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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-S7 i 1 GIOGEEIESe PORT T0F BUFFALO! arccsfiso to Kias yoanraon. WciIhwU; Oeeeaxwer 1, 1H3S. TRADE AND C01D1ERCK 1 Flsmace aad Travde. It appears hi a recent somber of the Cbkaga Jnrnmt that BMdsrajatiTB to the inspection ef wheat have beea owridoatoconderallextrtithat dty.J'hfch are be-b fcroofht to Ugtt throui th efforts tbd Board af Trad. The committee appointed by thia tody presented thair report sa Monday aftarnooa, and it appaarc baa tha tha farraatuatioa that they have performed A yonna- medical student from Michigan, who been attending lac to res ia New York for some I time, and considering himsetf exceedingly good fascinating, made a deadly onset on heart and fortune of a blooming yoang lady who waa bing in the same houao withhim Atore prolonged; siege the lady surrendered The same afternoon the young wife seat for and exhibited to the astonished student a beautiful lit daagbter, three and a half years ef age.

"Good heavens 1 tnen yon were a widow." ex claimed the astonished student A Yea. my dear, and thia ia Amelia, my youc treat; tomorrow, Anguatna, Jamea end Reuben will ar rive from tne country, ana tnen 1 shall nave au my eauaren together once more." The unhappy student replied not a word; his feelings were toe deep for utterance The next day the "other darlings'' arrived. Reuben was six years old, Jamea nine, and Aagnstus asaaey boy tweivev xney were aeiigntea to near tnat tney had a "new papa," because tney could live at home ana nave au tne playthings tney wanton: ine "new papa," aa aooa as he could speak, remarked that Aagnstus and James did not mnch resemble Reuben and Amelia "Wall, ne." said the happy mother; "my first husband waa quite a different style of man from my second complexion, temperment, color 01 hair aad eyes all different" 1 nis waa too mncn. lie naa not oniy marriea widow, bnt was her third husband, and the aston ished step lather or lour children. "But her fortune," thought he, "that wiU make amends." He spoke of her fortune.

"These are my treasures," she said la the Ro man matron style, pointing to her children. The eoneeit. was quite-taken Out of the Michl-gander, who, finding that he had made a complete goose of himself, at once retired to a farm his native State, where he oould have a chance to render his boys useful, and make them sweat for tne deceit practiced upon mm Dy tneir mother. Tne Keatacby Oenacracy. The Democracy of Kentucky bold their State Convention at Frankfort, on the 6th of January naxt Nominationa are to be then made for Governor, TJent.

Governor, and other State officer. A large number of county meetings have been held, and there has been, thus far, great unanimity and apparent cordiality in endorsing, witbont ex ception, the official acta of President Buchanan. Whatever secret sympathy there may be with Don. glas in Kentucky, there is very little public manifestation of it in any quarter. The great mass of the party is unquestionably wedded to Buchanan and nis party.

The general current of preference seems to be setting in favor of Hon. Beriah Magoffin, of Mercer county. Messrs. George T. Wood, of Hart, and A.

G. or Boyle, are also named for the same position. For the minor offices, the candidates a numerous a Mr. Bilvertooth being one of the most conspicuous aspirants to the LietrL Governorship. Such a name out to win, Magoffin and SUvertooth" hurrah Cincinnati Go-telle, 19th.

A Fain Hit. The Salem Standard gives "no tice that application will be made to the next Legislature of Mew Jersey for a supplement to the election law regulating the price of votes in the Annntv nf Ralftm.n The "new ngnta" will, however, ooject to any regulation of this business by law. In their opinion it will be very old-fogyiah to have any fixed tariff for the management of' the trade. They will be for the "largest liberty" in the matter, jnst as it has been practised in this State for years. Cbbss Tkstimonial.

A Committee of the New York Chess Club are collecting subscriptions to donate to Mr. Morphy on his return from Paris in uecemner, a set oi goia ana suver cness a richly inlaid chess board. The chess men are to be elaborately wrought, and mounted on cornelian pedestals; and if the funds warrant it, a medal will be struck, one in gold for Mr. Morphy, and others in bronze for the donors. i GALVINIZED IBM.

si. THE OLDEST UALTIN1ZINO ESTABLISH MKNT IN THE UNITED STATES. And bv the nroeeaa of tha celebrated Enffliah Patents. Constantly on hand OalTinized Sheet Iron, Of all widths and Ouages, from No. 1J to 28.

Nails, Spikes, Lhtning Rods, WntE OF ALL SIZES, HOOP IRON, tcj. See. CORK UQA TED SHSE T8 for RQ OFING. Contracts taken for Iron Roofs, for erection in any part of the United States. Iron Work of all kinds Galvanised a Don short notice.

Marshall, Lefferts 37 BKEKMAN kTHEET, no27tfe26 NEW YORK. viuuiieii neaaea ranges SOME VERY FINE QUALITY. nr Jnst received at ne27 FLKRSHKIM1. STEE0SC0FIG VIEWS! A NEW ET: 7 Jnst received at no27 FLERSHEIM'8. LADIES SKATES A FINK ASSORTMENT.

t3f For sal at ne2T FLERSHEin8. RAGLANS! RAGLANS! Stock of aLadies' Heavy Beaver Raglans AT YE11T LOW PRICES NOW BEING OPENED BY e27 MURRAY. CVNDUNO 1RANT. OBOVEB BAKEB CELEBRATED Family Sewing Machines, A New Style Price S3. S31 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, 493 Broadway.

New, York. These Machines sew from two spools, and form seam of noequaled strength, benuty snd elasticity, which will sot rip area if every fourth stitch be eot They ars unquestionably the best in the market for family ns. 3T SEND FOR CIRCULARa Bux7.1y ST AGAIN IN SEASON WILLIS II OWE, POBMBBXT BOWB A OO, I I Is Sow Eeceiving Large Qnantitie, DAILY, OF A STJPEEI0R aUALITY! KEGS, OiLF KGG8 AND CMS. And Warranted to give Satisfaction. Give then a trial a and pli si W.

BOWK, in Mala street. Bufialo Umbrellas! COMSTOGE strelvdaIrgAsornientof tfaasejaady Celebrated Umbrellas, Being all KaaanKtuisd eiBreaidy for this Market, and with fa anrsmuty, all. vsnsi.Tiim aaeetjnat th wants of this nommnnity. A LAROB ASSORTMENT OF Gents Fall and Winter Gloves. NSW StTTLES FELT HATH, CLOTH HATS A4 GLAZED HATS.

Hatter, eat --(--- SOI Maia street. feet Dressed Flooring, BIDING, FANELING, STTTACED E0UQH LUJIESR. 7axranted Kiln Dried Doors. Bracks, 8HTNQLXS, ate. ForaaVser nasi Bsui niuu, vase TCTKmyO.

PLAKtWO A.VD 8AWTNO to order. jerTtf LARGE RU.TEK MEDAL A Cawrtsw aa Toswc to to Taje 2eclprby Treatr aJU UismaTlaal TmrlX. Wa are rapidly' earning to tha conoluaiea that na Yankee can be so hard -faced, or ao shrewd ia getting tha long and of bargain, as onr CanadL an neighbors. They eome to na in a gniae of na- sophiatioated inaocence and wish to deal -with ns the high-minded principles which govern tha commercial ebndnct of 4 free Briton. They tell thaw are gaswraaa to weakness, that their fra- i temal feeling for Brother; Jonathan, ia r) overpowering that thai- are willing to giva as all distinctions of natio nali ty, abolish tarilTs, and have, far as may be, free trade between tha two eoa'a-tries.

And thereapon Brother Jonathan falls in love with John Canack, the two atrike hands, and Reciprocity Treaty reanlta. Reciprocal aflaetion and esteem have begotten reciproeal trade, and the brotherhood of nations becomes a fixed fact. The sam of all this bargain is that certain enu merated artloles shall be duty free on either aide. Taking op the articles as we find them in the tree. we discover that John Canack agrees to place ne tariff on cotton, coal, pitch, tar, turpentine, rice, burr and grindstones, dyeatafla hemp and unmanufactured tobacco.theae being the products the United States which John Cannok needs, and the cheaper he gets them the better for hia country, In fact, it ia a question whether he wonld charge duty on them if there were no Treaty on the subject.

In return for this generous Concession on the part of John Canuck, Brother Jonathan makes a similar slight concession. He agrees to take, witbont duty, the following alight list of articles Grain, floor and breadstaflb of all kinds; fresh, smoked and salted meats; wool, needs and vege tables; dried and ondried fruits; fish of all kinds; products of fish and all other creatures living in the water; poultry, eggs, hides, furs, skins or tails nndressed; stone "or marble in its crude state; slate, butter, cheese, tallow, lard, brooms, manure ores of metals of all kinds: ashes; timber and lumber of ail kinds, round, hewed and sawed, nn manufactured in whole or in part; -firewood plant, shrubs and trees; pelts, wool, fish-oil broom corn and bark, flax and tow; these being articles of which both the United Btates and Can-1 ada have each an abundance, which we do not export to Canada, and on which Canada therefore concedes nothing. Bhe gains, however, the advantage of oar markets, and is enabled to compete on better than equal terme with the American agriculturist. One of the most charming features of the Treaty was the opening of a grain trade with Canada. AU the wheat grown in Upper Caaada was to seek a market in Buffalo, instead of going down the St.

Lawrence. But it happened that Canada had a little offset to this in the privilege of navigating Lake Michigan in Canadian bottoms. Immediately after the Treaty went into effect, the Buffalo dealer found an active squad of John Canncks from Montreal in Chicago, shipping wheat down the St Lawrence, and the diversion of the grain trade from American channels in this direction soon amounted to more than the whole exports of Canada grain proper. We gained a loss. But then we too had the precious privilege of navigating the St Lawrence.

We could send egg-shell schooners to Liverpool direct, and American bottoms might be employed ia diverting trade from American channels of commerce and from Amer ican markets. Such are the main feature of the action of the Reciprocity Treaty, and we do verily believe that it has proved itself, in the light of experience, the most stupid bargain we were ever ear-wigged in towe say it with oar handa on oar heart in deference to the shrewdness of John Canack. However, a bargain ia a bargain, and it is un manly for a nation pretending to be tolerably well advanced in its eye-teetb, using the language of Watts, "to grumble and complain." We should be willing to accept the Reciprocity Treaty, and grin and bear it till the crack of doom, if matters had only been left in the position in -which they were at the conolnsion of the treaty. Bat when the negotiations were complete, Canada set to work to adapt herself still further to ter new ad vantages. She revised her tariff, increased the duties, rested awhile from her labors, and lsst win' ter resumed them, nntil she has finally pat a stop to the importation of all American manufactures, with small exceptions.

Onr exports to Csnada up to a recent date have been considerable, bat under and shoes, and other manufactures of leather have been a large item of export. The new tariff im. poses, on them a duty of 25 per cent, which is vir tually prohibitory. Ready made clothing also pays 25 per cent In iron manufactures we have had formerly a large trade, the export of stoves, particularly, from this point, being very; large. The dnty was formerly 12 per cent It has been successively raised to 15 and 20 per cent, and the latter pats a quietus on the trade.

The disadvan tages thua inflicted on our stove manufacturers are not al! seen at a glance. They pay 20 per cent dnty on the Scotch pig iron employed. The Canadian pays only a trivial entry charge at Quebec In spite of this, with onr coal and system, onr foandrymen were able to compete snd supply Canada with stoves. Bat the imposition of 20 per cent Canadian by oar reciprocal friends ogives John Canuck an advantage of 45 per cent, just a little more than he needs to enable him to cast his own stoves in his own expensive way. On all drugs not used for purposes of dyeing, 15 per cent is new charged, against 5 per cent when the Treaty was made.

There is one beautiful feature of Reciprocity whieh we should mention here. The finly country in the world where the American inventor is not permitted to take oat a patent is Canada. Oar affectionate cousins are so mack "in the that they think they have a right to the free use of American inventive skill. .1 Buffalo stove inventor, for instance gets up a sew pattern at a heavy expense of time, skill aid money. He patents it here, in England, Francs, everywhere save Canada.

John Cannok eomes ever, buys a single stove, carries it home, takes it to pieces, files It down and begin easting from it, with hia honeat face glowing with delight at the; small rascalities permitted him by aet of Parliartent The amount of all this is- thai the Reciprocity Treaty gives all and takes nothtag on the Ameri can side, and that the Canadian Tariff ia express ly designed to help the Treaty. 1 It ia the sheerest humbug ever perpetrated, on a low confiding peo ple, and the sooner is terminated by oar Got-eminent, the better for all parties concerned. Noslb Cocmtt ra-THB RwewAs ail newspaper readera know, one Ton Htbb, a noted pugilist and bully, baa challenged, any tian in the world to fight him for SldJoa This challenge getting to the eyee of oneyonw J. Deck, np in Noble eountyfOhlo, he puts himself in a fighting attitude, and sends the following to the editor of the Noble County Democrat: I Mb. Editob; In looking over1 your columns, I see that Tom Hyer has challengel any man in the worta to ngnt mm ior 1 nan long since quit the ring, and thought that I would never again enter it; but in order to check the rapid growth of egotism that has sesamed such a prom inence in the mind of Mr.

Hjerr I accept the Challenge to ngnt mm for tne state a amount, at any convenient time and place. Jo ax J. jdbcx. Sabahsthxb, Ohio. The editor of the Dtmtcrot publishes the above, and thus speaks of Mn Dnox: Mr.

Deck is an American by birth, and one among the most respectable eiUsensof onr community and although we know him to be a man of great physios! force, possessed of unusual amount of daring and energy, yet we little thought that he, of all men etse upon the continent, would propose to meet the acknowledged bull dog" of America ia single combat He has many friends who will back him. who claim that in Doint of science, he is not inferior to Hyer, and ia able to compete with any man la tne btates la muscular power. His height is ruing six feet straight aa an arrow and weighs, when stripped, SOS pounda. Hs is said to have been ia the rinsr bat once, and then proved successful. His hare and giant like frame indicate him to be a man verv superior strength; and thoagh we hope the two combat ants may aever meet, yet, If a transaction so die-frraceful should veroeeor, eredJas far taw Buckeye Boy the championship of the world.

Impobtamt DsoiRinit Thm fl term, fourth district -(Titue vs. Relyea. 16 Practice Rep. 371.) has decided that in case or service of summons by publication, ander 1 in. Code, the notice UJyp.t ender the aasamono, that tha eemplaint isiias filed.

ia not a eampliaaoe with the law; that the summons, as pnWtabed, mt atattihttimtmmd place of tuck mat g. The Court held that a Judgment recovered on such a serviee of sammens and notice by publication, is utterly void for Want ad Since the Code went into eueet, inly there have been a vss number af foclosore sales, where mortgagors 'and judgment oredUors resided abroad, and where the eammens and no. tice has been published as stated, If the Jadg. meat of the Court is void for want of Jurisdiction, the purchaser gets no title. The people of Sullivan, Indiana, follow the law very closely.

The Democrat says man named baskins was arraigned before a magistrate of that piace last Wednesday, on tha char re of Profane it and -nt nj. Ait Is Naveasaor 3a lee. 1. BSsamer Tmtw nat'ousl. Stralers, Tort Ifl head cstfls "milmVPrJiidnk.

Propeller Mary Stewart Dads. Den-wit, S7 bash wheat edu ashes ibbJsSkfa batter 1 bM egn 1 to lard S3 bobj SS nil sms nan 001s nanas ih von 0 nn boi near ueniral I Bft-lio dressed hoghM Janes i Griffin pan rente, Little a CO 217 dressed hegt La Waad ne sela vyina.ia nn wheat 8 Worthinrton a hit hhi I Bab. 4 bWs potatoes ewaere KHm salnglea FalroeV Bee. vitk im hir hnla Sub 1 bote eranbemee S3 emDtv bbla Wricht caks anbea 1 bai pork XX pan sundries bbla Scb ooner iirely AOen, Bversa; 3x0 bbls flour 1 old boiler Waitinc 4 AanlaSSm ft laasaar 1S1 bbls Soar sek 1 al a Wna Shsiiasn 1 esk hma Cowies a ea. Sekeonar Kxeelaor, Brown, Cleveland; too grjndstOD Saeiiarsan4ceaiaaFeat.jttlaea.

Scbooaer KaSr. Wick ham, baodiukT; 384 wheat Cabb fir0? ce isae ea wum- curua wwnw imww-u Schaoaar Oadan, Jaraaa, Chicage; 1M bawbeatBat mwaa ca. Ctearwd WavesBber Sw Dee. 1. Bteaaiai Intarnatiooal.

Squjer, Pert En. Schooner Bt Helena. Carey. Pt Oetbera. aeow rfaaa, rear, unippewa.

ATTEACTIVE STOCK 1 Elegant Fall and Winter DRESS GOODS B. J. K. D. SHEEMA1J 205 MATS BUFFALO, Have atw la Stare av Xjm.t nifin aa STT VTffTiTTi T.H.V.SR S5TT.TTR Of Recent Importations, of the Newest Sty les aad Design at Extremely Low Prices PRINTED DKLAINKH.AND HEKENOS PARI BATADKRKS, VAIBNTUS, POPLINS.

have on hand and Manufactured to eider, every variety CLOAKS AND JfcAeLAIVS, Krem the Latest Pari Pattens. Also a Complete Assortment of HOCSE-JTOKNISHINGI DOMESTIC ttOODS I CAKPKTS. OIL CLOTHS, oVe. All of which we are offering at GREAT BARGAINS. B.J.4VB.D.

SHERMAN de Co We. aa Mala atreet. Chosson's, Jouvin's and Alexan ders Kid Gloves, AT KRNNETTS. ENGLISH CANTON FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS DRAWERS, eeS AT KENNETT. Oill, GLta fr Tt.n.a.a OUIA UU iUCIAUV OUlfW ttUiailClS, oc AT KENNBTT8.

1 oc9 AT Merino Lamb's Wool and Cotton Half Hose, ec9 AT KENNHTTta. LIWED SILK GLOVES. eot AT KENNETT8. IAS MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, urosm or Brandies. Gins.

Wines. The attention of Dealers generally is earnestly called to th following isranas oc BRANDIES. United Vineyard Proprietary Uesaaus Brandy Jui na in rapes at vanoa viniages. "Old" Caannaa-ne Brandy Vintage of 184. Ocard, Dnpay dc Ca.a Braady Of various Tinta- ges in aaaai pacaaga.

OIl Laadaa Dock Brandy Very superior. A.BeUnette Roeaelle Braady Iu and ripe. Hal land i la Tulip and Meadr Swan. Saint Cretx Hi -High Proof aad Flavor Selected ii rands. ana flavor.

Irish Malt Wbiaky John Hehans Brand. Scatch Malt Whtaky John Bamaev and Ardbeg" Brand. WINES. Madeira, Hhrrry, Port, Bursuady aad Claret Of aU grades, in Wood iad yiass. Chauwmsrae Pipn Haiastoek, Obartes Haidatock, Bora Crown and Scrider Brands.

Londea Porter Qoarts and Finta. Scotch Alee Of the best Brands. ABSYNTHE, CTJRACOA, CORDIALS, ebe. dfee The subserBjer has recently connected wiQi his for- uubsb uu uiauuiacuir. ui a vary superior arocle EECTIFrED WHISKY, i Brands of Choice "Old" Monongahela, RYBAND BO BO WHIBKT8, Of a0 LOWEST MARKST PRICK.

Tulip Scheidam Gin. Th subscriber begs leave to inform tb Pnbbe and Trade Snerally.that he is constantly receiving direct, a supply of above justly celebrated Brand, in Pipes antf tbrenar ter Pipes, which he oflsrs for sale ea the most, fa rural)) Mrma. Dealers generally are invited to esll and exarain aamnlsa of th aboT. brand before purchasing alaewbere P. 8.

8TETEN8, -jeltjel4 148 Mala atreet, BaOaJ. ioek size PHOTOGBAPHB. The Fine Art Gallery, CORNER OP ERIE AND MAIN STREETS, MRS. O. B.

EVANS, 1 now open for tb reception et Visitors, and the public generally ars invited to eail and sxamine th hue oolieeUonof LIFE SIZE, CABINET AND BUNIATTJRB PHOTOGR AOPBCS, Lake Marine, Canal and Hirer iisrsuiij3L3sroEa. arctic iwsuiiAircn: col, Of the aty of New Tork, Me. 3f Wall 8trt, Caafe Cnpitml IMM'. CJT Thi. Company aow prepared to effect BULL and CARGO RISKS on th Lakaa.

u. tHhmA i ii w. jm WU. Prwasaly Adiawted aad Paid NIXES' Ot BREWSTER, Aceats, Rain ada slonr U.wUnt Cor. Prim A Haaovsr sta, Bufialo, N.

T. triacMRrs. JOHN SAVHON, Emu Pros! IL (i.SPAULDING, KsoTprea. 1 President Y. A Krto NaoW.

lraa rimiM a i. J.K1CH. PtaaideBtBai LR. BKNTLKl A CO. (Jomauarioa Merehaats.

HAKLK3 J. MANN. Es Coawriseioa MsrahaaK. M. A Merchants.

seZltdeSA Cabinet, UpJal8tery i On the Cash SystCTlAp Enlarged! Having added Store Ne. Ti MMa street to tbts Zirtabllah. saeiit, it ia, a. formerly, th. larrMt of the kted to the Slate, and the andrne thankf ui tor oast fcvore, iavite la 1-toatio of tha public to th a vlaui suoArr jrsw arrxa CABINET FTJJRNITUKB Ever befbr oOsred, woaVreetog shaoatavwrr artici Ota eaa saaaawLsilof wtucSi wal be seM at prias that lainnl i) to Kit tboas who wiah.

kr sarin. Oaab. to amato a Uttt Ui a very LOW PKICK. tney aruoieiawar- EAC1XJTIES, PanMarevm be Had to Order, aad BpaMns Bvxteg aad Packing does, as anis heave, MXt rwasoaaale toima. 1 IT" All who wish to good Pi deuiedly kprwaesauiiiaid bafl.

luiriv nm my IS Wo. aad txt Mai street. PURE' 1bsboubis. BE9DES3 tCSBTD WATES OJtAJt AA CRYSTAL. The IHf is a saisll MetonieCaaeefpee axtortol, sacle a a BHHiima coainramad it ia Sued to attach to ins: and ander the pi mar of tne liamasa V.

as. will auatai w.nx as guoas par noer. aasrxe. asssa wAV.r.avL. tonUPHRAfiMPlLTE0.w Lat i HART, EjIJL.1.

IIARTS Iy1 Plambrj-g Ptt-V I -7 P---t. P--'9. POR THE PALL TRAPS Tm! d.v aaavlrad. Having every faeflity for its snceMnU a wnniauni to improve in quamy, nam tt snail stand vailed by any manufacturer in this otntatry. And will end, or ta aaan an hand at .11 tima.

abw. mk nf lar Tha Dwikirk rra says the wreck i toe wave la1S a il 'A-V L-aaVatavaW Haaw tfv. VT 7 V. ging haa been taken off, and several tons of the I eonner ore with which she was loaded, have been I WwL'- It Mattered aha will gi to ier in the first north-west gale. A aailor named Edward Graham, fen from One ef be yards of the vassal mm wtiek he was em- feinvaa.

veaurasv. suknmibi sua wiuuiucr. nt was taken to the Marine Hospital for treatment Dtt. rt rrm, bum. waul JCaiuuLiatof VesBewpsnatog and out of the Lock of the Wellaad Canal at Port Colbonme, C.W, famished by the Lock Tender, to D.

P. Donors, Secretary of the Board of Lake t-a a Bonn WnsT.Vev. t7th None. On the J8th Props Bay Bute. Jefiereoaw, On the 2th Steam to Barton.

Bovn JSASt. Nov. zitn Baraue Kepuouci. un the 28th Schr Cascadea. On the t9th None.

POBT CoLBOtTBJCB. NOV. 2t. All the vessels in thia harbor, bound west, left vesterdsr. The followine- vessels arrived here to winter 1 Barqaee Sovereign of the Lakes, Clayton.

Schrs Flying uiona, Monueeuo. AH Seres a Paragapaa, It touched as nearly says the Utica Herald, when we witnessed the great grief -of Rev. Mr Prine, of McGrawvillev on the train between Ad ams and Watertown, last Saturday. Mr. P.

was enirand in nerasing the Herald, when hia news- seeking eye fell upon a paragraph which caused him to start wildly np from his seat, and with streaming eyee and faltering voice, inquire of na when the next train went south, -mine o'clock this avenins." waa the i reply. "Not till nine clock? My God 1 Not before that? I have Just read in thia paper that my oldest boy waa drowned last Monday dead a week, and I new first hear nf it!" And the father went aloud in his aconv. Mr. Pryne waa to speak at Washington Hall, Wa. tertown, sonaay evening, ana 01 course tne auai ence were disappointed; nut not witnont cause 1 The Detroit Free Press tells of a man in that city who, while working about revolving knives in a factory, bad nis Dead eaugnt unoer one wnicn struck him on the back of the head, low down in the neck, completely severing the npper and back portion of the skull, on a line close to the top of the ears, ana catting tnrougn ana removing a con siderable portion of the brain.

The most ainim lar circumstance was, tnst the man, in tnia nom- blv wounded condition, walked into an adjoining apartment where other workmen were, and after wards walked to a carriage in wnicn ne roae to his home, surviving the accident nearly half a day. A gentleman applied in the Probate Court at Cincinnati, on Wednesdsy, for a license to marry a ladv. He waa informed by the Clerk that upon an application made on the previous day, a license had been issued to another party to marry the same ladv. A license was given to tne second ap olicant however, and he haa since married the la dy. The mother favored the first applicant; the daughter, the second.

There is a rumor by the last steamer that the St George's Chess Club of London requires Mr. Staunton either to accept the proffered challenge of Mr. Morpby, or to forfeit the position of chess champion or England, The two murderers, James McCormick and Thomas Mulroe, who escaped from the Rockland county jail some two weeks since, were recaptured a few days since, near Newcastle, Westchester county, and taken back to the Rockland county jail. They will be executed on the 6th of December next, in the Court House at Haverstraw, in that county, The board of education of the Marietta school district Marshall connty, Iowa, have declared that no Kin wno wean nuous euau um auutitteu inw the schools of that district The number of steamboat arrivals at St Paul, Minnesota, during the season of navigation just closed, was 1,066 forty more than daring any pre vious year. The Syracuse Journal says a man by the name of Micneal Kennedy, wno resided at iiaiina, mi led himself at Phoenix, on Monday last by drink' ing a solution prepared for galvanizing watebes.

Mrs. Everhard, of Albany, who had a rheumatic affection in her arms, was advised to rub them with camphene. While engaged in doing so, Thursday night a few drops fell on the stove and took fire; in a moment ahe was enveloped in flames. She wss bornt severely bat will probably survive, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in.

a recent speech. declared that he would rather a daughter of his should work as a domestio in a virtuous family, than to aooept a situation in a manufactory or store. One of the most elegant ministers of his time Corbier, who war remarkable for his band-box neatness. One day Louis XVIII, whis pered to him: "Corbier. there is an insect on your collar." "Hash your Majesty, don't say a word they'll think I got it while in the king's presence." room of the Tremont House, Ogdensbnrge.

He is preparing for a grand ascension. As it will take up from fifteen to twenty persons, Mons. C. oners to take up any gentleman who will pay for the extra Old's band is to go up, discoursing we suppose, neavenry music A man waa killed a few days sinee by falling from the top of the Clay Monument at Lex ington. 1 Death Of Robert Owen.

The Europe brings intelligence of the death of tne eeieorated Kobert uwen in hia 88th year. Mr. Owen'a name waa identified with sundry reforma tory movement, tie proposed to reconstruct society, projected a variety-of measures for the ele vition of msnkind, and labored diligently in his vocation of philanthropist He was born in Wales in 1771, made bis mark as a bright scholsr in his native town at the early ago of nine years, went from school into a grocery shop, and at the age of 14 went to London. When 18 years old he became partner in a cotton factory, into which Ark-Wright's machinery had just been introduced; af terwards established the Charlton Mills, near Manchester, and after conducting that concern for some years, undertook the famous speculation at Scotland, where he and his partners had the management of mills and a farm of 150 acres, and a population of 2,000 persons. Mr.

Owen was at the head of this enterprise for a quarter of a century, expended great sums of money, was visited by princes, clergy and the curious from all countries, wrote elaborate treatises on the benefit of a government like that of New Lanark, which did away with punishment and the terrors of the penal law, and diligently disseminated his peculiar doctrines. In 1828, he essayed to intrsdace his theory of government into Mexioo, bnt was on-suscessfui. He afterwards attempted to establish a "New Moral Community," which failed; started a "Labor Exchange Bazaar," which also met a sudden end; and in 1857 urged bis claims ton seat in Parliament in which effort be likewise failed. Mr. Owen made several visits to the United States, the last of them -having occurred severs! years ago.

While here he received marked attention from the social reformers, and omitted no opportunity to bring his theories prominently before the public Mr. Owen was very enthusiss- tie in his devotion to schemes of social reorgani-4 aauon; wasanavowea iree-minxer; naaeracnlty of fixing the attention of his hearers when be spoke; wrote with facility; waa a man of impress ive presence, ana naa many warm admirers. His son, Hon. Robert Dale Owen, was formerly a mem ber of Congress from Indiana District, and was appointed United States Minister to Nsples by rresioent ncrce, wnicn post ne nas recently peen superscaea oy r. unanaier.

i tmet. tntereating Craaa geaeraw we learn ny a private letter received from a gentleman in Sonora, that another revolution is about breaking oat that the Gandora Party, once the powerful party of the State, are about to take tne neld against resgaeri, the present Governor. Gandora's army, 700 atrong, is now on its march north, naving entered tne tatate from the aoutb. and is being joined by many of the citizens. It is thought there is no doubt of hia success, af the people are tired ef Pesgueri's government, and are desirous of a change to a more liberal policy.

Gandora has always been a friend to foreigners, is enterprising, humane, and withal, an accomplished gentleman. Two of Gandora's sons, who were in prison in-Sonora, have escaped, fearing personal injury. They are now at Tubao, Arizona, the guest of some of their father's personal friends. This movement haa nothing to do with the rev olntion in Mexioo proper, aa the State has for a long time acted independent ef the central Government although each governor haa given a kind of declaration in favor of the President, and then has done aa he pleased, holding Guayamaa as the This gentleman says that the success of Gando rs is an event to be hoped, for by all who have at heart the welfare of Sonora, whether annexed or remaining independent F. Timm.

3 Soaaoav ArrnaaAKca op la Sranta. On Sunday morning, Mr. George Golden, who resides on the Hollow Road, within the city limits, was awakened at aa early hoar by the Bound of rushing waters. On getting np he was astonished to find that a spring of water had barst forth In the middle of hia yard, and was rapidly overflowinc the adjoin ing press iaee. A aooa aa assistance could be pro cured a channel waa dag for the reception of the water, which aeon carried if off to the neigh bor ing creek; but net nntil the yards of Mr, Golden and Mr.

Carter had The spring which made its appearance so suddenly, is flowing on in an undiminished volume. The aperture in the ground is as urge aa a man' limb, and the water is cool, clear and limpid. It baa already formed quite a romantic rivulet. The soil through which it annta is what is known na hard pan," and in toe vicinity there are several springs of a similar nature. The circumstance is worthy the attention of scientific Whig.

fc. -t 8ab Aoonirl attHnaa if aa fatal accident happeaad at So nth Pekin tsslii af Kr. S. Bl Cheabroagh a bright little bo? of some six or Mveayeaira-a wasaago last Tha Httl fellow, with, others, waa trvinv ta drive aerae hor se out ol arve-flcld, aad as a approached too Bear, one of tha horses kicked him with fearful force oa tha sido of ih head, jost back of the eve. Jail! eve Was thrown nnt utt ih uwk.i Kia skull badly brokea.

Tha child was alive oa Bac-urday lsst, sod soma hopes are entertained of its reeoverv. the parent, may not u'UmKam vv aincereiy trut the fond hope of had tha tle or Cheap for Caan I TlREY HOLDS Ct Co. I i.44j timing GatkU iMU 4 W--w- ifFEK AX VHOLaSAIJC ASD KKTalL. gxifrjjtj JT i AT LOW PKICi Good Brown Sugar at Eighty CLeati Black and Green Tea, 8asp Tery Flaw at r-enea per Pwaad. SO Hags CotT, OM Jav Mocha, Rio, Lsgnir.

Ac. Codee everyday. SYUUPS AND HOLASSES, Prire Wmc3 and Iiqiiors. 6eew Ceektnc Braady SI cr ajallaa XVBAVtJV JkltU BItvxmt rawis. Oils, Tarnishes aa4 Braahes, Of every Grade and Description.

100 doz. Pails. Tubs and Brooms AT aUtNTJFACTTJRKBS FRICKS. 30p0 boxes Window Cilas. FreachEngUsh and American.

Also, a large varhrtr of VIALS, BOTTLES, 1 AT llAKCFACTCJtSRff FBICXS. I Together with a Large Assortment af StnCs, Acids. PATENT MEDICINES, FERFl5PERT, be. AT THE LOWEST KATES! nt1 HeaiaaraLW. Wkita Ihua Prief Emit, cVe.

REYNOLDS CO. 153 Mala at. falActoaia-r D3EPARTURES. erican Transportation Co Ar running a RaOULAB LINK ef PRO-FELLERS to the PVrn of CLEVELAND, SANDUSKY and TOLEDO Goods reosiv ad DAILY at the Usrin Dock. Ohio st.

nt, ajjply ss above. ytf Safety, on Icy Sidewalks; TT7l QTlTTTja I 'I J-JJ2j OAT KJ XVO. of Boot and 8h Deai.ra, c. invito to TT" i vv) ouii ivi -rru flTruvnriiiTTii, It is sir to 8 and eaailT annlied. and when not in n.a ur a folded 'lick on the heel Be as to be out of th way, and thu CAtNOT INJURE CARPETS OK FLOORS.

liberal discount made to pedlars, ae. 4 CHAS. UQHtHN, Manufacturer and Proprietor. delbgarl 48 Exchange st. BaBalo.

Butcher's Union. A 6BNERAL MEETING of the BUTCHER'S UUJOW ll ha held On THrLRana n.iLl.t a'rjork. at GUlfJCi'S HALL, (aow Mr. Laufeaschlarger'B,) for tha parpot o( electing new officer, and other basines. i.

J. MOLDtK. President. Hxn ir Fibthsr, Secr. noS0tde3 kMKD.

yesterday, from th owner, st th northeast rver of Nugara 8-iuare and Delaware street, aSMAJLi. k(M TAN TERRIER, ears slishtlr eronnsd. vellow lees. I and ji Sow spoteorer th eyaaand black and whit leather coiiar poni we neca. wnf arer win return saia aog to to owner will reeeivs noSMIdeS Sons of New England.

Ttg RUBERS of the New EiwlandSoiietvaad Descendant l'A of New England, are requested to meet st th Ameri- Hotel on THURSDAY ETF.N1 VO. Dae. d. at aalf- lon inuKSUAX iec. so, at aau-psn -7 ciaHio ea9mune in axneaiene' or oomnraonUDg n.

r. orK.ui'iT rres. or a. o. Ore Hundred Dollars Beward.

nnHR.nndendaned loat at DetroiL Mich inn. on the I ioS of Tneulav. Nor. ZU. la the Railroad Denot.

his. pockeaor bill book, containing many vajoaue papers. of ban), Ac, the same baring been taken from turn is ne was getuog into toe car. Amaar tne notes of band were number eayabM to th noacrier. not enaorsau n.T aim.

au ihiiwiiiiib ame mwvmm DecenfOer 1, and Jan 1, I860. TheVnollc is cautioned againrt taking any notes purporting indonwd by th subscriber, a non such ar or will btenoorsed by me. IcIKbas Men stopped, vb: OnelAiot rigned George W. Lewis, dated Utlcs, N. Oetobjfr iji far Asia nar.bla to Job Mann.

and indorsed by him. une noie risnea i. u. rtaaa, aaiea soston, iKTOosrxsia. 1418.

an months, for BSi U. navabl ta N. Fnllarton. Jr.And signeu nsnrr vniiu, oaxeu new seuxoro, oep- tembt 90. six monl tonra for BUS St, psyatu to Jona Mann.

nd indorsed by hi One not signed L.B. 4, 186 ifo ir months, for m. Beecher, dated Boston, 8ptmbr S10U0, payable to Moss Day, and Ia- aorset toy aim. Brsel On. UHnoii Mgneu osepn Aicaerson a usveu dwrh, September ii, lgog, four months, for tSU.

payable to L. 8. not signed Joseph Nickerson A Co dated Boston. oeeevf anu moorreu oy aim. A rejrard of One Hanursd Dollars will be paid to any parson hSiding th bill book and it contents to th ditor ef un prper, or to toe suoscnoor, R.

M. 8TACKPOLE, No. She snd leather st, noyfdi Bmtnn, Maai. TntATnati final Bpid. TH ifcperial Committee of the Common Council, to whose was referred the subject of th International Bridge, will ccntinu toreceive Plans and Propsssls for th eonstrae-tian ot'the sm nntil ill o'clock 1L, on Wednesday, Dee.


DANIEL DBTTMNG. H. 8. CHAMBERLAIN. 8 Bourbon Whiskey, OFFj very Saperior Quality.

Also a choice select pt WINE-, BRANDIESLAe for nrkn.can beok- Old Post umc uu.uing- Call and exjmine goods. ncuo G0NG GOING WHO BIDS tare Chance for a Speculation. Thsfubseriber offers for sale, tt applied for hnmediately, th NATIONAL American Historical Panorama I isanasna I a. aT OF RISING TABLEAUX IN Corfring ever S0M FEET OP CANVASS, representing sreneifin ths Uvea of the earlv PilHms of England, Holland ft America old to rai-e funds to i oar storage and a small bss than one-fourth its nine. Term ting to all Apply to 156 Main st.

Buffalo, N. Y. noar. Thtj-Genuine Iceland Moss Candy I FOB UGHB OOLDS Maaometared and Sold by ii. A.

TAN 8L.YCK, No. Seneca atreet, all BFr-FALO. W. T. Caution to, the Public! rTHBSwid spread rep'tton of DR.

HINSDALE'S ICE-J. lliS'D MOdd C4NOT, manufactured by th aadar- aigsed for th tost sixteen rear, ha inoueM a numoer ei aapriaSpled psrsoas of tote to imitate it which tfav eaa as tor appearance is concerned but tney cannot get the propesOee contained ta too mum vanuy lanmar fared i tbe Subscriber, in their III ss. Dr. 9ioia)'i Iceland Mae Coiir to eompeondW rros th keit known lemedie for Coughs snd Olds knows ia medicir. and io aach a manner that whs pat into Candy it sets Uk a charm, i.

Taerjfrre, buy non DUI IM vasviflw Snf.H.FeA bods'. C. r.WRlUHT. Wt th luoatottorer, at Ul Main st. ao API.E SUGAR Try etc lor saaking Syrup fog.

MOiCkwh cake cut OS liM si i t'p JC.MltKLK.-n. IWJIT WUTT. 1 i Msla sawt. rOLc'JBH HVKUP-A sepeitorsrticto, ef aa VJ xetllnt for oak for ssle st OALLENDEB'8 Fsm! Grocery tMsin street del IREMERTBD FB LITr-Pcbe-, 8trswberrtes3sp-. bxrtiM.

Ac- nie artK-lra, and at T.ry low prices at 4 CALLAJiUKMB rsoi'iy grocery, dI 3 Main street. rlOiCK PEARS Bom very da "Vicar of Wak-J ol(P and other ebotcc varieties can be bad at CALLBNIKfcya Fmlly roery, del; tfl) Main itieet. OVMTK at Naeamd dallw aad ef I IF tr, la kr. hall keg. and cent, warranted good aad Oeau, wdl aaptfor through tb winter at VALLjiiura ramiiy (roery, Vr "TiiMMH I HK KAUf K-The geaain A 1'eana ia le kind alwava to bs fciuad at CALLavNUiuB'A PamUy Oroosry, a zji aia strsex.

IBIF4-a his of good Cranberriss rs aad tut sate by CM ex.eiw I.lX.t:J siveond fa, mU del ago. I feneca a xrtmj. lUCKKKKL-Xn Meas Mackerel, to of ebb, del OATBS Taamrtoda. Chuaa J.s. and finiao Jail ior al A PPlXgS SUs good Viator Apple for sal by A del 0 J.GAGE, i Seneesst OCR S1CSICAL.

rRIEN0 tXVT ft BLIC ATlON, eeveted to Haas If esse, Liiended to sanolv a want loo felt ia tb doesaaue cirri. Ijco a rnber of "Oar Baaical Friend" will eoetaia 4xten nef toe full 'one am ie stoa, eictod Awm the ijmpoermol nroc aad lotA, jki eaosisung Qua4r uy Waitaea, aholkaa.fce4ewBS.TarawneaBea.Ae. la' aciuiooa th ropaier Boags and HaUadaar tb. Sar.aii Prine aal Air. of tb laartia 1 mi ig srsnaa operas will be to- sued, witi new aadsppropriat words wzrttoe iipisnlj lor tws r.ixtS Aih abed areata jprto ed ea the sec and werthy of piac i strt'bed slrKsntly ia a oorer, del CTOVS 8tov Pohsh, Dixeo-s CsreaHt ot Iroe, barber'c etoe Penan.

aad tb Old Buy feuod et vau.ajiuS-a raeiiry eraeery, jj Main street LW SON'S HNEY tAP-Also ColgmV l.oes noaa. Brown Windsor. Paun. aad ather aica Toi- xuv sy ferq.gAgE. Sense st.

Itrvr-J me r- nil ULVr.SHIKa A rerv XAKE ThefAm 2m iuiArau EoUowiS I Ami troL del riBANS del Bri.aUl Ltr a- vml heap Jnat ree'd ar-d lor by WHOLESALE DRUG GIST. nnwirs ia vi rest amies naiiaiag, BUVFJL1M, T. The rtam-bnant will srarays reearre Bartkat attention by an experienced Pharmaceutist. II. O.

COWING, r. OToeerien, Jnlntt, Oil; Window Glaii, Dya StaiaW WMdwm War. I Waouaau guui rs SOAP CANDLE, FISH, A3H, tAlM QIU Ifsala aVe. NO. 4, 91AXM 8TKKKT, WBMA1QL i i tor rairoapta1 acalea.

-r lyxm WHOLES'LE CONFECTIONER IHTTTIi BaBalo. N. Y. ecJS HOCSB, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AND PROCTOR Df ADMIRALTY. Oflaoa in Ola Pose Oflsee Baftdlan.

Coraar af Seneca aad Waaaurtoa atrseta, jy BUrFAIX W. Bk Ska WOMTHlPitiTOPC, Produce Commission T.Tat Vi ant w-M LALlZZZI-: t-arcaahad aaieln Banal at ew York Markets. wruinnvaasw at Ceanal Waajfc Basrab. CHAS. Produce Coznniission Merchant, myl IS CENTRAL WHARF, BUFFALO.

AMittl W. CETTKR, Commission Produce Ilerchant, C'earrml Wharf. BaCala, P. Y. Bl-VVAXQ.

March 18, 18S6. mhl Q. A. YAH SLYCK, KaSTvAcnrasB ajro nouuir vsataa ur All Kinds of Confectionary, 39 8ENECA BT. BUFFALO, myltapSO A dears below the New Poatafflce.

Creo. C. Webster. Co. Ceraer ef WasUaataq aad ttaay Street, 1 BUFFALO, N.

T.j nAJrcyaCTDRag or 1 LAED OIL, 8PERU. ELEPHANT, WHALE AKD TAKKER8' OILS taared OH, Raw aad BoDed. crao. o. wKjigTxa.


NOTES. LAND WARRANTS, BONDS, CITY ORDEB3, HOETOAQ1S, AO- Libers eah advance made aa Ilnrbraaaa aad other securitiea left to be negotiated. 3r Drafts for sale on New York, ATbaay, Boatoa, sad the principal European Cities. fell JOHN H. POOL CO.

Brokers in Provitions, Oil and Candles Josw H. POOL, John Wuu, Jb. i 3 ater atreet, NEW YORK. Advaaeea make HerchaaAiae whea required. se2Stne24 HOLLISTER cb LAYKHACK, I TXTVIo.oli.

Tt.alaM nm.ri. Thm I hlnargtDuadin; below Sen- i eo si, ounmie, unoquerea ore. Wa. LavwaaoK. SAWYER'S PATENT Heating Yentillating Farnace For Dwellings, and Halls SPITZailLLER dk BUKHRJIAN'S. ftil Main St. BofTala, HENRY DAW dc SON, SMppinff and (tommineion Merchant, nnn vdb Tar SEEDS, WATER LIME AND PLASTKB. 3S Central Whan, BaJTala. Hum Daw-. apJS ALnant T.

Daw LUCIUS H. PRATT, Produce Commission Merchant, Central Wharf and 10 Maia au ap24tf BUFFALO. EDWIN THOMAS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ne. IV Ueatral Wharf. Baflala.

Caxh adranceii on Produce generally, for sal in this etortheaast. Murtiwlnes ana hods always on nana. ocjotr A. L. GRIFFEN, Produce Commission Merchant, No.

13 Central Wharf. BnOala, It. T. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a supply of th best quality of VERMONT HOOFING SLATE, which will be sold at the lowest Market price. sold at tb lowest Market price.

Laid if desired. A. L. GRIFFEN- S. S.

GUTHRIE, -r i xvJTlr v.a- o-a- Stm Jfroauce Commission Merchant, pZ7 No. 11 Cxntrnl Wharf, Bagale. ISAAC HOLLOW AT, DBAJLBB IB Kdina and Lockport Sand Stone, FLAGGING, CTRBUiU PLATFORM3, Dear aad Wladew Cape aad Bill, -Stone, efee. Offios and Yard-Comer Michigan gteaat and Mai ipnrgntanai. mysm LANUDON dfc SEARS, Inapestora Dealers in Pork, Beef, Fish, Lard, Shoulders, HAMS.

Oft Haaever at, BaBalo, N. Y. ty AH Orders filled at tb Lowest Market Price. Gao. P.

Lsjwdo. nogtf FkjlXK A. 8aa. Webster's Oil Store, Ceraer af Waahlactea stad Qaar Street, Adjoining th Canal Bridge. BUFFALO.

EO. C. WEBSTER, Manuawrturr and Dealer in Machinery and Burning Oflg, Also, rsutenr, Tanner- ana A ears rem mis. mni GEORGE X) No. 194 Waaalaa-toa Street.

Sol Asent for th ettvof Buffalo of the Inventors snd Manufacturers of the New Washable Gilt Monkting for Looking Glasses and Picture Frame. i Also, GUt Mouldings for House, Steamboat and Railroad uar imunuaa. Th above will be kept on hand in luge quantitiss, and for mti at wholesale at the manufacture I-1 prices. LOOKING GLASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES I MADE TO ORDER. I3T Railroad and Steamboat Ad'ertiiaog Cards framed In srery style, and st lower figure than can be done 1m- wuere.

ntmu THAD. P. SEARS. FsZCaaanare and Insurance Broker Career Terraee aad Cemsercial at. On a ftv nvxTnin nwrn v--s x-a fx I WW 8PAITI.niN'S ElfTHAMOE Dealer to Oold.

Sttver. fJn currant Money, Aa Stocks, otos, Bonds snd Mongag' oiaaand county Orders Bougnt, sold and jsegouatea CntlpirHnn. mail, all nnint. in thi. and Weatera t3T ileter to and Draw on Artisans Bank, Le Uuray A Co.

Banker, New York. i myi PICKERIN6 4b OTTO. BROl for the Purrhaa and Sale of BOXDS. MOKT WAUKS, BfCCKS, LAND AKKAN'lO, and naaii wiai, i Ne. SI Weed's Black.

Cor. Mala 6c Hwsisls. A. PAKKJiR. Beal Estate, Collecting and fax Agent Car Real Estate sold; Houses and Stores Rented; Rent Collected; Debts and Claim Collected and Secured; Taxes raia; tax ana aiue oearena oaae, uonveysnees orawn.

sc. Na. I ttraaate 19W Mai St. apJ BUFFALO, N. V.

Steam JBTjJlNIZ books AT WHOLffiiLK AN1 Crornrnercial Euling Printing. J. a JOIINSON, laiMaiaist. Oeas. Adv BuOdiags, Third GEOBGB CHIPMAN, ATTORNItT At LAW.

vrin attendto any business ntruMd ta hi. iJim. a. M- 8 Ceort. of (Uisas, P.

rv ci a. JLT Rnfert to Hon. Toot V.8. Senate, Hoa. Collsiuar.

Ao, Aon- B. A. Oouglaaa, do, Hoa, G. tVOa oi shinstoa.D.C!Jsimy.lB8sr toistf wVlnTHIR STEVENS. WlfeBdtotofilfeB)niB QROfXItltlES, TJSPC3 fc IJEQTcmrga I i Prod rposra, wa, Braow.

fthnt i aeaara? ay CAPWILUPKH BULL, Lehigh, Lackawanna, Peach, lBxbnro- Plirm OBTHaRn AMI1 HITnuiunn. nr. sad Aatortoao Pig jrra; Ph Briok aad rizm Oar Coal and iron Docked. tTJT" OSoesaad aula Corner OUm aad fliiias i Jr ail M. JL ItooeL LIFE msnv? MARINE INSURANCE.

WORTH IJffEjm POtE AHP MARDnC DfgrjRAIfCA CO Captoal aad 31S0. MUTUAL BENEPIT UPE IN8URANC CX). Accumula jaiee kaaa, jeavi, xjmi, ts. tot if Prune st. BATHBUN IxaCELPORT AND MEDINA Cand Ctcs, lsirj isVAAinih wAasuna, asu miiamjaai tujawrok, PAYET3 AED JZJUXTZO ETCE, AQ Jcitns ia th above fiaaettaaded towith I w-s ia same wij suaaued.

to if I. LucaaiotterHohir. they have aaOBe to ice. lad Tsrd ia BatMo, oa tb Caaalsppoait the ad Eri street spot. 1 tor HENRYT.

GILLET, scon sens xo xxatt etuax, Naa, IS snd lAerd Streec, Maaaavctarar A Pastor in and taPPH CENT. i.l jil, rtn crtn- ji a i it 1. f-rt 't cftiJ) i-. I a of "uD i -JCT. AaO, Ttfmmm, I Lwurain t-1-.

4- vxm. cw by xnumii i.ura I I tar sic first rjoE. Tee News. Ws find ia tos Albany Btatttman of last night following statement of the conditio af the aaaala: At noon to-day the wind at sooth-west, with a fair prospect of mild weather. What little ic there ia ia tha river ia bo biad-ranea to tha boata, which eoatlnoa to aaaka thafr tiipa with regularity.

Tha ooaditioa of tha Erie Canal ia aet forth ia tha following despetohea raoeiTod at boob to-day Haaxnaa, 30 11 a. m. Canal etoaad hero. STo boata eaa mora. ar rarr oiastenng ana nuuj.

Lrrn.1 Falls. SO 10 A. M. Weather cloady and squally, bat moderating. So boata aaaainc eiooe Bandar night, Saperin- tendant ia now niacins: an aSbrt to aend boata Saat.

CamaJOHabib, 30 A. R. Baowing. Proapaeta bad. Boata not moving.

About forty boata on tola UtbL Don't think eaa gat through. AM8T1BD AM. 3011 A. SL Canal navigation aaapeaded this" morning. Weather moderate with flurries of anew.

Indi cations of a thaw. Boatmen Intend starting ana getting through if possible. Quits a crowd here, Scmkbctadt. 3011 A. M.

The steamboat Bun ale." left here at o'clock thla morning, with thirteen loaded boata following in her wake, lue thin ana aoauojr, snow nur- rlea. Thermometer 37 dec. The Canal between thia city and Rochester ia anlmDeded tr. ice. -and boats are clearing with loada of Brain for that city and Lockport.

It ia thought that boata Will be able to paaa up to the their entire length. No clearances through have been scanted aince the 30th of November, the for warden having been fearful of a premature clos ing. We learn that, tha canal below Little Falls la nearly cloaed by the ice, Another revolutionary movement baa broken out In Sonora. which seems llicly to overthrow the existing State Government. Secretary Cabs writes to the President of a He brew congregation in PhiladelDhia that the Gov arnmeat cannot take ooEoisaace of the mobtaba oaae.

tor ine reason matins occurrence too a piace wiinm ine territory oi an. maenenaent nower. and without affecting the riizhta of any American citizen. The Howard Association of New Orleans, pub lish ajtateinent of their operations daring the season oi the epidemic: j.i caaea were treats a which only 771 Droved fatal. The fond of tha Association baa dwindled down from $45,000 in AuguH to $1,900 la November.

It ia again asserted that. Secretary jCoss will leave the Cabinet, and the time when is nova aet within ten days. He will probably have the mis- alon to London, The taria question ia still pending in the Cabi net. The President win recommend modifications to increaae the revenue. At the same time.

Sec-rotary Cobb has information from New York merchants that the income wiU be $65,000,000 next year, under the present tariff. Nobody believes it. The Spanish Minister will transmit to the Bute Department, soon, a statement of the viewa and purposes of Bpain in sending a fleet into the Gulf. There is much suspicion in official circles that England, France and Bpain are getting treacherous towards us with reference to Central American and Mexican affairs, and it ia thia suspicion, probably, which has determined the President, fa hie forthcoming Message, to inform these Governments that our pet absurdity, the Mohbob( doctrine, ia to be vindicated. Ex-Secretary Gctbbib has been in confab with Secretary Cobb about the Reciprocity Treaty.

The difference' between them ia on the question whether American wheat floured in a Canada mill becomes thereby a product of the soifof Canada. Secretary Cobb says no. The rumor that a Sr. Haouak bad arrived at Washington to negotiate a loan of $6,000,000 from onr Government, has taken another shape. It now said that Br.

Mag-jan is not a Mexican, but a Frenchman, named Maooan, cousin to Marshal Maooan, of the French' Army. He haa long resided in Mexico, and comes authorized to negotiate capitaliifa iom Government, bat from private! "-Jnritv for xrhinh Mewinan Govern-3! can left Washington for New-York Monday. It is understood that Mr. Phklfs, of Missouri, is to be Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means in the House, ia place of J. Glanct Jombs, reaigned.

Detroit aad Niagara River Railway-That Can- tract That Tea per Cent paid la That Libel lens Article la the BaOale Cesnjuerciai That 800,000 Oa Prom the Toronto Leader of Not. 17th. Judgment creditors of the old Woodstock and Lake Erie Railroad Company have been in this city snd elsewhere making a fruitless search, for several days, for the 30,000 alleged to have been piece a ny nr. Morton, a Kingston whiskey manu the credit of the. McBeth Railway 13 1 i Dox-u.

Aitnongn searcn nas neon maae, high and low, far and near, the money ia ne where to be found. It ita myth. The search ia said to have elicited the fact that a "bogus" certificate of de-poeit for the amount was presented to the "Board," that the alleged "directors" were told that Mr. Morton had whiskey enongh on hand to realize, when sold, 30,000, and that it could be sold aa fast as the money wonld be wanted. A moon story, snrely We spoke, pending the Bridge election, of the Detroit and Niagara Rivera Railway aa "a mere bubble without a dollar of capital paid in." Thereupon wa were ferociously attacked, and there was some talk of a llbel-sui, to be brought by this virtuous, though soulless Canada corporation against this paper.

We were vehemently assured that 10 percent had been paid in, that tha road was under contract, and that its guarantee of $60,000 per annum was as good as the wheat, pro vided always that the Boss Bridge, and no other, selected. unuer me circumstances wa chose to defer implicit confidence in these state meats nntil we believed them. Perhaps the time has eome for explanation Here seems to have been a sum of 30,000 paid In that ia there was some whiskey, and the whiskey could be aold, and when the whiskey was sold and the money paid in, then, aa a matter of course, the company would be in funds. We have several times advertised oar readera of the fact. that this Detroit and Niagara Rivers Railway has two sets of directors, and it now seems that provided this 30,000 had been paid is very doubtful to which board it belonged.

The Judgment credl tors of the old company.which rejolewd ia the name of "Woodstock and Lake Erie," are, or have been in search of the money, and it is altogether pro able that as fast as the capital ia. paid In it will levied upon old debts. Under these eireamataa-cea we mast reiterate oar conviotion that the finan cial reputation of tha Detroit and Viairara Tti.ara Railway, should be cleared vjbefore the city of Buoaio enters into any contract or which the promised payment of $60,000 per annum by that company forms a part. It Is perfectly well under-, stood in Canada, that this Rosa Bridge is jnst such another scheme aa the Welland Railway, and other plundering operations of the sort, and that the only safe plan ia to let it alona. Taa Canal The Exprett of thia morning anys it Is credibly informed that Gov.

Mo bo am has tendered to Phi a DoasHKiMsa, Esq, of thla city, the beat office in the gift of his The office has not baen named, bat it presumes it is that of Auditor. Wa have ho means of judging tha authenticity of tha rumor, bat if Mr. Bbnton is to go oat and we are to lose the services of that old, able officer, we presume that the appointment of Mr. Dobsbbi ia his place would be generally acceptable. 1 A benevolent individual in Hartford, on Thanks-jiving day, authorized the City Missionary to out 1600 paondaof poultry to the poor, and is mnch mora as might be neoessary "to go i oond." The Missionary distributed 1800 pounds it a cost to the anonymous gentleman of $288, imong 160 families, in aU about 1200 persona entire lot of poultry waa purchased in tha oantry, and at the request of tha donor, was of be very best quality.

We have no doubt the gen who made that donation, enjoyed hta iin. er oa Thanksgiving day. The "Highland Maid" ia the fancy same of a gtticoat pedestrian, who gave her last perform ae Newborg last Wednesday evening, when she alked oat of town, forgetting to pay her little The leuee of the Hall says that tha "Maid" as ia the constant habit of stepping off the plank benever no spectators were present;" that at ibt aha went to bed regularly, and when cnsto. 1 "ra srpesred in the morning she was on hand as be had been at her walking task all night, The Eciter of the Treasury reports that the of polio lauds this year will amount to three Jons of dollars. on so a ty, of iu.M.hIt; Thereat only anew that areas and extensive itresnlaritias hare been practiced, by which infe-.

wheat have beea passed a ss superior andes saJeetscT being fteouently passed as No. owiaciapart the eauaoaenev ef the kwpeetor. bet let th neat part the sapidity ef waraboosemen; bat alas give fiures.taare where the wreas has beea pre eonnaittae-s report vfe that -tha BmS eaa be nainemanraiiy thai frames to 89 the wheat tecatvad nets etaea nat Aasast and graded as rejected. aas beea taraed oat aa No. 1 spring wheat." th Board of Trade, we are pleassd ta observe, hat taken a decided stand nn the subject, sadat th meeting at which th report waa made, it was resolve todrartalawtonieetthewairtsef staflar eases, and pett-t its aaaaure.

Th loBewing table shows the sntoant of Boar aiid giant la sanr at Chicago oa Saturday, Nov. Z7, less: Floor, bbls Wheat, Spring, bu Red 3.0 lciisse Whit 9U.10S nun Corn, Oata, Bye, ba. Barley, bo. Baal Market. WsDJrssDAT Noon, Sea.

nana Th demand continues very moderate, and is eo Bnd entirelrto ie wants of th home trad. Market steady dn our last will not exceed zuu Dots at 4 ia ior pernne Induma; Z6 for good to choke extra liichi-gaa. Indiana. Ohia and Caaadlan, and' S3 76 60 fisr good to haic doable extras. Wn.snamaBnlianladand eonfined mostly to older1 hn mfllara.

Sales last evening SJ0O bush eommen white Michigan at tl 12. This morning 10,0 ba ordinary-Chi- mw am4ne at 70c Cob Some 18X10 ba is the entire stock offering, holders ef which demand 70c. Oats Held firmly at 50c BaaLST Dull and nominal at 0G8c. Rts Quart but una at S870e. Psavrsioirs rrhn mess pork euiet at fit 00.

Sales Sl dressed hogs at $6 29 far ordinary and $S7 far extra. Lard ISWe. WmsEST Market nn. Sales 14i boll last evening at J2c CaaaJ Exparu. The loUowing shews the desthattioD of the Boor and gssin ahinued by canal during th past 24 boors: Fttmr.

jnea. Car. Oato. Rf. Barf Rochester JW Eagle Harbor S.3S7 Lockport aj WOT Lake imparts.

Th following shows th imports of leading articles by take, during the 2i hours ending noon today: Flour, bbls. MB ou i 1 oUtJ---- Ashed, oaks Fish, bbls Lumber, ft Rsgs sks 1U2 Shingles, Grindstones, tons. 6 Cattle. Horns, Hogs, ZM71 9 2.400 53.000 101MW 141 130 rreessd Hogs, No Caaal ExparBs tav Week ia Nevember, of the flour and grain shipped to various points the Canal, during the week ending noon Hot. 30 to: flour.

Wheat. Cor. Oat: IM-kDOrt Rochester Montexuma Lyons 'oou i.l 77a i.wo 2JU1 10A18 710 Total 168,785 10.708 i-ii m.9a S3.1r J5.7S1 SA73 Sice openi 88116 8g83.4tf 188,719 6413 I ara W.k la NSveaiber, Statkmkmt abowing the imports by lake of most articles during tne weea eiiuuia nviwuw, wui, Flour, tu.sio wneat, eu 4,994 Corn, bu 1,006 Barley, bu 184 Rye, 75 Potatoes, bu 82. Butter, lbs. 10S Bacon, lbs 134 Lard.rbs 1190 Tallow, tbu ...549.009 23.U13 Pork, ddis Beef.

Whiskey Ashes, csks Eggs, bbls Oil.bbls Fish. bbls. Ale, bbls Seeds, bgs Beans, Glassware, bM Glaaaware, csks 8,169 1.926 i.ioz 45 I SLOTS 43.8U0 i ...144.800 so i.umoer, ..846.391 15 1 566 90 10 20 6 63 5 SS5 223 407 768 904 9 81 232 1,671 23S Staves. No. 43.00 Lath, Ne Hides, Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Wool, Pelts, Skins, Flax, Broom Corn, 21.000 9.296 4U8 Coal, tons Pig Iron, tons Lead, pigs 7 496 J.7U6 80 S3 uneese, Tobacco, hhds Tobacco, bxs Candles, bxs Iron, pkgs Rags, scks Feed, bgs Peas, bgs Hair, bdls 148 24 2tt IS 4 Paper, bdls Grindstones, hooks, bdls Bones, scks Sngar, hhds Wood, cords IS Leather, rolls.

Alcohol, Dressed Hogs, No. Cotton, 23 4 340 Lake Imparts far the Meath et November. Statkmhit showing the import by lake of most articles. duruis th montb, snaing noon Jov. sum: during Flonr.bblB.

.......182644 ....1,03796 49.604 Pork, bbls RMif.bbls 69,667 4,14 609 649 Barley, Bys, bu Potatoes, Batter, lbs Bacon, lbs Lard.lbs Grease, lbs Tallow, lbs 1 71.77 Tt UXKttBJ, Ashes, csks bbls sjm VI ......332,093 119.400 ......281.000 S.400 167,000 S62 1 2 Nuts, Beeswax, Ale. bbis 161 1 I Seed, Seed, bgs 2it staves. No 6,761 Lath, No 184 Shingles, Bet lis, bbls Beans, bgs 17,7 36,784 1.780 20 sni Cattle, No 787 Horses. No 6,463 Sheep.No, 160 Hogs, No 182 Wool, bis 1,032 1.244 Skins, bdls. 7 Hemp, bis 19 Flax, bdls 96 Broom Com, bdls 20 Paper, bdls Starch, bxs ulsssware, oxs Coal, tons Fig Iron, tons Oil Cake, scks Iad, pigs Cheese, bxs Cheese, tons Tobacco, hhds Tobacco, bxs Candles, bxs Soap, bxs Nails, Lead Pipe, csks Iron, pkgs.

Iron, bars Iron, tons Rags, scks. Feed, bgs Peas, bgs Feathers, scks Hair. bdls. Leather, Iron Ore, tons dheoks, bdls. 6SS 16.061 2S 320 27 134 28 1,087 126 83 Grindstones, 3.431 unndstenes, Railroad Ties, No Hoop Poles, No Bay, tons Ceppsr Ore Alcohol, bbls.

Sngar, Boner, Bone csks Cotton, bis Copper Ore, bbls. Horns, HopaTUs "Wood, cords. UAoe S69 6 231 1,066 23 1,464 6,591 1,749 a 10 413 25 4.863 276 1.200 IS 1,309 23 717 687 4f 42 941 Comparative Sritunrr of th receipts of a few addition al aruciea irom we opening noon nar. soth: 187. ATay ISO.

76450 7492,131 ..1,17475 SS.1 19.6SS ojm 1858 Anril ith. Opened, Flour, bbls. Whest.bu Cora, bn Oata, Pork, Beef, bbls 'hiakey, bbls Eggs, bbls Coal, tons. Hides. Ns Fish, L483.467 10AMJ34 AS2J7 tujeee S2A0S C4S 14,13 tsjm 141,786 67,117 136,228 .11 10.071 'Consignment ta the Central Railroad, STATSn-BifT of the amount of property consigned to th Central Railroad by Lake, during the month ending aooa Flour, bbls.

6,963 Wheat, bn Butter, ftm 7.747 ...121300 S.SU0 71,400 Corn Meal, boll P6rk.bbl..... S.S2S Baron, 4,868 Beef, Whiskey, bbls Ashes, esks. Eggs, bbls Ofl, bbls Fish; Nats, bbls Beeswax, bbls Ale, bbls Seeds, bM Seed, bags. Bean, bbls Glassware, Oil Cake, scks Cheese, Cheese, Tobaooa, hhas. Tobacco, Candle, JsaiKkgs.

urease, 171 Tallow, 14S HideaNo 4U0 1 16S Horses, 7 Wool, MU. 1 Pelts, bdls 3 Hemp, bdls. hit us, 19 Broom Com, bdU Paper, 7 4 Grindstones, 13 AicohoLbbis 16S Cotton. Ms 867 Hops. U.

7 Bom. Niis7bxs. Rags. 1 Feathers, 1 LwUwr.roll 11J leo i so SO sno 430 4 341 gTarnrawrsliowing the total amount of floor enaaigMd to th Sew York Central Railroad siaot th opening- to ion Jaly October. i DtUty Receipt ef Far aaal Usate.

Th following shows th receipts of Boar sad grata at the pm as named on tn gays given: fUnr. WUmt. Corn. OmU. lev.

Jrg. rMMM. Wlh fk U.I mm aX auiwauaae, ut liu IS? uetroi stin jo wvt Oaweca Harket. Sw TeUgrmpk. fKov.

flanr st Ss 0 7a for good to ehoio extrs Oswe go bran da. Qrnia Wheat Inactive and Bern ocrtaauy at al uti In red Western, aad SI is for whit do. Like Import-M00 bbU floor aa wheat i fOSkabsr- 0 bu oata. Railroad Experts 41 bbls dour, the Hudson. Canal Cxporta 2JW whas.

Strong aarth west wind bsswIbc (Ujasy aad lake very asagh. -rf i. MtTeUgrnrnkJ B. SB. JrtoahgBtdssssail today batpriaa aashsagsii.

BnrA wheat Boar ia lair request at $3 15 VX U0 tbn. GrsinMajketisiiMikility deli for every ditrlptiua ef aiav If sales of wheat, or corn. The latter i baM aowdnaTty at 74e ia car lota. Tarjr Bttl doing ia barley AJ0S be atale. Wbisk7-8alsof Ui ebis statt 36, 1SJS8 bbla; wheat PJ.ll bn; osra 131 ba; bavisy xaaj feej i Chsraaw Uaurket Nov.

97. Tleaowle BUraeaasad. Sale today war: bMs-Wns- aelwgo" Boring Extra at HOOibbla -'Harrast-saperna at as HV bchs warn opaMng hucsm aa aw. vi 70s dai aneiactore; 7 bm do at S7e in atorai 7tl ba Ao at toe Store; 3u0biirtel at 47c in store. corn tw no oiu auc ia siesaj se aa aia na.

a as 7e to store: Sue ha new rejected at 47o oo track; 1 ear of ear earn si 43e paria lb oa back; I ear do at Mte par nib Oate-v-ery aiei. Oldest ta Bar (wroest at ia aw ea Stack, aeastdiaa to aaaiUyz saw eats to yn HKfatci per SO lbs st depot. Barter nominal at CbsnoaareaJsat7ava0etBsa-ira farrtea. liViim. itflw rasidaBes af ih brMa'i ea ultbv tha Re.

Mr. Conehusd. k-r. i ENOWLTO.V. of'rtubaaue.

lows. af th- cuv.l tioed. One aensaislislad ja OftVM SU.S78 T7M7 0240 1 Cheap Gisrn Faintdiij WIRE GACZK SCREENS, CARVED AKD GILT LETTERS, At F. B. Scott's 1S13 S.

Division st .1 B90MM Vmm. MAAW ST. aad Mis M. n)Slii4. Jew at whtistiM sad r.wL fc U.

O. B1RC3. 174 BaaOa Mreca. 4 0. wauA.

Seaees st. -tiff I.

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