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The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois • Page 7

Edwardsville, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EOWARDSVILLE I Dig Uancn at Turner Hall Saturday, February 5. by Toll Hoy's." Old i and popular mimic ished by own orchostru. to a Admission r5 c'JUta. Ladlns tan. NOTICE--Oiincu Wordou City Hall, a a February 9, 1 9 2 4 i a a NUTICK--I'lay I'lauo In 20 lessons lUgttmo uml If you or call for i i i Syntem Mls.t i i Webur, I i i 4 NOTICE--I am to do of i i Alno sell mini; i and i be a All orders given prompt a i A.

Plku, phono 6 2 6 peoph) very part a i That Is why i to tho Shoo iro a of tho best v. i i and at A i a i vlnco A a a A a a 2 0 Socond iiU'eut, NOTICE--I i bu i placns, a i I I a a 7, I 1, i a a i a i i 111" a i al a 9, I 23. I Korh''i store, i 11. 25 March 3, Worden Tli-j a i a a 111. 26, M.uvh '1; i 'iton.

a 13, 0 27. Man li 0 a II. Tux ILimol i NOTICE-- I i bo at tho i places. a a of a i a 3, 0, 10 2 3 a 1 8 111 Fli a i a i a 4, 'I my. I I Troy a i 8, 13, 20, 27..

5, i 111, i pV.bruary 7, 14, a i Halm 8, 16, Z'Z, 29, a 7 i a Tux I Ouli KOTICE i i a 1 A a who gnvn i on A i i i i so-iii'itlini-j has opcu- a i In a a i an I i i i i i i ran t-ll you i iti an than others I a i i i Far a i a tit i i 1'lano Main 7 6 3 116 a a a a I I I Wo i to move In th" i i p.iri "of a a a a I I I of Dipn'g i i i i i i a i at a prh'03. no i un. Thl'i a i go Our i stock It a at of a a i iir' 1 motioy savers Kol i am gcmil, i i-alu a ivml a a and lasts an as wo a i ID our present I Sam 113 K. a i Visit Kostponed FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSEK SAW AVER FQOM STMOOU 4KV US SAID PPSCKIES WU7 SFWT Tb IS DISAPPOINTED IM UEP DOWT kMoW HOW I AM TO TWIMK. VoU H0 MIM T1UY IUJAWT Tt -r SEE HIM GAS BUGGIES Isn't That Just Like A husband? BY BECK HOPE HEM DOCSNT TAKE A NOTION TO INVITE THEM IN FOR DINNER-- ISNT A THINS THE HOUSE -BETTER WARN SPEAK I CANY HEAR 1 P5T- R5T- par- R5T-S 1LWHAT NEVEfl MIND- Sometimes Words Are Misleading BY GIBBS BX.OCKS.TVF5N TO AMD rr IN THE.

DISTANCE NO1ICK- Special a t'p Hale of i i Htocktt, of prlc- If you are In need of i i i i 1st tho pliico to lniy Mm'H, and i li'xh or low overihoes, boots, lelt a i coata, leathT a a i a A i of i i i i hats, capo, Hockn. druss a i dross glovoi and i ThvHe Itonis am a reduced In order to a mom for our i mrn-hiuidlse. lien C'nnlB, 213 N. Main FOR SALE--Billiard table, regula- i HUO. Choup.

Call 443-U. FOR A i lots, 68x147 each. Trlcoa $160, 2 5 0 $3CO respectively. Cash or terms iu rtini, i'uunu io or 8'lb-H. li'OR nay.

Inquire of Otto N'aurnaun, phone 016-W-5. KOR SALE--111. 1319 Soy Boan Hay by ton or car load. Also 125 of Boocl. Qeorge Kelley, Rdl 1, Box 4, New Douglas, 111.

FOK BALK--Modarn 6 room house, Can bo purchased part cash, balance on pay- I'hono 791-W. KOTICB--Furs liougnt at Bnrdlck'i 116 St. l.oulH St. Also trees and ihrubbery trltnuiud. Hoi Bond.

MOTICB--For cut flowers and de- call 2 6 1 a Illinois. We havo no one prtco to all. Faia'i NOTICE--Good r.leun cool at $5 per ton i 1'hono me your order W. phoae 8 4 8 or 25 NOT (UK An Eiplurmtlon. Every day our i we over 76 tons of No 1 nut and about the iiime a of No the No 1 IH sold a and most of the No 2 Our a trade iDcreamiii the last two years no that now to thu demand It Is nect-ssnry to run the mini) almost every day.

for lack ot'-rallroad c.iri or olhor reosonn the mine Is I of our nut coal cuitomnrt are disappointed. Both a and Tuoxday wo run out of nut i a Jlowever we have on hand again Midlson i i Co. (Home Trade i FOK A A Beauty 6, aport modal. Also I a i a speed lioth in first-class condi- i F. W.

Stoecker, Worden, lllluolB. If UK SALE--SU room iiudern houaa 2 baths, gas and lights. Inquire at 633 St. Louis street or phono 260-W. FOR HALE--New 6-room bouse, modern conveniences.

Terms if desired. I i at 666 Chapman Street. FOR SALE--9-rooni and 6-room house. Lot 166 feet by 75 feet. I i at this office.

FOR SALE--One Horton 40 inch gas electric Ironer. Slightly shopworn. Regular 1 7 5 value, priced at 1 2 5 See this at Illinois P. and L. offlcn at 109 Ulllsboro Ave.

or call 2-R. FOR A calves from extra good cows. We need 200 head choice cows are not for sale. Buy a choice calf and raise some real producers. Price cut In two this week.

Oscar Wpsterhelde, New Douglas, 111. FOR SALE--paby Chicks. All Tar- letlos. Strong, healthy, vigorous chicks from thoroughbred flocks. 100 percent alive delivery guaranteed.

Place your order with us today. Krlege Brothers, 108 Main street. WANTED--Boy to work in Bakery. Must bo 16 years or over. Leusca- ke liiikery.

WANTED--Plain Hewing and mend- Ing-. Mrs. Arthur Schwartz Apartaiems. WANTED--Two ladies for houso to house soiling. No delivering anrl no collecting.

Good pay. Address care of this office. WANTED--lo buy a 6 or 6 room modern house. Well located. Write or cull R.

i or phoua 901-W-l. WANTED--Bookkeeper. a i Apply at StoUo Lumber Granite City, 111, WANTED--Women to paint lamp shades for us at home. Easy ploa- sant work. Wh.ole or part time Address Nilenrt Company, 3328, Ft.

Wayne, Ind. WANTED --Clean ruga at tiii office. WANTED--To rent 4 or 5 room modern house. Possession 1st or 16th of March or 1st of April. Inquire at this office.

WANTED--Men and -women of all ages to take part in big Motion Picture Production in Hollywood i for those who a i Experience unnecessary. Write today. L. M. Dept.

A. 55 E. 4th street, St. Paul, Minnesota. FOB RALE.

FOR SALE--Two bronze turkey gobblers for breeding. I i oE Esther L. Moore, Alhambra, 111. FOR SALE--NIC- lots on corner of Fillmore and olf streets. Inquire of Mrs.

J. L. Sehnert, 609 Brown Ave. I Be a regular reader of the FOR SALE--One sound gentle work mule, 8 years old, 16 hands high, black with points. Only reason for selling is because I have too many on hand, Emil FrickensTcTT; Hd- Route No 2 phone 919-IUt.

CONGRESS--Dr. Ed W. Irwm, oi Bollevillo, Illinois announces Ins candidacy ou the Reyubllcciu ticket at the primaries, in April. RECORDER OF DEEDri--Fred H. Strackoljuhii g)f i a City, Illinois nunouiu'ea his candidacy tire office oj of Ueeds on tlio Republican Party ticlAt, subject to the primary Election April 8, 1S24, STATE'S A A i C.

Bohm of a i llhnol-- his a i a for tio'ii to the cffico ot State's A i ney of Madlsou subject to the i a primary on Tuesday April 8, 1924. STATE REPRESENTATIVE --Norman G. Flagg of Moro, Illinois, announces his candidacy for reelection to the office of State Representative of the 4 7 Senatorial District for Madisn and Band Counties, subject to the republican primary on Tuesday, April 8, 1924. CAHS rrm FOR SALE--1921 Seven Passenger in perlect condition, 1923 Maxwell touring, good as new, Ford truck wilh commercial body. K.

DaengolewskI, 241 N. Main street. FOR SALJS--1922 late model Dodge i 1920 Buick 6 touring, 1921 light 6 Studebaker touring, 1920'Hupmeblle, 1923 Cleveland 6 Roadster. AU above cars in fine condition. H.

it. Meade, 725 Randla street, pLonf 677-H. Terms to suit. FOR SALE---1923 Model Reo 81'. 5 passong-er Sedan.

Slightly used. Disc wheels, and exlva equipment. Cannot be told car. New car guarantee. Can bought at a big i Barnsback and Herrin, Edwardsville, 111.

LOST LOST--Gold spectacles on Second street or Handle street. Finder please return to 232 fyest street and receive reward. FOR RENT--Farm. Possession of spring ground. Inquire at this office.

FOR RIJNT--One large furnished room for light housekeeping. Inquire at 511 St. Louis street, phone 7SO-W. FOR RENT--Front room furnished for light housekeeping. Inquire at 459 E.

Vandalia street. FOR RENT--One room for light housekeeping for couple without children. Inquire at 454 E. Vandalia street. FOR RlfiNT--80 acres of farm laud, 3 miles N.

E. of Edwardsville. Terms 1-3. Immediate possession. I i of Miss A.

M. Wieneke, 400 Hillsboro Road. In Mciiioi-ium. Whereas, it haa pleased Almighty God, in His divine wisdom, to remove from our midst our brother, delegate and President of our Qouncil George C. Hartung who also represented local No.

354 I. T. U. for a number of years until recently when he resigned on account of Whereas, the deceased has always been a true friend and an active worker in the interest of labor in general, It is meet an proper that we express our appreciation of his ef forts therefore, be It Resolved that we tffe Trade Cjzfun- cil of Edvfardsville, 111., sincerely regret his death in the prime of life anrl liis great usefulness. Ilpsolvtd, that as a token of our esteem ferr'the deceased and in respect to his memory our charter be draped in mourning 1 for the period of thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread upon our Local records in full, and a copy sent to the family of deceased.

give almost instant relief---oV- Dottle will convince you that fe suffering is unnecessary. In Valblet Try It en monejr-iback guarantee. Ball Barnett sell it on gu.uantaa. Effective January 13, 1924. Trams Leave Edwardsville.

North-Bound. X-Loc-- 5:47 am. JC-Lim-- 7 5 0 am. Par- 9 2 3 am am. pm.

X-Lim- 1:57 pm. Par-- 2 5 8 pin, X-Loc-- 4 0 7 pm. Lirn- 6:10 pm. X-Loc- 7 2 0 pm. X-Loc- 9:16 pm.

am. South-Bound 6: 50 am Lira 8 0 6 am Loc 9 0 5 am Lira 9:50 am. Lim am. Par pm. Loc 2.1] pm.

3 5 3 pin. 6:01 pm. 6 3 3 pm 8 3 8 pm. 9 5 1 pm. Lim Par Loc Loc Lim Loc am.

Sleep- 5:37 am Note--X-Springfleld only; L-Lincoln '-Except Sunday. JUEGAL NO-llCB. ifixecutor'H Notice. The undersigned, Executors ol the last Will and Testament of John Zalc, deceased, hereby gives notice that they will appear before the Probate Court of Madison county, at tho court house In Edwardsville, on the First Monday of March next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified lo attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. Dated I i Eleventh day of January A.

D. 1024. HENRY ZAK and LOUIS ZAK, Executors. TERRY, GljELTIG POWfcLL, Attorneys at Law. (Jan.

25 PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC undersigned, living one mile south of Carpenter and three miles southwest of Hamel will sell on Saturday, February 16, 1924 at 10 a. m. tho following horbcs, cows, fjffm i oats, corn a and hou'-eholii i II. C.

Behnic, W. F. a i Markets Floor Shipatutt Hay Corn Meal, bu Bran fc Country Bnttsr, Ib Eggs Bananas, dot Potatoes, pk i 11 Lemons, doz Creamery Butter Wheat lay Eggs, doz Country Batter, Ib. 1.89 25.OC 1.81 1.70 .60 60 JO-6Q 30 16-28 SE-40 1.10 2 1 l.OC 4f 46 toSC St. Ijouls Market Cattlo--Receipts, 1.000; market i i lower on beef steers; nativu beef 10.00 up; year'ings and heifers, 9 00 up; cows, 4 26 to 6 30 Hogs--Receipts, 2 0 0 0 0 a 15 to 2oc lower; heavy, 7.10 to 7 3 0 medium, 7.10 o.SO; light, 7.00 to- 7.35 Sheep--Receipts.

1 0 0 0 market 15 to 25c lower; ewes, 5.00 to 8 25. to 3 8 Sugars were heavy, Cane preferred yielding to 2 41 2. a Alegre 1-4 to 62 1-2. Rails were irregular, Missouri Pacific pfd losing 5-8 to 35 3-S; Erie 1-4 to 26 1-2. while Reading rob8 1-4 to 66 8-4.

Chicago Cash Grain. Wheat--Red No. 1, 1 2 0 No. 2. 1.18 1.19 1-2; No 3, 1.16; sample, 1.00; red garlika No.

2, 1.12; sample, 99; hard No 2, 1 13; sample, 96; mixed, No. 2, 1.12 to 1.13 Corn--Mixed No 4. 76 1-li. el- low No 3, 79 1-2; No. 4, 77 1-2 to 7 8 No.

5, 75; i No. 2, S2 1-2; No. Hr-fcO to 81. Ot-tb--Whit.) No 2, 50 1-4; Xo 43 1 2 43 3 4 No. 4, 49; sample, 47 1-2 PUBLIC SALE--Of Personal Property, Tuesday, February 1 0 1924 at premises 1 miies west of 'arpenter.

Wm. A. Link NOTIt'K. 38 Anyone, having any junk to iK S( sell, please notify SS ft Frank Slack, Phone 5 4 4.

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