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The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama • 5

Montgomery, Alabama
Issue Date:
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ir "A 0 rArBB." ressss'al. MHtiw.vsHKWM ri Willi fll Aaeiaar turrit Ui 1. ease aa4 Ureal lLM' 0 W.Uirartt of' Shrfflali, Is ths Eiehange. iVERMLIFE, JtftTAI IT II IN AND AROUND THE CROWDED CITY. Mr.

W. N. Morton, of OxforJ, at A torso mnJl at of PafrwairetJ of PatrwVi tne uaera uuuss Mt night by US same ins Windsor yesterday. Msi. Duoklio, of OreeovUIr, registered at the Exobange.

oompany, waarvJew ooaoges. lion rendered it sor sfully at the thea 56w Ji j6ir opportunity to get a nne custom suit at $25.00, $291.00" and $3.66 Which in Just half price for them. tVe still hare about seYentj-flye choice patterns left (of those goods sent to us on consignment), but wilt Only hare them on talo until next Saturday, when they must be ref3ed. Avail yourself of, this opportunity to get a suit made to order for the Jprice of a ready-made one Hon. 0.

R. Farnham, of Evergreen, Is tre sops wef Boot. The aadisace Bit meked tip grs sat There ljr Adrertlasr Meserters. atwumug iae supreme uourt. Hon.

B. F. Llgan, of Tuskegte, Is la the olty oa business before the Supreme Court. was targs -Hnppreciatlva and ap plauwaasfrsV-at. It is needless to say that the nshauagn of the alar was altogether a suosM aod In uMfpolnts showed aa Imprsrepuol levso oa the former excellent presentation.

The oast Mr. J. a Rlohardson, of Greenville, spent yesterasy among bis jrlenas in Tbe weather of the part few dys hai ant the wood wagons and coal carts on 8ce advertisement of the Montgom muuigumory. was ssiouows: ft i PrMMrflouramiiisB IMIfaer adnlnh CoL D. Chlpley, of Pensacole, well of (atfiw anown in railroad circles, spent yester day In the city.

ery uuy unra, or, Education for inwHuiMi'n uti u. Mflg UrlumMO'M (usSed proprleto- tad iiiurUti) IL 0. Polk ADutoi.Tbii lore with mbT Judge J. M. Chilton, of Opehks, Is attending ths Supreme Ojurt, aodl stop- HOT DCICIUK.

The Montgomery Jroisfor Company Sleet All PsusMsiKer Trail rati sVaMTOrs Fakeaf Bate piug anuie jsxooaogs' Tke Death tke Late St. tf. narrla, jv i)r. K. Kirk frail Swatt yjapssas Krrut Pro.

WHS MmltnotMll ZxwOt (kltisrlo BrUT Congressman Thomas W. Sadler anywhere in the eitr. 'tor carriages are Not, 1. 8, sad 7 passed through the city last night on Auburn, Ala, Jan. 6, 1880.

To ths Editor of the Advkbtisir: bonum ought to be. gooq vtkieaw ana goon anvers. injaobtt Bits KmuI tha nis way to aanington. Mesrra. F.

M. Dunbar and E. F. Rob MadaaM Uupoal (llouitkMpsr of it of Our Drny Llae will deliver freight sxpedUIouaW Leave orders at Exchange avttdOAcIsai alM Paul a Haaimat ert, reached the city last night aod are the motto of every one that writes for ra-mataaldloLouly) A.UKtn to tlM SMuuott da la UiMwral me press, jsspeoiauy ought tneaeau, who cannot speak for tnemselves, be stopping at me jsxenange, Mr. D.

A. Green, of Opellks, passed through ths olty yesterday on his wsy to Opellks to attend law school. given the benedt of doubt in matters In volving tneir character. In my despatch concerning the death MSWili. Albert Ooodm Louisa ft la UnrUiia I.

Brwwo It Is unnecessary to particularise the merits of the aevstsl participants, but special menttoa testae Mid A. (I jod wyn for her charmingly natural asUng of Mr. O'Neal and Miss JuUa O'Neal re turned with the Governor from Flor ence. They are at the Exchange. Hon.

Wm. G. Oates and wife of AbbC' villa, and Miss Clara Toney, of Eufaula, reached the city last night and sre registered at he Exchange. Mr. Oates iqb pan 91 "rannaara uius nuia servant.

She has Inherited she talents of her mother and will make a reputation no less brilliant and enduring. The receipts at the dosr were 9105, and as a number of tickets were soM bv D. FLEMINGr Cisfffit. will remain In the city several days to of Itav. Robert U.

Uarris I prudently stated that it was not known whether the fatal shot was tbe result of accident or desigo, though at the time the dispatch was written it was generally believed that tbe uofortunato gentleman bad commltud tulolde. But Irom other sources, aud through other newspapers, the positive statement that Mr. Harris had purposely taken his own life, gained wide publicity. All the evidence subsequently developed contradicts the theory of suicide, and in Justice to tbe bereaved as well as ihe dead, I beg space in your excellent paper to state attend to some legal business in the Su outsids parties, the gross sum win be preme uourr. THE OlioloesBtthsiM htfltvt AttxMm eonsiaerauiy larger.

For the 9 ro-morrow morning me company leave for Mobile, where they present Messrs. J. II. Service, R. Hubbard, and W.

H. McDantel, accompanied by their wlve, and all of New Carlisle, are at tbe Windsor and will re the same play on Thursday Light. Of course In strange citlea amateurs have main in the city several dys. From here they will go to New Orleans. They express themselves much pleased with Montgomery, not aoou tnem mat interest which attaches among acquaintances and friends, and audiences view them with a more critical eve.

LOEB (3 LO it Known facts Deanug upon me case. Pecuniary discrete has been given as the CHUM) uf the alleged suicide, but I have it from unquestionable authority that Mr. Harris could have p.ud all bis Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Watt, and their The people of Montgomery, however daughter, Miss Minnie, left yesterday evening for Like Maltland. where debts and still have bad a competency Iu addition to oar Immense and Choice Stock of Mr. Watt will remain some weeks for the benefit of his health. During his nave norear tnat the brilliant audience promised to thla talented company in the Gulf City will suf any disappointment, however high their expectations may be raised by lettering reports that have gone before.

The performance is an artistic success andean well htandon lelU This erirctuaiiy disposes ot the cause that has beeu assigned. Tne weapon which did the fatal work was a rusty pUtol with a defective look, which once before had been acci absence the Windsor will be well man agtd and kept up to its high standard of pjpuisruy. dentally dlscharaed. eudanirerlnir Hie. its merits before the most critical au Dr.

and Mrs. J. B. Kll v. of Kellyton, CIGARG AND TODACOO on which we have abready established a good trade, we also carry a fall llaeot STATIONERY, BLANK BOOft7 which we woaid be pleased to have yon jexasnlnr.aa a jsal them at ROCK ROTTOn flgares.

Periodical)) aadNewanafen from all parts of the Union. it was Kept in a drawer wun va.uawe papers, and it was for tbe purpose of ex dience. Much more will it captivate are stopping at the Windsor. They haveb-en spending a few days with A new residence Is now la coarse ot notion oa the corner of. Soott nod Do catur streets.

Yesterday was. floe for duck hunting, aada number of aporUmtia spent the 4sy oa the river and gswog the neighboring streams. The dooket at the Mayor's Court was light yesterday, and It is more tbaa like ly that the same sort of song will be sang tols morning. Jeff Oiffjy, John Pattoo and Peacher feaita, all colored an 1 all oh srged with Uroeay, made as the list of arrival at the county Jail yesterday. Brlitol Qlbbs, the aegro who was shot by Mr.

Fraok WUoox eaturdsy night, was rep jrted la a sinking condition yesterday, and the attending payslolaa has MiUe nope of his recovery The Alabama river ass rUen rapidly ainoe Saturday last, and yesterday the fields north or the olty were Inundated by the swolea waters. The river Is higher than It has been at any time this aeaaon. Passenger agents report that the travel West has fallen off within the put lew weeks. Few people have the courage to leave Alabama, especially after ibe licet of January. The Alabama railroads tustaioed some damage from the recent heavy rains.

A number of washouts caused some delay of trains, but all damage whs ojafckly repaired ami the roads are all in goo condition again. Yesterday was a genuine winter day. Daring the forenoon the sunshine was abut out by dreary clouds and a very ano tr was noticeable In this city, lathe afternoon the clouds lifted aud tbe sua shone brightly. Last night was cold again. Hon.

Sol Palmer, State Superintendent of Education, in conversation ith c.n APVEUTI8ER reporter yesterday alter-nuou, stated that poll taxes uro being paid more promptly this winter thau evr before. This also speaks well for the people of Alabama. The unfortunate young man, Mike Med rath, who was shot and wounded at Oa wlV Station Monday aod came In 00 (he night train, was vlmted at polio headquarters by Its v. Father Savage, who provided him with lodging and other comforts. "So shines a good deed in a naughty world." Mr.

Jaa. PflngstJ, with his force of wesmeo, is pushing along rapidly with the work of Improving the capitol The slope for the terrace on tat front next to fiainbrldge street has been completed and Mr. Pdogstl thinks the big ib can be finished easily this tnoijith If pretty weather prevails. at. Jaha'a Chareh.

To-day being the feast of Epiphany dlvfae ssrvtce and holy communion will beVeltbrated at St. John's church at liedock this morning. ASaaJitc te rraetlee. lathe Clrcalt Court yesterday morn-lag Prof. J.

L. Holmes, of Greenville, was admitted to practice law in the varies courts of the State. Mr. Holmes whom lendllne is has predisposed amining a certain deed thai, Mi- Harris thtlr daughters at the New Orleans was at the drawer when the accident to be pleased. tiie boxtuubbbv rosTorncc fcxposltlon.

Dr. Kelly was pleased with tbe Exposition, and found it on a much larirer rcale than he expected Heavy BsxIneM pone Darius; the Mrs. Kelley wilt remain here for Rome XjOJ At COUKER, Ferry fetreet A Vexter ATeane, and o. Commerce Irrert. kf occurred.

Having examintd the deed he took up the pistol, and was looking at it when his wile, vsho had breu standing by bis side, itf the room. The pistol was discharged, the bullet lakiug effect in the leit side btlow the rils aiid ranging downwards just as if while briug rttuined to the drawer the hammer had been struck aod the pistol fired by accident, the drawer being bigtitr thau a man's wrist. The amount of buslnees done in and tbroi'gh tbe Montgomery postefflcedor- months and enter her daughter at Ham-ner Hall. Vail far a Ladle' Hectlnr. The following named ladles are re log the quarter ended Uecembertlsr, whs seivier than ever beront danag quested to meet in the Blues' company rooms, over Farley.

Spear bank, this morning at 11:30 o'clock, for the the same length of time. The business in every department has bf ea uaasB-ally largf, a fast that shows ml question 1 hat Montgomery is oaMtaaay Mr. Harris lei no will, though he must purpose or organizing committees to MgsUt In the Baziar to be given hy the Blues in Concert Hall. January 18. to iirowio in weaitn aa vsaortanat.

wiih her population steadily men 23.1 inclusive: and her volumes! trailn swellings During last stesKh, December, whs paid out through the money crier have known that if he should die intestate certain compll- atious would artae and create trouble for his lamily. He had sold a body of land to a Mr. May-berry, and Mr. May berry ha i promised to make tbe last payment at 2 o'clock on the day of Mr. Harris' death, two hours after tne fatal shot, and did come at ta appointed time oniy to had Mr.

Harris a corpse. So implicitly did Mr. Harris rely upon Mr. May hero's promise that ths dcd had been written and probated, office, and for several reesoas It stetcs Mk, Ml that tae Montgomery postomos anouia Mesdatnea Mathews, BL Wyman, Robt Farrls, John Hurter. A Lo mux, Baale, Ribb, John Cobbs, Brown, Whitlirtld.

A Garland, jr, Wm Campbell, Washburn. Blakey. Merritt, II Beasley, Hausmin, Moses, Joseph Goetter, Frankfurter, HI) UBfiAT IJOEMEfJT. be made a nrat-siass depoltlog Chattanooga, Gainesville, and anumbeiof other cities no larger lbaaMontgosntn have flrst-olsMpostj ofilcavmade saesi. because they fay put Screws, II 0 Davidson, more money on money oners ana pos- but or eourse tne money couio not be paid over.

Mr. Harris's prospects for the comic year were better than usual. His business plans had been carefully arranged, but were all dependent upon his per Oleanng Oiit Sate, tal notes than they receive. The nmonnt of money paid out in the office here during the last quarter largely exceeds the receipts, 87.600 in New, York exchange having been usrd to fay M. A.

Graham, Otto Stoelker, a. H. Davis, E. T. Banks, S.

Raid, 0. 6. Rdd.CG. Itsadiog, L. N.

Woodruff, C. A. Lanier, Arthur Whiting, Jno. Winter, Geo. O.

Janney, B. B. Mill- H. Dudley, L. Watt.

Wade Hampton, It. D. Browder, W. P. Ruese, J.R Stewart, H.

B. Mat calf, W. II. Garside, Misses S.rlngfeilow, Bsttie Bell, Fannie Biount. sonal ac lvity.

No provision had been Oifiik i the cfe4grle out ftrm, and as thereeujiof baiatfU of oat Winter Stock Most tio; if selling sjaptpfrpiwite Price, made against such a contingency as drath. After be had been shot he con We are through with stocktaking, i the result is tbe accumulation of SHORT LENGTHS money orders ana postal notes, bv wis rule, then, Montgomery la entitle to a flrs -alitas During tha past quarter Mobile only received sltty-tix more money orders than Montgomery, and that is a very small difference. The Montgomery postofflce is no a depositing office for about bix hundred offices in the State, aod It should be plaoed on the' list of the nrst-olasa deposlting-of- The well known Potomsc liver and you. steamer. Armona, burned about 3 o'clock stantly tried to speak, but in vain.

What was the nature of that last communication he so anxiously desired to make, is left to conjecture; but let us acopt the evidence of all the circumstances and believe that had he spoken, no room would have been lett to doubt that his death was the result of accident. R. W. Burton. all over the Wenow offer ffiese yesterday morning at the wharf in Alexaudria, Virginia.

Two watchmen fsOCDB I notch, and thi lately employed by the govern- iamped overboard and were aulcklv in tae aadwa service ana nss a JRpMJT ANTS at Much Lower Prices rescued, ine vessel was owned by ice One Price, 1 full of promise. He will estab inland and uoastwlse navigation com lish himself as a practicing attorney at for all! pany, of Baltimore, and valued at SO; 000. leltlax Attorneys. Tho following visiting attorneys are uaynevine. The heating jointer in the box factory in the city at tending the Supreme Court: Brighter We will not keep' anything Tjjterfttcm! ttf'a claWi! irVean mtut of Stephen, of North Buffalo, Htssis (i Comer and tl.i.

Uayton, Mir. li. L. Watt, proprietor of the propjje Mew York, burst yesterday, wrecking of Eufaula; J. M.

Whit and J. N. than ever remnants were priced before. Stocktaking also showed tis tnat weliad bOUt 300 FARM Windsor, has contracted to have the bat 1 repainted, papered on the Interior rhw hnlliUncr. Frank flttllluf ntrxri air.

belt) it 1 There' are Grikt Biff- BftaUtnTough the stock, hat teen, nan nis skuii iracturtd and will die. Three other employes were badly injured. At Pulaski. Tennessee, yesterday w. urimn, j.

D. Gardner and W. H. Parks, of Troy; v. D.

Boberts and J. E. Fiournoy, of Elba, Xbe legal brotherhood of ths -Fourth Division is ably represented by this brilliant array of talent. A meeting of the Knights of Momttt will be neld at the parlor of the Ala morning, Hon. Benton McMillan, Congressman from the Fourth Tennessef BUTTON SHOES, district, was married to Miss Marl 4 Brown, daughter of ex-Governor John ('.

Brown, of Tennessee. ends of lots, sizes to 6, all Philadelphia and Ctnoianau mtkss, goods wUsh we have been selling at from $500 per lies. Tbe immediate letter delivery system has not grown Very popular with the public" yt. Last month eighty font Ktters bearing the Immediate delivery stamp were rscei ved at the Montgomery postoffise and forty-three stamps were sold. Tke Bilver Bpar.

This pleaalaf play will be presented at McDonald's on next Friday evening, the 8th. Of the flay and company, the Cresten, Iowa, Dally Cfasstte, of De cember 26, 180, says: The tjllver ctpar' company appeared at ths opera beast) last night and succeeded in fairly captivating the immense audlenee-with their excellent presentation of the comedy harna. which is one of unusual merit. Th meinoers of the compiny are all artists of recognized ability, who hava won for themselves positions at the front of the profesrlon. MtHte Willard is aa actress of great merit and ber rendition at the crafty and 4eln-ing Helen Tracy, eoald net have been better.

Miss Holten is a captivating person of winning ways and is eiaatly adapted to the vivacious character of Elgtei Sol Aiken and Charles Taeaiore as Juag and BuBh, proved themselves to be fret class comedians and kept the house laa coBtlBUHl uproar. The selection from "The Mikado." by Jugg, Bush Arrangements are making for a mon bama Fire Engine Company No. 2, tonight at 8 o'clock for the purpose of makl arrangements to celebrate Mardi (Iras March 8b. 1886. Fer order ster meeting of Loyalists In Belfast od pair down, which we now offer TO CLOSE IKySnfitfm ji nQce of the lath to protest sgatnst any Vi A 9' i SB Ml measure granting home rule to Irelatid.

ot tbe Grand Cyclops. All those who SvPiBT teei interested are invireo to oe present. At Union City, tbe factory of the Montgomery, Jan. 5, loeo. Beck.

Bransford Ekedahl Furniture Company burned yesterday, throwing two hundred men out of employment. "Cheap Column" ASTcrtiaetBents. Heretofore advertisements at one The loss is insurance siQ.oOQ. The large tobacco works of Ford cent word have not been received for next morning's issue later than 3 o'clock in tha afternoon. From this date they Moorman, at Lynchburg, were com can be sent in up to 9 o'olock in ths evening Thus greater opportunity pletely destroyed by fire last night.

The estimated loss on stock and buildings is Insurance unknown. we have made correspondingly vluimng we have made correspondingly wm be anoraea to use snis eaecuve, Doonlar. and ehean method of advertis At a meeting of the National Leagu. i. held In Dublin yesterday, the terrible ing, and the change in hours should not be overlooked, by those who are in the habit of using it, or by new patrons.

distresses among the people on the west coast was considered. Several members Bia neduotioms In everything hp'p'ertainits) io WIrAer Goods, and suggest that aow is thsv Terr Kick of Time jMau.iwo.-tiDinp made addressee, deploring the condition sum otherwise overnauiea ana Deauti-fisd. The Wlodsorlsaiwsysbrightand attractive, and will be stlU more so after the present plans of Improvement hay beea carried out. VneWKHWwk- ttaestloj. Yesterday then was filed a bill fa the City Court in equity praying for an i junction against the city' saaking a jntraot with any other than the Montgomery Water Works Compa- ny.

The main ground of the petition is that the city is financially unable to carry out the contrast stated to be in force with the Montgomery Water Wprks Company and ako another one with any other Company. Mr. A. H. Howland, of the Capital City Water Works Com-peuy, said to the Advertiser last evening that the bill would in no wise affect his company or lto operations.

SUad Weeds. The Oolnmbns, Wisconsin, Democrat -asyc: "Hon. Jessie Hooker, formerly of Waupun, Wis, is at present sojourning Montgomery, Ala. In a recent letter to Mr. J.

a Bali, of this city, he apeaks in fo lowing terms of the city and the kindness aM sourtesy of the people. If more Northern people would visit the South the Idea that the Southerners are a set of Are eaters with whom It is not safe to associate, which is so prevalent la many sections of the osunky, would exploded an Bepubllojnsam-psign orators would have to task up some other amunltlon for their speeches." Mr- Hooker will be in Montgomery some weeks, and our people ars gratified that he lso well pleased. L'fceMt Coart. Yesterday, In tha Circuit Court, both sessions were consumed In the trial of the ease of BarnsttTS. Hough.

The taking of testimony was concluded and arguments begun. The trial will probably be concluded to-day. Jury No. 2 was completed yesterday, after considerable delay and a great deal of Inconvenience. The court will at the usual honr this morning.

The Bines. The honorary members of the Mont-onaerF True Blues are requested to Btnet at the company room this evening of affairs and attributing it mainly to evlotions. and Miss HoHea wai given two encores. D' Aloe's singing sad banjo playing trai a pleasing prfrtaf then tertafnttent and was encoret The comedy element of the play is MMmg; the humor is never wKasve cheap. The drssMng waSsdperb.

Mana-irer Benton rs' (wnBiMtolate Umself FRESH BclowOrigyKi t'Ttvf tlIO i 'V t1 bltii lirj "TO The Dacolts have raided the country to within twenty-four miles of Manda-lay and have murdered three Europeans TURNIP SEED wno were returning to their rs in on the fact that ilver J3iv" Is hound, to succeed. yfcyj the lumber region. They had been warned against undertaking the jour ney. Far aalo wholesale, and retail Spreaa spaart Ueolaionm The' folio wrhw: decisions were Sun Young or mlddle-aned men suffering IRYIITH GARMTDtl dered by the Court yesterday: Stoke, J. J.

M. Crowdsr vs. John F. Fletcher mm from nervous- debility, loss of memory, premature old age, as the result of bad habits, should send 10 cents la stamps for large illustrated treatise suggesting unfailing oure. Address World's Die Sensary Medical Association, Buffalo, few York.

from Jackson Circuit Court. Somirville, J. SALOOIi ROBY I Kenned vs. 10 Eureka Cheap and Inferior Poroaa Flat-tern 111 lnvltRhlvdlftnnfilnt.Snil And ai-Annf vrnrfli Company; from Jeffenom OrcultCbnrt. Affirmed.

it even ihe few ceuts ask-d tor them. Among the AMD RESTAURANT John R. Lawson vs. Alabama Ware HAIR BAL9AKI ir, and arervillna Imdnp. el(iuo.

th. mlp, rtops (h. btil (alliair. and I mr. to pleuft iiuiiieruiia punma inasron, unrrrcu lur rnio Drll' inn's Oapoine Planters alone merit Implicit con house Company; from Pike Chancery Court.

Reversed and remanded. Clop- lnKS fldncn. They have won their great 1 opuUr.ty with the people, and gained the voluntary en dorm iw-nt of the medUM pro esaln, by their uvi 01. uw a.avu.v-1. UJ u.ll ssnnansisi.

Jitp. SXmSmmimBXSm HAS bwQ rsAttcS and kitchen wfurtthbed, and is now prepared to serve the puollc. ton, not sitting. unequalled cor tivo power, and by that only. Clopiok.J.

S. Gresbam. vs. A. Ai Wtrej Elegant Saloon; Restaurant flrat-elaas In erery from Montgomery Chancery Court Affirmed, with directions at to stating account.

DR. W. G. BBA OSse at Irviae) AarsMe SJ RMldenM No, ill MoilnM. Oom Tsteaassg Mo.

is. Eesldenoe leiephoae No. in. mien purcnn9itg ua on your gunra aguinsi worthless lmltallos under misleading names, such as "Cploln," "Gapsicum," "C'aptlclne," as eer aln huckstering drug- may try palm them ff on you In place of henonulne. it is Utter to deal a ith none but reputiMe and honorable drugwlsts.

tk for Pensou's, and see that It beam Bnals" trade mark and has the wrd Canclne eat In the ortlenlax. feVOonvenlendr located on Oaurt aars General Agent for Alabama aad West FlorLda. Wfursbbedl R. D. LOXtt.

S. Gresbam et vs. A. A. ware; from Montgomeny Chancery Osort.

Appeal dismissed. tlp m. In. fMpaiMvT centre. tuej-dir-tfw Secretary and Treasurer.


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