The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 6
- Publication:
- The Guardiani
- Location:
- London, Greater London, England
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- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE MANCHESTER GU A.RDIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1871. 6 adopted to sensational or Bpectacular plays thanT" especially Shakspere's as seek to pourtray the nasainnn and fenlincrs ambitinn nva YASoim THE RUMOURED ALLIANCE OF PEERS AND WORKING MEN. On Sunday evening a large meeting of the London CORRESPONDENCE. NOTICES TO 00EEE8P05DEUIB, The authors of letters intended for publication must, in all cases, send their names and addresses to the Editor. Answers to questions relating to the business department of the paper can be (riven only by letter; and, on the-tother hand, Uie Editor cannot undertake to furnish information except through the correspondence column.
Letters applying for information to be furnished by post cannot Attended to Accounts of presentations, social gatherings, private celebrations, can only be published when paid for as advertisements. Communications have been received-'from Fairplay; James Taylor; T. Tftaterhouse; An Employer; A frequent Visitor; Junior; Ettielbtrt Gauiie. G. F.
Holt. It is not S. E. We cannot undertake to search-files of newspapers for eight or ten years in order to obtain the information. C.
M. T. Yes. J. If.
He cannot. T. B. We decline to answer questions of the kind. A.
V. You must take out a licence. A. H. (Hebden Bridge).
Gould, Allen, and Larkin, Query. 1. Three. 2. There was not.
Fiat Justitia. No. J. Johnson. 1.
We decline to express an opinion. 2. No. 3. Ten pounds.
J. Jones. 1. Probably at the District Registry of Wills, Xancaster. 2.
Any will may be read upon payment of a fee of Is. T. A. We cannot undertake to furnish the precise figures. Droylsden.
Not unless they are engaged in some manufacturing process. L. K. B. We do not think that the facts stated by you would suffice to constitute a valid marriage according to the law of Scotland but we decline to express any positive opinion.
Z. F.l. No. 2. Yes, but it is for the court to determine what shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the summons; S.
In 6ueh a case it is probable that the court would hold service at the wife's address to be sufficient. A Daily Subscriber (City Road). The notice must date from the term when your legal tenancy commenced, and that term will be fixed by the periods at which you have been accustomed to pay your rent. FRENCH BILLS OF EXCHANGE. To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian.
Sir, Several bills of exchange drawn last year in Germany on Paris and remitted to houses of this country have lately been returned unpaid and protested, according to the French law of prorogation of July 14, 1871. The commercial tribunals of Germany have decided that neither endorsers nor drawers are liable in such cases, whilst it seems that no decision has as yet been given by any English court of law, most likely because the parties concerned shunned the heavy expenses. As no doubt the same question will have arisen regarding bills drawn in England, a good many houses will have an interest to have the point decided by an English court of law, and for this purpose it would seem to be very expedient that a number of firms should have a case tried on joint account. 1 am, A Merchant. Manchester, October 16, 1871.
THE STATION AT ECCLES. To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir, You will learn with pleasure that the recommendation of the jury on tho inquest of Mrs. Foden, unfortunately killed at Cross Lane, has been accepted by the Railway Company, and that booking offices are now erected on each side and no one allowed to cross the line. 1 wish now to call attention to a station on tho same line, of far greater importance, where the same evil exists.
I allude to Eccles Station. Passengers proceeding to Liverpool or the North are there compelled to cross the line, and I can assure you it has been the subject of conversation and alarm for many years past. I hope that it will not require a repetition of the disaster at Cross Lane to induce the Company to adopt the same system of booking at Eccles. I am, J. L.
Manchester, 16th October, 1871. THE FRINGE'S THEATRE. To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir, On Saturday evening myself and a friend went to the Prince's Theatre, and paid Is. 6d.
each to go into the pit. When we got there, we found there was not a single seat to be had, after paying 6d. each extra for the purpose of securing one. I complained to the man at the door, and he treated me and my friend in a very rude manner indeed, and refused to get us our money back unless we would wait until all the people had gone into the theatre. This, of course, we were not disposed to do, as it was then only a quarter past six, and we should have had to wait until seven o'clock.
Seeing how matters stood, my friend and I resolved to pay Is. each more and go into the upper circle, making in all 2s. 6d. each whereas we engaged to have a seat in the pit for Is. 6d.
each instead of the ordinary price of Is. I consider it a gross injustice to the public that their money should be taken from them on the pretence of securing to them a seat, by payment of a small extra charge, when in reality there are no seats vacant. I am. Justitia. THE BURNING OF CHICAGO.
To the Editor of the Mancliester Guardian. Sir, Having heard and perused with surprise and regret during the past week the most erroneous statements respecting the beautiful city which has just disappeared, and which has even been described as a town of wooden shanties," may I be permitted to extract from the Saturday Review a sentence or two which convey a fair idea of the burnt city as it existed on the 8th mst. It could boast of broad streets, with great warehouses and mansions on each side, and rows of fine houses in the fashionable quarter looking out upon the wide lake. In the new parts of the city the huge blocks of stone buildings were as splendid and substantial as anything in New York, Paris, or London. All the great public buildings, churches, theatres, and hotels were of stone.
The streets of stone, even some of the best streets, were fringed and intermixed with wooden shanties." I visited Chicago last year, and can testify that the above quotation is a fair description of the great city which has just been destroyed, and I only venture thus to intrude upon your space because I fear lest some of your readers mav be deterred from subscribing liberally to the relief fund, owing to the erroneous impressions which prevail as to the place itself and the extent of the disaster. On Saturday I heard an intelligent Manchester merchant express satisfaction that such a mass of rubbish had been cleared away. Equally fair would it be to rejoice over the sweeping away by fire of Portland-street and Peter-street in this city, simply because some unsightly edifices are still permitted to remain in those streets. Permit me to add that the intelligence, energy, and hospitality of the citizens of Chicago will bear favourable contrast with those of any other community in this country or elsewhere. Yours, E.
Lewis Ashwortii. 88, KiDg-street, Manchester, October 16, 1871. SHAKSPERE OR WHAT? To the Editor Df the Manchester Guardian. Sir" Tlia cf rra -norvaartt rtf IC T'ttn produced at the Prince's Theatre with such elaborate www oaav i.03ov4 du puuiiurjUUJ' UpUU LUtJ UOLlCa OI LllO 9 iuuuj iQL Luo uurj interests of the drama are promoted by such a profuse Demowai oi uie mereiy aecorative arts upon the plays of Shakspere. Stage setting is admissible, and even laudable, up to the point where it ceases to illustrate the action and scope of the drama, but pernicious where it goes beyond this, and is so showy and obtrusive as to uumunvyiu, euu uiu, tta lb were, SO challenge admiration for the mere framework rather than fni Mio niFnia it ceil Tlia A un.ln.
is enimllv fn t.Via nta not the modesty of nature, for anything so overdone is Xriw t.hinlr ttiies ia uchnt lift- Pa1fl- 7 -mpm I'll vairoi IAJ VYIHHH would give all credit for his enterprise and liberality has done in his production of "The Merchant of Venice." in uvei woiKULeu witu eiaDorate scenery, processions, and RifUVlUAR of vnrirnia lrinrla on that wr. 1 jv uuuu no viUuid array with a feeble impression of both plav and acting, and vohaoa wxui mo tjuuuessiun or stag gutter. A very able arts in these productions, but it is really beside the question, for anything so overdone is from the purpose of stage playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature." That Mr. Calvert's main dependence for success is upon this elaborate stage setting may be fairly inferred from the mmute scenic descriptions which precede the acts and sub-acts, with copious notes, set in a type which contrasts somewhat ostentatiously with Shakspere's modest text to which it really ought to be subordinated. Mr.
Calvert's Shylock I consider to be an utter misconception, and his make up" calculated to disconcert old playgoers and leave them in doubt whether this is really the Jew that Shakspere drew." He is gravely sententious throughout, and pitches his voice in so low a key as to be capable of hardly any inflection or changing emotion, notwithstanding the various and violent impulses to which Shylock is subject; and in the trial scene he utters his determination to have the due and forfeit of his bond" with a lofty and measured cadence, as if he were demanding the enforcement of some righteous claim rather than gloating with fiendish joy at the prospect of an instant, unnatural, and fiendish revenge. How different wasvthe embodiment of this scene by the elder Kean' The scene "was ineffective; and the rush of a howlins mob threatening vengeance as he left the hall was one of the most absurd sensational stage effects I ever remember to have seen. By the way, the Hall of the Four Doors m.the Ducal Palace, prepared for the trial, the doors designed by Palladio, and remarkable for. their symmetry suggests a police court inquiry, notwithstandine the somewhat pompous terms in which it and its accessories are described. wjUi PP3 most appropriate, the best sustained, and most effective scene the dIav The respective parts of the Prince of Arragon PrinST of Morocco, and Baasanio were played with unobtrusive taste by Messrs.
Hay well, Temple, and Ward mjm Carlisle's Portia was. a charming9 personal a more demonstrative interest when the two Princes were examining thekets would have been an imetnZt as she had as much to apprehend from theucSfto hone for from Basflanin'a i.J aju: oaoice as to bearing would havener Tbetor in the ZJTd scions that she was in th nf situation, "-especially quality K-v Mica the youns nlavsoe 7 Pt times," actfr laudator temporis deter anyone from vSE uSffiS, 7 they went to test the relsonah nf 1 W0UJd- without entering into SbmSJSSL? my stnctures' amount of stagejecoton wTpinsLrls day-whether the imaginatiorwaSton S1 I THE MAYORALTY OF MANCHESTER. Yesterday forenoon, a meeting of members of the City Council, on the subject of the mayoralty of Manchester for the ensuing year, was held in the Mayor's Parlour at the Town Hall. Mr. Alderman Bennett pre sided.
Mr. Alderman Hetwood said that, in response to a request, he had undertaken the interesting as well as important duty of presenting a requisition to Mr. Alderman Booth requesting him to allow himself to be nominated as Chief Magistrate of the city for the ensuing year. He (Mr. Alderman Heywood) was the more pleased to be the exponent of the views of the requisitionists as he had been acquainted with Mr.
Alderman Booth for many years prior to his becoming a member of the Council, and had formed, like the other members present, a high opinion of that gentleman's affable manner, of his business-like ability, and of his earnestness in the public service. hear," and applause.) It must ba gratifying to know that the requisition was signed by no fewer than 53 members of the Council, including 14 aldermen and that there was every reason to believe that the few remaining members of the present Council would also have readily signed it had there been a sufficient opportunity. (Hear, hear.) This, and the fact that the memorial was headed by the present Mayor, might be taken as indicating unmistakably the opinion of the members of the Council as to the fitness of their friend for the new duties incidental to the high position which it was hoped he would accept (Applause.) Mr. Alderman Booth had been a member of the Council for twelve years and an alderman three years, from which alone it might be safely inferred, apart from their experience of his good qualities, that they were not nominating for the honourable position of Mayor a gentleman who had not had tolerably enlarged experience in connection with public duties. In the event of his accepting the requisition, Mr.
Alderman Booth might rest assured that during his year of office all the gentlemen present would, if it was at all necessary, assist him so far as was in their power in the discharge of his duties. hear," and applause.) Mr. Alderman Murray said he had much pleasure in supporting the proposition, which, he was glad to say, might almost be described as unanimous. From his experience of Mr. Alderman Booth in the Parks Committee, he could fully endorse what the previous speaker had said as to that gentleman's suitableness.
Mr. T. Clowes said he felt great pleasure in the anticipation of seeing his friend Mr. Booth preside over the Council as Mayor. He had known that gentleman a long time, having worked with him as a member of the Chorl-ton Board of Guardians before he became a member of the Council, and with a more honest, straightforward, and useful man he (Mr.
Clowes) never had the pleasure of being associated. (Applause.) Mr. Goljisciimidt said one gratifying and suggestive fact which should not be overlooked in connection with the requisition was that its prayer had been moved and seconded by members of the Council who were quite opposed to Sir. Alderman Booth in politics. (Hear, hear.) From this the public might understand that the Council did not make the mayoralty a political matter, but simply chose the best man for the -post, irrespective of politics.
(Applause.) Mr. Alderman Booth said the kind speeches that had been made by the gentlemen preceding him had rather unmanned him for making what might be considered a fitting reply. He felt proud of receiving such a requisiti-ti6n, especially since it might be regarded as almost unanimous. (Applause). Being rather of a retiring nature, he scarcely considered himself the best man for the high position to which they desired to nominate him; but, nevertheless, in deference to their request, it was his intention to accept the honour.
hear," and applause.) Knowing the many demands made upon the time of the Chief Magistrate of such ft city as Manchester, he had consulted those who, as well as himself, were interested in his time, viz. his partners in business and his wife, who were quite prepared to make any sacrifice, if such it might be called, that was necessary. He was sure, indeed, that the good lady at home would not consider it a sacrifice, but rather a pleasure, to receive with welcome any friends who might deign to honour the future Mayor of Manchester with their company. (Applause.) He would do his best to fulfil the duties that might devolve upon him. (Hear, hear.) On this head he felt a little diffident, yet with the kind promises of assistance which had been made to him by his fellow-members, he felt encouraged in accepting the office.
It was a difficult matter to succeed a Mayor of Manchester who was so efficient and so familiar with all the duties as the present holder of that office. When the time came, however, for him (Mr. Alderman Booth) to relinquish the badge of office, he hoped he might be able to return it into their hands in the same untarnished condition as he would receive it. (Applause.) This concluded the proceedings. THE SHOOTING AT A WIFE IN SALFORD.
At the Salford Town Hall, yesterday, Richard Blansh-ard, furniture dealer, Chapel-SSreet, was brought up, on remand, charged with attempting to murder his wife, Ann Blanshard, by shooting her with a six-barrelled revolver on Thursday evening. Police Constable Brierley said the revolver was brought to him when ho went to the house. Two chambers were discharged and four remained loaded. In the prisoner's pocket he found a box containing ball cartridge. In reply to Mr.
W. R. Ambler, who appeared for the prisoner, the witness said he (the prisoner) was in liquor, but not drunk. In answer to the Court the witness said the prisoner told him at the police station that he had got the revolver from Leeds. Ann Blanshard, the prisoner's wife, said that on Thursday evening she went to a neighbour's for a few minutes, and when she returned she found her husband sitting in the shop, with their oldest cluld between his knees, and crying.
He had been drinking more or less for a fortnight, and she asked him what he was going to do, meaning if lie was to give over drinking. He showed her the revolver in his hand, and immediately after witness heard the report of a shot. It did not harm her. It seemed as if lie had fired at the chandelier, which was broken by the shot. On the Tuesday before this happened ttwy had a few words, and he went away without telling her, and stayed away until Thursday at dinner time.
In reply to Sir. Ambler, the witness said she had been married to the prisoner for five years, and up to a fortnight ago they had lived pleasantly together. There were'always a number of pistols lying about the shop for sale. Mr. Ambler: Are you satisfied he did not intend to do you any bodily harm? Sir J.
I. Mantell said it was for the Bench to infer that from the evidence. Mary Gerrard, a sister of the previous witness, said she took the revolver from the prisoner immediately after he fired it. Mr. S.
Goodman said he was a pawnbroker, carrying on business in Deansgate, Manchester. The prisoner came to his shop on Thursday evening, and asked him if he had any revolvers to sell. He showed him three or four, and he bought a breech-loader for 1. He told witness he was going to America, and that he had a letter from a relative asking him to take out a good revolver for him. He further said that he had come from Bradford, Yorkshire, that day.
He had been drinking, but was not drunk. In reply to Mr. Ambler, the witness stated that the prisoner said if he could get cartridges to suit the revolver he had bought he would return and buy the Mr. William Griffith, gunsmith, St. Mary's Gate, said he sold the prisoner a box of cartridges on Thursday evening.
He told witness that he had had a larger revolver, but had sold it, and this being the first time ha was in Manchester since then, he had bought a smaller one to carry in his pocket. The revolver was not loaded when witness Baw it. Sir J. I. Mantell said the Bench hod patiently considered the case, and thoy had come to the conclusion that it was not one to send to the assizes.
The prisoner would therefore be discharged. Child Dbskbtion. Yesterday, at the City Police Court, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, power-loom weaver, was committed to prison for one month for having deserted her child. Mr. M'Hugh, who prosecuted on behalf of the Manchester Board of Guardians, said the child had been in the Swinton Schools five years.
On Saturday the prisoner came to see it as a friend but, it having come to the knowledge of the authorities that she was the mother, she was given into custody. Chabgb against Boatmkn. Four boatmen, named George Dean, James Smith, John Eccles, and Joseph Martin, were charged, at the City Police Court, yesterday, with breaking into the premises of the Rake Firebrick Company, Lees-street, Ancoats, and stealing some hay and corn. Owing to a large number of robberies having taken place at the prosecutors' stable during the last few months the police were communicated with. Two detectives (M'Clelland and Slater) were set to watch, and on Saturday night, after a look-out extending over 13 weeks, the prisoners were apprehended on the premises.
A quantity of hay and corn had been removed from the stable, a portion of which was afterwards found on one of the boats on which one of the prisoners is employed. The prisoners were committed for trial. Chabgk op Obtaining Monks by False Pretences Yesterday, at the City Police Court, a shabbily-attired man, named James Wilson, living in Radnor-street, Hulme, was charged on remand with having obtained money upon false pretences. The prisoner occupied premises at SO, George-street, and the charge against him was that he had obtained several sums of money, and also that he had attempted to obtain other sums varying from 10 to 40 from persons as securities" for thee proper discharge of their duties while in his service. Mr.
Grundy, barrister, who prosecuted, said the prisoner had represented himself as a wine merchant, and that the persons whom he engaged would be simply required to collect accounts and take out wines. Two of the witnesses, however, stated that the prisoner told them that part of his business was the sale of beerhouses, and they were partly employed in looking over the newspapers" for advertisementa for the sale of these establishments. Mr. Headlam said it was a very suspicious case, but the evidence adduced would not justify a conviction. The prisoner was accordingly discharged.
Kail-way Collision at Slotjgh. Early on Saturday morniog a collision occurred between two trains on the Great Western Railway at Slough Junction. While a goods train was being shunted across the line an up goods train came up and ran into it, smashing several waggons and causing considerable damage to the contents. A member of the Junior Carlton Club, writing to John Bull the same morning, says: A collision has occurred this morning at Slough of "the most alarming description, an express goods train having run through another goods train which was stationary. This occurred in spite of the alleged safety afforded by the block system.
This accident was caused by nothing but meanness ou the part of the Company. A short time ago the late station-master at Slough applied for increased assistance at the station. The Directors promptly refused it. and he left the station, to the regret of every traveller, rather than face tha certainty of a THE CHICAGO FIRE. PUBlilO MEETING IN MANCHESTER.
Yesterday morning a largely attended meeting of the citizens of Manchester was held in the Town Hall the Mayor (-T. Grave, Esq.) presiding for the purpose of setting on foot a suhscription to relieve the distress consequent on the recent conflagration at Chicago. The meeting was convened by the Mayor, in compliance with a requisition signed by upwards of 120 firms and citizens. The Mator said he had convened the meeting at rather short notice. The requisionists felt, and he quite agreed with them, that no time should be lost in placing Manchester on a level with other great cities which had come forward and expressed in a substantial manner their sympathy with the sufferers by the great fire at Chicago.
(Hear, hear.) There was no need for him to urge the necessity of immediate action. They all knew that in a calamity like the present aid and sympathy derived half their value from the promptness with which they were tendered. It would be a good thing, and would show their sympathy in a practical form, if before the eHd of this week it could be announced that a certain sum had been raised by Manchester. At this moment all their thoughts were attracted to the bitter privations of the unfortunate inhabitants of Chicago, and all their feeling3 were absorbed in the duty of alleviating their great distress. About the future existence of Chicago no fears need be entertained.
The elasticity, pluck, and untirkig energy which distinguished the American people would soon stimulate them to build upon the present ruins a city which would unite in itself greater beauty, greater comfort, and greater security than any other city in the States. (Hear, hear.) The American people had already shown the interest and the national importance which they attached to this catastrophe by the great supplies of food, clothing, and money which they had sent to the spot. But we wished to share in the good work. We could not forget that the sufferers were our own kinsmen; and he appealed to that meeting, which fitly represented the wealth, the education, and the benevolence of the city of Manchester, to contribute promptly and handsomely to tho fund. (Applause.) The Bishop of Manchestkh moved: That we receive the news of the awful conflagration of the city of Chicago with feelings of profound sorrow.
The enormous loss of property, the absolute ruin of thousands of families, the most intense suffering from hunger and exposure, and the fearful destruction of human life, all the result of this fire, are well calculated to make us stand aghast in view of the inscrutable dispensations of God's providence." He said he wished briefly to set before the meeting, although, no doubt, gentlemen were fairly acquainted with them connected with the fire at Chicago, before he proceeded in any sense to draw any reflections from them. In the year 1S65, when he was in Chicago, the municipality had just completed that stupendous subterranean aqueduct, pushed out nearly two miles into the bosom of Lake Michigan, by which it was asserted that their city would be supplied inexhaustibly with the purest water in the world, and would be practically proof against fire. But man proposes and God disposes;" and inasmuch as tho city lay on a level with Lake Michigan, and they had actually had to raise some whole streets and some of their largest buildings six feet above tho level on which they had" been built, in order to carry out. a system of arterial drainage, it was necessary that the water should be distributed in the different regions of the city by steam power. The waterworks had at their command three large steam engines of 1,200, 600, anil -150 horses' power respectively; and on the 27th tho leading newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, called attention to the fact that the 1,200 and the 600 horae-power engines were not running, that many of the remote suburbs were suffering from the deficient water supply, and that the supply of water for domestic purposes and the supply against the chances of fire were at that moment limited to the productive power of the 450 horse-power engine.
In the second week after the publication of that statement the fire broke out. It was caused by a restive cow kicking over a korosine lamp, whilst she was being milked in a shed; the destructive fluid first sot the shed on fire, and then running out upon one of the wood pavements, of which he (the Bishop) entertained a lively recollection, the flame being fanned by a deadly southerly gale, the result was said to have beon the destruction of 12,000 houses, which covered an area of nine square miles, and a loss of property variously estimated at 1 rom 25,000,000 to 50,000,000. 70,000 persons, one fourth of the whole population of tho city, had to face the inclemency of the approaching winter without homes. The extent of the disaster might be imagined if they supposed the whole of Preston, or of Blackburn, to be burned to the ground, and the people left houseless. (Hear, hear.) Tho number of houses destroyed during the siege of Paris not reckoning the damage done to outlying villages- was said not to have exceeded 100.
Hefolt that they had met that morning for three purposes and the meeting would fail of its proper effect if those three purposes were not borne in mind. They had met tooxpresssympathy (hear.hear); togivethatsympathy an active, energetic, and benevolent utterance; and also to learn some lessons. (Hear, hear.) He was thankful that the resolution eutrusted to him recognised the providence of God in matters such as this. He was not sure that ho should have used the word "inscrutable" if he had had the framing of tho resolution, nor did ho know I that thoy noeded to stand exactly aghast at this terrible I catastrophe; they rather ought, ho thought, to gird up their loins, and put forth their own practical wisdom in i order to make the recurrence of such a catastrophe, as i far as human ingonuity ever could make it, impossible amongst themselves. (Hear, hear.) He would not use tho words in tho profane eense in which a groat con- i quoror onco used them Providenco is always on the side of the strongest battalions;" but he did" desire to remombor, and would remind the meeting, that that i rrovmonco required a certain amount ot circumspection and co-operation from man (hear, hear); and tho negligouce that could have left a city liko Chicago, with its population of 300,000, and with so much inflammable material about it, nt the mercy of loss than a third of its proper wator supply, was, he would venture to say, nctunlly a tempting of God's providence.
What was Manchester, as a community, doing, or had we done all that wo ought to do, to stavo off the possibility of sonio of tho physical perils, with which tremendous moral and social perils were associated, from ourselves? By the mercy of God we had been spared this year, so far at least, during the most perilous season, a visitation of cholera; but if cholera had coma to Manchester, with its crowded dwellings, its stroams emitting pollution and pestilence on ovyry side, in what sense were we prepared to meet it? (Hear, hear.) He rejoiced to hear that thoro wore no cellar dwellings in Manchester; but there were many houses unfit for human habitation, which must be hotbeds of fever, if that inscrutable Providence of which the resolution spoke were to cause one of its lightning bolts to fall hero. (Hear, hear.) In 36 hours nino square miles of houses in Chicago were made heap of ruius. In the samo length of time cholera might have planted its foot in this city so firmly that all afterthought, and all medical skill would not be able to stay its ravaging course; and, though he rejoiced to think it was quito in harmony with the wealth and prosperity of this groat city, to see the magnificent Town Hall rising in Albert Square, ho should rejoice ten times mora if he knew that Manchester was free, as far as human ingenuity could make it. from those social, moral, and physical evils which, ho was sure were at the present moment generating in our midst. (Applause.) Take only one case.
He saw it stated fie know not upon what nuthority that there were about 15,000 vacant placos in our public schools. He was quite sure there was that number of truant children learning their apprenticeship of sin and crime in our streets. Could we not, from the great fire at Chicago, learn some adequate lesson, which should teach us our duty to our own city and our own population (Applause.) Mr. H. liiui.Ky, M.l in seconding the resolution, said that in extending their sympathy to the sufferers in Chicago thoy should remember what the American people did for Lancashire during the cotton famine hear.) If ono touch of nature makes the whole world kin," the American people were especially our kinsmen (applause), bound to us by the closest relations of blood, of language, and of commerce.
England and the I nited States, though thoy had had occasional differences, had learned to respect one another, and ha was sure that such an expression of sympathy as had been called forth already in many parts 6f the country, and now in Manchester, would be well considered by the generous people across the Atlantic (Applause). Chicago would rise from her ashes, a more splendid city, and more prosperous, ho hoped, than she had ever been. (Applause) Mr. J. 1- ox Tukxkk, in supporting the resolution, slid he did not wish to be supposed to move in a conventional and well-worn groove when he said that he did not tliink it possiblo for any event to appeal more forcibly to living human hearts than that most sudden calamity which ha i overtaken Chicago.
It was not a matter of wonder that so large an amount ot" practical sympathy had been already expressed on this side of the Atlantic. He would not appeal to that meeting merely on selfish grouuds, or because tho people of Lancashire might possibly be sufferers from the conflagration. He would base hi appeal on higher grounds; because, if there was ever a time when England ought not to loosen the ties of kinship which bound Englishmen and Americans together, but rather seek to strengthen those ties, so that neither principalities nor powers might ever burst them asunder (hear), that time had now arrived (Applause.) It was xnly a short time since the May or summoned a meetingsimi-lar to the present, for the relief the citwof Paris. The fire at Chicago, it should be remembered, did more in 36 hours than the artillery of the Prussians and the rapine of the Commune did to Paris in the same number of days; and whilst in Paris there was still shelter for old and youn in Chicago there was none, and the destruction of workshops and factories had prevented the ordinary industry of the place from being carried on. It would doubtless bo a source of great satisfaction to the Mayor if one of the last public acts of his chief magistracy should be the remittance of a handsome sum of money to the suffering population of Chicago (Applause.) The resolution was unanimously passed.
Mr. Jacoh Bright, M.P. moved "That this city, grateful fo? benefits received in her hour of distress, deems it to be both a duty and a privilege to transmit to Chicago, not only words of sympathy, but also such material aid as may serve in some degree to mitigate the horrors of her calamity; and that a committee be appointed for the purpose of taking immediate steps for receiving and transmitting the subscriptions of this city and neigbourlnod." He said that whilst many would be moved by gratitude to contribute to that fund, there wasanother motive which to his mind should have considerable weight with them. Matters of dispute arose almost vearly between nations, which were fastened upon, as he'believed rashlv, for the purpose of producing hostility. Therefore when anything happened which could be so treated as to produce an opposite tVeling wo ought on no account to allow an occasion to puss by.
(Applause.) Some politicians were accused of endeavouring to keep England in a state of isolation. That, he supposed, meant that because we would not mix in the wars of other nations, and add to the confusion and disaster which arose from those wars, therefore we were in a state of isolation. According to has view, no country could be isolated which communicated freely with every other country in the world, which embraced within its sympathies every nation, which watched with anxiety or with pleasure the successes or the calamities of those nations. But he did not think that the chief motive for assisting the sufferers at Chicago would spring either from gratitude or from feelings of international policy. The desire to relieve intense and widespread suffering was in itself an all-powerful motive (hear, -and was likely to exercise a greater influence amongst us than any number of inferior motives.
(Applause.) He hoped to hear shortly of a large sum of money being sent from all the towns in England, which, whilst it served to relieve the sufferers, would strengthen the bonds of amity existing between the two countries. (Applause.) Mr. Huon Mason president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, in seconding the resolution, said the old adage had been verified with regard to the Chicago calamity, that misfortunes never come singly; for almost daily since we heard the first news of that terrible fire we had been horrified with intelligence of other fires which had occurred in the West. The present was not a time for words, but for action. (Hear.) He recollected, as a member of the Cotton Belief Committee, which sat for several years in the Town Hall at the time of the great distress of lancashire, that nothing gave greater pleasure to that committee than to hear from friends in America that they had chartered a vessel and freighted it with food for the starving operatives of this county.
(Applause.) It was not so much the value of that cargo that so delighted their hearts as the fact that in the time of their distress they were being remembered and helped by those on the other side of the Atlantic. (Hear, hear.) He hoped the Lancashire people would show, not only that they had sympathy for the Americans, but that they had large-hearted sympathy; and that the subscription now being raised would tend to alleviate the distress now existing in Chicago. At a recent meeting in London, the American Minister recommended that clothing should be sent. (Hear, hear.) Manchester, of all places in the United Kingdom, was able to furnish it to any extent. He hoped a large supply would be sent.
(Hear, hear.) It would afford him great pleasure to assist in the movement which the Mayor had so worthily inaugurated that morning. (Applause.) Mr. Alderman Kumney supported the resolution; which was passed. Dr. J.
Watts moved a vote of thanks to the Mayor for his promptitude in calling the meeting, and for: presiding. He said the meeting had been reminded of the prompt help which the United States sent during the cotton famine. There was at that time an open sore between the two countries, and England was thought to be hardly guiltless in the matter of their (the United States) quarrel. That, however, was overlooked, and the benevolence of the American people flowed towards this country in no small stream. Let England return the compliment with no grudging hand, and there would be no mora sores between us.
(Applause.) The motion was seconded by Mr. G. Fox. Mr. Bkanscomhk, United States consul in this city, was warmly cheered as he came forward to support the resolution.
He said that whilst he knew no extended remarks would be expected from him in fact, he felt wholly incompetent to give expression to the emotions of his heart (applause) language failed words were powerless. The awful conflagration of Chicago, with its terrible consequences, the disorganisation of society there, the returning to the elements of nature, the breaking up of business relations, the fearful loss of human life and the agony and suffering of the people spoke to them that morning. These were orators more potent than words. (Hear, hear. But, whilst the disaster was so appalling, there was good to come out of it for Sweet are the uses of adversity." It was this ministration of kind offices; and, however smitten the heart of Chicago was to-day, it would be touched by the recollection of this munificence.
(Applause.) It would show that the people of England the people of Manchester were the friends of America. (Continued applause.) He might be permitted to remark, briefly, upon the strictures which had appeared in one of the Manchester newspapers on the execution of certain miscreants who took advantage of the fire to plunder the city. He (Mr. Branscombe) was a friend to law and order; and he deprecated lawlessness in whatever form. (Hear, hear.) But the men who executed the villains to whom he had referred also loved law and order; and it was under the stern necessity of a stern law that they acted.
Salus populi suprema lex. It was the law of necessity of self-preservation; and if the plunderers had not been executed, the city, in all probability, would have been given up to rapine and murder. (Applause.) It was the same principle which led a man to defend his life and property at all hazards when he was suddenly attacked. The courts of Chicago were disorganised there was no place to hold these offenders; and though their punishment was not the prime object, yet it was the safety of the people which demanded their summary execution. (Hear, hear.) He trusted that no one would withhold his hand on account of that matter.
(Applause.) He desired to say one word more as representing, in part, the people of Chicago. They would thank the people of Manchester for their kind offerings, and more for the evidence of the love which they had for them than for the mere material aid which would be sent. (Applause.) Tho Bishop, in putting the resolution to the meeting, said he desired personally to thank the Mayor, as his term of office was about to close, for many courtesies which he had received at his hands, and for his kind co-operation in every cause in which he (the Bishop) felt interested. (Applause.) Mr. Grave would hand down his office to his successor with the good-will, as he had ever enjoyed the confidence, of his fellow-citizens.
(Applause.) Tho resolution was passed; and the Mayoh, having briefly acknowledged it, read a list of the subscriptions, of which he had received intimation in the room, and which amounted, in round numbers, to 4,000. This announcement was received with cheers. The Mayor said that any contributions of clothing sent to the Town Hall, or to Mr. Branscombe, would be forwarded to the United States, and no doubt admitted into the ports of that country free of duty. This concluded the proceedings.
LIVERPOOL. At a largely-attended meeting in the Liverpool Town Hall yesterday, the Mayor (Mr. J. G. Livingston) in the chair, resolutions were passed sympathising with tho Chicago sufferers and forming a committee to receive subscriptions on their behalf.
Among the speakers were the Mayor, Mr. Robertson" Gladstone, Mr. S. G. Kathbone, Mr.
Stuart Brown (Brown, Shipley, and Co.) who said that his firms in New York and London had each contributed 1,000 to tho relief funds organised in these cities; Mr. Clarke Aspinall (borough coroner), and Mr. Charles M'lver (Cunard Company), who announced a contribution of 1,000 from the Liverpool branch of the Cunard Company, and said that his Company would be glad to take over relief packages free of cost. Mr. Cun-liffe, in moving the appointment of Mr.
W. Langton as treasurer, stated that the. amount already contributed by the corn and provision trades of Liverpool was 2,800. Mr. Bateson (vice president of the Cotton Brokers' Association) stated that the cotton brokers had already raised about 1,200.
The Rector of Liverpool said he and other clergymen had agreed to preach sermons and inaugurate congrpgational collections towards the fund. Sums, amounting in all to upwards of 10,000 were contributed during the afternoon. BRADFORD. A public meeting, large and influential, was held at noon yesterday, on 'Change, in aid of the Chicago Relief Fund. 2,000 was at once subscribed, and a Committee appointed to canvass the town.
Mr. W. E. Forster, M.P. was present, and commended the object.
We are informed that the Mayor of Manchester has alreadv sent to the Mayor of Chicago a telegram stating that 5,000 will be at oDce forwarded as the first iastal-ment of the reliof fund from this city. At a meeting held in the Mansion House. Dublin, yesterday, sums amounting to 1,500 were subscribed in aid of the sufferers by the Chicago fire. The total amount subscribed up to Saturday in Birmingham towards the Chicago Relief Fund was 2,200. Upwards of 50 was subscribed by the workpeople at several of the works in town.
Yesterday, a town's meeting, presided over by the Mayor, was held at Wolverhampton. Resolutions of sympathy with the people of Chicago and pledging prompt aid were passed. The balance of the war sufferers' relief fund was voted, in aid, and it was determined to have collections as many of the churches and chapels as possible next Sunday. Nearly 300 was contributed at the meeting. Archdeacon Denison, in acknowledging the receipt of a pamphlet from the Liberation Society, entitled Disestablishment as viewed by Churchmen'," says the question of the duty of contending for the Establishment is becoming every day a more doubtful one; for it is impossible that the Establishment, such as it is being made, can continue to be the Church.
The Chubch Congrkss. The Nottingham Journal states, with reference to the financial receipts at this Congress, that it is understood that there will be a payment of all expenses, of between 200 and 300. Last year, at Southampton, the expenses were greater than the receipts, and the guarantors had to be called upon to meet the deficiency. Dean Close on Diskstablishmbnt. The Dean of Carlisle (Dr.
Close) preached in Carlisle Cathedral on Sunday afternoon upon church establishments. He said it was remarkable how the principle of nationality in religion had never been disturbed in this country from the time when Christianity was embraced by our Saxon princes. The great principle of an established religion had always been the rule, and to this day the judges of the land would tell us that the Bible was the common law of England, except where it was crossed by direct statute. The fact of $he Testament being put into the hand of every man Ijp made an oath in a court of justice was a national recognition of our religion, and a thousand cases might be mentioned in which, in civil and political matters, Christianity and the Bible were recognised as the basis of everything. If any Parliament or any man put hands upon the endowments of any of our churches, it would be the most direct robbery that ever was committed.
ot one farthing ever belonged to the nation and it would be just as fair and honest to take away the endowment of some chapel given to it last year as to take away the property of the Church, given to it years ago. The man who pulled down the national Church "pulled down the standard of Christ in the land and denationalised Christianity. He (the Dean) could not conceive a greater calamity to this nation than that the Church of England should be severed from the State. He agreed with the view expressed by a rev. brother at the Church Congress, that he would rather see any orthodox church establishment than no established church.
It was not merely for his own Church he said this; it was not merely for his ''loaves and for they would be his as long as he lived were the Church disestablished to-morrow; but he believed if this mighty and glorious tree were cut down then down would also come" the glory, the blessings, and honours which had given to England as a nation. If we cist away our Church aud our national religion, God wou'd cast us Democrats was held at the clubroom of the London Patriotic Society, in Kirby-street, Hatton Garden, "to discuss the new movement for the combination of a Council of formed of Conservative peers, with leading representatives of the labouring Mr. Galbraith occupied the chair. The Chairman, in opening the meeting, expressed his astonishment that there should have been this coalition between persona representing the working classes and the Tory party, with whom he thought the working class had broken off for ever. He asked tha attention of the meeting to an address by Mr.
Motteshead on a subject connected with the political power of the people. Mr. Motteshead described the position of the people before the reform movement of 1832, contrasted that condition with their present condition, and declared that the result of the reform had been only to change the masters of the people, but not to improve the government so far as the people are concerned; for since the middle classes had been in power, through the help of the artisan classes, the taxation of the working classes had greatly increased, the cost of government had, increased, and the people were not bettered either in regard to more equal taxation or social advantages. It might be true that the hours of labour were less than they used to be, but then the work now, he said, took more out of a man than the work of old time, and he attributed this to the great introduction of machinery, now worked for the benefit of the middle classes, who now formed the governing classes. He proceeded to deal with the land question," and he maintained that land should pay 50 per cent of the national taxation, in lieu of Is percent, as he declared it did now.
This inequality existed still, even though the Governments had dealt in all the Liberal shibboleth, but had looked after the interests of the employers and not of the employed. The speaker then touched upon a subject which at once attracted great attention the agitation for a Republic. He questioned whether, if there should be a Republic to-morrow, the people would be better off, and he declared that the House of Commons, with all its faults and failings, was a good legislative body. (Dissent.) He knew he was not going to say what would receive general approbation when he declared that if the Crown of Brunswick were thrown into the Thames at once the people would not be benefited -(dissent); and he, for one, would not step from his hearth for what would not benefit himself and his class. He referred to the declarations of Mazzini, Kossuth, and Karl Blind as to the power which was to fall to the people by the establishment of Republics, and saying that the people had obtained the powers which were to come from Republican institutions, be passed in review the condition of the continent as well as England to point the moral that the people were not benefited.
He advocated the organisation of the people, the adoption of the ballot, and equal electoral districts as a cure for some of the evils of which he complained, but he urged that combinations with aristocrats and middle classes should be alike avoided, and that the people should elect their own classes to Parliament. The proposition of the new alliance would notsatisfythe people. (Hear.) Mr. Davis while criticising some of the speaker's views he dealt with the alleged coalition as a secret treaty." He declared that the persons who were set up as "skilled artisans" were not artisans at all, and said but that the Marquis of Salisbury had disclaimed the matter he should have conceived it was a plan on the part of the aristocracy to sell to the State the worst railways in the country. Mr.
Frank said much credit was taken by the Liberals for giving the people cheap food, but how far was this true? he asked. The Liberals had given tea at 3s. a pound, but meat, in place of being 5d. and 6d. was now a shilling a pound.
He urged that the only end the people should have in view should be the declaration of a Republic, and that they should train the people to abolish all theology. Mr. Winn and Mr. Osborne both spoke strongly against any combination with Tory lords, and repudiated the power assumed by the working" side of the coalition of representing the working classes. The propositions were declared to be a move" to cheat the people.
In the other speeches made it was declared that the advocacy of Republican principles would advantage the people more than any combination with the Tories, who, it was said, were endeavouring to cheat the artisan class. LOWE'S WARNING. (From the Economist.) When Mr. Lowe's first budget was under discussion we showed that the plan of collecting all the direct taxes in January would make the Government poor in the autumn; that it would be obliged to borrow of the Bank at that time; that aB October and November, for some reason or other, are the special seasons of tight money markets and panics, the consequence would be that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would be competing with the mercantile community for the loanable capital of the country just when that capital was most scarce, and when the mercantile community were most anxious for it. We argued that it was absurd to devise a mode of collecting taxes which created these evils And the same objection was taken in Parliament.
But all argument was at that time vain. The present Government was then omnipotent, and this part of the budget passed, not because anyone thought it right, for only a few concerned themselves with the matter, but because the Government said it should be so. But we have before us a striking example of what has happened, and a still more striking warning of what might happen. As it turns out, a tight money market has come this autumn. It comes at a very favourable time, for the Government started this year with an ample balance, and has collected a revenue unusually large and exceeding the estimate; yet, as we see by its own account of last Wednesday, the Government has been compelled to borrow 2,3130,000, and this at the very time when money was most scarce, and when ordinary borrowers borrowers for productive purposes, whose operations it is hurtful to impede were most in want of it.
On this occasion the evil is not indeed very great. The Back of England chanced to be exceedingly rich, and to be able to meet the compound demand of the Government and the country particularly well. The Government itself was rich, as we have seen, without precedent. The monetary pressure as yet has been, and we believe and hope will continue to be, altogether trifling in comparison with many. But if the Bank of England had begun the drain with 8,000,000 reserve (a large amount, as we used to think) instead of if the Exchequer had started on a deficit, not a surplus; if the revenue had been declining and not growing, Mr.
Lowe would have had to ask a far poorer market than the present for a much larger sum than and in so doing ho must have exceedingly aggravated a scarcity, and might have created a panic. The proposed gain of Mr. Lowe's plan is only that the collection of all the direct taxes once a year is somewhat cheaper than collecting them twice a year. But aeainst this chean- ness is to be set the interest paid by the Government on tnese large loans, and the loss to the nation by the monetary derangement these loans cause. If the account could be moved for, we are sure it would appear that the slight saving would be much out-measured by the larger loss.
Mr. Lowe said, in answer to all argument, that he did not care, and the money market must take care of itself;" but those who say that the money market should take care of itself should not want loans of it, and especially a Finance Minister should not say so, for if he wants a loan he must have it. In a Chancellor of the Exchequer's mouth the maxim that the money market must take care of itself just comes to this" the Finance Minister, will take what I want when I want it, and I do not care whom I hurt when I do take it." If the income tax were at a large percentage lad. or 2s. it is universally agreed the present plan could not be continued, and it is much to be wished that after this plain warning it should be altered at once.
Mr. Lowe may depend upon it that if he does not alter it his successor win be only too glad to gam a deserved popularity by doing so. Among the sufferers by the fire at Chicago is the Rev. R. Collyer, who recently visited Manchester, aud whose church and house have been destroyed.
The loss to him and the congregation is estimated at 30,000. A Wife Bkatee. At the Thames Police Court, on Saturday, James Newell, a tall drayman, of William-street, St. George's-in-the-East, was charged with assaulting his wife Susan in a very brutal manner. The complainant, who was very ill and of spare habit, said her husband beat her with his fists on the head and body, and marked her.
She was afflicted with heart disease. He said he would soon stop that, and struck her violently in the region of the heart, knocked her down, and kicked her while she was down. The prisoner: She bit me Mr. Paget: How can such a poor sickly woman as that inflict the least injury upon a powerful man like you? You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. The complainant: I never bit him, sir: I never thought of doing so.
Mr. Paget: I should think not. The prisoner is sentenced to two months' imprisonment and hard labour. The complainant Pray don't send him to prison, pray don't; do discharge him, your worship Mr. Paget How absurd of you to talk so.
Do you want to be murdered bv that fellow? Go-to prison he must, and for two months. The United States Debt. A Philadelphiau correspondent, commenting upon the recent speeches of Mr. Secretary Boutwell, says During the last two years of President Johnson's term, from March, 1867, to March, 1S69, the debt was reduced, the Secretary aays, 39,363,985. Under President Grant, during the period of 30 months from March, 1869, to September, 1871, the reduction was 8251,340,600.
This reduction, the Secretary remarks, reduced the interest account about Sl.250,000 per month, enough, if treated as a sinking fund, to pay the debt, exclusive of the fractional currency and the greenback circulating notes, in 36 years. He continues that the 3ystem pursued has so improved the public credit that United States Six per Cent Bonds, which sold for 80 in coin, are worth to-day about 100, and that Five per Cent Bonds which in July, 1368, sold for less than 75 per cent, are worth about par in the markets of the world. Besides paying more than 250 millions of the debt, the taxes have been reduced at the rate of a year, and the financial condition of the country is such at this moment as to justify the expectation that at the next session of Congress they may be reduced at least 330,000,000 more. Further than this, 200 millions of bonds bearing six per cent interest are being called in, and in then- place an equal amount of bonds bearing five percent interest is to be issued, making a saving for the ten years they are to run of more than 20 millions, and making the aggregate reduction in the interest account 815,000,000 a year. The annual expenses of carrying on the Government, excluding the dabt interest, have been reduced fnom for the fiscal year ending June30.1868,to 895,648,592 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871.
The actual cost of the peace establishment is therefore now les3than 100 millions a year. For the future, Secretary Boutwell recommends the reduction of the debt at the rate of 50 millions a year, which is about half the rate of reduction for the past two years and a half. This will admit of a reduction of taxes and expenditures for their collection, relieve the people from some of their burdens, and open a sure prospect of the payment within a few years of the whole debt, and the removal of that load from the country. and sorrow to which humanity in all acei has iff. And only by greater simplicity of product -T -r- -j puuuijuoi) mnro reciaeuvery oi me ana greater attention tn 5r-business in more intelligent and painstav; hearsals can we hope to secure a more intellPPtnM educated class of actors and actresses to restn -kl pendently of the scene painter and stage cariZfa4i" national drama to its lapBed importance-l am Manchester, October 17, 1871.
A LD CARRIAGE ON GOODS TO INDIA So the Editor of the Manchester Guardian Sir, Your correspondents Mr. "Ghazeepore," in their anxiety to refute tal do not appear to have taken the trouble to raJm i nt8-or they would have seen that my etter an assumed rate. As my letter dRSa position of deputy agents, whose remuneration Jbe only themselves and their principals, I dismi fxt n-ernE son. "Ghazeepore" avails himself an m-P-puff his own line, which "needs no bSsh ty to me by his innocent admission that freicht 7v. sionally arranged without the usual lo 0CCa" primage.
Why we merchants have so eat selves to be surtaxed to this extent is on Af od our-teries which only require a littfe ligh ltfl fact, we need only resolve to refuse to pay thfs future to remedy three fourths of the evil 9 and bring the middle-men who on pers alike to their proper bearing. I present aShlp-gestion to any member of the Chamber of rZlf" anxious to air his oratory on Monday next ject is of equal importance to that of SUD" erential duties at kc. pamsh dif- Ax I.s-ntA Merchant. AGITATION IN CHINA. The Shanghai correspondent of the TiWc letter dated August the Jgious tations which have sprung up iu the aoatheVQ provinces of the empire.
He says: UULUBa When I last wrote great excitement was Canton and FaUhan on account of aaTbauri -ft of 'genu powders," which forei-mers wore said culating, with the design of causing ilme which only could cure, and which they Uld I SrivSreK condition of the sufferer embracing Christianity Th? tale is somewhat sunilar in purport, and as malicious and dangerous as the charges of kidnapping and JS which led to the not last autumn at Tien-tsin iM-rather strange that a similar excitement should break out this year, at precisely the same time, in the south. The danger of not at Canton seemed at one time imminent Her Majesty's gunboat Thistle was sent up from Hon-Kong to he off Uie settlement, and twops were held in readiness to start if necessary. Rut the Canton man" darms arrested and executed several men caught spreading the rumour, and cheeked the danrar Outbreaks actually did occur at ono or two places in the interior; at Sunwooee one foreigner was killed" and another rescued by the mandarins from the hands of the mob and sent to Macao. At Shekling a missionary meeting-house was pulled down, and at Toonkun a Roman Catholic chapel and the house of a Protestant missionary were destroyed. Latterly the excitement seems to have subsided very much in Canton, though it is by no means extinct in other parts of the province.
From Kwan Tun-the excitement spread to the adjoining province Kwangsi, in the capital of which, Kweilm, a placard was posted containing public resolutions for the expulsion of the devils and the strict prohibition of proselvtism" The Prefect thereupon issued a proclamation orderin'" the "barbarians the Gospel i.e. the agenU of the Canton Medical Mission, to leave Uie province forthwith to avert trouble. The document is such a curiosity that I venture to quote it at length "Wong, the district magistrate of Cheong Ng Chow raised by imperial command to the rank of Tung Che' issueB this notification with the view of its being obeyed It Iibb been ascertained that lately many of the natives have' mistakenly eaten poisonous things to Uie danger of their lives. All stated that this has been brought about by the barbarians in Uie Gospel Hall having distributed medicines and propagated poisons. 1 have ascertained that at the western suburb there is a Gospel Hall, whore prescriptions and medicines are gratuitously given.
Though there may be no evil of this nature actuallv in existence there, yet there are rumours flying about, and it is difficult for the truth to be substanUally arrived at. If, therefore, Uie operaUons of the chapel be not ordered to be temporarily suspended, it is feared that disturbances will arise, to the detriment of the Gospel Hall. It is, therefore, thought fit to issue a notification, and it is hereby notified, for Uie information of the doctors and managers of the said Gospel Hall, that it matters not whether the said hall did or did not distribute poisonous medicines, but it must be removed within three days to tho warig Tung province, so as to bring discussion to an end and to prevent Uie outbreak of disturbances. If the hall is rented, its possession must be handed back to its owner. You must not delay so as to involve yourselves in trouble.
An urgent and special notification to the doctors and managers of the Gospel Hall. Tung Chi, 10th year, 6th moon, 15th day (2d August, 1871)." In the neighbourhood of the treaty ports of Fohkien Swatow, Amoy, and Foochow inflammatory placards were also put up. Like those in Kwan Tung, thoy accuse foreigners of distributing pills containing a poisonous powder, which cause the feet and belly to swell, and ultimately bring about death. The officials posted up notifications at the ports desiring the people to keep quiet. but not positively denying the existence of the pills, and thereby increasing Uie popular terror.
Foochow very narrowly escaped a riot on the 26th of August. A report went round that a foreigner had been caught poisoning the wells which, by the by, is an accredited way of distributing Uie and by and by a wretched sailor was rescued from the mob and sent to Her Majesty's Consul. Then it was declared that a large packet of the "pills" had just been received at the Custom- house from Amoy. Hut these turned out to be only pills for use by opium smokers, to help them in breaking off Uie habit. Eventually tho excitement went down, but it was intense while it lasted, and very nearly resulted in a serious outbreak.
The Amoy magistrate was Uie most sensible. He told his subjects only to take medicine if they were sick and then go to a physician; not to buy medicine from the first hawker they meet, to prevent an illness which they have not, but to arrest anyone offering such physic, and he should be punished cnndignly. Even so far north as Tse-kee, a city about 30 miles from Niogpo, one of the placards was posted, and great alarm excited. liut the officials seem to have been everywhere sincere in their desire to prevent outbreaks, though by no means clear in condemning the tales themselves, and I think the excitement will pass without further harm ensuing. Hut the renewal a year later of Uie same conditions which led to the massacre of Tien-tein and the narrow escape at Canton and Foochow from a similar conclusion are not reassuring for the future.
So far Uie result confirms the opinion I lately expressed that the Regency will try to maintain peace for the present; I believe till the hm-peror assumes the reins of power. They will try to hand the empire over to him at peace. Sib Eodbeick Mthchison. The statement oE a contemporary that Sir Roderick Murchison has experienced a serious relapse is unfounded. Sir Roderick a health is not worse than it has been during the past twelve months, and he is able to take out-of-door exercise daily.
Daily JVcks. Painful Cask op Stabvation. On Saturday Mr. Richards held an inquiry touching the death of James Lane, aged 64. Thomas Henry Lane said his father wid himself had lived for the last six months in a kitchen, at 10, Grafton Road, Bethnal Green for whirh they paid 2s.
a week. Deceased having failed in lb business of a harness maker, and witness being in dehcaW health, they had for a length of time been a state ot great poverty. Latterly they lodged in an undwgroiind kitchen, where they lived by making leather straps for butchers' steels. They sold, on an at ninepence, which cost sixpence, and they lived on the profits. For three months they hved without eatm? meat.
He and his father decided upon never apP to the parish. In the kitchen which they hyed I they had no bedstead, bedding, or bedclothes. i ftthw while ill used to lie down on the four chairs and to cover himself with the ragged clothes which he wwe Jum-the day. On Wednesday night JeJS ill. The parish people were then callea and they seata doctor to see Blanks, gate Bethnal Green workhouse, proved that when Uie ae ceased was brought to the workhouse he was jasengM and dying.
He never ralhed, diedon in Adams said that he mQy mortem examination of body. Kwm MP emaciated, and the deceased to want of food. The Jury returned a erdict a. -t the medical evidence. c-pavinc Thh Sukpltts Houses of thk Abot JTS the last fortnight and mo re the sales oi Etto horses specially bought tTr'o! the in-horseflesh of the Army Service Lorps.
autumn creased duties of the corps mvo "Various metro-manojuvres, have bemJSM ower-Sj and Aid-politan auction marts. Tat ter ught for army ridge's. The total nu tor rfg purposes was somewhat feJ ber upwards of 100 from 35 to 38 guineas. Oftto fchfl have bndfafmtp Qf leavong about to Mmsp" without reserve of nearly 700 have rantee as to soundness or anJ VfjSSto. rfyuVmanceuvres, it was underage.
At the Transport Department of stood tixt 9 frected to dispose of the horses thus ZZhS SSStton of some 10 a head.ip-spally bougM a forced purcha8e and orcSd 10,000 in all. It seems that 8ale-'0f ri the case in such circumstances, these "A.2E!wfll hardly be realised. The average price WuO horses already disposed of may be set down at 1th 7d Aldridge's, 121 horses, by mfwnspicked animals, were disposed of at about tha ve average, the top figure realised (in several cases) hSnff 34 guineas, Uie minimum being six guineas, but wtth aoprbximately the above average. The competition was keen, and although the horses appeared under disadvantage arising from lowness of flesh and rough usage, the buyers appeared quick enough to discount these drawbacks, and attribute them to the real causes. At Gower's Repository, on Friday, 126 horses were sold, with a rather better average result, which may have arisen from the rather better quality of Uie animals exposeo.
One of Uie horses sold at Gower's fetched 41 gufHl' being five guineas more than was paid for him, and tew in the face of evident marks of the hard service which no had undergone. On the whole, the result cannot oa P. nounced discreditable to those employed by the i Office to make its investment in horseflesh for the autum manoeuvres. It may be said in a sense that they nao buy without reserve, and they certainly sold in tne Daily yens..
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