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The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California • 11

The Fresno Beei
Fresno, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Page A tin-: HtKKNO row Thursday may imi City Nows In Brief Nundle Dinner Is Announced -A A I'hiihI ou will find thr finest public dlmirr feat in lug home selection of Mm tin's Dny cards at looked thicken noodles will lie glv-iC 11 Staples 19MI Mariposa (sdv en Saturday between V'XI and 7: 'Hi Faces Assault Charge A warrant hidiiy was Umnd foi I hr mriol nf Chat In I Iiii i In 'll of 243 (i Sitrci im -ltir(r'i of asi-inli nnd liallcrv fill'd hy Mnry Lmilw Turner llfrS Sliw-i Klin i-liurgi'h 1 Inula bra I Iter after Im-iiklng hiln hrniHc nl ATI li SI rod where sin was vhliliiK with a womnn fiiciul She aiihl III rllnrk orimrnd 'inn' dny Rites Aro Arrangod Funt-tsl rUc for Pmifll lira Mi" Fxrlaiitl 2 jmr old ion uf Mr nnd Mil Umi'gi Mil'nrlnnd of Routa 1 llnx (villi who illrd Mmuliiy In a local lininllnl urn plmmcd fir liv niuirnw rt in A In lh I Mo Kuni'i'id Chapel with llrv lCnnkln nfflrlol ing Int' inu'iil will lollnw In i hr Muunlslii Viow Ccnta I fry Dinner I I'lanneil Mrmhns of the Young Ladies liislllule will he conipllnfcnled loniuhl nt fi 10 o'clock at a spatiieill dinnir in the parlor I eel Hie riiihhouse preceding the regular huslness meeting Rose Papagnl Is in chaire of ihe dinner Membeis of Ihr YMI and YLI will (ihservr Ihcir annual ioinl Molliei's Dny communion lucakfa't SuikIn1 t'otnniuiilun will hr taken at the A mass In SI John's Cathedral to he followed hy breakfast al 9 'Hi A In the Hotel Fresno Timely Mother's Day Sale of WOMEN'S SLIPS X-Ray Designed to Reveal Hidden Diseases of Innermost Organs TAKE THIS THROUGH AND THROUGH EXAMINATION: SEE fOR YOURSELF WHY YOU ARE SICK! DR TYNER SAYS No matter what your trouh'o may fco or how long standing tho first step In health recovery Is lo find tho causo of your troublo Without asking you any questions regarding your symptoms It Is now possible with our modem and sclentlfto equipment Including tho X-RAY FLUOROSCOPE examination to determine tho cause and nature of dotermino mo cause ana Dusting Planes Sought To Defend Kern Potato Crop RAKKRSFIKLD tKrrn CoJ Ma Agriciiltutal Commissioner Lewis llurti Ii of Kern County tndny issued a statewide rail for dusting airplanes In the hope of getting a squadron of six planes Into the aid here over the weekend to rnm-bat the late potato blight on several thousand acres Burtch announced II I Atwood began dusting operations from a plane at Irdo this morning another plane was expected to atari this afternoon and negotiations were under way to get a third ship in opei ai ion tomorrow The agricultural commissioner said at least three more planes are badly needed lo grl copper sulphate onto the Ihieatened plants In the brief time before they will he be-ond recovery Burtch explained potato blight results from too much moisture i and this year has been raused by tlar unusually plentiful Spring rains and the heavy dew of recent weeks The blight was descrihed by the farm official as being the same plant disease responsible for the failure of the Irish potato rrop and tne resulting famine of 1845-46 Special Purchase of Fine Silk Satins hv the Firsno Society lor the fiord nl llcnring in ihr Jluniirkn M'limiial Ihunr 2I'( Nodh Cain-vriBH Ninel lhpior Store I2'i Van Ness FIiip liquors Fier delivery (sdv Women Of li'tlun Will Meet Tlic irgiihir monthly uicding of Ihr Fl'esini Wullii'llS Post No 'H17 of the American Legion Is iclirdulred for tomorrow night at 8 In the VrleiHtis Memorial Ruildlng Com1 mandcr Ada (iilffin will preside My Over I'rlant Diim Flights ilnily Schneider Arid Service 2-7'ill (ndv ull Injures I Id man IP ff IN uf Kiik Avenue whs 1 1 rated hi ihr Fresno Kniergcncy ilospilsl I ill11 eslerday for a possible fine-line nf the right wiisi suffered when he fell from a blryrln ICriliicr In Itnlllr Creek Famous Auto Iouiigr i fir Jlollnnd liidg tidv Mies iH'lilnr liahililies aggregating (782945 and assets valued nt (T) 9911)7 arc listed in debtor extension pel It Ion filed in the United States Dixtiict Court In Los Angeles hy Joseph Viau Fresno County farmer with holdings in the Cauiheri district llarpcr Method Scalp Treatment B20 Pa it ei son Uldg Ph t-KilT fndv Mnrulled In Air Keluml Jack Kanawver 20 a soil of Thomas 1 III 1 1 I vour ailments Regularly 2981 3 Iteiiicniher Mother Allis-lically arranged bowls plants ISk up Del and charge Condil's Warner Theatrr liidg Ph 2-4727 fndv Clrrlii Meeting Called -A meeting nf Ihe (hunl intent Circle uf the First Clulstinn Chinch has hern called for 2 o'clock tomnnnw alter-unun in the iinme nt Mis I-ewis 1618 SI reel We Will Check Yur Radio Free Robbins 911 JlHmont 4-41'H) (adv Prealdenl Will lie Past piexidenls' night will he observed tills evening hy ihe Amni-run Auxiliary nl Fre'-no No 4 with an Inllialion of junior nieniliers in the Fresno City SchonN Aduiinislratlnn Building The group will adjoin to the Veterans Me-moiinl Building for refreshments Mack Suits play togs swim suits (198 Apparel 917 Fulton (adv' Arrange Card Party -The fifth of a aeries of public card parlies spun-' sored hy the Degree nf Honor la scheduled for tomorrow at 2 In the Odd Fellows Hall Mrs Mary Gray heads the eommiftee on' arrangements A business session will he conducted al 1:50 In addition to our regular X-KAY UOKOSCOriU Examination wa also will maka a CAltDIOG It A I1 XI of your HEART on tho CAMERON IIEART-O-METEK without extra charge Thla In-atrumrnt recorda the blood pressure as well as the condition of each heart valve and muscle Remember Thl Week Will Giv All of tho Above for Only IF BRING MORNING URINE e's a gift mother will love fine bias cut Silk Satin Slips! Lavish lace tops and lacy bottom edging! Washable too! In lovely tearqse she can wear with any dress! They're a lucky special purchase bought to sll for 298 but we overbought so the savings aro Sizes 32 to 44 Kiiiiawyer nf Dunlap will graduate tomorrow from the air rorps technical school at Itwry Field Den ver Colo whrie he has been atudy-Ing aircraft armament lie is sta lioned at March Field having on-liatrd at Fort MacArlhur last November Budget Battle Holds Up Bills Vital To Valley (Mi-nwlrliy HxMn'rx Vnlre) SAC'UAMKNTU Miiy Mmo (linn fifty hills inlirdured hy Sun Valley hgWutiiis nr of ip ''Ini Inlrirsl in I hr valley men ate Ini'liidi'd In i In- iiuiHMvr Hvsinhly legislative fill' vid I indu'd hy the pi nl rnt'l ri lunlgt-t fit hi In the Tower linnxe 13 stunt hhkrrlng over Ihr budget hill hy thr mummy him1 nnd I lie ndniinlslrnlinn liners Iwx tr-suited In burking up more Ilian lihh hills mi Ihr file Thr mi-nsiiri'K ran-linl hr 'lril upon until the budget hnlllr Is mil of tin- wny Senate 1 lireulrit Arllnn leverage which may ha-'h'ii set-llrmriil nf Ihr budget argumriil find Marl Ihr assembly to wuilt nu I hr huge harking nf IiIIIh wax begun yrsirrilny hy Ihr arnnlr finnni-r I'omrilillrr which llll cntfiia-d In Him I rnnsliln niton Of Ihr senate budget hill Monday null': set-llriiirnt la rrnrhrd Another prnlmhlr Incentive fr speedy arllnn la thr knowledge Dial hut Ihirlrcii salaried days remain In Hiia sc-nIuii now in ils Irnili werk Thr nirnihrrs uf I hr li-gi-lN-luir will rrrrlvr Ihrir last pay check on May 211 afirr which they inusl ay I line nwu expenses In SaiTanirnln Thr unions air paid nl Ihr rain nf (12 a rlnv for 100 duya f'unimltlrr MrmlN-ra Weary Mrmhria nf Ihr senate liiinncr cnmnilllrr hrndril hy Ki-niiloi Frank IV Mixtcr uf Tiil'irr Uouiity yrsirrilny inrllcnirfl Mini while ii alwnya has born Ihr prucllcr lo allow thr Inwrr hnusr lo consider Ihr budget flrsl tbit tliry arr ''heronv Ing wrary of Ihr i-untinurd delay and personality fights" injected in thr asrmhly budget consideration Mix I or said there an mnrr Ilian 120 nprrinl appropriation bills In his rnmmillnn upon which no action ran hr takrn until Ihr budget dead lock la hrokrn legislators havr ra-limalrd it will takr al Irnsl a month lo consider Ihr prrjrnl assembly fllr Largest In Ms Years Commenting oil Ihr size of thr fllr David Olivrr nf Mrrcrd who rrrrnlly resigned as aasrmhly min-ill clrik mid it la Ihr largest llxl nf hills nr had seen on filr during hia more than six yenrx in the rapi tnl Sen nl or Garrison nf Slanls-IniM County hrads thr list nf IrglS' lalorx with hills prndlng in Ihr assembly filr with fouilrrn hills waiting assrmhly ad ion I lo lx dnsoly followed hy Assemblyman Hugh Hums of Fiesno who has ten listed 1 Other vullry legislators havr hills pending on the huge file ax follows: Srnntnr Myhnnd Mrrcrd Coiinly four Mixtrr two Senator Ray llnya Vresno Cuunly two Senator I Wngy Krrn County onr Assemblyman Hush Donnelly Stanislaus County I lu re: Assemblyman Rodney I Turner Kern County five Speaker Cordon Gat land Kings County Hirer Assemblyman Cerrge Clorke Merced County four nnd Assemblyman I lei singer Sr I wo Impersonating Army Drum Major Lands St Louis Man In Jail Coiirlney Schwrppr BB of SI Louis Mo who was arrested last Meek In Visalia for Investigation on a prill theft charge today is bring hold in the Madera County Joil pending Ihr Investigation of charge hr falsely represented himself lo he a member of the United Stales Army lie was arraigned before United Slates Commissioner Krmik Ier-ligo who sd his bond al (TilXI lie will hr held ix-tiding an Investigation hy the federal grand jury The chfirgr was filed by the Fed-ornl RnreHU of Inveslignlion nficr the Fresno police repmled local merchants told them Schwrppr represented himself a member of the army rreriiiilng nervier In obtaining credit for niei'chniidjsr Ills purrhaara the police said Included baton lie nhlninrd from Ihr Monsnn Piano Cfonipany Merced Street April 291 Ii with which to demnnsti'iite liis nliilily as drum mnjur to acqiinlnlancrs he met tn a local liar Remember Mothers with a Summer dress We feature the large sixes 58 to 44 Dotty Dean Dress Shop 1055 Fulton (adv Card Tarty Manned A dessert card parly sponsored hy the auxiliary to Post No 2523 Veterans of Foreign Wars la planned lor tomorrow at 1 in the Vcteians Memorial Rui'ding Mrs Connie Root and Mrs Treva Turck are in charge of the affair Spring Dress Clearance at 53 per cent discount Mimi's 1254 Fulton (adv ISO Year Biggest Wulrh repair bus In val 1816 Tulare (adv Magician la On Rajah Tun-JhIi who was known lo radio audi-i-nirs for four years as Chnndu The Mngician wax heard yesterday over The Fresno Bee Station KMJ on Ihr Right Time For Listening program Thr Hindu magician gave a demonstration of glass and fire eat ing and told the radio audience some of the tricks of hia trade Hr will nlso appear In The Californian and tH-fore Fresno service clubs Full Line New low prices Dane's 1219 Van Ness (adv Wife Alleges Pearl Shar-ro Funk has filed suit for divorce from Joseph Funk of Fresno arcus-sing him of cruelty They married comber 9 1 in Fresno and separated April 26th The Plantation Club now features frog leg and steak dinners tadv PHONE 3-1221 1302 FULTON Tableau la A Mother's Day tableau written by Mrs Felicia Rlack will be presented at the regular meeting In Ihe Moose Hall tomorrow night of the Fresno Townsend Club No 1 Parts will he taken by Mrs Filora Bailey William Walker Mrs Rlack and Mrs Olive Giles The Mothers Chorus directed by Mrs Margarette Larwood will sing The program will start at 8 and a bush ness session will convene at Husband Seeks George Virden nf Cnlwa City a railroad worker yesterday sued hia wife Anna Pearl Virden for divorce In Reno Nev on the ground of cruelty The couple were married in Mattoon 111 in 1915 IF YOU tire easily lack a keen appetite look pale and worn-out have lost weight a frequent sign that your stomach digestion Is poor and your blood la weak-then do try in the almple easy -correcting theae condltlona by starting a course of 8S8 Tonic 888 Tonic mar be Juat what you need in the absence of an organic trouble or focal infection It Increase the appetite alda In stomach digestion and helps give you boost in energy a trial will convince you Begin a course of 888 Tonic treatment at once and note how quickly the will come hark 88S Is time-tested scientists have proved it too At all drug stores In two convenient sixes Ask for the big 20 -ox bottle at a saving Remember 88 8 Tonic helps "win Kt yon feel like yourtelf again Claim Compromise Su- lierior Judge Krnest Klette ha approved the petition of Conrad Goer-enger to compromise the claims nf hia children Darlene and Donald GoriiMiger against Walter Steward for (5511 for injuries they received in an automobile collision al Shields and Jameson Avenues Apiil 24th The compromise provides (ICO for Darlene and (50 for Donald Dnerenger SILK KIMONOS Fresno's Newest Shop For Girl and their mothers ii locally owned and personally managed Mimi's Modern Modes 1234 Fulton (adv Up MIXING BOWLS $-gi9 1 Colored Pottery 5 in nest just like the $250 Vernon Ware Rainbow mixing bowls FREE Tablecloth To 16 Week To Ty on Progressive Ke Comfort glasses Laisno Optometrist 1256 Fulton St I adv Firm Will A certificate nf intention of the Cuthhert Burrei Company to wind up and dissolve its affairs has been filed with County Clerk Ernest Dusenherry It is signed hy May Burrei Haehl end Viva Burrei Law as president and secretary respectively of the cnni-erii Wife Seeks Vern Lee Battles lias filed suit for divorce from Wilbur Wright Battles of Fresno on the ground of cruelty She asks for the custody of their minor daughter and ('HI a month for the support of herself and their child They married April 12 1958 and separated April 21st Tuhlle Dunce Slated -The annual prei-on vent inn public ball of the Young Armenian Democrats will he held Saturday night in the Fresno Moinoiial Auditorium Advertisement with purchase of one tablecloth (5 1x5 1 inches) at regular price 50 Mother's Day Cards and Mottoes HmnJroio of dme lieietu tmyda-m4 reeipee for Meat Soups Coimoinomo Cream Soupe Jellied end Jiffy Seape ter every occasion The greet oarietp end oovorjr excellence there fine retipee will intpire yarn te ooroo this nonrleh ing feed mere often I Oth Annual Spring Sale Still Going Full Blast HERE IS A DOUBLE SAYING This Is National Music Week and Monson's Offer Mother's Day Pillow Top LS i BAMBOO SHADES FOR SUN ALL SIZES AW lii OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS HAPPY RELIEF FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE Many of (hnM gnawing nsaving painful Imrksrlra iFo)ile hlmii on rokla oral nuns srn oflrn rsuavd hy liml kiilnrya and may ha rrhvvnl when Immsl in the rirlit way Tba kidneys are Nature's chief wav o( (akin eirrM si ula and pciMinmia waia out of tlis til mil 'I hey help Duel people pass about a pints day If the 1 A miles of kidney tuhen and filler tun 'I work well iHiieunoiia waMeiuiileralMa in the blood Time pniwn nmv atari nassiu hai'Lnrliee rheumalin uua ls pen anil enercy sell ins up nisula awellins puflineM timler Iherira heailn lira and diirinens Ire-ijuent nr scanty paaraura with snisrlin and luirmng soniei lines alums there is something wrong with yimr kidneys re bladder Ihm't wait! Aak vour drumciat for Doan' rille uaed surreaafiilly hy milluui for over to veara They go happy relief and will help I ha I A milra of kidney luhea flnah nut pniann-inia waals from ynur Iduod Get Doan a Iilla Tickets For Jamboree Of Scouts Will Be Distributed Tonight Tickets for tho thirteenth annual jamboree of the Sequoia Council of Boy Scouts will he distributed tonight nt a inert Ing of rubber and seouters in tho auditorium of tho San Joaquin Power Building scheduled for o'clock A Dodgp general ehnirman nf Ihe jamboree said prizes will lie awarded to senilis and rubs selling Ihe mosl ticket- Cost limes tn he wnin (luring the Jamhoiee on the night of May 25ril in the Rnlilifle Stadium will hr exhibited Pennants will hi1 nwanled tn men who recently completed tho troop camping course Befreshmenls will lie served hy committee headed hy A Todd and Rajninnd Hensley 15c if you order by mail (JOe for book plu 5c for postage end handling I Tho Soup Book sixth in tho series of 20 Cookbooklets is ready for you now Claim your copy right and if you obtained fhe ethers already released do so at once Thoy aro tho most practical usoful booklets you could 20 in 1000 pages recipes and hundreds of beautiful a veritablo encyclopedia of cooking and homemaking A NEW BOOKLET EACH WEEK! Just do this to claim each cookbooklet: Simply bring 10c to our business office for each cookbooklet you 15c by mail A new booklet is placed on sale each they will answer all your questions about buying and serving food of every kind TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR EYES 3 ONLY COLONIAL STUDIO SPINETS a 00 199 (As Illustrated Above) Full Price I I MONTHS TO PAY NO INTIRCir NO IXTIAS AND HAVE VOUt EXAMINED I THE FRESNO BEE A 1 1 IN EYES Kyut yrr tic OLD UK Xenlucly Smigfit nouroon WHISKEY Matured and mellowed for four yeara in (ho wood Old Ilrrmilsgn lias that rielmeM of flavor that only Time eon give in a finn wlilekey Ask for Old Hermitage by namo Srtiasal IIHIlUrr radar I'jiy i BOOKLETS Nos 1 to 4 NOW AVAILABLE new beautiful tore air! de'lqn ore of America's fcremcsl manufacturers If you'v Ihe purcha-c of a piano by a'l means do it now and save A piano wr'l worth $295 Of Momon'i Convenfonf Terms MONSON'S "Tht Valley' Greatest Music Store" HOME OF Baldwin Arro-enic Hami ien Letier hiey Howatd and Sihumaen Pianet 1927-33 MERCED ST FRESNO REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST oo THE FRESNO BEE FRESNO CALIF Deal I'til kbnaklrla I km rlrrlr ttylaw I tnrlmin IV tar Hrk Imk (lv fur Saak Ii far pnalalr lat kallhll foal- ilawn nt rrrptatile NOW ON SALE: 1 2 3 4 4 Nftlllf MlireeffMItteMMMeiMIM'MfMl Allr44 IMIieeilMfHMtltMMMMIMIM M(y4ii4MeMiMitiM Ml iff miMinee I OFFICES WITH To order hy mail tiws thl rwiiv rnlrnt form She available sa lOtt Timmt aetitrd I Heed Eeeiwhy Swalslrt Bvaaakea VktW 1129 Futon Strent Fresno I al IB.

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