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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 8

Lafayette, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sir WHY NOT Have Seeds the township upon a The Best Selection of the Season in AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES All Prepared for and Selling Delightful Collection Of SSS Spring Dresses oo ANNOUNCEMENT Special Offering of Newest $16 Pleated Models 00 WILL BE SOLD BY Beautiful New BLOUSES Cheerfully Springlike Are These 00 sgoo THE GIBSON COMPANY EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS Distributors a INDIANAPOLIS IND i 1 M50 as well in the The Methodist Missionary society held its monthly meeting yester The time in mar Ster Hundreds of New Arrivals in High Grade Georgette and Crepe de Chine Models in Two Softest Taffetas Canton Crepes Lovely Satins and inest Tricotines New Arrivals at Noteworthy Savings Most Un usual Sale Group ings 1 ure Silk Mose in newest sprin riday and Saturday at WHERE LOWERED PRICES PREVAIL Nowest Styles in Cape Wraps Topcoats olmans and Sports Models in Various Lengths new Wabash county hospital Newest Styles in the Wanted Colorings roftWMuiti AT ALt OflOGOISTS i fancy shades Appoints AuditorUy the Associated Tress I WASHINGTON April Will Nolting of California has been appointed by President Harding as auditor for the Philippin Isolds in one specia come in a Very Unusual Values riday find Saturday At Wool Skirts in best Novelties Plaids Stripes Novel belted new pockets Soma A thousand people Russel the manager and Middy plain ored Special at Claims Dandruff Will Cause Baldness get SSS from your druggist and start tak ing right now Then write us about your case and we will send you ex pert medical ounsel free Address Chief Medical Advisor 875 Swift Lab oratory Atlanta Ga Three fourths of the tanning in dustry of Canada is centered in Ontario Blouscs of galatea cloth in white and collar and guest of Miss Bess Wilson Herbert Creek who has visiting with Airs Martha returned to her home in riday at relief is to remove the impurities from your circulation This strikes at the cause of your suffering or the last fifty years thou sands of people have cleansed their blood with SSS the famous old vegetable remedy discovered by the Indians We have their testimon ials telling how well it served them for this If you suffer with skin troubles is designed in style with dark brick laid in trimmed in grav There are a in addition to Youthfully Chic Box and Knife Every desirable' style for Spring Wear is includedThe range of colors includes all the new tones and hues as well as the more conservative shades one hardly knows what to admire first in these dresses Authentic Models Developed in ine Tricotines Mannish Serges and Gaberdines Scores of smart styles tailored blouse back straight line and box coat styles trimmed with handsome em broidery beading and braid Every suit silk lined navy ues predominate Sizes for women and misses A full line of Overland and Willys Knight parts will be carried and the same efficient courteous service will be rendered as in the past regula tions landing holds and commercial and in this country names of the commission are ident been worked out by the national advisory committee for aeronau ticcs The quality of materials is exceptionally fine In dd are Tricotines Velcu'rs Silvertones Serges Polos Yalurla Mixtures and Tweeds All handsomely silk lined finely vadoied and in the latest spring color tones Silk andmaterials Checks and styles and gay with vivid colors others sub dued and practical ther structure at some time during the day Great care was taken in the construction to 'secure the maximum of cheerfulness and quietude with easy and efficient facilities of operation lf you have dandruff you must get rid of it positively dan gerous and will surely ruin your hair if you Dandruffy heads menn faded brit tle scraggly hair that finally dies new hair will not then you are hairless and nothing can help you The sure way to abolish dandruff fflr good Is to destroy the germ that causes it To do this Quickly safely and without risking a penny get from your druggist hottie of Parisian Sage This is guaranteed to banish all dandruff stop itching scalp and falling hair and stimulate a new growth or the cost small as it is wilt be refunded Parisian Sage is a scientific prep aration that supplies hair needs an antiseptic liquid neither sticky or greasy easy to use and daintily per fumed If you want beautiful soft thick lustruous hair and lots it by all means try Parisian Sage de lay begin tonight a little attention now insures abundant hair for years to come Dependable Drug Store will supply you and guarantee money re funded if you are not entirely satis fied The article fully a describes the situation which existed before the at Wabash Ind was erected and of the difficulties which were met with by the newly appointed board of hospital trustees in their efforts to give the county a small hos pital which could be operated with sufficient economy to insure suc cess and at the same time enable the management to make but a reasonable charge for service It was a hard up h'ill light but per severance and pluck finally won out and the county now boasts of one of the most beautiful as up to date institutions state The building was erected well diusen elevation higher than any of the surrounding country side the ground being the gift of a prominent citizen of Wabash "The hospital is three stories in height and a semi circular main porch fully two stories in height forms the front entrance large white columns support the entablature of the porch The structure Georgian Colonial ivory Chinchilla gray mortar and Bedford limestone nunihA nf wimfci the private rooms and the opera I lion rooms are on The building is so against or ap proximately 80 per cent of theentire personnel of the New York office it was announced here bv Byron Newton collector of the port The charges it was said involve amounts ranging from 25 cents to several hundred dollars accepted as gratuities from pas sengers trimmed $395 lace stripes Special for $125 assisted by Devotional Airs Levi Roth most delightful Bible in Al is mr 74 Tnmotf A Goff Mrs Lorenz Grimm ancP Miss Effie Dyer The Bible class taught by Mrs Jennie fmith to gether with the ladies of the Meth odist congregation met this after noon with Airs Goff for a pleasant social which was a' part of their usual social functions and Mrs Abraham A Schock of Yeoman visited in Delphi to day Miss Ruth Todd has been em ployed as stenographer fo the legal firm of Seabury and Taylorj Brownsville Texas and will leave for her new work'April 12 Miss Todd has formerly held positions with Robert Pollard attorney and the Benson Delivery company of this' city The Eadies of the'G A held their bi weekly meeting in Grand Army hall today At his home yesterday Rev Kimberlin officiated at the riaga ceremony of Leonard rett and Aliss Ruth Hall daugh ter of Oscar Hall of West Delphi A license to wed was granted today to Jesse Mummert an employe of a Monticello tire shop and Miss Hazel Alagee a teacher of Jef ferson Plan New Aero Rules JTON April 7 Plans commission to prepare governing air routes laws affecting pleasure aviation together with the members of the ready for Pres approval having HIE LAAYETTE JOURNAL COURIER Silk Chemise of glove silk and crepe de chine fancy $595 values Special at 1 Suits Coats Dresses Biouses Skirts and Accessories day at the home of Mrs Thompson who was Mrs Jennie Smith service was led by enberger and a program on was given of wool in Tie back and stj ics uii colors opeciu4 and Saturday $395 MULBERRY The Weidner orchestra will give their recital at the gym this cum riday evening April and Airs Alfred Paul living East Broad stret celebrated PLAINVIEW Mrs Nettie Smith was a Stock well caller Saturday afternoon Roudebush is on the sick list Airs Rose spent sev eral days last week with her son Paul Rose and family Rev in white with col $250 Architect Relates Story of Hospital in Wabash County Charles Work De scribed in Magazine Article eaturing Achievement in Indiana Has Model Hospital Cain was entertained at dinner Building" is the title of an inter I Suftday by Mr and Mrs John inf nrl rtr ilirrVi ZM virrr rtlnlrt irt Yt Xf ho A 1 1 A IV fl llUf 11 LLU 1 Ufj CLL L1L IV i II lllJU 14 IJLtOlA kliw 4 ivxivo the March issue of "Hnsnitnl Man 1 ar1 one of the 1 monthly periodicals devoted to the of Corner Mrs Interests of hospitals and their staffs The storv was written bv Charles Nicol the well known Alias Alary Kennedy called on Aliss local arcnitect wnose nrm Nicol Scholer Hoffman furnished the hlnno fbn now1 hiiildlntr The article fully describes Customs Inspectors harged With Graft By the Associated ress wmv YORK April of graft will be lodged eighty customs inspectors juoximateiy 80 per beautiful lire daintily adorned with beading lace braid and embroidery Included in' this collection you Will find new peek styles in ovcrblonses slip on tie back and waistline i lengths We wish to thank our patrons of the past and to assure them that in turning the line over to our dealer we will have the same interest in them as though we were still maintaining the branch Untr the third floor Air: situated that'cn The many friends of the Com munty Chorus wha have been im patiently awaiting announcement of another concert by the chorus will today be satisfied for the welcome news is given that an other concert will take place next Sunday April iu at me amily theater at 2:30 It is very evident that the Sun day audiences who attend the Community Chorus concerts are particularly pleased and show it by their applause that they enjoy the concert idea so the management of the chorus is ca tering to the taste of its audiences and the coming concert will be very much on the order of its last appearance Which proved to be the most tuneful performance they ever gave PURDUE STUDENTS ASSIST There is much talent among thestudents at Purdue and this fact has been recognized by the chorus Three of the best known student musicians in the university will render many popular numbers on the program Rogers who has made an enviable reputation as a violinist since entering school will appear in two groups of num bers Stuart tenor whols the possessor of a luscious qual ity of voice will sing LWellen flutist a member of the Purdue band playing solo flute 1 will render several numbers among Ihem being the ever charm ing Under the circumstances a rec ord attendance is anticipated and if the last popular concert Is any criterion the "standing room sign will be hung out early Every one is invited to attend and take part in the performance for the audience will be asked to sing two well known songs as their part of the program Spring Suits eatured in Three Wonderful riday and Saturday Sale Groups at 'Percale Aprons in newest spring styles just Special for riday Saturday 00 Gowns and Chemise lot lace and embroidery trimined and tailored styles nn Special each 5 5 XVIOVU I VJ llo Ji 1 Aliss Anna Wingerd of Chicago is tne Mrs been Creek Lafayette today ilr ajid Airs James A Rariden who have been absent for about four years Canada are return ing to Delphi for residence and will occupy apartments in the Lifidstrom property Mrs Mary Blakelee and children of Indianapolis visited today with MrA Whittlesey The society events this week will be a party given to the Endless Chain club at the home of Dr Clauser this evening and a luncheon and card party by Airs Mayhill riday afternoon and evening Program Promises to Be As Popular as Last Purdue Artists to Render Sev eral Numbers Many have their origin lieep down in the blood not in the skin at all ever imagine you can end the flaming maddening itch of these merely by rubbing on an ointment or lotion Those conditions caused by poisons in the blood must be removed before you can expect freedom from the torturous itching that plagues you now Local applications may soothe and give you peace tor a short while but when their effect wears off the maddening itch returns all over again driving you half crazy with pain and upsetting your whole nervous i system The only way to get complete We cut and fit your Draperies to order Murpbey Sheehan Co 310 Main Street CHORUS TO SING SUNDAY GIVING CONCERT Many Skin Diseases Show Your Blood Is Out of Order Smart Wraps Presented riday and Saturday At Most Unusual Low Prices KOON OVERLAND CO 214 218 ERRY ST LAAYETTE IND or Your Home Garden? ANYONE who has tried them can tell yotr the vast difference between ordinary seeds and the selected strains of the choicest varieties newly grown and scientifically tested sold by SEED STORE Na amount of care can improve poor seed the mistake of planting1 them can never be corrected it means a year lost WhyHake a You can get Seeds Overnight If you got our catalogue your neighbor has Borrow it and look over our long list of the best vegetables in the world for the homo garden Send your order to day and to morrow your seed will be on the way to you AK rATArhniJK! Tfl KKKP We have a few thousand left and there is not a day of your gardening year that you will not want to consult this Home Garden Handbook with its complete illustrated list of garden necessities its 50 Colored Plates of lowers its 14 Plans for Planting your Home Grounds and other articles by experts on home garden topics Mailed REE to our Cuatomare Seed Store 10 12 Weat Randolph Street CHICAGO Surprise Delphi Couple Wednesday Special to Journal Courier DELPHI Inrl April Several friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs A Akers assembled at their horn? in South Delphi Wednesday evening to celebrate the tenth an niversary of their marriage guests appeared at supper with their own provisions baskets completely surprising hosts who were at work in their garden A fine supper was served and an imitation wedding with bridesmaids and flower jjirls made a jolly evening sun light penetrates every room in i their fiftieth wedding anniversary runaay a targe numoer or rneir friends and relatives were present and a general good time was had ioyd Glick and family were the guests of AT rs Laura Peter and family Sunday The play scheduled to be given at the gym Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week by local talent prom ised to be one of the events of the season in this locality The advance sale Of tickets wag un usually heavy were expected to attend beigfreidt is director The funeral of Robert Mrs AJ1C6 jflOiiOWHy I Viuiut ntia iiciu ml lilts Psteile find a Sunday I formed church Saturday The largest guests Mr and Mrs Charles Witte i services were conducted by Rev AV Vll vii 1 tVlUl 1UCII 1 1 Li I LI I Ill layps spent several days last week' terment at air Haven cemetery with Aliss Ala rgaret Conarroe The UT institute iiieeiiugn which were neia at tne Lutheran church Wednesday were fairly well attended and good speakers were present Alary Bruce has gone to Chicago to spend a Week with friends Alaurlce Klinesmith ha a been tak en to the hospital and will prob ably be operated on for internal troubles iMiss Lillian Rodocker who is employed at Detroit Alich was home on a visit few days last week Orval Gochenour has opened an auto repair shop in the Rex blacksmith shop in the west part of town 7 5 u' JALlcfn 111 ill AVCliAlVLijr Keziah Dunbar riday afternoonAliss Alargaret Qonarroe enter tained at Sunday dinner Airs Pierre Smith and daughter Air and Mrs A Ash of Hallowell Kas find Airs 1 Shill and John Shill Aliss Virginia Hud low visited several days last week with Miss Ellen Laucly of ConroeAirs Kissinger who spent the wintei with her daughter Mrs Hudlow has gone to Rens selaer to visit with her son JHudlow and family Airs tHudlow and daughter Leia at tended a birthday surprise dinner I Sunday given in honor of Russel 'Hudlow at his home in Lafayette Ivan Hamilton and family had as Sunday guests Alartin Chap man and family of New RichmondLuther Miller called on Sam Ravburn Sunday evening Airs rank Hollcraft called on her mother Mrs Roudebfish Thursday afternoon The Conroe A meets with Airs Alaggie Bollcraft Thursday April 1 1 A full attendance is desired And erson Dunbar who has been quite sick for several weeks is some better at this writing Pierre Smith spent Sunday with Air and Airs Roudebush OVERLAND AND WILLYS KNIGHT MOTOR CARS Thursday Evening April 7 1921 Display of Tailored SKIRT iHL cLOTHstn JS irB Jr Jr i' fp lit i 9 I 1 1 11 I I Si tv i Sy i 1 1 5 ri ffi Ml fflr 9 iktifc 8 Hi 7 If nr' KI JKMjea wi' i fi "i I JISS CWf A Special 1 II i ji 1 1 1 i fi I1 bl I 1 I 'till III i HWs' I gr 11' WrVt I i 1 1 I i i i ina ch pi Tri I Sweaters Slip on I I a i I A 12 Mi g1 BSi Hi al i i i I i I OR3KIKTROUBIE5 AT ALt OfWGOISTS.

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