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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

uu i Arkansas. Washhcgto5, Dee. 8, ISOO-' 'pic Did yu eTer hear of the wlfa wrota to her busbaoa id California, Commenced her letter thus Oh, tett me not tifct absence conquers lore! the longer ya th bttr I like you Now, this pfclnfaBy showed the impropriety of deating f- ntKTMi withont.kaowlng where they re goto? to driva you. Quotations are dan- roni thinjrs to fool with, and the i. Use 01 laem iu uununmg ivuu wort tmAW nothine about.

i a The 'Ouas aTO poweu inemseives anu fclest the earth bow look at that Just aa folks do generally turn right rouna, and commit the very error they warn others I was going to tell you it had rained la ail these parts of late, and seemed, to inai cats the second coming of that wet spell that destroyed the firat crop of I. nf mnrl it has rlaen-twelve feet and Is still rising. This is glad tidings of great joy to all this people. Oh, I de hope the old fellow will from VWi ooay bed and shake his watery soeptre orer the laud Prentiss and permit the lotting wealth lying upo his banker to be pushed out into the world I Just think of it i Cotton trees, as big as my leg, have grown up right through piles of bales of cotton, that tare been waiting for the footsteps of that I- old settler for these many years 1 The very thought of his eoming fills all hearts with re joicingi and if he gets out with his load, the pulse of commerce will be sensibly quick ened. Ia it-.

not' a grave subject of re flection, that this favored region nas aone so heretofore to relieve itself from its de pressing isolation With land unbounded in 1 extent and unsurpassed in fertility, it lies helplessly hoping for some Providential hand ta nnt its untold wealth into circulation. Cora- plaints against clouds, and seasons, and the Anfhnr of them, come with a bad eraoe from ziouths already crammea iou or iatness. r- MJS. MIIIT I vn. 11 wv 8J8 au neons me wgnaeniu wages ui ion, 1 AT A.

3 I- 'They can make it, but never stop to thins mat I. Kn trt rt It tn the world. This Bame Bed Biver country, while it i i 1L UOVUa wvaw vww nartof nnr State towards internal, improve menta. Our nine hill planter, who makes but a half bale to the acre, is all alive on the sub- tuuunu lin tnnm (nil frttthl that his prosperity depends upon the certainty, cheapness and expedition with which his little crop gets to market. Alas, it is true, the rich are forgetful but the Door man is mindful lest Here are these Bed Biver planters ploughing ai hoeing, picking and packing, and annual-; Ij producing one hundred thousand bales of cotton, and quietly waiting fox the hard-fisted' yt omanry the bills to build them a railroad, 'and.

actually say: "uoo-raw, ooya, mise fcste with your road, our cotton Is injuring We trey are mighty clever fellows, Urn. ttowe miy say wnat ene out ou iae .11 1A 3 great buujcci oi uio og uiajr uckiuuvv icalasJoe Smith's theology. Experience is anmnthfnir in the world's work R-dav nhiloso-' These people, at' any rate, know what it is to furnish the same croD of ootton with two suits of 'Clothes 1 They, have in their keeping documentary evidence of the difFer-- tnce in value between sound and unsound cotton. It is heaven's economy that all men should pay for their knowledge. Adam paid for his.

It is a bad policy to insure at four per down old Bed. An extreme in anything Virvj-o rA nrAjnvAv will Tint Tia AninrArl lorg buMhe pertinacity of some folks is mar- is one oi tne oiaest counties in tbe Ktirj And nriA of tha wnnlthleRt and most in- Thara la mnh nf vht. la ahITaY! 1-! i. sH au: m.t- 4 4 MmwiAn. enough.

It looks like the bed of an old coal kiln. It Is full in places of marine shells, out of which the farmers burn their lime. In the b'lf land, water is scarce, and very indiffer- ent. This land is only second to Bed Biver lwitrom In rhn nrodnntinn af catton. Ton ftan stand with one foot on black and the other on the common soli, and they are as different in their production as in their color.

This town is the county-site, and is one of the oldest in the State, but not to say well-grown to its age, though as compact as a box nf tan-inca. Tta inlmhitanfa ara nlavar. it frnJ -'pronjr, us Biu8wauu nuaujr, ana. its BTxeets sandy. Iu chief attraction Is Cousin BQly the Benior editor of the Telegraph his life is fun.

hia heart is warm, hia wit two-edimd. hin hum broad and bright as the field of his fancy, and his unmistakable corporosity is in "killing order;" and would pull down one limiilMfl mA I 1 to Ifew Or'eau, treat him to a half gross fresh and you hall hear from him, In ten tnutee, more about Arkansas than I could write you in a sevennight. iJ 1 have just this moment seen Col. Wither noon, whfti ia on hia wn noma frnm t.ha tripartite railroad convention of delegates re- PSM: Calm' and Vnlfin and aTias I nnt. Ouachita and Bed Biver Bailroad Companies, xvcenuy be a on the spot for the purpose of agreeing npon a junction of the three roads on the line between Texas and Arkansas.

.1.: i i i-' vwiiv! mo wiayenuon, ne xaiormg me, harmoniously aocomplUhed. The-three roads unit at the line, southwest from this where the three have se- "cured, in equal portions a town site of 960 acres of land, and named it Texarkana. -v, another bright omen in our eky. There is an empire now gradually emerging from the wildernena in theaa F.iutrn viMi Uiat i.frtra Tima a snanv nA rwa w. hi hed, will swim like a picture of glorj Cparallel.

of latitude 32 aad 34, the Bio Grande Oil th Wt tka T.UH TXT a it Agnculture here find a heaven and a lone! Wealth here, mil ft or nrt vVt a rrrft-nf7nf' of its. pof sessions, shall walk the earth on rearpets white as snow Enterprise, the nurse-I'Dg of Hope and takinz wines iike the young eagle, to dare the height of a nn, wi nAu.vjtra uauimg energy gazes upon the uprising sua of prosperity wuQiw aauijr, wo uuu cueiuj ox our pro gress, Is usder our feet. 4 We have passed the seed time, and lo 1 the Larvest whitens before us We sowed in 'f aorrow but we shall reap ia joy I Yours, iY-'; Acriljds, or Caitdk-. Cholera at Sea. The Charleston Standard, Sunday le-t, says: "Vorv.tPi8-101151 steamship Tennessee, Capt.

at Kev xv San Jcan. ta- 4th touched ann the 9th iiist. She brontrht In specieiTJ'' upwards of $900,000 irpnt on pre vauea to some corred during the vo7- deai having oc-' many of her pewsencerf on 'cnt 'i West, and came T.e88l at Kev St ai.d this port. bHo Savatmal taS- Kecent aavices from Uudo coast of Africa, state that the Ctovernment had released the schooner Myw Eagle, ceized at Cenguela on suspicion of bit wAvKaKvu 'ia uio wave irouo. ine a TWrty-Feortb Conarrees TWrsl Seeelea.

WHiwcTo-f fcciMBia IL v. Mr 'TTrttrfttw a rABnlntlAn Was adopted, instructing the Committee on Fi nance, 10 inquire into expediency i bus pending the duties upon sugar and molasses, for the period of two years. On motion by Mr, Mason, a resolution was adopted, instructing the Committee on Pensions to inquire into the expediency of so extendi the pension laws as to embrace those who serve as innian ranKn 3 Mikuni( ta ut war of 1 ithTMr 19UU III JUTVIUUUU OUU Hui prcvided that said service be shown by record evidence. Wrbwida for 'iU principal trutaries which was referred to the Com- miiiee on After the uroal morning business, the Sen ate resumed the consiaerauon oi uju ate reeuujcutxi Praaldent's an- nualmessage. Altera speech from Mr.

Cass the motion to print was agreed to. Tk. debate was continued on a motion to refcr a portion of the message. The Senate then adjourned until Monday the 15th. The House was again occupied the whole i .1.

A I. cay in aeDaie on uie muuvu iu ynui wo President's message. ry We learn from a despatch that the steamsLip George Law, from Aspinwall, ar rived at New York on Saturday last, with, two millions of dollars in gold. South Florida. The Key of the Gulf states that Genj Harney is on a tour of inspection to the different military posts in South Flor ida, preparatory to active operations against the Indians.

Singular Application of Memory Walter B. Dick, a retired merchant of Philadelphia, is gifted with a remarkably retentive memory, to which, according to the New York Daily News, he gives a most novel and useful appli cation. He takes the published hat of letters in thaprincipal cities, and going over every name individually, separates, by the aid of his extraordinary memory, tne letters tnat lie in the different offices misdirected. By this peculiar process, he has been instrumental In restoring thousands of dollars to their proper owners. Assuredly, tne leisure noura ot tnis benevolent gentleman are employed most beneficially to the public Considerable sensation has been created in horticultural circles, by the successful hot.

house cultivation of the mangoateen at tbe seat or tne uuxe oi noriaumoenana, ia Erjciand. The maneosteen it a native of the ast Indies, and has been called the best fruit of the world. It has a thick rind, containing a powerfully astringentjuioe, and in wet weath er exuding a yellow gum, wuicn is a variety ot gamboge. The pulp is white, dissolving in the mouth, of delicious flavor, not cloying, and perfectly wholesome. Product of an Acre.

A correspondent of the New England Farmer, writing from Plain field, says that he has raised on his farm forty busheia or good sound corn, one Hundred and fifty bushels of potatoes, seven large cart loads of pumpkins, fifteen bushels of carrots, twenty bushels of turnips, three buaheta of onions, forty cabbage heads, one bushel of beans, alter using ail he needed lor bis lami-ly, a lot of peas, and fifteen bushels of- sugar beets. ET A gentleman, the other evening, ob jected to playing cards with a lady, because, he said, elie had such a winning way about her. New Hampshire. Gov. Metcalf, who has served for two years, is not to be a candidate for reflection for Governor in New Hampshire at the next March election, and the Republicans generally fix upon Ichabod Goodwin, of Portsmouth, as his successor, though other prominent men are mentioned.

Bev. Mr. Pike has announced that he will not be again a candidate for Congress in the first district, and Geo. llarston, of Exeter, will be likely to take his place an the Republican ticket. The Democrats have renominated Dr.

Kittridge. The Emperor Napoleon. The Paris correspondent of the New York Courier and Enquirer, in his letter of Nov. 20th, says An incident occurred the other day which would show that if the Emperor were which he is not accessible to fear, he is right in seeking to propitiate the people but, and this I say tanfeignedly, his real disposition ia to render the working man's position as comfortable as practicable. After a review at Saint Maude (near Yincennes) the Emperor was, on the occasion of which I speak, returning on horseback down the Faubourg St.

Antoine, the terrible The sides of the street were lined, as usual, by spectators. Suddenly, a man detached himself from a group, and, with a paper in his hand, advanced towards his Majesty. One of the Cents Gardes immediately, and perhaps rudely but hesitation in such cases would be culpable interposed. A very audible murmur was heard from the crowd. It reached the Emperor, who instantly gave an order; whereupon his escort halted, and he rode alone and unattended towards the man, spoke to him with bis characteristic tact and kindness, and, through him, to the assembled multitude and then, taking from the man's hand the paper or petition which ho held, and, putting it in his pocket, rode off amid cries of Vive l'Ein-pereur from the spectators.

A Sara Prize for every Tenth Person. CHANCE FOR A GRAND PIANO For Everybody. ONItY TWODOLLAR8. Font Hundred BeMtifo Gold Watchea, One Hundred Koaewood Grand Piano Fortea, Ladiea' Braceleta. Watch Chains, Breaat Fina, Diamond Binga and SilTei Spoon to be GiTen Awajr.

Encouraged by the (occeaa which haa attended tbe publication of LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, which la now closing ita aecond Tolnme, the proprietor haa etermined to return to hia aomerona anbacribera a portion of hia arofita in the following; manner: Every tenth (ubacriber will hare hia money returned by the next mail, and the paper will be aent gratuitously far hia term of sobacription. Thai in every 1000 anbacribera, 100 will have their money returned and the paper aent Car Six Month when they remit S3, and Twelve Month when they remit Si. Every subscription, aa it ia received, by letter or otherwise, at hia office, 19 Spruce street. New York, will be registered in a book kept by the proprietor himself. Tbe Prize numbers will be 10, 20 30, 40, 60, 60, 70, SO, 90, and luo in each hundred.

Person obtaining any of these numbers will have their money returned and the paper sent arte aa above. Persona obtaining the following numbers In every tboo sand, to addition to the return of their subscription money aa above, will receive the following prUea i No. 100 Lady's Gold Bracelet. No. too Gentleman's Gold Watch Chain." vNo.

Oold Watch, (either Lady's or Gentleman No. 400 Lady'a Gold Chatelaine. No. MO Bet of surer Tea Spoons. No.

600 Gold Breastpin. No. 700-Gold Watch, (either Lady'a or Gentleman's.) No. W0 IiamoTidRui, (either Lsdy' or Gentleman's) No. 90O-8et of SOrer Deert Spoons.

No. 1000 Grand Rosewood Pianoforte. These prizes will be given to the aame numbea In eacn and every thousand, In addition to the sobacription money being returned and paper aent tree to each and every tenth subscriber, aa above stated. Thia subscription book was opened October so, lass, In which all future subscriptions will be registered. Every person whose money is returned, or who is the recipient of either sf the above prizes, will be required to fur.

niih an acknowledgment of tbe same, and their names be published from time to time in the advertising col-wnnaaf Leslie's Diustrated Newrpaper. should be benw In mind that every subscriber, smder au circumstances, whether the recipient of a prize or not, "WO get more than a full equivalent for his money iu the to Eluetiate Newspaper in the toned States. n'Un ev" bscrlbere are Sf. Ill "esubscripuon and bare a chance tbt ol eleven sub scriptions, the last a amber aa the books thm eleven addition FHANR LESLIE'S ILLCSXRATE NEWSPAPER The lajnmbers of Frank Leslie'. IUuted Paper have come to hand.

In style and general appearance it resemble and is quite equal to the, London Shtatased News. Which Is world renowned lor the excellence sad vartetyef ts illustration. The New Tork paper, however, la sold at half the price of lta London prototype. The engravings In Fiank Leslie an Infinitely superior to thoaa in Banna's Pletiwia'. Eastott.

Pa- W4 ToSa MpaanW i' PrtHtlnsr lnper. A LARGE LOT of various sizes vid N. quality or I asa-ua C.W. PHILLIPS NEWDBtBANiFOST OFVICB. WITa ARJUJfOrifXHT." From Jt Kovember; to 1st Jaae.

185T. nrvir.T. HOURS Week Days, (rasa o'clock A. K. to o'fJsck P.

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mioses ou oatujuoj A 1U nn htf fl A GALVESTON. BALUR1A. INDIANOLA AND PORT LAVACA Closes every Sunday and Thursday, at 7 A. ai ln. Aatunisv.

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Via New York, by private abips, A cent prepaid. asTThe Postage to places on the West Coast of South Anierica. via Panama, is on each aingle letter 43 centa, and on each newspaper 8 cents, wben sent; and 10 rents on each letter, aua a cent on eacn paper, wuen received. Sf The Postage to New Granada direct la 10 cents single rate, and i cents each newspaper and to the Sandwich Ialanita, Australia. an Dienian Land and China, (via San Franauco) ia, on each aingle letter, 10 cents payable in advance.

Tbe aingle letter rate to California and Oregt is 10 rent prepaid, uu newspapers, ate, tne domestic rntea apply. A. S. NEVITT, P. M.

LIST OF VESSELS Hailed and Cleared Tor New Orleans. Corrected for the Daily Picayune, December 1, ISM. COASTWISE PORT S. Dec 14 Dec 9 Dec Oov 6 NEW TORK. Steaanfthip Cahawba.

Bulloch Ship Ophir. Ship Smithronian, (new) Ship Indiana, Ship Memphis, Davis. Ship Westminster, Ship Atmosphere, Pray Ship Charter Oak, Carver Ship Lancashire, Allee 8hip Uuebec, Watson. Ship Hannak Crocker, Hun toon Bark Han nan horn ton, Tu! BOSTO. Nov 8 Dec 5 Dee Dec a Nov 9 Nov Nov 7 Cld Nov 27 Dec 6 De a Dec Dec Nov 39 Nov 84 Nov 34 Ship Old Dominion, Sampson oiup xreiiu, nnapp Ship Granite State, Weeks Ship Susquehanna.

Ellis Ship Serampore. Bowen Bark Niaeveh, Prince Schr Addison Child, Bell PHILADELPHIA. Ship North Carolina Bark Thus Allibnne, Schr A Crawford. Black man BALTIMORE Ship Edward Everett, Gunby CHARLESTON. Dec 4 Decs cld Nov 91 Dees Brig Jehoasee, Steiiens WILMINGTON, N.

C. Schr Jos Lawrence. Baldwin PORTSMOCH. N. H.

Ship Eagle Speed, (new I Fuller Ship Rate Prince, (new) Jonea. BATH, Me. Ship Argo, (new) Ship Bazaar, Stewart THOMASTON. Ship Aldanah, Ship Mary O'Brien, Vesper Ship Margaret, Wa'ts Ship Morton, Gil ley Dee 11 Dec 3 Dec 3 Oct Dec 1 Nov ST Dec 4 Dec 4 sld Dec 4 Nov ROCKLAND. Me.

Bark Harriet Fiske, (new Nsv 90 FOREIGN PORTS. t.i f.Rfnor. Ship Silistria, Hawkins Snip Paragon. Drink water. Ship Moonlight Ship Koanitb Ship Knickerbocker.

Pea body Ship Maxwell, Marshall Ship Camatlr. Kmerton Ship Timor. Ship Gladiator, Blayne Ship Otseontbe, Ship Kniekerlmcker, Feaboay Ship New York Ship Ocean TravIer, Board Ship Rankin, Ship Calender, Patten Ship Onward, Chivers Sh.p Geo Washington, Curnmiiigs Ship European, Turner. Ship O'd England. Delano Ship Warbler, Ship Simaon, Smith LONDON.

Sbip Howadji, Balch Ship Wiidt.r Farlev. Nlcbola. -Ship Golronda Sbip Pettr DEAL. Ship Danube, Coster BRISTOL, Eng. Ship Jno Parker, Roberta Ship Joseph Holmes, Joselin Ship buip Marmora, GRAVES END.

Ship Ed Stanley. Nichols Nov IS Nov is Nov 30 Nov 18. Nev 14 Nov in Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov IS Nov IS Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 19 Nov 11 Nov 11 Nov 0 Nov Nov 4 Oct 7 Sept to dd Nov 14 Nov 4 Nov 4 Oct 30 Oc Nov so Nov 13 Oct Oct Nov IS sld Not CARDIFF, Wales. Ship Carwen, Chase. Ship Ship Whit more, NEWPORT, Wales.

Ship rh'and, Lahnaen Sh Von Gagern, Riemera Nov 8 Nov 6 Nov 13 Nov 11 Nov 19 Nov IS Nov IS Nov 17 Novs Novs Oct ta Oct IS Oct S3 QUEENSTOWN. Ship Blanch, Morton BELFAST, Ireland. Siiip Eliza Morrison, Mr Burnie CCXHAVEN. Ship Oder, Schentoi. PILL.

Ship Lillias, CottereU Ship Madraa, Ship Bialto. Chase Sbip Hope, Davis Ship Ammemnon, Uoodwyn Snip Wolfe, via Savannah. CADIZ. hip Bla. retronilla.

RIVER Nov30 Ship Mortimer Livingston, Sampson Not 13 Ship Emms Jane, Oct Si BORDEAUX. Ship Ctbinet. Wright Not 10 2. Pur Union, Steeper id Nov 10 Wp Saregoam Oct S8 Ship ianny Whittier.Gaee... ld Oct 1 MARSEILLES.

hip Joseph Theresa lid Oct It ROCHZLLE. Wilaom, Peacock Oct stmc' TRAPANI. I B-k PALERMO. Bark SicrTsiinl, Bastista Oct K- Snip Mrmw jKkMl MW w- sld Not Not 7 Sh'p RanncVbarn, -1 i sys) as Not 13 Bhip Cer ldNoV17. Aug tr' Nor BREMEN.

Roip Marie Louise COOPER'S Hollaed Sheet and 8 fared I.IbbImsv T70R Biacc Mange, JTable Jellies, fte, a nriroTarWla forConfectiorrers. Hotel snd Famiij- talned wkh directions for using, ths prindrai VroVSrs nddrugr.ti throughoal the United SrM-i; TOC HOTELS. Klsrance Ilssse, S1 1EVERAL LARGE FAMILY ROOMS, handaonaely rnri.hed. for rent, with Board, a tba Ftoraace Hoaae, trontiug on Uiayewe qnare. os tag Fu Christian Hotel.

T- QThls Establishment will remain open for the reception of visitors during the Winter months. Comfort-' able apartments with fires will be In readiness for taa accommodation of Fishing, Hunting and Pleasure parties. KviUda will find Pass Christian a delightful locality for the winter season, the climate being mild sad Invigorating, and the resident physicians not surpassed la akUl sc Aa omnilm sad carriage in readiness at all times to con-tct passengers any distance not exceeding fifty miles. An excelleat Cook and attentive Servants are engaged. Address.

C. NICHOLS, Fas Christina Hotel. yne superior zjaxe ppptc psjeacs snwrr wuvjh pngeraac zne sraaa, leaves New Orleans: I Ocean Barings Tuesdays ........4 P. M. I Sunday E.

veiling. Thursdays. ...9 A- M. I Wednesday Mornings. 4 P.M.

Friday Mornings. Mail Line steamers leaving Mobile for New Orleans land, at Pass Christian on Mondays and Thursdays d4 Irs Pi-iwatst Kirrilnar. The traveling nubile are resoecUullT notified that the house, known aa 67 Poydraa street, ia new open, in nerfect order for the recention of guests. The location is central, and accommodation those of a first class house. n4 66 ly Bvartflnar.

FAMILIES and ethers desiring comfortable and elegant apartments for the Winter, would do well to call and examine the Rooms In the large and commodious house corner ol Magazine and Julia streets. There are several handsomely furnished rooms, with parlors attached, for Erivste families The houae has recently undergone borough repairs, and the rooms have been refitted In the most superb style onering Inducements to Boarders rarely met with in the South. The aituation ia pleasant and convenient to business. A few day boarders can also be accom modated. pa A Card.

ST. JOHN HOUSt AND DESBAN VERANDAH. MMrs. BOWERS announces to tbe public that these Hausee will opeu for the reception of permanent and transient Boarders, an SATURDAY, the 1st Nsvem-ber. The former House acquired a reputation under the management of Mr.

St John, which, it ia hoped, will be maintained for the future. The Deahan Verandah as a Hotel for families la unequaled. The aize of ita rooms, extensive yards and magnificent Verandahs, render it tbe finest house ia this city for the ac cemmodatiou of families. Mrs. Bowers solicits share of patronage, and promises to use her best efforts to promote the comfort of those whs make their home with her.

o30 3m Island of Cuba. GARDINER HOUSE, HAVANA. The subscriber begs leave to lnierm an inoae wni intend visiting Havana on business, pleasure, or for ih. benefit of thsir health, that the GARDINER HOUSE will be opened on tne nrst aay oi novemoer. Tbe csntral aituation of thia bouae, on O'Reilly street, two aqua res from tbe Captain General's Palace and Place Armea, (the evening rendezvous of fashion and beauty,) renders it peculiarly adapted to ths various calling of Strangers.

This house Is to be of the firat class, second ts none on the island, and kept. upon the regular American plan, under the persona! superintendence of the subscriber, who Batters himself to be too well known to tboae who are ia the habit of visiting the island, to need of any further commendation for a liberal share of the public patronage. ojs WM. H. GARDINER.

House. New.Vsrk, MM to S7U Broadwav. This new and beautiful marble edifice Is lust com pleted snd entirely new end magnificently furnished, arill be oueneti to the nublic about the 1st of June next The location of this house mskes It very de-airable for permanent or transient boarders, being In the snost central part af Broadwsy, and in the immediate vicinity of all fashionable place of amusement, and is better adapted to the comforts of (ami lie than any other houae in the city, having a large number of parlors, with large and well-ventilated bedrooms attached, together with quite a large number of single rooms for ladles snd gentlemen. This house to to be of the first class snd second to Bon In all its appointments, snd Is to be kept npon tbe regular American plan, and nnder the persona superintendence of WILLIAM H. BURROUGHS, formerly proprietor of the Irving Houae In thia city, also of the Franklin House la Fiuladelohla.

EDWIN STONE M. BURROUGHS, Proprietors. New York. May 90. 18Sn.

Jel4 JSatill Bprinca Thia fine aummer retreat ia situated near the Ken- Jijjj turky River, surrounded by wild and romantic IUVUIIM1U I wuv va esque and healthy location in the world. It ia fifty five miles east from Lexington, snd accessible by fine graded road. Arrangements nave Deen made wttn tne neurursy Stage Company for running a line of daily four-horse coachea from Lexington to tbe Springs, so that passengers leaving Louisville or Cincinnati by the morning train of cars, will srrive at the Springs same evening. Tbe place ia iu fine condition and is now open for tbe reception of Visitors. Mrs.

O. CHILES. myM tf JOHN CHLES. Horkbrlriae Alum MDrluas. Virariula.

Ceieorateu lor ita cure oi srroiuia. curonic diar rhea, disenses of tbe liver, of the skin, and of tbe kidneva. bronchitis, larvngitie. obstinate opthalmic and nervous aftections, snd cwuipLaints peculiar to femalea. This watering plare, whose fame has been steadily growing for the last thirty years, till it now stands, as a remedial agent, without a rival, is situsted in the mountains of Virginia, five miles from ths Central Railroad, and twenty, two uiilee from tbe Natural Bridget Passengers breakfast in Richmond, dine at Staunton, and sup at Rockbridge Alum Springs aame days before dark.

Tbia will be the eruedule after the 1st of July. Tbe cars now run wist of Staunton, and the track is being raphity laid to Alum Springs Depot, which when completed will leave but live miles stagiug. The celebrated Volantlt Bund of Baltimore Is engaged for the season. Tbe ball room, billiards, ate, Ac, aud better than all these, a refined, intelligent, and sociable company, have contributed in past years to render tbia one of the most attractive, as il has long been one of tbe most useful, of all our Virginia watering places. Pamphlets, with analysis and certificates, fnmlshed gratis on application.

x'JLAZIER st RANDOLPH, Jy3 Proprietors liladon Hprlnsn, Alabama. Means. CONNOR WOOTEN. tbe proprietor these delightful Mineral Springs, situated In a healthy region ol Dine wooaa. lour miles west oi tne lomoii- bee River and aixty miles north of Mobile, have lately again made great improvement to tbelr establlshmeat, aud are now ready to receive visitors and supply them with every comfort and enjoyment A good ateward and active and attentive servants from the city have besn secured, snd tbe proprietors pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part toniake a summer sojourn with them ail that tb moat particular can deaire.

Of tbe value of tbe Waters, the proprietors have the ss-tisraction of knowing that it ia unnecessary for them to say much. The analyses of them by Professor have been long before the public, and those who have already tried them have spread their fame far and wide. Tbe three springs the Alkaline Sulphur, tbe Branch snd tbe Vicby -aiiord as many peculiarities in the water, each having ita advantage; and aa ariordjng 44 an alkaline acida-lou beverage, they atand," as Dr. Kiddrll testiriea, unsurpassed In all thia Southern section of country. And though excelled in amount of mineral matter, tbey hardly yield to any as a pleasant and health-bringing mineral water." Tbia is continued by many extraordinary cares Which they have tier ted.

Carriages and horses are In attendance at all times to convey passengers ts and from the river, and for the uae of Visitor during their stay. Tbe ageut in this city for the proprietors IsT. B. SMITH, a rnoupnou ia street. jra am li SADDLERY WAREHOUSE, ra CANAL STREET.

Oner for sale a ssrge assortment of goods in their line, consisting of Saddles, Bridles, Girtha, 8urcinglea, Haruena, Saddlery, Hardware, Whips, Leather and Spurs. Agent far the ale of Boatnn Belting Com- any 's INDIA RUBBER GIN and MACHINE BANDS, TEAM PACKING. HOSE, Ac PATENT STRETCHED LEATHER BANDS, all sizes. SHARP'S PATENT BREECH-LOADING RIFLE snd CARBINES, st manufacturer's prices, These good are tiered on iavorable terms, are chesp, snd the quality guaranteed. mhiatf Philadelphia Saddlery Warehouse, Sign of the Gelaea Horse Head, Nal Magazine (tract, and No.

47 Canal atreet A4 MAGEE at KNEAS9, Manutacturera and Importers of Saddlery and Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac Leather, Materials and Finding for Baddlera, Coach, ss Trunk and Shoemakers, comprising one of tbe largest snd most complete assortments to be found In the city. PLOUGHS Csrry, Dudley, and Peacock Ploughs, ol every description ana size. REGALIA O. O. Masons and S.

of T. Regnlls and Paraphernalia, (af every descriptioa the largest and most complete assortment to be found In the United States INDIA RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, Ac Magee St Kueaas are the principal agents for tbe Boston Belting Company fns the sale of India Rubber Belting and Packing for Steam Joints aud Boilers Hoae, of every aize, together with a complete assortment of all description of India Robber Good, whirh tbey offer at the lowest market rate. KF Look for the Large Horse standing in the door at No Magazine street nJ6 55 ly TAYLOR KADDIN, Magazine street ......41 41... Opposite the Arcade, New Orleans Are now receiving from ships RUBICON. EXCELSIOR.

HORIZON, FOREST STATE, ROCKA WAY FRANK PIERCE Snd steamship BLACK WARRIOR 1600 cases Men's, Boys', Youths', Ladies', Misses and Children's BOOT8, SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, Ac which, lgetber with their heavy stork on band, forma the largest snd beat selected assortment In the South, attorning rare inducements to city and country purchasers deciring low prices and accommodating terms 08 If Astrology. MADAME DE GOO This wonderful Veiled Lady of the North has arrived. She ia already astonishing ths community at large with her knowledge of Astrology. Bbs ran give information on ail tbe concerns of life by the aspects of heaven can bring together those separate abows tbe likeness of the wife or husband points out diseases; relieves the heartache; removes l)ealooy comforts tbe sfrlicted can give perfect satisfaction, when Juestions are candidly propounded. Her equal cannot be ound.

Cau be consulted on every kind of business mat-ten. love, marriage, Ac, at her omce. west comer Julia and Caronderet atreeta. Hours frsat tA.ll uutii 8 P. M.

Terms, frnm SI up to d7 Im Charles A Kennedy, No. 16 Tcboupitoolaa street, New Orleans, AGENT for the Mount Vernon Mills, Baltimore, ML, Is prepared to execute all orders for any description of COTTON DUCK, RAVENS, Ac, of standard quality, from IS to T2 Inches wide. Ala. SailSnd Seine TWIcTR Terwai Liberal To Merchants and Piasters 1 1 nE subscriber baa on hand A. and ia conatantlv receivina a large and nmnltt aaanrtnumt.

I A cation and loma ai; f.te hones and oxen, Cane and other TIMBER WHEELS, OX CARTS and WHEELS, JERSEY and BAGGAGE WAGONS, TRUCKS and WHF.KI.BARe ROWS of all kinds, and all other articles in the line, mads ei tne Dest material and workmanship, warranted to be superior to any other manufacture, for sale en aa good terms and lower than any other establishment. Porches- -era will find it to tbelr Interest to call and examine before purchasing eUewhera. DAVID G. WILSON, 68, 70 and TS csronoeiet street. AH Of the ahnv' sHIrlM u.

oftha has'. Hew Jersey whito oak, with bUci locust huba. a large assortment, ot sugar ana iamm FLOrfGHS. at low prieea. Jy 1 54-ry WE hare this day established a branch of our Houae In ths ettw nf W.

rtl ImkhIm. nf knil 7 w. VIMHtWI Winn i pea) onaer the same firm. vw i vne aTTT.v.rni a. ontr.ria 2L -1 fecember 1 tm: IT-041 watKiOfieiiis4a csroDjtegjirce v.

i MILLINERY. Nesr fa the Time Foe ladies toxail at Msg. CLARKE'S, corner sf I Poydraa and Carondelet streets, aad select their I j( BON NETS, as they ars being ottered at SS per cent below the former prices, with a view to re-. dace her stock before Christinas. What la amors appropriate present than a pice Boaaet? dl tf Mrs.

E. Ilenrlqaec Is now opening a great variety af Fashion able I Oeodsather I MILLINERY AND BRESS MAKING V. establishment, comer of Chart res and Canal streets (above Mullen's Dry Goods Store. Entrance on Csnsl St. Also st 8 Camp street, earn sr of Julia.

SsT Country orders attended to with despatch. tf Dllllraery 96 Canal street. Up Stairs. DMRS. D.

F. WEYMOUTH lias lost received and opened aa entire new stork, comprising Velvet, Satin, Silk and Straw BONNETS also at arge assortment of MANTILLAS of tbe very best quality and style, all having been selected by herself, during the summer, from the best makers. Mt tf French Millinery, i Mrs. HOEFFNER, Sao Camp street, has the honor to Inform the ladies that she haa received a I neat and rich assortment of French Silk and Vel-S. vet CAPOT8, for ladies snd misses: and also a faB beautiful assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Src, to which the ladies are invited to call and examine.

Also. DRESSMAKING done in a auperior style. Saw Country orders promptly filled. B96 1m Opening of JLndlea Fashionable tioods GRRAT NOVELTY. SOPHIE, Successor of A.

MANSUT, 90 Chsrtret street, betweea Customhouse and Bienville, M'LLE SOPHIE, having Just returned from I France, ha the honor of announcing to tbe ladies I gof New Orleana and the country that he purchased Paris sn assortment of tbe latest styles of la- dies' srticlss of dress consisting principally ot Bonnets and Mantles msrfe In the most exquisite taste; Silks of tbe last styles; Damasks Moire Antique of all colon Cloaks. Mantillas, and Talmas of cloth, velvet, silk and taffetas of the most elegant cuts Shawls and Veils; Black and White I Black and White Blonde: Lace and Inserting: Valenciennes, Venetian Point, English Point, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Assorted Ribbons, Embroideries. Under Garment. Embroidered Skirts and Bands, Corsets, Trimming, Head Dresses, Ac The opening of these goods will take plac on SATUR-DA ovember M. M'lle Sophie particularly call the attention ot the ladies to her assortment of Laces, the richest ever brought to this market; also to her magniticent stock of Jouvin Gloves for Ladies snd Geuts, which she has just received.

roll lm Millinery and Fancy Uoods. New Store, No. 184 Camp street, corner of Girod street. QM18S A. DEVALMONT has the honor to inform the ladire of New Orleana and the country that She haa just opened a newfstore and a saloon specially for Millinery snd Dress Making.

The goods composing tbe assortment are all received direct from Paris, snd compare for choice snd taste with those Imported by the best nouses sf the city. Miss A. D. having secured the services of several experienced Mantua Makers aad Milliners from Paris, ladies may be confident to tind in tbe new establishment taste and exactitude, and nothing will be neglected to obtain their valuable approbation. nltf lm LADIES! Oar Opening Day.


ROPER, No. 165 POYDRAS street, "TJ between Carondelet aud Baronne, begs leave to I inform the Ladiee that site ia just opening a ar splendid assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, RICH SILK BONNETS, VELVET BONNETS, SATIN AND PLUSH BONNETS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS LACE VEILS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ac, which Mrs. R. respectfully invites the Ladies and the country trade to call and examine.

ni 6m 140 Canal street. 146 aw Mrs. BANISTER would respectfully Inform her numerous patrons that she baa just received, ex I ships Guttenberg and Oregon, and is now opening ky large and carefully selected stork of French Bonnets and Capotes Straw Bonnets, Bonnet and Sash Ribbons, fine French Flowers for Bonnets and the Hair, Caps and Headdresses. Mohair Braids, Opera Hoods and Cloaka, Plain and Embroidered Velvet, elvet and Moire, Moire and Satin, and Plain and Em. broidered Cloth CLOAKS; infanta' Holies, Hoods, Hats and Caps, Corsets of all sizes; choice EMBROIDERIES.

Belts, Bracelets, aud Dress and Mantilla TRIMMINGS of evvry ahade. Mrs. Banister ran supply milliners and country traders sn the most favorable terms, with both FRENCH AND AMERICAN GOODS. sr Dresses made in the latest Parisian styles. op 6m Siy CAMP STREET US Corner of Julia.

Opening of FnlJ nnd Winter Millinery. -trw. Mrs McENANY respectfully informs her nu-fTtramerous customers that she will open on MON DAY, I las' the Krrh inft.a large and splendid stork of FRESH EijrS" MILLINERY, emliraring the tvlea of i' French BONNETS, Silk. Set in. Velvet and Straw; Miasea' Gipaiee and Capeiiue lutant' Hool and Caps; Plumes, Flowers, Wreath.

Head Dresses, Lace Veils, Ribbon, Embroidered Sets, Collars, French Corsets. Fur Cuffs of choicest colon Swan's Down, Silk and Jouviu Kid Glovea. Also, a targe stork of Chenille and Colored Straw BONNETS, which the Ladies are invited to call and examine. Country or.1er promptly attended to. 2m French Millinery Imported Direct from Fans.

MRS. MOORE. St. Charles atreet. formerly Horse Station, respectfully informs the 'isuiti IUH snc una rereivru uy me immi sinvui from France, and haa on ssle, a splendid assortment of FRENCH 8ILK BONNETS.

Ladies' snd Misses'; Ribbons. Flowers, Head-Dresses, Gloves, Syaw Bonnets. Flat, and other fancy aaticlea Taidie would do well to call before purchasing elae-whera), as there is no Millinery imported that is superior to her stork, whirh will be sold very low, making an inducement to all that call to purchase. as Country orders promptly tilled. n7 3m Millinery.

MISS S. J. WAKRF1ELD and Mrs. L. RING, DRESS MAKING AND MILLINERY, I no Canal atreet, vr Over E.

A. Tyler's Jewelry store. Entrance, next a door to M. R. Hargerty A Bros, A first-rate Milliner want ad.

oW 3m Millinery and Dressmaking. NEW FALL OOODS. AM) THE LATEST PARISIAN PRODUCTIONS, IMPORTED DIRECT. 19 Culial atreet 140 MISS DO lis has just receivea, ana will oner 5 for uie on and after MONDAY next, a splendid stock of New Fall Good, and French Millinery, eelected with every care. Dv nerseit embracing the newest stvlss In Frenrh.

Silk, Satin and Velvet Bonnets. Also, a rich assortment of missca' Capotes aud silk Gipsies ladies' Coiiiures of the most recherche de-acription Furs and Tippets of tbe choicest colors railroad Corsets. Emhrniderv r. including tbe best specimens of the taste snd skill of re itch fabricants, in Valenciennes acts; Collars and Sleeves, for nuas), Ac, and all at the lowest possible prlrea. Dressmaking superintended by an experienced artiste.

oli-tf SPECIALITY OF LACES. THE old boiue of il me P. LAFAKiiCE. corner of Bourbon and St. Louis streets, has the honor of in forming the ladies that she his Just received bv the last arrivals from Europe, a complete assortment of laces am The Bagnsne Fnrnare, PATENTED Dec.

-tth, 166; taine patent reissued Aug. nth, lt and new patent (granted Aug. ftth, to 6. U. Gilman, of New Orleana Tula furnace ia now in uae on eighteen plantations in Louisiana, and combinea with unequaled success the six important and distinctive features of Working entirely by natural drajght S.

Containing no grate bars or other irons in Ita interior. 3. Never requiring the bagasse to be mined or after it tails from the carrier into the hopper of the furnace, 4. Drying the bagsase thoroughly in the furnace, where it remains more than one hour, exposed to great beat, before It rearhe the point of combustion. ft.

Forming no slag, and tbe ashes being carried by the draught into a aecond chamber, are withdrawn at any time without stopping the sugar-milL 0. Burning si the bagasse on plantations of any size, and re.iuiring no otber attention tban to take out tbe ashes and occasionally throw in wood tbe average consumption of which haa seen only one-half a cord in twenty, four hours, wben the furnace, flues and coimney were proportionate. Tbe furr nee erected underthe new patent of August 6th, 1 sre fed without rollers by a (imple arrangement of balanced doors in tbe bottom of the hoppers, which open by tbe weight of the bagasse and require no attention whatever. This is the only Bsgseee Furnace which combines the above named features, cither theoretically or practically. An Investigation oi tne patenta, speeincations ana arsw- Inn (tobebadot the auuerriDera) will prove mis mrnace to be constructed upon strictly scientific principles, entirely distinct from those of anv ether natented furHace, and an examination of the furnace in operation, will convince the most incredulous of the successful application of the principles lsid down in the patenta.

as well as its perfect aim- licit of construction and management, economy and urahiiitv. Some of these furnaces have taken oti three ere; without any rrpairs, there being nothing but lire biirk expnued to the fire. The undersigned are now prepared to contract with par-tiea for supplying and puttiug these furnaces in operation, and solicit of sugar plautxra an investigation of their testified achievanieuia. E. CARVER COMPANY, 70 Gravier street; d.t tf or to 8.

H. GTLMAN, 31 Natchez st. Bnrgrnndy Wines. THE subscriber, having been appointed sole agent for New Orleans of the highly respectable and well-known bouse of J. LACS8BCRK A CO Growers and Wine Merchant, Nnits Burgundy, bega to rail the attention of he public to tbe very superior quality of their Wines.

SPARKLING WINES. J. Lsusseure, Vieux Ceps) Amber Wine, extra CiVte Wine. Red Sparkling Rotnaneea. BURGUNDIES Cloa de Voogeot, Richeburg, Romance, Chambertin, Nnits Pommard.

Ac WHITE WINES of Cbablls, MONTRACHET, and all FRENCH WINES, CLARETS and BRANDIES. Ja3Q tf A. CAttRIERE. SB Old Leve. Wet Nnrseto Hire.

AN excellent Negress, with good qualifications and a auperior nurse with a good breast of milk, ran be hired to a respectable family. Apply to tbia omce. da Feandrr Caal. 400 TONS large lump Lehigh Coal, on' board ship ktueoec, ana lur sale to arrive, oy J. H.

AflHUKlDUK nS9 tf 130 Common street. Storage and Forwarding. I 'HE undersigned, having leased the well-known Ware-X house Noa. 117 and 119 Trbonpitoulas street, solicit patronage from their friend and tbe public Particular attention given to Receivings and Forwarding goods D. L.

MITCHEL alS KA ly I IT and lla Tchonpitnlaa strw London Porter and Enst India Pale Ale 100 CASKS LOSDOPI tUHlfctl, in store -oo for eate, to arrive, now due; i mm Also, some fins aid SCOTCH WHISKEY, In demUobnSi tor sale by SAM'L R. SCOTT. 6t 137 Common street. Drafts liost. THREE DRAFTS, of S.O0O ear dated L-uhrriHe.

Oth Nsv ember, lSfta, st fonr. five and i soon tba, urawa by Shapley On-en in favor of Cobb, Martin on the undersigned, bsve been lost, aud we aaution the public against purchasing the aame, as tbey wiB notbs dlft Sf MARTIN. OWEN A COBa B.l.. V2L ARKANSAS BONDS Siok. earn, with the unpaid Coupons attached, either Real Estate or Bank of ths State Bonds, by 5 itu.

gxruanre and Stock Broker, aj, the St. Cbar les Hotel, cor. Gravier st mtr Lttt'le Bock Demorrat will please insert tor above oas OwUHsKilsllttUerPCCiil vft RAILROADS, Mexican Gnlf Railroad. Z5T Aa Extra Train will leave the city for the Mill Station every SUNDAY .1.1. WX BU1UU MHOa, at a clack A.

returning at 81 o'clock P. atT Bas-jt) For Wjbwn.Md Itlexleaa Oalf. MEXICAN GOLF RAILWAY. Depot, coraer sf Good Children street and CbammCrsees. 'ALL ARRANGEMENT.

The Cart by this road will tea, after MONDAY the Iftb November, 188, as follows i DAT, tss Lesrs ths City for Lake, at a. M. r. Lake the I- H- 4)a ww Omce, 90 Common street For all boainesa af the Railroad Department, or aay other business connected with the ratal of ths late Alexander Gordon, anpivta W. G.

BAREW'ELlT Executor. Mr Omnibuses leave Canal street every fifteen minutes for the depot F164-tf nas PoatehartralB Rallroaa. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. departure of the cars, commra-dng Saturday morning, fNovembee. 1.

186S. i ae cars wui leave as niiows The Lakei New Orleans i 6). o'clock A. IL 10 1 M. P.

M. At At At At At At At At 0 o'clock A. M. 11 Z. 1 P.

M. At At At At At At At At si a On Thuradav mornina an extra trln will mmj. the city at 0 o'clock, on which day tbe train will leave tbe Lake end at 8Ji and o'clock A. instead of at 9 and il. On SUNDAYS the train will leave every boor after IS Odoek.

A Horse Car will leave the city depot every morning at o'clock, and the Lake end at at night Extra or special trips, when required, by notifying tbe conductor. A Horse Car will commence running to and from the city and Gentilly Ridge about the 1st December. Due notice will be given of the time and schedule. Omnlbuaea leave the corner af Canal and Chartree streets every five minutes, and Canal and Levee streets every fifteen minutes for the depot sis tf New Orleans and Carroll ton Railroad. nUHtl AKHANGEMENT, L-jeOi mm rv.

its. SSL rARHni.I.TriM ITT Departure of Trains from New Orleans. (-Corner of Baronne and Perdido streets. 1 8, 9, 10, 11, 1 A. and 1, 3.

4, 6, 6, 1, 10, 11). P. H. From Carrollton. 10, 11, ia A.

and 10k P. M. Fare, 1ft cents. Children under twelve years and ser Tants, 10 cents. Bundles of twenty-tire red tickets, ax Z.AFAYETTE LINE.

Departures of Can From the corner of Jackson and 10. Hal Fare. 10 centa. Ticket 60 cents in bundJa of ten. CTViU.

dren nnder four years, not occupying a seat, gratia. Note. Special night cars for parties, balla, meetings, supplied when required after the above-mentioned hours. Jefferson tfe Lake Pontckartrala Railway LV CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE. Departure of Trains.

From Tivoll Circle Week Days 8:20, 11:10 A. 3:30:20 P. RL From Tivoll Circle Sundays- 70, A. M-t ISO, 3nl0, P. M.

From the Lake Week 9:10 11:10 A. M.I 1:19, 3:10,6:10, JO P.M. From the Lake Sundays 10:10 A. VL 4:10.6:10, FM. The trains take np passengers at the Hone Station, Jack son street and Carrouton.

af Freight and Baggage received only at the Depots, Fare Between New Orleana and Carrollton, 16 centa each way. Between Carrollton and the Lake, 10 centa each way. nl tf New Orleans, Jackson and Great North Railroad. i li iijjjsjj A Passenger Train leaves New tlltL''' Til daily, at 6 o'clock A. saT wBTand arrivea at Summit.

one hundred and eight miles from New Orleans, at 11:43 o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves Summit every day at 1 o'clock F. and reaches New Orleans at 6:30 o'clock P. M.

Fare Three centa per mile each way. Children nnder Ave year of age free; children between five and twelve year of age, aud colored persons, naif price. Season ticket may be obtained at the office of the company. No. 46 Caronde let street Also, family tickets, wholes or halves, in packages of twenty-five, at a reduced Price- uoiorea persons sre not permirtea to travel in tne trains without a written pass expreaaly authorizing them to do so, anu naming tne stations to ana trom wuicn mey may go.

As the pasa will be retained by the conductor, and will be gaod for a trip in one direction only, those making atrip both way will have to be provided with two. A FREIGHT TRAIN leaves New Orleans for Summit and intermediate stations at 4: 18 o'clock A. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and leaves Summit for New Orleana and intermediate stations every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 4:30 o'clock A. M. Thia train stop on Fridays and Saturdays at Flag Sta tions, midway between regular stations, to receive an deliver freight, but not on any other days taat No freight will be received at the New Orleans da-pot aRer 6 o'clock P.

VL R. P. GU YARD, Superintendent of Transportation. tat A line of four-horse Mail Stages runs from Summit to Jackson, and from Jackson to Summit, every day, connecting witb the passenger trains d4 6ft ly Jy? Orleans, Opelonuas ana Ureat Western RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS.

1 i. Tbe Passenger Trains of this road U1iiagjwm leave the Depot at Algiers a Algiers every day at M. Gretna every day 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Bayou Bceuf.

M. Returning: Leave Bayou Breuf at 1:00 P. M. Arrive at .........4:3 P. M.

Arrive at Algiers P. M. Excursion Ticket, to go to the regular stations and back the same day, will be iasued as follows TsBoutte 81 88 To Bayou desAllemand 1 60 To Hat eland, Lafourche Crossing and Terrebonne ToTigerville i 8 00 To Bayou Bwcf. i SO Betwttu intermediate regmar stations, prices proportional. A Ferry Boat will connect with the Passenger Trains, leaving the foot of St Ann atreet every morning at o'clock precisely.

Freight will be received for Bayou Btrnf and Intermediate Stations by the Company on tbe wharf at the foot of St Louis street, every day until 3 o'clock P. M. All up freight mast be paid by tne snippers, and freight to be delivered at all other Stations tban Bayou des Auemandea, Raceland, Lafourche Crossing, Terrebonne, Tigenriile and Bayon Bieuf (where tbe company have agent) mot be pre paid. Printed Rnlea and Rate of Freight to be had on application at the office of the Company. myS9 tf dlO TH.

THAY ER, Master Transportation. Great (Southern and Inland Mall and PASSENGER ROUTE FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK. Leaving Daiiv at 4 o'clock P. M. P.M.' I IB niuuiie, muuir Tl Sv don, Baltimore, Philadelphia, to New York.

From Montgomery, passengers have choice of routes, via West Point and Atlanta, or via Columbu and Maron to Augusta time and ure the same, and the same ticket good over either route. erora vte'uon, itonn Carolina, passe gera sirs cawes of routes, via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington to Baltimore, or via Portsmouth Bay steamers to Baltimore. Leaves New Orleana dally at 4 o'clock V. H- far Masale. and from Molrile daily to Montgomery hy Cox, Brainard A line of very superior passenger steamer, connecting at Montgomery with morning express trains for New York.

There are two trains dally from Mintgomery to New York time from Montgomery to New York three days twenty hours, fare J7 time from New Orleans to New York six days, fare $33. For further Information please call at the company office, No. 63 St Charles street. spl WM. B.

PHILLIPS, 'Agent. Great Central Konte. SHORTEST. CHEAPEST, AND ONLY IRE LIABLE LINE, PROM NEW ORLEANS TO Chicago, Detroit, Butiaio. Niagara Falls, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Montreal, Saratoga Springs, ths White Mountains, Ac A splendid passenger steamer leaves New Orleans daily at 6 o'clock P.

M-, for Ctdro, from which point there ia con noons railway coinmunication with all Northern and Eastern cities. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Two trains leave Cairo dBily Morning F.x press at PrOS A. M. Evening Express at 1:10 P.

Connecting at SANDOVAL with Ohio and Missiasipr Railroad, for St Louis; at PAN A wtih Terr Haute and Alton Railroad, for Louisville and Cincinnati; at DECATUR with Great Western Railroad, for Spnngtield, Jacksonville snd Naples: at LASALLE with Aork. Island Builrord, for Rock Island, Davenport and Peoria; at MENDOTA with Chicago and Rurlinctou Railroad, for Galesbnrg. Burlington, Viuiucy and Central Iowa, arriving at DCNLE1TH Id hour. One of the Minnesota Packet Company's stesrnemleavs Dunleitb for St Paul, and all intermediate landings, on arrival of the cars from Cairo. Going East, there is no chasgs esj between Csira end ctnrsgo.

ana out mree Tbrongb to Cstragu In 80 hours; Sm-jtus Falls hours; New York 80 hours W0gt or Motion, at the R.ilroad Tirket Othee, under the 8t Charles Hotel. St Charles Meet. New Orleana F8 66 ly Clinton and Port Hnd.on Kallroad C. 3 Monday Wednesday and Friday, at A.Wl, AM. arill i tr nndson at 3 o'clock P.

aL.same days, trom this date until farther notice, i F. H. W. RAYNAUD, Agent Clinton, May 13, ISM. myld 6r-tf notice i -t-rsveieraiasw-.

ta the BrW ad ab DITf Dnin frArri HaMXMOarW, CflfV iectinglrith Km Orien STGalveston 2 and Houston 0. S. Msil steamers, and stages to Austin, snd to Gonzales snd iDT. l. Zni Csrs leave Harrirtmrg each day cnJmd Thorsdav) at 8 o'clock A.

M- returning, leave Richmond forSAutim lesv. eslrestos ion i Tuesday ndT.turd.?5 nit.kin car. at Hamsburfc atagvs at Richnwd tbe following day. Gmzales stage leave Richmond gnUwee. 1.

s.m1R B.ASC Isnasv. Jeit CI stags for ciaitsviiie, anreveport, ttirtia Rack, Ark. Fare from Gaines's Landing to Washington. 18.. Thia Una hs been recently i stocked with new teams and new Concord built nins-paaaeager coaches, with sober, earefol and pahte drivera.

BF.r.MEM A Proprietors. Camdea, Ark. BERST at WALLIS, Agents, ti Gaiuea's Lacdlug- v. WM. B.

PHILLIPS. -T3 ai CJiack aWSCW 3f Qiiassa, iiuuupiwuiH iimiHn, 7. ij jl. m.i tnea everr It minutes until 8 P. then W4, 10)t P.

M. From Canal street 6J, 7, fit, 1A.M. then tvery If minutes until 8 P. M. i then 8k, 0, 10, 11 P.

M. New etage Llie, j-Meii From Guinea's Landing.on Mlasissipp fc-j et River, to Washington, leaving (T yTV Jf)n: Landing every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY snd FRIDAY, at 8 o'clock A. M. through the following towns, viz: Monti cello, Warren, Hampton, Camdea and Washington, distance ISO miles, time fifty-four boars; connecting at Camden with stag line to the following places i Eldorado, Rock Port, Hot Springs snd Little Rock at Washington, coanecta (with TO RENT. a SAB Drv'l, .1,1 "V- District, in a genteel aeighborbno.i abonts Ota' wilk fnm tut st Cwlo knui a good tenant will be very low.

Ths furniture A. In aame, which ia entirely new, will be sold duced rate, an acconat af the depnrturs at the ll the city. Address M. at tbia onre. fra 12 TO BENT The fir be firt boor of toe buitu i street, a few o.jr, auiwble for a Bar-room oi ss tbe hades, on Ba.

Inar a Kravt skntrJalsa In kav M- 1 0 CM I nil mnmmm iamAMAv. A nnr. tf O. TO RENT Three line Rooma, neatiy7 In a private house on Royal atreet, sear i street Address T. kox lof, Poet oij.

d9tf HOD8B TO RENT Th two-torT Ha-HoQsie. S3 JUnboromew street. FM iimntliaktlw'. Anrtiw- tn Vr fiT tDV fa IvTVaTfllN Bk. ma.

TO FX'TT'H. Place. Apply to ttts-lm T. W. SMYTHE.aj FOR RENT Three Spadoaa lsTtur building.

No. Caronuelet atreet ni.bJV' beat atyis snd with sn the modern irnaroTewL Applyto Cnsslm JOHN WATTa i a TO BR I.FTTh.t Hause Na. 48 Rampart atreet Appiy to MT V. AJtNOLO HOLT, tuS tf as WonSejetaavat.

-OR RENT Ths deairabla Family RoadeBTr Bt frytanla and JJa-Anow occupied by Res. B. Walker. Thr, good rooms and two cabinet In the m.i. good room and two cabinet in the main' buiidni swouary xitcnen in the rear.

There aka a Sower nra.n In Hi. hnnl A Hi 11HSM n-tf TO i ments on artmrd' r30-tfY KHOLtLVA TO REJM A Three two story HiS svsasAssjx swtKsa, A US QWriUIlM UTt iwsIl arv. fortaMe, suitable for small famiiieaTand srartoM nnarea of Povdraa af.rkse r.7TT-r:T. wiim va fnso tf i Tfl FVT ra trert, between Frytania od Nayadea streeuT sva.

Bsvssaaso Vlliusrss, UMUlLr2 Wm GREER DDN CAN. 1 tf No. FOR RENT A two-story brick Dweulaa. wi Urge verandah ia front, on Coast street, acw AlihiA ANPER FEREIRA. B18 tf earner Canal and Baronne rx TO RRNT Xwa AttiM atreet.

Possession aivea immediately. Applr taijT sf 3tawtf I9Cemmsi straetf FOR RENT A two-atorv brick Him I. Fit Ids street, opposite the Fontchartraia Ruind Denot rnsfiiin aiven on ths 1st NwmhIim limhrl. vi.u'n a i tj 0 m. i olft Itawtf HaCommoa wieat FOR RENT A large Brick Warehouse, wfta 1.4 Smokehouses sttacbed, irnated ia Commerce strea.

sa 1 between Julia and St Joseph streets, The a unit a very good order snd condition, and having been eorupij jni. mssiara. sveep, xura roa given on let November next ED WD SHTFF A No 1W Comanoa street OFFICE TO RENT A rear office aa the ioM floor sf No. 18 Camp street Apply to c24 IaaT af. J.

BCJA5. SO Carondelet a AENT --The Btor Camp Jsiiii nfrltf lM Foydraa strsst OFFICES FOR RENT In th Creacant aL3 Ijiia Inaurancs Company's Bunding. Apply at thasoa of ths Company, coraer of Camp and Commerrj Place ail rm di.1l:ti i a o.i Evrag jura and Union streets, at present occupied by iuraa Kins. Paaseaabra tha 1st Nnv.m iw i ply to LAD VE A McCALL, ol9 tf 17Caroadlattrt fA TO REN 1 Several very dcstrabls OlSce rsat isaAlANA MUTUAL INSURANCE ol tf corner Camp and Natchez streets FOR RENT The fine building, knows at us Western Warehouse, situated at the corner at Jzjt and Foncher street. Paasession given rmmediaUk, A 1 TirTMv a a-T av a j- r- SwT r- FOR RENT Tw very desimble Othcm, Store No.

3d Natches street. fonifrioB fiTea. tr UlGOisalClV. asVDDIV Ml CREZYY FAR WILL Ol tf S9 Natchr stTMt A FOR RENT Two large apartments, 3 feet miii by SO In depth, witb spacious verandah in front) mirably uited for commission merdieut or csfai factors' rooms Apply on tba premises to E. J.

GAHaI A Druggists, St Charles street, between Comraai aoi cbiiu. si i FOR RENT The four-atary Store, No. Ui Curf street, now occupied by the undersigned. Jjoras diate nossesslon can be had. anatf PAYNE A HARBI803.

FOR RENT Houae tutted on Gravke stnw IS'n. MR. between Carondelet and Gravier (trees t-onuosite GaietT theatre. For term apply BE VAN, aheemaker, or to G. EICHHORN, iaUavspji FOR RENT The well known City Brewery, taj nerofCamp and Delord streets.

Posse salon fl8 1st oiovemner. adbiv to i W. A. SHROPSHIRE A 818 tf lPoydsastrs E. lOAEVER COMPANY'S Patent Improved Cettaa Gins.

THE (uBdsnlgned, sole manaractursja nnder CA YER'S patenta ol 1838, 1848 and 188, bate pera nently established aa Office and Warehouse at No. GRAVIER STREET, and ars sow prepared ta furaisk fe planters snd merchants any size af this celebrated BLS. They deem it unnecessary to datail lta advantages vs others, ss its numberless endorsement by practical satas ities, now using it, are sufficient to eorifirnt Its high ress tlon, snd to oiake Its adaption still more general. B4 tf E. CARVER C0TAn To Speculators and Mettiers.

GREAT BARGAINS IN TEXAS LAWif. WE etier the following Lsnds titusUd In Saa fsttidi county, Texas, very low for cash, or la exchAnft Degroes, real estate or gosda, vizi 8,67 seres located on ths San Chrlitoval Valley. Nueces River sn Bj. A3.108 Aransas River and by. Rio Fri or Cold BJ'er- 81,969 PueatadelsPiedrsCaasl 1.9SO Lapara Creek.

6,400 p. 5mltipin Popitols Creek 4,428 Aqulta Creek. 1-W0 Medio Creek. a m. In Milan District, on thsFolszy.

mm 600 m. In Brazoria 7 Mastsnf Slonga, 134.484 acres. 100 SOld 133,148 unsold i These, land are nrh, well watered and tlmbersd, anas psased for grazing. Tbey have been surveyed sad locate! as a sore, and will be aold in tract ts suit purchaaers, map showing the location of each and every tract csall aeen by application to the undersigned. Titles fully ft anteed.

Apply to 167 Gravier st, or Magaiiiie at, Nsw Ories dis It Alton. Dentna county. Texas. Agests. Ta Nitar Planters.

MERRICB, A SON 8, South wark Foundry, PkikaWpoSl having obtained the exclusive right to mamnsrtrs and seH PATENTSDGAR-h0iL APPARATUS, Inform the planters of Louisiana that Ui are prepared to contract for snch apparatus wtth si 1 pendagea Vacuum Pans made by them will bar ts tubes so avian red as to be taken out separately aad rrplsCTj at pleasure. The sizes of tbe Pans ars greatly enlarged, ass if desired, can set on iron frames, supported by eomsis r-i-ntlt7 itnin. tn snstsin tba aDoaratue In ths evsat l. knil. lim kin.

knrnt rfnwn Globular or Cylindrical Strike Pans, ss plsnters may prr fcr, with two set of tubes. New and improved CIm with tabe-heating surface, in place sf the false it the moat pe elect apparatus yt onered to sua" pinters mKattfcture complete OrHWi Stesin TrsfcJ Sugar and Enrmet and Sugar boose Doctors, Syrnp Tanks, Films, LL Black KurSrs. Blaw mw, irPl Cane Evrnn and Water Pump, 8 team Trap or tloat Boss yc.amyth sSsm Mariueiand StatiooiiJ everyariety of Machinery for PlamauaaJ anlRefinenea tffiftfaojg Commercial SOCampatrsat; W. E. FLANDERS.

Engineer and Agsnt, 40 Camp treet, New Orieana Oyster aad Flsk Depot, TI U.I I I 1,.,. 1 .1 hv svarV rr- tstearaer from New York, fresh seppsS (laH Dti.iCAi;ueJi, -FRESH CODFISH. BASS, BLACK EELS, t'-i. MACKEREL, SHAD, and UITH NECK CLAMS. P1CRLED and SPICED 0IT BARRATARIA and MOBILE, OY8TI AJwaya on band gar Steamers, hotels, restsuranta and families corstantly supplied with the shove varieties of fresh Fish.

Ac, at a low rate aa tbe fish of our aaaa I. P. MOREIRA, 10 Front atreet, pig tf between Common snd Kasewasd and JUafcsfraay. THE suuacribers would inforaa tbe caoioet rers, piano forte maker, and others of this vicinity, thst they have oneaed a yard witb Duildings at No. 370 Washington street, in the city.

York, where they hove on hand a large and very stock of the finest wood to be found ia the United We offer 10,000 feet fine aodextra fine Rosewood Veneers 69,000 mottled Mahogany Vean S.VO0 Mahogany Shaded Veneers. 6800 Alahogaay Crotch Verjeers, vartooa tin WlOO fine Drawbatt Veaeer. extra fine Woo feet fine Blistered Figured Walnut Veneer 40,000 mottled 60.000 Walnut Crotch Veneers, drswtrn" so.orsj fine end extra fine Satin Wood 9jau Zebra Veneer. 41 oue Curled and Bird I Birdseye Maple Vener sViaewood, Flank and Joist ol i 77,080 Seasoned Rosewood, wood Beard, nan aim Plana and Cabinet Mouldings, 70 diliereut 4 at very low price sod upon iavorabl tennj A eatablhmeat tn the country. Orders wul -tl-atinoMcara.

170 Washini" gi between Besrh and ort ii f. Iim.i New jv Plan Fsrtei bs a on hnd, sapeoov of tbe beet Am.r.r" it i Alwavs on nf I vrni tl -tM Mf.lXIEJ,srolleru II pBdareii pnet SHEET MCSIC and MI SiO bOORS laab Tuning snd Repairing Pious sortea aud otuer ments done a usual. Only wholesale and retail sreut of Georse FA UelodeoMfottbeT'ern r.aJ (US' 5 on "i.

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