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The Times-Picayune du lieu suivant : New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 8

New Orleans, Louisiana
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4 5 i 'f COMMERCIAL. omen or the picaytjne, i Tuesday Evening. Ju la, ISM. I COTTON TLct was a good inaoby at ttie cpjnlng of tke market to day, bat with' a scarcity of desirable liets ad full price clsimed for them, the tale reach only eaut 4O00 bain. sllfrhtiy advance our quotations for the better grades.

Saturday'! business prsves to have amounted to 13,100 bales. We now quote Inferior. 4 J.11 Ordinary uud Middling lli ik Mxl Or.Un.ry 10v.aMek Middling Fair Middling .101. wll, Fsir ls STATEMENT OF COTTOlt. Stock eB hand Ut September, lane bales J0.JT4 Arrived since 1.01.

TOO Arrived to day IM. It 1.117.063 1 M7.437 Exported to date. Exported to day. II. Ml Steek ob band not cleared 460.

191 SUGAR There hai beeaw good demand at ctUl firmer eriees, with aalea of about 9000 hhda. Fair to fully fair raaglBg at 6t9c 4p B. MOLASSES Some ssoo bbla. as Id at 29930c. for fer aaentiag and Slat 39c.

for prime and choice, with MO half bbla. at sac. A gallon. TOBACCO Tbe saly aalea reported have been 19 hbds. at OlfeC? 90 at gc.

and oa private term. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock haad 1st September, igfta M.31C Arrived sines 7.537 Arrived to day 74 7.811 35.727 18.739 41S 1S.141 Exported te svxporoea aa oay. Stock a haad net cleared. 83 686 FLOUR There to aUU a gaod demand, and aome 6000 sols, have been 'sold to day, including a flat boat load of bbla.

anbranded at 100 bbla superfine in three lata at SCO extra Indiana in two Iota at 75, 500 ex ora at 17 M0 at 06 80, and 500 at 75 boL CORN Ws notice aalea at too sacks ordinary at JT ereeie yellow at WOO aackj la iota at 1 A91 liifo and yesterday goo at 1 learl 15 4r bushel OATS Some S00 aacka hare been aold to day, Including MOO Kentucky la two lota at 76c SOO St. Louis at 78, 700 at and 490 Western at toe. baabei. 'BRAN 0 aacka taken at 01 10, and sooatOl IS too m. FORK Seles 150 bbla.

new meat at 018 1 1 4, ISO at tit as, and yesterday 100 at 18 37 bbL BACON IS casks ribbed sides sold at 9c, and lost clear at B. SALTED MEATS Sales 43 casks at for shoulders, 75 for bams, and 7c for sides, 90 at elfrc for ahomlders and 7r. for hams, and in bnlk at 6), and lite. dp BJ for ahoutders and bams. LARD so tierces huge size, sold at 11 He IP IB.

PICKLED MEAT We notice a sale of 15 casks hama sad ahoaidera at and (ti jc V. Sa lea 100 and 300 bbla. rectified at 37c COFFEE About SSOO bags have been sold, comprising 0 at lie, 40S at 11, 375 at so at at llU, cor skrmminga at lotc 4 m. SALT A cargo of 0100 aacka Liverpool, afloat, about one fifth fne, sol 1 on private fcraia, WDIA BAeeiNO 300 bales, ia two lots, taken st 13fccs 4yard. 8DNNT BASS A sale of 40 bas heavy at IOC LARD OIL 30 bbla.

winter atrained aold at li gal CANDLES do boxes full weight brourbt i)r. EX EIGHTS Vesse la an the berth filling up with Cotton at l5 Liverpool, lc. for Harre, and ldc for Bremen. Some 000 bbls Flour shipped for Boston at ftc. bbL EXC HAN CLE Demand moderate at oar quotations London (clear bills) 7S7V and fct.

prem. Faaw 5f. d.L New York 0 days 1 Vi ct dis. New York Sicht dct. dis.

CATTUS MARKET. JeSerson City, Tuesday Evening, Jan. l. BEEP CATTLE A moderate stock of Westers Beeves and barely 300 Texas Cattle offer A Kentucky Bee (belter) weighing 4300 gross, was sold at 147, the stock of choice Beeves We quote Texas Cattle at 013i as sad $40 bead, and Western at 7W9 and 9 Sac. 4r IB net.

Kecerpta, 120 head. BOSS Near MO head offer. Prices firmer. We quote at i some Iota are held at 9c. 7b net.

Receipts. MS bead. 8BBEF Dull at S3 50 head. About 300 bead offer. 1LCB COWS Fair demsnd.

Beceipta. 17 head. Price 36945 sad 000 bead. MONETARY AND FINANCIAL. TUESDAY ETENCfO, January IK.

The Bsarkr was without any important orange, to day. It is saperftuoas almost to. allude to the great activity in tooriaeav sad the general evidences of prosperity that boand in every direction. The conviction forces itself irresistibly that ear cisy is making a great atnde forward, sad that the elements of well being were never so strikingly evident as during this season. And when we take into consideration the drawbacks consequent on a protracted and somewhat sickly snjnmer, it IS astonishing how rapidly the recuperative energies of the community have sur mounted these obstacles, and placed us on a pinnacle so lofty as to excite the envy and the admiration of the world.

If true to ourselves, New Orleans will, daring the next few years, make such sa onward march as to defy seauuetitiaain every department. The Money market; continues very active. Large amounts of capital are required to move the prodigious Trade now carried on in every article notwithstanding which, the supply proves fully ample to meet all exigencies. The Banks are doing a heavy business in local discounts and exchange, and their position is one of such strength as to enable tbem to compass a much larger movement. money is abundant, and considerable sams are from day to day seeking, investment at 99 Vet, which are the standard rates for long loans.

The BTsmiae of a plentiful supply of means during the remainder of the season is undiminished. Stacks ase very firm. Some 400 shares of Canal Bank have bcea dosed at sftSg. and a sale pf Crescent City Baak was mads at 102)6. A furtaer transaction In Southern Bank was made at 106.

The Exchange market is without notable alteration. We quote Sterling from and lm, the latter being an extreme figure and only obtainable for the. best names. Drafta with bill of lading run from 10H4fi07fe. Franca take a range from 5f.3095f.

n. Sixty day bills a New York were a shade stacker, ruling from discount. Sight, discount. In Bank the coun ter rate Oar dates tram York sre to Isst Wednesday evea taf.The Money market snowed no change. A sale of Louisiana Sixes was made at There was nothing do tag la Foreign JKxchange.

Prices were nominally unal JOHN TODD, 8UCCS880R TO D. P. SCAN LAN 4 IS AND 14 CHAKTBES Imparteraf BVICH SILKS. DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES LAUS.CLOAJL8 and MILLINERY ARTICLES. SVtf ArtWsUa YeaterwAT ax lrtaelpaj II tela.

ST. 1CHABLE8 HOTEL. Btlllman. KTork 1 Camem, tta A Kinney. Mrs Nolan and child.

La Lt Brady, Cast Be all, A BsUiday, BigaxT Holiiday, Pari Spragoe, Ala A Buc kJrk, AS Wells and ladyW Smith and lady. A Praxer asdladv sv lSesvea, Kyt White Jr. NT MrVor. wad 3 Sargent, Redo, 8 Tillman. Miss BaaMh ass) wife.

Me Vienna Mrs Ford Mr Nicholson Mrs Dnaran and child Mrs Conwell and child 1 Bailiefl, Dumrine. city Magill, A Tewles. Hrs flmUey and daughter, Walker, JW 'Miles, Tenv Prentice Jr, Mrs Prentice, Miss Pren La BTrs I Praxer, Mitchell and lady7L Maverich.Tex Jones Cameron, A Fannin, Cameren, Oa Irr Elliott, ty MnrreU and lady. Miss A MurreU, Miss A saner, Va Jones Whitted, Wrsefat, GyV hitted, B. Wadliugton, Sledge fparka, trma, McAfee, Miss Tomlinsoo, Mo TK Batcheloity Dr Laiba.J Smith, A A Williams, Dr A Robb Wd lady.N Frisby, A Frtsbv, Coach, Kdrn, DeAaasyA Adams, La Wolf, Mexice Caaaingham I Boyt, Tena A Flower, I Ellington, Taylor and lady.

Mass Wlllard, A Oreeo, Ksaatr sad lasr koaserJ Rosser, 8C BPayne IBPrathro. Art 6 Clay, Ve A Sentry, Tex A Lowry; jp Beviaj, Hf WH Boylan, al Boy Ian. C. w.CITT' OTEL.W Davie, Darder, Bogam, EC KBirhardsen, Puckaloa, Deisen, JDIsMa, Miss 1 4V nDn a PWn. a fWf CusuAelL Mass Bunckell, Md Oeo Carson.

ad Mrs McInUahValTwI i5u5.r?SAilV NI Baring ttlV Bwke? Maa a ar jc jw. "ian son, MDay. aon. tra etchklas. yS CrnZV tf romb Masden.lX3WKWadllan7.l'': Stone and mother.

Corsbk 6 Foot aku Barton, Children, JSorabyJ McDanieL i sea, 8tewaft. 8 ReUes Knight, and lady. A m. atKJa r. x.

1 1 NeJIaon. Neiham. kiiskT BlunJ nZTS 9 Srroope, Art A Marks Simmons, Rtchard son; Rtehsreson, Ark Best, Pa Roberta. La NCMcMiUen TH Smith, A Siwimere, Saber JH Bodges, Mr Motley, Miss MoWey. Tatea, Miss John Sammeraand lady.

Ark Miss Matthews and lady. 8 Atattnwe, Ala WJJnxjTexasD Taylor auu T' 7 outer ul, vreua, xx virrrm inn Cubans: lean tx fiov WSMepeasB, WaddSl, PaOoi kn. Boylan, A Bartls, to Dr Cnsar, city. ti ST. LOUIS BOTEL MWCarrA" Barrow.T Snarks' We Bat i id, A Crawford, i Heard.

smes. iUutu. i Ricbarda, La MJlford nramsri'J Stour. oif, Ma JS Burksteia, LevyTlT iT Rice, Stevenson, ladr and two cfaildm 1 Mias Mason Miss alaiau. Tea Brooks, Va frrrj.

city Beructivent, Aahs, Mias Walters, Ala fcW Whit tied, Leitrb, city Buxocm and wife. JUs Mr and tied, Leitch, city i Bascec MrsOrns, Hill and lady, To AKC1DE ROTII. t.BTrklw it lar Marshall, Miss Willfcvns. si 4 uoapsaaa, I a ra.o, tra a McLroaS VisTawi WUUsmsTx rnri 8 Bird JetfricV. saecl Ark WM 8 Wise Sb lp ilatrh, Pla Jas Cold.

TexJ Wll Co kXLT Vir JT Jewell, Xa SJiW Bren aoemi ui i' iiiswk a wuuama. 'Waal JTSS' Sims, shipa, maa, If Bobrasow. A Warren, Farriss, McCaUea. Lee. Fe arson, Carter, 8 Parnam Williams, La Busty, assy, Tatum, Ta tum.

Miles, Ark r. Botbro. Gs McKay, Conn Baat Kercboft Benson Hneg. Texaa Doyal Mwria. Wskh LaW Wright, Joseph Ky.

MRS. 1ST and 100 Canal Street, irretteli Embroideries avnd Mllllneryt DRESS MAKING. win "REMOVAL. tindYAXrrr'crBici IC omce to oa gravier street. stll lm EMO VAL Messrs.

PAYAN A CARHaRT. WhoS salesnd Retail bsvs Sstablishment to 70 Canal strert. First Uistrtct. sit FINE GROCRIKSl PETERS, MILLABD Corner of Old Levee andBien villa streets. Have in stars sad at landing, largo assortment of fins eTOceriea, ate, vis: Old Brandies, old Madeira, old Sherry aad superior Port Wine, White Brandy, Hollaed Sin, old Jamaica Ram, old Boarboa and Maryland Whiskey, fins and common Clare ta.

White Wine, Cordials, Maraschino, Anisette, Curacao, and Abeynthe. soo packages Stewart's and Levering 'a re lined Sugar. SM bags old Java Coffee. to bags old Cuba Coffee. 50 begs Jamaica Coffee.

5 bales Mocha Coffee. DO boxes New Bedford Sperm Candles, T5 boxes White sad Colored Patent Candles 1600 packages M. R. and Layer Raisins. CO hales fresh Almonds.

casks aew Currants. esses Citron 160 packages fresh Buckwheat. SO cases Preston at Merrill's Teast Powders. 150 cases assorted Pickles. B0 esses Lobster and Salmon.

60 kits No. I Salmon. SO kits Extra Hal and Mess MsckereL boxes Winchester's No. flvap. 00 boxes Pare Starch.

60 boxes Champagne Cider. BO packages Vve. Cttquot, Roederer's superior Cabinet, aad Piper Heidsekk Champagne. 160 casks Brass's Farter and quarts and pints. 80 casks Dove's Ale, ptnta A large assortment fins Black sad Breen Teas, English Mustard.

Shaker and French Preserves, Pickles, Ac dit am Plaatatlasj and Near ea fr8ale. ICC NEGROKS. yoong. likely and fully acclimated OO 3000 acres of Land, loud of which are in cultivation, together witb 38 mules, com, provisions, stock, farming iznple ments. Ae.

These arc tbe best lands in Tallahatchie county. Mississippi high, healthy and weil watered convenient to steamooat and raiiman. r.or terms, wnicn win oe easy, apply to Jali TARLETON, WHITIXi TULi.lS. 40 Perdldo street. Pstaloes Potaloes.

ri( BARRELS White Rock. Potatoes, imported from OUU Londonderry, Ireland, in sre. For sale by Jalo nl R. POLLARD. Tchoopltoolas street.

Aadnbon'a Worka. ACDTJBON'S BIRliS. in seven, volumes, containing 1 1 no specimens engraved and colored to nature. Also his QUADRUPEDS, finished in the same style, in three volumes, contsining 3w) specimens. Sold to subscribers only E.

YGATT, jajt 1 Agent for Louisiana. For Male, ONE of the roost magniricent COTTON PLANTATIONS in the State ol Missistipp', situated on both sides of Deer Creek, nine miles from the shipping point on the Mississippi river, routsiniiie 4s acres of Land lr4X which are in cultivation. There are on the Plantation two Uin H.iuses. one run by steam andtlie other by horse power, a new Dwelling House, negro qasrters. Ac and l.Vj Slaves, mules, stork, farming utensils, corn, foilder, Ac Ac.

For terms and psrtii nlars, inquire of WM. M. FINCK.ARD CO Jalr tf Kl Carondelet street. ArCTTONEER AND APPRAISER OtTice, No. 8 Arcade dn rim A.

II. tJnle dtc PIANO MANUFACTURERS. NEW YORK. ould tespectfully Invite their tnenda and patrons, in New Orleans, to their targe assortment ol elegant Rosewood IRON FRAME PIANO FORTES. An experience of over thirty years of successful operations, and an earnest determination to aphold their well earned reputation.

Justifies them in saying that their Pianos shall continue to give the entire satisfaction they have so long sod so fully inspired. Represented in New Orleans by HENRY PARSONS, das lm 48 Camp street. Cat ton Weed. Ctr SACKS best Edlsto Sooth Carolina SEA ISLAND OD COTTON 8ELD, for sale by DUNCAN LOGAN, dl 3m No. 67 Caraadeiet street.

Steam Reflaed Ivlalaases. WE sre now preoared to dwiiver a superior article of STEAM REFINED MOLAS SES7 of tLe well known brands of Orleans, Louisiana an City Refinery. A. THOMSON A JaS lm 40 Tchoupitonlsa st. Exteaalwe Sale af MaajBlfleeat FRENCH PORCELAIN AND FANCY GOODS, Suitable for PRESENTS AND FAMILY USE.

i MR. JAMES P. JITDSON Respectfully informs the public that he has taken the Store No. 07 Camp street, and opened a large and elegant stock of magnificent FRENCH, CHINA and FANCY GOODS, direct from the manufacturers, suitable for presents and family use. The Porcelain comprises complete assortment of plain Gold Band and Decorated DINNER, DESSERT, TEA and BREAKFAST SETS, latest styles.

Also Tbe richest assortment of FANCY CBINA ever offered a this dry, viz: VASES, COLOGNES, TOILET SETS, CARD BASKETS, MOTTO CUPS, FIGURED INK STANDS, CBINA CRUCIFIXES, TOY, TEA and DIN NER SETS, PUFF BOXES, JEWEL HOLDERS, aad NickNacks. Also 0 Bohemian and French Crystal GLASS DECANTERS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, CARD RECEIVERS, CO LOGNES, FRUIT BOWLS, LIQUEUR SETS, Ac Ac And to induce large sales, all of the above will be disposed of after the following very liberal plan With every purchase to the value of 52 VI and up wards, a PRESENT WILL BE GIVEN, varying In value from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars. wT Ladies especially invited to call and examine this stock. Js3 lm IlertlrnltaraJ. sassa The subscriber begs to inform his friends snd the Issuf public that he has opened his Green honse and Plant osaw.

establishment, on the comer of Camp street and lM fayette Square, for the season, where will be found the largest collection and finest varieties of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Greenhouse Plants, in the Booth. Among which will be found everything new and rare. Bis collection of Roses is unrivaled. Fruit Trees, consisting of Peach, Apricot, Nectarine. Plum, Apple, Pear, Orange, Lemon, Fig.

Meapilus, Ac ail gro bv himself, and warranted the best of their kinds and st able for a Southern climate. All Plants, Trees, Ac, purchased at his establishment guaranteed true to name and kind. Parkins done in the neat manner. All eoads de livered on board steamers, Ac, free of expense Plants of every anna larmsnee irons sua new nursery on toe aseiai le njnge, rree or coco. d7 am ItlmWf JOHN M.

NELSON. ORTHOPtESIC INSTITUTION Under the Direction of a DRS. CHOPFnt 8CHUEPFRT, Ne. SIS Caraadeiet. between Girod and Julia streets, New Orieana.

La. rpHJS INSTITUTION is now open for the special swr girai creatment Of ail aerormirjea of tne oooy, oota congenital and acquired, sorb, as Wry Neck, Clubfoot, Clubaand. Distortions of the Hatne. of Jointa. Anehvlnata.

Disi orations. Con tract! oas from Burns, Wounds, Ate Special attention will also be paid to tbe RADICAL CURB wr nr Hiiu, and treatment of all diseases of the Genito Drinary Orrans. Every attention paid to the comfort and vrwmtw hum rSUCDUi Charges White persons from ag to set dsy Slaves 1 Operations charged extra. All applications or letters shodld be addressed to Drs. CHOPPIN SCH0PPERT, SIS Carondelet street.

O. La awr Office Hoars Prom I to P. M. al am Fhatalx Haaae 98 jsu Ckuu lea Street. This old, popular and well known House as again been entirely refitted, with the addition or SIX HEW TEN PIN ALLEYS sasir toe mast complete in the world).

The BAB, RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON are. as usual, kept constant supplied with Substantteia, as well ss Delicacies, both from home and abroad. Having secured gentlemanly and oeugmg assistants, in each department, the proprietor solicits a soaUaoaace of patronage heretofore hosts wsd, A SUPERIOR LUNCH SET ETERT DAY, sT From 10), A. M. to 1 s.clock, P.

M. DAVID BID WELL, Proprietor. FHELAK'S IJriPROYED BILLIARD TABLES COMBINATION i Tbe Bsderxlgned ass Just tarnished his Saloon with the above Tables for which he is Agent, and will supply then at the shortest notice. He has also for sals eight very good Second Rand BD TABLES, Just removed from his Saloon, a portion them having marble eds, and a0 articles In the Billiard line st the lowest figure, tor sale st tbe Southern Billiard Saloon, tot Gravier street. nltadp M.

MT. MILLBB. Bladaa aad Callan rrUurs. FOR ADO AND CULLOM Twice a Week Tee steamer ADVANCE, Samuel Abies, master, will and Cnllma Springe, twice a week, as fat For passage, apply to s. rca.

aaxtPSOff COOKE. MonOa.AlsJ (eWxecBnanrteaxAis jga. 48 fawBF0BrssC rwaa A pff. New OtIsobs. Ths Mast Madera, "f1' AT SJRXATLY REDUCED PRICES.

X' aXAJtaTB Kerseys aad Sstlsst Baiti far 1 sows asrtlaa rtitf EDUCATION. AJataemaulcal Drawiac aad VVrtiias Academy, PR P. P. RICHARDSON will give Instructions, day and evening, at No. St' St.

Caarles street, corner of Common, ia Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Engineering. Nav IgaSon, practically taught and applied Perspective, Architectural. Mechanical and Ornamental Drawing, with thor eagh instructions in Sketching from nature or art. Greek, Latin, English, French and Spanish, will be taught by competent Proiessora. Evening Classes will be formed for a Course.

Private Instructions will be given to these who truut. da 3m Univerwirr at L.ealalana rpSE several classes of the Collagiate Departmi ent are XUliy orgsntara. omwcuw wiu wi Junm the Academic vear. Se admitted at any C. W.

BEARS, Dean of the Faculty. Students in the Grammar School are prepared for admission ta too Collegiate course, and Study, Latin, Greek. French, Spanish. German and all English branches. Boarders, dsy boarders and day scholars are received in both departments, at any season of the year.

For full particulars apply, at tbe comer of Baronne and Common streets, to the general superintendent, LOUIS DUFAU. University af raaialana. FRENCH Permanent Evening Classes, conducted by Professor J. 6ENTIL, five times a week, from 6 to 7 o'clock P. M.

Terms, 10 per month. Merchants. Clerks, and any other persons whs wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of the French language, are respectfully requested ta apply at the University Buildings, corner of Baronne and Common streets, to Hi. Charles Instltaie, Greenville, near Carrollton, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. BOAiDING SCBOOL rOR YOUNG LADIES, Conducted by Mme C.

MACE THE CLASSES of this Institute will resume studies on the 1st of September next. It is particularly re quested that pupila be promptly and punctually in at tendance on that day, ia order to profit by the full course of instruction. The St. Charles Institute is located, as Is well known, ta one of the most delightful situations in tbe vicinity of New Orleans, aad in an extremely favorable one In sanitary respects. Considerable Improvements to the buildings have been effected during the recess, leaving nothing wanting to insure the comfort of the pupils.

The course of studies pursued at this Institution embraces all the necessary branches of a complete education. They are all taught both in English and in French, in six classes. The professors in the former language are of the highest merit, and French ia taught upon a superior method, thus ensuring the best opportunity for acquiring a perfect and polished knowledge of both languagea. A large proportion of tbe pupils being of French origin, American young ladles enjoy great facility in learning to "LnehieercuuBra, a full course of Literature, ia both Preach sad English, is taught In snch a manner as to lead the pupils insensibly to well cultivated knowledge, to an elegant style, to a pare taste, aad to an acquaintance witb writings of the best authors. The pupils are required to observe among themselves the most careful politeness and affability, and all the amenities of the best society.

Masic is taught by masters of recognized ability. One of the most celebrated professors of singing in the city Is attached to the Institution. Farther particulars are given In the Prospectus, which may be procured on application at the Institution, or will be supplied on addressing MADAME C. MACE, anil 3m Box 104. Post Office.

New Orleans Orleans Female Academy, lit Camp street, between Poeyfsrre and Calliope Street. A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL, Conducted by MADAME DIMITRY. TBE Sixteenth Annual Session of this Institatin begins en tbe first Monday in September, IMS, In the Desban Verandah," purr based by the Academy to establish in the Sooth, a School of the highest order. This magnificent building, most eligibly located, three stories hign.coveringsa area ot four thousand five hundred square feet, with fin? architectural exterior and suitable interior distribution, ia orovided with bath rooms and every con venience tending to aealt and comfort. The Instruments, Musical, rnilosopoicai, arc.

are ol tne oest maze. Tbe course of studies snd plan of instruction are based apnn those of the most celebrated collegiate institutes of th United States and France, with which M'me Dimitry corresponds regularly. No aew fangled systems are adopted, nor deceptive inducements held out. Numerous referenceamong them alumna of this Institution, whs now gem society. asr For particulars, apply in person or by letterSjto Jyis dtWU M'MK M.

D. DlMfTBY. Edaeatlen. HEW ORLEANS AND PASS CHRISTIAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, For Boarders and Day Scholar founded In 1KB, 7 ml Letris. sad conducted since ltMO by M'me DESRATAUX, Burgundy street, between Customhouse snd Bienville, Mew Orleans HIS establishment provides thorough and substantial instruction in every stage and department of education, and offers great facilities for tbe acquirement of the French language and for the cultivation of music Singing and Soufege are taught by the weU known leader of the New Orleans Opera.

Tbe summer session at Pass Christian begins on the 1st June, and ends about the 1st November. The buildings, large and commodious, are situated in the highest and healthiest part af the Pass. Attached to tbe premises are a fine bath booaa snd good wharf, and the pupils enjoy, during tbe summer season, tbe combined advantages OS country air, sea bathing, and the lessons of the best city masters. Mr Pre oat resides at tbe Pass during the summer, and con tlnues his lessons in the establishment. Be also gives private lessons in families.

Examinationa in music take place every month, in winter in tbe city, and in summer at tbe Pass. The City School remains open the entire year for board era and day scholars. No vacation is given by the estab liahment. Arrangements are made for boarders, by the year, at the reduced price, payable six months ia advances For general terms apply at the Institution Uf al7 Wtf Hassver Aestsieray. THIS School hi situated la Hanover aonnty, Virginia about twenty miles from Richmond, and eqai distant from tbe Central and Richmond and Predrickabarg Railroads, being snly three miles from each.

The Instructors ars all Masters of Arts of ths University of Virginia. Terms Por tuition and board (lights excepted) too per session of ten months, on half payable on the 1st of October when the session commences) and ths remainder on the 1st of March. For detailed catalogues address tbe Principal, at Taylors ville P. Hanover county, Va. LEWI8 M.


J. BAMPDEN CHAMBERLAYNE, M. D. References in Louisiana Leonard G. Compton.

B. W. Peebles, Esq. Dr. Sam.

G. Comston. C. R. Mueeah.

Dr. George French, David Berwick, Col. John T. Towies, Mrs. M.

E. Lyons, Joshua James, David P. Pipes, Judge John Ferkiaa, Gee. C. Cematock, Esq Wlth one exception the shove mentioned persons hart all been patrons of the School auAS Stawtf YaanaT Ladies' Xastitate, lftO Carondelet street, MISS S.

BULL PRINCIPAL. THIS Institution will be Reopened far the reception of Day aad Bearding Papils on Monday, September eth.lgos. Boao tf MRS. D'AQUIN Yosas Ladles' Baardlas; Hekaal, 156 Conde street, (continuation of Cnartres. THIS Institution Is now transferred to the large sod commodious building long known as Mrs, Mi.Manaa's Boarding ScbooL Prof.

J. G. D'AQUIN will In future, take charge of the higher conreea in this establishment. The English partment will, in a special manner, be entrusted to care. Besides the ordinary branches of primary education, the studies embrace English and French Rhetoric, as also a reasoned course of History, ancient and modem and of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Mathematics.

a cnoice i.iDrary is seiectea lor uie use ol the signer atusiK fai uii Miruucu hi; r.c i ui mill, ui is being taught, the theory and practice of harmony and 1 1 t. solfeggio included. Sedulous care ia taken to pr iuloua care ia taken to promote the moral as well as physical improvement of the pupils. Private Lessons from eraduate achem may be made bv applying at tbe institution. for per maoth.

Half 10 Dsy Scholars to It According to the Classes. el 50 ly St. Laala IastltatJoa, 313 Dauphin street, between Ursuline and Hospital, under the direction of MADAM DBRON. THIS Institution, occupying a group of fine buildings, presents aU tbe advantaees desirable for a Female Educational Establishment. The Class Balls, Exhibition Hall, Refactory and Dormitory, are on the largest scale, and are well ventilated.

A beautiful garden surrounding snakes ths recreation literally a path among flowers and all is so removed from the street as to give aa air of tvtlreiuent snd tranquillity even ia the midst of the city. The various branches sf sn extensive and refined educa. tioa are committed to the charge of Professors of character and experience, whom Madam Deren spares no trouble or expense to procure. The languages are the object of special attention all the modem ones are taught try native Professors. The great number of young ladies Creole snd American educated at Madam Deroa'a, who may be found In every part of the city and State, able to speak English and French with accuracy and facility, Is the best proof of the success of the Institution.

The accomplishments sre taught by the best masters. The Piano and Harp are under the direction of '1m Lsvillebeuvrs. Madam Deron ia person constantly superintends ths Inst ruction, and always inculcates that dignified courtesy and modest and amiable manners which, even more than letters, fit yonng ladies for the fulfillment of their duties in society. The feelings af regret and tenderness with which her many papils, now in honored places in the "world, "still remember Alma Mater, apeak the maternal kindness snd firmness which govern her Household. There are Evening Classes for Ladies wlu cannot attend In the coarse of the day.

Bar Summer real denes st Msndeville. sl 4m Trinity Fern ale Hemlaary. Pass Christian. Miss. jurp.

thos. s. sayagbTm. principal. IN consequence of the continuance of the yellow fever io New Orleans, the next session of this Institotioa wiil net open till FIRST OF NOVEMBER.

Corps of Instructors Rev. Thos. 8. Savage, M. Geo.

G. Butler, M. A Vice Principal and Professor. Mrs. Bsvsgw, Teacher of Drawing and Fainting.

Mrs. Batier, Teacher of English. Rev W. Sill, M. Professor.

Louis Mendelssoha, from Germany, Professor of Music Lo" Ide, from Germany. Professor of Music Miss Williams, Teacher of Music French. nl' 'TencB Governess snd Teacher of Professor of French and sf the Modem MPfnstcs. .1 tf lastltate Halt. WATCBEE.

MISSISSIPPI. FpHIS BEAUTIFUL HALL, by the introduction of sa abundant supply of gas light, has now received the only addition it required to make lt one sf the: most pleasant aad eonunodions buildings In tbe Sooth, for Coa certs. Lectures, er Panoramic display. The Boor af ths Bail proper which hi in the upper story Is furnished witb comfortable chairs snd setees, numbered from 1 to 600. Across the end of this room is a platform, four feet above the floor, sixty by fifteen feet, with faoUlshts In front.

Two Booms open on to the platform in the rear. Janitor and policeman provwea, ana no otner aiiowea. ril trn Far Hire. Ag WET NURSE, a young and healthy Negro Wentaa with her infant. Apply at 180 Royal street, nio r3U Charles Laaa OSIee, 0a COMMON STREETnnder the St.

Charles Hotel; unraaeemea Hsagea, coasixuug as are Am mmmlA SUm UL't aad Jeweny af all deacripttona. Sil ver ware, trans, Junes ana inarms, It, lor aate at very tow prices. aW Liberal advances annas oa all descriptions af Goods, romltora, Ac FOT se ly A Caast Cltauwea far a Tanner. BALE A well established Tan Yard, arevlded with all the i sasi rmoiements for carrvin oa tbe svaineas, with abowt so to SO cards tan bark oa hand, bark mill and dweUinea, fca a verv aood coaniiv for settins hides ad hark, wtuatad near the New Orleans and Great Northern Railroad, 4 asflss above Osyka, This property will be said cheap, sa ceoaat af tbe owner ssevtng away. Fse terms, sppry to aa juiiaavn On 6.

sH tfY arks A PxUJUaE, Otykal STEAMBOATS. 1858. 1859i TBE CtTBAJEST THROUGH HOUTB TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND By The CisM lnoatl aad New Orleans Exprcia Lines Consisting of tne following steamers' SWITZERLAND, J. P. Scheock, master.

OHIO BELLE, no. Sebastian, master. MONARCH. Jna. A Williamson, master.

TECUMSEH, F. F. Logan, master. JUDGE TORRENCE, R. M.

Wade, master. BUSQUEBANNA. O. C. Williamson, master.

MADISON, Geo. P. Hoopla, master. UNIVERSE, Albert Stein, master. NICK THOMAS, Jno A Duble, master.

QPEEN OF TBE WEST, 'J. P. Wade, master. The stesmeraof this line win leave positively as advertised, for Cincinnati, Madison, Louisville, EvansviUe, Smith land, Paducab, Cairo, Memphis, Ac, Ac, ticketing passengers throng to all Northern snd Eastern cities, Cheaper than any ether Rente. It ia the intention to have one boat, at least, in po at all times, snd to maintain, as nearly ss possible a Reculas asd Reliable List.

For freight or psessge apply on board, or to CHAS. P. VERLANDER, Agent, dl5 tf 10 Poydraa street, formerly Corn 'Change leaves on THURSDAY. at 5 P. M.

btaR link. rrw FOR CINCINNATI, MADISON AND I JhTl Louisville The fine swift running passen sCS. ger packet steamer LAN DIS, Joa Scott, Easter, will leave as shove. For freight or passage apply on board, or to VERLANDER. JalS 10 Poydraa street, formerly Cora 'Change.

Red River. Leaves on WEDNESDAY, lHh at 5 P. FOR JEr EKoOZv, SMIl rlUAn Benton. Port Caddo. Albany, Shreveport, Grand Bayou, Campte, i iitl sieisiiona normau a.

oaroin s. ana au r.rm.ill.1, landinsa on Red River The aunerior and lisht draught passenger steamer HAM HOWELL, U. Mat thiesson, master, will leave as above For freight or pas sage apply on board, or to MUSE A Jslo comer of Common and Front streets. laaon WF.DNKSDAV. l'Jth at 5 P.

M. FOR LAKE BI3TBN bAU, tXoscow. Boone's Landine. and all tnterme diate landings on Lake Bisteneau, Grand taou, Campte, ttranu Ecore, and Alexanana ine new, light drang Dt and swill running passenger paczet MILTON RELr, Cnas. Hall, master, will leave as above.

for freight or passage apply on uoara, or to MUSE A Jsltf Comer Common and Front streets. Leaves on THURSDAY. Sbth at 5 P. M. THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN LINE.

Campte, Grand Ecore, Alexandria, and all intermediate landiuxa on Red River The lira, swift running, light drsnght passenger packet steamer juuah iulku, w. eiwing, master, win leave I above For freight or paenace apply on board, or to Jal'i T. B. SMITH. 4 TshouDitoulaa street.

9m1T I am ant faorized to say that this boat dues not belong to nouns at tiro, r.ine, lor are tney ner ageaca. Leaves on THURSDAY. Jith at ft P. M. THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN IN DEPEN DENT LINE.

i. KKUULAK JEFFERSON PACK ET 1 3 For Jetterson. Benton, Port Caddo, and all esiivuu. cainpte. urand rore siki Alexandria rue (lent draught passenger packet 8ALLIE ROBINSON, Dyas Power, master, will leave as above.

For freight or passage spnry on ooaru, or to Jal B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitouiaa street. 1 TIH'DtrilV i. I. vu .1 I' ii mt REGULAR JEFFERSON PACKET For Jefierson.

Smithland. Benton. Port s. Csddo. Hwanson's and norms LAndlnea.

aua au landings in the Lakes, Albany, Shreveport, Grana Bayou, Campte, urand r.core. Alexandria, tsarbtn aand all intermediate lamtings on Red River and the Lakes The new. light draught steamer SALLIE ROBINSON, Dyas rower, master, win leave as aoore. ror ireignt or pas sage sppiy on ooaru, or to MUSE A BRO Jao comer Common and Front streets. Leaves on THCRSDAY.

3th lost, at .4 M. fssass FOR SHREVEPORT, DIRECT) LAKE IjasarT.Tilf. Bisteneau, Mindrn, Moscow, Lake Bolivar, zataBEEggf 'j Grand Bayou. Campte, Grand Ecore, and A. xujilIiui "The superior and swift running passenger packet steamer Lf urt K.

o. Hooerta, master, will leave as atwvr. ror ireignt or passage apply on ooaru, or to to MUSE A Jalo comer Common and Front streets. Leaves on artb inst. at 5 P.

M. HHRE EFORT AU NEW ORLEANS Tri eekly Packet Line Tbe splendid and swift Dasserutrr oarket steamer JDDAH lotKO. W. Ewing. master, will leave as above, for Shreveport, Grand Bayou, Csrupte, Grand Ecore, Alexan dria, normans.

uarDiua ana ail way lanrunga. ror Iur tner iniormation, and rreisnr or passage, apply to Jain O. L. hOU.NS A BROS. 9 Front street.

(at A plan of her cabin can be seen am staterooms secured itrom a distance oy oespatco or letter, Dy appn (uuu lur uiuic ui iuc aeuia Leavea on THURSDAY. th at IS FOR 8HRGVE.rO DIRECT) LAKE 'Bisteneau. Mind. n. Moscow.

Lake Bolivar. Griiid Bayou. Camp'e. Cirand Ecore. and Alexandria Tbe superior and swilt ruiming passenger packet steamer llojia, k.

a. K.i'ie is, master, will leave aa above. For freight or passage cpply onboard, or to JalT 7 T. B. 8M1TH.

4 Tchoupitoii'aa street. Leaves on FRIDAY. Slst inst. ml r7W. rrS REGULAR JEFFERSON AND LAKE 7 Packet For Jefierson, Smitbinn.i.

Beaton, aT Port'Caddo. Land luas. Albany. 8hreveport. Grand Bavou.

Camutr. (frond Ecore, Alexandria, and all intermediate landing on Red River and the Lakes The new light draught and running passenger steamer JOS. HOLDEN, Robert H. Martin, master, win leave as above, ror freight orpasr apply on ooard, or to MUSE A JalO corner Common and Front streets. Leaves on SATURDAY, iid at 5 P.

fFwjV fc FOR 8HREVEPORT, (IN PLACE OF fjaXsv? the regular triweekly packet, laud nl uiter Bai BM mediate landings on tiro Kjver tie nerr, iiuiifc iirausht oasseoser nacket ERA No. 3. John Konna master. The Era No. 3 will also take Irciiit for Upper uea luver as usual, lor an landings as men as nuamechin.

at our regular paraec rates, viear oitis lading taroug with priviU ge of reshippiug on Era No. 1 or Era No. i Jal L. ROLNS A a Front Agenta Leaves on SATURDAY. S2d st ft P.


rulton. conwav. and all land iiiks aoovr the Raft The superior MghtdraugBt and swilt isiTTP cu j. ii i limning Bimuci tin 11 1 i i 11 uc, iuLr, will as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Jam T.

B. SMITH. 4 Tchoupitouiaa street. Leavea on SATURDAY. Jd at 5 P.

M. fw" RED KIVER The new, elegant and sasiuku swut running pasaenger packet PEERLESS, Jna C. Dnwiv. master, will leave for Grand ure, ftarcliitocbes. Tiger Island.

St. Maonce, Faveron's Landine. Monteomerv. Durand's and Buxton's Landings. Calhoun's Plantation, Mouth of Cane River, Cottle, Alexandria.

Norman's. Barbiu's snd all intermediate landings every oailkuai, at a r. m. or freight or passage sppiy on ooara, or to JalTT T. B.

SMITH, 4 Tchoupitouiaa street. i nn ciTnomv mm fsaij. FOR GRAN6 ECORE, NATCHTTO Ijpssaiijitijrcnea, t. maunce, raveron uauding, rg Montenmerv. DnranH's and Rnvtnn'a fuid luaa, Aioutb'ef Cane River, Co tile, Alexandria, Norman's, Gorton's, Barbin's snd all intermediate landings The entirely new elegant, swirt running light draught passen aer steamer PIOTA.

Ed. Parker, master. 8am Lawson. clerk, will leave as above Por freight or passage apply on SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS sTTrl Weekly Packet Line For Shreveport, 'J rirmnA R.rnn Cmn iiaurice. Montgomery's.

Durand's and Buxton 'a Landirura. a. aiouiu aircr. Alexandria, ror man's. Barbin's and all wav landines: comoosed of the following splendid and swift passenger boats, which will leave New Orleans snd Shreveport alternately, on TUES vsig, anuoaiAio ana saiusiiaii, sto r.

fit. Tuesdays GRAND DUKE, SamL Applegate, master. LUCY HOLCOMBE, D. Bateman, master. Thursdays NATIONAL, P.

C. Montgomery, master. JUDAH TO CEO. Chas W. Ewing, master.

at nrd a B. L. HODGE, John Smoker, master. All of tbe above mentioned splendid passenger packets will leave on theirregular days, without fail, at the hour appoimea. ousiness entrusted to their care will be promptly and faithfully attended to.

Staterooms can be secured Ion either of these hosts, for aay uip, oy applying at tne orace of tne agents G. L. B.0UNS A Agents, d30 a Front street. New Orleans Leaves every WEDNESDAY and 8 Al URDAY, at 5 P. M.

fCSV ORLEANS, GRAND ECORE, lissfVf Natchitoches and Alexandria regnlar week aaawswaaBmrs packets The new, splendid snd fast run umg pasaenger psicaes c. j. uarstow, master, will leave for Colhonn's Plantation. Month i. Cotile, AlexandVlaJiormen's Barbin's and all Intermediate landings, every WEDNESDAY, at ft P.

M. running passenger packet PEERLESS. John C. Dowry, master, will leave for Grand Ecore, Natchitoches, Tiger Islsnd, St. Maurice, Faveron's Landing, Montgomery, Durand's and Buxton's Landings, 1 vans auver, uouie.

Alex andria, Norman's. Barbin's and all uteimediste Isndings. every SATURDAY, at 5 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to MUSE A Agents, oa corner oi Common and Front streets.

Blark River. iMVMntl WKllr.KniV irwl, U. a aa fCr?" fclVeR. TENSAS, AND wsESMwaaiaruiH uuiiuni ai au.l triass cock, masier, will leave ss above. For freight or passage JSlW Leaves on FRIDAY Slst at ft P.

M. fCrV a.fORTENSS ANB BATOO MACON IZZllMVrcftv Irpacket awsssasnsweBLLirF CITY, N. Brtgge. master, will leave as above, for Black River, Tenaas and Bayou Macon, and all Intermediate landings, ss high ss the water will permit, i us i.raui iiasajre apply on board, sr to tsuaaa, rERQUSON At Agents. 44 Union street.

JslO Attakavaa via Plaanemlne. ieaves onjriuiiaiAT. SOth at Is M. utn ATTAKAPA8 PACKET Grille. Frankli u' fUl tat.

xHatrX I TlaTW 1 1 a raaaesat Ihswla sTa si I otyoa Barut, and intermediate landings, via Plaque trSSieiVt "1 mna last running steamer ini tfl. rT' mMtCT' M. Boris, clerk. foot of Bienville street, or to Mnse? a Ain on board. Jslo corner of Common and Front streets.

TeiMeaaee Riwer. lieavea an FRIDAY, ain a a f'lJ TENNESSEE RTVER The Una I sJta rarid fast rai lub cunrriur atnii Ti D. B. Silver, master, will leave for Fior! ence, Tuacumbia, Eastport and all the landings on the Tennessee River, shove For freight or rnssnsr sonlv an board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A WT sr reyaras street. Boenl Rjwer.

Leaves on THURSDAY, loth inst. at ft P. HL I VT0 m. ELaiEBilf1 Pn Jenersoa, ti tjso 'er pacaet BOUTHERN, JJL W. et Goodwin, master wiu positively leave as tlflsM forsll Wiugs onBomf and Black tivefs.

Far freight orjasssre apply oa board, sr to iiiT T. BTsMITej; 4 TclmaprtoutasTrreet. Asr The BOTthem ssn swilli i. STjJIBOAS C3RRAT CBNTEAL KOOTK. THE ONLY RellavAle, Cheap aad Expeditlaaai Konte ALL rOINTS NORTH AND EAST.

St. Laala. Calrsn and Ne Orletoi RAILROAD L1NE.V" Comprising swTThs following New and Elegant PABSENOER PACKETS: IMPERIAL Rogers, master. J. SWON Jones, master.

A. T. LACEY. Rodney, master. NEW FALLS master.

NEW UNCLE 8AJK Switxer, master. CITY OF MEMPHIS Koontz. master. OLADIATOR Klinefelter, master. WM BL MORRISON Bo finger, master.

Moore, master. Passengers can rely upon one of tbe aboveibssts leaving Hew Orleans EvEaY ALUU1T1 DAT, Throughout the season, sad making direct connections st CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS With The OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI And ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADS For all Towns, Cities snd Watering Places In the NORTH, BAST, AND WST, From Cairo to St. Paul, in the Northwest, aad to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Sara togs, Niagara Falls, Montreal, ynebec aad Portland, in ths Northeast. The above Is the only Line of Steamers making direct connections with the Railroads st CAIRO AND ST.

LOUIS. Fare aa Cheap, Tirae aa Qalch and with less changes than by any other route to the North. THROUGH TICKETS good until used allowing the holder to stop at any point, and resume his Journey at pleasure. bbT BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH, sad nochsrgs for handling tar For Information or Through Steamboat to Cairo or St. Louis, and thence via Railroad ta all points North, apply at the Union Ticket Office, Under the St.

Charles Hotel, New Orleans, The Oldest Established Office in the Booth, and the only one where Plana af the Boats' Cabins can be rooms secured, and THROUGH TICKETS purchased to all Northern an Eastern Cities. W. E. REDDING. n37 tf General Agent.

Leaves on WEDNESDAY, 11th at ft P. M. ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AN EW ORLEANS RAILROAD LINE. The Only Line making Direct Connections for the East, North snd West at tCairo and St.

Louis. FOR ST. LOUI8 AND WAY tAJIO VYings Connecting st Cairo with the Illinois central ana at bu juouis witn tne umo ana' si dpi Railroad 1 tie new and elegant passenger packet W. M. MORRISON, Boringer, master, will leave for St.

Louis and all intermediate landings as above. The W. M. Morrison for speed, comfort and safety ia not surpassed by any boat on the river. For passage and through tickets to all Northeastern and Western cities, apply to W.

E. REDDING, General Agent, under the St Charles Hotel, Where a plan of theabin can be sera snd staterooms secured. Jal7 Leavea on FRIDAY. 21st at ft P. M.

ST. LOUI8, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD LINE THE ONLY LINE MAKING DIRECT Tcennections for tbe East. North and West Cairo and St. Louis ror St. Louis aad way isikiiings Connecting at Cairo witn tne Illinois Central, and at fit.

witn tne unio ana mississippt Railroad The new and elegant passenger packet CHAMPION. Moore, master, wiil leave for St. Louis and all intermediate landings as above. The Champion, for speed, comfort snd safety, is unsor psssed Dy suy uoat on tne nver. For passage or through tickets to all Northeastern and western aun Bppiy W.

E. REDDING. General Agent. ander the 8t Charles Hotel. Where a plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms secured.

JS19 aaebltm River, leaves on WEDNESDAY. Ivth at ft THE KEUULAK MARIE SALIlsE Alabama Landing passeneer pact it DR. SLBUFFIXGTON. Len Moore, maste ill positively leave as above, taking might ror Marie saline. Extra and Alabama Landing.

Ouachita City, Sterlingt on, d'Arboune, Trenton, Monroe, Pine Blufia, Castor's. Colom bia, Harrisonburg, Trinity ana au landings onBiaca River, ror freight or passage, apply on ooard, or to T. B. SMITH. Azent.

4 Trhoupitonias etreet. BsTTbe Burhneton connects at Marie Saline with the steamer Louisa, and will take freight for all landings on saline tuver. Leaves on WEDNESDAY. th at 5 P. M.

aw OUACHITA RiVER For Point Pleasant. slTj i Bavou Bartholomew. Trenton. Monroe ana i Ijc all landines on Lower Ouachita and Black aver. i re usnt arauffnc last ranmne oaaseneer naczec steamer 1 1UM.B9, b.

a. uvinastoa, masier, wiu leave as arovr. ror freight or passage apply on Doer or to Jsl? T. B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitouiaa St.

tasT The steamer Tirreas baa been pqrehased bv CsDtaln Livineston exnreaslv for tbe Bavou Bartholomew trade. and shippers msy rely on her continuing ia the trade throughout the season. lew.c WU 1.1.. 111 1 U.V., crt! part sr i.ik i at FOR CAMDEN, DIRECT OUACHITA tS Packet For Camden, Beach Hills, Miller's LBIufi, Champagnolle, Wilmington, Moro, futon Hills. Marie HaJine.

extra liaadlnc. Alabama Landing, Trenton, monroe, coiumma, uamaonnurg, inn itv and all intermediate landines The snlendid and fast running passenger packet steamer MORO, John Jennings, msster. win leave as soove. rorireigui or passuge appiy an board. Jam If Leaves on SvEDNESDAY.

l'rth at ft P. M. OUACHITA RIVER Toe olesrant. swift ninnine reenlar Ouachita nnaai nsi nackat steamer MESSENGER. Georre 8.

Kirs masier. will leave for camdert rieach Hills. Miner Blurt. ctiaBipacnoiie, umington, Moro nay, rigeoa hiiis, marie saline, extra t.anamg, sisasms sianomg, uuacnitacicy, Sterlinetoft. Trenton.

Monroe. Pine Bluff. Castor. Colum bia, Harrisonburg. Prinity and all way landings on Black and Ouachita Rivera, aa above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to jaisn T. B. SMITH 4 Tchonprtonlas street. Leaves an WEDNESDAY. lHh at 5 P.

M. EbblliAll UUAIHUA rASSE.lUES rPacket Every Ten Days For Camden, Reach Hills. ChamrjunoAe. Alabama Land ing Iren ton Pine Bind. Harrisonburg.

Trinity and all landings on Ouachita and Black Rivers Ths aplrndid passenger packet MESSENGER, Goo. H. Kirk, master, will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Jal3 JOHN E. BIDE a 88 Oravler street.

Leaves on SATURDAY, na at 5 P. M. REGULAR TEN DAY CAMDEN AND Ouachita Packet The fine passenger packet 'steamer PAUL JONES. Keeline. master.

win leave tor Camden, Beach Hills, Miller's Bluff, Cham pagnolle. Wilmington. Moro Bay, Pigeon Bills, Marie Saline, Mouth of Bayou Bartholomew, Ouachita City, Lorhlomond, Port Union, Trenton, Monroe, Pine Bluff, Co i i. Ii T.l A .11 li luiuuw, miiuiniuyii, i uiiij, wuu wu luiciuicujaw uuv inga on Ouachita and Black rivers, every alternate WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For freisht or Dsssaee aoolv on board, or to Jais T.

n. smith, 4 xchoupitouias street. Leaves every FRIDAY, st 5 P. M. liiiVT uaiiung, auasvn A.iu Trenton Regulsr FRIDAY Packet For i Trenton.

Monroe. Pine Bloftm, Castor's Lauding, Columbia, Hsrriaonburg, Trinity, aad all intermediate landings sn Ouachita and Black Rivers The new. magnificent and swift running pasaenger steamer R. W. McRAE.

Jno. W. Tobin. master. 6.

P. Work, clerk. will leave ss above. Freight taken for Bayous Bartholomew anii D'Arboane, with privilege of reshipping. Foe freight or psssage spply on board, or to auic osuq Agents, dm corner of Common and id rroi ont streets.

Atcakaoata. Leaves en THURSDAY, oota rase, at IS M. 1 i. AITAAATAS Ala 1 Tne light 9 draught fast running steamer HUB J. I Wm.

Aeer mubr. and ftr. burls, clerk, will leave aa above, for St. Martinsville. Ww Iberia, Centreville," FrankUn, Patteraoavule, Brashear City, Bayou Boruf.

and aU intermediate landings oa the route, taking frelghu at Plaqaemins prices. For farther particalsrs apply on board, or to HALL, KUDU PUTNAM, Java 8 Customhouse street. Leaves on THURSDAY, 90th at a P. M. rOR ATTAKAPAB The rsst ranrdnf and Ught draught steamer GOSSAMER, J7 every lhuraday, Berwick and CnlmilU Vm.VII.

tfU ii 1 mi I 1 1 1 1 UMCU.VU, tIU New rberla, Faaase Fainte, 8t Martinsville, and aU Inter, mediate landines. For farther informatloa apply to jai Btimji a mskk, 66 carondelet atrees. Leaves ererv TUESDAY, at ft posftrrely. rOR ATTAKAPAB, VIA FLAuz. Jtirj The weil known Attakapas packet CERES, J.

J. Labarthe, master, wUl be ready to re ceivt freight every Monday morning for Bv. martinsvlue, ew Town. Jeanarettea, Charenton, Franklin, Centreviiie, Parte rsonville, aad all Intermediate landings on the route. All business entrusted to her care wUl be faithfully attended to.

For further particulars apply oa board. J. i. Labarthe takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends for past favors, and hopes by his care and exertions to merit continuance of them. JalS Leaves every SATURDAY, st 1 M.

FOR si mn. i 1.3 a ILitiE, NEW Iberia, Centreviiie, nue, i atteraon ville, Berwick's aoror, and alltnter. mediate Lau dings The new, light draught steamer E. at. BICKNELL.

Abe Smith, master. G. KewdaiL eleilT wui leave mm v. ucisub or pmwjsure appt Ol or to MUSsf jao ji ueT iiDQUDos and rront a UNITED STATES MAIL LINE FOB IjJ'IAttaAapaa, Dady la ceSuiectlon th thi af issjNO and G. W.

Railroad The fast steamer x. u. nuia, J. J. AtsOrison.

master, built SUAl mCTW A VWmX. I JlS81v UW Wm tsSBsal totterplace with fourborse Mail Coaches, for St Martin, Lafayette, Grand Coteau, Opeloasss, and Washington Kunnise time nam Ji7T being the quickest route traveled. As nm UI .1 w.i, rT.Hfrr 7, ia unfiuiuisssar swis soa trade far all points aa hisa as rrsnkli mtu Shippers will please nanae the boat aw theirdi as lautluaa. Bayeai'DeaGlalae. Leaves Sa WEDNESDAY, loth Inst at it o'elnrk ML a f'" a.

REGULAR BAYOU DES 6LAISB AVD glmrde wb 't m. sa. iinaus, oera, ww seava as aoova ror rtrrlghtar passagv apply on board, or to i Jaio 6. L. KOUNS tt Frsatsarae, fwT The Flora Templu will remain ia tbe trade the entire eeaaan.

is entirely aew aad ass Sa acreramndstlaastior GRSAT SOUTHKRJH BIAJX, ROTJTat. FOB THE EAST AND NORTH. 5 THROUGH TICKET Via Dfemphle aaa N. O. Facketa ta Mesnphlf MEMPHIS) AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD, And continuous connecting Railways taroagh East To aesses sod Virginia, to HEW YORK.


zoaking sore eennectioas thraugh to Now York at teas a aenae and time than anv other route. ss Memphis Psckets leave New Orleans st 6 P. M. Mondays ECLIPSE J. D.

Clarke, nsastal. EBRAfiKA A. irvia. aaaate. WedBssdays JOHN STMOITDS J.

P. Smith. IN GO MAR B. Paris, mast el. Fridays B.

R. W. HILL T. B. Newell, lausster.

BELFAST. W. Wray, ataster. For freight or passage and te rough tickets, appty to J. B.

vRELiGH, General Aseat, Memphis Packet OAce. St Charles Hotel, left wing. WAL UMBL.EE, rsasenger Agent. N. B.

Tickets by this route good (or any length ame. Bat Baggage checked through. nta tf Ia.Mna WEDNESDAY, luth.lnst.. at 5 P. M.

asawa. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS I Ifc TLs Packet Line Kesnlar U. 8. Mail racket A rx Po, Memohis and the Bends The splendid pacaet swatmer JOHN S1MOND8. Smith, master, will be ready to receive freight on Monday morning, at the foot of Girod street, and leave as above.

Por freight or passage apply on beard, sr to FRELIGH. JalS Office ander Bt Charles Hotel. saf This One connects at Napoleon witb regular packets lor the Arkansas am. white vers, ana at Biempnia wita superior packets lor st. umii ana iiouisviiie.

aaT Adams's Express carried regularly by this line. VDITI1V .1 1 KM IASTE, ninn 1 .1 ill. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANB Packet Line Regular U. Mail Packet For Memphis snd the Bends The fine first etas, pnssrngrr packet steamer m.LraBr, KB. wray, master, will receive freight on Wednesday morning, at the foot of Girod street, and will leave as above.

For freight or passage apply on ooard or to J. H. FRELIGH. Agent Ja 1 5 Office nnder St. Charles Hotel.

aaT This line connects at Napoleon with regular packets for tbe bite and Ar Kansas nvers, ana at uempnis wita superior paczets lor ou souis ana unisriue. wT Adams's Express carried regularly by thla line. asri a fjcsvn uu ii utK i ii iii.i.. 1 1 a MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS 'Packet Line U. 8.

Mall For Memphis and i all the Benda Tbe first claea nacket steam er AbbiUSaA, A. K. Irvia, master, will be ready to receive freisut on Wednesday morning at tne toot ol uiros street, snd leave ss shove. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. rl.

rK.r L.iuii. JalS Ottire under the St. Charles HoteL tmW This line connects at Napoleon witb regular packets for tbe hlte and Arkansas tlivers, snd at taempnis witn Memphis aad Charleston Railroads, and superior pack ets tor louis ana tiouisvine. as Adams's Express carried reenlarly by this line. The Corser MIsslsstDpl.

Leaves on WEDNESDAY. I'lth inst. at 5 P. M. ST.

LOUIS, AND NEW ORLEANS SIER LHAlS' lil.T r. FOR 8T. LOU18. CAIRO, HICKMAN, Memphis and all intermediate landings 1 he eleeant and swut run til tie naaari psa act steamer R. J.

LACKLAND. Wm. Miller, i ter, wiil leave as above. For freight or passage apply on soars, or to Ja'MT O. M.

WHITE. 03 Front street. leaves on WEDNESDAY. With at 5 M. ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAIL ROAD LINE FOR ST. LOUIS Connecting at Cairo witb tbe Illinois Central, and at St Louis with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad ue nue renuiar Passenrer packet WM. M. MORRISON. Bofinger, master, will leave for St.

Louis and all inter mediate landings sa aoove. ror rreignt or psssage apply an board, or to J. T. ALLEN, Freight Agent For the shove line, and the Illinois Central Railroad, Jal6 6 Poydraa street. Leavea on WEDNESDAY, luth at 5 P.


J. LACK l( isn ik 1 1 1 1 1 i rjf un Lst tt m. m. in inc. i ui ihiti win wemvm lor tue above and all intermediate landines as above.

or rxeigas or passeac, appiy on ooara, or so 7 BELL, BUCHANAN As Jalfl st Poydraa street. iffn. uu i ui. adia H1I.U mi. mnr 11 1 ffwss.

POR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO. HICKMAN, Imi tj Memphis, snd all Intermediate landings ass i The new and elegant passenger steamer Ai ii LliAii A. Baker, master, wiil leave sa above.

Por parDoniv k. Ireignt or passage apply on beard, or to Jam MOlON BRO. A '21 Poydraa street. I II 1 11 1 1 1 1 Kl, 11, I ii i umii i in.v mv a i'l ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLBANS RAILROAD LINE.

FOR ST. LOUIS Connectine at Cairo 'with the 1111 noia Central, and at St. Louia with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad lie one regular passenger packet steame CHAMPION. Moore, master, wiil. leave for St.

Louia snd all Inter mediate landings aa aoove. ror rreignt or passage, ap ply on ooara, or to J. F. ALLEN, Freight Agent For the above line, and the Illinois Central Railroad, Jal7l 8 Poydraa street. Leavea on SATURDAY.

43d Inst. at ft P. M. KEUUIjAsI ST. LiUUlS FACKET TOO 3 fine regular pasaenger packet JOHN J.

II 1. .1. ill BaasBBSSBKWXnSl iT m. a un.cii.iiT.a, 11 1 i i i tt 111 ir ut iue aoove and all intermediate landines aa above. For xreigui or passage appiv on ooard, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Jal9 87 Poydraa street.

a iiFnori, ml i a. rOR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO. HICKMAN.

Memphis and all intermediate landings mm The eleeant and swift runnine oaaseneer inuw snr master, win leave lor tne aoove and an intermediate landings as above. For freight or passage appl on board, or to iai u. m. wiuiis, oa rrons street. Ohla River.

Lesves on WEDNESDAY. I'Jth Inst. at P. rua lyOU is VlliliE The light drertgnt regular passenger packet JOHN RAIN Underwood, master, will leave for the above aua ail mtermediate landings as above. For freight ar as age appiy on ooara, or to Jal6 THOS.

KEEFFE. SS Gravier street gst A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooma secured oy applying to tne agent. Ti rtivron i i i. i a. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE! LIGHTNING LINE.

fsasLs FOR LOUISVILLE The nns regular lAs Uariasaenger packet EMPRESS, John P. JTmmm pais Leyden, master, will leave for the above aua au intermediate landings as above. For freight or pas sage appiy on ooara, vh to BELL, BUCHANAN Jalg s7 Povdras street. asF A plan of the cabin can be seen snd staterooms ss cured oy applying to tne agent. Leavea an THURSDAY, suth inst.

at ft P. M. FOn. LOUISVILLE The Ught draught aaaenger packet steamer CHANCELLOR, tewart master. will leave for the above and ail intermediate landings as above.

For freight or passage iy on ooara, or so al6 THOS KEEFFE. tB Gravier street. aY A nlsa of the cabin can he seen and staterooms ss. cured ay applying to tne agent, Leaves on 1ATCRDAT. id tnat at a P.

M. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNING LINR. fvaase FOR LOUIS VILLE The flne regular IJurV4JreeengeT packet WOODFORD, Moses Ern, master, win leave for Louisville aad aii intermediate landiags ss above. For freight or pasaags appiy on ooara, or to BELL. BUCHANAN A J.iu 37 Povdras street.

MT A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms so cured oy applying to tne agenta. mm a ATTTRDAY. asd at 5 P. M. as iv.

FOR LOUlSVlliliE The fine regnlar laJ'Spsaaeiigi i packet REPUBLIC, Baml MonV af somery, master, wiil leave for the above aad au intermediate landings as aoove. ror rreignt mrmlm hnard. or to as BELL," BUCHANAN J. I VJ PYvrlrm. itrwt WkW A nlaji of the cabin, can be seen and itstmnnu as.

cored oy applying ro rne agents. Carniberlantl Rlwew. mmvrmm mm VrnvrBm iiMk mm I ICrT lai FOB' MASHVILLE, CLARKSVILLE, t. i i ii mm ii mr. iti.

ie i vmmhl aiuayvuie, sycusuara. Bniitniaaa, M. jraauran, Calrp, Coinmbas, Hickman imbas, Hickman, ai lieht araaa ba. mmIi ail intermediate landi: ixaa The fine, light draogbt. re steama vs ss above.

RED ROVER. Writnme. naatatr. mm me. master, will ror rreignt ar passage appiy on ooara, il on board, ar la.

n. Li ritiiiLi, Agent, St. Charles snd Perdido Jsl7 StSL' st The K. R. will take freight through to any point en enureses avrver, wren privilege or storing and reahip doping.

aiTrmniv m. fJm av FOa NASHVILLE, LARKS VTLLE, mr wwcvsuwn, xmuy vine, ewsnnr, bbwbisbil riifctnrCmTO, Xtickmaa and en iu. uu imwwnKriur rcnisr passmen packet NASHVILLE, W. Boyd, master, will leave as above. For freight or jnaaswrejyply on board, or to Jsl9 eorner of St.

Charlea and PeerlMa era. aVThe N. will take frrleht thmn.h bu. iat Aemn an wiia pnvuege or storing ana resmpping. Alabama Rlyer.

Leaves en THURSDAY, SOth inst at 5 P. COX, BRAINARD A CO. '8 TRI WEEKLY LINE. rUS MOBllilQ, MONTGOMERY, WaV tompks and Selma Regular Through Lirsa, .4. ruMlUii.

mmA IrfMM BL.1Immi4 The entirely ni he enurelv new lake wsamee CARONDELET. R. Sin. aott, master, will leave as above, for Montgoaieiy, Ws tampka. and aU landings on the Alabama River.

For freight ar passage spply on board, or to Jalo JOHN E. HYDE a ftrsvler St. sT The Carandelat Is now raeei vine freieht at the Denos. TivoH Circle. Leaves oa FRIDAY.

Slst at ft P. M. fwa. ALABAMA RIVER PACKET For I 4 7 Montgomery, Wrtumpks aad Selma, via the sCswa. I Carrofton and Jefferson RailroadThe spiea oiuLuaae steamer DICK REYES, A L.

Myers, master, will leave as above, on arrival of the ftKl P. AC cars, PreighS, received as the Denot. TivnH Circle. Por freiebt or i Bppry to xfc W. hUnuoinOH, Agent, Ja'9 lot Magarine ssreet.

Leaves on SATURDAY. 84d Inst, at 5 P. M. COX, BRAINARD A CO "8 TRI WEEKLT LOTF. (w FOR MOBILE, MONTGOMERY, WE I pJ and seinsa, via the Carrolitaa aad i JeSeraoa Railroad RegalarTliraagh Line 1 he eatireiy aew Ught draught steamer WM.

BAGALEY. Jna. Biaswtt, nsseter, wiil leave as above, for Monteoss ery, Wetumpka, and aU landiags sa too Alabama river For freight sr pssis reapply on board, or to aiy siusai.v,eisTsnsra bbT TheBauralev.ia avsw raceivine tialawt at toe Denon ttvoll Cirelsv si A Wo. i ft 1 da STK AM HO ATS. Mahlle aaa LVur mZr' SBWaBBS WT.a Uflklll IajTV.V 'a.

rv IRVDII1L 11411.1 II at xt 1 1 a ss. nil t. 1 111 Arri splendid low ereta ura aackaa 2z CUBA. A. Hiern, master.

FLOklDA, Jsaasa aasster, ana w. n. Masehamaa7r" built expressiy for tbe Lake trade, with apsrawseJj One of the aoove steamew will leave the PaaV 1. Railroad DAILY, sa the arrival of beSU P.aLtre for Mobile direct. Returnina, weather, wssa.

thne, or any other casualty that might oe eaiwT landing, excepted.) will atop on MONDAYS aaJViT" DATS at Bay St. Louia, Pass CbristasB and Cabin Passage aesassswisaaaaoasxawi a ast NegTaea, in lota of five aad ovsx Cabin hare from Fascagea la T. JJ Cabia far from Boy It LosJs as4 JZi fTbriWiaa Childrea aad Servants BaT The Way Mail Baa, for Mobile eelv Tr' sfrice of the agents promptly at o'clock Jt. It 1V1 fc i ll i u. New Orleans.

November 18, IHAa. aS R. 6EPPE8. Aeat.soaiavia, aaj LAKE SHORE rACHjTl fWlnter Arrange useat or OoL sf wssBBUoxi, and tsU iirterTaedlawTv! The splendtd, low preasmrs U. 8.

Coast Mail CREOLE. A. P. Beiardmaa, saaster, aaiitez. lias, siilha rtns arrnmmsslaliiiiis will 'WUia i as follows.

alees prevented by bad a. ar low water, want af wood, or some soculrk "Ml snarblaerr. leavine ths Lake end of kk. a Railroad oa tbe arrival at the Lake of the caaTaTL Lsaves now uneaas AM. si SATUaVDA I LeaVsa OeeaVTlinri SUNDAY EVENING, I FRIDAT IUrjrfBa WEDNESDAY EVENING aMiaaiaa, The Creole will extend her trips ta Save and flararriaTa The Creole wiH stop at Broad well'.

Wharf ss ealy i aad returning, oa Fridays on ly. "sa) Rates af Fare by Creole Cabin I are te say. St. koois sad Pass Childrea and Deck i Cabia fare to Mississippi City, Biloat aad springs. ChUarea aad Deck (including Pases goals).

Cabin fare to Peace sou la in in 8) 1 Bar ab Express coest ana teener Bag leavesa Tnes lys ami Thursdays, at (U AM aud Utm mwsm trraviafe se rreignt, Btocz, ana Extra lsraee, sasaid be shipped either the day previeaa sr la awria bul. L. trala preceding the ana at which the baatfaBXesilla New Orleans. December 1. IHfts WIN TER ARRANeTw D.

1 Pin" af assassprings The AneTfaaraaaxts b3 pressure mail steamer ARROW, W. HafxtasTseLsS der. will leave the Lake end af the PoDtckwrMa bTZ daily, oa arrival of the train, as fcllw Leaves MONDAY, for Covington a lira! Kli Tuesday, for adiion ie 53 WEDNESDAY, for "TTJ THURSDAY, for Madjsonville. FRIDAY, for SATURDAY, for Covington jj Returning MONDAY, rrom ttsac tar 11 baia TUESDAY, from Covington. 5 WEDNESDAY, from ii THURSDAY, from li3 FRIDAY, from Madlaonvitle.

ajS" Covington iii' The ARROW will stop at aU ths oioal 'r ftna a Zt route each way. Psssage SI each wsy. Refreshments te be has' at as Bar. No meals oo board. Freight most be sent to the llailroed la Bast far ta.

o'clock train, otherwise it will not be takea. For farther information apply to GEO. A. FOSDICK, Jigast, nlt tft 4t NavcassBtraa, ar All bills against the boat paid oa board. Tea Au VEN8WOOD will resume her crlie la ths has as ssb.

the summer business opens. SUNDAY trips Iw Ujisa. son discontinued. COX, BRAINARD A CO. '8 TRI WEEKLT iSR run nuoiLE KosTeoHur.uu 'ma.

and all landines oa iiHz! superior Lske si lanius itmum pressiy for the trade WM. BAGALEY, John Slnnott, Buatsx. CARONDELET, Rich'd Slnnott, wmmtrnT One of tbe aSove steamers wll leave fress th T.ssms of the Jefferson and Carrollton Railroad every vn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENIN08, as mi arrival of the 5t30 P. M.

train of can, raw aw lias a ha bile with Csx. Brslnard A Co. 'a daily Una of sn'tian passen ger packets for Alabama River. Shippers and passengers can rely on tbssa bask, say necting at all times with the hosts oa ths Alsbsaw FiverJ Freight received every day at tbe Depot, Xlveii Caxa. For freight or passage apply to.

j. ii. xi a it i sTnastast The Lower Al laaisstnei. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at lo A. M.

aad aATUISAI at 6 P. FOR TBE COAST. AND DOBALDf ville The fine, fast, nsssiisgin secaa VER BEEL8. J. 1.

Biawa.saasLsF.eO ea tt ew Orieans as above. Retamlng sees too Cast every MONDAY aad FRIDAY in daylight. L.uiss.n.1. A seas. iM corner Corns i and Veiava regular Saturday rirn splendid steamer GOLDEN A i.

W. mm lawaS I ymmw mm elia Donna. 1 wiil leave New Orieans everr i CAAA I EVENING, at 6 o'clock, far ronaldaoavihe, oVoae, Baton Roqge, Port Hadaon, yNiiiiia, aavs Sara, Pointe Coupee, organ sa, Tsnica, wiissassnrt, 4 River l. Fort and all Interme raadlruid Returning, will leave Bayou Sara every the arrival af the cars from WsodvQla.

Far fxtlgat a I apply sa soever to ta vsjsmoq, ssisw, lOTcboapitonlss strset, S. Leaves every WEDN E8DAY, at P. at. FOR FORT ADAM a The zsasaM steamer RATE HOWARD, BL t. wraaj as iiiuihI ,1 for DonaldaoB ville.

Have CretlZa. ls ij Baton Rouge. Port Hudson. Watertoa, Bayaa Coupee Mori Landineu Tmm i.ll.llllll,. the arrival nasssss aonlv an hoard, ar to vvnaai.

ausssrst dig eorner Coaamoa and Pmiisa Leaves every TUESDAY sad FRIDAY, at I H. rv ME CUAB ATI UAT PThe fast runniag sasssnger parkst as. r. Euart. saaster.

wiu leave as Returning sera tbe Coast overy THURSuAl sw SUNDAY, ia daylight. Far freight ot pssswaa nly a board. BO3 ART, POLE 1 AVAaTTl saTThe Vixen wiil leavs oa her first trip ea Decendtel 14. aal Leavea every SUNDAY, at A. ML and WaUJlsUi.i at ft M.

Bib FOR LOBD ELL'S STORE AST) 1 k. mmtm mm i i m. un elk mmmvm. win mmm I TETE, J. A Cotton, master, wiU leave be Orieana as a regular packet for ths above points as feue 6R088E TETE, J.

A. Cotton, gaudey, A bl GR08SE TETE, A. Cotton, A Clerk alwavs oa the Levee to receive fredantaw ta) above boat. E. LAN 0B, Ageat, dst tf 1 Tchaapitoa U.

MAIL LINE. fas. be FOR BAYOU SARA, BAT0M EOVvT wTsnd the Coast The splendid steaas jirirrmr. and LAUREL HILL will leva for the above points as sallows, taking freight fst slim Coast landings CAPITOL, rfeiaatc, niatter, Sunday, a aV. LAUREL HILL, Vincent, master.

P. CAPTTOU Baranco, master, Wednesday, P. M. LAUREL HILL, Viae em master, Prlday, 10 Aal A clerk al wave an the Levee te recrtva frssalit fw B. Sbev boata.

J. A. COTTEM. Ageat, dS7 tf ceraer of Coossaoa aad Fraat swasw. Leaves every WEDNE8BAT.

at ft P. ML SS REGULAR WEDNESDAY TiT' IsJ aSBURG Packet MAGNOLIA The ss. sT letesuvv MAGNOLIA, St, C. Ybeeaw wiUTesve for vTcksbarg pad aU Intaranillass a 4 Warn as X. SUUlBi sssesra, me I.

iaae As a. WINTER ARRANGEMaT 1 lv Jfi Week Hereafter the U. A Matt s. TA BELLE SATES, M. N.

sUdsvesca, as sL ArLmmlmmmmm mmmmmmmm 4a A 1 TTB A SaaV IS m. I Wiil ICSsF ti iicw vgn aaif aval do 1 Aa a a mm IV vF for Balixe. and every WEDNESDAY, at I A. for Potnt le Hacba only. Reaaraloa, i.i I Ralixe Sundav saorxdmr.

arrivrne at New Orieans so I 1 day and Thursday. For frelrht or rsssi spaiy saav. i or to JOAaO'H SALInA, Aeeat, rsa. va tio Atsvse sbw. UNITED STATES TBJ WPFXLY MAIL IsTti Isisrrea ea TUESDAY, at 9.

I Ths wisnldcosA D. A I i i aw, ka Urn iMiie, if 4, sui i I s' TntirtCEnek vviiawa, af ialdeoavilla, "phKroesa ti hHM S.I. ZLWa tij. Natchez. Waterpraof.

Radnev. i Warrentoa aad VlckaCfara. everv TDIsu P. I The Princess eerinects at Vkrksbarg a Raebwck, and will take freight fee ail too save, aw I saaw auver saaiga as ur(t a wee a. Leaveasa THURSDAY.

OS sr. v. The naaemrAeeak n. a Mall aackaa Vi.i 1 ML Whits. Blaster.

wUl leave for DoaaUswav mine, Baton Roagei Part Hadona, Baysa landing, ran Aoarne, natcees, wateroraes, ar Joseph, aermnd Aelf. TT 1 1 as VirksMrc Bend, Lake Providence, Stack's IsTaae Lanaiu. lanrtlns Pilchard Point. Aahton. i seraad Iss.

1 bjrton, Carolina landing and Point Wsruiu Sv XMUasllAI, at 5 P. M. m. Tbe steamer VWkaawrf arm take srslgbt aT Tow Blver. Leaves sa SATURDAY, gas r.

as Tbe Baamlflrrat B. Mail nacxet NAT 1 Leathers, master, win leave for Ieoaiu mine, Baton Rouge, Port Hudsoo, Beyoa hmrm. LsJsd Fork Aiams, Natca aterr4, Joseph, Grand Gulf. Warrcaton aad sta aVATCRDAY, at p7M. I Ths Natchez connects at Wksberg wHh tbe Banger, snd will take freight for aU landings aa tos River aa hia ss Greeaweod at bisk water BBavJ" detenUea.

The shove asentloaod splendid usssnsiii leave ea their regular days, without tail, at i sesated. business entrusted to tostf promptly and iatthfuily attended to. el Theas boats will ast bo rsewaaibls lor sey package containing meney, jewelry, er anless rexular biils of lading ars taken, soar 1 teats aad valsa. aad ths freieht sasd aor aepaaitod with the clerk by ths is sura or sffiffL. a.

cAKoXk; Boi3ar r. SOO tf Union Row, at CswsJ 'I Ararnwnaa River. Leavea ea WEDNESDAY, luth stOrTM 1 1 a. o. FOR ARKANSAS RiVEJs I mJ Van Boren, Ozark.

Roseville, faadra i a Norrlstown; Dardaaelie, I viiss rzLJ Hoc a mOtttum. Bind The Ught draught aad shi rsss. passenrer steamer UTTLE ROCK. Jeasias ier.will ktave for ths above and all IntermediaM as above. Pir frrlgh't trrjiswnii A uivn a BuutMmi i JalS ess net Common.

Fultoa aad New Levsesaw 7 Yvo Uftr. Leaves on tTTDNLODAY, lh ine m. 7 Packet The very fast snd 1 steamer WM. BZ DOUttLAaT KZ ttiasfcer, wui positively leavs as above, for rasda. Leflora Gieenwswd, uosi Yazoo Oty.Batartia and aUlaadiags sa Ta "r' boaha rivers.

Far freight ee aamsge, bavius CommodszsnBS, sprjy on hoard, or to mmm. Jsl i. a ic" it Leaves every IS BL I. FOR OFLLOCaAS sosi Ie s7HRRET, (built expressly O. Kiockley.

asaeter. wiiil ar trtuaut or sasssao apoiy on ixrd. er to FOR PPi lXJLoAS 1 Zm.) BUS mmm. kaaeo mmm m. wosat "i ranxa, Tanies, WHiiaaisisaB.

ass Fort Adams, and all in termed! are a1 ii. mmmrwm 1 titt aw i af the cars fraea WeodvilW. Per Aust sf in a. A TTI. esBB i.

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