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People's Party Advocate from Ashland, Alabama • 4

Ashland, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1, sssa' r.r?.:';':- V. MR J.

R. SOVEREIGN THE SILVER PARTY. tnvn Emm man. They are always very solicitous for the poor man and his interests. And the more solicitous they are the poorer the poor man gets.

Take off your hat and shout for the gold dollar, bank notes, rags, slave" and crime. ADSOLUTELV PURE be antra to the best Interests of the organised workers of this country, who bars honored me with the position of their executive head, If I did not urge the readers of your valuable paper, and the reform forces of this country everywhere, to meet this soulless moloch of monarchy and greed with all possible opposition compatible with the obligations of American citizenship. Mo time must be lost The campaign of 1896 has been opened by the money power and the corporations early In 1895, and there is not an act of cunning, nor a crime known to disreputable conspiracy, that they will not resort to, to accomplish their ends. They will deceive, buy, bribe, bulldoze and intimidate, whenever and wherever their pernicious designs can be advanced by so doing. Let reformers everywhere awake to the responsibilities of the hour.

Let every advocate of the people's interests, available for campaign service, take the rostrum at once, and meet this vulture-hearted enemy in its own field. To the end that I may contribute my humble efforts to the cause of humanity, I desire to tender my services in the field where (he fight is hottest. I have decided to make a lecture tour ot the southwest, passing through Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas to the Gulf. Those desiring to arrange public meetings for me will please make applications at an early date. The route will not be changed after dates are given and appointments announced.

On my return through the south I will pass through Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota, and will IE SEA PLANTS TREES. How Old Ooean Transports tha Germs of Future Forests. By far the greater part of the tree seeds which germinate fall directly to the ground, and spring up near the spot where they grew. Many seeds, however, are carried long distances by birds, squirrels and other animals, while some are borne on tho win often for many miles, and are thus spread rapidly into regions where they never existed before. Such examples are familiar to all who have kept their eyes open and observed what was going on around them.

But it is not generally known, perhaps, what an important part the sea plays in carrying and planting seeds. It is in the tropics, where the sun pours down a flood of light and heat throughout the entire year, where vegetation grows nffchecked at a time when the temperate regions are wrapped in winter, that any careful observer may watch at any time the process by which the ocean plants forests. Says a traveler: I have seen in small bays and sheltered coves among the West Indies thousands of bushels of tropical seeds of every size and form imaginable from little things not half so large as a kernel of wheat up to a great cocoanut "In many places they cover acres of surface in the water, or are piled up in regular ricks along the shore. "In must parts of the tropics there are one or more rainy seasons in the year, during which, often in a very short time, an immense amount of water falls, which carries vast quantities of seeds into the streams, and so into the sea. Sometimes the forests reach to the shore, and the fruits that grow on them drop directly into the water.

"Some of these, such as mangrove and the Avicennia, germinate before leaving the tree, and are ready to begin life in the capacity of young plants as soon as they find a suitable place In which to grow in. Daring storms the tide sweeps over large areas of low land, bearing out an immense amount of loose material. Elsewhere the sea is constantly encroaching upon the land, carrying away quantities of trees and undergrowth. "On the east coast ot Honduras I have seen acres of forest toppling over into the sea, where the shore was being carried away by waves and currents. "Prof.

Agasslz estimated that from the mouth of the Amazon River to the northern part of South America a strip of land not less than 800 miles in width had been washed away by the Gulf Stream since the present species of plants have existed. "Thrown thus upon the bosom of the sea, these little wanderers start out on their journey for unknown shores. It may be for days, months, or years, alone or in great dri ts, perhaps to be stranded on a cold, inhospitable coast to perish, or to land on some bright tropical beach to fin a home as warm and sunny as the one they left, or, possibly, to return again after a lapse of time. "Little is known of the length of time the germs of seed will live in the ocean. I have seen cocoanuts floating about along tropical beaches with roots a foot and a half long, and leaves fully twice that length, ready to grow as soon as they were thrown upon the land, and apparently in the most perfect vigor.

"Young mangroves will live on the sea for a whole year. Perhaps the storm that throws them on the shore sweeps them far in over lowland before it deposits them, other great breakers roll in and cover thorn with sand and mud, or they may land in the forest, and thus be screened from the rays of the sun. In a few years a colony is established, planted by the hand of the sea, and matured in the lap of the earth. "On the island of Trinidad there is a splendid extending for fourteen miles along the beach, which has grown from a shipwrecked cargo of cocoanuts." Open the Safety Valve When there is too big a head of steam on. or you'll be in danger.

Similarly, when that important safety valve or the Systom, the bowels, becomes obstructed, open it promptly with Hogtetter's Stomach Bitters, and guard against the consequences of its closure. Biliousness, dyspepsia, malarial, rheumatic and kidney complaint, nervousness and neuralgia are all subjugated by this pleasant but potent conqueror of disease. Mohair costumes imported from Faqiiiu have short, jaunty jackets trimmed with small, dull gilt buttons and straight bands of the mohair, less than an inch in width. Modistes are using large quantities of Dresden ribbons for dress trimmings. WRITES AND SOUNDS THE NOTE OP WARNING.

til rower at th Back of tha Shylocks W1U PtUbwd to Carry tha 'Meo-tlotu la 1806 FopnlUto Host Ba Up nd (Southern Mercury.) The following letter from Master Workman Sovereign should be read by everyone. It Is a note of warning that it would be well for the people to heed before the chains of slavery are forged upon them: A few days ago the gold bugs of Wall street, through the leading gold basis club of New York City, a club whose membership comprises more than 3,000 of the millionaires of this nation, announced through the columns of the corporate press that they now control the editorial columns of 1.000 of the principal newspapers of this country, and that they have closed contracts with the leading stereotype plate and ready-print houses, through which they are enabled to permeate tha country press with the single gold standard doctrine, vulgarly called "sound money." 1 This club, which calls Itself what it is not, "The Reform Club," has thrown off its mask, and, after announcing that it has been working secretly for many months, declares that not only the metropolitan press of the country is at their command, and that they have untold millions with which to carry the elections for the privileged classes in 1896, but they openly boast that every influential, federal officer will be brought Into service to write letters to personal acquaintances and friendly newspapers in the interests of the gold barons, and that all public speakers friendly to the Wall street policy and the present administration will enter the public rostrum for the purpose, if possible, of defeating the candidates of the people. In its issue of April 23, the Philadelphia Times, the recognized organ of Cleveland and the plutocratic classes of the east, editorially says: "There are two Issues that will be paramount in the great national contest of 1896, and all other questions will be merely incidental. They are: First, an absolutely sound financial system, that will maintain public and private credit, and a currency that will command confidence at home and throughout the civilized world. Secorid, the maintenance of law and order, and the protection of person and property, by all the powers of government There are just two issues for the people to determine in the battle of 1896.

Whether the new president shall be Republican or of little moment, but it is of moment that we shall have honest money and honest obedience to the majesty of the law, and the protection of person and property." The kind of money mentioned by the Times means gold and national bank notes, and nothing else. And the obedience to law and order demanded, means gatllng gun government, and, if need be, a military campaign, to overawe and intimidate the people into a willful submission to the mandates of foreign bondholders and American shylocks. It means that In the name of law and order, compulsion and military coercion will be employed to subjugate the masses to the will of the arrogant military robbers. It can mean nothing else. For nowhere in this country is there any organized resistance to the maintenance of law and order, and we already have an ample constabulary and judiciary in every town and hamlet, to prosecute and punish individual violaters of the law, and to protect the innocent.

But, in connection with the perpetuation of the gold basis theory of money, which, more than all else, has contributed to rob labor, and concentrate the wealth of the many into the hands of the few, it is declared that the importance of maintaining law and order in this country is of such supreme moment that it makes iiitle or no difference whether a Democrat or a Republican is elected president In 1896, if he is sound on the two issues mentioned. It is not an infraction of the law, or a disturbance of the peace, that they fear; but that the people will rise, en masse, and throw off the yoke of bondage that has made them subservient to the dominations and exactions of an. oligarchy of wealth. The law and order they want to preserve is the law and order that Issues interest-bearing bonds in violation of the constitution, and buys gold with the hard earnings of the people, to appease the insatiate greed of aristocratic money kings. They wish to preserve the law and order that is sues despotic and tyrannical injunc tlons to restrain the working people from securing their natural rights, and a just remuneration for their labor.

They want a law and order that protects the corporations and the money kings In their power to rob indus try, cover the homes of the peoplo with mortgages, reduce wages to star vation rates and pervert anti-trust and inter-state commerce laws, to arrest and imprison every person who dares resist their robber rules. They want a law and order that will exalt public criminals, protect mercenary capital, and enthrone every conceivable form of private monopoly that in-, tests the country, with the black plague of wage slavery and industrial death. For this kind of a law they want a president who will not hesitate to place the gatllng guns and bayonets of the government between the people and tne freedom and inalienable rights vouchsafed by the declaration of lnde pendence and the constitution of the After carefully studying all the re cent movements on the chess board of American politics, I feel that I would MAY DRAW VOTES FROM THE PLUTOCRATIC PARTIES And Thai Aid the Fopnilsts In Capturing the Presidency People's Party Men Advised to Stand Firm by the Omaha Platform. Because the new Sliver party favors some of the principles embodied in the Omaha platform we feel a kindly interest in its success, to the extent of all recruits that it may get from either of the two did parties. But we deem it only proper to point out to Populists that if Its mission is to absorb the People's party also, the cause of reform will be set back for years.

We are willing to admit, in fact the People's party 'has always maintained, that the financial question is the paramount issue. But we are not willing to admit that It Is the sole issue. We are opposed to any fuslos, alliance, contract or bargain, that will have a tendency to weaken and disband the organization of the People's party. The writer of this article lives in a district (in the South) represented in congress by a Democrat That Deui.icrat fills the bill so far as ganged by the platform adopted by the new Silvcr party that is he favors free silver on the same terms the new party does, is opposed to national banks, favors the government Issue of money, and is opposed to the issue of bonds. If the People's party is to adopt the suggestions of some of its leaders, and join hands with the new party on that platform, what is the use to put up another candidate in this district advocating the same thing this Democratic candidate will? The logical result in this and many southern districts would be a total disintegration of the People's party and its absorption by the Democratic.

Call it a single plank platform or what you please, it is very unfortunate that the suggestion has been made that we make the fight on the platform of another party, and even to support a candidate In whom the people no part in placing In the field. The platform is very good as far as it goes. So far as we know Mr. Sibley 1e a very good man, and if we were going to vote for any other man than a straight out Populist we would lik vote for him. But we did not join the People's party for "three years," or for any stated time.

We expect to remain in it during its "life or good behavior." Whenever it begins to trim and bargain and traffic like the two old parties, we will leave it. In the campaign of 1896 the Southern Democrats will occupy about the same grounds now occupied by the free silver party. We are not going to assist in giving the Democratic party another "chance." We see no good reason for putting a man up that covers no more ground than the Democratic candidate will cover and calling him by another name. So we will stick to the People's party, fight under its flag and for its principles, and if the people ever do save this country by peaceable methods, they will rally around our banners, and save it through the People's party. It is their only hope.

The new party is a makeshift It is a cowardly excuse for ignorance, which is as unjustifiable as it is demoralizing. The transportation and land planks of our platform are as well understood by the masses as the currency question, and if the silver men have not taken time to inform themselves on these questions, they should hot be allowed to become stumbling blocks in the way of people that have. Besides the silver people are making the silver question the main issue in spite of 'their protestations to the contiary. Nine-tenths of their literature is devoted to free silver, when the main feature of the currency question is not what the money shall be made of, but who shall Issue it The sil'er people subordinate this question and all others to the one for free coinage of Bilvcr. For these and various other reasons we think the People's party should hold its organization intact, abandon none ot its hard earned advantages, but press the fight wherever it can be done to the best advantage.

W. S. MORGAN. Suppose. Suppose all the gold obligations now due against the United States should be presented at one time, could the government pay them? Suppose that all depositors should call at the banks at the same time for their deposits, could the banks pay them? Suppose all the bank notes were presented for redemption at the same time, could the banks pay them? If not why call it an honest money system? It is safe only in the event that payment is not asked.

Any kind of government money is safe that way. All this howl about "sound currency" is a fraud. The government could not redeem Its obligations if it was asked to do so. Neither could the banks. The whole business rests on confidence.

The banks are good If you do not ask them to do what they promise to do. The government paper is good as long as you do not present it for redemption. You must have confidence. Tou must be willing to pay the banks Interest on what they owe you. When you borrow money of them you must give them abundant security.

When you deposit money With them they give you no security. It is the "best banking system in world." Tou must throw up your hat and shout for the gold dollar and bank notes. This Is "sound It Is all In favor ot the pom man, yon know. That is the reason the bank- era want It so as to help the Not a Christian Nation. A radical and unadulterated gospel knocks on the head a lot of unmeaning talk about Christian nations.

There Is not a Christian nation In the world today. A Christian nation would be a nation composed wholly or chiefly of Christian persons. Where is there such a nation? We sometimes hear men talking about England and America sending rum and ruin' to other countries, and then winding up with, "and these are Christian, nations." Fiddlesticks! Because a nation formally recognizes the Bible, does that make it Christian? Not at all. England a Christian nation! Germany a Christian nation! America a Christian nation! They are flooded with drink of hell's own brewing; they are reeking with iniquity; they are crimson with blood; and men dare to call them Christian nations. Could a Christian nation pour distilled damnation down its throat? Could it legalize prostitution? Could it fill the high seas with ships of war? Could it keep men armed to the teeth? Could it spend a thousand times more for drink, tobacco and harmful luxuries than for sending the gospel to the heathen for whom Christ died? Of all the bitter delusions that ever filled men's minds, this is the worst.

There is not such a thing as a Christian nation on tho face of the earth. There are some nations that have a measure of civilization, and for this we thank God, But such a thing as a Christian nation does not exist. Ram's Horn. As a Beginning Let the United States own a trunk line from New York to San Francisco and it would "control" all transcontinental lines. That is all we ask for the present.

This much accomplished, and we can well afford to await the course of railway events. The same may be said of the trunk line from those two cities via Chicago to New Or-leans, and one to Boston. The railway question would be practically settled. The government would have railways to buy in advance. To buy the total railway mileage of the United States at once was never proposed by any intelligent advocate of governmental ownership of railways.

In buying those railways every dollar they are worth should be paid the present owners. We desire no spoliation. We oppose the robbery of the many by the few. We oppose the robbery of the few by the many. Rockefeller robbed the American people of from twenty to seventy millions a week or two ago.

For doing that we called bim a freebooter. The same conduct on the part of the government would be equally as reprehensible. We ask for a civilization which will deal justly by all men, and the rich man is included In this statement as well as the poor man. Justice is even handed. It is every man's duty to demand it.

Progressive Age. The Bight Kind of Money. We hold to the opinion so often expressed, that this country can never be permanently prosperous while its money circulation is limited, and the little that there is, under the control of the money mongers of the country. The only safe money of a people is that which the people create themselves and decree they will use. As long as they have confidence in themselves, and as long as they themselves use their own money and are satisfied with it, the other nations of the earth will respect it in proportion to their respect for the commercial strength, and their confidence In the moral unrightness, of the nation.

Money should be only medium of exchange. It should have no intrinsic value, because then it becomes subject to the eternal law of supply and demand, and my vary accordingly. Furthermore, when a commodity, under our present system, it may be corralled, controlled and cornered by a few men and made abnormally scarce or dear. This age demands a money for tho sons and daughters of men, not a money for the few who may use it for the impoverishment and enslavement of the many. Progressive Age.

One Reason. One reason why the supreme court did not sustain the income tax may be found in the fact that under it William Waldorf Astor would have to pay a tax of Jotin D. Rockefeller, Russell Sage, about jay Gould's estate, Cornelius Vanderbilt, W. H. Vanderbllt, Henry W.

Flagler, William Rockefeller, John Jacob Astor, Moses Taylor, Hettie Green, $30,000. A total ot $905,000 taxes from eleven individuals in one state! Now you can see how the court reversed the former decision. People's Party Paper. The appreciation in the purchasing' power ot has doubled the valuo of Shylocks' cash, bonds and notes. This Is equivalent to transferring the property from the debtor to the creditor without rendering an equivalent In other words, speaking from' a moral standpoint It is stealing, and in God's sight the men who are responsible for it are thieves.

You can't make a thing right by passing a law to keep a man out of prison tor doing it The power that controls the currency controls prices. This Is why the banks are In the field to strike down silver and" any other kind of money issued by the government but gold. They want the power to issue bank cotes.whlch will give them full control or the business of the -country. FOR THE YOU NQ FOLKS. THE WAY IT HAPPKHED.

Said Toddleklns to Waddleklns, Avery homely pup, "See, there's a sleeping pussy cat, Suppose we eat her up. They ne'er had seen the like, I ween; But then they thought, you see, That such a soft and sleepy thing No fearful foe could be. But something strange, an awful change Came o'er that furry ball And what it was that happened next They never knew at all. A 1 how they flew, those noble two, That most heroic, pair. Said Toddlekins to Waddleklns: "It must have been a bearl" Tobacco Weakened Resolutions.

Nerves irritated by tobacco, always orav-lng for stimulants, explains why it Is so hard to swear off. No-To-Bao is the only guaranteed tobacco habit cure because it acts directly on affected nerve centers, destroys irritation, promotes digestion and healthy, refreshing sleep. Many gain 10 pounds in 10 days. You run no risk. No-To-Bao Is sold and guaranteed by Druggists everywhere.

Book free. Ad. Sterling fiemedy New York City, Chicago. The latest sleeves from Paris, while large and full, in a style very appropriate for light summer textiles, and free from the ruinous crushing effect of heavy wraps put on above them, are reducing somewhat their ridiculous proportions to more nor-mal lines. Miss Brown of Dalton.

By the simple Wine of Cardui Treatment of Female Diseases, thousands of afflicted women are restored to health every year. It corrects the menstrual irregularities from which nearly all women suffer, and Is being universally used for that purpose now. Ask your druggist for McElree Wine of Cardui. Speaking of this class of women diseases, Miss Laura P. Brown, of Dalton, says: "I have been suffering from exoesslve menses for two years, constantly getting worse, and I feel that McElree's Wine of Cardui has saved my life.

I looked forward to each month and thought I could not endure such misery another time. I can't express my gratitude for the wonderful relief." su At Victoria Docks, London, storerooms for 250,000 carcasses of beef' have provided. Always Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bad Breath, Debility, Sour Stomach, Want of Appetite, Distress After Eating, and all evils arising from a weak or disordered stomach. It builds op from the first dose, and a bottle or two will cuts the worst oases, and insure a good appetite, exoel lent digestion and result in vigorous health and buoyancy of spirits. There Is no better way to insure (tooa health and a long life than to keep the stomach rUht.

Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy is guaranteed to do this. The Tranqoilizing After-Dinner Drink. For sale by Druggists. Manufactured by C. O.

Tyner, Atlanta. Grass-cloth costumes in ecru or pale flax color are elaborately trimmed with em-broidercd grass-cloth bands and edgings. A feature of these suits is the immense sailor collar bordered with a very wide band of the eyelet-hole embroidery. Many of the imported jackets of light covert cloth have white cloth vests and re-vers. A few show Louis XIV waistcoats of brilliant cerise red cloth.

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It regulates and promotes all the womanly functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. VICKSBURG IRON WORKS, P. J. Foley, Proprietor. BOILERS, BREECHES AN1 STACKS Made to order.

Boiler-niaVer or machinist 6ent out to repair Boiltrs, Entfnes and Gin House Machinery. All hints of Blacksmith Work done, lrom a neeuia to an anchor. I have adaed a FOUNDK to my machine shop department, and am now prepared to erect and put up machinery in any plant. Country worit solicited. We deal in all kinds Valves, lrnmrc Shattiu', PacMnir, Bolts and Engineers' Supplies.

Send in your orders now and havo your work done be-tore the rush. New aud Second-hand Machinery always on hand. 204, 206, 208 N. IHTJLBEKRY STREET. "SELF-TRAMPIHG" COTTON PRESS th hoi- Raairabuti6 tovfc lb, iwa SW to SJ bilei Hit.

Very ttront. iimp-i. Ut lrr n.omitfd ud art monntPd, Stt hntd. "Prre tetnra1 Iron, Foundry, iltrA Mackinhnp- Ad-bolaMann actarera, BoxB, rktin, Mia VV N. and fortm-mnV' L.

Pk.tnh. 4 fl KALl WORKS. Naa0 Street, Kew York. I'll mf, "wwua in give all time possible to rostrum work in other states. Please address me at Des Moines, Iowa, lock box 585.


POPULIST WISDOM. AU Hie People'a Interests Centered in the Omaha Platform. If the People's party should allow Itself to be diverted from the principles which gave it birth by the free coinage of silver issue, it would as certainly go to ruin, as that disorder and chaos follow upon utter confusion of thought and purpose. If the People's party is wise it will concentrate its energy and enthusiasm upon an un equivocal anti-monopoly platform. The condition of public mind will make it necessary to declare for free silver, but nothing more as a specific measure is necessary.

The proposition of Judge Welsh which we submitted last week. that the nation, state or municipality granting charters to monopolies should have the right under law to retake the franchise for the people, would be popular, and in accordance with the genius of the party. This would be enough. It is none too much. Upon such a platform the People's party would hold its forces admirably.

Should It yield to the syren voice of the silver men its identity as a political organization would vanish. The anti-monopoly declaration, made fundamental, would warrant the same fight against monop oly as heretofore conducted under the leadership of the People's party. It would be even better, for It would give full and perfect liberty to its adherents to attack any monopoly or all mo nopolies. It would complete the demolition of the Prohibition party and check the growth in numbers of the Socialistic Labor party. Such a reform- platform would attract the reformers in the old political parties, and would keep a clear cut identity for the organization.

No greater peril ever confronted a political organization than now confronts the People's party. It needs now more than ever firm leaders in all portions of the union. Should this attempt to break up the People's party succeed the hand upon the dial plate will be turned back a decade or more. We have, looked with suspicion upon this silver issue from the beginning. It is inadequate to the formation of a political party.

The recent attempt to form a party failed utterly. The processes of propagandlsm were then resorted to, and we think this latter will be the salvation of the reform movement. The silver issue will have run its course before the national conventions will be held. It will, we hope, be returned to its proper place before that time. This one thing is certain, that the silver Issue bodes 111 to both the People's party and the Democracy.

No great events pregnant with good to humanity can cluster about a mere measure. Should either of these two parties be able to carry the country next year on this issue, that party would be crippled by lack of a policy based upon principles and in two years the wreckage of a foundation-less structure would strew the shores of time. We charge the leaders of the reformers with the responsibility of carefully mapping out the path for their followers. Great events are near us. Prepare ye the way.

Progressive Age. Insolvency oT the Bank. While the national bankers and chambers of commerce are figuring on Uncle Sam's inability to float his financial system without foreign Intervention, they could relieve the situation of embarrassment if the bankers would explain to the people how they manage to survive. The report ot the secretary of the treasury October 2, 1894, gives the amount of money in existence in the United States, ouside of the treasury, as 11,672,093,422. Amount owed by bankers to depositors Amount cash on hand It a demand was made they could pay only 23 per cent of the deposits.

The Morehead Dally News thinks It the average citizen will allow his mind to ruminate upon these figures he will conclude that the whole gamut ot banks Is insolvent People's Party Paper. The free coinage Democrats are like ly to spilt on the question of ratio. Exhausted Soils are made to produce larp-er use of Fertilizers rich in Write for our "Farmers' Guide." a i4-page illustrated book, 'it bnm full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent fice, and will make and save, you money. Address A 1 GERMAN.

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