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The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 1

The Guardiani
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Stiv. 'ttf riSM A flWO SOVEREIGNS REWARD. LOST, on I 41th 'Infant, a nt.UE SILK NET PCR8B: 3T? ANDREW'S ANCO ATS, MAN- TJ LEVY SONS nare ENGAGED on ctWMffiBV TRQWSERS CUTTJERS of the Age. TO BE LET, ait Excellent WAREHOUSE in' Portland-street, No. i Apply at No.

1. i-r- Tmperlant to Carpet Dealers and PrtTatsugntnTUtJ ifraslra TO BE IJET, POWER, and a Light-tofty '-S-" "BOTTOM STORET, 60 feet by 36 feet, suitable for SO also a liulldlnff adtnlninr. for warehouse, windfas and warping. Apply at printers'. BOLTON.

TO HOUSE and SHOP. No.4. Bank-street. Holtononanf the bent aitnaUnnt In the borougb; new front, with plate-glass windows. Apply to Soles fes w'rtbate ontratt.

TO BE DISPOSED OF, in consequence of the death of the principal, a COMMISSION ITSINES8, with a good connection. Address HIS, at the printers'. ON SALE, a Condensing STEAM ENGINE. of SO-horae pOvver, In excellent condition, not having been Ions; in use; will occupy little room and require a very trUling ei Dense In tdmsduion, aa au tae parts awflttad upon aattoo BaekLloyoVelzMt. Haimhester: Mr.

kobert Parker: eineer! Messrs. Stringer and Mann, Liverpool; and Mr. wznsiora, cneanire. Sbalta Auction. On Wednesday next, the 28th instant, at 5, Oldhall-strect, Liver-" pool; IS Caaka RED ARGOLS, now landing ex Jane, from Marseilles.

raj uags ti- now lanomgex rranoonta, xrom rjaiwnora, 5 Caues MANNA, now landing ex Gaadolfo, from Apply to CHUI3T1K, Jun. Broker, Liverpool. Without recerre. On Thursday the 13th December next, at twelve o'clock, at the i IJrnkcr OBiQe. 19.

Raobanan Bnildinm. IJvernool: 100 Coes BuNORIKS. Containing handsome vases, punch bawls, chimney ornsmenEa. pagodas, paintings, paper hangings, gongs, grass cloth and silk aniittereatci matting, MiTeuiaarec araoeiciJ.aarocaaca, images, handaomB carved card oaaea. snuff-baxea.

work box. and a nrimtir of other arUcles from China: to be on show on and after 6th Do- -Apply to to Ac H. LTTTLEDALE Ac CO. Brokers, LirerpooL' T. i Stock In Trade of a Carver and Glider.

M5t R. WIN STANLEY wiU SELL BY AUCTION, on Friday next, the 30th November, at eleven ociock, on tne premises, no. x-rmoess-sKrect, aiancneaier. where it will be removed for unreserved sale, tho STOCK IN TRALE; consisting of a variety of moulds, for composite frames ana ornaments; elegant loiiy oanneiaora, oi jrrenon aeaign, ix compost, bronzed; carvings in wood; paintings, old and modern xramea prints, ana otner aruaies usuauy loono in sucn a atocic ig oe viswea on inarsaey tn. xvtn.

By Mr. JOHN OU8EY, at the Law Society's Rooms. Korollc- Bircet. mancnoeier, on xiuauiur, VEntaucr nui, i chj, at turee o'clock In the afternoon (subject to eaoh conditions of sale aa will he then and there produced: A POLICY of ASSUfiANCE for 1,000, effected In the Nerwioh Life Insurance Society, on the life of a lenuetnan now upwards ot years oi age, to wmeh up to Jane stu, iihs, nonuses to the amount oi xJ. za.

naa oeen assign Further nartlculars mav be had on anoUcation to Sir. HENRY uririrt, soiioiior, Dwiynriage. Morhrsae Debt of ffl.000. IftytESSBS. SHUTTLEWOUTH SONS are ITa instructed to FEEL BY AUCTION, at the Hart.

QAGE DEBT for JES.UUV, bearing interest at percent, amply secured upon a valuable estate known aa the Manchester AtLp- nasuu, sttoatetn the important maniaoturmg town oiaianchester. Particulars may be obtained of Mr. Henry whitehead, solicitbr. No. 7.

Whitehead's Grove, Chelsea; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Bnutuowortn ana Hons, no. a-ouitry, jjonacn. TO-MORROW. Sale of Valuable Modem Furniture.1 51 Octavo Piano Forte.

Chimney Glasses, in gilt and rosewood frames; Capital Pafamt Mangle, in hardwood frame: Neat Shop Stove, weighing Ma- amne boo rycigats, uim jucmn i verr oupenoi Invalid's Carrlaee. Six Dozen of Nearlv New Filet. Tool Cheat. Double and Single Barrelled Guns, 439 four, throe, and one inch Porcelain Letters and Phrorer, with etopa and commas, to match; Mexican Black Lead, Cade of Arrow, Chinese Tea, In packets; Fixtum, Five-light Gas Meter, Hot Water Bath, and Miscellaneous Efforts 1 MB. HAMER will SELL BY AUCTION, at his Rooms, No.

3, St. Marys, Deamgnte, Manohesier, on Thursday the 29th day of Novemoex, WW, at ten o'clock prompt, a Considerable Quantity of Valuable FURNITURE and AUBUjsiiliAjVifiUUB jrrtwivA r. ua view mo morning or sale. THIS DAT (WEDNESDAY), Hov. SB, at deven punctually.

Bv oonsfffnmnc. -Ta Htuta 8eUani. trofeu. Prtiflfn n. Others.

Sale of the Stock In Trade of a professor of, and dealer in, auusio ate. faa" K. KIRK is honoured with positive instruc i.TJL tions from a'mtuical professor and dealer, of first-rate oeieority, etuoiriY Atuavni a'nisxiay Sior. IJ. Ulr IUB DUUI VO, UI IU JUUJlUUCSlCr, a Portion of: tho Valuable and Select STOCK UN TRADE, which comprises a large Quantity ox sneet music, vooai ana lnairumenuu.

by the beet and most popular composers; also various musical in-strumente. such as violins, auitaru and oases: oornet-a-niiiton. hv first-rate London maker; Iriah bagpipes; a number of single violin eases; violoncello strings, pegs, fltcinga, Ac a no wncie may oe inapcoteu on uw morning oi naio at eteren. THIS MnRNINO. at Eleven for Twelve nnnernallv.

To the Muaioal Frofeaslon, Families. Aa Important Sale of Six jaeautuui uottage ana nquare riano jrortes, in anpero roaewcoa and mahogany cases, with metallic plates, 61 octaves, and all the most recent improvements. MB. KIRK is honoured with instructions, from an eminent niano forte maker, to SELL BT AUCTlnK. on Wednesday next, November 28th, 1819, at big (the Town Hall) Mart, ea, Cross-street.

King-street, Manoh ester, BIX COTTAGE anil SO DARK PIANO FORTES. In cleaant rosewood and mklirv. ttany cases, of the most modern construction, with metalllo plates. HI ootavea, laaanailag brRUaccy of tone and eJastlcltyol'rtBti ih vwiajosy-WTWvw aui.sne iw ux. uay prior ana tne rnarrang oi cite saie.

M.S. Sale at eleven for twelve promptly. From Yorltshlmdlrect. On Thursday next, Novemher, xSth, at eleven. Very Important to Woollen Drapers, Shippers, Tailors, Ac Bale of a Consignment of Woollens, Clothe, Fustians, Vel- voteena, ate, etc.

jro uoaoia to raiaoznoneyt MR. KIRK' very respectfully annonnces to the Trade, that ho is instructed to PREPARE tor SALE BT AUCTION- for Tfanradav next. November 29th. 1B19. at tha Tnvn Hall Mart, 68, roes-street, JQag-atreet, Manohejter.

the Truly aiuaoie eiuu ia. oi a woouan wrnviint, wnion comprises enenaa bennelfai uroolblaelr beavers, flva.od. black euperflne, four ends blue pQota, ten ends fancy does, two blue aunerfLne. aeveral enda of various rifles, browns, Aa a number of fustians, cords, velveteens, Aa Aa full nsxttcufaiwof which be given in Wednesday's papers, and. In deaorip- nve cacaiognes, wnicn wm no reauy on mcnuay next, ana may DO had at tbe Mart.

N.B. The whole will be sold to salt the trade. On Tuesdav. Deoember 4th. 1849.

at eleven promptly. To Panar cwa joruzaeu, xapssny, rh MMinrDJiTBHary smiwau- Hearth Burs, DrcxxcU, Jaoiakks, Indian arid othar Mat trnxa. Extra seasoned "Flaor and Passajs Oil r'-- With ITmrL ai the WhoUef Uw Bxtanslveand YaluaaleSTOCKof a Carpet Dealer, consisting of .140 pieces of super Brussels, in asraat variary of oeauUfulpattarna; 20 pleoes of ricVtapestry, the osSeaw! sMes extant: SJWilrusseH, town-mie; Tor Inrrrfvst pile arxl Wlltori hcirth not. i rilijadernilMt.BonLcB: and Inrosrial oar- peta; tabl baixe. Indian, MsaiUa, Kent, sirin and other mat-tlnw: BruU, patent, and VenstiantaJrcsrpU; fr ana bod floor elnths: ntrMitrfuiiltnjLnmAiwjiriifltaul.

uu vmk vcmeii; aoiiaxv carpets, aaraasa. uuuu-nj i w.jwogKi3aywrinoTOawnroeganrLj vaTicw tap i saw. 1 1( i next THnnaruT: BenoUffe Home.Eccles. Bxtenriye CoUsoUon of Stove and nuiuu xriuiiA, ocuifj ion pnrato coiiecuoci ol a geoueman liIB. FUIJlAaoyE hM been histrn'c ted to i.TA BELL BY AUCTION, ori Thorsday, the 13th Ndfoniber tpDnwa uom rrwj iasotrajcaonssci to.

uniawi tha at Bencliff. oommenolni' at twelve o'clock-at noon. prompt, au numerous and Valuable Collection tf-PLANTB, comj SDeoireena In tha fir- hloom In mnditinn of epacria, aaallas.srsrlis, psmHlss, many others. xxMdipuTtj cxiaiovoesarenow reaoy, anamayoanaainreaoay. prior to taleV on application to the Auctioneer, 73 and rsav, ssancnaaEer.

-a ne piaan may on rnqrmnji as Entrance at the aidaxarden door; and to prevent intrusion, no pereon win be annulled witltout a BeccluTe House is situate within three minutes walk from tbo Bccles Railway Station, to which there axe trains leuing-tha rtmuixi To the Nobility, Gentry, and Patrons, of Floriculture: Magnlfl- cent and Choice Camellias, Jtrom aft. to lift in height, well sat Mango Palm. Banana. Ouava. and other Tropical Fruit 1 of the rarest kinds; Pine and Valuable Bpeclnuaia of Orehjdes Aiiurvlllai.

auul Vatrffitv nf ChiifM innwiirin Plfmrta. IVI UtiLALOVE has been instracted toiroi j. tw j.uc- daub i i. AtAtMuotw November, IMS, at the Mart, Ta and 73, Klnatreot, Maneneatar. a Chaloe and Very- Valuable Collectkm of Foreign 8TOTB and ORBEN HOUSE PLANTS; Fruit Trees, and Ornamental Flowering unrobe, aU In One healthy condition, well' act with buds, and stocked with fruit, from the gardena of the lata Mra.61isr-bourne.of Hurst House, near Preacot, or.

imaiove wouia raot respeetxuuy emu tne attention ox admirers ol floriculture to tha above valuable aadextenalva colleo-tion of plants, embracing many, vary rare and scarce specimens, which have been aalected by the late Mrs. Snerbourne, lecardlnia oi expense, and are in the most healthy condition. Descriptive catalogues are in course of preparation; and may be had three days prior to ale, on application to Mr. FuHaloyc, at his otncea, 73 and 75, King Manchester. To Jewellers, Watchmakers, and PriTaiir Piwine.

TmrnrtintStla oi ouvco-x-iaie, xown-maoe eeweiiary, Aouern ugn aaq Huvcr Watches, with lever, boriaontal, and vertical movements: BrS-Uant Diamond Rings, Pins," and Brooches, with solid? gold Bettings; Carriage wdBrarJwtTimepieces. OfiSoe Clocks, PtaUd. Articles, Aa iA R. FULLAIiOVE lias been instructed to December 4th and fith, at No. 86, King-street, commencing at eleven o'clock In theTorenoon; the Entire "Of the Expensive and Valuable STOCK of a Watchmaker and Jeweller, ifar of brooches, rings, studs, and pins, act with.

dTarnlwdy; pearls, rubles, emeralds, cornelians, garneta, Aa' with hne gold settings cameo brooches, braceleu, gold and silver pencil cases, tooth saaff and scent boxes, gold Albert, curb, chains, In a (treat variety; 00 patent lever, horlaontal, andTsrticcl watchos, with massive gold and sUver caaea, made by the- raoat celebrated London and provincial makers; lockets, rings, eat with pearls, rubies, Aa; silver pickle forks, butter knives; gala eyeglasses, ladles' massive gold neck chains; carriage aaw brackot timepieces, won puueu lOIBUser wltn a grecvt variety of useful and ornamental gold and ailver articles. -May be publicly inspected the day prior to the sale. XVacripilve catalogues are in oourae of preparation, and may be had three days antecedent to tho aala Choice Cellar of Wines. TVJTR. FULLALOVE has been Instructed, by XTJL the Executors, to SELL BT AUCTION, la the'oouros of next week, at the Mart, 73 and 75, King-street, a CELLAR of Chaloe WINES, Including Champagne, Claret, Hock, tPort.

Sherry, Aa removed from the oountry.forconvenierun ol sale. Foil particulars in future advertfacraenia. Elegant Marblo Mantelpieces. IVffR. FUUxAXOVE has been instracted to XTJL SELL BY AUCTION, early next month, at the Mart.

7j and 7S. Kimwrtreet, TWJtNTT Kleiant MABBLEMAkL-PiECES, of the choicest designs extant. Full particulars in future adrertlBemcnts. Lucas's, IiiTerpooL Select Sale for Valuable Hantex. andotnec M1 cuairvusi IIIUKUf UBMJm ESSRS.

LUCAS CO. beg to apprise- Nohlemmand CentlMnMi lurini, tr.lnn'kfa xmTtbfca i. dispose of, that their SELECT SALES for Deoember- will plaoe on Tuesday, the the SOth. Entries to be made, and deaorlpdnna and pedlaTees. Ate- In be tent to the Repository, Great CnarlottntrMtUverinoE on or before the 9th instant for the 6th Ueoember sals, and usor fiefora the lath December fsr the 20th Dwambararie? ReSClarko, Bncklea, and Inobbold, bankrupts.

To Contrtxtora. Builders, and others. 1fR. MORRIS is instrncted to SELLt BY XTJL AUCTION, on Thursday, tha 29th November. 1BO, cam-in en clng at eleven prompt, at the world and prenuses eeennfed, by Meaern.

Clarke, Buckles, and the bottom of Tork-itreet, oat of Cbarlea-atreet, Oxford Road, Gbnrltori-troati-Medlook; their Valuahle STOOBTj comprlsiDg Mcenli vBr horse high preesur. steam-engine, with a.inorse, wTonght iron, team bollor(both nearly now), ban. steam pipes, Aa complete; three capital mortar mills, with, (jeering; one two-boras mortar mill, a useful wUteehapeK three broad-wheeled carta, one capital draught horse; shaft and; chain Beers; about 30 tons of lime, a large Quantity of -navinr atones, ISO bags of oement. 3-ln. planks.

a.mltiif pouw7tunber. wheelbarrows, tubs, wrought Iron work, bench and vine, oornbln. about eight Una of horas manure; the brick work- slate aadtinv forminrtas exnehoaae.andaahleai a qti oflSl tnangoand llcalcCiVand other effecU. Huana xKcav tn; view- the day previously end the morning of aale: favinar partloulan may be obtained by applyinx tiTMr. Fraaxr.

cnudal Mr. W.W.,doo,sollcitcr,sSSSeett or frcm Mr. Morris, anclioiujeg, FounUlMtreetT i-Bj Ux. MORRIS, at the house of Mr. the Eagle tan.

Stratford New Road, onMcnaeyttTjS To? J.V",ia thereon, occupied by Hi Itot 2. Another PLOT, near to tbo abore. frtrntin ClMrenoO' street, and oJrlded by. Batraan, Barnes, WiUUmi, and Mrs. hUyacn, rentes nrtoMnJOHK 71.

Foimtato-atTitf fl. Tj.trl) -MfhierVflafe- wun au tne last imMrrseaenta, new wlthm the last a Qnantity of Warehooaa aUiuan, Warekotaaiituraa! JVf MORRIS wmSELL BYaSIUN: XTJL at his offices. 71, Fountaln-atroet. on TnasdynrLct. the 3d of December, 1849.

commencing at elsrf ofeiovac rjSnDtTn, Variety of Capital WARKHOUBB VlXTORlFoomr5rkr an excellent iron safe, 30-ln. by Manor, wUh doailTtoorsaSrriilbaad drawers; counting desks, wUh roauunnyo, InanslxnaBkBBl 5-KtadMrflTfe-r Klass. obairs. farms and stools, patent scales and trooiva rs. i acv tmiataa, viaiiucx uui inufjr nlTTWI erTCTIS.

va tacit turn uaj prerTonaij ana sue morniojr ozsslo The Nrotnne.Publlo-hause, Tcmple-etreet. To Wholesale and Betaif Wine and Spirit Merchants, Brewers. Publicans, and other persona desirous at entering the pnbllo-luiuaebualneBsr iVf H. MORRIS is instructed by John XTJL Smyth, to SBLL Bxt AUCTION; In one lot, on the pre-mlata, on Tuesday, the 4th of Decwnber, 1B49, at seven o'clock fat the evening, subject to such eondltions aa will than be ranoed the TBNASTV KIGHT to POaBE38ION Intheemiie. kMinl by the name of the' Wept tins' Tavern, situate In TamrJa-arreet! cWltrffl-upcn-Medlock, together with the IdceaaaOrixtttat! Bonsehold Furniture, and Effects.

Tbo bouse is in zood condiUox! and poctains three parlours, filling bar, vaulls, raclonskltcJ! eanltal cluh-rnom mn yVMVrnTcclltrssiLaothsr convenienaea. Tha populatinn and large eatabUsbmenta an ver numerous in the locality. Those parties desirous of oosraenclnw the Busineaa will and this a favourable opportunity. Catalogues wUl be published, and may be had at the miillaas three days prior to thissle. uuumaa, mac Am mn-p XXTkr.

with double seats and aprons a Capital eprtngVan, inthcbtsl condition, and tiearlynew; Strong-buIJ Broad-hsdedCar TLBetc' SnptriorHarneas, with bnm and pSSfitarV? aUjef ol Bay Mone. goodi acUoo, and quiet to drivsTa Ouanul; MB. MORRIS is instrncted' by. the proprietor to SELL BY AUCTION, it Ills limTss mil nrhiitiai. Tfu 47.

Booth-atreet West, Oxford Bo.bawSSSSSa December, 1349, commencing at halrpast' ten o'clock. A Portia. nf VI- w.ln.l.t. unn.u,T, rr rrn r- uuwwiuwuu suwiUUU IB.SnraVll which Include a canital act of nuhmn, ,1. vtih correexond, well upholstered, andoovarad inbtackhalr ataSurr moat excellent inahogaoy dining, and Fern broke tables, on fin bat carpets; oU Vacetian Mlnrli" hrsse sad WuuT fmiSSiSS irons, window drapariaa, gilt cornleaa, wire blinds.

entthnnaU-lamp, mahoranv four nosi aivl tent hAbmimi r'Z iiLT- CrJz, tshuw--badroors lataSZTLinSZ glasses, avarietr of eui gja, a few kUcAan tabs, barrels, capital Dofiy and tub, wash tnlw. ooT The whitecnapci, sprbni van. bro.d-whjciedWt hm. '-past tweIve-Oa viavtbraarnlaaV Valuable Freehold Pronarfhr. tn TT At the hoaa.

ol Mr. John Bell. th. Duo. AraslKiBiraxwewav.

Mancbesier, TO-MUBBOW iThoraaeyT WfsW ttefthSrSftaSSSe old MESSUAGES tr Al DWRLLINtT'HniTB Pern -street. In isnnyr, tne several seen pa none of if- Tmito irsiWsl mr. oarpn urava, at t. r'TVTilutliiifaxTiit ear anrmm. On.

nf tha nnMnm i7nn .11 tenant foi a farm ox which aooot Dr. yrlo aiaIrxrSiili. llamiareyardfcothMhotri. TWO Freehold UxKSITAGEa or DV smtaxe near Bank Bids, ta ujctpm unswuM nr aisai rraigB.aauJ yearly around rent at Hit. 7a.

1L and aZtSZilZl sascEgi Sale of Cows, Urn 0tjrks.UaJm JbDnuraa, i b-vnTAsa. ww waax raoaiuu wsaxoifat 7: Wtossday, 1. 4ft. Ac An. lata Si STT 'HLf yesraoki; srvydraiialitraan.

7yaars aSTtmtSStatSmSi '-5, cart, with and 6-lnca wneehC all ram mSSSSSSi'SSl aievraridriddleliayandUapeatsra, akwal till arrrMSrmia; and ropes, bjitirens, roUer. arradetoM and trarnT'rft'iSSf CMlerrM, aws ana finis, near rsee and fnr 1W thravosofwijeaj, auoihrasae of tbrsves of barley, tons of aa teals! oirloaasxfTSSIi PMatowAwaaexuT.v i r. mraoteatase-ItaiioBataMv exceedjnatr Prittafjarg uiaac fffieaa. Loti. AvPLOT of LAND, fronting Tamworth- X.

street. In Victoria Grove, In Strstfcrd, oorjtainlnx IM7 and sunare vards. and N.ihxrZZS I JTOKS koeipbo a onu tables; aad ssailiin saVaaraak5rx J0 i.t- hi i ii7 ni i-vanuges with greatest economy to pntltosnons. ENDERSON'S BOOK-KEEPING, by Sing tot A Doublo Enrrv. Bcia by.

LOVE Ax BAB' 'TAW ti BCationers, MBnohMtsTj YIB1TOB8-TO MANCHESTER, f- rateWpabUsbed, prtoe Sixpence. 1 A PEW PAGES Am with cum en lis Wood EoRravinrs of PubUo BoUiUngf. 4c aniJ a PUn of tto Prlnrfjl Streets. tm. Mill wnrtr wIU be loani uaadilto carUes vUUar Maiv.

cbeater urine the holidays. The work seat free per post, obj, receipt oi twelve postage stamps. RnlA hv inVH ASTON. WTnnmi nmn. "ini.

niiit "ri Ho. 7U, Haritet-street, CHAMBEaS'S IN8TROCTIVB AND ENXBBTAININQ. T.TRRA&7.' just published, Part price la. (to be completed In two monthlv' TOBIES OF THE IRISH PEASANTRY Bt Mi. B.

O. BAIX. Kdinborgh: yi. and B. Chamken.

London: Wm. B. Orr and Co. and all booksellers. -A gTEEL PENS, Sold by LOVE Per Per, 3 Dttu HO.

uesenpuon. u. a. o- 1. Fine do In barrel ran 120.

Fine point. Superior email barrel pen 7 0..1 3. Medium point. and nDSdblBlaraeillD pen 7 0 1 4. Fine point Oi to.

ditto, ditto, 7 0.. 1 it a. r. a uua yvms 1 1 1 ID suu uaiug Birian tM-a 36 B-B 3 26 30 0 11 G. Fine point Fine and elastlo ditto 7, Very nnepolnt.BxtremelTnexlblesraallallppeii 8.

Fine point Well made and serviceable ditto. y. aiedium paint, ana strong onto. a la Broad point Strong, elastlo, and useful ditto 11. ranepoinc.

12. Fine point. 13. Fine point. 14.

Fine point. 15. Fine point. cry servioeaoie uuxe sup pea. j.

xo post pen, small 9 barrel Den 40.. 0 9 Flexible elongated slip pen 20 6 St JjOVE BARTON, General Account Book Market-street, Manchester. CJ TO VES WALKER'S PATENT PHCENIX5 KJ STOVES, for churches, ualla, abops, most powerful, safe, economical, and convenient stoves made. Prloesr frotn-3. 2a.

to S18. 16s. each. Prospectus and testimonials rn be had at SB, Oxford-street, Birmingham, and 302, Oxford-street, London; Orders supplied bj all reputable ironmongers in the kingdom. MANCHESTER CORPORATION WATER WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT ACTS AMENDMENT.

Notice hereby given, that application is Intended to be made to parliament, in the next season, for on act to alter, amend, extend. and enlarge, or to repeul, some of powers and provisions of The Manchester Corporation Waterworks Act, 1847," ana The Manchester Corporation Water Works Amendment Act, IBIS," and also of an act passed in tho session of parliament held in the Httt and 9th years of the reign of her present majesty, intituled' set wj eaeCw improvements in me dotouku oi Arianuneaier, for the nurDoae of nromotlnic the health of the inhabitants thereof. and to grant to the mayor, aldermen and burgesses of the oi jnancnesGer, or toe council tnereoi xor tne time Being, xuruier' and more effectual powers fur regulating the occupation of dwellings, and otherwise improving the sanitary condition of tho said )uiMnnh mrA CninnvwmnMnn iha teirtMnu nlunllnaH trieMtn Dated this 16th day of November, 1849. JOSEPH Town-clerk. ROCHDALE THROUGH BAMFORD -AND B1RXLB TO BURY, AND OTHER TURNPIKE.

ROADS. CONTINUATION OF AND AMENDMENT OF-ACT. Notice la hereby given, that application is intended to be made to parliament, In the ensuing session thereof, for leave to bring In a bill to repeal and alter, or to amend, extend, and enlarge certain, of the powers and provisions of an act passed In thesssum of parliament held in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, Intituled An act for more effectually repairing the road from Rochdale through Bamfard and Birtlo to Boxy, and several other roads therein mentioned, all in the county palatine ol Lancaster;" and to continue and extend tVe term of jears mentioned in the said act, with reference to. the roads included therein and affected thereby, and any further term which may have been granted by subsequent acts of parliament, in extension of the original term created by the said sot herein referred to. And powers will be applied for in tbe said bill to enable the trustees acting in the execution of the said act, to levy-new tolls, rates, or duties on the said roads, or some or one of them; and to alter or vary the existing tolls, rates, or duties; and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from payment of tolls, rates, or duties; and to confer, vary, or exllnguiHh other rights and privileges.

And also to enable the sjtid IrusttKa to raise further moneys on the credit of tha said roads and tolls, or some of them, and tn av off. flomnaund. or matca otber armnsmenta with respect to the existing mortgages and oharges on the said roads ana wus. tnts inirieenin a ay. ox novemoer, T.

ff ERRAND DBARDBN, Solicitor for the BiU. ANCASHIRE YORKSHIRE RAILWAY. JLatl (Alteration of, and further Powers for Levying Tolls, Power to Acquire and Hold certain LandinSalfordand Pendleton, to Poor and other Rates, and Amendment of Acta. Notice is hereby given, that application Is intended to be made to parliament, in ue nextscssiuu, ijr an auc ioaiier, amcnu, eaiena, and enlarge, or to repeal seme of the powers and provisions of the aeveral acts fall win relatinor to tbe Lancashire and Yorkahira Railway Company; that is to say, The and Leeds Railway Act, 1KJ;" "The Manoheateis axd Leeds-Railway Act, 1837;" "The Manchester and Leeds' Railway 1839;" "The. Manchester and Leeds Railway Act, 1B41 The MonQbovter and Leeds Railway Act, 1844;" "The Manchester and Leeds Act.

No. 1. lfllS:" The tjt. a rmSX. lTbe Manchester and Leeds Railway Aot, nuaijeeus tuuiwny aci, xto.

j7j xne iaancneccr ana ieeas Railway Act. Na 3, 187;" The Ash ton, Stolybrldge, and Liverpool Junction Railway Act, 1844; The Ashton, Slalvbrtdrei and Liverpeol Junction Railway Act, 1B45;" 1 1 The Mancheatsr, auu nor vanai aua xuLUway ac, ioj -xne iiiiiiii iiwsiSS. Bolton, and Bury Canal and Railway Act; 1833," The Manohss-ter. Bolton, and Bdxy Canal and Railway Act. 1835 The Man chester, Bolton, and Bury Canal and Railway Act, 1B38; The cuiu aiujr aviuiiu miu nauwKam, no.

The Man oh ester. Bolton, and Bnrv. and Mnnchnatiir and TvJf Canal and Railways Act. 1846; The Liverpool and Bury Railway: aLL. xcnf m.

aju uavrzrijuux suu Dill nBiiwnv ina Liverpool and Bury and Manchester and LeedslwUl ways Act, 1A40;" Aucuuuuuauciuauuouwiuujiuiuuuuiiuil')' xlCIjltHO, Xne udder field and Sheffield Junction, and Manchester and Leeds xfcauwayB jiho; ano vvesi xuung union Hallways Aot, ItHO; "Tho Wakefield, Railway Act, 18U; tuu lTWacuiifli x-uDieinwi, ana uuute ntuwiy rsrancnes ACt, 1846;" The Wakefield Fontcfract, and Goole Railway, and Port of Goole Act, 1B45;" "The Manchester and Southport Act, 1847;" "The Oldbam Alliance Railway Act, 1847;" The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Act. 1848' and The Lancashire and Vorluhire Railwav Act. 1849. And mln nn ant nasMuu in the session of parliament held in tbe ninth and tenth years of the reign of her present majesty, intituled An Act for vesting In the Grand Junction Railway Company, and the Man oh eater and ueeus ruuiwny iompany, ine norm union nan way and all the effects appertaining An act passed in the said session of parliament held in the ninth and tenth yean of the relcn of her said cresent maleatv.

fntitnlnd 1 An Ant fnr m.irtn certalnllnea of railway In the Weat Riding of the county cf York Huddersfield, and Goole Railway The Leeds Central Railway Station Act, 1848;" The LancaHhire and Yorkshire and London and North -Western Railways Preston and Wj re Railway, Harbour, and Dock Vestlnal Act. 1019:" and also Uvnmvii OnmJcirk, and Freston Railway Act, 1646;" "The HuddDrkToeld and Manchester Railway and Canal Act, and "The Hmt ucnucm auu 4uiuiuutaifa45i nauwii iwu vanai (u Diver mioa ana twper anagc uinnca) Act, iiho. Ana It IS proposed by tho said intended act. to Brant to tbe Lftncaahirc and Vnrir. shire Railwav Comnanv further or other nowcra with mtwat ttie amount, imposition, and collection of tho tolls, rates, and uullco uuw ui rjcicaiier ue lerieu upon or in respBCX OI tne railways and works of the sold Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, or some parts thereof, whether vested in or belonging to the said company, solely or jointly with any other company, and to Increase the said toll-, rates, and charres.

nr mm nf th. And it is proposed to insert provisions in the said intended act for vusuiuiK hUBMiuuuuji.euj puxuuaHc, iue, onanoia ceruunianas, in the rosnectivo townshfns of Balford and Pendleton, in tha county of Lancaster, now held on rent under the Qhanoellor and council of her majesty's duchy of Lancaster; and to empower tfaessld chancellor and council to sell and convey tbe same to the said company, and to authorise the said company and the said chancellor' and council ta make and enter into such contracts and agreements in reference thereto as may be thought advisable. And it is also proposed, by tbe said intended act, to make further and other provisions in reierence nr wb poor ana otner rates ana eases ments to be lmixwed on tbe sold Lancashire and Yorkshire. Raft way Company, upon, or in respect of, any of the railways or otber property belonging to them in any of tho parishes, townahipa, or nlaces. in or through which the said railwavs and works, or an of them, do or may pass, or be situate.

lated this 13th day of fKM ANCHESTER RECTORY DIVISION for Dividing the Parish of Manchester into Separate Pariah es, and for Regulating the Appropriation and Mansge- and Parish Church of Man ch enter). Notica is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to parliament in the ensuing session for an act for the division of tbe parish and reobiry of Manchester, in the county palatine ot- Lancaster, into distinct and senexate reotarlea. narLuieH. and diHtrfoti. far 4vaalaatial purposes; and for the endowment of such distinct and separata mtuutsi em, iiuct auu uuuicu; Rim turi ouuuing cnurcnBs therein: and for conferrinr.

rulatdnv. and flxinir thi riaht nf patronage thereto; and for providing parsonage houses fur the incumbents of snch distinct and separate rectories, parishes, and districts, and residences for the dean and mw- of the Collegiate Church of Manchester, and for selling, letting, or disposing of the houses heretofore set apart or intended for the residences of the said dean and canons respectively, and fur Tvrovidinjr for the tenanoe and repair of the Collegiate and otber parish and district vuuivun au auwiHiaiax, Will 1U( pruIUU3g UUIV UUXaaiQ VOUegUlei' Church shall become and be entitled to all the rights and priVnersa, of a cathedral, and for nrovf din thartteLni4Btalinn.r MaTrhLTSr for the time being shall have and enjoy all snch powers ondantho-i' rity therein as other bishops have in their respective cathedrals. I mrvd aleaTi mertha H4in nnrl hnlar a-lf tVis mA aTTnlTa and for rcgnlatiog the terrtcts in the said Collegiate Cbnxcb; anal aln fnr rnvlilln' fe tb itiivrifli nV fntnra ihh. minor canons, and other officera and persons ccrnnected with1 the said ColleffLatn and Parish Church, and fm (Tia ment and current and other expenses of new tUstricta, and district' wn ovner enureses, ana ue augmenwuon OJ poor livings wuhio the said pariah of Manchester; and i'or applying any portion of uiv TiuwiaK muaeys paiu uj tats saua oesA sola canons, ana to the churchwardens of the said parish, far ffTfsrn burial ground in Manchester, called Walker's Croft, fa and towards tbe leccing, levelling, ana araining oi any new Drinaigrounaox burial ground to he provided, unito the authority of one seTcral acta ot narliament herarnafter reftrrred to. and for the ems.

Uon a chaiwl nr ohaTMals and ccm-vrrrimm thindn. nnA tYm appointment of, and providing stipends lor, one nr mors chaplain or cnapiajna oq cqnnentea witn or anpoinsea to sncn unriai grounds and nurwlai reanecrlTelv. And it la alan ivoeMKed. bv the aald in. tended act to authorise the appropriation and application of all ot wca poraon, aa may irom ome to ame ne nenmajy, oe aaiaes.

lotmiHs, (mriouu, i. Willi iijwii ij imisii si uuwtin rectory, or to the said Collegiate and Pariah Church, or which snay be restttd in the said dean and canons, or which may arise or become navable under orbv Tintneof tbe nmrim nf tits said in tended act, for and towards all or any of the several purposes and ohjsct: before mentioned; andalsoforand towards paying ctHnpemafrtan tn all ateane. canona. tniBor MrtnnK inJ.lTia ivaaTifumia. aarnrsn In orders, parish clerka, and others, for tbe loss of fees cnea, and ucoer tiuoeaM, wcicn may Be tanuasa ny mem aj xeaauat cs wu)pbu4vmu.

um pcwnMooa or cne sau inaswra dioo. if nit TnaTrary far wH vTjN1.n-nv-l1Tn nTTfTIS ff mortgage, sale or other apprnpriaUon of the property and rerenuea belong-1 ing to the said rectory, or to the said Collegiate and Parish which may be vested in tho said dean and canons as aforesaid And it is also intended to apply for powers to levy and ciiarge. fees, dnes, pew rates, and pew rents, and. to slier or extinguish' existing fees, dues, pew rates, church rates, and pewrenta. and to: seU, dWpoae of, or let, tbe pews and ittigcraoroecth.

toawy of the presenter fniihnriT-rfayrai ithtw thesaid parish. and to ensto, vs.orextiiigttiex fec ties, fines, ratwnd pw Mm proposea ny tn ssaa imenasa sex auamazum, appoint, regulate nboi into effect tha obkete and nmwiarlrM tnavraanr-'AnJ aVtctee ia bene. by given, that itis praceed. by tbe amSA inteodsd not, toalter and cAartaWWtlatlftj tinha.w pantatl inuateiA. Tear of tha rein of hi mMr- Vine 0tea.

Ltu Vltatt antl mlan of an act passed tn the sessmn of artian tear heed tn the and eighth years of thereijpsnf jwarressgtnsitfesty, tntitnl1 A MCeslCTK-llW IIHSvHUWKttl SBS)BBWllJSSaSJJI eH iMisjctjsssjlmtrrilnthst present msJcaOy. tali baled "As act to ewsbfte th Mm. aLacRwsCcmjanyto i Is saw isl lssiwsiissTw Hsrbrjawjand Oock Cjsnpaay with the Ms-cfti slsr ami NssTi PsW-J way iMemsttm ssd afso os saesevtsvavanDasc ctftheurssS k4dasj ccrriTaifSiiiiMrs. andr the mivjMnrr n.Mhif Navemh.heinK,Bt..AndrawflDay. There will oefuUehoralservioe mora Ink ui Morning mkmp Btirf.

at eleven ajn. and evenlnn: nrayer at- leven D-nuTbe BEBMON In the Morning will be'Preaohed by the Rev. B. DURNFORD. M.A.

roc tor of Mlddlaton; that fa the HOOKiTlcaiof Iieedi. Xhoprooeedj ot toe offertory, and. evening collection will be arjplled towards defraying the expenses of alterations now being made to adapt thie church for the more reverent and decorous OZ Unas wgnuipi -nOBITISH SOCIETY TOE THE PROPA- CATION OP. THE GOSPEL AMONG THE A PUBLIC MEETING ol the Members and Fries 4 of the Han--nfiastar nd Balford Association in aid of this Sccietv will bo hold THIS EVENING (Wednesday), in Oraerenor-etreet Chapel, Pio-- cndiily. Tho chair wIU be taken by JAMES BIDKBOTTOM.

Esq. at hali-pxat alx; when addresses will be delivered by the Her. R. H. Herschell, of London; Ear.

J. J- Audebee, pastor of the Evangelical Church, Paris; and aeveral other ministers, on the claims of the Jews. EVANGELICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE. All persons who have been Interested in the atatementa made by the Rer. f.

3 ATJOEBEZ, relatlie to the state of religion in Frauoa, and. to the progresa and wanta of the a bore society, and who are disposed to send in contribution! in aid of Its funds, may do so, by addressing them to the Rer. J. J. Audebez, care of Dr.

Browne, -Rnaholme Road, Oxford Road. PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSOCI- JLdl ATION. A PUBLIC MEETING will beheld THIS EVENING (Wednesday), the Ssth Norember, In the lecture room of the A then rum. Bond-street (entrance in Georjje-etreetl the oil air to be taken at eight o'clock precisely, by Mr. Alderman C.

J. 8. WALKER. Tho meeting will bo addressed by Riohard Gardner, Dr. John Watts, and other gentlemen.

Ladles are respect-fully Inrited to attend. F. E8PINAS8B, Secretary. TiutnoheaSer, 3, Cross-street, 87th Nov. 1849.

rrnnnrnnuTi IW atjv Tha A KNIT AT. 55 BALL. In aid of the foods of the Stockport infirmary, will itako place on Friday the 23th of Deoember next, puce on raw THOMAS JEPSON, Hon. Seo. 1 MANCHESTER ASSEMBLY BOOMS.

XTJL The MANCHESTER ASSEMBLIES for the Ensuing Beaaon are appointed to be held as follow FIRST ASSEMBLE, Tuesday the llth of December. SECOND A88BMHLY, 'Wednesday the 26th of December. THIRD ABSEHBLY, Wednesday the 16th of January. Dancing to commence at nine o'clock. T.uafM fln1iMWntb)n.

nn onlnei! flenttemen's Snbaerlntlon. one guinea and a halt. Strangers will require the introduction of a subscriber: Ladles, Gentleman, 7a Persons residing witbln twelre miles of cannot be aosuuea as oirangers. ay oroer oi ue uonnutiee, J. W.

ERASER, Treasurer. TO THE BOROUGH MEMBERS. The DINNER of the Electors of Manchester to their Repra- aentaciTes, the Right Hon. T. M.

GIBSON, M.P. and JOHN Moaamj, icccmoer nan. Ainner cn ue laoie bc ux oiock. Alderman KEHBrlAW. M.P.In tbe char.

Tickets of ftdcalBelon, 5. esb, mix now bo hiid at the following places: Tne Spectator and the Examiner and Timet office. Mmrlwt-fitrMt: and Mr. Abel Heywood'i, 58, Oldham-street; and vox nannsir a naoErmy onuapnm. Alderman Bradford, Chairman of Committee.

r.fISLEY SMITH'S Original PANORAMA JLI of the MISSISSIPPI NOW OPEN at the Free-tradoHaU. Morning, at half-past two; evening at eight. Prices, la, 6d. and 3d. "I3ANVARD'S TRUE ORIGINAL MISSIS- i a SIPPI, at the EXCHANGE ROOMS, Exchange-street, chtblted Tiv command before her Mniestv.

thevnvftl ftunilv. find court, at Windsor Castle, and upon which the senate and houBe of representatives In the United States unanimously adopted a series of expressive of its extraordinary merit, the originality of ita conception, and ita trucbfalneas to nature. NOW OPEN, for short time only, every hair-past seven, and on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons, at half-past two o'clock. Admission: Rcbervcd seats, back, seats, la. Doors open half an hoar prior to commencement.

"The ample testimonials leave no donbt of Ita geographical aoouracy." TAe London Timet, Sov. 87, 1848. TWTORTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAILWAY The Committee of Shareholders of the North Staffordshire Railway, farmed for the purpose of introducing a atriot system of economy, and atso for a more efficient management, propose to CALL a MEE11NG of Shareholders favourable to the above Obieots, prior to the general half-yearly meeting of the company, whloh will be held In January next. Suoh persons as dealro to cooperate with the committee, will be good enough to communicate with tho undersigned, on or before the 17th December, 1U49. and they are earnestly requested to reserve their proxies, and, if possible, personally to attend the general half-yearly meeting.

W. E. TW1GG, Hon. Sec Bnralem, Staffordshire Potteries, 21th November, 1H49. BOLTON, BLACKBURN, CLITHEROE, and WEST YORKBQTRE OKMERAIi MEETING.

Notice hereby given, that an EX-2RAORU1NAIIY GENERA It MEETING tt tbe bhareboldflrs ia the above undertaking will be held In tbe Buard Room, at the Station, ia Blackburn, on Wednesday tbe 5 la day of Deoember next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, for tbe purpose of taklnjr their a Din Ion on an arrannTuent Dronoiied to fan entered Into bjr tho Bolton. Blaokburn. CUtljeroe, and West Yorkwhire wuwjy- company wnu cue Jtsasc ianCMAnire itauway uompHny, for the working of the rallvrajr and traflk) of the former company PJHVWIU11.U0 pisni ua roiiuur wool oi company, or OX nigSttitiag anoh other mode of arraagement as may be thought ATuanle. And also for the purpnae of conaidarfzig, adnpLluK, and contlnnfcr the terms of on agreement between tbo two com- lanlee for the object abure-mtmUonGd, or of diaJvp proving or reject-ng tbe same. And also for the purpose ofautborlftiuaadempawer-lng the directors, by saah means as may be ooneiEdered expedient, to enter into, mike, and perfect a good, valid, and binding contract and agreement with tbe East Lancishiro Railway Company, upon mob terms and oondltf nos as may be propotiea and deter-mlned upon at the said meeting; and also to fix the common seal of the Bolton, Blackburn.

CUtheroe.and West Yorkshire Railway Company to all such deeds, writings, contracts, and agreements; and to do suoh other acts, matters, and things as counsel may anTise orcvnsiuor csaeauai lor carrying out mo oz tne Srtles. Dated this twelfth day of Norember, lata By order of Board of Directors, GEORGE GUNN, Secretary. EAST LANCASHIRE RAILWAY. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby given, that an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of shareholders In the abore undertaking, will be held In the Company's Offices, at the station in Bnry, in the county of Lmn-easter.

on Wednesday the 6th day of December. 1849, at half-past twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of taking their opinion on am arrangement proposed to be entered Into by tho Eaxt Lancashire Railway Company, with the Bolton, Blackburn, Gltthomc, and West Yorkshire Railway Company, for the working of the railway and traffic of the latter company, by and with the plant and rolling stock of the former company, or of sURgettlng such other mode of arrangement as may be thought advisable; and also for the purpose of considering, adnptlng, and oonnrtntag, the terms of on agreement between the two companies, wbicb will besubmltted to mfactlnfr. for the ablest mbove mentioned, or of dlsMnrovlntr and rejecting the name. And also for the purpose of authurUlai suad empowering the directors by such means as maybecomidcrcd IAX pool BUbi euuir lujo. buu trcrieutia 4 Ififuu, tbiiu uuu ilndlcg contract and agreement, with the Bolton, Blackburn, tQllLhama.

and West Yorkshire Rallwav Comnanv. uoon such terms and conditions as may be proposed and determined upon at the said meeting; and also to affix tbe common seal of the East Railway Company to all such deeds, writings, contracts, and agreements, and to do all snch other acts, matters, and things, as counsel may advise or consider essentia, for carrying cut we intention oi sue par tie. aieu uu a umj oi iioTeinuerj 1849. By ordoc of the Board of Directors, JAMES SMITH ELLS, Secretary. XJOTICE is hereby given, that a SPECIAL il MEETING of the Trustees for executing the act of parliament, nniand In the aunrenth Year of the retro of his maieatv King Goorgo the Fourth, Intituled, "An act for more effectually repairing and Improving several roads leading to and from the tawn of Balford, through Pendleton and other places therein mentioned, in Che county palatine of Lancaster, and several otber roads therein mentioned; and for making and maintaining certain diversions, or new lines of roods to communicate therewith," will beholden at tbe house of Messrs.

Lord, tho Pendleton, On Friday tho Slst day of Deoember next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at whloh meeting it is Intended to propose that the side bar, now erected upon the aide of tbe Gilda Brook and Irlam district of the said roads, in the vtUoite of Ecclea, and called the Jd on ton Lane Side Bar, shall be taken down and discontinued; And at the same time it Is intended to revoke the order for erecting mob aide bar, passed at a mooting of tha said trustees, held at the Wodpaok aforesaid, on the twenty-fifth day of April, one thou-asnrl aatarht hundred and fnrrv-tWo. and all other nrdarm of tha trustees of tbe said roads which may interfere with the taking down and discontinuing of the said side bar. Given under our nana, cais sixccenui nay ox aiutcxupct, one muasanu eigninun drod and forty-nine. HENRY HALL. ROBT.

LORD. JAMES ROBINSON. IVERPOOL SPECIAL COMMISSION, 1849. 1 A Notice is hereby given, tfaat a SPECIAL COMMISSION of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for tho county palatine of Lancaster will bo opened at the Court House, In Liverpool, on Saturday tbe eighth day of December, 189, far the trial of persons who shall have been committed to tho House of Correction at Ktrkdale, for trial at the assizes or gaol delivery to be held at Liverpool i or with respect to whom recogniziuLces nhaU have been entered into to appear and ansner at sncn assizes or gaol delivery. The calendar will be classed as follows: 1.

Cases from tbe boroughs of Manchester and Liverpool. a. All other catrea. Tha Srmt class of coses v. Ill bo taken bv Mr.

Justice Wishlman. and the second class by Mr. Juiolce Tatfourd, so long a that arrangement win angra a sumraeut euppiy uz ouswess zor eacn judge; and the bills ot indlctmsnt agalzut persons comprised in the second clas are to be preferred to tbe grand Jury alternately with tbe bills against persons com prised in the first class. Tha naunoa ot the nrissnera and twrsons committed, and snbse- Sacntly hailed, will bo arranged in each close according to the ates of their respective oommf tments, except thai priority will in general be given to canes where tbe attendance of medical or surgical witnesses is required; and bills of indictment are to be preferred, and tha trials to proceed in that order (except as Herein pruvi'iouj, uaicwa mo cuuri aoaii uucih ik aireoc The prosecutors and witnesses are required to be in attendance nn Monrttv tho Iflth Deoember. at eleven 'clock in tbe forenoon.

scent In cases of murder, rane. and misdemeanor, in hlch Zast-otentiuned cases their attendance is required on Tuesday tho llth December, at nine o'clock ia the forenoon. The court will sit fir tbe despatch of buauness each day at nine o'clock in tbo forenoon, except on Monday tbo 10th December, and en that day at eleven u'dock in tbe forcnuon. The foregoing regulations will be btrlctly enforced, and no costs will be allowed to parties neglecting to observe tbem. The following are the allowances to be mado to police Officers in attendance aa witnesses: rZR DIKK.

B. d. Common pcUocmen 5 0 Bub-Inspectors and sergeants 6 0 Xmpecuira 7 6 Superintendents 10 6 Superior officers -5 0 AU wltncsues residing in the aaslxcr town will receive one-half onW of tho ordinary uowancea. By order of the lion, Mr. uatice Wiihtman and the Han.

Mr. Justice Talfaurd, T. 3. cUTJTTLSWORTU, Clerk of the Crown. Crown Office.

Preston, November gltu, IBta. IRE, RIOTOUS VIOLENCE, FRAUD. tn Books, cash, and valuables can only be secured effectually from the above by MlLN'KiiS Patent Strong WrougbViron Holdfast TREASURE SAFES and CLOSE! 3, Arc -resisting by internal non-con uctla and evaporation in fire. The strongest amies in the world, with Impregnable locks and MUnerV Patent Firtreittng Book Safes, loed Boxes, of all ajsetfi Uaan tsoxes ana Ampreguaoie uockm iut aii uses. Works, Liverpool; Manchester iepAt 37.


R. A L. PEBRY At CO. aoitbon ovral medical orto firoiu eleven till two. and from five till eight, and on Bmsdaya from eleven till one, at their residence, 19.

Bemers-Oxford-street, London, where their medical work may ba or ont free by Piwt on receipt of 3.6d. in postage stamps. TheCORDIAL BALM of 8YRIACUM directed to the corn of neo-vons debility, whether constitutional or acquired, mental or bodily decay, weakness, loss of appetite, intifgwtSun, coo-anmntirahshiak. Price 1 Is. or four at 1 ta.

in ana boiUe for 33. by whSh 11. are -avedV The ficsw of Byriacam. orConcentiyua Biateralvc Essence, can only te had at l. BemMtreet, Oof-SeLcndon.

whereby there is a saving of 1. 12s. and the SSent ilsraii tied to receive advice wilbent fee, which advantage laVpliSbS only to those ho remit XS for packet- Aminuta Tho fNClB ASLvDl Powerful rrmrehlilff out and purifying the Wood, removing all icptople-on tha bead fo eSSbottchttuu diseases iif the skin. Frfca Us. and 33s.

par nnx) to tho London establishment, without WfckdiisonrtlM whatever can be taken of STSinranremics minute aa possible in thadeUDof ttnr.fS rltkmU society: nf tna wovlal: radilfkxiltV rtrfimcaan be carwwMQ. 5tr7stlwy wiil swan, pxked saa caxwuy co-Jdfromobfvvftio. ifi and may I 13, 41, and at ate at tut an at at at or 9 10 12 at at 6 7 oontalnlng eight or sine aoTerefini and. aome Ut. The abors reward will be said to any one who has found the same, on restor- not be answerable for any J3I debt or debt that my wife, ELIZABETH BLAKBLEY contract after this date.

THOMAS BLAKBLEY, noremDcr x7U3iM WILL' not be accountable for any debts contracted by ANN Williams, mjWUebt Bentley's Court, Oldham Road, Manchester, Mot, am. ia WARM ALB: STOVES, at manufacturer's EDWIN HODGSON'S, 63, Klng-etreet, four doors below Croat-etreet. WOOD NAPHTHA, for PoUBhusg, 8s. 6d. per gallon, Ss.

1W. per quart. I. ad. per pint: ftfonrgaUona, 8s.

in Tariona Bindings, Mannfaotored by LOVE 4 BARTON, Stationers, No; 70, Marltet-street, TXOaHEOPATHIC COCOA. This, delicious JLJa. TiwTT. TURNER, hamceosathlo chemist. Piccadilly, Manchester, and sold by most respectable druggtata grocers.

TyT ANCHESTER, SHEFFIELD, LINCOLN- JJfJL SHIRE RAILWAY. ALTERATION OF TRAINS. WINTER ARRANGEMBNTO The Publlo is respectfully Informed, that the following ALTERATIONS will take place In the trains on the 1st December next: WEEK DAYS. The train now leaving Manchester for Hull at lpjn. will leave 9 p-in.

The train now leaving Sheffield for Manchester ai71Sa.m. will leave at 7 30 a.m The train now leaving Hull for Sheffield at 5 45 p-m. will leave p.m. A first and second class train will leave Manchester for Sheffield II A first and second class train will leave Sheffield for Manchester 2 45 p.m. and the train now leaving ruoneia ai win 4t.dv-.n.ia1 A first, second, and third class train will leave Haddeld for Manchester at 8 sm.

A Brat, second, and third class train will leave Manchester for HadfieU at 8 45 p-m. and the train now leaving Manchester for uooneia at 10 p-m. wui oe ouxxjnunuuu. 1 he train now leaving Btalybrldge or Mancheater at 7 45 ajn. will a 7 OKa.m The train now leaving Hull for Lincoln at 1 p-m.

will bemade express train, and leave at 1 30 p.m. and will discontinue to call at uowanam, XLeisey, xxuiuio, uoamujr, itimmxwj, 1u.l.nm Balfllia The train now leaving Hull for Lincoln at 45 pjn. will leave xr n.m. Th.fin nnr l.uftir T.fnooln for Hull at 9 45 am. will dis continue to call atReepbam, Shelland, Holton, Howaham, and Goxhlil Stations.

The train now leaving Lincoln for Hull, at 2 25 p.m. will be made an express train, and leave at 2 30 p-m. discontinuing to call Wiobenby, Usselby, and Kelsey stations, except on Fridays, when it will call at all stations between Lincoln and Barnetby. The train now leaving Hull for Grimsby at 5 45 p-m. will leave 8 p.m.

The train now leaving Manchester for Bheffield at p.m. will leave at 5.45 p.m. xne train now leaving nuu xor auuxsmvawi mu A first, second, and third class train will leave HadBeld for Manchester at 8 a-m. A first, second, and third elaaa train will leave Manchester for Bad field at 8 45 p.m. and the train now leaving Manchester for Hadfield, at 9 p.m.

will be discontinued. raasensers can nti duukdu uimngu wj urn Liverpool at 11 40 a.m. 2 20 p.m. and 6 cm. and departing from Liverpool at 9 e-m.

10 a.m. 2 p.m. but they will have to change carriage at Ordsall Lane Junction Station. For fuither particulars see the company time tables, which may be obtained at the various Btations on and after the SStn inst. Bradsbaw's Guides.

By order, C. W. EBORALL. Manager a unice, aiancnesier, men hot, ima. IANCASHIRE YORKSHIRE RAILWAY A T.ATdnAfiillnis nlfiTRlfrTi.

ALTBRATIOH OF TRAINS. The Publlo are respectfully informed that the lollaw-Iik ALTERATIONS will take place on and alter Saturday, December 1st, IStS: BETWEEN FLEETWOOD AND PRESTON. Tho train which now leaves Fleetwood and Blackpool at9 40. a.m. will leave at 9 30 a.m.

Thi train whldi nnw Ipavcs T.vtbam at 9E0am.wlll leave at 40 a.m. and in termed In to stations, 10 minutes earlier. BETWEEN PRESTON, BOLTON, AND MANCHESTER. The train which now leaves Preston at 10 0 a.m, will leave at 35 a.m. The train which now leaves Preston at 1 p.m.

will leave at 5 p-m. and Intermediate stations, 55 minutes earlier. The train which now leavea the Salford Station at 7 IS p.m. for Roadside Stations to Bolton and Preston, will leave at 0 50 p.m. first, second, and third alass.

BETWEEN MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL, i SOUTHPORT. The train which now leaves the Salford Station at 7 20 a.m. wil leave at 7 30 a-m. stopping at Pendleton and Balahaw Moor Stations. The train which now leaves the Balford Station at 8 20 o-m.

will be oisoontlnueo. The train which now leavea the Balford Station at 9 10 cm. will set down passengers for Southport at tbe Preston Road Station. The train whiob now leaves the Balford Station for WIgan, Liverpool, and Southport at 4 p.m. will leave at 3 45 p.m.

An extra Bxpreas Train will leave tbe Salford Station at 4 30. p.m. for Bolton, Wigan, and Liverpool. The train which now leaves the Salford Station for WIgan and Liverpool at 6 10 p.m. will leave at 6 50 p.xn.

1st, 2d, and 3d class, etoun'mr at Roadside Stations. The train which now loaves Liverpool (Great Howard-street uuionj at a p.m. win leave as iu p.m. BETWEEN BOLTON AND BLUE PITS. Tho train which now leavea the Blue Pits Station, for Liverpool, atB a.m.

will leave at 8 45 am. Tbe train which now leaves the Blue Pits Station, for Liverpool, 9 a. to. will be discontinued. 1 The train whloh now leaves the Blue Pits Station, si Liverpool, iu P.HK.

wiu leave ai. pais. The train which now leavea the Blue Pits Station, for Liverpool, at5 For farther particulars see time bills for December, 1819. By order.

Salford Station, November 26th, 1849. ANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE RAIL- JLA WAY (YORKSHIRE DISTRICT NOTICE. ALTE- a rTntTnt.T(3 tra pr a in in, IsA allHQ Jf 1 rvrtllld. Uli CVUki IfCUa 40l, AO9m the foUowing ALTEU ATIONS in the TRAINS will take place: DOWN TRAINS FROM The train leu Log Manchester at 7 30 P-m. for Leeds and Nor-manton will be parliamentary, and fill stop at all the intermediate stations; and the train heretofore leaving Manchester at 30 p.m.

will be discontinued. The Express Train heretofore leaving Manchester at fl 15 p.m. for Leodtf and Normanton. will leave at 5 30 p.m. UP TRAINS FKOM LEEDS.

The Farllamentary Train, heretofore leaving Leeds at 30 a.m. and Normanton at 5 20 a. to. will leave Leeds at 6 0 a.m, and Normanton at 45 a-ir and tho following train from Leeds, at a.m. ill ho discontinued.

The 5 p.m. Express Train, from Leeds and Normanton for Manchester, will run on to Liverpool, Bolton. Wigan, and the 3 40 p.m. train will not do so. OLD BAH BRANCH.

The trains heretofore leaving Manchester at 5 SS and 7 p-m, from Oldbam, wilt leave respectively at 5 35 and 6 50 p.m.; and the trains from Oldham at 0 35 a.m. and 8 40 p.m. will leave respectively at 8 30 a.m. and 7 3U p-m. By order.

PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE AND BENEVOLENT FUND. Established litt(hAt a MEETING, held on Wednesday the atst instant, at the Athencom, to make known tbe objects of the association; Sir KLKANAH AR3IITAUE in the Chair; Tho following resolutions were unanimously carried, Moved by James Aspinall Turner, Esq; seconded by D. G. Fleming, 1. That this meeting, having heard with great satisfaction an account of the origin and object of tbe Provident Clerks Association, and of the important benefits which it has already conferred on many of the clerks of Great Britain, and having also noticed with much pleasure the very satisfactory progresa of this association and its present prosperous condition, and believing that a national institution of this kind is calculated to be of the highest utility to that most excellent and deserving olass for whom it was originated, pledges itself to take every means of making the advantages of this society known, and of promoting ita success.

Moved by W. K. Caltender, seconded by James 2. That this meeting, oonsidexiag it desirable that a local committee should be forth 1th formed in Manchester, reoommend the same to the immedial attention of the deputation. Moved by Mr.

J. W. WiUch seconded by Mr. DankaerU: 3. That the thanks of thU meeting are due, and arc hereby presented to Uue gentlemen and firms who have so readily favoured the association with their patronage and support: Moved by Mr.

J. W. Welch; seconded by Mr. Dawson: 4. That the thanks cf this meeting are due, and are hereby presented to Sir Etkanah Arniitage, for his kindness in consenting to take the chair, and also for tbo able manner in which bo has conducted the proceedings of the evening, as well as for the interest he has shown in favour of the association.

This association offers peculiar advantages to clerks of every description, whether under the denoniination ot warehousemen, salesmen, oto. Prospectuses and mors detailed information may be obtained from EARLE LANGS TON, Agent. Abraham's Court, Market-street. Manchester, November 23d, BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. The acknowledged efficacy of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS, by the continued series of testimonials which have been sent to and published by the proprietor for nearly 90 years, has rendered this medicine tbe most popular of the present age; and In corroboration of which the following extract of a letter, written by John Molard Wheeler, Esq.

collector of customs, Jamaica, having been handed by his brother at Swindon, to Mr. Prout for publication, will fully confirm: I know youbave never had oocasion to rake I Puts, bat let ma emphatically tell yon in mev tu anv friend who mav auffer from smit. rheumatic dhul lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, or any branch ol that widely-allied family, to recommend their using them. In this country they are of wonderful efficacy; not only am personally aware of their powers, but I see my friends and acquaintances receiving unfailing benefit from their use. I would not be without them on any account.

If taken in the early stage of disease, they diasipate It altogether; alleviate pain, and effect a much speedier cure than by any otber means within my Bold by THOMAS PROUT, 229, Strand, London; and by his appointment by all rewpectable medicine vendors throogbouc the United Kingdiun; price 2a. 9d. per box. Ask for Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and observe the name and address of Thomas Pruut. 229, Strand, London, Impressed opon the government stamp affixed to each box of the genuine medicine.

VOU MAY BE CURED YET. -HOLLO- WAT'S OINTMENT. CURE OF RHEUMATISM AND RHEUMATIC GOUT. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Thomas BranUtn, landlord of the Water oo Tavern Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 2tkh.

1 To Professor Holloway, sir. For a long time I was amsxtyr to rhenm attain and rheumatic gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicines I was so nad aa not to be able to walk. 1 had tried doctoring and medicines of every kind, but all to no avail; indeed I dally got worse, and felt that 1 must shortly die. From seeing your reme-dles advertised in the paper I take in, I thought I would give them atrial. I did so.

I rubbed the ointment In as directed, and kept cabbajce leaves to the parts thickly spread with it, and took th pillsnight and morning. In three weeks. I was enabled to walk about for an hwr or two in the day with a stick, and in seven week 1 could gosnyvbere without una. I am now, by tha blessing of Ood and your medicines, quite well, and have been attending to my business for more than seven months, withoat any symptoms of the return of my old complaint. Besides my case of rhenmatio goat, have lately had proof that your pUb and ointment will heal any-old wound ox nicer, as a married woman, living near me, had had bad leg for onr years, which no one could cure, and I gave her some of your pills and ointment, which soundly healed it when nothing else would doit.

Fcxyour information. I had tJie liozxHir to sexrttoiy country for twenty-Cv years in tbe first regiment of Life Guarda. and wnsebthtecny4nacornoraL I was two years In the Peninsula wax, and was at the Battle of Waterloo. 1 was discharged with a pension en the Sd September, 1(33. The Prrrr at the time was Colonel Lyron, who ia now a general.

I bdongc4 to the troop ot Captain the Honourable Henry Rarinr. (Signedl THOMAS BRUNTON." AN EXTRAORDINARY CURB OF A DESPERATE 6B2N ytwp sjii On the Slat JulT, 1818, tba editor of tbe Hffcitiliit rmrsparxr, published in India, inserted the followisg editorial article in his Vaknow for a fact, that Hollawaya Pills and Orntxwct act In a ast vooaertol manner npadtheconstiratiais, a. aaeooantzie Caolle. called BUaa, employed to oar esrsslfshmrTit, wasaffscted with tnvriadsof riua.uiina, which deflMaUthe'lleeriitdeccarc, rfl mrp'r1 nr rnniiwl we tried." BoUoway upon him, arid la a snocth ha was pcrlrcUr restored to his focmer "1-ti and deanUness et akin. The Seldbvthe iximkior.

4. Btrand near Tergpto Bar! r-oiVyT and by all rafpecCkhl. Traders of patent raedidriss thrwaabewt the drllixiw(slf)71n pots aadbazak, U. lid. 9l 4.Id.

lis. Sn. and 532. eacn. mn uiiaj innMinWmviin imilja 11 tlllM N.B.

Dlractiorja tattflUfspcffStifsXI are afiaea tench FOB' BAM FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA, TOUCHING AT VALPARAISO. rl, The remarkable Fine Kbit Ship, iitKv IVY green; welstat, A I at Uojd'a. coppered and oopper-ff tsstened. This fast-alllnc ship presents in every jnraSer of whom wm betaken For terms of j' 11.

WARD et CO. 1, Birmford Place. Liverpool. EMIGRATION TO NATAL. rt-s The next Monthly Packet for Natal, DXS 1.000 tonSbnrlllJin.

will bj. dimatjihMt mm TjmAim rm vtlin 28 th of December: This splendid new BriHah-built SSaSCjaaVablft lla BllWl.rt,.M MWwwmJ.rt.n wm Kl. Iot smlitran ts arm obtain suveiumsait forma of nnnllea. and foil, partiaalara. from-J7 C.


of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia (In connection with Messrs. Chaplin and Horce), reeetre Packages and Pamela intmnAnA fnr mi nfe4 nf or and-forward the same, with Mularit antl riKnnl. at Mta nf ouarse. uoooa intennea xor tnis conveyance may be delivered at Bwan-Two-Necks, Grcsham ilreet. Golden Cross, Charlsg Cross, London; or at any of the offices of Chaplin and Horns, in town oc conn try; also at the office of Edwards, Hato.andCo.

lO.Gresham-stroet, London, and Colnmbla Buildings, Liverpool, where any TO SPINNERS. The Under- JL sinned are now prepared to' TAKE ORD BBS for BUILDING -the NIAGARA THROSTLE; also Mules, DouUers. and Worsted jaaorunea, upon tne sane principle. Tbo simplicity of thia mode theaavinsrfn nower and in renn.Tr. (rnnln In ktmmI and many other Important advantages all with lea labour and care to the operative, and making yarn equal in quality to any other machines strongly reoommenda thia improTement in spinning to all peaaoaj engaged in thebnainess.

Themaohinesaranowgolngintoa -nkmtfwp Camilla-, and mav be seen in ooemtlrm at onr wnrksdaHv. with the hohbias running 7500 revolutions per mEnnte; Atlas Works, Oxford Road, Manchester, Nor. 87, 1849. FTWR NATIONAL MERCANTILE LIFE and JL FmE INSURANCE, SOCIETIES, Poultry, Mansion Qffiifw. trODdnn.

FTnrirrr tfiA Bitna nfTinlrxl manairfirnine- lint wlfch paeparats capital and lisbilitias. 1 TnuoAHi wuiLUAUfi, jrssq. unairman tuieumcei. tJAMlia PEEK, Esq. Chairman tFire Office.

fBdward Baker, Esq. (Gal Baker, Wards, and Oldfleld). George Corahom, M.P. Saville Row. Chance James Jooes, Em.

(Wm. andThos. Jones and Co.) William Lawaon, EsqT Trower, Lswson, and Trower.) -diMin m.airt wonn aoair. iwn, ano. uo.) tGeorye Moore, Esq.

(Groucock, Copestake, and Moore.) William Nicholson (J. and W. Nicholson and Co.) tGileRedmayne, Esq. New Bond-street. i 1 Peter Rolt, Esq.

(Brockelbonk and Bolt 1 Teane, Esq. (Wiggins, Teapei and Lodcr.) (Tha names mr1rA rn dlrMtaiw at ihn T.lfa Ann CnrvM marked are directors of the Plrer Ofllce). Boanrs. At the last division of profits aasnrers In this office were benefited to the extent of a reduction of 40 per cent on their life premiums, wMcb, if invested In new assurances, would obtain for forxiW. Bssuiea at tne original age an anuuonai ponoy CLAI1I6W--Evnrv eJlm nnnn thfa nfflrM fuwm nMinnilv rM WithOUt dlsputa.

raasuuiu. ins rates at premium nave been computed by tha first matbamaUclauaot tbe day. and tested by tho Actuary, and will be found ai low as it compatible with safety to the assured. Ann ax nARcacerss: Mr. THOMAS CHAUWICK, principal uent.

28, King-street. Mr. TtlOMAB PHOQGATT. Men all's BuUdiaga. N.B.

Parties malcirlff nrtmoaala far assurjuica' nnnn lifn nn nr wo atiBi. ui irTMuarwr utuKb, wiu ue cnuuDu wj paruinpawe in the division of profits In 1853. "aTETROPOLITAN COUNTIES AND ITsl GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SnCIKTV. 37. Hnnt- JPlaoe, Ijondoii.

Inoarporatel pursuant to act Spencer Horatio Walpcle, Esq. I Richard Spooner, Esq. M.P. M.P. 1 Edward VanslUart Neale, Esq, Henry Petti Fuller, Esq.

Diaictoab. Batnnsl Driver, Esq. 'Whitehall. Henry Peter Fuller, Esq. Piccadilly.

Jolin Pallc Griffin, Esq. Ironmonger Lane. Cheapslde. Capt. Hon.

a. F. Hothsm, R.M.. U.8. Club, and Brighton.

Edward Lego, Esq. The Ijimes, Iienlshaio, Kent. Thomas Idttledale, Esq. Liverpool. 'Edward Lotnaz, Esq.

Bt. John's Wood Park. -Bamud Miller. Ew.Llnculn'a Inn. E.

Vanalttart Pfeafe, Esq. South Andley-etreet. Sir Thomas Nowby Reeve, Richmond. Murrey. William Btudley, Esq.

North Brixton, Surrey. W. A. B. Weatoby, Esq.

Somen Place, Hyde Parle. Consulting Actuary W. B. B. Woolhcrase, Esq.

P.B.A.B. provincial Superintendent H. 11. Addlsoa. Esq.

manager ersuson uamroux, sq. Life asamrancea to meet every contingency; also annul ties, immediate and deferred. The payment of fixed sums to the assured at any specified age, or to their representatives ia case of death before that age. Credit given for half the premiums for the Stat five yean. Three-fourths of the profits divided amongst tbe assured, and loans granted, repayable by Instalments.

Endowments, giving to each child of a marriage a certain enm on attaiulnsE theaceof21.and also the return ot the whole of the sum paid for tbe same at a given period. rsauwsy uaveuers Assured, oy one single payment oi lus. for every U0. Medical Beferoea remunerated for their reports, and the usual commission allowed on the Introduction of business. Prospectuses, with tbe rates, the report of the society, and all information, mav be obtained at the office, nr nf the event.

In the country. AUSHTB rVA JnUUVUJSSTSA. 49. PrlsceaMtreet. (rWILKoy 17, Crose-street.

"TtfOLD BOWLING GBEEN All perbons fJ.TJL who may be desirous of CONTAACTtNG for CUTTING uuwa.evua on tne above ureen, are requested to send In TENDERS to the undersigned, on or before the 3d day or Deoember CAIN FABRY, Hon. Bee. N.B. The ground is about 40 yards square and thesods, which are to be had at a place four miles from Mold, will be found and carted at the expense of the committee. Mold, 23d November, 1B49.

lUgal Notice. PURSUANT to a decree of the High Court of Chaaoerv. made in a oanse OrreU juralnst the creditors of ALFRED ORRELL, late ot Cheadle, in tbe county of uaner, onnn nwDuisgnirer wac aiea tn. nuuun oz January. 18W) are forthwith to oome in and prove their debts before Richard A vrm juuttcnicj jgjwj, in.

ux luc viiMn ui sola OUUTE, UDH ehomberB in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London or in oexaoK tnereoi, iney wiu oe exctnooa tne oenenc oi tne aata decree, E. FOX. 40, Fins bury circus: Agent for WORTH INGTON, BARLETec BERRY, Manchester, PlainUtTe Solicitors. Jo be iLet. WAREHOUSE AND CELLARIiN G.

TO BE LET, a WAREHOUSE, containing two counting-houses, good cellaring, Ac in a central situation. Apply to ADaMB and jMuwf iau, maiuaiafln, os, liruss-sirecc, Jnancnesxer. TO SHIPPEHS. TO BE LET, Commodious WAREHOUSE ROOMS, with convenient, well-lighted ua wwi-imhikto ouiocs aiiacaea. Apply to J.

CAJlttdHUis, calenderer, maker-op, and packer, 3, Chnrch-street, Manobeater. jPI HEETHAM HILL. TO BE LET, delight- muhj uiuiiwu a. iM oiuue. xerinw, auuoiVi in pence repsjr.

coatainlDg owning sad dmvlsB roams, tour beacfasmbers. twftb dressiag rooms; kitchens, and the usual domestic offices: rent 45. Apply on the premises. TO BE LET, and entered upon immediately, a Good Family HOUSE, In Efrerton Terrace, Loogsight. HIWslSUlJ UI aiM DZUC, UITVO DLLBUWB WgUK mm WG XmUWOy station: rent m.

Appij 10 jnr. K-jsajxavn, on tne pre-, Chins, laine, Uanchester or st 15, npo BE LET, a COTTON FACTORY, situate at Colce, called Walk Mill, with the Machinery (about 50 horses' potver). shaftimr, gearing, Pfpiog, therein; together with ft House, and 4 Cottages or em Inquiry may be made Jtf by letter, post paid) of HENRY ALCOCK UHAMLEY, TO MANUFACTURERS, A 0THER8. TO BE LET, a WAREHOUSE or MILL, with good approaches and convenient loading; steam powerrasy be applied a good chimney la already erected situation ur Djaa-smw--Appjy to asr. rf.

jais. upBoisserer, Ji rung-ttrcet-, or to.alr. H. Parron, 23, Tbomas-street. TO BE LET, and may be entered upon immediately, at the Castle Hall Saw Hills, Stalyhrldge, a ROOM; either on the first or aecend floor, eight yards by twenty, Wrih.

good Ufht on both aides, and five or alx faonea' power attached. For further particulars, apply to Meaare, EDWARD aruam ac liHVXUKKa, on me premises. TOLLS TO BE LET. Notice is hereby given, 'that the Trustees aDoalnted for rmttins In exeeuiinnan I- act of parliauent made and passed In the firstyearof the reign of waismsiaKiiuBX nuuamm rHiu, wuiuiea- -jui actx.r renairinfi tho road from tha Broken Croaa. in MarWfM, to "erther Table y.

intheconntyof Chester," and several snbaequent acta tor amanouv ana altering tne aazne, wui meet as tne foyal Oeoraa la Nether Knnratord. in the said county, on Thursday rtwIStb day of December, ISO. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in order t. LKT BY AUCTION the TOUS at th. aeveral turnpike gates on the said road for oneyear, to be computed from tha Hat-day of Deoember, UU9; and which tolls produced for tbe current year, en dies-tha 31t dav of Denmber.

into. eh. snm following, and will be put up at thatanm. or at each otber wm www. aaIa uccprcsmK snail lauu nt, viz.1 AU peraoos latcmiinc tabid for the said tolls, will bo required to pay a month's rent in advance, and must have two aumiea in attendance resdv to execute a counterpart lease of the tolls.

Immediately after the ciowj in so. Duuuna, us wnicn tease ine rent wiu oe reaervea, raryalu tramtb ly ail var asd arry rem of. the uidf.tes. will not be allowed to bid, unless the trustees present ahau apecJally consent thereto. At the same meeting the atateea will elect new tmrteee to supply vsrsnrles, and will uther- nepnanu iuvcueudib tneaaiaass.

J. Ac T. RflfifittB- ClinTltm in ihn Tmitwf. Jfovember fitb. 1813.

TOLLS TO BE LET. Notice is hereby given, that the 1 1 mien, appointed for pnttfrsi In exeention an act ot TwBament. pawd In -the first year of tbe rehra of his late majesty George the Fourth, intituled, An act to continue the term and to altar, amend, and the powers ol the several acta to repairing 'the roads from Cranage Greene throoah Netber KnuUford, to Altrfnchjan, and other rols thercUl man tiroed all to tbeootmty ot Cheater," wUl meet at the RoyalOone Hotel, la WetherKnnnrfordafovtaald. on Thursday th. 13th dav Of IJernbmr.

IBIS, at eleven a'elnek In thefnrmmn. hacanfirra and cntlnun an order aom. time afoee for n.iwnBMpwiwiwTOWM uvKvenutosi gates erecxen oatne taddrosxbvtotb. rate, at which the ease sate bera lately ccl-icctsd, ox to max. a farther order for rainier, or altering tb same, or aome parr thereof, or otherwise, aa to the tnateesshall aerm nseu; and to LET BT AUCTION the TOLLS ol the said several toll extca tea one ywar, to b.

oampnted from tha day of Otxwssker, lata, and wbicb tous produced severally, at aneh redaoed rates, for the current jear, ending the 3It day of December, IBS, the aeveral atans clear of tha salaries for rTiKrtlHg the aazne. nd will be pot trp at thoaesdnstesyicctiTely. or at Mich other anm or annas aa tha trnmteea anamt ah.ll jaera xiaa aawt gas. cCi.i i HO orff il "rf 1 1 .) -mi 107 let C.anagB T.ll.V A3 perwiaw rrtWnlg to nM car theaeld tofis. arfll be to paw si iiwai a sLaeiii agvanca, aaalTaaal nav.

two Jnat- tn. ega which lease OwrentwBl saiiasass, aaa aui taiauu tnexv not bo allewM Ri bid, bits ninm-ni in i i.s. asea 'cStty after rail aa.iwaaxar taw aaki aaoaa. Makers. Boners.

Plasterers, and Others. Carriers' Bala' T4ysTR. KIRK very respectfully announces that XvJL he la favoured with Instructions from MessTK-Wllliam Jackson and Sons, carriers, to BELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, December 4th, IW9, on the prenuses of their warehouses, Hilton-street and Stanley-street. Manobeater, a Quantity of GIKIB3, whloh the owners have failed in clearing, and upon which Xreight and ether charges are due, 31 hags of ran, weighing about 5 tons 17 a large quantity of ropes, weighing 6 tons owt. and Hve bags of plaaterera' hair, Ac Ac.

The whole may be viewed on application to Messrs. Jackson and Bans, at their warehouses. Hilton-street and StanlsvzrMt. I And roll particulars will be given in next weelrs papers- N.B. Bale at eleven.

TO-MORROW (THURSDAY). 700 Lots of Dntch Bulbs, from one of the first Florists in Haarlem, embracing a number of Rare and Beautiful Specimens, new In this country. MR. JAMES FULLALOVE will SELL BY AUCTION, on Thnnday the 23th November, 1S49, at hie Sale Rooms, Clarence-street, PaU Mali, behind the Bank of England Branch, Manchester, commenoVng at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, upwards of 700 Lota of Bare BULBS, in double and single Hyacinths, Narcissus, double and single Jonquil Iw, early and late Tulips, Anemones, Ranunculuses, Whits IdlcumLongiflorum; together with other choice aorta, the whole intended for a highly respectable private trade. Catalogues may be obtained three day.

prior to sale, by applying to Mr. James Fullalove, at his offices, 104, Kins-atreet, ruijyin-ing tbe Post Money Order or at his rooms, Clarenoe-atreet, Manphpytftri Bale of 10,000 Pairs of FaahlonablaBoots andBhoes, at 30, Victoria-street. MR. JAMES FULLALOVE will SELL BY AUCTION, on Friday, Saturday, and Monday, the 30th ovemher, 1st and 3d December, at Na 39, Victoria-street, neatly opposite the Fish Market, Manchester, commencing each day at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, 'by order of the proprietor, who is declining bus! nets, the Whole of the Valuable STOCK of Gentle men's BOOTS, in half ana tun vvoiungtons, Clarence, Blucher, vuEswnuiu, uw uwki icihjiu b.jicb, iiau cau, patent leather, cloth, stuff, Aa; ahoes, in oxonions, ties, laoes, Mav hm loxmeeta! thn mamfns of bub: and anv foriber nartlrn. lata had from Mr.

Jamea FulLalore. at hia omoei. 104, KioE-strect; or a. nis ssxe-room. uiaicnce-auvn vuuno ua Joans; ox Manchester.

Part Banferapt's lTectSv Besdj-made Garni en Voollen Clatb. riiiniM, uixjanam. aooib votctb, ao. TIJTR. JAMES FULLALOVK will SELL BY XTJL AUCTION, early next month, at his Bale wfM Clsxencs-atreet, Pall Hall, bebiod tbe JJaok cf Bnslsnd Branch-.

auncoeacer. an iaaenaiTe psock jfaaounuDis lo Broad and Narrow Woollen Cloth, Fancy Testa, fcc ParUier TurtLcrTiIira xuid flaT nf male will bafiJinen lnfatlimxtjfrn- tlsementa; in tbe interim, apply to Mr. JamuFtxllalore, aa abore," or ax nx amoea. jih, avajuniicj uio jtob. ainney uxaer umce, wincnnwr.

Fumbtf Stock. Hoiiaenold Fixmitrire. Ac Bt T. M. FIHI4KR Al RON.

en Monday tha 3d dav of HftewmhtT. J849, at Mr. Brooks's opposite Clajt Half, on the Ashton New Bond, near Manrhrsf sale to romm meet at eleren o'doclc in forenooo precisely fWHE Valuable FARMING STOCK and ai EFFECTS. cdmpriainK five evcelJrnt milch cows. arms; Whitechapel, harness, three sets of jrears, about 20 ton.

of nay, pifmans, laraung iinpi mo wnpui aup. u. aaanu Household Furniture, ccrrrltUng ol the uxcal for parinur, kitcneD, and bedrooms. Kay be viewed the morning of sale, and farther informatioa had from tne Ancooneeri, zi, TJseful and Modern Household Furniture, Linen, China, Glass, Plate. Oil Paintings.

Engravings, Ac. Ac. ByT. M-FISBBR A SON, on Wednesday the 5th day of Deeem-ber. 1349, at tbe Exchange Booms, Manchester; the property of 1 1,1 iirrrasmii mwicu wi cwiinimn.

.,11 1 1.11.1 ru-nenm at elaven oeLick preriaflvs IHEWholeof theUaerolModarn HOUSEHOLD F1TBN1TTBB, consisting of circular roanraodj loo table; aec. 01 cnura in msoMtsr ana iiws.uuu- nu loasw snrsaut aofae: chtnTuciniere. 4ft. Gin. long, I oin.

wide vo maboxany ball chairs: JUninw. Pwhmfc. nTTrlrln vairlisiMMllei with taree branches; eight-day dock, in mahogany sprmg mneruece, du paimmx. azw caimiw gMeaes, laiiwilipi iiiiiKuigMMi; rack, punch laoles, dec; lenders and nra-lrorts, focr- Irona. fear.

post mahogany and teat NvTiTfsifx, straw and hair nslTieaias. leather beds, bolsters, and pillows i blankeia, counterpanes, bed-wvn wi.hg.wy -'f-rt cheat, ot drawers, wardrobe Cessna: tamev, wsnsrinosw wwn acnaseps, wniwne aA ware. The adteheei nlenxQ. atad other eflbeta. be viewed on TnrwTCT the '4th.

day of tlrirmVr gaalognes had on tbe piuuhtn; or boa the Auctioneers, To" Linen Dranera and otnem Wlthont rcaem. By Mr. CANDBST. on the prnnisea lately occupied by Meam. snni fi nn an viae ifv Chester, ooTgeaday.

Wednesday, aodXaoraday, the lh, 5th, A LARGE and Valnablri STOCK of DRAPERY GOOIW, th. piopei ly of a General TnUm Hooks occUniag nil irneas. comprisinir IjbliOctseaa of ra-falaarVi famitnra son pieces cf tslurii. aaACoeonrc: acrAaee. or verthias.

lanlllrlas. Mack lelvets. ticlnCawaodeijrasaTiail Bba. -4 and 7t4 hoak and nnaUaviiiaw3aviMBan edrin nrinred Zaqe antiryp Glaagew and fUsTry shawls aad aGk wiaauar aaaapetamr aano ITI irarvw-wwsrr. hj ua trmmm.

xne sale to enw asiaeil iai luiifitiili aaiTi ifar iS rtr, rhwirir- aiwi rami sat th. trustee. jrharnlauec SnWcafeaaTwaf) rtH etaet aav treatea. to swepty vncao- HoaCOJT, IttV? TAwWABSSOtjaB TO B2 11. 1 sasTBiitBovaxataraitt..

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