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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 4

Deadwood, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROAD-AGENT A GERMAN AT PORT MEADE. A four-hone wagon-load of mall THE DAILY PIONEER. THREE MEN FROM MILWAUKEE. A Shameless Breach of Clannish Confidence. Man is a gregarious and a clannish animal, and the ties of coiuwnguinity are very strong.

As tho saying goes, blood is thicker than water. This is OAHDYJ GAUDY! CANDY CANDY! CANDYI CANDY! OAMPTI 4,000 IPOTTISnDS AT TIW Big Horn Store. MAX FISHEL CO, game arrived In town yeeterday. R. C.

Lake ha his name emblazoned In gold letter over the door of hi hardware (tore. County Treasurer Kcill say he ex pects, tlii week, to take In $10,000 in saloon licenses alone for the first half of the coming year. The Custer Chronicle will appear next Saturday, It will give a full descrip tion of the Atlantic mine salt-works. Annie Bern nan's letter show a good deal of spirit and resolution for a young girl. We trust she may come out all right yet.

The liquor licenses expiro to-morrow. Several very estimable gentlemen who were conspicuous in supporting them expired some time ago. Tho Cliillieothe mine is the latest boom. It is situated alut two miles west of Lead City, and is said to con tain eight feet of ore that assays (63 in silver. Tho funeral of Thomas Crags, a mem ber of the Central City Miners' Union, will take place to-day from Terraville.

Members of the union are invited to attend. The Vincent troupe played to a mag nificent house in Lead City last even ing. This evening they are to appear before a Central audience, which will be largo and intelligent, of course. A large party of latlius and gentlemen were bob-Kludding on Inglesidu last night, and the whole region rang with their merriment. The epidemic is be coming epideniicer.

The grand jury brought in these bills yesterday: Harry Morrill, for stealing a horse; Georco Olley, grand larceny; John Hellwran, grand larceny; Edwin Kelley, highway robbery. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will give a New Year's party to the little folks tomorrow evening, and expect to entcr-Uiiu about 50 guest ranging from the size of midgeU to lilliputians. The San Francisco Daily Exchange, of Dec.

18, says: The Father De Uinct (Dakota) niino has declared its first dividend of 30 cents, amounting payable here and in Xew York on the 21. The Sidney coach arrived with part of the troupe that is to appear at the (jam theater this evening, the part consisting of eight very handsome young ladies and three young men, whose lin of good looks is made up by their ability as artists. Wo understand that a minstrel troupe is about forming in this city, composed entirely of artists who can dispense with burnt cork. They will be under the management of a gentleman who is qualified in every particular to make a splendid success of the undertaking. A man named Wilson about a week ago nipped an overcoat belonging to Fred, llarlon, which he sold to a hack-man for 3.

He was arrested and taken before Justice lurk yesterday, where he plead guilty anil in default of payment of $.10 and costs was sent to jail. Hank Bcniuaii is having to go through all tlie chimney trouble he did before the fire. Hank says the average business-man in Deadwood seems to take the destruction of his chimney that cost from $10 to fciO more to heart than he does the loss of worth of goods. The alisence of Miss Hattie Warner detracted greatly from the musical part of the services of the hist Sunday of the year at the Congregational church. In the evening, llev.

Mr. Atwood delivered an appropriate and interesting discourse on the close of the year, taking as his subject "fading leaves." A stranger from Manitoba, who ar rived in the city about four days ago, was robbed of a watch and $VJ in money Sunday night. He was sleeping in a room with other parties, and took the precaution to put his vest containing his wealth under his head, but the sneaks took it in all the same. We must repeat our request that all the ladies of Deadwood, Lead and Cen tral, who design receiving New Year's day, will be kind enough to notify the Pioneer, at onco. Wo would like to have every name to-day, n.s our present list, we know, is neither full nor cor rect.

Please furnish the names of all who will receive at each place, and with whom. We want to make a com plete directory for the guidance of gen tlemen who contemplate making the rounds, For Christmas goods go to Graves, Curtis Co. s. loutl Zipp's for boots and shoes. loltf Hosiery enough for 4,000 people, Hang out the sign on the steeple, Proclaim to all the people in the Hills, And let those dying name it in their wills, That Whitehead has the best asssort- ment of hosiery ui the Black Hills.

155tf Legal blanks of all kinds, for sale at lie J. iunekr otuce. Santa Claus has dumped his applecart of silverware at Graves, Curtis lo'Jtf Legal blanks of all kinds, for sale at the riosEKK onice. Skates for sale at the French hotel. lC2-Ct To select a present for your wife, sister, cousin aud aunt or even mother-in- law, eo to Graves, Curtis Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at the PiosEER ouice.

Gaston O'Brien have all kinds of mining stocks for sale. Office one door above btebbms rost iX Aiuna nana. HOtf "Crls," of the Ophlr, Is on deck again and is disposing or fluid sustenance In his new- buildiug on Main street, on the rormer site of the Ophlr. Wtf Roportd Robbery of tho Rlomarok Coaoh Md Murdor of a. Ptslon-gor Nor Antelopo Station.

It is reported by a gentleman who ar rived in the city last evening from Fort Meade, that the out-going stage on the Bismarck line, which left here last Thursday or Friday with one passenger, was waylaid by road-agents near Antelope station and fired into. The PASKENGEK WAS INSTANTLY KILLED, but the messenger, Mr. Willard, who was sitting so that ho was protected by the body of the unfortunate paasengcr, escaped unhurt. Ho leaped from the coach and ran into some bushes near the rood-side, when he turned and fired upon the robbers, and think he wounded one of them. After the murder, THE BOAD-AOKNTS RIFLED THE COACH and took the treasure-box, but did not rob the body of the dead man, leaving a valuable gold watch and chain and quite a sum of money on hi person.

Our informant further stated that the gentleman who BKOUOHT TDK NEWS TO FORT MEADE said, in answer to whether the story was true or not, that there was no doubt of its truthfulness, as he himself saw the body of the dead man, and rode back in the coach which had been the scene of the bloody tragedy. This Evening's Entertainment. The Episcopal ladies were at work all yesterday afternooon, preparing evergreens and other decorations for their supper, dance and sociable at Wcrtr heiiner's hall, this evening. Everything will be done to render this the most pleasant affair of the kind that hits so far taken place this season. Joe Gan- dolfo's orchestra furnishes the music; the prettiest girls in town will all be there, and some of them will run the cigar and lemonade stands; there will be a special room for whist and euchre' players; and nothing that can bo pro vided will be kicking to please every taste.

A magnificent fruit-cake, nearly as big as tho great pyramid of (ilii.eli, is to be voted to the most popular lady in Deadwood, Lead or Central, and it behooves every knight who haa a lady fair to be there. A Puzzled Sanhedrim. The county commissioner met yes terday afternoon to begin the work of equalizing tho luxes and opening tho bids for the county printing. Unfortunately they opened the printing bills first and pretended they could not understand them, thus wasting the whole afternoon frivolously. Any one can see this, for what could be plainer than an agreement to print blanks ut so much a thousand, including so much token, with rule and liguru work extra, which of course is by the thousand ems, as measured in pica, unless double-meas ure is set in nonpareil, which of course is 3 t-iiis to pica anybody knows that; the forms to remain on the composing stone and go as time copy.

Any way it's something like that, but bhs you, it was perfectly simple. Twilight Theology. Our evening contemporary, the Press, of yesterday, says: Wo see by the tq gulch paper that the Rev. Fay Mill was last evening enlightening his con gregation on the Fall of Man." We lliink if the subject needs any further clearing up than it has already received, no better place for information on that particular subject exist in the world, than the bump on the comer of Main and I-e streets. Here every possible stylo of fall is illustrated, from the dignified tumble of the boiianji king to the grand and lofty tumbling of the drunken rounder.

Badly Hurt. Mrs. Clark, wife of Dr. J. J.

Clark, the Sherman street dentist, met with a painful accident yesterday morning. While passing up the basement stairs on the outside of the building to her sitting-room above, the ice and snow gathered on the steps caused her to slip and lose her foothold, precipitating her to the bottom, aud caining a severe fracture of one of her lower limbs, besides other injuries. A Novel Wager. A very funny wager was made between Mr. Goode and Mr.

Bennett last evening, as to their respective skill as bob eteerers. Hie match is $100, and will come off at Ingloidc hill at oiiO this afternoon. There is no foolishness about this match as tho money is up, and both gentlemen mean business. II. L.

Rawson canto in yesterday morning to get his weekly Pioneer, and as he did so, pulled out a large pocket-book and tivik from it a tiny half-sheet, saying: "Here is the first copy of the first paper ever published in the Black Hills." Suro enough an inspection showed it to be Vol. 1, No. 1, of the Black Hills Pioneer a five-column half-sheet. The contrast between it then and now was right strongly marked. The Plymouth Hand Made Buck Glove is the Boss Glove of the world.

Charles W. Slather, agent, opposite the Weutworth. nov22-tf T. K. Hireen's new billiard hall is a gem in every respect.

New tables, new cues, new everything, except old-fashioned courtesy and fair treatment. 100-tf Legal blanks of all kinds, fur Bale at the Pioneer office. tf Seal Story. Once upon a midnight, several fine seals strolled into Whitehead's. They were quickly pounced upon by the clerks and skinned, and made up into oh exquisite sets for sale cheap, cheaper, cheapest I Ed.

Whitehead. 145tf Go to Star Bullock's for building paper, tar paper and wall paiier. 117tf Zipp's for boots and shoes. 151 tf If you want a good bed when in Lead City, go to the Major House. Main street.

158-tt H. J. Clark, justice of the peace, is to be found over the post otnee, corner of Main and Wall streets. UDtf A Brilliant Affair at tho Rssldenoo of tho Commander of tho Post. Last Saturday evening one of the must brilliant gormans that ever en livened Fort Meade was given at the residence of Gen.

S. D. Sturgis, the commander of the post, to Miss Lizzie Sloan nd Robert Goode, of tit. Louis, and Mrs. Dixon and Paul Tracy, of Deadwood.

Tho affair was elegant in every respect, the general and his accomplished wife and daughter leaving nothing undone that could in any way contribute to the enjoyment of their guest. Tho music by the baud of the Seventh cavalry was superb, the floor was waxed and the ladies danced divinely. Robert Goode, of St. Louis, LED THE GERMAN with Miss Ella Sturgis, and tho unanimous declaration of tho party was that it was led with exquisite grace. The full-dress uniforms of the officers, with all their glory of tinsel and gilt lace.and the bright toilets of the ladies, made the scene a dazzling one.

At the close of the dancing, a vote as to who were tho most popular lady and gentleman present added a Imx of can dy to the possessions of MissJ Lizzie Sloan and a box of cigars to the wealth of Mr. Goode or perhaps it wa vice versa. Among tho PROMINENT Ol'ESTf), in addition to those in whose honor the entertainment was given were Colonel and Mrs. Benteen, Major and Mrs. Smith, Captain and Mrs.

Moylan, Captain and Mm. Jackson, Captain ami Mrs. Tolman, Captain and Mrs Calla-nan, Lieutenant and Mrs. Scott, Lieu tenant and Mrs. De Rudio, Lieutenant and Mrs.

Humbert, Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Fanshawe, Mrs.

Barrett, Mr. Allen, Dr. Irwin, Captain Ilsley, the Misses De Rudio, and Lieutenants Sickle, Wallace, Russell, McCormick, Pettit, Sturr, Fuller and Baldwin. "THE CANC How It Came to Break Up. Until about, three weeks ago "The Gang" consisted of about thirty members, who worked in harmony together.

When they worked a stranger, they di vided the results of their honest industry in equitable proportion. But those happy days arc, gone, the happy family is broken up and some of the older members MOt RNFl.l.l.V SHAKE THEIR IIBAH3 and apply the familiar scriptural quotation about a house divided against itself, when they think of the present niela clioly condition of aflitirs. This sad state of things cameulxiulovcr thedivy of frM), a paltry sum to break up such a useful and industrious organization. But it did, and now there are TWO PAITIONH, one with headquarters on City creek, the other and larger one with headquarters in Eliziibetlitown. But while they still work the old racket there is a feeling of existing between them, which has found vent in several bloody fights and shooting all'rays, and which will some day end in it squeal and a ride over the road for some of them.

At present THE Kl.lZAitKTHTOWN HASH seem to be prospering bettor than their City creek luetliien, or else they are paying more attention to business, and are therefore reapiug tho sweet fruits of industry. Sunday night a stranger in tho camp was roped into a gamo of red-and-nlitck and, by an unfortunate combination of circumstances, was so unlucky as to put the red when lie should have placed it on the black. This sad event cast a gloom over all who witnessed it, and a number kindly volunteered to help him win his lost wealth back, if he had any more to put up on the game. Unfortunately THE STIiANOER WAS which prevented one of the aublimest instance of self-sacrificing devotion ever witnessed in real life. Ijist night two parties were instructed in the enlivening game of three-card nionte, which probably the most wonderful evidence of human honesty ever practically illustrated.

The course of instruction consisted of A SINdI.E LESSON, and cost one of the pupil $18, the other fSi. An officer attempted to arrest one of the gang yesterday morning, but the presence of a revolver in close proximity to his head caused him to change his mind. Up to 2 o'clock uo new. developments were reported, which was doubtless owing to the lack of an opportunity. There will be a special meeting of te I.

O. O. F. at their hall this evening for work in the various degrees. Visiting brothers cordially invited.

T. 1). Kim-Aims, N. G. Zipp's for boot and shoes.

loltf NEW STAGE LIXE. The Deadwood, Rocliford and Custer stage, mail and express line have the road stocked with lour horse stock ami No. 1 Concord coaches from here to Rocliford mid Custer City, and are pre- Hired for passenger and express; will cave the Sidney oi Hlnck Hills stage otlice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 o'clock a. returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays und Saturdays; time, through in oiie day. Particular attention paid to freight' and express mutter.

Orders taken for goods', and goods Isnight and delivered along the line promptly ami at reasonable rates. For information apply to, lilitf M. Wilsik, Agent. U3lf Notice. All persons taking wator from the Black Hills Canal and Water company shall keep their own service and stop cocks and apnartitus in good repair and protected from frost at their own expense, and prevent all unnecessary waste of water.

And it is expressly stipulated by the company that no claim shall be made against them by reason of the breaking of any service cocks or service pipe. Joiis P. Beldixo, Superintendent. Deadwood, Dec. 1, 187a.

142 Folding-chairs, cosy chairs of the latest patterns, at Graves, Curtis A lWlf Tuesday, Dkcembeh 80, 1879. DIRECTORY. tlRI DKPABTllRrT. flM Ukraine la a list of th. placas wbafa bow tor ft.

wofIh.Fl D.uartn.utlaael Btnwl Tnbcr'. store. Main itreef, HO btt 0. B. Mm1 ttura, Mala 11 fu CMiotJ lralkUuia, ourMr of Plm aud Bbarna atnata, ISO twt At ail of 111.

abor. pUom th. inwgl plpM. pallia a4bdintk.ysoaiiba found. ncinwfwin post OfVIClB.

Tin Foal Offlu will h.raanr In opm dally, (Sundayi womudl from hhiu a. m. to 7( p. nr. Sundays, from Th.

tump and Sfistard LatUr window opra fro K.MIa Mon.old at mritrtF. PlMchM at th. School Houl 11 ft. M. and 7 p.

bl nn Sabbath. BMlInc Tliunnlay mola, I 7-30 lka BMtiwI lumwlllel attar morula Jiura WlllJAMS, A. J. WiuiriuD, pastors. cnmcH iuu.MiMflii.1.

'hl him Sorvice. at Deailwood, Praachlig Sunday at US) a. 01. aud Ml i. in.

Snuday School at 1 16 p. m. Prayer Mwlliuj and Ooii- braou. ThunJaj. at p.

m. IlilH Daadwooo iioure, no. a. sank and Odd r.llowi' Hall (when comil.ld) In reifu- fcv coainiuuicnUon, in. im aou 1 saeh luuuUi.

KUluugKmuiaiBooruMiH K. C. lusi, W. X. C.L.

i ll Ooldrn Star Lodge, No. meet, at Mnaonlc Hall, ni iuii'itv lv lu reuular communlt-a ton. 111. flrrt and tUird Tliumlay of sacn month Tlatuug or.ui.ra cotuouij A. 0.

Isoaus, W. M. J. aUfcnuixn, Secretary. 1.0.

0.F. r- i la. I. u. o.

F. una at Masonl and Odd r.lloW Hall (wli.0 completed) day evening at ciocb. Twitmt rirwi wi Hi Invited to rm-et with ua T. 1). aJiwaaua, si.

u. 1. P. KHB, Bwetary. KWTfillTS OF PYTHIAS.

at. No. K. of mcot lu ruffU at MaiMiilc and Odd hall (wliou completed I every Moiidtiy evmiiiig at o'Kxk. So journing- KnigliU COIlllrtliV WVllMliouiiw iui no.

D. K. Iiii-kkmw, Chancellor t'omuiuuder. tt. L.

Dkimos, Beeper of Keeord and Seal. MlKEtUT CNIOK CKNTBAL CITI. Lnrr oromcEal. Frnldent Jeff MtUernxilt. lce ProeWent Harry Voiiiiw.

KecordiuK Seeretary Kkliardl. Tnauturer John Ikill. Flnani-ial Secrelary Jonepll CtroD. WardenJohn Hill. Financial Committeo Harry Lemon, John 0 DavU and Uaiuou.

MINERS' CMOS MAP CTTT. enrr or omcHa. FrenHent-Pnlil' li o'Urady. Vlca Prwldenl Una. Beoording Secretary CheMm.

Financial Secrelary Kolmrt Fuhar. Treauirer Daniel Md ullum. Couduclor Peter 1 1ney. Warden Antune Silver. TniatM (1 Mi'lure.

John Cerriotia. Financial Commitloe Juniu. Parden, Kicliald injn- kin Wn Hwn Jtteeti Blondiiy evening, at Union Hall, at a o'clock. TERRITOnUL AND COUNTY OFFICERS. TrttRlTOUiaL.

Garrrnor Wm A Howard, erretaFy fieo II Hand. 1' i' sliHiiimn. Aawclate A Uarnea, Gl.loon Moody and Jeflemin Kidder. Unltrd Mate. Altorney Ilunh r.niilK!ll.

Vnited Slate. Matnlial John Kiiymoud. V. 8. Surveyor lieliend lleury r.torMli.

Delegate to Oongre-B tirauville Uennett. COUNTY. Commtaionem Sacket, Wm Jone. and Klchanl Klug. rtl.BrfT Tnhn Muniilna.

RKit4ter of Deed, aud CKnklo caunty Clrk Chai HeKlunw. Trawnrer Btbert Nell. JndKe of PnAto Ofenbacher. Ptatrict Attorney A lla-lia. Surveyor It Kello.

Coroner 11 Hunter. Aameur Ingrain. InMimrtlon Dowti Jnalicea of Hie I'aaoe II Clalk, Culunui, IKhuI- WiHKli II A Aldeu, (Vutral; A ltlnnehart. Irfu-l it; Blake, 8icarnli: t' Ali, Slurid.

t'ily; Mike Durv ABln A.J. Kltuilier. I'rook HV. ConirtaMeH U.nian. Ileailwonl: Wm.

Terhann, Ronth llemlwooil; Slower, entrul; Wui Amler- on, Oroiik; Burcu, Sturgte t'lty. TO PBIMKBS AND JOBIIKUS IS STATIONERY. The Pioseek and in now opening: the largest and best selected at.iek of prlniera' stationery ever brmurtit to the Hills, vilikh will be aold for cash at the very lowest pricia. Look 10 Letter Heads per ream 2 6 Note Head. 1 'i" Note Heads 1 HI 7 Pocket Note 1 14 Bill Heads, 1 Bill Heads, 4k" 1 14." Bill Heads.on 'o Euvelopes, from 11.75 to ta.23.

Flat cap aud Mi poat, per inuud, i. Olvc us a call. lTLAXKtt. The following legal and coiivej-anefngliUnlts an always on hand and for sale at the PioKEUt effice Venires, fiubprrnafl, execution, Kotes of Issue, Commitment, Powers of Attorney. Warranta of Attachment.

Warrants in Justice t-oun, auumions in Justice Com urt, ctCoi bunimons in District urt. jflninf Deeds, Location Cerrlflcatce, Quit Claim Deeda. Mortgage Deeds. Warranty Deeds, At the store of II. J.

Brendlinger, Lee Street, near Main, accessions are frequently made to the already larye and well assorted stock of plug, line-tut and smoking tobaccos, siuiU's, cigars, cigarettes," cigarette paper, cigar and cigarette holders, meerschaum, wood and fiincy pipes, rubber, cherry and weichscl pipe stems, horn, rubber and amber pipe mounts and bits, and a great variety of email wares pertaining to the tobacco and cigar business. Customers will find it to their advantage to examine this stock, as the prices are low, and each branch is thoroughly assorted, enabling buyers to be well aiid quickly suited, saving the annoyance and loss" of time canvassing the market. H. J. Brendlinger, Lev street, near Main, Deadwood, and corner Fifteenth and Blake street, Denver, 84dUm Potter Falmer, of the Palmer house, Chicago, Illinois, extends the hand of welcome to all Deadwood guests, for the period of one vear, at two-thirds the regular rates.

The Palmer house is the best hotel in Chicago. 118-tf Furs for a lady, Furs for a girl, Furs have we enough far all, Even so fur as furs fur a doll. lootf Ed. Whitehead. BLACK HILLS SALT, For sale, in any quantity, by HILDEBRAND HAKDING, Solo Agents, the trade supplied at 77 Main street and Stone Warehouse, Sherman street.

130-tt Public Notlo. Notice i hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Deadwood will be held at the banking house of said association, on the 13th day of January, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.

of aid day, for the purpose of electing a Board of directors for the ensuing year. Dated at Deadwood, D. Dec. 13, 1879. M.

C. Thum, 154-S0t Cashier. Now by ST. DENIS, I've got a superfluous stock of ladies', misses' and Soys' underwear, which I have determined to lessen regardless of actual jrorth the remainder of this year. 155 tf Ed.

Whitehead, At Biirnham's on Sherman street hy have received by express their toll atort of millinery Hats, flower uail fcailicrs of the latest style. if finely illustrated by a little incident that began about ten days ago. and closed yesterday. Jim Wardner wa looking after some one to stay on his ranch this winter, and mentioned the fact to hi brother Ed. Now here's where the blood part come in.

Ed, wa at once interested in hi brother's welfare, and it occurred to him that he knew the man for the place. He told him that ME KNEW THE VERY MA, straight a a string, sober and honest, and to clinch the whole thing he wound up by stating that he came from Mil waukee. Now, Ed. and Jim both came from that beery burg, and of course any one who came from there wa solid in their estimation. Here's where the clannishues appears, the man wa hired.

Jim furnished him with wagon, team, saddle and bridle, and grub enough to keep him all winter, Ho couldn't be small with a man from Milwaukee. Thus outfitted, the man left for the ranch, and this was THE LAST THAT WAS SEEN OF HIM. After week had elapsed Jim began to grow a little anxious, and finally took a trip out to the ranch, but found no one there. After rustling around, he filially found out that his honest, sober man had driven to Crook City, where he sold the whole lot, and then got drunk and spent all the money. Hero was where the cl tmiishncss disappeared.

Yesterday ho went down there and recovered hi property, but was una ble to find his brother's protege. Ho has undoubtedly gone back to Milwau kee. A Non Est Man. A ranchman named D. H.

Scott, liv ing on False Bottom, sold his ranch few days ago and disappeared yesterday. His friends are searching for his body, which they expect to find on tb Sidney coach at Red Cloud this even ing. The anxious solicitude of those ho are searching for his remains arises from the fact that there is quite a bit of wealth belonging to them that tho re mains forgot to call and leave bo- fore leaving. Wedded. Mr.

AIHgon and Miss Erickon wero married by Justice Column last Sunday evening at Mrs. Sablcr's residence Mr. Alligoii is keeping the matter fron a few of his intimate friends for the lime being, and if any one gives lntn away there will he trouble, that's all. The Pioneer only publishes the wedding us an item of news, but insists that it is not in collusion with Alligon's friends. The Sioux City says: A Black Hills freighter, who had left his bull train at Pierre while be came down to this city to spend the holidays, allowed his kindnes of heart to lead him into a serious mistake A lady walking just before him had put on her short suck over the broad red ribbons which bung d-ctn from her hat.

The pendant end- of these rihlxui below the sack caught the pitying eye of the bulhv'iaeker, and stepping up behind the lady be touched her on the idiouldcr and said in his blandest tone, "Excuse me ina'in, but your suspender is busted and liangiii' down." He could not understand why she looked so mad. Our sprightly little neighbor, the Evening News, is going to commence, with the first day of the opening year, the issuing of a weekly edition. We congratulate the proprietors on the success which has thus far attended their labors, and we congratulate our region on this valuable addition to its facilities for spreading abroad the fame of it ex-haustles resources. Hotel Arrivals. The follow ing were among the arri- vals at the hotel yesterday WENTWOltTIt HOl'SE.

C. A. Flingwood, V. Sample, Sidney; R. ligan.

Moundsville, W. John Redda, Hitgel Green, Evan Evans, Rocliford; F. S. Wood, W.Ward, Frank Kelly, Whitcwood; Fred Daw-ham, Sturgis City: W. J.

Underwood, Ft. Meade; J. E. Cook, W. E.

Cook, 1). S. Sathein, Speurtisii; John F. Sevescy, W. Marr, Nebraska.

HILARY HOTEL. A. C. Marshmitn, G. II.

Hewitt, Henry O'Connor, Lead City; John Hunter, E. O. Dickey, Crook City; R. Buchaie, Boulder Park; John Skid-more, Blue River, Geo. Bushman, Rocliford; A.

M. Morse, Big Spring; T. D. Hale, Hale's ranch; R. Kelly, Ayer, Speartish.

merchants' hotel. George C. Cook. Galena; Col. Wel-sler, J.

and D. Goldberg, P. Koenigsber-ger and brother, Welch, city; W. L. Sackctt.

Lead City; Mrs. Johnson and two children, Pennsylvania; M. Lynch, John Aikman, Spearlish; T. Smith, Golden Gate; Den. Howe, Ella Howe, T.

Jell'erson, Mile. Umise, Vernie Vernon, Mamie Warren, lnei Sexton, Trixy Vernon, Oscar Willis, Chicago. NOTICE. Attention, Contractors. Sealed bid for the erection of tho Minora' Union hall, at, ljead City, will lie received until December S9, 12 in.

Contractors to furnish all material. Dimension of building, two stories high, frame. Tluns and specifications of the building can be swn at the office of W. A. Rinehart, Lead City, D.

T. The trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address liox lol, Lead City, D. T. ltil-5t The Word "Soxodont," which ha already become a household word, is derived from the irec and conioscd of two words, Soro and Odontes.

"Soio" translated, mean to preserve, and "Odontes" the teeth "Sowdont" a preserver of the teeth-And it is true to its name. It beautifies and preserves the teeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, and corrects all impurities of the breath. The odor of this pure preparation is so delightful that it is a luxury to apply it. It is a harmless as water. Bold by druggist and perfumer.

lol dcodiwUn HIGH AIRI'STT Main Street Near Lee, Ml the Celebrated t'UVTKK ami 1'KOTKCTlON t'KJAIiS. Upper Main Otreet, I respectfully call the attention of customers and the public generally, to tho largest and most elegant assort ment of TOYS, Ever Exhibited In Deadwood, being'ex-pressly imported for Ladle and MlssfV Hosiery, Italbrigan mid Fancy Cashmere Hose. Lit dies' and MIhspk Merino Under-wenr. Children's Merino Union Dresses. Ladles' and Misses' Woolen Knitted Ulsters, Leggings, Hoods, Etc.

DRY GOODS Of Bfery DcrlptiB, Is, fS QUILTS Of Many Styles and Qualities. DAMASK TABLE LINENS, TOWELS Napkins and Table-Covers In nil sttyloM nndVarletlesj And avaoj Ikawaadj af FancyArticles AT Upper Main 8treet. Eon Presents rain GOTTSTEIN l)tf FRANKLIN I DOMESTIC Wholesale Liquor Dealers, An low Ir 'VflclJ tgaio ulth onaof THE LARGEST STOCK! Ever camo to this Territory. Xitivitlitanding the heavy loss we had ia the big fire, we will sell our Gwid Lower Than Ever! To regain our Custom. We have now a complete stock of everything in our line.

Parties in the trade will find it to their advantage to come and' nee us, as a dollar saved is two earned. yours, G0TTSTK1N A FRAXKMN. Ben Baer, A.n dk.vlku is KENTUCKY WHISKIES, Brandies, Grins, FORKIOX AND WINKS A. 2SJ" CIGARS. St.

Louis and Milwaukee F.xport Beor. MAIX STREET, DAKOTA, D. T. Fast Freisrht Contracted. Special Attention Circn to express matter.

This Is is the most popular of all mule out of the Hills, becauss it is the shortest aud best. Fastest time, fimtest horses, mt comfortable Coaches. First-olass Meal. Thi if the Route for 1 Louis, KansasCily, Montana, LakeSoperior aud Europe. rtnt-rlaas cwttaaa, ranjlna rtaom Esrrraa matttc an Mill oVInek.

r-aaa-Mwa arrlT. at Hlwiaura on th. wend monung an ara laiawrtlatMjr nnarna Pariiu- train. hl-h run thrmiith tu Clikav In nnur. aiui to St.

Mn oaljr atw oftaaft. nttw Uirauirli uan and 10 hoar. Iai ajra rid. thaa any ulnar touta. ar, Kipcrteacad nwawngwi wit jijj at'liiadroulV T.

OitoBint Oflka: Clar Htnwt, nndar Sharmaa Uoiua. Th. sidn. rout. lltil or ao trawl, atala ar Irala, "Tl MrrA a.

a (rrlghtin, way. lit Wra.Ta roai ia urn I an ratiJ rl to Bilav "-iMoMolua Nll.Diim,l l. llV..

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