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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 22

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 1 it i i CODDERT FAMILY IN A WILL FIGHT Patting of Treasured Heirlooms to the Duke of Cholseul Starts Hostilities. ESTATE NOT VERY LARGE Document Drawn Up by Unmarried Sister WhJIe Visiting the Duke In Francs. Rwntmnl on tha Dart of the Amer ican branch of the Coudert family, found- 4 hare by Charles Coudert. a uonaparusi fvfriea from Franca, acalnst a foreign branch of tha family, and especially acalnst tha Duke of Cholseul. husband of Clalrs Coudert.

is responsible for a will contest which will bring toethar a large namlier of well-known lawyers when "It Is beard In the Surrogate's Court cn Dec. 12. Tha estata over which tha family nas coma to a bitter disagreement la In this eltr. but its ownership has been trans ferred In a wlU Juat filed to the Duka of Cholseul. Its amount la said not to be large, but tha point at Issue is that the pro party In question, largely personal, passes out of tha poaaeasloa of tha Coudert family by tha wrrni of tha will, and tha American members of tha family feal that they are entitled to bold and preserve It for themselves.

Tney k1 consideration to tha fact that tha unman-left sister who made the will wu turning over property that came to in iiv oart from bar father. Tha chief beneilcUry Is tha husband of an- other slsier. Instead ot a porson in mr direct line of descent, and the fear is expressed that the Duke will be enarJed. tinder the terms of tha will, to paaa highly valued family helrlooma entirely outside of the family. A lawyer representing- one of tha oontestanta aald that If the property had been willed to Clair Coudert Cholseul Instead of to har husband, the Duka, there would have been little.

If 'any, objection on tha part of Grace Cou-Oifa slater, but as it waa they proposed Thetestata Involved la aald to be worth bout IJO.uUO and waa part of that of Charles Coudert. second, one of the famous law firm of Coudert Brothers, of which Krederlo Hena Coudert waa the head until hla death In Washington. D. while on a diplomatic mission In 1902. brothers In the firm were the aone of the original Charles Coudert.

who fought In the battalions of the first Napoleon and fled to this country after he twin Mntmchi to death with other Bopapartlats detected In a plot to make the Duke of Kelchatadt tha Emperor of J'ranre aa Napoleon II. When the law firm composed of Charles Coudert' sons was ore-anised. In 18S3. It becuma the legal representative of nearly all the Oovernmenta of Europe In this country. For services In this connection medals of honor and decorations ware conferred upon the firm's members by the Krench and Italian Oovernmenta, and these possessions axe now said to figure as a source of the hostilities within tha family leading up to the will contest.

Among the six daughters of Charles Coudert 2d. who received a share of hts estate were Marie Almee Coudert. who Is uow the wife of Baron Brenlg of Germany; Grace Coudert, who died without marrying; and Mrs. Coade-Nast. They came into possession of the estata upon Charles' Couuert's death In 1897.

Grace Coudert lived in this country until bout two years ago. when she went to Franca to visit her sister wife of tha Duke at Versailles. While thera Mlae Coudert died on June 4. 19U0. leaving her American sisters a few tokena but turnlag over the larger part of bar estate to har brother-in-law.

Tha will which was executed in Franoe before being filed here, caused much astonishment to Mrs. Conde Naat and tha Baroness Brenlg. As slaters Of Oraoe Coudert they felt that they were entitled to much more consideration than a brother-in-law. a ad that undue inf luenoe must bat been used In the preparation of tha SMIL Tha lawyers engaged by various Interests in the ease Include James W. Osborne.

Whom be represents will not be made publlo until the case is heard. A representative in his office refused yesterday to state who his clients were or to MU why Mr. Osborne had been retained. There Is no objection to the wUU" Mr. Osborne's assistant said.

Tha re wlU be gto hearing on the matter, The view in Mr. Osbornefe offios was nt at all similar to that held by Lai kwyer Charlea La Barbiec, who has also bean retained. va nin la aolnar to be a eontaat. Mr. La Bar bier said.

The oase waa to have been heard yesterday, but It was put over until the 12th. I represent one of the protastants, and wa shall endeavor te prove that undue Influence was used ra the will's preparation, coupled with fnoompetenoe upoa the part of Grace Cowdert She waa 111 In the Duke of Ohol-eeul'a borne when ehe made tha will, a aort time before aha died, and had been Invalid for soma time before that. Wa don stipulate who used the undue Influence, which la a point that should be toads clear In fairness ts the Duka" Robert T. Varnum of 63 William Street stnd Harry T. Bottoms of 141 Broadway have also bean retained to connection with the eaaa.

At his home, 10 Last Plfty-e-ighth Street, Mr Varnum said last night that he represented John V. Bouvter. the executor named In the will, who had asked I to see that It waa entered for probata hrw corns of the Important law oases figuring in the amassing of the Coudert fort-tine became internationally famous. Th firm noted as legal adviser to the United 6tates Government In the Veneauelan boundary case in 1KV and pleaded the Government's ease before the Bering Sea tribunal at Paris In 1908. Frederick R.

Coudert. who succeeded to the firm's business on the death of Its original rounders, acted as attorney for Anna Oould In her suit for divorce against Count Ponl de Castellans. ADTSKTUKMZJrT. THE PURE FOOD LAW A MAGNIFICENT VICTORY Nrrer wis such a law more needed than in this country, nor more welcome than to us, who hare suffered tnormouily from the fraudulent imitation of popular labels. This law, spree years ago, would hare sared us hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Yet, to our amazement, a law designed to protect honest manufacturers ao lesg than the public, was immediately made the pretext for an attack upon our world-wide and previously nnirnpeached reputation. After a costly contest, lasting four years, we have gained a signal and complete Trctory: in doing which, we have also shown that the law is the just measure it wasTntended tiTte. We have not, as the public has been led to believe, obstructed the pum food law nor opposed the views of the government. We have simply resisted a mere Bureau's ustfrpatioA of authority, and its novel and preposterous theories, submission to which would have driven us out of the American market. The story is almost incredible, and difficult to tell briefly yet, in justice to ourselves, and to the patrons who have remained so splendidly loyal to us, we must outline the facts.

For generations, the one universally recognized impurity of Whisky has been ptjsel oil, which we hav always removed by distillation. The Bureau referred to, as late as 1904, insisted that to be "good Tor con-sumption" Whisky must have practically no fusel oil. Kentucky "Straight Whisky." is rank with'scsEx oil. but th makers always assured consumers that this noxious impurity was transformed by age into delightful ethers, etc. A few years ago it was found that age makes no change in the fusel oil except to remove its vile odor.

The Kentucky distillers, knowing well the aversion to fusel oil, were in desperate straits so they boldly declared that heal WTiisky new or old, must contain all the fusel oh, and denounced all refined whisky as a base imitation. And the Bureau backed them up. This is no pleasantry but sober fact. Canadian Club Whisky was condemned, solely because it contains practically no fusel oil. Some months ago.

President Taft, after a searching investigation by the Solicitor-General, overruled the Bureau completely. Now the Attorney-General has decided that the pure food law does not require our label to be changed by a single letter. At the World's Columbian. Exposition in 1893, Dr. II.

W. Wiley, then, as now, Chief of the Bureau referred to, reported Canadian Club to be "pure and fully up to the examination required," and, by authority of Congress, it received an award for "Fine aroma, very pleasant taste, thorough maturity, purity and ab-aence of alien matter," which expresses every excellence any whisky can possess. Canadian' Club is the same now as then. If any consumers really want fusel qtl in their whisky, they should use Kentucky "Straight Whisky:" Canadian Club will not suit them. All who desire that the puke food law shall -be rationally administered, and not as the weapon of any one man, should send for our History of this remarkable case.

Please narrt till paper. Hiram Walker 5on Umiw. uraikerviiiw Ortirk. 11 A sa, i a ii i a ETCHINGS SALE A Rembrandt, "Ttiw Annunolatlon te hephsrdsV for $240. The sale of engravings and etahings of Dr.

Cbarlea ZlJtonoock closed at tie American Art Qellertee last vanlng. bringing tZ4M. for tha aaoond balfof v. m. total of av4Jk74.

A Rembrandt brought tha blghaat price of tne me Annunciswu the Shepherds' going to Meder a dealer, for The Kippele paid WO for Jesus Christ Preaching." fot Eecs Ilumo." tor too r' Thraa Crosses, sad 1120 for Faustus." $70 for Uten-bogaerd, the Gold Weigher." and 1120 for The inn." Max Williams gave 1180 for "Jan Six." Tourelle. Boa da la Tlxeranderla." by Charles 1 error) went to E. 8. Benjamin for tVKi. 8t.

Etlenne da Mont." by the seme artist. Drought 15U. and La Morgue" "The Gleaners brought the highest price amdng tha Millets. TO. An etching by Whistler.

"Landscape with the Horse," began nt a sniail figure and rn nn alowtv tr t.YT.Sa Kosa Corder." after Whistler, messotlnt engraved by Richard Josey. signed by Whistler and with the Whistler butterfly, framed In black and gold, went to K. Kuhn for Anders L. Zorn's La Grand Bras serie went to Robert coTiiie ror two. The highest erica for etchings by J.

Alden Weir wae tt for a oortralt of tha artist. Ten etchings by seven different Ameri can artlrta. Stephen, raman, umiiuo, Thomas Moran. and others brought SIX One and two etchings of different kinds sold together for aa low as 91. The last of tha Hirachberg collection of irjry carvings.

Jade. waa sold In the afternoon, bringing for the second day 94.9ft3 and for the entire lot $8,190. Two large cloisonne vases sold yesterday for $2U. going to Lanthler; Charles A. Christ man paid S10O for a large signed Satsuma vase: a nair of Buddhlstlo fUr- urea, shrine ornaments, brought SAM) for the pair; a gray-white Jade teapot, tha handle In the form of a dragon and the spout in the form of a phoenix, with carvlnga on either side, sold for $37-00, and a round white Jade teapot, highly polished, brought $47.60.

R. M. Voorhls and Dr. Ottlnger were among- tha pur-thaaers. HUDSON DESERTS SMITH.

Wilson 8atd to Havo Won Over Aa-semblymen to Martina for 8enator. tidal $0 TTu Ntrt York Tim-. TRENTON. N. Deo.

6 While the storm of to-day conspired to keep most of tha politicians of both tha Republican and Democratic Parties away from tha Jovernor'e day confab at the State House, It did not prevent the drifting down from Jersey City of the newa that Wood row Wilson has won over all of the Hudson County Assemblymen from the camp of ex-Senator Jamea Smith. the Demooratio boss, thereby Insuring his defeat for the United States Senate. It was also declared here to-day that Dr. Wilaon will to-morrow or next day Issue a statement Indorsing James E. Martin for the SenatorahlD.

in conform ity with Mr. Martlne'a indorsement for the place nt tne wpiemoer primaries, it is said that Dr. Wilson will first see ex- Senator Smith and ask him to withdraw frnm tha nnntest. for tha sake Of Detno- rmttr harmnnv. It la also said that the Martlne statement win ioiiow wnetner Smith gets out of the way or not.

ana it 1 MkowlK Bald that Smith win not with draw. If Smith etaya in the race and Wilson Indorses Martina, it will Insure a mighty lively contest In the coming Legis lature. BRAVES SEA TO SAVE MATES. 8allor Rows Aahoro for Help when Schooner Hlta Rocke In the 8torm. BLOCK ISLAND.

R. Dan. 6. The heroism of one of the ftv men who made up the crew of the little fishing schooner w. Tal Dodge of Noanlc.

In fighting his way throngh tha surf in a dory after the vessel had been driven ashore In the blinding snowstorm to-night, was all that saved the lives of the others. The Dodge had been fishing off Nantucket Shoals and was endeavoring to make shelter when she struck on Grove Point at the northeast end of Block Island. Realising that their only hope lay In getting assistance from shore, one of the sailors volunteered to try. The wind was blowing fifty-mile gala when he pulled away In the little boat and disappeared In fhe darkness. He reached the beaoh after a hard struggle.

When he found the Sandy Point Life Saving Station a crew from that station went to the reocue and brought the other men ashore. It Is thought tha schooner cannot hold together more than few hours. LOSSES BY PI RE. EVW8VlLi.B. In 4., Do.

Fire early today in the H. Fendrtch cigar factory en Main Street did damage of 1750.000 and threatened to destroy the entire business district. Snow I oa the rjofs is ail that saved the district. I OEPw, Po. a A new brick build-In whlrh waa to hav beea to-dav by the New York OtntraJ Railroad Company's vnglne rspalr works was burned early to-day.

Tha Ion la 1100.000. The fire believed to have bn of Incendiary origin. MARION. Ohio, Dm. Tire destroyed the Orand Opera House to-day, and aa ths water pressure was very low there seemed for a time danger of tba flames spreading to the ad)ola-In bulldlncs of the T.

M. C. the afarkm Ftar. and The Marion Mirror. The loss ts estimated at about ST5.000.

YESTERDAY'S FIRB8. V.l-&S0-S Pearl It; (X K. Boekblnd ery Co, and others 110.000 4:19 f04 Broome mtwy mfwrp mtwyp epa Woet 45 th Anna Drdwjr. .11. BOO 5:49 20 Broome Max.

Roeenber. Trillins; 7:10433 Wtit Mth Jamee Fahey taod a West 186th 8L Louie ewrn an. Tnfllna 10 80900 Rivlngtoo it; Isaac Trlfltng 11-00448 East B24 gwlso Msanoltth. 1 10 11:10 J4 luut 136th 6L; Frank Devla SIO I'. M.

Loes. 1:00 SIB Rlvtnrton Isaao Peter. Trifling 00 Bherlff Annie Kellar $84 2:50 d0 East 141et Catherine Pfelfar. .110 4:30 641 Weat U2d Kaufman Smith. Tiifllna 0:10880 Kaat 100th unhnewa.

8:24 823 Cast llSth Tony Meca IlOo l0 6th Philip Walter 823 5:43 6'J8 Park At. Consolidated Gas $30 9:3051 Lewis unknown Trtfllnc Tearl BradW Smith .830. 000 440 Greenwich Chattanooga Roof-Ins and Ftoundrr Co SS00 TO BO BOO ffm 43fl Queet A Pel ADTXKTISEMEXT. SHOOTS WATCHMAN IN ELEVATED CARS Supposed Thief Spring. Out of th Dark and Attack Employ Through Tralru ASSAILANT MAKES ESCAPE Thought Have Got Out of Elevated Yarda by Cllmbln, Down a Pillar Watchman Ukely to Die.

Alfred Balk of 6M Prospect Avenue, tne Bronx, a watchman for tba Second Avenue elevated mad. who nightly inspects the dark and empty care lined, on tie middle track after the eerrtoe baa been discontinued at midnight, entered the first train Just south of Ninety-ninth Street station Just after midnight. Swinging hla lantern before him he walked through the oars, noting wherever window waa opened or seat turned the wrong way and preparing the ear tor the first trip In the a. rahed the middle car of the train a stocklly built young man In a gray antt and short cverooat, but without a v. nn from a cross seat.

What did Ao with my father and mother he shouted. Balk fell back. Then. Thmirtng the young man must be insane, he determined to humor him tm help coma arrive. They got off at the station." he said.

"With a Jerk the stranger whipped a revolver from his pocket and, pressing It to Balk's chest. Just above the heart, fired. The watchman staggered toward the door, crying for help. As he reached the door tha man fired a second shot, striking him in the hack, above the right hip. The shots were heard by Frank Davis, tioit ut at' the Ninety-ninth Street Station, who rushed to the end of the platform and boarded the line of empty cars, making his way to where the light of the fallen lantern showed Balk, fallen across the railing or tne car ni.tfnrm.

Balk, still barely conscious. told as best he could what had happened. and described his assailant uncertain terms. Davis telephoned to the Bast 104th Street Police Station and to the Harlem Hoe-pltsJ. and soon Policeman McOrade and an ambulance surgeon were ai tlon.

Balk was now unconscious and in a serious condition. At the hospital he was not expected to live through the night. Davta told the police that he had $400 In the station and that the so-called cash train," which collects the money each night, was dus at 1 o'clock. He thought Balk's assailant had lain concealed in the empty ear. awaiting his chance to get to the station before the cash train arrived, and to rob the agent.

V. th tana and the elevated structure failed to show the slightest trace of the assailant. The police say he must have clambered out of the car and down the elevated structure before Davis reached the train. Balk described him to bo about 25 years old, 5 feet and 5 Inches tall, weighing about 135 pounds, and wearing a dark gray suit, light overcoat, no hat, and dark hair. On the elevated structure near the train a discarded soft brown hat, and a dark overcoat were found early this morning.

In one pocket of the overcoat was a memorandum book containing the words: I am Simon Bryant of 8.106 West Col-fa Avenue. Denver, Col." In the coat, too, was found a bottle of medic Ice, bearing a label marked: National Hebrew Hospital. Denver, CoL" WALDO WARNS OF SWINDLERS No One May Solicit 8ubecrlptlone for Fire Department, Ha 8a ye. Oonoernlng a swindle said to have been perpetrated on the publlo by men who represented themselves aa collecting money for the benefit of the Fire Department Pension Fund, Commissioner Waldo gave out this statement yesterday: The attention of tha Fire Commlseioner has been sailed to the eoUclttln of sub-aerlpttons to publication, advertisements, end donations by the so-oalled Hew York Fire Department Benevolent Association and ether organizations of like character. These organizations have no connection with the Fire Department of the City of New York.

Any representations made by their agrats or canvassers for tha purpose of obtaining subscriptions to publications, advertisements, or donations alleging that the fuada ao collected are to be used to m4fi tha pension fund of this department are and made with Intent to obtain money under (alee pretansea. CI tli ens aoUclted by canvassers or agents using the name of the Fire Department for the purpose of obtaining funds should cause the Immediate arrest of such persons. The City of New York provides an adequate pension tor all retired members of the Fire Department aad for their widows and anlnor children. K- WALDO, fire Commtasioner. The Com mieerl oner's attention waa called to the matter by Milton Weil, a manufacturer at TT woostw Street.

CALLS CORPORATIONS TOOLS Have No More Rights Than a Dull Axe, 8aye Deloe F. Wlloox. PROVIDENCE. R. L.

Deo. In my Judgment corporations, as such, have no rights whatever." aald Delos P. Wilcox. Chief of tha Bureau of Franchises of the Publlo Bervloe Commission for the First AD VXKTTS EMXXT. District.

New Tork. ia aa ad areas te-olcbt before tba Eoectemle Club. SCr. WUoox bad been Invited te dlsoues Corporev Uoos la Relettoa te Politics." In omiiJm ha daolered thai he foaoa himself unabls te aooexle to aa assertion of Ulfford Flacbot that ooraoraUona have certain rights that should be respected." Mr. Wilcox, however, qualified hie statement by say lnf that corporations may have ric-at la-aU in a metapnoncaj 1 wars -ar- i Jfr 1 apiipt I II Overcoats LJERE is a splendid warm Ulster, the best all-around coat Made in a multitude of different "wWlVJ pi wi lauiiwi rainproof too.

i I And in these Ulsters, as in all our i 1 Hart, Schaffner SS i I Value stands pre-eminent. At 22.50 and $25 they can hardly I be equalled by those sold at $28 and $30 otherwhere. 1 You'll realize the truth of that I statement once you see them. 1 Other Overcoats I I and each of a value unordinary. I Come and See them.

i Suits $18 to $50 Wallach 1 Third Cor. 182d St 1195 (Open Evenings) (Just below Wth St.) (Open Evenings) The Home of Hart, Schaffner Marx Clothes. I What Nicer Gift than This? to Have Money Handy! Fso-I So Light, So HANDY HandY Pateatea An. 24. '09 BILL BBW mmwm Men who used to carry their blUa in a clumsy wallet others who tucked their bills in a small cardcase and meu simply carried loose "roll1 are now using the Handy Bill Fold.

They all say thera is nothing so simple, so HANDY I BJIs go in or out in second no trouble, no fussing, no fumbling. 86 Stores in Greater New York sell Handy BUI Folds ALL the Bil a i rt irpt. stores, and the Leading Stationers and Leather toods iaicT. B.aetalt ttmrn Handr Bin Feld with -rf IXXTKAT. -Eeulaij popular for Udles- Dii Sand for script iva Laaflet to HANDY BILL FOLD 41 Union N.Y.

The Scuola d'Industrie Italiane Under the patronage of H. M. Queen llargherita 59 Wert 39th Street Christmas Exhibition and Sale Italian Laces and Embroideries copied from old designs and adapted to modern uses, worked by the young women of the Italian colony of New York. Beautiful Christmas Gifts from 50c. to $250.00 Ftorentina Fobs, Dante Hoods.

Beatrice Bags, Bambino Shoes, Abruzzi Mantles. Bridge Scores, Tea Cloths, Table Sets, Linen Jewelry, etc. Scuola Gallery 5th AniuverHirj Exhibition of Elaborate Pieces. sense, as we mla-ht ear tthe woodman's axe has a rlcht to be sharpened or that a lady's beaaet has a rlht to be re- a A corporation ts a tnare tool." he continued. to be used In the furtherance of human welfare.

Bo Ion as It la useful or mar be made useful by improvements we should be wise use It, But has no rights whatever. Wa nave the rig-Ms. A man and a corporation are not In tne same category at alL" owitiv uiv Marx clothes, at from $15 to $65 Overcoats $15 to $65 Broadwav 86-548 W. 125th St. Bills Slip In or Out -Quickly Easily -Without Fumbling! Give him a Hand BIT Fold for Qiriatmas and get one for yourself.

The nicest thing yoO ever saw and the HANDIEST POSSIBLE way to cany your biOa. Patented Ao.24,'09 FOLD 50c $3 fj The same measare of value in clothes that we put Into Hb erdashery. The same style, quality of workmanship, hand tailoring exclusivenets of fabric, you get in custom made. CJ This is the new ide we have puMnto ready-to-wear clothes. Suits English and American models $20 to $40.

Overcoatst English Tourist. Rasrlan and dressy blacks $25 to $55. Hmberdusbety 27 New Street 150 Nassau St EVT tOBS'i IJCAPPtO THKATKSJ. PMD1DP A 4 St. Bvea-atS.

CiTatlKC Mat. To-rt Set. St S. rAsmu apfarAncb IN HIS FAMOCS FLAYS. WILUAM GILLETTE TmswEXK Sherlock Holmes KXXT WKXK la THS FHITATS aECasTTABT.

IVnCIIII 8U. sr. Ems. Set. with icATTinwa.


KN1CKEKBOCKEB. B'way Jb tt. Ire. eherp. Mete.


IffEXT BUV IIMPERIAl, RUBPIAN COURT NIGHT 8 :13 BALALAIKA ORCHE8TRA. NFW YflDK rrwr th at. ra IVil M.Tin- tiir1 onlr. I 15. HILB.

KM MA TBENTINI In NRUOHTY MARIETTA. Vlrtor Hrrtirrt Ride Jnhnon Touna With URVII.I.K HAKROLD. I IDCDTV West 43d St. Kre. LilOCIX 1 Mats.

Te-Ur A ls- timb B' Comedy in Town THE COUNTRY BOY nTTTT sOth B'wty. At XD.KJJ Meta T-dJ A Bat. st a i7Asr2 I titb most HKMAKKABLJB BUCCEfS IN in The Nest Ecitt RKCKNT TKAR8. ios WrbsTi. B'wjr a an X.

KITTY GORDON WHERE DO TOD LITE with JOHN McCLQ3KET. CTi A IIT Sd SC-tth A. Met. TO-DAY. 'tiENEE "The Bachelor Belles." rHAHI.I.S PILLINOHAWS Kvenlnrs s-kll1 Broadwe I at 8 aharo.

VAVWaVJE 4Sth St. I MaUneee at Matinees FTI. A Set. BERNHARDT THIS AFTERNOON L'AIGLOX TO-NIGHT CAMILLE A Special Performance for the Benefit of the Widowed Mothers' Fund Association Will be Gircn at the Metropolitan Opera House on the Evening of Tuesday, December Twentieth, 1910. Mine.

Olfre Fremstad will appear in Concert Mine. Ansa Pavlowa and Mr. MIkall Mordkfa with their entire Bstlet and Orchestra In their Famous Russian Dances. Ttrketa en aale at the Metrepolltaui Opera House at Box Of fir. prtoee.

May ale. blutned upoa reeelpt of check ftrona Mrs. William Einstein. 121 East 17th Mrs. Daniel Hotel HI R.kIs; Mrs.

Joseph E. Hoffman, ty Kaat SOth fct. Mrs. Isldor Lewi. Zl West Tth lira Leon Kamalky.

West 120th St. Boies mar be obtained from Mra Randolph Guffenhelmer, 24 Fifth. Av. Mrs. Julius O.

Kuialmin, 16 Weet S2d Bt. Mrs. Henry Zuckerman, 110 West 7 Id 8C Orchestra Rests, 15.00; Dress Circle Beats. 11.00; Balcony, 12.40 sod 12 00; Family Circle. $1.60 and 11.00.

Boxes Parterre, 0.00; Orand Tier, faO.OO; Btalls. $26.00. METROPOLITAN Tkla Evealstats. DIE WALKUESC. Meaes W.Ut.

Morens. Wleknatn; 1U1 Burrtan. Boomer. Hlnckla Cond Herta Tsars, trf. at LA BOH CMC.

Mmee Fairar Altes: UK. Jadlowker. Seoul, oe BeauroU. Mdua Plnl -Corat. Audlale.

Toaranlnl. Frt. Ce- at 45. LOHCNORIN. Mmea.

rmnetad. Bcwmt: MM. Blesafe. Carttx. Hinckley.

Hlnebew. Herts. aa aanev MattMd: MM. Jadlowker. Bothler (Seoul), Qllli.

Berue. PndeeU. Seealsl. Sat Ct-, Ter. 10, at Premiere ef Pue-dMl a latest opera.

TMC CIRL Or THE flOLDEN WEST." Double Prtees will prevail for thla serfura-anee. Box office aale beelna This Mnrnlna at B- Meat Week: Mon. (., LA TRAVIATA. Mmea Melba. Msubours; MM.

MeCetmack. Axaata. II leal Podestl. Wed. SUTTCSr LY.

Mates. Ferrer. Mattfeld; ATM. Jadlowker. Scottl.

Bads. Koeat BourseoU. Toacanlnl. WEB EE F1X.N USED. MANHATTAN 7vr W-sS Ous Edward' aong Keyne and IS Itlff Acts.

riimmerstein's VICTORIA, ltd Sl.irallj Mat. Eaa tV- to II 'Jfe Ma MUa Daate. Moras-Xdeea Pleturea. 1 ethets. NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE.

fit aoeeui Mon Thurs. Frl. Next Week. Matineea THK IMPERIAL BITH COURT BALALAIKA OBrHEHTRA ST. DEXIJ Prices $2.00.

$1.00. 75c. 50c. Seats Belling-. KHth rrertertlUEBTRrDE HOFFMANN 5TH Dal 21th St.

I and I ompaay ef SO. B'way. Charlotte Parry. Raymond A Dally Mat.UAAOc I Carerty. Kelly A Kent, AfTV TH5ATRR E.

14th St. Evs. at Mats. To-dsr end Saturday, 1:16. KYRLE BELLEW Last feur PcrTces of Jamo'i (Ttie tltrll OAS n.Ata 1 MUSI ASJTEN al A a EL.

Hat THsVATRX' Der r-rtCRvT WORLD 1" WAX. L.un-hlns Otynpia aCaJEal CINEMATOOKAFH Each Hon MISKK I Cxtra Attracttea. THE WHITE YOCL irincuv OP MrSIC. IS. tS at SS.

iaiiaf.r. HE ENSIGN Al vilDIP East Hth Bt. Matinee To-asy. OLYMrlU Qaae-s af tas tirU. OLUMBIA BaeesaPe Mat Ter lie.Se We.

way tfthlEn. at Mat. Mat. Ste. te Saaerlns rtlRBAV MILL.

MaL Te-da. Saaofetnc. wee IS. LBarteaave-THK QLEXX Of BOHEMIA. BBOOKLTW AMfiEWEHTf.

0 BD 11 Cl-ARICK MATSEt rntUsl JTXii BTEOER CO, Bes ixrrca sarony, The New in Clothes. Hats CIthtng WEBER3 HOLDRONER sbop) 3 CLOTHING SHOPS 42d Street snd Fifth Avs, THE NEW THEATRE ttZ To-aitht. MeUnra To (Uj i Br erraneement with THe Nmi Until IMC It. LlfW A a ot Maeterlinck MARY MAGDALENE iJrima. I with OLGA ETHERS OLE MUrte Rsaalas Syaiskeey Mtxteat AlterheJsr.

I ilCCTIf war a sl r. Kt SI AJL0 I IU Mate. To-dar A Thura (: SaLlilt MsKrVsTHB BLUE BIRD -Tha Bias Bird for Happta New Theatre's MasasetseBt. Orional t-aat. Ticket, for Bhassct Thoatrss, la this rrwia.

Mat Mold throuch Trsoa's sr MrBrlde'a Estlr. Block. th gts. Era. at S.

Daily at 1. Bret Seats 110. The Interna-1 Ballet of I Tlte I It Nee tjnna. Cup I Kliitr Earthquake i rimia BROADWAY.TO-KIGHT.AT 8 SHARP Prliw 5e. to II 50 No Tllahee Mt.

St Onle. SOTHERN-MARLOWE THIS WEEK: MACBETH Louis Foe. World F4nrt Frodueticm of this Great Play by Sotivt Actort telns audincs' high ettetim," NEXT WKKK: Tim A Wed. AS TOU IJKK IT: Ttiure. A Krt.

Brr A Rat BOMKO AND JUIJKT; KaLNliit. IIAM1J7T. HACKETT T. 4iL W. of lfwy.

Jt- II 50 Mattnr. To morrow, till ALBERT CHEVALIER la Uebler A Production of DADDY DUFARD A New Character Coroedr In i Act. lam aAaiA j. 1 Collier's UVUiGUI F.ra. 15 Mate.

Tvirr A St 1:1. 1 1 The House Where the Laughs ome I rora, II WILLIAM COLLIER LYRIC 42d W. of B'way. Kvss. Jl Matinee To 1 i.

IIMee I FCI SP rirTFn Two woets." IrtHILK hr Better Than Zaia or Iu Harry. HERALD SO. I'm Ki V.n 1J. 1 SO Mat.

To ill' 1 la. III II Cit AC TD line ltinall'' Tre iia.wa.w ubnubii nf HlnTHE GIKLjAMi THE KAISKK. Maxlne Elliott's Nt. nanea iin St- Pi imio a THP fl A HRI PB -it'i DALY'S B'way and JO'h Ht ri'i 11 5(1 Mallnae To ,1.1 1, X'BABY MINE Ifllh CI Ttm. Swh.

h. nr. Il'y. Km 11 13l 01. ll.So Matinee Tc-ilay, 1 11 MME.

TROUBADOUR Van Rrnaaeleer Wheeler. I with Marietta Oily fACIain B'ara? and i9h. 11 wHdiriU i ja Matinee T--day. I It IIS AM BERNARD CIRCLE. B-wa A SOth.

Mat ToJay. tv-. -5c. -Ifsa. Direct free MeetM See I (I at Haekett The.r te II I ITC II WMT 12Sth.

W. of Sili AyT II Mat. To-dar. U. THE SUMMER WIDOWERS c.

a. PHlLHARMONIf 84VCIKTY OK NKW YORK OIKTAV NAIILKR, CorKtoetor. A Crcle Within the Rernlar aeries. X. AT f'AkN'KtilK HALL.

1 Doc. 11-11 All-Beelhotrea-hrharwenha Dec. J7-30 AII-TerhaJkowaky-Uetbler. Jan. S-8 All-Fretwh Irmnl.

Jan. 10-11 AII-Wasaer-liiMlBkt. Jan. 17-i0 All-Moxlern. Mahlr'e4th "yni.

Sertae Tlrketa 12 to 17.50. Now on Hale Write Loudon Charlton, fa mode Hall, for proapartua. CABNEOIE HALL. Boston SyrTiphony Orchestra Thura Dec. at 1:11.

Hoiolst. joaer llofmann Sat. Dee. 10, at Bnlnilt. Joa.f Max Itedler, llofmann Conductor Res.

Kfsts at box office snd Tyson a Mesoelatehs Hall, Tkunsay Dee. its. at I JO. PIANO RECITAL Mine. Maria Cuellar, the Spanish Pianist, Tlcketa $1.50.

un aale at box efflea HCTHD B'war. Vh Bt. Ke i io Mu yeo. nSTOK 1 Wed. Mat 8V II 4.

0PENIK6 POSTPOKED UNTIL T'l-JMJIt-HOW NIGHT. THE AVIATOR with WAl.LACB KUPINOEB. New fanical eoeaedy by Jaa. WALLACK'S I Popular Matinee Te-dry, bar. to x.

may irwin GETTING A POLISH COLONIAL! THOMFKON A Hosier Kally aim 2Sa. I Oene Qrean. otki TV LHAL.BR A Dally Hal Trie Man rrurn U.e Sea. New Planophlend Mlnatrela Eddie Leonard, etliera nflMVWt SL I BALDIN a KOnrxiTT. nuiiA I.UIUo Hhaw, Edwin Hela a sther.

3d Ave. 1U Mat. BELASCO Ki'W lJiuf "THE CONCERT REPUBLIC 4Sr-REBECCA OF SUNNYBHOOK FARM AMERICAN 22 ALL STAR ACTS fj'way Ot ST DP. BKAtHJKT, nllLV MAT 5r "The tnlrn "Tbe Trie Tat 1 i Wow Hows." Ul.h Wraae, I'i'm KH Apache ether. Men's n.jsrlBJ'H' Stnre Little Shops that pay big rents can nniaiUv ramoete with us.

OlIK UC JLJi wear at half bargain from a rlnmeitic mill. Slight imperfections that don affect lorks or wear. Silk Wool 1 Ininn worth $3.50. Silk Wool 2-M piece Garments, worth $2 each. Storm Russets, $3.98 pair.

A Smart WaUrproof Show, Elsewhere $6.00. Arch Prop Shoes $4.00 15.50 raw TlaS raw." Bsaieoa aad Weak cm 20.

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