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The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • 19

The Fresno Beei
Fresno, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE FRESNO BEE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28 1940 Pifi Women's Feature Page Autoist Is Fined VISALIA ITulsre Co) No Lippen 46 of Visalia yesterday waa sentenced hy Justice Gareth Honk nf Visalia to pay a fine of MOO nr serve fifty days In the county Industrial road ramp foe drunken riilvlng Loretta Young Will Return To Films With Role In Lady From Cheyenne 1 By Louelle Person I International News Her Ire) CLEVELAND Nov Loretta Young and Tom Lewi slipped bark into Hollywood so quietly a week ago that many of their best friends haven't seen them The reason for dodging the social whirl la that Loretta has been closing a deal to xtar In Frank Lloyd's Lady From Cheyenne her first picture in many months Loretta 1 particularly happy because Tom lewls has arranged hlx eastern advertising affairs so be can remain with her while the picture tx being marie Lady From Cheyenne is a politi Tips Are Offered To Wives Who Shop For Clothes In Husbands' Wardrobes By Mary Hampton Could you possibly devote any of your lima lo how fa drain nur husband?" write Hope "Mqgt of buy our husband' clothe and with very little Imagination I'm afraid For Initanre I got all ready for the beach today and cot the children ready and my huband looked awful It made me realize I don't know enough about men' clothe k'o dm him and am at ill expected to If you have time and room in 'your column pleaae tell me what a man ft feet 4 inche and very len-der (163) ahould wear to the beach Also how long ahould hla ault coata be I'll be very grateful Now to tell you the truth 1 have Orient Bound Liner Cancels Distress Call SAN FRANCISCO N'nv Tha 13373 ton liner Panamanian bound for Yokohama from gulf and Central American ports raneelled a distress rail eaily today after giving roast guard auihnrlties an uncomfortable two hours and announced "everything under con-Iml" Shortly after 1:30 A the vessel reported tlx engine rooms were flooded and it was listing badly The 8 Nishmaha which rushed to its side was only a few miles distant when the master nf the Panamanian said he was In no need of assistance that the vessel had righted itself hy pumping out the holds The Panamanian w-ax due at Los Angeles Harbor today enroute to the Orient The Marine Exchange there sold It had no Information on the numher of passengers or the cargo the boat carried The Marine Exchange reported the Panamanian w-ax grounded at Rnliver Ronds Texas last October 4ih because nf a lenky hoi tom but wax refloated October 10th under Its own power' The Panamanian a four decked passenger vessel formerly the President Fillmore owned hy the CIA Transatlantic Cent'roamerl-rana She wax built in 1004 PATTERN 6836 This filet crochet doth proves moat useful whether you make It In two strands of string In the 60 inch size in one strand to measure Rfl inrhea or In finer cotton in 20 Inch size It's an easy to follow chart Pattern 6816 contains instructions and chart for doth illustrations of It and stitches materlalp needed To obtain this pattern send 30 cent In coin (only) to The Fresno Bee Household Arts Department Fiesno Calif Be sure to write plainly your NAME ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER been thinking for a long time I would write about men'a rlothei now and then ton After all where I the fun In looking chin and at tractive when the man who take tia out I a drab bundle of Juat any old clothe? And atatlatics do prove that the women nf America rireaa hubby Load of wlvea would feel smarter If they bought themxelve a dreaa lex and huhhy a xuit nr overcoat more Certainly rind need YOU GET 25 MORE SHOEPOUSH AT THE SAME LOW PRICE DRIES QDlfiKlJO SATIHYSHINE Nhe anappler aereixorlr and he might be lea atuhborn about rirexalng If he knew he looked pretty nice when It all waa done! Nnw about the tall hubby nf Hope Here I a beach and all around weekend and off time ro tume that would be amart practical and mighty becoming to hla fine tall leanness That I a thick hairy tweed aport Jacket In plaid with fitted back Iet him pick the color like himxelf Then a monotone xlnck that blend with one nf the color And real apart ahoe with thick aolea nnri a trick romfort And one nf thexe new bucket hat which are becoming to very tall maybe In a aoft rruxhahle felt and blending color About ault coals I would like In say a lot Nothing lx ax tragic (and we are it often In arhool boy) than the too abort Jacket that ahowa the aeat of the pant Fortunately today Iota of good ault manufacturer turn nut an extra long Jacket for an extra tall man And a tall man positively must have It Of courae the Ideal way I a custom made xuit if a good tailor I available Now there lx another thing No man should walk nut of a xhop without plenty of alterations The shop suit just lx not hla ault until It fit And rare almost nowhere la the man who ran Juxt wear a suit out! It doe take time but It lx a hundred time worth it And one more double breasted Jarketx are very becoming to a 6 foot 4 Inch bight! Of course sturdy western men dislike this formality of the doublebreasted suit whlrh mutt be neatly buttoned at all time But may be you ran get hubby Into Juxt one such hla navy blue or Oxford gray whlrh he has to have anyways for Informal dinners out and the usual parties that do not require formal clothes Dorothy Dix's Column Dear Mia I am a girl 24 years old When I waa 3 my mother and father were divorced My mother worked hard and pul me through high arhool Then I worked my way ihrough college and for the last five years I have been teaching and making a good living for us both All my life my mother has monopolized me She has never been willing for me to go out with other boys and girls She wants me to stay with her When I go out I do not enjoy myself for I know that when I get home I will find her angry and crying Now I have fnllen in love with a splendid young man who would give me not only love but also a home and security But since I have told my mother of our engagement she has been furious and continually reproarhex me with Ingratitude and tells me that I don't love her etc If I marry It will be impossible to have her live with us because of the way she would treat my husband But I could provide for her comfortably some place near us Now the question lx: Should I give up my rhance of marriage and happiness because of the way my mother feels? UNHAPPY DAUGHTER London and ike's recording a song to he sent to it via short wave on Christmns Da their friends say the Olivia de Havilland-Hurgess Meredith night clubbing isn't as serious ax It might appear from their every night dates Olivia is terribly anxious to do a stage show and Burgess hss heen putting her onto the ropes Milton Berle Isn't keeping it a secret that he's head over heels shout Mary Beth Hughes the John Consiriino hahy (it will he their third) ix expected some time around New Year's Eve Hugh Herbert has been handed a five year straight con I rod with Universal Nice Chris! max gift to know you'll have income tax money-foe the next five years Robert Sherwood dining at Ciro'a with Nina Orla the South American actress Wes Ruggies bought a rare horse in Argentina and Is having it shipped hark to Santa Anita Reginald Denham British playwright is In Hollywood to do the script on Merle Ohernn'x next I Have Hern Here Before which Julirn Duvivier will direct the Hollywood Athletic Club has formed a committee headed by Roy Rogers to discuss a place to erect a life size stalue of Tom Mix in Hollywood hsve Warners definitely suspended Wayne Morris for refusing to do Knock Out? Mayhe they'll change their minds when Ihry see him In Para's I Wanted Wings for I hear he gives (T swell performance Common Brown Sugar Is Found To Be Rich In Growth Vitamins PHILADELPHIA Nov 2S-0D-Ordinary brown sugar is a rich source of growth vitamins especially two of the latest to be discovered vitamins B-6 and How he has heen feeding hlx children brown sugar at meals since an experiment in his laboratory was reported to the American Philosophical Society hy William Rohhinx professor of botary Columbia University Dr Rohhinx was experimenting with tomato plants at the New York Botanirai Gardens He rut off a hit nf root placed it In water mixed with pure while sugar and some salts It grew but none too well When brown sugar was substituted for the white the tomato root grew luxuriantly sometimes nearly an Inrh in twenty four hours and in time lo lengths of several feet Thereupon Dr Rohhinx began a long series of experiments partly financed hy the Philosophical Society to disenvee what substance in brown sugar accounted for the rapid growth He found first vitamin B-6 a substance whose funrtinn is not known other than that its lack causes akin trouble In animals and Interferes with growth He found also vitamin II nr Mnlln another one of the new vitamins" which la known hy animal experiments to be necessary for growth He found a little but only very little of the ordinary vitamin B-l which la another growth essential The sugar was rather rich in the two newer vitamins Since the finding he said he has heen using brown sugar regularly at his table Experiments hy animal nutritionists whlrh antedated hlx Dr Bobbins said hear out the vitamin qualities of this sugar At the New York Botanical Gar-rtfn he tried some further vitamin B-6 experiments which indicate that this new vitamin may be important for agriculture In producing the much sought "hybrid vigor" This is improvement in growth when two plants are crossed Dr Rohhinx showed that when two varieties of tomato plant were hybridized the resulting new plant's roots were stimulated more in growth hy vitamin B-6 than were the roots of either parent Certainly not You would he an idiot to do so for a rhance to make such a good giarriage might never come to you again and If it did your motner would be equally unwilling for you to leave her There la no reason in the world why you should sacrifice yourself to your mother's selfish egotism You ran see plainly enough that she la not considering your bnpinexs in this matter but her own pleasure (snmm cal comedy set in the days of the early suffragettes and Is based on the true story of the enterprising femme whn got the state of Wyoming to ratify women's voles However it won't he a western so far as Loretta I concerned because her role Is that of a rhllndctphia debutante whn moves in on Wyoming politics Not only wilt Frank Llojd produce the yarn he will personally direct and of course It Is for Universal release Jane Wyatt who tx in Jexxc latky'x xhow Quiet Pleasth in New York ix flying back to the roast and Warner for the femme lead opposite Dennlx Morgan In She Stayed Kixxed Jane ha certainly bad her upa and riownx in Hollywood She created a xtir a few yrar ago when she plsvcd with Ronald Col-man in Lost Horizon Then xhr married and retired for a couple of year only to r-rnp up unexpectedly a few month ago with Cheater Morris In The Girl From God's Country for Republic The stage reviewer thought her very-good when the Laxky play had its debut in Los Angeles So I guess Jane' rase prove that a ghT heat friend is a good show on Broadway Henry Fonda of the Grapex Of Wrath Fonda take Ty plsee in The Great American Broadcast Hank starring in a musical Isn't ns funny as you might think If you remember he eut quite a caper playing a hot trumpet when he Nancy Kelly Tyrone Tower and Jimmy Stewart went down to Texas not so long ago for the British wre relief alfow in Houston In fact Hank wax the life of the party and the Tcxanx were crazy about him He used to do college musicals loo Tyrone goes Into Blood And Sand right away and will not he free to do radio musiral hence the switch Interesting to radio fan tx that the Oxford trio make ttx dehut In The Great American Broadcast and also those xplen-did comedians from the Foliex Bcr-gere the three Wlere brothers A Line Or Two: Now I know I have heard everything: ha a story that would fit Field and Jawn Barrymore Never thought the two great profiles would he roslsr possibilities Virginia Field gets the second femme lesd in Columbia's A Girl's Best Friend Is Wall Street with Fran-chot Tone and Joan Bennett One of my favorite comedians Bill Donv arext has written a novel titled Gone With The Draft and if it Ix as funny ax it should he a best seller All sorts of nice reports shout Michele Morgan RKO's foreign import who was personally previewed lor the press at a cocktail party The ronxrnxus is that while Michele la not as beautiful as her pountrywoman Danielle Dar-rleux she has extraordinary charm and a lovely speaking voire Also the Hollywood reporters are surprised at how well she manages English whlrh she studied abroad before coming here William Die-terie's much discussed article in a national magazine Has Hollywood Lost Its Intelligence will be answered by Raoul Walsh Notes from a barnstormer: Young John Hopkins Cleveland socialite hut no relation to David Hopkins IJune Preisser's brother in law) Joined our party at the Cleveland Hotel and wax very attentive to June He uxed to be a great friend of Judy still lx lie tells me she iC going to marry Dave Rose Gar Wood Jr whn also has heen very attentive to little Prels-ser attempted to fly to Cleveland from Detroit but the storm was so bsd his plane was forced down four inches of and what a sight it ix! Our girlx are able to wear their fur trimmed galoshes sgaln Brenda Joyce has been the recipient of much attention from college boys and girls Twenty five members of Brenda's sorority came from Akron to attend nur show and jo honor to Brenda whnxe dressing room looks like a flower shop Snapshots of Hollywood collected at random: Rumors from London are that the David Nivens are expecting the stark David's bride is very popular and she has worked so bard in the Womens Auxiliary Air Force Deanna Durbin will he 19 next and watch for a date for her wedding to Vaughan Paul to be announced any day Speaking of Deanna she's heen voted the No 1 favorite of the Brlt-ish-Amerlcan Ambulance Corps in She know that the beat gift that God can give a girl is a good husband and that you will be a thousand time better off with a man to stand between you and the world with husband and home and children than you are having no one to lean upon having to toil to earn not only your own living but hers and with always the dread of the future that is at the bottom of every self supporting heart I when she lies awake at night wondering what would happen it she lost her Job or had a long spell of sickness and what will become of her I when the Is old AND THAT TAKES REAL TOMATO FLAVOR! Su perb magnificent upreme! Such beautiful words Angelo hears every day about hia spaghetti! He likes hear ing beautiful wordti ao he keeps on using the tomato aauce that's all flavor Such sauce you must have says Angelo not too hot and spicy It muat pour out rich and thick a sauce with soul and body Such sauce aa can come only from red-ripe fine full flavored ones if you pleaae! The name? Del Monte Tomato Sauce Ordinary tomato sauces? No they will not do And when it costs so this Del Monte sauce would Angelo be satisfied with less than sublime spaghetti? Should you? Never I He makes it this wsy: 2 cups unrnokxd apaghattl 3 slices nf bacon minced 2 tbsps minced onion 1 can Del Monte Tomato Sauro 3 tbsps grated cheese 2 tbsps butter Boil spaghetti In aalted water until about 20 minutea Fry bacon and onion together alnwly until onion ia transparent Add 1 can Del Monte Tomato Sauce and equal quantity of water end reason to taste Combine with cooked apa ghetti and place in caaserolw Sprinkle lightly with grated cheeaa Dot with butter Cover caiaerole bake ilowly about 30 min mod rate oven(33' F) Serves 4 to 8 JUST BE SURE YOU fiFT TMF CPU 3 Stores 81 Knowing these things your mother should rejoice with you In your good fortune Instead of trying to block it and If she doesn't you should look at the matter sanely and refuse to wrerk your life to gratify her morbid desire to monopolize you Of course your mother will reproach you with all she has done for you from her agony In rhlldbirth to her feeding and clothing you when you were growing up hut it always seems to me that parents 1 are nervy to expert children to be grateful for being thrust Into a world that was full nf hardship and poverty for them and anyway most children pay whatever debt they owe their fathers and mothers 1 by supporting them far more years than their parents ever supported them I am a great believer In children doing their duty by their parents but I rontider It no part of a girl's duty to give up marriage to a good man to gratify the whim of a selfish mother DOROTHY DIX nd yq ftritt itoi 9 i a a vixxrrwL Dear Dorothy My husband earns a good salary hut he gambles it all away and we are always in debt to everyone Time and again he has promised me to give It up but Die next payday he does the same i thing and cornea home with empty pockets Would you advise me to quit or stick out my marriage for another year or two? FRANTIC Gambling la the most inrurahle nf all vices A gambler virtually never reform Flan your life with the certainty that you will never he able to depend upon him Drinking Cards Are 'Planned For Women IDS ANGEIES Nov Women -who seldom like to tell their ages may have to If they want to drink in California bars The Hate hoard of equalization brought liquor dealers the WCTUj and parent-teacher executive tn-j gether for a conference All agreed that women who drink should rarry rard to prove they are old enough The legal limit is 21 A board executive explained selective service cards give bartenders a rherk on the males hut that women who want to look as young ax possible sometimes are hard to classify CITY Mrs Warrpn Panned has gone to1 Oakland to visit with her sister in law Mrs Grace Marlin SY03G1IP for American Breakfasts pour 2 cups BOILING WATER over 4 cups SUGAR add 1 foospoon MAPLEINE stir and yotiharalptals dafktowiymp 2 wsnsbnttln of Maptnim flavors 24 pish Abo gives a tnxipftng flavor to foods At yaw row's MAPLEINE IMITATION MAPLE FLAVOR The New ELGIN Gift Watches Are Here An Elgin For Her! 16K natural rolled gold plate rase Veritas hark RAJ 7C Hllk cord bracelet latiS OTHER ELGINS for Man and Woman 2475 and up ALFRED WENDT JEWELER 1055 Fulton Strol Where There's SMOKE There' Alio FIRE The hundreds and thousands nf experiences of Fresno people prove over and oxer that Fresno Bee Want Aits will bring resulti on any reasonable offer The following rae history is only one eut of thousands Result the first day at a low cost FfroT ip mrtiin II2MI: us-il Hark css rant- fll SO Hum initial The Frcn" Bee will distribute your Want A1 message lo over 46000 readers Tel 3-5221 -GLORIFYING Training In Grooming For Girls By Alicia Hert WEST FRESNO DRUG CO Open Evenings Until 10 And All Day Every Sundey STREET AT KERN PHONE 2-4515 Father Son Banquet 'Planned In Riverdale RIVERSIDE (Fresno Co) Nov 28 A and sons' banquet' will he held tomorrow night in the Riverdale High School sponsored by the HI All fathers and sons In the community will he welcomed Wakefield nf Fresno will speak Sleyer and IV Mueller are to assist with the YOURSELF- four times a week She puts cream on her lips when they are chapped uses hand lotion on hands and wrists frequently She does not use makeup until later on In her teens of course When she and her mother have ft nally agreed that the time has come for nose powdering her moiher orders fare powder especially designed for skins of the very young and teaches the child how to put It on smoothly and sparingly Chronic skin blemishes should not be ignored regardless of a youngster's age or sex 'He will outgrow them" la something smart parents do not say any more They take their child girl or hoy to the family doctor and let him prescribe treatment diet or whatever Is neresxdfy Very often change of diet is the answer with salads and fresh vegetables and lean meat substituted for an over abundance nf aweeta fats and rich foods Sometimes external treatment is in order But the doctor decide And the entire family slick hv hfx coition Magic Worker NOW IN MANY FRESNO HOMES! If VAN'O that papular new liquid cleaner that quickly removes gresne grime and fingermarks from walls woodwork linoleum and other washable surfaces (Morten doesn't 4esve hand soft and smooth Moderately priced Ask your grarrr today! By the time she is 12 simple good grooming orutines ahould be as natural a part of any little girl's daily life as going to school studying at home eating sleeping or taking care of her pets The 12 year old who has been trained well no longer has to be reminded to wesh her hand before coming to the table or even asked whether or not she remembered to brush her teeth before going to bed or In the morning The age girl realizes that a warm bath in the tub requires very-little more time than fare neck and arm scrubbing at the wash bowl She uses a mild cream or powder deodorant under her arms after her bath as a matter of course She brushes her hair three 7 TWXE-CREAMED CDS SAfllS MWMS Come to Garden Headquarters for tjjat $roto! 1 Your frlflnds with gardens will prize sod remember a gift from our Garden Store now brimful of unusual exciting Christmas ideas Shop in peace sod enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that "Roeding's Quality" plants srs the finest that money can buy (inespeotive too!) Ye will enclose your greeting card RULBSi King Alfred Doff add giant yellow trumpet IS large double-bosc bulbs postpaid in Calif SpettoL 1 1 1 00 (plus Jc tax) Rammmtos Jumbo-size bulbs mixed colors postpaid in Calif Special 501171 (plus Sctax) ROSES: McGredy's Yellow Southport (red) Men Dot (salmon) a regular 20J value oil 3 $1 Alpostpud in Calif (plus 5c tax) "OLD ADOIE" DiLuxe ORANGES: Grown on orowB ranch Far box )2I0 homos per bos $23 SUGGESTIONS: Living Christmas Trees Distinctive Wreath and hundreds nf other gifts now ready at our Garden Store SAVET0 discount on all Cash Orders of $5 or more fuktn with you 4f my Spry biscuits!" SAYS DEUOHTEP OHtO WOMAN te mid he'd eaten plenty of bix-XX cuita nt our house but never ones like these" continues Mrs Edwin White-house of Martin's Ferry Ohio asked the secret and I told Spry I I've been married 4 1 years used all kinds of shortenings but le me Spry beads Ike Voull say so too when yon try Spry! You'll be delighted with the lighter cakes it gives the tender flaky pastry and crisp delicious fried foods that are so easy to digest purer stays fresh longer creams so easily Three big extra advantages and eafy Spry girct ell thru! Change to Spry today for off baking and frying You'll never change bark! eupflpry mupoMMixH rapeosw porpast I ana aranaslsda Crumble ynux iata mail howl Add liilmm milk and 1 tMapano nor and nt in warm place until bacnmwi light and aponar (abnut IS miantaal f'rm-fcine Spry salt and Jjf rnnawur in larse bmrl and add seatdwf milk Stiraaiil Spry la mailed than nd until lukewarm Cmrhina rind and esxa add In Spry mi-tnrc than arid yaxat miitntn and Hand IhnmaiMjr Add Js nt flnnr and bra winrmialjr Add remaining Amir and hast until atnnmh Cnrrr and frt nan in arm plan until double in bulk (abou 1 J4 kaara) Txhe nt dnnxk an hoard and knead lightly Roll vary thin rni in funhwrdxe Plana I lampoon mania marmaladn an each rirrln Mmatra arista it eirrim with rralrr Pmrh and ml thn dnush at regular Kata term a tnsnsla with SUme ahnwiaa i ranter no Hew tnxrthcr in Apiy xnieid pane and let n-e in warm plm shout 4 minuten Baho in ale men ()W Fl JO minuter Slakes I dnaen iMirimaaly tender and Ana-flamead fan niter Spry for a hot (nr enkan pastry and tryins ton HOUSEHOLD CLEANER FOR PMXTFD WALLS A XII WOODWORK IINOLM BTOVCS Get VANO FOR VANO GETS DIRT! URSERY CO faefuGEQRGI CROEDINGJreL Corner IILMONT ANDTHORNE at Subway FRESNO Telephone 3-5327 CALIFOR TfcbYKAR Ism buy Ms thrifty J-tb mo (id MnmaUi in Mi rtre an lrtW) I 4.

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