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Buffalo Emporium and General Advertiser from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Wmmimm Devoted to the Defence of RurrkiicA Pancirns the Support of A vkiuctche- and to Rei minis. I ircn.Miv.niiil Misrri.i. subjects. VOL- 'J BUFFALO, (X. MUX DAY SKI'TKMBEIS 17, 127.

ft i THE STAGE AND STEAM BOAT LINE from Buffalo to Niagara Falls. The Staam Boat Cmrrw. M. Case, Master, 9 M. aynard 9 ChTwitle III; f.A natV I S-' 1 VVII siting of Fancy Time-Pieces, Gold and Silver Lever.

Repeating. Horizontal, Lenine, Alarm, and Plain WATCHES, Diamond. Pearl, Jet Filgaree. Paste Coral Jewelry, Silver and plated Ware. FiiieJCutlery, Musical Boxes, Hand BrssvIhI.

Giiiiac. Violins, Bassoon, Tamborine. Clarinets. Double Single Flageolets, Flutes. Fifes, Tuning Forks.

A new supply of Music tor the above Instru ments. Also a great variety of Piano Mustc. Biittania Work. Back Gammon Boards, Chess Men, Hi ming's best Needics Spectacles and Goggles, Steel Reticule Clasps and Purses, Pocket Books, Wallets, Snuff Boxes. Shell Combs, Safety Brushes, Canes, with and without Swords, Phosphorus Lights.

Toy. Playing and Conversation Cards, Dice, ic. tic. An extensive of Ttvo Double Barrel Fowling-Piebcs. which will be off-red low foi Cosh.

Alio' Buttalo, Mav 14. 45 9I1E subscriber having disposed of his 1 Stock in Trudo and intentlin? rhme business in tins reunesln nil ner. sons indebted to him to u.ake immediate payment. Those who have unsettled aceounts are requested to call at th store lately occupied b) him and a just thr same. Immediate attention will r.RATl!S G1LBI RT.

BniTnlti May 21, 48 tHE Commissioners appointed ing to the provisions of an act, passed during last session of the Provincial Parliament of Upper Canada, for the construction of a Harbom at the mouth of Kettle Creek, on ike Erie, in the Talbot Settlement Give notice that they will receive proposals for constructing the said Harbour until the 25th of August next. Further information may be had of the subscriber at Sterling Kettle Creek, U. 6' JAM HAMILTON, President Comviission. Sterling, 16th July, 1827. 69 JlAVrUAMt- KIMO liSTABLIStl.MENT.

Mrs Wilson, opnosite the Steam-Boat Hotel, has commenced the above business, and solicits the patronage of her friends and Hie public in general. Shu will attend to the Making of Plain and Hats Cur sets, Sfc. And will promptly attend to all orders in hor Line. Buffalo, May 21. 4 100 DOLURS REWARD AVVBmle Jai' at Cbirdon, Geauga mnly.

Ohio, on the night of the 9th inst. William Ashley, and John Arbuckle. Ash ley is about six leet high, and supposed to he between 30 and 35 years of age, slender made, dark complexion and hair, thin v'lKage; and hadon when he escaped, a blue coat an: pantaloons. Arhurkle is about five feet seven or eight inches lllgti, and riuui appeainiL'u, is auuut 30 years of age his upper teeth are mostly gone, sandy hair, had a small scar on the side of his neck, and wore a blue satinett fiock coat and drab pantaloons. Whoeverwill secure theaf iresaid culprit, widgiva intVirwation, shall be entitled totho above, reward, or fifty dollars for either.

URI SEELY, Sheriff. July 10th 1827. 03 IS STILSOiN ha just rcf eiv-ed an assoitment of HAIR CURLS, together with some other articles, such ns Work-Baskets, Pearling, Shell-Combs $-c Which she can accommodate the Ladies on as good terms ascan be bought in this vicinity. Buffalo, Aiarcn 1, 24 DfiAR BOOKS to be sold Chenn. Lazell Francis, having come to the determination not to order any more, will sell their nres-nt very valuable iscellane- ous Book Stock, at piices which will make an object tor all, wishing to purchase Books, to call at No.

5 Cheapside. (CPA rare chance for Library companies, and add very choice Books to their Libraries, at a price less than they could obtain them for in New-York. Those who doubt will call and try. L. F.

continue to keep School Books and Stationary, most in use. Also, a constant supply of Blank Books. of common ept on hand, they will manufacture to any pattern to accommodate customers. ETA1I at reduced prices. April 4.

TJTEW GOODS. R. Hevtvood mi at the Green Store, VUm-Stre'et, four doors North of the Stone Tavern, has just received a large supply of choice DKV GOODS, (comprising a g'reat variety of ar ticles HARDWARE, an extensive assortment- Also, Groceries, of the purest and best quality, which he will sell on his customary good terms. Buttalo, May 23, 827. POCKET Maps, cis have on sale Lnzell Frnn- a new and elegant POCKET MAP, of the State of New-York to which is attached a Stage, Coach, and Steam Boat Register.

Also, MAPS of the Territory of Michigan and of Kentucky, Aiauama anu Illinois. and CHEAP. Rnthbuti al 1 Co. at the corner Store. Rathbun's buildings, 6 doors north of the Eagle Tav ern, Main Street, Buffalo, have just received from New-York, and are now opening, a new and vlegant assortment of fashionable fancy and staple GOODS, which are offered to the public generally, and particularly to their old customers, at least as low as can be obtained elsewhere.

-Buffalo, July 12. 62 TO LE 50 Village Lq'k, frnnt ing Peacock's Basin and the be leased at any term of years, from 5 to 21. to suit the applicants. Inquire at the office of r. llt.lE.i 1, Buffalo, May lSlh, 1827- 46 )R SALE at the Green Store, 200 boxes first quality Pittsburgh Glass.

R. H. HEYWOOD. Buffalo, Aug. 2.

62 LETV-The convenient Two sai 3t Brirk House lately occupied and ownedbv T. Weed. Appiy to U. WEED. Buffalo June 12.

35 a at in on at in or a be at PARMER'S HOTEL, inthecen- tre of the Village -M. CASE SON. re-spertfully inform their friends and the publick gencrnliy, tint ther, hain completed an enlargement of their building, are prepared to ac commodate TRAVELLERS and others, bur most especially that meritorious class oi ou-citizens THE FARMERS who are par, ticularly invited to continue I heir patronage They feel giateful for the liberal encouragement th -v have received, and with unwea ried attention to commands the pub lic in nanus they rest their (. ase. BOARDERS will at all ti mes be accommodated, by the dav, week, month or year itfal-i.

49 flPEW EXCHANGE OFFICE. I ncur-Al rent Bank Bills, wanted at the low-es: rates of discount by C. BREWSTER. No, 4 Franklin Buildings, opposite the Western Insurance Office, Also. Drafts at 30 days payable in New-York received as above, and cashed at par.

Buffalo. Junell. 53 BLANK BOOK Mascfactorv. Lazf.ll Fratcis, have recently added to ttieir establishment a first rate 'Patent Ruling Machine, which will enable them on short notice manufacture Blank Books to any pattern required. Paper ruled for the trade.

at New York prices. 7 No. 5 Cheapside. T'J Khai. wo Dwelling Houses to be rented, or if prefered, one of thcra pleasnntly situated on Washington street! will be sold on very reasonable teims, and the land on which it stands, leased for a term ol years.

Apply to N.WILGUS. Way 21, 17 Green silk Umbrella, found mi SB the road to Aurora, can be had by the owner at thi-; Office, by proving property and paying for this advertisement. September 3. 77 Caniinilttitriia and this Village, (hut most probably between Pembroke and this village,) a small Hair covered TRUNK, with one handle and a Lit tied to it. A reward of five dollars will be paid tor the same, if found in the road, and one dollar if left at a stage house, as wen as umer proper cnarges.

J. B. SMITH. At the Farmers Hotel. Buffalo.

Sept. 3. 77 WRITING SCHOOL Mr. Rice. will commence his school forthe pur-(ios of instructing Ladies and Gentlemen in tlieart of Writing, on Monday the 20lh inst -in' the building, No.

11. cheapside. School to commence at 5 o'clock and close six Terms $3.00 par 15 Lessons N. B. Gentlemen and Ladies' will be waited upon at their respective dwellings if rerpnrea.

Buffalo, August 16. 1827. 72 JiMJKNEYSIAN BLACKSMITHS, Wanted, two or three Journeymen Blacksmiths, immediately. Liberal wages will be given to those who can come well recomraotirled. HICKCOX, COLTON CO.

August 13. "2 Si'fiAYCDorSToLKN f-om thp subscriber, near the Steam-boat Hotel, on the fifteenth inst. a large white COW She had some red spots on her sides and had on her neck a leather strap, to whi a hell was attached. Whoever will take up said Cow, or give information to the where she can be totind, shall bn handsome' ly rewarded. JOEL PARKER.

Uutlalo, Aug. 20, 1327. mjpAIL STAGE from Buffalo to War-JLfm saw, three times a week. Leave Bui tain on the mornings of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrives same day at Warsaw Returning leaves Warsaw Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock in the morning, and arrives the same day at Buffalo, via Orangeville, Sheldon, Aurora, Wales, and Hamburgh. Ihts stage meets the Canandaigua stage at Warsaw, which intersects a line of Stages from Gen-eseo to Olean from Rochester through Geneseo to Bath, Sic.

QZFThe Canandaigua stage arrives at Warsaw every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 P. M. and leaves Warsaw on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. ILj ine state foni Brockport village to Warsaw, arrives on Mondays and Thurs days and returns on the following morning. Another line of Stages runs from Warsaw to Batavia, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and returns the same days.

Seals can he taken at Case Sons, Buffalo and at Gale M'Elwain's, Warsaw. LFNafgage at the risk of the owner. Warsaw, June, 1827. 66 0MB MANUFACTORY. The subgcri-ner has established a Comb Manufactory, a few doors north of theNational Hotel, Canal St.

whre he will keep for sale, at wholesale and retail, all kinds of imitation COMBS, Merchants. Pedlars and others, can be supplied on the best terms; and are respectfully invited topatronize this estab lishment. Comus will at alt times be exchanged for Cattle's MORNS. All favors wiilbe thankfully acknowledged. S.

VV. SHERMAN. Buffalo, April 17. 37 PHtENIX HOTEL. The subscriber respectfully informs the publick, that he has taken and fitted the Tavern Stabd.

formerly occupied by Mr. Cook, and recent ly by Mr. Sacket, in the village ot ounaio, opposite D. Burt's store, where he will be thanktul lor patronage, so rar as nu snmi merit it. His house will be a convenient re sort for travellers, or men of business, par- icularly persons attending courts; and he will endeavour that no reasonable person shall go from it dissatisfied with fare ot price Buffalo.

May 21, 1S27. 48 TIFICIAL Beards! eyfi No. 1 ICheap- side, Buffalo, is Agent, at this Dtace, for ROS WELL PARISH. Artificial FI01 ist, New-York, and will be able to sell ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS as cheap ascan be bought in respectfully solicits the patronage of Milliners and Merchants o. tba Western country.

May 24. 1627. OB PRINTING, neatly executed at the Office of the "Buffalo Emporium and it rnumiMitf.l TREES. H'm. Ptimr, 1 i-opnetor of the Linnn-n Curded.

Flusliiii I 1 tlh-rs to the Ii. his usual rxtrnMve collection of Fruit Trees, of the kinds Orucnie 11 tnl Cihrubs. Iiulbous Flower Roots Green-lloiie Plan, All the Fruit Tires xent from Liniia.MiGnrdr.' grafted or imioc-nlnted, and nn- propagated from urh European and Ameii. kinds ns lime ncouirt a well merited c. Evrrv tn-c when sent Irom the Garden, is dnlv l.ihi-P..,i packed in malts or boxes for safe ti -tt.

Hon. All packages of trees re detiw ml hi ...1 i 1 iiiiuii iiurivt-i iiHii, orw, nv va fer, Jree of freight. U'But it is to l.e ex -I 1 uuiiniMiiuu inm Riierinus Oeiiveied or shipped at New-York, they aic wholly at the risk ol tho person who orders them. and not of the Proprietor of the Garden or his rigems. m.iv ho ol.tnined ol Me-rj.

Lizcll ii Francis, their Bookstore No, Che-npstde, and orders through them win meet wnn prompi attenlnui. LAZF.i.L FRANCIS March 21. 30 OT No. V.i. belonging to lite baplibt So- l.J ciety, anil eligiolv situated lor dwel ling houses, hounded by Genesee street.

Pearl street, and Franklin street, is offered for Lease for 10 or 21 year the whole in one Lease, or in Lots of 33 feet front by 116 feet deep each. The Society would prrfei ti put it 011 such advantageous terms as to make it an object for some one to Lease the whole. Should the waters of the Cayuga Creek he brought into tho village for Hydraulic purposes, the loeation of the lot 'is uch. that it would probably, by that, be very much enhonccd in value. At the expiration of the Lease it will be renewed on reasonable terms, determined by disinterested men, if preferred.

The attention of persons ishing to Lease ground is respectfully solicited lo this notice order of the Board of Trustees, J. GUl'TEAU, Clerk. Buffalo, March 14, 1827. 2 LYM A ATI I BUN Co. have to their New Store on tho corner of Main and Court-streets, directly opposite the Court-House, wherrthey are now receiving from New-York and opening their rail and Winter supply ol GOODS, wind is much morn extensive and eoinpleto asssnrtment than they havo ever offered totho public; and having purchased them at tho present vory reduced prices, they with confidence invito the attention of their fi iemls and the public to their store Having hnonvory particular in their sclee lions of Qualities and Patterns, thev would diroct public attention to their stock of Chintz, Calicoes, ami Silks.

Together with general assortment of English, French, It.ilinn, German and Domestic Drv Goods, lheirstockot UHUCLKItH is very exten sive and complete, and their Teas. Coil'e, Sugars aud Liquors, they particularly rcc- imuiond, us they were selrcted with great euro. A general assortment ol hock kry and Glassw vrk, among which aro somo elegant DmingSetts and China Coffee Setts l.iKewme.a large assortment ol arpi.ting comprising Fine Ingrain nnd Brussels Car pcting, Hearth Rugs, Carpet Bindings, Ike. liuttalo, Nov. 37.

1 mjpACHINE CARDS Just arrived. alifl A SUPPLY of new Machine Curds, I nil the dillerent number, warranted of the very best quality, to bo void at tho factory prices, without the addition of transports ion. ALSO, DOUBLE AND SINGLE CA IID1NG MA CHISES, which will be sold by the subscriber, cheap er than can be purchased at any other es tablishment in Buffalo, or elsewhere in the western district. LT For particulars enquire at Mr. Smith's Mechanic's Hall.

I. L.RUSSELL St Co. Buffalo, April R. 35 EW LINE OF MAIL8TAGES, Twice a week, from Buffalo to Springville. 1 tie subscribers Have recently established a New Line of Stages, I011111 between Buffalo aud Springville, via Boston and Hamburgh, which leaves Buffalo every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at 6 o'clock and Springville every Tuesday and Friday morning, at the same hour.

Their route is performed in one day, either to or from Buffalo. They have provided 'hrrn-leves with good Horses and Carriages, and will employ none but careful drivers. This is the first attempt ro run a stage through (his flourishing part of the country, nnd they look with confidence to (he public for a ipport of their enterprise, equal to its merits. The accommodations on the road are good, and they will spare no pains lo render general satisfaction, and to to meet the in creasing wants or too innauuauis living on tbe road. For SentB apply to M.

Case Son, the Farmer's Hotel, Buffalo to W. More-ton, at Boston and to S. Springville. PETER SAMPSON, U.TORREY. June 21.

S3 OTICE. The Assistant Commissary of Subsistence at Fort How ard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory.will re-ceive proposals till the 15th day of October next, forsupplying the United States' Troops this Post with FRESH BEEF, for one year, commencing on tbe ist day of July, The Commissary will receive two separate proposals, one forthe delivery good fat Cattle, to be estimated on the foot tbe other, forthe delivery of Beef, slaughtered, dressed, and issued upon the requisitions of the Assistant Commissary for the time being, not exceeding twice a week. The must, in either case, state the lowest price per pound, at which the cattle or beei will be furnished, and also specify the names of two responsible citizens, as sureties for tbe faithful performance of the contract. N. B.

The quantity probably wanted may be 45.000 pounds. Payment wnl be made quarleily upon tbe quantity actually delivered. Should the contract be taken lor Beef cattle, paymentfor tbe whole will-he madc.eithor in cash or a draft on the Sub-sistence Department at the total amount of the quantity received. WALTER BICKER, Captain U. S.

Army, Ass'l Com'ry ot Subsistence. Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michiean ler August 6. 1827. ITTThe Printers of the Michigan Herald Buffalo Emporium, and Buffalo Patriot, will please lo publish tbe above nil tbe loin day of October next, and send their accounts. made in duplicate, with receipts signed, to this office tor payment.

U3 of the on 10, Jtrst recei' and for sale at 7 6 Cheapside, Virgil, Lrusd. Cre. and Latin Testament; A.iisworth's Dictionary A'him's l.atin Gramma-; Flitu'j Gibson's do. Jones' Chun-h MNtnry Smith and Liirlr Mmic Also. Pocket Maps of the stateof New-or' FcRWARnr, 1.

I1 ovms.ios Mj-isrs- I MIS- Jt ROOT. B11IV who are now erecting a 1. Qlld cnmmniliiiiii V-! adjoining Mr. John Scott, on where they will he prepared, on opei.i, navigation, to receive and Forward, ri on Commission, any description, or reduce entrusted to their tr.ri with least possible delsv or rxpent They will at all timrsbe prepared to illiberal advances on property left tlx for sale, ami will contract for delivery of property to any p.rt on 1 Western Lakes, the Erie Canal and likev -i. to any of the Eastern or Atantic cities.

I hey are constituted Astnls at this of the HcinoN Attn Erie Lime i.f -n. li'uits, nnd ill receive and despatch Boat daily. By strict attention and applica'ion to 'usiness, tney hone to secure a lair iv ion of patronage. for the Hudson Erie Line in X. York, Messrs.

HAKT, HLKRlf 1 Albany, DOUGLASS LL'NN. Troy, Mr. PLINV AIL F.N. CURTKSS ROoT. Buffalo, 20th March, 1627.

I. I RING FASHIONS Miss Stills" at No. 1 1 Cheapside, begs leave to i ner 1 mer custor -i. and the nut it-: in general. she has just 1 ceived Iroui York.thesprY fashions fori kind of HAT CAPS HE DRESSES, Dress nnd Coat Pat't.

rus. SI10 has also received a most elegant sortment of HjMILI.ERY Whirh she Invites the Ladies ot Hull; Black Rock, nnd its vicinity to call and -She thanks her friends for their partiali a and desires a continuance ol their May 30 If LONDON Botanical Oil 80AP and pel in I It EM WATER, Or the General Restoratives of Lad'" Dresses and Gentlemt n's cli. thing, of tri discriptionof Colour and Quality, trith- out doing the least injury to either. TllEabuvo composition, so justly hruted in Europe, and also in the princ'j cities nnd towns in the United .11 former, the VEGETABLE OIL SOAP, lor its very superior quality In extracting''! or grease of any kind, also paint, tar, i from Gentlemen's Clothing, and wool I- cloth and carpeting of every descripl restoring the same to their former conditio) without doing the least injury to either q'" sea-faring' men the singular quality of washing in sea snll water, as well as any other soap can 1' in rain water and will be found a tov reign remedy lor scorbutic and other eru; lions of the face end skin. Aud the latter tho IMPERIAL llEXOVATER.

foritsveryuxtraordinaryqualities in ing spots or stains caused by grease, oil, soil of any kind, from Silks, Salttn, Mennr canton l-rapes, Koniliar.ines, and dressesof eyry description restoring tl m-snme to their former condition, itbrnt dt ing the least injurv to either GLOSS. CCf OUR, or QUALITY, let the same be wl r.i everit may, and in most cases in a very fe minutes to'o, without the aid of any kind itquiu, tieateu iron, or any ttnng else pr i may be left upon silks of the most delii-iiv colours, for whole months together, vT'ii the greatest safe j. J. TRENCH. lurcntci and Manufacturer Tho Soap and Renovator will bereat'uv be kept for sale by Lazell Francis.

IRON, STEEL, H. Rusnia, English and American Iron. 1' the different sizes of the flat, squaiu and round, 4 English, German, Crawley, American rr Oast-Steel English and American Hoop Iron and BrnJ Iron Engl Mi and Russia Sheet Iron Cut and wrought Nails and Spikes Blacksmith's Anvils, Vices, Sledges, Bellows and Bellows pipes Sheathing nnd Brazier's Copper; Tin plate, Wire, Block Tin and Zinc Sheet, hnr and pig Lead Wrought and cast Saw Mill and Clothier'? Cranks J. Saw mill Irons; Gristmill Spindles; English and American cut Sam; Mill and Whip do; 'HOLLOW-WARE and Casting almost eveiy description; which, if '1 other articles on band, makes as great a variety and as extensive stock as was erci offered in Goods of his line in this market. The subscriber assures hicafoin-ers, that his prices shall be at least as low as articles of similar qualities can be had in this Village, C.

WEED. Buffalo. Jnn22. 1827. 67 PAX' FRO IYER.

Mrs. Potteii, FROM ENGLAND, and letelv from Albtiny, (in which last place she carried tbe business of dyingTor ten years,) re. spectfully utformsthe inhabitants of Buffa- anu us vicinuy, iiiai sue lias cxian isneu her business in a building below the Man sion House, in Canalstreet, where she will olour Black, and all fancy colours on cct ton and woollen Ladies Leghorn and straw bonnet Kid and Prunelle Shoes, Ac. She will colour and stiffen (so as to appear as good asnw ladies' blach land green Veils; Also, dye Carpet yam all colours. ICTGentlemen's Coats eoleursd brown, bottle green, or any otnereoloBr no scoured and drsasedin neatest-N BMr'Potter will attend to uttia prompt) aittMsa W-,W, Cl Published Semi-Weekhj, on Mondays and weekly, cnl rtaays, by XuA.zei a A7rei3, BUFFALO, (X.

Tetiiis. Semi-weekly papr $4,00 it not paid for within the year Country paper. To Village subscribers per annum to Mail subscribers and if not paid for within the year, fifty cents will tie added. No piper will be discontinued until arrearages arc paid. ILT Advert lscmentslefk withoutorders will be continu I till forbid, and charged accord inglr.

For Sale, STORES, together with wich the LOT on which they are situated, on Main-st. near the Canal, one ,1 north of E. Hubbard's Buildings. These bulldin aro in a good situation for business, and have cellars, lofts, ifcc. and will be (told separately, to accommodate the purchaser.

For erms, which will be reasonable, apply to U. VV. ALLEN, Clothing Store, near Buffalo Basin May .30. Valcaelb Stanb For a Dry Good or Grocery Business TO LET. THE.

Store adjoining Messrs. Curtiss R.iot's, lately occupied bythe subscribe! as su Oil Store, can be leased for two years it required, at a low rent. Apply to J. B. MACY, Who has for sale at his Warehousse a Cast Iron Cupola, aiiffieutly large to melt 600 lbs of Iron at one seat, can be sold low, and a long credit given it required.

Buffalo, July 30 G7 ALBUMS. AZELL FRANCIS mannfaur I A ing and have on sale, ALBUMS, or the Youne Lady's Remembrancer, with a beau- tiful Vignette Title Page, nn which is the following sentiment The sisters' votes, the hour that we have spent. When we have chid the. husly-footed time For parting us and is ail forgot No. 5, Cheapside, May 28.

Btesolutto ot iJaftnerfiDiiJ. Tub partnership her under the firm ot ti )RTON has h-cn unsolved by mi tial consent All persons indented to the firm, ar requ- sted make immediate payment, or suff-r prosecution. CHARLES NORTON. HENRI' NORTON The business heretofore carried under ft above firm, will herealter be transacted the name of C. NORTON 6L CC.

A the store lately occupied by George Burt, r.ear Townsend 8i Coit's corner. They are now receiving from New-York, a general Assortment of GROCERIES, Which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, Cheap for Cash. Buffalo, May 3. 47 DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing, under the firm of Joseph Sail Co.

was dissolved on the 15th inst. by mutual consent. All those indebted to said company will pleas cull and pay the same, and those having demands against them present the same to IVn. Ketchum, who is authorised to close the concerns of said Company. JOSEPH BULL, WM.

KETCHUM. Buffalo, May 3. WEI. Acting Partner of the late firm of Jo-eph Bull Co. having purchased the entire Stock of said Company, will in future conduct business on his own account, and solicits the continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to the establishment.

24 Lumber. THE subscribers will receive Lumber in paymentfor all notes and accounts die hem, if delivered immediately, which offer hey hope will supersede 'he necessity of heir adding costs to debts which have been too long standing. AZELL FRANCIS. Buffalo, June 21, 182T 66 Elegant Chintz rilHE subscriber has this day received I from the importers, an entire Case of Fashionable CHINTZ, of new style. Also, front the Factories, 3 Cases Domestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Plaids, Stripes.

Sic Also, an additional supply of Thread and Gimp Laces, Edgings Fancy Ribbons, Sfc. Sfc. GEORGE BURT. Buffalo, June 21. 66 Fur ALL persons indebted to the subscribers, whose notesand accounts have become due, are heroby notified.that unless payment is made by the 15th oi June indiscriminately be left with a magistrate for collection.

LYMAN RATHBUN Bu ffalo, May 28, 1827. Session Laws. Erie County, TVTOTICE is hereby given XHerks Office. )il that the Session Laws for the year ISJ7, are received at this office and ready for delivery to the clerks of the several towns in said county. JACOB A.

BARKER, Clerk. Buffalo, July S3. 67, TS anv Quantities that may be wanted. A constant supply on hand, at the lowest prices, now retailing at One Dollar Eighty-One Cents, the SALT STORE, next adjoining John B. Macy's, near the foot of Main-street, Buffalo.

ISAAC SMITH. 7. 'tL- 52 Just Received on Consignment, rt VRfSV Bushels DRIED itff wh'nh wilt be sold at six shil Llings per bushel by the cask. a MO will continue her reg tilar trips on the agaraUiver.duiiiic rrmainricr ol tue pro sent season 10 me louoMing arrangement, to wit Leaving Black Rock every morning at cine, inn returning nl 7 in the evening sailing every any lur I hippewa, passing ev ery winer nay round Grand Island, am! touching at hrhlosser, snout two miles a- bove the village of Manchester, nt the Uni ted states' side of the Falls. The return I r'Prom Chippewa, will be rrgularly on ine 01 virion island.

i'Oft scm. OSHER. JULY, 13 la 17 li 21 23 25 27 29 31 AUG. 2 4 6 10 la 14 16 IS 20 22 24 26 28 3d 1 3 5 7 9 11 )3 15 7 10 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 SEPT. OCT.

21 23 FORcmrrr.wA, v. a JULY, 12 14 16 18 20 22 21 2s5 28 30 AUG. 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 21 23 25 27 29 31 SEPT. OCT. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 21 26 28 80 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 The tripsin October will he continued no longer than the travel may warrant runuing ine uor.

t- or Passage, apply at Buffalo, at the Ea gla Tavern, at tlie Farmer's Hotel, and to the Captain on hoard. Post Coaches will take passengers fro Buffalo to the Bo at receive ttu-m on the arrival of the Boat a' lor ther ails, taro through, One Dollar This medium of conveyance, by Coaches and the (siitppewa Meam Boat, must cer tainly recommend itself ti visitors to the Falls, for Hie certainty and quickness of the passage; and avoiding dusty roads lln1 River Scenery, (including Sipiaiv Island, Mi-awberrv, Grand, Navy Heaver, Tonawatita, Cayuga, Goat or Iris, Grass nod oilier Islands,) is esteemed by travellers. a not tho least among (he numer ous attraetioiisol the ruiagara Frontier. July, 1827. 64 AN old maxim is, buy the truth and sell it not, but I had rather Editors would occasionally sell a little truth, than to bo too fond of pulilishing falsehoods, for aliho truth may not ho so costly, it is ot more value.

It has been the endeavor of many lo send forth a general clamor that the work at the Deep Cut, was unskilfully managed, and that it never wenfon so tardily this should 'e overlooked as it might have beeo a sin of ignorance. But to proclaim from Dan to Barsheba that we are dying off ly scores, both men and nee'ds a little truth to remove that unfavorable impression thnt has gone abroad the truth is, it was never more healthy in any place and those reports are 'he last resort cf the disappointed enemies of tho Weilnnd Canal, who will never rert satisfied with any improvement except their names are enrolled at its head. The average number of the laborers at the Deep Cut is about Eight Hundred, out of which only three persons have died since the Hist of May last, as ran be substantiated from die time books of r- is enrolled that has done a days work aad altho' a large house has been provided for an hospital where all aid. together with other necessary attendance, that the nature of the case might require gratis, still there has not hern solitary instance ol a person being bro't to it. OLIVER PHELPS, Contractor for the Deep Cut.

Deep Cut, 24th Aug. 1.827. 79 VOTlCE The Copartnership heretofore existing under tho fiitrs of Hickcox, Coltos Co. at Buffalo, and Fielii, Sticks Co. of Concord, Ohio, are.

this day dissolved by mutual consent, by reason of Mr. E. Hickcox having retired from the concern they also give notice that they havo taken Air. 1. 1.

Hickcox into copartnership, and thnt the business hereafter be conducted under the firm of Cotton, Rockwell Co. at Buffalo, and Field, Stickny Co. at Concord, Ohio. ELIAKIM FIELD, JONATHAN STICKNY, TIMOTHY ROCKWELL, MANLY COLTON, EDWARD Y. HICKCOX.

Buffalo, AuJW, 7S PW1E STORAGE. FORWARDING AND J. CoMMissio.v Busisess will be continued 11. is place by JOHN B. MACY, a the Ware-House teiy occupied by Asa B.

Mteth if Co. He having purchased ot them their entire interest at this place in the above business Tticlnding their interest Vessels on the Lake, is prepared to receive the onenine of navigation, Produce ol every description, and forward the same, if required, to Albany, new-lorn oraionireai, specified prices per wt. He will also engage to receive Goods and Merchandize the cities of New-York and Albany and forward the same to any point on the Canal, any port on Lakes Ontario, Erie or Mich igan, at specified rates. His connection with responsible and emcieni Liine i the Canal, and Vessels on tho Lakes, ill enable him to forward Property that may entrusted to him, with as little delay as any other house engaged in the above busi ness. Liberal advances will be made on Produce destined for the Albany, New-York 01 Montreal Markets, the sale of which, when entrusted to Dim, will be made with care, and the proceeds promptly applied to order.

Buffalo. March 5, 1827. 25 We have constituted Mr. JohnB. Maey, Agent for the Union Line of Canal Boats, this place.

MEECH, JACKSON Co. PROPRIETORS. Buffalo, March 6, 1827. 25 I I.ER WHISKKY. 40 Bl.Is good Cider, 60do.

Whiskey, for sa'e by CURTISS ROOT- HuffalnvAug. 6, (fiARDINii Machine Building. i The subscriber continues to carry on the above business at his old stand, in Rochester, where be has now on band finished, Nine Double Sf Four Single Machines With M'iekers. Which may be had on accommodating terms Cards of the best Leicester For terms, apply to Elijah Williams, at Black Rock, or to the subscriber, P. SANFORD.

Rochest er, April 3. LASS INK STANDS. The subseri-Sjf1 bers have a consignment GLASS IMC STAJCDS, which tbey will sell very low. 4 LAZELL FRANCIS. a at at nin.nuiHuuu.

tune 21. 56 General Advertiser.".

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