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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONDAY, MARCH 1C, 1031 BIA'TIIRVILLE, (AHKJ COURIER NEWS PAGE FIVM CLASSIFIED ADS Two cents a word lot first Insertion and one cent a wurd 'or each subsequent Insertion. No advertisement taken Tor less thtm 50c. Count the words aixl send the cash. 1'honc 306 POULTRY prl. ccs, any quantity.

Marilyn Hatchery, 210 S. Fourth St. OC-TF British Boys Battle For Golf Title Aug. 24' Oarsman Sans Clothes Because of Thumbs Newspaperman Completes OUR BOARDING HOUSE His Story of Science' By Ahcru FOR SALE Marilyn Hatchery, Blylhcvllle. Mar( 20-CK-TF arc Ml PERSONAL i LONDON.

(UP)-The Hoys' ama- SEATTLE. (Ul'l-What to dl CLEVELAND. lUl'l -David Diem Cur championship will be played with star oarsman has such only active newspaperman ID hold UEVIVAL MEETING ttt 'aiasgow over Ui: Killenuont large thumbs thai lliey ret In til? fellowship In Die Royal Academy At Church of Cod, Dlytlicville, Ark. 'course August 24-2B. wuy ot cnch oilier, catch in cloth- Science, has completed Ills "3to.

110 W. Cherry St. other Bull" fixtures Just an-! ing, and handicap Hie ability of I ry of Science." which will be re! Hate March 15, to continue indemi- 'uoun'ccd nrc; their owner had Al Ulbrlcksai). iU.ucd fiom publlcntlon April 10 by i Itely. By Evangelist James Archie compstcn and Hemy Unlvorslly of Washington crew the Holslou I'ubllsliers ol I Hillliam, Tenn.

Subjects lon one another In it 'mulch coach, worried. New York. Sanctincation, Di- at Homesa, East Yorkshire, on c.irl o-aranm. Is niolz. who dally repoilni-ial ivlne Healing, Unity of God's Peo-1 jjj 7.

bij ti feet, 5 and ills work for the Cleveland I'ross in 'e and other interesting A Miichcll and Henry Cotton thumls nre proportionately large, addition to writing a science col- Welcome. opcn 3 course nl Sumliidgo uibrlckscn discovered tfcnt Heoss uiini for the Sci ipps-liowurd on April 18 with W3S having dilliculty keeping hh spent nearly three In TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ol- match, thumb; Irom cMchinj In Ills clalh- rcft-arch aiid study before thiish- I Father and son comjiv i ng- so la of ciirHiis work which playcd at WiV. Hill them under (he oar handle. That nee the FOR Chicks. All varieties.

Custom hatching solicited. -c-by solicited, to be opened 0 "rooms the Office of the Supervising. b-ith, Dugan Street. $1000.00. Treasury Dcpjilment.

i KeSUn'eCtea LOW may Kmall cash payment. Washington. D. at 3 o'clock, on April 13, 1D31, for thr sale i NICE HOME on South Division. Will let it go for what is against it 51450.

Small cash payment, bal- taining approximately 27.003 square reeled cow or donation to the United States of preferably a corner lot con-1 MOBILE. Aln. will save would do, as orthodox grip necessary to 1 the blade. Ulbhcksou lonk the only way out made Reese work without any excess clothing which coukl hook ihc thumbs at the end of a ai'ice 017.F-0 per month. 40 ACRES LAND.

Clear Snoo.OO, 20 acres of it in cultivation. I feet, with a dimension of appro.xi-; fiom year of life if I matcly 1GO lineal feel, on the more the plans of his wjrl: important of the two street front-lout successfully, ages, centrally and conveniently i tl December. 1030, Miller w.s located and suitable for a Federal! ivon a year's sentence for building site ai Blyllicville, lc ft nie which lie was 000 words. The book was written primarily for hymen and larizi' phases of scli-nco only lo scientists ami p.of< students. Dlvliled Into fDiir pans.

It treats of Hie "Sl-jry of sho Universe," "Story ol th; "Stoiy of til? ami "Pti-sy of Life." Oui' ehjpii'i ueals jV.jili theory rehi- Mlvllv. kansas. Upon application, I WE I1AVR any number of nice at right prices and on. easiest, ot terms. Thomas Laud i mastcr wl 1 1 7 I'" i comiuny.

blddprs a i lo have taken 10 Used Car Bargains 1 ronli.u Door Sedan, Looks 1 rivinoulh 1 Sedan, Lov: mileage 1 Vljinoulh C'oupr, 1929, a good buy $175 1 Chrysler "0 Coach, a good one $250 See Them Now Lee Molor Co. fiiviug particulars as to requirements and discovered in a mile instructions for preparation of bids a i )lt away. FOR ury cook wood, lluclianau Coal Phone 107. HP-CN IWHl'OKK lirSTKlfS WCAl'ON WYMORii, (UP) Harry fauncr ncur here, his mui methods of hunting coy-; otes. a wolf hunt the other CHH.S I.OSK TO MALI; COAC'H day.

-i cojrt" ran Into hole. LUIS OlilSl'O, Cal. nil 1 Crawford went tight after the aul-' llnrlranfl. coach at Paso No-v," iiccDrdint' 1 la i the coyote from i li-jbles high school. rils" 1 aniin-il I the hole and killed it with a pitch-1 ramd of sodas Ulat he dc- am i foil: handle.

I his "weight In in Iwo 1 tall conlcfls. The Blrls and data lo accompany usmi; affidavits 0' to Body's i 1 1 11 ls o'-' 1 1 Potrolnsm; wiisiinl In ami won the; FERRY K. HEATH, Assistant Uveliress Scale is seeking a new urctliicniK counliy In South Amcr-h. nines. 15 to 12 and to retary.

1CC-K2' Mil and an acquittal for his! ica air! pet roll urn Is Us moil itn-1 llirew the anil dls- i client. porlam mineral product. to iracl; learn. York Cotton 1 1 'inEja NEW YORK. Mar.

16 (UP)-Dot-1 Ion closed steady. i Open High Low Close Mar 1C67 1000 1067 10SC May 10SO 1111 1088 1104 Jill 1113 1137 1112 1130 Oct 1145 1167 1144 1100 Dec 1105 1188 1164 1182 Jan mi 1194 1109 USD Spots closed steady at 1095, 20. HKNT I'OH nice furnished liule apartments. S17.50 and 530, Thomas Land Company. WAS NOW '-1 LVSAMDER LARGEST OF MV UMCUE ((AP OWE HE rr OM i-T-SS VOU ARE HAD -To -ne OF ZA EAR CORM ffE RlliMEP -rtC I iM LA-fER VEAPJS WMEM MV AUM-T EvJE 6MB VliM A SltoRY- PlPF MAV LIKE Vj BuT GL rlOME.HAD A HE REIMS "To riisvioss, i I ME AM Itfe AfODE OF FULL MtlS-fACKlES UOWJ- ALBAMlA -fMe 'A rf IS THAT A MATtC J6E.


Phone 785J. Mrs. Belle M. Wood. 18C-TP "FOR flat and unfurnished house on Hearn St.

PJicnc 673. New Ortc.ans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, Mar. 1C lUP) Cotton clcsed steady. Open High Low Close Mar 1075 1091 1075 1038 May 1037 1113 1085 1107 1110 1136 1110 1133 1142 11G8 1142 1103 1165 1187 1105 1182 1171b At Wholesale Prices I'rdm i'AN-AMKRICAN I'Al'Klt and I'A I in 5(1 Cilics. CO.MI'ANY I Dec Jan Spots closed steady fit 1003, up Z'Z.

FOR rcom furnished caraqe and coal hojs.c. Call G78-W. IC-TFl FOR room bungalow on Douran, newly decorated, hot and cold water. Apply Ike Miller, Phone 8E9. 11C-TF FOR room house.

110 Rose. (Jarden. Phone 614. I'rintuil Hi WANTED WE HAVE a client who wants to borrow $200 on gilt edge security, payable Dec. 1st.

Thomas Land Company. Mower. Hake and Hay Press. Slate prices, where can bo seen. Write "AX'j and SISTER MARY'S KITCHEN "iiv "SISTER'MAKY XEA Servke Writer Of all the dried fruits on the market, none will more fully lend lo a variety of uses than the dried apricot.

Carelessly handled dried apricots lose in flavor, apprarance and volume, 'yet a Jew simple rules which cook understand make them a delicious, attractive inexpensive fruit. The World's; Finest Wall Superb designs by fumed artists, by Iciiuins craflsmeii in bnlliunUy colors on sperhil paper. Each niiislLTpitce in by a i-htirnutcr never found in cheaper payers. Every mil inspeeled, warriuHetl pcrfccl in appearance, not fade. pal terns lo from.

I 1 Only IF YOU l.VTKM) TO DECORATB IN' THE NEXT TWO 'lYKAHS V(U" 'iMONEY HY TAKING Courier News. POULTRY WANTED Market prices pain at C. L. Bennett Co. Feed Co.

210 N. Railroad west of courthouse, J. E. Fisher, Phone 64. 24C-TF man between ages ot 25 and 50 to supply old established demand fov RawlC'gh Good Health Products in Greene county.

Surety contract required. Company the car. "funnshes everything ut The lirst rule to keep in mind is to soak the fruit over nielli in: water to cover. This water should i be discarded and the fruit covered with fresh water for cooking. The second rule is that very slow heat lor a long period is the best- means of restoring tho fruit to ii.s natural stale ol juiciness.

Al the the fruit, becomes tender and iis flavor is developed. Place the soaked fruit in water to We cannot make (his special offer on papers carried in stock but lo stimulate business and provide work for jobless men we 'will sell from I be I'aii-Americaii- sample books at actual wholesale prices. The paper will be shipped parcel post from St. Louis warehouse I lie same day the order is received. We pay yostaRf.

You pay us for the paper when we deliver it lo you. Good profits for hustlers, the T. Rawicigh Company, Memphis, or see Mr. Dave Edwards, Leachville. Ark.

12C-K18 Men and women wanted to introduce astonishing new lo.v fire anil bring slowly lo the point, no not cover over a let boil but keep just reads- bubble until tender. to products every woman Full or part lime. No coir.pstition.l Many Uses for Fruit The third rule is never lo add Eiigar until tha. fruit is tender and! ready lo remove from the fire. FKECKI.ES AN'I) HIS FIUKXHS 1'AII) Blossei I'lties arc followed, dried' Mr, Allen.

Detroit, made 451" sales I apricots nvnl the finest canned' first mnnlh part time. Steady repeat business. full Sample particulars free. Write tiuick to AL-MO-CO Corp. 3271-89 Grove Cincinnati.

Ohio. ones. Th" poorer the rmahty ol the fruit the longer the cooking process ar.d the poorer the llnvor. After dried apricuts are they can used In any way can- ntii ones be used. Crpp- dish apricot pic is very made; dried apricots.

Brown Uvlty. is especially £ood made dri'd. fniil. B.ivnrian cream drita fruit lo excclicnt fcr ihe sifting'removes the skinsj of thr fruit. Apricot ice is refresh- FAY 0.

DAVIS AM, KINDS MACHINE WORK Electric and Gas Welding done OSBHON HLACKSM1TH 115 X. Franklin S(. piquant and will be particuiErly appetizing to after flsh. found rci ve Waler Jcc Four v.alcr. 'i cups

1-2 cup Icnicn 1 2 cups slewed. A'-L RkSUT, R13HT WIS JO5T A LITTLE PARTV FOR. ALL OF YOU WHO HELPED WE STUCK IIJ TVE Invest With Safety paid quarterly on full stock, $100 and up. Guaranteed by first nwi'lsiigu loans', en homes in Blythevillt'. Scoured and Insured.

Biytheviiie Building Loan Association M. Biivns. Sec. nib through: ja sucar and v.a'.rr to- 1 grther fcr ten r.iinutes. and ntirt lemon juice prrparcd: limit.

Turn into freezer ami turn until firm. I'ack in four parts to on? part s.iH and let stand one or hours before If an 1 electric refrigerator or freezer p.dd I tablespoon! grlstlnc in 2 taKespoons ccld wain 1 to svnip it is rcmov- cd Ivom lire. Daily Mrnu nREAKF Grape fmll cereal, ereoiii. covnmcal iiar.cakcs. i milk, coffee.

i LUNCHKON Creamed miis-h: coins, br.wn bivnd. apricot IVltv. milk. lea. DlNNEIi and stiillcd vcar siljil.


TUEV rr. BUT DO'J-AR Mine ceurs iney LIWDVS DOCfbR ALL THAT ICE CRSM.V... ROY' I'NN FULL NO Courier News Want A(is ray. www LAND: ENt) ft NKiKT SiAVPIMO AtS Of- fSM A.UT>6E(HN Wtft ftRt TDftTUPJ.O QV HL'MCiEP. (WO TrttRST.


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