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The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • 5

The Fresno Beei
Fresno, California
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tux ramo sse iiosdai December it iwi ally Be at Pa Dorothy Dix Discusses Attitude Of Sack Decade la Youth Hafjjrfest Period? HOME SEWING MA CINDERELLA HAROLD BELL WRIGHT -RUTH WYETH SPEARS- THI8 IS THE WAY TO MAKE YOUR TURBAN -21 121 CHAPTER NINETEEN "But mother what has Jeff to do with our living in this neighbors else? borbood or any You anyw Boys want activa work Artificial exercises under the guise of work will not serve the purpose OrowtB demands the sincerity of creative work for its fulfillment Man and equip the schools for service and wa need the parental schools the truant schools and tha reformatories that weigh ua down with coats and taxes and complaints The schools will serve every purpose better than these institutions if they get a chance Mr Patrl will give personal attention to inquiries from parents and school teachers on the cars and development of children Wi him in care of this paper inclosing a 8-cent stamped addressed for reply When It's Time to Move TTilNK' OF COINC rilONE 3-1X51 have Just said wbat no-account trash he is I suspect the poor ignorant fool la even a moonshiner Hall probably land in the penitentiary or even in the electric chair eventually I'm sorry for him don't suppoaa ha can help being what he ia any more than a snake can help being a snake" "Think he's do ye?" asked Ann dryly wouldn't be surprised He's the kind that would be Didn't it ever occur to you that ha might be too friendly with some of these low-minded lawless "Hit has come to my mind that slch might be the case" returned Ann "Supposin' you was to find out fer certain that he war a-rnoon-shinf what would you do about hit?" "Nothing I'm not concerned with what Jeff Todd is or doea Neither do care a rap wbat these backwoods people think about me because I won't fight him If Jeff Todd is their champion I'm satisfied aspire to no such honors 1 confess mother I am amased that you should seem to hold such an idea" "My ideas air backwoods ideas' retorted Ann grimly "I ain't never l'arned no different Thar never been a Haskel yet took dare from nobody Anywhar in the woods with gun or knife or plain fist-fightln' nobody ever whip Take cboppln log-rollin' plowin' harvestin' or anythin you want couldn't nobody bea em You're the last of the Haskela an' s-tellin' you you gotter fight Jeff Todd an' ary other man wbat makes his brag that hs ran whip you" "If you wanted ms to be like that why did you send me to school?" demanded John Herbert bitterly "Why didn't you keep me the backwoods? Would expect Judge Shannon to fight be fed and developed equally with his physical and Intellectual natures "Particularly In this present age" he said "Ia ths need of workers to supply our spiritual necessities great Man is overdeveloping the physical and Intellectual aides or hie being at the expense of tho spiritual We have made tremendous growth along material and intellectual lines We have made little or no progress spiritually We are living physically and mentally In an age of scientific and mechanical wonders which a few years ago tha world could not even imagine Spiritually wa are living in an age of savagery We do not even recognise the fact that religion is ae necessary to human lifa as bread and meat "Writers artists musicians are workers In this field of the spiritual Words ars tha tools with which the writer plows the minds of men and pianta the seed-thoughts which row into food for the soul The brush of the painter the chisel of the sculptor are instruments with which ths artist labors to cultivate In man a capacity to fee and react to beauty Beauty is food for man's spiritual nature as truly ae wheat ia food for hia physical body One Is as necessary as ths other Those who labor to supply ths intellectual and spiritual needs of human life are ae truly workers as those who labor on a farm or In a factory Because a man doea not perform physical labor It does not at all follow that ha la an idler Don't you see mother?" As Ann Haskel listened the grlmnem faded from her face The danger lights vanished from her eyes Her hardened features were softened bv a strange wlstfulnesa as if she hungered for something which she had never tasted She was like a godless soul who longs to believs God She waa a grownup child wanting to believe in fairies talk minds ms of Jed re Shannon" she Mid slowly "But I reckon too late now fer me ever rightly to understand hit" "Nonsense!" cried John Herbert Judge haa told me a thousand times what a wonderful soul you are" The backwoods woman smiled -1 reckon as how the Jedge would tell you Jest that Made out to you that your maw war a sure-'nough fl" lik In the pitcher books he?" The young man flushed (To Ba Continued) INECTO HAIR BYING S100 KBMAKEKT waves iise Student Work CHICAGO COLLEGE Inc 1328 Fulton 51 Phono f-lfll A SCREW DRIVER "Please will you do something with William? Hera he is The officer says ha must go to school Hs says he won't The judge says If hs doesn't go to school It Is me he will fine Talk to him" "What la the matter William? Whv don't you go to school?" "Why should go to school? got my work papers? graduated from school Isn't that enough?" "Have you a can't get a Job" "Then you muat go to school You can not stay loose on the streets Mttled Now you must go to school and stop bothering the life out of your mother You either have to go to school or to the parental school That won't be at all funny for you" "I won't go to school or to parental school either" But he cooled off when he found that he rould not help himself ean come to this school Tell me what you want to do and we'll try to help you Here la the school program Pick vaur own Job" work in (he machine shop That's tha best place for me as long as I havs to go anywhere' The machine ahop teacher set him to work He worked there foi the morning session and went to classes in the afternoon I heard nothing from him for a couple of months so I looked him up all right" Mid the teacher "He does fine work I told him that tha first finished piece of work he did could bs shown to you so he's trying hard to make a good tool When he does he will be in with it" Ha came in one day with a shining tool a screw driver Its handle wm of cut brass its shaft shining steel "The workmanship is perfect You did Mid I in astonishment "Yes Can you find where I put the per that holds the shaft?" I looked hard for that peg but couldn't find It The hoy anew where to look for It and pointed nut what might be a shadow on the polished surface in there Right there" Mid ha smiling like the morning eun Our school is fortunata in having shops and studios and all sorts of equipment that lets children experiment with work Bscsum all children have the same desire and the same need for work as William had all schools ought to have the equipment to offer them We can not in fairness to tha children and the community herd children into school and then keep them like prisoners tied to school benches They must be allowed to make their screw drivers They must bs allowed to Justify the growth that ia swelling within them I think wa make no treater mistake than in painting youth aa the auprama Joytlma of life This not only makei tho young feel that they muat aquaeaa into it ovary poaalblo amusement and excitement because their time of enjoyment ia ahort but it cauaea ao many older people to cling pite-oualy and hopeleasly to a youth that ia already gone because they feel that be- nd that life ia nothing but a barren waate with no hope no pleasure In it Aa a matter of fact no one can aay with certainty which ia tho happieat time of life It ahifta with the individual There are thoae who have had golden youths and leaden old ages while othera have had hard and bitter youtba and only found how sweet the wine of life can be aa they drained the last drop in the cup There ia one glory of the moon and another glory of the stars and every varying phase of life brings its own particular enjoyments Certainly youth has its pleasures that are all the keener because they are new and untried The show ia great because It la the first one has ever seen Every girl is a hour every boy a sheik Then is romance in every situation feet are atrong and never -Ire in the dance One's appetites are avid and unsated It la a awcll party while it lasts and the young make the moat of it because they know it will soon be over and they tllink that the balance la cinders ashes and dust All of ua elder ones can remember when we looked with sympathy at decrepit old men and women of 80 and wondered why they wanted to live on in a world in which they could find no possible amusement or interest and we hoped that we would die around 35 ao as to be spared that tragic fate But surprisingly when he got into our thirties we discovered that Ws had Just begun to enjoy ouraelvea and get a real kick out of living Wo looked hack upon the diversion of our adolescent days as we do upon tho glee of a baby at having a rattle shaken before it and smile to think they could ever have The silly little parties The giggling girls The calf love The despair when father wouldn't let us have the ear The heartbreak over trifles that didn't matter How puerile At middle age wa are really living Our passions are at high tide that make the emotions of youth as water is to wine Wa know the fierce Joy of struggle of attainment of victory Our heads are filled with ambitions and plans Our hands full of work Our families are close to ua aa they never were be fore as they will never be again Never a dull moment when you begin reaping the harvest that you have shown in labor and sweat Plenty of excitement when you sit in the big game of business Plenty of thrills In getting John off to college and planning Mary's debut Ufa la full and running over with pleasure when we are middle-aged What we dread are the lean fifties when if we are women we will have lost our looks and our allure and no man will look at us save with kindness and compassion and when if wa' ara men our doctors will tell us that we are not ao young as we were and wa muat slack down in our work and cut down our golf games and take things easy Pretty dull and bo resoma prospect that! Come the fifties as the movies say and we find that all the balance was Just a preparation for this It has taken us fifty years to learn now to get real enjoyment but of life and to acquire a philosophy that enables us to meet whatever comes with a calm and equable mind We have accepted our fates and no longer complain If we have won the prim we struggled for well and good If we have failed to win it also well and good We look st it with an uncovetous eye and reflect that the golden apple generally turns out to be brass after all Also In our fifties we attain the domestic millennium if we ever reach it Our hearts ara no longer torn with Jealousies for by then our mates are so firmly ours that we could not lose them if we tried or else we are so weary of them we would be glad to see them go Above all we have become connoisseurs of life and know how to savor its pleasuresi Boys and girls are like starving men at a well-spread table They wolf down every pleasure without even tasting it All they ask for Is more and more until they are glutted and they care not whether what they devour is fine or coarse good or bad DOROTHY DIX Of course you are wanting a smart new turban No other kind of hat looks so well with a fur collar or tha newest frocks It may be made of velvet or of woolen fabric it may ba fur trimmed or made entirely of fur It le pretty likely to match something or other It no longer matters if your hat looks though your dressmaker made it of left-over material If you are your own dressmaker so much the better for you and tha cIom harmony of your ensemble You can have a trig little turban for every dress and wrap You can make your paper pattern for the turban have designed for you here This little hat has many posslbilltiee The crown may be pulled to this side or that and the brim may ba rolled up to be wide narrow or high on one aide and low on tha other In the sketch the hat la mads of velvet and trimmed with gold cord It would be equally attractive with a narrow band of fur at the top of the brim and no other trimming A feather or any other ornament might be used instead of the cord The hat will require one-fourth yard of fifty-four-inch fabric or three-eighths yard of narrow gooda If the cord trimming is used one yard will be needed Let'a make tb pattern for tha little round top of the crown first Cut a four and a half Inch square of paper as shown at A Fold this square fivs times and then cut straight acroM it as shown at When you open it out you will have a circle four and a half inches In diet eter aa shown here at To make the pattern for the four crown sections as shown here at cut a piece of paper seven and a half Inches deep and three-fourths inch wider than one-fourth of the measurement around your head Measure up three inches from the bottom of the paper and in two inches from each of the upper corners Use these points as a guide for shaping the sides of the crown section as ahown here by the heavy lines in the diagram The bnm of the hat ia a straight six-inch band of material cut one and a half Inches longer than the head measurement When the pieces of the crown have been Joined as shown here in the lower diagram join tha ends of the brim piece as st Baste and stitch one edge of the brim piece to tha bottom of the crown ae at distributing the slight fullneM evenly and fulling it in so that no gathers show Turn the other edge of the brim piece up and whin It in place as at Turn ths hat right aid out and roll ths brimup in the desired position Sleeves are In the spotlight of the new Paris fashions Ara you confident of your Wy to give them profzlonM touch? If not send 10 cents in stamps and a self-add re erf envelope for Mrs Speers' booklet How To Cu Fit An FI nih Sleeves In care of this paper nB A Novelty Scarf For A Gift your precious Jeff Todd simply to ve to you and your friends that he was the better man? Yet you Ask for the special holiday pick wherever high grade cigars are sold In all popular shapes from 95c to $575 per box SAHTA FE CIGARS must hava admired the Judge know that he admires you tremendously I simply don't get this thing at all When her son spoke of Judge Shannon the mountain woman's face was like the face of death best leave tha Jedgs out of this" she said harshly "You're things you don't know 'bout can't tell you' "I'm sorry Ann continued "Tha p'int is If you can't make out to hold your own you'll ha run out of tha country Jeff'U bo his brags sverywhar how he backed you down shams you fer bein' yeller they'll ehame ma fer makln you like you be held my own with these folks hyear In the woods got to do likewise Ask anybody If Ann Haskel's afearsd of any man livin' They'll tell you I ain't to let you shame me now I don't know whar you got your Ideas from them damned Lodge folks reckon They slnt got no sham of any sort whatsoever I wish to Gawd I'd 's' shot Bill Fowler 'fora he ever let 'em in "Mother! Please! Several of the Lodge people as you call them are my friends" 'Friends! Huh! Like weasels air friends to a cottontail rabbit If Holiday Special iPernsaeRtWivei COMPLETE $1 45up La France Beauty Shoppe 80M Mariposa Corner Van Ness 2-4817 SSAfl TUESDAY SPECIAL Facial Eys Arch and PA Manicure DUC Stsial Wsrk Barnes' Beauty College 3385 Fresno St Phone 8-18! I GLORIFYING YOURSELF By ALICIA HART PROCESSES OF DYING HAIR ARE SAFE The day a woman discovers the few gray hairs have multiplied and become patches of white she simply haa to maka tha widely die cussed to-dve-or-not-to-dye decision to color her hair at all this ia the time to do it If Plan a coiffure that will be flattering and then do ail she can to keep the gray hairs as white as snow Getting your hair dyed Isn't the intricate mysterious and vastly annoying business It used to be Nowadays every reliable beauty shop bee its operator who understands P1? type of hair and who knows how to cover grayish and white locks Make sure that aha uses a well-known and reputable dye and that aha pays close attention to you while It 1s on your balr It Is possible of course to dya your own hair However best to have the first two or three treatments In a shop to learn how it should be done and exactly what shade you need Generally speaking you should buy a dye that ia at iMft one sometimes two ehades lighter than your hair That way the gray becomes the color used to ba and the hair that hont turned doesn't get too dark If you decide against dye remember that the charm of gray hair lies In its smooth clean shiny and well-fr roomed appearance Keep on Ifour Saby and Mine you had a mite of pride sich ae a Haskel ought to have you wouldn't be like you he after- sich as them You're too TOHCKECW NDGHT AT 8 months of ago and weighing eighteen pounds? gets twenty-four ounces of milk fourteen of water and two tablespoons of sugar This makes four seven-ounce feedings and one smaller one given after her cereal She takes this also the juice of an orange and two teaspoons of cod liver olL She eats threa to five ounces of cereal at a feeding Thank you for your trouble" You might find the baby would have less deslrs for cereal at least so much of It If she had a better balanced milk formula She needs thirty ounces of boiled Grade A milk ten ounces of boiled water and one ounce or more of sugar In addition two to four tablespoons of cereal twice daily before both the 10 A and 6 feedings the juice of one orange two to three teaspoonfuls of cod liver oil a serving of sieved vegetables and later egg yolk This should meet her present needs Methods of beginning and increasing new foods are outlined in our leaflet called How To Increase New Foods In The Diet which you may have for the usual 8-cent stamped self-addressed envelope and a request to Mvrtls Meyer Eldred In cars of tha Your Baby And HOLIDAYS OR BABIES MUST BE FED For years at the holiday season mads a certain carrot apple and potato "plum" pudding which suited the tastee and digestions of the whole family For an equal number of years I associated Christmas cookies with an annis-flavored frosted square which for some reason never mads at any other time Then the cookbook dabbed with flour and streaked with buttery fingers disappeared and I hankered for them Last year I ran into these recipes with the feeling oi meeting two old friends and in a burst of enthusiasm incorporated them Into a leaflet called Favorite Christmas Recipes which I am now offering for the second year If readers will send to Myrtle Meyer Eldred In care of the Your Baby And Mina Department a self-addressed 8-cent stamped envelope they may have this leaflet in time to enjoy some of these holiday dainties Too Much Cereal Meanwhile holidays or no babies must continue to bs fed Mrs writes "You were kind enough to help me before will you now give me a formula for laby 6 money poor to be sure-'nough one em Jest a plaything You're like some critter they found in the woods an' air a-keepfn' fer a pet If they war to home they wouldn't one of 'em even let on to know you Already folks air a-talkln 'bout tha way you're a-doln'" Tha young man tiu exercising admirable self-control But while he spoke calmly thers was that In hia voice which his backwoods mother did not fail to note Gently he asked "What am I doing that your friends find so objectionable mother?" "Hit's what you ain't a-doln' mostly" Oh you mean that peopls complain because do not work at the only kind of work they know end that they would like me better if I wotld make moonshine whisky and get drunk and play the back-woods bully and kill a federal officer or two?" They're a-aayln' that you're too to do man's work that 'Another Interesting Session of the Bee book has plum' ruined you you hold yourse'f too good the likes of us hlll-bllllea and air of thia news- Mine Department paper the Personal Direction and Supervision of ERMA GirrCN ecEGccr Noted Home Ten Sales Persons To Give You Specialized Christmas Service! 1934 Christmas business is the beat we have experienced in yeara making it necessary for us to re-employ our full force of Ten Salespeople to give you courteous competent specialized service we were so optomistic and confident of the future that we stocked our store with complete assortments of the newest and finest in Jewelry Diamonds Watches Silverware and many other fine things for beautiful practical and acceptable gifts offered at exceedingly reasonable prices Be Happy To Serve You SUde Wm Mueller Fred Mueller Robt Mueller Florence Granger Sophus Poulsen Mrs Narti Gerlitx WaUy Cordray Iver Eriksen Mgr Iver Eriksen last but not least THESE PRODUCTS GETS EUROPE AMERICA AUSTRALIA ASIA POLICE AMATEUR AIRPLANE MARINE to be like them Lodge folks what air a fool out of you an' a-laughin' at vou behind your back An they're a-talkin' that you're skeered to act like a man" If Ann Haskel was hoping to arouM her eon to a Mtlsfactory display of anger she waa dlsmp pointed John Herbert laughed The mountain woman's eyes glinted dangerously under her scowling brows "What's so she demanded harshly "The whole ha chuckled It's so deliciously to rtio rasped Then ag'in you might come to find hit damn serious 'fora you're John Herbert checked his mirth instantly "Forgive me mother" he Mid earnestly "I realize that you that you and I do not see this thing from exactly the nine angle Will you listen while I try to explain some of my ideas which seem to your friends so unworthy of a Haskel?" "Go ahead" she assented grimly "I'm a-llstenin' I'd sure admire to know what you're to do with all your education now you got Patiently as if hs were talking to a child the last of the Haskels tried to help his backwoods mother understand He could not speak as freely as he had apoken to Diane that rainy night in the woods he found it difficult to talk at all of Ms ideals his dreams bis ambitions to this woman who of ali women should know him beet He had a disquieting feeling that ths things which were most Mcred to him and which had seemed so res sonahle to Diane were now but vague and empty phrases Desperately he argued that the spiritual side of man's being must are to be demonstrated by Mrs Gregory To-morrow Night CL Baking Fowdrr Cudahy's Meat Sally Ann Bivad Bell's Poultry Seasoning Golden Mato Milk Schilling's Products Piilsbury's Flour Crisco COMPLETE THIS WILL BE ANOTHER NIGHT These Christmas Recipes Will Be Presented Rib Pork Chops Potato Pone Grapefruit Fruit Cake Gelatine Salad -English Plum Pudding AND INSTALLED Leslie's Salt Trupak Pineapple Buy Them From YOUR GROCER NOMf AmiANCH On of tho Largest Stock of Electrical Gooda in (hs Valley Liberal Trade-In Allowance For Your This will be the lest school until after the holidays Seasons wOl he resumed Tuesday January 8 1935 Admission No Obligation PROGRAM STARTS AT 8 THIRD FLOOR AUDITORIUM JTAN JOACUBN LICimrANID BUBLDDNG PERMANENTS $145 UP Haircuts SNA Children 254 BEAUTYSHOP 'Come Early fori he BestSeats! 'Doors at 7:30 EulUint-QLAtwaler-Kentt-Philco Grunow and RCA Victor Radios 8115 Belmont Mm Phone 8-8511 il st tint.

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