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The Black Hills Daily Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 2

Deadwood, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jiLll1 JIILI.M 'llMKrii UJH.AK M(HIMN. VVXsWV Ait 25, iaO. As an abstract prtijiohition the crime -THE The Daily Times receive the respect and consideration to which it is entitled, desertious will be less numerous. Merchants National Bank PERSONAL W. H.

Harlow, Hpssrfish, is st the Keystone. Leonard Gordon Is slightly under the weather. Charley Landguth of Lead, was in the city last evening. Miss Maude Wtrner returned home from Sturgie yoslerday. 8 not.

Hunter of the Plums, left for Dee Moines, yesterday. John A. Gaston is on the sick list, but not seriously indisposed. NT. H.

Bonhsm, msusger of the Pioneer, left for Iowa to be absent two weeks. Alba Holmes, W. H. Calkins and Sol Jefferson, Carbouate.were in the city, yesterday. Dr.

Goering, Homestake assayer, departs today for a two months' visit in the DEADWOOD, DAKOTA. Onjpltal, $100,000.00. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 0PTICER8, PRIES ID KNT B. W.

MARTIN, Deadwood I McNAB, QlortrsrlUa, CA8H1KK WM. 8LBU1 I ASS CASHIER f.a.I01aj INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. WSELBlE.CaBhi.r. state Transfers. Hub'h KVtiua to Mrs.

Mary O'Brien, one Icii'li inti rest Bingham od. $400. I- rank M. Allen to Spencer V. Nobis, omli villi il one-fourth interest to 16.61 s-re, IWnbcthtown, $500.

,1. ,1. s-'ij'iwiif jr. to W.8. iro.ert s-To" s.

Aliiiismi to Juo. W. Kisaajk, lot i.i -I'fft, Lead, S. Vitn-mi to B. Bisaauca, lot, Lead, Xoi ttiwrisurn Express, S.

T. Co. to J. K. P.

Miller, 0fi6 aores lower Shermsn streit, J4.0O1). S. V. Nol le to J. S.

McClintock, lots 10 and 1 1. Wot 13, Desdwood, $1,000. Win. Gorinnti et si. to John Hendriok-snri, lot block 10, Lead, $675.

Hf-ir iv.lla et ux. to Aaron John-sou. ii 7. Mo 1, Lead, $460. S.eH;ti ii I.auJ aud Buildiug Ass'n to Fritnk 'Aei' ii.

lot 2. buk-k 8, and lot 8, block Si norlish, $300. e.i II 1'nrmort et ux. to James K. (W.k'-i l.i and 17, block 3, Cleveland, 4.VHI.

BARGAINS! In every line of DOTS i -From an- Infant Shoe to a Hand-Sewed Boot TI BEST GOODS AND LOWEST PIES i BARGAINS! SHOES! AND BORDERS, HERCULES DUPONT -AT- Main Street, Deadwood. STAR BULLOCK HARDWARE GO. -Dealers in WALL PAPER Hardware, Mine and Mill Supplies. Agents ATLAS FORCITE was more heinous tiinn the Haddock murder, inasmuch as it involved unlawful destruction of property as well ns the taking of rimnm life, and yet not only have no arrests of the Amazons occurred, but the unsexed brutes are lauded and applauded by every long-haired crank and canting hpyo-crite in the land. Another disgusting spectacle, in the same line, but not of equal gravity, recently oc-cured at Spirkardsv.lle, Kansas, where several saloons were demolished and large ami valuable stocks of liquor, cigars, were emptied into the gutter.

A number of the women were arrested, and have since posed as martyrs, receiving great attention from the clergy and the prohibition element. That those women should be severely punished will be negatived by no air-minded person. That they wiil be punished is seriously doubled. Crime is none the less crime because coin mi tied under auspices of the church, tire Lommen murderers and Haddock murderers should be classified alike and punished with equal severity. Gov.

Mellette donies that he is a candidate for United Slates senator, and says that he is practical of politics. He i reported as follows in an interview in the Aberdeen Xeiet. I nave never, by word or intention, said or duns suy thing which eoold lead to snch an inference, and much lee be construed as an ei pressed den ire to suecerd Senator Moody. I have been greatly fsvored by a direct vote of the people, and am satis-fled with the great honor conferred upon me. My anxiety now is to so dis charge the duties of my office as to satisfy the people and make he nrst administration a credit to the atate and to the party through whom the honor waa conferred.

These objecU shall have, so far ps puasi- ble, exclusive attention, regardless of politios. It ia a great honor to be the first governor of a common weal like oorc, bnt it would be a higher nor and a far greater achievement to make the Brut ad ministration a model of economy and prudent management. For these reasons, as hackneyed aa the phrase ia, I am prac tically 'out polities. Thk Times acknowledges receipt of i lengthy and very kind letter fr jiii Captain Gardner, in defense of Professor Bailey, the captain alleges, did not, in his Lincoln boom speech for Rapid locate the normal Bchool at that point. The captain undoubtedly writes conscientiously; he, doubtless, did not catch the particular remark, but the fact that re porters present for the express purpose of reporting proceedings, did hear ami report the statement, is better evidence of the professor's offense.

The Times is in hearty accord with the captain that the school should be maintained, if by a radical change of management the objects for which the was established can be attained. It must, however, be clear to. the captain and every observer, that such change is impossible. The school never has been a state or ter ritorial institution, except in name, for the purpose of securing appropri etioiiH' to be squandered among favored few. The Times recently referred to the outrageous sentence by a court martial of l'mate Wild, Eighth cavalry, convicted of disobedience of orders which latter iuvolved menial labor not in the line of duty of the soldier.

A howl of indignation went up from the northwest, and it was heeded by the president, as appears by the fol lowing order of the secretary of war, transmitted to General Ruger, at St. Paul, Saturday: By direction of the president, the unexpired portion of the senteuoe of Del P. Wild, late a private of troop Eighth cavalry, ia remitted, in recognition of the fact that the pnnishmeut adjudged was excesaive in a marked degree. The prisoner was ordered by the second lieutenant of hi troop, M. F.

Steele, to assist in placing a canopy upon a shed He refused to do ao upon the ground that he did not enliat to do such work. He was earned and etruck hy the officer, and waa aoon thereafter placed in confinement and brouvbt before a 'urt martial, of which Lieutenant Steele wai judite advocae, eonvieteii ol disobedience of orders and sentenced to dishonorable discharge, witb the forfeiture of all pay and allowance, and confinement at the military prison at Fort sneuing lor one year. No action appears to have been taken against Lieutenant Steele, whose breach of dicipline waa of an aggravated nature. It is alsogroesly improper that Lieutenant eete ahould have been detailed as judge Slvocate of the e-urt. The president we not believe this ease to be, nor does be think it juet to the army that it ehoold appear to be, a fair illustration of the ad m.nistraticn of military justice." The suggestion that Steele should be court it is safe to say, will not be acted on, for the power that made the complaining witness the judge advocate of the court, cer tainly ia great enough to protect the fellow from deserved punishment.

The large number of desertions from the army has occasioned almost national discussion, and much inquiry ia heard as to the cause. Wild's experience, to sn extent, explains it When the commissioned element of the army shall understand that the enlisted force retains its manhood while serving the country, and must immnrn ln.) POSTER WABITET?) Editor and Prop'r WE llll TIMES. FabUsbeil svetv uon.t swept Monday, Deadwood, Hoalk Dakota. Ooeyesr. Bit mouth Three months Oh mart 1 00 WEEKLY TIMES' OorUlnta isminarTof th mwi of lbs week, abllsned ery Sslordsy.

Os iser 5 Hli tnonUit Thro seonths Mm, THB TIMES. Desdwnod, Snath Ptkote. Catered et Ik Deadwood postoo as mu1 Um ejatler. Oicial Paper of Lawrence County. A carload of ash bureaus and washstands ha been sent from the east to Mandan to be distributed among the Indians at the Standing Rock agency.

The Mandan pioneer says the bureau drawers will probably be used for toboggans and thereat of the, jfurniturewilL make good picket pins. Skxatob Casey ha introduced a joint resolution to pay George A. Mathews, the delegate from Dakota at the time of division and admission, bis full salary from November 2, 1889, to March 4, 1891, the period for which he was electeJ. The resolution should pass, and doubtless, will, without opposition. At a recent meeting of the Sioux Falls enforcement league, one, Rev.

Hanscom made the ojvening prayer, and not only besought divine aid for the projects which the league has on foot, but asked hia Heavenly Father to blight the powers and wither the brains of those who were secretly working against the penalty bill. Such "sweet religion" is not calculated to make many converts or to materially a'd the cause of fanaticism ycleped "prohibition." THK-'couirty treasurer's report shows his total balance January 1 are over 130,000 and of this large amount of cash hrthe county treasury, only about $6,000 belongs to the county and territory. The remainder belongs' to the cities, townships and school districts. In other words, on January 1, just about the time Gov. Mellette was starting out on his self imposed journey to beg for our starving South Dakota taxpayers, there was locked up in our county treasury $30,000 of the taxpayers money.

There are fifty counties in the state and if the others do as well, there waa $1,500,000 of the taxpayer's funds held by county treasurer of South Dakota at that date that did not belong to either county or state. According to the Ntv of this city, these county officials have a perfect right under the law to hold, these funds three months before turning them over to the local authorities where they belong. Aberdeen Jiep ullicun. Cou A. D.

Thomas, who has been appointed to the life position of United States judge for the district of North Dakota, is attout 52 years of age. He came to Dakota in 1878, and decided between Bismark and Fargo to locate in the Red River metropolis and formed a law partner ship with John D. Benton. In the same year he came to the Black Hills, and spent three years in Dead-wood, in the practice of his profess ion, largely as attorney for the Home- atake. He was associated with Digh-ton Corson who, upon the admission of South Dakota was elected to the supreme bench.

He- returned to Fargo in 1882 and haa ince been in active practice in that city. He is an able lawyer and peculiarly fitted for the eminent position to which he baa been appointed. He ia not, nor never was a politician, his whole life having been devoted to the study and practice of law. He is a brother-in-law of Hon. E.

S. Tyler and a son-in-law of Judge Barnes, formerly territorial judge. No person ever had batter ndersements than Col. Thomas bad for the federal judgship and it ia believed the appointment will prove a wise one. Siocx City had its Haddock mui-der, over which the prohibition ele-anent never has ceased to howl.

It was an infamous crime, for which there was not the slightest justification, and for which no one haa practically been called to account. Enormous aa the crime was, hat been paralleled by prohibitionists. At Hatton, North Dakota, the other day, a lot of fero'uine fanatics, self-styled "erasadera," without a shadow of tight' or authority, attacked and utterly deaaehshed a saloon, and sour-dared the proprietor, Peter Lommen. Important Bills. Tinas is iu reci ipt of a oopy of house bill 122, providing for the consolidation of counties that have been segre gated from other counties and have failed to liquidate their portico of the indebted-Dew of the counties from whiuh they were segregated.

The purport of the bill is well i pressed in the title. The measure, doubtless wsa inspired by the failure of Meade county to properly provide for ita indebtedness to Lawn life. The proposed consolidation occurs immediately upon the taking effect of the act. Aa no emergency clause appears, that event will be ninety days after the adjournment of the legislature, or, June 7, next. APraoraiATKM sitx.

A oopy of this interesting and important bill ia at baud. It provide for Black Hills institutions as follows: SOLDISllS fiOHB. For pipe and fittings to convey water tu baildiug, $1,500 For cess pool Fi cistern 400 260 300 For tank and oonu'ctions to hold 1,000 barrels of water Maintenance 8,000 2,000 2tl) 300 125 400 18,475. ilarj of officers and employees. For barn For team, wagon and harness For Incidental expenses HOBmt school or sri4Bfsa.

For salaries of professors and teachers 8.000 For pay of janitor 800 For incidentals 2o0 For fu I and lights 600 For improvements of grounds. 2o0 9,600. SCHOOL Or MIS IS AT BAFID. For salaries of DrofeaS'irs. engi neer, janitors, etc 8.000 S00 SOO Maintenance of laboratory Fuel, water and contingent ex penses 4.000- It will be observed that the normal and School of mines amounts were materiallv reduced by the committee.

As close economy waa necessary, the appropriations must suffice. Delayed Exchanges. Custer Chronicle: Our Dead wood ei- oha: gee, which heretofore have reached ua regularly every day via Buffalo Gap, have by some wild and incongruous post official freak been transferred to the tri weekly route between Deadwood and this place, resulting in our getting about three or four issues at a time, when we get any St all. Now, if perchance this should meet the eye of the gentleman who presides over the grave and expansive destinies of the Deadwood poatoffice, we sincerely hope and benignly trust that he may infer from the foregoing simple but suggestive sentences that be will confer a lasting favor on us by forwarding our mail via Buffalo Gap, and we his humble petitioners will ever pray. Hall's Court.

Three cases of were disposed of yes terday by Justice Hull. Two of them plead guilty and were let of? ou payment of $12 fine and oosts. Iu the other one a plea of not guilty was entered. An exami nation of four witnesses proved the con trary, a fine and costs of $18 waa enter' d. In default of payment, the accused was committed to jail.

Abraham Pauley on complaint of Marin, was accused of grand larceny in stealing from the plaintiffs person $31 in money. At request of defendant, the case was anjourned to March 6. Abrogating- Lent. Whe Western Watchmau, a prominent Catholic weekly journal of Bt. Louis, prints a letter from its Rome correspon deut iu which he says the congregation of the universal inquisition has issued a decree signed by Cardinal Monaca and published in the official organ of the vati can, abolishing the Lenten fast and ab slinence this year.

This Is extended ta the whole world, the letter says, wherever the ordinaries shall judge the dispensa tion necessary. The reason for setting aside the Lenten obligation, it is claimed, is the prevailing influenza which is mak ing suoh ravages iu all parts of rope and is thought to be prevalent in the United Slates. This decree, it is iid. ill be quite a surpriae to the Romau Cstholics, aa it is stated to be the first one of the kind ever issued in the history of the church. HOTEL ARRIVALS.

WBHTWOBTB. i. a. axiTH. raopaiBToa.

Bernard, Sauk Centre, Minn; Geo Undrrweod, Beal, Sturgis; Phiiea, Luinin; i Jordan, I) Nourse, I Bellman, Lead; A Court. Wtiitew -od; Hunter, O'Neil. Gold Dun-woody, Cascade; Wallaoe, Rubv Basin A Holmes, Carbonate. ttVsTORB. J.

a. BBITH. FBOPaiBIOB. A Haines, Mnryutt, A Thompson 4 Houraw, Btouder, Omaha; Brown. Alexander, Whitewnod; Bunkel, Anders, I C'umavin, tcheli.

A Allen, Est-s, Laflu; i Olson. Hill City; A Biglin, Rapid; MacPhetndge, Berger, Chicago; A Fell, Lead; Crlkius, 8 Jeffereon, Carbonate; Harlow, SpearfiVh. OVIBLAMD. NOBLES BABTSLA, VBOr'S. I Brodie, Galena; Flavin.

Montana mine; A Wilson. Pea bod r. Box Elder Gedling. Bare Butte; pVrrosiey, Elk GCook, i Jonquiet; Holds. Bald Mln; Liodell, 8t Onge; A Wood' Jeffrie mill; Waehbura, Two Bit.

Wanted. Forty thousand railroad ties, delivered along the surveyed line of the Black Hills A Fort Pierre railroad between iu present terrains and point of intersection with the F. E. A M. V.

railroad, about 1 miles south of Tilford. For further partiruUra. apply at the office of the company at Lead City. South Dakota. Bichabo lacbstobb, 1Itf HepormteajenL The Tuna keeps the heat blaxtha.

G. H. SPAULDINC, PE1T.ER IK Schuttter and Rushford Fa and Mountain old country. Timber Inspector Smith having completed examination of district court re cords, retarns to Rapid today. Henry Monheiin, of Bchmita eV Moi; beirn, dry goods merobante, Lead, li-ft yesterday for the east to purchase a spring stock.

Father Rosen came from Sturgis to gather additional data for bis work ou the Blaok Hills. Father Mahar accompanied him. Judge Burns returned from the valley, reporting very cold and disagreeable weather. Attorney Metz remains at Gammon's ranch slowly improving. Minnekahta Herald: A letter reoeived bv Dr.

Jennings from F. T. Evans, now in Carlsbad, Austria, brings the good ueu that he is improving in health daily, and expects to return home a wll man. Sioux Fall special: Word was receirel today that J. M.

Bailer, president of the Minnehaha itiomil bank of this city, and ex -territorial treasurer, ia dangerously ill at Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. Bailey is suffering from fistula. Arrivals by Smith's Stnrgia hack were Miss Lynch, Geo. Lynch, II.

Radcliff, ('. M. Eichler, J. Umphoe, J. S.

Files, W. Seward, Rev. P. Ro.en, Rev. Muhor, Tom Faught, John Chinaman.

Departurea Billy Casad's Minstrels, John Monheiru, H. Mumford, C. A. A. Lush.

T. U. Gook, A. V. Neydell, Clay Lambert, Rob.

Mar brock, John Chinaman. Misa Hanson, who several months ago accompanied the Choteaus to California, returned Sunday, delighted with her trip and visit on the coast. She brought a quantity of oranges from the grove of J. H. Adams.

They are beauties, indeed, measuring from 12 to IS inches in circumference and as plump as well could be. She reports Mr. Adams' family in excellent health, and in love witb their home in the semi-tropics. While there she experienc ed the novelty of an earthquake, or series of them, which swayed the building and tossed things about promiscuously. AHKIVALS AN DEPARTURES.

ABBIVALS. Botsi Parrimen Jarvis and wife May Holstein Holatein Bernard Jno Smith DIPABTUBBS. Northwestern Miss White Mrs A Knight Morriu ickey and wife Mrs Grimshaw Bonham A Wydell 8 Bullman Glarelick MoCann 8 Rosenthal Cameron Hunroe Bertram Mrs Cooper Thos Tagg Jessie Clifford YVillard Olaveliok Attsntlon. South Deadwood. Regular weekly meeting the Soet's, Deadwood Hose company will held this evening, at which a full attendance ia re quested.

Dbsibb Lachipillb, Foreman. Hbsmab Bucsorr, Sec'y. Kotioa. All Lawrence county general fund warrants registered prior to January 1, 1SS), will be paid on presentation at my oliice. Interest ceases on and after this date.

K. P. Phillips, Treasurer Lawrence county, S. 1. February 7, 1890.

2 7 10 BCHOOL LANDS FOB LENT. PenntnsTtoa County. A general notice is hereby given that the leasing of all school lands of Pennington county will commence April 16. 18J). The delays of the final passage of the law has made it impossible to send out the lists for this notice.

This may be considered the first notice. O. U. Psiia. Commissioner of school and pnblic lands.

3 ly tf LIWBBHOS CODSII. A general notice is hereby given the leasing of all the school lands of Lawrence eounty will oommence April 16, lrtitf). The delays in the final passage of the law has made it impossible to send out the lists for this notice. This may be considered the first notice. 0.

B. Psaaas, Commissioner of school and psblie lands. jaotf Smith's Between Deadwood and Dtargi via toulder Park and Bear Butte canyon. Hack leave Deadwood for 81 jrgis at 1 -00 p. m.

in time ti connect with trains south Back leaves 8tu g.s for Deadwocd apon the arrival of the morn'ng train north, and after dinner to asit passengers. Offices, Deadwood, Ksvstone hotel, Went-worth nous. Office gtargis. Sheridan bouse. 12 tf To Nervosa Ken.

If TOS Will Mfil na unr uUmi will mail you our illustrated pamphlet es-plsininc all about Dr. Dve'e rhratoH elee Hvvot'aie belt and appliance, and ineir enarmino- fTfw-fa nmin th debilitated evstern. and hnw 1K ill quickly restore jroa to vigor, manhood sniin. ii yo a are inea emitted, will send TOO a belt and annlianrM a rial. Voltaic Bblt Co.

IS daw ly Marshall, Jlioh. Ketabuahed ia 1 S7 e. Oaatwa A O'Brien, ataek krak mA reel estate. First Matianal Bank baildia Deadwood, Dak. Member at Board of Trade and Deadwood Stock Exeata- Socks, real estate and aaearitiaa and sold oa eommieaiom.

Correspondent sotieiteeL ll-ia-ii teoroloirlcei. "('id predicted local snow and -oM Old Probs. was oorreot. Far!) re-tr rili.y the mercury began dropping u'iMl was reached, at which point it remained an hour or so, and to- 11 r.i v. mint began greater decline.

At 7 o'clock ihe ihermometer registered ten below, unci ai 11 o'clock 12 below. About three inrbt of snow fell, and sleighs wers afa'iiin out. Lost. 1 iri tu St uuis and Deadwood road, Friday, 7, a russet leather baud iii.tii'iiing female wearing 1 cnderwill he suitably rewarded for us return to Times Office, Deadwood. Second Annual fall Gi, iUlyHo.

10591, K. of L. Will bo gives ift MI NEKS' UNION HALL, Central City, March 17. (X1KMITTBE8: -Kt-rd Ennwlton, Frank Rail, Jo. hitl.Til, Orltfin, Titus OorkhllL SedaU, James Terry, Brad.

C. Wood. Floor Msrjivi'i--lfai Loewenthal, Peter Jary, Jm-' iM Kiui, Ksuifmasin. Invii atirniB lemlwootl. Brothers, Zipp, Harding, lar.taer: City, Bratbers James, Filllan, o.1,mih.

Brothers Teeters, Hoekilu, Led-hi: oatrel B.ethers Tetrsult, Holsline, Wliiltit-t. Tickets, $1.50. DR. WINGARD, Deadwood, S. D.

Ml form of Throat, Lang. Nwto and Blond nil Curuie rifreosM and deformities) fr In nf any inrtitation. Thnn who eontem- plAt inmtv tti Hot KprlnjT for the treatment of any irtvfit blood dinewie can be cored at otre- idirti tne -t tin re at borne. LADIES. Tha' "tircl" feelino; and all female weakness Bloating Headaches, Nervous pr-wt: General Debility, Sleeplessness, ii-ii! ItMifreetlon.

Orarlen Troubles, and rirnratlon, Fallimr and Dli.plaoe- -4pnH! -ixneae, aiuoey oompuuats end i i ensuic ir. wiagard. KVi: VXD EAR. A. -nut i hv Inflammatitmof theEjlidor Oit.i tt.r -lud Near Sigbte nej.

loTerelon rh' Eyee, Uloeratlnase, Itiflam- Bi.iij..ii!a inmnew of Tisioq of one or both WlJi- Rn.i nf the Lid. loflaniruatioo the ur, i n-, orOatarrft, Ioternal orEtteruai, Ncrrcns DcMlity, SjErmatorrliiEa, Auiitwil 1 Nif(fat Km aakOA, Lose of Vital y. ivr, -ttef, Oespoodeooe, Lues of Mem, i -a of Mea, Ulur before the Kyee, j.a-Mtu'. Ulonminesv. Depremloa of Hprit-, Avt to bocieiy, Ennlly llMurAfed, i-ni ucm.

uptlei-s, for Htady er Hn-ui -a S'i life a bordeii, safely permao Blood S.i Diseases Syphilis wi ttornhls la Ita reralts, eoai letelj 1 the use of mercury. Bc-rorala, Pry-i er Soros, BlotrhM, PimpleK.Vk-er, IMiij ii and Bones, Syphilitic Sore t-iti T'tnirue, Olandular of rie N. Bhenniatlam, Catarrh, par- rriMi want ssners aave isllea. rniNARY, K. 1.

1 iii ir ailments, Weak Beck, Burainf i I of I rlD.tlug, IJrtue Hlli i promptly and nfelf cured. PP. IT v'l DISEASES! v-fwrsal Taint, Oleet, Strlrtnre, i Jns of anoal Power. W-a- ii- "re. ios.

Want of Deal rt la Male froai mprndrnt habit of fa.iblts of matere y.ra, or any esetnal functions, speed- -t. mrt-a. HOT 1 1 SEXES. uLf1.

If la aay tmabie eall ar PRIVATE DISEASESOF MEN r- lj -t practice for many yean. Over a- i. ry. HereMcumot PrtTate 1 tlieo. CLt'ERH, Tl'- (t- nn tne face or b.ty, cared vtr.nrt i othw pulaos.

ereat ewretlTe power, ae t-i IrMmM that it will afford i. relief, eat permanent care. YOUNG MEX (He affects of yotilhfal la- the following symp-- ifhy-ioal IteMUty, ImpotaMy i Mnh l. Abaennftbe Hyiem, i afaHm I.Imu rw.u i I of the Fye, Aaerabai to Hedety, the Face. Urn ef lav HID DLL-AGED MEN, i tun.

r. preaatarely eld, ae r- joethfBl fiu, and wae are fr. aiM-fHl aTaraatioaa ef taetied- ij. -pot of ro aimeot 1 the i iOi eras I partirtra ef altaiaa chot etn be sr. ef a thin ee rhaaclaa a nrk mmA fcar- au-iea aaernaa CemHty and lose t- -x-H-tt.

thia Is tfee eenmd staa of In all fwrkcaas a perfect care r-t a redteel resenrauea ef tea ae. ail lettfre and least itees 3 s-lal. aTS-tea narked ea end eedt by sipiaaa. feu fiTn, bte irnsil lew hitarat ISSkT si- Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts! Sleigns and Boto Sleds. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.


hi TWENTY YEAR INDEMNITY ISAHTtSB BT THB- Eoiaole it Life Assurance Company Safe, Sure and Profitable Investment! Thrts bonds ars red st psr from 20 lif Hi 1 1 ii ii nnsm. At the end of 1 vears thec.iuip.inv 4 $1,727 (or pach bund of $1,000, bs-nf 0 PKR CENT UOPr THAN HAM PAID IN. In he event of prsviosa death, the BOND is PAID IN FCl'j aud at ucce. A leu vear bond is issaed at suy tf from 20 to 50, for iX) per VI.OfMI per annum. Ti.ese bond are ths best idts-ment, vithoot eierpi gove.DKient bonds it-clsis sernritie of any osrpora-tion.

in addition irtncii yon i ri frt-c'a i He assnrsnce. Ihe EQUITABLE tlFI daring 1S9 wro'e TO THfi AMOCNT OF 175.fino,000, beiaj tha lsrfest basinees aver dons in a single vear by an coonr any in the morld. B. R. POPE, Agent, Wholesale to 40 veiirs of as st 50 par tl.000 sn Deadwood, S.

D. Dealer in Deadwood, Dak OTTLtB OF Liquors, Wines and Cigars. Main Street, Cordials Special-fry amoRMED ANHEUSER-BUSCH EBEWINC COMPANY'S ST. L0UIS1LACEB EEER.

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