Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 3
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- Journal and Courieri
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- Lafayette, Indiana
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a a a the the Evening, June 12, 1943 LAFAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER Women's Cage Canning Demonstrations Planned For Housewives Canning demonstrations will Lafayette and West Lafayette the given afternoons and evenings by onstration agent, and Miss Marie Purdue university. Canning and Well-Known Local Pair Will Marry Mrs. Mary Celia Dickey, 106 South Eighth street, announces the engagement of her granddaughter, Miss Betty Ann Williams, to Warren Walter Ardapple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ardapple, 705 Hillcrest road, West Lafayette.
The wedding will take place July 10. Benefit Party At St. Mary's The Mothers' club of St. Mary's school will entertain at a benefit victory card party Tuesday evening at the school auditorium on South street. Many attractive door prizes will be offered, including $25 war bond.
Prizes tor high score at each table will also be a feature, patrons to play the game of their choice. Mrs. Michael T. Ricks, Mrs. Paul Brooks and Mrs.
Thomas A. Harris are general charge, assisted by committees. Tickets may be obtained from those named or at the door. Perry Club Has Indoor Session Because of rain, Perry township Home Economics club's picnic was held indoors Thursday in the Fred Corbin home on State road 26. Red, white and blue appointments featured the dinner of non-rationed foods.
Plans were made for the 4-H show and for A club achievement project. Patriotic songs, and contests afforded entertainment. Contest prizes were won by Mrs. Joseph Kerkoff, Mrs. Albert Harshbarger and Mrs.
J. A. MeClintock. Mesdames Bob Steele, Russ Worwick, John Calloway and Russell Ohl assisted Mrs. Corbin.
Local Candidate For State Honor Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars met Thursday evening at the post home, with Mrs. Harry Gingrich presiding. Mrs. Ruby Hornbeck was initiated. A past president of the Lafayette auxiliary, Mrs.
Hugh Barnes, who now senior vice president, department of Indiana, has been endorsed for state president at the encampment to be held in Terre next week. The next meeting will be a party June 24 with Mesdames Katherine Stump, rah Fulks and Cyril Alt as hostesses. Local Girl to Marry Soldier Mrs. Thelma Fisher, 1217 Main street, announces the engagement of her daughter, Marianna, to Corporal John P. Kelly, former Purdue student of Dyer, now stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, attending officers' candidate school.
The wedding will take place August Couple Marry The marriage of Miss Norma Jeanne Scott. and a Rex Lewis GayJor, both of Lafayette, was solemnized June 11 at the home of John A. Nelson, justice of the peace, in Veedersburg. Attendants were the bride's mother and groom's father. West Lafayette and Purdue University Waac Singer LIEUT.
ANNE HATFIELD This Waac officer will sing at the Purdue Hall of Music Monday evening at a program starting at 8 o'clock, a feature of the annual 4-H club round-up. The public is invited. Husbands Guests Of Garden Group The garden section of the Purdue Women's club had a picnic and out-of-door fish fry at the home of Prof. and Mrs. C.
E. Beese on state road 26, west of Purdue, Friday evening, with the husbands of members as guests. About sixty attended. Mrs. George E.
Davis will be chairman for 1943-44, succeeding Mrs. W. Baynes. Mrs. Harry Leonard will be the program chairman.
Meetings will be held from time to time during the summer to visit the gardens of various members. The committee in charge of Friday evening's party included Mesdames B. E. Pontius, George E. Davis, H.
C. Thompson and Mrs. Baynes. Vocalist to Wed Officer in Army Mr. and 1 Mrs.
John Slopsema, 415 Dodge street, West Lafayette, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Eleanor, to Lieutenant Ben H. Roodhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Roodhouse, Jacksonville, Ill.
The ceremony will take place in the Christian Reformed church, fayette, Tuesday evening, June 15, at 8 o'clock. Changes in army orders advanced the date of the wedding. Lieut. Roodhouse, with fourday leave, planned to fly here Sunday, from Sedalia army air field, Warrensburg, Mo. He attended Purdue and is a Phi Kappa Sigma.
The bride-to-be, prominent vocalist, attended Western college, Oxford, 0., last year, winning many honors there. Captain Harlan Directs Flying Capt. W. Harlan, son of Mr. and C.
W. Harlan, 102 Dare. West Stadium avenue, has been promoted to assistant director of flying at the basic flying field, Newport, ark. Formerly at Maxwell Field, do and recently transferred to Newport, Capt. Harlan has been serving as operations officer at the new post.
He flew here for an overnight visit two weeks ago. Headlee Is Chosen I. U. Staff Chief Dr. William H.
Headlee, member of the Purdue staff as assistant professor of biology from September, 1935, to Dec. 31, 1942, has been named head of the tropical medicine and parasitology staff at Indiana university school of medicine. Dr. Headlee spent some time in Egypt and Central America before joining the Purdue staff. PERSONAL AND GENERAL Margarette Jackson, formerly of 318 1-2 West Lutz, has gone to Attica, where she has taken a position as supervisor of the cafeteria at the Harrison Steel Castings company plant.
Mrs. Vivian Michael, Columbus, arrived Friday to Mrs. Olga Ross Hammon, Bozeman, here for the Phi Delta, national art fraternity conference here. house guests of Mrs. R.
B. Stewart at Westwood, in McCormick road, over the week-end. Mrs. Hammon is national president, of and the Mrs. organization.
Threvor Reiley, Detroit, who. are visiting in Wisconsin over the week-end, will arrive the first of the week to remain for the wedding of the latter's sister, Miss Marilyn Lloyd and Ensign James Abernethy, USNR. Mrs. W. Leslie Marshall left Friday night for Danville, Ky, to spend the week-end and visit her son, Aviation Cadet Robert Marshall, soon to be graduated from training at Centre college.
Mrs. Everett Peterson and Mrs. T. D. Peterson have returned from a week's stay in New York where they visited their husband and son, Everett Peterson in the USNR amphibious forces.
Mrs. William Kirchner, Mrs. Russell Coffman, Mrs. A. R.
Mather, Mrs. J. C. Pierce and Miss Amy L. Bringham have returned from attending the conference of the Women's Baptist Mission Society of Indiana at Camp Mack, on Lake Wawbee.
Mrs. Leroy Johnson and son, of Chicago, who have been visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. C. D. Kent and Miss Vera Kent, South Chauncey avenue.
left Saturday for A few weeks' stay before going to Virginia, to join Mr. Johnson for residence. Purdue Will Act as Host to U. S. Agricultural Engineers Approximately 300 agricultural engineers from over the United States are expected to attend the thirty-sixth annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers to be held at Purdue university June 21 to 23.
It will be a war-time conference of agrifront and the program cultural engineers, on the food will be directed in that channel. Among the headline speakers will be Dr. M. L. Wilson, director of extension work, U.
S. department of agriculture; Wheeler MeMillen, Farm Journal and Farmer's Wife; President E. C. Elliott of Purdue; Dean H. J.
Reed, school of agriculture at Purdue: A. A. Potter, dean of engineering at Purdue, and Harry B. Walker, head of agricultural engineering. University of California, who is president of the ican society.
One of the high spots in the program will be a symposium of government war-time policies on farm machinery, building materials, electric equipment and other agencies taking part. There will also be special programs on farm structures, rural electrification, power and machinery, soil and water conservation and erosion control. Service Flag for Faculty Members A service flag for members of the West Lafayette schools who are serving in the armed forces, has been completed, and hang in the library of the senior high school building. It bears mer and McWilliams and stars for Ensigns, Carl M. HamWayne Byrd, and Chief Petty officer Martin Stamm, U.
S. navy; David March and Ellis Hopkins, air forces; Lieut. Gordon Straley and Staff Serg. Joseph Seale, U. S.
army, all of the high school. Miss Hazle Hubbard and Eleanor Johnson, who are Waacs and Lt. James H. Elder, of the army, are Morton school faculty members honored on the service flag. Farewell Dinner For Two Couples University pastors of Purdue and their wives will have dinner in the Old Chestnut room, Purdue Memorial Union, Monday evening, as a farewell to two couples, Rev.
and Rev, and Mrs. J. B. Gleason, and Mrs. Hubert Reynolds, who are leaving this month for other posts.
Rev. Gleason, Baptist pastor, has resigned to accept the pastorate of the First Baptist church at Pocatello, Idaho. Rev. Reynolds, student pastor of the Christian Foundation, has resigned to become assistant director of Dodge Community house at Detroit, Mich. Twins Promoted As Army Officers Richard H.
Smith and Robert W. Smith, twin brothers in the U. S. quartermaster (truck( division at Camp Sutton, have been promoted from second to first lieutenants, according to word received their mother, Mrs. Harry O.
Smith, of Russell street. The twins were graduated from the Purdue in mechanical engineering in the December 1942 class, going to the army immediately afterwards. An older brother, Lieut. James Smith, is serving in the Pacific war theater. Farewell Meeting Plans have been announced for Roger Williams Foundation, of Purdue, to have its last meeting with the Baptist pastor, Rev.
Joseph Baird Gleason, Sunday evening, June 13, going from the West Lafayette Baptist church at 5 o'clock to the James R. Wiley home, "Shady Ridge," for outdoor games, supper and vespers. Soil Information A. J. Ohlrogge and S.
R. Miles will a critical evaluation of -time fertility experiments at the meeting of the Soil Science society Indiana at 7 o'clock next Wednesday evening, June 16, in room 118, agricultural hall, Purdue university. Bagpipe Music to Entertain Youth Group at Purdue Bagpipe tunes will resound through the Purdue Hall of Music Monday night, as Sgt. Sandy MePherson, from Camp. Atterbury, who before entering the army played in vaudeville houses all over the country, entertains boys and d.
girls attending the 25th nual 4-H club round-up to be held. at Purdue June 14 to 16. Set. McPherson, who was born in Scotland but came to this country as child, started in A ville 16 years ago, with Gus wards. Recently, he played before 12,000 people at the million dollar bond rally in Indianapolis.
He sings and dances, as well playing the pipes. On the same program, Sgt. Ross C. Snyder, former 4-H club member from Veedersburg, will give piano selections. Lt.
Anne R. Hatfield of the Waacs, whose home is Columbus, Ohio, will sing. The program begins at 8 o'clock and is open to the general public. Other entertainment features of the Round-Up include a dramatic sketch to be presented by Theta Alpha Phi, honorary, dramatics fraternity at Purdue in four episodes, Monday afternoon at 3:20, Monday evening as part of the special program of entertainment, and Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 3:20. The public is invited to attend all sessions of the round-up in the Hall of Music.
MRS. JOHN ALBERT SANDERS, left, before he rcent marriage was Helen Catherine Miller, daughter Mrs. Helen Miller. She is a member of Alpha chapter of Sigma Delta Rho. Lieut.
and Mrs. Sanders are living in Gainesville, Texas, the former being stationed at Camp Howze. MRS. A. F.
MYER, center, is the former Louise Sylva, daughter of Mrs. Sylva, South Twenty-eighth street. marriage to Lieut. Myer, AAF, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Myer, of this city, took place last month in Altus, Okla. They are living in Boise, Idaho, where he is taking 8 special cource. MRS.
RICHARD T. right, was Dorothy SIDWELL. sophomore at Purdue university, before her marriage 31 at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. William Murphy, in New Albany.
Sergeant Sidwell is the son of. Prof. and Mrs. Paul Sidwell, of West Lafayette. She is living with enter parents in New Albany, while her husband is stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas.
Civil Defense Movies in City The second of a series of motion pictures sponsored by the executive committee of the Block 'Leaders' association, civilian defense, made available through the courtesy of Purdue university and Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, will be shown Tuesday, June 15 at 7:30 p. at Jefferson high school auditorium, at 7:30 p. m. The movies to be shown are: "What to Do in a Gas Attack," "Farm Gardens," "Our Neighbors to the South of and U. S.
news review. Girl Scouts of Greater Lafayette, will be guests in appreciation of their excellent work on fat salvage and their donation of cookies to the U. S. O. Mrs.
Roy Street will give a welcoming address. Another series of movies will be shown Tuesday, June 22 at which time Boy will be guests. Paul F. Royster, director, Tippecanoe county civilian defense council, will welcome the Boy Scouts. The public is invited.
Admission free. PERSONALS Walter M. English has gone to Washington, on a business trip. Mrs. L.
B. McCammon, of Fayetteville, N. is visiting her parents, Prof. and Mrs. James A.
McClintock at "Arrowhead Trail," state road 26. Capt. McCammon has been transferred from Camp Breckenridge, to Fort Bragg, N. C. Mrs.
O. W. Smith and son, Kenneth, and Miss Lois Arnold, spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Patty Henry has returned from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs.
K. R. Swanson and family in Chicago. Pfc. Lowell E.
Crooks is home from Camp Livingston, on a 10-day furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Crooks, 1009 South Fourth street.
John Hayes Bone and daughter, Miss Mary Louise Bone, are spending the week-end in Columbus, 0., where Mr. Bone will join his class at Ohio State university in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation. Miss Dorothy Caldwell, teacher in East high school, Cleveland, arrived Saturday spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Lottie Caldwell. Mrs.
Lowell Francis Johnson will arrive from New York City Monday to spend a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bartee.
Mr. Mrs. Herbert Schaffner have returned to Los Angeles, Calif, after spending several weeks here with Mrs. Gertrude Hyman and other relatives. Prof.
H. H. Kidd has returned from two weeks' visit with his mother. a Mrs. Milton Kidd, Beckley, W.
Va. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reifers returned Friday from a week's Myra Freed Is State Officer Miss Myra Ruth Freed, president of Gamma chapter, Delta Chi Sigma, was installed as secretarytreasurer of Indiana province of Delta Chi Sigma. Mrs.
Corinne Pedley, Indiana province president, of Gary, conducted the installation services at the home of Mrs. Ruby Sampson, 438 Roosevelt street, Gary. Miss Freed was selected to succeed Miss Alice Wilde, of Indianapolis, who has enlisted in the Waves. Museum Facts Topic for Club Interesting facts regarding the building which houses the Tippecanoe county museum were related to members of the Union Home Economics club and their guests Thursday, by Miss Alameda MeCullough, curator. The museum contains gifts from more than 700 donors.
The State Home Economics president, Mrs. G. E. Bausman; County Home Economics president, Mrs. Frank Witteman, Mrs.
Peter Goris, county vice-president and Mrs. Alton Benham, county treasurer, commended the local club on its project of sending monthly cheer to the Union township boys in the armed forces. and donations Girls' 4-H Mrs. Orville Stevens, presided pins and to the Cancer Control fund were made. Hostesses were: Mrs.
J. H. Taylor, Mrs. John Buck, Mrs. J.
P. Foresman and Mrs. Gurney Chappell. There will be an all-day meeting with a picnic dinner next month. White Shrine Rites in City Bethany Shrine No.
8, White Shrine of Jerusalem, entertained the supreme worthy high priestess, Sojourner Amy Berry, of Chicago, Friday evening, at the annual inspection. Twenty-four candidates were initiated under the direction of High Merle Jane Scott and of the ShepPriestess, ards Frank Scott, with their corps of officers. Dinner was, served in the Masonic temple Hope chapter, 0. E. S.
Visitors were present from Fowler, Chicago, Indianapolis and other places, including Sojourners Cary Coe, George Doerk, John Klein, Winifred Hubbard, Lois Lemke, Ethel Colvy, and Mr. Hubbard, all members of Mrs. Berry's official family. PARTIES Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hines entertained ten guests at dinner Friday evening at their home, 331 South Twenty-ninth street. From out of town were Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Baldwin and daughter, Richmond; Lloyd Hudson, Linden, and Rosemary Kelly, Crawfordsville. Mrs. William Salla entertained at a bridal shower for Miss Dorothy Corwin, a bride elect. In the game shower, prizes went to Mrs. Daisy Julian, Mrs.
Janet Stump and Mrs. Florence Stinson. Mrs. Salla was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Richard Mantle.
visit in Grand Rapids, Mich. They have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schubach, who arrived Saturday from Panama City, Fla. Miss Mary C.
Kennedy has returned from a brief visit in Indianapolis. Mrs. Ralph W. Henderson, of Indianapolis is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas Burt, North Sixth street.
Robert M. Westra, petty officer, U. S. navy, will return to the signal corps base in Peru Monday after spending 10 days leave with his mother, Mrs. J.
M. Westra. Betty Driscoll, who has a position in the advertising department of the Woodward and Loth- Local Girl Will Marry Air Cadet Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Brown, 214 Connolly street, West Lafayette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Mae, to Aviation Cadet Robert T. Douglass, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Douglass, Buffalo, New York.
Miss Brown, accompanied by Mrs. William Douglass, will leave for San Antonio, Texas, July 7th to attend Cadet Douglass' graduation from A.A.F.N.S., Hondo, Texas. The marriage will take place immediately after graduation. Mr. Douglas formerly attended Purdue.
Former Purdue Students Wed Dr. and Mrs. B. Tye, of Berwyn, announce the marriage of their daughter, Jacqueline Faith, to Private Walter Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Thomas, 317 Pearl street, West Lafayette, which took place Friday, June 4, at 4 o'clock in the Christian church chapel at Fort Riley, Kans. The bride wore white crepe with a white lace hat. Her flowers were varigated sweetpeas. Mrs. Mae Vessely, aunt of the bride, was matron of honor, and Lieut.
David Burkhart, of Fort Riley, best man. The bride's mother entertained at a dinner. Both Private and Mrs. Thomas attended Purdue university and he was in his junior year when he was inducted into service. They were both active in campus affairs.
They are former members of the First Christian church choir. Private Thomas is assigned to dental clinic Fort Riley. They are living at 206 South Washington street, Junction City, Kans. Pioneers Have State Meeting Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dobelbower, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Dobelbower, Miss Alameda McCollough and Miss Maude Leiter were in Indianapolis Saturday for basket dinner and program of the Indiana Society of Pioneers at Butler university field house. Mrs.
Fred Dobelbower read A paper on "Early Lafayette" written by the late Miss Sally Sample. Army Wives at Dinner Session Wives of army officers serving overseas enjoyed a dinner party Thursday evening at Lincoln Lodge, with Mesdames Robert Hastings, Edmund Lynch and Robert Mossman as hostesses. The next meeting will July 15 with Mesdames Richard Kennedy, R. G. Raiston and Glenn Phillips as hostesses.
Party, Shower COLBURN, June party of pretty appointments was given at the home of Mrs. James DeLong, honoring Miss Patricia Neal, brideelect of Charles Thomas. Contest prizes were won by Lucille Buck and Patricia Shumaker. After the refreshment hour the bride-elect presented with gifts for her kitchen, D. is to arrive Sunday to spend rop department store, Washington.
vacation with parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Driscoll. Mrs. Henry Johnston and daughter, Nancy, have returned to Indianapolis after visiting the former's mother, Mrs.
Abby R. Winfield. Mrs. Edgar H. Burt and Miss Lucille Campbell spent Friday in Indianapolis.
Among those who will leave the first of the week to attend the (Continued on Page 9.) Delta Gamma to Meet at Supper be held for all interested women of latter part of June. They will be Miss Esther Franklin, home demStraszheim, nutrition specialist of drying of fruits and vegetables will be demonstrated. Homemakers who attend will be provided with guides and time tables giving the processing time of various fruits and vegetables by different canning methods. Dates will be soon. Psi Iota Xi Is Planning Convention With all -social affaine eliminated and business sessions cut to a minimum, the war conference of Pal Iota Xi, national philanthropic sorority, will open at the Severin Hotel in Indianapolis, Tuesday evening, June 15.
Iota chapter, of is serving official hostess to the conference, of which Miss Leah Indianapolis and Mrs. William Carter, of Rushville, are Instead the customary two co official delegates from each of the sixty-seven chapters in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, only one is asked to attend this year, and only business of utmost importance is to be transacted. The conference will close with a simple luncheon in the Rainbow room of the Severin Wednesday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. V.
C. Freeman will represent Delta Zeta associate chapter of this city. Among council members attending will be Mrs. Joseph S. Reichart, of Frankfort, grand vice-president.
Golf and Bridge At Country Club There was a large attendance at the second Women's Day program Friday at the Elks' Country club. Golf prizes went to Miss Florence, Hunsicker, Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Charles Whistler and Mrs. John Rae.
Luncheon was served, with Mrs. Pearl M. Allen, Dale Roth, Mrs. Warren Vellinger and Mrs. John Hogan as the committee.
In bridge, defense stamps (the prize set for season) were awarded to Mrs. Walter J. Schafer and Mrs. George Spickerman in auction, and to Mrs. Kenneth Chatham and Mrs.
Walter M. Gay, in contract. Hostesses were Mesdames Robert Howell, W. J. Schafer, Carl C.
Reifenrath and Lawrence Thise. CLUBS We Will class of Congress Street Methodist church will meet at the church Monday evening for a pot-luck supper and election of officers. Beta chapter of Wesleyan Service Guild of Trinity Methodist church met in the chapel Thursday evening. Mrs. E.
W. Dunn entertained with reading a delightful story. Miss Chriselda Frisz pleased with piano charge numbers. included The commitin Mrs. Adler, chairman; Miss Ruth Watson, Miss Faye Kirkpatrick, Mrs.
Mildred Klus and Mrs. William Townsend. Refreshments were served Pine township Home Economics club will meet with Mrs. Clyde Hackley Thursday with Mrs. Homer Kinsell and Mrs.
Orvel Rolan assisting. A lesson on meat alternates will be given by Mrs. David Sheets. Mesdames Ernest Waterstraat and William Fleming are on the entertainment committee. Fidelity class of Grace U.
B. (Continued on Page 9) Members of Delta Gamma tive chapter attending Purdue summer session will meet with the alumnae association at buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Carothers Haywood, 728 Cherokee avenue, Lafayette, Tuesday evening, June 22, at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Franklin S.
Crockett, Mrs. Lynn Miller and Mrs. E. L. VanBuskirk, Are in charge of arrangements.
At recent meeting of Delta Gamma alumnae at the home of Mrs. J. Dwight O'Ferrall, the group voted to knit an afghan for convalescent soldiers and sailors. Mrs. O'Ferrall is contributing the yarn.
Fortnightly Club Arranges Outing Arrangements were Saturday for the annual spring picnic of the Fortnightly Literary club Sunday, June at the summer cottage of Miss' Emma Cunningham at Battle Ground; dinner! at 1 o'clock. Arrange Honor Roll Of Scarlet Alumni West Lafayette high school has an honor roll of all alumni of the school who are in U. S. service, the names arranged by classes and including the status in service. Principal William Floyd requests parents or relatives of the men in service who have not previously been reported, call his office at the senior high school to check data.
Training Canners Fifteen representatives of midwestern tomato canning factories being trained to serve as technicians completed preliminary three-day beginners' training course at Purdue university Saturday, and Monday will be joined by approximately 30 experienced technicians for an intensive fiveEach review course. Club Meeting Mrs. F. V. Smith discussed "Dehydration of Foods" the June meeting of West Lafayette Home Mrs.
Fred Hencke, SouthEconomics club, at they home of Eleventh street, Lafayette. Mrs. Harry Moore and Mrs. Roy Leevy discussed modern canning. The club voted $1 to cancer control.
The annual club luncheon will be held in July at the home of Mrs. Samuel Flack. The Bargain Center for UPHOLSTERING MATERIALS We have one of the largest stocks of high quality upholstering materials in this part of the state. Come in today and see the beautiful patterns we have to offer in the following fabrics: Mohair- FriezeTapestry- Tapestry-Brocades-Brocatelle, Etc. All for the amazing price of; per yard.
$1.98 (Values to $10.00) We Also Carry a Large Section of DRAPERY GOODS Sensationally Priced at Only39c Pend yard up BARGAIN CENTER 11 NORTH THIRD ST. PHONE 5948.
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