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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

into tli farts, antler ootb, and make report liuma. (TO TO I WANTS-' TUE80AT SU. .51 AVuit I'to a)nFu tf O.J. aiiofeiv Haviaa auda a- i. TO hsvtnt mrM arrtu 1 1,.

aiji if All 'lit ta eti IB Rlllil4.llWf rl rtirtiaii stria Will FrMayiaaat. ft Taraaiity 1 vi, ak 4 1 tt; tyr M.ixtrf"! h. VV aare of trie PiA ir on. r-w b-j cr autKie at 1 lag toeirae trnrnnw ef tae An.ho-woatd rcaoeniaua rater to hi entree amsag a.wa are, tor. Jmoam lowaaBaaV I fbt C.

Otiaao. AmWA, J. t'iarv Oea. pattar, "at t. Mr.

Ca isalaaBLS to a ettm aa Severn Mrstt. ov-mftof K.rrwo.) Aaeash-ftJ -JJat it, tlthuimmtsnJZ Oiij, wmawBisttsativT ctu ih $WAa'MTxrimmHii PAia aMfaeMsd and Bold Uy by Conas, Wnna btetk mmdmm this Wlook T7 keaawractad aa ataeh. aueatiaa to ImZ turmtSmZ York. It waa aaaiaitad at aaaTiiT mTZ-Tl I 1 CA' tv.t 1 Ulwf Li.i.uf.i. carers 01 UimUuh lb i -i.

na Ot liwlr S.MMl, .1.,. th Mmve lina. will So toll n. cull brt pureiim.i.a ewtre. A full mamnrimrut nf nil Smife Oil ChKlM, Ulan, 'l ahle, tlu iAlVr.

WllMHHT fl I I. WMrfM A oa Iwm and (ur Ma si tin kivost Neir York sitroo. A I Mi. Um simv m.muIa nor main at mtfttl. .1 aem ta Jsshttw ttnsae.

-j ar H. t. OAHT CO; NtlTtC3 IXWHObllTION. TI sopartaenlilf hreurtiitealslns IhMwmbiiJm ssrriireiidBr tkw trsa i Haw. Wort ana a.

Co. Is this da, dim. leelvee ky aaetait naniiLi 'flie auainm sriU mm sea. laeoa ay Hsfar sua T. II.

uiidiis.aiur lae aaias m4 atatefli. UAtiA x., f. is, leto. i i i sM TltoMAat M.

HHtHIINtt. (lllOim-'l ke wliserlbara bavin obumWc Uiair Sil 1AU MliWUbas. Uaa kau iskivuis, eih-r lot saw isa (-as ar rsjaaga nr wa lur apwoved paper, aa aueusiva aMurtutssi ct mfi u. IteWauoas Bnuak Uc UoeJa-vaaaistiaa fisia, fixarM sii fancy jetts, lili. Faouaas, ioacf Uaat, Cdflaaa sadl Idtaae.

tllvlMl N.W.U Ej.Hd Ulasa neu. tares, 4aiUta e. Vslia. BtHtWkk atalflk. Cuma.

fnUaxlBM. iRidlara. Jc 131 i'ewl sueat, mm York, aai'', feie.utawtmM8a.li8 Kartlt Front at, PhllmlglpUla. ENGLISH UK OOOOeV The snkserlbers bar rrceivc' liielf foil nmnllei of rich Silk Cln ui nerior sisea BtmaMDOiiea. 'v ie fancy eilt Uiikr.

ttesrrs and Bli.wU,'" illchplaia av4 raaey (iros MralS ttlUiens. '-t Sntallield prlnie madder and nuify Silk (ieeUsniea etilk Cravat ofrle tiros Oraie.Maek. (Ih eked am faaey, la large tswrtnient. 'llk rwisLrios.fliiiaiMfTllrr.wR tSilk. rf a.

hay wocb a tor; feW.tawtmbt Uesverab New Vert: 1 UTICK. The feltowiaf artletee remain eke LV eHors sat otiam Ifaxaall. MRwaBdea age ud, wilt kaaeWaai toeMMi Maitaj aeaf, iur iaeaarrs. nn rnv1 wirawuv ataaa. fnan: ITaaCUert.

a -i- .1 I auud. Mail Mads; I Beam. I Oa oaa. ttmi4liar 7 A tot Usmso sal ttaadrlee, are Chest, 1 enesi 'reels, aV IM't'laVaal teasiBmrla, I traaa iiasas, t.i-e...v IMamasktieai Lake Steegktoe I cask CasUaaa, 1 sot ao r. atuaas bases Sasb, W.

WilHaws Mboie Books, T. Merryaiau-1 Ciwft. T. Bwitta, loruaio I box. K.

Brooks sea Gsrdea Seedl, T. Tissla)' a aotes, I barrel, I Do fa, I Uureaa, N. Tafl I Ins. K- tvaiikf a taull allll Stoaea, W. II.

lierilai 1 boa Sitocs. 1. tVilluouI Fir Eailaa. Joaatasa Cattias I bax, a cheats, lAuu U. Potter 1 Imii.

0. WilUrd- bhls sad cask Flour. T. Keaipaball, I Newark Mill and Gould 4 Co. i Flour, braaaV iia.

Baj. I W. tiraaaar. Niaiara Falls I small box. JaaSXtf V.N TEH.

FAUdEB at CO. TUB subscribers beg to lavtts the attentiea of tba Dsidie. to their bvae aad perleetlr aew assuitastiit ofgrasaWsrts. Cawianria, Vutiagt, Btmmtr OmUmmmd Carat va, arnica taey laieaa setilag or maautacturtag at UM very toarest rawe, fw Cash. butmkki.apiu No.

let Mala UaeTalo. N. Tbrv alsa eaV lor sale a (lae aeteetioa af rwmtj uooos, suea ss naini, vmvau, vonsrs, uiavea. eioeas, imiustM aaa sua nanaaercaiera, ate. Hr aa arraearmeat nude by II.

Jose, la new Vara, tha faaklou ixmeiaaieijr oa their arrival mere. win be furwsraed le lUaai ta this city uefaa 8. t. VIM IIANUKKa, reapeetriiUy oUI tha uttaatioa the pmwts ie turu enepnv steta or goeaaeastam- Katt ladis Haii Itoaiask. Preach Fl fared Sstia dm.

ad attsa ctiik aMilpa laboreto, sattsbiefnc Wiamaw Cartaiae aad tXnma Baal InaMalaga. Also, Waraled UeoMaks, af all aatat Maraiaaa, UimHy Wladow shad us, ef varteu wtdlhai ltvaws, Fitaaaei haadisma wias Border sd Mathm, for aartaiwa Feather Jlems, Hair all aaeeript toast CotjUotia, dta. with a taacrai arssiliienat af Freaeh aad Amerieaa Fapar HaBlagi, Moniera, Fir Hoard Print, ate. Ac. Their stuck has keen ear based aad selected with the (Koteat rare as la wise and aualitr.

that llwy are abas to eeii as low aa any aatahlishiarat ia the tVaitrd Jlstss, aad as owaus win be spared to teeurs to Uiem toet liberal tap pact they have ex per lea cat aiae they cammca Qttfal avwBaM mMtia1 Bteaat Boot Hetat aad Private Heatas fariiiahcal at the shortest aotic. Janii UUC iNOTlUK. subvriber nereby gives notice that he has been appointed by toe Court of uesrv ulue Hlate of New York the Receiver of the eroueru and effects of tin City Uaiik of HurT.ilo. and reqaesu all persons lodebtcd to the said City Bank of Uuoalo le reader sa Seconal of ail debts sail sums of oe owie by ibetn reaped! voir, to biui as Receiver, al tba baakiua bouse occupied by the said Bank ia tbe city or auBw, ay ue aiuta say or in area sen, aaa ie payaasai laersei to we suueeriucr. ucats ana v-i aot tet da ara raaetrmlm seaaMea the day Utey laieeam pay aide.

AH Sr aaat kuvtaa la tnetr sossessIoB aav Broeertv ar Usmata cat taa saidCttr Baaltal" ataaala, ace atso raavl ad deurar taasaaw uas soasoiuec aa of awore iu aaid aialk day af Mavah ueit. All creditor af the aaM Cty Baak af gaaalo are aiae reaaeated to denver their reapectiva iteaaanii aad aeeauuu to the subseiibar, as Beadrar. aa a before the ainth ilof of May aexU atfl ail persos holdiuf any opea or subiatio coauact of the uid Ci Baak of Ihitliilo are hereby required to ereseal ikeuuue la writim sad ia delail.lo the sebserl- uer, at the aankiof beime occupied by the said Baak, ia tbe ally or duBjhi, on toe tain ai hui uay may out. Dated liutTalo, February lltb, li-tT. fr.tlua Receiver ef the City Bonk of Buttaia.

rqr Aibany Kvcalai Jouraoi will copy. OTIOS. The saeseriher have this day firmed a 11 rnsanamrrhlp aadrr the aaat sad ana of R. Haa. asu it Co la the Storage.PorwardlBg aodOoetmmitaa botlaaes, at the oM stand of Uuater, Palmev dt Co.

Foot of Mala at. BwtUe, Febreary 8, iW. MIIPIWKLL HABItbU HUNTER, PALMKR CO. Bl At I a o. lire wiwBcaa wi be eoatinaed mm heretofore, ia their new brick wore hoaie, foot Washiagtea St.

en the dock. fell. If NOTICE. The endertiiood, Trastees of the estate ofW.R. MerriieM.

aa abseoBaiat debtor, five notice that they will sell al puldle auction, at the livery rtoute at usoraa aieiagev, ta ute ciiy im Itth day ef March aeit, at It o'clock, A. M. a i'leewre norucH. ASHKIt P. MCHOL8, THOAIAS 1 J.

B. LATUKur. Februsry sSth, led. tin hit Trnnee. DISSOLUTION OF COPAKTNBRbHIP.

Taa raaariaeriaia hetetafere asiatiac uaeet the Arm ol Meaat, is Ibis day ditaelved hy aaataal amatal. the seaiac panaar witadrowug oa aeeoaat ef III health. Tbe businett will he eeudatled at the etd uao, by THOMAS' U. CHABK, who is aaihorUed to tettieaUaccoanUofthaarni. ButTalo, Pea.

tetA. w. aHirrxr, fb4.Uiay3 TtlOMAH tt. CHA8B. DURR MILL The tubseriber ha now JJ a i i iu l'ul'vpu ntinu louiag or coaairy work.

He is aow froot auarriet, ia France, ina TllVS FltHNT.H niiltll BLOCKS, froot which he will eoatiaae to uaanufactura Mill Bwae of a warranted awallty, to order, and will tell tueia much cheaper for Cash, than caa be purchased from those oflisrtng Ibetn credit Bulimia Mill Famishing BsuUiaiiment, 89 Wain at, ta the Canal aeptsPit 11. HAYWARU. kLLfcCKH FAN.nYA aow ediUoa of Uuobeaav urui mm, with ether eoem. epistlee. etc.

far tote at the ixmlitber'. price, ay W. at. UAVlbBN, nari rfookseHer, 171 Mala st MEDICAL WORK-1. A quality af medical worts of tbe latest pubiiealions, oa hand and for salt low.

by w. u. HAYiiruv, aiari Bonkteller, pi Mala st. IhB V. A urge aaaonamai of hue Sutloawry aa tor tale vary low, by W.

B. IIAYDBN. atari Book teller aad Slatioaat, 171 Maia tt. OflABbl Saaeraae FLOi'H. oa roerignaeat, for aJUlStaleby HOMAUK HUNT, Janlt No.

It Mala st. QUILLS, mrrs aatorlinmit ef Qnllm sahaaii, Inu Mo. lata ku, yellow aadwhils. la.UUU Hastia Quillt, for sole low. l.UOa OaaeatUallat.

aaaairmr article. Pwrcheeert ore ikvitad lu ceil at amrt BUTLER'S. Jf AP OF Map of Buffalo, ea 11 X. a large acale, oa rollers, for sole at a reoaei price, al BUTLKB's, LAK BOOIoa. A fall aattply Ot bmm ayurfc, tall aett uou eoajia, an aaao, aua maoe areer.

van art sA BUTLKR'at Baaktlore, hi Maia tt. Qaarte BHites. ta every va- XJ rany or wauiat, ea.aaaa, ana will be eon at raw rices. Coll ot 1 BUTLER'S, i aa.iB It Maia t. KTOTtOB.

Parteae baMB raaae ear No. Saadf i.1 OtUa er farlev mavatk wb arescr baraiaz Caal. eaa aav a aaai grata areparej eapressly re that stave, which makes tin meat agrveahl Coal rjtove la use, by coillBf al tba Kasto Faraae aitimate, No. Mala teni ouiHmiV daitvarrr, variety af Boats aad The sabaerlliera hnvanow aa ha stock of ase.iue, rmbraelBi erorr arrmv at woett aaa etmv, awt nareasrr ta eraar will ha sold aaanally low, for cash anfy. HAMSUEUt MUNTrVOTO.f:, Mala St.

LANS WALKING StKJES ANDflLlPPENaV-The aabscribar have ma tm I a tamptete aad froth fvia HAMtillELL HL.NTINOTON. CJATIN DAVttNO bUPPEHS. Indies Bhtet aai VJM Bite Balls mrp. a sopartor article, nnr sal hy stanuKU. at MUMTI.NflTtrN.

ltn wbt IxritAPPINti PAPER 80 reoiat, for sale by (he 1 SBinrt.oar. iv. u. uaiiikn. toajltt Uookserler arid Btorloaer.

171 Malnjt. FKENVH WATER PROOF VJT BOOTH. ctntenaid rreatli coiraoeble soled Boot. Usrt rocaiveJ by land will be sold cheapfor eaah, by vn gr aiswaoMrot.m tivn Main DMAtVLNU MATERIAL). Hrahmtui At Liuta.

aware beet Dvawia Peaeila, Rhaadrs 4k Laais ata. Ipared fcsadaa Bsaiaa, forakaaJilaai raraanvay--" ri- w. a. sii IJfc uaeasmer aaa gaattoaw, ill Mala BOWS'S ENOUSH GRAMMAR For sale at stav xtLTLEIt'S llwkston. I 1 1, ,1 K.A1X.IV Kl -t t.

UieAmtriV-' ttiat warh! 1 i.Uioii, ill Jf tuira ea their rnt are If king aa um- paina making by cuia asuva ana ooci. dad deuonstrauoua on ours. Not only have they kept an armed force npoa tha territory, contrary to agraamont. and opened roada through it, but up to thia time they have been continually strengthening their positron -i Fairfield and Fiah Rivetani iiuwr un wtwtt. urn resent winu-, ia view, does it above tha Briuia auUuilitiaa to be idle! -A week twa will bring aa aonvething mere deeiafva aai tba aubjeet than wo poseem al preaeM." -4- be Albaay Kveainf LEGISLATURE OF MEW TORK.

4 i i 1 1- DrtTtiuiAT, March 7. MoTiosa, axaouiTWMts, rrc Mr- Verplanck moved that tha bid reported by the Judiciary Committee 10 nreacrve the purity of Election in tha city of Jlew-Yerk, and for tbeooav-venienca ef the legal voters be made the special order for Taesday next The motion wu aereed to. and tlu bill msde tba apecial order for Tuesday next, Mr. A B. Dicklruon moved tha Mmaaldentiom eft resolution yasterday adopted, eaJUhng apoa- the Commiationem of the Canai Fand for certain iufor-malioawitb respect to the pbwe ot depositing the Canal Fund, the fund for the construction of tha Black River Canal.

on the around that ai- milar reaolatkm bad been erevwusly adootod br tha Aaaamblyi tendering thia -t mr. u. a. itcKuuoa i aere was a wide dJverity between tha two reeolutkma they were aa diffareat aa the Sale Capitol and tha Dutch Chareb 'u'-'r r. stj Mr.

Dickinson did not often teB atorlee, aadid hia aoUeeaue but he would now relate an anecdote the firat and tost oaa ha ahould ever offer here. A Knickerbocker was once asked by Mrs, Madison to etato the difference between the Pres. bytorjan and-tba Reformed Dutch Churches. He replied that the ens sting long metre and tbe ether abort metre hymns. Thia waa about tha dinerene between tha resolution of the Senate and the Aaaembly.

Mr. D. 8. Dkkinwn waa also reminded of an anecdote. It wu the attempt of Mrs.

Nickleby to recollect the name of soma one which aha waa aura began with a and ended with eg, whether it waa Wmlert or aomething else aha could not determine. Her discrimination waa much like that af hia Mr. A. B. Dickinson read the reeoUtioa of tha AmemUy to ehow that a portion of tha inquiry (that referring to tha fund for tha construction of the Black -River Canal) waa identical with that of lae Assembly, hy aak tt aver again The motion to reconsider wa dropped.

K0.1UL1SAT1OI OF TWZ CVBJtKIcr. The Senate again resolved itoelf into a committee ef the whole, Mr. H. A. Livingston in the chair, on the bill to require all the bank of thia staa to redeem their eircslating note.

in the city of New-York, (or Albany.) Mr. Tan Dyck moved the reoonsi deration of tha fifth aection which prevailed. Mr. V. Dt moved an amendment, requiring tha Agent of any Bank foiling at any time to redeem for a period amounting to thirty days In any on year, to give notice ol such foliar to the Bank Commissioners, who efaaH thereupon proceed againat the delinquent bank as provided by this aection.

Mr. HtVvMi-ii nhiM-tni! ta thai vtT1t of dm at. rkwed by this amendment. He would not allow tha aenkato rat use tae redemption lor a monta ia every year at their convenience. Ha thought ton days failure to redeem in any one year, ahould work a forfeiture 1 and he would prater to affix.

tha penalty to five day failure. The amendment prevailed and the aection waa adopted. The aula aection waa oonatdered and adopted. The seventh aection waa likewise considered and adopted. The eighth section wa considered, Mr.

Skinner moved to insert "or Albany," after the word "New-York," ao as to conform thia aection to the amend ment of the fourth eectioa as amended. Mr. Maynard briefly ahowed that thia amendment waa unnecessary, it was dropped and tae aection adopted. The question being now oa the title of the bill and the whole bill Mr. Skinner moved a reconatderatino of the fint eection, ao a to insert "or Albany" after New-York accordance with the amendment of the foarth aection which prevailed.

Mr. Works moved to strike ant "May" and in-aart "June," ae the tiase wbeei thia apt ohaU go into asTect watch prevailed. Mr. Maynard suggested an amendmeat to except tha Banka of Albany from tha operation at thia law. He did not deem it sssealial, bat be did not desire the Senate to exhibit the spectacle of requiring the bank of Albany to establish an agency for the redemption of their own note in their own city at one-ball per cent, discount, while they are now required redeem them at par.

The section waa so amended aa to obviate this objection. The rpieetiso being now oa the amendment originally proposed by Mr. Verplanck, confining tha redemption to the First Ward of New-York, aides aoma incorporated Bank elsewhere were appointed Agent This proportion required amendment to adapt it to the "or Albany" amendmeau It waa amended aa motion of Mr. Sibley, by inserting if such Agent should be appointed ia the city pi The question being oa the title ef tha bill, the whole b'll, and ruing and reporting. The question waa taken, and the bill reported.

The Committee me. Mr. Wager moved to atrika out the allowing of half per eenL for redemption, and asked the ayea and noosi Aye 5, noee IS. Mr. Nicholas moved to strike oat the words or Albany," where they have been inserted in Committee.

The ayes and noes were called. Ayea IS, noes 9. 80 the Senate decided to strife awt the amendment allowing the redemption in Albany. Mr. Sibley immediately moved a reconaideratioa.

He mid it waa obvious taat thia vols wa not in accordance with the sense of the Senate. Mr. Nicholae remarked that he had intended to leave to-night, but ha would remain a weak lather than by absence permit thia vote to be reversed. The Senate agreed to the report of the Committee by the following vote. Aye 16.

Noea Mojara. A. B. Dickineaa, Hunt, Skinner 3. A motion to adjourn waa made and prevailed.

IN ASSEMBLY. BaTcmttAT, March 7. wvrman uttjft.N'rau awn acs-jcXREii. By iBTHawley, for an alteration of the charter of the Buffalo and Wiliiamavilla Macadamized road; andef William Clarke dr. Co.

of Bunalo, for compensation for the manufacture ef nranitiona of war lor Uus sute. otkm, ajjos-imois, etc Mr. Mann called up hia resolution calling upon tha canal board to report whether any change can be made in the plan of tha works on tba Erie canal enlargement fir the public benefit, what amount of tolM at tae present rate wilt ne received lor several atseceestv yearn, etc aVe. which was enrried with- aut debate. ---tm Mr.

Mann called an the eonaiderauon of bis re- aoiution calling npon tha New York and Erie Railroad Company to report to thia House, without delay, the name of the pwrehaaera af tha $100,000 of State Slock, issued by the Comptroller on tha 4th of December last, for the benefit of that Company; together with varioaa inquiries into the ope- raaoni at company. (A debate, ia which several gentlemen took part, here ensiled, and waa eentinaed tHl 13 o'clock, at which hoar tha Speaker annomnced the basineo in order. If 0 rata wa taken. I The House then went into eommiuse, Mr. King in tbeehatr, on the currency WHa.

Tha House ia committee, MR. Welch in tba ehJ had ander swiuidosatioa tba bill ta amend tha charier ef the eity of Buffalo and for other purposes, which wu agreed to with aoma amend menu The Hpaaa adjourned at to'aloek. 9 th Whig members' tba Maryland Legiala- tars have hd a meeting, and after junuumooaty approving of the Harnrburg nominauoni, aatactad Jrdsvrtnlarsetors far tha Stale at huge. Doth) Horvauf, of Bxltimore, aad Jawjl Lxxxa Kxaa, of Talbot eounty. Tha forme hi kaown aatbeaatheref aevoral vrorkaoa ate seieaoe sad atody ef law, and bene of tkw beet autrlie aratora ia tbe 8(ai.

He waa an elector for Harrison at tha mat election, and verj dMrnatiUy sided ia gaining tbe joriews victory tba Whigs than achieved In Maryland. Stomp apeaking ia tha taahion hi Idaryhind, and Mr, Hottmaa will boost tha State from etia aad to tba other. Mr. Karr haa haaa a Bopaiar taamber af Congrwas, NtitmHtDmlfHv ZT A woman Fanrawivanra lately hong hers dMdiawtam'lrvmls eradfc, self beeanee her husband i 4 it WtHJIi tv siwavTarlaeatlM tmBUty mi WooA ewiwrad ml tKa EEi lur A.KUtuwd. Canliaa ttusar KeluaJ psii any arucmt i or Batfie Faiii.ce, Jan.

He. wtJ.oiwiiie wauled ia ei.l,nfc. Clotlir. CotMinena ral prices will be paid by mum r-r a 'erttf rto.e Wcbarter biock. sm wbwa tteafy ampiovmeiit arm VAMIi, AD AWS Ik CeL 1sept 17.

lI.ei'? Vr. "art Athe'tT" amt, CryPARTlvBUBHIF KO-PICB The autoi? sr. this day emeree InUfUmMiiS ttH? ttSLH happy MM their old iwoemrr2c-iLl2 HOCOH A BArTVrTt. NOfiuth Teaadal Teaawaada. Eri iZ.

hW 'l ia eonartaeraliia A I VT7v TT mam aaw IV BVJ ggay, asaajaaaxa mm adk-. SMiaada JtLmmVja v. TTT 18 aadalliudebtedar to wak toimedtaia payawnt la WiUiom mTlTwariL Who IS autlwrtaed ta aatUa la. Ilea withla A reasoaabio time will ha left mi. a.

ITT loraev lor haiunn Ti, i mluir white, Wlliaia Ward, haviaa aurcamseTaaa mmUma Stock tad ibxa af lUa arm LtvlTajJZl wiUeaatoimUMthmUalm? Nm- ataia stni! tlJi Taa taktcriber i.To m2 vj -ataj aaaa wa) aWvgit atrf aOJaT fma amgaai "iMlT fca i. this JfJSi P0rt nie' 0ri Wniutat Porto Rite MOCA88B8. Rio. LasBira. Oiwea aA

OOFPEK. v'oramaai ava a.d iS3ff -a Boak Cbeceitta ud (V-n. Feraiga aad American aaaorted PICKLES. NaUKrt, Cloves aad SdIckl ni. esgreuad.

opriag, Baannar and Unseed OlfJS. eperaj aad Patent Mould CANDMiS. htd i Ae. -Mrt. Miliar' aaa au aA ether provMeas.

tag Old Madeira, Port, JtawrSe. BHOOM3 Mtailia aaAaaa mmtaTM Cards "ahm1 Cloth. Llse, ZmuJtZ tZZ' All which be ia determined to tell at as low ariuLT the sut of tba Atorkat wUl omliZri" LBO.VARD WILSON, BOATS. The aabscrlbers harieg baea tDooia. let Agents for the aai.

of the atoTa U5 hogmet, which lor etility and eoavesioBce, here superior to uy hemuf.Je oAVed to 1 umml'm-Vali retpectfully coll the attovtiou of ftttC mw Tavern keepers aad ethers, ta the oiortieot ZVmm' luod, which they ar. aabM to HSewkc! tureraprieea. Ahtlb, nla. PnmU SJ for of fcaStoTT "lacaa aava tnesB Btto Hp Ba4 warreatedta me parpote represented. vAsuutun at ADAMS, 127 Maia street.

aovtltdeela-to ILOUB, SALT AND PROVI8IONS-A fresh sertmeiit, for sole at the lowest prieet, by WILSON, 7 Main at. Ellicott riquare. BLACKLNOPreaeou't vVauJ Proof aad Preaeatt'a IL h. iui o.u. for sale at wboieJale or retail, si toetorv arieeaVbv' WILOO.M, Afeatfortbeuanufaeturer, eerW I7 Maia su Ellieoit Mqnare.

CASH WANTED. For sole, aa entire stock of Finally Orocerlet and Previtloaa at, by WILSON Ksctm Ttt main it. Kiiirou n.iun,. Ui'atsoeae store ia Atoia street, a BUMuLB. evataiaiaa.7 era.

CitlLDuKNMiiAi'Pua buita' Whoever has them, wiileoafer a farerbv ti at tbe store ef tha aahaeriber. llaa or.ara tatf Alim talt bOVW O. P. BAMSPKLL. GOODS FOA BVEN1NQ tiatlB Kiram momUiae Ue Lalnet, rial-la alimdfchallsttad ams ilihi tmrnamaalaaZammlmt An tjua at aciaaa ut acaoriiaaca, xith the Utaee.

hr WALRBR weete ana u.i. kiBUUt.ttirtAUAJI FLOUR, aa eoBtigninSr aad forsatoby DAW A OE IMSO. UHUSHED "Hirtory tu BAaltuu.A. M.o3ot tmae. with lithographic portrait aad aix wood cola, BTfcELB At PtuCR.

aovas Boolrtellers aad Stallooert, mt Msiost. MILLFBBD. The Subserlbershaveau hand a full MisU aTMII.1. vRitiiihu. UTiT? "ml.r"'' theVaate price aaat the Mill.

They tatend apply the aceommotatibB of City casMiuer. auyta-atf. w.sir.s, BVATtS, Wo, 3 Ship canal. aaraaaacasi H.R.Wias. 1 it i.

rjumiio. I aut and receiving direct from New half chests fteah V. H. Teat, Niantlek eargo, a hbds St. Croix Sugar Porta Kico Jo 10 do Molasses, boxes Bnwa Hsvaana Sugar, 4 Small Lump, Meockt lllo Boflee, WboietN.

Y. Soap, Patent Caadles, If fret Rahriaa, half aad aaarter bttts Mackereljj keg. fresh Lara, matter. ail which will be said cheap by oetis SMITH A HARMON. IS Webster Block.

VENETIAN OLOVBrk TMa article la warranted a aartaiB Drevanttaa and mm tar that Oiugraeoliie acasatioa to which moat aereooa or subject at Una asasoa they give ao trouble, aa they ar simply drawn apoa the band aa retiriag, aa will they tttia tbe inert liaea. A few aaira oalv I todies' staa -or sole hy 1MBBLK A U1NSUALB, jn" 147 Mam at. '1MIB copartnersUp beretofore eiiating between Aat. kroseP. aw aad Kufus B.

Cowiag, under the ana ejJow Cowiao, was aa the lata day af noptemter, aow, wmu, umtuB iBVUBeUC The buiiness of tlie lata firm will he closed by A P. Yaw, who it duly authorised lo collect toil tattle all a. counts of tbe late arm. The buineta will hereafter be continued ay Ami tots Yow, at the lata More of Yaw Cowiag. natontoots r.

TAW, teottf BUFUS B. CUWINU. ADIBcf FOR LINED WALK! NO stHOKa art. a very fine article, at "Oval O. P.

RAMdUELL'S. tM Mala sL "tLO't'He), Caasuuerat, Satinets, Beaver and Pilot vs uotua, lor aor at W. BROWN'S. aorta tTS Maia street. GTEPHYR WOMSTEli.

ia a variety of colore, alto, Jast raneirnd by EE LtDLOM, rnli Preach Working Outteu, WALK IV aes main street. Fl'R CAPS AT subscriber being da. termloed to reiinauith Ibis nort of bis busiBaeo. aew onert his splendid assortiueat of Par Cap, eea. sitting of Otter, Fur Seal, Netra, Moakret, Coaey aad noir neii bono, togetaer wtta a targ aeaotuacm af Clotb sad Seaiel Cape, at eatt, sr aatk aaiy.

Dealera aau ouwr Bra lavtteu ta can ana Banana taa aasorv GUSTAVUS BASSBTT'S, aecl7 tet Maia, earaer af Beaeco tt, IN Store aad for aato at Na. 14 atoia street, ButTslu. UhkdsPono Hie Sugar, i do very ina, tor family ate, kaxea Lisaf aad Laaia, i do Havaaaa, hhiU Moumm 4 bogiCoAee, 3M bates near Raisiaa, aUJast rmlv.d.nndwre he sold very tow fot Cash. acta THOMAS SMITH, THE rOLLOWJNO ARTICLES sta the best la aae for the purposes they an reconiweaibidi Orrlft Tooth Wuk, for the Teeth. Dr.

Taylor's Balaam of Liverwort, for all attailloaa of tbe Laaga aad Liver. Graauiean' Medicinal Com pool ties, for aba Halt, Baldaeai, iiaadalf. Ax. Camnhnratod Coat Cream, for Chapped Htadt. Bermada Arrowroot, food far Ouihtraa aad lavoUaa.

Ail tf which may a bad, geaaine. ef AV HlVDSDALE. 147 Mala root, nRINTINO AND WRAPPING tm morning at No. Maia street, J' IO Hsna Prlatliif IWRaataaWraeBingdo. flPwrtttttewot BUTLER'S.

V'' )a IVOYev AMD 01' DAMCI.HU PUJtPS ti the laUmi atfles, by JonA- At, rCPWBLL a 41f Mala OPERA GAITERS A freth tapply ef Oeat'l Op, ra Dancing Gaitera. Just received by ktad, diraat from New York, by jTBrVOWB.50-. ftORK SObKD AND WATER PROOF BOOTS. A read 1 apply ef tbe above article as 1 hand aad MOVSELAIMK DR LAINES, CHALLYS, AND CHALLY DE LAIMES A beaallful tttortmoat for ladies' ersalog dretan, Jast reeived ar Bt Maia ak bv JsaVt 1 v' M. H.

B1KGR. fODFIStl AND IACKBRRlr--rr ssjs st Me, "V'Tt j't a 1 CORPORATION i 3 -Is Cooxcti, Mtreb ti. AaTeoably io th pti'n of lit die insinber olact of ibt Common Council cvvn4 ihe Cooncil ChimbT tt 10 o'clock this owning. Ths oatbot afBos administered to guwoir Tigmiii, Mxyar artel, 5. K.

Hill, Em. oftec which Hi Honor prauadad to artmininat iba oath to tbe fclbWinj Aldotmrt prwenty lot Wnrd-jUdi Imb, Coowwck. 'u nj William. 4th 11 IkBHetu i 5th Cards, HsrringtonT' 7 Aid: WiUiMirMd a eotnmanicaaon from tbe -Mryor, nIogixtne; for (ia abaneafjin 'canaa. I The Allowing Imngural Address from Honor rhe May or, was tbem readily the Clerk t' GntUmun qflit CVatavm CountUi We hart bm called to the adminiatmlMwef ma city government, at uW rhen thj Reeeeaitlea and the expressed will of oar omutituaQta, demand a itricf accountability from puWi affioers, and a rigid economy in tho expenditure of monoy.

The salaries of tbi officers of the city vera fixed in ether and mora pToeperoa oay rovui-tioiu of btuinwo, and tha eonaequaiu de'pradadah of property have, within the past year, redoeed the cipenaasof and it la now a proper subject nf inquiry, whether the aalariaa af our City offieere may not bo proportioiiably diminished, with bonsfit the community and justice to the iMomaeDta. A regard for the popular oonential to tha pro-wrvstion of onr eherlehed irurdtutrsne, will exsot searching inquiry into every diabaraement of the publie money. Onr city, notwithstanding tha unprecedented distress which haa pervaded the entire country, haa within tha putyear, 'aontinued to inereaaainj the naniber of iribabttoata, and in Sta building, and at favorable locution will not Jail to eontribata to future growth, Thia ineraaba, at la n'maa peat, will indues requisition on your body for farther local improvement. While every necessary improvement should be dtraeted end accomplished, It should not be forgotten, that fecal aaaaaament bear v.ith great weight apan dm ma-papera, and in view of tho hrg3 amonnt repaired to be laricd by in for city and county parpoeee, and of the de rangements of business, which for tha present have rendered tho transfer of real estate impracticable, great caution ahould bo excreiaed in ordering fan' provements, which are to be made at individual ex pense. The Common Coaneil having been entrnated with the management and control of the Common Schools, I earnestly hope thia subject will engage your early attention.

What farther regulation! may be required, to increase tha efnnenoy af these schools, and to extend their benefits ta all eUaaea of our citizens to elevate the character of teaebeta, and secure the eervicee of able and well instructed persona audto accomplished these objects, ia a manner at once effectual and economical, are sub jects of the utmost moment. In all ngned to produce such reanha, I beg leave to you of my cordial co-operation. The stability of government, and the advance of the people in moral and religioaa improvement, depend in a main degree, upon the education of youth and tha principles of that government, baaed aa it, apoa the rqual right) of man, require that tuo blessings of education should be extended to all the poor aa well aa the rich. In entering upon the duties of this office the first citizen who has been elected to it by a popular vote I cannot refrain Cram expressing my ackaow-tedgementa of the, distinguished, honor i it ia aa office which I did not eeek or desire, end'tbema-tnreeTectkn of the people ia gratifying. -Stmt h.

fore have I presided in a deliberative assembly, mid there may be many errors into which, Hmay I- anticipated, inexperience will lead me but I insure yon, that I bring to tha discharge of tha (liitiua af tha chair, a si score desire ta sot tor the public welfare, and a firm determination to be impartial and just. I respectfully aoliett yow aid, counsel, and kind indulgence. Aid. Shumwey intredeeed the fbl lowing nan, which after considerable debate by Aid. Williams, Bhumway and Bennett in favor, and Aid.

Harrington against, waj adopted Resolved, That the Legislature of thia state be requested to make the following amendment at the Revised Statutes, to wit The provisions of the third chapter of part third, title first of the Revised Statutes, shall not prevent the Aldermen of the eity of Buffalo, from practising as attorneys or counsel in the Recorder's Conrt I said city, nur from having partners practising ia aid court provided aueh Aldermen abaft, after hiving taken the oath af offiea required by law to be be taken by Alderman in aaid eity, file ia the office of the Clerk of the Roeorder'e Court of said city, a declaration of his refusal to act aa a judge of raid Recorder's Court, during the term of hia service as Alderman. In filing such declaration of hia refusal, aucb Alderman ahall not act aa judge of aaid raurt, nor be empowered to execute any of the 4a-iieiof suck office, except in exercising the duties enjoined on him by the eonatitatioa. On motion of Aid. Shumway, the Clerk was di-r eled to traiumit a copy of the foregoing Mora-tion to th member of the Senate from the Eighth district, and to the member of tha Aaaembly from ibis city. Aid.

Williams announced with some appropriate remarks, the decease of Witxuat Eros, a member elect of the board, from tha second ward, who expired thia morning and aa a mark af re- 'pect to the deceased, moved the following reseda- tiun Resolved, That the Coaneil do now adjoara until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Adopted. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTE. The Fredertckton (New Bmmwick) Sentinel of he 20th ulL, in noticing tha reports of warlike preparations, remarket We cannot vouch for tha truth of ts roporta; but there) can be little doubt that her MijestyY Oovernmeat ia determined to exorcise a becoming firmneaa, with refereaoe to the question of boundary; and that tha recent ea amination of the territory in dispute, haa aatianed it that th? claima of Maine are fonnded In injnatiea, and must be promptly and energetically mat, a course the moot likely to produce permanent peace between the twa rranene. i The Su Johns Courier of the 32 says" Today we have all kind of report raapeeting tha etata 01' affairs in relation to the protracted dispute.

The Maine papers state positively, on me authority af a General Vamum, and other paraona recently from the disputed territory, that notwithstanding tha 'tatements of Mr. Fos in his letter of tha 88th Jaa "Try that no reinforcement had been marched to tha British poit at tho Lake Temiecouta, and that no new barracks had bran built any where, tha British hvrc at prcjunt at the head of the Lake Taaaia- cinata a force of about two hundred men, where there wa? formerly only company; that mere have recently been erected for (hair accomodation two large block nausea, capable of containing frees 'KM to 630 and aU or aeven entailer block houses; and that 0 stockade haa been eooatracted around these buildings to anelo about an acre of ground. The stockade is stated to be atne feet high, bailt of timber, tree-nailed together, ant-mounted by a picket, and furnished with loop-holea tor mnsquetryi and that a small force ta also ata-tioned at the foot the Lake, Boats and barge re also stated to bata been ejected at the Portage for osa on Wa learn, veiballv. that the LeciasstaM cf Maine, aware of the advantage of making food charge of iumltdtf againat tha British Minister Waahingtan, have debited two of their aurober to proceed to the point In qneetiow, -and examiae in to 4 1U SMswsi Hrai, TO kt. diAisa aa Fe i.

TO LETA fJ aiiuvatMift aui. -i tsraaftsifc apply at m1 TO RE.1T And possaaiM i i lminditrlyiHI'ir fifty Mala at. 0. Utri r.o. HvrrmiTM kLi aa.Ma, man, a St- Inquire of any inf nr lae fust at ai.

tJ, TO KENT, from the Erst da lav sru.a I aeit, tnnr new two-aK-rf Crick DiVKLUjiA 3 HOIJdUal. aliased sa MalMWk i 1J1 lAaaiiilaiiam oC, -a llatas TO REWT Tba adbartb, atarkv ml Mora No. IH4) MaU SI- tmiJZ pM by tba IMtiv Uuiiio wH umJ Driuliua Uu I U.iMM 1KJ CTlJ'Illll'TZl" serat ef yaara, rrarn ih rat day af Mas aait. I'll uiioiic avrimfa iVTiz arhi.k U.

i. esuars uuaeraeatbt iHasireei KtaetAM, Mala FOR BALE OR TO RENT. Twa I lseaeoMlwtlVvIJOHHJBFJ, I ijjJI sUaaUm aa the eoraw at Ca-na ana PaaH ii msarssts, am Immtaiswy laraa er aa. raal'i Csmrsb. foamaaio sirtv.

a Mh arst of Mar Inaatie at Sam. (7 ilsta street awsiar HOKACKHPWT. LAND. For aala at a sioii for It most be sold, Lot sad tlMrs 44 Mala' Itaaiikimi sm pars mf thai dt, oamra a araaiawfal make per. wssrr, a tt will reatftar saer tasm aaaale lalmeal Ft faribcv aartiaalirs.

iaoatead fcW.tapr ri-, a-aV TALCOTT. -a TO IJST-Storaa No. i07, aw. peetasamw alvea I 3 atali brkkdwaHinaaaa Mohawk, Ber liete- ik.SMtIJl..jrr.tu al dwrlliaa aoraas at Quav aaA ak dweMiBi earaer of Maraaw aad Moaaa-k tae, A me, taadf laacairalt ia diaareal pan af tkacliy. Vmu aaira af.

tha at ku aake. fm.l Tarraca af cUfSbe ti. AaaUa, Eaq. i. BALDWIN, sftarT AaemiBea-raiUeMlashflWers.

FOR KENT -The aubemibat wUl treat now to Irttdtyaf Nay eon, the brisk (Horn, aad dwaltin aeaaetesasBa, be-iacawharattMaiast. TlM store teat pres. eat oeuiptadhy the rhate Book of New eaaaf the hast laaaitsas for basiaesa ta raw eity-she dtrWlief aver the saaas is hairiiad ia maaera ttyie, aad is well caieuisted for a beerdisg boas a private ntm-Uy. Alt, the waed dwetlie hnuas tkeate aa Fraak-lia at, beiBf aaxt to tha aaa faaw eruapy, sad nines iaa wiH he (ivaa iinaiadiaieiy. tVLlmhl O.

B. af3a DWELLING HOUSES TQXET. I Tbe twe atary dan I I KsamsBdUetowai fciai I aanilag i awellia bouae at has earner of smdtmiaarsre tiled, will bo lei for the Iaa year.aad Dosseitina aivea Imaaedlaia hr. iae hoaan has a terse rtra and sroad hesaaa. aad very aaavaaicaeasW aaestesi family.

Alts, a two alary brisk haute, with btisairuit aad cellar, oa Oeassas rt. adJoiaiBa the Pearl ttt. Chareav--The aoaaeia Aalahed ia hril rata will he rrwae wAm a amew aaaieai lawny. raiMiilaa gtvea Alto, a twa stor darrlUar bame. arith Elk at set.

wilt be let. asm aossesjioa Brventsm Aral dav ef April aaxt. Tba hn ass is la toed areer. aad aaiea- iwaa ie aacnsirsaaaia twe aaMiie. UIMAM WAJtlNd.

At ma aAUa af Wartag, Kelly Ooi Ml Uiali, fat -as. if' THE AMERICAN HOTEL TO LKT. The Itne Hotrl koeara aa rbeAaaa. aPaB," ia lbs village of Batavia, Bast sltaatsd la the eeatral end best era! sartof tbe nllaea mmim avitat, aaHtmai rent, area tataita tud. three sterr bitch haUdiag, ractH eipreetly for a paelie boeee, freettitf aa Oeaetee street aboet PS feet, aad eiteaitiag back aW eoe handred aad Ibtrty past.

The Hotel haa the patronage af the meat tagging tmm the east to BnRalo aad Lock sort. Artatlderable aiaoaat of heavy fernttare tt attached the Hetet Possessing eaa Im had taa Brat at Mat nut. and tt. a seitaltle leaaM adranuteaat teruu will be alvea. leottireof the tabteruer.

JOH LOWBKR. Batavia, fal castes Co, It. V. Feb. It, 180.

fem atawmprta WINTER ARRANOBMBNT. BUFFAtAAND NIAGARA FALLS RAILROAJK On aa) after Friday, November in, 18W, the cars will leave Bilf falo, for Niagara Folia, at Se-eloek A.M. Keteraiag, bear tba Falls for Bunalo, at I clock, P-M- P. t) raWBNSo.N, UO.Ha1ltr AaeaU RAiUtOAU MOTtUU. The Railroad from Batavia to Roc better, to now epea, and aatil farther aotiee, will make a trip daily, tooviaf Batavia aa tbe arrival of tba Swiftaare Stages from BaAVa, aad arrives ia Rochester same eight.

Paassagen will leave aaat BMraiag by the Bwiftsure, at o'clock, for Aa-bura, where they will arrive la time for the Cars for Albany. To the traveler this route matt be very arsi-ratilr, particularly during the bad reads, A. atPRAOUE, Agont. Rochester, Fta. 1U, 184.

feaLsf FOR A LB The Stsastkaat RHODE ISLAND, ef UatraH, af ana hundred aad. sixty font loaa bartbea. with aew erf al kiah area- aure anguMM aad boUars nearly aew. The boat baa ran but Utile more then one saasoa, I watt than it, and eaa be put in a ranniag coaditioa by a triaing tiueaae. r3Ue will be sold at a great bargain, the presest owaera having ao asa for bar.

For iaferaaatioa as ta tortus. tVe. apply to the aubssriber, at Detroit. lea.iauiis W. TRUESDAIL.

NOTICE Jura Muibock, this city, hot astiga-ed to aaa all his real and persona! property, notes sad book aeeouaU for Uwbeaeat of hie creditors. All persons iadebted to, or having elaiuts against the said Murdoch, are requested to call at aiy boese, on Indiana it and odiast the tame. Bolfkla, January 11, l4. F. W.

ATKlNd, Amignee. PURCHASERS OF BOOTS AMD bUOBS. HBIXJCTION IN tenteaueaevof the extraaie seareity af ail By, the aabacribert ore in-doeed to aefar, aatil tba opeaing af aaVigatioa, theit aatire stmnt, wtthaat reserve, of goethfat a great dis-eaaat fresa rugalar prices many article will soM at taa actum east to amaaraetare. A ear assortment is aaw aad well selected, ibis will prove a desirable op-portuaitv for these paKhatlng to call and avail theat-selves ef borgolat, ol the sign af the Mammoth Boot, No. lift Maia at.

fob CLAPP ft HUM A SON. A sal Banner Silk, with fringe and laatals to aiatch, at tlie Upholstery and Paper Hanging Ware Hu ef ess vatitrutun st aacsiAi it Main sv AT AUCTION. The sabscrluer wiU sell atpanuaaueiiea.aa Widtsaday, ttk March, at the Sale Raata of E. W. Kimball, oaa door oorth of Bia-arsoa, Pratt Co' Dry (ieed Mere, telegont Maatal Ueisks also, I pair eteg aat Branch Caadlet ticks, together with a vsriety of other gooes.

ess n. n. htiwniAt HATS AND CAPS AT REDUCED FKICliS! I Tbe sabseriaer beina datenaiaed ts do easiness ent.rely ea the cat rytteaa, aow oaert kit large aad complete aatertateat ef Halt aad Cope, ef every deserip lion, al sack prices as cannot fail to sett all tun-barer who will call tt the Hat Warehouse af Ot STA US BAS9ETT, fca tftMoln, corner of geneca it. UUFFALO LEATHER STORE. Ream A How.

AS oaa aw, as naitv vukt PtUCEnVal their aid ataad. No. 14 MoioeU-directlv anaaaitatim Citv Baak. aadtwoaoors ahov) tha Msaalna Moats, ate at tae largest aaa seat atm Kaoiuu ever ooeml ia Ike Wattara Caaauy.tawitt vm aiaaa Beaama aaa otaaatHar Sera Leathar. Lpper, v.v.

Hnraats, i tuedoaealoir Skint. Alsa, Satrtiag, saotiug, Patent, Collar, Bag, Top, widHatatu, Bridle, ttoraaaad Bead Leather. Marnana' Seal eoiercd I l-'T I liiiiil 1 white tbK, taaay MorocCSmmoit Skint.rJaeaa.Uoet, aad lmrkiamwff, Preach Coll Uoituaete Oak ekiie ltUer, Thread aaat Mtlk of ail kiuda, lmau, saoa Fiadiaaa, Taoaers.aad Cocriar's Taaia. Pcaa. liamaMark.

A a. Ac af Carrier 'a Oil, at the beat aaality, Spaaiob Uiaes, African and Pataa ao. aa aaad. AB we waaafsaaapa taa priaupw pott at owr aiaaaabiad laaatl at ilma i'tr rVioas. Weatara Uaoier gotsg East, woes aa waM ta call and take pries.

WANTED, Site (liter Hidaa for which Oaat WIH be raua. 1 SILK HOSE. Lodict Uiick Spaa Bilk Hoaa, Bwaap lined, ta attorlwent of Merino, Louba Waole Cashmere and Mohair Hose, alto, uuwreas Hot! err n4 Clove af every aWiti, for sole cheap far Cash, by i tVAuarJi uvuiMAk, BOV 1. toe ataia TlLAID YELVBTS ForMiaws beautiful aortt SEARS A g-iBNTT FW8 CALF BOOTS' rases af Calf va Skta Boors ore anvrni ay tue ooa. ocatngte ptur, witaoat teierenca to est, at wc wmif mam to oas- acriuert, tign at aoauimots ooo on La.

iri3s VwA a1 iPUfl, vwii' Mi.ii,om,.. AND WHITE SATI SLIPPERS Fef A. STI'DWKLM A OO. I LACK JJaotoay iTMrast. VTltWOLAS NrCKLKBV-Ttlt merniae nMJ 1 atMatlf? Mttis streat, Tb Ufo aa Adteotarae Tman? FtMU Cv s-nuaooiaa meal say, ay waaf aamprma ra vat.

a anmr i at mut tMltSI'at, Hl'RCH MUSia TbeBoslon Haaeel aad Hayda CwUeetion. aha Choi.b LsweH Moseat The Maa. halloa CoileetHia, by ttostiBgn The Methodbrt, Mar- BHtaiat, taa uuHta a ntnani 0OOS, te. c. 1 1 weelT.

ygeatuwIlBt aad tkatieaer. 171 Maia st. SLEItiH AND CUTTER SHOES Ag toaalha waaat er in plaraa, at No. to Mtis sc. am, trvilti at rnwc frnDov.

BilC i weiatimtusawtimo tvetf va tow tor cwi. i Jaull Ne.UJiaiai. if si.) saitt ant a HA sf tutou'ou? i iaaiu i ta emry em Oaa Aaetlea aaa CoMimittiva bmw ivuowuif fii a. H-ar auut ie I i.o',. sauraiw hum.

yards rhiti, lo-e Camatasaraa, m-- 9 ao ao 1 KJ ft. ad l4 r.i(li 0 rardtl I Vara. 111) 1, a -aaaw i tservTLUln Kf rn.u...i aa i turn a-, dt in livmi' Oil Ml tVineanr uhi Deal ao 100 Boston Hoeklaf Chair. 1W Freaeh Bedttoaaa. Cberrv TalHea.

VA-' Oiliand Mshegaap framed Liking 0lases, Tmmr weald alaa iaAina rha aakll. eaatiaaally la tho receipt af EE at Brnuf. ai leU iU aad ssamia then Stack arfT.lLvt: auf ia MIIC BOOKeWsUagsley's BottalCbaW, aeMaasd AMP A alavaa Lb t-- 1. A TaaHMRoaAMheaa e( asv ether set aiaraa. ataw rtsaoat aaa auyaa aecletr Cel Church Masle.

bt Ismail ColleetioB, puMliilcmawder thaoi. reelioa of the Near Yatk AraUm at af. TZ 1. ittm at uva vwvmmm, by ijemell taaaoa. Tae niiiamhaS tba i.

Ceaesaa. T. For ssisUeUsatftms, ay W. B. HA WEN.

jaag BooktcJIet aad Stationer, 171 Mala at, S4TOTIC8. The eoparrawraMp keretefora uolstlag ved ea the tilb Sir of bsLbv anaont a. tent. At Ipertoaa indebted to ssid Arm, sre eorneatly called apoa ta amke Immediote aavment to attaar at tbl suhawibera, at their eM stems. nwBltfeht N.

bBalawaeretaatre carried by May-hew A Dadicy, will be coatiaaed at the eld staattfcf the aulavsrlbers, uader the Arai af Deau Taoaraen, who have a general aeeoclmeot Stovee, itoUow. wore Pototh ood Sugar Kectlet, Cauidroaa, Fie boa, Orindttnnre, Ac call of whirk wa alter al Wholesale or RetaiLat the lowest poaaibls rate, for Oaai. We also stiatl continue the manufacture af tha teie-brated aHaaaf paitaf Mm Air atta Aitass, which wa aaraettly invlu all Itease-beeue, toaioaun porUealorly, a we are fully eoaviaeed aa Cvktaf Stoves yet invented are! ta ibetn. THOS. t.

DDDLKV, i aaeJItf. SHELDON THWMFSOT. BOLT1.MC clrOTHSTaaaabstriber havtag ana arraaseuir ats With the saaaafaetarer at taa UtiTl ANKER htoLTI.SU CLOTH, will be receiving direct ortto sulb sorter MESH CLOTH, which lie will sell at as fovjwiee ae the like good srticls caa be parchnsnd for ia this state. Will alts keen a sasslv al FRBCH CLOTHS. such ot are morally bowk'd naaM tha eeaatry by Pea- mrt, aaa wui sail sucb at eaa sou tan price taat taey are told by those pedling theao.

Buffalo AliilFuiaisaiag EatoMiabment, Maia at oa the Canai. scptkllf. E.HAVWARD. rtVILLS. PAPER AMD INK.

A lane W. of all the Writing Inks sad Finidt. Letter ad rwuecap roper, nnana, eonmoa aaa iweaHaoav--For sole, whoiesal aod retail, by tv. ti. uaiimii, Jaat4 Bookteiler aad Stotisser, Ul Atoia st.

SOT CtevetoBd Adv. copy. VEDtrKR'B CLOTtUNO STORK, ft Mala Mr. Hsbbv Meoaa. Draaer aad Tailor, beins aa anged at the ebaye estsblishaieal, ia prepared to do all kinds af work ia the line of hit trade, in a fashionable myw, aaa whb aaa aroexevaeaa.

aa attortmetn oi uetas, t-attiiueim, vestiags, ate. always aa hand Is correspond with tbe fathhwu and the teoeou: togetaer whb bb assariasesi or rtcijurv SAun tixi mi.i Stocks, Collars, Pains, Bosoats, Cravaia, Half hese, Suspeaders, Umbrellas, Life-Preservers, Ao.e. Ac. J1r2d NEW YORK BAKERY. The subscriber has Jast opened a bbanch of his estoblishuMBt oa Maia st.

opposite the American Hotel, where may be foe ad at all times, Dometli Bread, Crackers aad Cakes, ecaa-prising a geuerel aasortnteat for toe tea-table, social circle, traveling, Ae. Sngnr Crackers, Butter BiscUlt and Graham Bread. kept also en hand. Weddian nad Parties will furaltbed at abort n- bleewrta I arte Fruit Cakes, Poad. aai Bpeaaa Cake, a uycmt

rteaae eoU and exomiae fot voaxtelret. 'i'ae New Verk prlcet will be generally adhered la the Bales. Suck families aa with, will beaoDnlied lailv at uini neuse. JolS-tf WM. COR DC ICES, rhlSSOLCTlOX The eopartnarsbip beretofW er- 0 tsuna netw tf.

euuu a H. tt. ssoraord. an der the firm of Fue A atoraoaa. is this aav diatolved by mutual content.

oe buaiaess 01 tne late arm win be closed ay it. It. the tie re of Flail Hibard. Mo. 16 Mala su BnfiVlo, June 10, 18ML iOHit v.

ruAuu, jlya tt. H. MAYNAKD. THE LATEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS YET1 Tha subscriber would respectfully Inform the pubtie that they are aow receiving a large and well ate ieetod assortment of tHtnle and Fancy Dry Goods. which have been purchased lace the greet meiimt ia price ia new tors, bbbwbicb wui dc sont bbbcb low-er tliun soodt can be which were aurefaaasd early in the teasoa.

Onr price shall correspond with the tisaa, that ia, money being scarce, a few dollars WiU bay Ho ur more gooosaow mat rortneriy. ror great aaraataa please to call. SEARS I BiRGE, oovxj are aaaia tt. CAPS AND FlRS AT REDUCED PRICES I II The Bubserieev aow oflbrt bit hvte and wwH aorset. ad toek of HATS, CAPS aad FURS, at price mack red need from former rate.

Every article will positively be ousted at wholesale aad retail, at such prieee as cannot ntu 10 tun paten iwara who wiu salt at luaaaTre, Bov.7rf 18 1 Main corner of Seaara street. FLANN KL8. A natomnctu ef tVrlak. won tola and Bookekls Poteat, worraated aot to aariak. American While, Scorletond Yellow Klaaaew.

Also Eagtish and Aarerieaa Canton Fhtauels, bleached aad aubioaehed, at reduced prices for eash. WAUtb St nortU xS8 Maia street. lAh UbhkErM MiHa FLOUit.ilB eonsiganteat, for orvv tniaby uaw at utuiivu. aevrs 1 il'SCAX aew aura ut I' Brant Hala, superior uuaJlty, Just received atslSMala SEAatS A BIRUE. BOV; 0" MONEY WAVfBll.

1 Cases Uatks, Cotes BttlBest, A tie Cats! me ret. Sheetings, SOirUngt, Cotton Batting, Wirking, Worsted aad Cotton, hah hose, Superior Gerama Met I aot. Foolscap awl ether paper, Blank Book, Wrapping Paper, Bine Iaa, for aato for Ohio torrent bonk tolls JJ Also, 1W barrels Perk, Kegs Batter, hbit. Flear, oUCrork" brono, a aaarter article tor family ate, by tt Mil IB I sttnatatTurer Agent, aavxll Kb, Wehatev Mock. WESLEY BROWN waulA inform hit patrons and r.i.uik, Lit SELECT SCHOOL will be re moved sa lit of July to th Aoaaemy ea West Ea- tiaa.

As he wui have a low vacaat teat, a ttnm re- ceivsafewauHBgoedboys. Tba somber of scholars ia school will be vary limited, that the court of luilrucUon may be Lborooib and aud tba taorabi of th ouuil SBora SafolV guarded. Ttmrooutandloetttionla vreyaeiifhifuL 1 ..1. wmr terms aye ana ato auttata wmf j- 1 ft nnfl Genuine MORf HULTTUAULsW I I l.t II III TUICUM York, of lorre trow lb, wait mtlured wood oad thickly braacheaL-A very sapertor tot for aalw arwtjcaaa, er approved Htmrt tt Na. IS Maia ttraat, Batfcla-Tbeoove troraore is good eeadiUoa, treat I bit feat aad average the staa.

A cradtt will be givaa if repair- aa, af er arsatha, for good paper. Aaalvta H. BACON. act a ir atTnvTCjt.Fat aalacheaa for eat, ar aa 1 4UUrtHt trtdit. Tba above Stovaa, Uaclediag o.ti Union aad Piaaalaw, Btoa- leVa Rotary, WiUoa, Eagle, Tea Plata, Partar.

varioaa pottarao. FroaklinVSi lota, Box, aod Spoor-a Ceel Staresflarst be seal at wboteeel aad iwtau, withar without fur ait ra. lb ereoeal asaaaa te iuk parmttrt- Ataa-oUkiaoaef Casoer. Tta aad Sheet k-aa wart doae to order, at tha Troy Steve Store, Buffalo, No. tf Webster twuaingt.

jsu tti.o a SI DoiM PES DAT FOR BOARD AND LOOOINfA- Broodwar Hotel, no. a'rocwj -r- nAatta taa un tiniBj. -aire atanan fc J- Abmat atmsPaUat tkmfl wiU be eoaderted aa the aid AMricaa iptoa iofsMtoga toMs at ttatrtt aaara, tl tha above prlca, awlag to the opaatat ef the rtver.nn easBaajaeouywr. r--ofpro7uHea. TrmHetalha aaAwgaaa ataay slssra- City aoeroars, 1 al terms.

wiU bo treated wttb a Mb. 'hat omtvaaaai MSKVM ll- Sad t-4 Roa IVaLll aiorttnuet mailat aad ootacsd Caaaaaryaaaa, SHti atm tt. aov. tti'i OCHOOL BOOKAU Thai tabof SBtatisd at hiaia tutttl uai list Rater's Arithmetic, 0 rswwa BstlllBB aa ta Mavar grTkSIat MrVAt, Jaaff Kbnoasetajra aaa wtatio FiHA Yea Trays jtoi-h t.Jfc braas Btaad Lsmps, kroaatd Avuol, kVatkatBad Lsadtaf Ltarya, Wat A. TTtf1'VN', tmaoratr, 1 as.

aavtt 11 a or ,1 Hil-i AttVht. '-tl in t-. 'it tfitw4T, 1 Sines CmiaxaViam mvir. 4 kbdt Jiunaiea Baav pipes h. ui Jr la at at aad the ''t'l-rr nnitlnm at v.

aaysaisdla iba t- rM m-" -J- A thoaaoad leatimaaltit might as givaa iamae af ttoaraickH watea aaeottaryib at aaa aaty ts as 1 r-J rrinaisadallta. 7. aaa leooeriag at aa atlreet beat aaa af tha maaF esaibitiaa attaaFairi Af Oram's Peon I sr aja. at Mmahtotoaaa af ths amat Aaaatifal tovaKtoa. to pother purpose, ta a mtwnal to coaverted bataa wavm atvnm kh, DWI.

KB ttt, WB BOV aVa OMOft aaaiciaoaf nsattaauaaaawtuy aay aaa aruav Air Cook! as rkavea. am 1 ew prepared ta fsrniak tha '-f irnf latlitnnaaaHa tilUi jf dear, thai as Cookiag Otove yet inveatad ia esaol a tt, la regard to eteaaaiy and tee omoaat efcooala tola roovs 1 capable ef petforaMaa. The area we worr oat to bake squat to aha beat tf brick tisaa. sad belaa aucb larger taaa the aveaaf aay atbat ttova. Taa proof art ia taat worrontem eosal ta aav mode ia the atoia.

Wa am monof octar tha eotaer aad tin foramara aad alma for then of the beat materia and workmanship. we have al aa haad and tor tale cheap for earth Also. Froaklla, Haii.Bcve aad Taa Ptate.Box, Pas. tor aad Coal Stovaa, Pataak Kattiaa, Caauorosa, aa. sar Kstllea, Hollow Ware, Bieiah Shoee, aad la fast most kinds ef Cottiagt.

Crist stna.a, Pig aad Scrop boa, ar retail. Dl 1 T. g.Tba H. Air Cooking Stovas ol to foTaaJet. MAFF1TA NOflU- N.

At AUmtt. CERTIFICATES. "at aa. Wa certify that wa have aaw to asa awe af Hatha. way'a Patent Hot Air Ceekiag Stove, aad that it ape.

rat to boiliag, baking, raatling, Ae. to star aatttftq. tioa. VVe eoaridor It aiacb tnperior in peiat et trnae my aa eoaveaieaea to aay oiimriUMHisgaitera ia ms, a tad have ao hetitoiiea ia aaylag that aay ssssss, aftar asiag oaa will he fully ssutoed waha laiim flslsd Bosolo, lAh KSJ. Beymout.

1 in vveyaarB, Aaarew array. W.Galligaa.. St. Aobn fataMlng. NoUeaal aoleL Wm.Mtiilasa.

ins. R. Lae. v. 1.

MrCretra. Oiivaa Waiisma, WakBMaaC Temper ami H.B. Potter. Letter Brace. Geo.

Painter. E. Hstbawfy, Munsion House. aovU tLiMUer. CnaBscer Waa.

riarria. tf-tfii7 DldSOLClO.K. The copartnership herat ins between the subscribers aader the sag firm of McCuaa As Atria, Is ditto! ved by sent. i The liooks and account, or tha arm an fa the hanai efH. MeCaae, who ia sothariaod to aattto tms same ha will collect oil Seconals due tha fins, awt bbv ail aa.

aiandl against tha hrm. Baffule, Beptemhec St, IWS a -as. SBWWniaat sep3S Wat. MEAD. CORK dOLED BOOTS.

Oentlemea withing la keep their foat'dry. will please take aoUos, that Stadweil A Co. havaanwae aaaortaaeat at Cork Bated Boots) aad ia eeaaeouenee of the bard Hates, bars duced the price to Call aad ae theea. Alsa. an hand, a bum aasartateatat Do Ha Botsi ontut oaraa cwmb twa, to matt aecO At-errvuvv aim SILVER SPOONS, F1NB WATCHES) AND JBW-elry, Brltoaaio, Silver aad Sirver Plated Worc-Tba atuscrmcrt aave oa nam at of the shore goads asaslly kept by toe trade, which they will sell annmiuiy rear lar PBtcbaser will Sad II ta tnetr aoaaataav to tire 111 a tab beere purelioaiag elaewhere.

No. saS Atoia at. Burrar ta N. B. Particular attestiea aaid Is reaalriaa Watrh.

as, Oloeks, Music Baxea, Am. aepto A P. YAW, No. aa Maia at. to raeetvtag from N.

York, a laraa aad geaaral ataorlmoat la odd! Una bit former stock af Groceries, Aa caaaistiag ia ptrt taa tattotpuaant tmiatia aauag Dtyaeo. tea, -t Sottchoaw, Pauigaoaa da. Hyaea Skin do totparial aad Yeaag Hy1, hr eat ttoa, 1 St. Croix, P. R.

and n7o. Sag or. White aad Brawa iUvoaa ia Loaf and Crashed do CabaaadN.O. Molasses, Laguiro, St. Oomiiiro, Cuba aad Jtvo Coaee, Brandy, Ram, aad Gin, Madeira, Port, Malaga, aad other Wiaas, Dye Woada aod Dy staflh, Ptmlt, Oil, Wren aad Medici net.

Weatera aad ether marehtaia will iad everv athar srucw utuoiiy aept in ait tiae, ai aay other etabrihmt ia New York. aevit LIFE OF WUXIAM HENRY HAKOUMiN. Juso received at 10 Mtia tt. Tue People1 Ptttiilattiat Life of William Ueaiy Hornaoa, at, Ohio, with a portrait, fur sale at BUTLER'S, ja-dll GERM AN thia day, teonalra. stent of UersMa Silver Bpooaa, Buttar Kaivas, imported by J.

Hives, which ariu sold at hia vary lowest New Yark prices, at wholesale and retail by a. DtbrratuvBw uu Ma. mto Maiaat. Also on eoasigameat, a waal! lot ot rich ataia Pitted CaaulesUcks, wbtch will be duposed of st low prices. nova aava DlBBOLCTIONThs copartnership aeratetore aa istiag betweea tbe subscriber aadev tb noma of Ktasou.

at Masob, is by aiolual ctatcat dbawlvad thia day. All oebta due ta or from the Co. will be aetticd by Jobs Mason, who is duly aalhoriaad to aetlle the asaaa, -BuffJo, Nov. akh, A. KIMBALL, JOILM MASOX NOTICE The subscriber will eoatiaae the Grocery aad Provision butiueei, st the lata store ef Kimball 4 Mosoe.

JOHN MASON. Bovawtf TNION AND PREMIUM OOOCING STOYES AU tim worraated ta wark well oad nOt taeraah kvfiret moitobvuBBdlocaBleat Na. aMtlBi. aovas DUDLEY JEWETT. NOTICE to hereby give that aa opameotios will.

be madj to the Lc.iatatare ef the ataia of Hew. York al in present sattioa tot tn art to iaeorporote a eoatpany to coaatracl a rail read from the lariainatio af to ToBBwaada rail read la tba village af Batavia, Gaataaaeoaaty, la tba city af MeAolo, la the eoatt ef Erie, with a capital of fit hnaibt thaasnad dallore aad the right ta take loads a aaa wbieh baild nht read. Dated January avth, IMS. fobt-tsaarlg C1TX NOTlCJiS. CITY NOTICE.

Jiotlc is hereby give, that Baa foRowiaa aaaaaaataat tails nave s.woaohrmad by Couaall at tae city at BwuWsoa bMtwum William Moara, aity trraaaret, where thaarvarol are at tab i wathia thtrtv Aare tram thia Aato, vhv for piook cram wait, oa lite aeeth abmaf tniaairl aaa at ssnersna noreaai rur puaa cross walkt aa lbs Berth sub) of Syeaatar street, frees Oak ta Hickory (treat) tor graoieg oappas aireos tram Maia to Uelawara street; aad for tee walk acrsee Morton autxA, oa the aorta ilae af Mohawk sttetc Dated January 4U, km jnnr sr. THOoaaMBCooaeil.Tnatday, Dae. li. etdBieetk by tea tManwe ef Bf-htlu, aa kirhrwai Chop 17, Vl-Jta fVsobmsat. ateapt aBnAafhoat, aoaaialiBgof toet, art, aeoaw aad tpolmat, Cteid by nersnaa being packer.) and except Ata vtuueo, wad hmLd pmrttolSW 3 -Wdl b- for toit ia ike oity af Baeolo, by oay pemaa.

eittpt at to, ar al aaek atoaraaiMsas atoami as tlie Comatoa Coaoaii may beraafkvr from Um SheoaaaeTaasblu. Rat aslbtag ialalttaa. Uiinsuniaiard. slmflt- eoattntei, to prokibaV their ewa forma mmdaZMml an. aaam tttab tissatoa lissVfniihm.

to ii 11 waa assy, AiracUo at. Isab el a am mau mm frashi Basel ttoratBld. aaasat a aabave srovatad, ada iaa asm ii. 4 toaaollsta mraacb udftare Oita. rtaparemi eat ai una, mp warn amaraj ems -rarred at lathe asasafcat aaauem, shall aaM at taah oad aay baaf, aua mauoa ar veal, aaaU alaw otavaai elaak ha she avaaamaa, aaamr to psaalty af Ave eaissan Ibrmimy anaare kofcto, p.

w. vtata, a. 4-trrt NOl'tCeV-Notis at haiaky givaa, to aU para. la oaalarwaAttansuSBrtt Aav on i usaiosm aatltlaaa aaihoriaat la aaaiaa tha auviiuaitoiaa mi toad Mamata, knt by tha city, la any sanawo whs wik nay taa tax wui aapa, anal skhuv ut btviatat any tara i'JukXtos-V. Butiast tan aitfr-uahal PI.

Onr Clark. Cm rOTi -K Notire la hevaay grvaa. amt aba laiaa 1 11 1 ton for aaesasef avpaaaNtaro An wad! aa Hoaa MM-. Bear the Para, ha ber- vwarawd ay Ub tamt tonnttl.ond with tae ir 11 are artima thirty ways rsa tots aato, k-uh, taaa a. cabR, ctty '-e'-rw I i.

1 161 tsntwat x. i Hi .) -t i ll.

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