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The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana • 6

The Daily Deltai
New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OllV GOOD 9 AT LKflS TITAH AUCTION PniC-ES. Mdtny In Hrratl. YV adverted, it few dny og, to the state of our Millions with Jlrnzii, and urged the neces fck iViIi) tlrlto. to be the Southern States of the American Uuioii and precisely whero the" blighting ii.fl'icnee exj-t? Amng the llispano-American Pepnblics we behold revolutions, accompanied by nnnrchy and blood-diew, and in the Nmthern States nf the American Union wo witness impracticable tbeoiies ai pcrpotuat Inslnbility df public opinion, rushing from one wild ex-'eHS tn another, which, unchecked by the wie consei vatism of the South, would speedily eventuate In the overthrow of oil government. AND fiait.

nnuflfiisT, No. is Eitabllihcd In 19 9 0. Tltls lifai' haotlic n-iMtilnire nf nff'-'lnir In "TUB ft All fSTABtlf am rnii PHARMACEfTICAL AND EMICAb AfiATTf TO HOTS THE AMERICA AND FKKNCH I'RACTIt'E An lwscomplPl.Mo i.p.ail aat "Ml C. flKNKINS FitorniRTonR. D.

C. JENKINS Editor, JO EN WIRE 1 Manageh. Tfimi-Per Annum DAH.Y PFXTA by mail 10 TTlt-WSKlvLY WEEKLY UXTAY DELTA rt M-The Paii.t Pklta will be delivered to tuburiibers in the city fit 20 cents per week. JDVERTrsiXG ttATKS IX THE DF.TA, Inline CoMoit IMcklng. rorresponeiice the O.

Point Nov. Mksshs, Editor Having heard that my neighbor, Maj. Briirlnm, id two of his hands to pick loot) or 111)0 lus. cotton npice ft few days ago, two of my boys petitioned me to let them try their hand. So on Wednesday, 2lst.

October, we gave each of them a hand to supply them with sacks. At night, on weighing up, we found that Matthew had picked 11 2d and Ben, the other band, had picked 11 Til lbs. Bo we thought of crowing but In aud behold another of our neighbors, Dr. Larkins, about the same time, had two of his hands to pick one 1200, and the other lbs. fio you see, so far fmm having an opportunity to crow, we had to give it up.

But you see that we are what can beat all 1000 11. pickers. F. Tlx kkh. The Natcheis Courier says that on Saturday last, Keuben, Henderson and Anderson, tho slaves who murdered Mr.

Pnnran R. Skinner, were brought out of jail for sentence. They were sentenced to bo hung on the 11th of December. In tho case of uben, one of those convicted of the murder of McBride, a new trial Ii(KHvt IlOUlit IlOtlKHI IMMUCSt GIFTS' aiFl'St GIFTS! EVANS ft tivw i. pi it 8 BTRKITT, KKW (IKI.FAM.

Wo now Pi ca on ln on of Hib Uvgwl moat 'erlad CIATALOOI'CT lo he found In Uib mtlfd Bt rmmlntln; of all ttie Now mid HthndArri Pn' Wmka on purlry, llhlnrp. ctlon, Bollit-Lottica, A.ta aid Sc Voyas'H, of Kmiimnt Mmi, A-1vo Inrna, Tnt irm.n -a-, Novell, Mb-clmiilcal, PuUfHophka', The.H cal and Boukt. With aawrtm. nt of FAMILY, PEW AND P0CKT B1PM In rarory varli-ty of llirdinx TRAKR BUOK, UYMN BOOKS, ANNUALS, AlaTOMS and LI.rSTR ATF.D WORKS, In Costly Bln-llnn, 81TITABLR FOR PRESliNTS, AH tl- nl Bik "'n and in many lB(nnre Brnldei Ilia bHot IndiK w1t OIV1C AWAY tn tl. aiHrtaw of ry.BnIi, for ON DOLLAR AND TP- WAllDs.nnprf th" rollowlns Va'naMe Pnaantai Qold and BlIvarABl'fttrhMi, St of Cmeo Plna and Dror.

Iki-ia, Plnientltirrbnv and Mo ale Jewel and Plain na, BioocheB, Rlnifi, Armleta, No. klc-i, Bnt'-clela, Mlaee Pin, Cameo OiB-m- nlvOent' Mn iilr Pin, Painicil Jfwelry, flntd A S.lvar Thimbu-. B. T.Hcty of oilier nhnlUr and iw'nl Art Idea too mnneiOH tf detail. FAC1I rtm niKK lerVMl-Fflf th "bova OIPH ai an for the paMfc to tar-ka llielr iirrhaaa rf We are, la tha mantiar ah.rre.

a of our Profll will. Butt. NO PAimAI.riV-F.ThRV ISWK OKI'S A PHIK. EVAN- a 3 fi r- ef 1 ttft 40 K- to Wtjl.nn 80 ISO ffi' 8ft t. 0:1 1.1ft 8ft fift I.

lft 40 6ft pel, If. l.4o;1.rft 4ft 7ft l.lh. 1 1 .10 60 80 1. Il'il. 40 i.iula.oo I- il A- avibb trrnnrr, Will oflr, nn and afar MONDAY, Hie fllh Inalant, thotr FXIEN'HIVE STOCK, triait reduction, for CAPH, OR APPROVED SHORT PAPKR.

ehanta and Wlioleinla Bnyt fe arfu Itielr adranlaite to t11 ard fn-mtne hefora pardiaalaa. SILKS, BONNET RIBBONfl, VBLYKT BIRRONB, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE flOODB, L. C. HANt'KEBrniBFB, 8ritAW 0001)9, CLOAKS, PINK DRF8B OOOBf TBfMMrNOS, LACKB, OI0VBB, HOSIERY, PLOWEBB, DHEN8 TRIUMRt, HAKTnXAfl, MILLINKRY GOODS, Ae, J. a.

PFPPARD CO nivg 5it irw SS Oravlcralreet, IU8K ft CO. Are nw icninn In their NEW BTORR, No, PBOIf STREET, a froli aoi tment nf onocEniEs, cai In jiHrior hnxca 0ANDI.E8, Fperm anilBtar, CO flrklni ae'ectcd 00-1IPK BUTTER, AfTklla do do do I'Beaeb. 4. 10 CUERSB. AO do riNKAPI'l CIIEKiB.

A do aainrteil P. --4 BOt do roiirisii. tf 4a tCAI.KD III Hill NO. 61 do BAIrilNB. Ba do annrird TOBAcro, Afros so a dpi aniorli BROOM.

B3 do do Bi'CKKTB. 6t do W.iLL BI'CKKTt. pocketa JAVA COVVt.H. 10 do LAOI'AYItA COFPBIt. rM liosc TEAR, 1 r.RANDIKm, WINBS BBANDY lT.CIT'aiid )BDIAU.

lu lks Kanrr Qmnery tore, and farsflle t.v i.t'SB A 00., Brtr- Wm. andierratrtrt. TO COUNTBV ft COMMISSION ktECHAHli Two Th -a-atid Five lla.idted Oaaca aV OTS, atjoaj aa4 HATS, Jim ft-lT. liy r.NDINB, ivnnNCNiA, MALT HAMMO0, eiCBHO, BAItLs MAD KAN, B. 0.

01 OYRB B4 LSl'ObTMCA. TAVIOII IT A DDI IV SI MAOAZI.NE and 47 CllMMOM KTRFJTT, 12V Now -ti-ma. Iplai I. I'l 4Bjj TWO GRAND TOMBOLAS, 30t)0 IK1Kfl Ka( KVKBTTirKiT I BW- A FOB CIIRfTMA, ONE Poll 1I' KKTMOCnilXAaEACH. llit-e ei.h ot a Ar I I.

w. agtrm f.ii il up. a Oir letnlt I n. amoii tn itt cli a. i A ti i.f Ih.

ot ih-'e c-n -mne tUt-Bf i-1v inh all ti Ih" Pi Ik- -nd t.ow rf ij for la 4,.. rt On- j.t i.i I umbula i uot i make tnaoe sity of placing them on a. more equitable footing. If u.iti njt but strike the nrt camia! that, watt the Siuth folty alive to her interest, she would seek to secure, by all the moans nt her di-p'wat, the friendhipud good will of the only other (rreat power In the world deeply interested in upholding the Institution of Shivery. Why she has hitherto failed to obtain suoh sympathy and alliance, is a matter of mystery, and oun only be explained by her supine ludiflorence her fatal lotharfry which Is graduflfly cimsinK her to forfeit the proud position she once occupied in the Union, and which will eventuate, unless her enerRiffs be aroused to action, In her utter political suijuftntlon.

Were we called upon by some pusillanimous apoloM for Slavery to present the strongest possible argument in f.ivor of that Institution as an element of prosperity and a means of rapid nui iomtl development, we wniild iiiihenitat-injrly point to UrsKil. That einpii, during nn independent exialcnco of but little morn thin thirty years, lias been making giant stride toward wealth and prosperity, and ft is no ex-ftsgeriition to way that in tho race of Improvement Brazil him linnet kept pace with the United State. Cut off from the commerce or the world by the selfWi Jupnnese polh-y ot the mother country, she was, at the beginning or tiie present een'nry, a feeble, rolnnlil and a deaett wnte on the surra( of the rjlnltp. Khc finally severed in 1H2. the bonds which connected her with Portugul and aMiniel the ra'tli of an indepeudnnt nation.

Orderly, enn-t it il tlonal government was established under ls and liliem! prince, and the new empire began to flourish and blossom aa the rose. The import inn of blank from the coat of Africa, com menced rnder the Portuguese rule, wa tinned on the mot extensive scale. The colTVe, introduced enr'y in the century, soon be- ciune, thanks to Mm cultlvatinn by the Aft ii' tn, the staple nf the empire, and the badi of its wealth. Cuff're mid Slavery are just imltanlohly connected in Urnzll as Coitminm Slavery in the Houtb. Iu order to prove that our picture of the prosperity of lb-axil Is not overdrawn, wo will slate that ho exported WtS more than ieo million of bags of coTr and the total va'ue of her exports and Import in that yer wa Such nre there- suits of lie successful e4abM hment of thi nineli-reviled institution in a region which, but for it, would have remained a howling wilder- ii'1 tn the end of time.

The al ive population of BraJl cn not lo very correctly estimated, as no census his ever le taken of that empire. We will not be far from the mirk, however, In cnVuhiting tho numlter of staves at liOO.Ortt). They exhibit the and here the same hippy traits nf diameter Ihisking lu the glorious son -dime of th it tr ml ciil region which mny, with truth, bo illed tin P.iradi of the negro. Though not cared for, materially, as in our Houthern State thfdr condition on the whole, as a Inhering class an envUUte ne. Iltimane enictmi'nts ive Iweii piiHsed for their protection by tho liupeij il (ioverniiient, and Instance of cruelty townrd them exist chiefly in the writings of prejudiced travelers.

The most vivid (magin ition would Is ti a to grasp the future productive puwer and puis P'-rityof Brazil, bad the importation of pl ive from tke ciast of Africa been allowed to tlnue. Bit tho competition thus offered British pioducuira of cotton and sitrar was )- ginning to bo formidable, and Brill phil in thropy stepj ed in to cheek Us growth, 'lilie policy adopted by England for Iho suppression of the Slave Trade In Brazil dinVrs very mv terlally from her course with reference to very in the United States. Whilo ahe could only hilluence American opinion by Exetti II. ill resolutions, and by faithful and insldloni co-adjiitora at the North, Hke did not sera pie employ force toward and bully that power into acquiescence witU 'it views. greater iuatanee of downright oppresslnu I lurdly exhibited iu the world's history than the ill of Lird Aberdeen, (passed In during the Administration nf that nobleman) hywhi England claims and exercises the right of board ing or firing into Brazilian vosstdi.even If fou Brazilian waters and under the protection nf Brazilian guns.

The crying wrong thus inflicted upon her, Brazil had to submit to, for she was weak but what Bra.iltau oau ever re me be i without a blush of shame, his country's acquies cence In such outrages Might triutuphol over right, and tW Slave Trad'' in is virtually at an end. Since HVi, hurd'y an African has been Imported, and even the authorities of the empire have set their face against tho trade, although the sin- erdy of their opposition may be qucslinmd the obnoxious bill of 1h1 till rem tins in for-e, held In abeyance over the llrnxiliana, iu spite of their loud la mora for its repeal. England may perchance lie proud ot her tn utuuh and chuckle over her aucce.v but llnizil aln'iiy beginning to perceive the egregious hinder she commuted by itiitly Mibmttting to violence. Hi tier would it have been lor her she incuttedlhe horrors of actual warfare than to have relinquished, that supply ol luhr upon which 'be lived and It mrished. The slave opulathai, dectutatrd a few ycata ainee by the intern, rapidly diminishing from other 'hhhm.

lMiiiug the cluiule tine trade, 1 lie lutio- lucl Ion of males wm considered hdluiiely more teuiunei ative thin that of females tin re is a mnked disproportion (aa in uba) in number between the two aexca, and the leptodiu tinn Is therefore iueoii-iiderable. Aa a renlt nf this falling eft' In the slave population, the prodac of sugar, cotton, tobacco and rice is di iiiiuMiing, and it la unlikely 1 will ever ex- ed her colTee crop of lust icar. Bnui'ian statesmen an-anxiously but vainly aeckiug white for the tulltvation of Iher-e atap'es, in 'tiling ignorance of the laws of climate ard race which ordum that cottou and augar at ist can only bv brought to perfect ion by black Id-hands. The cry ol is labor! latior! labor is not fntthcoming. She appropiiute niilliona and i Iters brilliunt inducements to tier-man and Pot luuueae eutigianta to wit Icon her uncultivated lauds, but all in vain.

Of I be mall mi label' of imiigtauU who proceed to Iba- anniullv, tho majority loca'e In the south- and colder portions of Iho empire, or else coiH'tegiitu ill tbo large cities una outage now forces It self uj By what incuu can eiTeetmlly es-tbe glootiiv lutuie that appears to uw iit TW-. AH I CLIi Ah flOTW IMPORTED THI FALL. wV LETTER FROM WAMllItfOTO. Thi Great Flnmcier of itm Trrasnrv The Mof. mons Kanas AtTiIrs Ntr iriigun, otc, Oorrespondenco of tlio N.

O. Deltn. Washinotos City, Not. lfl, lfV7. Mr.

Editor The Sub-Treasury In New York breathes somewhat freely again. If our "distinguished nallonftl financier should continue his masterly operations, tho hungry New Yorkers will scarcely find enough In the strong box In three months to furnish each Inboiing man with a single lonf of bread. But, perhaps they will not like to fast so long. The Secretary of the Treasury baa proved himself a most extraordinary financier. Eight months ago the public treasury w.i near bursting with the pnldm dropsy; but tince Doctor Cold) has applied his lapping Instruments, It has shrunk away to a mere skeleton.

Then, It was running over with twenty millions of dollars now, It consists of of less thin nine. But bis m-'st ma-tnrly stroke of policy hns been in buying seven mil lions of dollars of United Stntes Stock, for which ho paid oni ni rleen per rrnl.prrminm. In other words, he was so obliging as to pay from the Treasury seven million ol dollars to certain favorite stockholder for their claims against the United States, before 'they, were due, and a million of dollars in the bargain for the privi lege. Next year, perhaps these tight millions will return to the Treasury for new Government bonds, given to those lucky exrhanirers, with six percent, interest. Sixtc-imnd six arc tireuty-two per ''cut.

No trilling speculation, that, on eieht millions, in the course of one year. What a fine thing it is to be a favorite at Court It now appears, by private tetters to St. Louis, that the destruction of certain provision trains, helonglng the Utah expedition, which some olhVers at Fort Laramie bad stated wa pmpe-tratcd by Indians, is chargeable to the Mormons. The War Department has been ofTbdally advised of the destruction, but whether pt-rpetratt by Indians or Mormons, Is not stated. It has always been cuid that every thing bus two Miles, and some things half a dostn.

It Is said, indeed, that a sailor on co convinced Stephen (il-rord that he bad seven sio. It has been, however, so long tho practice of writers and speakers, on the Hihjcct t)f Mormon-ism and Mormons, to givetliem hut one side, and that asduikns the regions of the damned, that I could scarcely imagine another wide for them, tilt the arrival here a short time atro of a person who had passed about a year amouir them. Ib-regards them as a community of religious fanatics. Almost unlverallv, in his estimation, they are hs sincere ami conscientious in (heir religion faith and practice as any sect whatever. The most pernieioiis dogma held and taught by them is, probably, tins (hey are the favorite or pe Mar children of id, who ha determined that liny hlull spread envr nd po-sess the whole arth that the Mormon Government is tl which the Scrintuies declare shall have nn end md consequently thuy are oVsMm to po-c md rule, lint only the United States, hut tl whole old.

Out of this grows their aveision to our Eedciftl Government, believing It to la the design of the Executive to make war ngalns their iiis.itutions, and to utterly put an end the Mormons as a distinct sect or people. Un ler this impression, they are prepared und de termiiied to repel furce by force entertaining no doubt that hntever number of troops shall be sent auainst them, the Lord Hill deliver them into their bands. convinced, however, that the United States forces are not sent to make a lemtjle attack upon them, or to compel them to relinquish their religious faith and there will lie no flchtiug. This gentleman says, aa hciitlicuMi and abominable as their svs tetn of marriage Is, be that as tn out ward or apparent morality, nn community ol rpuu ii um tiers in tho inted Stales can bear a compan ion with them. There Is not house of ill fame (is audi) in the whole com inanity.

Ho never saw a drunken Mormon or heard of a street light among them heard no gangs of rowdies prowling the streets; no shooting or "tabbing in restaurants and gimh ling-houses for as to the latter, be Is confident there is not one in the Territory. No case oc- urred while he was there ol one Mormon eloping with another Mormons wife; and no of ecim. or seduction, or rape, was heard ot by hi oi, etc. Now, all this, it must be on ased, weighs -pretty smartly against their li- 'entious praetico of poligumy. They juvJify their on Scripture grout.

ds, alleging that it was fully authorized by the Word ol d. and, like slavery, was never positively for- a.lden by Christ or hi By tho way, I saw it stated in the Delta, taken from some othi quarter, that Madison J. Cutis, Senator au las' father-in-law, who re ently wua appointed Second Controller of the rcastiry, was a nephew of Mr. Madison. Ik- i if a nephew of Mr.

but of Mrs. Madion- hi 'li, surely, la nor enough. The Kansas matters are a great trouble to the abiiiet. The runuing of the President with the ire and bolding with the hound, will have to ime out, aa surely as what giH-sup must com own. ilia instructions to (iov.

Walker have it yet been published nor will they he. utiles Walker should have it done for hU own ustiflealion and on hiaown responsibility, i It Is said that by one of the a'ipitlatioinof the 1 ate convention or treaty with Nicaragua, our resident la bound to do every thing in the power of the hxecutive to eati lien. itlker. no matter where, aud bring him back to the uited Stales. Yours, Lafavki'tk.

At the recent term of the District Court la uii'diita Parish, one Ue nobis was tried on the hare of poisoning his father in IhtH, ile left the Ht ate und went to xas, whepi be was ar- sted, in const ipience of secret reward offered Cue Governor, and brought bark hist ipiiiig. The indictment chaigul "murder," aid the try returned a vet diet of uiaiisluuMhter." iderpleaof hi-i conn, el, Messrs. L.Ktiu and J. N. T.

Richardson, umved nr- ut of judgment, and pr.tyd a nb-ae of ti mer. The Pi-tilct Attorney, K. P., essayed to prove li hu fup'uie from jutiee. ie prisoner a counsel ol jeeted, sho tin ie wa- Mich allegation in the iiidictutenl.

lite Co rt tloed tho parties to the tecoid, arustrd the Iguient bat coiisiiU'i ing hiUiM'H' a cous rva of the pence, refused to ivh-a (he prisoner. The Aiioitiiy then Hied an inloruiaiion 'Jng taut tw Ive m-iQiht hi. I nut elapsed u-c the return of tbo licensed lo tl fciute. The cum wai conilnued lo lite next li rui oi ti Coutt. The prisoner's bail as fixed at default of which be runaudtd toa vait trail.

A ahoekinr fialin'idi occurred in Greenup aiuty, Kentucky, a few iyi ajjo. A on is iih Ins fa! her, when a you infer brother cpn4tiii ili l. The eUer brother iinme itely a'aiibi the 1 itter kcveial linieswitha k'oft', kil'tt' hbu in inth-, Tlic father and ovdi arn sled aud impri oiitd. The typhus fevi has broken out iimopgthu ti.deiitnof the I'uivtT-dty of Virginia, and lour stndciita iniiied Kt raver, Clake, Nclfei-u uud Pae, have died with it. The will of the la Mi-.

Ib'. Uin.h, of PhUa delphia, In licet m.iU her in aole abaulutu h-4a''Cc. 'i'lie cit.ay in vatiiuaitd one uulliou duilara. Wl 4 i vi ppuUr Amor1en, frfivh nd Rngllrii Patent Medlclneat Wabhantko inrtfrtrltyor NEW AltTICLM, more or 1 nerled with thr bu'Bf. AOBHT FOB B.

A UINrsTOCK'9 UNRIVALI VRKMIFUOR. B. BANPVS SAI19APniIXA. ATRith's nu nnv pkctorai. amp cath inno pilia iiDsiiroN's and Arnica coo i.tvaa oil mnvu-uvs castr.

LKHOV'S PUHOATlVK HRlUClNR. on hand, Iluronge'a Peclornt Bnlsamlc Pyrnpi Th Hit tetnclj- evr lo tlie i ubllc for fir ol L'OLDs, CATARRH, ASfllMl, consrprios Ami Al.f- 01 KAsR inK I.UHUS ASD HHKAST. n3B I No. Po yon ynnt Unntl Teeth Brusheal If caU Hi No, SB Cl.aitre itnet I Ju Will fin- (liip of 11 A A I.Ij ER I TH HUr-illRS, Tlie urtlclp to t-e In 'ho country. TrtRellicr wtth lino TOO 111 PlBTfS.

wi4 KL1XIRS, Amt ljt of eve fH ibl' Tor 0 TolW, F. P. DITOXfiK, tA vi No. CIJHIRK-i ftrtihRT. II.

A. F.tH.E3T4f-K,a VKBMIFt'K 1 fir PMlNKS'lCCK'J VrlTMHTO'i Just ICC IfC 1 uUii tu hf r. p. prroNiiE, nci Xwlfl No. r.8 eilAlirillS STtiHKT.

POPt LAlt ANOC.C KMKM, niro REDUCTION IN PlilUES AT T.i' CLOTHING A II I II EN or AlFItEl) MtKHOR aV HAOAZIVE SIIIEKT, Vi iuvlle rp sltf niloo in our ie- lit Hit peril Assortment nf oorls, ai.i a farefnl nutl'm ol li ii ii rvul'tT i itI wli lo ma I iiai tin- in 1 1 1 una Un'y the a ouowilr il svm' i r-. a rao AMD UHKS.S e-iATS lit up a'l wo'i mi UO -NK4 COATS from up i woU ifiwta. fuaii i up nil well ni il-, VICSl'S inml! ii i wa'i LINK is 1 ui 11 wtU ma la DNPEUlllillS 'ion -e-i' up ipHill am lis -lit. PRA fioii tv i. nit up aj Mrl lll.OVKS, -UPKNDMls, II ALP flna no la, at HAMtKKI'C II I-Ps.

'II rte vary clu-ap. THL'NKS, VA1.ISIS and CAKPKr-HAOJ. Iln- ii nd lilldrtn's Clothing. WRl.I.U tOE O.Xips AT LOW Kit P1C TtMN KVi! AM itKn Mt'NItOK CO. 9il 94 MmriBiiie W00LExM! WOOLENS We iv mill I tor Ha orl Merit nt PLAIN AN1 PltlMKO WoOI.KN Dr.ttiS QOOfiS, 1-gt-AItE A Nil LONO aCOlCH SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND WHApPKTIS, MUtlNO AND LAM WOOL DIIAWKUS AND L'MONS, for KMnROIDKIIhU WL'll Pl.ANNKL I It AND A II Wil I TIC, OKAY AD BLACK C.lM(IMt:ilE 110 PINK LUAPLI.

CHID WD UPD Bi a fun ii. or MFItlVO AND LAM IW WOOL BHIHtrf, WR 11' PKIIS AND HOCKS, KllKKCll, KMII.l.SH AMI BIIOAIICLOTH8 A Nil wl th buat iink-i, AH uf wL! -h will In uta 1'itri-m low fnr cli, P. A ItKlILV It 1-6 (miai tired, il ie tiovnf an I Bourl on. 1 10 lilt A 'K f. KC 11 1 (I li I'R.

J. A. KO. 7 CAKONpliLET STHBIiT, MiW OHlJUNi, llafll'C il ll nan yaH to Ih lil ol i-uirif ly nt a He ri autli- a ali i rmlucej il ul tu iuniui i-uijf jM-r'ai ajat of itai tle, U1 liiivn eniijn (. a und uc-r-a U1 (l uetic- fr Ihi.' In N. Orlean wbare I eu lMVurtl la de- niHlial'- prai IU'jII)- il wli-n emplujea upon jf in ltiK'. I wou 4 n-ai-ei ly nun unc to lie public gi-m- rtl Uial Itn to (real wOli eti dial cU if tu uliiL'b llila y-tern la apiiMctlj'v. I wuulri oi Invite all-iilln my In thr- tr4lnii-nl at I'm amonf tliHfl'aor illna la wnli'li I am d-valn( my ape-1 atlHIut Blu-umrfliani Nm-aii Paia yai, DjPfj-la, Te pidliy of Ilia Llr, SfilUitl 'm vrituieaiid Ulaiinu Dta. ae, Aruau-oili, Dvdliic U'1 AiOtiuiA, li in ji.Mit lie4 it nveprivato feren'-aa lo m4ii ai tie- nimt piiiisiiiMiif In mi I in Naw Otli-au.

A fiiaulir i-oiitalBii -g ull pi Meul -u, io0lbr with a 111 aiseao In will aytm of jirai-tjc a ppi-aii, may U-j ulaaluca ty upon nd irem Inj Dr. J. A. N. 1 Caioi 4-i-l t-tp Itcw Uilvan.

Hnwlt- 'a tf I'l-AM A IH Mnil t. n1 tu vc iiiplyof PL4KTA- s' in-1 co ul lloKtvy JAI'Ki-T- an.l CAN IS, tu. PLiNSLI.MIIlU.s. IMi'KoiiV slil T.i. W.

ni. n' rtiOCKS. JO-h'V itel HWIil's, I HI AftoKiti, stS'KS I CA I'S. I Sti, HA IH I i to i ie P. O.AUO, 4k I bu 1 i ITS.

i atixiiiifd lo. I It I ol.l I-. Mt t' AM uli.iif m.AS'K DooKS anl (TATDiNI'ltV, tin a SO AND Colll'Ll'lK ASMH( TMl-NT AT KKiilT'KO PUP II. tl' A 6u rOMMoV PTItlKI', I'w ii 1 1 i i ilai l. Ih.i'-.Ti Ln.1 i.

t'lO'-l -ii if la il Uii-m i inii li. ir Mit- wit n.ic I hu nK ri hip i-urj, In-bivu llif.uit, IM Kl KAHsAl'Allll-l-A. fiili.1 fin isU a nit ulo ia- of Bkoi. Wirof il.iu. tlieur.

dO'y mm bid by D. I. Limam A wltnla! $9 Haiar elrH-l, Ki'W ViL, mud by II diujaUl. V.AVriNa Plini at ci. jr Will.

Nui bor of linos. pre 9m lnra Hcvon Ijiiw Flyhl NiiiO liios Ten In-n Aivrriexunciita imerled at intervals, t'idl price wh rn-crtlmi. AdvrrtisrMiienta 1pnd''d mid rllwplnyed, rlinrgM fif pace ocenr.lwl a( the above fittcs. Ucadi Netifps 8 Uiiws, 60 CPtits 10 cent per lllia for ench additlmin' lino ourh it'soi II n. Wrnpa nd Kunoriil Noiir-a, fiO

Fxlr.i Oblhiary Noilcc- at iho muni r.ile of udve N. appear in both Morning mid Kvcrrnp. Kditlona. FRIDAY MOUSING, NOVEM1WR 27 Ainuiemoiita Thli vi-iilug tT. OuutiBB "Tlio fMdor of K'Ttune" Tii nomonun tn a finocl: Fro Hid' I-nst cIairtt Wdiitlroiw Feat en tbo Tiirht Rope J( cko Rami or Tbo Mnvto star." PrAU-pfO It Rookm', AvrurriiKATKR Milt Poo IV O.n.pbell no Fnxt.wii' If aix Grand Concert of iho Cla-Me Mulc Swloiy.

Aiinoymom Communication will receive no tfttnl on at tlit office, nor Ci'n tlie editor niiuer-bike to return mannm rijit whether used or re jet: led. All writing Iroin the interior wil mu by giving information in regard to trip crop. CorrcspondcriU are particularly requested to wiilc on hut one aide of their We are Indebted to the officers of the ten met Ecii-c for river p.ipen. W. C.

Jewelt wild 10 a.m., coruac, clsiret, rhampiine, so.ip, Ac, imil dUnt'iudi, vuU'hea and jowelrf. We are reqiieHti'it to cull the sttention of hoy-crs to thn roiitiuoation a lie of ctpmiit the at ore or ra. yuen, which will take pUw this Any, at in) o'c'o a. by IK E. M-irjjhy, auctioneer.

at H. II. Chuniiill'M, coiii'-r of Apollo and Erato streets. H't tn at 1 1 luf clonkit tit three, four and live dollars, worth double ahm'Sat ureal bargain. Itend his advurtisemutit in anuthcr column and call soon.

I.AKUIC YtKLD OK I'ohh. A CorrO-4pO'f lrnt informs us that there a laUcd this srusnti on Hjgh Montgomery's plmtat on on Van li ivou, TcuHiH I'ai ish, lOfl himliela of coin on one, and that a large portion of I he en rc (kid of 150 acres jieUltd as welt a the a which Wis measured, Mu.viOAU Cojwkht. We have to acknowl edge the receipt of invitation tickets toacoQert to given on Friday evening. DceeinlMr 4th by the children of tho HiimUy KcImhiI, asniMte. by tie choir of the C'olUctim IMnce Church.

siitll eedravor by all means to be present, as we anticipate a rich treat iu the diaciplined mttigilng nf the voices of the children with the re muture and masterly touea of their cl ceronea of the choir. Bt, CrMttLKs. Collltw begins to draw like Wo wnrtt gl id to see a tine hmnc pre: nt Li 4 nliflit to ic him a Pitrct O'Hura in the LUh Attorney," and aa ihnnit Vur thy, hi The Wron pH-wiug'ir." If our play- g-K'rs de-tire to sho -uiiuo Iri-di C'Miii'dy, the bt, Ch.irles Ih the pTicit to soe during the en gigement of dlini. ilonttsiy tlk it ttii-t a 'tor perfect. Far from il.

His personation likctlioof the bel ator, am now then trred by faults. it thi is undeniable he i tha tiiie-t specimen of a g'Mitce! Irinh comedian to be found from the Mi'i rin tc to the Sabine. Wc td rat bur aee him coma iwn to the foot- light wt'h Mi tt extremity Krateful otiilp. of hlw after an tn 'oie of Widow thin to witness the perform iMccs of a regiment of such vulgarities as i nicy William. Gaikty.

The fiiry pantoniiinc uf Ilioul by thtt irtinettifi, la ttecoimng a bote, umisc qitcn of Its uiglitly repetition. Tito pmpl sec in to think so too, fur the limine lant night was by no in 'an full. Better change the pi o- gramme. Tun A eu tTHRATKH. There waa a larger at ten meo tt thU pface of auiiwinent than uhih-1, The pro-ra'iimo wa similar to that of the night prettfdi.ig.

ltfCN, TIT OV lilt. A.M. IlKlANDKZ VlU Yorite pirformer of Mutt. PeePa Inimhable ttoiipo taSit a a benetil at the Auichilbeatcr to- liight. Tho inexhauHtible veiSiitility di-iplayid by this art iMt ou all oeaeMoiH, will be fpedallv impiCKrd (is we tiu4 the public will be tv alUntl) lor his bun-tit to-ninht.

He will aa Chinese juggler fattening innumerable kiilvn in an apple jluccd on tho head of an Individual wnutited to atatid uiiKcutlud iK'nentti the atefcly Are guitarist, (lancer, acrobat, vocalist, tiiuaicjuu und paiitoiuitui4. Htich a va riety if pet foriiiances, added to the well known personal meiitM of (lie eneflchirv, cun uot fail to attrnct a crowd af gru titled iidinirera. We are greatly indelited to M. A. de I.only tv-r a cojy ot a little rem writteu in the French I ingiiage, on the culture of the auieba.

All h' Jove that Ijeautitul Qowr mid dclre uudortiike its cultivation ahould poaatifia theui-telvua of the intoruuitiuii otleitd by M. I.ordy. l'ublihUt'd at 1 1 Chat ti es atreet. The steamship Culnwln, ('apt. J.

IbiMoch. suiU ut uVlock this moriiiiig fur Ke York, via MttViiiid, with the Ml'twing p.u H-iigcu KoM Niw Yokk Itira, II (M.ipit, Mar-ity liini d.itiMbii'r, A K-h II hi- liri, i lily, and -Mi'a l.F.HKuii, WK lti.l.-, JH mi rVyrrn, an-l Udy. Mr -tn I Mo stiVn dud luo mit vu. it jo. Mr -mi a n.u.n I l-'y ii A II i NUiUUl.

Jir t'ulU-y, koLu Tua HrAra et. Cai.uwki.i, ik Kat Haion K'ti'UK. -Tlw Jury hi this caao, learn, wua inijmnnch d.iy bufmo t'-t uml tbc i Sniiu.ititMi of hUiici-kck coiniiiciHd. AL.u Ikron, Hcyiuour and Dann urn cun-i I. tfni-, and the pro-e uiWn Me.

Hu wart, DUMict Aituimy, and Mi. M. Cbillua, of Ni (lilejita. (Virion tiiN HitHNho. We Ihiuu from the WoodvilU Ib-puldicau that Hie eottiu ol J.anis H'-wcll, nr (Jill, was Consiitiifd by (lie a tt-w ao, logcthi'r it It baU-a uf cotViu.

Thtio was aKo c. kerible uoginaed iu tL hoiue, all of woi'U aa-B''4iiinuuu-d. It iaauppoMd to be the Wi lli of an incendiary. ilib oau negroes aie txni a uj'tfcUiUf in But Is had ti.tu labor of cit rich trade, i I to ht i i tioii ni In it. I -tint ive wne us (here li mint, ble, was granted.

It was contended that the proof against hiin, as principal, was not conclusive; that at the most it but ma le him nn accessory and there lining no oount In the Indictment other than principal, a new trial should be granted. Jadge Posey took the same view of the case, stating that had there been a count charging him with being accessory after the fact, ho would have let the verdict stand. As it wa-, he must set aside the conviction. The following are the ihVial returns of the vole of the city of New York for Secretary of state Tucker, Democrat 37.1 Clapp, Heniiblie-iti 13.41.1 Putnaui, Know-Nothinsr. 8,44 Col.

W. W. W. Wood lias retired from the Viekshurg Sentinel, lie is succeeded by Mr. A.

Uoyull and It. E. Dickey. The paper will continue to be Pcmneratie in politics, Il is estimated that half a million dollars w.rth of property has been destroy I in the western part of Now York by the lute freshets. How tiik Politicians Si Mr.

Clapp, editor of the It', Ifilo Express, and the defeated Republican candidate-for Secretary of Stale, is exceedingly bitter over the result of the election in New York, and proposes to eat his Tluntks- tr i viii turl-ev iu Ohio. On the other hand, Mr. Gray, editor of the Cleveland Plain-iea ler, (Demo. ffiatic.1 is sonroih over the defeat ol "(iov, Paine" by Guv. Clm-e.

thui be lias decided to legist the Thank-giving proclamation aud eat no Thank-giving tuik''y at all. As finale to the Clu-ss Congress, Paul Mor pfcv phivs a tew with Mr. and move and ehallenifcs any living player, of established reputation, to a ni at. li in JNew oik xt year, for not lewi than t-iono nor more th in f'OiHi. us cbaltenure wil lie under the sane tion and patronage ol the American Chess Asto- cialion.

Ocitk Likki.v A young lady who cdllsn panel iii a neighboring State, s-shs flon look iiteaswell as u-ual to-dar, on uccuiuif uf tliu of the ihk's I--I 'llMNJH MS. TlIR FlHNC'11 PAHT OKA pRUTIUH. El'VC'A nox. Vil li Is K' Her ill lit tn i'o S-in tleittf ciiii.d Frein-h LMMmnir, bat it thf r.Oiithai praftice Frelti'tl. Xeveiilieloss, labor I' exii-uiled and tiiu Is con aiimed.

What is t.n; Suntbini'. iin lo-ib'f! Vy. The fact i th i mare or Ie-- reK'dar, ef having its itrucluro exlultitej by rules, and iioibiiii; eisi. I-s that tlic way Nn. The French i to be anpiirrd from Ir.liit.

Tie- proprieties ol i lit reiieh I ttu'UiiKe are lo lie learne like Hie proprn-iii-s ot Froiivb manners, by couver nation and inierc.air-e. And tlie pmper selesil for both a g'md Ffctieh siH-ieiv tn winch the irii'T is phieed. iitemutic teaching is id, ajna flaous, iuaiirn clout. We coundenlly Invito cbizms and strangers to call ut Prof. bVetlo'a, I'narles lo witness and Ju-Ue for llicmselves of the JIow the French and Spanish are prncile.dly tasijflit How uli sta lr-nt-t bffniiifl faiinllar w'lli thin Willi the fticiatiea daily aft ad lo them of re mihdntf in Ion as they p'imsp, i.v and evunini(, in alomu ubere the Fruauli or I ho ttjianUil nre only heard aLd ap keu.

N. Tor ladies. Also t'nr ehildroa. nU2-lw If yon wish to ike business o.i a large seale, or shins in tociety by of mind and ul aane.i nf maiiliers, make up your mind lo pend agreeably tuid usft'nlly your evenpics in tin iinpit sit nn of llie French ami SpanUh ul I'lut Itrello's. diarl-a stieui.

iiif 111 II I T. Roaeit, Printer Mr it. of iu i i on; 1 nn a a i.i oiMhmM cl! ii uiv Il liti.a al KilUyini i r. fmia ia re-1 nc Sm. i Culiiinln of tie-i il -il inmlh-nJ.

I'ii Union ai lllh CnRlVNK mu h'r i '1)4. Ul Pu 014 C'U l' At (' II I'd igi'4 III cti A It rt-Oii1lr iiiuii i'f rinr ir final im mv, Wmih'mU)' i for h.irlu ouMi'if to O'i'ni'-nlinf llj'M(nfn Tl. un r. hi.ol i III. (r worn li -a n.

mfl-i () till t-iH bt-iure thn Kli' 1)1. kt Curt. Hn lie wtii p.uV. n.l It .1 AS vi ll A lists KIP NNH iHI.ON, wV Tli if Hut SUA II HOOK DV KVOl.KNT I il- I 4i It I -itMiMMIU nlli 1 1 oV P. M-, Ml H-W I.

.1 (n a I'A I lio UK, 1WML itu it I CLOAKS! A 8 1 CLOAKS! AT I 0, ami worth double, A. B. nil'itrHIIJ. nil i ll Crnr jImiIIiiiiJ tr a iDtt, BHOESSHOEB-SHOES, iiiN kvhh. pai I AUJCs OAiTKliS, ONKPWMU, III II 4 a p-iir.

Th VIM will b'im ureha'ita rl i H. H. I li IT IpjiH Co I.i an alo a li. hi'Hui i.K tw No. ii4 mt.

riiAitt.K-siitn-T, Wt- i.o... ou! a'lH-k of PINE CLOTHING, l'CttNl- RISil AT am: IV H.IIHi.UXS. IMt .11 4 I' a -l I luitl I I i mount eitii llV H' I Cli 4 I i uUl ill 'KS KOH CASH. I. i 1 1 in i Wil 1.

Kl XII AT MORGAN'S, 1 ill. P- sc. PW1, low p.i. a ie tj xr hooks ill llti I' m- t'5 3 ihJ 1 A 1 li AN 1 1 li.1 Uhl i I I. li la I14.

4 liui by It. P. Pa.airi at. iN has bet it uilniitted ai t- ucr it. nu ib ju uuJitr luw fli ni vi 1 1 1UOA.

J. V-tSLV 10, i irnu iuuv nt-w nil apt My l. u. sou HOUSE FUTtNlslllva APTICLLS mm mi.r. nr AMt'T'X K.

MOORF. A No. 19 CAMP SrUBE'l', At II KIM "I'tirPPICBJ, lo nit (lie ilnn-ifiiid onr ow ne- i. itUeii amoBir wiiii-h ai i IloVKLSanl TO NOW nml PIltr'TAMM. COAL ItlW i COAL VA-RS.






1UTKWHKAT CIAKK TOY LOCOMOriVK. Bl'TLERs' IRiys, NAPKIN BINUS. COFFKK HKCHLAHhBI f'OPflK R)ASTIR, C'irxiKR ntid TEA lVItrp PITCH EtiS, of all kin-la. oiliPi art c'i-o loo num'-rou tu nie itina, aud all A-llvt-rrd la th city fie itpgnir, A LAIUT. BIOCK OP VEDirM AND f' -MHON RARTHEN WARE AT WHOLAIE anv3-3Jj'TuW.

dAsimtr It I SI 1 TO M. N. MIOI)V'H, Corner Tanal ami Royal trt)ot, And a DAROAINS olfi-rini in ptaiidld BlotkoT shir r.t CJfAILEMKN'S Ft'ltNlSlIlN'O CJOOPrt, Jul ptir.lia In Nfw Yaik, at an anoruioui i lne 'Ha-bod OtCitlOi.k of Mil BIT. tw no W'irih M. for 1 iW $1 H.

aDlfAWl RS for It 9t S. SifKS. fo; 1 4 f) Ot, LINEN IIOK" tor tl M. CI.OIII fillVI-S for 'it M. TBAVKI.INll nllAWLs to (a.

DHBINU far 3 Ai aa. rilAVATA for 1 L'MUlIKLLAs for IJ And rve dt-ati Ipliou uf Hi linr.i It. 1 2i. DNOKB OAR e1ur on In price. MkN IS for Oeniameii' ar nt s.

x. woodvs. ail 3ptf FHVtH 1-AlfHK rti FAS II 10 A UI.E LO It I IXPF.ll HT. UIARI.ES Ii(TEI 1 1: follow hif 0..0.1 on ninl re.moBil term- i 10 LAN, TALMAS and 0VEU.OAT8, of vrim di-acilptiuu. Fine Cloth DRKxi hUd OiUI S.

BP-INKS WOITN, PANTs AND VlfsT. AI Ccnla FunilsliliiK VI i IHRTS, VNDEB Hill UTS DRAWKR4, MKitINO, SILK ao COTTON HO-IKUY. KID, BUK and BKAVKR OIJJVBt. CRAVAT, A BK KHCIl I KK9, HITSpCNDER-i, Ac, Po which the; ins I Id in an, niton trf Mialr ft lend and ftie- loniero. novU tdplwAHW GENUINE GRAND TOMBOLA or 14,0011 DOLLAR, ON A NEW PLAN, II.

FRAXKO'S, Po) drai ilrett .100 Til KE1H, fyl 00. a OXM'RIZK TO EAffl TK Kt.T. llVNPUEIi CAPITAL PKIZES.fT Pria ob i-h. itl in at Hie tu.f a iinlui II. Fi-uko' phy sioie, jnii I'OjaiAl i-oud ii finnt lliu co n'- of I'ar imli let dicct, ari Iu 0 0.

WAVLAhD A Ail a-, One ilun.Iui.i D-llar win! uv d-di wlllle le 1 mi uniel, 3 a nt ill di i-uut, i tul Oil lllllllKd fljihll, EI, htllft)J foi uihui riL ul W.iti-h 1. Ckivk. aUdt4itt.od 'o Idt'Mline fui Hi vr, F-r ml nut l- ii.llou of J'Hia, Ac Ai, bii'HoCa, VU ui'i; 1 1( i KLOllU i fJ.OTU Cl i.i AiN Tl BlALs UlMl.iV WtM 01 tORMCrj) I UiHY I I TASSH, I AND piAKO I.UVHI.BII ar tvai rbn-wa Oil C-A 8 HI J. D. tatKUOi 00,, it lia We ae hiii Hiy i i(iieli'il ciel nn I lanmlte, V.

Ti'inbol. a to be wurthy ol I'Hl 1MTM A I. YVAH'SOI Alt TRI-BB. I HE ilMho.A WILL COMK OFF DE It and 31, and thrift on to mi-mt tha Dr.wlnr. B-h vrt'l be niiiie i.nd wn flnlli.n wOl earn da a l.

Hip numbc. rf wh-ch ID dL-4iiiite Uw 1'ii alii on nniil I n- wl sooi umlx-n ire diWB. I. Pt I OHN, 1 mkth Z4 St. Ch.r' -l, up te Kl.

HatrA. W. NO f'ANDY ni T- Hitsdaa. n.S 2Am i WALl, DE OKAToB AND PAPt.R-tf ANORB, a. 13 BAROSVM BKT WKKM IB A VI KB ABB COB BOB I BwprepaiejioPiBfmaall or on la bia Una al the aaefw nolle tt raonatl wilh all tha laMM pnttcrnB of WalLpvpar.

He let Ie ito lo eaU aartkular jtt to ea'ra flna Minn Bl-k, Mio B'ock, Must aud Panm I1n, Oak -urallonr, and Iba laleil Oold and Wlille Hatin pur, with oorreapoudlm brdr, wpa-cially lei't' fai Prio ne. IliivliiKhud n.uiyyiu'ak)icrlanea la the baalaaaa, aad bs i by tomu of Hi- beI woikmen In th ellp, tha and-rais ued flotcra w.lh Iha aapecUBcy af a lu aral palioaae. a-aatuii'aa of all Paaay Ptternaaro already Had aaa i can he lh.t--d by aallinf a abuv. AN ACQUAINTANCE i WITH modmi la THE UOT AORHKA11LB AND ACOOUPLIBHIlBKY ttil ran be firea I youtic paraon. It f.

N'C II AND SPANISH, TACi.HT BY ABL8 PRUFBaBOaV, and a I rite aonpity OF FBKNCH AND SPANISH LAPIIM, to an 4 build-in of Praellce, At PROF. WtETTE'S, n-ll II BT, CH ABLER BTBKXT. 1 UK I'HkM ll, hl'AMKH and KUMAN LANOl A'JE Uiitslil liy I'RfF. HREITK, II 81'. Cll ARLKH BTKBiT, anda larc coinpMtty uf Fittbah, Bruiidi and German Uiail, Miuff rdatl aMudeiita au abuudatil dndy praolli-a, Atl atml-ula Lava ib prirUeKeof rvinalnlna aa Imv at tliey plnaaa In Iha ljbiUhrBiit, b.uliiS ami coalaBUr 4k! uf tin I hi fiefi oh iu ta lo nequir.

llin are fum apuiliueula (ui ule. si- fcipw. Fli Ml PAPF II-IIA UlU, E. CllliTHMAN. (ORNFR tHARilllS AND TuVWVHt BTRFFT8, no.

17. Hi cu'loniora and Ilia piiidlo are iare irully Infoimw it fae bat iHluruijii frun Fi and lia J-t ie-llm very exti-ntive of Ult-at ai.Ue PAPKR-HANO IMis, puinciiUi ly B.Uliii- lor the dir. 0. ivlttK had a quie.liiy luaiiuf.iclured, and ohl.lned a leduw p-riiin In ii-e 1 or iiicaa ailiirle rati iv Iheaiimeoa tt mi -lroui iu a l.uiMlk. Alu, WiUtiml Uilu i Fiuun, Oidt-i auvi ilod on tnm.

IL L'lllllnMAM. o-l I Sh.3 Ip romei Ctmrtu ut.d li.utotMv 4a. JI It 44. V. IUHlClt, NEW STORE, niKNKR I'OVliIlAS ANII CA110NPW.EX HTRl ETfl, II Oj 11 ON Mo Ml lY, Hie 84 b-.

uc wi Velvet au4C tulU IH) fc 8 41-lwC Itli-UuNfe, and AUIIFU'IAL FLOWKRil, i.d I-'ANlT 00O1A, i. lu- r- (fully inviii'- th- lilln iv l'11-L ov1 iiovn' n.oiiiiMi, AT 20 I'KN It ll t'TU'N. iW til It Kit Art IAIMV LIL'A -U I I nn I i.uh It In i(Hn-i 1 ihul (li.if a in! S. I PKKMH li.nitl.MO.uiC.Jl ii tn i 'lni i II ol -io i 1. Ml I AM'.

IminrOfiH, At Oli l. ll 3 Ini 'i fllilM. IHi. K. UII.ICV itmun'il lu Mo, ih Ore ut it'w, Caml aiieat, aybara aba III ft Wc can eo but otic n.ode of salvation, that he can only hope to employ by the co rathm of the United lbica she nl-di ivit' li the pinuai lent national grcutnc; does ai-t'K to ivn ier i tie Atuion tiling with Ulld'-veVpcd llgilcilltutal wealth, tilible to the wants and mvesitit ie of the hu iinu? T'h'u hi her hohllt drmiiid of us the aaiu to snpp'y iier ell' it nuts from 'it, we venture to say that, two p.

ivi'M aa thtt United Stales and Bi'nil upcibeticy ot ro-opepiug I be huh flay blight seom Hie oppo ot the ivsl fmL woild, even weio it ar- ni ugaiimt iliem, aininiiig the nceslnai of Kluv-'iy on thU u. nt houi a an I ti nre philoijdo' ul, a sonic vt i in a pin aiicj cij iiieids iu. it whh we would happy lo ml ia fa lortly cplaiiied moiiic ot tl theirits at tins North, Will tiiu pluKiMi-plu istif tbe Tunes ami Tribune pleane tubi. why, noWiUitaiidmg tbecuie id au iy, air but two large section of this ceuti- lit, blesd Willi UlidiitUllwd goi.d gtiveiu- whiu pio-pei'ity la obneiahle Iu a' I ela-at of aocU ty, and where ataial duoigiini.a' in unknown? I it not aouiealial lemuika- too, that tliune Iw acctiuiiH should hiippeu 1 at tor 'd'e ait in bi tii were and ovul uve k.

pft.eiic la nil fvuial dl taw. Ttoa ua- i I lo call Mn. B. on ba alieudaa at bauea, by I Jiatali br bbinufh tbe ji 4i uOk, si-lW-li'-K.

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