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The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois • Page 1

Edwardsville, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

All New of the County, SI a and Nation pub- II Speedily Accurately. Madison Intelligencer THE WEATHERs Showers and thunder' storms this afternooa and tonight; tomorrow partly cloudy; slightly colder tonight; colder tomorrow. Temperature today at 2 P. Bt, 76. 75th YEAR--NO 75 EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1938.

TEN PAGES FRED LEJtEY IN SLEEP AT SIREE1 Found Dead by Mrs. Leadley as She Awakened From Rest; Two Had Been Wash ing Kitchen Walls. DEATH PROBABLY DUE TO ATTACK OF HEART Visited Business Places During Day to Make Purchases; End Came on 59th Birthday Anniversary. Fred Leadlev undeilaker of this citv died In his sleep Wednesday afleinoon about 2 30 clock while he and Mis Leadley i resting aftei washing the kitchen walls earlier in the da The dealt occurred on his 59lh birthday annrver- saiy Mis said that aflei ealmg lunch they i taking a nap befoie conUnumg the i about the home When she awakened she tonne Mi Leadley had passed away Mr Leadley had not been ill Hi death was attributed to heait disease Duimg the morning he left his home at 1403 Noith Mam stieet to make some purchases He conversed with a numbei. of i He vsas gooc spmts and sard nothing about feeling 111 Mi and Mis Leadle came here 20 years ago to engage in the undeitak 5ng business He followed that vvorK lor a number of years and the busi ness was finalv sold to William Stiaube i bom he was associated for a time While engaged in the business he was a coioner un dei Coionei William Bauer of Alton Aftei selling the business Mr and Leadlej lo England tor an exlended visit He has been letrred smte i this Mi Leadley was a a i of Wyom ing 111 and (ame heie fiom Gales i He was engaged the undei taking business i and other places lor 30 yeais Besides his i i Saiah Lead le he is i i bv a claughtei, Mis Elcnse I a A i two i and a sister I i a plans a not been made FLASHES Leased Wire Bulletins on Latest World News Today.

Tornado in Kansas. Columbus Kan Mai 30--A torna- demolished a residential section ot this mining town today and two hours aftei the storm two bodies had been fiom the debris In the hospitals were fifty injured Physicians weie working by candlelight I he windstorm had decommissioned the power plant and the cits water works A tornado swept thiough Hallsulle in Boone Countj Mo, and Killed tlnee peisons the highway pa tiol Face Typhus Epidemic Sian ru Shensi Piovince, Mai 30-Moie than fifty million people in the centtal China a i atea face one of the gieatest typhus epidemics In modem i Di i Swilet land Pi ess today II Moosei ol told the United Recognize Mexican Right. Washington, Mar 30--Secretary of State Cot dell Hull today foimallv, recognued Mexicos legal light to ex piopnate foieign held piopeitj but deelaied such action must be accom pained bj fan and equitable com pensation Bomber Fulls to Sea Honolulu Mdi 30--A navy bombei engaged in maneuvers and manned bv a of seven fell into the ocean 100 a i offshoic Five men i missing I men swam ashoie ASK BIDS TO FINISH BROCKMEIER SCHOOL I boaid of cluec-tois ol the Btockmeiei school i i a i 200 Persons Attended Annual Dinner Meeting Held at Collmsville. Joseph Spnngman of Alton was elecled president Tuesdav night ot the Madison Countj Tuberculosis As sociation at its annual meeting held at St Evangelical Chinch at Collmsville He succeeds 1 Ham lin of Edwaidsville seived loi lasl I yeais Di Bainsback ot Edvvaids i was elecled vice piesidcnt and Di Delicate Edwaictwille sue ceeds Di Bainsback as treasurer Miss i i oE Pin Oak ship was elecled secietarv succeed ing Di Holcombe of Mai me and Ellis of St Jacob is the second i president succeeding Fathei PAST HALF Rainfall Thus Far This Month Totals 6.73 Inches, Nearing Record of March, 1913 With 8.22 Inches. LOW CORN LAND IS BEING INUNDATED Records Maintained by County Soil Conservation Service Shows Rams of March Have Been Freakish.

for bids to bo i i i al 8 clock Coslello of i a i Cilv Lowlands of. Madison County weie being inundated Wednesday i flood vvateis trom streams which been filled to ovei flow ing bj unusually heavy Maich lain At the office of Madison Countj Soil Conseivation Sei wees Wednesday afternoon it was stated that the piesent March pieci pitation is the lest since 1882 and only half an inch behind the second heaviest in the half centurj penod Lands which should be diymg out foi corn planting weie i watei Wednesday afternoon Along Cahokia Creek Diversion Channel the flood a i weie assuming a depth i maj make it the worst since the new channel was opened Several years ago flood watei spread the lowlands Recoids being made at piesent the soil conspi a i service show freakish conditions Ihis moming the lamfall equipment showed a piecipi- lation 15 inches at the BuUita a i while at Camp Wheelei the lam fall amounted to 125 inches On the night ot Maich 22 the rainfall at Camp Wheeler amounted to 44 of an inch in two hoius between 5 and 7 clock i at the Buchta a it was one inch in 15 minutes he heaviest Mnich rain in this aiea since 1882 according to government iccoids occurred in March 1913, vulh a total of 822 inches In Maich 1921 the a a amounted to 726 inches and the following Match icgisteied 567 inches Thus fai this the rainfall has amounted to 673 inches The mein or avei age a a i 1882 to 1937 amounted to 3 01 inches Hail stoi ms occuueri in a of Madison Countv i lues daj night One in Edwairisville oc cunod Wednesdav moming about 4 clock a i i had a a a i about clock i load was flood ed i watei i i a few minutes a i that ram fell on (it the ot Kane ai i for Hit i wo on the i i and grounds I board i als i a i ques tion at thf i on A i 9 asking a to sell tilt old scluol i ing I bids to hi a include piumbing i i of side a and a fi of a Hag pol" I inri a Scott ot i a i Cit a i a foi the build A i IOSL $6 '184 and th( a i plant was an a i i $39) It is i a i th itU i i cost about SI 100 and thp i IPS about fl 514 Residents ol I hi i i iu thoi a bond issue it tt SOO for the i inf, and a PVVA gi uit ol I "300 than 200 persons fiom all sections of the countv toi the dmnei served at 6 30 in and tor the i i a and business meeting i followed HIP featiut of the i was th" address by Di Robinson Bosuoith of St I ouis i ot the Illinois i Assoc at ion Di Bos i told his audience that Sn Wil i i Osier one ot the palest phv sicians of all time said a i ago ITALY HAS MIGHTY WAR MACHINE RjniP Mai Prprmei Btnilo Mussolini told tin It i in a ami people totliy th it II i i i up a a i i i she is re dj to use the i tint tin de-tense is be i In the nnclsl of I guatest viai a i i i 1914 Mussolini a i no 1 I i a and olhei 111 ti ns that I i is i a declaring Halv land sc i and an forces are- tuned tor lapid and implacable a i His speech was on the a i a and in i appi opi lations ot 5 800000000 i ($305 000) said that in ot a he lead tbe aimed foices undei com id of the i Childn Sharp Fstate I i of the laic a who at Alton on Mai 17 i shaic the 900 estate ol then uirdei i of Ihe i filed i Tuesday I i taken one of the wilnesses living at Piovidence I befoie the i is piescntod foi i a ISume Misp lied The name ot James Ahem Alton candidate for the Democratic nomination lor county lieasuiei was spelled incorrectly in seveial places in a in the Intelligencer yesterday It appeared as A i due to a typographical letters. tianspoiition of t-vo that the i the i ot tuberculosis is the education the public He said that this is si i the gitatcst pioblem we a lodav in i a i to llie of tu i i and il is the ol the i assocntion to piovide a education Dr i said thai tubeiculosis in be classified in I age groups i i a undei one yeai a Utbeiculusis in i out uu to IMI I and tuberculosis in Hint, people in Ihc- teen ages Only i balms- i one yeai i ol i in Illinois outside the- tv ot Chicago in he sud a concede thai losis in llus age i is nol a i senous pioblem Between the ages of one year and ten lubeiculosis dots nol develop in a i senous mannei it is a vei benign affau Childien this age i may oblam an infection but go along in a perfectly normal a mannei In a community ol 80000 in Illinois a been no detiths in this age gioup so agree a i is no i SPIIOUS atfan We used to see and hundieds of i public institutions and tuberculosis i a but now we know that all they need in the way ot lieatment is to see a they a an i lo no further in fection It is i i a to edu cale the family in i there Is a case ol tuberculosis hou to protect Ihe children In many commumlies all over the nation todaj they a searchrng for a cases as the method OH control ling tuberculosis Such an oiganua- lion as the Madison Countj Tubeicu losis Association can well appreciate that then woik has not all been done when we that there wetp about 70 dealhs fiom tuberculosis in this county this last yeai Theie is (Continued on Page Two) ONION FLAVORS CAUSE $100,000 YEARLY LOSS a in the St Louis milk dislnct a loss of over J100 000 annually because of lejccted mill' tint Is had a because of wild onions and a i i according to Sam 111V i Pioduceis coopeiative mill- selling associalions this i consumpis a then milk and onions separ i mixed to gether Much of the i i can be avoid pd bv laking off onion infesled pastuies at least six: i before i i time Manj clanjmen hav found that the onion a i be considerably less noticeable if feed is fed a i a one houi be loic milking time and altei the cow: have been lemoved lor several hour i onion pasluie In some cases il is possible to pu llie i i on a pasluie i there a no wild onions anc put the other i and a animal on the pasture that has the inlesta lion Wins Three Places Miss a i Raul daughlei of Al fied Raul ol this cilj who is allend ing Umveisitj of Illinois, won thiee pnzes at the Greater St Loui riowei Show being conducted at th Arena this week The classes wei open to college students only In class i five bedding plants one vai lety she took place sec was schizdiilhus Cabinet Resigns Bucharest, Mai 30--The cabinet Pali larch Moron Chnstea lesigned to day II was asscrled a the lesig nation was etlecled because the cab met formed rebiuaij 11 had tultlll ed its mission King Caiol was ex peeled to name a new cabinet this af teinoon Reported Doing Mis Joseph was leported be in a satisfactory condition Wed nesday at Josephs Hospital High land, wheie she underwent a opeiation Tuesday She will be a the hospital for a minimum of thie weeks. New Deal Victory Smiles With the Presidents government reorganization bill pushed safely ovei the Senate hurdle and seiit to the House well pleased New Deal senators exhibited the broad smiles of victory shown above Left to right, they aie Senators Sherman Mmtoh (D -Ind James Byines and Lewis Schwellenbach (D-Wash who played important roles obtaining Senate appioval despite a last-minute bar- lage of telegiams, mostly in opposition The House Reorganization Committee i consider the bill at once, and it was believed that the House fig'it would be as billet as that in the Senate CONFER ON Mentally Retarded Youth Mysteriously Missing at Godfrey Cardenas Consults Leaders on U. S.

Action; Special Session to Study Situation. Mexico City Mai 30--President La- Caidenas confeued with government leadeis today on the stiong lepiesentations made by the United States against Mexico's seizuie of $400 000,000 In American and other foieign oil pioperties The permanent committee of Con gress was called to meet today to convoke an uigent special session ol ongiess to consider the oil situation, Ihe flotation ot an internal loan to in demnify foieign mteiests foi oil piop erties and to considei lower taiiff iChedules But thete was no indication that the government intended to lecede from stand when it expiopuated foi eign oil companies ptopeil because they had refused to obe a supieme i decision that thev had to pay highei Ihe Amencan piotest made to For Minister Edouardo Haj Am bassadoi Josephus Daniels was de scubed as a diplomatic demaiche or step That it was actually a piolesl and a strong one though made in tern peiate teims was appaient Even befoie the govcinment seizure of oil i i Ambassadoi Daniels had told (jCii Hay that he would considei it a calamity it theie was no agree ment between the and the oil companies The government madt no announce ment legaidmg the American lepie sentations Daniels made a statement ing a most unusual thinj, and an dication ot the seriousness i i he situation thai had anseir between MPMCO and hei povv eiftil noithem neighhoi It was indicated that the United States would seek a fnendly solu lion of Ihe conhoveisv and avoid the appe-uame of doing a i thai might seem to go countei to Mcxr cos sovereignty or to anloganize the nationalistic senlimenls loused recent Ij in MPX.ICO "Veveitheless it was in dicated also that the United Slates government had intention of quietlj watching the exptopuation of millions at dollars piopeity owned by Ameiican companies Boneficiarj Htu Died. The will of Valentine Weber, foi- merlv of SI Jacob who died on Maich 14, was filed Tuesday in the probate court heie The will was made on June 18 1914 and lett the estate to Geoige Webei a bt othei who has pieviously died The estate valued at $5500 will now be divided among othei relatives Kulin Funeral Thursday. Funeial seiviees loi John Kuhn a a i i who lived southeast of this city will be held Thuisdav at lei noon at 1 clock horn the resi deuce at Kuhn Station and 2 clock at the Eden Evangelical Chinch Intel ment will be al the Bailicit Ceme teiy Bomb Port Bou Perpignan Fiance Mai TO--Nationalist airplanes bombed Poit Bou just inside the Spanish frontier thiee times last night and early today Two persons weie killed and 10 injured. Raymond Wilkerson 18, Rockfoid a mentally retaided youth who has Deen a palient at Beveilj Farms for Backward Childien at Godfrey since Octobei, has been missing from the institution since Friday night ac cording to lepoits Wednesday to Sheriff Simon Henrj The leport was made by Supervisoi Leland Smith ivhose familj has operated the insti tution foi many The boj is harmless The boy took with hrm seveial pets The included a bird dog a police dog and a puppy owned bv Mi Smith and two land lenaplns which were pets of the boy Mi Smith said young Wilkerson an outdooi boj Only once in the several months has he left the mstilu- tion He spent as much time out ol the buildings as possible Mr Smith sard that if the boy is asked his name he will piobably not talk but if ad dressed as Raymond he i con i with a sti anger Mi Smith believes that Wilkerson is hiding in a wooded tiact but is un able to account for the boy abilitj to keep the dogs i him Plans were made Wednesdaj to broadcast a notice about the bov absence over the state police ladio and station W1MV at East St Louis THREE ARE Collmsville Man Collapsed He Walked Home After Visiting Doctor.

as IS INVITED Visitors Will be Shown Method Under Which Boys Live in Carrying on Programs to Protect Lands. SCHOOL BAND WILL PLAY NEXT SUNDAY Several Short Talks on Work Done on Farms Feature the Program; Conducted Tours to Spots of Interest. 500 Men Aboard Aircraft Carrier are Affected by Outbreak of Tonsillitis. HONOLULU Mai 30 An a of tonsillitis aftecting 500 men aboaid the a i a i i lexmgton lodaj forced the vessel to i a from the a games in thp Pan In ocean a a heidquaiters said tint the epidemic was not senous and that it was undei i I was kept anchoied off Waikiki so that some of Ihe moie senous cases could be hospitalized ashoie should thai become necessaij Fedeial a a i doctois loined the legulai naval staff aboaid ship lo assist In tteating the men Phvsi- cians said that seven 01 eight new cases were icpoited yesleirtav but that they likp most of the others i mild No new cases i le- por ted toda Doctors said that none of the patients was in immediate dangei and a the Lexington might lesume participation in the wai games tomoi row Much 6f the hangai space on the a i a caiuei, winch has ap pioxrmntelj 1850 men aboaid was being utilised foi cots foi the sick men Ot the 500 men who were smd lo have been stncken most of them i described as a i only mild cases Naval officials explained that the tonsillitis spread larmllj because ot the close quarfeis which the men i The men affected weie segregated fiom the others as soon as symptoms were noted In the wai games the Leimglon was a membei of the "blue fleet, which has been designated to attempt (Continued on Page Two) IH fate seems to be following mem- beis of the piesent gioup of men who aie doing i seivtce the i i court heie One of the veniremen fell dead at Collmsville Satiuda afleinoon and thiee otheis hguied in an automobile accident Wednesdav morning William Zid 59 the i who died had heai tiouble He served last week a a motmng he visited the familv phvsician and was given a piescnption i was taken to a drug stoie to be filled He collapsed i a i along iter stieet i minutes aftei leaving the diug stoie The cause of Mr Zids absence fiom had not been to Judge Mudge Tuesdav aftei noon fudge suggested a pel diem of Mi Zid be suspended A Collins i woman heard the a i and reported the death Mi -iid had icsided Collmsville foi about 35 years He was a coal mmei He is i bv his widow i Barbara Zid and foui children Hrs a was held Tuesdav after noon i the Scluoeppel Funeral Home members of the Lodge a i a of finil seivices it the a in St Johns Cemeterv Clarence Johnson i Ed i Comstock and James Dovle Xlton i delayed for moie than in. hour in i etching couit i I i i i a i Route 140 on a special to Himel befoie coming to a i i Ihe cai i i bv Mi Comstock and anothei dished west of Hamcl No one was seuouslv The fifth anniversary of tie foundation cf the Civilian Conservation Corps i be observed Sundiy afternoon at Camp Wheeler heie with open house during which a program will be given beginning at 2 30 clock Announcement was made Wednesday by Captain Everett Martin and M.

camp superintendent that plans foi the afternoon are complete The public is invited The fifth anniversary is being ob- seived between March 31 and April 5, all dsj Sunday being set aside at Camp Wheelei The camp may be inspected Sundav between 10 30 a. a 4 Edwardsville camp was opened on August 23, 1935 Mi i i have charge of the program The Junior High School Band II play There will be sev- 01 al sho talks few am pioiect manager for Madison Countj Soil Service, will talk on Soil Conservation Activities" Captain Martin i speak on 'Camp Oigani7ation and Camp Routine" Faim Aiviser 1 May i speak Benefits of the CCC Camp Our Conimumtj Arrangements aie being made to take visitors on conducted tours. Those wish will be shown woik that has lecentlv beer finished at the Buchla faim noith Edwardsville A heie a part of a rair fall obseivation has been estah ished The visitors i be shown tl i methods used in determining rainfalls the amount of walei which soaks into the soil and the runoff Accoiiling lo repoits from the headquarters of the Soil Conservation Service at Des Monies la all of the camps in the aiea aie making ar- langements for an obseivation of the eek FORMER RESIDENT'S BURIAL ON THURSDAY Beit Lowe, foimei i i of this i who died Saluiduv at Kansas City Mo i be buned ht'ie i i daj aftei noon i the Stiaube i-u i a Home at 1 Inlciment i be at WoodlavMi Cemetery Mi Lowe about bO a i of age was the son of Ihe late Mi and Mis Charles Lowe who died heie a numbei of years ago His lulhei and biother, Roy Lowe opeiated a funeral establishment and liveiv heie foi a numbei of yeais He is by his wife. Mis An gie Lowe and two daughteis, Alice and Gladys He was rnauied Maich i 1917 Mis Lowe was MJJ.S Angle Bosomvv 01 th ASSESSORS TO HEAR SPEAKER AT MEETING A lepiesentative of the Illinois Tax Commission will addtess local tax assessois when Uiej meet heie Friday to lecerve then iccoids trom Counlv Tieasuier Petei Fitzgerald. In some ot the othei Illinois counties the assessois have agieed upon aveiage valuations to be used in making moie umfoim valuations, Place In Sliou.

An entiy of Joan Mane cm nations In the Gieatei St Louis Flowei and Garden Show won a third place tot the Woodlawn Gardens of this city yesteiday They weie entered in competition with many dozen othei flowers from this area. SIX IN FLORIDA DIE OF LOCKJAW Oilanrio Fla Mai 30--Di Dav pusident of the Orange County Medical Association todav oideied an investigation of deaths of six persons who died of lockiaw 24 hours after uidergomg seium tieatmpnls foi cane -n i othei peisons also serum ueatments lot cancel i oideied under strict medical observalron A 14th was removed a hospital todav vMth svmptoms of lockiaw 1 a lepoited the cases to Ann i on Mcdual Association at telephone Di Div said The i Urns bid all the svmptoms of lockjiw a chemical and bicteiio ogical inaljsis of the seium used One physician was a i all the cancer nUrents i His vv it iheld relict Against Plaintiff A. vei tict was relumed igamst Mrs Jennie 1 kman Alton admmistiatux of the estate ot hei son Joseph Phillip Lekman bv a i i court i i heie Wednesday in her suit against Haiolti i i She sued foi $10000 damages foi injuries causing hei son's death on Januaiv 18 19ST several davs aftei being mjuiod in an aulo- obile accident neai East Alton Ihe young man was iidmg i Theodore Scott at the time of the Trust Fund Provided. The will of Oscar Lemonds died at Utou on MaiUi 5 will be presented foi piobate on Apiil 29 undei an oidei enteied Tuesday when the i was filed in Ihe piobale court heie Ihe petition places a value of $25000 on the estate Mis Ruth Lemonds, the widow, i occupy the home and shaie a tiust fund of $10000, the lemamdei ot the estate going to other lelatives Comment By Roosevelt. Waim Spilngs, Mat 30--President Roosevelt commented in his prew confeience yesterday on Senate puss- age of the goveminent ieoiganizatiM bill, ami permitted his comment be quoted directly "It proves," he said, "that the Senate cannot be purchased by organized telegrams based on direct misrepresentation." SPAPFRf.

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