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The Buffalo Daily Republic from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Stye fJrtffoio fljaito ctober 8. 1859. SPECIAL NOTlCEa. ted by the laboring classes. That there is need REMOVAL.

having given out, the plan was pronounced not feasible. A gentleman lrom Buffalo, standing SaIES BY AlCiiO.V l)c Oailg Kepabltc. Or Byron mays "Wrinkles, the vile democrats don. Uatter. The same may be laid of gray hairs, which very oiten appear on the head and in the whickers and Murray, Cummiug Grant roar Ut-jfiCM, mm kpril 4, 1868.

ew Ua1 Arrangement Heiww.uL til further notice, the maiinmt thh, office will be ciowd follows, via Satavia, Rochester, djracuae, Rom, CUca, Trov 6-j A aud 4:40 Canandaiua, Auburn and Geneva daily at 140 a M. Way mail, supplying umall offices Between ami Sjracuse, old road, ilaily (except Sundays) at 1:40 moustaches, before a wrinkle mars the face. But who minds them now? Cri.stadoro'h Excelsior DYUar plied, and in than five minutes, presto! they vanish! and a magnificent brown or glerious black, the undetecta. HAVE REMOVED TO near, and being of a pitying disposition, finally went off and returned with an armful of shavings and splinters, which he placed under the mare and then coolly set fire lo them with his cigar. The shavings blazed up beautifully, and the old mare evidently experiencing a sensation, started off up the road in a gait which can only be described as a compromise between a shamble and a scramble, mingled with a sort of dancing motion of the hind quarters that was en ble connteifeit of natore's living tints is imparted to ev BY TELEGRAPH.

ery fibre. The dye is the only one in use that is purely No. 316 MAIN STREET, For interesting reading matter, pays. Theatre. Mr.

Booth had a brilliant audience at his benefit last evening, and" Richard was never played better. The applause was frequent and merited. To-night he appears as "Lear." It will be rendered as Lear'' was never rendered on any stage in this city. Seats, fcc, can be secured. Second Assembly District Committee.

The members of the Second Assembly District Deuiocrati: Committee, are requested to meet at the house of Wm. Boggis, corner of Ea vegetable, and contains no violent wtringent or caustic Washington, Oct. 8 Infurmation has been of a reform in our present system of commerce, no one will pretend to deny, and it is well that those who feol the evils of a corrupt and de' as-iijg organization which now exists, should be the ones to take hold of the matter and attempt a reform of its abuses. jy Outrageous. Mr.

Sloan of Point Abi-no, says the Express, the owner of the ground on which the battle of the ronghs was fought last Thursday, was in the city yesterday, and we were informed by him that the conduct of the parties present and engaged in the fight, towards himself and his family, was most outrageous. They trampled down his fields, stole his hay and fed it freely to their horses, entered his house and ipsulted his family, and took every liberty with his property and about his premis-, es that their lawless inclinations prompted, re elements. received hern to-day, that as sooa as Col. Su Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressera. American Hotel Block, ner heard of the attack on the Santa Fe mai with fatal he despatched a company Christadoro, No.

8 Astor House, New York. Mail tor offices on new road from Rochester to Syracuse at 6:40 A M. tlbaiiy, Boston ana New York, at 4:40 8PM The balance of the Kastern mil at 4:40 M. On Sunaay only one mail eastward, closing at 4:40 supplying all ihe offices eastward, excepting the small wv offices. Biillalo and Corning mai', Attica, diuh.

(exceLt Sundays) at 3:10 No mail aent on this' route on Sunday SprmgviUe, daily, (except Sundays,) at 1 M. Yorkshire, Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Saturdays 7 AM. East Hamburgh, Glenwood, Colden, untiin's Mills and West Falls, daily, (except Sundays) at 1 ii. Pilot mail to Williamsville, daily at 2 PM. Erie, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago, daily, (except Sundays,) 9:00 A M.

and 8 and the balance ef the we- AND ARE NOW OPENING J. 1. MOfcOHAt-r-AucUoueer. AUCTION OF First (lass Furniture, Carpets, Mar. BlE IOP BlihEAUS uSu TAhLbS 4XEGAKT Bonn OASES, HAK- KSS.

I KnUJis, S'l'U ts, .41 the City Auction Room and Public (tturehcu A'o. oot? WistStuet, street. (Adjoiuiug- the American r.ipress Cos Office,) By C. O. IRISH.

WEDN ESUAVr.nd THURSDAY BorniBrv 22? i2livau'i lstb' 9 day, Ui 'o oi to the highest bidder, to pay advaucee, and for persons rem- viuB Mahogany Cases, Mahogany Tables, bureaus and WaaQ atanoa. Sofas, Stands, Book ALSO-BouChaj aud Rockers, Lounirei Clocks Tablee, Bureau Wash srlnds. Wardrobes, trencn Beds Beds, Pillow. Hair and sea tirass Mattresses ALSO Cane Seat Chairs ami Muckers, Office and llining Chairs. Bar Boom Chairf etter rre-a.

Jewelry, Trimmings, Carpe'ts Oil cloth, Oil Cans, Uuubie and Sint-le Uarueas ALSO Cook and Parlor stores, Crocserv sou li as. Ware.Sieres, Mcitrubers Hair Restorative, tile. 1ST Terms caeu.curreul funds. ocj dragoons to Pawnee Fork to punish the offend ing Indians. Willllow, an experienced nurse and female physician, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation gle and Pearl streets, on Monday evening, Oct.

are entertained that the prompt action on the (art of Col. Sumner will result in the arrest of the murderers and tho rescue of tho pas will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants Perfectly safe in all sengers oy the overland mail. LARGE STOCK OF FALL GOODS It will probable be found necessary to station cases. See advertisement in another column.

my2Sly troopsat Paunee fork to escort the mail the to Cold Spring, and thus obviate the recurrence fyn Me ana I'll do you Good. Now is the time to use the great Spring and Summe Medicine Dm. Lamolby's Root and Hrsb Bittsrs. Composed ol tirely original with the old mare, and can be put under no head whatever. They started at ten o'clock A.

and at half past 12 they were overtaken by some gentlemen in a carriage, about two miles from Fort Erie the old mare lying down with heaves in her lungs and sides, and Doesticks and the others standing up with heaves in their hands, which they communicated to the old mare through some fence rails. The party were taken on board the carriage, we learn, and conveyed to their destination, the old mare being left to heave it out alone in the road. The moral of this, to Doesticks, was that hereafter it will always be better for him to 'wait for the wagon." We omitted to remark that in the vehicle, when it started from Fort Erie, the young physician was sharpening a bistoury, the Boston Courier man was reading an Atlantic Monthly, and Doesticks, wilh an air of fixed determination all over him, had spectacles on, his hair be ol such outrages. Lockport mail, daily, (except Sundays) at 4:20 and 8 I M. No mail sent on Sundays.

Niagara Falls, daily, (except Sundays) at 7:10 A anc M. Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad and London. C. daily, lexcepiSundays) at 6:40 A M. Toronto, Hamilton and G.

W. R.H. C. 7:10 A M. i)ecrit, Milwaukee and Niagara Fal daily, (excep' Sundays) at A M.

and 4M M. Suspension Bridge, Y. and Hamilton. CW, 7:10 A A second mail is made up for Black Rock, Tonawand, and North Buffalo Saturdays, closing at 4:65 M. Office will be opened at 6 A and closed at 8 M.

Or Sundays open from 11:30 A to 1 M. Qiy7 JAJMES ft. DIOKIK, P. M. Boston, Oct.

8. The steamship Caiada arriv ed at two clock. A despatch from Halifax says that the Oanad Very Low Prices. MURRAY, COINING GRANT, aug23 No. 316 Main Street came in collision with the steamer Eastern State, for Boston The Eastern State suffered some damage.

ESTABLISHED IN 1841 DR. LAKE'S OFFICE Orae; -mmerctet and (awl streets. In the new Oouiueroa Blocs, op Buffalo, N. 10th, at 8 o'clock. George J.

Bryak, Ch'n. jy Reward. Gov. Morgak has offered a reward of Five Hundred Dollars to any person or persons who will give such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the "person or persons guilty of the murder of the unknown female who was found dead in the town of Galen, Wayne county, on Sunday, September 25th. $gr Horse and Buggy Stolen.

Last Wednesday a valuable black mare and a new buggy, was stolen from Mr. Benoni Sbaw, of the town o( Brandt. The thief, who was seen by some In possession of the stolen property, was at first supposed to be a woman but some circumstances have since transpired that have led to the singular conclusion that the robbery was committea by a man disguised in feminine habiliments. Buffalo Savings Bank. At a meeting of the Directors of the Buffalo Savings Bank, held lasl evening, Elijah D.

Epner, was elected President of the institution, to fill the vacancy occasioned br the death of Hon. Albert B. plying to all remonstrances with insolent language and threats, and by their numbers making it impossible to resist any of their proceedings. Before the fight came off, when the principals were waiting in the vicinity, Mr. Sloan applied to the Justice at Fort Erie (we forget his name) for their arrest; but the latter refused to take any steps in the matter.

Servant Gal-ism. We give a gratuitous insertion to the advertisement of a New Haven lady, in the idea that some of our Buffalo ladies, who are occasionally in similar straits, may take the hint and bring a grist to our advertising mill Wanted to Hire A lady, having a pleasant home, no incumbrances but a husband and one child, wishes to place herself at the disposal of some servant who can come well recommended from her last place. She would prefer one who would be willing to remaio within doors at least five minutes after the work is finished. She would also stipulate for the privilege of going to Qoebf.o, Oct. a.

The North American sailed for Liverpool at A. M. to-day, with 88 pas Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ann, Thoroughwort, Rhubarb, Mandrake, Dandelion, so compounded as to act in concert with Nature, and their effect is truly wonderful. Tuey absolutely cure Liver Complaint, Jatjndicb, Costiyknesb, Hradachs, Piles, Weakness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, DnsziirKss, Heartburn, Flatulency, Loss op Appktitb, all kind of Humors, and every sease arising from a disordered stomach or bad blood. If taken in large doses Fever aud Ague may be broken up and cured at ones.

ThU has become a standard Medicine, and is decidedly ht but in tht world Try it once, and you will be sure to do so again. The price is cheap 50 cents for a large bottle. You can't get a bottle too quick, fur the time if fast approaching when you will have all sorts of bad feel-ingB if you don't take the Roots an? Herbs and drive them away. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Orders addreBBed to J.

O. LANSLEY, 12 Mar PICKERING OTTO, JBUJHHAJLO, ST. V. SIGHT EXUrlAOE fur and Collection, made un all the principal cities of United States, Can adas nnd Kuropw. Stocks, 1 oiids, Mortgages, Commercial Paper.

Real Ef tatem tuts itutl ttie rt stern iSiate. Douifht and soid nr Cheap Bent! Cheap Goods! AT MUERAY, CAMMING GRANT'S, 316 Main Street. sengers. dOHA experience of years, in cases oi oature. in ID lorrns, (fill beueticia, to tho udenng lrom such OLSEASES, and from hi-racUcal knowledge uf every symptom, eci euuent ou.

or armmir lrom badlv uommissio New York market lt Telegraph. New York, October 8-l4 1859 Cheap Cheap Goods Parcels, Merchandise and Valuables, I3T Korwardeii to ait parts of Europe. rLUUK Mattel for Hoar very tirm. Sales of 9,000 bbls at $4 604 60 for superfine stale; $4 G54 75 f. As-eiiTS for Ihe LIVERPOOL.

WKW VfiBIZ pair. extra state; $4 65 for superfine western; $4 704 95 ADEJ.PAlA STEAMSHIP Hamburgh America! Steamship Hambursrb Bremer Sailing for common to medium extra western; $5 306 60 lor MURRAY, CUMMIXG GRANT'S, 316 Main Street. shall street, Boston or to O. H. CHAMPLIN, .1 c.cAL complain', he would caution all bavin my secondary symptoms remaining, to be at once emm properly, belore it has Iheaonslitution.

Oroi. down the health, and destroyed the intellectual wcuiult LOOK TO YOUR CASE IN TIME MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. travelers supplied at a moment's notue CSOt. Lake's office is so tha, one natien will uever come in contact with another. i N.

communications to Dr. J. o. Like will he promptly attenued to, by enclosing reasonable le. A dress jpost paid, box lii7li.

CsV Private Cumsullaliou frorn li A. AL. 10 lo P. M. els, BLACK STAR LINK of Lirerpool Packets, KEIi CROSS RED TAK LINES of London Packets.

mhl6d4tc-6a Buffalo, N. Y. inferior to good shipping brands extra round honp Ohio Canadian flour quiet with sa ea 150 bbls at $5 SO'JO 10. Rve 8 ur steady at $3 f04 20. rA33Ail HUUTtJ lor sale to and from the prtnclal porta of Europe sua America Knr further par.

ticulars apply tour office. 27 PEARL sir .1... X3T The Great English Remedy Sir Tracy; and E. L. Stevenson, was elect WHEAT Quiet and firm.

Sides of smill parcels at $1 James Clarke' Celebrated emale Fills. above Seueca street. au27 Ot 40 for wLite Kentucky. Rye scarce at 84 ceo Prtpurtd from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.

I). cd lo the office of Vice President, previously Barley quiet. Corn firmer and quie and 67 cents aske aplo-ly held by Mr. Efneh. lor mixed western.

O.ts aie firm at 42HJ45 cents for sta To Tax Payers. WE HAVE COMPLETK LISTS OF TAX-s due at Albany, and are prepared to pay thru, hind his ears, and eight or nine pounds of ham sandwiches in his pocket, Frank Leslie's artist took a sketch of the group. Latest Counterfeits. Brockport Exchange Bank, N. Y.

10s, altered; vignette of genuine is oval portrait of Franklin in center. Bank of Brattleboro, Vt. 5s, altered; vig. whali'ig scene, ship in distance on right end, portrait of sailor; on left end, ship Mississippi River Bank, Oxford, 111. 5s, altered; vig.

man feeding hogs. of Norwalk, Conn. 3s, altered from Is; vig. blacksmith's shop; male head and fig. 1 on right; female and sewing ma-chiue on left end Abingdon Bank, Abingdon, Mass.

5s, vignette two females and coat of arms; fig. 5 and medallion head on right end figure 5 on lower left corner National Bank, Boston, Mass. 10s, altered, vig. female seated, barrel, anchor, vessels, die. female and swan floating on water on right end Southern Bank of Illinois, Graytowo, 111.

10s, altered from Is, vig. shearing sheep Central Bank-Worcester, Mass. 20s, vig. Indian, Wash western and Canadian. Wf" False.

A rumor was prevalent this Phytician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well knowrj medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. furnish Comptroller's receipt PROVIstONS-Pork steady. 100 bbls IS. 616 61' ruess; $10 L'I0 65 for prin-e.

Beet" dull, $4 7r. 37 Pearl street 2d Ooor north ol Seueca au2 church herself once each Sunday, having been compelled to refuse the last applicant, who was not willing to allow her but half a day once a fortnight. Wages satisfactory if under $10 a week. She is deeply conscious of the utter inability of ladies in general to comply with the present demands of servants, but she hopes by strict attention to please in all respects. The best of references can be given also a good recommend from one who has now left her to the fate of many housekeepers.

Please apply before 6 A. iiiore to be Aunurea than the RICHEST DIADEM, horx in ortKOiu What? Why a Beautiful Head of Hail. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly auited. It will country prim-; to ougo DO lor country 60 for epacked mese; ioll lor extra do. Cu meata eteadj.

in a short lime brinif on the monthly period with regular ity. Lard buoyant. Sales 100 bbls at llil)tf certs. BAtiK STOCK. Manulacturer's and Tr der's Bank Stock ft PlCKkRINO is OTTO, 37 Pearl itreet, near -Seneca morning in the city that Kelly, one of the parties in the recent prize fight was dead had died from his injuries.

We have taken pains to find out about the rumor, and find that it is false in every particular. Re-committed foe Examination. Nicosia Urogan, who has been in jail several weeks, charged with the murder of his brother, Thomas- These Pills have never been known to pail whkr. BUTTER fair request; la16c for Ouio; 1721c for ate. Cheese steady at WHISKY Firm and quiet at8o STOCKS Are vari ble; generally heavy, oloslne wi ha THE DIRECTIONS ON THE 2D PAGE OF PAMPHLET ARK WELL OBSERVED.

SLAM (0TTU.E, For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B. $1 and six postage stamps enclosed to any au downward inclination. eiCftl'SSnf ett ol lie COTenBg, or the hair vuumo, ai shnvelen HlItltAHUVS DOCK GBAND ISI.AMi 7'e mc sf Pleasant, Ritptctable and Ontt piece to iyt.d u.

dtiu out of town. TKANSACTIOKS AT TKS HOAW. Grogau, was brought out yesterday, and ap thorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 5' Pills, by return mail. jnieago and hock Islam! Railroad and Toledo Railroad ..111.11 tsienaand Chicago Railroad uwi a utr ttuatomttve, ii ucu two tFor sale in Buffalo by O. fl.

P. Champlin, C. rPHlS place is situated tin- miles Mow Fal- co. Wi od on Graml island, about oue mile above Hit. OJX 20 72 117 iLi te unit) Wright, J.

E. Francis, D. Holman, H. Coleman I'anama Railroad ceieoiureu lor tne conspicuous part taken ii he i'atriol War, five miles from hi, teuton Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad. and J.

E. Bikhop, Akron. ocoatcly Michigan So. ails, is adjacent to the best snortim ami fi.h, a a 18 Naw V'ouk, jpiii 1 iKS on the river, aud is on the must Itieaaant nart or lUinoia teutral UkiwIh vikhigjiu Central Railroad l)a. Woou oear Sir Permit Life F.xli llai ant isareju island.

Cheap Rent Cheap Goods AT MURRAY, DIMMING GRANT'S 316 Main Street. WONDERFUL ECONOMY IN FUEL First Class Cook Stoves! A saviog of the price ot a Stove is tffectea in oue to two Warran three or six months to give pvrlect satisfaction. LOW I Thoae celebrated bakers, The "Royal Oak," and HARVEST ROME" O0K STOVES. With extra Large Ovens, exira Heavy Cnllag with Furniture Complete. O.N LY $1.

Warranted 60 days. The Statesman," A fireat Stove. ONLY $13, with Furniture. THE "CLIPPER" HOT AIR, So well aad favorab known, at the low price of $11. PARLOR STOVES.

FOR WOOD OR COL. 'ihe best and Cheapest Assortment in the eity. BUY HOME MANUFACTURE, and save the everlasting annoyne of repairs attending Ka-itern make. Jewett Root's istitvea have the reputation of being A NO-ji i and are dow retailing at WHOLESALE PRICES. KVKRT STOVE VfARRANTKD.

THE "RADIATOR" Parlor Coal tove and "LITTLE-FIELD'S IMPROVED" (not Railway) PARLOR COAL BURNER, suitable for Parlors, Hi.ilf, Stores, Offices, Banks, are attracting ereat uttention. MODLH'ft PAULUK liUATUfct-Is the mrsi desirable and economical heater In use. Two sizes, $25 and 30 NEW YORK PAnLOR GKaTES A very ittrgg assortment of the latest design's at reduced prlce. Brlttania Ware. Silver Plated Ware, Tin and Japan Ware, Wooden Ware, Tea Trays, Steel Fire Sets and Standards, Register and Fire Venders, Parlor Coal Vases, Coal Hodi, al shovels, Coal Sitter, Ash Pails, Ivory iianflle Table Out eiy, at the lowest prices; Old Dominion Coffee and Tea Pots, Bird Cages, Toilet Ware, Bathing 7'iuc Fails, Foot Baths, JEWKTT'S NON-EXPLOSIVE BURNING fc.Jobbing and Repairing To order.

Remember the sole reiail depot fur Jawett Root's Stoves is at JOHN O. JEWKTT'S, 31 Main street. 3Terms Cash oa delivery. selO me lo eXp, iteutJioz ikiilro Tliis pUce is fitreil un the use of nlnnfn evalor of unapproachable and inimitable excellence. Ind Huapohs Cincinnati a pavitliou for Hatieint, and tables arranged thronvh th For all nervouu diseases, no matter how Incaeo ana ve l.jr their accommodation.

Where the i. rival the LuileuS'tties 11 was ran. il. iut upon ihe ajip icatlon of your Jg SSrfOSB toon ibuovt-jtru iui receive all parties of pleasure, picuica or visitors, fiee ol 84fc 43 4036 49 66 66 4u 36 71 V2 -tdiiington Norwiai and Wtucet-tar Hudson liiiilromj Krie Railroad ington on right; female on left Butchers and Drovers Bank, New York City. 50, photograph, vig.

female; cars, depot, 0 each side. Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. 6, vig. the signing of he Declaration of Independence; head of a boy on left upper eorner; head of a boy on upper right end. Imitation of Holvoke Bank, Northampton, Mass.

2s, are reported to be in circulation. No description yet Dedbam Bank, Dedham, Mass. Is, vig. man, dog and bear fighting; unlike gen Worcester County Bank, Blickstone, Mass 3s, vig. two females seated, with a shield and small eagle between iiaige.

PeraOBS Wi-hiQ til Visit this ni ls, ear, he connidered ap infallible specific. It is also a cure for afflictions centering in the liver, stomach or brain. Its mission is to bestow strength and physical ability. Sold by S. FRANCIS, Buffalo.

m-. emcaciODS or Hi: 1 as'ii .1 ihe line steamer AKROW 9 o'cock A.M. and Sic rja returning lrom ti Cottage at 12 and a New York Central Railroad. Pacific Mail Steamship Compjtny. peared with his counsel, Josiah Cook, at the Police Court.

Some important witnessee -being absent, the prisoner was again coiBtutUed tu await farther examination. Rain. We had enough rain last night to last the winter through. It commenced at 7 P. and lasted until 7 A.

M. twelve hours ol inevitable, and it was feared, eternal drizzle. With this quantity of rain on hand, we can do no more than offer to the weather the very poetical suggestion, i. "dry up ey Very Feeling. The Troy Times says Some fetling i ispatches relative to the prize Tfight were received here last night.

Among others, was one from a friend and admirer ol Kelly, who had staked everything upon him. Ii read 'Kelly is a skunk. He's whipped to pieces. I have lost everything. Send me money no gel Such are the beauties of sporting life.

or by the steamer CYGNET, from Black Roik, at id o'clock M. aud o'clock P. M. retnmjnn a ft nl.b a "Hii tellings' Life dose 'iueua arm i. mcign Ifll 1.

Terre Haute Allan 2d bond? 36 will remove the disagreeable and distressing effects of Wind or Flatulence, and the moment the stomach re and 5 o'clork M. The (are same as to Faivmwoiul, 25 cents, or as greed with partie- ceives the invigorating effects, the distressing load and all painful feelingB will be removed. Sold by Michigan Central 8 pr ct 75 Harlem 1st bonds York Central 7s Erie 3d Bonds rooklyn Water Loan California 7'a 1. 03 S. "tiALBEKtl iirych a'r iwy leuydct elah iewspapei la -suu st 10 tmh Pao, 0.1 WCHih-Hear siri-Sou enToUh or si, weeas ago I received a boltie of you, HaS Reetoraui.

aud gave tm wjte, who conc.uoed to tr, ii! nau-, mile thinking at ih, lt gray hair to i original coloi, but to be iurprise, after a ew weeaa'toai it i.s wonoenii, effect by lurning SaST Mown, at the same tune tWkJ haur. 1 pt. Re stirtuVe "lo ai! persons in want such a change alul ciiiRLES CARDEW. im. RIVER ROUTE, 1859.

gy Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. Thursday, Oct. 62 P. M. Mr.

Mar vin, President, announced the following Standing Committees On Treasurer's Accounts and Fiscal Affairs Hessig. Cunningham, Smith, Goddard, Gorton and Benuett. Poor Department Messrs. Goslin, Looney, Lstbrort, Grass'and Stevenson. Judge and Justices Accounts Messrs.

Smith, Goddard, Pratt, Schwinger and Morgan. Constable's Accounts Messrs. Wiuslow, Parkhili, Allen, Hawkins aud Kirby. Sheriff's Accounts Messrs. Brooks, Gorton, Keller, Conger and Grove.

Clerk's and Crier's AccountsMessrs. Goddard, Lathrop, Schwinger, Tenney and Collins. District Attorney's Accounts Messrs. Kirby, Bennett, Bigelow and Hart. Coroners' Accounts Messrs.

Stevenson, Bigelow, Conger, Grass and Looney. Accounts against Towns except in Criminal Cases Vlessrs. White, Calkins Stengel, Stednian and Langner. Miscellaneous Accounts Messrs. Ashman, Kirby, Mot: ran, Hart and Keller.

Expenditures on Roads and Bridges Messrs. Case Brooks, Tiffany, Grove and Wioslow. United States Deposit Fund Messrs. Lathrop, Hawkins, Soeljjl, White and Harwell. Erie County Penitentiary Messrs.

Looney, Ashman, Wioalew, Cunningham and Bigelow. Division and Erection of TownsMessrs. Hart, Calkins Collins, Thompson and Schwinger. Erection and Removal of Public Buildings Messrs Thompson, Tiffany, Stevenson, Langner and Pratt. Accounts of Board of Healih Messrs.

Allen, Morgan, J. E. FRANCIS, Buffalo. Missouri I 83 For Niagara Falls, Susp. Bridge, Toronto, Kingston, Ogdensburg Montreal.

ICIljS The fast sailing steamer ARROW, TrtrtTltlill J.RATMO.ri.CnmmsT,ri., 1...... .1....1. Nkw VofiK, July Xb, lUtl -With conliiJenc do 1 le-omnieuc Pkop. O. J.

Wood Hair Kestorativ 1 UWUlg lUt OJoflt etilCUClUUh ttJli -iiieei, si y-uo A. and i-oo P. touch, ing at FALCON WOOD and Sohlosrer, connecting will file evr aw. mut ualng ym nwr Ketoratie GREtV GROCERIES The undersigned nns returned lo the old ee-'ablishmeot first onem-d. vjy him, at ISO.

303 MAIN STRjE-ET Where can fe found ail tlis subfivaniittla and mnst of th luxuries tat aie iiMualiv kept in Green Grocer's eutad lishuietits, comprising the following Pickles. Sauces. CT'Hufcliiugte Life Exhiiarant is quick and effectual, curing the wont and most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the stomach and bowels, and will revive the melancholy aud drooping spirits immediately. The feeble, nervous and sickly should try it. Sold by J.

E. FRANCIS. Life I of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Hutchings' Life Exhilarant It will make you strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the meustrual organs, and restore the bloom of health to the sickly and wasted care-worn face. Sold by J. E.

FRANCIS. al, rowu naraiandlaoa feel u.uudeLt lei ur.r, nisi, has rail me u. all Jdmlrm, awl aupieasaut tttia mg, so cornmun iulJn tMu. viu peispuo K1I.BY. Jt carmen .1 turning gr; i tetemtut bait ami had ineu no stfec I commenced Hons lasted ban begad to lil, un, gru.

out, and turn eaea to its former color, (black.j it thi, time It lefttllvreatowdb, i orlgisaj ootofc ieaith ani and 1 cheerful, rewmiuea, iU use 1,, alk Caioaoo, 111., May 1, 18S7: J' D' ii0t8- WORCESTERSHIRE, WALNUT CATSUP, Ml'SHROON CATSUP, TOMATO CATSUP, CAPERS, KWftm 011 the American side; also al Chip pewa Erie Ontario road for Clifton House, Snapen siou Bri ige and viagars REIirjCTlON Oli' FARE. Fare to rTtagava Fails 60 cents, Fare to Falls and retur. when return tickets are procured at oihee or of agent, 78 cents. Fine to Suspension Bridge, 60 centB. Fare from Buffalo to the town of Niagara $1 00 Fare from Buffalo to Toronto, (Hist claas,) $1 J6.

(secGuu I 60. One trip on SUNDAY, commencing Sunaay May 82 The only truo way lo see the 'alls' ESTThe ARROW at al. times will be in readiness t. isse Excursion in addition to the above time. tdf'For further information InquLe at Ihe office op posite the Niagara Falls Iiepot, Waveriey House Biocl on Board, or of PLAIN PICKLES, MIXED RED CABBAGE, ONIUN, OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, HORSE RADISH.

them un. gen. jjy SrmiTUALisM. Mrs. Amanda M.

Spence' a Trance Medium, will lecture in St. James Hall on Sunday, Oct. 9th, at 3 and Ty, o'clock, P. M- Admission 10 cents. jy The best ale in the city is drawn from the Wood at ihe Marble Hall, three doors below the American Hotel.

Goshie runs the establishment. S24 lm Minnehaha St. Paul and the North West. The increase of travel both for pleasure Slid business is greatly increasing over the La-Crosse ei Milwaukee Railroad. It is the shortest aud quickest route, a saving of ten hours time, and one hundred miles in distance, Two Express trains leave Milwaukee and Chicago daily making close connections with the best line of steamers on the Mississippi River.

Be par4iciilar and call for tickets via the La Crosse it Milwaukee Railroad. jyUr. Griswold, Occnlist and Aurist, 230 Main street. sel4 jy bee advertisement of Dr. Sandford's Liver Invigorator, and Family Cathartic Pills, in another column.

FRENCH MUSTARD. PICKLE3Ry the barrel, hundred or dozen. Kraft, Collins and Farwell. Accounts of the Board and Clerk Messrs. Cunningham Smith and Gosliu.

Military Rolls Messrs. Case, Kratt, Conger, Stengel he KestoratiVK 1:1 liul i. -i nr. mediaoi. and 'T Cart WM.

CAVERI.T, General Agent, S. N. S1AICI Passenge Agent. fint, snd etail. hr am 1 annul uoiue f.

the medium Uuid at least twentv per com. proportion than tue smaif i Freight Notice. (injt. 1 1 i Pure Liquors, WINES, ALES, PORTER, CIDER Cigars, J. WYN HAMMER 323 MAIN BTJiKliiT, (Arcade Hall, opposite the American Hotel,) WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS Afc customers that he haB removed to the above Store, which has been tktted up expressly forhim, tc with reference to his particular line uf business, having cellar extending ninety feet, and adapted to preservation of Wines, Ale, Porter, Cider, 4c.

BRANDIES. HiB stock orBrandies conHiat of CUONAC BRANDY, in and pipes of yariout vintages 01,5 CHAMPAGNE BRANDY Vintage of 1846. OTABD, BRANDY Of various in usuai packages. A. SEIONETTE-KOCHKLLK BRANDY Ip and pipes.

HOLLAND GINS. SAINT CROIX RUM High proof wi flarorSelect ed brands. JAMAICA RUM High proof and flavor. IRISH MALT WHISKY John Mehan's brand. SCOTCH MALT WHISKY John Ramsey aud Ard- FRUIT Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Dates, Figs.

PrUnefi, in jars, boxoa ana in Dulk Preserved Ginger ii pots Tamarinds; genuine Table Oils, of the best that is imported. All kinds of green Garden Vegetables in their season Large Counts and Count Oysters, extra and So. 1 do. in Cans and Kegs Clams, Salt and Fresh Water Fish. Boiled Lobsters, alt No 1 Mackerel, very tine A No.

1 Say brook shad, Smoked Sain on and Haiibul. A const nt supply of VENiSuN, PKA.R1E CHICKEN QUAIL, PARTRllhiE, and all kinds of Game in The finest quality COUNTRY BljOTiB, fcos an. CrHtSE, kept consUauy nana, loagr.her with mam othei iTtiolea too numerous ueutaoni The Ptoprietor, iVting ad a long experience in thv buslne s. Be'- rs SMm that, by strict attention, he mav tnerta public patronage. P.

All goods warranted to jive satisfaction, or moo. ey refunded in all eases. nNiihnii i A mi su. a fy Hatchings' JLIfe Exhilarant This novel preparation has met with the approval of the faculty in every part of the world, and the discoverer and proprietor fearleauiy proclaims it to he tiNK.CA..ED at a rejuvenator and rettorer of wasted or inert functions. Hutchings' Life Exhilarant should be used by all nervous persons, as it stimulates the nerves to their natural work, and will not produce a reaction no matter how sud denly dropjwd.

It is also a grand toivio, and will give relief in Dys. pepsia with the first do6e. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish dyspepsia forever. The aosd should be certain to make Hutchings" Life Exhilarant a household god, inasmuch as It wilt render them youthful in feelin? aud in strength, and enable them to live over again the days oi their pristine joy. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and is really an in-valuable blessing, especially to thos- who have been reduced fa acpnditipn of servility by self-apnse or ordinary sickness, Wo matter what the cause of the per cent.

mm proportion, and retail! for a ou 114 l.raet stroet, St. i.ouis Uo And sold i.yaj, good Umiaip and Fancy lh, To Hotel Keepers. Resiatirams, Drug-gists, Grocers and the Public. DR. BRUHlVs BITTERS M.

TAYLOR'S ADV'TS. n. o. ah gooes delivered, in au, part of the Ji tj free of ohi- arge. fel-ly C.

H. NEEDHAM. 1) tJave, from their their excelled amilities, been re- the MtlST I DUvarm mrr IOKK SL fcKltK.K, (J Will transport Propeity at Reduced Sates from BUI aLO to ew York, Philadelphia, Bostou and BALTIMORE, And from BUFFAU to Attica, Batavia, Rochester, IlorncUtville, and all points on the N. Y. Erie Jiaiiroad.

Alsr. inieruiediat places betweeo BUFFALO NEW YORK, PHlLAlJKLi'HlA, BALT1MURK id BUSTO and 110111 same poiiits to the Wea.eaii acd SouUiwsaterri States aud CamtdaB. ALL THE WAY BY BAILHOAB And in conufciion with firft clanH Propelltreou the Jake-i All per una ihiDglufUroiati.o ooncomiug lowtsi rales and specia contractw obiain tha namv bv appjv-ing at the QK. ERaL FREIGHT OFFICE, comer of Ea-change and WasJiiogtou atreati. A D.

PATCH1 FreBident. JOHN SHl'TTLEWORTH, Gen. Freight Asent. Buffalo, August 11, iS59. ao22-3 New ODtical Estabiishmenf, ouimeuded I Xj PubliaherH and Manufacturers, I am enabled to supply the trade with Books and Stationery at lowest Naw York prices, yitheut charge for transporaation to Buffalo.

ENGLISH BObftS imported to order. The place to buy School Books. The place to buy New Books. The place to buy the Best Editions of Standard Works The place to buy Bjbueh and Pkaybk Books. The place to buy English Books.

The place to buy Rodtlkdge's Railway Library. The place to buj. Lossing' Fikld Book of the fy Bupsrb ExhUarant will remove the effect at once and forever. Hutchings' Life Exhilarant should be used by all per-sons ho have disordered nerves, stomach, liver, mubou a action, torpid intellect, or lowneas of spirits. It is compounded from harmless yet powerful simples, and contains not a grain or atom of mineral substance.

Females afflicted with barrenness will discover in Hutch WINES. MADEIRA, SHERRY, PORT, BURGUNDY and CLARET Of all grades, in Wood and Glass. CHAMPAGNE Heidsieck, Charles Heidsieek, Roysl Crown and Scrlder brands. LONDON PORTER Quarts and PI to. SCOTCH ALES Of the beat brands.

DOMESTIC ALE-Ofthe best brands, In bottles and on draught. CORDIALS UF ALL KINDS. tHis Wines, Brandies, Gin, Ac, are aUio put up in glass of different sizep, to suit customers, and for iamilv and Medicinal purposes. W. A.

COOTS, 204 SiAiJi fcTKEUT, HAS OK aANU THE MOST EXTENSIVE and varied stock oi GENT'S PUBLISHING GOODS, ever before offered In this market, comprising every variety of SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Cravats, stocks, Ties, Collars, Among which may be found some entirely new and novel styles, such as Brown aud Bull Linep Traveling Shirts new style of GAROTE COLLAR, uow gteatly iu iafor Enameled Paper Collurs of all siaes, in any quantity from a single Collar to ten thousand. Black and Fancy FRENCH BEAUFORT TIES. GAhOTK GAN2A 0 lACfi RIBBON TUBULAR OPERA NAPOLEON ALEXANUEh'S RID GLOVES of all colors. BAJOCKS CHaNSENEP (a.winak mill ings' Life Exhilarant the realization of their hopes of The place to bo; Good Books Cuba. The place to buy Cap, Letter and Note Papers.

The place to buy Good Envelopes. The place to buy Blank Books. The place to buy Arnold's Ink. The p.ace to buy Good Gold Pbnb, (Warranted.) The place to buy Papbr Envelopes Stamped to Order The place to buy All Kinds of Stationery. The place to buy CHEAP 1 the place, next to McArthur'a.

M. TAYLOR, 299 Main Btreet. uu reujeiiy lor Dtarrliea, atelilUy, Heanburu, BliluusuftH, Jaundice, L.kvr Complain Blood, Vc.i oVc. Are also a sure and certaiu agarust. Fever and Ague, Ufwlera, Summer Complaints, de.

nil' TONIC AND yubfc NU oflered to the rhK nmRRS -LL diseases OF vbo i and all restored to a ROBUST "'l-amnlatedandrra. will be treated ind the DSBlUTAm. StESl'ORfill TO NhW- J3SS, JTIS rT aK'ble taste, and win he -akeu rendily by children a well as adulls pernn sulleriug from any of the above comnlaliios re mvlied to try UK. BBUNON'S BITTERS. Don.

For ah adult a email erine-glass full 3 times CIGARS. EEEVE'S CATALOGUE (No. 15) of LONDON BOOKS, both Ancient and Modern, just imported from Europe. The best Catalogue yet publiihed. Call and get a copy at once, and secure first selections.

J' M. TaYLOR, 299 Main street, s23 Sole Agent for Buffalo Id this branch of buflioeM be flatten himself that there is not a better selection of the various popnlar brands to be found in the city. I'M siciann, families and epicures are requested to call and eiamine ns pure and choice an assortment of ihe different Wines, Liquors and Ales, as were ever offered to the citizen? of Buffalo, at No. 323 Main street, opposite ihe American Hote. auSOdly B.

JOHNSON, 266 Main, corner of Ataara -Street, iujfiUo, IV. f. Has on baud gold, f-ijver aud steel Wpoctacles aad I'rtftiup Inntruioemii, orOHCopertaod Magnifying fllag-H, St-reoscopen and Pho toKrapli 1'icturea. Ainu, Prof, Frank's Double FocunGlan8 en, combliiiug tar and near Kigut in one glass Febbit-, cieulititiilly ground ana aiijusted to the eye, and Bet ii uld or new fiauuie at short notice. Barometers fllled an' ndjuHted, and Ship Compaasee repaired, nvau-lydc a C.


And oluer new bookfl, received by M. TaVLOK, 29B Main itreet. THOMAS' DIMM SALOON No's 13? 150 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. X. THOMAS, PSOFRISTOB.

ind Bennett. Savings Banks Messrs. Pratt, Thompson, Parkhili, Grove and Tenney. apportionment of Grind Jurors Messrs. Tenney, Tiffany and Stedmau.

City Committee Messrs. Gorton, ABhman, Krafft, White and Allen. jy Thieves Arrested. Officer Burton relumed from Cleveland this morning, having in custody a fellow named Patrick O'Brien, charged with robbing vessels at the docks. It appears that about a month or six weeks ago, i hree schooners were robbed during the night by some desperate rascals, who entered the cabins where the officers were asleep, and laid hands on watches, money, clothing, Ac, amounting to one hundred dollars.

Day before yesterday. Burton arrested a man named Edward Flaherty, charged with being one of the rob. bers, and with O'Brien, is now in jail awaiting examination. In Aug. Burton arrested two fellows charged with stealing wool, having been arrested while trying to sell it to L.

K. Plimpton, who are still in jail. Since then it has been discovered that the two wool thieves were concerned with Flaherty and O'Brien in robbing the vessels, and that there was a regular gang of them. One of tbem had on a pair of pantaloons and a vest, which have been identified as those stolen from one of the vessels. So the law has a sure thing on the whole crowd.

O'Brien had on him when arrested, a small gold watch, worth between $40 and $50 which it is supposed was stolen. There had been a name engraved inside the case, but it is now to scratched as to make it impossible to read it. Any one having lost a gold watch of this description can obtain farther particulars by enquiring at the office of the Chief of Police. jy Doesticks in a Fix. DoeBticks, of the New York Tribune, attended the brutality at Point Abiuo on Thursday last, as reporter for the New York Tribune.

He ordered a carriage from this side to be sunt over to the Canada side tho night previous, so as to be ready with jt in the rooming. He, with a gentleman reporting for the Boston Courier, and a young physician from this city were to go in the carriage. The party arrived on the Canada side at 1-2 past 9 o'clock, but mollifying lo relate, their carriage had not arrived it being irretrievably jammed in the crowd of carriages on tho American side, with no earthly hope of getting across until after dinner and fighting time. Doesticks immediately set himself about getting some other conveyance and he succeeded. The party got in, and this is the picture.

The wagon was a four wheeled concern without springs, the paint, by the inevitable fingers of timo, having been picked off entirely the spokes of all the wheels bending in the ungreased and untarred axles squeaking in the most nervous and unearthly manner; in this thing, the box of which was about four inches high, were seats placed, sustained at the ends by half bricks, cushioned with a little hay stolen from a detained load near by. This vehicle was drawn by an uneducated lame mare with foal, with sightless oyes, scraggy neck, nnd bunchy and broken jy Gymnasium. Those of our readers who iiave not had leisure time during the spring and ajummer months to devote to physical exercise, now an opportunity afforded them to obtain membership at this institution for the ensuing winter. Everything may bo found that it necessary to develope the body and strengthen the muscles, an 1 all who have any regard foi their healih or personal appearance should not tail to attend. A Fact.

Owing to the length of our reporter's account of the late prize fight, we omitted to make mention of the International Gift Book, 247 Main street. We are glaC to know of one place where there is some business doing. They are really doing a handsome trade, and every purchasei of a $1,25 book, receives a Gift. We met one of our lady friends-this morning who exhibited a most costly bracelet, which she received with a $1,25 book. Wi also know of a gentleman who received a hand some silver pitcher.

We understand there will be some fun tuere to-night. We are going to some of it. jjy Seventh Ward Caucus. At a meeting of the Democratic Electors of the Seventh Ward held on the evening of the 7th for the purpose of choosing Delegates to the County Con veotion, Orlando McCumber, was called to the Chair, and Charles was appointed Secretary. Barton Atkins, Martin Frank, and John Suess, were duly elected as Delegates to the County Convention.

On motion of Wm. Sutton, seconded by Michael Heafner, it was re solved, that the Delegates have power, in case lo attend, to substitute others in theii places. O. McCumber, Ch'n. Charles Myers, Sec'y.

(jy Caloric. A novel application of the ca-Horic engine is reported. By means of compressed air, forced into a tank by the motive engine, power is instantaneously transmitted thro' long distances, impracticable to either belts or shafting. The engine may be placed in the most convenient point, however remote from the work, if sinjply connected by a common gat pipe for the conveyance of air. Machinery located in any part of a building can thus te driven simply by cold air, without a chance of accident from fire, explosion, or any freak of the elements.

jy Sufekior Court of Buffalo. Criminal Term. Hon. Joskfh G. Masten, Presiding He-cox and Talbot, Justices of the Peace.

The People agt John Kelly. Indictment lor grand larceny. Tried and acquitted The People agt Best and Best, Indictment for assault and battery. It turned out on the trial that the affair occurred out of the city. The Court quashed the indictment The People agt John F.

Carter. Defendant was sentenced lo Erie County Penitentiary for six months on a plea of guilty of receiving stolen goods The People agt. William H. Sullivan. Passing counterfeit bill.

Sentenced to State Prison for five years. jy Horse and Street Railways. We have received from Messrs. Hunt Minor, of Pittsburgh, a book of about 150 pages, being a treatise on ihe construction, management, of horse railroads, with much valuable information concerning the same. The author, Alexander Easton, is a practical civil engineer and contractor, largely engaged in building railways in several western cities, and is thoroughly conversant with such improvements.

He will be in this city in a few days. Copies can be obtained at $1 50, postage paid, by addressing the above houte. t3T Spiritual Parties. We learn that the Spiritualist Parties given last winter are to be repeated this winter at Kremlin Hall, and that the first one is lo be given one week from Tuesday evening next. It will be superfluous to recommend these parties to those who attended last winter, but lo those who did not, we will say that they were renarkable for their select character, order, decorum and enjoyment, an were more largely attended than any other series; of parlies ever given in this city.

The music is to be afforded by Taylor Johnson's celebrated Striug Band, consisting of thirty-five members. -TUY SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATION- JJ ERY at a buuui ica.eiiuouiiij a day. K. CBUGI1K, SULK AGENT FOR THK UNITBD STATES 74'2 ISroadwa, a. rr 'Sold at 60 1 cents bottle, 16 per doson $2 SO er gallon extra B.tters ir Bar Rooms, by the gallon or arrel, at low price of $1 a gaUon bne'stougn' on Bitters $1 li Kall 8 trior ssle by al, Druggists en.l Orooers.

jt WHOLESAIK Ji KSTJII. AT 74! BKO i WAY, N. t. TolitSr" 1 rrnMWu1 1. MATQEWS, 220 fain J.

I OISHL, 402 Main reet, O. H. 1-. CIlAll. i IN ISO M.

TAYLOR'S, 299 Main ntreet. Oysters Oysters! GOTHIC HAL, CLOTH ING WAREHOu SE No. 163 Main Street, We are now prepared with a very large an choice selection of Fall and Winter Clothing AIJL or OIK OWN MAIMrACTlKt, And which we will sell at price to euit the tiuiew. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Will be found t'U stocked with a iaiB nBHortmrut or Plain and fancy Cawiiniere, Orer Ctmtliign, Silk and VeU rt Veatingfl, ftc. have sdso on haGd a tiu itock ef Fl RMSlim.

GOODS, tyThese who wish to save ih per cent will do well lo gie us a call, before purchasing- elsewhere. GARLAND BEIRNK. 153 Meir-st. 1859. 1860.

BlXf, or FARE. OneplaU bread and potatoes furniehed free uhen mcate are ordered. SOUP. Beef and 5c Oysier Soap 103 Vegetable and Bean 6c FreBh Clam and Ulam Chicken Br-tb ftc Chowder. MEAT3.

Boiled nam Fresh Fih 10c Corned Beef and CabbagelOi- R. Pork Pork A Beans 10c Rtiast Heefand 10c Chicken and Koast Veal ami Lamb. Codfish Balls 1QC VEGETABLES OuLns and Tomatoes 6c Carrotiaod 6e PASTRY. Bread Pudding 6c Mince snd Apple Pie 6c Rice 6c Pumpkin and Custard He.fic Indian lf 6c Cranberry Pie 6o Apple Dumplings 6c I Cup Custards Doughnuts 5c 'TrtE National UenlHl t'ouvention, at its lau JL. senfion In iiiciutittti, pronounced Gld Plateo the 'Uiy reliable -erraai fut (lhv fr ARTIFICIAL TEETH.

Temporary utnturee are runde of M1t', Gutla rim, Vulcanized Rnbber Tin and other UASF. but cannot be depended on for perniaiiei.ey, and cei-ljiiu for beauty aud cleanliness, FINE ( fl)nda unriv'Aied. DK. F. QLIVEB comlnues to insert iu hia eereial auique aijd teAiitifnl siyl.

on FINE GOLD, Artificial Teeth, with Gum Attached. that for beauty, uaturalueufi aud iurabiiity, caunt be equaled by any other iy)e of artificial demure. Every oue warranted for ueu us well at. appearance ELRCTKlCITY succeKtifuliy flpplied fna'l! cases At the Old Stand, No. 2 ine Street, The Undersigned ban made bis .1.1 v- duDunfl ry t.iK Hl Am ilia Wanted It FAU A WINTER ARRANGEMENTS TO FURNISH THE CITIZENS OF B0F-falo and vicinity with those delicious bivalves of the best quality, and at the lowest rates, and will constantly maternity.

This remarkable and unapproachable preparation is for sale by the Proprietor, R. Ii. Hutchings, at 166 Chambers street, New York City. All orders should be addressed to him. Sent by Express everywhere.

One large bottle, $1 00 six bottles 00. Sold by mb.7-$m J. K. FRANCI3. Buffalo.

JTThe Aged can have health renewed by Hutch, ings Life Exhilarant, whioh is infallible as a rejuvenan and will restore wasted strength with magical promptness and wonderful permanence. For old and feeble persons (this not its equal. Sold hj J. S. FRANCIS tyThe Victim of Liver Complaint will diseover iu Hutchings' Life Exhilarant a grand panacea, unequaled for immediate and permanent effect in this distressing complaint It likewise renders the mind calm and cheerful it rejuvenates and restores strength with magic quickness.

Sold by J. E. FRANCIS, Buffalo. tSTTlie Nervous will find Hutchings' Lite Exhll arant a sure remedy tor aL their Buffering and percoDa who, from the injudicious use of liquors have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, and con stitutlons broken down. Sold by J.

K. FRANCIS, Buffalo. ty The Weak will receive new strength from a moderate use of that excellent invigorant, Ilutchiogs' Life Exhilarant. It is healthful in all its operations. As an invigorant it has no equal rejuvenating the aged and weakly with wonderful celfrity and permanent effect Sold by J.

S. FRANCIS, Buffalo. sTJTThe ttynpeptic can have all his woes banished if he will but use Hutchings Life Exhilarant. Weak stomach, feeble digestion, distress after eating, costive habits, billiousness, low spirits, will find a master in the above compound. Bold wholesale and retail by DJh7-m E- FRANCIS.

tW tlelmbold's Genuine Preparation-Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Afiectionj. 11 klm 4 Genuine Preparation jor Nervous and De. bilitated Sufferers. HsjLMBiLDa Genuine Preparation for Loss of Power, Lose of Memory. Hblhbold's Genuine Preparation for Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness.

Hblhbold's Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerv a. Horror of Death, Trembling. Hblmhold'8 Genuine Preparation for Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision. Hblmsold' Genuine Preparation for'Languor, Univers al Lassitude of the Muscular System. Hblhbold's Genuine Preparation for PalaB in the Back.

Headache Sick Stomach. lySee advertisement headed HELWTBOLI)'S GENUINE PREPARATION," in nother column. For le in this city by A. I. MATHEWS, mh29dfim No.

220 Main street. aeep on nanu a supply 01 inose nus Large Count Oysters COOKED TO ORDER. (SIPS Off PAUL'S Lit. i jeo Which have heretofore given such general satisfaction; ato and No. I Oysters in kegs, half kegs and quart cans, in any quantity, as my supply is unlimited.

orders left at my store, 29J Main street, will be promptly executed. ffy A 11 Oysters sold warranted fresh and to give satisfaction, or the money refunded, C. H. NEEDHAM. B.92J? tf Porter Hnuse Steak 20c Tenderloins 20c Pork Tenderloin 16c Pork Chips 0c Mutton 10c Ham fried or hoiled 10c Pigs Feet fried inbutter.lfic Soused Pigs Feet 10c Pickled 10c Ham and 3 KgRs 20o Omelette 3 Eggs 10c Scrambled Eeirs 10c A RYST I.



ONLY (io PiK GULON. OIL O.N1.Y 00 PEB GaLLON. NON-i-XI'l 0SIVE. NON-EXPLOsIYB NON-KXI'Li iS'Ve' NON.rXPl08ivE': LAMPS AND FIXTURES OF Ai I vivn f3f County Hsrhts for sale TO'l-r-Call Depot No. 3 West Seneoa Buffalo New Family Grocery.

284 MAIN (OWOtilTK aT.jAMBa BOTKL.J TH EODORE ATHKU tt OwCA F. FORI' have llm abi'Vn ore for the nannaotioo uf a Geufral (inn erv bii8lepn, where can be fcUod at all timee a choice n.nn tment ot SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FOREIGN PRESERVES, FRUITS, NUTS, 4c, rubllcare renpectfully invited to call and examine oumtock and price MAT KR FORI). Beefsteak and Onions. Salt 0( dflsh, family stylelOc Bribed 10c Fried Suasages lOo Fried Liver and Pork 10c Fried Mush 10c Tripe.fried or Pickled Tripe J0c Chicken, Broiled. SOc 16c Welsh Rarebit 10c Mush and Milk 10o Bread and Milk 10c ERS.

Oysier Fritters 16c Raw Oysters, large piste. 20c small plate. 10c Oyster Stews 20c Pry Toast 6c Hot English Muffins, morntnff and evenings. 6c Poached onToantl5c OYST Dcutbirv Dr. C.

B. PHELPS, having resumed his Sractice, can be consulted on all subjects connected with urgical and Mechanical Dentistry, at his office No. 28 Chippewa street, 2d door from Main. Operations in Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry, in all their branches, including Stopping. Regulating, Extracting, and Filling Teeth.

Also, Block Work, or Artificial Teeth, connected with natural Gums, and colored to suit different complexions. Also, whole nets, partial sets, and single teeth on sittings of gold or platina, together with all operations embraced in the most approveamethodsof modern practice. Tgr Toe charges will be made uniform and moderate in all cases. Local Btsperknoe Prof. C.

E. Went, Dr.T. F. Rochester, M. Bev.

Dr. Hoamer, Le Grand Marvin, Dr. E. P. Smith.

Nbw York Citt C. C. Allen, M. late editor of the Dental Recorder, S. Parmley, M.

D.t and Geo. E. Hawes, M. D. dc31 Fried, perdoz' 80c 41 doz 20c Broiled per doit pOa doi.

20c Buckwheat, Corn Batter and Wheat Cakes 6c Milk and Boston Cream Toast lea, uonee unocoiaic, oc igFamies and Partes supplied with Oysters and uraiue ai. Ljjtj njwcsi rates. ee2Q.ini HOKACE TMpMAS, Sup't. THE EC0K0MIST COOKING STOVE, For Wood or Coal. Hum jtiht iHkcn Preminnis hi (liiu Malt' Fair aud Hie Albany Co.

Fair! It is warranted tq do motto Halting, Boiling aud KroilinK, with a giveu (juantity of fuel, than any otli Siove or RaDe. ty It combinen uiiuhhuI weijiht, nize aoU perfection of maaufacture, with all the modern improvements ol Water TankB, Roasting Ovenn, Hot Closets, Tin Covere, 4c. firt Sole Agency at JOHN KTT'S oe22 HOPM Kfeper'a Faiporoun 817 Main pt rsma uution in Oil and Water Color Painting1 AND DKAWING. THE UNDEIfSIUNKD, having opened a Studio, iu WEED'S BLOCK, coiner of Main and Swan streets, is now prepared to receive Pupils in Oil Paintings; a so in Water Colors, ami all the other branch es of Drawing For Terms, apply at the H-udioRoom No. 16.

Hours from 11 o'clock A. lo 6 V. leMf W. BARtsllAM. Artist.

1859. SHINGLES! 1859. SCOBBLL CO'S Shingle Manufactory! LOCATED ON MECHANIC ST, (ADJOINING THB LtJMBKK YARD OK J. R. KVANa A N- WHERE WE INVITE THK ATTEN-tion of Lumber Merchants, Builders a oihers to our superior quality of CUT SHINGLES, made lrom Canadian Pine, having iu use W.

J. SCOTT'S Patent Shinglo Machine, The otily one of the kind worked in Riiff dn, owning the ese uiv city right of the pnme. Partien winning to purchase ar rpqu-'Bted 10 call atjd examine our Block be-lore piircbnwintf elfiewlir. ty Orders from abroad solicited and promptlv Gtlsd. ti Pn.prtptorR.

"The Buffalo" Republic. LARGE SIZED DAILY- A YEAR. Ten Cents a Week! SINGLE COPIES -TWO CENTS. Office 182 Washington St. A.

HOWE, Howe Baker.) BeM Successor lo joints. She toed in with her fore feet in the RANNEY'S CEMENT WORKS WASHINGTON STREET CJVer tht Canal Bridge.) The subscriber 1b now manufacturing HYDRAULIC CEMENT From the well known A bron Water A me Stone, And is prepared to fill orders promptly on very favoiable terms. je7 6m O. W. Central Wharf.

dr. Martin mafer, Homoeopaihic fhyalcUn and Survso, GRanUATI or THE UaiTBESlTr or Ltl, X' Gf Latk rRomssoB ra LAwitnoa UmTaa rt Wis'. UR.MAYKR haYineretrnedat; in from En. IZcir tb ot hh it 17 Important to Females Dr. Cheeae- man's Pills.

The combination of ingredients in these Pills, are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and cortain in correct. YOUNG LADIES ATTENTION THE McOMBER a AIR RESTORATIVE AND INVIGORA-tor will stop the hair from falling out, csuha it to en up, preyent gray hairs coining. It eradicates dandruff, and ifi the best dresBinn fortha toilet ever compounded. It is wai ranted to grow hair on bald heads.

It never has failed. Try it. Price 60 cents and 91 00 a botlle Get a circular and read more about It. When you purchase, see that my name, W. V.

MAY-NARD, is on the wrappers, directions and circulars, an 1 am the only manufacturer of the true 'McOmber Hair Restorative." All others are frauds. iy For sale wholesale and retnil by W. V. MAYNARD, Sole Proprietor, No. 204 Washington street, opposite PoBt Office.

oc3 lw Having bau i oonnected for eighteen moni: itli Or. lug ail Irregularities, painful menstruation, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, aUDiBlamaoya Wtvtrr. KmJs TvLa, Hat Bonnet Bleachery NEW SHAPE FOR BONNETS. wuico. arise lrom interruption ot nature.

They can be loled' "oroutli ol American Residence, IH EUleoR J.r. Waah- nvod" successfully used as a preventive, producing with cer tainty periodical regularity. These Pills should never be The Bobseiiber lmvinz Drocsred taken in Pregnancy, as they would be sure to cause a mis now prpred to execnt Jr nil work in bl line 1b tfa moHt fannluDkbl Barnum's Great Variety Store, OFFEKS, OF ITS OWN DIKE0T tb. largest stuck ftf Fancy Goods mat of New York CI st 'ducedPrires. RICH FANS, Opera Qlassee, Kye Gissses, Brali'tacJes.

TUAVhl.l.vo SATCHELS, Bam fort flag-, forlmon nans, Pocket Honks. HRK-S TBlMalNOS, V.hets, Beltings, Buttonr, Friairts. ttc. HKAI) Nets, Combs, Trarl and Qold DdUBfieJ Pmf, fire. KMBKOlOkUl.VO Materials for all nurnoua; kilo Masonic, Ac WORSTEDS, WOO ibs, of ererj style, a dr sud shade Shet and Wools.

QU.iKER KNITTING YARNS or the flncet quality of ejfoOl. MEERSHAUM PIPES sad Segar Tubes, Welchtl Stems, vetitiine goods I.1NKN AND COTTON TAPES, the Dnest anallty carriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anythlnr in jurious to life or health. Explicit directions, which should regular boarding school style, and toed out with her hind feet for no other purpose than to establish an equilibrium, we presume. She also had a bad cough, which foreboded a hard case of the heaves, ami a disposition to lie down frequently, which foreboded some heaves by the passengers to get her on her feet again.

They had fourteen miles, or nearly that to go with this turn-out and five passengers, and Doea icks insisted upon starting right off. Word was passed forward for the old lady horse to move forward, but she either didn't hear or didn't care. A whip was used fora few moments with no other result than to wear it out, and some punches in the flanks by the sharp report-orial pencils of Doesticks were equally ineffica-ious to produce locomotion. A tender-hearted bystander then procured a rail, and placing it behind forced her ahead a few steps, when the rail broke, and the train stopped Doesticks suggested 'switching off the old lady, but the whip, Safl workmanlike manner. HP8 Bonnets altered and repaired.

Also dyed any desirable color, h. BoUTKI.I.E, Successor to C. W. Ladd, 21 East Eagle street, corner Elllcott street, Up Stairs. se28-2w Albion Stone Milts Floor.

TtfDSON 4 AVERY are row receiving di-fj rect from the Mill this celebrated brand from NKW WHEAT, which that offer to the Trade at market ratei. tgrOrderH promptly executed. aufl be read, accompany each bo. Price SI. Sent by mall by enclosing $1 to the General Agent.

WKtOKAillK PAl'ER HAMallSUS. A LOT OK BEAUTIFUL FRENCH DECORATIONS THIS day received from au ianolvent houae Iu New 1 ork, and for sale at less than ooet ol 1 por'ation. Paper Hangers furnished If desired. "hM KIK.Ik., 174 Main street. VfTlNOOW lare uortmcm ol Window ii bmH can be found and is for nitle at QP Meeting of Mechanics, A meeting of 208 Male J.

K. FIUNfM. R. B. BCTCHINOS, General Agent, 166 Chambers street, New York.

Sold by J. E. FRANCIS, No. 208 Main street, Buffalo. uibV-6m CyHowere I Hewers I The public are respect let fSnrrennor to Oharlox iA BOXES FINK FRENCH LKMO.NS To mauufaciurers.

receirtd and Id Un- orriVr TV nine), rrai Migusn steel, et aad One American, of ev. ervsiie Bbtov CTYANKKE NOTIONS the Trare at N.w Tork City prices, euibr.elng tbe arge.t stuck in W.slern Nv 'UN R. RT.DAirMlK Jr C.n Lemons and Oranges. TITST RECEIVED -A large copsignment of fj Lemons and Oranirei in line order. JOHN R.

ELDR1DGK CO je29 Cawh frrocery Hon.e. 884 Main cor. Conrt-at Room wltn steam Power. A NEAT ROOM in the 3d etory of the Republic Buildlnga can be bad, with STEAM POWE if deaired. Apply at the Republic Counting Room to lau OUT H.

SALISBURY. Scott's Wire Screens, FOR PARLORS, OFFICES, STORES, Ac Ornamental, Plain or Lettered. VENTILATE THE ROOM AND JKEEF OUT THE DUSTI Evcrtxidy can Leak Out, and Nobody ea Leek In! F. B. SCOTT, Sign Palmer, outh Diviflon St.

near Main, iny7 I HAVE ON LOT (IN Hi FALO CHEEK roatetotoi riVK AVBES. snd another TMKCK mechanics aud laboring men has been called at the old Court House, for this evening. We have not, learned what the oljects of the meeting are, but presume it is with reference to adopt-ing some plan of co-operation by which they may assist one another. All the grest reforms that haie spiead over the land have been initia y2R fully Informed that the subscriber Is prepared to construct aide end cellar Sewers at the shorlest notice and on reasonable terms; also cement Cisterns, Cellar bottoms, etc. A line addressed to him through the post office-- ORKS AND A HALF, which I a fair nriee ta QUMMKR bwrry Root, a i daanaut, Hfe and effleitn' remedy, pre Any persoo or company wishing to engage In ai llai.o- i'lour Trveira e- Hal, the Flow SToaa of oHsiness aua 'aae nuot in Oi husluees It WI I also pul InaSTKAM EWilNE If desired.

pnrnu evu aviu ml xv mmiu nvreei oy J. PRANiTS, X' box M0S will Beet with Immediate attention. rsU7-tnol A. WEBSTER, No. CO EUitott sUset JVOMH at AVERY, 'ii CentraJ Wharf.

(SttGcei te Chss. Col.iniui.) purr at ue Hepubil. etnee aal BCY U. alALUaatLRY..

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