The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 3
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- The Guardiani
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- London, Greater London, England
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THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN MONDAY JUNE 21 1954 3 ONCE AGAIN IN THE NORTH By Elisabeth Walker THE WAY THE WIND BLOWS Russian Writers: A Revival of Zhdanovism By Elisabeth Howorth and knives and there is no redress. When a man is invited to a meal his first thought is to safeguard his wife's honour against the host. But all this wickedness is clearly recognised, even by the wicked, for what it is the Elizabethan villain is by comparison a creature of over-subtle consciousness and divided impulse. These Northern tee and inaugurated the campaign for political control of the artist's choice and treatment of his subject associated with the name of Zhdanov. Since Pravda gave its pronouncement on "Seasons of the Year," other writers have come under scrutiny.
A play by L. Zorin, The Guests," which had already been performed in Leningrad and Moscow, and published in the magazine Theatre," was the subject of a special meeting of the Collegium -of The north side the Court at Downing College, Cambridge. The central part of this side which includes a portico with six Ionic columns-, and behind it the chapel was completed last year. It was designed by Mr Alex T. Scott, the partner of the late Sir Herbert Baker, who prepared the original scheme in 1929.
The court is 443ft. by 302ft. and is the largest college court in Cambridge MISCELLANY Herkneth to me. gode men, Wives, maydened. and alle men, Of a tale ich you wil telle.
A tale. That must have beeu the decisive word when this small dogeared volume, its format depressingly reminiscent of the set book, was chosen from a friend's shelves to accompany me and my enlarged tonsils to bed. The introduction, notes, and glossarial index (full of discomforting monosyllables like Dreng and Keft) would have been repellent in normal health. The pages of text were not alluring a four-stress line in rhymed couplets, most monotonous of patterns and both sides crammed with pencil notes scribbled by the three successive owners of the book. I was not interested in the setting either, for to the classically nurtured mind Saxons and Danes and even Normans are all profitless morons who battered each other with clubs and drank swinishly of mead and grunted their lays through a fog until Chaucer shed a grace upon our language and with the gift of articulation the English began to acquire the arts of living.
Still tell us a story. This anonymous voice, probably from the North of England in the thirteenth century, promised a tale. One might as well read Havelok the Dane as anything else though I took More's "Dialogue of Comfort," too, in case the Nordic simplicity should pall. It was a very good tale, and the comfort of More's subtler mind and sweeter English was not -required. And yet it was not only for the tale that I went on through all three thousand lines.
The narrative had speed, but there was no artifice and no concern about verisimilitude. At the beginning the dying king of England entrusts his daughter Gold-borw to the Earl of Cornwall, who, a wicke traytour Judas," seizes the kingdom for himself. The author then changes the scene to Denmark, where another dying king likewise commits his children to a wicked earl. Of these children only Havelok escapes murder and he survives a series of perilous situations through a miraculous light proclaiming his birth. When he is brought to England by one Grim (who gives his name, in pleasing classical fashion, to the town of Grimsby) we know that he, will grow to an heroic manhood, marry Goldborw, and regain their kingdoms for their rightful heirs.
And so indeed it proves. After a good deal of hardship and bloodshed Havelok reigns for 60 years and has fifteen children, all of them (inexplic-ably) kings or queens. No story could end in a more satisfactory manner. The two villains have, of course, met with fittingly gruesome punishment. Datheit hwo recke curse, on him who feels sympathy exclaims tne storyteller.
Perhaps, after all, it is the personality of the teller that makes Havelok such good reading. His mind has a refreshing lack of complication. If his world is violent and physically uncomfortable it is reassuringly free from moral doubts. People die suddenly and physicians cannot help them. Bands of thieves attack by night with swerdes drawn for ever." Eddie Marsh recalled that the museum authorities were as considerate as possible, and stretched every point.
But they were trustees and the drawings valuable. Poor Colvin was crippled for years by the instalments he had to pay from his salary." Blood-Bank Account Not only have the terms of finance been applied to the blood-transfusion services in America but a method of insurance has now being devised in terms of this currency. The Blood Bank Association of New York State has arranged that its donors shall be insured so that each will receive four pints of blood free for himself or for a member of his immediate family or for some other person whom he may nominate. The donor receives a certificate to this effect which will be honoured anywhere in the United States. This is to be provided for in other states by a clearing-house system in California, Florida, and Texas, and by arrangement with the American Association of Blood Banks.
Ready for Emergency More and more does this resemble the banking in solid moneys, for each member-bank is to send in daily returns to the clearing-house of its blood stocks, by type and quantity, and also declare how much surplus it holds. At the central office in New York files are kept so that rare types of blood, or large amounts of ordinary types, can quickly be located in case of emergency. The central clearinghouse also will ensure that blood is used either near to its blood bank or else sent to another area so that it is not wasted by being kept too long in storage. In the case of a national disaster the central clearinghouse will be able to give the amounts of blood available at the various banks and rapidly mobilise their liquid assets. BRUSH UP YOUR ENQLISH Hints on pronunciation or visiting; foreigneTs.l I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough Others may stumble, but not you.
On hiccough, thorough, lough, and through Well done And now you wish, perhaps. To learn of less familiar traps Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead it's said like bed, not bead For goodness sake don't call it deed Watch out for meat and great and threat (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt) A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, broth in brother. And here is not a match for there. Nor dear and fear for bear and pear.
And then there's dose and rose and lose Just look them up and goose and choose. And cork and work and card and ward, And font and front and word and sWord, And do and go and thwart and cart Come, come, I've hardly made a start A dreadful language Man alive, I'd mastered it when I was five T. S. W. The other day the Russian humorous weekly Krokodil turned its attention to authors who wait to see the way the wind blows before they sit down to write.
One of its cartoons showed a desk laden with writing materials poised high in the clouds on top of a weather vane, four pens for its pointers. At the bottom of this contraption a pert secretary is telling a caller that the dramatist for whom she works is not at home When there is no wind he just does not work." (This is reproduced on page 5.) The reason why prudent Russian authors have found their projects becalmed may perhaps be found in an illuminating little fable printed last March by Ogonyok." It concerned a certain hare who was attacked by a wolf in spite of the fact that he had received a safe-conduct pass from him. The hare flourished his pass. The wolf asked to see the signature. It's your signature." said the hare.
What of that came the answer. Show me the writing above the signature." Yours too." The wolf perused the document closely. Having read it he said he could never have signed such a thing. Then he tore up the paper and ate the hare. Some say, the fable adds, that he did not even bother to tear up the paper before he ate the hare.
The fabulist is in a good position to test the relevance of this story, for the author, Mr Mahshevsky, used to write his wry little fables about the insolence of officialdom week by week in the Russian press until they came to a sudden stop about two years ago. He reap'peared in March to explain why the hare distrusts the promises of the wolf. Since then he has been silent. Signs of a Purge The first sign that the Communist party might be preparing some new purge of authors came almost immediately after Malishevsky's fable. Early in April the parts; and literary press attacked Anatoly.
Surov and Nikolai Virta, both well-known playwrights, both Stalin Prize-winners. It was their personalities, not their work, that came under fire. The Literary Gazette declared that Surov, author of Sunrise over Moscow," was guilty of persistent drunkenness and hooliganism. In the old days a writer might be forgiven for addiction to the bottle it was probably caused by persecution and despair. But nowadays, when the party and Government are bringing up writers solicitously, creating conditions for the growth and blooming of our literature, it is inexcusable." was held up to ridicule in Kornsomolskya Pravda." He had apparently bamboozled members of his local Komsomol into building him a magnificent brick house surrounded by an elegant blue fence (the subject of another cartoon in Krokodil reproduced on page 5).
Here Virta lived the life of a pre-revolutionary squire." His wife, attired in a riding-habit, trotted through the fields old peasant women bent over their work. She seems to have come a- cropper now. At the beginning of May, less than a month after those attacks, Surov and Virta, along with two lesser-known authors. were expelled from the Wrifnrr' Tn inn 7anH hpnrn mm practice of their profession) for amoral and anti-social acts incompatible with the calling of a Soviet writer." "The Way of Nationalism" It is now becoming' apparent that these expulsions were not isolated examples of a puritanical regard for morals, but the preliminary skirmish in a general war against the lack of "ideological clarity" of Soviet authors In general. At the end of May Pravda turned upon Vera Panova, best known in Britain, perhaps, as author of a monumentally dull novel called The Factory." She has now published a novel called Seasons of the Year." Pravda detected in it a reprehensible nostalgia for the past.
When the heroes of the novel are described at the beginning of their life course, coinciding with the first years of Soviet power, we meet with living traits of character. As soon as modern life and the present day behaviour of these heroes is approached they immediately repine and fade." The author seems to have set herself the task of indicating how things are in life without giving any evaluation of it. She has gone the way of naturalism." Pravda's criticism is of particular interest because it sets out to deal with earlier reviews of the same hook in which other critics had praised it. Izvestia had gushingly declared that the very title, Seasons of the seems to suggest to the reader I shall conduct my heroes through what is'most natural, through what inevitably happens to us all, through the course of the seasons, through winter, spring, summer, and autumn," Pravda's retort is tart People are not cereals, and so to conduct them through spring, summer, autumn, and winter explains nothing of itself." More- significant, perhaps, was criticism of Zvezda," the literary journal, for praising the Panova novel -for it was similar misplaced plaudits by the same paper in 1946 which brought down on its head the censure of the party's Central Commit cm lists In addition to the long established and well-proved hare wide selection by all the other well-known a.os. rw L.CAC I.C i o.
lxins-wave Element 250 watts output, Good length or Hex SMACKS The Most efficient for Lumbaita ancf kindred Ttln, highly polished LlKnt In weight the Ministry of Culture, it was omcially described as a vicious work." Kons- tantin Simonov, an author who originally spoke favourably of it, has been made to appear at a meeting of Moscow playwrights, according to the "Literary Gazette of June 3, and describe it as the luxuriant flower of all the incorrect tendencies in Zorin's earlier plays. Freedom Regretted The Leningrad writers were also called together to hear a report on the alarming fact that young writers, imitating Panova, are being carried away by a petit-bourgeois outlook and sentimentality." At the same meeting Zoschenko, the once popular writer of witty sketches of Soviet life, who was so brutally handled by Zhdanov, found his behaviour once more sharply condemned." He is accused of having concealed his real attitude to the Central Corrimittee's decrees on literature in 1946 this in June, 1954. What seems to have aroused the party's anger in these new novels and plays is that their authors have by implication praised the early revolutionaries as idealists but condemned their successors as men indifferent to ideals and corrupted by power. The mere thought that power itself (and not survivals of bourgeois mentality in a particular individual) can possibly cause corruption enrages Soviet Culture." In Russia, it wrote June 5, the very word power "has become something shining and joyous, embodying the finest hopes and aspirations of every Soviet man and woman. Our people look upon their people's power with unshakable trust and warm filial love." Zorin's play, on the other hand, had its' theme the insolence of officials against whom the victims of blatant injustice were unable to find protection.
The fact appears to be that after Stalin's death the Soviet Government, for reasons of its own, gave the writers an inch and they took an entire bookshelf and filled it with volumes that were far from flattering. The hare was given a safe-conduct pass through doubtful and previously forbidden territory and told to use his eyes and report on what he saw. Now his work is declared vicious and negative." Mr Ehrenburg Even bigger fry may be in the net shortly. Ilya Ehrenburg is the object of an adverse report made by the Soviet Writers' Union and published in the "Literary Gazette" on June 15. Ehrenburg, who used to enjoy the personal goodwill of Stalin, was said to be one of those who were favoured by midnight telephone calls from the Kremlin.
The reception of his latest novel, The Thaw," is frozen it contains serious drawbacks that require our serious and fundamental criticism." The blow is softened a little by praise for his oast achievements as a writer who has done and is still doing a great deal for our literature and the struggle for peace." But, adds the report, respect for a great writer and social worker ought not to shield him from criticism. Nor are the critics immune from critic ism in the same report the Writers' Union goes on to criticise its own journal, Novy Mir There seems little doubt that the wind is beginning to blow cold down the neck of the writer. A second Writers' Congress is now being prepared for the autumn. Soviet writers are making ready for their second AU-Union Congress," remarks Pravda," in historical days, permeated by the pathos of the new and grandiose tasks put forward by the Communist party." At the last one, twenty years ago. the doctrine of Socialist Realism was formulated and is now being refurbished and brought up to date.
Socialist Realism demands of the writer a just and historically concrete reflection of reality in its revolutionary development. Such a depiction of reality should be organically bound up with the tasks of educating the working people in the spirit of socialism." Writers may thus expect to be buckled still more firmly to their tasks, not less. The motto of the second congress may prove to be Zhdanov is dead long live Zhdanovism. UNIVERSITY NEWS OXFORD. June 19.
The following awards and elections have been made Hertford Schol K. Cavandcr. De SchoL M. Mortimer (M. Wimer bottom prox.
ncc.) II rose nose. Senior Research Fellowship; Dr I. R- J. Jack. Christ Church.
Official Studentships: P. A. Gould And Dr H. Davies. Lecturcrshlp In Medicine: Dr A C.
Allison. Research Lecturcrshlp: R. J. Robinson Senior Schol. Hurrow LONDON, June 19.
Dr R. S. Nyholm, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the New South Wales University of Technology, has been appointed to the Chair of Chemistry, tenable at University College. Mr D. Wenden, secretary of the Oxford University Extension Lecture Committee, has been appointed Warden of the University Union, from October 1.
range of Gatnage Lamps makers. If you cannot call. villains break their oaths with splendidly single-minded badness, and when brought to judgment they go sullenly to hell without excuses. And then none of the characters, good or bad, is allowed any degree of cleverness another refreshing quality, when one is reading with a thick head and slight fever. Odysseus with his many devices would be a tiring companion at such a moment.
The light of Mediterranean intelligence never ceases to play about the heroes of windy Troy; and one is never sure what Homer himself thinks about them. Behind the majestic figure of the blind bard hovers the unapproachable Muse. The author of Havelok calls on no Muse. He is a homely man, passing a chilly evening with men like himself At the beginning of our tale. Fill me a cuppe of ful good ale no aromatic wines for him, and no wasteful libations.
After this he begins his story, not with a sophisti- mfArl nlnrifT into nfi rvf -fViirirJe but staidly at the beginning. He bestows praise or condemnation where it is due, he interpolates proverbs, apposite or not, he offers little prayers for his characters or his hearers or himself. In conclusion he asks for our prayers too Say a pater-noster stille For him that hath the ryme maked. And ther-for fele nihtes waked That Jesu Crist his soule Biforn his fader at his endinge. There is more than friendliness about this there is a satisfaction and a sense of fitness which is like the experience of homecoming.
The classically nurtured mind expects impersonality in an heroic narrative in two of the three great epics of Greece and Rome there is also, finally, a note of desolation that leaves a sense of protest with the reader. The achievement and the pain of. the novitas florida mundi have dissolved into the mist that hangs about the Ivory Gate. The author of Havelok too has spoken of the great things of life, of love and sin and death, and if he has not thought or felt about them with any great originality, still he knows how to speak of them humbly without falsity or jarring. How did he in his barbarism learn this Tightness of tone It is a virtue that is more than literary.
One remembers that though he lived remote from the French culture of the south his world was not far removed in time from that of Chaucer's pilgrims and of Julian of Norwich. It is a pity that when one is well there seems to be no time for texts needing a glossarial index. But let' no one produce a modernised "Havelok its spare and vigorous language should be savoured, in health as well as in sickness. I hope I shall not wait for more tonsillitis before reading Havelok again but it might be an excellent cure for homesickness. ALDEBURGH bass clarinet to the usual wind quintet, he ingeniously secures a very much smoother, richer, and more euphonious sound.
What was awaited as the most important event of the festival proved to be one to which it would be a sin to apply such a word This was the first performance by the English Opera Group of Lennox Berkeley's A Dinner Engagement," a one-act farcical opera to a libretto by Paul Dehn. Dramatically, it is no more than a very slight incident, a kind of divertissement whose entire interest is in the verbal wit of Dehn's verses. Some of these are charming, but Berkeley has not written music for a divertissement. He has tried to mnke it, however unpretentiously, an operatic piece, and has made little attempt to make the music funny in its own right. The result is neither one thing nor the other, and although it was amusing to see once it gave the impression that once will always exhaust its power to amuse.
C. M. THE ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW DUMFRIES June 22 25, 1954 Scotland's Great Agricultural Exposition Cattle. Horses. Sheep.
Goats. Pigs. Poultry, Ltvtstoclc Judsinn Competition. Implements and Machinery. Horsrshoetna.
Shoc-maklns. and Gatemaldnt Competitions. Amicultural Education and Research Forestry Exhibition. Flower Show. Handcrafts.
artcr 5 pm 3- FR1DAY. 8 a.m to 5 n.m 3- Chfldren (under admitted Tuesday and Wednesday Half-price; Thursday and Friday 1-. Season Tickets 30-: Children (under 14) I0i R. M. LEMMON, Secretary, THE ROYAL HIGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL; SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND.
etc JUNE. CRANE. GALLERY, 35 SOUTH KINO STREET. Daily 10-6. Saturday 10-1 (or later by appointment).
Telephone DEAnsnate 57IS. Opera and Ballet COVENT GARDEN OPERA. To-night 7.0. Das Rhcin-Rold. Tue.
7 0. Fidcllo. Wed. At 6.0. Dlt Waucure.
Fn. at 6 0. Sleglried. Some scats for Th cycle still availcle Cov. 1066.
Symphonic Variations, Coppetia Act 3. Sat. 2.30 and 7.30, Vcneztana. CoppaUn Art 3. The Sleeping Beauty Act 3.
July 15-Sept. 11. Season of Popular Ballets inc. World Premiere of La Esmeralda. Full programme, etc.
Wat. 319t. SADLER'S WELLS. (Tcr. 1672.) THE BALLET RAM-BERT.
Et. 7. Sat. 2.30. Trr.
A BylsbMis. Variations on a Past Recalled. Winter Night. London Cinemas ACADEMY. (Ger.
2981 Clourot'a WAGES OF FEK (Al Grand Prix. Cannes. 1953. at 12 25. 3 03, S.35.
CAMEO. Pol. (Lan 1744.) HENRIETTE (A). D. Robin.
Neff Also ndrc Hepburn. Joan Greenwood in, YOUNG WIVES' TALE (A) Proas. 12 45 4. 7.20. CARLTON.
(Whi 3711 THE ROYAL TOUR In Cinemascope FLIGHT OF THE WHITE HERON (U). EajlmAii Colour. Proas 11 30. 3 5. 5 40.
8 15 List screening 99. CURZON. (Gro 377 1 Last weeks. Michele Moigar. in -THE PROUD ONES (X) 2 30 5.40.
9 5 The Bros NIGHT AT THE OPERA (A). 12.40. 4 0, 7.30 EMPIRE. Leiceitcr Square (Ger 1234 10 Great SJsrs In M.G.M 's Fcstnal Film "EXECUTIVE SUITE" (U. Showing at 10 45.
1 15 3 43. 6 25. 9 0. ODEON. MArch (Pad.
8011 The Royat Tocr la Cinemascope FLIGHT OF THE WHITE HERON fu in Colour At 1.0. 3 40. 6 25. 9.5 Door open 12.25. RIALTO.
"GATE OF HELL" (A). (JTip. dlaL. Esau Colour. l.u 4.20.
6.30. 8.50. Rrrz. 1234) Richard Widmark, Karl Malcten Ist "TAKE THE HIGH GROUND" (A).
WARNER. (Ger. 3423.) Doris Day. Kobet fauuifiiga, PhU SUrera, LUCKY Mi: (U). CtoenaSeoSCVCjSrv Progs.
10.30, 12.50. 3.20. 5.30, 8.20. Last rlratifljt S.Sj ANIMALS' LOVE By Artifex I have had a letter from Illinois. A friend" told the writer that I believe that some animals will ho to heaven.
Will I please say exactly what I do believe Well, let us first try to see exactly what the problem is. A famous theologian, now dead, once said that he found it difficult to attach any meaning to the idea of personal immortality. Would it not be more reasonable, he asked, to hold" that when he died his spirit would be absorbed into the universal spirit as a drop of rain falls baclc into the ocean William James, the psychologist, thought the same. He compared the Individual soul to a stained-glass window through which the sun shines and which gives form and a colour to the light. But when the window is broken the form and colour cease only the light unchanged remains.
Clearly this has nothing to do with personal survival. Tennyson puts the other side when, writing of Hallam, he says Eternal form shall still divide The eternal soul from all beside And I shall know him when we meet. Clearly it would be absurd to hold that every beast, bird, and fish, yes, and insect, survives death. The problem then is to determine at what point in the long process of evolution did true men appear. Or shall we express it by saying, when did mere individuals give place to true persons Was Neanderthal man a person I cannot think so.
Homo sapiens, at the earliest that we find traces of him, seems to have achieved a notable advance. I am Inclined to think that one sign of true personality is the capacity for recognising the moral law. The serpent said to Eve, Ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil." This view need not be dismissed as Hopelessly parsonic, for without attaching undue authority to Genesis the power to recognise the infinite value of the distinction between meum and tuum is surely a mark of difference between a man and an anirnaL People often talk of the close likeness of chimpanzees to human beings. But it is only imitation, not any real likeness. In a state of nature they do not wear clothes, or eat at tables or smoke cigars.
And many animals in close association with human beings catch something of us in more than merely external matters. Many cruel and spiteful old women, witches, have had cruel and spiteful cats. And I have always thought that in Bleak House Dickens draws Krook's dreadful cat from life. I have suggested that in the long course of human evolution one mark of the change from mere individuality to true personality may have been the recognition of the moral imperative. Yes, but if that marked the change may not the cause of the change have been the attainment of the power to feel real love If so, then here love would be life eternal.
Any creature can be taught to recognise the person who feeds it and is kind to it. But can an animal feel true unselfish love Thousands of people who have loved a dog or a cat, or perhaps a horse, will indignantly cry out. Of course it can." In that case where the love was real love the beautiful Undine legend, which says that the mermaid that learns to love gains a soul, might prove true of all animals. I have not much knowledge of dogs, but in cat friendships I have noted one curious thing. The initiative is often with the cat.
Some time ago I reviewed a book called Charles which described a fifteen years' friendship of a man and a cat. The author wanted a Siamese cat and went to buy one. Of five in a basket four ignored him one jumped out and ran to him. A splendid torn, a tabby with white shirt-front and paws, coming into a room in South Africa, ran and jumped on my knee with demonstrations of love. His owner said, That is queer.
Alexander never makes a fuss of strangers." So I hope Charles and Alexander, in some sunny corner of Paradise, may have told one another how they loved and were loved by their masters and how love won each a soul. All this is not dogma but what theologians call a pious opinion. So take it or leave it. BOOKS RECEIVED From George Allen and Unwln: EAST-WEST PASSAGE. A STUDY IN LITERARY RELATIONSHIPS.
By Dorothy Brewster. 21s. From Butterworth And THE LAW OF MERCHANDISE MARKS. By H. Fletcher Moulton and P.
G. Langdon-Dsvics. 17l 6d. From Constable and ALL THIS AND A MEDAL TOO By Tim Carcw. 153.
BIRD'S EYE VIEW. An Autobiography. By R. F. Ucldcrfleld 15s.
ONLY FADE AWAY. By Bruce Marshall, 12s 6d From Peter Davies. Ltd LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. Uy Bishop Fulton Sheen. U.D.
12s 6d From Duckworth: A MARSHLAND OMNIBUS. By S. L. Bcnsusan. 21s.
LOVE IN LONDON By Vllllcrs Dnvld. 10s 6d. From Edinburgh House Press: THE CHURCH AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE. Edited by Gate Hedenquist. 10s 6d.
From Robert Hole. ECHO. By Ronald McKie. 15s. MICHAEL THE COLT.
By Katharine K. Garbutt. 3s 6d. From Longman for British Council: KATHERINE MANSFIELD. By Ian A.
Gordon. 2s From Andrew Melrose: WORDS AND WAYS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH. By Thomas Pyles, 15s. From Frederick Muller. COURT-MARTIAL By Alastrtir Mars.
12a 6d, From Oxford University Press: GOVERNMENT AND PARLIAMENT. A Surrey of the Inside. By Herbert Morrison. P. 21s.
From Putnam and QUEEN SALOTE AND HER KINGDOM. By Sir Harry Luke. 9s 6d. From Alvtn Redman." YOUR HOLIDAY IN GERMANY. Gordon Cooper YOUR HOLIDAY IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL By Gordon Cooper.
YOUR HOLIDAY IN EUROPE' By Gordon Cooper and Ernest Wclsman. 9s 6d each. From Teachers' College. Columbia Unlvcrsui New York-DECISION-MAKING AND AMERICAN VALUES IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION S2xib From Thames and Hudson DIPLOMATIC CONCLUSIONS By Roner Pejrefltte. felnton.
U.S.A.: S450 BEARD. Edited by Howard K. Beale! From Derek: Verschnyle Ltd CONQUISTADOJI. LIFE OF DON MDHn Crime and Culture How the murder of a Premier benefited Britain's art galleries is indirectly recalled by the publication of the National Art Collections Fund's annual report on its fiftieth year. As this points out, no fewer than twenty galleries owe valuable acquisitions to the late Sir Edward Marsh.
It was an inheritance enjoyed by the cosmopolitan Eddie which helped the singular extension of culture by crime. When the Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, fell to an assassin's bullet in the Commons lobby 142 years ago. Parliament voted compensation to his family. Ultimately some of this grant came to Eddie Marsh. With it he gathered the pictures which were to fortify most major exhibitions for upwards of forty years.
None of what he dubbed the murder money was used for his personal needs, and so bizarre a legacy could hardly have been put to better use than by one who was the doyen of contemporary patrons. Vanished Treasure The stipends of museum curators and art gallery keepers have not increased so much in modern times that they would not shudder over a story which Eddie Marsh used to relate. When his friend, Sidney Colvin, was curator of the Fitz-william Museum he once had occasion to bring a sheaf of prized Italian drawings to London. En route from the station, Colvin called in at the Saville Club. His treasures were left in the hansom outside.
Colvin's call was prolonged when, inside the club, he saw, Lo and behold. Robert Louis Stevenson, unexpectedly returned after a long absence." Time and the drawings were forgotten in the benevolent haze of reminiscence. But when. after some hours, Colvin reissued into Piccadilly, the hansom and its contents had disappeared FIRST IN SERIES OF Y.H.A. GUIDES The Three Peaks of Craven The Youth Hostels Association, with the Association of Agriculture, has published the first of what promises to be an admirable and more than useful series of guides to the British countryside.
This first booklet explores the districts of Inglewon, Dentdale. and Stainforth the keys to the three Yorkshire peaks of Penyghent, Ingleborough, and Whern-side, which are the major summits of the Craven highlands. The scenery and history of the districts are described in some detail, and there, are a number of articles by authoritative writers on pot-holing, farmiiig, and the natural history of the region. MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL Monday. a.m.: Holy Communion.
11 a.m.: Matins. I 25 p.m.: Intercessions. 5 30 ETcmonu. Manchester Theatres etc. OPERA HOUSE At 7.
Last Wk. 2 30 Tom Arnold'i CHU CHIN CHOW ON ICE A super spectacle with star cast of over 100. Corps de Ballet and Fesllal Choir. Prices: 106. 91; SI-.
66, 56. 5-. 210. Next week at 7. Wed and Sat at 2 30.
The famous TV Marionette Revue "PODRECCA'S PICCOLI" Prices: 86. 66. 46. 2-. Special Matinee prices for schools: 46.
36. 26. IO. July week at 7. Mat.
Sat. at 2 30. "THE BURNING GLASS" A NEW PLAY BY CHARLES MORGAN. Full Company from Apollo Theatre. London.
PALACE THEATRE 6 15 Si 8 30 FIRST TIME HERE The Dynamic Star Personality or the Jolson Stories and thirty Feature Films. LARRY PARKS with BETTY GARRETT American Comedy Star of the Screen Hits On the Town and Neptune's Daughter." VIC PURRY Prince of Thieves. NEXT WEEK: 6.15 and 8.30. MAT. SAT.
2 15. GUY MITCHELL World's Top Selllna Dlsker. LIBRARY THEATRE Evenings at 7 Saturdays at 5 and 8. Matinees Wednesdays al 2 30. FINAL WEEK OF RESIDENT SEASON.
2 m. 7 p.m. LITTLETON ROAD. LOWER KERStAL Refreshments. Admission 2s.
Liverpool Theatres LIVERPOOL PLAYHOUSB ROYal 8363 Evcninis at 7 Saturday 4 45 4 8 Thursday 2.30. Last Production of Season "THE YOUNG ELIZABETH." by Jennette Dowllna and Francis Letton. ADELPHI. AL READ In YOU'LL BE LUCKY, with Sham Wallis. New spectucular laughter ruvucf 6.10 and 8.45.
36-1216. (Tern. 7611.) ALDWYCH. (Tern. 6404.) 7.30.
S. 2.30. Edith Evans. James Donald. Maritaret Johnston.
7.50. Sat. 5.15. 8.0. Tu.
7.40 except Wed. and 6 sharp 8.40. Brenda Bruce, Arthur Macrae. Alan Webb. Miles MaUeson.
Cyril Raymond. BOTH ENDS MEET. Comedy by Arthur Macrae. CAMBRIDGE. (Tern 6056 8.15.
S. 6. 8.30. Th. 2.30.
THE FACTS OF LIFE. All seats Bookable SI- to 126. COLISEUM. (Tem. 3161.) evss.
7.30. Sats 5.1S and 30. Met. Wed. 2.30.
GUYS AND DOLLS. CRITERION. 3216.) Evas. 8.30. Thurs.
and Sats. 5 45 sharp Vnd 8.30. INTIMACY AT 8J0. Revue. DRURY I.ANE.
(Tem. 8108.) Evas. 7.15. Mats. Sat.
30 Valtrie Hobson. Herbert Lorn in RodRers and Hnnmcrstein's THE KING AND DUCHESS (Tem. 8241 No perf. to-nlKht owinx to TV excerpt A E. MATTHEWS MARIE LOUR, in THE MANOR OF NORTHSTEAD.
A comedy. DUKE OF YORK'S. (Tem. 5122) Evs. at 7.30.
Sat 2 JO RUTH DRAPER. Season till July 10. EMPHKSS HALL. trul. 1212.) To-nlnht at 7.45.
WHITE HORSE INN ON ICE. Starrlni BELITA with MAX WALL. Evsa. 7.45, Wed. 3.
Sat. 5 and 8. FORTUNE. (Tem. 4238.) Evas.
8. Mat. Tu. 2.30. S.
t. Vf.nd and 8. R. F. DelderOeld'a Comedy WHERE THERE'S A WILL, Trith BUI Owen and Lent UTryea MUSIC AT The Aldeburgh Festival, now in its seventh year, 3s the professional festival-goer's most agreeable assignment intimate, friendly, and with a distinctive musical personality of its own.
This year's programme has been slightly less interesting than usual, not so much fGr lack of new music as for being, as a whole, slightly less varied and yet less homogeneous though it has provided an opportunity to compare Schiitz's and Bach's treatment of the St John Passion There lias been a welcome revival of Britten's The Rape of Lucretia and, by way of novelty, the first public performance in this country, if performance is the right word, of some musique concrete, and a Jandcek centenary concert, unfortunately mostly of very minor and tedious works, enlivened only by the charming suite for wind sextet Youth (written when he was 70), a gay, charming, and very original piece in which, by adding a Concerts HALLE SUMMER PROMS FREE TRAPE HALL To-niKht at 7 pm. GRIEG WAGNER OVERTURE. 'I he Mustersinacrs WAGNER SUITE. Peer Gynt GRIEG PRELUDE and L1EBESTOD (Trlswn and Isolde) WAGNER PIANO CONCERTO In A minor PRELUDE Act III. Lohensrin WAGNLK SUITE, Slsurd Jorsalfar OVERTURE.
Tannhauscr WAGNER HALLE ORCHESTRA Conductor GEORGE WELDON Piano PHYLLIS SELLICK Tickets 216 to 76. From the H1I Rooking Office and usual gena. Promenade 16 Dining and Dancing A Brand-New Manchester Hotel The NEW COUNTY Residential Hotel, 111 TALBOT ROAD. OLD TR AFFORD, close to the County Cricket ground and electric trains. Opens WUDNESDAY JUNE 23.
Highest standa -ds ol comfort, decor, and cuisine under direction of Conlinental-tralned chef. Slnslc and double rooms. Bed and breakfast t66 Dinner Parlies hv arrant' mcnl Parkins Until the end of June the management have decided to cclebr.lte this special occasion by conceding all new guests their first night free of charge. Telephone TRA 3710. Exhibitions Manchester Theatres etc.
MANCHESTER HIPPODROME 6 25. Ardwlck Green. 8 40 unce in a Laugnume," with Confidentially REG DIXON BERYL ORDE. with new Impressions. Next Week JIMMY YOUNG.
Apply Catcrina Manager. Manchester Cinemas DEANSGATE 1 35, 3 55, 6 5, 8 30 The UndcrwaieT Spectacle in Cinemascope "BENEATH THE 11-MILE REEF" tU). Tech. GAIETY, Peter Street COMPANIONS OF THE NIGHT (sub-titles). Starrins Francoisc Amoul.
An film for adults only. At 1.5. 3.35. 6 5, 8 35. GAUMONT, Oxford St.
CEN 1323. Open 12 45. Tony Curtis In Beachhead (A) at 2 30, 5.40, 8 55. Plus "Riders to the Stun (U at 4.00. 7.20.
MARKET STREET CINEMA Tandra Ouinn In LOST WOMEN Cert X. Adults only. ETERNALLY YOURS (A). ODEON, Oxford Street Cont. 1 p.m.
DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS (U). 2 40. 5 45. 8 55. CHINA VENTURE (A).
1 0. 4 05. 7 10. OXFORD An Film for Adults Only. Gerard Phillpe In Th Knave of Hearts, with Valerie Hobson.
Joan Greenwood. Margaret Johnson. Natasha Parry. ROYAL, Peter Street ALAN HALE. JODY LAWRENCE in BURNING ARROWS Tech.
(U) Also DANE CLARK In GO. MAN GO (U). London Theatres HAYMARKET. 9832.) 7.30. Sats.
2 30 John Gieljiud. Mary Jerrold. Irene Worth. Harcourt Williams, and Ralph Richardson in A DAY BY THE SEA." HER MAJESTY'S. (Whl.
6606.) 7.30 Wed. 2 30. Sat. 5.30 8.30. THE TEAHOUSE OF THE AUGUST MOON.
A new comedy. Packed with laufhs." Beg you not to miss it." HIPPODROME. (Ger. 3272.) 7.30. Wed.
2.30. Saturday 5.15 and 8.30. Anton Walbrook. Evelyn Laye in ar British Romantic Musical. WEDDING IN PARIS." LYRIC.
Gr. 3686.) Evtrs. 7.30 exc. Tbnn. and Sat.
6.0 and 8.40. Robert Morley. Zena Howard. Wilfrid Hyde White in HIPPO DANCING. LYRIC.
Hlmltb. (Sir 4432.) Evgs. 7.30. Thur. Sat.
3. Trevor Howard. Gwen Ffranitcon-Davies in John Gielgud's Production of THE CHERRY ORCHAKD." NEW. (Tem. 3878.) Ev.
7.30. 5 30 shp S.30. Tu. 2.30. Dorothy -Tulin.
I AM A CAMERA, by John van Druten PALLADIUM. (Ger. -fl73.) 6.15 and 8.45. Matinees Saturdajs 'at 2.40. NORMAN WISDOM and Great Cost in Gay New Musical Palladium Show.
PHOENIX. (Tem R61 1 7.30. 5 30. 8 30. W.
2 30 Vlurn Leiah Laurence Olnier in THE SLEEPING PRINCE, by Terence Last 2 weeks of season. PICCADILLY. (Ger 4506 7.30. 5.30 30. 2 30.
Pamela Brown Paul Scoiield. Gladys Cooper in "A OUESIION OF FACT." hi Wynyanl Browne PRINCE OF WALES. Whi. 8681 1 Evcnlniis at 6 15 and 8 50. Frankie Howcrd.
Winifred Atwell In the new Follies Bcracre Rcvuc, PARDON MY FRENCH." PRINCES. (Tem. 6596.) 8 (W. and 6 and Jack Hylton's Bcwltchins musical. PAL JOEY.
ROYAL COURT. (Slo. 1745.) Evgs. 8. Mats Th.
2 30. S. 5. Max Adrian. Moyra Frajer.
Sally Rogers, Betty Marsden In Laurier Lister's AIRS ON A SHOESTRING. ST. JAMES'S (Whl. 3903.) livBJ. 7.45.
Sat. 5.30 and 8 30. Milt. Wed. 2.30.
Gootie Witbrn. John McCaUum. Frank Lawns ts WAITING GILUAJN." A taorovsnsr tsccruunins pay. uauy ainu, Improved Gamage INFRA-RED RADIANT HEAT LAMPS home treatment of Solatica. Rheumatlim.
ailments, as well as Chilblains. Toothache, etc. heavy cauee Aluminium Reflector. Finished In Cream Enamel. Luiest type uca ljc 59'6 (BiacK Heat intra Keen ol ulth plated wire guard.
OPEN THURS. UNTIL' 7 P.M. Wave Element (Radiant Heat) It required. 106 extra MODEL. V3 No Mrdlcat Xfbi I Certificate 100 watt Mixed FLOOR S.ltie-arrn 2ft.
Ions Telescopic Stand of Tubular Stert on heavy base. Height fully extended 4tt. Picvc and through switch. 2o0 watt Lora-wavc (Infra. Keel Radiant Heat) Elements Vlv'lfl Medical Certificate Required- dm I Or Efcht Monthly Payments "of 17'9 Carr.
Weekday Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 m. 2 30 m. to 5 ST. MARTIN'S (Tem.
1443 8.30. W. 4 6 Jt 8 40. H. Baddelci.
D. Brian. 1. Carmichael GOING TO TOWN. SAVOY.
(Tem. 8H88 Mon -Frl. 7.45-. Sats. 5.30.
8 15. Wed. 2 45. Barbara Kcliy. Henry Kendall, in Comedy.
ANGELS IN LOVE, by Hugh Mills, dir Bernard Braden. VAUDEVILLE. (Tem. 4871.) 7 40. Thurs.
and Sal. 5.30 8 30. THE MOON IS BLUE." VICTORIA PALACE. (Vic. 1317.) Wed.
at 7. Subs. 6 30 8.50. XRTHUR ASKEY In THE LOVE MATCH. Tbora Hird.
The Laushtcr Show transferred from Palace Theatre. WESTMINSTER. (Vic. 02S3.) Evgs. 7.30.
Th. 2.30. Sat. 5.30 and 8 30. Celia Johnson.
Ian Hunter. Anthony Ireland. Mary Mcrr3ll. In It's Novcr Too Late. WHITEHALL.
(Whi. 6692.) Evgs. 7. Sat. 5 15.
8 Th. 2.30. Brian Rix in Reluctant Heroes. London's longest run. WINDMILL.
Pice. Circ. REVUDEVILLE. 23rd r. 2651b ed.
(7th wk Cont. diy. 12 15-10 35. Last perf. 9 pm.
A Van Damm Production. WE NEVER CLOSED WINTER GARDEN (Drury Lane.) Phone Cha 3875. Mon. to Frl. 7 45.
Sat at and 8 15. WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION, AGATHA CHRISTIE WYNDHAM'S. (Tern 3028.) Evcnin is at 8 30. Saturday 5 30 and 8 30. Mat Wed 2 30 THE BOY FRIEND.
10-1. Restaurants RIEAL CONTINENTAL CUISISTJ. SERVICE. AND ATMOSPHERE. Brusa'a Fifty Restaurant.
50 St Martin's Lane. Louden W.C. 2. TEM. 1913.
Open Licensed. Iff Electric Massage VIBRATORS Recommended bv Doctors for Rhtumatlsm. Lumbago, indigestion Headaches. Constipation. Fall-inx Hair.
and as an aid to health and nsautv. The Vibrator Is complete with nex and three ap llca-tors for a i Scalp andf Bodv. Full! Inst uc- tions. A.C mains only. 'e HOL 8484 Post Pks.
Jf, Illustrated Augment tfie Benefits of Summer Sun with a GAMAGE SSJNRAY LAMP Emits the Health-giving Ultraviolet and Infra-Red Rays 10 to 20 mlnutc-V treatment dally ton un the STslem and heln to keeo body tn a vigorous and healthy condition Can be sales manipulated by anyone in the comfort and privacy of the Jiome For A.C.'uc. mains or an vo tascs ComMiett 6'6 Outfit Or 8 Monthly Payments 17'3 Carr. Pkg. 43 outside 50 miles radius of Holborn, No medical certificate required. 26 page Summer Bargain ListFree on Request, GAKASES, HOLBORN, LONDON E.C.1.
XT 2.10. TSin Km, 6. oena 1-M2-J2. BrS xfi Tlii BAli-. A Musical Play by N6i.
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