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The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois • Page 3

Edwardsville, Illinois
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Society Personals WOMEN'S FEATURES Clubs Club Notes I a WSCS tit a Society of Chus i Scivicc ot the I a tliixlist chinch cnteitamcd with i in the chinch I i a i i i i i fhe piogiam a in of i John Stine, pio- a i i and was as foi song tht society and tht RPV I'ctcibon i a i Mis Fuila and Mis, Ed i and piano duo the thulial Miss Bettv Lou s.i ICM- vocil solos accompimcd Miss Alice Mac Hud ot Love Divine and 1 ve did 1 i Stai Mis II Keovvn piano solos balut A th and In the Gaiclen Miss Maijout Love leading i at the Doicas i i a accompanied bv Mis Ed t- One Kiss Miss Joanne I ind Miss Lvtlyn Knoche duets Shepeids Lvcmng iU and Lain IP i i i i scntcl in the nal room ol the Eden i Committee 3 i 3 ot the Icn Won i meet fcw(liv at i in in the Hostesses i i Schmidt md i Belt WCTU Flower i i Day of the a Chus i i UKC, limon will ,11 i I i Mission Dav luesd.iv i i visit the couiilv ho ic the a i i i a a betn a a Hie a i i a i Cake i (I llowers will be piovidcd bj i ol the i i a i and old chinks i be Uumshid i norm Community Calendar a School a i ol class fa of tht I i iday school of i i Ld ucl Abenbunk is the tc i i en jcmd a potiutk suppci in the ctm in, loom of the cluuch a i i mng V.HOI the suppci panics i i hed a i loi the HI Scout News Troop and Pack 33 Stout tioop and i 33 ot me I i chinch held ie 0 ul tamily nifeht Monk i Mound I i a i Immechatclv upon a a the large i i enjojed a picnic suppei Altei the suppei a softball game hi I ecu the Cubs and dads md a sottball game paiticipattd i bv the motheis furnished entei i i i ioi the evening i cubmastei i the tolloumg awaids and acl in in a to the bovs i i I a Niemeiei i i a Dennis lucloi i Ue Richaul Satleilte 1 ion and i Kenneth i a a i 1'vlt Wolf gold i i points Bil I 1 igon and Dauel Pylc sil i auovv points Uvaids toi exhibits at tht Cub i i i held iccentlj in i i piescntecl to Rich i Casna Kenneth I i Billv I 1,011 i a i i and Mai i i a i rtov DuggPt assistant scoutmas piescnttd Holland i i i i i a i bidgc ind eei ate The material contained herein It compiled by the Chamber of Commerce which requests that all organizations refer to tht Community Calendar when planning evenU The Chamber further suggests that events and dates be listed as soon as they are set so others can give them consideration The Chambers telephone number 153 Fuday, June 9--The Masonic temple dance club will meet Loyal Ordei ot Moose will meet at Moose hall at 8 o'clock The Bi othei hood of Railwa Tiammen will meet at the hall Sunday June 11--The Czechoslavak Society of America will meet in the Isational building Monday June 12--The Third degree of Knights of Columbus will meet at the Stubbs hall at Edwaidsvllle cafe at 615 The foast- mlstiess club will meet at 630 The Gill Scout leaders club will meet at the Fust Piesbjtenan church at 7 30 Tucsdaj June 13--The Kivvanls club will meet at the First Presby- tDiian chinch at 6 15 The Ameucan legion will meel at the clubhouse at 8 clock The Daughteis ot Ameucan Revolution will meet at the home ot Mis Wairen Hams at 7 30 The Ladies auxiliaiy to the Brotheihood of Railway Trainmen will meet at the hall at 8 clock The Lions club will meet at the Trinity Lulheian chinch at 630 The a Neiglibois of America will meet at the Odd Fellows hall at 8 clock The Woman's Christian Tempciance Union will hold then meeting The Demolays Motheis Ciicle will meet at the Masonic temple at 7 30 Wcclneidaj June 14--Ihe Shune club will hold their meeting at the Masonic temple at 6 30 Ihe Knights of Pythias will hold their meeting at the hall at 8 clock Thinsdav 15--Ihe a i club will hold then meeting at St Johns Methodist chinch at 12 10 The Junior Seivice club will hold then meeting Edwaidsvllle Blue lodge No 99 AFM will hold then meeting at the Masonic temple at 7 30 The Junior Walther league oi Tiimlv i a chinch will meet The Youth fellowship ol Evangelical chinch i meet at the church The a i of i i a i meet at the hall at 730 Fudav June 16--The Loyal Older oi Moose i meet at the Moose a at 8 clock Hit Republican club will meet at the a Mondav 19--The loastmasleis club will meet at 6 15 at Ed waidsville i I Daughteis ot Isabella will meet at the hall at 8 clock lucsdaj 20--Ihe Kiwams club will hold then meeting at 615 at the Fust Piesbtenan chinch The Order of Eastern Stai i meet at the Masonic temple at 730 The Vetcians of Foieign a i nul the auxiliaiy i meet at VFW park at 730 Wednesday 21--The Knights of Pjthias will meet at 8 clock at the hall The Ladies ot the Moose will meet at Moose hall at 8 clock The Men fellowship will hold their meeting at the Fust Piesbjteuan chuich The Jobs Daughteis meet at the Masonic temple at 7 clock Thinsclav June 22-- The Spoilsmen tlub will hold their meeting The a i club i meet at 12 10 at St Methodist church Midav 23--The Lojal Oidci ot Moose will meet at Moose hall at 8 clock I Biotheihood of a i a Tiammen will meet at the hall Moncln 2fa--Ihe degree of the Knights of Columbus i meet at 8 clock and Ihe Fointh degiee at 7 clock at the hall I Toastmisticss club will meet at 630 27--The Kiwams club will meet at the Fust Pres i a chinch it 615 Ihe Ladies auxiliary oi the Biotheihood ot RaUvvav i a will meet at the hall at 8 clock The Lions club will meet at the Timity Lutheian chuich at 630 The Fev aiiMliaiy i meet in the clubiooms at 7 30 Wcdnesclav mt 28--The Knights ot Pythias will meet at Ihe a at 8 clock Ihc Faim Buieau will meet at the Faim i a i i at 9 30 a Ihuisclav June 29--The a i club i meel at 12 10 at the St Methodist i a June 30--Ihe Lojal Oidei of Moose will meet at Moose hall at 8 clock County Social R. of Glen Carbon The Glen Caibon Royal Neighbors, Rose Camp 1555 celebrated its 50th anniversary Tuesday evening in honor of three charter membeis, Mis Anna Bous'e Mrs Coia Tischei of 0 Fallen and Mrs Louise Schneidei, who was unable to be piesent Mrs A Bouse was present and Mrs Fischer was accompanied by her daughteis. A piogram consisting of a piano solo by Velda Mae Pnmas, cornet duet, by John Sasek and son Rich ard piano solo Sherry Sasek ac cordian solo, Eleanor Turner, and a square dance by Velda Pnmas Phyllis Helfei, Loretta Cehlibec Charlotte Stoces, Carol Raspehca Eleanoi Tuiner Maiilyn Blythe and Theresa Ratfaelle Gifts and flowers wete received by chatter members The event was concluded with seivmg refreshments Mis Nellie Paul, district deputy accompanied by Mrs Lola Russell oi Alton weie welcomed and Mrs Rose Landius of New Douglas was a visitoi Birthday Anniversary Otto Stille oi Alhambia obseived his 75lh buthday amnveiiary Sun day with his thildien grandchil dien and tilends at the home ot Ml and Mis a i Abeit A picnic dinnei was served on a table in the a i Mis Russell Abeit baked and decoiated a cake in his honoi Piesent i Rev and Mis Guy Moyei and son David Mi and Mis Robeit Klausttimeiei and son Dennis, Mrs Arthui SUlle and sons Wane Eldon Maivin and Mauuce and Miss Alice Hosto Mi and Mis Wallei btille and son Glenn Mi and Mis Leo Webei Mr and Mis a i Abert Mr and Mis Russell Abert, Mi and VIis Chailes Hunsche and son Gene Shnley Betty Rollm, Hel en Fein and Margie Abert, Mr and Mis Fled Suhie, Mi and Mrs Geiald Suhre, Robert Ruth and Ray Suhie Albert Ziegler and childien Donald Maripiovus De Ions, Udell Richaid Marlene and Carol and Hairy Waiien After dinnei Mi and Mrs Waltei Stille and Albeit Zieglei and son Udell visited i Mis Albeit Zieg er at the Highland hospital Tosvosky Speaks To Rotary Club Ernest Tosovsky, president of the Home Nursery greenhouses delivered an informative talk on roses, their propagation and care, to the Edwardsville Rotary Club Thursday at the notary's regular weekly luncheon meeting in St John's Methodist church Explaining the various kinds of roses produced today, Tosovsky cited the four most popular and best known varieties, the Hybrid Perpetual the Hybrid Tea, the Climbing and the Pohantha Of these, he continued, the Hybrid Peipetual is the most common and usually the variety found growing in flower gardens while the Hy bnd Tea can only be successfully grown in greenhouses because they require greater care and piotec- The Pohantha he added, is the popular small cluster rose and is distinguished from the florabunda in the same group by the charactei of its bud Continuing, Tosovsky said that propagation of loses has developed greatly in the last ten years and as an illustration men- wned the Peace Rose' and the Better Times Rose both patented with a royalty on each sale gong to the original developer Frederick Spiingei program chairman introduced the speaker Attorney Francis Manning of Wood River was a visiting Rotai- We The Women A Hollvwood st.u with two di i behind hei has ofleied hei philosophy ot lilc to any gnls who a i impitssionablt enough to take it She thinks glamoi gnls should be moie sensible about then love i And to i i a a she mean 1 bv being sensible she cites lui own attitude a i men and a i a She has tun while a a lasts but when i all i i ovei I don bioocl about it And I a a good ti lends i them aftci wauls Tli all sounds a i a i i and modem and theie aie quite a few young today who share the movie stai philosophy They can shrug off a mamage with the id enteied St Joseph hospital in sa me studied nonchalance with lion fucsdas loi ticatment i goes by--and pietty ,001 she I is a i i to someone she Swouldn have looked at twice when she chose her first husband A woman usually has her best chance ot getting a good husband when she makes her fust choice of a male And if she isn smart enough to realize that and do her best to hold on to him through good times and bad she just isn i i blight Leaving the question ot moials out of the issue and just being ipiactical the when it ovei--it's ovei philosophy doesn work toi women Brief Hospital Patient I a i Welch of 82b Holyoakc I a Baptized Gail Jean daughter of Mi and Its Elvvood Lading was baptued uclaj at the Tunity Lutheian i by the Rev A Heipol imei Sponsois vveie Leonaid iliu Mis Richaid i i a San Diego Calif nnd Mis i inch shiug then shouldeit out of a mink coat But follow their caiecis for just i few moie yeais and you see the same things happening to even the most glamoious ot the lot As thev glow a little oldci the husbands they arry seem to less and less impiessive Ihe mai uages seem fo glow shorter each i i Suhie The infant vvoic the time And the ex with ss i belonged to hei giand i Mis Suhie Returns Home Miss Salb Tunnell, daughter of i and Mis Robert Tunnell IB i ned home Fuday from St like hospital in St Louis vvheie lie has been a patient foi the ist thiee months Sunday eve IIIK she and her mother will leave visit with Mr and Mis Fiank mndl at Bovue, Ariz foi the mm Announce A i a Mt and Mrs George Likeit of msville aie announcing the ar- jl oi a seven pound and eight cc daughtei bom Thmsday at Joseph hospital in Highland I ikeit is the former Miss of this city oun university is the Id in Rhode Island and sev- Ti oldest the United States vhom they claim to be such good fuends keep taking on other wives chosen fiom the newei ciop of glamoi gals So what otten happens to the glamoi gill with the let end DIM mamage when it stops being fun philosophj is that she has to be come less and less chooser as Personals Mi and Mis Claicnce Cromwell of Oakland Calif aie spending the week with Mr Cromwell uncle Hany Bryan and family at Libcrtv Pi dine Mi Ciomwell was leaied at Liberty Piaine and is lenevvmg old acquaintances dui ing his visit Mis Charles 0 Nash of Marine a i Fuday to spend the week end with Mrs Elmer Schvvarz at her home on South Fillmore New Oil Pools Champaign (IP)--Two new 11 pools were discoveied in Illinois last month it was repotted Eri day Dr Leighton chief of the state geological survey said the new pools were Marion in Williamson county and Enfield in White county Nine extensions to pools also were found he said Total estimated oil production for May was 5422000 barrels PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS NOTARIES PUBLIC CATHARINE M. KELLY SECRETARIAL SERVICE Equipped to handle all types of secretarial work anywhere For the BEST service available, call or visit Catharine M. Kelly 1 (known locally for outstanding ability) -1 1 12 Chemical St Louii, Mo.

CE 1942 (Call Collect) 1205 Troy Road, Edwardsville, III. Call 1 186 after 5 P. M. or anytime on Saturday, Sundays and Holidays. Dictation typing reporting mimeographing addressing p- robotypmg telephone answering thesis and manuscript editing and typing office relief by day or hour.

Today's Pattern Amputee Weds Model in Florida Jacksonville Fla (IP)--Smiling Jimmy Wilson said this is i just like he used to do beloie an Air Toice mission and then he was off on the greatest adventure of his life marriage The handsome ioung law student resplendent in a summer tuxedo stiode confidently down the aisle Thmsday night on aititicial legs his mechanical arms swinging in perfect time with the measured beat ot the wedding maich At the the 25 year old bas ket case one of the two World Wai II heios who lost all four limbs and lived man led Doiothy Mortenson 23 a beautiful television model who encouraged his long struggle back from wars living graveyard Mayor Hayden Burns was among the 400 guests who witnessed the brief Piotestant seivice wished the couple well at the leception later and saw them off on a two-week motor trip during which Jimmy ill do most of the driving Wilson met his bride while he was studying foi a pre law degiee at the University of Florida Little girls love to dress like mother and these look-alike pina fores aie as clever and charming as can be Each buttons down the back is coloi fully trimmed with bright nc rac Pattern No 8130 is in sizes 12 14 16 18 20 and 42 Size 14 334 yards of 39 inch Pattern No 8131 is for sizes 3, 4 5 6 7 and 8 yeais Size 4, 2Vt yards of 39-inch For these patterns, send 25 cents COINS foi EACH pattern ordered your name, address sizes de sired and the PATTERN NUMBER to Sue Burnett Edwardsville Intelligencer 1150 Ave Americas New York 19 Saks A Installation I SALES SERVICE 123 W. Vandilli Si, Phone M22 ADMIRAL MOTOROLA Adventists to Help In Case of War Washington (IP)--The Seventh Day Adventists aie pieparmg for a possible atom war as they did for World War II "We are not pacifists but we want to help save the peace by helping the goveinment the Rev Carlyle Haynes said after a general conference committee of the Seventh Day Adventist chuiches here The committee voted to or ganize a nation-wide civilian de fense and disaster relief -eivice in preparedness for World Wan III We began giving medical aid courses and casualty tia mug in 1933 Haynes said Ivselve thou sand of the joung men we ttained weie drafted into the medical corps of the aimed totces and many of our young women joined the same gioups We aie cariying out the lecom mendations of the National Secu rity Resouices board stocl piling bandages oxygen plasmas chugs and antibiotics Litter beams will be trained, and all our people will be prepared to caie foi of the effects of atom bombing The NSRB has emphasized that it would be unrealistic to piepa-e "or fewei than 40000 seveiely buined peisons fiom a single atomic explosion without counting those mjuied by flying debris and mechanical means Ideal car? of one seveiely burn ed patient accoidmg to case his tones made at Nagasaki and Hu- oshima would include piovisions for 42 tanks of oxygen three nuis es, 2 7 miles of gauze 36 pints of plasma 40 pints of whole blood and 100 pints of othei fluids plus drugs such as moiphine and the anti-biotics Through out stockpiling Seventh Day Adventist gioups all over the countiy will be able to take over immediately in the event of such disasters Haynes said Since 60 per cent of atom bomb casualties were found to be burns, our resouices will be centered pai ticularly aiound those medicines, but we will also be prepared for other wounds caused by bombs, falling debris, blasts, or whatever comes 'We are not alarmists The Seventh Day Adventists want to help their government in war as in peace We are accumulating a five-man board to supervise training of 450 to 500 employes at our local headquarters Their duties will include atom raid drills, training httei bearers to bring in casualties and en- couiagement of women to insure a plentiful supply of bandages and minor medical supplies 'Since the effects of atom bombing and fission differ within varying aieas we will study the needs of people found in the cen- tei of the taiget, one-half mile away or some distance fiom that center The National Secuiity Re- souices boaid has estimated that 250 loaded fieight cais would be necessaiy to bung medical supplies to Washington, if iaided All local and regional enlist hed quarteis i i chinches, schools and medical institutions are being oidered to follow the lec- ommendations of the NSKB Meanwhile we will continue to pray that these piecautions will be needless Fatally Gieencastle, Ind (IP)--Theodore Blaco 37, Robinson, 111 was shocked fatally Wednesday while working with a construction crew Blaco and Samuel Nail, 36 Pans, 111, who as burned, were unload ing steel beams at the site oC a sewage disposal plant One of the beams touched a 2,200 volt high power line In ancient Gieece, the office of puest being well paid, often was bought and sold according to the Encyclopedia Bntannica FrL, June 9, 1950 Page 3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 317 BUCHANAN ST. OPEN Wednesdays and Saturday! I P. M. to 5 M.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 9 (Tere the Bible and all authorized Christian Science Literature Includ- ns the istian Science textbotk "Science ind Health With Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy may be read borrowed or purchased VISITORS WELCOME OUR OLD FAVORITE SPECIAL FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Including 2 Disjointed Chicken, French Fries, Salad, Rolls, and Butter sj.oo OUR SUMMER SPECIAL JUDY'S JUMBO-BURGER Pure ground beef with all the trimmings, chips, tomato, lettuce, radishes, pickles, onions For Delicious Food and Drinks, Go to the Peters Station Junction 157 By-Pats 40 Gladys Les Bueskmg, Prop Phone Collmsville 608W3 Early Diagnosis Advised To Lull Cancer Fears Cleveland LP)--Not eveiy abnormal growth in the mouth in dicates a dangerous cancer Dr Snydei professoi of oral sur geiy at Ohio State Univeisity den tal school said heie The public has become more cancer conscious he said We see more jittery' patients who do not have cancer but cancer pho bla Early biopsies can save life he said and it can also eliminate jitteis in those who have nothing to feai Fine wiring jobs are being taken care of by means of a wiling pen cil The pencil consists of a point ed tube with a spool of wire mounted on the uppei end ths be ing paid out thiough the point Buy It With Confidence ton- Iflliwn art gvw antnd by CoW Heui.kxptng, NOW AT LAST IT MAY Bf POSSIBLE TO TAKE YOUR "HEARING AID" OUT OF YOUR EAR FOREVER THIS HARD-OF-HiARING WOMAN IS WEARING A NEW INVENTION. SHE NOW HEARS AGAIN, YET THERE IS NO DEVICE OF ANY KIND IN EITHER EAR! Thanks to an entirely new invention by Acousticon, thousands of men and women are at Use free of wearing any kind of hearing aid in their ear absolutely NOTHING whatever in the ear no so called "invisible or phantom" car piece And furthermore, no hendband of ANY no pressure of any kind and they hear even bttttr! FREE Hearing Clinic-For One Day A 14, 1950 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. This clinic will be conducted by Mr. Wakefield and Mr.

Donald Alwme, factory service technician and hearing expert You can have your hearing aid scientifically cleaned, adjusted, or repaired, regardless of make or model at this clinic. 120a NORTH MAIN EDWARDSVILLE, ILL (OFFICE OF DR WAYNE COX) This Clinic Will Be Conducted by tht ACOUSTICON PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT HEARING SPECIALISTS For the benefit of those who ate hard of hearing and want the latest developments for correction of impaired hearing. ALONG WITH MARVELOUS INVENTION MENTIONED ABOVE YOU WILL ALSO SEEt A New ACOUSTICON Hearing Aid for FUUY GUARANTIED A guarantee --i JL backed by Acousticon, world's Oil ff nt 8n oldest manufacturer of electrical hearing aids. If you are unable tb attend this clinic, please write or phone for an appointment in your home. BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS ACOUSTICON OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 1805 STATE ST.


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