The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • Page 13
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- The Fresno Beei
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- Fresno, California
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- 13
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Secretly Married To one wan, loved by many, won by? The is found in Trailer Girt, The Bee's new ccrlal by Vcra Brown. Through Its chapters you will got a vivid picture oJ an artist's model who lights her way to the top. THE FRESNO BEE THE REPUBLICAN Brain It la real fun figuring the answers to puzzles. It keeps the mind alert. Try It on Brain Twisters appearing daily on the coniio page.
i. 31 FRESNO, THUKSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER Nation Urged To Keep Heritage Built By fathers Rev J. Lyons, Speaker At Union Service, Calls Freedom Priceless Thanksgiving lor "a priceless heritage of freedom of conscience and freedom of worship" was urged today by Rev. J. L.
Lyons at union Thanksgiving services at the First Baptist Church, conducted under the sponsorship of the Fresno Ministerial Union and the Fresno Council of Churches. A capacity crowd filled the church auditorium. Rev. Galen Lee Itose directed the which included an invocation by. Rev.
E. Gv Dahlin, reading of the president's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation by Rev. H. Schmalle, a Scriptural reading by Rev. Forest Eisenbise, a prayer by Rev.
C. PhtHeo. and benediction by Rev. W. C.
Eddy. Music was presented by the First Baptist Church Choir. Rev. Lyons, speaking on A Priceless Heritage, said in part: IMlRrlms Kepoice "Perhaps the most as well as ihe most authentic story of the first Thanksgiving is found in Gregg's Founding Of A Nation. After a year of sickness, hunger, and intense anxiety, the Pilgrims were rejoicing that they were to reap an abundant harvest- No one was sick; they were at peace with the Indians; God was in His Heaven all was well with the world.
"These Pilgrim fathers considered their relatively prosperous conditions as a token of Divine approval The theme scrip of this fjrsi Thanksgiving was the twenty fourth Psalm. 'The earth is. the Lord's and ihe fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell Was Koy To Heritage "As we look, back to the first Thanksgiving; wn find in it ihe k-ey to our rich heritage. We often boast oCj the marvelous natural resources of (he United Siates, No oilier land perhaps has such varied sources of wealth. Our scientific progress is the marvel of the world and the average American citizen lives in comfort and even luxury, but our true is not found in the irold in the bank vault, for our most priceless heritage is spiritual.
"Devotion to God nnd personal purity, which characterized these Pilgrim fathers, were built into the very fiber of our national life to make us a great nation. In their loyalty to principle, in the price they paid for freedom of conscience, we find the genesis to our democracy. It is no small matter in this day of dictatorships, in this day of the totalitarian state to be abie to the ballot box and vole as we choose, and worship God as we see fit. 'Build For "If we ore truly thankful for this priceless heritage, we will not be cnnteni until we build ft belter tomorrow. Wlih intelligent zeal nnd Christian fortitude, we will pay the price for social and economic Justice 1 ond do our part in serving this day nnd general ion they did in theirs, ever mindful ihai Yighiro ness exhrdteih a nation nnd sin Is ft reproach to any people.
1 Special Thanksgiving sen-Ices u-ero conducted at other Fresno churches, among ihrm ihr Trinity, Emmanuel. St. 'Paul's and Bethel Lutheran Churches, mid (he First Church of Christ, Scientjst. Fresnans Share Holiday Fare With Homeless Proof that the generosity of Fres- nans on Thanksgiving extends beyond the confines of his own platter was attested by hundreds today whose Thanksgiving dinners were provided by the city's charitable organizations and civic institutions. More than 200 homeless men at the Fresno mission of the Volunteers of America were served a New England boiled dinner, with a variety of fruit included en the menu.
A dinner complete with cranberries pumpkins, fruits, nuts and ice cream was served free at the Penny A Dish Caf? on Mariposa Street. At the Nutritional Home the catering staff of the Hotel Fresno repeated their gift of a complete turkey dinner. The practice origi nated thirteen years ago and has been continued every year since. Sixty children and members of the home staff were the guests. Prisoners in the county jail sat down to a menu that began with roast leg of young pig and sage dressing an-d ended with a choice of pies, And at the Fresno County General Hospital and the Old Peoples Home the prepared a spei holiday meat for the diners.
a I ftfftrp ViittrA tVrathrr Bnry-aii rut' f. Vruuy he was unable to Fresno Legislator Seeks Assembly Hugh M.Burns Announces Candidacy For House Chairmanship pies icial Campaign Opens For Purchase Of New Ironjung Women's Group Will Seek Funds To Buy Res- pit afor For Hospital Purchase of another artificial respirator to supplement Fresno's only iron lung, now in use al the Fresno County General Hospital, and at timer, occupied and unavailable in emergencies, is sought in a campaign inaugurated today by a committee composed of members of the Women Relief Corps, an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. J. B. Cox of 3S61 Balch Av nue is directing the drive for SI.500.
a sum which Dr. M. Ginsburg, director of the hospital, said would be sufficient to purchase a respirator. The corps will seek to enlist ihe aid of other fraternal lions, with the finance committee to be made up of Fresno physicians. "There is undoubtedly a need for another respirator at the hospital," Dr.
Ginsburg said, "for we can never predict when an emergency will arise. Three cases of infantile paralysis in 1932. 19,16 and 1937, all of them requiring the use of the respirator, have arisen when the respirator was already occupied." One Case Fatal Only one ol the three cases was fatal. That occurred on July 26, 1937, when Richard Johnson. 7.
of Orange Cove was stricken with paralysis while the Fresno respirator was in use. He died the follow- day after futile airplane trip to the unoccupied iron lung at the Kern County General Hospital in Bakersfield. Dr. Ginsburg said, however, the boy's condition was so serious that a respirator at Fresno probably would not have helped him. The iron lung at the local hospital, regulated to expand and contract ihe chest of 36 year old Robert Allen of Tulare, has so improved his condition since July that he is now flble to spend thirteen hours; of each day, alternate forty five i out of the machine.
He sleeps At times free of the de- vire, a contrast to ihr davs it Hugh M. Burns, Fresno City district member of the assembly, today announced he will seek the speajt- ership of a body at the next session of ihe legislature. The new legislative session will open in January, 1939. "Almost since the close of the last session," said Burns, "members with I in the lower house have urged me to become a candidate for the speaker- ship. So strong have the offers of support be- a finally have decided to campaign for the of William Moseley Jones of L-os Angeles County, speaker at the last session, will not be a candidate for reelection to the assembly, he has told friends, thus leaving the field open.
Already Henry P. Meehan of Oakland, speaker pro tern during the 1937 session, has announced his candidacy, while Earl Desmond of Sacramento, who is completing his second term in the assembly, also is rumored as a candidate. Hugh M. Burns Lives Spared--Wreck Victims Give Thanks Death Summons "ifth Victim OfTrainWreck Theory Overloading Of Car Caused Accident Is Studied By Coroner Board Postpones Train Tragedy Survivors Jack Marshallj 19, of Los Angeles, who suffered scalp lacerations and acid burns in Tuesday night's freight train wreck near gave thanks today that his life "I am certain the 1939 session red but the toss of his best friend and traveling will find an assembly even more mate, Joe Confer, is, also of Los Angcls. "He had to die such overwhelmingly Democratic than a horrible death." Jack lamented.
was that just closed," said Burns, who is a Democrat. "That will mean a Democrat will be named speaker. "Offers of support have coir.e from throughout the stale, leading me to believe 1 will have an excellent chance to win. San Joa- quiii Valley delegation is large, and it is a very important part of the legislature. We in this area should have some recognition, and as far as I have been able to learn no valley man ever has attained the speakership." Tlrst Term Burns is now completing his first term as a member of the assembly, having been elected by an overwhelming majority in the genera' election last year.
He was The author of the Burns Venereal Control Act, a measure directed at eradication of social diesses. and obtained approval of legislation, providing for the purchase by the state of Fresno State College properties which formerly were in private ownership. He also was author of the measure grafting- additional funds for operation of tfie state colleges. He was a member of the important ways and means committee of the assembly. Although Burns has made no formal declaration of his candidacy for reelection, his statement, that he will seek the speakership is tantamount to such an announcement, since he must stand for reelection John, IVillig, 2S, of Middletown, a registered nurse recently unemployed was burned on the face and legs in ihe tragedy that took five lives.
His companion, Earl Johnson of Denver, was crushed to death. "The cries of the dying are still ringing in my cars" Willig said- "To be alive and have hope is reason enough for Action On Game Medical Aide Education Group Will Study Proposal For Phy? sJcian Attendance The board of education last night postponed nrtion on requiring the attendance of a physician at high. school foot ban games, after informally discussing the death last week of Manfred Knos, Fresno i School playerl Further consideration was de-, ferred until the board has addition-; al time in which to discuss the! problem. 1 A coroner's jury Tuesday reconvl electrical energy agijresrating 53,,564,743.06, from which operating ex- of 51.089,145.22, interest and miscellaneous revenues of FOR A I FJ tnr.ifch! nrrt Friday, probably with i moraine: siiehlly cooicr tonight: Iiphti variable FOR CAUFORN'A Fair! toiiicM ir.ri Krifjfty; in the A further in tart-mcirU: for more than two or three 1 i ft the r. Rain i.TlJlWf!-!.
Sunrise Service Is UV I ttv Htx-Jtirv It in mniuk A conn slates but r.i ivrmrnl In itthr-r Ifre tban 100 younr. men find of the Fresno district pftlh- today nn enst Muffs at Lanes Bridge for the on mini sun- an-jrisc Thankspjvinp service sponsored the Fresno-Madrra Counties Kndrnvor Union. hut wr.Vhrr Friday in con- Rev. Cnlcn Lee Rose, the speaker, "i 5 a ion 5.1.i '-c; nme lp f-reat day? oh our calendar center around single MrrMUft dominant idea. Christmas brings us the message of a newborn Christ.
Kastrr the message of a risen Lord. But Tnnrik5KivinK Day is dedicated Abel loescher Will Meet Raisin Group E. Loescher of Fresno, of the California Agricultural Prorate Commission, and Edson Abel of Sacramento, the commission secretary, will meet with members of jt.hc raisin prorate zone grower Commercial Club to discuss tentative plans for a 193S industry stabilization program. The meeting, scheduled for o'clock, was announced today by A. J.
of Visalia, secretary of ihe group selected recently by growers in elections conducted throughout the right county zones. At a recent meeting the tornrnit- tcc, headed by B. C. i Del Rey, chairman, the state corn- mission to assign representatives vo clarify various phases of the control plan. Joseph Gordon, West Fresnan, Is Sentenced To County Jail Term Joseph Gordon.
52, of West Fresno, late yesterday was sen- ion of one things of every day. the we look upon" but wtthmit which life would If mended the attendance of a doctor at future football games. The board decided decisions must be made on the following questions: Is the same type of accident probable during practice and should a requirement be made to have a doctor in attendance during practice sessions as well as regular games? In sending teams to other cities, should the Fresno team take its own physician or depend upon the home team to provide a physician? Who is to be held responsible for the failure to have a doctor in attendance? No Hoard G. L. Aynesworth, president of the board, sai ere i no board of education ruling rcQuiring the presence of and expressed the opinion that a physician Is as necessary for basketball as football games.
tpnccd to serve a year in the Fresno Cmmty JftU by poHcf Gibbs. who found him 1 of indecent exposure. M. Dr. Walter Wiese strongly advo- years catcd the attendance of a physician at football games nnd suggested the younger group of doctors of the city or internes at the Fresno County General Hospital might interested in agreed to present Look Hopefully To Future "It is a funny old world, but no matter how hard a fellow gels hit, there is always plenty to be thankful 1 A little sermon in these words came today from the hospital bed of John, Willie, a graduate nurse from Middletown, who escaped death in Tuesday night's train wreck near and is being treated for injuries at the Fresno County General Hospital.
The "plenty to be thankful for" seems 10 be life itseU, far Wiliig has 410 job, almost no money and only the dreary prospect of hunting employment, ever hunting and hunting for a job. Having life, Willig also has hope as the saying goes. ''As soon as I am able to set out of the he said, "I hope I can find employment as a nurse in some Institution. I am. a graduate of the Nurses in Philadelphia, For the last few months, though, I have bren doing all sorts of jobs.
I have worked the last three weeks scalding- turkeys in a Fresno poultry plant." With three companions--two- of them were killed in the wreck-Willig was riding in a box car of the Southern Pacific freight. The young men were going north to Pasadena Public Power System Earns BM5J Profits of the city owned Municipal Light and Power Department of. Pasadena totaled for the fiscal year 1936-37. The annual report of the department, was received here today end shows income from the sale of and general reserve of S224.9S9.41 San Francisco, where they had were deducted. Assels of department are listed at SS.SS0.3S3.2S.
and buildings and equipment are valued at 59.593.943.S4 from which in depreciation reserve is deducted. The department has advanced 5600,000 to the city and has investments snd guarantee funds aggregating The net surplus over thirty years of operation is $6,655,107.75. Mrs. Jessie Savala, 37, Of San Upaquin Dies Mrs. Jessie Savala.
37, the wife of Jcnaro Savala of San Joaquin, died yesterday in a Fresno hospitaj. She was a native of Arizona and had resided Fresno County five Mrs. Savala alyo is survived by three sons. Arthur, Gilbert and auctea at a CIOCK tomo He in Mountain View Mihjccl ior Lisl( jr i hopes of employment. As the train buckled and eight of the cars piled up, Willig and one of his buddies.
Jack Marshall, 15. of Los Angeles, were thrown clear but suffered burns and severe cuts. Joseph N. Conver, 16. Los Angeles, and Earl Johnson, 29, a registered nurse from Denver, were killed in the mass ot splintered wood and twisted steel.
"A fellow never Knows how swell this funny old world is and how cood it is to be aliv-e until something like this Willig said. I can't imagine how Marshall and I escaped deaih. Fate ccr- tinly dealt a stroke of luck for us. Escapes Bern? Blinded "If it had not been for the fact I was wearing heavy, close fitting glasses I would have been blinded when I was thrown into a pool of Chamber Heads Deny Traction front 1 Inference Peckinpah, Lohse Asseri Civic Body Moved Only To Benefit City David E. Peclunpah, chairman the Fresno County Chamber Commerce roads and resorts com nu'ttee, and M.
P. Lohse, executive secretary of the chamber, today de nied the Fresno Traction Company induced the chamber to inaugurate the proposal that motorized be substituted for the present sireet car system in Fresno. Their statements were issued In reply to lener W. Jvielsen, Democratic Party leader, who, in talk to members of the Democratic Table Tuesday, said the traction firm had the bus line proposal fostered the chamber "as thoush coming a demand from the people." "Nielsen is mistaken in his statement that the traction company the chamber of commerce to present the proposal to the city com mission simply for their own beni fit," said Peckinpah. The chamber through the roads and resorts com mittee.
worked on the traction com pany for almost a year before the matter was ever introduced publicly. The traction company et first evidenced no interest and finally did consent to sit across the table and discuss the proposal. Withdrew From Picture "The chamber of commerce did ask the city commission to con- Injuries suffered in the. Southern acific freight train wreck Tuesday night near Herman today proved fatal to John Muirhead, 25. of 2951 Sixth Street, Los Angeles, and Andrew Brown, 24,.
of at he Fresno County General Hospital, bringing the death toll to Jersons. Other transients killed in the accident are Joseph Nelson Conver, 17, of 3221H Hiimboldt Street, Los Earl Johnson, 36. Kansas Sty, and an unidentified man. Coroner. J.
N. Lisle today announced he is investigating the pos theory the wreck might have seen caused by the overloading of an acid sludge tank car, causing? the arch bar to buckle and throw the train off the tracks. An inquest has tentatively been set fotf tomorrow at 4 P. M. Hospital attendants reported fiva other men under treatment for injuries sufVred in the derailment are slightly improved.
They arei 5amuel Jenkins, 54. Mount Texas, burns over body and eyes; William Green, 49. Los Banos, and lacerations; Jack Marshall, 19. Angeles, scalp lacerations, and John Willig. 28, Middleton, Conn, xactured ribs and burns.
RaUroad officials said the moval of wreckage has been completed to a point where there la' no chance of any other bodies being concealed. An Is being conducted by Superintendent E. Gaylprd of Oakland, who is in charge of the western division comprising the Kerman district. Eisrht Cars Derailed Eight cars were derailed one mile east of the Kerman railroad station when, according to tors, the arch bar under the leading oil tanker broke and buckled tinder the car. Ufting it off the rails.
OU and acid sludge poured. from the overturned cars and drenched the transients, some of. whom were trapped in the twisted mass of steel. Willig and Marshall, who suffered less serious injuries than the others, are expected to be able to attend the inquest and give their Version of the wreck. Both men said their first impression was that a brake had locked on one of the tankers, sending sparks and smoke up into the air, followed by a terrific crash as the cars overturned.
Aid In Rescue These two men, although suffering from lacerations and burns, aided in rescuing other transients trapped beneath the pile wreckage. Coroner Lisle said he expects to visit the scene of the accident egaia today and to question the Injured men. Railroad officials said their preliminary investigation a nearly twenty five transients were on the train. With the exception.of those under treatment at the hospital, most of the men continued on. their way after aiding in the rescue the injured.
oil and Kid that poured out Uider the bus proposal and then mitre MH. i uiiucf i LUG men -u Frunk Vordugo. all of Joaquin. lh a cars. And that is jtlidrew the picture 50 far 18 5 H- F.
Graveside jerviccs will he con- ''-'f to be thankful for." negotiations between the. com-r xV" a Sr Ce ducted at. 9 o'clock lomorrow morn- JIKCWIFC thankea hisl $ion and the traction companv bay Koch. Cf metery.l lur for his escape. (Continued On Face Charge of arrnnsements.
is in Turkey Dinner Reduces Newsies To 'Paper Mister pant (were concerned. We had no axes Day never meantj grind and were perfectly con- so much to me before." he said.jtent to let the city and traction "But I certainly miss Joe Conver.icompany go ahead "and work out lie was a good little fellow and the the details." best pal I ever had. He never had! Xielsen said he intended no in- chance to save himself in the chamber of commerce wreck. I thought my time hadjofficials were in any way tool come, too. but suppose it was of the traction company." but he not meant for me to die that way." meant to infer the traction wofked through the chamber Deputy District Attorney Georse'much turkey, sou DeWolf said Gordon has volume of nejvspnr-T low and the elderly men a'vendors' voices seems somewhat'their wares to passersby.
jchanccd this afternoon, blame too; One spokesman for the And What A Feast! WUHc joined i'ho of her bo in a dinner mother proud of. There was 5,000 Attend Annual Police Benefit Ball Nearly 3,000 persons attended the twenty seventh annual Fresno policemen's ball staged last night in. the Fresno Memorial Auditorium. Proceeds from the dance will go to the Police Relief. Association.
The grand march was led by Pub- He Works Commissioner and Mrs. L. Vincenz. Music was nished by Wayne McCiung and his swing band, and Hazel Arnold and her orchestra. Committees in charges of, the affair included: Reception, Police Chief Frank Truax.
Captain J. P. Murphy. R. E.
McNickle, Daniet Lung and W. E. Ellis: floor. J. C.
Cash. R. H. Wise. 1.
G. Moran, W. W. Kosmosky. j.
p. Ostenberg: re' H. McCoy. F. G.
Roll. Meek, Bay Area Men To Aid Lodge Forming Here District officers of the Sons of Norway Lodge from the Bay Area will preside at a meeting at o'clock Saturday evening in the O. O. F. Hall when a local of the order will formally organic and elect officers.
i commerce in having: the plan District President Peter Stroms- out: Sectary Ccorsa An- i.ohse said: sok. District Orsaniier ErHtiK i The ch arnber commerce, rather Smedvic. and L. C.
Hatlen, presl- i rchsh host, thouKht wetsoup. turisey a front for the traction dent of the San Francisco hr mi impoverished i If snid Gordnn has a Ions etc. Mr. f.c. take it if you would dish it cbnir.
ny. in (act worked for ai-and Torhiorn Gronninc DresidenJt be broufrhi to us sense ofjcriminat record and Is wanted in! About forty of the newsies, who-out. But two and three helpin's'jciblet cnnc.ifd sweet rota-imost a year to the corn iof OakTsrri I.rrtrp hparf rf value nt the material, social and OaUana for rscnpinK from jail: soil -editions of The KresnoIBoy'." Itoes, beans, celery, pumpkinIpany in' the proposed" rtiange. 'eation of viSm-ur officers! blessings of the modern! The prosecutor sail 1 Gordon: Bee. virtually stuffed themselves' District Attorney 'Dan F.
Con-jpie and coffee. are still vitally interested I i as to make us cenuinelyj served a year in torsifl a noonday feast served them by) way. Chief of Police i P.j Willij: and Marshall probably the U'e are interested ln I of ihe peculiar Wess-jsanc in JfTvt for public indereney.Geerse Mnrdiklan. proprietor oMTruax City Lesistative released from the hospital to- cleanin; up the city am inps ours, the day will not.nnd was sentenced to San QuentinjOnwr Khayyam's Restaurant. Cieorje F.
Sharp They win he i i i better step could observed in 1 Penitentiary in on a statutory-Van Ness Avenue. puests at the dinner clothing from the hosritai of civic betterrr.cnt'than' Special music was presented byjoffense. The result is a rather whisperedjpram. after which the newsies their own clothes were substitution of buses for and Agnes Baboinn.j Gordon was arrested as contrasted with'fnatinee performance jruests. ofiawoy in places by the acid and elimination of street coffee was served.
fflmiliar shout of Ihe little at the Fox Wilson in the wreck. raiis and potcs. terested in; nd benev Kindly btranqer taken i i "Real For Fresnan I Tailspin Tommy Dirkman Utters A Prophecy! --By Hal Forrest maximum mtRlnU is HlfTil and taw date and if siir.ri-e lislaj-, 6.ffi o'ftofk; 4M TMAPtKS'. AS I 3AV1HG, 1 N.ADE A BALLOOts A STORM ONCE. YOUR SEAT IS furtBER SEVEH, MR.
1 r-vent of two ducks thoy fattened for their da thj: was left of the ducks, after the raider had. left, was handfUi ol feathers streAva around the Pay day was a long ivay ot'I and Kislinjr. a hsaw heart, prepared to sujv- his family a poir substitute for the touch of the holiday spirit. As he pondered last night there was, a knock at his door. A s'rancpr at threshold and.
as openetf handed Wrh a huge, turkey. The stranger left without a word. that's swell." exclaimed Kislinj. don't know what I would have done," bark into house, he was surrounded by his chH- dren, whose faces beamed (n anticipation of drum sticks Lhc lixins' ai a turkey.
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