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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
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FOWLER biuehter of Mrt. John Hall ytd In Church of Transfltfura-tJon Decorations. ass CHOIR LEADS PROCESSION triWW 0rtn 1 ChlffP Lar-' Chirfan and Large Reception and the Gueeta, wedding of William B. roe beck A too of Mr. and Robert CJl0V Fomler.

and Katharine Dela- 1U1U a daughter of Mra John T. took place yesterday at 4 o'clock 2 uU Church of th. Transfiguration, la rut Tsnty-nlnth 8treC mii quaint Little Church Around th. Corner" decorated In Southern and cluster, of white ehrysan- fU.mnmi, and vw of whit, flower, wer. a A wis a.

full cnorsl service, th eftolr entering st in. rear ih, lad. with th. croa. bearer leading, th.

id by th. bridesmaids and matron of vtc at ura. irvr. Metralf. a sister of th.

bride, who ina'ftad of walking just aneaa oi Wide walked alon. la th. middl. be-tW. th.

two of whom led Vr-lle th. other two followed th. matron Th. brideamahis wer. th.

Mlr-aes Elizabeth twlafleld and Gladys Woolryche-W hitmore of England, who led. and LsclleBteveo. and MLs Mary Ludow r.wier. a slater of the bridegroom. They nr tunics of light green chiffon trimmed with gold lace and bordered with gold fringe over trailing- of lavender tin.

topped by large lavender velvet hat. trimmed with lavender plume. oicnograru suspend Littl. Ml. Mabel gatterle, th.

daughter of Mr and Mrt. Herbert Balterlee. v-ea th. flower girl. 6h.

wore a whit, embroidered cloth frock, topped by a white h.t trimmed with wlili. and pink, nd crried pink rosea. Tb. brid. wa.

In a rob. of whit. satin, hiving a very long, square train and a tried bodice, with th. deep yoke and blgh cllar of point lace over chiffon elbow sleeves of point lac On her cor-aag she wore her mother, gift, a bow-knot of diamonds, with ribbon end. of dlamnnda.

Her veil of with a long scarf of wonderful point laCe. had a Valkyrie effect In the way end. were raised abov. her forehead. It wa.

h.ld In place by a large spray of diamond flowers, the gift, and orange blossoms. She carried a large round bouquet of llliea of th. valley, and walked 8. the nav. with her uncle, Richard Iel-srleM.

who gave her In marriage. The church waa filled with guests, and th. little chapel opening into It wan al.0 it.arlv filled. with the overflow. i A reception at the home of th.

tm.tner. lio c.aai inirueta bireei, ioi-lowed. Mra. Hall. In gray brocade, an Miss Hall, In bronze chiffon, embroidered In gold over green, and wearing a bronze velvet bat with green oatrlub feathers, received.

Th. ho one wa. decorated with whit. bryaaiiLriemuma and palms. Th.

bride'. UivHiu.t wu caught by Miss Lucll. Ste-Tn. Mra Kowler. golng-away gown was of taup.

elret topped by a taupe velvet hat lta plume, to match and ah. also wor. fox fur. Auvug th. guests aaked were Mra.

John T. Hall. Mia. Elm. Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lurtlow Kowler. Miss Fowler, Mr. tnd Mrs.

Livingston Ludlow Mr. and Mra Uaturln Delntield. Mr. and Mrs. it.

H. 1. Uoddard, Mr. and Mrs. K.

H. I. Oflilnrd. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Parish, Mr. snJ Mra. Kranklin Roosevelt. Mr. and Mra.

Hartwell Cuba II, Mr. and lira. Gren-lll Kano Mr. and Mra Richard Mortl-ar, Mra. Lewi.

W. Btevena, Mra. Valentin. O. Hall, Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. l)in-tror Mr. and Mra C.

W. Pleraon. Mr. tad Mra John Nelson Borland, the Mlase. ituyvesant.

th. Mi.s.a Kujiq, th. Mlase. Mra. John Rhln.lander Stevens, Mis.

Klna Delafleid. Mlaa Mtllam. Mr. and Mra. Carey.

Mra Richard Lelafleld, Mr. and Mra. John Delafl.ld, Mr ami Mrs. Kti-rd Loncfellow, Zimmerman, Mr. tod Mra Williams.

Mra d. Pey.ter, Mlxs Crurer, Mr. and Mrs. Fahuectock. Jen.

F. t. orant and Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Hoamer, Mra.

SlilrUy, Mr. and Mra Herbert 8at-twlea, Mra Pomeroy, Joseph Stone, the Count eta von Berldingen, Mlaa Emma tone. Mlaa Bhelton. Mra. Shlllito.

Mlaa tlla Borlaod, Mra. Robert IJvtngnton, Vlli Laura LlvMlgaton, K. N. Taller. Mrs.

Hnry Burnett. Mlas Alice Kortwrlght. Mim Ada Phlpps. Mr. and Mrs.

R. B. Bowler, Mr. and Mrs. George Mclana-han, Mr.

Joseph H. Bt.vens, Mrs. Ht'iyveaant Fish Morris, Mr. aad Mra Plerpont Iavla, Ogden. Mra Storkton, Mra.

Dayton, Mra. Russell Ura Oawald Jackaon, and Mra Mlt's Alloa RIgg. Hunt. Mrs. C.

Hunt. th. Misses Harriet Glo'er and tharlott. Wyeth. Mrs.

Arthur Carroll. Mr. and Mra. C. Best.

Mlxa tharlotte Delafleid. Mr. L. Delaflel.l. Mr.

and Mrs. K. i- Pelafleld, Mr. and Mrs. E.

H. Delafleid. efs. Masle Delafleid. Burke-Roche, is ra.

uantel K.ker, Henry Klker. the onn brving. Mra. Iewta Atterbury. Mrs.

Hamilton Fairfax. Mlaa Fairfax. Mra O. Hr. th.

Misses de Feyster. Mrs. Miss Helene F. winslow. and Mlas Margaret Wlnalow.

TSTINOllOUSnRECEPTlON. Entertain 400 In Honor of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. and Mrs. George Westlnghous.

held a reception yesterday afternoon from 4 at the St. Regis In honor of th. merlcan Society of Mechanical guests were present. eond floor of th. hotel, in-tZ narbl.

ball room and th. WW Qulnie suite wer. uaed for th. re-jeption of the guesta among whom were kny Plttaburgera hi, wno acrencievi tn. recep- were Mr n.

a rn Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thaw. Mr. -narioa rK 1'erin.

Mr. and ln James A frraa lr mnA Ur Walhrldee Perkins, Judge i.n.n,, Mls" O-nrlen. Mr. and Mrs. V.V-,'n", Jphnlnrs.

John D. Crlmmins, Thaw. Mrs. John PUtt. Mr.

ad Mrs James Stoke. Mies Josephine. tTMrs Charles M. Morse, Mr. and ''J D.

Vrrwcxl. and Mr. ad Mrs. harlea R. Richards.

11 The Hudson River Tubes. the Rfth Ave. 'bus. the Sixth Ave. ElevaterJ, and the Surface Cart and ail Broadway line bring you within one block of Dutton's SHYest 2M Street.

N.wYorW I I 1 I II 1 1 II I inini Reliable Advertisements only avppear in The New York Times Announcements of a ooaable character and those decoy and deceive are Jljr exclude! nd brown lur. mii A. 5 Jr. Pink rosea Each wore the bride. IV, i eold heart locket with her ed from a SOCIAL NOTES.

Mr. aad Mra. Elbrldg. T. arrr wTO Jrve a targ.

dinner danc On Tuewlay, an. IT. at their towa touaa, 1 Cast Sixty BtreeL Mra. ettryvesant FTati will jrfvw tw. lane ra.

on Dec and Jan. at. bar city, 23 aat Heventy-ilghLh Strwai. Mr. and Mra.

Wafter N. 8 tinman (MIm Pratt) hav. returned from their hon.y-mooa trip and ar. th. reta Mr.

and Mrs. IaXW Bach, rratt Ul aftar th. holidays. Mr. Lyman Bhort gave a fllnnar party tha Gotham last night, fallowed by dancing- and bridga.

Bn. will glT. tw mors dinsMT Imom oa m. li and 22. Mfsnefladt.

O. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Pembroke Jonea of Newport, i. la town asd ia a laying at th.

Plaxa. Mr. and Mrs. OJrg. D.

Croa. hav. closed their country house at Bernard villa. N. and ar.

at their city residence, 8 West Fifty-awoad StrMt. for tha Winter. Miss Loula. CromweTL who wtll tnake her debut In Washington this aeaaon, la In town and will tak. part In aom.

of the week-end featlvltiea arraaged for Mis. Vivien Gould will accompany her upon herturn to Washington and will ther. meet many of th. Washington debutantes at two nine hena arranged by Mlaa Cromwall for Dwa. 12 and IX Invitation, hav.

ta.n gwjt ant for th. nnnal Charity Ball, which wlllba h.ld at th. Waidorf-Aatorta oa Jan. Mr. and Mra.

U.arnt Belmont, Jr. X. Jrn, hav closed their plac. at laup. hvn taken an apartment at th.

Walcott for th. remainder of th. Mr and Mm. Leonard M. Thomas, who occupied th.

Woodbury Kan. cottag. at Newport all Summer, ar. at tha Bt. Regia wh.r.

they will remain for mm time. Mrs. Oaorga W. Forsyth, wffl ijrs a dan at 8fierry-e to-night for h.r debutant, nlac. MJ.a X-eonl.

Burrlll. Mrs. Etephan H. Brown will afternoon introduo. her daughter.

MasCaro Quartley Brown, at har re.idonce, 1M Kaat Seventieth Street. Mr. and Mm. Bamuel Demnls win give a danc. to-night at th.

St. Regla i for the dr debutant, daughtar, Mlaa Dorothy Den nis. At 9 o-clock thla.rrantBf; ballroom John Lyiya "Kndymlon. an Klisabethan Christmas Pjay, will b. given for th.

benefit Ui. TJnioa Th. pa troneese ar. Mra Cleveland Podre. Mrs.

H. FalrfId Osborn Mm. William Jay Bchleffelln, Mm. John Mra Wilton Merle-Smith, and others. All th.

players and danoem are well known In society. Mr. and Mm. Francis H. Orlffto wa tn town for th.

Wiator and am at 29 Washington Sauara. SOCIETY CIRCUS AT GOULD'S. Performance to ba Held In Caalno of Georgian Court. Sffdai lo Ta Krm Yr Tfcaaa LAKE WOOD, N. Deo.

Court, th. beautiful estate of George J. Gould here, will be the acene of a big society circus that Is planned for th. holidays. Th.

tan bark ring of the Casino will be fitted up to resemble th. interior of a big circus tent, and arrangement, hav. been made to handle a big crowd. The proceeds will b. divided between th.

work of the district nura.a and th. X. C. A. A Many prominent eottagers will take part In th.

affair a. ringmasters, clowns, barkers at th. aid. shows, and In other circus capacities. Th.

affair will be a genuine circus, with all of the accessories. will be th. aid. shows, with pink lemonade and peanuts on sale. A collection of freaks Is announced, and, asld.

from the amateur society performance, there will be a number of professional acta, and live wild animals have been obtained. Dr. Irwin H. Hanca. President of the Y.

M. C. ha. bMn active In working up th. clrcua.

and th. details ar. in the hands of Lester Fort and Edward Os borne. Among tb. members or trie com mittee ar.

B. iv.arny, ira. i. L. Herbert.

Mm. Archibald f. Daves. Miss Glover, Mra Georg. Fates Baker, Mrs.

Iswis B. FtlUwell, and Mm. Charles Lathrop. Performances will b. held Dec, 28.

29, and 3a Mra. Jamea Entertalna for Mlaa Ferry Arthur Curtis. Jamea gav. a luncheon with musto yesterday in in. Annex of th.

Metropolitan Club lor nr uicv-c. daughter of Mrs. K. Hayward Ferry, and a debutante of last year. The guests were about evenly divided between debutantes of last year and th.

buds of this season, and besides Mrs. James and her sister. Mra Ferry and Miss Ferry, ther. were asked to th. luncheon Misses Carolina Murray.

Helen Garrettson. Dorothy Hyde, Elinor Hoyt. Ursula Wolcott Brown. Lisa Still-man rinrothv Perkins. Julia Dick.

Jean- nette McAlpln, Helen Auerbach, Alleen Osbom. Sara Pyle, Anita Merle Smith, Caro Brown, Dorothy Dennis, Alice Dam- rosch. Lydia coit uuuer. Agnes i- oy Fdgar, Doris Dick, Hllah French, Elinor Burrel. Madeline Cook, Kathryn Motley, Phoebe Storm, Laura Livingston, Mary Chapman Edgar, Susan Colgate, and Eli sabot ztacon.

After the luncheon Mlaa Graham Im personated many of the stage faverttea, and the Ruaalan danoem did several dances. Make Their Debut. Mra William Be hall, gav. at her city home, 38 West Forty-ninth Street, yesterday a receptlen to Introduce her daughter by her first husband. Miss Marion Ashmore.

and her husband's daughter by bis first wife Miss Margaret Schall. Mm. Schall and the debutante were assisted In receiving by Mm. Harry Ash-more, and the Misses Viola Townsend. Natalie Duncan, Caro Brown.

May VogeL Ruth Ashmore. and Guenn Matthew. Mrs. Schall will glv. a theatre party on Dec.

80 for th. two girls, which will be followed by a supper and dancing- at Sherry'a Mlaa Jeannetta Whit lock Introduced. Mm. Bach. McFrvera Whttlock gav a reception yesterday at h.r home, B30 Park Avenue, to introduce her daughter, Miss Jeannette Whttlock.

Mm. Whltlock anrf Mlsa Whltlock were assisted in ra. ceivinir by the Misses Agnes Le Roy gar. Dorothy Tiffany. Eleanor BImonds, Gertrude Slmonds.

Marjorle Mann, Lucll. de Luxe Foley, Virginia Townsend. Caro line Murray, Juliet bourne, Julia New-bold, Dorothy Fowler, Rosalie Coe, Fllra-beth Russell, and Beatrice Nicholas. Inez Mllholland Not to Wed. Mra John K.

MllhoUand gave emphatle denial yesterday to the rumor that her daughter Ince la to marry Sydney, Smith, a memofr or tin aaeaaow ttrooc Hunt I'lub. There is abeolucely no foundation for th. report." said Mm. Mllholland at the Manhattan Hotel last night. I can't Imagine how any one eould such a thing.

My daughter la now at home studying and preparing herself for her work in th. cause of woman auffraa-e don't think Mr. Smith has been la town for weeka." Duchesa Alice of Tuacany III. LUCCA. Italy.

Deo. 8. Th. Dowager Grand Duchess Alice of Tuscany Is erl- 111 at her estate hear Via Reggie, It la reported that a few months ago ah. receivedV documents showing; that Archduke John Satvator ef Anstiia.

wha. after hi. tttsappearmae frotv that country in 191. was known under the name of John Orth. died In 1906 In a sanatorium.

wnere ne too reiage alter tn many Ian da. Miaa Alice R. Hunt a Luncheon. Mrs. Charles Warren Hunt gave a luncheon yesterday at 8hrrys for her daughter.

Miss Alice Rigs Hunt, and a number of young girts. The gwests tn-eluded the Miase. Elisabeth Merdawnt. Kate Rlgga. Cornelia Brown, Marion PulU I -eta Pell light, A Ik and Edith Ph, France, and Augasta d.

P.yeter. Anna I.ivlnfrston Short, Charlotte Dela-fleM. Harriet Olorar. Charlotte Wyeth. riith Jay.

Catherine Saineral.y, and Mra. W. Floyd Kendall. Daughters of Holland Damea' Luncheon. The Society of Daughters of Holland Damea.

descendants at the ancient 'and honorabl. famllleo of N.w Nether land. will srlve a luncheon to-dav at the Hotel uMim ne rresiaent. or all th. Colonial Societies have been invited, and several traaalnent mea srUl soaks address.

FIRST CINDERELLA DAItCE OF SEASOII Cotillion at Sherry's Led by Cros-venor Atterbury, with Miss Beatrice Pratt as Partner. SUPPER AT MIDNIGHT Favors of Photograph Frames and Boutonnlcres Many Dinners Prs-ceda ths Dance The Patroneaaes. tbo Tirat Cinderella Cotillion, which 1 taera are two Winter, was danced at. Sherry's Jaat night. Tha Claderallaa, eontrary to the eustom of the Crat Junior Cotillion, has many mors of the older glrla and young married people at its dance than of tha debutante class, the tter being more largely la evidence at the first Junior CoUllionT The Cinderella, wer.

for many years managed chiefly by Mm. John Barnes. succeeded by Mm. II. Fairfield Osborn and others.

Including Mrs. Dallas Bach. Pratt, and the -list of patronesses hangea but UttU from year to year, save that a few new name, come tn each aea-eon. and this year there are many young matron, on the list. The committee tn charge of last ntghre dance was composed of Airs.

Cornelius 8. Mr- Ransom 8. Hooker. Mra. Kaohe Pratt, and had Mrs.

Charles Lewis Tiffany as its head. rhe Cinderella ar. always early daneee. the guesta being- asked for 9 o'clock, with the eoUlUon at lO, and no dancing after midnight aupper being served at that Th. patroneaaes receiving last nffirn WLB MlS.Cl -gnew.

Mra. John Clatlln, Mm. Edwin O. Holter, Mm. Arthur Cttrtiss Jamas and Mrs.

Dallas Bache Pratt. dinners preceded the dance, the hostesses afterward bringing their guests to Sherry-a Mrs. At wood Viol ett was among the hostesses giving a din-felt, daughter. Mi. Th.lma Vlo- The reception committee received near the entrance to the large ballroom, where WM dajiced.

and this began at shortly after 10. being led by Grosvenor Atterbury. who had Mis. Beatrice Pratt for his partner. The favors Included Photograph frames and boutonnierea At midnight supper was eerved at small table, in the small ballroom, and this was an unusually elaborate affair.

The patronesses of this year's Clnder-ellaa in addition to those mentioned above aa receiving and being on the Managing Committee are Mra. Edward D. Adams. Mlsa Cheever, Mra George A. Crocker, Mra Howland Da via, Mrs.

Joseph E. Davis, Mm. Henry F. Dlmock, Mra Cleveland H. Dodge.

Mtes Eno, Mrs. Henry Johnson Fisher, Mra James T. Gardiner. Mrs. Jamea J.

Goodwin. Mrs. Walter 8. Gurnee, Mrs. Charles D.

Halsey, Mrs. August Heckscher, Mra. Jesse Hoyt. Mm. John 8herman Hoyt, Mm.

Gustav E. KtoseL Mm. Daniel 8. Lamont. Mra.

Graham Luak. Mra. Charles Peabody. Mrs. Winslow 8.

Pierce, Mm. Atwood Vio-lett. Mrs. John T. Pratt.

Mm, James A. Scrjrmper, Mm. Francis L. Blade, Mra Joseph F. Stillman.

Mrs. Edwin Thome, Mrs. Samuel Thorn. Mm. Franei.

D. Wllnslow. Mra. Frank Spencer Wlther-bee, and Mm. Allen Tucker.

Among those at the dance were Mr. and Mm. Walter H. Stillman. Mr.

and Mm. Kenelm Winslow, Mr. and Mm. Maurice Heckscher, Mr. and Mra.

Francis L. Hop-in. Mr. and Mra Benjamin. Mr.

and Mra Ralph Banger, Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Klrhy, th. Ruth Adams, Julia and Elisabeth Dodge, the Mhnee Julia and Dorothy Tiffany.

Anita Peabody. Allison Pierce, Mary McKtm Wilde. Elizabeth Lamont. Hester Davie. Laura, Elisabeth, and Edith Agnew, Joanna Auerbach, Charlotte Wyeth, Antoinette Heckscher, Elisabeth Clsflln.

Gertrude Cheever. Mar garet and Elisabeth Gardiner. Belle Gurnee. Cornelia and Isabel Hoyt. Harriet retry.

Dorothy and Jeannette Kissel. Thelma Violett, Muriel Morris. Lisa Stillman, Margaret Winslow, Evelyn 8, Wither bee and V. R. Thome.

The second Cinderella wlU take place tn January. THE BOSTON ORCHESTRA. Tschalkowskya Fifth 8ymphony Played Josef Hofmann 8ololst. There wae nothing new, strange, or debatable on th. programm.

of th. Boston Symphony Orchestra's second evening concert, which It gave last evening- tn Carnegie HalL Berllos's "Roman Carnival- overture. Tscbalkowskys fifth symphony, and Brahmt's "Academic" overturn warn the orchestra numbers. K'nann was the soloist, who played Beethoven's O-maJor concerto for Jh P'n0- Mr. Fiedler been Informed that the Phllharraonlo Society had played Tachalkowsky's fifth symphony the am.

hall only a little while before, and would h. have played om. other? Only a deep student of the manners aud customs of conductors could solve this problem. Whether he knew th. fact or not th course he actually -took satisfied his hearers greatly; for them Is rarely so much enthusiasm shown over an orchestra performance as was called forth by this one.

Mr. Fiedler very Justly shared the applause that was bestowed upon It with the members of the orchestra, whom he summoned to rise In a body and acknowledge it with him. It was. Indeed, a very fine performance, in which the glowing richness, warmth, and transparency of the orchestra's tone, even in the most massive climaxes, appeared In their perfection, and its perfect certainty and precision gave a clearness of articulation to th. complicated structure of many passages where melodies are Intertwined and overlaid, and where obscurity Is fatal to the composer's effect.

Mr. Fiedler took the symphony throughout with even more than a certain license in the matter of tempo that the composer not only authorises, but directs. He allowed himself much freedom in this matter; and freedom even to such an extent Is not misplaced In this work. There were splendid sonority and gorgeous color in tha performance, and its appeal to the au- Ed-ldlence was Immediate Mr. Hofmann played Beetbovea.

i-nn. eerto with consummate mastery and the purest artistic beauty: with an obvious affection and tenderness for the gracious and poetic eharm of the work, wn'ch art a. fresh and unfaded to-day as when It cam. from th. composer's hand more than a century ago.

Dellcacv and crystalline purity of tone and exquisite nuance the treatment of phrase and passage were unfailing In Mr. HofmanrTs playlsig, which was filled with sentiment of the most Intimate sort. Such a performance does not excite to turbulent enthusiasm yet It clearly touched and delighted the audience profoundly, for Mr. Hofmann wai repeatedly recalled to acknowledge applause. The orchestra's playing of the two overtures that began and ended ths concert was brilliant and substantial.

MISS MARJORIE HOWE A BRIDE. Daughter of Mrs. David S. Howe Mar ried to James Brays, The wedding- of Miss Marjorle Foot. Howe and James Bruyn was.

celebrated last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of th. bride', mother. Mrs. David S. How of S40 Riverside Drive, the Rev.

Dr. Walker Wynne sS Summit. X. officiating. The bride wore a costume of white satin trimmed with point lace and a veil of point lace caught up with orange blos-aoma.

She carried a bouquet of lilies of tli valley and white gardenias. Her only attendant was her slater. Mia. Edith How, who worn a dress of yellow satin with gold Spanish lac and sable fur and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. The ceremony was performed la the drawing room.

The bride entered the room on the arm of her brother-in-law, Charles Le Mcllvatne, The muslo was furnished by an orchestra. Carl Roesael acte aa best man, and th usher, were Albert Weber. Jesse Leedom, A. Ttrrcoln North. Henry Bottger and Dr.

Reuben E. Hmlth. About 2u0 guests attended th eerosnorrr and th reception which followed. After a buffet wedding collation was served tnere was dancing. WESTO Mc WILLIAMS.

Th engagement Is announced of Miss Carolyn Weston, daughter of tha late VuWUUajas, Jr, CMcago. Why Buy Pearls76" bmuns from Europe I with pearl necidaccs bought abroad i Abroad? pay a Jewelry duty of sixty per cent, on the foreign cost. Marcus It Company import their pearls as they come rrorn India and pay the un-set pearl duty of ten per cent, on the original cost. The pearls are thenmost carefully sorted and It is Y0NKERS OLD RESIDENTS DIE Mra. Wlghtman, Aged 90, Thomas M.

Owens, 81, and Franklin Rich, 80. The two oldest residents of Tonkers and a third old resident who family had lived there before the Rtreotatloa: dtsd yesterday. Oae was Mrs. Matilda Wight-man, a granddaughter of Samuel Nell-son, ths Irish patriot who escaped from prison In England and earn to this country la 1801. Mrs.

Wlghtman was 90 yearn of age. She had lived In Tonkers for more than halt a century, living la the house on Buena Vista Arena, that had several generations. Another old resident to die was Thomas Madison Owens. He was 01 years old. Mr.

Owens was for many years a foreman in the employ of the Otis Elevator Company, and despite his advanced sge continued to work until a few weeks ago. He invented door lock, and an apparatus to facilitate the starting and stopping of horse cam. Franklin Rich, whose ancestors Oved on the Bronx River Road back In the Colonial period, also died yesterday. He was 80 yearn of age. He was well known In fraternal circles, being a Past Master of Lily Free and Accepted Masons, In New Tork City.

He was also connected with Rising Star Lodge and the Knights of Pythias. JOHN H. JACQUEL1N DEAD. Ex-Governor of Stock Exe hangs and -Father of Odd Lota." John H. Jaequelln.

founder and fen liter head of the Stock Exchange house of John H. Jacqnella tk died yesterday st Sad die Brook Farm, his country place at Hohokns, N. In hi. seventy-fifth year. Mr.

Jacqnella, although he retired from active business Bin yearn age, retained his membership la the Stock Exchange, which Joined tn August. 1863. and was on of th oldest la point of membership. H'was born In Kentucky, near Bowling Greek, la 1R3S, and cam of French extraction. He started bis business career with an old-time French commission house, and was for nearly thirty years Identified with th brokerage business tn this city.

He served a Governor of the Stock Exchange for twelve years, but Is chiefly remembered as the father of odd lots," Jamea Huff Stout. Spfdat t. JVm Ytrk TimtK MENOMINEE. Wis, Deo. a James Huff Stout, a wealthy lumhermaa and philanthropist and leader In educational movements, died to-day at his residence her.

When Mr. Stout came to Menominee tn 1868 he began eonsiderlns means of betterirw th looal school system. He first erected a two-room bundmg te be devoted to manual training and domestic science, and sjso furnished th teacher, for these two new Knee of work, assuming sll expense. Menominee thus became probably the first city tn the United States to have a thoroughly organised course of manual training and domestic science extending from the kindergarten through the high school. In 19 the Stout training- schools for the preparation of teachers of manual training and domestic science wer organised In th.

educational development of Menominee In various ways Mr. Stout Invested upward of .000,000. R. A. Sammle Dlea at Funeral.

Royal A. 8 am mis, 8S years old, of 202 Lefferts A venae, Brooklyn, was stricken with heart disease Wednesday bight, while at th funeral of Julius E. Prior of L8S3 Dean Street, whose olose friend h. had been for twenty-five years, and died before he could oe removed to his horn. Hs had been In falling health, and the death of his friend had greatly affected him.

Mr. Sammls was for forty-five yearn employed by the H. B. Claflln Company. He Is survived by a widow, a son, and three daughters.

Obituary Notes, mmr wrmTBOTJa. XT reara eld. wne wen the prise for batng the tallest and thinnest Klk at th. National eonvenuoa at ueaver in 1907. I.

dead of tnberculoet. la Padeoah. Ky. Porteeu. was 0 feet lnoha.

tall. A coffin was ordered for bim. CATHARINB A LITERS, wa ateS es Teeaday moraine at Weatriald. N. wea the widow of kfartta Alpera a prominent merchant ta tb.

early alxti in what was tlna know aa apar Fulton Street Brooklyn. She was a member ef the Central Presbyterian Church la Schermer-horn Street at that time and was one et the few DiMBbm that voted te call the Rsv. Dawltt Talmace from PhlladelDhia t. Brooklyn. Bh.

leave four son. aad a daughter aicht grandchildren, and one sraat-grand-eblldTthe daughter ot Edward Underbill aad Addle' Tembler Alpera Domr, if. t. rnwrv w. ARNOLD died suddenly In CM- lto oo -waflnaeday wight In hla 76th Ma waa bo-n In Philadelphia, but lived tn Now vXrTTh.

nart ot kU life. H. wa Wail known in bu.lneae clrt-l. and was at one time a member of th. firm ef Iwla Brethars A commission merchants.

H. la 'wvlved by his widow, who a. formerly Mum Carrie Sw Tork. and thre. daostere.

toATT. Btalner New Terk. Mra. Henry a Conn of Rocberfer. and Mlaa Edna Arnold of r.w Tork.

Tha body will arrtva hmr on Bond IT whJn th- fnaoral win tafc. ptaoa at BalwrST Field. Cematary. JOHN WHTTTAJCra NORTHROP, a eartner ef th. Northrop Clothing Company 44 Eaat Fovteenth Street, died yrterday at bis home.

14S West Hist Street. typhoid fever. Books for Christmas Presents for Yommg Htsyfs mf ss7 gws "All Bitlt 9f mil PuUhhert. Putriams ratw.tMM. Mr Terk assembled and strung into neck- laces, accordance with the critical: requirements of the American buyers.

It is not only economy to buy here, but one has also a feeling of security in buying at home' which one rarely has in Durchasinz abroad. such a matter of i that most Americans prefer to deal with their own people, whom they know and trust, to relying upon their own judgment under foreign surrcajridings and oreign influences. Marcus Company offer every facility for the careful and critical examination of pearls under natural light and normal conditions. Marcus JwsIWa and Goldsmiths, Bta Avwcra sad 45th Street, New Terk Fritxl Scheff to Appear In Resslta. On of tha reasons why Fritxl Scheff la not gotn; te play Trilby tn a musical version of that story Is boaua she Is to appear In a new operetta, called "Ros-slta, the muslo of which Is by Victor Herbert aad th book by Kathertaa Stewart aad Joseph Herbert.

This will be the first theatrical production with which Kiss Stewart's name has been associated. Rossita Is In three acts and the scenes ar. laid In Parta Tb title comes from th nam of th principal character, who has an opportunity to wear a number of beaatlful gowns during the performance. Rehearsals will begin shortly. Da Seflurota Soloist for Concert.

Andrea Segurola or the Metropolitan Opera House will be the soloist at the Hardman Autotone concert at Mendels sohn Hall on Dec. 14. He wtn sine songs by TostL PucdnL Martoler, Sidney Homer. Barthelemy, and Chamlnade, accompa nied by the Autotone. La Bohoms Again at Metropolitan.

La Bohem was repeated at the Metropolitan Opera House last sight with Miss Farrar. Miss Alten, aad Messrs. ScotO. Jadlowker, and Qidur. Mr.

Tos-canlnl conducted. sTevrfass aad asoth weWoa tsfewoed or sseerfio (a The JTeie Tork Tim la sowed So 100 ryoai. 330T1U rrAVlUWOW. Pee. anbury, to Mr.

and Mra B. J. t' Avignon, a Aaughter. rVRS. Deo.

2, Xanbnry. Consv, te Mr. and Mrs. J. Moea Iv a son.

FOWLKR HALL. On Dee. tfttO. at tb. Church ef the Transriguratloa, In (hla city, by the rector, th.

Rev. Tr. Houghton, aa- stated by the Rev. Dr. Vibbert of Trinity Pariah.

William S. roe. beck Fowler to Mia. Katharrne Croger Detaflald, oa ugh tar ef tl. aate jotm T.

liau. eaq. Brooklyn. CTEHMAN. Doo.

7, to Otlbart a Peyton. Jr. WARREN CONNORS. Dee. T.

Mary S. Ooo-nora to Bernard J. Warren. Nw Jersey. DOREMTTS HTOGIN3.

Dec. B. Cast Orange. May M. Htgartna to Ony J.

Doremua. TWTEFTORT KARTORI8. Dec. 7. Newark, Roaarl.

8rterk4 te Arthur Da It. TwyeftorC New Trk 8tat. LOWENH KIM fDU.TSTR Dm- M. Collyer to Ralph Zxnrenh.lm. ARNOLD.

enddenly. Xee. T. at his 49 De Peyater Bt North Tarrytown. Oeonge arnoia, son or Aaron ana Hapnan Arnold, aged S3 years Funeral service, at his noma oa Friday, a r.

M. ARNOLD. Tn Chicago, suddenly, en Wednea- oay evening, Edwin w. Arnold, beloved huaband of Carrie Arnold, In hla 78th nyear. Field! Funeral fhraday.

11. CMtny, Brsoklya. BOLTON. Dee. fl.

Blanche Bt. John, beloved wife of Clinton Oray Bolton, at 8 Perry rt- Funeral msaa at t. Joeeph a Church. Ota Av. and W.ahlngtm Place, IS A.

M. Saturday, Deo. 10. Interment WeaUteld. N.

J. CATLIN. On Monday, Dee. 6. 1:80 A Louie Catlln, beloved husband and father, 60 West 112th St.

Omaha paper, pleas, copy. CREIOHTOX. Entered Into rest orr Tuesday, Deo. S. 1910.

at her reaidenoa. 20 6th New Tork. Louise Maud, daughter of tha lata H.nry J. and Mary B. Crelghton, Fsiw-ral aervloo at St.

Jamea' a Charch. Lafayette Av. and 6t. James Place. Brooklyn, on rrioay, at a e-eioca.

DATTON. On Wedneaday. Deo. T. MtO.

at hla late rasldenca. IS Mount Morris Park Weat, Charles W. Dayton, Justice of the Supreme Coert. Funeral service will be held at St. Andrewa Church, 127lh St.

and fttk eatorflay. Dee. 10. 10:30 A. M.

DATTON. Omia ef the Revotatton tn tha Stafa of New. York. Off in. of the Society.

Frauncea Tavern, earner Broad and Pearl New Tork. Dec a 1910. The mem bers of thla Society are requeetoOV to at tend th. funeral services of then late aa- eoetata member and one of the Board of Manasera. Charles W.

Carton, at Bt An draw's Proteatant Eplaoopal Church, comer ot v. ana ixi ux bu, on oaturaay, ueo. at 10:80 o'clock. EDMUND WETMORB. Presidest.

H. R. DROWN G. Secretary. DINANTv Suddenly, at hi.

mtdence. 8S Weat 4Sd BU. dayonne. N. Wednesday morn ing, Anthmy B.

Dlnant. aged 88. Funeral eervices Friday evening at 8:15. Ooachas at Srth Bt. station te meet train leaving UDenj or- at iw, tTTi sw.

nu, a tarn u.aa Thomas A. eon of a and Mlnnl. Ullf Ducket ef dlahtneiia. arwJ 8 years. ELLIOTT.

At Janwy Cltv, Dor. a 1S10. Catherine. wir of Walter H. Elliott and daugh ter of Elisabeth and sth.

late Cnrl.topher traaer. agea oa year. Keiatlvea. friend, and members of Star of Palisade Ledge, No. 85.

O. 8. ar. invited to attend ber funeral from her late residence. 281 Pall- on Saturday morning at 0:80 O'cioea: inence vs nu Joeepn'a church.

whore a aoleana nan of requiem will ba offer, tor the hapay r.po- of hr aouL Interment Holy Name Cemetery. San Fraa- eface Cai.) papers pleaae eopy. OAKTARINO. Margarita. Wedneaday, Dee.

T. beloved wife of Gtrado. Funeral from bar late residence, CSS East toath St, Friday. Deo. S.

at A. M. Requl.ra man at St. PhllH Ifevt'e Ckiurcb. at 10 A.

M. Interment St. Raymoad'a Cemetery. HALL. At Haabrooek Heights, K.

William Rail, aged 70 year. Relative and friend, alse saembere of Pyramid Lodg. 4SO, F. and A. VnUm Cbapor A.

Ma- aonle Voteraaa Aaaodatlon: Hiram Lodir. 449. F. and A. Pent.

I ph. Lodge 744. F. and A. St.

Mount Neboh Chapter 21.7, R. A. M-: Amarieea Chapter 15. R. A.

M-. are respectfully invited te attend the fair, ral eervirea Sond.v, It o'clock neon, THE FUNERAL CHTTtCH. 841 Weat tSd (FRANK CAMPBELL BTJILDINQ.) Doerver. Oolorede, BltwtJngham. Alabama.) and Oatario.

tCaaada.) paper, pl-aaa eopy. RAMHX- On Deo. T. Estelle E. HeanUL asod yeara: Funeral ami l-ea fren the Chapel ef the Etephea Merrltt Burial Company.

8th Av. aad let St, Saturday night, at a o'clock. ffirwDRICXSCW. On Dee, 8. lSW.

st 13 "pen- eer flace. urookiyn. soaxar is. nonc-so. Notion of Concral haraaftar.

HOPSONOa Wade day. Dae. T. Jgainuot Hotaaam. eelovod huaband Mary E.

Hot-oo. RalaUvwJ and at tb-, famlry aad annitim Pw4. Lodgo No. S4, P. aad A M-.

ara raapoctfully Invited te attend fowarel et Ma lata -eaideaa. 2S5 East th PU. oa Friday. Dae. at 8 F.

M. Interment at Daver Plains, Dotebea. Col. New Terk, ea Saturday. Dec 1.

XBVTX. Berua. Geraany. Kov. 4, 1910.

Jnll Peat Inin. wtdov et the Rev. Dr. WTItara Irrtn and A. neater ef the late Edward Etna of Oyaaar Bay.

Funeral a-rvices IS A. M. Friday. D-e. S.


oa Thursday anomtng. Dee. a John H-. son ef the late Jobs M. and Asae Aline Jueaeelt.

ss the TSth year ef hi. age. Funeral services will be held at Bohokua en Skturday mornrng. Dee. 1ft, on anivel ef train leaving Jersey City, Via Erie Rail-tea, at tM.

te whlea apedal ear will be attached. Returning, special ear will be attached a. erala laavtas Hohokaa 11:41 P. M. JENKINS.

Suddraly, at her hesae In Peogh-Inpdi, M. Lavlnla Hardcaatle Jesklne. Funeral sei.Ries will be held FrlSay. Dee. S.

at 8 e'cloek. at 118 Market Peagh-keepsia Friend, aad relative. Invited. KXARNBT Buddealy at Fordhant. -pea, T.

Alicia Baa trice, wife ef the let. Thomas Kearney New Orleans. At th raauaat tk daoeaeed the tuneral will be private, la kindly reqoeatod that no flower, will be eenu New Orlasne. Pklladalphta. mad nm papera piaaaa eopy.

KKMBLK. Suddenly, at her teeloenea. 143 Eaat 18th SC. on Tburaday. Deo, a Mary WaHnn KesnbW.

eaurbtar of the late Richard Frederick Keroble and Charlotte Mor-rta Funeral Saturday. Dee. 10, at Oraos Charch Chantry at 145 P. M. LATHAM.

On D9. 7, Eraana Vaawhaa. wtdew or tne lata rraak W. athaan. aed SO years.

Funeral owvteao from the Chapel of the stepnen Htrnu Burial cosapany, era Av. and 19ta St. LTPPMANN On Tburaday. Dae. 8.

1010. Wan- rtetta, beloved wife ef Ouatav Llppaaann aad sootaer ef an. ouatav minors. Oaorse, David, aad Harry Unoraann. and 77.

Funeral from her late rseJaanca. Sis Wast joiat Sunday. Deo. XI. A- M.

Plaaae omit flowere. McCTJLLOTH. Elisabeth MoCutlotm. Thursday morning. Dee.

8, tiative of Palaley, Boot-land. Funeral Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from 3 Winter bottom' a Sona nder- laklnir pariora. l4 Bprmt SC. taenoe to St. Amnonri vnarca.

tMiuivan m. inti Calvary. on 8, 1810, at ber late reaidenoa. 243 East'llfith Sarah Leon tin. Mulligan, daughter of the late Jam, and Eliza McCafferty.

Notice of Tuneral hereafter. Chicago pa para plaaae copy. NORTHROP. On Thursday, Bee 8, John Whltaker Northrop. Funeral ialm Fri day at 8 P.

M. st hi. lata residence, 14S Weat 181st St. Interment Subs as. N.

on Saturday. PlTRrN. At ber homo in Eria-tawood t. Dee. 8, lJO.

Julia baloved wUeef John W. Pttkaa. Funeral nottoa RICK. Dec. 8.

Mary widow ef Rollln R. Rice, in her 83d year. Tuners! service, at the chapel of the home, 104th SL and Am-stardam Av on Saturday, Deo. 10, at 11 A. M.

8AMMIS. Cuddenty. en 'Wedneaday, Dee. 1910. Roral A Sammte.

Funeral aeirluax at his late 80S Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, on Friday, Dee. 8, at 8 P. AC Interment at Muatlngton, L. SHINN.On Wednesday. Da.

ll at the reeiaence or dm eaugntar, stra. ueerge Stevaaa. Summit. M. J- the Rev.

Oeoree Wolfe Shlnn, D. In the 71et year of hi. age. Funeral aervlcea will ba held at Oraoa Church. Newton.

Mi TARDLET. On Wednesday. Deo. T. 1810, at tha home of her daughter.

Mra. Emeet Puleford, Nutley, N. Clara Nail, widow of Kin dra T. if ami ay. -unerai St 12 o'clock Sunday.

Mittord, Dai BKHHES8. Henry, 848 Bast 88th Den. aged 6S. Funeral to-day. P.

M. BLOHM. Henrietta, 414 Eaat 141st Deo. 8. aged IS.

Funeral piivata BROUBSARD. Alice, 151 Eaat 88th Ben. a Funeral to-day. 10 A M. BTJTT.

Jamea 85 Mount Morris Park Weat. uee. 7. mmnu to-aay. BTRNE Anna.

821 West 28th Bee. Funeral to-day, 1 P. M. OOTTON. John C.

8U Eaat 4th BL, Dee. 1. aged 68. Funeral to-morrow, 2 P. M.

CRINIQAK. Thomas M8 'Bast SOth SU Deo. a Funaral to-day. 8:80 A M. DOrOHERTT.

Iletrh 173 Tth Bee. T. Funeral to-morrow, Ui. H. FTTZSIMMONS.

John. 820 Eaat 87th Dea. 7. Funeral to-day, 8:80 A M. OA VIS AN.

John J. Sd Avw Bee. Funeral to-day. lOlsO A. U.

OLKNDON. Beasts, 821 West 129th BL. Dea. 7. Funeral to-day.

10 A M. BAOGERTT. Nora. 844 Weat 48th 8U, Bee. a Kanerai te-day.

HARRIS. Lena, TZl Weat 141st Dae. sgefl 65. Funeral to-day, 10 1 HATDEN. Thomas, 448 "Weat SOth Deo.

Funeral to-day. 8:80 A M. HERWIO. Chrlatlaaa. B03 Brook Broas.

Deo. 7. Funeral te-day. IP, V. KARCHEB- Chrtsteph, 83S -Bast Sent 81, Dec 7.

agad 67. KXRRIOAN. Franoas ISSth St. nd Walton Dee. 7.

Funeral to-day, 10 A M. BUNE. Arnia. 1.2B8 Bsthgat. Bronx, Deo.

7. Funeral to-day. lioi 11 KLATS. Barnet, 7th Da. T.

Funeral te-day. It, H. HOPPE. Frederick. -dZS 3d Av Dee.

7, aged 2. Funeral to-day, 1 P. M. JORDAN. Hanrietta.

D31 West Bth SC. Deo. a aged a LOFTUS. Patrick 801 West 114th Dae. S.

Funaral to-day. 10A.H. MeSORLET. Frank. Das.

7. Funeral SOS West 84th to-day. 10 1, X. MA HER. Mary Weat 18Bth St.

and North River. Doe. 7. 'Funeral to-day. MEISNKR.

Frank, 803 Wast 188tk BL. Dae. 7. Funeral to-morrow. NKART.

Henry, 854 lOth Bee. a Funeral 8 P. M. PATTERBON. Catherine 143 Bast T8th Dec.

A Funeral to-day, A. M. RTXN. Frank 401 Weat 4 2d Dea. 7.

Funeral to-morrow, 10 A M. RtJBENCAMP. Oeorge, 808 Bast T2d Bee. a Funaral to-day. BTTNNE.

Fred LESS Avenue A. Bee, a runerai le-aay, r. ju. SCHLEQEL. Anna 804 Weat T3eth SC.

Dec. 7, agad 38. Funeral private. 8CHLOCKOW. Ouatave.

914 Forest A.W, Bronx. Dec 8. Funeral private. BCHROEDER. Charlaa.

843 Brook Av Bronx. Dec. 8. aged 87. SHANNON.

Margaret. 147 Mornlngald. AT, Deo. a. aged S.

Funeral to-day. 3 P. M. SIMMONS. Frank K-.

S6 Weat 4th SC. DeeaJ 7. aged 60. 1 WTBAILLIE. Rose 437 Waat SOth SU.

Dec. 6. agad 8. WRIGHT James C. 190 West 18th 8C.

Dee. 7, sged 67. Brooklyn. BARNES. Ida 788A Lafayette Av, Bee.

7. Funeral eervtee to-day. BENNETT. Arietta A Larayette Av, Dec 7. Funeral to-day.

2 P. M. BROWN. Mabel Deo. a Funaral 883 Pa ctfto St.

BUTTLE. William 259 Msdisoa St. Dea 7. Funeral service to-day. CAVE Alfred 867 Park Piece.

Bea Funeral private. CHRISTIAN Oluseppe. SO Naaaae St, Da. 7, aa DOE. Sarah SOI TanderbUt Av, Bee.

T. Funeral to-day. 3 P. M. L.

238 48th St, Bee. aged S2L Funeral to-day. 10 SO A. M. GTE8CHEN.

Claaa, 1,188 Putnam Av. Dea. T. Funeral to-day. P.

M. OISBURNE. Wlllmna BIS Senator St, ZM. 7, aged Be. Funeral servlo te-dey.

HOLM Ed. Mary, 07 8th Av, Dee. a sged 84. Funeral to-day. 9 A.

M. KELLT. Peter. 841 South 4th Ba A LEA KT- John 84 Navy St, Dee. I.

agad 4S. Fuaaral rirw. J4 A. M. afcDONALD.

Elfcea. as Haaary SL, Oaav a Funeral to-day. 2 P. M. MA GCI RE.

Michael 802 Reed AT, Be. 7. Feneral Dee. 1L 2:80 P. M.

MARK9. Bridget 190 Penn Bee. 8. MORROW. James, 438 Qulncy SL, Dae.

a Funeral service to-marrow. OTERBAGH- Pierre 3o3 Maoo St, Bee. 7. Funeral aai k.a to-day. PRBerEL.

ITS Buffalo Dea. A r4 se. rtnaoa) to-eay. r. a SKLZER.

Raglaa. 0S1 Irvbas At, Dae. aed OA, BTE WA RT. Cbartee F-, 848 Wyekfrff 61, Da. 7.

Kuneral ta-morrow. d)0 A M. TELTHA US. Bertha H-. 408 Bedford Av, nee.

a aaed 14. Funeral Mtvste. WALKER. Zoe McOonough L. Bea T.

Funeral Brrrata. WTflTHOFr. Aoaraat. 1.898 BnabewSl Av, Dec- egad 72. Fwaawa tn aaiii.a.

WH A RT. Jmh B-. sue Fetaaaa av. Bee. BARRT.

Adolpav Hartford, Pea A BAUEROeorge weat uaveaj. avme. Feneral te-day. P. M.

BBB4BLE. Oeorge U. TotTtaaioa. Dsa a ared 69l CBlfTKNDFC George Ol. New Baves.

a inl B9 DAVIS Ma riflrte St. Bartford. Bee. DEUBEX. ar paabery.

IMS. Sged Aa Dirt. Net raj te-day. SSO A. M.

SXCXIIL Raama, Btamfbrd, See. aged tX suaerai to-sBorrew. F. LTKNAU. manch.

atasafar. Bee, avrti Mssohsstsr. Dee, aga IB. MORRISON. Rose Bsstfora, DeaTd, RXDDELL Helen.

Noretos, Bee. T. iioe Ta-nar. KOTJtTBOX-nMa. Bnssasun.

Bea ia. THOMAS. Winiaaa Tew n.ves. Bs. T.

asd s. Fuaaral to-day. a P.TC MjXLEH. Clara, S3 MagsoU St, 'KSwara. aea i.

ges a MORTIMER. John, inelaflsld. Bee. -C Ta- aeral to-day. 11 A.

Af. XXSSMAM. evelya. 8 Derey -SL. Kewaars, jjea.

aa OCTLVHB. Margaret 840 Ptne Jersay city, f. yssiaj service ss-aay. PARK inn ma sV. tars.

Poa agad 1. Pt'l'KHS. Marie, Oianl saat. Bee. T.

aged St. Funeral prrvata. BAT. William, 4 Barslay Baa, a Fuaml Dae. 11.

1 P. SC. REID. Annl Patersee, Deo. a seed ROatC Mllko, '804 'Jeffersun Hosehss.

Dee. BCHUBSRT. Asgsst, North Bersea, Bee, aged 7a Funeral te-day. IF. li.

MIT H. Hamilton -aad Arthar, Ja. Bast Oraase. Dae. a THTS.

Cnnataat. Baabreoek Hatghb. Dae, TR08T: Frederick W- 273 New TsriTAv. ltn fll, a TTlLLY. Margaret.

188 aTt'Kewarm, vc e. aged S. VAN DORRN. Henry H-. Bast Bea 7, sged T5.

'Funeral te-morrow. WOOD. Win lam 48 Sprtagfleid Avs MM Vw York Stats, CBEsarr. Alma Peaghkaaps, Dee, Sj, Funeral to-morrow, IP, a MILLER. John Liberty, Dae, aged td Funaral to-day.

8 P. M. RICH. Franklin, too Warburtos Avv Yewksrs Dee. 7.

aged 78. Funeral to-morrow. UPSON. James Psughkaspsts. Da C.

aged months WATH ROUS. Eunice A. Caatfla Bee. f. WENXEN BACH.

Lena Poitohsstsr. T)a Funeral service to-day. TORK. Oliver E-. Dun ten, 'Bee.

aged Fdneral to-day. 2 P. M. j. latf lalaad.

BArNTH. Albert. 468 Fraahfng Av, Long Island City. Dec a aged SO. CLIFFORD.

Mery, 88 Av, Tiusamg, Dec a aged DIETRICH. Walter Rldgawoea. Bea. 'a aaed lo months. DOKEMUa Mary Fluahrng, Bea aeed 00.

Funeral to-day 2 P. M. FULTON. William. Sag Barber.

Bea T. aged 23. Funeral to-day. BET EM. Alice Northpert, Da.

T. aged 67. Funeral to-morrow. JOECKEU Phlllphlne, FliiahlnST, Be. aged Funeral to-day 2:80 P.

K. XXE IN. Peter, Hlcksvllle, Deo, T. Tfassrsl te-merrow 11 Mi A. M.

LAWRENCE.Ellaabeth Bag Barber, e. eced S3. Funeral aarlea to-day. rraxiu. coariea.

i creeoant at. Dec a FUneral to-day a BAVi.T. EMHh Richmond III 11. Bea T. ZODER.

Ida, Hall St, Coraos, Dae. a sged Hew Jersey. I ALI-EN. C. Bee.

aged A 49. Tuneral to-day IP. 11 1 BOUUa rostave A. Tows ef pulonDes. BRoSmeu Lena.

Trrlnrten. Dee. "a aged Funeral to-morrow 8 A. M. i BTRNE.

Asnte 113 Vaaay 4H, NjwarS, -Doc a Funeral te-merrow. 8 A. M. CAR R. Joseph, lftl PavooJa A v.

Jersey CMy, Dec 6 DIAMOND. Frahela, 208 Xamyett Xw- ark. Dee, A Funeral ta-day 8 A. BICHWAIJD. Irene, 25 A MUioa Av, Jersey City.

Dee. 7. SO. B8TELL. Ray.

Weat Orange, Dee. a Sged 2A Funeral loday 2 P. M. FARBER- elarah C. Hobokaw, Bee.

w8 67. FiCKENSTELV. Peter. 1S3 Bertholdi Jeceey City, Dee. 7.

Fuaaral l. uiiisw TTJKMAN. MUmrd A. 181 4th Av, Mewarh, Dee. a sged A OfAETTE.

Helena, Kesmay. Be. A 4d71. GQLLKR Manrsrec Pomptoo JLaka, Dea. aed 80.

Funeral to-day P. M. OOLDKNHORX. 6aJiru.l. 20.

Waat '43. aTL. Bayeane. Dec 7. aged 8a OREEN.

Rose Orange, Bea T. TSTI to-day 8 A M. BAO A MAN. Sarah, New BiiaaseliW. Pea a.

TLAL8T7iwUllam, 88 Ceutml AJ, Ciry, Dee. 7. rNmaraJ ea-aay SjAO A M. BXLKE. Roetna.

Uauo. Bee. a aed s. FtS-neral to-day 2 P. M.

BIBBS. Ralph. Trentoe, Bea 9. aged T. Fa- BOlTlsdofph' IJn William Bmrk.

JACLiR.Whn H- Hesakss. Dea. A sged 75. Funeral ootloe later. ItoCOMa-Aanl 224 Clty, Deo.

e. dged 78. Feneral te-day a T. M. 3n GQtmozitittL oa B.

Mlteb-n. ay 19ia A memorial set-rlee will be a on iund.y. 'b. 1L J0 Um- Mark. Chore, 10th St.

ad Id Av. Ho. Menry rsTHowtand. aVImtmdWrtmoea. aad GenTstawart L.

Woodford wlU -Pk. AU who knew him am "'ly 'jl-I attend. JOSEPH L. DELAFIELft Seere-tary Joint mortal Commute. lEWARO-Mlnut.

of a special meeting We Board et Director of the FMallty and Casualty CoepuT Hew Terk, held 7th, 1910. In the revldeooe of Oed eajr FiaaMant. tTmorge F. Seward, baa been hvke froes our midst aftar twenty-three year, of Sarv. le with th.

company, for the first ara years a. Vice Preaidan and for the aaet Sevs" teen year, aa Prwrident thereof. Darin hie term of eerviee th eerorerry ha. prospered raanarkaWy. IU nreltlpllod atrength bearing etooornt teetlaaeny te Uie aktll and fJdaUty of It.

wtanagamant. itj which Mr. Saward, aa Praaldeat. eeeepjed the foremoat plaoa. Before hla cennoetlo with the eompanv ba bed warred the v- ernaaent ef tha Uautad Statae la ta CoawoUr -and Diplomatic Demloae la raappnslble poei-tlona, aad brought to th.

company the benefit, derived from eeeh parta eee and training, eoraethlsg unusual for as aee eampaay to obtain. He acq aired such a knowledge of the buainesa we usaeaet as to make btm aa ack newfed. eaiert and leader in It. Wrrt nmarkable -rapacity tea waa not eoBtanted ae aaatftae hla interest wholly to this company, bet became a valued and eonepteuou. member of the New Tork Chamber of Commerce, besides taking a good citlsee'g interest la snetter.

pertaining to the ewblle we I rarer There are bat three or four left Wbe were Director when Mr. Seward earaa. but all have aaivad ion a aneugb with hlaa as fel- -lew-Dtrector ad Cfclaf officer te know tbat in his death they have personal lose. Always ready te Impart in-: formettnn about the affairs ef the eomrany -te the Dlrectora, be made tbe doing et thla a tntemtlns and egraaable aa eftaa to Iceeav. round him.

even aftar the meetings ef tbe I rector, were ended, a roup that Mawrly drank In what be had to U1L It aeeme a) meat needle. that bfs cheerf al end dlgaitiad praaeoce wlU bs aTraally We eetend ear fneer eoedolinea. to -wareavad family. aa4 direct that, Cnr of thla minute be eent to It, Sad alae that rt be recorded in our book of minutes aad gives te the preea. 1.

BILLAJ, Frealdaat ANDREWS Jsoe; sasss SC. Fsars Chareh ta. eav. -jut a. aa.

aVTONS. Timothy T.t ana rCnty CHuHl. Hmakim. til d.T A. If.

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