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The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 11

The Guardiani
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


D. TAYLOR. Art Teacher and Critic. ANOTHER HOLIDAY IN MANCHESTER. Influence of Railways.

Police Watch on a Method of We greatly regret to record the death' I of Mr. isernnrd- head master 'of the. Art School 'of 'Salford and well known- to -readers of' this paper by his art criticism and reviewing over the initials-. Taylor Vast contribution, notice of the exhibitioni at Gallery of Miss "Dacre's. paintings and Mr.

D'odd's NEW STATEMENT BY YARN ASSOCIATION. Yearly Loss of 2,000,000. GIVING AWAY" THE MILLS' ASSETS. The Cotton Yam Association yesterday issued another statement to its members, impressing them the need for doing their.utmust rto organise the American spinning -section of the Lancashire cotton in-dnstry upon a common policy. It draws attention to the circular issued on November 16, showing the very heavy decrease in margins which had taken place between the beginning of October and November 12, and goes on to point out that since that date margins have been reduced still further, and now disclose heavy losses before any interest or depreciation is charged.

The official record of the sales of yarn indicates that the 'losses incurred, based on the standard cost GIFT DISTRIBUTION AT HOSPITALS. Mayoral Party Go Through Wards of Salford Royal. There was a distribution, of Christmas gifts to the patients at the Salford Royal Hospital yesterday, but the festivities at the institution really began on Christmas Eve, when the nurses went round wards singing carols. A special dinner was served on Christmas Bay, throughout which music, arranged by the hospital staff, added much to the enjoyment of the patients in the adult wards. Following a precedent of many years' standing, each in-patient was allowed to invite afriend to tea on Boxing Day, and the happy scenes of yesterday brought the week's programme to an end.

A large number of visitors were present, and the Mayor and Mayoress of Salford (Alderman and Mrs. A. Williamson) and the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Manchester (Councillor Daw and Mrs. teachers and students the drawings are exceedingly helpful. The works in the collection cover an immensely wide range, from the entirely straightforward those whih are- frankly, experimental.

-Nevertheless tmost of them have, been borrowed- already-; between 75 and 80 per cent have been: selected for. one Joan iper.iod or an-, other, many those 'which remain are "redundant" works by artists represented in. the collection by. more than one example. Other Acquisitions.

Though the Butherston collection -as a whole is by far the most important acquisition which the Manchester Art Galleries have lately received, it will be convenient to indicate here the more important accessions during the. past year from other sources. Unfortunately they cannot be viewed at the moment, because Boom Four at -the Central Art etchings brought to. am -TO-MORROW- NIGHT IN Albert: square. almost Scottish conception of Hogmanay observance, is, In deference to circumstances" of the Sabbath "New Year's calling 'a general holiday on Monday.

Iher has not: be en reached discussion, if not reluctance. i Agreement among-the; majority of "shops arid stores in the city, to1 close- on Monday doubtless had its'. effect on business houses to such an 'extent that trade will be--virtually- at a standstill. The Retail 'Association has recommended its members to regard it-as a general, holiday. The Royal will be closed.

The 'railway companies' have intimated that Evasion. THE PERIOD OF GRACE; Owners of motor-cars should "now'he renewing their licences. Early to this duty is not merely 'for the sake of expediting the. -work of ''the. Local Taxation Department but' tlfs interests of motor-owners themselves.

nin a few days' time there will, probably -be rush upon the offices of the Department in Jackson's Row, and those who 'niake their applications early will save themselves considerable time, as well as the incbn-venience of waiting in a queue. The business of issuing motor licences' has now become a big one in Manchester. During 1927 about 55.000 licences" were issued in resoect nf 23,000 'mechanically propelled vehicles, along with licences, and the total of duties and licence fees collected was 370,000. All people who intend to use these vehicles after the expiry of "the licences on December 31 are -required to take out new licences not later end the -able commentary otj "the art. life of- the city which had some twenty years.

D. Taylor was' -born at EHand," in in. His father, the Bev. John 200 Pictures. Already Lent and Returned.

OPPORTUNITY FOR CITY ART-LOVERS. The Year's Acquisitions. The holiday season affords -individual art-lovers an unusually good opportunity to see the. splendid collection of modern art which Charles Butherston (whose death is reported in another column) gave to the city of Manchester in 1926. The "collection is housed in Piatt Hall, Rusholme, which is open each week-day until dusk (at present about 4 30 p.m:) and from 2 30 to five on Sunday afternoons.

In- leaving bis collection to Manchester it was intention that it should form the nucleus of a larger collection (to which others besides himself might add) whence the galleries and schools of art in Lancashire and Yorkshire could borrow at their Manchester has lost no time in setting' in motion the necessary machinery to fulfil thSfc intention. In the middle of thin vear "Mr Tnwmnn. Taylor, a. United minister. He-was educated atthe Man: Chester, Grammar.School, where he was Maddrell) went round the adult wards and ings of the Association, amount to nearlv 2,000,000 sterling a year; and it is pointed 'ho.

goods will be collected, after noon on handed to the patients and the ward staffs. a memb-sr of the Art School. He con a. pronouncement wnicn ma. large presents wnicn naa open proviaea oy toe treasure tne nas innuencea -sections oi has Influenced -sections" of Ladies' Committee of the hospital.

Among wui uwii js una is occurring oeiore any interest or depreciation is charged, it means that the assets of the mills concerned are being given away at this rate. The statement also draws attention to the fact that the increase in snips snne fh 'Sf iiff- -insta5ce' were Colonel J. E. G. Groves, chairman of rtdStawfiSSSKM.

close Board oi kM-ent the Bishop of abandonment of the Association's scheme of view or the' decision of the- railwaw Gom- gallery in Mosley Street, in which recent acquisitions are- commonly hung, is now occupied by an exhibition of Miss Isabel Dacrels paintings. After this exhibition has closed (on January 7) the room will' be -devoted for another month or so to a show of models, and drawings illustrating the dawn of art, presented to the gallery by Sir William Boyd Dawkins. The gallery has received three gifts through the National Art Collections Fund during 1927. One is The Arch." Chief Constable of Salford panies, the large houses' will' work as 'usual, on Saturday and close all day on Monday. There will be some restrictions of the There was brightness and gaiety everywhere.

Fancy shades covered the electric-liaht globes. sprigs of holly or mistletoe tinued this stage-of his education a course "at, the Slade School, gaining his art master's certificate in October, 1905, and appointed. be master of the Municipal Secondary School; for' Boys' in Salford on May 1 of the following yenr. This appointment he held until on November 1, 1020, he became head master of the Art School of Salford in succession to Mr. P.

J. -J. In the short term of years loft to him he spent much valuable work in the "organisation of -the which prospered and ramdlv hung from' each cot, and seasonal greetings local: train services on Monday morning. and. although the usual riailv -serves of ere writ large in every ward.

The Salford curtailment and minimum sales has been negligible, and that the enormous losses will continue unless organisation upon a common policy is instituted." WAGES AND HOURS. Operatives to Resist the New Proposals. Un rn 1 i-t Hnlne Knnrt nrovirteri a. small orcnestrn. iii VjUrputai-iuii LrumwavS ana 1 and members of the band's concert party, Duses wm be maintained.

thern will- curtailment of. the. morning ears. award, the curator of the City Art Galleries, informed the corporations as well as two or 'hree vocal parties Iron) Manchester and Salford, visited the wards icear live in AlDert Square will doubtless witness all its old-time-crowded and 8ave entertaining songs and concerted January 1. That is to say, a period of grace is allow ed for the renewal of.

-the Licence. The Period of- Grace. The Department points- out, however, that the period of grace is not a period which a motor-car OA-uer may -run his; cjar without a licence. If a car.ow-ner uses Ins car 011 or after January 1 he is liable to pay tax for the full period three months or twelve months for which a licence. may be taken out.

The reason for this provision is- to -check a method of evasion which is often, tried. There are motor owners who lay up -their vehicles for. a period, particularly at-this time of the j-ear when the weather is likely to ba favourable. During- the period of lay-up they are not expected to pay flue tax, but they must not use the cir or -they become liable. Certain owners who- intend, to lay up their cars until the spring take advantage of the fourteen days' grace to run their cars, knowing that they will enjov a certain immunity from inspection- and interrogation by tne When the period of grace is up they put their cars away for two or three months and.

pay no tax. They should be warned that the police conviviality and the Bells at the Town Hall i pieces. will customarv from 11 30 to IP. 30. I In the infants ward was a monsteT progressed under his direction.

It was Drink.lieenees have been extended to 11 n.m. I Christmas-tree, whose branches hung low in the nature of a 'recognition of 'some and music and licences until 11 30! with the weight of suitable presents, which distributed the little The mill operatives have acted without delay in letting it be known what is their of his work that recently the Bury Art Under the. circumstances most of the city Gallerv Coram ttee invited him to an lestaurams are not maKing become their art adviser, an invitation i year! arranSements for the "ew as a final item, were to ones and the staff who have the care of them. To give Salford people generally an opportunity of looking round the hospital, a. pound day" has been arranged for tomorrow afternoon.

Visitors are asked to t.ikH in a iiound of anv commodity aud to and art schools of the two counties of the terms of Mr. Rutherston's gift and invited applications for loans. The loan periods were fixed to coincide as nearly as possible with the normal -terms of the schools of art. The initial selections, sent out in September, were returned to Piatt Hall before Christmas, and further instalments from the collection will not be sent out until about the end of next week. Visitors to the Hall during this week-end and next week will therefore be able to view the greater part of the Rutherston collection before it is dispersed for another three months.

an oil painting by James Pryde, presented through the fund by Lord Bearsted. The second is a landscape by James Maris, presented through the fund by Mrs. B. M. The third, of which the donor is Mr.

E. Peter Jones, is a most curious and interesting seventeenth century family group, painted by Chester artist, John Souch. It represeets Sir Thomas Aston, of Cheshire, standing at the deathbed of his wife, with a cradle between them draped in black. By his side is his sole surviving child. A figure of a young woman at the end of the bed represents his wife when she was alive.

The picture is full of curious symbolic details, such as the celestial globes, a skull, and a navigator's "fore-staff" inserted to indicate that the depth of the widower's grief is BIG SACRIFICE FOR official attitude to the proposal before the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners Associations to lengthen the -working hours and reduce the wages in the Lancashire cotton trade. Although none of the operatives' trade unions has received any notice from the federation in "regard to the nature of the proposals which have been brought forward, the matter was raised at a meeting of the Legislative Council of the United Textile Factory Workers' Association in Manchester yesterday. This organisation comprises representatives of all the trade unions in the cotton spinning and manufacturing sections of the industry. Mr. Thomasson.

(president) was in the chair. i.u iituu utc ouiiom gave their assent. Mr. Taylor's death has inter rupted a course of lectures upon Italian painting which he was giving 'to the School of Architecture of Manchester University. During the last two years he had oreanised exhibitions of the work of his school in the Salford Art Gallery, and only recently arranged a very successful exhibition of junior students' work.

Ilis death removes from the cities of have their own devices for meeting -this kind of trickery. Last Quarter, which began buy a pound before leaving, the proceeds to go" towards the funds of the hospital. There will be a series of concerts, in which artists from the local theatres and others will take part. The hospital contains 263 beds, and during the last twelve months nearly 50,000 patients have received The need for increasing the accommodation is suggested by the fact that over 00, persons are on the waiting-list for admission. TRIVIAL SUM.

Parcel Agent's Theft. Questions of the extra punishment imposed by the loss of pension and other emoluments a man in an important position who had admitted a first offence of stealing from his railway employers were on- October 1, a large number peonlB attempted to take advantage of the period of grace in this Some 300 were detected, and were summoned in fh'e How the Loan Scheme is Working The whole collection consists of over Manchester folice Court. immeasurable. One learned at the offices in Jackson 650 oil paintings, water-colours, and Manchester and Salford one who was Row yesterday that the officials had had-a Other gifts include an oil painting, The Future." by MadelinR In a general discussion all thn sneHcboo highly esteemed both personally and as a critic; and teacher. raised at the Manchester City Police Court yesterday, when thiee charges were heard presented by Sir Joseph Duveen from the Mr.

Taylor was a member of Society of Friends. were strongly hostile either to an increase hi the working hours on the present 48 per week or to any reduction in wages, and it was clear, we are told, from the temper of the meeting, that they will resist any attempt to lower the standard of living among the operatives. At the close the secretary, James Bell, stated that it had been decided that any proposal to increase the working week or to lower the wages of the operatives will receive the united opposition of all the operatives' organisations. AN APPRECIATION. (From Correspondent.) against Tom France, aged 57, of Moscow Road, Edgeley, Stockport, described iis the L.M.S.

Railway Company's parcel agent, with 41 years' tervice, and a present salary of 500 a year. Mr. G. A. Challinor appeared to prosecute on behalf of the Railway Company, and Mr.

HOPES FOR THE NEW YEAR. Mayor of SalfordV Message. The Mayor of Salford (Alderman A. Williamson) through the press sends tho following new year message May the new year upon which we are about to enter hold much happiness in oooeii teienuou. ousy time, Dut me rusn nas Begun.

Those in charge of tho work- are anxic-ue that car owners, should "not delay their applications" until the last few days, so thatynsw licences can be issued as early -as rossible and car owners put to as littlerin-ronvenience as 1 ossible. Applications bs sent by post. Those who adopt this course should obtain the proper form, fill it up, and dispatch it along with the registration book of their car and fh'e amount of tax payable (preferably by cheque). There aTe no alterations in the amounts of tax payable, except a'specLtl provision for showmen's vehicles. No Half-Yearly Licences.

Motor owners are once more "reminded that licences are issued- for quarterly periods or for the year or portion of. the year unexpired only. There are no half-yearly licences, though some of ihe applicants for renewal this year appear to be drawings, woodcuts and other prints, and pieces of sculpture. About 400 of these items are in Piatt Hall at present. Not all of them can be shown at one time, but all the 50 oil paintings are now on the walls of one of the ground-Hoor rooms, and on the second floor may be seen as many of the drawings and water-colours as the available walls will conveniently hold.

In term-time, oi course, all that may here be seen of the collection is that part of it which is not at the moment on loan. Between September1 and ChriBtmas of this year all the oil-paintings and sculptures were absent, together with a considerable proportion of the drawings. The loan scheme is working very well. Mr. S.

D. Cleveland, who is in charge of it, told a "Manchester Guardian" representative vesterdav Mr. Challinor called evidence of the prisoner's on December 2A when, as stated by railway detective officers who had vatcned him take a carton ot sausages to The initials "B.D.T." will be mtesod by many readers of the "Manchester Guardian," and not alone by those whose major interests lie in all forms of visual art, which was his special province. But Bernard Taylor the individual will be missed in many and varied circles where, under a quiet and retiring manner, he let his influence be felt. He belonged to a group of those whose estimate of aesthetic serves as an index his office, he was seen to open the carton store and a greater measure of the good with his knife and throw the invoice and things of life is my earnest wish on behalf FIREMEN'S DIFFICULTIES ON SLIPPERY STREETS.

Big Warehouse Blaze. of all my fellow-cituens and friends every ine held in Manchester last summer; an oil painting, Evening," by Isabel Codrington, from an anonymous donor a little Prc-Baephaelite figure in a landscape by Benjamin Haughton, presented by his widow: a painting of a group of Bretons playing cards, by Norman Garstin, also presented by his widow; a painting of St. Francis at devotion bv a nineteenth-century local artist. Joseph Allen, presented by Dr. Sidebotham: a group of drawings and studies for engravings by Thomas Stothard, presented by Miss Julia Sharpe and her two sisters portrait in oils by A.

alette (who was former! on the staff of the Manchester School of Art) of fonn Henry Beynolds, late Director of the College of Technology; a good example of William Miiller's work, presented by the family of the late J. C. Hilton; a. seascape by H. E.

Detmold, whose work used to be seen frequently in Manchester, presented by his widow; an oil painting. "Italian Women in by Miss Isabel re was presented to the gallery by a group of subscribers in the spring of this year. tne lid of the package into the fireplace. The officers, it was turther stated, enteied and seized the invoice, and also the lid, which was then partly burnt. The prisoner was asked about the sausages, and he replied: "What can I say There they are." Later he said, "They are salvage.

I have salvaged them." Mr. Challinor said it thp oiiRtam to modern conditions of life. He brought where. And in particular do I wish, that the great work of Christian fellowship, in which it has -been my privilege to take a part during thei ChrisUnas season, and which has done so much to bring happiness and nleasure to the less fortunate of our Four business buildings were damaged by under the impression that there are. An ms Knowledge of art-history, tradition, and craft to the acid tests of how they affected present-day usages and conditions.

Such an city, especially tne cnuaien, may De that between September and Christmas loan selections were on view in the art when a nareel was found with -no nHHrpca widened and extended until the BDirit under- outlook on art implied an appreciation of the right thing in the right setting a real owner may, of course, take out a licence an July 1 for the unexpired 'six months of the year. The point to bear in mind is that -a licence may be taken out only to the end of the current quarter or to the end of the year. It may interest motor owners to recall that the contents, if perishable, should be lying all these efforts silall permeate the treated as salvage. length and breadth of our land in every Detective Bruff said he received the sphere of life. Then, indeed, the new year prisoner into his custodv from the railwav will be a verv hapnv new v'ear.

nuniaintanan outlook. The measure in which that in lv3 not a single licence fcr." a police and afterwards visited his house with i The misunderstandings and barriers of a tire at Leonard Street, Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch, London, early yesterday, and scores of people have been temporarily thrown out of work. The largest Arm in the long range buildings is Messrs. H. Schuman, cabinet-makers, who were principally affected, but the spreading flames caused great damage to the Victoria Box Works of Messrs.

Albert Dibley and Company. Most of the buildings were of two floors, but in the centre there was a thiee storey building occupied by a firm of hat manufacturers, and it was completely burned out. Damage was also done to the offices of Messrs. Simpson, tobacco nine manufacturers. laylor had this was discernible in his many-eided activities.

When he took over the rectorship of the Salford School of Art three or four years; ago "it was a mere mechanically propelled vehicle as. issued in Manchester, lu 1927. as alreadv stated. galleries of Blackburn and Heywood and the a'rt schools of Bradford (Mr. Butherston' native city), Hyde, Sheffield, and Bingley.

Each selection is limited to 30 works of art, so as to make it possible for a number of towns to benefit at the same time and to encourage each of them to come again." Nearly 200 works of art have a searcn warrant. He found there three suspicion wntcn nave caused so mucu im-turkeys, and two of these the prisoner happiness in. the past will vanish, and all claimed that he had received from dealers those who have the welfare of this country skeleton. The recent exhibition of nutils' 23,000 vehicles were licensed the city. Citv registrations now fall under the following" marks: NA, NC, ND, NE, imd In readiness for the time when, the limit will be reached for NF a new mark.

The Years Purchases. Of the pictures purchased during the thus been out on loan to these six VM, has been selected. Earlv in 1928 should at heart will work together for a common end, the happiness and contentment of all. Is it loo much to hope that the disastrous disputes which have saddened Ihe lives of too many in recent years will find no place in the new year? Let us realise that peace truly hath its victories, no less than strife. Let "peace, then, be our keynote for 1928.

Peace- among nations, peace among ourselves, and above all peace in industry. My at bhudehill. He said the third was salvage, and he intended to pay for it to the railway company. Mr. Challinor said the turkey was the subject of a third charge which he was instructed to proceed with although the prisoner had decided not to admit it.

The second charge, which was admitted, concerned a containing four nightshirts, some cloth, and a shirt, and about iee the first vehicles so registered. I Business was in full swim in all thfs year the most important a buildings on Wednesday, and when the employees left at half-oast six evervthin landscape by Alfred Sislev: a -water work showed the progress made and the underlying aims. In e-ery department sound work and respect for tradition ran hand in hand with the right use of material, suitability for purpose, and, with all, a feeling of the joy and humour of life. But with his knowledge of modern tendencies in sculpture and painting there was no sudden break from tradition to estrange those less catholic. The School of Art, together with the "Manchester Guardian," were his main in- LEAGUE OF OPERA.

these the prisoner had siven explanations I earnest hone is that all eneaeed in industry, was apparently all right. About one o'clock in the morning people living at Allen's Dwellings opposite were awakened by a crackling noise, and saw flames on the first floor of nrrint wnc 1 hm Vcerc colour portrait by Ambrose McEvoy; an oil painting of the Quai des Grands Augustins by Charles Cundall: an which were found to be untrue. employers and employed alike, Will realise Mr. A. A.

Pedlev. chief clerk in the that reasonableness and peace are essential Dean of Manchester Among interior bv H. Davis Riphtei-- Schuman's factory. A district fire call landscann in oil Ktr j. i brought several ensrines.

and tha firemen water-colours bvlteith Henderson tUi i difficult task owing to the slippery. Further Enrolments. We publish below a further list of addi I I1R TC1H(T. II. WH IWir.

11T1T1I the Duveen Kyhihitirm nn1 terosts, and held him, perhaps, too Tigidly for a constitution none too robust; but his service to both was a willing cne. He had a perfect understmding with the insti tions to the Manchester membership of the parcels section of the L.M. and S. Company, explained the system of salvage, and said it was within the for the prisoner to deal immediately at his discretion with perishable goods from damaged parcels, and to sell them, after entry in the salvage book, td members of the staff if he could not otherwise dispose of them. 4 Very Thin Line." Mr.

Cobbett said there was obviously a very tbiu line between what was salvage and what had been taken irregularly. An admitted irregularity, aB in the case of the Iinperial League of Opera. The League has been founded by Sir Thomas Beecham for to. the restoration ot cur trade ana industries, and I feel confident that these qualities, combined with the will to win through, will make the year 1S28 a memorable one. My sincere desire is lhat the new year also will see a great diminution of hardship and want arising out of- unemployment and short-time, and I feel confident that much can be accomplished m' this direction on the lines I have already indicated.

I am certain that the will to win through is not dead, and lhat we shall presently emerge into a period of greater prosperity and happiness if all those who have the conduct ot the affairs of men are actuated throughout the year that spirit of tution and the periodical. He- had other 1 owns. Altogether 31 selections have either been borrowed already or booked for the future. total includes four transactions carried out before' the scheme was formally set on foot). About 240 works will be out from January until April, about 200 have been booked for the term beginning next May, quite a number will be i.ent out in September, and SO or 60 are already bespoken for the term beginning January, 1929.

One school has already made its choice for four successive periods. The choice of works is left entirely to the head master, curator, or other representative who visits Piatt Hall to make the selection. In this point the scheme differs from that of the Victoria and Albert Museum, which sends out loan collections of applied art but keeps the power of choiee in its own hands. First come first served is the rule in Manchester. The high level of usefulness of the collection as a whole is indicated by the astonishing variety of choice which has so far been exercised.

Art galleries seem to prefer the oil paintings, but to the provision and financing of first-class interests. One never knew when and where opera in London and other large centres of population. Once the League is able to B.D.T. would turn up at a Liberal political meeting canvassing for the municipal f-leotion, leotuving on the "Grin without a bety-een three and fiur o'clock that the flames were subdued. Mrs.

Hart, who lives in one of the flats opposite the scene ot the fire, told a press how. she was awakened by the noise. When 1 was awakened I could see a light opposite, and thought that it was half-past seven, and the men had gone to work. Under this belief, I culled to my daughter Olive to get up. I soon found, however, by the that it was something very different, as smoke and flames developed quickly.

We could see the difficulty the firemen had. The road and pavement were, very slippery just like a sheet of glass, and as the firemen ran out lengths of hose they kept slipping and falling. -The wonder is that some of them did not break their limbs." enter on its work the re'ative length of -the opera seasons which each centre will enjoy will be largely determined by. the extent nt eat to the Unnamed Society or on textile design to the London School of Economics, bust by David Evans "(to whose work attention was drawn in Manchester Guardian oh the occasion of his first exhibition a year ago). Other works by Manchester artists, apart from Rowley Smart's painting, a.

paintinB of a night scene in a cafe by T. C. Dugdale a self-portrait by W. H. Wilkinson; a couple of etchings by Francis Dodd; an aquatint bv Miss Rosa Hope (who went to the' Slade School after leaving the Manchester School of Art); ater-colours William Hoggatt and William Cart-ledge; a crayon drawing bv Emmanuel Levy; and a small oil painting, Swans," by Miss Dacre, which is at present in the exhibition -room devoted to her work.

prisoner, did not mean that there had been hrnthprbnod and eood fellowship which hiis anything more than a trivial offence, and i bwn so much in evidence during the past the local membership of the Leagued For this reason Manchester well-wishers of Sir 11. migiii. ub tuai. Having lu ueai wiui a nugu weefC. Thomas Beecham in his praiseworthy enter tramc tne prisoner, wno was responsible for all the parcels in the Man chester area, had not realised that some ot prise should enrol themselves 111 the League through it3 Manchester branch.

EXPRESS 'BUS SERVICES. tha things tie was dealing with were not really salvage. The prosecution had made The Manchester' representative of the liuerences, out mat woulq iioi uo lor tne 1tl.C Imperial League of Opera is Fitton, purpose of showing systematic' pilfering. ocneme vuuipicic uui iui vnc iu or trekking with the boys of the Grammar School in Italy or again in Spain. The Manchester University demanded a series of art lectures, and the Bury Art Gallery appointed him its official adviser for its purchases.

Both of these posts held bright promise for a wider publicity of things that he. stood for when his last illness attacked him late in November. He was, besides all these, a member of the Friends' Institute and deeply attached to it. To those privileged to call him friend it was a joy to see his shyness dissipate and his keen critical sense emerge. But what will live in our memories of B.

D. is There were extraordinary difficulties in that at 4, Norfolk Manchester, and-enrolment forms may be bad from his enrolment each new member pays'l, a sub case. They had a man who was in a very 1 highly responsible position, in complete 1 Altrincham. Commencing on Monday next, the express 'bus service in Manchester which now runs GIRL THEFTS IN TWO CITIES. To Go to Borstal Institution.

Before the Salford magistrates yesterday Kate Moore, aged 18, an inmate of the Vine Street Girls' Home, Broughton, was charged between Hyde and Alhert Square will be continued along John Dalton Street, Bridge scription in advance -lor' two eare, ana. undertakes to pay further 30s- by "annual instalments of -which are on January 1 of 1929. 1930, and 1931. will be. entitled to a rehate of-10 j-er cent on the price of subscription any opera' seasons given under the direction WELFARE OF THE BLIND.

Advisory Committee Reappointed. The Ministry of Health states that, in view Street. Chapel Street, and or. to Bolton. The service will be run iointlv bv the Manchester his humanity.

He was at one time strongly with stealing saving certificates to the valne Corporation and the Lancashire United Transport and Power Company, Limited, and CROWD LEAVING THEATRE SCATTERED. Stockport Motorist Fined. A. summons for driving a motor-car to he danger of the public was heard at the Manchester City Police Court yesterday against Dr. Michael Weisman, of Buxton Road.

Stockport, who, according to the soattered a crowd waiting for a of the League. Unless sufficient -unas. are subscribed by February 28, 1928. to justffy the League in making a beginning iU-stto-scriptions will he refunded, and all-members of the League released from'the'under- moved oy tne desire to indulge his creative bent. He was no mean draughtsman, pupil as he was of Joseph Knight, and friend of of 839, various articles of jewellery and other together with cash amounting to 28.

belonging to Miss Freda win De as lonows Monday to Saturday. Hyde to Bolton 725 a.m. to 955 p.m, Bolton to Hyde 810 a.m. to 10 10 p.m. Piccadillv to Bolton 7 53 a-m.

to "10 23 p.m. Girdler, of the Church Deansgate, Manchester. such men as Aiiken, Muirhead Bone, and Francis Dodd. But he could not combine this with his work as teacher and critic, Inspector Smith stated that Miss Girdler Albert Square to Hyde 8 20 a.m. to 10 50 p.m.

had been stavincr as zuest at the Vine Street control of the parcels department, and witn great pertinacity, as was always shown in those railway cases, it as sought to prove, especially in the ease of a single turkey, that there had been systematic pilfering. It' was admitted now, added Mr. Cobbett. that theTe was a name on. the carton of sausages, although the prisoner bad first observed it.

On the other hand it was admitted that he was entitled to deal with salvaged goods. There was the further point that the prisoner, in addition to any punishment the Court might inflict, had lost a good position worth 800 a year, and vory considerable prospects, for in two and a half years time, during which he would receive 1,500 in salary, he would he entitled to a gratnitv of 900, and come 'into a ponsion nf 300 a year. Taking the pension to he worth 4,500, and assuming that the prisoner was entitled to the return of ihe contributions to the pensions fund made by himself, he would lose some 7,000, for what could only be the theft of some odds and ends. Magistrate's Suggestions. The Stipendiary Magistrate (Mr.

J. Wellesley Orr) said he was bound to agree After the property had disappeared and this last, bringing him as it did in closer contact with his fellow-men, was Sunday. Hvde to Bolton 9 55 a.m. to 9 55 n.m. irom ner Deaxoom n.

was rouna tnar uie accused- had- absconded, but under the -bed which, she occupied all. the missing items Bolton to Hyde 10 10 a.m. to 10 10 p.m. Piccadilly to Bolton 10 23 a.m. to 1023 p.m.

Albert Sq. to Hyde 10" 50 a.m. to 1050 p.m. chosen. Had he lived long enough he him-' self would have seen how right was the decision.

Even so he leaves behind him found, with the exception of -of. the monev. The srirl was received -into Eveiy. half -hour. custody from the Liverpool police, it -was of (he continued development in the work among the blind owing to the operation of the Blind Persons Act, lfl0, and the-new problems constantly arising in connection with this service, the Minister of Health has reappointed the Ad'isory Committee on the Welfare of the Blind for a further period of -office.

The Committee, has been so as to afford representation local authorities concerned with the- working the Blind Persons Act, 1920, and to voluntary agencies for the blind, as well as to organised blind workers: The following have' been appointed members of the Committee: Mr. G. H. Roberts (chairman), Sir. P.

M. Evans, LL.D.- (vice chairman). Alderman F. Askew, Mr. J- J.

Burton. Mr. J. J. Butterworth, M.D., Councillor J.

A. Clydesdale, Sir Coles Child, Mr. Herbert Davey, Mr. W. H.

Eastman, Mr. James Graham, Mr. Thomas Holt, Miss L. King, Alderman J. P.

Eirkman, Mr. Arthur Mr. Robert A. Lyster, M.D.. Mr.

G. F. Mowatt. Mr. H.

A. Powell. sufficient of himself to help those who believed in him and what he stood for- to carry "on. oiaiea. in iuai ou.y, it was oiicgeu, sue stolen a suit case and' contents valued at 13.

It was requested that, jthis might be into hs.had Men three times before', the Manchester This service will complete the Corporation tramways scheme of express 'bus services with the exception of the one to Altrineham. This is at present being held up owing to some of the local authorities refusing to tramcar at the corner of Stanley Grove and Stockport- Road, Longsight, on November 25. after a local theatre had just releases. Police Constable Mellor said he was in plain clothes among the crod when the defendant dwe up and gave little chance for th-- crowd to jump out of his way. He mounted the dashboard of the car after seeing the crowd scatter and hearing a scream'.

The car was pulltd up in about ten yards. The deiendant denied the offence and said he gave plentv of warning of his aoproach.i' and the people at the corner had ample time to move to one side or the clher as tha car was moving very slowly. fine of 10 was imposed. taking tney nave given. ine trustees or tne fund are Lord- Islington, Vincent Caillard.

and Eir "Eric Hambro (chairman 'of Hambro's Bank. Limited). In the following list of new enrolments in Manchester it may he. taken that locality is mentioned the member is a rei-dent in the city or the immediate neighbourhood. The subscribers, it will be seen, include the Dean -of The Kev.

B. T. Allen, Mobberlev; Mr. A. H.

Burgess; Mrs. E. M. Bradbury, TJppermill; Miss E. A.

Braithwaite; Mr. B. S. Cotterill; Mr. Ellis Mr.

3. Bertram Cullen, Hale; Mr. R. Crosthwaite, Stockport: Mr. Darby, shire Miss Darbyshire Miss C.

M. Darby-shire; Mr. John Dempsey Mr. I. Ephraim Mrs.

C. Finch, Hazel Mr. In' Hasleden. Bolton the Bev; Hewlett Johnson; Miss-E. Johnson, Hale; Couh'eil-Ior J.

W. Lomax, Bolton; Mr. DavoyXejret, H.M.S. Erebus. Devonnort Mr.

James G. Lowe, Staly bridge; -Mrs. F. W. Lyall, Cheadle; Mr.

S. W. Moslev: D. Miller, Bramhall; Mrs. John Peak, Altrincham: Sirs.

Buth Quas, H. Steinthal-, Mr. J. E. TannerGreejiAeld Miss Tanner; Miss H.WilmotrMr.

Arthur Woddhouse; Miss -H. Webb. magistrates, it was stated, for larceny. MRS, GENERAL BOOTH. grant tne necessary licences.

TWENTY MORE 'BCSES sne was remanaett witn a view to oeing sent to a Borstal institution. that it was rather injustice to deprive At the meeting of the Manchester City Mrs. 'General Booth is to speak in Manchester on'JIew Tear's Day in the Stat Hall, Council on Wednesday next the Tramways FIRE CAUSED BY SPARKS FALLING j'Ancoa at 45, 3 0, and 6 30. at which Committee will ask for the approval of a a man of his pension in addition to the punishment the Court might inflict. There had been a case of the kind raised by Mr.

Bernard Shaw concerning a postal servant who for stealing a trifling sum' had been sentenced and also deprhed of his pension. In the case of France there was some recognition due to him for his long service to resolution authorising an application to the Ministry of Transport for sanction to borrow 69,000. The General Manager reported that in order to meet the reauirements of M.D., the Rev. P. S.

G. Ben Purse. Mr. J. M.

Ritchie. Ph.D.. Adeline EXCITEMENT AT A MANCHESTER the denartment it will be" necessary in the U. LUSHIUN. I missioner H.

Mapp. Mrs. Booth married the The furniture and fittings, of a bedroom present Booth in 1832, after a. long at a house in St. Luke's Street, Chorlton-on-' acquaintanceship with the family, to whom Medlock, Manchester, were destroyed by she was introduced bv Mrs.

Catherine Booth, XedeSre garth befngVet lt the Salvation sparks." The occupiers. Mr. and Mrs. H. i Army.

In a large measure she shares, the Williamson, together with their child, were, responsibility of leadership with her hus- M. Roberts, and Mr. W. H. Tate." The near future to "purchase an additional 20 Committee will advise the.

Minister on matters relating to the care and supervision of the blind, including any question that motor-omnibuses at a cost of Tne growth of the denartment. he says, also the railway company apart from that prosecution. Mr. Challinor intimated. that the amounts having a -meal in the kitchen at the time contributed by the prisoner to the pensions fund were returnable.

may be specially reterrea, to tnem oy tne Minister. Mr. F. M. of the Ministry oi calls for additional motor vehicles for the permanent way and overhead- equipment work for the parcels, department at an estimated cost ot 39,000.

band and, in particular-is interested in. the Women's Social Organisation, and in allied At the conclusion of the hearing the of the and were unaware of it until the alarm was raised by neighbours on the opposite side of the street. nea it win act as secretary. works such as that of the liquor Control Magistrate said the Bench had given very Board, the Birth Rate Commission, migra careful consideration to the case. JToiody could know better than the prisoner FIRE.

Office workers in Clarence Chambers, Piccadilly, Manchester, had an exciting experience yesterday, when fire broke out on the second floor of the premises of Messrs. Walker, Cliffe, and Hayes, hosierv manufacturers and warehousemen. At the time of the outbreak Mr. Walker, a principal of tha firm, alone in the office, but managed to escape without hurt. Typists and other office workers in other parts uf the building left the premises until it was considered safe for them to.

return. The fire burned fiercely for a short "une. but the firemen succeeded in confining it to the room in which it originated. Parcels of cYnonloprirtff hosierv and underwear MR ALBERT WAGSTAFF. The death is announced, at his residence, tion, and the Criminal Amendment Bill.

She is an eloquent speaker and has addressed congregations in the City Temple, and in the State Cathedral at Bergen, an occasion which required a vote of the Norwegian Parliament to allow. CHANGES AT PICTURE Sale ofttie was announced -in Manchester that the -lease of 'tha Gaiety --Picture House, whichl has twelve' years ronhas aold'by Mr. Blattner to 'tovpy'Cuiemas, -Ltd, who' will take fever theatre" early in-tha new year. It sounder stood that Mr- D. ''Pedelty, 'the, "present manager, -will continue in his-offlce.

'Mr. Blattner is the owner, of the lease- as-the holder of the- shares in ICeriifrtM The Woodlands, Broad-Lane, Hale, "of Mr. Albert Wagstaff, at the. age of 69. PRESENTATION TO RETIRING INSURANCE MANAGER.

Presentations on behalf of every section of the staff, board of management, and managerial colleagues of the Boyal Liver Friendly Society were made to Mr. T. Morris, manager of "the Manchester "district, at a gathering- last 'night in the -Grand Hotel, on 'the occasion of his Borne it-was th usual thin? for subordinates to be dealt with seriously by the Court when they were caught pilfering. The results in that, case would be -extremely disastrous to the prisoner, bnt it would -be undesirable to give the impression that there was one law for the rich, and another for the poor. There' wonld be no hesitation in sending th: prisoner to gaol but -for the fact that 1 it was his first offence, and.

also that" the amount concerned in the thefts was: very trivial. There was the further point that Mr. Wagstaff, who -was a Torkshireman by birth, came to Manchester as a young man, and- started a music business in Droylsden, LLANSIUN MINISTER'S DEATH. The death of the Hev. E.

O. Parry, Baptist minister, of Llansilin, Denbighshire, at the age of 75 He was ordained at Llanfyllin in 1832, and removed to Glamorgan sh ire, in 1885. Mr. Parry, started the" cause at Waftstown; Glamorganshire, and. ministered there with great success for six years; In IS99 took charge of the churches at Llanfyllin and Moelfre.

He was chairman of the: Denbigh. and Baptist Association in 131S. later transferring it to Openshaw. The shop I EXPENDITURE OF 250000 ON ELECTRICITY MAINS. were thrown through the In preventing the' flames from spreading the city fire brigade exercised considerable skill, at Openshaw is still in existence and a 200 staff members and friends were preaenU the prisoner, after-years- of good second in Piccadilly came to an.

end during not own. "the-, theatra for the room was completely burnt out. -itself, this bemgj the' property of the-Gaiety the war, but he was best known by his third The Manchester City-Council" at its meet Mr. atoms, wno completed tnjrty years', service with the society, is also 'a weQ-known worker in the city, been associated for. many years, with wouia lose very neaioiy in anotner way in consequence of that case.

The prisoner was then fined- 25 in each of the. two admitted. cases, and ordered to pay. the ccsta of the prosecution. When France asked if.

tha Court could help him in reference to bis "superannuation the- Magistrate said he xraa afraid that matter did not concern him. Defective flues were responsible for two Dmll nf firfi 1T1 the rOOfS Ot shop in St. Mary's Gate, which he established over thirty 5 ears ago. Wagstaff, who was for over thirty years choirmaster for the Crosby Hall Mission' choir, acted far a long period as booking agent for the Brand Lane Concerts. ing next Wednesday, have before it reports from the Electricity and Finance Committees, on proposals for work on the ordinary electricity mains -which, if approved, jrill involve the expenditure on loan of 250,000.

cinema (Manchester), which -naa. agreed to' the transfer-of the lease. It remembefea' that Blattner recently announced "hfs purchase film rights stood that negotiations' concerning or his exercise of the rights, -will' tl Mr. Blattner to London for some-tinsel -v -1 Bagged School movement and bondayscnool organisations. Mr.

Simpson "presented an. address on behalf of the board, and-Mr. A. C. Cunningham, new manager, was formally introduced to the company.

dwelling-hcuses in Oldfield Road and Trenam Street. Salford, last night." In each While working at Ealford Docks-yesterday, Bichard Conway (50), a. labourer, collapsed and died. case the damage was only slight..

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