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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1 i i 1 vT -n-1 rmiii i iii1.i i lit rt C'f III ITT II I i' I 't "fj" v. hi jb-- i I "ss v. nJMBERiii I 1 -iVOLUME XL NEW ORLEANS FRIDAY JUNEC 1847, I AUCTION SALES. JjainUf Unf JtffWM Banks's rrsrls. r7w.

Tb lou wU Ills), aod in beat CSi-Wlf cuh) iMuaoca at C. It ma I oes bMrtnrmortJtaff wtih per runom laiervst nntU tssxaillj If the XXea tiBid bca due bear imereet at Ike rmxe of yt-TBl7p' annum antifpeid. Tbe vendor re-USlr fcTimelf the prlYilrffl of perKtlo eiie before D. BJeardo, Botary pubHe, at VTrBeose of porch er. F2 BtiiO.

CALUOLN it AocUaoeera Vul beioia at anctta 8 ATI'RDAY, the 5h aT Cetoea, at Baaka Arcade, wlUwut "Cta Lot oOroaad. wHa all the WroTCTnjwU jfiMnf tot Ko. It 1" ibe re boonded by IB lee irooion betwee. paraUel Unea, The lm- Kreaeerd wilh ail aew lot feacea 1 i k.Mwi msJa sad neid for. MISS tern loj.

9ih Jul, IMS, Htora W. H. notary publte, at sUof the pqrchaer. Jl BT 1T11D. CALHOUN Auctioneer.

wm belaid at aaeuo-i oa SATURDAY, the 6th joe, at 11 eclocA, at Bank' Arcade, wUhoot tefcAowtor very Tahiable Real Estate, aitoated the SMoad of this city, sad frpoanf site rrrer Mianarippt. betweeo Roffirnac and Hen- I streets, wiia an vm nco sow uwv wua afl voe lmpiuveuieiHs uiriwm. iWroortT fcaTtnr a froot on the river of 45 feet by Troth of li Hacs from Froot atreet, and irttadmt hy parallel 11 Dee from Froot street to the The bsproremeBU ihareoo comprise two ub aoI tea may Brick Stores. oo rented at $no per iZsi sack te aonetaat levasia. To be aold la block.

Thr porchaeer to iiinmi the payDseat of ars ksM, sacared by asorvrar oa the property, the far iba aaai of 4iA7S, rooolns; at per cent, per i lawn 1 aae peyaoie at any uss uy wicr 8al3 47 tmeteai inereoa, one injiik, TLn TVs escond Joaa lor Bl 154. with interest at the sf aer cent, per aaaoia stosb ann jaae. lau. ajasBi ea demand. The balance of the purchase Sooty ODe-flO cah.

aad remstoder at 9 and IB WX'i4 erriU for approved ndorard notes, beartnf i aorince oa the property anul paid. jtcsrain Lu of Oraond sttuated oa Cireaa Ivimt IfaaicipeJtty, between Canal and Ccsmnoa arsrts, aad exteodlnr back to Baua atreet, meaaarinr bet tochao nea on bom streets, by a depth UA sii toe MnprrrvasssBia ixmji ifh.cuui yi wni sassaary rraie iweiun(, reniea bu wwa ssDi it fto'seiber next. Aise tho Clnxena Bank of Lnafalina, a-arai by awlricaire oa the property. Twaw The pare hater to sasone the paymeat oT fsias, renewable aecordinf to the caarter of aald (sak by hnislimnn of BSO and interest, payable oa septeaaber of each year. The balance, one i tfiA cask, and remainder ia two instalments of 9 and jl ajoaiha, hy notes endorsed aad mortfaga oa the Mty antd toalVayaVtut.

AJ awre fully described by plane exhibited at sale. Acm of sale before J. E. Holland, notary public, at Be expense of the pnrchasera. ay30 rsalsssaa Ajtate-T (rrsaas) rvfaafrd fcDssrvitf.

BT BEARD, CALHOUN Jl Aaetloneera, Oa SATURDAY, the ISth Instant, at half-past lerk.wlU be scad at aacioa at Banks's Arcade 7 9 Lou of Ground, well situated to MeDooorhvUla: weirs Lota of Oround ia the aquara boaaded by Jftsa. rorter, Fraaklia aad Monroe streets. fweive Lots of round ia equate boaaded by Solon, Aeoler, Monroe and Madison speeta. Twelve Lota of Ground ta square bounded by Anson, Bmchei, r' rank Ha and Monroe streets. Twelve Lota of tiros nd la anaro Doaaaeo ay nan.

esrk. ran kiln. Mareilaa aad I Coll txteea Lots of Orooad in sqaare bounded by Mon-bm, Oeeatar, De Armas and Franklin streets. c. Eirbt Lota of Oroand in sqaare boaaded by Moo-rasTafadisoa, Decatur and De Armas atreeta.

Eire! Lot of uroaaa squara bouaaea oy axaav- sea. Jealareab. Homer and Newton streets. Taraw -third cash balance at and 1Z axxutar ereia lor ac bearinr njortraxa until paid. Ada of a befora W.

H. ilder, notary public, at Be expense of the purchaser. The above prapmty will be aold without limit or A )eS AsWval Cresst Safo Auidasf Lets sspese Ocane Afstravf, LMmfttttm BT BEAU), CALHOUN fc Aartlooeera. will be aold at auction oa SATURDAY, the 11th aajtani, at o'clock, at Bankaa Arcade, wiihout I Toe BMiowto geaennea vaiaaoie properry oppc amlkaLaaiyerieMew Market, the plan of which 1 now depraUed la the office of L. R.

Kenoey, ootar pestte, Tae said lots seinr Noa. 1, 3, 4.4, 7, it 1 The (bnowior described valuable property op po ts aad 1A ia son are boaaded br Camp. 84. Andrew. Mary aad Cbeaout or Tantaarar streets.

Lot No. I bran) lbs corner of Bt, Andrew aad Camp streets. Lots Noa. 3, 4. 5,9 and 7, immediately frtait the aew aarket about beiof erected.

Lots Noa. 16, 17 and It Hut oa St. Andrew street. Let No Informing the corner of Camp and Fe- aa irrettuiar lorm. Lot Nol 14 rroouoK on St.

Mary street. An mora fcUy satcribed by a plaa exhibited at the office of the samuaatia too whom or in la property is wonry oi taaaeace of rreeera and traders aa the lota are all raimlsad for atercaatila purposes. Oa kaj 13 and 14 are two frame dwell Id ra 4 A eerutn Lot of Orooad oa Levee atreet, dry of tafkyatte, between Sixth and Seventh streets, mea-aratrsa (set front oa Levee street, by a depth of lit awt oa aae line and 110 feet oa the other line. Ta One45fth cash balance at IX, IS aad 24 nwar credit with intartjat at 5 per cent, from data of If the notes are not paid at maturity to bear tamiiei at IBs "TVs of i percent, per annum antii paid. acta of eaJe hw V.

Foaloa, notary public, at the axasnss of the pun lissur. Je2 laTermauiaa Watted. Utt3 DICK-aON, a nativa of Scotland, resident and practialnf medidae at Sprier Creek. Texas, la lbs year 1S43. wbea last beard of ha Tin ceased correrpoad with bis frieada they are desirous to kaow whether be is SOU alive.

Any mformaUoa about hoi win be thankfully received at New Orleans by 7g-thasa2w HOLMES It MILLS, 95 Oravter st. Walrbn RevaJreel. 8. B. GRHY would respectfully Inform friends aod the) pubho that be has taken the Watch department of Mr.

A. Tyler, 39 1 Camparreet, aad trusts, by close attention to a Jua-irew af all kinds of Watches, Time-pteeee, to awrit a share of their petrenejre. Watches of fry deserfpOea, Time-pieces. Clocks and Music foxes carefnxly and promptly repaired. J6HN 8.

WORTH, having pux-Aaajyi the tatereet of Mr. f.Wif, I OT, rbasement of the St Charlee i awf Heiel.crneT Common and St. Charles street) aasuira la in form lor the former patrons and thmi be baa, and will constanUy keep oa a.eomplfia assortment of Ladlee1, Misses' and Brya SHOES, OA ITER BOOTS and BROOANS of ry best Quality manufactured at his Broad atreet, Newark, N. J-, expressly for "aaoai rde. AisoTba beet article aad latest stylo of Franca from Paris, comprisiur Satin, White, and Embroidered SUppera.

a SeauUful article, akicb the attention of the Ladiea la especially in. Ho feels justified ia eertnr that his stock for i yla, darabiUty of workmanship, etc, ia not aur-r-ed, tf eqoalled hi the city. An elersnt assortment of TRtJlf K5, CAR-T BAOSand VALICES. tT Orders received-and work executed In the beet feasner. bavinv annerlor workmen from the North farts employed.

Mr. James Duffee, foreman of mte concern, continue: a the etahllaument. ana weald be happy to aea the old patrons, and feels as. red We caa give entire aadafactioa la quality and fit. XTf Country merchaala, and others visltinr the city, at wevectfully invited to examine the stork-MaDuiatory 348 Broad atreet, Newark, N.

J. mi Ronn-lll MkUm lam. Nr Tnrk. nryl-Sia Dr. 1 WTLZ, aaa no other art this adiatUaeuiaal thaa a waat may be ia Biaia truth.

By Jesurthof fraenca I have liecoma masiar of all those complains eat arise from Impure coition or, that 1 may express aryaaa without sBectaaon, aa those complainu that aracalled venrriaL For nearly thirteen yeare past It ei beea my business to tree those cases i there ass tae only merit onlv merit that I assume. I have riven mn oueauoa to one class of disease than most other doo-, and I know them bettor thaa they do. That la kat I am always uaiatiaff apoo, and which no one rat ventared to contradict. yet veniai I fear. fli raas- Sore Throat, fce- Ac.

are lusi at UmhZnf ss the coaxnsooeat thins; of daily ob arwio; wbichl caa aey without vanity al claim merit than that of experieoca. leOect acre in recent caira ta a few aaya, aad tad Iheee of lortfar daratkm, withoat sub. psakmt lo sacfa a course of tr set man I as WIB Ik. SUSTjlcioa. OT OoliT mrieet his affairs, whether withoat doora or thadletovea need tio be altered Thareare Orleans hundred that could eufnfy proofs of bat Owse are maoers that require the ale set se- wMch I always brrlolabry preserve.

any qoalficatioos which I do not think it aa 5 to l.t, saiiaDed that my reputation now au aciealTi a.Ki; Cm siaat from 7 hi lb morntnr urrtHI at alf w. W. WATHON, M. D. 1 OSea raaal street, berwaea Boor- Oaaahmi ylsta 'XCHAkCOn Philadelphia, at sifht, for sale by AUCTION AIKS.

r-av-BIARP. CALUOVn -r I ea ALBA. tf Dvverfmr. Jl ALilOUN A 1 1 1 WU1 ATURDAY. the ath ka'a Arcade, wlLhoal Instant, at i Three certala Loi-f Opaund la the square bouaaea by Jackson, Joaepblo' apotio aou orawara n.

diraated by No xOand Jl. Lota Noa. 10 and Joadjoia each otberd aaeasare 90 feel 7 Inches 7 lines front oa Josjrfhlne bv 103 fcet betweeo parallel nnea loti o. forfcin the corner of oee-nbine aad Apolla streets. LskNo.

SI measure 23 feet A Inches 3 Boea front oa j111o street between Josephine andrjackson streets, feet 7 inches Unas, betweeflparajlei Unea The said three lota will be aold ia block. Terms at eel. J4 LmtmyttU Hmttmrt east oVceaw MumfLifmiUg Let. BYBEARD, CALHOUN Oa SATURDAY, the 5th of firm, at o'clock. will be aold at auction at Baaks Arcade 1 One Lot of Orvaad, hmaf Na.

ia square 13, bounded Mairdelina streets, measurtng; 27 feetuicbea front on Cotnmua street, by a depth of liJrVt between parallel lines. The lot Is well filled tejl la aarroanded by food im prove meni. 9 Two Lota ofsSroond In the Ulet bounded by the be In re. Levee, an arapara and Fuat strew is uunen-lrar and descriptions as per plan exhibited at sale. Term One-third caabt balance at o.

IX and II mntf credit, for notes satisfactorily endorsed, with monru a on the property until paid If lhnotee are not paid at maturity to bear inlet est at Ufa tale of cent, ner annum until paid. i I. mai Cia ot sate oeiore r. n. nuiuci hwi notary puhllc.

at the expense of the purenaser. myz Jjfann Credat SmU ej VWtt Lot Creaavd ta Ue Araaif iasiitxi. BT BKARD, CALHOUN It Aoctloneort On TUESDAY, the Btb of Jane, and the follow, tnr days, at 12 o'clock, wllle awld at auction at Banks's Arcade The foLowtordeecrlried Vacant Lota situated la I be second municipality. Ttweajd property In be ac4d ia lots with I be privilege quarter, aau or waote eqaarea. To wit Square No.

1 an Irrajrnlar aquara boaaded by He-via. Poydraa aod Bertraod streets contains 3 lota. Square No. boaaded by Bert rand, Prieur, Poy-dra and Hevia streeta contain 30 lots. Squara No.

3 bounded by Johnson, Prieur, Bavin aod Poydraa strjrta contains 20 lota. Square Irrmnif by Hevia. Poydraa, Gal vex aad Johnirjtreeta contains 14 lota. Sqaare bbK 7 bounded by Poydraa, Psrdldo, Ber-Irand and Frieur streets contain 33 kxa. Square No.

1 bounded by Poydraa, Perdldo, Prieur and Johnson atreeta contains 30 lota. Square Na onaaded by si rex, Johnson, Poy-drasand Perdido street contains SB fata. Square No. 25 I rrrfular comprised bet ween Prieur, Bertrand and Perdldo sueets contains 3 lots. Square No.

34 bounded by Prieur. Juhnauo, Perdldo and Or rier streets contains 34 lot. Square No. 25 boonded by Johnson, Oalvex, Per-dido and Gravier atreeta contains 30 lota. Square No.

4t-boartied by Oalvex. Johnson, Com- aaju orimT Hjwiii imiiwh I mi. Terms One-nfth cssh balances! and 3 years' credit, fur notet' beartnf; mortare wilh 6 per cent, from date of sale If the notes are not paid at mala, rity to bear Jnterrat at the rata of 9 per cenL yer annum until paid. Lithotrapblc plana caa be obtained at the office of (be auctioneer. my 2 Letter Pre aea Hacriflred.

S03TE 15 or 20 Coppyinr Presses of vartoas six, at B5, 91 and 1, cost. alA, 20 aad 9-t The Pieasea are ia hoe order and caa be seen at No. 67 Maf axine street. Jet WINSTON'S Auction Mart. RACES RACES.

0 9 Blacaaaaa C'aarae, au Alders. ON SUNDAY, the 6th bastanL Horse Race to come on between 3 lo A o'clock Proprietors' Purse, hanr up, 9 0o, 9- entrance mile beats for horses of all tjres. three or four enirlea iomako a race. For the en trie, which must be closed Friday, the 4th Instant, at 12 o'clock, apply to Dr. Salomon at SL Charles Hotel, or lo the subscribers la the moraine at the track.

JANVRY MARIANO. JeX Imiim ofuie Blnfamaa Coorse. Tweaty-flve Li It elf Necreea far Hale. THE sabaenbers taaC( anxioua lo close op their business by iMufane, wUl saiXheir NeroesBow for cash or yoodvty aeceoiaoce at 0 or 12 mobtha, la the lot there are two first rate Blacksmiths, one first rate Cook, aad two fl rat rale Washers and Inraera. The above aerroea are fhily ruaranded.

PETERSON A STUART. Biy20 -2m comer Common and Franklin sta. Ta lelaiere wis have aerred la lae War wlta Jlexlre. ALL persona who are entitled to receive LAND WARRANTS, for military rendered daring: the Mexican War, caa hare the accessary per torwaroeo ana warrants ootameo unmeaiaieiy anplvm lo the aadersieaed. who will also pay cash, for warrants already obtained.

my tr m. Ai.Lr.n. a uraner it. Te die Re id eat ef New Orl THOMAS HARRISON, corner of Basta and Common atreeta, Bnek Layer, Oem IhrUdrr mU Grew Batter (also Cooklnr Ranxes and Steam BoUera built lo order) would moat respectfully inform bis friends aad the public that he still continues the above boatneea In all its various branches, and hopes that the former satisfaction be has iriren will continue their pair una. All who may require his eerrvces caa leave oraera at the corner of basta and Commoa atreeta.

Work executed ta the abort! lime, and ordera punctually attended to. tr The undersiraed baa OVE WS or nil own tnvan-tioa, aullahle for any kilcbeo, of which a panera caa eu at any time at hi residence. Smoktnr fhtm nays also cared. THOMAS HARRISON. BT IT leeta siren, corner of Cosnaai i i OREAT EXCITEMENT AT KINO'S.

No. tz uravtar street. -The 37 Faeluutea af CealAranieat DRY OOOD8 ARE roinr off very fast, aad will only be offered few weeks looser fiom the store. wihinjr lo make the aactsooeer'e eommissioo, the boiuest en on to aeil the larreat amount previous to send tor them lo suction. Please in oulr of year numerous friend who have recently obtained their supplies at aacnncee.

Ask for the Coasirnmeot Ooods. Apply at mv2taw2w KINO'S. 12 Oravter sf. ev. ukrftiM take vrnai nleasnm to tnfonnine his friend andth public rmci bus aw 27th bl ice cretun otaoon, biui- I fie AT ksawLsasa tawfl 4oOd lA liamt corner of Oravter.

aad directly ooposite Mr. Clappja Church, where at all time may be found Ihe rreau variety wi i Others as tmm. TJ at rresx expeaea in anus; mm now added the moat celebrated harmonic pertormers this dry contains, and using hi most strenuous enorU to please, no nope to aoeru uu. r--" ffamilia snnnlied on the shortest aolic notice and Iba sttoat reasonable lo bis store, under the above aaiooo, stanUy found SODA. MEAD, and a splendid assort, meat of CONFECTIONARY, Frulla, Caadias, and Sweetmeat of all descriptions.

4 TlllIll rr mam w. Faac-y Ktere. una. RANISTER. No.

96 Royal atreet, S-k SB A.w I leoraer of Beaville Has now received a so I Jr" uii i ivmv ri El VsJL GOODS, consist! of of artel aa Silk and rehret sonnets i fneuso aaa amencan oa fashionable maierial and shape Also, a choice aelec-tioa-of Ladles' Caps aad Head Dresses) embroidered Robes; Chemeseuea; Collars; Lyr Cpea; InfanT Frocks; embroidered Cashmere and China Crape Shawls; rich Brocb a qi Marino and Caahmare Cloakaj Infanfado; Manlilla; Ribbons Faeihera; ower; Veils; Corset i Handkerchief. Ac Ac d4 fern A SKW ASH SOVEREIGN RKMtiUX Far Rbewaaatle aad Wearalrt Palaa aad all ether Mer-raae AOeetiena. THE understrned bavin located la ihts city for the practice of medicine ia lis various depart, menu, will more especially devote his attention to the treatment of the following- diseases, Bostly if not entirely apon the principles and practice ofeeaatrr trrVsfirn Irtit few sBenlcioes will be required or ad-ministered internally but upou this plaa. The very greal success hitherto experienced amply proved tf necessary. Acuta and chronic Neuralgia whether permanent or periodical re Nervous pains either local or wenderinc, affeotinf various pan of the body, head, stomach, Ac I spasms, convulsions cramp.

by stertc affection, chronic pains la the head, either from congestion or nervous brow acue; pain and weight over the eye brow various affection, of the brain neural rie liver, breast, back and boulder, arma, finrer, afloel-ing every part of ihe body i neuralric ameuorrbora vartouTaffec lions of the beart, paJpllarloa, aim ply ae rvou epileptic fit, true and sympaAetie eJJP; sis, twinua. lie dotoreux, SL daaee. parely aervaaa headache, vertigo, coop de sol lei i rbetrmatisra acate or chronic ia every farm sever tambage aad aeiatiea- wheow tnflammalorv or nervous acute or chronic ffont; enlarged and highly peiofttl-Jc4ats; woiia sweuings; pl-urisy i perecartilrla. wilh oarpiiatioa aod other sympathetic affectioaa pkWrmonou Inflammation erysipelas sore throat quinsy; croup; whooping cough puss pei al chronic neritenia aoi nral swelled 1mm i lint wmmm hnfl i In. tka liMliatf and bowels i dysentery ivmnaaileai earache i violent BervwBs toothache violem spraine and brnlaes biles many other mmi aotm induaed.

Theaadeislgnea has received for the tret, prepared for the profaasioa and public, aad oaera for sale his Cameswast Oea drassd A I art Caaausr AVvwawt, at hi pfaser Caroadelet street, aamr (be Poydra "4 co meetwKt fit fTirrB lmm araj ix. ttutiM r. OF LETTERS EMAIM.NO ra the Post Oftice at New Orleans Aa. Jane 3, 1447. -fy Persona caUlnx will nlaaaa mention thai they are advertised.

"Oa Lettera AnvcBTisBB aa remaining on hand there shall be charged, when delivered out, asridrs A rvgaiar pssaig, th cost of advertising, which will be ou each lettar two cenlo-Rrguafiews Prrfmaisii lAnW wrtWv(ad, a .1 Aad all advertisements made under the ordera of the Pitiniiasi art General, la a newspaper or newspaper of letters ulcallad fur ia any Post Office, haU be la-aerted la Ilk paper or papers, of the town or place where the ctSce advertising may be situated, aaviMa TUB LllCt aBsrd Afarcj MiZ LdJee Lbt. Arson Laaremra Alexander on Appleton mra Adkias Melissa mlu Bellooa mrs Beaumont mra Bertet Caroline Brownfield Nelson mra Blanc hard lalberine Brad aha Hoaina mra Bartlet JuliI i Brady JamAnlsa Biaoe a Brandl mra Brooks ArraJine sua rnra Butler mra Buckley A ansa Brooks mra Boah Caroline Barney Blair Mary Barnes BeaneU mlas Carrol Mar Clark Fran am Clement Mary mlae la Ann mra Cannon Martha mra Chapman ary Ann mlas Coles mra Calhoun anor mra Coate Louisa mrs Cbriatatn CkuVe miS Connoty Helen mra Coleeoa Sarah miss Coon Sarah miss Cronican Ellxa mra Couoemra Cuppick John mra Dodd Ellxabetb miss Dorpuley mra Doyle Mary mrs Downer mra Dur tan mra Dovaa Elizabeth mlea cirrouMit Clark irk Lemi mra Carlos Mar kit miss Caaaaa mlal Cavaaaugh ilary A Dallas Jane mra Darling Jane mra Deaiaua Demaresl Degro EUen Ulxoa Cbarl Dlckersoo Henry mrsDunham Lavinla mra Dickson Aug UirtTa4re PetrenaUa miaa Flixpatrtck Elizabeth mlas F.itch Lydla mra Firm Catherme Fitxgerald Mary Flsber Martha A miss Eager Laura mra arreua Mary FraacU a FrethweU Sarah tjrs Freeland Maria Fleming Jobant Fleinnas Sarah Frost Eliza Jaae mlas Green Antoinette mlas Gerathus Catherine mis Gerard Mary miss reeves Celeste miss Gordon Kaiherine miss Goodrich Susan mra Galloway Ana mra Gardner Mary mra Gamlaon Jane mra Gardner Pbenlas Gallagher Eliza Galvia Ellen Oreen Eimlra IT artel Francis (wlJow) Heroian Mary llarrenhorgb Barclay mrs end nek A mra Heart Gertrude ml narnsun o.a iui Hammond Amend Heaghan Etixabethmra est or Judith Heart Aon mra Hewson Mary Ann mra 11111 Sarah mra Horaa Anne misa Howell A mrs Hurd Relief mra Hurse mra Hughes A mis Jordan mra Jones Marion mra Joosoa Elizabeth Hast Bacbel mrs Hayguud Marina Haooan mrs Han Ann rara Harrisoa Hannah i Hart Mary Ann nil Manas Harriet mra Hester Rebecca mi Hard mrs Jackson Anna oi MP Johnston Emma Johnson Wm rr Jones Sarah miss Kamey Louisa Kerriaoa KlUa i miss Kelly Sally Kelly Rase mra Kerst Ellxa King mra Kolgbl Catherine mrs Kokemot Betsey miss Is LeGros Anna misa Lemonl Jane mra Lewis Martha miss Kelly Catherine i Keort Catherine Kerr Elm Ira mH Keating Owen mi Lawless mra Lam bed Ellzabetl Laura in Susan miss Lawrence AdelL Lambura Maria missLeasby Angelina misa Montgomery Virginia I Murry mra Murphy Johaana mlas Mathews Angelic Measing Caroline Medttloa Hannah Many Mary mrs Montgomery Jane mra Moabut Marg! miaa Moor Ana mra Murray Ana mra Morris, Julia mls Moore A mra Montgomery A mra Morroa Jan Eliza mlas Morria Ellen mra Mannneeux Matild Marshall Jan mi Marshall Mary Mayer A mrs Mathews mra Manning mra Morgan mrs Morcan Harriet Mnrtagh Eliza McCuUourh Eliza mri McLean A mrs MeDantel Sarah mrs McOlU Rosalie, colored MeAlplne Robl mr McNevla McCeah Ann MeOawan Margt MeKeever Amelia McGlnaeesMary Novestaa mrs Nelson Susaa mra Nlmick Harriet mrs Nash Martha mra Nichols mra Price Mary miaa McOlU Catharine mra i McDonnell Andrew mra N0 tcholson Eliza mlas UM mra JallaK Clodaor Mary miss rar 8 mra Palmer Jane mra pease mra Price mis Per on Roslna mra Quilling Sarah miss Ralbbnn Laura ansa 1 Randolph mra Randolph Harriet mra Rapier Evelina mra Randoldson A mra Reed Nancy mra Reed Sarah Ana mrT Re Id Margaret mlas Santa Crux Madeline Saxon Eugenia ansa Swan Betsy mra Sawyer Sarah mra Smart Ann mra Safeleymre Blade Catharine Ann Stenard Mary miss Sample LeuUa mra Smith Smith misa Smith Catharine ml ihe Felicia mrs Tasamaa mrs Titus Mary mlas Titbersoa Jane mra Tisdal mra Tiff Augusta mrs Ttsdale Amelia mra Thompson Laara misa Vera Crux Madeline Walter Catharlnomra Wsdo mrs Waggoner Ellxa Washington Matilda When loo Mary miaa West Emma mra Weotworth A mra Wear Mary ma Wish Adeline mra Whitehome mra Yegor Julia A misa Yost Virginia mra Pay Kmra Pack Elizabeth misa Peters laiharine mrs Poul 8 mra Tr Rein ml Amelia mlas Reinack Oaroline miaa Remootel arollne mrsa Ate hard so AorellaWmra Roy erf Mi Ann mrs Robinson an mra Robe Ben idina mrs Ryan Kile Slclu mrs 2 Sherwood Catharine mra -Sense Ayr a mrs Better mr 8a fd ary mra DUnPSUBI Sbabert Qi oa mra mrs 8luart raret mis Svpher UBorgiana mra tltaa "I Hmtih Nancy Jane miss Smith mra Smith fry mra Tbompatm Hannah misa Hoot mra Belinda misa Fanny A miaa Eady mra ulia mra i mrs ton Josephine mra Raehael mra 2 re Annetla miss I aria mra Ilea mra Caroline miss iwlrd MA mra mlas vlna mlas ry mlas parahAmiss Geatleaaea'a Ual A Aadarao Ira AlbrachtWm Anaaa A Adams Jos Adams I aaa dams Conrad adrewa Geo 3 Anderson Robt itroog Jo P2 Atkins Uavta Aikea Hermon rmalrong A Aid rich Lewis rmotrong Irwin Aaber Allen 2 Aeklia Johns rmalrong as ApplegateJ Alsop Geo Been isan js tin Jaa Avery capt Ahem Wm Asher Edw Arnold uiaru Arnold Jno capt lorn Lewis lyn Scamfr aasteeWm BerlevJaa hi Peter Barhe ADdr Bledsoe HO. Baldwin BC Beach Dart wm dr Banks A dr Belcher Flavel en wen A worth Wm BanbUUN Bealo John Bataldermr- BenneMeoFd man) vn James own Robt annlster Benjamin Sot NulM Jaa Beniamln Jo TboaF Thos Henry John Ballell mr Beardsle Wm- u. I Relinks A Bossier Babbage captBeard Geo Bn Ramrahn Ed Beeck Br ke, rke oea Baid wta Franklin BenneU A gen nnnister Thoa Berry 9 Alpbonzo er Peter Bardloer Bull' Francis 3 Baber WL Bates Erasras Baker A 8 Baker 8 capt Barnes Qharlea Barry Job Barron a A Barnes Robt A Beardslev A Hard I Bail Berrv Thos Rslcher Oallixta Bate Bern I Om Burlin. iRPS Brewsarda PolottBurn yurfn dr Bockar "BlrdCC ButJerfleld Bras MA Brurr Blakeary Birelow Burr A A At Rner BmrdnsT mr Blake FJaaei Blggar Ji Bard sue AJexA Bradley Joaa RianeerWH.

Bullock Jas Brand A Brady Michael Braid Alex Br- Wm Braanel rev Braehier Robt Brady Pat BraaeedWmH Rawfc Brlard A capt Barrilt Henry BUbopCH Brace i Boaworth Burn ham Blow John 9 Butler Hugh Bosworth Frank Buckley Bounds Brushwood Bond 8R 2 Bruntoa Wm Bod A 4 Basbey John Boyle fa 'Byrne rrancia Brent PR Boveil Jaa sytw wm Bryan Too Beaumont Wm Bouv n. CaOeoder I Caagnhn Jaa Caauoa OUrer CarroB Walter CoCa Oliver Carletoa Judge aueni Chandler Isaac Carroll Patk Copping CUrla Cbatloa capt Carroll Robt Cog hi an Riecd I Chaplain OH Can right DComfort Wm i CsssaU Peter Cany Martin Cornelia Wm i Caia James CarUsla Hudson Cooled re Cad waladar Carbary Jno Cook A -orEWMalot Craig ChsH CookCC CalliwayJaa Craig CL2 Cook can wm craiawm CookPanl2 1 as Wm or Crawford Wm A Condon Path ward Cheeo Conrad lv Michael Chew Rani Clamrm rihrlatv CdldweU lor Clemen I Guaover Jno aunar oiemensoa reieruonwey jaa tUlU Clauv Laei' 1 ronln Puk harllon Richd Creawall r.rmft. fimn aakmaW- Cereseoll Xt Croft Jno CUntoaTbosj Cross Richd alkinaEC- Crlswell EUshaJ Crocker BrtOW i.ChkaWifm fnm.ll 'viarajno Clew Clark Amos 1 Cock Richd Crania Collins Jno Cola Richd Collins col Collins Catter viara rnae CkMtasa Jno Campbell Clinton Coo Unau Jas Campbell Parker Clow James Campbell Cobb Cornelia rua a jucnara-coyleo Jno Cunningham Pat Couatenay HOW Crulchfield Carr Coitjoo Carleton Fredk CotM Chs una lie Huh Cruaalna Peter Car ley Israel Caatia Henry Cunningham Carngaa Jno Cockerel Caralbers A capt Coma A cernjee jaa Coylo Patk DardenWmJ Derereaux Joo Downey James Daly Robt DenbamlfbblM Dougherty Jno 2 Dralae 8 Demy Bryan Douglass David Davenport Debker Thoa Dolby Drake gen Depasa Joseph Doghani Davenport Ed A Demerest Jno Dos Darling Calvin Degr mr DogleWm Dahmaa DarlinaT dr Denny Leon Dorman JnoH Dent Dor an Ed Deanleoa Wm Dore Patk 2 Deteadernler JcplDuna Jno Dillon Jamea Dunham Henry 2 Dixon Joseph Duncan Alex Drake Joo Davis avis Thos Wm 'aria Eli Dounella maj Donovan master aria Joseph A DonlhiU Isaac Dubois a co lvm rani 4 vunois a co Edwards Eisenman Mat EgaaJohn ErwiaJoaH Evana Ellis Elisha Eckban Elliott Foster Edgar Erwia Lout Edwards Bonnet Easing Peter Elder Henry till A Go Emerson John Ely A dr Fessender capt Frost SB 2 Freeborn Jas captPullansbee A Prede Foster Fleming Wm Foster Jaa Ferdon Charles Foley Pat Freldrich no Flower Geo Floeraa Hugh Furst Fred 2 Finney Waller Fulsome Oardaer Eigland Jo KaYoe Sot Entland Joa Egak Wm Erarla Geo Edwlrda Eaglahd Wm Eager dr Flaha' KarreU 3ias Fagaa Sli rranaiora Franchelm Fanning Karnewart Klatlerv Tl Francis avail Wm laoer a rurnass capi ICL lint Calvin Fuller Cbas Faucher Wm Francia Eward Faber Freeman cant Fred Ktro A oat A Fry Francis Auexlura Kregaie VV FoVeJC Fly na Edward Freelova dr Oah an Joseph Ormnl Gibaon John Gondraa 2 GosaickTbo Gorman Thos Gorton Wdr 2 Groff Jonas Oaberty Thomas Or Gadney Gli OambieJaaB oreea liaddoey Thoa Green GudvSomeraC 2 Glin Pai GagoLemaal Geo Goereke John Glaze Anuet Oal pin John GayJF Gay Hamilton Orav Wm Gib soi GUler OulreyJohn Grubb Joseph Oillesol GumralNJ Gay Hamilton Guineas mr Glynn Patk Glynn Thoa Glynn Holme Jamea HornM HobeoaJeremlah Hon pin Cbaa A Hodman Chas Hoge Dayid Homan Jno Hoover Geo HoteaissLJcpt 2 Horaa TS Holme Chas capt Howran Nimrod Gibel Peisr 2 Glin Patrick 2 Gillien Cfcorge GraceyJaaN OravesHaiseyH 2Oriffi0 OraceCba OUloU ml I IlannaJamesJ Harris Abel 2 Hanck 8 Ilaneacker Haw B. Harrison IVmC HariisoollnoU Hewit Jafries otters l. as Henn EiXw HagxertyJno HennyJ Hathaway cpt Heptiog me osepb HsskelE easing tl Hack el urn mJ Hggir Hacket Terrene Heath Wtn Hawina Hess Pqlr HaoerTA HeevesrhosH Haviland cot Heavy iVm Howard Haley dr Hearali Wm captHowraa A rev Hale Joo llelrlyM.

tiowau wm Hall WT capt 2 Heart Geo capt Howard Haideman It 2 HenddiGeoB Howard James HallM Hickspamea Ho wee Robert Haywood WmH HlneeJno Hunt Joel HarrallGeoEdr HUliard Oliver Hudson TB capt Har lesion Oeo Hill Hull Latham 3 Harward Gharle Htnkle Hard Wm Leapt Hardte Henry Hicks Sidney Huff Ambrose Harding A High JnoH rev HuckJno Hart Sidney HiU A HenderaonHubbard Harper Jamea Hill James Hugh Cbas HarrtsJnoB Higgius Jno Hutching photo. HarriaThosHJr HlmesJnoC graphist HartBeoj Iltgrina JoalabP Hunien professor Harriman BenJF Hopkins Joo Hull Wm Henry HarponThoa HosklnsEdwH Hulchinaon Mlron Hamlin Edw Hogaa Michael Hu mason Hamilton Jaa Hoy Jno Hughs Jno Hamilton Oarvin Hoffman Rae HuatEliasM Hammond JM HolliaktnDA HugbaJohn Harrison Jno Uogo Andrew jr riyiana Harrison A maj HynesThoa I vera rev Ivoy 8 Pdr Ingllsh Richd IngtUh Jno Jarvia col 2 Jenkins Jones Je 2 Johnson (t Jones Michael 2JoneaAC Jones JUuhnson Johnson Thos Johnson Gamer Joyce Martin JaeksooHy ohnsoo Robl joy Jackson A MCPt fohnaon Jno capt Josepha WW I mi bones Chas Jadah Jenkins Livtnfn llones Edwd Juat Mich'l Juey Kelly Andw Kelly Fredk Kelly Cha A Jewell Bxvaaagh The Kay Sandy A Kaufman Cha Kern Ambrose Kerdoa Saml Kershaw Hy Kent in Andw Kenney Patk IK eels Geo Ceenan Peter fveeiia BurwallC Kelly Wm eourh Wm igh A Klas-Vy Robt Key Kltchel Jacob Kn9jtl8S2 Kirk patrtck Kiliiaa 8teph Knox Jno Knox A Knox 8 KuehnTW Kurty Henry i Jno Kreeder Jno KeranaLa renca Ken nay capt Kermy Mlchl Kenny Jaa Kerwan Joel Knee land ennedy Jno eller Maithew eregan Patk Ttrossy reter mae Tba tt Lark In mr 1 Lilly Robt Link Hcapt Lovenier Low Thoa Love Jno Loring Edwd 2 LoganS Wdr Loudon Jno La Rover Geo WLei Lamb Edwd Le Lanaa 8 lauffl 1 Larkln Mlchl Leof Landen JO Leiater Lamktn Sampson Levy Layet A ArpclungLee Longiey Leymbaa La wee Root Lewis I Jorlnr a. LawlerBH Larrimore Laroy Leavel Levee Francis Leward Sam Lindenburrar Lord Amos a co Loughlen Jno Linton Jas Lock word Llvermore 8 Lytle Isacc Limbert WH eapiLyle mr Lyons Wm 01 Mathewa RIchardMeachlo Joa Moainan DanI May berry 2 Mellon, Cheater SMoody Adam Maddorb Morria Merrtam Moore dr MarabaU jd Mellon Thoa Moore Wm capt Moore Morrison Alex Morrison Thos Morisson Moris Major r. apt Mallet Francois Macon Peter May Joseph Mackenzie A CO Maboney Tboa Meada Hy Mereer mr I Means Saml Melherin Mlddletoo A Morgan Step capt Morgan-AO 2 mites xt i Miles I Morgan Hugh Tarance Mai lory Wallace MUlington Rfcbd leapt Morgan dr attiier Mason MalleoGM Marshall Wdr Matthias Mathewa WN Matthews Thos Magoey Jno Maxwell David Mathewa Jno Macrae Isaac Marks HH 2 Marks Isaac Miller Anderson Muir Alex Miller and en Morse A MoaleeAVm Mum ford Leapt Murrell Monro mr 2 Mann Danl Mullay Jaa Mullin Martha Jas Murphy Joa Murphy Stephen Murpby Robt Murphy Geo Monroe Monteith Montague Morse Moraa Owei Monigomer Mowry Monroe Mania Francia Mood Melvin Monroe 2 MowlienT plMurrsy miciu MerxaDHD os lev Murray uei Murxy Myers Philip Meade Jno Medbery Mom Edw Mara MeOrew MeAnister8 McAuliffeTim'y McClean, Alex McCracken Jaa McCall. Robt McMonemanMehl McDonough Jn (caret Mcuenee McGaughrin UrKnmaMIlM Chas feWUIiamsA 8 sr Lean oeo ir McCarthy Jerk McGrauTiniolhyrArLeaa WmB Lt McCardle Wm HMcKenxle Donald M.Vey Athlya McConnell Robt McKeonTbo McrRakin Henry 2 u.r..mii.

afeVAxnnaThO MeCo Jaa McKennB Peter MeKApver Alex 1 McBraryTbos McLaughlin Jaa MclnfrroWm MeruakVIBemardMcRae McManha Bemad McCariy Mlchl McMahon SlmnMMcKindsey Thoa McCracken Wm MeNsaay Jaa MeCormick Pal McxUnley Jao McKenxie McGljanWm McieodJnoA NaoeeAJ CCailahaaHH CBrlM JM NiwG'oJf-I gSA SZZlnrT Nile Nathaniel HOrer1 Charles or fVNeU Andrew O'Connor iff niCwVIIB law" O'Connor Timlhy Unlui rha Nolle Merge Nolaa Arthur -OUver A Allea Park eapt faatia Wax It Overton Jao 2 C-CoonorLD Ordeajao Brian Wm 2 OchnoffyJno cook Qr a Pease Horace ep Pkinipa Tba 2 PeatielloJaoB rbililpsAC 1 MB rar 4 tiro Wm ftook Frank acMepnen eleUfSonnan vv rTr-uben wd Rett BIN I I- I Paulson TC Press Jn.n Phii Hp Peter. Phillips Robt Place Jno master Peabody Jno -Pratt Richd Perkins Jo. rarwons PaUoo Joahea Pratt Calvin Payne rapt PalUa Jas Pa don SamI2 P4ThsM2 i. iwer lAwn reston Frank To i 1 lv'pntooi vifiEL'iT' Froctor garni cpt Pearson Marlu OP orter Geo 9 Petrca Hy Pore 9 Pre ion Jno 8 col Proffitt Geo Pettingill Wm Pool Wm Peebles Joaho PowallTk Parley HC Pottorf PsLiJao Parsons TH rick Philander Patera 1 Puree FO re Jno Peelman Wm Poindexter alerWm Pitman JR Porter Sidney au Sanrenl Pierson Simon Parsley Wm arkerTbeoD Pike Jacob capt PolciferJno arker Ambfe 8 Phippa Wm Purine A arker L- PindeUR QulunThs arker Jaa Phillips Bernard Rice Cha Rowan A Repiloe A Rogers Seth RiefaleChs Rowe RigtftC Robertson Root Richards Jacob Roberta Wm R-ckerSam 2 Robertson Richard Jas Robertson JC RiJrell 2 Roberts Oliver hal mr aymood Edw Ualawater Ranney Asa RafterryPatk ReathA ReardonM Ready Jno Rca David Renkin Gerard Redman A Renton David Rellley ReaorGeoW Reed Oeo Reed Geo A Sharp Cha Sampson HR SarigneGeoW Strauss Jacob Sampson Chas Sailer Thos RichardaMP RobinaonaHaaaa Ridding Robinson HN Richard Edw Robinson Geo Rhode RobinaoaJ-T RowlevJR l)MinuW Rostra Ruth Francia I Rose Hy Ruasell a Bolton nyaer Sc belle A Stevens WH Sherman Horace Simpson JP oieeiiger Hnine Schweitxer Silver Joe Spear Wra Sheldon Jaa Steele Jno Beavers A Smiley Milura 2 SilvertbornWH Stillman Cha A 2 BbieldsJaa Soiry Wm 2 Snow Jno 2 Snohig Jao Soloman Jno Stockman Wra Sroady Lewis Stowe Edwd Salmon Peter Schmall Tbeo hambre Mich Suell Paul chander Jno Co Sherwood JB wan SMeUslsaac Stream Hy Sheldon Chas Swett Searing Geo "Uaples Danl Airred Sarasrue WL SApperyT Jacob neater wm Schlossjoa Saker Richard Scarnman Schrenk rev Cbas Storm Seymour Geo Strom Byron A Hall Shelton Short SatlArwbila SbefferWm SelUerLD Stone capt Shumway Saml Triad deus HO Shepbard NchnltaD ShawkleoW Sorter Lafayette Slurpee Austin Shaw A Steinbury Schuldtze Steber Sleenei oelloa Stewart Stevenson Jas Stevenson SchuluJW 2 Sturcken SollivaadrJ Summer Schuyler Smith AT Smith Smith Jas Smith Franklin Smith col WH Tompeon 8 Thomson Arthur Thomas Isaac Thomas Peter Sternal Seaman Sweney Hanlta. Smith Wm Smith Smith Joo Smith Alpl 2 Smith Wm Smith LW Smith Geo A Smi'hWF Smith man A Tavler Geo ThaeherJB Trainer Jao capt TalboltJaa TarbeJ Tarrant GW home Lewia rpe Stephen IW leaThs Thomas WO ockmortonj noTruat A Taylor Taylor Terrii WmC a la Richd Tulloach Jas Toll Ttuiey Hngh Trulford Tba Tulley Bernard Truak TburatonTG Toie Jonathan TobJ TebbsCS Terry Tree Tlreline Jas Tripler Hy Tinel Thorpl Thome Thomp Vulx Felix Van Sels Cha 2 Vinson Hcapt Valemlne Jno Van Eu Jaa Vanhorn 1 VandulipWAcpt VlnghWmH WaddeUTLdr Welch Wm William Waarea mi intel- Westaeld Ofcbro Wil liamaon lirence office) Webk master Wil 1 iamson Jaa Walton Tha Wheeler WilUamsJacob L2 Walklns Sawney Winesburrh Sam William esn Waltowwa PhiUpWttherll Wm Wiiliams Wm wade ml capt wicxeejr 3 wuiuunsjoss Watson Wibeye Reuben Williamson WHH Wagner Saml Willard mast 2 Williams Walklna WDlideuj wiaiams Peter Wiley Reuben White Ed Winker Francis 2 White Washing Wilder WR col White Clinton Wliherill a Mann White David WipperPH White David capt Wiley EW White JuH Wat- Ward Joo Warner Ward Meal warwtcE ji Walters SH Waleraton A Ward Geo Waller Jacob Vhilibrd A esq Wool Waabinct'o was a Wllejr Joseph Willard maj Wood Joseph Woodruff Chs Wooden Woolverton Tba W-de capt Wliklns Sst wuison wuus Walker Jas Williams Jno WoodVaff Jno Walsh mr cooper Williams eo WyneGeoM WynnRobtB westjoeepa Yemrer bpv Tocnm Nelson ZinkerChs It YeomancWmT isiuaia.

Nau ileal and Fcfioaophical lnsirnment Store, No. 45 enstomnousa street. Captain of the brig or schooner Empreaaiip. No. 204 Julia tree A.

G. tWN. P. M. Irlnsttcatiea PERFECTLY RESTORED (ia most ease) by th anseroon of JAW TEETH, oa principles entirely iv.

by na. Swith, at th corner of Lafayette Squara ami fit- CKlrlM atreet. ra Dr. a. will be napny (oy acioai expenmexn boJrV analSrra la made) to aatiafy the akenacal that tBeibov "announcement, though aot-uiingTv im posMhitla aevertheleae strictly true.

mT dgWSt ASTJANG from bark Nile. xJ li Candl Candlea 2S0 boxes Bperm canaiea. Raisins 300 boxes is ins. Almonds 30 bales Almonds. Pepper 126 bag Black Pepper.

rV Soap 266 boxes Soap. TS Coffee 100 bag Maracfibo Coffee. a Cheese 25 boxes Plntpre Cheese. Filberts 10 bags freat Hlbena. Pipes 50 boxes Pipe.

Champagne 15 baskets Scbelndan Champegne, Champagne 25 baskets Heidseick Champane. Oil 10 cask Whale OiL Ginger 10 cases Canton Gmfer. i -Cod fish W0 boxes Codfish. Ae-6t H-V STONE A COt, Sf A 59 Common st yew.Orieean Cerrfege Warr-laeaae. amm.

us mmm smv The above estaollabmenl nas on nana, sod is constantly raeeirinXfrom the best r. 1 Ct. manutactones splendid assortment of CARRIAGES of every hu aI.nnMi uhI aarahililT are eom 1 bined, and made expressly for tola market. The stock 1 entirely new, and being of very superior quality, purchasers will find tl to their advantage lo call where they can be accommodated upon the most reasonable Also Axle, Eliptle Springe, Hdk Bands. Bolts, Lampa, Whips.

Coach Varnish, and a general assortf mentof Carriage Trimming, Juat received and cered at very low HALE A A KEN. Oeeaxt Steam NaTlvarioa Compaay. Yrrr V. 8. Mml Jm tm Cower, StAaaefa mfT tmd Bmmm.

The splendid new steamship wawadw-WASHINOxoN, 1750 tons barthen, Frederic Hewitt, commander, will start from New York on the 1st June, 1847, earryimr the United States mail. She will touch at Co we and Southampton to wad passengers and freight, and deliver the mails for England, France and Belgium, and will then pioeeed to Bremerhaven. Returning will leave Bremerhaven on the 25th of June aad Southampton on the 1st of July, where abe will embark passengers and freight from England, France and Belgium. Arrangement have been made to Cirward rood from Havre up to the last moment, fbrwhich, if desired, bills of lading; will be signed by the agent at Havre. Southampton connects by railroads with all parts of England, and by a team boa ra with all the Continent.

From Bremen access may be had to all Germany, Austria, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Ac The Washington lis built ta the strongest manner, with a view of being converted into a hip-of-war, nd subject at any tune to inspection by otiicer appointed by the President, both during and after eon uucUoev She has two engine of 1000 horse power each, and accommodations for 140 first class, and 44 secopdclaas passenger. Passage from New York to Southampton or Bremen, Fust class lf Second das Pa sage from Bremen or Soulhamplou New York, First class Second so She will carry about 300 too freight which win be charged according to the nature of the goods offering. All letter must pass th rough Ihe post office. Parcels, for which bills of lading will be signed, will be taken Mlorpage or freight apply at the office of the OceateaaVN.Tigalfon Company, 44 VvamaL. NewYork, or lo the agenla at Southampton.

Day, Cboskkt A Ross Bremen, C. A. Hbibbbb Co. HTaahtngVo-1 In'Smded to toar. New York on in doe eo-raa ofraeWnd will bem-wdi-.

talljen alL myo lm 'r v. in n. im. i laew mm VO CweAery, Clam cVe. SAMUEL E.

MOORE. 1 Km. 97 sal (Si Jvsw liai, Importer of China, lias. Urthenware, Table Cuilery, Caster, Lampa, Waiters, Candtosrtcks, Bri. tnnma ware, ac Hcaela.

IWirriHea. boarding-kooses ata nknitava annnUed with th beat article at low nnce. ryCountry MewmaaajwiU find a stock of Casaaisa Crvsw- and Glmmmmr every way sailed to their sales, which ia offered at wholesale on Iba most re. aooable loia. Faekiag s-aaranrled.

COWFEASv 130 kbla a au parlor arUcla aad ia beautiful sWppinff order, for sal by Jal FERXUDAx, lUTHUXoT A Ce, 99 Camp at. Bat! i iiye a ika I one )Uver Wa 2 Randal oh ored AlexandV A Tilgb Tl i oyrn ePatk Richd IL lion coa tsan Amb ok bw aA io Bcena firta Official Pnpatchc 'Camt atActa 1947. Sir By your -direction 1 have the honor lo reaa my opeaatloDa with ooe piece of artillery from the battery of light company C. 3d Artillery, at and near Saltillo, on toe 22d and 23d Fehruary, lUI. On the morning of the 22d I waa left at tlio'eamp near Saltillo with a piece of artillery (6-pounder) to assist ta pro tee ting the camp.

Two companies of Mis siaalppl riflemen were left In camp for its defence, uunac; the aAeaaorarthe wagon were ao placed as toona a barricade part of the the front betng protected by my gun and the two companies of fj with a cross are in front trom TlMrfbrtTTr Onto morning of the 23i ihe general gave made 2" the mouona of a large body of the P'm below SalUlioV and Plain above the city and Sooef S-lPe? "defenS laat exlremlty." BSrmV2TiSllDerV left for line blyonl parties of the enemy SeBoMBZii0." andchmbing high into Zlm of BS vSi SiiMeW direction nd a eeoaiderablenirmber of mounted volunteei. came rushing along the roaA When tbey came into camp they reported UiemseWes aa belonging to the Arkanaa. cavalryTand vefforl was mad by the gallant officers of the Misaaissicrd rueaaen to stop them, bat with little effect. These mounted men were soon followed by number of runaway volunteer Infantry. i Just at this time two heavy aaoadrona of the en4 my's lancer came upon the plain at the foot of th mountain, and above Anapa's Tbey advanced rapidly toward the road and hal ted near it, so aa lo be Just out of the reach of my gun and those at the fort.

I fired two shots, bat without effect In this posihoa they picked up a few etragglera. Aa the runaways irom me army reponea our lorce roatea, ana oellev. ine we shoakl have to make a desperate stand to de fend the camp, I deemed it impoaiiole, al that moment. to auacB mem on tne open plain, i uaa my gun ready, horse harnessed, Ac, to make a dash at the first favorable moment, i watched with a glass, from an elevated position, and saw that oar troops were nol ml routed, and thai rrom tne direction in which our cannon were nriny that everything waa goiog well tn our line. Th look-out in the nroansmns had evidently communicated by signala with the enemv in the nlain below tha city; for, early In the afternoon, the whole body of uh ciioixi a cavairy imoauy lancer) came npon toe Plain in one vast column.

Tbey hailed in column be hind the advanced squadrons near the road. Capt Wetwter, from the fort, fired some shells al them, but without effect, as the distance waa too great After remalnlnf a short time In 'this mririnn tksJ wheeled Into tine and moved off towards the monn4 tain and obliquely towards Buena Vista, I aew this was the time to attack them, helinvinir that rnnld drive them from the plain, or else bring them down in a charge npon our position, where I knew perfectly well, with two companies of riflemen to support mej We Could beat them off and then rrtnt thewn Thn. wnm first intention was to advance rapidly upon them and fire, and retire to camp, if they attempted a charre with thetr whole force, 6 Accord inelv. I advanced sit a ranid callon with single piece, in an open plain, upon from 1500 to 20Ki cavadry, mostly lancers. By the time I waa within slrixiDg distance the whole column was in motion towards tba lower plain.

I halted and fired several hots at the flank of the column. I a rain advancMi npon them, baited and fired a few rounds in rapid succession, producing some confusion at least in their ranks. About this time a large crowd of stragglers, teamstera, Ac aomethin like a hundred, bad gathered about my gun, mounted in all sons of style, and some armed with swords, some with pistols, some with musketa, rifles, double-barrelled guns, Ac, and all velbegtremeiKiooaly, bat withoat any order or organ-' 1 again advanced anfl fired several rounds, when discovered that Capt Webster had started a piece to my support About this time I found I was getting rather too far from camp to retreat if the enemy snade a rapid charge tha placing myself and command in imminent danger. Bales I observed great caution. I discovered thai the bead of the enemy's column was ao far advanced aloe; the foot of the mountains, and; in consequence of the many ravines, could not readily come to the assistance of ihe rear.

I again advanced with confidence, believing I could easily keep off the rear of the column. When within good range of the foot of the mountain aearly all the enemy bad passed Into the ravinea and behind a small hill lo my front Suddenly I discovered a single horseman in our front watching our movements. 1 saanected at once there waa a large force drawn op under cover of the bill, to charge npon my gun the moment I should come npon the hill, thus being within two or three hundred yards of them. 1 advanced alone at full gallop several hundred yards, when suddenly I saw in front of me a heavy column, eight deep, ready for the charge. I rail oped back, moved my piece lo the riirhL to a com manding position, and bred a single snot into them, when they all fled.

Juat at this moment bjLsome accident the pole of the gun-limber was broken, when I immediately caused lh limber of the caisson to supply its place. The men, with moat commendable activity, replaced with a spare pole from the caisson. Yhbl this waa being done I galloped to the lop ot the hill above Arispa'a Mills, when a grand eight burst upon my view. The whole column was winding it way along th foot of the mountain and throat the ravine, more thaa half the column being in range of my gun. I galloped back te bring it up, placed it tn position and fired rapidly into their crowded ranks, producing considerable confusion and much execution One squadron waa faced lo the rear by fours, and began to move back briskly, wilh the evident in-tendon of charging me, when a shot sent into tkeir ranks sent them off to the left-about in a rallon.

I continued lo fire oa them aa long as they were within reach, evidently doing much damage. Owing to the deep ravine over whichhey passed, I could follow them no runner, out i reiwrery much gratined thai are uaa neen aoie to unve inem trom ine plain. Daring the latter pan of the firing, tb howitzer under Lieut Donaldsqn -did serious execaUM, as we could see shells bursdnrtn and near their ranks. Thus, having followed the enemy over an opea plain for nearly three mile, from which he was compelled to retire, I leisurely returned to camp. 1 1....

1 1 I 1 1 SIS CUUUU.Mli WMJ Ul BUI UCepiJ UlUCf KU to oar mea for the active manner in which they dl cnargea tnsnr uuue aoaat ue piece, aaa caa say witn unin mat nave never seen men exniau more apinl and energy on any occasion. AeaaeetTuliy submitted, W. H. SHOVER. 1st Lieut 3d Art To Cap tvJB bass, Com'g Light Co.

3d Art Ci, (ar Agua Nueva, i- joareao, rfr rfuaET' compliance with your directions, 1 have, the bonorVftO submit th following repoa of the ser4 vices rendered by my command in the Affair of the 22d. and the battle of tha 23d alt with the Mexican army. Immediately an riSaif ms utelligeoce ef Ihe aa ef the Mexican forceeoOthejnorning of the Bcoompaxiled the genera-tn-chfef wih my squadron to lire battle-field. The action notbecorJflog general ma uay, we ou im my aqoaovon were aim. ply observatory; andirealrned in the evening, in compliance with instructions prbviooaly received Jxonkvihe commanding general, ao Saltillo.

Oa the morningic'tMea3d I again accompanied the genesfxr to the battleground -with my aquadron, consisting of seventy-two lotax, aeveninajp aggregate, aa soon aa I reacnea the scene oi actum; 1 look positions quadroon of the 1st Dragoons, ao as to be ab operate with it. If necessary, and also to be ia sup porting aivance oi oapt. anerman'a Dattery. Shortly after this the battle became general, Ihe enemy's grand column of attack having forced the position occupied originally by the Kentucky and Arkanaa mounted volunteer, and driving them beJbre it, was rapidly gaining ground toward oar At this moment the commanding general directed me to assume command ot tne dragoons, ana cnecK mat column, capt sunn, 1st Dragoon a. being abeam or enraeed tn some other portion of the field, the command of the squad ro of toe tstspragoona aevotveo on tieuk nacaer.

uwing to the numerous deep ravine catting the entire field of battle. I waa compelled to pursue a circuitous route to gam tne neaa or tront of tne aavancing column, tm my way thither 1 waa joired by Capt Pike, Arkansas mounted volunteers, wilh his squadron, who informed me be had been ordered lo report to me for duty. So soon aa 1 appeared with my command in front of the enemy, hi cavalry baited, under cover of a deep ravine, supported by large maiae of infantry. At the same lime Cola. Marshall and Yell, separated front my command by a deep ravine, advanced their respective commands toward the enemy.

By these combined movements the progress of the seemingly victorious column was checked. I maintained that position near." ly aa hour during which tune tne enemy oia not advance beyond the defen.ive position aasumsd oa my first appearance in his front I was, however, unable to charge his cavalry, owing lo the intervention of deep ravine. 1 The position I then occupied waa eminently favorable for the use of the artillery, and 1 accordingly despatched Lieut Wood, my adjutant to the command, tng general, requesting a piece ef artillery to be sent to me. Before the arrival, however, of the piece of artillery placed under my ordera by the general, I was ordered by Brigadier General Wool to return to the position I occupied first in the morning to support the batteries situated on the ridge nearest to the ene4 my, and wnien were also immediately under the eye of me anersi-tn-chief. While in that position I was directed to detach.

Lieut Rucker, wilh the squajdroa of the let Dragoons, wilh orders to proceed up the ra. vine nndervcover of the ridge and lo charge the enemy belleaie ituatd on the plateau at the base of the mountain, tie naa not, nowever, proceeded more thaa a few hundred yard, svbea it waa observed that the enem column ea the left flank waa ain ad vane. Ing, driving tba Kentucky and Arkansas mounted volunteer, and menacing oar rear. I waa ordered by the command Big reoeral to recall th aenadroai es the 1st Dragoons and to proceed with my three squadron and a section of artillery, under Ideal. J.

F. Reynolds, to check, and force back Una coranm. Before the equeuron or the 1st Dragoons could be recalled. It bad goa tsftf op the ravme aa to be in close ranee of the Hs artillery, lt was thus, for abort time, ex to a severe fire, which resulled in the loss of a The other two sxrosdroM aad fJ sectlcm of artfllert were la the wweJiriin placed ia motion for Buena Vista, where a ponioa of oar supplies were stored, aad against which the enemy was directing his move' menu. Lieut RricAer jcrlned me rrear the ranchesand in time to assist me in checkinr the heaw eavalrv force, which waathea very near and amnsedlatery in.

oar rgu Js. poruoa or the enemy's cavalry, amouat-ing, perhaps lo two hundred men, not pert ei via my mmminrt, croased the main road near to the raicbe. and received a fire from number of I Mtniiiia. esi mmrmsbainsr heaTvT Immediately checked and retired Ju great rarda the nn Ai lft lfbre.

Khowever, I could piace tut coarmarid in cot don to enarge. Being unable, trom tba heavy cloud of dost, lo observe immediately the movement of the body of "'TTblfh bad paased lb rancho, I followed it Bp a id fand JMbuI crossed the dp and ravine on the right of the road, and waealu-mpiing to gain the moon tain pa the right I immediately ordered 7li 10 brin bla section into which he did promptly, and, by a few well directed -ahou, dispersed and drove the enemy la confusion over the mountain. I next directed my atteniioa to the annoying column which had occupied so strong a position on our left flank and rear during the whole day, and immediately moved my cocmuuia to a position- whence I coald use my artillery on tbe-maaaca crowded in the ravine and gorge of the moauiaiaa. Aa I waa leaving the ranch, I was joined by obeultwo hundred loot rolunters, under aj. Gorman, and a detachment of Arkansas mounted vo.nnteers under Lieut CoL Believing my command now af-ficlently strong for any might arise I advanced it steadily towards the foot of the mous tain and to within a few hundred yards of Ihe posi- tion occapled by the enemy.

I then directed Lieut Reynolds te bring his section again into batterr; and, ia the coarse of half an boor, by the steady aad destructive fire of his artillery, the enemy was lurced to fall back. This advantage I followed ap, in doing which 1 was Joined by a section of artillery nnder Capt Bragg. My command still continued to advance and the enemy to red to. We soon gained a poaulon wnere we were able to deliver a destructive fire, which caused the. enemy to retreat in confusion, while the artillery waa thus engaged, by order.

of oea. Wool, 1 steadily advanced liie caralry but, owing to the deep ravinea which separated my eom-mond from the enemy, I was unable to gain ground oaltfm. The enemy having been thus forced to on oar left and rear, I was again di-reeled to aaanme a posilion in supporting diautnce of Capt Shennatfs battery, which occapled it former Against which the enemy seemed lo be concentrating hi forces. After having occupied this poavitaon acraxie time, Ihe generai-in chief directed ane be ravine towards the fhl. 10 PrTrnt any further advance fJfrSn.T.m jPiu wa occupied until the the oauto' never agaia daring to attempt uy movement towards our rear- The cavalry, except Capt Pike's squadron, which was detached for picket service on the right of th road, occupied, during the night of Ihe the greawherTl i Uke Po-tuon before the close of the battle.

Finding, on the morning of in 24th. that the enemy bad retreated, I was joined by Capt Pike's squadron, and ordered by the general In In dosing this report I should do tnjaatlea to my feelings were I to omit to bring to the nonce of ihe commanding general the steady bearing and gallant conduct of the officers and men of my eommaud. The' aqoadrona of the 1st and 2d Dragoons, ander eommaud of Lieut. Rocker and Campbell, and the equadrooof Arkansas mounted volunteer ander Capt Pike, displayed the greatest coolness and steadiness under the heaviest fire of Ihe enemy, and the great promptitude in obeying ail my commands that day. To Lieut Th.

J. Wood, my adjutant my thficks are particularly due for the prompt manner in which be conveyed my ordera and for the energy and -zeal be displayed throughout the battle. And Lieut. Reynold, 3d Artillery, I must also tender toy warmest thanks for the gallant and bold manner Vn which he maaceavred his "section of artillery, which rendered the most important and effectiv service. I regret my inability to state the killed and wounded of the whole command, aquadron coasrnandera having furnished me the necessary In format ion.

nava tne nonor to ne your very oeat servant. a A. MAY, Brevet Lieut CoL 2d Dragoons, Commanding Major W. W. 8.

Bliss, A AG. Army of Occupation. Camp at Acva Nob va, Mexico, Mors 8,1847, Sir In obedience lo your orders I have ihe honor to report the service of the squadron of 1st nnrior mv command darinx the battle of Buena Vista. aafoDowst i uu um morning of the 23d au. th squadron ander command of Capt Stein, 1st Dragoona, waa pusted on the hill in rear of a taitery of artillery, awaiting the advance of the enemy.

As bis infantry rose the hill on the opposite side the squadron waa ordered a -few paces back for shelter. At this time Capt Sarin, in attempting to rally tha Indiana vol an leers, was everely wounded and the conimmnd devolved npon me. 1 was soon ordered to Join CoL May, 2d Dragoous, and would respectfully refer the general command lag to hia repcrt for what occurred while 1 remained ander bis command. t- i At about 12 o'clock I was detacbed from the cavalry force under CoL May and directed to lead my squadron up the ravine In rear of our first position, charge the enemy in rear, who had turned oar let and were advancing la th plain above I rose th hill under a lire of musketry, grape and round shot, and had seve- ral men and homes wounded. My color-bearer was 'truck down by a grape shot and the guidon of the squadron fell, bat ft was immediately saved.

was at this moment ordered to join Cot Msy to protect the baggage! at Buena Vista with turn until the conclusion of the action. With regard to the conduct of the officera Lieu ta. Carleton. Buford. "Whilllesev and Evans and saan under my command, I have only to aay that every one did his duty wilh coolness aad spirit.

1 nave me nonor to ne, air, yours, very respect! ally, i ff. H. RUCKER, Lieat lt Linut Uviji UcDowcll. A. A.

A General. HsADquxaTEas Thibd Brigade, Fiarr Division, i Buena Vista, Mexico, JYorrjr5) 1U Sir I bare the honor of lavinsr before eon the ffcC lo wing repon of that part of the battle of the 22d and 23d inst, in which the force under ay immediate command uxat-pan. Jn obedience to your orders on the 22d, I took position on the left of the field apoo which the battle waa fought near the foot of the moon tain, with tha tight battalion companies of th 2d Regiment of my -brigade, supported by three pkcea of light commanded by Lieat O'Brien. The four rifle com- pant of this brigade (two from the 2d and two from the 8d Regiments) having' keen sent, ander your -orders, together with two companies of JSentucky riflemen, to occupy an eminence and ridge on the aide of the mountain, to check the advance of the enemy (two regiments) who were attempting to turn the left flank of my pcadtioa by climbing the atdeaof the mouulaia. Those rifle companies took their poeiiios in the after noon ofh 22d the four companies of Indiana, commanded VT Maj.

Gorman, of the 3d Regime the whole under ihe command of CoL Mar. hall, of Kentucky and soon afterwards the enemy opened a brisk fire apoo our force, bat wilh little effect, which 'bey continued wiihout intermission for three boars, la the mean time my men, being secure from the enemy's balla, and watching their chancea sui isking good aim, succeeded in killing and waaodiog sons thirty or. forty of the enemy. Ia ih)affngag ement my loaa waa four men slightly wounded. i Durinr the nisht of the enemy sent' a rein Waceement of about 1500 men up the mountain, and succeed ea in occupying neigaia wnien coxntnansea i the position of the riflemen.

My whole command lept upon the field that night en their arma. Aaaoonr aa ft was light on the morning of the 23d, the enemy opened a severe fire from their whole force on the mountain, now amounting In all lo about 2500 orSCiiO men, commanded by the Mexican, CoL Ampudia, it ia believed. Notwithstanding the great superiority -of the enemy in number, our gallant riflemen held, them In check for several hoars, killing end wound- imr mom fifty or rixty of their forces About o'clock A. M. of the 23d lost a earl of the Kentucky Mounted Riflemen and cavalry (oiarnoanted for thai purpose) were sent up ihe side of lh moun- tain to support the forces a.

ready there, at which rime the fire of Ihe enemy became tremendous, bat which was retarned by our gallant force for snore than one hour loner. My in traction from yourself were to bold my position on the left of the field -against any force which the enemy might bring against me in that quarter. The enemy had beea in great force all the morning of the 23d, lieetly In my front and In sight bat too far distant lo be reached by Lieat CBrietfs battery. v. About a o'clock I was informed by CoL Churchill that the enemy were advancing toward my position, in great force, aneitertng inemseivea in a a rep ravme which ran ap towerde the mountain directly In my front.

I immadiatelr nut mv columns in motion, eon- slating of too eight battalion companies and Lieut U'artea's battery, ameuBong in au to ooenuu tonteetthem. The enemy, when trey deployed irMn the ravine and appeared on the ridge, displayed a fore of about 4000 infantry, supported by a large Body of lancer. Th infantry immediately opened a moat aeeirocuve tire, wntcit waa returned oy my email command, both infantry hod arUllerv, in a moat falianl manner for some time. I soon pereei ve max waa too far from the enemy for mv muskets lo fake that deadly effect which I derred, ur.d mediately-- sent my aidle camp to Lieut. O'Brien, irecong Dim to Dlace hia baUerv in a more advanced Dosirioa, with.

the determination of advancing my whole By ibis movement I should not only be near the but should also bring the company on my irvias ten Bior compieieiy mm acnoo, as tne urow or hill imneded llieir fire. Br mia time the ewrrv's fire of maaketry and the raking fire of ball and -r hot or taeir oauery postea ea my- ier um tMrrihUa unt mv nranli-v. inste 1 of advancing, a waa ordered, I regret to aay, retired ia tome dorer n-om tnetr sosinon, aoTajanTinB.ngmy ow auu sue severe efforts cf my oScer in prevent them. Alxmt the earn time, the rifleman aad cavalry on the naouataia retired to the plain below. -The Arkau- saa cavalry (who had beea posted by your oraera in my rear at the foot of Oie movWain to act a- etrcum- atsjoees rnignt require) aiu -icti tneir posuw, iu whole making a retrogTaae movement aiopg tne piain -towards the Al the asm feme onettf the iia- noia regimenta, not ander my command, out tisnooee at aome diatance In rear and on the right of my poat-tioa, also retired to the rear.

These troop. tb Hvot them, were Immediately raffled and four bt aaringtbe whole a ay iia veteran, a raw 01 did not return to the field at alL By thi apparenj aaeee. the netny were iiweh Wd, Pf- down along tbeside or tne moan- 7 left of the field4leirtboasaada 1 fa. mtsasl oroer along I a Tata fronting perpendicalarly Jo wKee our I taSasaB-f'A BgimeXusder the tumraWt "i i oa the field, and being ana, met the enemy a sev-eaud blfKv Zr h.AVxS.'-r.;:'', fc" column i i -ii In (:.. :4 BJn Hi 'H'imr, it maps.

A (I.

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