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The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana • 4

The Daily Deltai
New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MEDICAL NOTICES. MKPICAL NOTICES. To EmlgTantB for Cnlifornlavia Cbagres, MEDICAL NOTICES. REGULAR PACKETS. THE DAILY DELTA Burikd WHEELER A BLAKE, Corner of fomhtmte nmi Hid Levee ttreeit imfortrK" and wmi.r.iAi,r, in HOVHK KtJKNIHHINU IJOODS JPrswcaawe titrm.

Fancy Toys, Aje. R. TfWNfcNI' I niiiVuuiid fcjuruTrref ivnrsnuarllln-WONDMi AND'hu OP THE Most ExtsaohOinarv Mkdi cinrik tub Woat.o. This Enrael is put up In? n((icf It Is ri ftm ratirpee, plenMnater nnd wairanted superior to any sold. It cures wit boat nrtming or dttntttniing the patient The ari-at beauty nnd supriority of this ftarnpftr(u-over all odier remedies is, that while It eradicates tj)t disenae.

It iiivigtirateslbe bmiy. It isoneot llie very best Spring and Summer Medicines over known it not nn porifies ihe whole system, nod strengthens ihe persml bat ll creates new, pure aud rich blood a power pf sessed by no other medicine. And In this lies the grano secret ot its wonderful ll has performed withie the Inst two years, moie than KKl.ooft cures ol aeyere casei of disease) at bast I.wa were considered inca rahle. It he savpd the lives nf more than Cnjj. Iren dnrinr the two past aeaons.

(Ws of tVcMrot labium and mtrnt of JVeeesw JCwrfy. Dr. Townaend's Sam pari Ha Invigorates the Wh ivstem permanently. To tbofe who have Inst their mos. c'olar energy by llie eflecls of medicine or lndisci'pti1M, committed in yootb.orthe eicesnive indoltrence ni tb passions, and luotiKbt nn general physicnl printralkiri i the nervoBs syslem, lassitude, wnnl of ambition, (aiu.

ing sensations, premature deray and decline, hnnenirte hiwards that bilnl disease, Con'Omptton, can be entirely reston-d hy this pleasant remedy. Tills Snrsapnriiin it Car superior to any Im igeraftng Cnrthnl, as it renews snd invignrnti! the system, gives activity In the limbs, snd strength to Uie mascolar tystem, In ft most eitraor. dinary degree. ronnnmittton rnred. Cleanse and SlreiiKlhen.

Uoiisonipiion fan he eared. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, 0a tarrh, Cnvglis, Aliima, Spilling of Blood, Soreness tn the Chest, Hectic Plush, NIkIiI Sweats, Difficult or Pro-fuse Eipeciuiatlun, Pain In tbeSlde, Ac, have been and can be cared. Bpltllng II Nrw i obb, April 89, Ifla. Da. ToWfsbhp I verily believe that yoar Harsapa, i rllla hns been the means, tbningh providence, of saviiw my life.

I have for several years bad a bad CoDsrh. I iiecame worse and worse. Al last I raised large ifaantt. lies of blood, had night Sweats, and was in ally drhm. tated and reloced, and did not einect to live.

I have only ased your Sarsnnnrtlla a short lime, and there has a wonderful change been wrought in me. I am now able tn walk ail over the cltv. I raise no blood, and ensgb has tell me. Toe fan well I ma trine that I uq Saa.1H.Cnla, COLE II RSfl If, H.HHersu. Uommui ton nnd Forwnrthn st ii xa.

It KPK call the altentlnn of their iriem ana in nan ic venw v. inetr tiom nBMsien Eitablishment ai Chaffces. Thev are prepared In receive and forward GOODS flrrnw Uie Isthmus to ranamaon ine rannc, and by strict niteniitin to ousi-nes. Uiev hone In reeelv a hare ol" nuhlif nalrnnav. They will emleitvor to keep tin Ir friends advined upon all matli-rsul importance ronrwried with ihla roote lo lorioe.

roriuritier particulars, we ueg leave tore Shwi Tiiomsc'. Patau A Co. NeW C1iaifres, February ltt, law. marl-3m PfllN PI-ATK, TINNKKH TOOL, Art. 10 North's Tinners' TOOLS a rw ri in proved Tinners' MAlinlNLBi flon urisesTIN PLATE, allHiiet lbs.

Bi-ail-rV COI'PEK, 0 id 90 sheets ftiO huidles I RON WIRE, No. Oto 1S 3ki botes L. a.b-d )tHling 2n fr It. oumnea rit)(iiau ami American oiiiLr.r niwn No. lo 27.

Rlirkel Ears. Rivets. Haneenan nnndles. Rnrkrt Han. 'H' 'ueket Clivers, Coffee-Pot Tapx, Lantern mirji, rerioraieil 'I'm ior tireimei, rtlOCK- am, mull, opener, nrinier, tC.

SIC. ftir sate low liy AMU EL LOtlKK. ami BPiont Levee. myio een Customhouse and Bienville ta PflO I.AOIKH IM1YNICIANM, hlflC OIHTM BEITS' UTP.RO ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. Mas.

Butts' Supporters lor the relief and cure of Indies suf in iriK "mi eitooniinai uispiaceniems, anoroniir inn greatest reiiel nnd comfort i untler ihe patronage ofpn twiKor of the medical estnhllimenls ol Philadelphia, Upwards ol letlies lutve Worn lier8uppirter wilh the trreftlPSt eae. comliiri anil The irrrni surres ain-numg litem im powenui inducement io give CAUTion. Counlerfetts and thrasliy i mi tat ions nf her Iniiruiuents are offered to lauies.which are doing much injury. Some In a nintilrdi-d state, others imperhcl in ihe tnoat eMential requisites, ami others ot ohoete snapes, anil ninny years out ol ase, nnd now called new and imptnved, and under the prelenre ot cheapness. None are genuine without her signature and residence atiarneti.

H.Hiks, containing fall parllcolirs, with powerful re. Commendations, inn Im ffi.itis. Prtcoi fine Snpporiers, .) i No. 6ne. SB; ffo.

Of jitti iik'u iranpnrent Bupporiera ior summer use, common, strong, 5 with a very liberal dis- Por bole al or retail by apVn.Am p. n. MORISON, 18 Maxble Mnntel-Pleces and Grate JOHN CAVANAIUII, A'd 'i (Wn Kim (h-l-M. UKMI'tnu Inloims Uiecitnens, that be has chi hand a Saivr aKortnieui ol ti lat si slylr tu mamei-rieres anil tl.ates; ami owine Ul ine targe slotk on hand, he can nrih'd to eH lower than anv oihet bouse in this city. Those in wantol Ute alaive articles, ill do well to mil mtd eiamtne, before purrhaimg else, where, at his Warehouse.

IIH Matattne slre' or al hii Marble Mauuia lory, '24 'J Camp treet. He alo ralb the ailentioit ol the hu dder to a large selection ol lute Marble Donr-Sleps. Caps and Sill, Buttreses nnd Dox.r-Jambs, ail ol winch are in llie outfit, and will he iimna- (actured tn order it as hw nrtces as run he had ol an Norihern Imuse i and aminua to solicit a patronage lor home niniiuiaclure. AIo( fancy aworlmenl of tailed ami plain Tombs, Monuments, Tomb Tops, and B. H-tvlns rfslo-ned the airencv of Coetns' Brand Ptnitrr, id Philailelplaa, 1 rispeciiully hilbnu niy luiuisini tnat tney can ue suppneu wnn ine anove brand hy the present agenu, Messrs.

Hay man Hold n. my ii-iieiiv Fuel fur StfHimTs. TIIK Oai Li irhl Company of New Orleans wMl ftir-twh to sleamerthe article of COAL TAR, at a rettuoen price, it having been ueil lor seveial montli uccesMully on the steamier Maunolia, Captain Thoiuai sou, in ciimittctioii with and aids very mate- ri-dly its combustion. The attention of Cnntatns and Euirineeni of steamers ts called to this new article ot uei a uu for it quaiitu-i, reterence is made lo Uie gmeersol the Magnolia. uroers received at the omre, nn.

r.i st. niyVn N. WO ip. ensurer. II1HH, KOtt VOI l.AOJhM, as BOARDKRM sml DAY PUPILS.

Cnrondelei IL, near St. Jovph'k elhlilrd in ln4g. auder the Superintendence of the Mims ALLISON. Pivevearsol coairleie stirces hat inir testified to the eicedenceof the system el Education purnedhyihe a itses Aiusnn, iney uei; in reiuin meir ffraieiai acanow led gnu-n Is to their pstroni and Irtendt. and to assure them that every eieitiort wdl continue to be made by them, to sustain the reuuiation of this Instant ion tn every department as one of the first private andseleat BCnooi in me 11 ieu auairs.

Tenns maybekaown on Ol tiie misset Allison. ai. ni LmI.Y KH ANU HK tH FIjATI Nti Tht sc er Li- OKAV1ER BTUET, win re he It prepared to do 1L-VER AND BRASS PLATINO In all Its branches. SILVER AND BKAHS MOl LD1NO on band nod tuaite ut onier at the horiel notice. Orderafronuhe couutrv eiecnted with neat- aess and des natch.

irriaire LauiDS made and re- ivis iv j- mini WaBstk KKWAKII -Rmaway from the the 99 uii-i'rifier, on ine Jii the oiacD fin I HI.1:N. Hired alinal hi vear. Had nn. when she led. a blue ralico frock.

She is about leet Inirb. stout built, snd has a round face. Siie ipeifck quickly whenopoken lo, and has the Charles miii ari-eiib, iiicsuuilirwsiu "in mu, iiUjto J.STfllNtJER, lm At the Mechanics' Bank. taruoil. llAHt TAR aud HAND- All orders 111 tif ilimve hie.

it hi our order hoses, at the New Commercial (change, Si. Charles streeli the Ann Honor. Trillin Walk: oral our Woad Yard, Shell Rond, Side New HasHl, No. IH, will nepunc- tu illy attended to. The patronage oi our iriemjk aim Uie pUliiiC geneiBlty, lekpeuimity COX J.

WALKER. A. IIKKt IIKK, Inipnrii and Dealer in WW ITi.nrv am Hliii, A It llVA Ht. IS now re. celt ing a fredi supply ol every article in the HARD WARK and Budduiir Material line.

Also a kmal MiP' ply of HOUSKKKEPINU ARTICLES. A a line totof ihe celebrated "Conroy's1; KIHHINO TAtiKLE.ol all kinds, which lie luviieUU menus locauaouesamine at 4a Chartres l. inart-il having filtered into i. ait iui nartiieioiiip. Ur the rmpoKOl pursuing llie Wine and Bu'incss, at wholesale and retail, do hereby give notice thai from ibis day, the buslneas will lie conducted under tiie nam- and style van Vevtilen Underlull, N'i.

Commoii t. niy i-lm VAN VLuHTKN A UNDF.RIIILL AriOMIM-TMI. MIIEATI11MS WAII.M flaml HI'IKKS tioo Compfisuion Sheathing Nails, and inch, jnoo Ihs. do do Spikes, iroai 2 to 8 do. In store nnd lor sale in why SAM'L LOCKE and 9 Pcnnt L-vee, mylf) beiween Cuolomliiue rjhI bienvtllestt.

A BAHAMA huL-fi supply uu intud i'roin the Lauiiiid.iie Ji'axtory, Alabama a very up-nor article. tUTIUrt Ulna Ol various mini, ior wiie oy M-MA 11 UN 4 PEAIlfiALL, jan I l-lf 2' Natcbes ti eet AUMSTKONO, liiultisslreet, oppottr St. Marv's Market, is prepared utioaiiufai tare STEAM BOl I.ERS ul every de scnplioii, al us cheap puccsas they can be d'hvereal here from anv part ol the country. iv-ly PfilO Itl-Ot IAKKHA KHMM IIANO- ERS. Patent H-iller Buslit'U SiilJCVLS, three tn twelve inch.

Patent Roller BUSHING fnr Bhievea Patent lion Hintnpr'1 HLOCKH, all uel. Por sale low by SAM'L LOCKE, and Front Levee, niylo hetwfi'ii nnd Bjfnv'l WII I TK LKAD-Oj tons Pure Atlantic 11 IT LEAD, In prt'-kaueiot SO, Hal and lb. In more. 'i'iienperioriiy ofihi Lead over ctlier tuanulac-lures, is univi r.illy com eled. If or iale low by SAM'L LOCKE, 8 nndU Pnmt Levee, my 10 between Cuiioinhouke and Bienville ilt, ANU l-KINTINd MATERIAL! PORHALK Por sale, ihe Pre.s, Types ami Pi in' material, ol ihe late National newspaper Por panic iilnis, ipply at thenflice ol T.lf L.

J. HIOUH.Ji Rval sL IKrCt'll KH -mrsuperior Hongs-A riaiiaml Sweilidi LKEctlES, lor sale at low price, wluib'salt' aud retail, ADELINE'S Drug lore, mav7-lm Corner Common ami Canmdeie ittM mVANTIlTrTO I'l Kt'llAwK A vacanl or im If proved tract itf LAND, ul to lo or H-i acn at one nf llie Watering Pisces hetweeu New Orleans an bile. MAlLEri, Broker, ntvl'i 1 Common st. STKAMHOAf TlAWMHK IU ifanl si ioimI liand lutaiiy mJ HAWSER, mot sale cheap. Apply to te7 TJI ISOH MAI.K l-w, to close cousigiiUKOl, ui Iota to Uit iUlcliaoer LNi hall-ibesu Kieh Y'liiug Hvmn TEA.

luperiur quninv. JOHN W. ANDREWS A CO, apT Ul Common t. IjttlK Al OMAN, iti 1 yearooi ave, cook, washer and iromr. and lully uai anleeti in every i aniu T.D.

IIA1LKS, 119 Common ATOP Klll'KITl-Mrrn try rnrst'oecena before Ibr It ami ELETl Ell -i run pans VOMIUtl'Si HHKt'IVU'H kAn Afi I 7'CHEV, for the ure TUSKI, VsN.kKAl.Dll Sasi.s, Au. fOTHK" jBLJC In otieritig lo the liuin.ui family, Drs, Leroy and Pekliei fearlessly mi aid the rin.n thdi they are not only nut urtiatd, but uneiiUxl- en, enner ior meir cur.itue pinm-rui of mi niininr- and certainty in iheir by any other pre palatums ci uitpou tided lor iinula pur poses now bekire the public. Long standing cases nf naimrrbea, Ob-els, Strictures, pH.nsil! llie Irfmio, All, rlioi, ol the K'duey-, Ofnvrl. Huniiiiv in ibel rinaiy paMavi, hate yielded to the i niuoiaint oJ theM- tnvim ihle unt idoU alio m-laiire of phihs, ol tin- iiiu.i ntveiei ale de-cnptioii, ive lied Imui in lore their uio.t ammuhnirf Miiittive iiitiuence. Thl preparation i itlioui doubt ihe most effectual remedy ever di-rovend, and hasi-ureat nw ub.lniaH', uller veiy oiher medirme bad (ailed.

In iU unproved lorm II i nearly laotrh ss, ami etl' ds a periiia-m-iil cure in the pace of live or is day, without If-slrn imn lo diei, liuaiiie We do "cure-ever) ihwii but the alMve nameil i ae we are au-tiidrueil by Drs Leroy und Peleli. ol' pari, (the in veittors) lo tuar.iute a cure, under ill Ibrleiiol live hundred dollai. Wr Mould lii-rr reeiurk thai the mutate have tier before tin- public oi tii let n-. lor iat vcnyeais, Smi ihey have univi rally proved ehVaciims 'At'Ttitb -Beware id a buM- rouniet teller, wlio sells a spurlou and iniunou- ai tu ie. fa 'ItecoHei'l, Uie only Af enl is A DoNNAl IH Caininli-h I ue.

t. i'e-tween Canal and Luiumuu at lite nlsin the Avsvuiataii llslus. IJCU mm rcVB K1IICAI, WILLIAM HAKE, iyL HyM- inn imd AiyrnmhtHT. Residence and enly office. Na.

UT ST. J08BPH Utrttt, AfariUins mi ttrttu, ni HONrillTT. IdiM OF TOICK AND CONSUMPTION Symptoms and Care, by Br. nAiiU, nn uanalstreeu aoia ov Jytt Iv.isW J. B.

STEEL. It fJnm st APAKU-fsr tbt Baas't mt the AtnirteJ Knowing the eitremc liatard whirh stranger ran, InconsBbing phvsielnns for the care of private ni eases, owing to the alter dftqos' nt many who urol'ss to care surb easel. 1 derm It to be 'loitmn; hm an art of klndueti towardsthe aanforiannlely arMicfil, as well asshoer jasttceto Da. MULLEN, Nn. hU CV T(ltHniVE tfrttt.m stati that imhr Tear 1R46.

I wfll sorely a ill tried with syphilis, tn Its worn Ld mi it an pan in a lorm, a no tor several mo musing Piner waa nimi the bestregnlar medical practice I could oMaimn New Orleans, wilhoai heine ami I benefitted Indeed I grew woise. Atleiifrth o-srd of Da.'s greai rep-station. I applied i m.and to my great Joy, In thrar weeks he restored metoperlert health. Sabscribed, New Urlsans, Jnnufi.y ltd, 1W, janH ly SAMUEL ROBRERSOP.

1' It A I OPT ('rikeni CA tTl A I I I tl. RATOR A Renieiv for all Diieaies of the Hair and Is restorative all casts where baldness II uol be fond the reach of art. nnugm nesB.y can compare, With soft, glossy locks nt Hntrj If not enuuwed wuh soch by nirtare, use Ph.don's Hair Invigorator. Yhetahicrilter havins: Sevol'd a considerable ivortlne of his time for twenty years to thesiady nf the skin Bud the hamnu hair, also the hevl means of treating and earing thesame, and having in the coarse ol hlSetperl nientt made various changes and improvements in lite II (IV rent ar Uriel appro cd as the best fitt saeh por. piie, has at length, after Inberiont research and deep Inveitlrntiot, sacf-eetied In hnneinfi lo niTfeeilon a coinposithm, Uie virtaet of which he the WOrut to eicei.

win ctiKMirar. rair inv finttrut em. ooseii of numlier of dtiferenl veeetnlte Invedlents tA uppmitequalitiei, and approved by the highest medics I standard, the secret nf olertdtng CompoLniMng which known solely to the subscriber, Who has spared neb th' pains nor expense in bringing It before the public. The Invigorauir Is an article in which a cleansing ai ptrifylng wash Is beaniifnllr blended with a delicate, niky ana glossy moistnre for trie Hair, never before st-tnined, yet bee from animal grease or essential oils. It cleans the pores ol the skin, caases a healthy anion of the blood vessels, nerves, fcc, whirh free th bair, thereby prr venting baldness and (ray hatr, entirely r- as the skm trtiru era if.

dandruff, and other rataneoas diseases disposes the hair to carl, and keeps (t so -will positively change the hardest hair Into the most I-ft, healthy and glossy itte, a'to imparts to it a dat ker color, and the tree ase id wdl keep both the skin and hair a a neai my ana latanauisiaie antti tue taiast period ul 'tfe. Ladles will Snd the Invieorator a real ad it It Inn to the toilet, both on armvtitof its dmiratr and agrees he per (anie ami the greai facilities It nfT.irds in dressing the nalr, which, moul wtth the Invtgunuir, ran iresseii in at reoBiren lorm, so as io presTve its elarr vrhether nlam or in carls. When nsed on children a beads, tt lays the foundation for a good head ot nair. Invented apd prepared by EDWARD PHALON.No. CI Broadway York.

Sole agent tor New Urleanf, f. W. 0IHOM, corner ol St Caunl streets, Importar and Wholesale and ftewtl Dealer In Pine fancy awids, Pertuuiery. Couihi and Brashes, Articles lor Presents, and Oentie-iiten'a Parniihina Quods. eg ly flv OTIt Atnicterfwllh Veaereia'l il IrlaewaM.

The reoutati' -jt writer i so well esialilisheii, tiial all that is oei(iry say to those who have been so unhrtunte as to have contra'-ted any one of those lrodl dutattt known and called Sevrtt Mutant, in anv Part ol meir varioas mrrhs. is. that th wriier, after a most successful prartlre twepty sii years, conlined strictly to ytmrtni iimio and diseases ol the blood, (having treated and relieved ban- I rem woo were part an nope, many oi wnoni nan ieen mlertlie treatnient ol eminent niivstctani wltboet re. ceivinu any benefit) i enaided to offer yon positively a sate, certain and speedy cure. Should any tlie unfrnv tunnlrfy ujflifttit see thisshort advertisement, they wo old do well to call at No.

Unaiombeuae Mcravet. (Iietoreapplying efsewherej and avail themselves ol the bench tsut long nnilsaccesstnl esperienca. iw iv m. v. MUiiijN.

ue unstomnoDse st. itaaa uti( AI.NtrTM i a 1TJ H)Hlil4 Or. Da. TARS E'S RESTORATIV DROPS. Jail rereived a irein lannly of the altove cele brated Prench prepai atkift.

TAsrs aicMiy Horn' Till peparaiiiia has, in many violent and desperate eases. effected radical patients liail been thehreondlttcu pronoanced sasU Cal gentlemen of professional rhaiaeter. The invariable Sflrcrsa of these Drops In eases of Mpe. Iswy baa gained tor them a eelebrty an paralleled Id tue annals of medicine. To thnae persons who by stress of vatuerv nr setl-otiUatiou.

have bruazlit on Uieiuseives avtiuca tMvtlitnter MMinsi raswnsni, gwral atsMity, swurvutis amat lArsesmitg (A fnUmi ergavw, wsrvvisf qjfkcheiu, or any other Conaeqaences of Birs lira! ned tndal'Wes ot tlteseosaal pass Ions, these drops arestrougly recumniemletl. Tlilsuremdiai pracdre Man-itsa causes a depression or kiwoessol spirits, with pera-Uar Suof aaaiaacbol' said lasssus both uisoialaud ooLly iclty. all those dreMirel esses of sevaal dehlHty.broerbt on hy an early and indiscriminate imlalgence ol U.e pas- (tons, wuirn noionty aniaoana iw voiariei an ire rnrrfs- dor traleeimtes of old aae. bat occasions the necessity of risossnmf fAJimiui srrsff. ibis preparauoa If recomuienoeu, onertng uopr.sireirvn ana lerrity.

The nrly Agency tn the united Staus Is at no. 14 CAkaNliVl.M flewf, rtwacH ttonttt mnA Ccsisvm ttru Stm Orsssnw, (Siga of the A STATUE.) ni tt NINK VKAKN 'fK-K Dr LEROY ANTI'VEN EREA SPECI K1C and PILLS Por Ikt Cm it of Nyf4diia lhntit ijirit ai4 ttfmt Itttgrtf h'lrmrt, Kruptwns, HKeunuttnm, and all other inveterate couipUiiitHarisiurfromaii immoderate use of Afirnurgor aniorpiion oi i irui in ine uinfiu, NOTICE. It ii a melancholy tact that thousands lail victim to tiie venereal il ea oC, owing Ui the Ignorance ot lilUentie men, who, either hy an injudicious treatment, or nn immoderate ue oi ER head, Blotcliesim the W-e stud body, dim- 15)1 nes ut ifbt, buiuming in Ute ear, Dear--lnTj nei, Nudes, eic. etc, until a compleh yr'Tllai Drostralioii etisfles, aial a llngerinir deaihaaasnaas-Bsw nnii an ud If, iheir dreaitial suiFeruii's. Persons afflicted wuh any of th above-named dis eases, nrnt pe i ipy those wtiose raes are proDounce.i D' lperte or Incur tide, ate Ui Call at the SOIJTHEHN MEDICAL OKPH'E, i Carondelel si, established IH4ii whaie tliooe who have not the means to nay lor proletatonal services can have the two preparation ul wholesale prices.

1 thus by curing sup D'ied incuinble cases, that these mcUicuies have be come so celebrated. We give no lni recommendations to deceive the public, tlie curu ul the iin ilicinei will speak lor them our only unjecl rs to nollty wliere they can be had Gen uine, ami ute urs. uriuy ami testier r.iriki, riiaik'nife the trsi, ano a. ure iitu iuc ess hi Un-se Siieeiftca tu any case Utal coiues wlUiU the pow er ol me, cine. 1 Tliey contain nil MfiCUsV Hole CARONDELKT between Ca- e.d ttreeu.

New Orlrans. feiilt-tf "rl MVa 'VAttnBOUTHKRS MKUIVAI 1V oyyirL-po. I THE PUBLIC aim Ysnn peruianeiilly located In thti city, combined with the anvaried success oarpecaliar lysteiti of tri-aiiuent fur Syphilitic, Mercurial and all Chrome complaints, has met with daring thai Ume.haJ fuiiv and st nnUy established oar repoution. The Set turn Mt txoul iiMUt." No. IN CAHUNDE LET Street established 1b4u forthe care of atlCliromc flections ta.

witli a few eiccntions. known toailithi oily oJict of thiseard is to iiimrni those why know no' il location, that il afflicted with any oi those privatedli-eases which are en fortunately so prevalent, they van sail Bswun a ceatBiiiiy anu guarantees cure, Tu ihosM esneciailv.'iin an immoderate nseo BSerrurj, Wli-M inrur miuimiiij bj (-iiii, ft nu.nif NiKles on the bones, noctfli nnl Rheumatism, Itching ot the rlresl Blotches on llie Ulcers in llie throat, IJene ral Debility,) have rtiiiittd iheir eonotitations, we reeom mend to call on u. fur are eonmlenl that the prompt ami permanent reuei wey win rweivr mini ine aivt fTecls of oar tiealnteiu, will al once convince tbeuto; oar capability ot fulfilling what we profess. do not boast ul inakniK rapid aadhnaty earesJiB' Oar satisfaction is to perloruilliorounb aud radical ones tu askhort a spare ol lime a ilcanpUMlbiy liedune.will advantage and salety Utlhe patient.

We will nnl here, UiroQub a enter (nUi any elaleirate remark regarding venereal affection it a disease Uiatanlortunutely pervades all ranks aneieiv. rich. iWMir. ni.iirumin'al and siftvle: all we WU observe is. Ifany person irtiirteit w.dia cnnipiaiiil of thai nature, cannot'-iass nis pixonar rw any oi imiki wedesrrtbe, (aee Ireanse.) hy caltinir al noroHice will give him, free nf all ebvges, what eiplaoalion Jt advice he uiay lUsire.

It often hapens that ah Ill-limed sense of shame drenil of discovery deters a patient irtun applying ti those who.troiii education and repeclability, cau be friend ban, delaying a treatment till ail the count iluuoru symptom ol ll. Is horrid disease make Tourli, the Doctor pledge huiisell to preserve tin tnoat inviolable Seeresy; and from bi eilniMve prarUei and Can confidently recommend a afe and speedy cure. It- C. THOMfiUM. UmiT no.

1 I unm, i 'nml. (Burn of tlie Marble inios Htamr, private entram hru duor lo llie right of Nu. laCarme teiet ktreet. rrivate eirrt-ss, uom in buuniHmsiiu waiou- delelslreeU l- BJ I imA i 4lKliAl.i Or, The KllHlr A This is Ihe only actaa) remedy ever I roverui lor GENITAL DEBiuif and all DIM r.AHKS orcasloued bv aeriaiusecret babitSi and many ol the dos trains recently recommended for the same complaints, are worthless initiations, which its unrivaled eieeiieuce, fame and popalarity, have brought InUi the market, The Medical pacalty (d Eerope and the Umted Btates are aaanttiious In their recommemls-lions ol tlisH'CINA COAaiAL, and have not given their saaet Ion, lu a single insinnce that has been as-thenllcatid, to aiiy pliier coiiipoand prepared lor the same purposes Tlie aiumat reliance may be placed on the potency the Laciua Cordial In Ihe forego. lug maladies, and also in inose wnicu tuiiow: nun ot ntoicular energy, physical lassitade and general rostra turn i IrnlaiiiiilV ami all nervoai affections; In- dlgeilion: slniftrishuess of the liver and lu EVERY DlSEASG lu aiiV way coi.necled with the disorder or ol the Procreative lancilons, In ail ol which It will afford almost Immediate relief and, If ased si directed.

It Ii almost ceiuiiii pruuarea positive ami pirasMtMnl curs as it will infallibly restore hea'tli and gUI in urifl primu, B1114 wiiriB "mui iniirni recou'-i he bad lo It. llie moil heuehcial results may be aiiliipUed with ronndeiuii, ewareoi an spnrmui iniita-iiout wnicu ais sold sis price. Prn a lioiile my r-ir sale by MORISON, IS Sfwastne WtlUItT 161 Chartres St. i PiCKLE! CO ts Magasine ami 40 Causl sires I i CiOM MTOCB CO. ft! Povdrassircet.

stpl-i ly tl Mtt I UIAI, HHKI ATIs AMI KN- ItI LAHiEMENT Og THE BON Eh, Long ac- llonei ui prrM'iioe ior uikeaes a ni nature. have lir imw raniUfif iui them aud liemg a cliaa erverul cause nnd efl.rt. we ive nl.i.tiueJ a il.r. ougii piuclu al kiiowbdifi of ihai Inaui ii ul Miorn im ruanini intrmPU, some Valuaoll IminoveiiM nt in our piacttce, but more etpeciul'y ie-ialiiuf Ui CHRONIC KHKLMATIMM. horn an luuiioileraie ue M-H iiry.

or tin pemiriou ell. cl old and badly cured Kwihilitie dIAeaes. Tu il.nw Ihi-rt lme, who aiH.rte.l with llie Chronic or Aculi KheUiiislitui, E-ilaigi im'iitol the (in Ihe mini.) Ie on Uie II. Mlitlnt in d.c tic. lie uPer oui i vn and tin thev cm ou-uli 0 with a eenauiiy ami ol cure, We will here leioaik thai Iiu m-iMllai hi II henmatimii i otli atu mini nil NiM'im inil tilui iim Uo iiiulill.

'nii ml Huuiiiiiiiv in the Mr ad. NerkiiunesS aud tienerai Hitlrainm ol the syteui roi any lurU in. aim lo THOMSON Souliin tnh, (. in AO. I beiwi Canal and ui- moil ibettii taTAli1 puvaig ifomuluuvut Dee ui Ai Tiorx KVTHA.

A fvl Alf hv the name of CLAPP has envaeed wlU Xsv young man of the nnme of S. P. Twnend, am) uses his name to put op a Sarsapnrllla, which they calf Dr. Townsend'a SaaHjinrilin, denotn inn ting II GENUINE, Original, Ac. This Townsejul la nn doctor, aim i ever was, but was formerly a woikeron railroads, ca nals, And the like.

Yei be assumes the title ol the nurunsenl vaininv credit for svhat he is not. Tii is Ui caution llie public not to lie deceived, and parr bust none bat llie tiK cior. iJim.w ui-i nn. ((( TftlVSSKSI'H 8 A hS A HA HI LA, bavin; on I' the Old likeness, his family coal of arms, and hil sivitature acrosi the coat ol arms. Principal Ojfice, W2 Aamam A.

Y. City OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWNSEND, THK ORtfMNAt, PlirOVFRFR OF THE (JHI NINK TOW Old Dr. Tuwnsrml Is now about Tb year of aire, miC has long been known as the AuTitott and Discovkkcr oi Ihe Okmuinb Original "TOWfiiSKMrsaARSAPA Hit I. Being psior, fl waa compelled lo limit (U mauutactare, by which menus II ha been kept nut Oi market, and the sale circumscribed to those only whe had nroveilits worth and known Its value. It had ed die ears of many, nevertheless, as thoe persons whr nn.i uei'ii ueaieo oi nore imeuies, ami fiveu irom ueatu piuciamied iw excellence nmi woiuienni A I ii POWER.

Unlike yoang S.P. iinnroves with age, and never chantres but for the lielter: beraase It Is me- Eariil on tMtnitfin principal by scientific num. Thr itibesl knowltdgeol ChcmWry, nnd the l-ttesl discove ries ot ine art, nave hii oeen niMitriit into reituimuon ir the mnnutnrttirconhr Old S.irmnnrin. The Snr sanarillnrooL it Is well known in medical men. rontuini niauy nietlicinnl properties, anil some properties wider are inert or useless, anil Oiin-r wunn, ii rein men preparing II tor use, piodnce termenialion and acid which is miurlnu tn the svslem.

Some the proper ttes ol Sarsapaiilla an so vulnllle, that they entirelj evaporate and are hV In Ihe ureniirntkin. if Ihey an not preserved by a iritnttfiv praciu. known only totboar etperlenced in its mnuulacture. Moreover, these vota- nn pfinripfft, wnicii ny on tn vapor, urns an einnia tion, ander heat, are the very twntvd meHttalfroptrtUi ui uie cuut, wiiku give ii an its vatue, Geaulne OM Dr JnrobTnwnnt-nd's HAKSAFAKII. LA Is so prepared, that all the mert properties of the 8ar snpanila root are first removed, every thine; capable ol acid or nf fermentation Is rilrneteil ami re-lected Uieu every panicle ul niedb'nl virtue is securer! in a pure and concentrated lorm i aud thus II is rvndet ed tnrnp.ible o' Inking atv of its vaiualde anil heahne properties, frepaied ui way, It is made llie most powerful aireni in Ihe Cl RK UP INNirMERABLT.

DISEASES. Hence Uie reason why we hear of commendations Al every sine in it invor uy men, wimicn and children We fhid It il'ilne womlers In tlie cure ul VonntitnptitM, Liter Vompfaint mna tn nnevnunnm, sscroiuin, im tivrtteai, nil CnUinrou tirvpiont, J'impfe, ISIoU kta, and ait aj-frctiona arinimr from I PI' IT OV THK HLOAft It possesiiesBiiiarellouehicai in all comphililtfl arts irig from Imhifettion, flom Acidity ol Ihe Stomach, Iron ane'iual cifuiadnn, determination of hlnoil to the bend palpiUitmn ol the heail, cold leet and hands, cold chill' and hot flashes over ihe bod v. It has not Its eonal ii Colds and Coughs, and promotes enty eipectornlion anr venue peropiranen, relating strtcinre Ol UiS luiigl evriy Oioer part. But in uoihing is its excellence more manifestly and ucknowlc'fed limn in all kinds nml tiivei ol FF.MALK COM A I NT. It Works womhrs in casws of 'floor Albns or Whites Falling Ol llie Womo, Obstructed, Suppressed, nr Pmn Ml Menses, Irregularity ol the Menstrual Periods, am the like, and is as ertectual in curing all the forms of Kid, ney Disease.

By removing obstructions and regelating the genera system, il. vex tone and strength Ui ibe whole body mVii 17vi iiidi'iaft mn ncaitiaa and tbir prevent or relieves a great variety oothe niaBile, aa Spinal Irritation, Neuialgia, St. Vituf. Dance, SwMiiiiv. Entlentie Pits.

Convulsions. Ac. It cleanse the hluml, evcite the liver to benUhy ae imn, M.iici Hir hoiiihoi, uei RIVCS jrtum ll(feIIOII lieves the buweisof torpor and const I nation. flammation, purihes the skip, eiiuahtes the cin ulntionu ine imihhi, prooucinir venue warmlli equailv all ovi hntly, and tlie iniensitile peisniration i rela- all sine tares and tivhlneu. removes all obstructions, ami iovigo rale ll.o pit 1 1 re n.rmiii ivaivm II 1 1, a tHKMIChtVlSK I Of; PHK KMIXkSTI.V SKKt) But ran any ol these things he said of S.

P. Town-send interior article This yuang man's liquul is not COMPARED WITH THF. OLD becaoseof one uhand Pact! that ibe oue isiFt'SPAlLt oi DKTaaiOBji.Tlof.ann A'Ai'Efl npnti.m. While the Other UOES laktrM. ArMNftN anl UMriu (At 4a(hi containing it InUi fravnienu llie soar, acie liijUld etplodiiiK, and damatcmK odier goula Must not mis iiorriiue compound lie ooisunoas Uie system pui Ud wtta tfUm airtadv dl'tateii with mad Wlial cause? Dvsm-Daia hot aeull Dr.

ikilill mat wueii moo sours in our stomarbs, what mischief Eroitucesl tlatniency, heartlmrn, palpilaUon ol tbi eart. liver coniuiaint. diarrlara. dvsenierv. colic, am corruption of the bhKid bat is Scmfala but an acn humor in die body What nrooBces all the anion wbu hbrinvon eruptions of ti skin, scald head, salt rueuni, rrympria.

wniif swellings, lever nres, ami SI alreralioiia, internal and etternal It is noUiing ondei heaven but an arid substance, whirh soars, and (hi spoils ail the Hut is of the body, more or less. Whai causes nneumatiom out a sour acid fluid, which Insum. ale iuell iietween Ibe and elsewhere, iirilaliis uinimt iiiriiHMnir imoue upon inrn i D( of nervuu id Inimiriivot ihe l.lru.d iil.linni. ed circulations, and nearly all Uie ailinenis which afflici human nature. Now is it nut horrible to make and sell, and inUifeft SOUR1NU, fERMf NTINd.

ACID "COMPOUND1 OP p. TOW NnEND thai niH Jacob To Wuse nil's frfisi (rgnal Nuriajiuritta IB SB Henven lorbid that we should deal in an article whlcl Would bear the most distant ri-emhlance Ut U. P. Town. eui'i artii le and which should bung down upon tin Old Dr.

such a moantain loAd ol complaints and crirui nation from agent who have sold, ami nun-haters whi unve nw-u a. r. eERMENTINli COM Poind. We wish It anderstood, becaose Ills the eAsaMi truth, that S. P.

TownseiKl's article and old Dr. Jacot rowtHeiHi's S'lrsapariibi are Umxtn-wtd apart, mud injf nUtly dttismilor lliil they are unlike In every pax 1KB Ur, havinv not one single thing in Common. As S. P. ToWBM-nd is no docUir.

and never was is chenn-l, oo pbarmaceBlist kiMiws no more of medic uu ordbK-Hse than any outer rot union, ancieniiAc, unpro lesMiinal nun, what guarunttt can the publu; have lli they are receiving a genuine scientific nn Tic ine, c(, taut in all Uie v. noes of iheartirles used in prepanni remier H.eiu ibe AUklNTS OP DISEASE inieaTu' ii, aim voiiicu ie inc-aiirtoie ui ruaiivrs WIIII ni Vli nr. a an ll is ui arrest traadsupon the anfortDiiate. to pour bain into wounded humanity, to kindle hope tn Uie despair inv liosoui. tt reuire health, and bloom, and vtvor luu ihe cruobed and broken, and to banish Hrmity, that wi.if viu ali to nmniir.riu nas b(luij- aw ri run llie oniHiriunuv ami menu to nru.v lus OR AND (JNIVERMAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY in the reach and to the know edve ol all who neei il.ajni UiaiUiey way learn and know, by joyial eiperl mm im TS ANSC KNDENT POWER TO HEAL, Princiual Office, IM Aauau Y.

City, 0 Only Agf ii in New Orlean, KENNED KI TZ PATRICK. tanl-rikWtf Cor. Chartres and Bienvilla at For Femulfafliid MuIm. uBe ye Fruitful and Multiply." ADDRESS ToTTlE MARRIED. DR.

LARET'f l'S JI'NO COltDI AL, OR PROCRKA TIVK KL1XIH. Pipit IM ia the only actual iriiiedy ever diicovered ior tmp'ucitcy, uennai urouny, nociuriiai ohm, and all diseases occasioned by certain ha iuia ami many of the nnilruiiik recently recoiiimenileil lor tlie Mum- complainu, are wimble iiuilniioiis, wind its unrivaled escelle m.e, lame popularity have hruughl inlo the mark t- The Medical Parolty uf Europe anil ine umieu in ip. ure unanimous in meir recoiuiiieiuia tioiwul Ihe Juno Cordial, mid have not given their taitc lion, in a sinvle in-tance, that ha been autbent rated, to any compound for the same pur roses. The nature ul the maladies relieved by Ihe Juno Cordial are veueral. ly such at tolcueUie publication ot ceriitieaU-std cum out of the quetioii, or the proprietor could proilucea hit- iui conclusive ir-iimooy in snow uia I li great reputation bill it enjoy was not accidenially lib lameil, but is firmiy baed lull us positive, and a pai enlly miracujou virtues lu all direction are 1" found Uie bafipy pare ol of heallhy whowouh mil have lii-en ui hot for tins eilraonlin iry prepare tion.

And II is equally potent In the many die.i- toi whirh II is recommended. Objection ba been raturalh made Ui thv pr'e of the Juiki Cm dial, bei auw the tiasi Hi I ha been throwi, into the market in npKjilion to it is sold cheaper i but Ih- hn.t the Cnnkil caunnl b-affurded lor lt. and out lit be murh dearer, man) ul ihe invreiliei winch compue it aresmonv the cost- liet ihiiiK nature wheieas.lhe ylhei are of ruaapiuuKk, worm nuilittle In money, and lesslii merli We a.ure the reatlei that the Ulinusl reliunce may b- placed on ll.i JUuu LOfdrd, In Ihe cure ni ie maladlei iHeiiiiiini'ii aiHive, aud abn ItioSe which IuIIoa.vii Iio of Mucular Energy, Physical Lauiiutle ami Oene-ral Proatration, In liability ami all Nervous Affeclions hidiueslloii, Slutftfikhurso ul the Liver, fJIcel, or Luroir iiieaor Wluiif(and Kluor Albus, and every duease ii any way (winecled wilh tin disorder of the pnareativc Itim tioiis in all of which il lliailoid nu allium! imine (bate relief, and tf ut a direi-u-d, i almosi ceruui piiHluce an aluioat positive and permanent cure. Person alxiiit tu Hi irry, if consciou ulany weak lies or dl-ahiliiyol a certain nature, should take Ibis Cmdial, ai il will infilhhy re(un: bt-alili hiiiI vigor in pe'i od, ami where want ol urlkpriug is a cttu-eol re it re i ii rccourcc he IihiI 10 il, llie mosl beneficial i i-sull ma) he anticipated wilh coufidi'iice. Il is ol priceless valu to tin.

wiilmut oll'ipring. It ha taktjn the precedenci lu I ud and will ill all oUiercoutitries where ll muy be conn- known. Ii aliwi puM-'aei the on rivaled qualities of curing In cipiem t'onnuiiiptiuii, and I have administered ll with trniil succe lo lailieiiti who have sought uur de I'Khlllll i Inuule for ie restoration ol their healili, am lle reatill IS. thai a mt iln iiie ha hi iai inhled to the cata logue lor the cure of incipient eonmhiplion. bintiug- of this Medicine, I hav itnpoiuied Mehsrs.

Judon ul llie city of Nets York, in the iuied Stale of America, my sole nifenn for llnie and none can he ifeuuiiie unles it roiuei through th em, and their sit; nature on the wrapper. Hi, If 1.1. ANTONIO LAlt.ETTI, M. D. a tl Ak tor the Juno and Pike ui other.

Sold in Ibis dy by JORDAN CO Successors k. Co 'J P'-ydta- ktrrel solil lu Mobile h) aueut or Hays' Luiimeut ior n- Pile Balm ni tor the Hair, AeouHC Oil Inr Deal Halls 'a I CoimhI' M-igiiai I'nn mar tor, Lu cum tirih Hew' h-r i Ithi-uuialiwii, and lull adoriiiienl oi tHll-Un A Co I'eh hrah a-ln-le, i4olt I in Miiulif omer Ala, by Jennuig A Colley 1 11 Mi nipni-. by Mamlii hl Mi InUuh in SI lo(lls, bj Coni'ioi A Bro it Third sb tcl Only Ageiils. tpJll liui-dAW mj 0TH'K--Tbe uuder.lgned bikes ibis method oi iiiloriiiuig In lri tids, and the public lu gem-mi ti ll In- has purch ned the entire slot of the store u1 'Mi. Ismsku A Wui.n, tunicr of itrati'ie aim I'oj dias eeis, wheie he will continue the manuhic luiiuof Military ami tthtmuhle Ciolhoig.

He re hperiiolly soil- the Itheialpairimuge joniu-iTy Iwsiow ed on the old firm, and In ute. hi ll tend and Ue pub lu- -mvm Imn a call, as hi unci will tie bmei tbar any mil iar establishment in thuruy. Orders liiiiu th aoyuiry l'bc prninnllysi Wutiriisu. lAUti-U WA01NU1. II.

H. mnll nnlW Pnrkft rr i niton. via MnnHfi iU. Iuuhtirt mtd Mod- ttuHitU The new, fnrt-ninnine lmnier LKNUKA, J. w.

Honmnn, maner. itnut eiireMiy ror iheuade, will leave for the above EVKKV DAY, a'ler the arrival ol the II oVIik-b, a. cari Sundays es-eepted. Lfave Covington ewry morning ai 6f o'cloca, leanier Lenom, after the 1t of May, will leave (or Mand-vtile, Malim)nvllle and Covintrlnn ob HATI'KnA aftT Ihe arrtv .1 of the 4 nThirft r. ai cam.

MnH vmm Iph Dtn nn HIINI1AV. nflir ihe arrival of Ihe 7c.lo.-a A. M. pari. Rrtorniig, wilt leave Madison-ville same evening (n time ftir pi-senirers go to the cilv hv Ihf r.

run. nnd will leaveagain nn Mnmli mltwr I ho krrivnl (if lht II oClOCK A. R. Dan. fW Carri.ig will always he in readlivsfto ennvey ktoopm? on Haturday nigbiai MulisoniUf.

eor ninner pirUfUinr, niqu'rr hivuv k. Li i limaitu mi rnin 2 M.CONVKKHKfc Brt ji'Vii'" Orleiu.a MTKVKNWiN Pf.M Kfllt'TT. (, rw iner Raa- H.ea at Payne llarrlasna wy day at 9 o'clock, A. M. Jan4tf i n.

iA.f ncwmiil nlfO- amer Palrrhlld, master, will leave lil nu rea-alarly llironiflKiat year rvery mini si IVKDNKS MV tor Mir anove anonn imruurum, g'lrv MONnAr'ani: THURSDAY MUHNI.NO, clerk on the wharf fn Mew Urleana, to receive freight inf the boat, on Tuendaya, Wedneidnyi, Fridnvsand giitardays. For freigliX or passage apply on tmnru, iooi ut tjonl sireeuor HAWKINS, 66 mirfll MARTIN GORDON, 31 Camp jL HP" The Princes wiH positively arrive at Port Had' son and Hayou Sara In lioic for die Cura-- fTV h. Kenolwr OnArkltsi Pnrkot KU- I cUslvtvnoii a k'sr ia.iMfl lnnAm. Mnnro. BsUsMskMalh H.irrnonhurg.anH all tntrrmtHi.itt lltudtntt.

Th iml anliktaiilial kteamer KUDUHA, J. U. Rhodes, master, will ran as a rirular packet in the shove trade throughout the nrawin, taking I Trig lit tor the Saline, Dnrbone, and oiher irHtutarie of the Ouachita, with Ihe privilege of re-shipping on inbUanliat iNials of lighter dranrM, wlilch run In crraiiev Willi her. The Eodora Is peculiarly adapted tor a Hive iriide, with splenilld nerommndat inns, end cem-nianded by eiiiehencesl officers and mt particaltir sin ntion will lie paid the delivery ot Ireitfht and letters, and in any hunt nest IplTBSled lo her care. Pur further particular, apply novlA H.

KltH KLLSEN 4R Camp St. Olnrr. Cotrell Co. Emigration (Mire, Fmipration and Foreign Exchange Ufflcen. 1IIH eonvevina Dassenifers to anil irom Ureal Brl- SL1 lU) and Irelahd.snd rriniliiiitf money lo all parts ol Englsno, Ireland.

Scotland aim a tea i ne suii -hers are sole, agents frtr tlie L'nmtm rt uil Ln-fr fii Fmckett, sailing Ui nnd fritii Liverpool, On die tU Yh.loili.lAirl.aah and i'nb of every month, 'flus LU.e nn fid UCempsoeu ol Uie lOJliiwing apieninn puipa, vis Tim WXi JAMKSTOVVN CHA'M DK VV. CJjiNTON. COM MBl IT. A. KOUT K.R..

AH li LAND 'Ml IlKllTRUpK A KRK' A P.HANON. ST. PATItlCR MVINHSTON VANDALIA i.o new lin a or tA carts, to on tits 1st, iith, Itith and Mih every fflonth. WAmt. tt, MKOlATOil 1H bJNlM)N WKU.IMOTON HW't fivt IR PKKI NOraUMUttRLANDluf" OI.ADIATHR INDKl'KNUKNCaV H.

II'INI im m. r. nm Arm I IWN1 AMI- KICAN KAlW.Klii'i' I I'm PKINOe Ottsoow cnMMetcm Liftr. or packets. Sailiug troiuNcw York and (hntguw od tlie lit and Uiu oi ears iinui'ii.

Wtiii. Tom. Shi vi. Ton. IHKI WAKHKN.

MADAMA-SKA CORAUNN. fldV ItiMfTKI.ft'.Y ftiMTJ Star and I'uion me New York and New Orleans Pirkets, ootiststiHg of twenty -four ships, sailing every Uiree days. We can ronftdimtly assert dial we now possess ane- fpjaled lacdtlieslnrcarrvirigoa the ennirralion buttneM in all IU branches. Our business la superintended in Liverpml ami New York hy one of Ihe Arm, thereby avoiding ihe dely aanllo agents, ami in all cases we can H(-ly promise ood-ireauutnl aud no delay lo paa-senicees IB Liveraiol. Tiie soiirriiers snnDiv urnni ior nv amniiii.

mm opw.iT. is. payanie ai nfm, in Ik -iilland and Alt-, nn deinind. free oi rLiud, Ireland, discount. uniic.i.ij si lifl Camp siree.

Ktv Oihrnnt; 61 South utrcl. AVrf York: apIMy 4 Rumforrt Place, IS 19. ere at Nnrthrrn Route 1 10. BETWEEN THK EAST AND TUB WK8T.l i. TUt MICHIGAN CE.HTKH, RAILUIIAII! URSA jSfi J4 ft UW 1 lil.

con) we iice mend ion on the niMrniiiK vigaliou. Iv which pa-sentr'r wilt beUaeiibe tween hleaifeaiid Hiinnlo In ami Ut New York In from to In hours, ftttm letting th lime between Chicago and uriyio io less ims one-in'm inai oi any oiner nnue. A SieandKiat wiU Irave Milwaukee every montliif. and every indiis; him) evening, lor New Kuf. talo (the eMern lenninuk of tiie railroad), wlurk.

wuh the can lo Drtrmt ami ateainhoau BuiUlu, will lorm I Pmm Chlraffo lo Burl a Jo. c.uidecnnsr directlvwllh the Cars irom Buffali, hi Albany, ami steamboats to Mew 1 or, or run ui p' is ton. doing West, a kteaiuboal will lenve Bnnaus Ker iTlorulnat anil Running fruui the cars Ol tin- Albany ami Ituffilo Rail road, lor Detroit, thence hy Raihoad hi New BurT.iln and hv tteaintxiat from ihe mormiiir Iramal New init io, to Milwaukee and other fxirt. ad from Imih Iratin to Linraeu. coiinerinur wuh the line ol larire nnrln-t on Ihe Illinois nnd Michigan Canal to LaSallo, thenc.1 by Uie j.spre i.i Flrwi t'lana River Htentnbonta To St.

Lou ana by the Lowri' Kivi-r steamers totoWiM iiu me miMHAipfii ini -w iirieans. Tills KdilriMii. wilti Uie tedioers in IU eotineClkin. Clin ago in BuAalo. for rexularlly, siieiy, ipt Kt-ni rsii'uipuieui, uu ucrumiuotiaiiua, ioim, in every superior First (list It a I And aiiot ther llie cii nnesi from the Mn-ippl valley aiul the tow on Lake Mh-iithii to llie Kh-l The rollotving sieatiihoais will ruu tu conneclUin wilh Uie Hicniifdn Central Hailnad B'-twtn Ch'ciL'n and New nffdo tleamers DK- TROIT, PACIKC, aud SAM.

WAKDj Ihe PaeiHr and Sain Ward running to Mdwaukie vut Little Fori. thmrl and Hiicine. Between Detroit and BurTdo. DAILY, leaving boih nUces lultie uicrnlllif. tlirouk'h WiLinui.laiidinv kleani.

en MsYrliOn Ml, and A T1MN I IC. HetwecH Uelftit ami lluil.t lo. tin Cleveland. TlAILY teHVinif boiii nlHce tin evenliiL' Hleamers II DHICK HI liSON, BALTIC, JCMPIK1C, OH.tJON. -me U'Otf nfaiuers me simve lines, orslceinri i.

speed, finish, and magiiitic nlluriiKure, ure babe veil iff ecet any like nuinuer or sieiuiiers Uiai have ever been run ui connection uu fresh water nnVrmg, ai reawmitblf rules, Hi'Coiiiiinhlntioii not 4y where kurp.s-d. Among them are tunny eulirtly new and ol Uie most eiiteusive character. Every effort will be mute to render mot desirable the i W. BROOKS, apl9tf BuD't Miclicenuai R. Co.

Nrw (IrlnuiJi, Milnrliur; utut Luke Font VHAHTHAaS-PcXH ihhtuhn h. H. CO. A L. i a From f.idt h'rom Tsvn At o'clock, At 6 o'clock, A.

At 1 Al 8 Al '4 Al 11 Ai I o'clock, P. At 2i At 4 At 5 Al 6 At 1 Al 8 M. At Al At Al In Ai ui Ai 1 o'clock, P. M. At Al 10 Cart on RuHtUty tare Hrerw Hour, from Fire A.

M. An Omnibus leaves Canai and streets every fVThe WAMHINOTON HOl'KLis now open, UifUT Uie dU-Ltlion of K. P. KENNEDY CO. Olllct of the Fontrhnrtruln K.

K.Cnmpnny, Nt.w Om i April lii, IMlii, Al a Meeting oftlie Hoard 1 1 -tt irii, it was puiiltc nonce he iriven l.v the Cum- piiny, ihul in coiiionnity v. ith ythe lules alietuiv adup-U-d and nide known, 1( tlmii nut linltl lucll rrpoiuilU' lor any In, lUllltle, or mistink'i Whatever. iLippeuihg to goods triiiislMiited, eicept when reullinu Irom an l-deni during llie ai tual ot He uoni one ei dol ilu Ulhe other, and thai all ire it hi shidl hr at the ink and peril ol the owner, shipper, or consignee, 1mm she very Uim ni la Bidcadeib i'n-11 t'H OIJEKNON, Hcr'v. 11 .1 IttA MAMlOn. lie subscriber Iskes ideasure In Inform ftaaal iHl In an.

I the puMiC hi it nrAfl BAi.tJurn, kibdi'O on hi. Char lea stn-et, neit dHir to the cmner ol lr-i ml dirvi uy oppo.ite Mr. Ciapp'. huich. tit-rt "'n "'u keep a vaneiynl V'li' lia.

Pine Apple, Lemon, ml a variety id such other "'it t.f,-4ms ke-iw ill allow, Ii-k ther With Bi.e.beU and ki Le A ev. ry aiu-mi. win ut- mi jHease, und a he i been at gn at i i-peiise in httn.u up bow-s lo nivivv a i uafr I patronage MI' autn( and ou reaMiitahlr In order that no kmf shall wantinif Ul miiiai and dehKhl the patrauol the lumnl, a and erticienl BAND Og Ml Sit', has been niywl im1 wdl lie Ul Bl.eudance tt ree mln. M. keek-Tu-ilaS ibe k.k.u.r..

Vi.a. rs.ou SATbUDAV vest. P. nr 31 laujuaiu I AAR DAM EVICH. Aliens Vard Ott 'MTtH I.AS, the Mii--rendol llie Vewetahle Mokel ai.d upposilt- Poeyfnrre street.

New til leans Having ei-lensite Coal Mine at Pituburg, ihey an iUilaf. uiti i'oiiuiiiers wuh a superior uriu le at iow ru PIT Planters and olhera can heui'littvU by the li't -tu, rmvimHy, Uvm bril bauoi, tu Early wert Ihtio taken, Mary In thy fair and glorious Err the bees had ceased In mnrmur Thro' the nmbrafe of Ibehnie. Bads were blowing, tulffi flowlnf. Birds were singing in the tr-r, Everything waa bright nod glowtna; Wbrn i lie angri came Tor tbee. Death had UM aside hi- terror, And he f.uixt thee culm ami mild.

Lying in Uy robes whiteness, tike a pure and stainless child. nanny hail the mnontuln violet Spread 11 bkiwomi on Hie snd, Ere ihey laid the turf above Ihee, Awl iny spirit map to Uud. Early wert thoo taken, Marv I AikI I know 'Its ti weep eNn nfminc ran never wake thee from thy sad ami silent sleep. Supreme Court of Louisiana, coNUKNarn IlKdSlONS. tfr.w Oxi.cans, Tuesday, May 39, IMS, Where dehu are dae by a succession In lite city of New Cleans to a portion of the helm, an action to recover the tame from llie other heirs, who have accepted the inccesston purely and limply, must In intl tinted In the 1) id let Court, where Mich succession tt opened and In coarse or admlnlstiation.

The court trlted with the succession bns the aame eirluslve powers over It which formerly appertained-to the Court of probates. The Judiciary Act of 1840 haa made no change hi tiila respect. Ei-tr. 4iiRTH Ct.RMitNT, Ttitrli of three minors Riory, w. lli.Nav Story, ft mi.

Apjxml, raw Ar firntntt Hittrtet Courts AVw UrJHt. Khit. J. The, nlaintifT. mm tniHs or ths tlirf minor children ol the lata Henjanim mory, eueu thn heiraof era, aUeginjr that Mrs.

lory died helum tLftir fatlien that her aiieeeeaion wna act tit tl in tha then Court of Probates, and that to we tire ttifl rmpnient of the portion rominir to I he, in Irom their rootherswfnte, their frlher gave itwirtiraa-rt in foViaT of the JOttttl ul the tsOttrt Ol I'mhatea on immovable property that their lather did not invent their lumla on interval na lie wna I Mind to do, ami that at hie death he left, Leeidnathe petitMinere, three heira of age, who have accepted aucceawiun, iiurvoy aim wimpi v. The prayer ia that the he ire or ape he cited and onlererl to rentier an account and be adjudged to pay them their portion wilh interval from Nov. hi I'M, and that the mortgaged property nir.ed and nolil. Defendants excepted to ihe jurisdiction of the Court, on (he ground that the auuveaaion ol Ren ianiin ftury had been opened in the Fourth I i-trict Court, and the mattera and thinga put at ia-ue are now at issue and undecided between the aame par lie in the Fourth District Court, and also in the suit of Mra. Mnrkie against the olhor heirs fort partition, and (hat the Fourth Diatrict Court ia the only proper tribunal for the aett lament of the aueceaaion of II.

Story and all the nmitera appertaining thereto. These eai-emiona ware aiiataineil, fhe petition wna diamineed, and plaintiff an pen, I cm). J'er cu rittmi 'J' here ia no error in the judgment. The uiwewnlon ol Mra. PMor? haa been firm II nettled, and Ihe claima of the plaiutilla are debts of the aunceaaion of their father, to he settled in the lion of pnriitioa, now pending before the I'ourlh I Hxtrict Court.

We do nut understand thul thenclof 1IM(Umm repealed he lomirlt'dia-latiun. Within llie litnitl of the city of Mew Or-leana the partiea limy elect in which 6f the I Oniric I Conrta thev will open a aucceaaion; bht when one of the Court haa been aeizwl with it, rt haa llie aaiie eicluaive pownre over it which ap-pertnined previoualy to tlie Courta of Judgment alViruted, with coata. tader Article S3 of Ota CtaMtiaihia, Uia opreaie Coart will not enleruia jarlwIiciMiB of a caw where a party hai beea utjudired, after eunvleiloe an a proaeceiloa laraellina; liqa to tbtvea, awler the Act ol April mi, to piy a no of WO, to forfeit any llcenae or liceiitea he may bold ender any authority of the Slate, and lorever to be deprived el ihe right of obtaininit and hnlding wrh licentea, and alto to pay the emu nf ptoaeraiton, and lr com milled tojatl anlil be aiie-fi-a iacu )mljr ment, wiUa Ue jail frei, or ktr a term ml eacerdtug wi montlia. TUe fiite actaally Uiiou-l muU exceed joo, (a ordf to cla the Coart Tiie furleitari; Kite no jurMihcuoa ol iitt'll, can 11 ant ihe deficiency ol the line ia that reaped. Titr Statr or Loruu A- Monaitcrio.

At mwHlfrtmtki Kirrt Vut ,4 Cewt mj Stut O'tttnt, Kuitib, C. J. lti ntUuit apjmalt I'roin a judgment below, hy which he wnat after Cunviv-tioti. aeutenred for the oironca of aellitit; liquor to aluvea to forfeit any laenae or lirenaea he may huld under any authority ol the Htate, and to be tiirover deprived of the right of oblainititr and in.l.lmn anv aut licenaea, and In pay a tine ol lint, ami theroaia of jpioHreulioii. which line and route ware to be paid into the hand a of llie Hheritl' immediately in opn Court after jtulc-mnf, and in the waa tuberreHted and coiiriiim) priaon until aaid judgment tie aa-t in lied Htid the jail feeapaid.

ol for a term not Kctteding ail montlia. The proaacuiiitn waa undr Ihe Act of April 'J'Im Attorney (iitnernl moved to dinmiig the appeal, on (he arrtuind that the fine uiipfwed dot a not exctrd UH. AMerquotiu Article of ihe Con-titu lion, the tfiipreuie Court aayt The tine iiiijma-ed ia not of an amount auilieieiit to give thia Court jurisdiction. Tlie forfr iture givea no juri diction of itaelf, nor can it aid the deficiency of the linn la that respect. The cosie being matter of course Blu conviction, can au affect under the definite and poaiiive limitation ol the Coiiatituiion, Appeal dismiaaetl at the coat of Hppellant." Jvwtn A km tt Thk Citie km' Bank or Iivia una.

-Ijoi J'ifut Cunrt Au- ficum. UtT, ThU cane turned upon facta. The rejecting pluimaV'a demand was a fl'i nurd, iih coata. Tun Hi ai or t-, B. ttt tt al Aypml (rvi.Ukt Ihttru-t L'uurt AiwlJrinui.

KiN(j, J. Judgment aliirmed, with coata, ia sV-mlaiit waa convicted aud sentenced tor counterfeiting ailvurcoin tu the Htate, PI1U n. itrnn own PAT K. NT CORN MILLS. Thii i Mill ai trmn all oibet in ihf C'iii1ructmn ol Hit lUijH-r or Runner Hume, wlurh cumixiM-d it in llurr fttoki.

fiiclott in a Comi Imn t.tiu, mri frnu llie Ijtck and ho in the Suine, wuli a Cast Imn t.yeor Bush, thai In ut grattt eilemil dmiiifler ill llo- loiiuiiii nun ai Uie (op, secured Ki lh Imis hy four ImiIir, sf thai every biix Is ia Ui funu ufn ditvi-imi. whirh ifiveo grelfr ireii(rlti tu a none than any other inHlm.i Uit is ritiuired In Miuli Mill where the stone is run Willi itretl speeil, ami becomes dangerous it no) inmgly made ilHiao gives any weiflil in a Stone ot miiui iluiiieuer Umv is rtuairvd, wiUiobi uiakuiK lluck cwtt'Kli. Tins Mill ts a square frame, mde of wood, tn llie Virm ol hnsk, wuh Brulge-irre, Spindle, Bilauce- ii i iti-i arm nif umiiitK prreir, anj grinds the unte principle a a Urae Mill, differing only Id ihr Kuiiiwr me il hemic K'eit Wright, eualtfes it lo i'tmd nsrrr the reiurea grlfrtiuaiiliiy ot drain Willi lest power limn any nihrr now ue, is ami may ue aiUtbed lo bUmn.Wlrr, Hvrtt ot iluti I Rift 9JIIO Ul-lnrh St.10 Ii. llnabte tJeared 445 I Do. Double Ueared lilt lb Tliese Mills dn not reqtiire a millwright to set ihem ap.

and all Is uecetury io pui itirm in operalion it Iv aliachabaml Ut Uie wuirl onihespin.ile, wuh a drum sallieieiiUy rj( to ran Uie twenty -four Inch St ill twu hudn-d and loriy revolution per niliiuie, atiaclied lo din. Hienti, nr Wnirr power. By Ihe sleady Iioii i twiharw. the Mill wi'l grind su Uieu-hl budii-u per hour nt K.H,d meal and will gi md when a- ll docorii.

The tinny mrh Mill, II put lo ii.luhe.t pee.i, will KfinU Iroui leu UilwHls huslU per hour. liirse il. warranud to be ia every tespeot at reronim-hiud. JtJeKPH II BHRROWS, of Cincinnati, the In enlor. nhls.iied UlU-rs Putrnl in Mi Vor all liilru.Ke.

nieiiis, ihe nurchawr will be held respon.ihie lor (he righi i uiiig. jur fioifPiire your Mill ahoat twelve leet Imiii Die Drivi. pulley, in a level p.sium the hell ol i or eiKlil inches wide, (iive ihe Hume aiU revoluMHiu a llilnate, wuh the Utt, KtcD the liet-k and step ol the spindle well oiled AH will be attended to hy addressing or IdTHtiUVV, Ai'euli dl lydfcVV VA HTHKKT, II liiese Muis do nd give eni.iv sanstacuiDi tha purchHwr, tuey can be reiarned-ihe money mid clisrK'S wiil be reiuuded, itud no qufHiuns usd. fBO I II A '( ONNUU TiTsla 4r-J I fiJM'l It Of ANU UlAl.bH IH ftp I lb" ViJ Oiiitueih' I'oydraa Murket, North aide, N.Orb mis, txiii'l4ujy on limia' a genet ni ul Cii ins, (JJhss and Ware. Tuini.i.-i.

ute,, ritampaifiH tiohh'ls and Soiri) Alt; Ulasse. IN-iiii, Pressed Rod Cui KiuU" Bar Dt and rltoieri Hyruu ai.d Bitter Botliesj and all tuci ariifie. will un Colli ehooes in filling them up lor a new seaMin. Knives and forks; (Jerinaii Hilver Ttaami HinHins, i.irt'e; Untaiiiua nivered fuchets, an-i great uiwiy olher article not ne- lii iiii-nhon. IV ConVrhofckes furnUlted at the lowest price for tj-oini fiH imoie to any pari ut Uie rny ii jfuaranu-eo.

iroiu a.tll MBH'AKU-Kmy dnllan reward le i ad lor Uu-d4t very ul Ihe xi years i lor-iiit-ily bi lon. Lo Canuiu fciooker, and ia well lliaiwu on the ner ks a eahm boy and ncui.d ((mis aooui i it-et 7 i lis. a mmi mole Ue cumt-r ol liismooib. lie h-lt on iu id the ITih April Apply W. ti.

rOl.l,KR,oi ate4mer Th gi aph, H. apU tiid Levve. IfVmiV ASH AM.l lie tulikCl Hit-1 onlMiui't "i Vive It I Al't: LEHSONM on the PIANO, aial "V'f'i minim Aiko-PIANOS irokt illKJC- Teraiireasnnshie, bai luvanahly ATI PLAIN TIN A JAPANNED ARK, LANTERNS, ki WOtJD wna, Corn BrooniSp JAPANNKD TIN WABJ mi us ins, Vhlk Hearth rlo Cedar Water Biicheti, Pointed do Chninher Paid, Bathing Tulis, Spon ve Ratba, Pinl Tu'n, Dnl Pans, Tumhler Drainers, Cash Botes, Dressing Cases, Water "drhers, Stand Lninpl, Jneket do Rocket do He. I ito Candle-sticks, Nutmeg Oralers, Pepprr Boies, Surnr Bowls. Paiwy do Varnished do Cedar Horse do Well do Covered Ploar do iff r.rcam do Brauhoaml Backets, minted 1'uos, Pine do Cedar do Varnished Heelers, Pamu-d do Cedar do Ova do Cedar Brass hound Keeleri, Cedar Barrel CliBrns, Cedar P-tient do Molaes and Toy CaBI Toy Burkels.

S'lvinu Hiwikl, -ilrh Hales, rnmled (to Cedar do Cedar Brass bound Cliornl, Cedar Milk PiKgina, Sugar Trnnk uii.e no its, 8 1 i toons, Nurse Lamm. Vnh ti'ianls, Rollmir Pins, Clollit'h I' ins, Mica do Next Hoxes, Tea Cart is ten, It to 10, Qmeen do Since water Coolers. Nest Meanurea, Hiill-rlnNlielMeniarei, HUliK MiurU. VMurt-U, V'ikmI Treyi, WimjI Bowls, Sledge Handles) Aie do H.itohet do Pme CoimnoiiTes Trays ilo do Waiteri, reaii anu Lisa? srays. BRITANNIA WARD.

Co dee and Tea Urns, Coffee, Tea It Cream Potf Sugar and Slop Bowls SUmlanil Bed Candlesticks, Spilnmu. fl'iup Ladles, tumblers and Qoblcte, CaiUtr. Ten nml Table Spoons, Water Pitchers. PLANISHED WABJi: Allldaie Dishes, Hteak do Chafing do do Ho up Tureens, ColTee Kiiterert, CoRee and Tea Pot, Dish Covers, Evg Boileis. Oval Melon Moaldf, Jelly Moulds, Sauce Pi, Oravy Sirainen, Plour and Pepper Boiet, Plated tieruiau Silver fes Siioens, Do do do Table So, Do do ilo Table Porkf Do do do Dessert do Do do do Butter kalvea Towel Rollers, Twine Reel.

Paitry Boards, Wood Spoons, Wood Ladles, -Buller Prints, Barrel Covers, Potato Mashers, BeelHte.ik Pounders, nioii Siiut'etera. Clothes Horses, Kniie noies. Mops. Cocoa Dippers. BRUSHES.

Feather Dusting Brnskee Marking do Srruh Hand ScraD Shoe Sweeping DnMIrg Uearib Hnre Cohweb Pmnt ilo do Tar 8 love Tooth Clothe dllHVltlg Whitewash Wall Coloring Window do rlo do do do do do do Do Castors LAM Pi Parlor Stand Lam pat SohirSnle do Solar Hanging Oo Oirnndnles, Hail Lanterns, Lamp Wick. Crumb Varniab Pleah tali Tools. WILLOW? WARD WiHow Wagoni, Wdlow CfiGlea, Willow Chairs, HARDWARB. Brencb Poui. Turned Iron Pots, im Work BMietf.

Mh-Jiu freserve KetUel, Do Pib du T'-a Kettles, Turned iron Tea Kettles, Market dot Clothes do fartk- rs do Bmle do roil Table ami TeHpouaa Do Hriniiua Booona. rnliler do Kniie do Pleh Porks. Skimmers and Lndlef, Sauce and Kry ghiiavi and Tuugs, Pire Pokers, Aiiiiirons, raw Sr hnoi iM in Traveiinit Maiketf Li'inor Piasks, auie atais. CORDS. LINES.

He. ike Turners, Manilla Cord.igs, B-'aters, Cork Screws, Standi; Sad lions ami Bad Tf Pewier Paucets, M'aaswsOaurs, Saw Hiretchers, Iron Purtiiis, Rot.iry VVHtnelron; Copying Presses, OimUirls Piuied Bar arldiroDt, P.Kit Scrapers, WiKmi CotTeeMiUr. Parker's best do But Coffee d'i Draw ami Cliest Uandlas Table I'aUery. Iron VV ire Sieves, Bra-s ilo do S.ind Ri'hlles, CounU'r Scales, Pntloim do Coal HimIs, Diaiier and Tea Belli, Biead Toasters, MISCELLANEOUS. Wrapping Panel, poolscup and Letter Papal, belter Envelops, Playing Cards, Widow, for basket makert, Pire Crackers, leases.

Oernian Toys, la assorts Tin do Drills. varlnns kinds, Children' Drums, Children's hceibarrOWB, Ty Bedileada, Bureaus, CUihircar iTrautUa ttOOSi Do Tm), Baby Jumpers, Bird Cages, Rat Traps, Mount do Orass Hammoekf, uicy Boii-s, Brass Day Clocks, CountiPB Itonscdu) Yankee Blinds, V'eneiian do Jews Harps, Viohns, Violin Strings, Blassts, Slates, Siae Pencils, Mriiies.evt-ry varlete, Collou Cord. Whi do Siiininiii' Wheels, Cow Hi.le hips, Maxin' -Ink, ail ute, niton Kope, do Plnagh Linea, dii Fili Lines, do iiiiiip Wick, do Wrapping Twbtef do Sint- Ts tam, do Bed Cords, to CkiUies Lines, item Cotton Twine. miea Lines, do do do do Hvmp Seme Twine, Sewiinr do Vrenrh Rait do Shoemakers' Thread, Mantua tcn vonis, lollies lollies. (do plough do MATS.

Sheep-skin Mats, Alnanl do Jute do Manilla do i Cocoa Nat do Husk Uo PLAIN TIN WARB Buck. Lh. tk Ui nuarU, CodeeaBoileis, lo tl uuarU Uo rot, it 0 unaiuii do Oiecques, a sises, Wash Basins, Milk Siramert, ensures, Tunnels, Dippir, Pani. pinU to 14 qaarts, Oil Cans, I gailouUl lit ChsvII Moulds, Pimatal IUi( PmiCapi, Uuart do Dutch Buckets, Wash ki iUea, Tea do Kh mmwrs. Dinner, Soap.ffeaaud Pie I nates, Cake Putt, Ice Creim Preecen Pmy Pans, ike Cullers, Murtin 'iti-s, Nutmeg niters, tj.irge do Pt4ii Stoves, Duoji Ovens, Cailrnders, aierniK Poll, Perioiated Tin, du Braai, Kettle Jfiart, Rivets, KlHltK, Pad Handles, Tinners' MallnU, do Tools, Wirt-, Sausage St fieri.

LANTEHNS. Dermis, Copper and Till Mounted. fVrcukiimi Caps, and Sliftvlng Soaps, Perluniery, JComttS, Ivory, Shell, and Horn Win, A. Clark's Genuics Matches, Clar LiirhtS, Win Tapi rs, Waters, Pisb liookl. novlj-ty dkw Olobcs, Copper and Tin do lione, Tallin ami Biniiacic Third itluutrlitiillty Ferry, te Alalf" BV II onders'L'ned repect(uliy in.

(oi hi the public that lie has now in sdcchmiu! npeiaMoiia fine new MT running from the city of New Orleans Alvjer, from daylight until o'clock, P. M. The boat leaves Uie city from a fine wharl, buill eipreuly lor the puriMike, ami heated opposite the poulclnirlrain Railroad Landing, in Algiers, a slHirtdistance from tlie Rellville Iron Works Tiie Landinifk en each side are, well art anged with a sate and ure esit and entrance always obtained. The inle are Ihe same as chanted by other Perries. Ato, khintnasteis and other ibliir to go tu the pi int, ill timt isitfe ami eoinniodlou iff contanlly p'yiiijf be.

iweeu tlie Oovei niuent wharl, here the Omnibuses stp.) and Tluer' Wun-hourson the opposite nle. Jelntii WM RANDOLPH- P4IIT1IK eta TeHienmboiiitlwnere l8? The Blldertttrned. ItHilU' enlereo for the UDriHUf BtllLDIMI THK IlliLLM (iV UTEA.MRUATS and oilier Craits, hav takep the Sinn Yard formerly orrnmeil ll'm eii, tlwive Jeffersonviile, Indiana, opposite LouiviUi The facility foriaunrhiiiK trnm the yard, even at flie lowest slatje water, li surpikked hy none in It's West, and tlie ik Timber st this point is of ihe iiroaajeitaoii most darahle kind. Having hail long eiperlenee at hope by strii attention anu industry Ui tect-ive a portion Ol puonr patronage lea's Iv DANIRLA JAMES HOWARD 12' 1 Ht THtl-MAtiKTIt POHTHAITH- Lo Davaerreiiiyije, la discovery ol the stilisrrther'si lh amleraigned is enabled to produce PUKTRAITB of Uie mosl superior kind in a Sinai.a Sklobu catching the precise espressMin instantly and ftsmv It Indelibly am (lie silver plate. rST Those who wish lo retain tu their laiinhesg'Mid ol reialtona friends, can do SO ai a luooeraie jkuuin no nn waiiai siuu lyuar- iressu -KnirauceNo, a ires street.

mvxi iv mrvtminni IBAPKIt WAKKHVlt HK, A VtWMON'if. The Subsi-ribeis, Aiietils tor Ihe Manufacture have in store the billowing assortment of PAPEHi PLAVlNa CARDS, lor sale at low prices-vis; firfma. fuoo reamt I rlnibiy, for news, llie br0tiHby SO 111. fits reauilPnnling.niedlam llie.ltiet ktMHi vVriiing. Pioiscap and LetLf bun Hardware, various sites i htm Envelope, MM Assorted Colors, Medium.

PLA INU I'AHHS. oOfi)r. C'dien'i Higblander, Mt rry Andrawi gull Ifi Or. Crrlioie's Hlgldar lers and Eaglesi 4b vir. uiilb'ssupeifine Eagles, siar backl.

sundries! Ine handles, Bnders' Boards, assorted nam ben I Mi Straw (Ml Unst.unl AO Tiuns il f.W) kes PRINTING INK. fVPEa.ul PRINTINti AT I A L8 a complete as sortment, tnun White's itew Voik Type Pouutiry and the Hoe Printing Piesi anu I IV K. R. STEVENS BROTHER TO JAHHVIM.IC If I A I PI KIKtf IMHl- A A Ml AND KWr. AND VatfU COklFAHf Viyiu.

if tdl itftiS ta IAS. A- rOKf fcfci.Pres t. JAB. WALBCB Ssi oiaauToai. John Walker, A.

W. Vanlasr, Joset Vavli, A. w. Jrdnooa, Join Klikuian, A- A. Casstday, Bam P.

Mifne James Nn hoi. A- M- Wynae. Piei-iast Smith. PhoDefslioi oi Ibis Oompanv fur I'A VearS. Lava bte, jut led isa mid 1 4ctuii'tiy la iyWrwMfiag.

ila ii initLa isas taaa at the Jwll tUUii.and Losses grumpily ailiuiied vv a raitTf.n, aeeui, lOanaiBl lOf lUCae resuns. imr ininiiPimrriiini. M. RUSSELL Cathanae st Psmnls itiedlcloe. Dr Townaend's Sarsapir-lln is a sovereign nnd pe)f core for incipient Consumption, Barrenness, I'miapiaa 1 Uteri or PallTiitrot the Womb.

pi( (,,.,. Wbues.Olistnicted or DUfieuit Menstraatioo, tiK'nnlinencs of Lrine, or Involuntary illscliaryr ami for the general prostration of the system -no matter wbeUxT the result of cauie or mbk-i or pre-'iaced hy irn'rolarity, iliiieas or arcideul. Nutbiug can more surprising than its iff rets on UiV haman frame, person all weaknea and lassilurle, fro.ti taking it at once becume robust and full uf en erf its influence. It immeiliately counteracts lha nervei5 ness of the female frame, which is the great cnptr Barrenness. It will not be et per ted ol us, in cas-s i.T sa leltcntea eil.lhitcert ncatesnfroresperlornif net we ran assure the aftiicted thnl hundreds of esses have been reported as.

Tiiousnnds ot rases whert famibej have been without children, alter ailng a fear bottles of this invalnaahle rued tc ine have been bleaasA with line healthy offspring. Ta niothtra anil 'tlnrrld l.arflea. Thfsfciirnrt ol has been p. pared in reference to female complaints. Ho leuiaje who has reason to soppose She Is approaching critical period, "The Torn oi sl.onnl negTectia, lake it as It Is a certain preventive fur any of the namrrons and horrible diseain to which females are subject at this lime of Hie.

This period may Ue ue. laved for several years hy Silng this medicine. Norti it less valuable for those who are approariitiiff woman. hood, as it is calculated to assist natare, hy quickening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, tills medicine is tnvaiuable fur all the delicate diseases le whirh women are saldert.

It braces the whole system, renews permanently Uit aalaral energies, by removing tlie imparittea of lbs bialy, not so 'ar stimaiating as to prrxiuee sabse(jR relaxation, which Is itterase of most medicines tsfcee mt female weak new and disease. By si1n a fw bottles nf this medicine, many severe and palnlal sargical uueia-lions mav be prevented. tlrsat Hlewelns la Moth era and rhlMrwa. It ts Uie moil efTecia me if (nr for po'n'f-Ing the syiiem, and relieving the taeVriufa attei-ifn-t poa chtlit-blrth ever discovered. It sirrniliena iWitn the mother and child, pievenis pain ami disease, in.

fresjes and enriches the food, those who have asedtt lb 1 iik It is Indispensable. It Is niifbiy aseial boU. trHie and sfwr confinement, as It nrevenis diseases stteninojt anon etitldniiih In Cnstiveness. P'W- Cramm Swil. tug ol the feet.

Despondency, Brdiarti, Vniiotiug, ram IB tue Sitl ami toi. rinc iiniiin noirhAe, and In regal aim the Secretions ano ertuaiisng tin ealalton il has no equal. Tue tfieat leaatv oi this Tue gieat lieaaty oi i meO cut IS, aiwaja wir. hini wmniriHiir BMiSt saccessiaiiy, very few easel rsur any uioer sard ic tiie. in Sortie a IllUe Castor Oil, or Magnesia, ia elne Is, It ll always sale, and the most del irate sru asefal.

Eierctse la Ibe open air, snd llchl food wlui tins Dieiiicbie, will always ensare a safe aou easy coa Baaatv sari Hestlik. Coemetles, Chaik.and a variety ut pieparailonsgeeer, ally In ase, when applied lo the tare, very soon spun of Its beaaty. Tliey close the pon-s ol the skm, and ebtcfc Uie circulation, which, when nature Is inn thwsii-ed by disease or powder, nr the skin inflanvri by tits alkalies ased in soaps, beaotlSea Its own prodBCtniu the buiuan face Dtvine," as wll as in tl.e rit, Hoi rich and uellcaieiy tinted and vaiHslid rtiiAnt. A free, active uud healtbv elrrulaibin the if mils, or tlai coarsiug ot Uie paie, rich blood to the ettreunties. Is dial winch fits the cooiueiiHnce in the mol eaqsi.

lite heauiy. ll is dial which imparts tiie hi'l-sriiiwble suaiies aim raaiifa oi iiiveuness inai an aumire, nat neoe enn describe. This heauiy is the irtprmg ol na tare not of powder or snip. II there is not a Tree tn tieallliy clreulatloii, there Is no beauty. If the lady is 'air as driven snow, fl she pawit, and ute cusitietic, ami iheMiiood ts thick, cold aud impure, Sue Is not ff stie be tiruwn or yellow, and pure a i lilood, it gives a rich htonni to the checks, and a ufih iiancy to tlielr eyes that is tas'-tnalinu.

Tins is why tlie Somite ii. and eipeclaMy the Spanl'h ladles, are in much admired. Lad if tn the Nor in wi a take bet little sere ise, or are eon fined in have spoiled their eoiiipieiii-n liy the aiplicatou ot 'WMHB, ii r. isii hi i. HI itep, bBoyniil bpirlis.

sparkling eyes ami iieautMal con pieiions, iney auoBio um1 ui. rowosenn n-trs-tpsnia. Tlioussuids Who have triril it, ire more iliau sutisiini, sreddiguteU. Indies of every nation, crowd our oriks daily. No tire ta lit Kadlee.

Those that Imliaie Dr. tiaisanarllla. have invariably called their slof a grtnt Hud Jvr Ac, and have copied our bills and circulars whirh re Isle the Complaints nf worn, word for word 'rtber men who put up nirdlcine, have, mics do- p-ed inccess of Dr. Townseint's S'iroaparilla in e. ntnfsiiiu iictdi-nt lo females, recommended theirs, iitlivnh or.

VKiaaly they dm not. A Handier ol these 'Stores, Puis, are imarioBi to females, as they aM-ravaie disease, and andermine Ihe Coultt'jin. Dr. Townemi's is Um inly and best remedy for Ibe no men, a tmate fota plaints it rarely, If ever, (aiis ol elici ting a peru aueit cure. It can be luken hy the umt delic.ile femao ia sny case or by those etpn lmg tu become niotiers, wuh the gre-itesl advantages, ai il prepare Uie Syte anil nreveia pain or danifer.

and ftreimtheiia both aiulbttr sod eldld. Be caret to gi-i the aiefofuia ured. Ti ls certificate com-lLielv nrov Hist lib 8a rtsnn rills has periect control over the moat obstmate thf; blmMl. Three persons njf ,) in one buttse Is auprere. -I'lueti.

an raw s. niiureu. Dr Towasrao kttar b'trk have Uie pleasure to orni von thai three ol itiv ehiMrrii he. ii enreil iJ Ute St-roiuia bv Uie otr of oar eicclb nt toeihr.ine. they were afflicted very severely with had sores: have taken only four bottle! It took tliein away, lor which I feel myself under deep obligation.

I ours, mc. in a au w. i-itAirt. um woosiertl. Ilpliiluue of Phyali'lnriM.

Dr. Towniend i itlmn-i dailv re eivinif orders fro a nhvktciaiis in ilifb-reiit naris ol the Union. This is to certify, that we. the undesigned physicians if Uie city ol Albany, have in nunierouh vm pn-criiird ur. i ownseuu narinpai uia, ami oelieve il to he one of ine mini vamnuie preparations in tin' market.

n.r. romig, m. J. uon, m. d.i D.i P.

E. Elmeiidorf. M. D. Alhxnv.

Anr it I. I ill. munei CAUTION Owimr tot lie oreai xurre, ami mhukiim sale ul Dr. Townseud's Sirxaparilla, a number men who were lurtuerly comnienred makt.f Sarsaparilla Eitracts, Ebiirs, Bitters, Eilractioi V'l low Dock, Ac. Tliey generally nut it up in the tame duped bullies, and some ol them have tule and fonied our advertise men is they are only worth less itiiilatiunt, and should be avoided.

THIt.KS OP QI'ACKS. Let Everybody Head Thtu Carefully, There is a SanaUin iihi lor Mie it, the different Uiwnl called old Dr. Jarol TowiivmI Sariinari)lu. It i "d- vertieL as the nrilnal, Tins is a notorioo lake, hood, while we nonerale many of the rMec labia ifenls for Ihe sab ul tin miser.ilde eompi.unii ')Ul Ihe country. Irom hi.w nuriieinioinn le the iraurt li e) it our doty lo cauliou the public ihe l-le 'ii uie maiiuiartureis, im unniiimnigiy ut mini ui world m-h nolonotis IiiIu IkmIs.

Dr. Townu-nil ii i-iuemled over 0 years in adveilibing his ilia, which i litalned a chanictei and reMilal'iin tl.roughoot the United States, ami a greater pari ol Uie world, Uie sale being enuriiiou. md an old man who ha been engaged pcildiiig bean nuidtcaiioiis Inr a number ol vesrs. This mans isatiie Jacob Timmemi. He applied lo a nuiiil e' "I men ui tfet euiplovmeiti.or ui'keil ihe ue oi Ins name to put up Dr.

Tow ii semi' Burapm lila, slum the lain tales ami sums we had ctpendrd in advi'iluing, a an inducement lo einbiirk the buiui's, Anwmif oiheci ue applied in Charles Watrous, editor nf (be rfa malca Parmer, who scot mil such a pinnllinii. Mi H. (4. Andrews, loiineily one ol Ihe piopi iehus a McAiliMer' liinliiu iil R.dph I'onieroy, An met ly c.tle lerami tioaiicn o( Ibe broken lnnplHiei bank al B'lb ville, Ni-w Jfi'sevf John NkilluiMii ami Will. under Ihe name of Thouipoii, Hhiliiiuin Imte einployt tin old inn 11, iuhI ngreed, its we uinb iliiinl, pay bun seven dollars per week lor Uie um bs aaititi.

Another Trick, We went to an nuu 1 ilmil drdlura to ffet up a splendid Meel 1 i.univlntf jor our Label, and had the por trail of Dr. Tuwiini'ihI on It diiiiit'Uih it fri i allulhers and mevent mikl.iki B. The men arc no )' ttiitif up a liibt i oa i- with a por 1 rail ol old Jacuti 1 iiwnsi nu iei ine public ilecul. ujun ucn transaction, uid let them remember that none 1 geiinme ami uiig'ie il, unless iin'd Willi tin mime ol p. ToWiiM iid hJ plate is eiifraved on sit el and rouliiiiii the poiliait in Dr.

Towiihi ml. thiee Ii male fii'iires and a view of OUT lactury, Tiie spiiriuu ha no faclory or male Uatu, lir, J'ou'tiMfiul Art i'huniciun. These men a but that Hr. Tttwnseml is no PbT tlcian. Tin, ull hlnleiiK-iil.

I. Iali-. Doft I Towusend alien, led Iwnol tiie he.l 110 dim M-hnolk ia die country, hasiludlt il the dltlt rcnt theories of tedl cine, and lor the last lillren ciiri his ripe, rtnieuu u-veral year nnd i spi mb tai ye sums t4 J'in in uiUltfim' III tiu ini llir 10 i in n. tyr Aiiioi oili. cimum iidniioii of arlicb1, ir trim to ke.

swei I in ail i MT Prei.are.laml by NriKND, lt Pulton nei-t, New York 'uT All puxm wiia warn the Ontrinal and (Jenuini' ToW'dm'Ii I'Hua psnlla, wl it'll ha y'veu universal sdlitaction a Uni rdyduiing tue iat tune ran piucure unite ul tlie (July Agtnt lor New Oilcan. jaiiiuufe.w-11 nniiiiu in nariressi ICKI'lllfat Just received per bde l.irn vais 11 nj A Euroiie. a well se'er ul IIUNOaRIAH snd SPANISH LEECHES. perouk in wantol a food article will always ly surg Ul find tbi: SaiUB 41 Uiy (Jt lteral Depot, Hi Sb e- ii OT CoeulrY orders will have nanclual attention l.flllM ll iiiiahiiim; A lew gi iii'ruieu ffl or tt and la i can he aciommo Jaied with HOAKD.

111 a Ei.iich lainllv. AimiU M4UR BVVI UT SI B)t, VUHItSV, I.

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