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The Yazoo Herald du lieu suivant : Yazoo City, Mississippi • 3

The Yazoo Heraldi
Yazoo City, Mississippi
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

x- rv tt- r- fiZOO CITY EE3ALD Tearina Cotton Bales. Some three weeks ago we printed a circular endorsed by the New Orleans iffice-N -T Mla, Street, Up Stair and other cotton exchanges, urging planters to cover their cotton well and Miss Maude Baldwin returned Friday to Canton. Bishop Clias. B. Galloway spent Friday in Yazoo City.

i Mrs. Rout. Kemiington is visiting friends in Jackson. Miss Josie Barksdale is visiting friends in Greenwoods i The STORE The STORE, The BIG STORE, that LEADS. THEM Mi, faZOO CitV, Sept.

20, 1895, IS to use not less than two-pound bagging. This hns occasioned some talk and criticism by the planters. They urge that LOCAL 'JOTTINGS a Svl a It makes but little difference how much care and attention they give their cot HOI -J Tomorrow it equinox. 'one Monday Bighb WedneS- Mrs. J.

B. Crane returned. Win it nfif. wsi.iit. ii siVH vnn 1itnos; wnrth iuiIokm o.iw voii inniiftv; nn ton in baling and putting (ton the market in good condition; thatafter it Jis brought to town psaraplea nd bored until there is little of the mind tliat you read facts as well as iigrures.

AVe sell CYcrythinaiuL sell Jusfras 'Xnr biar store occupies -o jfanr cisterns inlbecitTr empty. It'3a bis store. vNcxt tiinoyouaro down town step In tlie wliltt fronts yterdav wasjewish Nty-Tear -over live housand (5000) square feet of lloor see about these goods. (0M42'- bagging left Ion some Uhat this is the 'cause of the damaged and day from a visit to Blloxi.V" 4 Mr.nd MrsuN S. Ada'aJS-' returned Fridaylfront ConpeV A' fr.

fountain Crai ieft Tuesday 2to attend the Atlanta "vvC4 fainily returned Saturday from theiy summer trip. 1 getp nested the BKBiU. Delightful nights; 1ut out the days. Tagged condition in which- it reaches foreign ports. Pr tit? nnnnfj.

lit will miss the open air band- con SHOES SHOES 1 SHOES certs. 1 I 11 iK Mr. Jas. S. Barbour ts visiting Mr, 3iv lararest stock of "Novelties Cotton DresiGooda at 10 and ISo per yard.

ThM turn tuAiirlful. The H.i:bau, thinks there la oanse for Ibis complaintby the planters and tluy should not be- held, respohsi-ble for all the bad looks about aTbale ol cotton after it has passed through a half dozen different hands. There la' noth 5 yrtw'. 5 Host of the summer refugees have re J. b.

Montgomery, on snyep creek. At 14e a vard that beautiful Golden Dranen Cloth for' Slioes in Yazoo City. Granulated SugaftvV. turned- Mr. Wm.

Hamet returned "Saturday WoJbough.tousJioes on May if 51. mantles, scarfs, etc. At 65c a yard 44 inch all Wool serge, worth $1. At C5e a vard. 44 inch all' wool erenow.

Worth SI. froma vlBit to Mobile and New Orleans ivttton pickers now ret cents a utiiiwnen tneyjwere way. ciown uood Lara-. r-oo a-poana. Good h5o pound.

Good o- i 1 190 a ponnd Xeraoa-and VanilTa'Exiract 20. hundred. Mr. C. Livingston returned Friday Indigo Bines.

Turkey Beds. Simpson Greys and all of the i best Calicoes, onlv fie a vard. i fhe stores are full of pretty fall and rom hit purchasing trip to New York: ln-prlcer We are selling6 them just: that way, No advance in prices at Jones Bkos. Bm Store. At'Sc a yard one lot of Laces and Embroideries on center counter.

They. are worth from 10 to 20c; your choice at 5c Inter goods. Mrs. J. Montgomery of Silyer I Clairelte and Water JdelotttSbapil.

Lorilard Snuffs 15a it bottle Pound Cans Baking Powder. At 10c a vSrd one lot of Laces and Embroideries worth. Creek is visiting relatives In the city. Schools open and children and lug of the same yaliie as a bale of cotton that receives as- rough treatment, and it la astonishing that it holds its orn so well. is left out in all kinds of weather, rolled through the muddiest and dirtiest of places, is pulled "and haulm about bv the most careless of handlers, who have no more regard for the bagging and ties than they do tor the dirt awl mud that sticks to it.

pa- tet us show yoit; through Our 13 to 40c; going at 10c a yard. 5e a van! for eooil Bed Ticking. rent happy- Misses Emma Anderson and Josie new store, eave yun jnonwj uu everyiuiug. 10c each for the largest Hnck Towel, sizes 28x48. Heavy 1 Day are guests of Mrs.

Jasper. Strong. 4Pt I Goods, goods. Plenty of the best In goods. New line floe Linen Towels.

Table etc.t tasoo City. Col. t. N. Gilruth and his son Nwi fl We received over four hundred suits Clothes from one house this week.

At 25c a pair a ladies fat black hose. Equal any at 40c. i Domestic and Sheetings from to 2c a yard lower than ton, returned from Louisvsille, I fhe drouth has caused stock water to There is no doubt bu. what a good Our Clothing department on second floor is worth'-seeing It occupies iover-2Q00 square feet-of floor pac and is the best lighted Clothing Store 'i other nooses. 'ijecomc scarce.

dal of thi-t rough handling could inline city. Bead wa jls ttig store aooiii vioming. Mrs. E.

Enevoldsen returned from Another artesian well is being bored avoided and the cotton made to present a visit to her relatives at Hazlehnrst the Waterworks Company. Monday. NOTIONS AN-O SMAlijC tVAHES. Preaching at Center Ridge Church Miss Agnes North left for Greenville raB 'next Sunday at 3:30 p. tai sharp.

ig Store Wants Your Trade- a better and more marketable appear-anee. ft para to handle any article Of commerce oarefuHy. and there is nothing that will bring better returns for careful handling than cotton. Let farmers, merchant and buyers Wednesday where she will teach in the Lead Pencils. a dozen i Beam JTote Paper.

12k'o I Tssoo City bas been enjoying first public school. Tolas dust hatha for two or three weeks; Miss Rebecca Blundell left Wednes-' jx- iirTT mis Bavo iur uuunujgrB DU)iinrh 2 packages Envelopes tor 5o WiIThave some rare bargains in 'noase-U day evening for Jackson to attend Bel- ir y-mm, iinextweek, lc a paper H. hold BeBt Spool Thread, 3 spools for 10c Best Ball Thread lc a ball Crochet Cotton; a ball .60 a paper Good Pins. papers for 60 Bone A doled Cuff Holders. WTlOo a pair bear these facts In mind and there will bono cause for complaint from the cotton exchanges, who are oftentimes too Money saved on every necessities here next week.

Hair Needles. haven College. I The walls of the first story of the Knights of Pythias building are finish ted. I Brickwork on the foundation of the lc a paper Miss Lula Halbert has returned and cake Toilet 3tc. l-tc, tc resumed her position as milliner for quick to find fault.

At the beginning of the season is the best time to start theaereforms, and Yazoo City, always a leader in good mores, should set the Catholic church progressing rap Mr. C. "Livingston. you eat or wear at Misses Hilda McAlpine and Fannie Kennard left for Brookb'aven Friday to pace. Th ousands of dollars are being paid DIC CYftDI ptit in Yazoo City every week for cot tin picking.

attend Whltworth College. Messrs, Marks Shaefer and Jas. But Business Hea'a Heetlng. Mr. F.

B. Bowes. General Freight ler left Monday to enter (he Agricultu Beginning last Monday freight trains Agent; Mr, W. M. Rhett, Assistant ral and Mechanical College.

litre oeen running eacn any noun General Freight agent; Mr. W. H. Hays. Traveling Freight Agent, and South.

Miss Euphamin Eocco and her neph Mr. Ij. F. Montgomery. Traveling Pas ew, Master Rocco Nierman, left Satuiw White teachers examinations today senger Agent or the Illinois central tomorrow.

Colored. Friday and day to visit relatives in Memphis. thought, by a transition for which as-' cociat ion Is responsible, we pass to the THE OLD RELIABLE Railroad, arrived in Yazoo City yester irday of next week. Mr. M.

Summerfield of the firm of day morning in Mr. Bowes private ear. shades of Princeton, dear te us by ties Messrs. A. Summer field return Cotton bas been coming in at a lively tnatare ootn ancestral ana experimental.

Situated bait way between New its this week. Good prices and a fair Frora Bostos to Prlscetos. Dear Herald -Boston i not fond of competition, so it waathohgbt best not to offend Its spirit by bringing It Into, too.close contact with Its old time rival. New York, even In a letter. 'The good book says that "one star differeth from another star in glory" and that there is "one itlorv ot the sun and another glory Messrs.

Bowes, Rhett and Hays came to meet a committee of cotton. factors and merchants appointed by the Yazoo 'demand were the moving spirits. ed Friday from his purchasing tour. Mr. Baxter Wilson, 'ex-Sheriff of Holmes and a large dealer th hardware OTHIE 50 Citv Cotton Exchange to arrangerates York and Philadelphia, an hour's ride front each.

In a beautiful country where every foot of soil makes some return, and in a community which its-own literary atmosphere has created a place Yazoo city buyers are paying as on cotton to and from Yazoo City. much for cotton as New Orleans. Don't at Lexington, was in Yazoo City this The meeting was held yesterday to any other market, hot to Yazoo of the moon." Boston may not in inis long a ravorite tor weaitn ana literature, it has Ions since Justified the wis week. Mr. Cbas.

P. Richardson of New Or morning at 10:30 o'clock, but little was comparative sense have the "glory of 3tr. accomplished. -The railroad officials dom of Its sturdy founders in Its loca the ana," not ttie "glory oune moon" Is hers. JShe may not be New York, Kr.

J. B. Estes and family have leans spent Wednesday and Thursday i tion. Should those eighteenth century ut 'a elorv" in manv resoects. is tiers subscribers to its funds, after an ab- Continue Selling Hardware Cheaper Than it casts their Competitors.

(MAKE A NOTE OF THIS FACT) agreed to make a reduetion of 15 cents a bale on compressed cotton to New Orleans, taking under advisement the in Yazoo City, the guest of Mr. J. Hopkins. rented and moved into Miss Fannie Wallis' cottage residence on Madison only second to New. York.

In spite oM street. Messrs. F. P. Hiriman and Frank perluvas the most narrow ana crooicea business streets on the continent, and in soite of their puzzling Jntersections and eccentric and ohexDested 'wander Hamel left Saturday for Bttaxl.

They Bence or full an hundred and fifty years revisit the Nassau Hall of their day, they would witness xno violation, of agreement in the-giving of their bard-earned money So far as our knowledge goes the grounds and buildings a a Whole are without a parallel in the country, for the uses to which they are I "Shams and the Genuine" by Rev. kSm Jones at the Opera House Monday proposition to give lower rates on cotton to be shipped rrom adjacent towns to Yazoo City. They also thought that a change in the schedule of the passenger train going South could be made will visit the Atlanta Exoosltionbefore ings, a volume ot business flows through BELTING, PACKING-, STEAM FITTINGS. Inirht. Admission 75 cents.

Tickets at B. Powell Co's. tnem wnicn is not sausueu dui ultimately reaches the confines of the world runninz from this as a center. returning. Mrs.

Owen Brown returned from Nazareth. Monday, where ahe bad making the leaying time from Yazoo The famous "all wool and a yard wide." EAGLE GIN OIL Th oxi.y lubricating: oil fit for Gins and En like spokes from a wheel's bob. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she is called "The Hub." The distortion I The members of Trinity Guild are rerouted to attend an important business Wting at Mrs. C. E.

Holmes', Tues- gone to place her daughter. Miss Carrie, in College. Citv o'clock, instead of 3 :20, as at present. This would give the merchants, cotton men and banks more time to finish up their mails, but. it gines.

It win not gam. Jaj evening, Sept. S4tb, at 6 o'clock. and irregularity-of ber municipal limbs seem, however, to bo no hindrance to the city's progress. The "numerous twists in Washington street seem to Charter Oak Stoves Garland Stoves, finer, cueaper.

and better Miss Mabel Brown, the interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown of Deasonville, is visiting Mrs. C.

K. I The friends of Mrs. J. E. Sherrard will he trlml tn learn that hulut arum would be an to those who come to Yazoo City to do their trading, and it would also destroy the than any.

Axes, Ax-handles, saws. I'aints, oils ana uiass, Tin bave little power to retard her commercial sneed. demonstrating once again Wn placed in charge of the repair gaffg fhot tttt lorn, nan loon ts an ware, cheaper than anywhere. You will save money by maiung the railroad. He is an experienced connection at Jackson with the train going East over the V.

M. Railroad. 'nflrosd man. your purchases or CRANE BROS. CO.

Blemished in this particular though she be, it still requires very fast running to overtake ber. This is true, not in one. Exum fh Lintonia. Dr. W.

B. Thomason left Monday for Memphis, his wife accompanying him as far as Madison Station, where, she will visit relatives. Mr. J. Hopkins, Superintendent to oe put, tueir architectural attractiveness, and the exquisite neatness with which they are kept.

Even a half doz. en years have made as great changes in the physical aspects of Princeton as we witness a similar period doing in the development of already robust children. Building after building has run up on the campus of both college and seminary, which are separate. In- which neither cost nor convenience have been spared, until on the grounds of the college there are separate rooms ot modern design for oerbaps twelve hundred stu dnts. The center and glory of the congregation structures including dormitories, recitation and ecientifio buildings of every degreeof importance, observatory, gymnasium, chapel end structures of a general literary Nassau Hall, the parent which Washington onae used as headquarters and the new marble halls after the model of a GrecianTem pie, of Jibe Olio and Whig Literary Societies, Senrefc Societies end fraternities Yazoo City is entitled to the very I Mr.

Ed. S. Harris, of Deasonyille, lowest rates that can be secured, and but hi many particulars. It requires more tban a trot to overlakeher in pub M4138 head of cattle last week at an the Hkbalo trusts that our business Bnrtge of tlosach. This is one of the lagst sales that has been made in Che Jit Reoeived At lic, buildings, eommercial enterprise, JnventivejBkill, educational facilities, public libraries and a public spirit equal nerhana to that of anv citv In the world.

of the -Standard Warehouse, who spent poonty for some time and at the best Figures men will not let up until they secure them Any change in the schedule should be well considered before ft is made, as we cannot afford to injure the large trade we now get from the WW. the summer with relatives in Louisiana returned-Monday to resume his josi-tion, which more than any other one thing accounts for the community's most GENERAL Fublic School No. 1 opened Monday 1 284 scholars. The school has an striking Her citizens loye Boston and are wiilinff to sacrifice nnich Southern portion of the county. In an Advert isemeot LIVllIGSTOirS Miss Dannie Waterer daughter of Mr.

J. W. Waterer of Free: Run, left Wednesdayevenmg to attend the In lor the common weal. Thw old elms on the commoh now a superb park In the ATStTt- i fiawnt superintendent and eorps of leaeiiers and it should be the pride of 'our citizens to make it second to no Don't fail to get In on those two lets of lace and embroidery. lot 6c, heart of the city-are the ohjects ot a paternal regard 'almost "affecting.

It We Can Save C0TT0I1 haVe always been here discouraged and all the best life inyolyed them has been centered in these literary societies dustrial Institute and College at Coinm-bus. tber high school in the State, tinnier on the nathetio to witness how the city bas adopted every possible de vWo arerprcparcd tdL Eight, 9 and 9 cenU tor cotton Settle Notiiing vice to oreserve. these attractive oiu YOU It taalrinA. 1 Mr. R.

W. Lumbley, tf Satartia, left Saturday evening for-Holly Springs for a hundred ana Hfty years, which in part accounts for Princeton's Influence in the legislative interests of the coun-trv: Debate, literary and-historic re ur lormer it-nua weal handle cotton this sea worth 10 to 20c one lot at lOe, worth 15 to 35c. Save money at Jones new store. Geo. HV Qoekemeyer A are headquarters for all kinds of.

Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, etc. Frea delivery io the cit j. MONEY ON hnad smiles. It is well thee should Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, TowjBlSiiV -v Lace Curtains. SHOES! sonv17.W have ensrag they deserve the very best mice fur search, bave always been fostered here Si with bis daughter, Maud, who will attend-Malone's College at iat place.

-r ed fsi: -competent, cot- with a paternal interest and the -old nor product, and Yazoo Citv buvers Observation first and experience J'ft a -'V t. v- mother ii as long el nee had her- rewaru ton. vays par the highest prices. -1 f. Mr.

Owen Brown returned Saturday as she With pride has contemplated the career of thousands of her sons in every aini will be tomake Silkolines and I the IlKRiLD does not say that it agrees The Sasi tones Lectors. For the Rev; Sam Jones Lecture tn afterward are the be6t to go by. We GuaranleaiVha'tVe Sell.J memorials of past generations. Against the ravages Of an insect of recent yearn, as terrible- in thoroughness of its depri-dations as the -locusts of the. Orient.

There would be fewer 'deaths? among human beings If they were nursed half as well.Tliis same spirit is. discovered in every kind of improvement; iniher famous Public Libraryis perhaps the greatest of its kind In the world, and truly palatial in architecture, decoration and conveniencevOt appointment: E. A. Abbey chose as the subject or the magnificent interior decoration of this superb structure the legend relating to the search for the -Holy Grail. QUICK SALES and House Furnishings the ideas exoreseed in the com bin.

part of the world. When we" left' her shades again we felt as if had taken some, splendid tonic tT-C, E. from Cleburne, whera he! had gone to see his atherwho was reported quito slck. Wearegfad tolearn that helpft him tniinh imn'mmt. PROMPT UET UKJNS.

Viication printed on the first page today isaefenseof the "New Woman. but A consignments "Only until pet." 1st canJyou geft'lOc. MMwsjr piece, and newt; regard. made us will be much more -will Goods and Fricesr Capt. Sam DV win, a leading plant -Jin photographs, leaye views, is what the IIkbaid er of Holmes county, was in Yazoo City Tuesday with samples! of i 34 bales 'And' our sraaranteeisentitledTtCr' V- I Messrs.

Crane Bros. Co talk hard this being in his estimate the beginning cottonr Capt. Gwin says that his croo respect if long and successful' ware uirough the Herald today. This will be 40 per cent, short ot last, year's, -Monday railroad tickets will be sold atone fare for round trip from atatlonahe'tween Jackson and Greenwood. The freight train South Monday be held at Yazoo City until after the lecture, thus enabling parties to make the return trip that day.

-Passengers from the north will reach Yazoo City at 3 :20 pk and', return next morning at 5 :55.: Mr.l Jones breach's Yazoo" City Monday morning, and the indications are that be will bave an immense audience to hear his lecture. sJ. vice counts tor anytnitigy- modern romance whicli occnpies so conspicuous a place In the formation of nil libraries. Such a Dublic SDirit is admirable and prianeeds no introduction. Its rlong About shoes.

As yon -need pair don't buy until rou see the big 'shoe stock at Jones Big Store, All goods brought to Geo. 2 II. Quekemeyer Sc are delivered free to auy part of the city. .1 appreciated and will receive our. prompt and careful attention on arrival.

Otir commissions will be 50 cents per bale. Respectfully, i T. II. Ckaig Co. -'HohVChas.

Fitzgerald. United State And' when welifee "'others adver- ii successful career In Yazoo City has (3tohhed a far-fauied reputation Jot can be emphasized here consistently since Yazoo City has the reputation of mmm tising bottled time has charitably thrown TV-mantel mould teas that have 4f become musty with age, and- can- '-f--" i-irness in dealings and unexcelled I'04 They can meet prices 'of nv Postal Inspector, spont Tuesday in Yazoo City. Monday Mr. Fitzgerald received notice of his re-appointment and an incrsase in his salary' of Uncle Sam has no more faithful or effi having as much of it to the square foot as anv town in Mississippi and will com Deaf and Dumb Institute will pare more than favorably with any of similar population in the country. Manv are in search of the secret of Chi open its next session in Jackson, Wednesday, October 2d.

This is a State In ned goods -too convex to stand we are tempted to put away some V. The Library Association 1s indebted 0 Mr. Peter Jainet, for tlO to used stitution and ever deaf and dumb child Is full of such nice cheap and Pretty na's fall under the blows of fists as small as those of Janan. The explana cient officer." 'r -Misses A. M.

Kennard, Ada Calhoun, Claudia Jones and May McGuire re "rFor Dry Goods, Groceries, 1,00,5 vileges forth -poor. This for ten. Librarian Anderson call on -GEO. H. QUEKEMEYER CO.

tion is easily understood when you coru-Pieheud that China has no public spirit. Pave a street and unless watched verv close the flags are removed to pri in Mississippi should avail themselves of the vast privileges and advantages which it offers them free of cost. If there are children in Yazoo county afflicted with deafness and dumbness they 'atei that be could use three times as nuch. Contributions, could not be A new broomsweepsclean. WATCHES, Buy one and 2ac, vate premises.

Their Grand Canal and at Jones new store, 10 worth 15 to 40c. Yellow river have been neglected for so ought to attend this institution. Frof many years and generations that they have silted un until higher than the AND FANCY GOODS. J. K.

Dobyns, the Superintendent, will level of the surrounding country, due give cheerfully all information desired turned Saturday from their vacations and on Monday resumed their places as teachers in Public School No. 1. Miss Emily Butt, teacher of the fifth grade, and Miss Kennedy, of the fourth grade arrived a few days prior to the opening of the school. Messrs. Robert Craig, S.

Clemens and Lee Bowman left Wednesday for Greenwood, where thev will be engaged in the cotton business this fall and winter. Messrs. Craig and Clemens will look af. ter the interests of Messrs. vy.

Craig and Mr. Bowman for Messrs. Barnwell Co. They are clever gen tlemen and fine business young men. Come in and see for you are severally 7I.epairing promptly done.

Our IFresli Stock And allow it to become, stale, bo we can conscientiously advertiso a clearing sale, But as we Jiave no enemies to punish and no wish to curtail or -make miserable the happy lives of our friends, we ehall probably keep right on turning over and renewing our stock so often that everything we send out will bo fresh and wholesome. II. B. EIGIITCAP, to a more worthy cause and oth- Might follow the example set by 'r. James.

1 The ladies have met with phenome--Uqecess in soliciting advertisements 'f the Woman's' Edition ot the Her-iD Advertisers are requested to get eireopy ready at once, as" work on Pper will begin this week. It is Mf intention to make it a first class ra- No similar institution. in America has a better fitted and qualified man than is to a fatal public short-sightedness They are almost beyond redemption The word of modern coinage, Comte be Prof. Dobyns. T701d Post Office Building, Main Street, Yazoo City, ing its father, Altruism, expresses an idea verv necessary both to Yazoo City Blanke's Best Candies 40c a pound at.

and Boston, and includes in Us Uenul Jno. J. JNortn (Jo's. tion a thought of others. It is always used In contrast witn tne egoist w.iose thousrht first of all is superlatively of ia.aH do not delay gtt- New Fall Calicos all the best brands only oe a yard at Jones Bros' new store.

,1 self, the alter (the other fellow) com Death -of Miss Jessie Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Neal drove out to Pocahontas tins morning to attend the funeral of Miss Jessie Middle-ton who died yesterday. She was a most charming voung lady and ber host of friends in Jackson will learn of her with great regret.

She was a daughter of Col. E. S. Middleton, one Of the most prosperous and substantial citizens of the county. Clarion-Ledger, 18.

The aboye will be read with sadness by the many friends of the deceased in Yazoo City, where she was so well known. Miss Middleton was a niece of Mrs. G. W. Eoy, and her death is universally regretted, and the family have the tentlerest sympathy of all.

Fresh eggs always on hand at no. J. North Co's. copy of advertisements. Greenwood will be the gainer by having them, iner in for no snare or it.

i nere is a If You Want many friends and acquaintances place for the egoist in our world, but it is China with its pigtails and prayers Silyerine waiters, large, 10c; small. 5c at Jones new store. for self, and not in altruistic America Were we writing in a censorious spirit, Residence for Sale. Insure Your Gin. Building Materials, Groceries.

Notions, sold cheap by Geo. 1 ar.MiM. Fisher in this county will 'ere. to learn of his death on the 10th "at hia' home in Hinds county. iie deceased was for several years a "zen of Yazoo county, n'ying last -r to Brownsville in Hinds county.

death is much regretted and his be- On account of departure, mv H. Quekemeyer Co. We are anxious new frame residence on Broadway, containing 7 large rooms, 2 halls, Messrs. Lear Pepper had a hav press at work back of their stable in Yazoo City, Thursday evening, which drew quite a crowd, manv of our people never having seen one at work before. Messrs.

Lear Pepper have raised this year between 300 and 400 bales of hay averaging 100 pounds each. The hay was not only home-raised but the press was also patented and made by Mississippians at Meridian. The bales are perfect in shape and of the very, very to insure and other we might whisper a regret that Boston I has not spanned as wide a horizon with her spirit of altruism as we would like to see. We wish Hawthorn had never written that his heart wos not large enough to include anything bevoud New England, and we regret that so many in Boston seem to act a3 if the world ended when the limits of Massachusetts were reached. It is now a su Bla nke's Best Candies 40c a pound at A Bar bathroom, store room, kitchen and your jym gam and children have the property this fall, and can write you in Eng The change of books made in the pub lie schools of the city will cost the schol many closets; front and back galleries, all exceptionally well built with double floors and triple walls, merest syniyathv of all.

The ball given by the Yazoo Citv ars nothi ng. If they will take the ones Miss Eloise Montgomery has opened her art room at the residence of Mrs M. A. Harrison and would be glad for those desiring portraits painted or to take lessons in art to call. Her recommendations are of the highest.

perceded astronomy that thinks the sun is the center of the Universe, important ocert Band at the 0Mra House Thurs- lish or American companies. We will cheerfully give you n'ght was a grand and delightful most convenient size for handling. The process of baling is something similar to that of cotton. rates and any mtor- used last session to Mr. R.

S. Wheless they will get new ones in exchange free. This, ot course only applies to the books which have been changed. The changes were made for the purpose of getting a uniformity of books in the city and county schools, and as the every respect. The attendance Tery large, the ladies being nd becomingly dressed.

The Just try some of that GOOD at only cents, neglectfully, furnished with fine carved wood and plate glass mantels; hot air furnace, water works and all mod-eri, improvements, fine brick cistern, good stable. The yard is thoroughly tile-drained, lot fronts 150 feet on Broadway, in excellent and healthy neighborhood. Will be sold at a sacrifice from its cost INSURANCE. Barnwell Barbour are prewired to furnish reliable TI107 rtvrccqiit a lino el tlio in tlio matioii by letter or W. B.

Elmore, the 10 cent photo Awarded tlars wo was superb and highly ccmpli- 10 (1 S.TL. 1 grapher, will leave on the first of Oc tober. uie aanccrs. Dancing was exchange costs nothing, no fault can be person. We wan your busincr.3 and are v.

illincr to conic out to your lior.iea alter it ii necessary. Yours for though it be as a local center. Of course no one, unless running from the law, would visit Boston without crossing the Charles into Cambridge in search of Harvard College. The famous institution has changed in exterior verv little from what it 'vas in 1878, at least to a superficial observer. The Cambridge elms are still alive after an awful contest with those vandal bugs.

Water from the old purp is still cold as thouyli its stream drained an iceberg. It would te an to the institution to spo'l it with ice. There mav be new iJlncs but we failed to loente '1 city has rressed in upon it on a 1 giJes tiil now, wa it I Hve to stru le i found. The uniform 3'stem will be until four o'closk Friday -yeryone who attended enjoyed "selves. on easv terms.

Apply at First found ot great benent timl we commend the text took Committee for Eey. R. G. Hamilton, for three years rector of Trinity episcopal Church in Yazoo City, has received a call from the Episcopal Church tit Anniston, to take ell'jct October Ann; -n ii oneof the most progressive towns ici 1 National Bank for particulars, tf C. LIISFELDT VT, ntof Eden visited Yazoo ti Wf ek for of test- C.

-9 tr i r. cll prices or goods with those of i a 8 there is i i 'jus and STew Orleans. The result ter --t ere- Al 12 'es he- Fr- A c. CU' be bought all of his groceries, their actidii. Hound trip railroad kets to the At-ianta Ex; nition, 1 to ten clays, are only ill.

CD via -rand unci' i 1 (id vi rti or Tickets fr n.K?y I an.i At 'j i i i a I it" i ci'Yr- i ie i it r.iis -vvi na urngs from Yazoo City 11 I 3 1 I -1 i VB crc t.rci. a 1 'is, having found that he couIJ vcy Dy the transaction. There i'esuoo but what our -l wholesale orders zzi 3 Ul of men to deal vwhere. L(t i.

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