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The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • 6

The Fresno Beei
Fresno, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

imi VJ- VI I ri TIIK FKKSNO HKK TUESDAY JUNI-: IT 10-11 Social News Club Music Women Features Henry Fonda Borrowed By Hal Wallis For Costarring Role In Hit Play Male Animal Congregational Church Is Setting For Jessamine Smith John Herbst Wedding Lucille Spivey Becomes Bride Of Jack Ross Fogelstroms Are Home After Trip To Midwest William Milholland Rio Del Mar Homo Is Setting For House Party Barbecue Party wire I Members Of Opera Cast Arc Honored The William ii Midi lienrh cottage hi Kin pr 11 I Tooy II Davis I'ltlertallled Ibis MllJtol- all -Hint mil Ihe DeVtiux Swimming I'nul at ii svv inimnit: parly and bur By Louella Parsons (liiteniMlIonul New Service I HOLLYWOOD June Life la plenty exelting for frisclllii Lam these days what with Just Hiinounclng her eugugeuienl to John Harry VirlnrvlIlP plihllsher and Imliig told Hint Henry Kniidn top nclor has Iveen hoi-i-mveil hy Hal Wallis from Twentieth (Yntury-Knx In lie her em starring partner In Male Animal the Kilim Nugent hit play or few season ago high imp iiil iiiiiniiiiil I1' Norman llriilliTioii today In Hf Kn Uktiivh for Mim Jessamin" Bnuth mill John Filwitd H'-ib-t il Edwards nv ll oil mi music HS till Ilf'V M'lllllllii urn! vpuipii hjM ivsiT Hermit Smith was I'm ti'hci Mi' I ion p- home Is Scene loi I 'l lic' A tup to the middle Hindi1 this Spiiug i iy i i1 Chill ies I Fogr 1st mill till lied Inline yesteidiiv Mis Kogelsimm iri Mny Kill going In Taylorviile III where alia west wh nnd Mrs who re Mis Spivey is announcing 'he nunc of her ilHughicr Mis Iiicille Spivy in Jnck Hires of Fre-itii 'I lie ceieiiuuiy wns mil dueled Saturday afternoon in Lire Vega Nrv Attending I In' iciemiuiy was the bride's hi'U her Tiini Spivey if Provo Utah find formerly of Kies no Mr mid Mis -s plaimcd tiijMilluilInnil mid Mis Mtug-iu were jniilnr ini" Mexico lief re rel ui nii'iJi Mis'es Point liy Long Pored liv in Fiesno li I cr this uiH-k lu-cupv Heck mill Jnelln llelcher 1 Ihe sotting for IliillM' part lisl week when Miss Mnrgeiy land niul Miss Holly Ann Moiu'in were host esses The group tiaveled In Ihe rosur! at Ihe conclusion of the Kicmiu Klnlc College semester Swimmuie golf anil liilliiK weie fenlures of Ihe piirlv The guests enleiluincd by Miss enleiiaui-ment i'lled wiili her bn rtlier in law amjA sister Mr and Mrs Al Cohen laile Of Luncheon Hie luifh pul'' nl with her imclo 1' fill''? lUT 111 tllill I iiliiO Wl'llUlUg HOW II of i In- i lunch ul'o Mil' Illl-C' II while oigiin1 been" slipper eomplinieuling Ills iliughii'i1 Miss Ami im PHVis and Ihe sixty oilier inemhors of The Chneo-hue Siddier Cniiipany hefore Iheir pel forniiiiiee Innlght III Ihe Kirsn" Moniorinl Auihloi iiini Miss Pavis vvlin has lived in nuccs since the first of the year is a member of Ihe Kinging ensemble of The I'lioenlale Soldier which is bn light la Kresna by the Kli'slio Tliealer Ifuglie She will remain here throughout the week as the guest of her father III his iipuMmeid on (ileiiii Avenue The harheeue supper will lie served this eveiiiin: at 5 o'clock nl the conclusion of the swimming party Henry usually slay ol his home studio because since Grapes Of Wriilli lie lias hern considered a lop actor The Inst limn Darryl Zaiiuck consented to let Ida pride ami Joy go visiting was when lie played The lidy Kvo at Paramount and at Hint lime Henry dressed up for the first time In Male Animal as a scrhiis minded professor Henry will agnin wear shoes ami store clot lies Klliot Nugent has hcen assigned In direct his own brain child for Warners la The group relumed Sunday evening she 1 1 ii veleil In Chicago to in or husband who left Fresno May fur tlie Mldwesi hywnyul Uia CiiiHidlnn Hricklcs After pun-lmsing an miloninlillo in Del mil the Fri'Minns visited New Salem nml oilier lilies In mils lii'fui going lo June! inn City Kan wlieie they were guesls of Fogelsimm's brut her and sister In law Mr ii iif I Mrs ('larence Kngcl si mm were nindi! In Kl Paso nt Hie CnrlKlmd Cavern nnd In Juarez Mexico minute home publicity depart incut when Ictlei arriv'd from the (iernmu-Ameiicnn Order I'litiintic Mi'ldllulimi signed by Carl Mueller asking nil reviewers not to I'l-i'view Umli'i groiMil bnsed on a secret revnlii lion in Germany Warucrs claim to have no knowledge of Hits oigimla lion but they wiy they have rciviil ly discovered that a cniplcle and filial script of the picture was stolen from the studio The letter says: "Such mol Ion pli-lui es which -stir hut red against nations should he boycotted hy all pal riots who believe in the right of enuiitries to choose Iheir own destinies" Mi hi-imil Smith wire luiuli-! ecu i In" nftei noi'ii in lie 1 hum- ii I'imtoii Avenue when sbei c'li'i i lined Hie members of a birth-ii iy i hin tmn "I of Mo II II Coin li A lone which vviis ceil-icii'd wuli vmiii'icri'd flown and 1 hiiihd-i) i nke was Ihe selling fi'l'! Mie 'I in afirtho'ii was' Sin ()f niul "pe'il nr'i in n'v "is asieiiilcd vvuh Ins fmlicr in i Im Ihe nicinl-eis I business 1 with li-s ilu iKhl wee 1ni(ul0l fnl (he Univci Mc(uui's Mirer Sibnudt Joseph Junes Griffin VV II TihMiw Kraiik IVltey Milo 13 1 in Herke'cy DMiiIs over wlitii lufici'i niiuic wnh ii lull skirt ending in slight liun hr sleeves wi ic shoM nril putfril nncl Hip nciklinc win sued In ui if tb Slfill 'I'll Utll-lllll' Wl" llllll hy a imwilrr blue vrivrl i Her shoulder length 'fd re li-flTil In ii clll'lc- ol pink and blue ct gundy Row ere gh-rlcri an old (islnoni'il hoiuot of Cnnlciiins mid re se Mrs llciii-nd Ii t-ulii li of I'iiific Grove another Juri lM mid for- Shannons Are Supper Party Hosts Feting Couple Nadine Roberts meily Mi-' Fresno vn- Omega Xi Omicrons Install Officers At Meeting Feting Seniors Mrs Son At Party tin- mairou of honor Kowill and Ulmer 11 Tusi hlioff June Bride Is Honored At Party Prior To Wedding and Miss Kuilulnc Sonnscii the Fetes The finil prcmiplial parly for Miss Cornelia Kii-hcrt mid Pr William Povvning wliiise wedding is ct for tonight at o'clock in ihe Cornelius II Richer! garden was given last evening by Mr and Mrs Shannon at their home nt TAi Mildreda Si reel After a supper which was served If things keep up the way they're going there will be mure big league producers on the Twentieth Cen-lury-Kex lot thnn henutiful blonds John St nil I hose original Hack Street (with Irene Dunne and John Roles) wns one nf the biggest money makers of all time signed a eon trad with the aggregation over the weekend on a long term deal as producer-director He Joins Ernst Luhilsch who has the same type nf contract as William I-o Baron and Mark Dellinger Stahl's first for Twentieth will he Another Spring hy Thornmnn So fsr no ent is anneuneed since John himself his hnrdly had time to move Into his offices Till? third hlnhdav of Thomas Mills was iclehralcd last Monilnj afl-rnoe'i when ms mother Mi hi patvj future slsli-r in law of the bride whs i ho mind of jnmnr Anniversary Will Be Mr GrcuMch1 gown wis of while rheiuiie ficwrr eiiibi'uidi-redj Feted By roriTier rrcsnans jiink organdy on with shoit puifj (vnt Rlecve and a iuooinsthk flounced at the hot I mu Sorensen's gown was of Kranklin skirl 'vi in -y el Sucnmcntn and formerlyjin Miss nf j'iVmi wi: enieriain lonighl while fm VJ n'elock in Iheir home' Mrs Glenn I Pilckelt formerly Miss I Sell Ihi Jiondlry hefore her wedding Endny evening wns honored In'lore Jiit nuirrlngn nt a iwrly and shower given by Mrs Edmund It Pale nnd her mother Mrs Be sie Williams Gladioli deeiirnied the Pate home iheir home nt eno Harvard Ave- hi Ihe garden ihe guests spent 1 In Jiuie evening dancing nml playing raid Hein'shmems were served at ii'ginn-K They presented the couple T1S Twcuiy Third Siieet in long low laid" which whs do oi nti'd I wtli a serving Iray covered on Ihe fifth wed- oil Illinois Avenue where the parly wns given Games of Dutch whist in red hue and blue colors JlaW underside with Ihe nutogiaphs cf I'sms and windniill fjvor guesis tile guest places AIis Richert also was f-'ied Kri- MiHhcrs and iheir ciidureii pn's-(ik a supper and bridge chenille flower emhrohb red organdy in long bodice and rred skirt style Both woie oi candy fiowers of pink and blue in their and iar-ried old fashioned bequi-is of pink and blue flowers bluest Offl-crs fur Ihe new year were Installed nt meeting nf the mein hers of Ihe Omega XI Omfcron Sorority ivii'nlly in the home of Mr Seymour Maihicwn on l'niversity Avenue The new officers nre Misses Jean lint hers president: Nancy Mnnison vice president Klhcl Marie Light ncr secrclai'v Catherine Collins treasurer: Kalluyi Cullingtiin pledge mistress Patricia Thiele Pnn Hellenic i-epresentalive Harhara Rifwii repurler: Patricia riekfnrd hislmian Pitiicia McCarlhy AWS repii'senlaiive nml Verliml-i Rlnde slinlent council representative The niceling the last nf the sea-smi was In liiuinr nf ilu giadunt-ing seniors and Miss Knilirlne Sorensen piist presii'ent who were presented vvllli gifi The hnnon'es ii eluded Misses A line nr tub: When the special tiain pulled In nl Gletidnl" jester-dny there stood Jean Gnldn wait lug for Marlene Dietrich Although her own chauffeur was thine she got into the open ear with Hie boy friend Jack Benny won praise for working with a lenipoiiduro of HU mid made many friends when lie nnd George Jessrl were mailers of ceremony at Ihe show put in nt Camp Hunter Liggett and Kmt On I Jack Warner Jr Is lieuleiiiml at Cnmp limiter Liggett on active duly and lie was glad to see the film people Jackie Coogan got per-mission to hnvn dinner with tin visitors Ht Foil Ord Virginia O'Brien stopped ihe show nt both camps with her singing Jane Russell proves what publicity can do Although she has never lireii seen on the si reen she was mobbed at Ihe show for the hovs at March Field ami besieged lor iiuioMrnphs look to see Margaret llic-vs do something very special in Sullivan's Travels the Preston SI urges pji lure at Paramount Margaret is developing into swell movie actress nnd moreover she is one nf Hie prettiest girls in Hollywood 1 1 ill and her son Harry Cifi m'i- and her sou! were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs KJnr and Mrs James Van Nnltn Refreshments were served after llic sliowrr present a I ion Tlie guest were Mesdames LeiiM'llc Carrie Cowieson A Miiiwegcn William Selimidl Gus Back losi'pli Dodd Shepard A Prickett Frank Finley Smith Vincent Cavnlla Dorothy Stevens Genevieve llieck Van Natla mid-Kjnr and Misses Louisa Mourn and Lillian Enos and shower at which Miss Jai'dine enleriained in m-r in Madcr'i guests enb'i Mined last nighl Captain and Mrs Axel and Messrs and Mcsil-mies RieheM Waller Smith G-'orge John Koyle and Li KiiTerl Cornelius Vawter Humphries A message from Darryl Znnuck who left by plane fur Washington to map out plans with the war depart men for the next group of training films to lie made for Ihe signal corps wns on my desk when I returned tndny Darryl has bought The Yankee Ostrich hy George Wil-eoxon which denis with the adventures nf one John Grumm who while an obscure figure in history wns really the first lobbyist and worked behind the scenes for the expansion of America In 1800 Dnr-ryl says the situation In Yankee Ostrich is parallel to renditions today Hnd he will make plans for the picture as soon as he returns from Washlngtcn gaih-dioiinr of iheir tweniy ding anniversary Varney now eivrloycd in Ihe I'niled Siaies engineer's nlficr and Ins wife lived here nine years while the former was a canal su-j daughter Jean: Mrs Sam SirpPfii- jjiVv Mrs Alice Smith mother of jpeiiiiiondenr They have one dnugh-json and her daughter Janet Mrs1' the bride woie a gri cicpe govvnjier Miss Theresa Mao Varney of jok with a yoke of gray lace and pink Santa Cm pearl clips and a pink turban and I gloves The bridegroom' mol lu-r sij RshoD Mrs 1 lei b-l ul tended Ihe wed-1 wlur ding In a diudy pink crepe ensemhie Hostess In Home with matching accessoi ies corsages were made gardenias Siorrs If Smith hint her of the bride came from his horn: in Sait Lake City to be the bet man Banked oleanders of pink and while hues formed un aisle up the chancel steps Centering the background decorations against a blue velvet drape was a large arrangement of pink hydrangeas and loiiuat branches in a gold etched urn Tali Mrs arrangements of palms bamboo and: while blossoming pepper houghs! Arrives For were used at each side ilirry Jr: Mrs I Roy Nance lcr sen and (iaugliicr Dick ami Mriry Jrre Mr Ira Chinn aivi her ITighlrr Peggy Mr 1'iyden and her son Richard Mi Rett MJ I Green Hnd her Robert: Mb1 'J Bnscv and '-c! daughtes Iginia Ice and Rnrba'i Arti: Mrs111 PhiiI Cliff Cnarles Miss illuhert Mrs who jibe (Iampson a Avenue review of the book Burma Roadj presented by Mrs Louise S-poerri Walsh Rutile' ilia s'ieiiscu Roily Kckert Vivienne and Mary lVnion and mscn Stanley Lee Van Tuylc and Kileen Sullivan Weidemann of Sun Jose and Guests Entertained In Ralph Robinson Home Ralph Robinso Mr nml Mrs Fresnans Occupy Cottages At Huntington Lake Resort Hayes nf Saratoga and Margaret Richert of San Kran-ri'co and Messrs Julius Robert and Richert Weidemann and Mrs Hayes arc here for the wedding mo guests of Mrs Denison and in their home on Clinton Snapshots of Holly wood collected nt random: Chico Marx was rushed to the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital with a sacroiliac affection Brother Iiarpo mistook Dim for a blond Kutiinrinc Hepburn and Carson Kanin nl sneak preview nf Tom Kanin ni sneak preview or Tonid1 You could not go to Las Vegas without attending a wedding That is where Martha Rayn and Neal Lang Gene Tierney amLCount Qlogl Gfissinl Hill Powell and Diane to elude' Cassini Bill Powell and Diane A group of Eresiinns opened -their cottages nt Huntington Lake this weekend mid spent several days at the mountain resort Dr and Mrs Pack wood occupied their eottnge at Dovvvillc Sat unlay and Sunday Drs and Mesdames John Morgan and William MilhollHnd spent the weekend in the Morgans' Mr and Mis Clarence Mr Dminld Larwood was Bradford spent several days Mesdames James Chimo Edna hostess at a breakfast last Tuesday I heir adjoining cut (age Walter II McXeece How- home on Princeton Avenue TV" complimenting members of the uiuD Members Meet ror attended by members of the 'fesno MotheriingorS 0 Complimented By on Belmont Apnuc Stolkcr and Misses Vera Mrs Donald Larwocd anrt Ruhy Warner ar- dinner Others Lester Gardner Robert Iirtil ns guesls in (heir home Hampton Way during tlie weekend their son in law nml daughter Mr und Mrs James Strnrhnu and Mr and Mrs Thomas Paiker of Los Angeles Tlie home of Mr and Mrs Strachaii the latter formerly Miss Annalee Robinson will lie established in Los Angeles about July 1st Slraclmn already in Iais Angeles will ho Joined there hy Mrs SI radian in several weeks Tha -tuple have lived in neikeley since Iheir wrdding During the reception in the bride's home on Olive Avenue Mi Linda Sue MeGehcc provided musical selections Mrs Jess Rccdei of Los Angeles and Mrs Helen Eliott sister of the bridegroom presided at the bride's table Other out of town guest with the best man and Mrs Reeder were Mrs Sorority and Sigma Tau Delta) ar(j Moore Charles Say I os of Long Beach and honorary English maternity Dur-her son Michael and I Blount ing the past year she served as were I Hancock was ti in Tlie Lark Mrs Carl Mis laser accompanied MrRlarkwpU and Mrs Levy to Kio Del Mar the the weekend Washem and Misses Iewix were wed and where hun dreds of elopers go every weekend I spent Saturday at the pleasant Rancho Vegas I was nked to net as a witness for Olive Challncnmlie and Clarence Bonk of Io Angeles who were married by Judge Mahlon Brown They were not they hnd known each other for three years and were accompanied hy relatives Brown received a letter frem Gene Tierney's falher asking If her marriage to Count Cassini could not he annulled hut the judge says legally it stands Rex Bell Clara Bow's husband came to see me He says Clara Is now interested in raising chickens and he cannot get her to leave their ranch llic fans Phyllis Brooks and Hny-ninnn Jlakini a Beverly Tropics flucl -nnd say Ibis gelling to he a slcndy twosome? Arline Judge who has been sicker than any one knew is living nl I lie I lolly wood Hospital Hubbles Scliinasi the former Mrs Wayne Morris mirlicx here in two weeks Edward Ashley Atislriiliiin nclor is said to t-e the nliriiction Ricardo Cortez and Krancea Farmer at the Pirates Den for the Sunday night session Jane Harwell a race eiilluisiiiKl had an operation on her eye Sal unlay nnd went right on to i lie races From nil nrcouiiH Hollywood hasn't bud such a gay party in ages as nt the West Side Tennis Club soiree which IhsI cd until ti o'clock In Hie morning Ed Kuykendall presidcnl of the theater owners: ills wife son nnd several oilier of the visiting conventloners at my hroiujntst Friday nighl Roll Hope who is never too busy to he nice to people signed of the Fresno Singert attended the University college of agriculture after he was graduated Fresno High School and of Denver Mrs Hcrhst changed to a navy blue hergalino suit with white sheer blouse and red white and! at Davis blue accessories before the couple from the president llerhst of Califomia Edith Kerr and Fred White Edith Kelso Lucille Miller Roberta Moon Elsie Raymond Beatrice Huge Flora Mac( Redwine Mary Shields Josephine Warner Martha Zimmerman Inez Blackwell mid Odessa Ciendennen The guests with the members included Mesdames Suzanna Xihlo Leta Sublette and Bernice Weaver 'and Miss Ru'h Atwell Phi Sigma Deltas Elect Officers No Hostess Dinner Party Members of an evening dinner bridge club met Saturday for their last no host parly of the season After dining Hie group returned the James Campbell home on Nes Boulevard for bridge game Those present with the JCnmphells were Messrs nnd Mes-dames II Arend Herbert McDowell Ilammol Charles Hardin? If Jennings Stallnrd and Mrs Briggs left lalrr today for the North They will motor to Ban Francisco and up the Redwood Highway before going to Portland to establish their home was a student at the Fretno State College lie was affiliated with the Sigma Tau Fraternity here nnd the Zein Xi Fiaternity in Davis He autographs and had a long talk with Kuykendall Hie DnvM Butlers hy Ihe way are flying east witli the Hopes tonight for Ilia oiiis-Coiin fight Alex Korda dr-ighted to receive a cable from John Austin who was reported killed in action He is reciii-rnling nl a hospital in Yulc-'biuy England Jane Withers really had fun al Judy Garland's birthday parly for Dave Rose Sunday -nil Crawford wearing one of her new Summer dies si's attracted plenty of The bride is a former Fresno High moved to Portland early in and Fresno State College student to become an emplovc of and was a member of the Psi Chi the Marine Eleetrirnl Company the Thought I delected the fine hnnd of the Warner Brothers' Fresno Mothersingers Breakfast wns served buffet style horn a lare revered table which was decorated with larkspur in pastel hues After hreakfast entertainment was provided by Mrs Larwood di-j rector of the Molhersingei and'-Mrs II II Stanley special guet who played piano selections Among the Motliei-singers present were Mesdames William Piter Post en I It Proffitt Rasmussen Richmond IT Slid 0 Willhoile I Win her Ilettick Martin Jack Marlin Thomas Mcighan Meiscn-heinier Miller Muir Alice Tillmnn Stewart II Lam-hourne Owens (J Eckmnn II Englebrecht Hall Bandy Marmann Reis Schrader A Kilncr Heinrich Burn II DePcw II Shrcve Dillon Claude DeWeiss Kendall I Fiese Shupe A 0 Townsend Paul Griffis J'-ne and A Cager and Anderson who is the accompanist for the to i -HOUSEHOLD ARTS- The World Is Like That By Kathleen Norris Varied Stitchery Varied Linens By Alice Brooks Jocelyn's shadowed rur-1 in eagerly as the other woman's pie eyes danced and a deep dimple voice again hesitated for a second appeared In one clioek if 1 "Well Another little flag in I may ask was the matter with thisjlhe conversation suppose I last marriage?" she asked deli-(telephone Una asked cately Miss Avis Christen-en was clf'cted president of liio Phi Sigma Della Sorority at an informal nrty and meeting last Monday night in the home of Miss Christensen on North Van Ness Avenue Other new officers are Misses Barbara Sparks vice president Ave-nolle Cull recording secretary Fuchs corresponding sem-Miriam McLellan treasurer: Peters pledge mistress Mrsj me said: Sausalito Jnceljn thought "I was going to go tojtnry: But if there was any Mary Betty group plan for today nl course I'd pul it'IL Nelson historian and Mrs! So do telephone me 1'ra" Lyie Gardner chaplain "I'll do that every thing'" It Final i-lun were made for a was too sponiuiieous too carefully hostess dinner lnt evening suweie loo ol-viou-ly relieved the home in Mis Lyle Gardner Jocelyn hung up her telephone! Ea-ton ii To Santa Catalina Leaving today for week or 'on 'ilnv sojourn on Santa Cntaiina "Well Count von Sturnhorg kept threatening to Mil people" Philip answered with a laugh "It made her nervous Every lime she vva away from home ho supeded her" "Oh" Jocelyn mui mured almost involuntarily keeps hoping to find happiness" the man began seriously and slopped "Well perhaps all of us do!" he added with a sigh And In another moment he was gone Jocelyn looked after his departing form sympathetically Everyone liked Phil Fordyte He was a gentleman and a sport mu-im polite and rich and appieciutive and handsome mid clever lie plajed magnificent golf nnd bridge out she off do dav Island were Mr Briggs and her son Rnheil and the former's! sister Mrs I Cowell They will visit with Mrs Cowell's son Dr Cowell and sat (Uitc still feeling a littlei Others if the puty were Mes-sick She had dene ail she could Ralph Pipcnhurc nnd Ernest and it was no use Now therejWilson and Mises Avis Peters were blank hours ahead TIip Bool iis Mririsn Jarnuin nnd Helen Cob-were noiiiiiuusly rliluiory they iriien ieigh about in ttu-ir studio for half tb- -YOUR BABY AND I E- tli'-y migil gel around to teie-i dinning Kent ai about three thev! Teach Child To Stay In Yard By Myrtle lliraf) Will fiivtt niir IJiirni Color and the it put it off until 1-iici "hey lived in -m untulv apart-: nl berk of some old building on and polo nnd belonged to iluis Ih-post Siin-i tin- studio jutted ini-i! and had a gira-n- md had two room1 govcinoi--liinpiivred upon a fl-t on upied in Ii" I HI ijy t( French lamuliv- peniiie who nf hcrame mad about mij rg- nnd 'wo-fcod when he did il was impressive iif-" -i were silver ivory polishrd sic-I Into polished I rore It was now tv r-aiy minutes dmwi-iiii It -va id-ice 'i-e dav' mo'ihe Jo'iKn hul I ad some "p1fu! happy evenings ih'-ic when she I "1 eookccl the iamn nen hn pound ie1 wine davedr ion Hie old piano nnd done I'l'M skel-hes of the girls' bends ignoring hi protf-t' him there the rel ng tlii ev-ry day until von ran him to mind what you have When 'Oil let Hie li'l!" ores Util ihe bouse Mose day your last to th'-m are "Now stny in mom vnrd:" Are vou sure that is! vvnnder-pfli(t jon enough? 'iu children promise gliii'y And rlinnei-liin-y as iUiekly Hirv wail-' 01Jt j0 the street nfer L-iiN iuick-j-pr run af'er a fa They LiiianIof'nv jncss dog They take house keep If lo 2 alone be you sloit will) II IS rnoii'li vetir old vlto Is playing out for the fiit time you niav sure patient nnd treatment of this sot vv'ijl 1 1'li'i'et'Iy used and set off bv other uuiek easy rmss at itch Put these varied it is just si it cilery after oi tier larger cliliiire-n twelve No void no Kent Jocelyn telephoned fi'-e he bad nut s1 gan to tremble wrii hixI'-k -Iiilt? Horn Iriteil Hie place aiid in a ruit vaj dislih'd Mv Moot ha and liu'ir in-ilneuic" on Kent Itm t't nuiile 1 i i yii love i i jt 1 1 I'luie and had tei iappv linies wiien iii'uifs on many liri-n Pattern TOD-'I contain a transfer pattern of Unity motif tanging Irom Inehrs to l'xxl'1- Inches materials needed illuslialior (if slilrtie To obtain this paMeMi send 10 mils in coin (only) to The Fresno Bee Household Arts pcpni fluent Fresno CaliT Re sure lo write plninly vciir NAME ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER run liete and there unmindful nf Hi'- till" Every minute thibbe'i doois alone il-mgcrous unl'-ss tlie can te i rusted to i be vnrd It i tre late to gK puiusliiuer' tlie fluid litis rlis-ulieved Sone lime lie mnv not lie lucky enough to survive lo te- eivc tlie Itliiu-limelll Tlieto is onlv one 11 rp for him to st-iv tin temptat iule to leave it TDi same n-eilind works lo leaeh j() nl how- lo plav in "fmipile At fnt Hie v'ind will In- ctiunnied in limit- mouths ami sprmkied i tit re tli'-ir bail They know no better lint if the- dis'-tivpi-Hint when ik use aiifi ibi way limy lo-e tin-ptivilege of ii-ing it at ail tiny (stop siicli pi -nt nrs I know thru i raleulatel to! j(h of ese liaining method Upchid-rt said that wr -il-i n' 1 or nlr that the ninth' devote "I 110 i i nc sain i mu I wrili 1inf Am) hilt lvo 1lniesnm im i r-n so tn icat hini: him wlmf hnppriK whrn philil Who knew Hie Slate of lire Moo1h 'hr pilt sfMV Bt hn'n'lr Spltllt h' 4 nne: oiiul have -topped fur him will not wotk hcniuso he nn (I sausages -for a 'oipeWflli( tlirr run away and then take tlie spanking Hut '-f Ire like- eh- hoPril r--d fi: IV ij uble sure iird M- ever day to ware him But It i- worth it to Inter to go about lrer vvmk lire rliild will not leave I lie or try to dig'-M llic s-n-djiilp leaflet Backvai Play Five -fiMed Summer Sailings! Ire-j I She 'rnk-'nf t-'iV'e fft nmy s-icge-i vavi 1 1 cliilrl lui'ily aed I apjdlv Hnt to have ji simply -etd a tenti (plies md onvrlipe Im Departures every few days during ULY and AUGUST provide itineraries to suit almost every vacation plan Nothing you've ever imagined about this inspiring sea voyage over the storied Pacific and HAWAII is half so inspiring as the rcjility which begins to unfold from the moment you hoard ship PLAN YOUR VACATION IN HAWAII NOW! Highly attractive modest all-inclusive fares YOUR TRAVI'L AGLNT TODAY! Or cal! at MATSON LINE offices to play niitdoois it i real pur neni to dr-nv him Hide- ire ill plav lie ii ny h'in when hr goes ort piav a long as ii -lay nt Watih liitn If iii- feel! --tiay out onto sit cel even a Mop go light out bung him ill the lliiii j'l i mir vl-eie )ll iiik" "ll Stnni'('d Hu'inie jn into of thi- new -papr-t nervouMicss and jre -itM sudden leaeh for ir ie sudden agiln'i-d jeik-ug dial nunb'-is Booi li "Una tins is everything?" "'Iy ill ar thi pressing him -elf mouth: Tiicy get rtown Jo rlyn teit an insimit was Spnrrirg for tlroe 'Unn what me uu "Wcli U'a engagMig the ret or n-re Ing at for adv'e JlO plan-' VV ''v in i evi iv'hing" said l'ri after an aimo pause mil hill when 10 lo-ues be I w-e'li mnUo up our minds "Iloriuje about Kni'' Jsnt ''Keiil niii ii M's ov Aiiotlw-r bint lesia'rn 'i'o lyn felt a i u'-fui eiiiiiful i -i -oiiie into or own viue- ion Una never Int in-n-ii aooui Lilian Th is was a new at inode 'They go M-uc-e-" J-' said'' The nateie-M Icl flativ irto m-lem "I know if iolien:" Una said And (lii-ii bir-kiy a if -pe found al 1h- the mi it o-jt (' Ihe I'OiiW'iMitiin "We o'-gi-l lo rli1 Something ipiite ft a'o-it j' oughtn't we" 1 luiis g-i-o know I iiirt d--y It lerdnv- I ii tih o-i J-m pm 111" I aWi'11- Old I'ti 1 I'-" 'V wi-te at a Rti 1 1 last lilcM li gel at I JJ it 1 II 1e! in 1 0 BEAUTIFUL Steam Oil -iule ned dev: ford i oki-'ild iiav joined liren- mu' pned vvpli Iie-ti' aiil it 'v-tild ili have iri'M 'afe and i 'Ie li-ippy If Kent ii'l Hiiee ih'n lire 'vouiii parv in mi a bosi A i' vv its s)-e Iked hono fmni offii-r ii'ivousiy i es'l(" f'fbng Hnt nif's sonK'lliing I ap- i'i(d to ltiig I irtu tlie reff iPit'ing ri xt wo das -hr-J vviiiild go ou her sep-i Sh staved in lrr loom wailing fer a telepiiiiifi i Jt j(l)t ffjiijp md nt 4 o'l-loik f'r-ling faint and wearv ami dooiaie she followed i 'Udden in'pulS" dressed bersHf and reti'lteii to walk In hr- Booths' Imho She would ra in rn ticm (btelessij evplnn tiat slip liad an f-tfi-md in tiieii m'igtiiyoi hood to Tt" sudden ilioulit Hint Kent mi ill In ili'te ii mie b'1r ni'i'P vvuh fi'iit and jnv and inom'li' Iiiu ir I heck Kvet Wtliiog would ii niti evi tvtling wouii1 lie Pin! I frel and ttli1 Kent Jo'k Up fivoiite dll Ii- I iv Miiile and saj Ro I -r "We ii i vou Joy ail yk Permanent -3 550 Unty chock lull of (Mcangwalfiv'i bout nun caihtwt puanuti und ulmendi glamd with entatnury bu (and lunar thn VACUUM-SACKfO TOMUT CKSSV "HAWAII IS EXQUISITE" "Afy trip to 1 1 audit teas a new and thrilling experience to me It would he hard lo imagine a place more beautiful more hospitable I found my visit in the Islands ta 1 and my ocean voyage unforgettable" lboi si nr Duart $5 Machinrlcss ST0 MacMnelevt jij (M) Mr Snritl kni itv 1 K- -nil- l-hicvit fdtni MlUiit III I'rmreiirnit Xir I nilrS Hr (tur Xirluani I -Ml Quality that enhances summer enjoy mcnta finer more flavcrful iced tea 2IS Mztkct btrut ban Irancisco IV CRAIG mm lag to Covey's to look Sllppet" tills afiet niicti? Jf I it rt ir i-ri ev thing ''isttif said Soil I 'I' fig ilii'Ut In over tu liovt- jii-l)n Ro put Barber Beauty Shoppe 2fUB Brlmonl 8-11H31I (To Re Uontlriiicd) r-jr fr a Ti JL.

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