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The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois • Page 8

Edwardsville, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lUwsy Ifotdw Gather by Live Oorw poadmti. COUNTY OORBaSPONDaNOB. Youre. la attending him hope I tn home Unmet. f.ilk»*"' llr Dworlb Womllttmlt I.

L. Hlnoh WM at your olty Friday oil business. Wm.Budte.of PrnlHetowu, was in our village yesterday. Fred left for St. Louis night with a load of Chan.

H. sale will commence next Thursday. All are lu- vlied to atlond. MlM Mollle Hoxsey, of St. Loulit, IB the icueet of Mr.

uud J. Homey. near Silver Creek. The festival at Si. Paul's oliurch wtis well attended yesterday, Bothal- lo, Pralrletown aud Wordeu being represented.

Kev. of St. delivered a Herinon lu ibe forenoon audRev. Ibeo, of Pralrletown, and Kev. Nacbllgal preaobed ID afternoon.

The audience ooutrlbuted generously. All were satisfactorily entertained by the bome congregation. Paul G. Houkel and Albert Mttrx, of Hi. Loultt, and August tichlouble.

of tiprltigtleld, were among the Attendants. Hept. 10th. frill II. Wm.

Frnltt Is visiting relatives iu nncon oounty. Miss Mary Hoslslns Is attending school lu your city. Jeirorson Friiltt IH attending Free bylery at Alton this week. Tbe K. C.

road Is extending Its i 800 feet at this station. Clarke EHabroob, of Morrlnonvlllp, wax guest of John Wlllcoxson latt week. George Handlon and Frank Witt visited in Uookbridge last wpek. Will Sloan and sister, Miss Msttle, visited relatives lu Liberty Pralrlv, Sunday. Several of tbe young men of this neighborhood i leave for tbe went next week.

Miss Lou Dpgnnfelder, of your city, was i of Ml.ts Hannah Hcba- fcr last week. Mrs. Kale leaves for Ottawa, to morrow, for a three weeks' visit i friends aud relatives. Minn Mollle Holmfer Is visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Lee, of Green- wond, Mo. She i also vlolt her brother, John Sohafer, of Wichita, Kansas, before returning.

Hept. Oth. l.llioiljr I'rnlrltt. MlHses HIU IP and Julia Johnston, of Alton, aro tho guests of Miss Evn Itellu 1'Magg, book-keeper for the I i Glaaa WorUa at A npytit Sunday at borne. E.

A. Lantermnti and Master i i uud Eva Balk i leave to-morrow for Marlon, Kaunas, lo visit Mrg. M.S. Bryaa Mrs. Martin F.

AI juts and baby have the diphtheria. There are four In thu family who bave been attacked. Dr, SV. U. lOnoo lu attendance.

L. Eslnbronk haa been i sick the past waek, Drs, A (-Smith, of Jk'thai to; Haskell, of Alton, mid Joseph 1'ougc, of oily, were iu oouaultatlou last week. The Bohoola have opened. Deem, of Betlmltn, took charge of No 3, and Uunry Dude, of No. 4, on the -(id aud Minn Louise llluniu, of No.

1, aud Miss M. Young, of No. 2, to day. I 1 Green and Geo Ltiman have leaned the Fort iluaaell coal mine. They are enlarging the shaft aud lug new entries, aud will be prepared to bundle coal I any a i noon, The coal from this pit Is of superior Hept.

Oth, to bring bltu.out HOOU. No better entertainer can be found than Win. Moellenbrock, ble hous la crowded with guetita. Mra. T.

Iloper and daughter, MU Julia, or Ht. Louis, were guests Mra. H. Bobloaou laat week. F.

Kaaeberg ia erecting an addition to hla bard ware i tore wblob will occupied by furniture company. D. K. Talley, superintendent tbe Union Stock Yardi, baa returns from business trip tbrougb in northern part of tbe elate. O.

W. Kendall, of Chicago, wa here laat week looking after the Inter eata of tbe Equitable Trust Company He was Ibe guest of Henry Rubluaou wbo la tbe agent for the company. 8. A. Fletcber, wife aud fou monlba-old baby, of Bunker Hil weregueetaatCapt.F.

MnCambrtdge thla week. Mra. Fletcher la slate to tbe Captain. Tbe baby large fo bia age, tipping the beam at pounda, Sept Oth. Unrliie.

Why not organize a glue club tb fall? Mrs, Otto Ulrioh and G. Gravlus ar very alok. Ot'o Johns, of St. Louis, spent Sun day bome. L.

Appfel, of Slrlugtowu, waa 1 town Sunday, Will Bernard waa out from 8 Loula Sunday. Mra. W. T. Blanke, of St.

Louis, vlaltiug frleude bere. Fred Sobrleber waa at St. Lou: last week ou bualneaa. Pplea and family were from St, Jacob Sunday. A large number of veterans attend ed tbe doings at Highland Sunday, Christ Weber loat a valuable hon laat week.

It waa struck by llgb niug. Mlsa Maggie Hampton and Giorg Morrlx, of Troy, called ou bei Sunday. Mre. J. Wledner and daughter, St.

spent aeveral daya in th vicinity. F. W. Hoyer, accompanied by Mr Bane, of St. Loula, apeut Sunda at uome.

Mlaa Frankle Dewey returne from an extended visit lo St, Loul Saturday, O. Gebrs, P. Wasem aud Wra Brandos have taken a pleaoure tri to Cincluattl. Mesdamea H. C.

Gerke and Murnme, of your city, spent Sunda wltb Mra. H. A. Hoyer. Tbe German Lutheran Sunda.

school aud choir will Rive a ooucei In the fore part of October at th Turner Hall. An excellent pro gramme has been arranged and 1 will be ably rendered. About 25 tramps are camping In pasture north of towu. Among tbet are a captain, lieutenant, aroblteol professor aud a duelist of Germany Laat week they bad four kege of bee and people living lu tbe vicinity ar looalug potatoes, chickens aud otbe eatables. Sept.

lOtb. I'lvrrun, Our school Is ilourUhlng the inaittigerueut of I' 1 Balsiger. Ueo. W. Miller made a visit to the Diamond Mineral HprhigM, Sunday.

John Gall lluvnbnd wheat from a Mold that averaged 33 bushels per acre. John Greely, of Greenville, Is a fre- visitor here. John likes coffee. The Black Jack school will open Monday Miss C. Huber as Umoh- er.

Wm. P. Early, of Ed wards vl lie, waft lu towu Monday ou legal Mrs. Cynthia of Independence, Kaunas, Is visiting relatives here. Mr.

And Mrs. Frank Hrrrln, of St. Jacob, were tbe guests of A. J. Utlger family Tnursday.

Grandma Sebnert Is spending a few weeks at Edwardsvllle, visiting her sons, Louis and Peter. J. K. Williams made a trip tr Cincinnati last week, and witnessed the piny which be pio- aounoed very Hue. John Bnssbard Is up and around His arm, which was badly lacerated, and at one time threatened to be nerlous, soon healed under the i treatment of Dr.

M. Tlbbetin. Sept. Oth. Venice.

Moelleubroek paid ui a visit to-day. Mlwt Emma Tltbetts Is bome from Fidelity. Miss Mabel Paul has returned from Blooming ton. C. A.

Beathe, of St. Louis, spent Sunday with frleuds here. Dr. W. H.

Gruysou went to Fort Madison, Iowa, ou a professional visit this wesk. Tbe M-IS. Sunday school Is making preparations for concert to be given soon. A party of young folks went to St. LouU Friday to see Joe Euamett In bin new play.

F. Boockerand family, of East St. spent Sunday with Francis Mrs. Idol. Hilt Is on tbe sick list.

Dr. C. HllflilniMl. Miss Emma Idler, of Pocahontas is tbe guest of Miss Julia Kamm. Tbe wind storm Wednesday nigh did serious damage to the corn crop S.

Hubbel, who la in charge an eshlblt at tbe St. Louis Exposl lion, spent Sunday bere. Tbe engine at tbe Old Mill brok down to day, and will necessitate a shut down for about week. Albert J. Mlrick Is In i a splr its and bis smiles are broader and hi greetings more cheerful.

It la auoth er boy. John Hoflinan gave a ball Saturday night and last ulgbt be gave an "ex iru" for tbe boys. Both were at tended. Next Sunday one of St. Louis' bes ten pin clubs will come out to roll tin tlrci of a series of games with a pick ed eight of our players.

Jack, the Kisser, once more tcatli his appearance last night. He Is de sorlbml as a man of about 33 years age, five feet tall, weighs about 175 01 ISO pounds, smooth faced. J. A. Keith Is occupying the Esgle Hotel--minus the hotel.

Gelsman Is doing agent's work during his ab seuoe. Al. Delgbton, of Marshall, is Oiling the latter's position. A. Pelletler and A.

Blumensteln Saturday nlgbt, bad some difficulty In which tbe former stabbed tbe latter twice, Inflicting quite a serious wound In tbe back of the bead. Mrs. R. 8. Hubbel, wbo has been visiting in New York City aud Bos ton tbe past three months, returned Saturday, accompanied by Miss zle Hammond, of Mohawk, N.

who will remain here for some time. Yesterday F. Merzand Wm. Reedy, of EfflDgbatn, visited this city and made a request of your scribe to offer a challenge from tbe Efflngbam running team to mevt tbe Colllnsvllle running team, In this olty, for all tbe way from $26 to $200 a side, tbe winning team to take tbe purse. If enough companies will participate a tournament will be arranged.

However, these are secondary matters. EfHngbam anxious to meet Collinsville. Come, let us bear from you. Address W. Reedy, Effllngbam.

Sept. Oth. Troy. G. W.

C. Teter left Monday for Missouri. Elizabeth Strempler Is bricking his cellar. Julius Peters and Louis Eokert are visiting in Trenton. Mrs.

H. C. Kersey is spending tbe week In Upper Alton. Miss Jennie Haastnger is visiting her sister at Taylorvllle. Grace Kingston left last week for Bloomlngton to attend sobool.

George Klesel and John Watt are attending school at Carbondale. Charley Gendler spent Sunday In 8t. Louts wltb Warren Young. W. W.

Jarvis Is building a new house on tbe old MoLanahan farm. John Blebotd and Fred Kuntimsnn will display tbelr patent roller and plow at the Belleville fair. Mrs. Jos." Granger, who lias been nick tbe paat week, ia convalescent. The band boya aerenaned Guetave Vetter on his return from Germany.

Joseph Button, from De Soto, Jaek- non county, spent lust week with bis mother. Ellas BurU, our veterinary surgeon, saved a valuable cow for J. Uagler on Saturday. Mlsa Maggie Morehead, of St. Louis, was entertained by Mies Muble Kaw- lattt week.

Jamea W. Cammann ban niailo hie wife a preneut of a handsome gold watch and uhaiii. Mra. Wilbur Had ley and Mrs. Bert, Willougbby were guentn of Mix.

Bnm BawBOu laat week. Y. Jarvis and family and Jacob Gebauer and family drove to Edwardsville Sunday, Jet. Willougbby left for home Monday after a two weeks visit with mlu- lives lu tbjs vicinity. Miss Bertha Kober, of Bich Hill, is upending a few linys tbe guesl of Mlaa Lizzie Kltisel.

A. 8. Joseph will i-epresout thiB township at the Belleville fair with a display of fruits nud vegetables. Ia last week's issue icsteail of H. Kersey attending store for M.

Auwater it should have been John Hagler. Mr. Aug. Beutell, anil Mlee Katy Bush were joiner! iu wedlock by Rev, Bey bold at tbe German church in Black Jack Sunday. Tbe Mlnaea Ada LaoK, Lilla Henderson and Messrs Morris Lang and John Carr, of Ht.

Louis, and Miss Iilu Kendersou spent Sunday at W. W. Jobu Sohmidt, an old ft nil aitlzen, died on the 5th hist at hit borne, on the Highland road, aged 80 years and 7 months. He uame to UUP county about 1S35, He leaves i him three BO us, Joseph, John aud Adam. Sept.

10th. St. Jnrro. Henry Frey has on a i to Wayne county. C.

Hurot, of 8t. Louii, visited R. Klrsten Sunday. Miss Katie Pahmeyer Is entertaining Mlsa Koch, of St. Loula, John B.

Wise Is entertaining Bob McCoy and family, of Cincinnati Mrs. Belle Walt, of Kansas, anil children are guests of Mrs Klizu Herrin. The new i i nearlng completion. The second atory IB liu- Ished. Mike Fohmel, who has been iu Colorado for sixteen mouths, has arrived Uome, Miss SophiaBeeli has from New Orleans, where she has been loi six months.

Mrs. Scuouer and children, of Ht. Louis, are visiting her sister, Mis. Henry Krey. Mr.

Biemensohueideraml of spent Sunday i the family of Charles Balsiger. Robert Lee, who baa been here the past sis months returned lutt week to his bome in Indiana. The live stock sale of J. R. Wise was largely attended Saturday.

Tui stock brought good prices. N. P. Sanders and wife, who from bere to Denver, ten yeurs ago, are back greeting old friends. August Klrcheis repainted nur sobool house, instead of J.

Kir ohels, as was stated last week. Mrs. Wm. H. Falres ban been dangerously sick for two weeks.

We are pleased to report her convalescing, Misses Kulin and Sauimelroth, who bave been here the past three weeks, returned to their home, in Belleville, last week. MnsdamesRud.Baer, Louiu Wusern and John Fiey, returned Friday from a three weeks' jnuruey to Plutts- mouth, and Laramle, Wyom- ng. They report having hud a very pleasant trip. Agent S. Tomllnson bun ed from Southern Inilinua, where ne was oalled by the of an John Gelaraan, who olHulatnii i hla absence, baa ruturuetl to Highland.

Messrs. Rhelu Williams, the en erprising tnerchMitu, uontempUte building a new store on (lie iiurlli Ide of Main elreei, between Douglas and Jacob They have receiv- two oars of lumber from Wayne county, Mo. Hept. Olh. Albainbrn.

Jacob Gehrlg, and wife were at be Hub Thursday. Mrs. Henry Wetzel's sister of Maine, is visiting her this week. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Sharp are vis- ting in Bond county tbla week. Tbe auditor and general freight of the SprlngUeld road weie ere Thursday. Gott Messerll and family were en- ertained Sunday evening by Mr. and drs. Henry Leutwller.

Louis Ottenad, of St. Louis, was ere Friday, looking over his stock Tibbette, treasurer; R. D. Utiger, representative. We are always ready to correct errors on our part wheu attention Is oalled to them.

We named the school house three miles south of town, last week, the Dusenbury school when it ought to have been Messerli school. Mr. arvUVlrs. F. Vlerling and a select wedding partv arrived Monday evening on tbe 0 o'clock traln from St.

Louis, and registered at Hotel Ot- teuud. The ceremony took place in St. Lquls, at St. Joseph's church, at 7:30 A. with solemn high mass, in the presence of a large number of friends aud relatives.

The bride's attendant was Mrs. Mary Ottenad Han- riauor, aud that ot tbe groona Cbas, E. a head book-keeper for the Green Tree Brewing Co. The bride, Mrs. Mary Kay, a lovely blonds.

Tbe groom, Mr. Vleriing, is a prominent bout and shoe dealer of dt. Louin. The future home of the uouple i be at Vandoveuter place, i a elegant wedding breakfast waa served ou the morning! of the wedding. Theit preseuts were costly and numerous uud costly.

The groom gave bm wife a net of diamond ear rmgs ttiid pearl pin. The costumes were elaborate. The party will remain ut Hotel Ollenad for several days. During their stay they will visit Highland, Diatnoud Mineral tdpungs and other places. Sept.

9 COUNTY KBOOBDS. Transfers of real estate tiled for recor in the recorder's otllce of Madison couu ty, for week ending Sept. 7, 1889, Lepha P. Danforth, by executors, to Helen M. Hawley et nl, w.Vi aeoZS-O-lO J3.00, Mary Morrlll to Helen M.

Hawley, Antolne Willy and wire Feutz, pt ttw)4 "Wji see 4-3-5 30 Anna Dupae to Charles Neustadt, lot 20, Wlokllffe'B add, Colllns- vllle Jaa. Newman and wire to Pattle E. Btevens, IS 83-100 acres pt neK see 2-5-11). subject, and undv J4 nJ4 tract 9, Uutnbrllr Hubdv, subject, o. lot 2 and IB, Hawley's add, Alton Herman Heumetter aud wife to Louis eX wH frao sec 3-tM), subject.

Johunuah PnUer, by administrator, to Lucy M. Bartlett, deed, lot Id, blk 2S. Darrow's add. Wilson Scull to Margaret A. Scull UKX and see 31 Mary Dorsey and husb to Alonzo Keller Bud P.

Bradnhnur, strip ao It Ide olf a Bide soV( se 1 see tt-8 faroltura and replacing what is leaded. Our BObool dlreotors ought to ap- olot a truant officer to enforce the ompulsory education laws, and In- roducs physiology and hygiene, aa be law directs. A missionary feast waa held at taunton Sunday. Many of our Germau brothers, wltb their families, at- The choir attended in a body nd rendered eome excellent muslo. Qeo.

Webb, one of Edwardavilie'a uocewful young oontraolors, la here his week with his outfit of eleven earns assisting In finishing the mile nd a half of aide track for the C. road. For those Jnlerected we will give otloe that tbe band boya will bave heir dance Saturday night, Hept. Ith, in tbe new drug store room at has. Ruedy'a, instead of as before nnounoed at the Alhambra ball.

At tbe regular meeting Saturday Ight of tbe I. O. O. this city, the mowing officers were elected: J. H.

Mias Kalie Loug has been on the diuk hat. Tlllie Long has returned from St. Louis. Simon Epatuiu was in St. Louis this week.

W. Power and wife have return- ad to 8t. Louis, Alice Blair Is spending several weeks In Ht. Louis. Dr.

H. E. will go to Edw i to morrow. We now bavo a soo ety familiarly called the United Brethieu, Our glee is practicing for the baud concert to be given soon. Mlsa A.

llolhrook and Miss Maggie Page were in Kdwardsville last week. Mr. and Mrs. a Huber, of 8a- Una. Kansas, visited friends here last week.

Our i school to-day. There I eurollud 110 i Piof L. C. Kennedy HB principal. Sam i i of St.

Louis, hap been visiting; brother, Dr 8, Buckuell, tor several days, Miss Carrie- King i spend thle week in Kt. Louis to become acquainted with the i i styles. Mrs. W. Pveevep, who has been quite tirk as a now has typhoid fevei and is i very i A.

Foster has been testing the merltH of the Dlamoud Mineral Springs at i a for rheumatism. Mr, wbo has been sick at I. T. Crowiler's for several i i fever, Is not cxpeited tt live. Bev A Hamilton has from his i a i to Wellington, inrl occupied the M.

church pulpll Sunday. F. M. Olive, of Worden, and E. Hu- Iwr, of 8allim, Kansas, pay tlieir re.

ipepts tn "Old 1802" by giving us their sulisciiplious. Prof. L. T. Kennedy has been orna i his rosldence i a new noat of paint.

He had the building photographed Saturday. Mecsis Armstrong and G. Hauibou, are two of the young men stationed here in Ibe inteiests of tbe K. C. load.

The former IH mastei mechanic nnd tho latter i operator. Your i has made fre- lo our depot lately in the interests of tbe The K. 0. roud baa iHige trelghl riuHlinHH urn) IH fust a i i in passenger business. Sept Hh.

Airi'iMN in the Coiiuly. Tbe I.M.I 11 NCI has agents at the postotliuis tht county, who are to lecuve subscuptions and orduts Joi ttilveitihing and collect aud le ccipt foi tho biiine, us follows. i a (. 1UMWVKM St a a i a i VVcbir I A II SnoilKinns i a IMilvmin a i i i Yanda. Wandii-- I Reynolds.

1'tilerb-- Jot 11 It Sohnmncher A i 1' i Hriinllnik--A Ktallt ew Hall, Kau fimin--losopli Ron lunger, llumol-- A bUKelmnnn. pontoi--Uhosley Daulels. Alton--Jus Ueaiilm (Jodlrcj--W Sriulru" Ft Ilussoll--W. II Ijautorman. PIon on--W Plialen Prulrietowu--O.

Graham. i i i (j! David SupplKer to Jones Tomz, w'd, lots hla'nd Joseph Koeptll's add, Wm. E. Whefier'aii'd wlie to fe? 100 II ft belD P' E. W.

Wheeler's add, Kdwarclsvlllo 01 ChrlBilau VOIeijoubetu to Wm Zteiceu- beln elal, frao sec 5 and Alton i Viuuxu KUitu ana wile Schools 4 8, wd.lOOxJOO feet, belni; pi 18-4-8 I I i LI I Johauua u. Plau to Johu H. c'd" fra'l sec J2.0-10 Geo. Jung and wife to Jacob Uood, d. lot 10, bit II, Highland (j Horary Buhrinester anil wile to Prank Wolle, lot 2, blk 30, Wesley Jarvis' add, Tioy 9 FeuU aud wile to Maria Hoohu- II, Highland Rosa Spieler and husb to Anton Wrest.

BwJi ueK sec Eva and (Jurrle Oruenbusch to Christian Gmeubusch, d.ont lot 50. Edwrards- Qeo. Ueuach et al iu rbeoDhilus UalfVie'r" all Inl In see 24, and nw4 neK and ne'4 seK beo 25 5-6 anl wVii wYs uwji Heoal-J-S and viV, "f'-i seo and pt sec 2.33-7 Cyim W. ijBVeron et ai to Swettenham, lotsSft and BO, Qeo. Smith's add, Upper Alton llonry and Mlna Buskohl to liruiike Bchoon, lots land 1, A Dusenbury's add, New Uouulas, re- KateClltfoid toljucy M.

WrlKlit, a lot of land on side street, Alton 120 Louis Kicks to Alfred Hicks, seli aec 24-6 Kate Stun toHnrrle and James Starr.w 83 88-100 uties, being pt wM nwH see lit tj-10 50 Julia A.Ashbrook and husb lo Mathew Brady, lot blk 9, Kerr 1 add, Venice, John Heaves and wile to Llua Kle- knrap, ne4 se'4 sec 31 and sec 32-(j-5 28( Elizabeth Luogea and husb to Sarah Gallney, lot 150, Todd an other's 00 Henry Uohlt to Matilda Hohlt, eV lot 1, blk 4, Darrow's add, and lots 1 2" 3, IU, 11 and 12, blk aud otlicis' udd, C'olliuBville, love and affection Moro-- L. 8 JDorsey Bothalto--Hunry Wubker. FiDlll--lolm Fiultt Brooltk--Tohn behmldt. Long Jjuke--M, Dlllmau, Worden--A Larklu. In addition to tho above, correspondents and postmasteis arc authorized to receive snbsciiptions, A StnrllinK Rhnematic Syrup Co Jackson, years I have been afflicted with inflammatory iheumatism, tbe pain and soreness of the joints at times being N.

B. A. Keown, V. H. T.

Wharff, wcretary; J. H. L. almost unbearable; cpuld move about only with the use o( cratches. In addition to this ray stomach became badly diseased, and neuralgia set in which threatened to end my day.

A travelling man stopping with me gave quite a history of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syi up, and the pe- culiailtes of its combination, which induced me to try it. I have taken six bottles and no act in my life affords me greater satisfaction than in writing you that I am a well man. I believe it to be the best remedy ever formulated. A. J.

Froptletor, Kmpire House, Independence, Iowa. For sale at Tiarcs' drug store, Conaiiintatloii Tickets. Family and individual commutation tickets between Etlwardsville and East St, Louis are now on bale, F. M. LANK, Agent St, L.

K. C. li, R. THE effect of using Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup unlike all medicines containing opiates or poisons, it being entirely free from them. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood.

For sale at Trams' drug store. Prnbitte rl 8 nB Glosaau8 deceased; clulm fc JO.M) allowed. Nlcklaua Schneider, dei-eaaed; claims allowed lo amount of 3170 71. ElUabeth Burkhardt, Insane; John Bark hardt llles bond In (1,1,30 as conservator. Louis Wersoin'an, minor; ward being iige, receipts lu lull and guardian is dlsiuur Jacob Lehinkuehler, dccensed; ndmlulnti.

lor prmeuts receipts and vonchtis und Is dls charged. Alois Brneggoi, decRsed; Johu Blattncr, ex ecu tor, presents lecelpts for all demands am is discharged Theodoie Voigt, deceased; widow retain chattels to the value ol J((45 -10, aud the bal itnce, S710 DO she prefers In money. Fred Btslze, deceased; the executrix submits nnal report, showing eatale lo be fully administered, and is discharged Emma and Fred B. Halter, minors; botl wardsbelngot age, receipt in full to dlan, Louise Halter, wbo Is discharged. Martin Hag, deceased; Samuel Hug, cxocn tor, piesents Html account, showing debls claims and costs all paid, and bnlauce dis trlbnled as dlieclcd and Is discharged.

Uenry B. Johacnetsetllo, deceased; Fred II Jolmnnetxellle appointed admlnlsliMtor li bond ot John Urano, Aug Wubterhphk and trust llranlnwjer apiM)luleduppralser8 Hobcrt Halter, ilecfused, Louise Uallur nd lulnlslrnlrlx, submits Until isport HlKmlut. that HU 5,1 Is due upon widow award; the eslalu dtclarei Insolvent, aud she Is discharged. Kathnilue Oril), decuim'd, Friiuk Isert ex HciHur, prtseuuliuHl rtport showing balance of 51 bu ordered that ho puy over sale Dulnnce lo ho uuurdian ufLharlts nnd Kulh urlue Urlll, gi luduhlldren of deceased. Thomas I'ales dncoasej; prof of deatl Hindu bv F.

II I'(MIISOU, who pirscats las will, alttsted by 1 II Fergnnun nnd Harry Black, which Is adiultlcd to piobutr- ElUi I'ates, lliu widow, iinnipj or wilhou tioud; adjustmcii11st Monday In November Jumfh A. Smith, deoeasid; Smith ad inlnlst tutor, maUvs prool of of Qua seillt-au'iii, recelpu piesenled Irom all heirs lor then share, except that of Mary A. Duu- Kol, which Iscrudltud on uoteof May and Ins. B. Dunkel, he Hies note and Is dlscuarg Isadore Booskey, deceased; claim of 81 000 Is disallowed for want of evidence; total receipts 32,90,111.

paid on prelerrea claims 117 20, and balance for distribution on 7th olass claims $180 24, and ordered that administrator make such distribution; ou production of vouchers he to be discharged. Marriage F.C. Moethan, of North Judsou, Indiana to Bertha Brase, of Worden. Raymond Moore, of Nlcholls, to LeallaM. Squires, of Alton Peter Landgen to Mary Oreen, both of Alton James B.

Marshall to Martha Schaefer both of Upper Alton John Roaoh to Susie Phayer, both of Upper JamesE KelReyof Ft.Bussell, to M. Jennie Uzzell, of Wood Biver, Wm B. Wiseman to Lizzie Parker, both of Jerseyvllle. Albert Zeller to both of Alton Johu D. Wilson to MagRto Ferausnn both of Alton.

Geo. Thoi-nburg, of Harper, to Harriet Gray, of Alton. W. B. Handy, of Qallalln, to Lillian A.

Dagger, ol Edwardsvllle. Aug Beutel, ot Troy, to Katie Bunch, of Lebanon. Richard Hawkins to Mary A. Kitchen, both of St Jacob. John W.

Lawrence, ol Bethalto, to Luella Flack, of Wauda Thou W. Tales to Helen Reed, both of Ed- warkaville. Wm. Tlek, of Hamel, to Catharine Laen- gendorf, ot Liberty Prairie. A Scrop of Paper Her JLIf c.

It waa juat an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her lite. She waa in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds On a pieco.of wrapping paper she read ot Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle, it helped bar, she bought a large bottle, It helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and IB now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. II.

Cole, druggist, Ft. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery free at W. Harntst'g. JOHN Stolze toe lumber dealer builds wire-picket fence from 2 feet high to any height desired, HEIGHBOBHOOD NOTES. Vsrlonn Items Worthy ol Pitsalng Notice.

Nashville pupils and 12 teachers ill her The St. Clair county fair is in piogrcts at Belleville this Out of 20 divorce cases on tho docket in Bond county, 1C divorces giant- ed. The docket in St. Clair county for the September term of court contains 500 cases. The 1st Missouri Cavalry will hold a reunion at Bunker Ilill next Tuesday and Wednesday A.

G. Fleischbein, of Belleville, tho victim of the stage robbery in Michigan, held $9,000 in life insuiancc. Sebastian Fictsam, public administrator of county, and a resident of Belleville since 1849, died Momlay, at tbu age of 70 yeais. The old settlers of Montgomeiy county met near Hillboro on Fnclay. A laigor number were piesentthau at any meeting in previous yvars The members of the state board ol equalization examined the uppiouches of the Illinois and St.

Louis biulgc at East t. Louis last week. The Watciloo city pio- pobcs to onfoice the Sunday law and the merchants will be prohibited fioni doing business on that day. Tho city council of East St. LOUI-, rc- coutly adopted a 12 o'clock closing ordinance, and the the police has been -instructed to enforce it.

A farmer in some southern county fed a lot of hogs several gallons of cider, which was not soft. The hogs on a glorious old drunk for three days, and a few of them passed peacefully never realizing what had touched them. Christ Strohkirch, who shotEmil Fatb, the marshal at Sorento, in August, 1888, and who was sentenced to seven yeais in the penitentiary, had a new trial the circuit court in Bond county last week, and got off with a two years' sentence. John Peter Bar nickel, populaily known as Uncle Peter, a icsiJent of Belleville since early in the 40's, died last week aged CS years. He was a natirc of Gei- rauny.

He was mairied in 1832 and is tho fathei of. 17 children, 12 of whom and his wife, suivive him. G. II. liuuk, a prominent business man of Nashville, a interview with a Belleville News Democrat leportei- stated that everything in that city is closed, anil that it is as "dry" as a aiming in a stove-baker.

He said iu addition thai the question of prohibition has put thu town IQ a state of much excitement, aul the people aio using every euile.ivor to seek some outlet fiom their pieseut condition. Miller Park, ncarBloomington, is occupied this week by the bevcntb Day Adventists iu annual state confeiunce. The meeting is laige and the semecs attended by crowds from the city. Discourses have been delivered by .1. Waggoner, editor American Sentinel, W.

Piescott, piesident Battlo Creek college, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, supt. Battle Creek sanitarium, and others.

The gist of their discouiscs, outside of eiangeh- cal aud doctrinal subjects, has been the maintenance of sound minds-, sound bodies and a state of civil and religious freedom. They uareseivodly oppose tbe liquor Uaflic and legislation. The camp meeting Sabbath school numbered toward live hundred, aud recitations were conducted simultaneously four lauguagts, English, French, Scandinavian anil German. LSI unrsiii 1S('-' INTELLIGENCER BOOK AND JOB Printing House Is among: the best equippel Printing Establishments in Southern Illinois. PLAIN AND FANCY WORK Neatty antt promptly executed.

PAMPHLET WORK A SPECIALTY. OF APPLICATION. Whereas, Wells Corey, a halt brother of hnrles A. Corey, has flled In the county "ourt of Madison county, Illinois, an nppli- for the ijppolntmeut ot a conservator the Nftld Charles A. Corey, to have the re and mimngemeut of lila real and pers.o- eHtiite.

Notice Is therefore hereby given Mmr application will be hearS by said coil court, al the October term therRof (on the day 6f said term), lo be hoklen at court house In Edwarditvllle, in nall Madison on Monday, the seventh day ol ober. A. D. 1889. when ami whern all pe NEW MILLINERY.

STORE! Mrs. M. Ject bos opened a Millinery tore In the Tnnne'l between the Shop aud Hack's rtore, trade a flne or I I AND A I a the very lowest prices- HaU and uonneU modeled, trlminut and bleached toorde" LWSPAPLR.

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