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The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 8

The Guardiani
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THff ltfAN CHESTER GUARDIAN, SAttJRPAY, JANUARY ,21 1882, local work Parliament now undertook JSfc tiwectlesV7lt would' relieve PmhSJ work at new bonraaaad it. CH (REUTBfVS TELEGRAMS.) THE EGYPTIAN SITUATION. Oaibo, Friday. The general situation of affairs here is The counter scheme proposed by the Chamber of Notables has not yet been officially communicated to Cherif Pasha, but Unoffioial liegotiations are proceeding between the Minister and the Notables with a view of effecting some sort of a compromise. The success of these negotiations is, however, regarded as very improbable, as the Chamber of Notables maintains its pretensions, and Cherif Pasha, supported by thejEngltsb.

and French Comptrollers General, displays equal determination on his side. It is pointed out by the partisans of the Chamber that the demand put forward by the Notables on the subject of the Budget was never intended to affect the Budget for the current 'year, which has already been fixed by a decree of the Khedive. (by TktsRArir, nay oim Oir. Jutanttfta.) Kirbrrmatar, tW evanlhg the Bight Hon. H.

E. ChuView, M.P Hr Majesty's, Socreiary at State for Waf, addressed meeting, of his constltutnts at Xnottingley, width is within tfie parlLuMntary Trorough of Pootbfract Mr. Mask SiajN3BT presided. Mr. Caxuucu, who was very cordially received, said proposed that evening to look rather than backward end to state nis view of the present position of matters, and of the principles which ought to guide nt In dealing with tbe position in the future.

He wished, however, first to allude to a matter which had lately come somswbat proml-aentiyrbefore' the British people in connection with the lforfh Hiding election. It was sold' that the Liberal Government were losing soma of their rinds, and that such la rspeSed nobleman as the Sari of Zetland was likely to cease to belong to the Liberal It would be deeply to bo deplored if a family bearing so honoured a name were to cease to belong to the Liberal party, but that was certainly not the case, as fat as all those of the name were concerned, because a Dundaa was fighting very vigorously the batHe for Mr. Bowlandson; and he (Mr. Ohilders) hoped his efforts would be crowned with sucoess(Cheers.) It was, however, a remarkable fact that of tha peers made by successive liberal. Governments since 1832 a fur sprinkling were now to be found in the ranks of the Conservative party.

He did not pretend to give any precise reason for this; he did not think that the secession from time to time of an estimable and distinguished peer had materially diminished the influence of the party, or that we need, be greatly surprised at such an occurrence: With regard to Sari Grey, a nobleman of great capacity, and one who had rendered in his time great service to the country, he reminded them that of lata years he could not be reckoned as a sound Liberal, and ever since Mr. Gladstone been a prominent member of a Liberal Cabinet, and afterwards leader of the House of Commons, the effect of Mr. Gladstone upon Lord Grey, had been something like to a red rag upon a Bull. (Laughter and cheers.) In March, 1880; when a Conservative Government was still, in power, Lord Grey ssick that then the condition of Ireland (the Conservatives having then been in office six years; was more alarming than he ever remembered it to tie (laughter), that he was not satisfied with the Conservative Government, but that be should be still less satisfied with a Liberal Government, because, forsooth, the latter might be dependent on the Home Rulers. (Laughter.) But whilst during last session the Liberals had had a certain number of secessions, there had been secessions the other way (cheers), and he mentioned, as regarded Yorkshire, the nnmo of SECOND EBITIOff SPECIAL MORNING EFKESS.

(BY PRIVATB W1W5.) THE EGYPHAN QUESTION. Honing Post Telegram.) Beiilin, Fbidax. Earl Granville is earnestlyf endeavouring to remove tho impression that England's joint action with franca in respect to Egypt will have no lasting effect. (Standard Telegram.) OaIHOi FbIDAY SlQHT. The situation beoomea dally more embarrassing and for the Ministry moire critical.

The Deputies are acting in entire accord with the disaffected colonels. What the officers are so are the men under their command, and as the Egyptian army -Inoltidinff the guards of the capital Is composed wholly of Arabs, it is not difficult to account either for their unanimity or their prevailing excitement. Thii commandant of the guards openly declares that the soldiers under his control fully sympathise with, the 'rest of the army, from which It will be gathered that the security offered to Europeans is of tho most questionable nature. Nor are the natives in a much better position. Iteports are received daily from the provincial governors, both in Upper and Lower Egypt, announcing the commission of Berious crimes.

(Daily JTcwt Tojegram.) Cauio, Thcmday. Everything is being done by Cherif Pasha, the Consuls, and the Controllers to convince the Chamber of tho folly of continuing the struggle, but no settlement baa yet been obtained. The European officials appear anxious to minimise the importance of tho crisis, but old residents well acquainted with passing events and the extent of the relations of the military aud the Notables consider the situation very critical. EXILED RUSSIAN JEWS. Tc.ily A'cm Telegram.) New Yonk, Fmday.

Exiled Russian continue to arrive. Three hundred came yesterday, and 14,000 are said to be waiting means of transportation hither. Tho Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society' is greatly ombarrased to know what to do with them. INCREASE OF AMERICAN EMIGRATION. Standard Telegram.) New Yobk, Fiiiday.

The agent of the Hamburg line reports the sales of tickets for 1833 to bo 70 per cent beyond precedent, The Bremen line will run three steamers weekly. The sales of tickets by the Hed Star line have increased by one-third. The extravagant estimates of the emigration for 1882 increase ratner than lessen, i THE NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. (Iiic Telegram.) Philadelphia, FniDAr. The foreign exchange is strong and advancing.

There is considerable pressure to sell American securities by foreign owner. It is reported that sow hankers anticipate an early renewal of gold shipments from America to Europe. The New York money market to-day was easy, closing at 3. M. GAMBETTA.

Tha Timis, In a leader, says:" If M. Gambctta can surmount the difficulties which now seem to besot him, either by accepting tlio programme of the Committee and leaving the details of tho revision to tho Congress, or by somo otlior acceptable compromise, his own stability will bo ro-establisbed, and ho will bo free to devolope a strong and continuous policy. The evils of the present uncertainty nro felt not merely in France clone. No foreign Power can bo entirely free from anxiety so long as Uio policy of Franco is liable to bo -changed from day to day, and tho engagements entered into by oho Government are left to the precarious and possibly roluctant execution of another. If, forjnstanco, SI.

Gambetta wore to bo forced to resign and were followed by a series of ephemeral successors, with what prospect of success could England enter on a renewal of tho commercial negotiations, and with what confidence could sfio look for a fulfilment of tho joint engagements of the two Powers in resjwet of Egypt. It is not, however, England that would suffer most by the overthrow of jr. (lambetti. The misfortune to France Itself would be Immeasurably greater. Whatever may bo his fate in tho Chamber, no ono can doubt that ho is still tho most powerful man in Franco.

M. Gambetta lias at least respected and encouraged tho entente cordiah between the two nations, and as ha is friendly to England and powerful in Franco wo naturally profer to have to deal with lum rather than with a successor who cannot be as powerful at home and may be a good deal less friendly to this country." ENGLAND AND ERANCE IN EGYPT. A Morning Post leader All tha nows from tho East shows that tha evil effects of the Anglo-French Joint Noto continue to exhibit themselves, and it cannot be too clearly borno in mind that tho mischiovous clement of tho Joint Note consists in, the fact of- its joint character. England simply requires proper guarantees for her uninterrupted uso of the indispensable passage to India, and by her imperial interests as well as by the valuo of the commercial tonnage she annually sends through the canal, she is ontitlod by tho admission of all nations to this guarantee. Tho interest of Franco is entirely different, and even under ordinary circumstances may justly provoke considerable supervision from Egyptian and Turkish politicians.

France looks to tho interests of French shareholders, and to the money-bunting enterprises of all sorts of Fronch subjects or dependents." A Standard leader says:" Tho only ground on which England or Franco, or both together, can anticipate that they will bo permitted to solvo the Egyptiam problem by themselves is tho pro-occupation of Austria and Germany with other affairs. Austria has her Dalmatian and Herzegovinianembarrassmcntson hand. These bring with them considerations co-extensivo with the furthest limits of the Balkan Peninsula, which Germany cannot ignore. Tho tranquillity of Europo will depend not on the inclinations but on tho capacities for interference and disturbance of tho Great Powers. But a quarrel would almost inevitably attend tho landing of French and English troops in Egypt It may bo that the English Government do not hold themselves committed in any event to this step.

"What, however, is tho view taken of the matter by France, and how far is England preparod to endorse Iier views? And when wo speak of Franco we mean the Government of that country as it exists to-day. Who will daro to predict what may exist in it a fow months or weeks hence, or by what influences it may ba swnved. Ono tiling is certain, if French troops set foot in'Egypt thoy will not readily depart." COMMERCIAL hfTELLIGENCE. (From tho Tints City Article.) London, Fbidat Evening. There is so change in the general condition of the money market, no apparent effect having been produced' in this market, beyond tho depression of the French rate of exchange, owing to the panio on the Paris Bourse yesterday and decline in prices here.

The discount rate for three months bank bills remains at 4 per cent, and the terms for short loans aro very various, as low as 3 per cent being quoted in some oases, but tho general rate is about 8 J. Some of the discount houses again have lent all their balances, while others are less satisfied with the day's work. The stock markets have been much steadier today, and for the mpment at all events there has been no renewed disposition to throw stocks upon the market cither at Paris or here under the influence of panic The home railway markets opened dull, in response to the further heavy decline in foreign stocks; but later in the day prices recovered somewhat on more favourable reports from Paris, and finally closed with a linn tendency. Prices in the foreign market did not open bo low as it was feared they would from the agitation which prevailed after business hours yesterday. The tone, however, was very heavy at a further fall from the official closing quotations of yesterday, after which there was some recovery.

THE AMERICAN MARKKISL CUOSBxG FlUOJES. our xons. isimt. Money easy. Stock Irregular; prices closed Arm.

Cotton easy. Petroleum, lord, and wheat firm and advancing. Flour 4rm: more inquiry. Corn firm; advancing tendency. Coffee dull, Iran stronger.

v. CaS Money, Interest US, Government Upnds CallMoc oy.oUiarsoourities Ex. on LmiXd, 80 days' sight Cable Transfers Excbango on Exchange on Berlin 3k D.O. tT-S. Funded Loan 44 p.cll.I'undsd pa Funded Western Onion Tel.

Snare Ens Railroad Brie Second Mort few Jersey Central Shares Ohio and Mississippi Ord. shares WaboBb. St. Louis, and Facific preferred shares Ditto common shares puiladelpliia and Heading Shares m. Hnion Pacific Shares Genual Pacific Shares Central Pacific Bonds Kew York Central Bliaros St.

Louw and Ban Francisco Ordinary Shares Ditto Illinois liailwav Shares Lake Shore Louisville and Kasbvllle HaUroad Ord. Shares Chicago, Milwaukee, and St Paul New York, Ontario, and Western ordinary Pennsylvania Snares at Philadelphia Chicago Be North-western Canada Southern Cutuin, Futures (arili Uotton, Middling Ditto at New Orleans Petrolaum, Crude, at New York m. Ditto, u.r. Line Certs. Ditto Stan.

White New January Ditto. Philadelphia Lard, iVilcox Ditto, Futures (rob. delivery) Sugar dun, TBCBSDAti .3 per cane. 3 per cent 84. 82 Jo.

M.87c 8S.Blo. 1141 U8f Fain. 3 par cent 4 per cent 64. oofc. 8.

8SiC 80.811 03 99 e9i 33 36 69 Il9j 80. 1H 41 59 6: 1 lia 90 114 1348 40 67f 135 xa U4j 98 108ft U4j 87 108 62 139J 563 12-6i 123. lljc el it llje. "Ac Flour, extra State Ship. Ding Brands lrf.rn.nld mixed Western.

85. 85.25c. 'flu. 7la. Wheat, red wintei, on spot deliv.

current mouth deliv. next month Do doliv.monifterooxt Snnnfr Wheat, No tout 81. 44ic SL 44c. 1.46c. 51.

43Jc 81. ate. SL 46c. 8L 46c. 81.

478e; 8L 47jc 81-3 c. St 10 10 4. 2d. air Bioowest price 01 Ditto, highest pries 8j CoUee, good Kio, low. prico 10 Ditto, nighest price Coffee.

lair 3antos.low.prl Ditto. Highest Sugar, (air Santos, refining Muscovados Saltmiw Freight for grain, sail to Queenstown, per quarter IVIt.t.i TrfinHnn nav hilchal 10, 0 10. I 4b. Stt FreightrCottonto Liverpool i Qadsherrie iron Prima City fallow 81 81 COTTON RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS. Receipts at all United States ports 17.000 exports to urea Jlntam II Exports to the Continent 2 11,000 ,000 THE NORTH RIDING CONTEST.

(FEOlt OUE SPECIAL COHIlESPOrjDENT.) Yonlt. FniDA Evsitma. As the day draws nearer whioh is to decide this important contest the interest in it doepens. With regard to the number of those who have hitherto been Conservatives and who will now vote for Mr, Bowlandson, I am informed there is reason to believe it will be considerable. A gentleman who has large acquaintance amongst the farmers in the York district told me to-day that he heard of many such Cases whilst attending the fortnightly fair held in this oity yesterday.

It was said by these gentlemen that, of course, they would Jiavo been muoh better satisfied with Mr. lfowlandson if he had been a Conservative; but, as voters, they were going to put politics on one Bide, and support the man who they believed was much better acquainted with their interests than Mr. Dawnay, and quite as able to protect them. It is said that Mr. James Lowther and Mr.

Dawnay were busily engaged in canvassing the farmers at the Corn Market here on the day it was determined to select Mr. Itowlandson, and farmers have expressed regret that they 'pledged themselves to support a Conservative candidate before they knew who was to be his opponent. The arrangements for the polling, whioh takes place on Tuesday, are now being made. The headquarters of Mr. Bowlandson are at Northallerton, whioh is in tho centre of the Hiding, but not so conveniently situated for communication by rail or post with the division as York, where are the central committee-rooms of Mr.

Dawnay. The poll booths will be opened at eight o'clock in the morning, and closed at five P.m. The ballot boxeB will be conveyed to York Castle, and the counting will be begun there on Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. The result of the poll will not be made known until about two o'clock in the afternoon. The returning officer is Mr.

Edwin Grey, deputy sheriff of the-Hiding, the sheriff (Mr. William fioundell) having recently died. A day or two ago the Rev. the Earl of Mulgrave, vicar of Worsloy, presided at a meeting of farmers resident on the Marauis of Normanby's Mulgrave estate, hold nt Lythe, near Whitby, in support of the candidature of Mr. Rowlandsoa, tho Liberal candidate of the North Hiding of Yorkshire.

Lord Mulgrave is tho eldest son of the Marquis ol Normanby, 'His IOrdahip said it was as tlioir friend that ho asked them to support tho candidature of Mr. Rowlandson. (Applause.) Ho asked them to support Mr. Rowlandson because that gentleman intended to represent the tenant farmer class as a practical man. Tnat vast industry stood in groat need of representation in the House of Commons; and, speaking from a landlord's standpoint, he identified as one the interests of landlord and tenant on the great questions affecting agriculture.

Of the Dawnay family he spoke from personal acquaintance, and said that no member of that family, he was sure, could be guilty of an unmanly act, or one in which every feeling of honour was not prominent. To one point he (Lord Mulgrave) attached special importance, namely, that Mr. Dawnay had stated that he would not vote for the closine of public-houses on Sunday, nor for Local Option, on the ground that he was the friend of tho working man, and that he would tench men that thoy were not brute beasts, and should not be so treated, Mr. Dawnay could not be the friand of any class in the community, political or commercial, when he said ha would not do what he could to support a measure calculated to diminish that social curse which was robbing England of her wealth and her honour, and was a great cause of tho misery and pauperism of which they cornplajnod. (Applauso.) He (Lord Mulgrave) was duly teaching men that they were not brutes, and ho spoke on this subject of diminishing the drinking facilities of tho country as one who had spent by far the greater portion of the last twelve years far mote amongst the working classes than tha richer portion of the community.

PRESTON. Pebstok, FaroAt Nioht. Mr. Clarkson, late secretary of tho Conservative Working Men's Club, and Mr. Heveley, solicitor to Mr.

Tom-linson, have just returned from London, having had an interview with Mr. Tomlinson. Those threo gentlemen had had a conference with Sir. Stafford Northcote, to whom the whole circumstances of the case were stated, as well as tha action proposed to be taken on Mr. TomlinBOu's behalf.

Sir Stafford Northcoto replied that the matter was a very delicate one, and he would express no decided opinion upon it. It is supposed tnat unless Mr. Tomlinson receives a distinct promise of future nomination he will contest the seat now vacant. THE REPRESENTATION OF ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. The statements which have appeared in some papers during the past two or three days with reference to the representation of Ashton-under-Lyno are prematura, It not absolutely unfounded.

It is not a fact that "it is understood that upon the next vacancy for Ashton-under-Lyne Mr. Hulton-Harrop, of Lythwood House, near Shrewsbury, will be the Oonsorvativs candidate." Mr. Hulton-Harrop is the owner of the Bardsley estate, near Ashton-under-Lyne, and one of his ancestors in 1841 unsuccessfully contested the borough In opposition to the late Sfr. Charles Hindley, who represented the constituency, for over 20 years. His name has been casually mentioned in connection with the next contest, but no.

formal request has ever been made to him to stand. Mr. T. W. Mellor, who represented the borough in tho Conservative Interest from 1888, when he defeated Mr.

Milner Gibson, to 1880, was waited on a short time ago by the representatives of a number of Conservative working men and formally requested to again contest the borough when the opportunity offered. He gave no decisive answer, but led the deputation to believe that if his health continued as satisfactory as at present be might be again induced to seek parliamentary honours. BANKRUPTS From tha London Gattttt ot lut evening. I. a.

Eenaud, WlznwtMtreet, London, is xrA Hfcnaad. draM- jnaker and costumier. H. A. Barton, Upper Xanana, lodf match raira- fKtorer and merchant.

H. J.deB. AutUn, joju, Quem Vfctoriwtmt, Imdon, eoromts. D. Clarlags, Booth Lambeth Rood, London, prorUion dealer.

Bgrtfow, EcrieBnoni.rr I. M. EUlott, FlumptoHtiMt and Hattsn Oardaa, LlTtrpool. Jotosr. W.

Sroran, Saw Grots, Kint, atalpwrlghL J. It. Durrani. Great Yarmouth, fljn roerebftst and cubUoan. CSarUatt, mm'ummm' FOREIGN TELEGRAMS.


M. Gambetta, having been urged by some of bis political friends to tender bis resignation immediately, in consequence of the unfavourable result of the voting in the Bureaux of the Chamber yesterday on the revision question, is stated to bave declared tbat lie awaited the final issue with confidence. Pabis, Fnmis EveniKq. The Ministerial journals of this evening state that yesterday's election ot a Committee on the bill for the revision of the Constitution has completely changed the aspect of the question. The discussion will now turn not so mncli upon the subject of the scruiin de liste as upon the question whether the revision of the Constitution shall be limited or integral.

The Cabinet, will immutably adhere to the ground they have taken up, and when the bill comes before the Chamber M. Gambotta will defend his proposal for a limited revision. The Cabinet and the newly-elected Committee of 33 are equally desirous of a prompt solution of the question at issue. The Committee even wished to hear M. Gambetta's views to-day, and it is probable that he will attend their Bitting to-morrow.

Several journals point out that the Senate will without doubt reject an unlimited revision, and that the members of tho Chamber Of Deputies by pronouncing in favour of such a revision, and by declaring the omnipotence of a congress of both Houbbs, have themselves rendered revision impossible. Pahis, Totbsday Midnight. -The Committee appointed to-day on the bill for the revision of the Constitution will meet to-morrow. The Government are firmly resolved to retire from office unless the Chamber adopts the'whole bill in the form in which it has been introduced. thiTtekke'toscomanSi Moscow, TnrBSDAV Evening.

The Russian Courier, a journal published here, atates that towards the end of November the Russian engineer engaged in the survey for the new line of railway from Askabad to Saralrs, observed a body 8,000 Tekke Turcomans from Morv, who appeared to intend making a raid into Russian territory. The leaders promised, however, that they would not molest the Russian surveyors; but the engineer, distrusting their assurances, retreated with his Btaff to the nearest Russian post. It subsequently turned out that the real object of the Tekkes was to make a raid towards Meshed, as they plundered the whole of that district, carrying off 30,000 sheep, and afterwards making their way back to Merv. AUSTRIA AND EGYPT. Vienna, THttnsbAX Evenino.

The Prette says it learns from a good quarter that up to the present Austria has not given any formal answer to the Note of the Forte protesting against intervention in Egypt, but on a previous occasion the Porte was given to understand that the Austrian Cabinet did not regard the Egyptian Question as in any way changed by the Collective Note of the Western Powers. ITALY AND EGYPT. Rome, Thursday Evening, A Green-book, containing 3D diplomatio documents, has been issued to-day. It appears from it that iho Italian Government, considering the first investigation into the massacre of the Guiliotti expedition near Beilul unsatisfactory, demanded that another inquiry should be instituted. This the Egyptian Government promised should be done, but the promise has not yet been carried out.

The Government of Egypt having in the meantime displayed an intention of landing troops at Raheita, near Aasab, the Italian Government opposed such a step; and Egypt, acting under the advice of England, had for the time relinquished the idea. EASTERN "MARKETS. Shanghai, Thursday. Manchester goods quiet; 8lb. shirtings, 1'81 taels.

Silk quiet; No. 4 Tsatlee, 4-30 taels. Total export to date, 32,000 bales. Exchange on London, four months bank bills, 6s. lgd.

THE "CASUAL EMPLOYMENT" OF CHILDREN IN MANCHESTER. The following stringent provisions, relating to the employment of young children in tho public streets, are contained in the "Omnibus" Bill, relating to various local' matters, which the Corporation of Manchester aro now promoting: 41. After the of this Act no child uhdor the age of ten years shall bo employed in any casual employment within tile city, and no child who is above the age of ten yeai'3, but under the age of fourteen years, shall, unless he has obtained a certificate of ability to read and write and of a kuowledgo of elementary arithmetic in terms of Section 5 of tho Elementary Education Act, 1876, bo employed in any casual employment within the city after hina o'clock nt night from the first day of Ap'il to the first day of October, and after seven o'clock at night from the first day of October to the first day of April. 42. Casual employmont shall mean employment for purposes of gain in the streets or other places in vending or exposing for sale any articlo whatsoever, and also employmont of any other kind outside the child's own homo not being employment the lawful period whereof is regulated by any Act of Parliament.

43. Every person who takes a child into his employment in contravention of tills Act shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty. not oxceeding forty shillings. 44. A parent of a child who employs such child in any labour excrcisod by way of trade, or for the purposes of gain, or who permits such child to be engaged in any such labour on its own behalf, shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to tako bucIi child into his employment 45.

The provisions of this Act respecting tho employment of children shall bo enforced by tho School Board of the city, provided that it shall bo the duty of the In specters and sub-inspectors, acting under tho Acts regulating factories, workshops, and mines respectively, and not of the School Board, to enforce tho observance by the employers of children of tho provisions of this Act respecting tha employment of children in such factories, workshops, and mines, but ft shall be tho duty of the School Board to assist tho said inspectors and Bub-inspectors in the. performance of their duty, by information and otherwise. 48. Any officer of the 8chool Board shall have power to remove from the stroots children under the specified age who may be found engaged in any casual employment during illegal hours, and to convey them to a suitable place of detention, not being a prison or a police cell, for the night, unless rthey be claimed in the meantime by their parents or guardians. Manohesteb Society op Woken Paintehs.

The small but vory excellent exhibition of the Manchester Society of Women Painters, which has been open at the Old Town Hall, King-street, during the present week, has been an undoubted success. Tho exhibition has been not only attended by a large number of visitors, but tho examples sold by the lady-exhibitors is very encouraging. Those include, up to yesterday afternoon, "A Metaphor of Spring, and Youth, and Morning: a Vision of Incarnate April," by Miss Annie L. Robinson (105); eight examples by Miss Eleanor S. Wood, viz- "The Corner Stall (42); "Apple Blossom "(10.

"Peach Blossoms (15. "Oranges and Christmas Boses" (10. "Lover's Leap, Buxton" (3. "Sketch, Bois du Boulogne" (2. Two Sketches" (2.

Pomegranates and Grapes" (7. "Boses," by Miss Jane Atkinson (2. The Shadow on the Wall," by Miss Emily Beresford (12. 12s) Household Treasures," by Mrs. Julia Pollitt (15.

On the Seine, near Paris," two examples by Miss Fanny Sugars, respectively at 5. 5s. and 4. 4s. each; "Primnlns" and "Christmas Boses," by Miss Isabel C.

Scott, 7. 7s. each. The exhibition will remain open until this (Saturday) evening. Oookkry Classes.

The scheme for providing instruction in cookery, commenced last year, appears to bo carried on this season with unabated vigour. Classes were opened in the Oldham Town Hall on January at which tha attendance was between 100 and 200 in tho afternoon, and between 300 and 400 in the evening. The teacher is Miss Dods, who conducted so many successful classes last year. Practice cookery and clear-starching classes are being arranged at Oldham. On January 18 classes were opened atColne, and on the 19th at Burnley.

The teacher is Miss Davis, a lady with first-class diploma from South Kensington. The attendance in both cases was large; at Burnley nearly 100 ladies in the afternoon, and between 200 and 300 in the evening. This increased interest in the subject of cookery is a favourable omen for the health oi Lancashire, and we are glad to find that the Salford School Board classes are to commence in February. Sale and Hyde are commencing their classes on January 24 and 26, and lessons are being arranged at mothers' meetings in different parts of the town. THE WLOrFBEirCH TBEATY7 negotiations.

(BY XXUSBASB.) (jboji fiitra otra PABU, RttSA.Ti I understand that ootton prmta aw taed tarif general, according to the number, ot. Colours, one to two colours and three to six and seven colours and more, where a small addition for each is made -to the duty on. grey oloth, which is on. the calculation and class I referred to in my last, 2501. per 100 reduced byM.Ronvier;to others in proportion.

But I have not noted all) besides, tho figures given were, in strict confidence. The. estimated basis I gave iji on the reduction as above of the specified duty in the tarif general. I have to see, Lord Lyons and M. Rouvier next week, when I will immediately telegraph all information, I printed out to M.

Rouvier the complication taxing colours. He anawored that this was done to avoid rands, and alluded to a case English prints had been declared, at 26 centimes, but which were stopped aud sold by the Douane at 60 centimes, He however admitted that this false declaration might have been made by the French forwarding agents, as he did not remember who had made it. THE STATE OF IRELAND. DEMONSTRATION OF THE TENANT FARMERS OF ULSTER, SPEECH. OF MR.

a KtJSSELL, M.P. (l BOtt OUB BSXFAST, PBIDA IftQBt. To-day a most important meeting of the tenant farmers of Ulster took plnce in St. George's Hall, Belfast, which was crowded to excess. Long before the proceedings commencod it was impossible to obtain even standing room.

Tenant farmers were in attendance from all parts of the north of Ireland, and the proceedings Were very enthusiastic. The greatest unanimity and everything passed off in the most satisfactory manner. Amid loud applause, the chair was taken by Mr. Samuel Black, J.P. (fiandolstown.) Several times during the proceedings persons in the oaok part of the hall shouted out for tho Land League, and the names of Hoaly and Parnell were frequently received with applause, but the meeting Was most orderly.

Mr. Ceesnby (county Antrim) moved tho first resolution, which was asfol lows: That. this meeting desires to express its approval of the Land Act ot 1881, as it embodies the broad principles of land reform which the Ulster tenants From their knowledge of the ancient custom of the province have always maintained to be the only mode by which the respective rights of the landlords and tenants can be adjusted." Mr. Tdstlb (county Armagh) seconded tha motion, which was passed amid cheers. Mr.

Wabnock (County-Serry), moved the next resolution" That in the movement for tenant right we have always maintained that the rights of the landlord and the tenant in the soil are equally sacred, and we view, therefore, with profound regret the recent action of the landlords of Ireland in asserting their class interests as against the equal interests of their tenants, an action which is calculated to embitter the future relatione of tho parties and to ro-open an agitation which we had hoped was finally closed. Mr. Joseph Pmhbv (Downpatrick) seconded the after which '( The CrumiiAN Said he had now the honour of calling upon a speaker who had done yeoman's service in the cause of the tenant farmer, not only of Ulster, but of Ireland, a gentleman who did very much for the Land Act of 1881 when it was passing through tha House of Commons namely, Mr. Charles BusseU. (Cheers.) Mr.

Rubsell, M.P., on coming forward, was received with loud cheers and waving of hats and handkerchiefs. He said ho was glad once more to be among the tenant farmers of Ulster to holp, it might be in an humble way, tho cause of the people, a. cause whioh was tha keystone of the peace and prosperity of this country. He could not butrecall with uleasarewhathadtakenplace since he had tho honour of last addressing them. They were then on the eve of battle, and they met to take counsel together in the interest of the tenant farmorsof the country.

A great statesman, of resolution, of power, of courage, of vast ability, had mide the beginning of a noble effort to redress a grievance of long standing, and the tenant farmers assembled to give support to that great states- man in his noble effort, and now after a great party contest that Minister had been able to achieve tbe greatest act of his life in tho passing of the Land Act of 18B1- (Cheers.) That Act secured tho tenant farmers of Ireland absolute property in their own improvements, prevented them being charged rents in respect of those improvements, and enabled them if thoy desired it to become the owners of the land they tilled. That was the part of the Act to the ultimate working of which he looked with most hope as possessing the principle of They were met for the purpose of iiaistitigthatin the administration of-the Act thoro should be given the farmers the unrestricted nnd unstinted benefit of its provisions, and that these provisions should not be frittered away. (Applause.) Uo was glad to see a dignity and moderation about that meeting to which the landlords meeting was a stranger. He complained of the landlords' constituting themselves into judges as well as jurors, and without having heard the evidence setting aside the deliberate judgments of the Assistant Commissioners. He also complained of the attack made upon the personal qualifications of somo of the gentlemen who had been appointed Sub-Commissioners.

He spoke in tbe highest terms of the Chief and' Assistant Commissioners, and said tbat if the latter erred at all it was on the aids of tho landlords (Hear, hear.) He pronounced the judgment or the Chief Commissioner the other day as most satisfactory, and in accordance with the spirit and letter of tho Act. As the framer of the clause respecting improvements during the. currency of the lease, ho pronounced that tha interpretation of tho majority of the Commissioners was not onlv in accordance with the law, but carried out the spirit and intention of tho Government and Legislature. Tho landlords, at their meeting, spoke as if they were not the plunderers, but the plundored, as if the Act of 1B81 had been passed for their benefit, and not for the benefit of the tenantry. (Applause.) He did not think they realised their own position.

They, a small 'class numerically, had ocussed in their own hands the property, tho titles, the honours, and the powers of the country. (Hear, bear.) Ho class bad greater power for good or ill than the landlord claSB in Ireland. (Hear, bear.) He mado 'no attack upon individuals; and aa a class there were some bright exceptions among them, but the great body were mainly accountable for tbe condition to which Ireland had been reduced. (Applause.) Ho did not want to say a word against the justice of landlords. He felt that there would be many cases of suffering and hardship among them under the pressure of thiB law, but he could only say that it arose from the old law that the sins of the fathers should be visited' upon the children.

He asked tha farmers of Down and Antrim how long they would continue to allow themselves to be represented by men who did not support their interests, and he expressed tho hope that tenant farmers' associations would be established all over Ireland, so that the tonants' battles could be fought out of a common purse, not of Ulster alone, but of all Ireland. No patriotism was true or noble which was not based on morality arid founded on justice. Acts of Parliament could do much, but they could not take the place of Industry, sobriety, energy, and self-restraint. Mr. BusseU concluded an eloquent speech of almost an hour's duration by pronouncing eulogies on Mr.

Gladstone and Mr. ForSter. Though he (the speaker) had differed from part of Mr. Foster's Irish policy, he believed he came to that country with an earnest desire to do what in bim lay for the benefit of the country. (Applause.) He came to that country in troublous times, when the accumulated and accumulating troubles of bygone years and maladministration had burst upon his head.

Ho (Mr. BusseU) hoped that Government would soon be able to open the prison doors and let all who had against the law be tried by the law. (Cheers.) The resolution was unanimously passed. Mr. (county Antrim) moved the following resolution That, after carefully weighing the recent decisions of the Irish Land Courts, this meeting is forced to the conclusion that the Sub-Commissioners have not adequately protected the tenant's interest in his holding by the rents thoy fixed.

They have either taken, too high a standard of rent, forgetting increased cost of labour and the vastly increased foreign competition, or tbey have made too small an allowance for the interest and improvements of the tenants, and undoubtedly the rents recently awarded are in excess of the old customary rents of Ulster, and are calculated to deprive the tenants of tho only real stimulus to industry, an adequate protection for their capital, labour, and Mr. Thokas Swamn (Maze) seconded the resolution, which was supported by Mr. Chablks Wilson (Cheltenham) and Mr. Haks M'Mosdib (Belfast), and passed amid cheers. Mr.

Williak GrasoK moved and Mr. Fbazbb (county Antrim) seconded the next resolution: "That wo therefore earnestly urge unon tha Land Courts to give full effect to tho provisions of the Act of 1881, which undoubtedly are tbat in fixing a fair rent the foil -value ot the tenant's interest and Improvements, which are declared to be inalienably his property, shall be deducted; and should the Act, after full experience, prove insufficient in these respects we would ask the Irish tenant-right members to take the matter into their serious consideration, with a view to such remedial measures as may be deemed expedient." j. Tbe resolution was unanimously adopted. The proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to tha Chairman. RELEASE OF MISS, REYNOLDS, (rxox otn coBBBBToaiiuri'.) Coax, FBTDiYitiairr.

This morning Miss Harma M. Beynolds. of the Dublin Ladles' Land League, completed her 28 days imprisonment to which she was sentenced at the Oastleton Bern-haven Petty Sessions oq the 23d December for Inciting a tenant of the Earl of Bantry "not to pay mat la order to prevent any demonstration, Miss Reynold was released from prison at the early hour of half -past eight. A number of members of the Cork Land League reached the gaol at nine o'clock with a procession of three carriages, but Miss Beynolds had previously left On reach' ing tbe victoria Hotel she at once despatched a telegram to Miss ParoeU, stating that her Imprisonment had not In the least aft acted her devotion to tttt osom of Mead. councils, or whatever they be railed "iS good nurwriea for public men, who would bw tomed to tha best system -of local mmT4 would this way become members take their share In the genual governrZ? he hoped he should see a good measuii vlN fovemment Of London during Srliament.

The' bankruptcy laws also Moairo tion. After ridiculing the T' argnmwtso? Traders, Mr, Childers referred to the question form of the procedure of Porifament He mS few persons whose undisguised object was to separation of tha Empire, aided by a few athi Z4' to the Government; had established obstmcaoh. scribed obstruction as a system under which continued after argument was finished, ami which the House of Co mmoos was nut to thn the waste of time Of interminable diviiorT sense of the House had been declared in tho mai takable manner. Argument ought not to in the smallest degree, and ho would nerw 21 party to any proposal which interfered withfJ.1 of speech. (Hear, hear.) Freedom of soeT? ever, was ono thing, and unceasing nhu waste of time another, thing.

Ho waSS 1,1 time, of Parliament to be given to armimlS dfscusslon. It was In order that ablo to deliberate freely, that those doibctiXs be read and that there might not be a rcne-Mm scandals of lost session tbat Her Majesty had determined to to Parliament for emancipating her from those fetters and rrij her her old uoertleS. It would not be right torrv" that occasion the precise direction In which the aS? inent hoped to deny out this reform. He miih5 a negative statement and say that what had bMniSi iu the papers during tho past fow days had tedtT relation to what the Government proposei'J was, in fact, only an analysis of pronoaji were made sdme years ago and-at -different i2 since by eminent members of Parliament and comrn at tha ffnnna nf rmmAM hrt hurl 1 tion. The proposals of tho Government would tnt IS a revolutionary or of a violent character.

This thn take absolutely from him as the truth. The OormiS would follow strictly the lines he had indicated i2 would endeavour to preserve integrity of debate to facilities for free nnd full discussion; but endeavour to nave the freedom and fulness of disrafe. from that which was destroying it-namely, thsob tive chatter and' unnecessary formalities Wiichti country had witnessed, and at which the great nafotX of Englishmen were thoroughly disgusted. (Cheerii A vote of confidence in the hon. member nn pug JUVENILE BALL AT THE MAX.

CHESTEB TOW HALL The third annual juvenile ball at the Maocbeg Town Hall was held last-night, and was attends! Upwards of five hundred children and young folii many persons are aware, the ball was instituted bjlt Alderman Fatteson during' the period that he held t1. office of chief magistrate of this city, and lies oenba up by his successor, Mr. Alderman Baker. The data began to arrive before six o'clock, and were at ok, conducted to the banquoting-room, where (ei served to them. They subsequently passed into large hall, where they were presented to tho Blajut Mayoress, Dancing commenced a little before sna o'clock, and was kept up with great liveliness tH th evening, the band of Mr.

Goodwin playing tho necasj music, and Mr. W. Webster officiating as nails of ceremonies. Other means of entertainment bi been provided by the Mayor for his youthful for whose accommodation the whole of the state it meats in the Town Hall were thrown open. Piofaa Whatman's marionettes, Under the.

management of It Henry Wbatte; 'vastly delighted crowded audlsrj which gathered In tho Mayor's Parlour; andthochuk where the city fathers meet in solomn conclave invaded by a vivacious crowd of juveniles who, wsni by tho great sanctity of the place, laughed merriljiii magic lantern entertainment given by Mr. W. B. Wxi oi Urmston, in which the mythical adventures oil to Mayor Dick Whittlngton were pictoriaUy illStnted, ana comic inciucms were pourtrayea wnicn exats amusement a goueration ago, and which never Mu provoke youthful jubilation, One of the scenes naj as the background for the marionette exhibition mi View of Skerton House, Old Trafford. lbs ratios of the Mayor.

Though so large a number of child: were present, ample promenade room was fotal for them In the corridors of tbe Tows Which were adorned by plants from Alexub Park, itefreshmebts were sorved to the children In tk quoting-room during tha evening, and a conadenls humber of tho undermentioned ladles and geotleaa who had received special invitations, sat down witntb Mayor, to a repast in his private dininj-room-t and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. Aronsberg, Dr. Aia-ton, Mr. J.

Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Baud, Atra. nhttrlajamrHi, rn Jnrin Ctaetbtsjll.

and Mrs. Bruce Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. J.Goodlef.Mf&ijiS, Mr. A.

Hey Wood, Mr. Thomas Hudson, Mr. and Ki Ellis lover, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Leigh, the Bar. E.F.c! Mrs. Letts, Mr. and Mrs. Langton, Mr.

and Mrt. Lata, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Mr.

and Mrs.M'Donald.lli M'Keand, Mr. and Mrs. Nodal, Mr. Alderman Pittas, Miss Pepper, Mr. and Mrs.

O. Pike, Mr. and Mr. Jus Robb, Mr. Thomas N.

Storer, Mrs. WflliUm It and Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Thomas Sharp, Alderman id Mrs. Thompson, Mr.

and Mrs. Fox Turner, 2Ir. and Xa W. H. Talbot, Mr.

Thomas Walford, Mr. and la Windser, and Mr. Thomas Wrigloy. The following are the names of the juveniles who present at tho ball: William Aaqultb, Edmund AlotlltH. JtlchMd fold Angus.

Soaalu If. Ajitput, J- Agnotv. T. Affoew, Clan ai Itrong, Ktita ArmiLrouir, Ptauk Andrea AlezudoA BeatrIM Abettromm, Rudolph Gu. Atnroramble, Viola Ailnwi H.

w. Aihworth, Maud Armluwe, lleatrlce Armlnge, EL Gbp Arraltaffe. Robert Armltage, Inula H. Alhtoa, aliner Ato Amy JE Aktiunt, llertlo Aihaoft, aisrr Ajhcrort, Ante craft, Harold Aldred, Aire)-, MUsAmSel. Aann H.

Marker, ma w. H. Darker, ArumrE.Biriter.BaS Bruikbank, Outer Broektank. liny Broekbank, Mcllte Bare. Brown, H.

af. Brown. Bertha Brown, Wiiinlo Brown, a Si Trevor Boothe, Hilda Bljton, Harry Blytoo, GartroJs Bllj Chirm E. Ualloy, Kdlth Bailer, Ails Butcher, Bealrln B4 lunula B. Ball.

Maude L. Borrey, Mabol O. Berrey. 0. r.

to Ada Buihby, Xmat A. Bo mien, Ethel B-Bowden, IW Elena O. Bmu, annuel Bowler, Rank B. Bowler, Qoait Bowler, 11 try I- Bowler, Florence Urldgford, Btauler Bridget neusroou. ijucxiey jsrooki, jsoiin urooae, train.

Bailey, II. D. Balloy, A. 3. Bailey.

Annie Burrowi, Frank Buwyrr, ItabeluiT. Buxton, J. H.Buiton,Jlirr.Eli Ulifln Banuoroiao. Florence Curtis. Walter Curtis, Ellen Curtb, Frank Curia Colon, Jennie Cocke, Htalla Uhuloswonh.

Mabel CnulernnaK Chleholm, BaU S. Cornish, Marie Calphorfla, John taimJrMa ChUwoll, Jatuo WlUlam Chlewrll, ltoolul Collier. law Harry Craven, Marie Craven, SavUlo Craren. Waiter Cyl5 1. Croiidale, Lilly Cratrg.

Waimily Crabtroe, Jesele Ooblrr, Caravell, Usuo Canwell, lllndeK Cohen, UIm Crwer, i ClaplM, Jaiues Carmll. William u. Ciry, J. Uirjritoiil3" S. ChryitaJ, Ktflth K.

Chryi tal, Bosa Ounmer. Annie CoIUm Aitmir Stanley Vlnely, Harry Percy Dlnely, Beayloi Slneley, Ana Drwenfleld. Nnri, Horenoe, and DUan DJJ JMilo, Davlee, toube Dickinson, Agnes JIaud WWJ CharlM T. IMwnn, Luoy Penelope Dawson, Drayoott. Mary Dalton, Solly and John Dookray.

A B. Boo. i. Alfred Ede, Fanny Ellis, lacy Kills, Amy Kills. Xat rumlvsl, Herbert Furnlral, Wary Turnlral.

Oira Ethel raraday, Winifred Faraday, illss Held. Edith BeB, E. Parrer, H7V. Farter, Percy Wrm. Annie Fol K.

Vox Turner, Annie Feathantono. ilartan FlnSljr. Mary Fen, AvarUla rialey, Catharine Flnlej.C JlnlervCIW' Tun 1 mover, aaran d. Giovar, i.uey mover, isaao j. rya Glean, Edith Cleave, Winifred E.

GeU. Adela M. Oell, label rollle GrtmahMr, Jessie Annie MsolOK Baohel Homrth, Nellie Howartn. AoalHowarUi, JV! Howarth; WlUle Herd.Lillto Herd, Kobert Herd; tUBT. John Hampton, WUIlo Himpwn; Ada P.

Ulnes, Bcgloald r.BS Pollta, Lillian, and George Kmort Uodsou; ill" 2 Hlehleyi Ralph Hind; Louisa Hydo: Beatrice Dolf1 IlSraes, Fanny HolnKS; NeUielialli Xdlth B. 'PS-C. ihidley Mart, Charles D. Hart, Dudley F. Hart, Maude Howard; A.

Hough; Ada Hilton! Godrrer Ho round HargTKive. Alfred Hargreavo; Abel, Ethel, LUlle BIT" Jessie Hflrwood i Fred Heywood. MS Mabel lUliCTorth. w. nUngvrorth, Gertrude lUlDgworta.

mingwortn. Oerbude Ingham. i-s Leonard H. Jsnklnsrilabel Jenkins, Gerald T. JenUM James Kay, Lena Ray, Ethel Knowlet, Geon ICamn.

Wu Kntnn. Unudi, Katahnw. Ernest 11. 1 Yea. EdllhE.

Kelly, Charles I. Knowlcs, James Kenon. I Aaa Knott, miuamr. nennam. i.fjk Cyril loan, 3.

M. LltUer.iB: M. T. LawUin, "1J3 Joseph Levi, Ulrica Levi, Abraham Levi, wu Led ward. Florence Lani, Edith Lang; Alice H- Leva.

bourn. Edwin H. Leybount, -Amelia Levboure, 1c5 Edward B. Latham, William Latham, Annie UUon, Latham, John Latham. Alice Lloben, Harriet liebeo, Hsjev igg Boso Lleben, Edith Lichen, Noel Langton, Langton, Constance Lodge.

Emast Lodge, Annie -J52ftei, Lionel, Lewis H. Uimell. Charles Lereeche, Nellie IwfSiT H. Lever, Hay Letts, Edith Lonsdale, Annie LlUer, Margaret 1'. Holllton, Mary P.

Jlrdllson, B. HiauAjffl Obeli. J. Herbert luiclull, George M'Leod, charlotte tagusC. Home, Herbert C.

il orris. Alexander 1. BsnDjj Winnie Massey, Annie U'Clure. Hubert EiBUllfanaiey.Allso Handler. Violet lUcde.

bsrld Macfle, Jessie llsrlln. Amy ilartln, Joyca MantoiL liay. W.llay, Prank liar, Harry W. May, -SSi Henry U. U-Kerrow.

John'Kerrow. Herbert O. a sJ Emily H. Sloorhouse, Lottie Hurray. John M.

MansT. V'Keand, Charles D. H'Keand, 8. A. Uuuhf.

TjS Beriha minor, KaUB M'Niveu, DousUw A. 1 scj Zt Henaks, Annie Meakln, Jolm James lleakln, LlUIe Lilian Haybnry. Clara Maybury. si rWsyWorbanr. Fletcher Xorbury.

Mona Ntoid. Anrie Klald Sydney ffleld, Beatrice Kodal, JohnF. Kodal. man, Fanny Kewman, Emily M. Kelson.

Edmund Nadin.BaayMadln Margaret W. Kaedham, Helen BS-V ITewton, Percy Norris, Sobcrt IV. ell), Jfarylwi Melll, Joseph O. KeUI, Ada M. Kewby, WlUlsm.

a llnl.n fK-rfll. Thomas OTHeBl, TUHf1 uaromia A. ussier, ciara ugoen, uzzie usuen. fU2 Vsiirh otuI RAvthfl Piatt, little Pfllans, Csm ru'r-w Pike, A. Pike, Amy Pike.

W. Pike; Master C. E. I UlaaParclvaL lladen Perelval. Fercv rercirmi; xirsi, isaaen rereirai, rercy irlanii Annie and Eleanor Peart; pert.

ode WHEnr Parker I Xlss rayiie. Herbert poyno i ggi" "SclWea I Se Pollitt; Leah Parlceri George Harrison Wy'iKt uncahpferton.F.Plerson; H. Phut: A. B. rescocki Je.

B. and A. Pstteson. v.M'r? Edward Bogarsjo, Thomas C. Bogenon.

fWJZRZS. B. and Mary T. Boby, Alios Bushwortn, Frank Biishworth.T1zze lloyle, GortriHle Boblnson, Huth Bldenl, Paulino Kkleal. Eiully and B.

A. Sidney llorence an.1 Alice Bfeper, Olivia niece'. J5u, VS Helens KVMlck. James Bonby llelklenam Itowbottos. B.

fmith, AnnleLoulse Smith, Hirry's. SjolW. i Smith, Harnht E. Smith, Edwin w. Hmlth.

Aified A. 'Sonf W. Smith, Charles F. BmlOi. Isabella HmlUi.

Edith "CSt! B. Smith. Lotttsa Shaw, EdlthSrusw, Harry C. Sha, rn" is Klnnle Handbaeh. Bertie Sunien, Helene sonvaiwfi'i Jffi.w vasogln.

Miss Souvazlogu, Rosa Salomonson, T-Shlrrea. Harold Summer, Edltb Stones, Wmltrrd fltuart. Alexander SaSsno, HoQ Soflano. CorutAntln-Ja H. BntcUCe, Annie Standrlngm, Albert Hugh "Sissf Stevoitson, Mabel Stevenson, Frank 8.

Sterrnwsi, donn raj viani nwninc, Muieouguen, sioreneu Bhenherd. Isabella Sbanherd: xilu flLu-r. Wlluxn Ethel and Florence Tobias, Eva latum. Stiphsn joomneofi, ruur tu irioiapi Qraeanvlar. Edith ILaivl A.

Jaylor, Ilary Taylor, Bldney Osborns, Florence. Mme, Florence, sm Sl AllosB-Wa. Useda Whlttater. Ihihi tn-nk. a.

P. and WUklm, Prank WmdwTlUhel Windsor, WTiSg Windsor, Edith and Dinah Worthlns ton, fj VUeocka, W. H. WUeeeks, tatnTJ. WslWT, JJw EtMTWaUsy, Jessie O.

WsUsr.lMsaM H. THE GERMAN PARLIAMENT. Friday EvBNifto. In to-day's sitting of tho German Parliament clause 1 of the bill relative to the incorporation of Hamburg in the ZoUverein was adopted in accordance with the proposal of the Committee, the House previously rejecting an amendment to this clause, moved by Hew Haenal, for the purpose of reserving the right of the oity of Hamburg. The disoussion of clause 2 was commenced, but was adjourned until to-morrow.

AUSTBIA, VlRHNA, FniSAY EVBNINO. The issues of the evening papers were confiscated to-night by the police because they contained the report of a speech delivered by the President of tho United Left Club, in which he denounced all attempts to drag the Crown into the political arena. M. d'Oubril, the Russian Ambassador, to-day received visits front the various Ambassadors and Ministers here, who congratulated His Imperial Excellency on having escaped uninjured from the assault made on him yesterday by the man Zich. THE RISING IN DALMATIA.

Vienna, Fiuoay Evening. A communication in the Fremden-blatt denies a statement which has been published to the effect that lidhem Pasha, the Turkish Ambassador here, had protested against the employ-nieut of force to restore tranquillity in Bosnia and the Herzegovina. The Ambassador during his recent visit to the Austrian Foreign Office simply discussed the question of the junction of the eastern railways, and did not utter a syllable in reference to the occupied provinces. The I'Wmdenhlatt adds that nuy suoh protest as that attributed to Fdhem Pasha could have had but ouo signification, aud would have been emphatically repelled. The Prettc of this evening publishes intelligence from Prague stating that the reserve officers of troops stationed in Ualmatia have been summoned by telegraph to join their regiments, and that the troops belonging to the reserve liable for servico during the first quarter of the year are to be called out.

Tha Political Corretponilemt of this evening gives the following particulars respecting the recent encounter between the Austrian troops and the insurgents in Herzegovina: An infantry patrol, composed of ten men, while engaged in repairing the lines, were attacked on the 10th iiist. at Tiptiri, near the Montenegrin frontier, by a strong band, numbering some 100 men. They defended themselves until the arrival of a company of troops from Bileli, when the band took to flight, carrying off their dead and wounded. Five of the Austrian were wounded. The 1'rests gives a similar account of the affair, stating, however, that a soldier and two gendarmes who formed part of the patrol were killed, and that amongst the live wounded was an infantry officer.

It adds that the Haiduks, the local name for political marauders suoh as the assailants in the present instance, left six dead and four wounded in the field! The Narodm paper published at Zara, states that the coast population in the neighbourhood of Budna and Conale' are also showing signs of reoaloitrtmoy towards the Austrian authorities. A despatch from Cettinge asserts that the party of the President of the Montenegrin Senate, with whom Prince Nicholas has been at variance, have gained the upper hand, and it is this circumstance which has induced His Highness to send his wife and family to Antivari. The policy of the Prince has been to maintain peace and friendly relations with Austria, while M. Petrones and his party are strohg JJusaopliileS, and look without disfavour on the outbreak of disturbances in the Herzegovina. ITALY.

Bomb, FinuY Evening. The Chamber of Deputies to-day adonted the Electoral iieform Bill, as amended by the Senate, without discussion. SPAIN. Madrid, Fbiday. The representatives of the Barcelona holders of Consolidated Interior Bonds held a meeting at the.

Oastilian Bank here to-day. They will have an interview with Senor Cauiacho, the Minister of Finance, at five o'olook this afternoon to discuss the question of the redemption of the debt. A Cabinet Counoil was held to-day under the presidency of the King, at which it was decided to commence negotiations for the prolongation of the existing Franco-Spanish commercial treaty. Senor Castillo, Minister for the Colonies, has instructed the Cuban authorities to abolish the infliction of corporal punishment on negroes. serVia.

Belgrade, Friday. It is stated that the Government contemplates increasing the taxes paid by the better classes to the extent of 60ner cent, innrfinrtn mont. IV 1 WV VUO UUUU- cial obligations of the country. The national party ucuu irauiuiug Dy XUB neWS WUICU IB continually arriving from the disturbed districts on tho western borders of the principality. PORTUGAL Irfsnbw, Friday.

The Chamber of Deputies has now eleoted all its officers, and is definitely constituted, Senor Bias brought in a bill for the reform of the Constitution and of the Electoral Law. The Minister of Finance presented the Budget for 1881-2, showing a deficit of 500,000. THE TRIAL OF GDITEAU. Washington, Friday. Mr.

Scoville resumed and concluded his argument for the defence to-day. On adjourning Gniteau stopped behind to talk to Mr. Scoville, and refused to move at the bailiffs order. On the bailiff applying pressure to posh the prisoner forward he struck the officer on the breast with his manacled hands. The officers of the court at once seized him and hustled him out Judge Cox has decided to allow Guiteau to speak in his own defence.

Tho prisoner will deliver his published address to-morrow. IMIE1GN BOURSES. Paris, Friday. Business was done on the Petite Bourse this evening as follows: Five per Cent Rente, for account, U3f 30a Egyptian Unified, S88r. Turkish Five per Cents, 12f.

Imperial Ottoman Bank, Bio Tinto shares, Spanish Exterior Three per Cents, 27Jf. Berlin, Friday. Lmder the depressing influence of the other European stock markets, the Bourse here was very flat to-day. Hungarian Gold Bente declined more than 1 per cent, and Austrian Gold Bente credit shares, Lombard, and Italian all lost per cent Turkish were also lower. Russian improved slightly.

Private discount declined to 4J. Exchange on London remained unaltered, while that on St Petersburg receded to 207m. 2op, THE AMERICAN WHEAT -SUPPLY. Nbw Yobs, Friday. Visible supply Wheat, 172400,000 bushels; Indian corn, 10,600,000 bushels.

Export clearances: Wheat, 680,000 bushels; corn, 470,000 bushels. AMERICAN COTTON. New York, Friday. Week's receipts at United State port. 96,000 Ditto since the 1st September 3,477,700 shipments to England 46,000 Ditto the Continent and Channel 16,000 Total az'jo the 1st September 1,860300 Stock at all porta 1,169,000 iota nougnion, once an eminent conservative, wnu was now a smuncn uoerai (cneors), and Mr.

Creyke, the member for York, who belonged to an old Conservative family. (Cheers.) In turning to geuuroi (jucubiuoB bun unit ua naturally occurred to our minds was that of Ireland. Whatever might be said against them in respect to their Irish policy the Government had strictly fulfil ed their pledges. They were at this moment exposed to a fire from both sides. Thoy were told tbat in putting down outrage and disturbance they had shown too litUo vigour, and again that their remedy for Irish grievances hod been of too drastic a nature.

This was- the burden of the political speeches of a considerable section of the Conservative party, though the party in a large portion of Ireland; and especially tho North of Ireland, said nothing of the kind. On the other band, the Government, fired into by some few Liberals In England, but by few, so faros he could judge, and by a certain number of persons belonging to the extreme party in Ireland, on the ground that thoy had shown too much vigour in dealing with Irish disturbance, and that on the other hand they had endeavoured to remedy Irish grievances by a bifl.that did not go far enough, and that something approaching Jto a right to pay no rent at all ought to have been offered to Irish tenants, (Laughter.) Standing aa they did betwoen two charges, lie was prepared to say, whilst all Governments were liable here and there to make mistakes, he believed the Government had acted in the proper manner and with a due regard to the circumstances of the case and what the interests of the public demanded. (Cheers.) What was more, he believed that this was the opinion of the ereat majority of the country. He didnotsee that either the expressions used by some otthe Irish landowners or by some politicians during the last few weeks in England or by some of the supporters of Mr. Parnell, ho did not sets that tbeso expressions of opinion either on the one side or tho other had the approval of the great major! tv of the people, and he believed the course Government very deliberately had.

atari by iten. taken in deatine with thn Iriidi Alffi. culty had been a wise" course and one which would receive the aonroval of their fellow-couttrvmpr (Cheers.) He reminded the meeting of the discordant and rapidly changing expressions of opinion that had been uttered- ooucernln? the Land Act. VlmL that nobody would of tha Actv that the tenants naa no connaence in the measure, and; that tho want of proper machlhery would cause I the Act to remain- inoperative. Since tho Act had come into operation, however, the tenants had flocked to tho'courts by hundreds and by thousands.

$ome Irish members, he did not moan all Irish member, for hti re lieved the great majority of Irishmen and of members of rarjiamenc lor ireiana were tnorougmy loyal-cheers), but some members of the extreme Irish nart went so far as to urge, extreme opponents of tbe Act, that the Art had been so successful that landlords arid tenants sbouldmakeuptheirdifferences and come down upon the British public for a good round sum in the way af compensation for reduced rents. This attempt at' combination of the two extreme parties against the British Government and tho British Exchequer Went so far that at tho election for the county of Deny there was not onlv I r. 1 1 uubeuijjbeu, utii. cfuumwsiuuy cameo our, a son, ot zusion between ConSBfvatlvasnnd tha iiltrn-Triah narttr. In nrAnr by hook or crook, to defeat the Government that had Drought in the Land Bill.

The attempt signally failed. He believed the failure of the attempt was a very good earnest of the fate of any attempt to combine extreme parties against the Liberal Government on this Question. and that when Parliament met a good deal could be told uiui, coma not do toia aunng toe recess, we snonla find the Government bad retained the confidence of the Liberal party, and that of this confidence the House of Commons would -make show in a very marked and signal uiuuuBT, tuuuera. ine uevernment wouia unmncu-ingly carry out the policy which they bad pursued up to the oresent time. Cheers.) Tlisv wnnlrl nnf.

tolerate anything lilra what he considered to be little short of public robbery. They would not tolerate any attempt to induce Irish tenants to pay no rent, and they would not tolerate Anv fitfnmnr. fvnm vehntmar miBuT. it might come, to destroy the union between England, cuuiianunuireiano. ueuaataxansomapains to ascertain, through the ordinary means, what had boon the working of the Land Act up to the present time.

He found that there were between 70,000 and 80,000 applications from Irish tenants for decrees of the courts to fix a fair rent of their tenancy. Of these applications about half came from Ulster, one-fourth from Con-naught n. part of Ireland where the distress was the greatest, and which was now the most tranquil, and about ono-fourth from the two other provinces, Munster and Lelnster. About a thousand cases had been decided, and a thousand agreements made outside the Courts had been lodged in the Courts "to receive formal ratification, so tbat within the lest few weeks about two thousand cases oi irian tenancies had been settled, and it was estimated that the- whole of the cases that would coma forward for judicial decision would be disposed of in the courso oi me next two years a very moderate time Indeed considering that titers were about 600,000 tenant farmers in Ireland. He found that the purchase clauses were beginning, to work, and that already sales by limited owners to tenants had been settled; to the extent of 8,500, and grants to tenants had been sanctioned by the Treasury, to the extent of 12.000.

CCheora.1 Thasa were very important beginnings. What had beendono was quite as much as could have been expected, and In tula respect the Act had decidedly He reminded them that the Government bad pledged themselves to abetter svstem of county government inlrdand, to redress the inequality of.the county franchise, and to other matters from which they had no Intention of receding. It would be well if a good deal of tbe private business in Parliament connected with Ireland could be settled up to a certain point in Dublin or in the different provinces without bringing over largo numbers of pcrauni do nearu neiore raruamentary committees. This would be a practical improvement in the direction of local government. Passing next to one or two other subjects which he hoped would bo dsaltwith during the present Parliament he would not say during the coming session, Sir.

Ghilders expressed a hope that the question of county franchise, about wnicn many ixrasorvaiives were oirsaay agreed, would be settled 'without any very extraordinary beat. No doubt this would involve some readjustment of I With regard to the Land Laws, tho secession of one or two eminent and amiable peers of the Whig party which had been threatened was attributed to some fear that tbe Government were aoont to carry out tne uiin land Act in England. Ho did not think there was really any fear that this fearful catastrophe was likely to happen. (Laughter.) There Was no analogy between the two cases, but mere was a goon ueai that ought to be done to make more satisfactory and practical the relations between landlord and tenant in England. He hoped two special reforms would before long be carried outgone being that in future contracts tenants should have a leeal right to the permanent improvements they had made, and the other the simplification of the transfer of landed property.

(Cheers.) They desired to make the transfer of land as simple aa the transfer of other property, as, for instance, shipping property. Passing to the subject of county government, ha said the solution of this question was by no means easy. It involved intricate questions as, for iostaoce, the position of small towns which bad corporations, and whose independence would have to W-respected. At the same time, that, question ought to be solved during the present Parliament The words used by Mr. Cobdea many years ago stated the case of the establishment of a good svstem of County government in a very simple maniwr.

Mr.Cobden said. "Eiich county should have its assembly elected by the people to do tbe work unpaid nngfstrates and lord lieutenants now do, and also much of the local business widen now comes before Parliament." To the bat words be (Mr. ChUdars) attached gnat importance, because be firmly believed Parliament was called upon to do gmtt dud net than FarUamsnt raauyoonld do,.

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