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The Observer from London, Greater London, England • 5

The Observeri
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


commissioned to take part in the deliberations relative to the Pope's arbitration on the differences between Baron Hirsch and the Porto. Another Irade designates the Imperial Palace of Dorma-Bagdtche as tbe residence of the Russian Grand Dnkes Sergius and Paul during their stay in Constantinople, aud directs that the same ceremonial shall be observed at their reception as was used on the occasion of the recent visit of the Duke of Edinburgh. unusually high Nile in 1887, but it now seems no longer doubtful that there will be a considerable deficiency of water throughout Egypt this year. At present the river is lower than it has ever been in any recorded year except 1877 and there has been no recorded rise after September 20, except in 1878, when the Nile was dangerously high. Contrary to the generally accepted notion, it would appear that an excessive.

Nile flood affords valuable compensation for the destruction it causes. In a recent report Sir C. A. Cookson, Her Majesty's Consul at Alexandria, says that in 1SS7 the principal mischief done was the destruction of the durra crops, but in many cases the proprietors of the land were fully compensated by the benefit they were able to derive, with a view to other crops, from the fresh mud deposited." Besides, there are in Upper Egypt exceptionally high lands which, in an ordinary year, are not ilooded at all, but in a year such as Ins become us productive as the rest. The WhitchouBe project for converting "Wady Raiau into a great reservoir, with a surface of 256 sijnat'u miles, and capable of augmenting the volume of the Nile by twenty million cubic metres daily during the hundred days of low t'ile, would no doubt do something towards mitigating the lean kine" Beasons in the land of the Pharaohs.

Sir C. Moncrieff has reported favourably on the project, but deprecates its being proceeded with, on financial grounds, for some years to come. last Friday on communications between India and Tibet was particularly opportune, as news of some stirring-event may come from the Jalapla Pass at any moment. He mentioned that this pass is at an altitude of some 14,000 feet. This dwarfs all the Alpine passes, and gives us some idea of the preliminary difficulties Colonel Graham's little army of 2,300 must have encountered before getting into position before the enemy.

Whichever side takes tbe initiative, the inevitable conflict cannot be much longer delayed but whether even the complete rout of the Tibetan soldiery will bring about a peaceful solution of the Tibetan difficulty is highly problematical. Under these circumstances it is not at all pleasant to know that General Prjevalsky, with his Cossack escort, has already set out with the avowed object of reaching Lbas3a. If he succeeds he may find the Tibetan authorities just in the mood to conclude a treaty of friendship and commerce with Russia because of their sore feelingB towards U3. But this is not the only part of the northern frontier of India where Btir-ring eventB are going forward. Tbe Black Mountain Expeditionary Force of 2,700 British and 5,600 native troopB is to be ready to advance by the end of the month against the Akazais, the Banction of tbe Secretary of State to this punitive expedition having been received in India last Tuesday.

Just about the same time as General McQueen sets out for the Black Mountain, Mr. Durand will leave India for Cabul on bis mission to the Ameer that is, providing tbe relations of Abdul Kali man with Ishak Kuau do not render the advance of the Viceroy's emissary inexpedient or impossible. It is fortunate that our relations with Hussia are profoundly peaceful at this moment, as the condition of things along the whole northern frontier of India, if not alarming, is anything but to be a quiet woman, and not given to drinking in fact, he was quite surprised to hear that she had been seen drinking the night before her murder. The woman had tiro children to his knowledge a boy who 7as a cripple, and who ho believed waa charitblechaol, and a danghter who was somewhere in France. Timothy Donovan, the deputy at the lodging-bouao, 35, Dorse t-Btroot, where the deceased frequently stayed, aiated that the deceased stayed thereon Sunday night last.

Sho had been in the habit of comma thero Cor the paat four months. She was a quiet woman, and gave no trouble. He had heard her Fay she wished she was as woll off as her relations, but she never told him who her friends were or where they lived. A pensioner or a soldier usually camo to tho lodging-hoaae with heron Si turd ay nights, and generally he stayed uutil the Monday morning. Hewould bo able toidentifvthe man instantly if he baw him.

Alter tho man left on Monday deceased would usually keep iu the room for some days longer, the charge being eightpence per night. This man stayed at the house from Saturday to Monday last, and when ho went the deceased went witb him. Sho was not seen at tho hoosa again until Friday night about half-past eleven o'clock, when she passed the doorway, and Donovan, calling out, asked her where she had boon since Monday, and why alio had not slept there, and sho roplied, "I have been in tbe inBrmury." Then she went on her way in the diroccion of Hishopsgate-Btreet. About 1:40 a.m. on Saturday morning she caine agaiu to tho lodgiug-huuao, and asked for a bed.

The message was brought upstiirs to him, and he sent downstairs to ask for tbe imuey. The woman replied, "I haven't enough now, but keep my bed for me. I Bhan't be long." Then as sho waa going away sho said to John Kvans, the watchman, Brnnimy, I won't be long. See that Jim keeps tuy bed for me." She was tho worse for drink at -the time, and was eating snuie baked potatoes. Ho saw nothing- uf her again until ho was called to tho mortuary yesterday morning, when he identified the deceased by hor features aud her wavy hair, which was turning grey.

AffciC the deceased left on Monday last ho fonud two large bottles iu the room, one containing medicine, and labelled as follows: Bartholomew's Hospital. Tako two tablospoonfula tbrfe times a day." The othur bottle contained a milky lotiou, and was labelled St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The lotion. Poison." This confirmed hor statement that sho had been under medical treatment.

On being asked whether he knew thd man called Leather Apron," louovan said he know him well. Hi) came to tho lodging house about twoh'n mouths ago, a woman being his uompauiou. Iu t'ui early hours of the morning the woman commenced murder, and it seems that Loalhor Aprou had knocked her down aud tore her hair and clothus. Leathor Apron said tho woman was trying to rob him, but ho (Donovan) did not believe him, and turned him out of the houiie. The man had come there several times since for a lodging, but they would not admit him.

One of the assistants, George Sole, of tho Ten Bells public honsn, ownod by Mr. K. Waldron, situated at tho oorncr of Spitaltields Markot, in Commercial-street, ou hearing of the murder garo infnrinatu-n of a woman as he thought answering to the description of Annie Chapman. A woman had called there about live o'clock. She was poorly drvscd, having no bodica tt) her skirt.

Sho appeared to be middle aged. On thu point of having something to drink a man thrust his head into the door and angrily asked hor to cinue out, retiring immediately afterwards. Ho had on a s'tnll cap. and was, as far as he, the assistant, could huh, without a coat. Ho thought that he would know tho faces of both man and woman neraiu.

On being conducted by tho police last evening, at about eight o'clock, to the mortuary to goc the remains of the murdered woman, ho immediately stated that sho was not thu woman he had seen in the morning. About ten o'clock yesterday morning a woman, named Amelia Farmer, gave important information Mint flio had beeu a follow lodger with tho dee.iasod, aud had known hor for some considerable time. Sho stated that the doceased woman was Amiio Chupumn, the wife of a voterinary surgeon, who had died at Windsor about oigliteen months ago. She was accordingly taken to the moi tuary at half-post eleven o'clock, and immodiatoly recognised hnr friend, apparently being much touched at the droadful spectacle. Later on she made a statement of what Bho know of tho history of the murdered woman.

Amiio Chapman had for a lonj; time been separated from her husband, a veterinary Burgeon at Windsor, by mutual agreement, and had been allowed 10s. a week by him for her maintenance. The money had been seut by Post OSleo order, made pavablti at tho Commercial-street Post-olhco, and had always como regularly. About eighteen months ago the iiiatid-monts suddenly ceased, and, upon inquiry being mstle, it was found that the husband had died. Annie Chapman had two children, but where they wore sho oonld not say.

Tho deceased had a mother and sister, who wore living in the neighbourhood of itrompton or Fulhani. Farmer had been in the habit of writing lettors for her friend, but could not remember tho exact addrt'AR of the mother or sister, hut thought it was near the Bromptnn Hospital. Last Monday Chapman had intimated her intention of communicating with her sister, saying, If I can got a pair of boots from my sister I shall go hop picking." Another relation, a brother-in-law of the deceased, lived somewhere in or near Oxford-street. Farmer asserted that her murdered friend was apparently a sober, steady-going sort of woman, and 0110 whn seldom took any driuk. For some time past she had been living occasionally with a man named Ted Stonloy, who had been in the militia, but was now working at some neighbouring brewery.

Ted Stonley was a good-tempered man, rather tall, about 5ft. fair, aud of florid complexion. Ho was the last man in the world to have quarrelled with Chapman, nor would lie havo injured her in any way. Ac tho bugiuning of the week the deceased had beon rather severely knocked about in the breast and face by another woman of tho locality through jealousy in connection with Tod Stonloy, and hud been obliged to go to tho casual ward. As a regular means of livelihood she had not been in the habit of frequenting the streets, but had made antimacassars for sale.

Sometimes sho would buy flowers or matches, with which to pick up a living. Farmer was perfectly certain that on Friday night the murdered woman had worn three rings, which were not genuine, hut were imitations, otherwiso she would not havo troubled to go out aud Cud money for her lodgings. The police, on tho statement of Farmer, made a vigilant Bcarch for the mother, sister, and hrother-in-law, but without 8uccssh. A man named Chapman, from Oxford-street, was found, but proved to be uo relation. Great weight is attached to the statement as to tho ring' which were on the murdered woman'B hand beforo tiid murder was committed, but which bad been wronchod oiF by the wretch beforo he made good hia escape.

Last evening a further and still more important clue had been gained. It was ascertained that a pawnbroker in Mile Knd-road bad detained rings which had been pro-Bented to him for pledge, but which on being tea tod had not beou found genuine. Should these rings prove to bo those taken from Annie Chapman, and should Amelia Farmer bo able to identify them, a Bolid traca of the bloodthirsty and cruel murderer wilt be obtained which may lead to his capture. Another clue which may prove of value was furnished by Mrs. Fiddymont, wife of the proprietor of the Princo Albert public-bouse, bettor known as the Clean House," nt tho corner of Urushfield and Stewart-streets, half a mile from the scene of the murder.

Mrs. Fiddymont states that at seven o'clock yesterday morning Bhe was standing iu tho bar talking with another woman, a friend, in the first compartment. Suddenly there came into tho middle compartment a man whose rough appearance frightened her. He had on a brown stiff hat. a'dark coat and no waistcoat.

He came in with his hat down over his eyes, and with hia face partly concealed asked for half a pint of four ale. She drew the ale, and meanwhile looked at him through the mirror at the back of tho bar. As soon as be saw the woman in the other compartment watching him he turned his back, and got the partition between himself and her. The thing that struck Mrs. Fiddymont particularly waa the fact that there were blood apots on the back of his right hand.

This, taken in connection with his appearanco, caused her uneasiness. She also noticed that hia shirt wax torn. As soon as ho had drunk the ale, which he swallowed at a gulp, he went out. Her friend went out also to watch him. Her friend is Mrs.

Mary Chappell, who lives at 23. Stowart-Btreet, near by. Her story corroborates Mrs. Fiddymont's, and is more particular. When the inao came in tho expression of hia eyes caught her attention, hiB look was so startling and terrifying.

It frightened Mrs. Fiddymont so that she requested her to stay. He wore a light bine chock shirt, which was torn badly, into rags in fact, on the right shoulder. There was a narrow streak of blood under his right ear, parallel with the edge of hia shirt. There was also dried blood between the fingers of his hand.

When ha went out she slipped out the other door, and watched him as he went towards BiahopBgate-street. She called Joseph Taylor's attention to him, and Joseph Taylor followed him. Joacph Taylor is a builder at 22, Stewart-street. He Btatea that as soon aa hia attention was attracted to the man he followed him. He walked rapidly, and came alongside him, bat did not speak to him.

The man was rather thin, about 5ft. 8in. high, and apparently between AO and 50 years of age. He bad a shabby genteel look, pepper and salt trousers which fitted badly, and dark coat. Whea Taylor came alongside him the man glanced at him, and Taylor' description of the look waa, His eyea were aa wild as a hawk's." Taylor is a perfectly reliable maa, well known throughout tho neighbourhood.

The maa walked, he says, holding his coat together at the lop. He bad a nervous and frightened way about him. Ha wore a ginger-coloured moustache and bad short sandy hair. Taylor ceased to follow him, bat watched him a far aa "Dirty Dick's," in Half moon-street, where ha became lost to view. Mrs.

Elizabeth Bell, of Hanbury-atreet, Btates: I have been living here some time, and I wish I had never come. Such a terrible eight is enough to shock any woman with the hardest heart. The house is open aU night next door, and thia poor ereatnre was taken iota the yard and butchered, no doubt, by tbe same man who committed the others. We were all roaaed at six o'clock this morning by Adam Osborne calling oat, For sake get op, here's a woman murdered." We aU got op and huddled on our clothes, and on going into the yard saw the poor creature lying by the steps in the next yard, with hex clothes torn and Tier body gashed in a dreadful manner. The people in the house next door were all asleep, I believe, and knew nothing of the matter nata the polioe came and roused them op.

I cannot be aua if anybody in the house knew of the murder, or took part in. it, but I believe not. The passage is on all night, and anyone can get in, and no doubt that ii happened. All the other tenants of the house gvre the)' (eeuteb's teleqkams.) RUSSIA. St.

Pbteesbubo, Sept. 8. The Grand Duke Sergiua and the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, with the Grand Duke Paul Aleiandrovitch, will embark at Odessa on the 23rd instant for a tour in the East, during which they will visit Smyrna and the principal towns on the Syrian Coast, proceeding thence to Palestine and Jerusalem. On their return journey the Royal party will stop at Athens, when the betrothal of the Grand Duke Paul with the Princess Alexandra, eldest daughter of the King of Greece, will probably take place. THE CZAR'S JOURNEY.

Elisabethghad, Sept. 8. The Czav and Czarina, accompanied by their suite, arrived here at sis o'clock last evening, I and were received at the railway station by the Grand Duke Nicholas, uncle of His Majesty, the principal military and civil authorities, the local and provincial representatives, and deputations from the nobility, the agricultural classes, and the Jewish community. Their Majesties proceeded from the station amidst the enthusiastic cheering of tbe assembled crowd to the Cathedral, where the Archbishop of Odessa welcomed them with an appropriate address. Afterwards the Emperor and Empress drove to the apartments prepared for them, where a dinner was served, at which the Grand Duke, the members of the suite, aud the chief municipal authorities were present.

Tbe railway station and the town were beautifully decorated for the occasion, and a triumphal arch was erected on the way to the town. The route from the station to the cathedral was liucd by school children, who strewed Honors before the Imperial carriage as it passed. In tbe evening the town was brilliantly illuminated in honour the Imperial visit. Their Majesties received an enthusiastic welcome from tho people throughout their journey. The Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch and tbe Grand Duchesses Xenia Alexaudrovua and Olga continued their journey to Livadia.

THE GERMANS IN EAST AFRICA. Bmti.iN, Suit. 8. Despatches from Zanzibar, dated the give the following account of the recent attack by natives upon the Germans: It appears that the German gunboat Moetve was despatched to Tauga, where tho German East African Association were about to take over the administration. On the arrival of the vessel a boat was sent ashore to reconnoitre, but was compelled to return, having been fired upon by tbe natives without any cause.

The next morning two boats belonging to the Moewe were despatched, and were similarly attacked. The Moewe thereupon opened fire upou the place, aud lauded a small detachment ot niuriues, who quickly dispersed the hostile natives. It is added that theSiiltau of Zanzibar has sent troops to punish the insurgents, aud that order has now been restored. THE DATE EMPEROR FREDERICK'S WILL. Bbiiltx, Sept.

8. Tbe I'osl this evening states that it is in a position to give an emphatic denial to the reports that tho late Emperor Frederick's last testament would shortly bo published, and adds that, as a mailer of fact, no such document exists. FRANCE. Paris, Seit. 8.

M. Richatid, at present French Resident-General at Touquin, has beou appointed Governor-General at Indo-China. The appointment will be immediately submitted to President Gamut for signature. It is stated that Count d'Ormesson, councillor of the French Embassy at St. Petersburg, will succeed the late M.

Mollard in the post of Introducer of Ambassadors. SERVIA. JjliLGItADK, SlU'T. 8. yesterday the name day of Queen Natalie passed off here without any demonstration.

M. Rakits, Minister of Finance, left here this morning for Vienna. SERVIA AND Sofia, Sept. 8. A ball was given at the Palace here last night, and among "the guests were M.

Danitch, the Servian Minister, and his wife. The presence of this Minister excited much comment, and has caused a good impression, this being the first occasion since the accession of Prince Ferdinand to the Bulgarian throne that a foreign representative has been present at any of the Court receptions or festivities. During the evening Prince Ferdinand conversed for a considerable time with M. Danitch, who wore tbe insignia of the Order of St. Alexander, recently conferred upon him by the Prince.

THE NETHERLANDS. The Hague, Sept. 8. The States General have been convoked to discuss the Bill relative to the guardianship of the Princess Royal. In tbe bureaus of the two Chambers tbe principle of this measure, which confers the guardianship on the Queen, is generally approved.

The Government intends introducing some slight modifications in the details. BELGIUM. Brussels, Sept. 8. The return of tbe National Bunk of Belgium for the week ending to-day shows the following cbaDges as compared with the previous account (taking the exchange at 25f to tbe pound) Increase Current accounts, coin (gold and silver) and bullion, 117,440.

Decrease Notes in circulation, 423,000 other securities, 364,320. GREECE. Atheks, Sept. 8. Tbe King of Greece and the Crown Priuce are expected to return here within a fortnight.

It is stated that the marriage of the Duke of Sparta with Princess Sophie of Prussia will be celebrated within three months. Tbe funeral of the late M. Lombardos, Minister of the Interior, took place here this afternoon, the body being subsequently conveyed to Zante. The ceremony was of a public character. Five Italian war vessels have arrived in the Piraiue, and will leave again this afternoon for Egypt.

TURKEY. Constantinople, Sept. 8. At an extraordinary Council of Ministers held to-day arrangements were concluded on favourable terms with the Bank of Constantinople for a loan of By an Irade promulgated to-day Gabriel Effendi, legal adviser to the Porte, is deputed tc proceed at once to Berlin as Ottoman Delegate THE U2TITED STATES. Jffiw Yobk, Sept.

S. The imports into the United States during the pa6t week amounted to including dry goods to the value of The Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer "VVerra and the Cunard steamer Servia, which sailed to-day, took the Australian mail3 received via San rancisco. TYashixgtox, Sept. 8. Tbe "War Department baa issued a circular ordering that a preference be given to articles of home production iu purchasing supplies, and that uo contracts be awarded for foreign articlea when suitable materials may be obtained at home.

THE CYCLONE IN CUBA. New York, Sept. 8. The more detailed reports now arriving from Havana of the destruction of property and Iobs of life caused by tbe cyclone last Tuesday Bbow that the visitation surpassed anything experienced in the island for years past. The arsenal and nearly all the public buildings, theatres, halls, and places of amusement were damaged while in the parks and along the boulevards immense trees were uprooted by the wind, several persons being killed by the falling timber.

Nearly all the street lamps were destroyed, and the city was left iu darkness. The damage done to tbe shipping in the harbour was the greatest ever known. Many barges laden with tobacco and sugar were sunk, and their valuable cargoes irretrievably lOBt. The water front and quays of many warehouses were completely wrecked, aud the goods lost. Two seamen belonging to the Spanish cruiser Jorge Juan were drowned whilst attempting to reach their vessel.

The northern portion of the city is inundated, and throughout tbe island all communication except by boat, is suspended, every railroad reporting lilies washed away and trains thrown off the track. THE ACCIDENT TO THE NEVADA. New Yobk, Sept. 8. Tbe Guion Line steamer Nevada returned to this port at 7:55 a.m.

to-day, having broken her main shaft twenty-four hourB after sailing. THE NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. New Yoitic, Siit'T. 8. Tbe Slock Market opened strong and continued firm throughout the day, clo3tug at about tbe highest point.

The advances ranged to li. but there was no special feature in the speculations. The dny's business amounted to 107,773 shares, including Delaware and Lackawanna 8,910, Ohio and Mississippi 5.900, Oregon and Trans-Continental 7,5 to, Pbiladelpbia and Reading and "Western Uniou Telegraph 10,000. Money was at li. THE YELLOW FEVER, IN FLORIDA.

Jacksonville, Sept. S. Seventy fresh cases of yellow fever and eighty deaths occurred here yesterday. The disease has now acquired great virulence. Contributions in aid of the sufferers are pouring in from all quarters.

APPREHENDED FIGHTING- AMONG AMERICAN INDIANS. Washington, Sept. 8. The War Department haB received information that a war party of Sioux Indians has left Poplar River, in tbe Montana Agency, in order to attack the Indians in the Crow Agency, and a force of cavalry has consequently been sent in pursuit. The quarrels between, the Sioux, Crow, Piegan, aud Gros Ventre Indians have recently become very violent, and a sanguinary war is believed to be ioiuiiiicut.

THE RETALIATION BILL. Washington, Sept. 8. The House Representatives to-day passed the Retaliation Bill, only four members voting against the measure. VICTORIA.

Melbourne, Sept. 8. In the House of Assembly to-day, after several days' debate, the amendment brought forward Mr. Muuro to one of the Budget proposals with the object of -imposing additional duties on barley and outs, increasing the stock tax, and reducing tbe railway rateB on cereals to a minimum, was rejected by 51 against 25 votes. QUEENSLAND.

Brisbane, Sept. 8. A torchlight meeting of eight thousand persona was held here last night, at which resolutions in support of the Ministry now in office were unanimously passed. Similar meetings are announced from various other parts of tbe colony. Lord Knutsford has intimated that he awaits fuller despatches before giving his decision on the point at issue between the Governor and Ministry.

The consequent delay in the settlement of the matter entails the postponement of the tariff proposals and other disarrangement of public busi-nesa. THE SUEZ CANAL. Paris, Sept. 8. The traffic receipts the Suez Canal yesterday amounted to being tbe same amount as ou the corresponding day of last year.

THE EUROPEAN BOURSES. (eeutee's teleoeams.) Paeis, Sept. 8. On to-day 'a Bourse business waa not very active, but the tendency was on the whole favourable. Both Rentes left off for the account 12Jc.

higher than yeBterday. Bio Tinto shares improved Panama Canal 5f. 621c, Italian Sentes and tho Hungarian Gold Eente and Turkish Stock i per cent. Suez Canal Shares and Credit Foncier were likewise slightly higher. Cheques were again dearer at 25.42&.

Sept. 8. Internationals were Bome-what weak at the opening, but the tone subsequently hardened under the inSnencn of firm prices from abroad, and at the close of buainesa quotations showed in some instances a email advance for the day. Bills on London were a shade dearer. Bsai-iir, Sept.

:8. International atoeka were firm, and closed at a fairly general advance. Italian Kcntes improved and Spanish Stock i per cent. The other changes were only fractional. Billa on St.

Petersburg and Buseian Bank' notes advanced to 206.50 and 209.40 respectively. Vienna, Sspt. 8. This being a Catholic holiday, the Bourse was closed. It is stated that the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres has made tho munificent gift to the nation of the whole of the equipment of his well-known observatory at Dnnocbt, on condition that the administration oz tbe Royal Observatory carried on aa heretofore by the Crown SPECIAL DETAILS.

Yesterday morning, at a quarter-past sis, the neighbourhood of Whitechapel was horrified to a degree bordering on panic by the discovery of another barbarous murder of a woman at 23, Hanbury-streot (late Brown-lane), Spitalfielda. Uanbury-strcot is a thoroughfare running between Commercial-street and Whitechapel-road, the occupants of which are poor and for the most part of Jewish extraction. The circumstanoos of the murder aro of snob a revolting character as to point to the conclusion that it has been perpetrated by the same hand aa committed that in Buck's-row and tho two previous murders, all of which have occurred within a stone's throw of each other. The murdered woman, who appears to have been respectably connected, was known in the neighbourhood by women of the unfortunate class as Annie Sivvy, but her real name was Annie Chapman. She ia described by thoae who knew her best as a decent although poor looking woman, about 5ft.

2in. or 5ft. 3in. high, with fair brown wavy hair, blue eyes, large flat nose; and, strauge to say, she had two of her front teeth missing, as had Mary AuuNicholls, who was murdered iu Buck's-row. Whea hor body was found yesterday morning it waa respectably clad.

Sho woro no head covering, but simply a skirt and bodica and two light petticoats. A search being made in hor pockets nothing was found but aa envelope stamped "Tho Sussex Kegiment." Tho house in Hanbury-strect in tho yard of which the crime was committed is occupied by a woman named Kicliardson, who employs sovoral man in the rough packing lino. Thero is a small shop in frout at tho basement of the house, which is utilised for the purposes of a cat'a-moat shop. From the upper end of tbe house thero ia a passage with a door at oithcr end lending to a small yard, some 13ft. or 14ft.

square, separated from tho adjoining houses by a slight wooden fence. There is no outlet at the back, aud nuy person who gains access must of necessity mako his exit from tho same end a3 his entry. Iu the yard there were recently some packing casus, which had been sout up from the basement of tho dwelling, but just behind tho lower door there was a clear space loft, wherein the murder was uudoubtodly committed. Tho theory primarily formed was that tbe unfortnaato victim had beon first murdered and afterwards dragged through tho entry into tho back yard but from an inspection made later in the day it appears that tho murder was actually committed in tho corucr of tho yard, which tho back door, when open, places in obscurity. Thero wore yesterday some marks of blood obsorvable in the passago, but it is now known that those woro caused during tho work of romoval of somo packing-cases, tho edgos of which accidentally came in coutaut with the blood which romained upou the spot from which the unhappy victim was romovod.

Tho evidence which has boon collected np to tho present ahowa that tho murder waa committed shortly beforo half-past fivo o'clock ia tho morning. Albert Cadosch, who lodges next door, had occasion to go into the adjoining yard at tho back at 5:25, and states that ho heard a conversation on the other sido of the palings as if betweon two people. Ho caught tho word "No," and fancied he subsequently heard a alight scuflle, with the noise of a falling against the palings, but thinking that his neighbours might probably bo out in tbe yard ho took no further notico and went to his work. Nothing further can bo traced of tho droadful tragedy, until shortly boforo six o'clock, when the maa Davios passing into the yard at tho back of 29, Hanbury-atreet observed a mutilated mass which caused him to go shrieking iu aSright into the street. In the house the back premises of which happened to become the scene of this hideous crime no fewer than six separate families reside, fcjomo people who liro on tho groand-floor and are credited with being" light sleepers stated emphatically that during the night and morning they heard no pound of suspicions nature, which is likely enough in view of the fact that the passage from the frout to the back of the house has been invariably loft open for the convenience of dwellers in tho building, the traffic being constant.

One of the occupants of tho house is tho man named John Davies, a porter in the Spitalfielda Market. When he discovered tho body in the yard he made no attempt to ascertain tho condition of deceased, but immediately alarmed the other inmates of the houao, and then proceeded to acquaint the police at the Commercial-street Station of what bad occurred. In tho meantime Mrs. Richardson, tho principal occupier oE tho promises, together with a young woman named Eliza CookBley, sleeping on tho second floor, wore aroused, aud under tho notion that tho building waa ou firo ran to the back bed room window, whence they were enabled to Bee the murdered woman lying ou tho paved yard, her clothes thrown up about her waist, and her person horriby mutilated. "When the police arrivod they found that tbo woman had been murdered in a terribly brutal fashion.

It was obvious both from the mfirkfl iinon the bodv and of the snlashnn nf blood upon the palings which separate the dwellings one from the other that the woman while lying down had I her throat first cut and then was ripped open and disembowelled. Tho perpotrator of tho ghastly deed uu- I doubtedly occupied aome considerable time in doing hia victim to death, inasmuch as it appears that he, with fiendish resolve, not only killed tho object of his caprice or passion, but afterwards mutilated her body in a torrible manner, leaving the heart and liver lying by tho shoulder. There is ou every hand the one opinion prevailing that the Whitechapel murders have been all enacted by the same person. Tho niortuarj in which the body of tho murdered woman lies ia situated at tho corner of Kaglo-strcet, aculde sac ending in a pair of green doors, within which several officers of tho police guard the remains of the dead. The body is already in a shell, and tho autopsy having been made by Dr.

Phillips and assistants, the portions of flesh and entrails removed by the fiendish bauds of tho murderer have beeu so far aa possible replaced in their natural positions, and there ia littlo elao observable beyond the usual Tiost-inortem indications. The bodv is that of a fairly-nourished woman, but bears traces of rough usage. The corpse is covered by a wrap, and those in custody of it arc charged by the police authorities that it shall neither be shown to any person nor disturbed in any way. The district coroner visited the mortuary yesterday afternoon, and made arrangements for holding an inquest on Monday moruing at 10:30 at the Boya' Kefuge, near Whitechapel Station. Mrs.

Bichardson, tho landlady at 29, Hanbury-street, tho house wbore the body of deceased waa found, in the course of an interview said I have lived at thia house fifteen years, and my lodgers are poor but hard-working people. Somo have lodged with me aa long aa twelve years. They mostly work at the fish market or the Spitalfislds Market. Some of the carmen ia tho fish market go out to work aa early aa 1 a.m., while others go out at four and fire, so that the place is open all night, and any one can get in. It ia certain that the deceased came voluntarily into the yard, as if there had been any struggle it must have been heard.

Several lodgers sleep at the back of the house, and some had their windows open, but no noise washeardfromtheyard. Oueof carman, named Thompson, employed at Goodaon'e, in Brick-lane, went out at four o'clock in the morning. He did not go into tho yard, but he did not notice anything particular in the passage aa ho went ont. My aon John came in at ten minutea to five, and he gave a look ronnd before he went to market. He went through to the yard, but no one was there then, and everything was right.

Juat before six o'clock, whea Mr. Davis, another of my lodgers, came down, he found the deceased lying ia the corner of the yard, close to the bouBe, and by the aide of the step. The lower part of her body waa uncovered. There was not the slightest sign of a struggle, and the pool of blood which Sowed from tho throat after it was ont, waa close to the step where she lay. She dues not appear to have moved an inch after the fiend struck her with the knife.

She moat have died instantly. The murderer must have gone away from the spot covered with blood. There waa an earthenware pan containing water in the yard bat this was not discoloured, and could not, therefore, have been need by the murderer. The only possible clue that I can think of is that Mr. Thompson's wife met a man about a month ago lying on the stairs.

This was about four o'clock in the morning. He looked like a Jew, and spoke with a foreign accent. When asked what he was doing there, he replied he waa waiting to do a doaa before the market opened. He slept on tbe stairs that night, and I believe he has slept on the ataira os other nights. Mrs.

Thompson is certain she oonld recognise the man again both by his personal appearance and hia peculiar voice. The polioe have taken a fall and careful description of this man." The deputy of a lodging-house at 30, Doraet-street, stated that Annie Chapman need to lodge there about two years ago with a man called Jaok Sivvy, a sieve maker hence hot nickname Annie Sirry. gha appeared Since the ill-judged excursion into the regions of speculative Socialism into which the Trades Uniou Congress was betrayed in their adoption of a resolution in favour of the nationalisation of tbe land the delegates have done some useful work. The debate on the system of labour representation, with the collateral discussion on the payment of members of Parliament to wliich it was not uninstructive and in broaching the subject of pauper immigration at their pitting of Thursday last the Congress raised a question on which their views bad been awaited with some curiosity. As was to be expected, they favour the most straightforward aud vigorous of tbe various proposed solutions of this difficulty.

A resolution whs moved to the effect that such an amendment of the laws affecting immigration should be made as would prevent indigent persons or paupers from being lauded in this country unless they could show that they were skilled workers, or capable in some form of earning their living by manual labour at the date of tboir arrival." As very few if any of the iudigent or pauper class of immigrants are, or are ever likely to be, skilled wurkujeii, the former part of tbe resolution is of no great importance. It3 latter portion may or may not amount to a demand for the total exclusion of the unskilled pauper labourer, according as wc interpret its somewhat ambiguous terms. The indigent foreign workmen who are now Hooding tbe East End of Loiidou and reducing wages to tbe starvation point would most of them be able to plead that they were, in one sense, capable "earning their living by manual labour" at tbe date of their arrival. It is, indued, by doing bo that they make tbe Jiving of the unskilled English workman so difficult for him to earn. It looks as if the Congress would like to have the former ex-eluded by legislation, but shrink from formulating 6uch a demand iu express terms.

Dover is awakening to the fact that as a resort for holiday makerB it is somewhat behind the times. Interesting and healthy place as it is, there is a paucity of special attractions for pleasure seekers. Folkestone haB come to the tore of late years, and lias now been provided with pretty promenade pier, with a handsome concert hall at which excellent instrumental and vocal music is provided at a cheap rate. Previously there was a great lack of amusement iu Folkestone, aud the crowded condition of tbe pier concert hall lately proves that a public want has been supplied to the town. This want equally felt at Dover, aud it is satisfactory to fiud that steps have beou taken, subject to the approval of the Board of Trade, to fill up tbe deiicieney by the erection of a new promenade pier at a cost of about The intention is that it.

sball run out a distance of 750ft. from the promenade, and be a handsome structure, with a' commodious pavilion and a stage large enough for concert purposes. Tbe erection of a spacious promenade pier and a well-appointed concert hall, in which good musical aud other entertainments can be given, cannot fail to draw hundreds of visitors to the town, and be of great advantage by improving its trade, and possibly in time making it as popular a holiday resort as any of the most frequented south coast wateriug-placcs. More enterprise in the provision of amusement at English wateriug-placcs generally would teud to improve their commercial position, add to the revenues of the railway companies, and increase the enjoyment ol the visitors. Small capitalists are increasing among us, in spite of hard times and bad trade.

The Postmaster-General's report, for example, proves a very curious fa'ct. According to it we find bat iu there were 1, 75b' depositors in Post Otlicu savings' banks. In ISSii there were 3,105 Last year there were To compare these liijiiivs with the total sum deposited is of little interest but we may note that, fur the years wc si'L-el. the sums are and t.Oi'5. The interesting tbiug is to compare tbe number of depositors with tbe average amount in these years standing to their credit.

In 178 the average savings' bank depositor bad fit) Is. -Id. to his credit. la J.SS3 he bad Last year be had 13 13s. 2d.

Hence the depositors have increased in numbers out of all proportion to the increase in the deposits the proportion is as lot) to 77 per cent. The growth iu tbe total sum banked is not due, therefore, to au increase in the large accounts, but to au increase in the number of persons with small accounts. From which we may infer that small capitalists are ou the increase among the poor, a gratifying tribute to the success of those who preach the gospel of thrift. What is more gratifying still is that there is a similar increase iu the mimbsr of tbe small investors iu Government stock. Scarborough is the only cricket fixture which attains tbe dignity of a "festival." Tbe name of Lord Loudesborough is familiarly associated witb the game, and at the delightful Yorkshire watering place he is the presiding genius." This season three matches were played on tbe Sear-borough ground, which presented cricket in various phases.

First came the purely amateur contest between the aristocratic Singari and the Gentlemen of England, which the former won by 101' runs. Then followed a match iu which cricketers all classes take interest, that between the Marylebone Club and Ground and Yorkshire. Tbe leading club put a 6trong batting side into the field, but they were deficient in attack, with the result that Yorkshire won a good game by 00 runs. Lord Londesborough got together a team to meet the Australians only a shade less powerful than that, which represented England at Manchester. Indeed, there were only two variations Lord Harris, who had played for the Ziugari, and Mr.

Thornton took the places of Mr. V. W. Bead and Sugg. There was some sensational bowling in the Colonials' first innings.

Ninety was reached, and only two wickets signalled as lost. Then followed a complete breakdown, the remaining eight practically falling for six runs, and yesterday the England team won by Uo. This further victory by what was almost a representative side should be exceedingly gratifying to home cricketers. In fact these later successes may be said to have in some degree atoned for the failures in the three im- rtant matcboB at Lord's England, Maryle- De. and Mirirllaaa- Our nntrknial tyinnAa w-vu ivuuo uavc yet four matches to play, and their tour will close with a banquet on the 25th inst.

Seventeen days later they Bail in the Orient steamer Cuzco. The paper read by Captain Elwes before the eographtcal Section of the British Association The colony of Victoria would appear to be developing a leaning towards the bounty system. The Victorian farmers have been asking the Government for an export bounty on wheat and they have already secured an indirect bounty by getting tbe wheat for export carried on the State railways at a rate so favourable as to yield little or no profit to the Treasury. It is not that tbe farmers of tbe colony are suffering from anything approaching to agricultural depression; but Mr. Gillies, Premier and Treasurer of Victoria, has had a surplus of 33,000 to get rid of, and the farming interests are an important factor in the politics of the colony.

In Canada, too, the system of indirect bounties shows itself in the rebates granted upon canal dues on all goods sent for shipping to a Canadian port. Tbe Washington Government lias made this its excuse for declaring that Article -29 of the Treaty of 1871, which provides for the international transit of goods in bond, may be denounced without giving the stipulated two years' notice. It is surely a trifling ground on which to repudiate an important treaty obligation. American citizens are entitled to the use of the Canadian canala on equal terms with their neighbours and whether the rebates in question amount to an evasion of the privilege is perhaps a subject for diplomatic representations. Tbe United States deny that bounties are granted on the sugar they export; yet it was, as tbe Canadians cannot forget, the indirect American sugar bounties that shut up the Montreal refineries.

MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY RIGHTS. Two cases which catnd before Mr. Biron at Westminster Politic-Court yesterday strikingly illustrated the sad position of poor women married before the passing of the Harried Women's Property Act. Iu the first instance tho applicant, a decently dressed woman, begged tho magistrate to givo lior a separation order from her husband, who left her six months ago, and who had now reappeared with the oxprcssed intention of selling up her little home, which slia had gut together by her own industry since ho wont awfiy, and whilst she wu3 out work ho had tried to take her bid to sell for a few shillings, and sho was afraid he would assault her as ho had done before if she resisted. Ho could easily oarn X2 a week, but ho would not work.

Mr. Biron You could iiavo brought him hero for tho assault. Applicant (crying): I did, sir, hut, like a fool, did not go against him. Can he take my bit of furniture Mr. Uiron: When were you married Applicant: In Yorkshire, 13 years ago.

I havo bought the few things I havo with my own earnings. Mr. Biron Your husband can take everything you have and sell it. That is the- law, madam. Applicant (weeping) It cannot be so cruel.

To think my homo should bo sold up by a man who will not work I Sir. Biron That is tho law, rrpeat, cvnn though you are living apart from your Inis'iviiid. Hut if he threatens yon with personal violence that is another matter. 1 will put a stop to that, and, in the first place, the warrant officer shall caution him. Don't remain under Uio mistake, however, that any of tho things you havo bought are your own.

Applicant left tho box crying. Another woman, also poorly dressed, begged Mr. Ttiron to help her, as her husband, who did no work, and had lost a good situation through his dissolute habits, was selling up tho homo she had got together. He had actually pulled her poor children's bed from under them, and sold it for 5a. She had been married 19 years.

Mr. Uiron Then, if he chooses to sell the furniture, no human being can stop it. Applicant, crying bitterly, said sho saw no prospect for herself and children hut tlio 6'Jia bought tho furniture, and if her it that was a bad law. Mr. Uiron That is possible.

The law has been altered, but it does not protect you. It only aft'ects women married since the commencement of 1883. The applicant seemed much distressed by thu information she obtained. The Speaker. The Speaker and Mrs.

Peel, accompanied by their son and daughter, Mr. George and Miss Julia I'eul, arrivod at Geneva on Thursday last from Contrexeville, where they have been staying since tho adjournment of Parliament. Tho Speaker's health has greatly benefited. They aro staying with Mr. and Mrs.

Barton at Genthod, their pleasant residence close to the Lake. It is about four miles from Geneva proper. It will be remembered that Mr. Barton married Miss Pool, tho Hight Hon. Sir Kobert Peel's daughter, last season.

Sir H. Seiwix Ibbetsov. Sir Henry Selwin Ibbctson, M.P., who has been lying seriously ill at Down Hall, is now, it is hoped, out of all danger. During the past week the lion, member has been able to leave Mb bed. Kastboukse.

Tho weather at Eastbourne has been remarkably fine during tho past tvoek, so that the South of England Lawn Tennis Tournament, now proceeding at Devonshire Park, has not been stopped for half an hour by rain. The Countess Karolyi and suite have left for tho Continent, but the Belgian Minister, Baron Solvyns, with Baroness Solvyus, and the Turkish Ambassador, liustem Pasha, arrived last week for a month's visit. Amongthe principal visitors now in the town are tho Do wager Duchess ofBuccleugh, the Dowager Marchioness of Blandfard, the Dowager Lady Dynevor, Lady Day and Miss Day, tho Countess and the young liarl of Cotten-ham. Lady Francis und Lady Mary Pepys, Hon. Everard Pepys, tho Argentine Minister, M.

Luis L. Domingncz, Lord and Lady Templemore, Hon. Hilda Chichester, Lady Edith Ashley, MiB9 Cecila Peel, Miss Ashley, Admiral Courtenay, General Ellis Major -General Kobert Unwin, Major-General and Madame Boutourlino, Surgeon-General McDowell, Brigade-Surgeon Yates-Hnnter, and Mrs. Cripps, General and Mrs. Gordon, General and Miss Johnson, Major-Goneral and Mrs.

Tjambo, General and Mrs. Power, General and Mrs. liaper, Major-General and Mrs. Young, General Briscoo Colonel Sir James and Lady Fraser, Colonel Sir Spencer Clifford, Colonel Elphinatone, Colonel B. E.

Beckley, Colonel and Mrs. Bentiack, Colonel and Mrs. Wynter, Colonel and Mrs. Balgny, Colonel Henley, Colonel and Mrs. Kempt, Major and Mrs.

Vanghan Morgan, Colonel Xiuiuii, Major Buchanan, Colonel Montgomery, Colonel Scrivener, Colonel Wemyss, Major and Mrs. Tnlloch, Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff Higgs and family, Mr. and Mrs.

I Du Maaricr. Mr. W. P. Frith Honourable Auberon and Lady Victoria Herbert and Hon.

Mervin Herbert, Sir Walter and Countess de Souse, Sir Horace Pelly and Lady Pelly, Sir Kawson Kawson, Sir Win. Gillstrapp, Sir Kobert and Lady Moncrieff, Sir Charles and Lady Locook, Lady Mary Trefnsis and family. Baroness Langemann, Lady Brendi, Viscount Alexander and suite, Lady Gordon, Lady William Thynne, Lord and Lady St. Clair, Lady Geraldice St. Lawrence, Hon.

Knatohbull-Hugessen and family, Hon. Kenneth Howard, Captain and the Hon. Henrietta Gninness, Hon. Mrs. Warbnrton and family, Madame Turabi Boy, Mr.

and Lady Victoria Bowe, the Eight Rev. Bishop Crowther, the Rev. Canon Bowaell, General Sit B. Wallace and suite. Tho Eastbourne Regatta will bo held to-morrow..

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