D.

McBaven, or7i I will, aa Special Commissioner uk" pointed, on the Ilk star laaaarr. A. on tbe nranlsee, hereinafter describee, city of Vicksburg, and county a ir asoraaeJd, withla tie hoars prescribed byia offer for sale at pubtie auction to tbe big" Didder, tbe lease D. old or tne ble lands and improvements thereon, loesi bein In lbs county and Bute About seven acres of land withm "fi of the city of Vicksburg, being J'. sen bed as tbe west half of lot So.

7 Mo. twenty-one, township 16, ran beinc the same nroDertv occupied as a dence bv Mrs. Sarah IX McBavea at uw of her death. tie The sadd lands am achool lands, ana leasehold which I will eell has jet aeanir Veare te rna. bein a leas for years, cu-- menclng Kovem ber 6th, 1846.

TheW lands will be divided into lots, a each lot sold separately. Terms one-unra easa on a deeds: one-third ia twelve moa'B. bsdanee In eighteen rnontba VtTnnui. menu to bear Per cent interest per an nj and to be secured by lien on tne pn; Old. Many of the lots are veryengioie taealteav Special CoauaissKiaer.

i Be owner of the above i. a ten ieeu Captain J. M. White was in New Orleans Tueedav. bat retum Immedfately to Cincinnati.

The Katie will be completed in about three weeks. The new steamer Charles Bodman, for the New Orleans snd Louisville trade, is coming down the Ohio oa ker arst Tbe upper Mississippi, abeve Pepin, is closed bv ice. It was reported yesterday that no more freights would be received lor points above Cairo, by tbe St luie packet company. rw-tn to tbe cold enUier saj lean cf freeze in the river Sw, Louis. The City of Vkksburz and Gland Tower have laid up, arteut le risk another trip antil the weather moderates and tbe nrer rtaea, fBy Teleajn aphuj Saw ObxkaSS, Dec a.

Departed: Great Cepublie for Cairo; tbe Grand Era has gone to the assistance of tbe lee, and will take ber freight ana passengers. Cairo, Dec. Marble City. Memphis' to Cairo, H) Kite Kobinson, Cincinnati to St Louis, 10 Belle Vernon, I incinq iti to New Orleans, 11 Atlantic, St Louis to New Orleans. 1 m.

ST. Louis. Dei, W. The river baa risen 4 inches. 1 here was a light snn this morning hot la now clear.

Mercury dee. CisciSHati, Dee. 2f. Tbe river ba fallen- 5 inches. A number of tows with coal have pasted Jown.

It was snowina slightly at in trvals this afternoon. It is clear to-nicbt PirTuBCBG, Dec. Weather changeable and snowing. The. AiononKaneia is irei an inches, and rising.

A coal boat not very nmbable to New Orleans. Locisnmr. Dec. 40 Arrived: City of Quincy. from New Orleans: Cbas.

IVKlnunn has safelv descended the fills, but tavl not ktt I'ortlaacf at 8 p. m. The river i ri-ing flow-Iv: it has risen 4 inches in the pat it hours. with 5 feet 2 Inches in the chute and 7 ft i inches in the canst Parties having coal barge to go below have telegraphed to send no barges through the canal, as the amount of snow and rain that bid fallen would give sufficient water on the rails fr tne entire coal I set to pass down. Know fell this morning el tine as fast aa it fell: at noon it shifted to the north and grew colder, and at 8 the thermometer stood at Z.

a eg. St. Louis, Dee. JO. Arrived City of Vicks burg, vicksburg.

Departed: Henry Ames, New OrleansM itv of Alton. Vlrksburir. Tht river is fallinr and ice is running. Clear and cold. Mercury 12 degrees at am: IS at 3 16 at 6 pm.

Nortnern pickets wil! have to stop running ir Ibis weatnereonnmies iwn oi three days, and navigation will be entirely suspended. KEW Printers Wanted. Two Compositors can find constant employ, ment by applying immediately at THI TIMES AND REPUBLICAN OFFICE A Boy Wanted. A boy, with good reference and willing to Work, can find constant employment by ap plying at tbe Times asd RsrCBUcax office. Great Book Auction Of about 10,000 VolMies of tbe choicest Standard.

Scientific and Miscellaneous roJ lec tion of Books ever offered by au-ticn In tbis place. They are all tbe finest bounj Engli-h Eooks direct from Lonibjn aud Glasgow. The whole to be sold without any reserve by auction, commencing tbis Friday etmin; at Masonic tiuiidings, opposite me p.Mtiice. and will continue every ricnins till all are sold Bale earn evenln? at a clock. SH'KTEVANT, GARDINER A CO r.A'niEs, isroTicE.

Afmp. SnvrTim 7ASHI0NABLE HAIR-DRESSElt AND -A'U TACTl KEKOe IIAIK-WiBK, VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI. Has removed to the Masonic Building opposite the postolhVe, where she will ippy to see an oi ner oiu customers an.i iriiuu-, and be ever ready to serve new patrons. dec22dlm ipiraraaffl! Silver Watclies Given Away! Commencing i Itewday Ttrnlng, Dec. lnth.

Werive every buyer cf roods in our house at retail or auction to tbe amount of an equal chance to obtain ao elegant liver Wp hnnp in I r. DwemU-riiUi and evi-rv evening ev 25 SILVER WATCHES. as we shall eive a ilver IV itch tl50 worth of goods sold. TOYS, FANCY -GOODS. nOLI- DAY PRESENTS, HOUSEKEEP ING ARTICLES, SILVER PLATED WARE, HATS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c, Ac, at about HALF THE I sTAL PBII I.I with all the wa'ebea included) i2T Your name is msittrrni nnee vrv dollar.

In addition to the sttnve in. diicements. we-hall give awav an sant HaiBliBir S.l aa on Monday, January lt. lt71. Tbe nam 01 ail ine pun-d ivers of goods op to that date ui wriuviuucu in tuas and Clecant tilfl! without any requirements purchases.

Any ner.i.n orderin? from tbe try, be particular an.J give full an ad- uress. CITV Al ITIOH HOIT STUKTEVAST, OABIHIEft CO decWdly Wl Wa-hiuirtnn tr. -et. TO BlILDEHS. Sealed iU irill hi office, in Greenville, until tbetinh lhe building of TWELVE SCHOOL HOUSES in county.

The bllibtinv. tj tu i njiur, lUIHT ope story, ceiled and painted! and an necessary lurniture, dki. benches, etc. JULIUS JUXKE MAXN. decm Pres.

of Board U. N. MARTI X. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Washington Street. FI.C,?.rTer E- H- Porter's store.

ueciatjt STEAMBOAT! For Sew Orleans BEQTJ1AH TUESDAY PACKET The new. swift and snperu passenger packet aV a sr "ii uttts, naster; LGicr and Biikb tycJ.keWM0B"A,,"8eVtr SATURDAY Kxturhikg Leaves Vioesbcro tttj. 'NliuS: ma tsUAX evening, a o'clock I'M no wperior a fine ra- trade. iuuoie oi ine IWInMatlll Ka WAiylAAJlS BACSMA'Y Merchant' Wharfboat" iecnts. CARROLL, GREEN 1 THE 1ATEST IMPROVEMENT MOST SIMPLE.

Easy to operate, runs lieht and noiseless, does the creates ranira of work. nsJnr all kinds of Thread Ootton from 16 to 800; 8TKA1GHT NfiEDLB PEKPEND1CULA tt ACTION, more power, leas friction and noise than most other Machines. UUtch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. Receive the Hlgheat Preamlsinas WhereTer Exhibited. The EmDlre is destined in itinsnwls all nthttra.

Ts a SratlsM Msrhlnit In stw pMnwt Uses all kinds of attachments; is made in over 30 different styles to saltTill classes of eus tomers; four sizes adapted to all kinds of Manufacturing purposes, as well aa Families, t-old at New York Drices. and easv terms. Particular attention naid to arivlno- inatriitJnna Agents wanted in Mississippi ana Louisiana. I P. DRAKE St General Agents.

a. a. ah ainas oi sewing aiacnines repairea CSOOIEET AHD No. A GENELLA, lunnDTFD vnntVQilv French China and Granite Ware, Silver Plated and Britania Ware. CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, widths, MATTRESSES, BROTHERS, Washington Street, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

HARRISON, RETAIL DRUGGISTS Mississippi. MA0HIHE3. SEWING MACHINES 4 Washington Street, Vicksburg, Mis. or an experienced (sewing aiaehlnest. myl8-d3m PAIOT GOODS.

ivn DVTlir tw.wnww French and Bohemian Ware, Table and Pocket Ciitl.r. anu aners, ueranuoies, Castors and Llouor Standa. sSOOIaS ever brought to this city Such aa JIWELBT. RUFUS ARNOLD Take pleasure la informing his customers wuui UIMIKlNfl, AlHlSSippi, tO I2S Weahlmgtesi trees, Tlekskerg where he will carry on a WATCH AND JEWELRY business. From his long experience as a nrac final Hr.tiili n.W..

W. uopea, uy iair dealing and strict attention, to merit a continuance of natron si's. Hu m.H i i Gold and Silver Watches in New York, and to hi naae it an ODject to buy aecaoim ii poulhann, te xoste A Pohlmsnn.) DKALXK I rm GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CHAINS, CHARMS. SPCTACLK8.

GOLD THIMBLKS, AHB FDIE GOLD RINGS, LADIB8' SETS, BREAST. FINS ASD EAB-KUrOS. 1IHI Tr wusmngTon 129 I will sell iower thmn any hQW) "1 IUO C1I.T. I have on hand a large stock ri an.M Plated Ware, Cutlery, Meerachaum Pipea, uu a-isums, Musical InatrumenU, such d.ujus, Aecordeons, Harps; and also, cheap Jewelry, which I will sell at cost. Repairing done at short notice, and all work warranted deaSdtf B00T8 AID BH0E8.

Ow CUSTOM. MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, FRAIJK HOMED, Tha bsH worknwa ennlavt. "t'l l-Hoaaaoatdlngl, low Looking Glasses, LookingGlasa Plates. Window Glass, Paper Hangings, 600 boxes Window Glass, Widow Cornices, Curtains, Bands, Pina and mr inaow onaaes, i.ainps. Candlesticks.

The largest assortment of CHRIS TTI AS leys rivvurv xrautm, jriciures, Marble Statuary, Paper Macbe Goods, Baskets, Work Boies, Wood and Willow Ware, Japanned Ware, Fenders, Shovels and Toncnes, feb5-dw-ly Andirons. Castings, Stonemare and Keroslne Oil. Natchez ror a run account or ine aeciaeni ana received the dispatch to be found elsewhere. Mr. Holmes, of the Lee, telegraphs she ean be easily raised, and in a day or two the fastest boat afloat" will again be on the water.

The following names of persons lost on the Kirk Wall, we have from Mr. W. L. epray-berrv, a passenger, who lost bis wife and two children: J. C.

Taylor. of Jefferson, Texas; two brothers Robertson, of Georgia; Mr. Pace, of Vlnrinia: Lewis Turner, ot Chero kee county, Alabama; Mrs. Mary Spray berry, Miss Utlora spray berry ana tucnara spray berry, Chattooga county, Georgia. The Friar's Point Delta says that, on tbe 10th instant, two men on one of Governor Al corn's plantations ia Coahoma county, picked more cotton than was ever before picked by two men in one day.

Kans Hawkins picked 11H0 pounds, and George Washington picked 1180 pounds, tin the next day the two rivals met in single contest, commencing to pica si 'clock, ana worked seven nours in wnico time Kans Hawkins picked 720 pounds, and George Washington 704. Mr. John Jones, manager of these plantations, thus, writes to the editor of the Delta in reirard to them: The bands cm these plantations are very Industrious snd well-behaved. Free labor is success here. We have cribbed abont bushels of corn, and have gstbered over eight hundred bales of cotton.

We have also a verv large crop of potatoes. Peace and plenty, air. Editor, reign at Jonestown. Tbe governor went away satisfied tbe hands are all sstlsfied, snd I feel bappy In contemplating tbe prosperity of that country so recently the scene of a civil war." Greenville Republican. ON snd after the first of January, 1871, the certificates of indebtedness of the state of Mississippi, under an act approved June 13th, 1070, will be received at par for.

freight and passage at tbe undersigned railroads: Mobile and Ohio Railroad. By A. Ml'RDOCK. President. Mississippi and Tennessee Kallroad, Bv F.

M. White, President S. J. and G. S.

K. By H. S. McCOafB, President. 8.

R. R. Association, By M.J. Wicks, PresiJent. Vlck.burg and Meridian Railroad, By M.

Emanurl, President. J. F. Harris, a colored man, was admitted to tbe bar in our circuit court on Thursday let. He was examined bv Messrs.

Nu gent Percy, and Leroy Valliaut, and to the first eilored man who has been admitted to the bar in this county. To those wbotbink thst tbe colored people are incapable of mental improvement, we present this case. Mr. Harris wa for twenty-seven years of his life a slsve; and yet, with the poor opportunity be hsd. he acquired an education that has eaalilel liiro to pass successfully an examination conducted by three of our ablest lawyers, and win I he honor which he sought.

(ireeHtille Jiepublican. A bloodt affray occurred at Cornersville. Marshall county, on tbe 18tb. in which a man by the name of Thomas Miller was shot through the head, and Book Ford, in the ribt boulder. Miller died without speaking.

Tbe parties concerned in the affray are under arrest. A quarrel about property was at tbe bottom of tbe affair. McComb telegraphs that every depot along tbe line of the New Orleans snd Jackson railroad is cleared of cotton, and the trains running regularly.and that the Central line will be cleared tbis week. RIVER NEWS. ARRIVIO.

Frank Pargoud, from Greenville. Colorado, from St Louis. John Kyle, from St. Louis. W.J.

Lewis, from St. Louis. DKPATRKD. John Kyle, for New Orleans. Frank for New Orleans.

Colorado, for St Louis. W.J. Lewis, for New Orleans. BOATS DUE TO-BAY. Lucy Keirn, Yazoo to Vicksburg.

Marcel la, Yazoo, to New Orleans. Virginia, Louisville to New Orleans. Thompson Dean, St Louis to New Orleans, Mollie Able, St. Louis to New Orleans. MISCBLLAHSOU8.

Business pretty brisk on the levee. The Pargoud waa in port nearly all day taking on cotton. The R. E. Lee will be afloat again within a few days.

Captain Geo. A. illiams received tne Knowing telegram rrom jsucnex yesterday: Run into by tbe Potomac. Sunk to guards. in dc raised in a aay or two.

B. The Big Sunflower reshipped ber freight at TszoeCityon the Marcella, and returned to ue raiiaaaicute. Tbe Lucy Keirn will be down to-day, and gi io ine i azoo to-morrow. The Mollie A bin srirleri (MT. h.laa nf entttn MJ2J)nis- She passes down io-day for vw vire ansa "The Virginia, Capt.

ShulU, passes down to-day for New Orleans. J. gives the particulars i float a few davs. Leas than six feet of water ia reported be- 8TJEVET0ES. W.

L. POLK, Surveyor. Office over store of Polk, Boswell A Co VICRSBDRO. MI88. All descriptions of Surveying; done, and plats and maps made upon short notice, at reasonable cnarges.

solicited iui'iu4mo T. 8. ANDERSON, LASD 81RVEYOR, VICKSBURG, Office 152 Wasblneton Street, ud stairs. Special attention to'-lavineout." "nartine off," and "dividing up" land, and making to- poerapnicai anu proni maps or lands, in this and adjoining Counties and Parishes. Prompt attention to oruers uy mall.

octis-uawom WANTED: AMO" I C-Wanted on ta.Iarr or CoituniKKloai. members of the raiernity as Agenu in two of tbe most val uable Masonic works ever published. Send for Circular. Rrdding A Temple Build ing, 544 Broadway, N. Y.

dec20d3t IawiaI A I 1 want a Local Agent In every onil VillnA In t.r.,.n to canvass for Subscribers to the b8trrm world. a agmfi cknt 5 00 Premium Stkkl Em. graving is sent urad to every subscriber. From $1 00 to $10 00 can be easily made In an evening. A liberal cash commission is al- bend stamps for Specimens and Prize Address JAMES R.

ELLIOTT, decSOdtw Boston, Mass, iV anted. A man to make and burn 500,000 Brick within five miles of Vicksburg. Wood water and clay adjacent, andof the best qual' ity. Apply at LAJIKIN A EGGLESTON'S, auSi Vicksburg. U'antrd.

City Scrip wanted. Call at the Freedman's Bank. oetlH-dtf EEWAKD. 91,000 REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itching PILES that DiBINO'S Pilc Kkmkdt fails to cure. It has cured cases of 30 years stand ine.

Try it and get rid. of the most trouble some disease nesn is neir to. so i oy anurug. riste. utDoratory 1M rTanaun oaiumore myll-daw-ly IHSUEAIOE.


Ojlta 179 WmMgUm Street, up Sttfrt. ap23dU OOTTOS FAOTOES AID 6E00EK8. QIB1RD 8TITE8 Commission Merchant Oottox Factors W. CR. MDLBBJtKT A CEA WFORDBT ssarS-tm BAMrLTOK WRIGHT, I w.

H. KoanroTOH, jt, Madison Pariah, La. Vicksburg, Miss. Q17 WBIGHT HDRI2iGT02r, (FOKXZRI.T H. BIGHT A CO.) COTTON BROKERS, Ajr COMMISSION MEBCOAXTS.

Whale ale saast He tall r-acra. 1T XXTLBERBT FTREIT. 1T fcbH TICK SBUBG, HIM. lowed Circular HAENES AHD SADDLERY. WM.

BEATY. SADbLEEY AND Selling Cheap for 1 181 Wsuhtaartsm Street 1S1 VICKSBURG, MISS. Repairing done at short notice. novdtf WHOLESALE LIQTJOK DEaLEK8. i THE OLD AND RELIABLE WHOLESALE ASD RE1AIL laauor House No.

14 Washlaarton Strtvsvt- "sra omssaany on aaad aiarra aad ssoca or ronin raadieiL Watskies, Wines. Liquors, Coroui" Iran, tobacco ud Bar 8Sons Cli Bol Agent for the aato of tfca mi.i...i.i L' raviaa a Bitten. Tke poblte are muM .11 10 wkere. Isa, DEALER G. V.

WOOD, CITY SALE AND FEED STABLE, CLAf STREET tweea -auk lactam aaat aiavearj. Horses and Males of any style and price, alwsvsoa hand. A good Stock Corral ia attached to the Stables. Particular attention will be paid to feeding stock, and will take especial eare to keep on band first class Brood Mare. dccWtf araaiHi.

deeSdha dec7dlwwtda.

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