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The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi • 4

The Yazoo Heraldi
Yazoo City, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'n-Hi't7t4x; sf-'- nn niTv uprai VANDERBILVS PALACE IN "THE LAND OF THS SKY." IQlaiSlLtOXLiSL Xxizo.lbo37 doimLST, MISS, tazoo czi-sr, ONE MILLIONAIRE'S' START. Peanlless. He Went Right Over to the Bank and Got the Money, A young German immigrant who had not a dollar in the world, and uo relatives, frieuds or acquaintances in America, worked his way westward from New York Willi he via a sassnaa Ml nUDAYJOLY 2. 1897. Sclenco tba Rascality.

tk Senator Tillmau codtinues to Command our serious altentiou, if AND DEALERS IN "Blamed the Wires. Electricity is responsible for the following bit of news, which is in tereBtiog if true "Until within a few months, telephone lines have been unkuowu in Alabama. Outside of cities btet recently many have established telephonic connection. Some of the ignorant farmers had heard of this but they Qotildu't Understand how it was that a man in oue place could Compelled to Decline. A Frenchman went to an American and said to bim: 'What a polar bear Tbe American answered 'What does it Odlrtr bear do? I don't kuow.

Why. he eils on the ice. Sits on zee said the American, 'there is nothing else to sit 'Veil, vat lie 'What does be also do, 'What does he alsW do? Why, he eats MANUFACTURERS OF HAVE IN STOCK knot our admiration for "the true, St- the beautiful and the Rood." He fakii the other day that while op-K)Bed on general principles to Z-' high tariff taxation yet sino.the AND FOR SALE had become a general and indiscriminate scramble of thieves. "4 he was remfy6d that South Caro-aJJipa should have her share of toe JL Mi yjf VriUM 9 1JI -9 A Ctllt IUI ft ft IlsM 1CI 1.VIXI V- eLft'ftftVft WW MB yJ. IV1FI JIT and Drop Slclingr, Plain and Moulded Huso and Casings, Door and Window Frames, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Turned Columns, Shingles, Fence Pickets, el We are prepared to furnish Bank, Store and Office Fixtures, such as COUNTERS, SHEL VING, DESKS, Etc.

Estimates made on all kinds of Building Materials. All Orders Filled and Correspon. deuce Solicited. There is no doubting the fact that a strictly fl rat-class is the most useful place in the land, where a farmer finds all his iieeds in tliis line and a hoiLSe-keeper is made glad to he able to till her kitchen with useful and -pretty things not seen here before. Wheless Hardware o's, Store is ust the place to find a StocKr unsurpassed in the State You must see it to know what they keep.

In addition to all this is added a A GENERAL STOCK OF PAINTS. Look out for this Hardware Store when you come to town they are at same old stand. OT. 3E POWELL, COTTON FACTOR AND SELLER, OOJTWLISIOI MEUCHAIVT ANI IIOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IN staple.Fe-ncy Merdianciise. HEADQUARTERS FOR Lime and Cement, and the Celebrated Mayfield Ps.

Am prepared to make liberal advances to planters and merehunt-i desirous of value for everv bale of cotton handled. Fresh and will be sold at prices to meet zoo Citv. I will guarantee full market Our stock of nierclutRflWe is New and guaranteed as represented. pav special attention in tne sellins Mr. Shelby Reed, a perfectly leliahle of Cotton and solicit consignment, charging onlv -0 cents per hale roi -pllins his aim and nurpasc to please those favoring me with their cotton.

and cilieieiit classer, will have churge of YAZOO CITY. MISSISSIPPI mv wag. That is correct on the princi ples that commonly govern high way roWbera and pirates. Every fellow in the gang wauls his sharp, And if he doesn't got it he raises a row. Tillman has made several of tiis fellow thievHs quite uneasy already, especially thos of theui whom tie Sugar Triut carries round iu its pockets, and watch the dispatches quit--n-orly every morning with the expectation seeing how he has again etirred Mr.

Vest's parliament of nonkeys. Senator Tillman has unquestionably defined polifics, or ralher legislation, as it is practiced in the American Congress. It bas b)en descrbed asa bargain counter over which Senators scrap and trade on the iuterests of their con-titetrts. Senator Tillman de fines it more accurately. It is a' great game among thieves, each taief trying to grab the biggest pile.

The American Sonate is no long-r an arena win rein great states-taeu and patriots debate public questions and seek to advance the glory and interests ot their common country. It is a clubroom wherein the little, punv machine politicians and demagogues that disturb wards and cities and States tfaeir little silly schemes and policies, and when they get together the cry is that raited bv the jackass when be was dancing with the chickens in the barnyard, "Let every fellow take care of his own toes." Politics has often been described as the science of the practicable. That is correct. Kilt we hnVe lieyer, until recently, heard politics de scribed as "the science of the rascally." Senator Tillman, by close observation and keen reflection. however, has discovered tn truth and has given us the definition ol Republicanism, and abo, we ar forced to say, Southern Democrat ic itolitics the Science of the Rascal it or the science of ras cals.

O. States. If It's a matter of rough skin, redness or sunburn, use HEISKEIilS Soap. It whitens and softens the skin. If it's eczema, tetter or pimples use the ointment UEISKELL'S Ointment.

It "will cure any disease of the skin. ftap Ointment fioc At druggists or by malL main, uuaau an miu mm ii Mr. Cleveland in History Two of the more thoughtful mem bera of tbe House sat on the guardi of a Potrmac pleasure steamer and talked of the report that ex-Pr-s Ideut Cleveland is to write a his tory of his two terms in tbe White House to be published after his datht says the Washington cor respondent of the Globe-Demo crat nave wonaerea," Faia one What kind of a place history wil give Mr. CI veland anions; 'b. Presidents of the Uiiitfil States Sometimes I think that he wil be ranked with the greatest of them.

He was certainly oi. of the most courageous iu adhrenct to his convictions." The first sneaker was a Republi eatW Tb reply crime from on the Well-read Democrat -DEALER IN PUREBRED Poland China PIGS, i. aa4f From Registered Stock. ALSO Fanuv Poultry. Rluek Spani-li Mammoth ITrotf" 1 urkevs.

White lV'kin and Ayk-siiui t'on louse Geee. ami Angora Goat. -PJMCKS KEA SOX ABLE. DR. CHAS.

C. THORNTON, THOK.V j0; VfTSS. MY IMPORTED Spanish Jack Black-Rouble li Will make tW Season ".7, at mv place, 10 miles of Ya.oj ity. $4.00 Oasli for Si-asoii tS.OO for Insiiraiicv, pava- bio wIhmi owner ot 111:110 is satisfied of t'oal. () a hits wishing to li'avft inaros over for a wliil-i will receive lwst of atti'ii tiou at Mourn I rales.

I will use everv precaution, tnt will not l' resnonwill, for aeciilents. Solicitinu; a share of the iniblie pat ronaxi', I am. Jiespectrnllv, T. K. FOl'CIIK.

Best Buggy Ever Sold IN YAZOO COUNTY FOR THE MONEY. just received one ear load of "nr- riaaes. busrsics. urrevs ami I wliieli are all liili-srade, an 1 any pari ureaKinir irom (UMectlve maicriai or workmanship will he made stood with in one year from sale. These bujritles are ottered At Factory Prices.

-GtycOME AND tiEE FOR YOUR SELF. BUSTER, Agent, Office I StorerootnUack Yazoo Pool of niller'sand I J. Jones' Harness Stores. NEW STABLE. Ilk FEED AND SALES STABLF.

(Opposite I. P. Powell's ami norili Ciliuth's Warehouse.) Main Street. Yazoo City We will keep always on hand ti large lot of the lest Suiklle and Harness Horses Work Mules Will meet eomnetion in prices. All Stock guaranteed.


Contract! promptly attended to and work guaranteed. For Sale. Three hundred acres of land, well improved eood dwelling and out houses; 150 afires of the traet open land, I nee three miles east or azoi Oirv. Have also good bngj-v whit-h will be soul cheap. For terms apply Postoffice Box 201.

mar2Gtf Yaaoo Viy, Mi, St? -w it. rlBokts Dry Goods, Clothing, AXI) FANCY GKOcEIUKS COTTOIT. Will sell cotton ou commission The Most Magnificent in the World It is Booming Westeri North Carolina. Asheyille, Ni Special. Mitny strange looking boxes, bearing foreign marks and labels, have been coming here these late spring days, gome are marked Paris, Rome; Naples; Vjenun eurt there Were others today trom Athens, Greece, uo doubt sent out hurried ly to avoid complications in the event of occupation by the Turks.

As the, ijueer are unloaded frcm the bouthern cars, the are sent out to Biltmore, and a native says "Mr- vanderbilt has been a buylu' them old foreign things, and the dagoes afe' Hheatln' him because h's Why, I can gotdQwn there tq pbirldt-tie and buy brand-be pictures, and ne slalrttes of the Je'tlalAtrii'e. Arid sculpt uary for half what be paVS for old broken up things that ain't got a whole arm or a leg to their heathern iiMnes." And the mountaineer shakes his headi anil loofes R(3iiuineiy sorry lor the young millionaire who Is now in Europe picking up more treasures for his DjG.OOO.OOO palace ui here in the "Land of the Skv." It is the most wonderful private residenoe iu the world, and today dividing honofs wMb western North Carolina's glorious climate and scenery which for years have been the salvation and delight of thousands of men, women aod children, who, broken iu health, collie here Seeking rest, iiivigdiat- ing air and pure water. Mr. Van derbilt himself selected this point for his home after traveling all the known world over, because it had the ijioBt perfect clirhfite to be found anywhere. The Southern Railway official say that this sec tion is the most popular resort on their great system, and they at tribute it to the air and the grandeur of the mountains.

The coast people have long been devoted to Asheville, Flat Rock, Waynesville and all this part of the country. There is a tonic in the air and Water which puts new life into tbeni because it puts new blood in their veins, a brighter color in their eyes, a ruddy elow or healthy brown on their checks. Thev are invariably the first to come aud the last to leave. The exodus from the coast country is setting in now. In two weeks more the colonies from Savannah, Jacksonville aud Charleston will be well installed; aud right behind them will come the Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, Montgomery, Mobilo and New Orleaus contingents with their beautiful belles and aristocratic matrons.

Later, the visitors will come from New York, Chicago and other large northern and western ci'ies. The best people in tbe south have en coming here so long that the summer colonies have a delightful time socially, and the season passes quickly for those who are fond of social gayeties. On the other hand, the giust in the "Land of the SRy," if he prefers, may as quiet as if he were in his own home. There are amusements and occupation for all 'asten riding, driving, mountain fishing, tennis, golf link-, music, dancing, rending evi rylhiiig to interest and entertain. And around and about, -nnd.

above all, stretching away further ilan eye ran reach, are fhe tower-ii-g mountains, clad in mantles of green and filmy hoods azure. There is sceperv sublime the kind which speaks a various lang uage "to him who in ihe love of nature holds communion with her visible forms." If what Bryon called "the hum of human cities" is torture to your overstrained nerves, here is rest and balm-Here it is pleasantly cool when Georgians, Florid ians and Ala-bamians are distressed by the mercury at 95 and 100. Word comes that more of the fashionable than usual are coming up this season from Atlanta and other cities. A great factor in Asheville's growth is the Southern Railway's excellent train service and convenient schedules. Mr.

Vanderbilt very graciously allows the public to visit his grounds and admire the palace, though it is not every one who gt8 glimpse within the chateau Where he has stored so many treasurers of art and history. No king, nor qu-en, nor prince, nor lord, on this earth has such a magnificent palace as the quiet, studious book and art-loving young bachelor has built for himself high Gp here among the mountains, just a short distance from Asheville. lie has spent more fhaa 4,000.000 on it and intends to pet $2,000,000 more into it, and if lives ta enjov ir, no 4oUbt it will cost him all of before many years. He has 189,000 acres and can travel thirtf-fiye miles in a straight line from his door without reaching the boundries at bis estate. Mm.

moth driveways and, cycle toad UBvervwbr'f; and ihere Tare miles af them, tsarefuHyT graded and fkn 'gmboth: Seldom do- anyone- ever come Iiw without go nig out to aee Biltuaore i 'irigiii frr. -4 BHCKieit'a Armcii Salve TIie best alve in the world lor cuts, Druises. fevir sores, tetter, ctiappud hands, chilblairs corns, and all skin enipr.ions. and posi tively cnivs piles, or no pay It is guaranteed to givr perfect.satisfac-tion nr. money refunded.

Price 25e. pr box. For' bv K. S. VIIE-LESS.

Ex-Senator Ingalls is said to have been snubbed on a recent visit to the Senate chamber, aiid this because he he had reported a prize-fit-ht, which prompts th News and Courier 'to remark that it is open to question whether it is much of, a com-'i down from taking part in i he perpetual prize, squalihling of a lot of grannies in one arena to reporting a twpnty minutes'- between two iiipnts solicitpd and liberal advances made on same. Ilierhest nriee guaranteed aud rromot settlements made Buy vour goods from nie and reached a small town in Ohio, where he secured a position as clerk iu a flour and feed store and 1 1 1 noui. hi wura. in aimogt au in credibly short timehe learned the, English -WrngnTce aod had mas- tered a. TeXP iof the den! r.

he busSn'eeS lla Was in. One day he walked into another feed store a few blocks away, said that he had heard that the. proprietor of the place desired to sell out and inquired the price. The feed dealer wanted $1,500 After a few inquiries the caller said': "All riglit. 1 vill call tomorrow at 10 and ve'll go over to the bank and get the No one knew anything about the young German.

Tbe fet-il store' man who wanted iosell jumped to the conclusion that the prospective purchaser mut have brought considerable money from Germany. The next (lav. promptly on time, the German called to take possession. "Come on," he said, "ve'll go right over to bank now and get the money." Together they entered (he bank. The German approached the oah- ierVi window, introduced himself and said "Di is Mr.

June, who keep? the feed sitirf on Main stre.M. I naf bought out his place, for 1,500, and ve bit calied to get thn money." "I bog your pardon, replied the cashier, "but you have no account here, have you?" "You don't earn estly remarked the German, "I don't vant an account at all: I vant only the nionev." But you have no money in this bmk," exclaimed the official. "Of course not," assented tbe caller. "If I had money I vou Id pay dis man myself. But I haven't ny money at all, fo I must come to you and get "But we can't let you have mon-V uiibss you firM give it to us." "Tnen wh in it a exci tedly d-manded the would-be borrower.

Th" colloquy which ensued waxed so loud that the president the lunik came out of his pri vate office to see what was the matter. He took the voung Ger man iu band personally. The latter told the banker all about him- se and his aims, and in bs than half an hour the l.ank had loaned li.i $1,500 and held firwt mnrt. on ii e(i sti-re otrnen lln- happiest young foreigner in Am-r ica. That occuird nmi.y iars ato it is but that young Geriuan o-day is the of corvova' ion at 1,000,000.

and his name, if I were to it here, would b(? recocu'zed as one ot Ihe leading business men of this coun try. has demonstrated ten thousand time that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. Inegnlarlties and derangementa. It has become the leading remedy for thia class ef trotahles; It exerts a wonderfully healing, strengthen' ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures whites' and falling of the womb.

It stops flooding and relieves sup pressed ana jMHMal menrtruatlBfl. For Changs of 1Mb it is the best medicine mads. It is beneficial during and kelps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, atima-, lates, strengthens the whole ays tern. This creat remedy is offered to an afflicted women.

Why will any woman suffer mhratd with vertain relief within reach Win of Cardni only costs U.Wper bottle at oar drag store. ytar edelet, fit eatej teenlrlaf tprelal dtree. aKona.ddsa) eieine symatoms, the uidvteortr ieiirtnMnt," The Chattanooga Mat-irlss (fQi i CliMfle.HpiwefTTnn.11 Ce. I. wtMITH, tMsen.

S.C., tayrf1 "Mrwllestes WlneelCirilulathome Jof lalllne si tht mist JK nlirolf -i narad bar. ft, tt Liberty Is not license, but sacrifice freedom? la God's lawv'rliof mail's Tight is not innocence lut basteryi 'jUsticebelongs iiot'to ihe law, but is Christ's love. Raise up, Cf God nations, master of men. reared his justice," fed with' biH Mo fight for this freedom! high upon the shaft of fame will be the mau who tells us the duty with which the new century shall open." Geo. Fred Williams' Address at Louis iana Siale University.

Lew Wallace says that aftr A diligent search for a shoit uatiit the hero of bis great book, Ufi came across the nan.e "Hurr" 'he Book of Genesis, and by ad.L:"o "Ben," which means "tfce sou be obtained a name a 1 patronngo of the public, I am, Very truly, T. ffl. D. M. Hollinsrsworth's Old Stand.

Yazoo speak to another 100 miles away. It so happened that kboitt the timo tiidt ihe iohg-disiance tele-phoue was run out of Huutsville, the price of cotton depreciated several points. The farmer is ipaloiia of uoiatldnS of his cottoii'. and being unable to account for the slump in any other way, laid it to the telephone. At first it was but 'a mete suggSsiklit, nut luter it became the actual belief along the law built by the Georgia and Alabama com pan)-.

So thoroughly imbued were they with this idea that the; look tU Mw liito their own hands, and I I'm courts have beeu appealed to by the corporation lo protect its On more than one occasion poles have been chopped down and wires cut into by tin; farmtiis in their ne-1 iof that ihey were responsible for tbe low price of cotton. One line iu particular, extending from Gadsden to Walnut Grove, has been the victim of this belief at least half a dozen times. One farmer, after breaking the line iu two, tied one end to his wagon and pulled down seveu miles ot it." Lilerary Digest. When Was a Girl. "When I was a girl," said Com fort Budge.

uwe didn't care how poor a man was if we thought he was houest and true. The girl of today is willing lo take chances on honesty and faithfulness if she only Knows the size ot a mau bank account. "If a man was pale and thin wj nought lie must be consumptive. Nowadays such a man is called interesting and the girls rave over him. "We didn dare accept invitations to Coney Island or to the Casina for luncheon for fear some body vc Uii-w might see us ihere.

The modern young woman doesn't care to go to any place where everybody won't look at her. "If we got into a men's smoking room by mistake we blushed and said 'Excure and retired. We didn't crowd into the smoking sats on the open cars sc ld at the n.en who were enjoying their cigars. "When we had photographs tak en we gave Ihepi to our intimate friends onlv. We didn't send them to the with a scrmtion ot nur cvs-um" when went ina New York Pref-s- Two Uses tT Monev Money is what it will do A piece of money was se -n "doing" what it was never made for, in front of the Mail and Express office this morning.

A smoker had a cigar and a match, but no convenient place to strike a light. The sole of his shoe was damp, and he may have had an esthetic reluctance fo join that ignoble armv that marks buildings with saltpelric scars. He fumbled in his change pocket, found a half dollar, struck his match upon it, and walked away serenely puffing the cigar of the Havana; Not every wearer of eyegtasses knows that a piece of paper money is the best thing with which to polish dull lenses. Sometimes the clean, soft baudkerchief carried for the purpose fails (o remove that blur on the glads that bo vexes the. wearer.

A bill of any dent but not too new, will) if need in the place of the linen, make the feus like crystal iu a moment. Tbe action may ltok like vulgar ostntalion of wealth, but it costs nothing after all. New York Mail and Express The Free Breaiifast-tabie Humbug. The Republi caus in life Senaf have fejected the proposed small revenue tax' on lea on the plea that they-do not wish to intrude on the "free breakfast-table." iWbatbumbugl Both the Dingleybill and the Senate, bill tax almost every arti cHtisedor' "consamed bteakrast-iablet; Tb.e tahte-cTotVis" Itaxed'SOfper cent, upward, 9 ch i a a ft crockery ware 55 to 60 per "cent." glassware GO per ceut Every" dish "or utensil used in cookiug the breakfast is' taxed. The table itteli does not escape, nor the chairs.

Coming to food and drink, sugar, salt and soda are laxr-d. Like, wise rice, oatmeal, preparations of corn and wheat, beans, potatoes, fish, poultry, eggs, all meats.f'ruits, nuts and every other staple article of food. Of all the humbug and hypocrisies of protection none is more false and impudent than ttr Re-publican cry for a "free breakfast-table." The World. The Ilingley tiill ws a tariff for protect Ion with i tickle ta I robbery. The Senate committee changed it to a far 'Bsits frsbf sif's ou 'ee ice and eats fish'; Th'en 1 flfecVfit-'" 'Why, what do yoti mean? 'Oh, uon, non.

I does not accept: I was invite to be polar bear to a Titers Is Nothing so tiootl. There is nothing just as good fis Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, so demand, it and do not permit the dealet to sell you some substitute. He will Hot there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr.

King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do rcorl. of mpney refunded. For coughs, colds, consutnpltou and for all affections' of throat, chest aud lungs, there isnothingso good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at 11.

S. Wheless' drug store. Regular siie 50 cents and $1.00. Too True. Sftii the man who waB making arrangements to insure his house aud its conteuts, "before I go any further iu this matter I want to know one thiug.

Is there any way in which the fax assessors can have access to your "None whatever," the agent replied. 'Then write me out a policy for $10,000 ou the house aud auother for $7,500 on the contents." The fact that he paid taxes on $1,500 worth of real es'ate and $500 worth of personal property might have indicated that be knew bis business, or it migut have indicated something elso. Cleve land Leader. In the criticisms of the acts of others, with Ihe frailties of hu mauity, men are too often led to prescribe harsher rules for others thau for self, and to view with far less forbearance tbe shortcomings of a brother, than he likes to have given himself. Reader, does this Cap fit you? Stop and tbiuk, are you living up to the same religious moral and social rules that you prescribe for your brother? If not, try devoting less time to your neighbor and more to yourself, i ou prohaUly will not have so in teresting a PuljHct to s.

tidy, but then the beiiHii derived may be greater. Biloxi Ri-vn-iv. No on re, no pay. that, istlie wa. ter Anlieeiii n- Healing Oil is sold lor Bai'lted Win, Kiirns, Seniiolies (J rack ei Heel, Halls, tll Sores an I all kinds, of intlain-atioii on man or beast.

Price 2f rents, hold l.y K. Wlieless The only excuse for calling Con grass together was to provide rev enue to cover the Treasury deficit The Sena'i has improved the op- portnnity to increase the -mrplm of the Sugar Trust, leaving the Government to shift for itself. A recent decision ot both an Il linois State Court and of a Feder al Court indicate that Chicago will be forced to pav thn damages aggregating about done to property during? tbe Pullman ri ots of 1894. It is to hoped that the Chica go girl who has just married an Oklahoma man through a corres pondence began bv a message writ- tea on au egg wil' not fiud herself the victim of a new variety of shell game. It has taken the Washington ex perts three weeks to count the cash in tbe xortc subtreasury They bandied $195,383,000 in all and the only 'discrepancy found was an error of abont a dollar in the petty cash.

t'ft1 rxTTmrv' ---stv'l'ii-v MOEB PtISH. M5RB SKTSBFBISE. tj.lL uobb tsFtxrescss. MOBB PEOGEESSIVENESS. SJOEBl SPEQIAt FEATCBE3.

.1 MORE 4. MOBE A. '1' MORE ADVEUTISEMEXTS.1S- 4. THE HOST W1DELT C1H- CrtuATED JTEWSPAPER IT THE SOUTH. Subscribe lor It II you ivant to keep up with current Dally an SunJay, per (X) J.

Senil-Woekly, jicr 1.00 (Tuesilar ana Friday,) tl only, per 2.004. SAMrLB COPIES FREE. 4. THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT 4 4 4. Jfcw; Crl GO TO FOR Furniture, MattresseSiSprings, Etc MATTRESESS MADE TO ORDER, 1v '3 HERN RfflUfW CONDENSED SCHEDULE.

In effect Febrmiry 14. I897. No. tlO No 38 No. 37 Nat 7.irau 7.

'7am 8. -3ani a '8am ft 18am 9 40am IU24am U.O81111 12 12pm l.ipm S.25pni i 45pm 3 45pra 4.13pm 6 12pm 8 10pm IvOrdenvllls ar Moorhead. Kupora West Point. I.SJpin 6.6pm 6.05pm 5. "8 pm 5i-JUpm 4.45pm 4.05pm 2 53pm 1.37pm 12.50pm II lUjm in 9 48am 7 00am 10 45am 10 18am 6.04 pm St'-Spm 0 Slam 0.28im 9.00am ft 35am 7.5)am 7.

laam 6 Iftpm 6.7pm 7 30jm! ar Columbus lv Iv Columbus ar Fayette Corona ar Rirm'ham lv Stations. No. S8 No l.v Mirmlnguaiii Ar Annlston Ar Tallapoosa Ar l.tthla Springs Ar Atlanta. I.v Ar harlotte. Ar Uanvllle Ar Lynchburg Ar Charlottesville.

Ar Washington Ar llaUlinoro Ar Phllailelphla Ar New Yorlt. Ar lloston 5 55um 6 10am S.3nam 10 50am 11 40am 4.20pm 6 55pm a4pm 10 4opnx 1 1. 50pm 8.10am 1 30pm 3 30pm fi.45pm 9.40pm 11.35pm 3.00am 6.20am a 00pm I200n 8.20pm 1200 nt 1.58am 8.36am 6 42am 8.00am 10.15am 124iDm o.supmi No 3S "Washlneton ft Southwestern Limited Solid Pullman Vestibuled train Atlanta to Kevt York, carrying Pullman Sleeping cars Birmingham to New York. Dining car Atlanta to tireensboro and Washington to New York. No 36 V.

S. Fast Mall." Pullman Drawing room IlulTet Sleeping cars Ulrmingham 10 Atlanta and Atlanta to New York. Statiok Greenville Ar Hirmingbam. L.v Birmingham (A. Ar chaltanooga (A Q.

S). Lv Chattanooga Ar Islington Ar ClncinnatL No. 38 7 15am 8.10pm a. 43am 9.30am 8.46am 4.40pm 7. 10pm Lv Ar Louisville 4.46pm 7.55pm Pullman Drawing Room UuDot Sleeping oar Birmingham to Cincinnati STATIORa No.

St Lv Ulrmingham. Ar Anniston Ar Atlanta Lv Atlanta Ar Macon Ar Kverctt- Ar Jacksonville 4.30pm 8155pm ia45pm u.iupm 1.35am 6 43am 9.U0am Lv Kvorott Ar llrunswfck. 7.00am 8.00am This train carries Pullmaa Sleeping Cat Blrmingbam to Jacksonville without ebange. Dally Dally except Sunday. H.

GREEN, Gen. Strpt. Washington, D. 3. M.

CO LP, Trat Mgr. Waahington. D. A. TURK.

O. P. A. Waahington, D. A.

Chattanooga. Tern ar wav-ta ML Wiw. Full Stock of Fiirnltnra Alwiivson Hand at Lowest Prices. selling their cotton through tut- Y- any and all competition. Al.

awxli cotcrm department He will luitke ii Shoes, Notions, Staple AXD PJ.AXTATION SUrPl.LKS of 50 cents per hale. Consign- shin me your cotton. Soliciting th Sewing Machines Rj Commercial Alley. HIS- OI GOODS AND YBJCtJpJ PresidentT apd 4 paired. INeedles and parts tor all macnin-in stock.


Montgomery warn Ml think vou are wrong," he said Mtt 5jMiry, in my opinion, will not givf Mr; Clevela Jh igh Jnce j. -He will not be recognised as on 'ots great presidents. Mr DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Saddlery, Furniture, Bagging? LEADS US IN 1 Buying and SellingsGfjton. i BROS. 1 We pay the Highest Price for Cotton, or will sell on ComniS) of 50 Cents a 0LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENT ILMAD5IM Ydh Kill 6ud Hi our.StaolPS and Mutes LOWEST PRICES OV1X tilVEltY OUTFIT-, iSXHESESMYiVZOO CITY to know belter thau the pari which elected him He took a posi'iou outside of bis We have had President same thing.

Not one oithemaanow classed, with tb greatest of the Presidents. The occupy positions well down iu the scale. (Thla ie gdverMmHtt the people A Presidents etoctef by tbe majority, cot Ihe rlecfors When he hasVaeiiaa cbosej, he under obligatioiirt' fateprpgeuf" the will of that majoritt.TfhA 'does otherwise, as MrClevelaud did and others did Wirrhitn, achieves temporary tiiii'otMf'nnt permanent great ness. He iolates the popular sense of is loyal and befitting." History will so record judgment." Germany produced last zallons of beer, oi about 350 gallons per head of the population. Thia does not mean that every man, woman and child ia the Fatherland drank 350 during the year, as it would fix Caere than Ihe average German C-t away with, a gallon everv "7 tie year, "but to the fact 2 cir'i raiAeta for the rnp- Corner Main ana YAZOO CITY, Dry Goods, Clottiiiig, -V INSPECTION C.

E. IIOtMS IX- Yazoo Cotton Company- Shoes, Mats, Caps. Ali'l Gcni'i-'l Ijfnc of 'V'i- Hiiiii; iuhmIi'iI. I. itml lu iecs n.t COTTON FACTORS.

We solicit Consignments anil Advancements on same11 ired. Prompt attention and F.ull Market Price Guaranteed OFFICE Rear First Xatioaal Uauk, Yazgo City. Miss. f()I 1" WllITi'. (XEXTTO liAIJCSDALK M.UNSI'., YAZOO CITY, MISS.) I cortliallv incite Inspection of Goods and Prices.


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