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The Buffalo Daily Republic from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Buffalo JBails ftepttbltr tucabas, iHag ltf, Fobt OrrioB, BrrrrALO, 1 PHINNEY ADVTS. sales by auction. deal of interest.) me I coold not see you but you eov2d me, made some reply which I do not remember, and then arose and dressed himself. I then left the office-Henry Taylor was next called Was teller in Brown Keep's Bank at the time of the robbery. Some three I)e Oailn Hcpablic.

April inoa. nr New ITI all Arrangement- Hereafter, un til further notice, the mails at this office will be closed as follows, vix Batavia, Rochester. Syracuse, Rome, Utica, Troy, 6:40 A and 4:40 M. Canandaigusy Anburo and Geneva daily at 1:40 a 8:00 M. Way mail, supplying small offices between Buffalo and oracuBB, uiu ruou, uiuij (except auDuaya; at m.

Mail for offices on new road from Rochester to Syracuse at 6:40 A M. Albany, Bos'on and New York, at and 8 PM. The balance oi tbe Eastern mail at 4:40 ML On Sunday only one mail eastward, dosing at 4:40 supplying all the offices eastward, excepting the small way offices. Buffalo and Corning mail, via Attica, daily, (except SundayB) at 3:10 M. No mail sent on this route on Sanaays.

Springville, daily, (except Sundays,) at 1 M. YorkRhirft. TneRdavs. Thurtdava and Satnraavs A M. East Hamburgh, Glenwood, Golden, Griffin's Mills and West Fails, oaiiy, (except Sundays; at i h.

Pilot mail to Williamsville, daily at 2 M. Erie. Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago, daily, (except Sundays,) 9:00 A M. and 8 and the balance ef the western mail at 8:00 M. Lockport mail, daily, (except Sundays) at 4:20 and 8 M.

No mail Bent on Sundavs. Niagara Falls, daily, (except Sundays) at 7:10 A and h. Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad and London, C. W. daily, (exceptSundays) st 2:25 M.

Toronto, Hamilton and G. W. R.R. C. 7:10 A M.

Detroit dally, (except Sundays) at 7:10 A M. and 4:55 PM. Suspension Bridge, Y. and Hamilton, CW, 7:10 A and 4:55 M. A second mail is made up for Black Rock, Tonawanda, and North Buffalo Saturdays, closing at 4:55 M.

Office will be opened at 6 A and elosedat 8 PM. On Sundays open from 11:80 A to 1 M. nb27 JAMES O. DICKIE, P. M.

ESTABLISHED 1S59. IN THAT LARGE and commodious five-story Store, NO'S 174 MAIN 8 JOHN With the largest and best assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, OP THIS SPRING STYLES, Comprising splendid new Decorations, Borders, Gilt, Velvet, Satin, And Common Paper Hangings, from the most popular Factories in America, France and England. On our 1st Floor entrance on Main street will be found a large and beautiful stock of Low Priced Paper Hangings I For our Retail Trade. 2d Floor We have an elegant assortment of Satin and GUt Parlor, Ball and Chamber Paper, DEC RATIO NS, BORDERS, Ac. ty This Room is devoted exclusively to the Ladies.

3d, 4th and 5th Floors are our WHOLESALE ROOMS, Where dealers can find an extensive stock of Paper Hangings for their Trade, which will be sold at New York Prices! Our assortment of GILT AND COMMON WINDOW SHADES Trimmings, Cords, Tassel is large, and of the best style. It will be seen by the sbove that our stock ia large and complete, and we are determined not to be undersold by any house out of New York Citv. most competent Paper Haneera and Decorat ors in our employ, and will give satlslaction. apio-iy n. n.


The best to boy OLD JAVA and MOCHA COP-FEES. Tbe beat place to buy nice SYRUPS. The beat plaee to buy all kinds MOLASSES. The beat place to buy all kinds SUGARS. The best place to buy all kinds SALT FISH.

The best place to buy Crosse Blackwell's PICKLES. The beat place to buy all kiuoa FOKEKiN SAUCES. The best place to buy all kinds PIE FRUITS. The best place to buy all kinds TOIi ET SOAPS. The best place to buy all kinds WASHING SOAPS.

The best place to buy best STARCH. The best place to buy FIGS, RAISINS and PRUNES. The best place to buy all kinds NUTS. The best place to buy pure LIQUORS for family use. The best place to buy Natire and Foreiirn WLNE3.

The best place to buy a good box CIGARS. The best place to buy Meershaum SMOKI'G TOBACCO The best place to buy high and low cost CHEWING The beat place to buv Wiedam Pine Apple CHEESE. The best place to buy English and Ametican The best place to buy good G0OI 8. The best place to buy GOODS CHEAP. The best place to buy all kinds GROCERIES.

We ask the citizens of Buffalo to lry us rich and poor, f9 JNO. R. ELDRIDGE CO. GOTHIC HALL CLOTHING WAREHOUSE No. 153 Main Street, We are now prepared with a verr laree and choioe selection of Spring and Summer Clothing, ALL OF OCR OWN ItlANIJFACTURE, And which we will sell at prices to suit th.

timei. OXJB CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Will be found well stocked with a laree aaflortmrnt of Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Over Coatrmra. Silk and Vel vet VestingB, Ac, we nave also on hand a fine stock of FURjVISmiVG GOODS, who wish to save 26 iter cent will do well to git us a call, before purchasing elsewhere. se21 OAKLAND BKIRNE.


II. C. GHMiGS. Rubber and Gutta Percha A3 A BASE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH. At tbe East, during the last three or four years.

Rubber and Gutta Percha has been used extensively by Dentists as a Base for Artificial Teeth, but owing to the difficulty and expense of obtaining a proper Bteam apparatus lor hardening the material, teeth have not been set with this artic in this city. We have obtained the necessary ius. ruction, and put up a eam apparatus for vulcanising, and have already put in Reveral setts fur individuals that seem to answer the purpose of false teeth better than any material we have ever used. We believe that teeth Inserted in this way can be made to hold up and keep tbair place more' securely than in tbe old way; consequently we are willing and anxious to do this kind of work for those who are now wearing me tallic p.atea that are constantly moving and dropping down. ty We are using Dr.

Smith's celebrated Apparatus for extracting teem oy means oi electricity. U. W. HARVEY SON, Dentists, Cilice corner South Division and Washington streets, my 2-1 THEY SAY STEWART'S STOVE Seems to hare exhausted inveotive genius in tne penecuon to wmcn it naa attainea.i.rortiana tier, aid. STEWART'S STOVE Is so convenient and nice, that our ladles will even be at tracted to the kitchen to enjoy the pleasure and satistac tion of observing tbe process ot cooking.

New Or leans Jjeiu, STEWART'S STOVE Deserved! ranks as the onlr comnlete and nerfect Cook- ing Stove ever offered to the public Troy Family journal. STEWART'S STOVE Will do all that is claimed for it, and li certainly worthy the attention or tuo about purchasing. uartiora rose STEWART'S STOVE Cannot fail to give a bltrh degree of satUfaclonto females engaged, ia cooaing uount Vernon republican. STEWART'S STOVE for sale by IIADLEF OUSTED, ap23 No. 119 Main st, 1859.

Spring Stock Complete! 1859. WOODWARD) IS OPENING AM IMMENSE STOCK OF BONNETS Flowers, Boy's Hats, Bonnet Buchet, Ribbons, Infant's Hooped Skirts, Men's Hate, Shaker! Hoods, Embroideries, Misses' Bloomers, Straw Trimmings, Lace Edgings, Riding Hata, Bonnet Silks, 4c, 4c. WILLIAM H. WOODWARD, mhtt) 9fi7 2fl9 Mai. slr.e St.

James Block. 8. E. a. H.

kott, octr--x JLLIST. Besldeuc. and Offlce No. Jj. lMa' aeneca street.

mhsldo-m (Mato' Direct rebuked. There are two vaults with an iron partition between them one entering into the bedroom. and the other in the front room with no connections be tween them. The money stolen was in the front room vault. Desnis Taylor, sworn.

Am a locksmith by trade-place of business on Swan street, opposite Brown. Keep's Bank. Recollect the robbery. Was called to take the lock off the Swan street door. I made the lock, I was aeked whether I could open the lock with the wire exhibited io Court I said could not do it I took off the lock.

It was a four tumbler lock. I was requested to see if it had been opened with a picklock. Could find no marks or scratches on the inside of the lock. The front door lock had not been tampered with, as I learned from careful examination. I tried to turn the key on the inside of the door by the picklock from the outside.

Could not turn it with my fingers, but could do it by catching hold oi the picklock with a pair of pliers. There were no marks on the key or lock, to show that the pick had been used. I could not unlock the door with the pick, if the key was not in the door. When I attempted to use the pick on the lock or key, they became scratched. Cross-examined.

Don't think the key could be turned with a pair of forceps from the outside without a mark on the key don't think it con'd be turned by a wire thrust through into the handle of key. Wm. 0. Brown sworn Had no knowledge ef the combination of the key. No one knew of It except Mr.

Allen. Mr. Allen did. Mr. Taylor might.

I left the office on the night of the robbery at about 6 o.clock. In the afternoon Mr. Bridge came in and wanted $800 in Canada money on his check. Allen came back to me and toldmeof It, and said "you don'twant to let him have it, do you I said if he had not gone te let him have it. He had not gone, and he obtained the money The question of Mr.

Allen struck me as extraordinary at tha time. (Ruled out by the Court.) This was after banking hours. We never were partieular about the honr of paying out money, as long aa the money was not locked up in the vault, We generally paid out if demanded. There nothing peculiar in Allen's manner when he asked me the question alluded to. I arrived at the Bank between 8 and 9 e'clock the next morning.

Mr. Keep informed me of the loss of the money. I learned that the money which had been stolen was found about four weeks afterward. Mr. Best or Mr.

Ty ler informed me. This was after the arrest of Burns, Allen and Deveraux. Had no knowledge that any one sleptin the Bank except Allen and Taylor. Cross- xaminbd. Mr.

Brigg's check was upon ano ther bank. Briggs did not say anything about getting the money before Allen spoke about it. It would not hive excited any surprise to have asked me if he should let Briggs have the money, but tbe manner of saying, You don't want to let him have it," Sue. Have sent Alleo frequently to Canada with funds to ex change. Don't think it waB arranged for him to go the next day It may have been spoken of.

I should expect to be asked about the payment of a check after banking hours, if 1 was in the bank. It is usual to be so asked. Wa. O. Brown, sworn Am 17 years of age.

Re collect the robbery. Knew all those employed in the bank. I used to be in the bank five or six times every day. Did not know anything about the keys to the vault. Never had them or carried them.

Know nothing of the combination of the key. Saw Allen and Burns in the afternoon of the robbery about 1 o'clock. Heard from my father that the money was found. Cross Examined. Have seen the key of the vault-Have had it in my own hand.

Have seen it lying in the drawer lying among the papers. Have seen Burns in the bank in buBiness houre. Saw him talking with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Allen.

Have seen the key lying in the drawer at different times. Fkedbick Browx sworn. Am lGyears of age. Know Mr.

Am in the bank often, 3 or 4 times a day. Learned of the robbery the morning after it occurred. I first heard at the Gymnasium that the money had been found. Didn't Bee Allen after banking hours on the 14th of October. Cross Examined.

Have seen the key of the vault lying in the drawer, and have seen it with Mr. Allen. Used to be behind the counter frequently Never went where the money was. Used to fill out drafia occasional. Oeorge Jones sworn.

Am In the iron business. I bui the vault In Brown 4x Keeps Bank. Furnished the lock used on tbe door. It is a combination lock. The number of combinations of which the lock is capable I do not recohect, but it is some millions.

Never have attempted to open a lock of the kind without knowing the combinations. The chances of a man ignorant of the com. bination, to open the lock, would be but oae in the number of millioLB of which it is capable. It isn't possible to open without the fixed combination. Cross-examined Did not make the lock.

Have never tried to unlock one without the correct combination. A man might happen to hit the combination the very first time. If a man should see the key and recollect the figures at the bite, he could easily put it together again. HhNRY D. Fox, sworn Have been with Mr.

Brown three years. Was messenger hoy at the time of the robbery. Usually left the Bank about 5 o'clock. Had nothing to do wiih the keys of the vault. Mr.

Allen had charge of the vault and keys. Did not know the combi nation of the key. Came to the bank about half-past 8 next morning. Learned of the robbery then. Know nothing of how it was robbed.

Heard that a part of the money stolen was found under Mr. Bender's house. Cross-examined. Have seen tbe key frequently in a drawer. Allen used to act as teller frequently.

Have seen young men behind the counter frequently. Seen the keylyiDgon the desk various times. Don't recollect of seeing it on the desk in the daytime. understood, and It was so talked in the bank, that the same combination had been used for a long time. I understand the com bination now.

Mr. Clifford showed it to me. Henry P. Taylor re-called. District Attorney exhibi ted a map of the Bank, which was pronounced by witness to be a correct one Map shown to the jury.

John T. Spauldino sworn Am book-keeper at Rowes Oyster House. Known the prisoner 2 years. Know Chas Burns knew Deveraux. Heard of the robbery next morning after it occurred.

The night previous at past 11 was in the Red Jacket saloon. Saw Allen there Burns and Deveraux were also there, In the diniDg room. Ur- Burns was talking with two gentlemen, at a table. Mr. Allen was with Deve aux leaning against the deek.

I left them there. Think I saw Mr. Allen about past 6 in the afternoon. Did not fee any of them again. Allen and Deveraux was standing about 3 or 4 feet apart.

Don't know whether they were talking together. Saw other people in there. new supply oi Wheeler fc Wilson's Improved $50 Sewing Machines far superior to any we have had before. Call and see them I at 207 Main street, tip stairs. my7-2w (Jf The' LaCross and Milwaukee Raillroad is the shortest and most direct route to St.

Paul and all points on the Upper Missisippi river. Two express trains leave Milwaukee and Chicago daily, connecting with steamers morning and evening at LaCrossc r. Gbiswold, Occulist and Aurist, 230 Main street. sel4 See advertisement of Dr. Sandford's Liver Tnvigorator, in another column.

M. TAYLOR'S ADV'TS. Horticultural and Agricultural Books. Budgeman'sGardenerB Assistant Downing' Landscape Gardening new edition by Sargent. Allen on the Culture of the Grape.

Coin's American Fruit Book. Breck's Flower Garden. Pardee on Strawberry Culture. Langstroth on the Honey Bee. Dodd's American Horso Doctor.

Brown's Field Book of Manures. Barry's Fruit Garden. Youatton the Horse, by Skinner. Cage and Singing Birds, by Adams. other similar works Received by mj7 M.

TAYLOR, 299 street. New Books. Author's Edition of Macaulay's England. Melmau's Gibbon's Rome English edition. The Works of Daoiel Webster, in elegant Library bindings.

Cgr Received by my7 M. TAYLOR, 290 Main street. Stationery. A FINE ASSORTMENT of first class Stationery. UHf-a-i in great variety, none anu vvoou.

GOLD PEN'S From the best manufacturers. ARNOLiyS WKITiNO FLUID-denuine. BLAN BOOKS on hand and made to order. 7" Book Binding done to the best manner. ap23 M.

TaYLOR, 290 Main street. THE ECONOMIST COOKING STOVE, wood or Coal, Han Jnst in ken Premium at the Ohio State lair and the Albany Co. Fair: It is warranted to do more Baking, Boiling anu Droning, wun a given quantity oi mei, man any oin- er stove or itauire. combines unusual weight, size and perfection of manuiaciure, wun an me moucrn improvement oi nsisr ran kb, itoating uvens, iiot uiosets, nn covers, sc. sc.

Sole Agency at JOHN O. JEWRTTS oc22 House Keeper's Emporium, 217 Main st. DR. MARTIN MATER. Homoeopathic Physician and Snrnuen, Graduate or thi cnivbrritt or LiirsicGKRMurY, ItATB rROrXSHOR 1U LAWRKnOC UNIVERSITY, WIS.

DR. MAYER having returned again from En-rope, has resumed the practice of his profession in all Its branches. Having been connected for eighteen months with Dr. Ri cord's Venereal Hospital, at Paris, France, Dr. M.

treats all Disk a 8 kh op a 1'rivath Nature, successfully, -with. eut the use of Mercury in any form. Oroffice and Residence, 209 KlUcott street, 8 doors aWe Washington Market. nvfidao TO RENT A ruom 55x40 feet, in second tor, of ator. No.

204 Washington etre.t,. opposite post.offlce. AUo, rooms in same building. Also, a dwelling on Seneca etre.t rent $S0. Apply to I.


The most magnificent Enterprise of Day THE PUBLISHERS HAVE GREAT pleasure In announcing the publication of an entire ly new edition of COPRr3 NOVELS, the latest improvements and revisions, printed on euper6oe cream tinted and calendered paper, from the most per fectly formed type, in a large crown octavo page, elegantly bound in embossed cloth, with beveled edges, and illustrate with digns on wood, and vignettes on steel-executed with Bank Not finish, in line and etching, from drawings by DARLEY, that great master of design. In elegance, beauty and artistic finish, this series will be the most perfect publication ever issued in the country. To Americaus the name of Cooper la endeared as being the creator oi a distinctly original olass of fiction, so distinctly national In Ita character, and so finished In the vividness of its execution as to have marked ita authur a the proud compeer for the highest names In the list ot European Novelists and in view of the wide popaUritj of thefe navels the publishers have prepared thisspleu-did NATIONAL EDITION, worthy ot the author and his fame, and illustrated by an artist of congenial genius, who for years haa made the pages of Cooper a study, and whoa drawinoii have been conceived in a snirit and with a breadth and power worthy of his author. As a National uterary Enterprise comouing ui prooucuons oi a great national artist, and issued with oommensarate elegance. this edition of Cooper, the publishers believe, will receive tne support ana approval or me American puoue.

The Publication to commence February, 1660, a volume issued monthly each volume will contain a novel complete, crown octavo, averairlne 600 naoes each. Publish ed by subscription, at $1 60 per volume. "Cooper emphatically belong! to the nation." Wash ington Irving. "While the love of country continues, his memory will exist In the hearts of the people." fj Daniel Webster. "His writings are instinct with tbe spirit of nationality." W.

H. Preecott. "The creation of his genius shall survive through cen-turies to come" W. C. Bryant.

uau ana noecriDe at once, ana get tne first im- pressions. PHINNfiT jais aote Agents tor Buoaio, iw Main street. New Books. ALLERY OF FAMOUS EWGLTSTT ATTT) JT American Poets with an hundred Steel Engravings, executed in the finest stle of the art An elegant Gut Book. Nature and the Supernatural.

By Horace) Bunnell. Alexander's Discourses. Theology of Christian Experience. Armstrong. Bitter and Sweet.

Holland, Received by nvO PHINNET CO. A.TEW BOOKS: ll The Land and the Book by tfce aqtkor of Tit oomb'e Letters. Wha will he Do with It Bulwer. Nott-s from Plymouth Pulpit. Life of Sir Philip Sidney.

Kenny's Manual of Chf ss. Robertson's Lectures and Addresses. Received by PHINNEY ft 188 Main street Special Freight Notice. NORTH SHORE ROUTE, TU. BUFFALO AND LAKE DURON GREAT WEaTERN MICH'N CENTRAL RAILWAYS.

Contracts will be irivtn for the transDOrtation ofFraight bjthis ALL RAIL Kouta from Buffalo tg, Chicago, Jolirtt, Alton, St. Louis, Bur logton, Rock Island, OHleoa. St. Josephs, ailpolotatn too West, North-wwt and South-west aa lowaa bran. other Route, at the offic.

of the Buffalo Lake Huroo Katlwar on Klrer street, and at the Erie Street Depot. No transhipment hetweeo Buifalo and Detroit. ITiT" Goods should be tna. ked or conaiirned to 11 H. RAILWAY, Buftalo." A.

PELL, Hulltio, April ix5tf an7-1f General Atrent (jreat Keduonon of fare. THE BUFFALO, KEW YORK ERIE RAIKOAD OMPANY Will sell Commotation Tickets at the following Reduced Kaiea Irom Buifalo to Batavia or Rochester, and return: Buffalo to ISatATia and return $1 00 Buffalo to Rochester and 1 76 Ticket Good for Two Day onlr. Lean Buffalo. Arr BataTia. Arr Rochester.

Express 6 16 AM 6 40 AM 8 CM AM Mail 4 30 PM 6 IS PM I 35 PM Leave Roeoeste'r; Leave Batavia. Arr Buffalo. Express 6 60 AM 8 39 AM 10 00 AM Mail 6 00 PM 8 36 PM 10 46 PM bv Morning Exnress ride in the Palan. Car. A.

D. PATCHIK. apl President P. S. STEVENS 148 Main Street, Buffalo, IMPORTER OF Brandies, Gins, Wines, The attention of Dealers generally earceatly callad.r the following BRANDIES.

UNITED rvnw irmiiH DY In ii, and Xth pipes oi varloue vintagea. OLD CHAMPAGNE BR AND Vintage of 1848. OTARD. DITPrrv Cft 'H RRi vnv ges, in usual packages. "OLD" LONDON DOCK BRANDY Very supe-lor.

A. SEIGNETTE ROCHRI.T.E P.Rtjnvtn Pipes. 1 HOLLAND GINS Tulip and Meader Swan. SAINT CROIX RITW Hiah nrtnf Q.l.. bnods.

JAMAICA Rt7MHigh proof and MALT WHSKY John Mehan'a Brand. SCOTCH MALT whihcy rnt, i.jl...'. Brand. WINES. MAfiFTRA SncDDV DAdti Dtrnnmrntr ni in ET Of all grades, iu Wood aad Glass.

A MP a ft a Pfn. n-: a i Royal Crown and Scrider Brands. LONDON PORTER Quarts and Plots. SCOTCH ALES-Of the best Brands. ABSYNTHff, CtJHACOA, CORDIALS, f7Trt. 4t 1.1. mW Munvnwi UU ICUQUUy CUUDOtlltU Willi UK former business the manufacture of a very superior art! (ieof RECTIFIED WHISKY. Having every facility for Its successful prosecution, ant) a determination to improve tbe quality, until tt shall atant1 uunvaieu oy any manuiaciurer in to is country. And will also endeavor to keep on hand at all times a lame stock Choice "Old" EYE AND BOTJRBON WHISKYS, Ot aU grad.s, at to.

LOWEST MARKET PK1CE. Tulip Scheidam Gin, The rabsoi tber begs leave to Inform the Publie and Trade generally, thathe is constantly receiving direct, a supply of the above justly ce obrated Brand, in Pipe, and three-quarter Pipes, which he offers for sale ea the moat favorable terms. Dealers generally are Invited to call and examine tarn. plea of the above Brand before purohasiog elsewhere. F.

S. STEVENS, 148 main Street, BnlfaJo New Optical Establishment. E. 0. JOHNSON, S66 Afa, wrr of Ifitfmrm Strut, Bufele, JT.V.

EftS on hand cnlrl. anA atnAl Mathematical and Ornfrlng Telescopes, HI arn.fnn.. n(t u.onir.i.. o. 7.

ul om.vwvvw. ruo- tntrrnnh Al.n rt. n.w, VV.UID IIKUI U1UI M. Dnmhlmn. fl.

n. In n. a I CUU1CI scienltncallv ground and adjusted to the eye, and set in old or new frames at short notice. Barometera filled and kuju.ivu, auu ouip uompasses repaired. ovttj-lvdfcc R.

C. JOHVanw FroressloHal AleUce. Dr. F. W.

BARTXETT, may be coo.nlled iT. 7 SI orTT" mrr" ana ion diseases of the threat aad lungs. Pearl street, opposite St Fan! 'a a urn vauiejj, slITi OffliItoWfrAM.to4 P.fc. Bunda Inodaya ei i J. P.

SHOfcCKAJT, Auciiotieer. PEREMPTORY SLG OF Elegant Furniture, Carpets, Piano At th Oity Auction Jtoonu. Noidl Wat Seneca ulnet. Bji CBARUCS O. IRISH.

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Morninga. Ma; 101b and 11th, at 9 o'clock each day, wiil sold riun Furnitara, con.istii,g ol Solas and Sota UbaTra, Mr.ohgaoy BookcaMS and Bedsteads, 1 large Uilt atirrur. 4LS0 Marbl. Top Tables, Bartau and Enclosed Staftda, What-nota, Bd.Mda ALSO Gilt and Mahogany Mirron, Brussels Three-pi; and lagrala Carpetaj Hair and Sea grass, Keatb.r Beds, Pillow, and B.ddlna Crockery, China and Glass Ware. ALSO Aa Invoice of Jewelry.

-ALSO- Stovee, Funttnn. Weiron, 1 09 oe Deafe, 1 Pat. Jkc ato. i3Terma cash, current funds. ff Auction Notice.

J. H. LEE, having removed from 138 Main stnet, to the central anu oommudiuaa turea. No's Sc Kast Beneoa Street, Will devote his attention entirel; to cOMMI-siO SALES. Liberal cash advances made on all kinoa of personal prnpertv atoreo sale.

Parties wishing in any part of the etty or eouuty, can procure tbe sei-vics. vf a eoinpe.ent Aue. tioneer on reasonable terms md-ttw LEE BUFFALO EKE LSTIT uTE. For Vie Sale and Scientific Adjuttment efSptvta lite Io Defective yieun. Looated at No, 346 Main St.

(First Floor, Up ctaiie.) IMPORTANT INVENTION IMPROVED, ILLUMINATED AND Patent Doable Tisioa Spectacles I LOUIS E. FBAMKS, Spectacle Maker, Proprietor emd SuptrxnUndnt. BUFFALO TESTIMONIALS aNU RECOMMENDATION Buffalo, Jan. 17, lti5ii WE the uaderaigned lnJjabiutiita oi buffalo, considering it a point oiUie uunoit iiupuriaiicti to hut good pectautes, auu ttiose accurately adjualeil to theaifc-tit, aa viauaUunctiuna greatly iujuitd aud in oe instances ueairoyed iur want ol this, i fcd-aard 6. Frank, to upticun, delivered an in teres log uDdinsiru citve tree Puouc Lecture in Hremliu rial uu the Anatomy fbyiiluiogy of tne tiuiuiu aud on the use aud ahuoe oi epcoiac.ija.

Hj ui well acitUaioted iih the subject, ttuu we hare nu duubt wUi giva entire aatlsfaciiou to muse tthu will consult aim, Uouriug visum rtq bmg the slu ot therefore recommend hiia a very competent preetieal ptician. bigued by he non MiLLAbM iixjtOKz, Ex President 0. 8. Fkajix M. Hajultua, Ji.

P-rl Pt feasor of Principles andyrtteiiie of Hmmj mttA Clinleal Nug-ry to the fiuilaio Jneuioal CoUvge cjlxfqub R. hiASiMAJV, tfaiH street. Professor ol' anatomy and rhjsloaogy ot the buJbUo Medical Col-leu. JaH. P.

Whits, If. ST Soatn Division s'reet, Pro-frfcsor of Obsterics, and blkeare of 'V omen and Children o. the Buual- ueoloal College. Tuo. KocujcsTiu,, Court street, Dean of the Faculty of buiittlu Medica College.

frof. tiANKOtto H. Hunt, It Franklin st- C. WritoFy, M. 4 iirie street, Prwaideut of tna Buffalo Meuloai AAeouatluO.

M. bwmam, 4L 234 Main Vice-president Joa Boarduaji, LU 4 Wast UagJe at ot cal tio iety ol the County of Krie. P. eJtBonq, Main sL, delegate of the Ued-Buffalo Medical Association. AtJSTtir Fur, A.

gwan street, Secretary of the of the Buifalo Medical stuoUtioa. the Medical udety of the County of Erie. ha Kiits WjANte, M. bU Went ttagj street JosiAfl ttAKjfiift, M. Lye txchaoe si H.

A. Looi, it. D.f 19 street. Q. Ucawici, M.

1 Erie street B. P. Gray, 0 6 West awtm street. S. P.

Smith, M. tr. Jour D. M. West Kagle street.

From-the How. Uillakd Fiujiorh, tta-Freaktottt of tbe Prof. Edward 8. Franks, Optician Dear 8iri-I take ireat pleasure in statin that 1 have uned ih you adjusted to my eyes aud they have given me ti aavejv uyv uvvwr oetoro naa a pair so entirely suited to niv vision, and that enabled ue to read so long wi hto little inoouvfuieoee. Respectfully Yours, MiLiAltl FILL MORS.

I have not been able betu.a to obtain spectacles at ail suitable to my sight. I nave now a pair of Prof. Fronts' improved ones, adjusted to my eyoe by bimselt, wbioh suits to perfection. If I oouid not obtain auuUaerpalr aaevaavj nutuw aaua ausuuej au IV pit ft WHO lUOW. 4.

m. uituz.ii.rt, vv'adswortbrioiufe, BuTUo. Having molt satisfactorily tried Pro AflMnr Finn It a' ra. nroved nbeotaoles. I can from hm xno.nA.

litcthar are far more suitable to my eyes, macii eaaier, ojcarer aad comfortable, both bv davand caKUl. iiht n.un unD ere I have worn. UitANGni W. CLaKbI, firm of U. Adams ft Orocern, 37 Seneca-et.

iiittUlo 1 have the improved adjusted to my sight Om a. Simula- set Vhrv l-jirafnl u.inri,. alone by Piofeseor Franks, which enables me to see very Dflrfecclv And njny mnph luaitau lin j.t spectacles I ever used. Therefore recommend them i omen. LEVI A.

TOOLEYa 84 Seven Bnilalo. ORflON PHELPS, Buffalo. JOHN S. UAaSSON, President of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo. I have the Utmost HatinfaOlioO In rAnmm.nHlni.

PWJ Frank's imnroved mmhuju'Imb hawinv hri th difflculty before obtaining them, to get a pair that would suit even tolerably. In fact, i them a great bowing to mankind, and hope the taken ted inventor may be aa riohiy rewarded aa he to e. UttAS. w. aiVAMd, aTg Washington st.

In addlnST mV testimonv tu tha nnmomoa vaMnntmanrla. tions already received by Pr fMor Fran I have much pleasure, because the spectacles purchased from him suita my ease of vision to DerfccUon I nmnii tor any length of time by day or nlht, itu a clearness and oorafort I have not experienced before. TheMurv I ope my friends using glasses will nut fail to get a pair of these uufivvn jrat.wwv wmie ine rroierKtr is nere WM 1 WEEDY, 161 Delaware st sHvvavusisj evuiu WCJV3 iaQ KLTOUg for my eyes, occasioning considerable inoouveutence aud troub e. Those 1 have porohaaed from Professor Franks adjusted to the eye are lower in po er. therefore you.

cer. vacua, Umu do mea mere oouid be so great a difference io speo ac ea; my etes now foal naIfaAtlir aaae un whj.ouu ujv vmuu wear ana onmpiete. Buffalo Eye Institute over 846 Main street Attendance daily from 9 a. M. to 6 P.

ESTABLISHED IN 1841. DR. OFFICE, Corner of Commercial and Canal Street, Tn the Cotnuercial filuck, up alia, Buffalo, N. Y. DR.

JOHN O. LAKE'S exnarianni. nf 20 years, In oases of VENEREAL nature, in ita venous rorins, wui prove Denencial to tbooe suffering from such DISEASES, and from his jractical knowledge of every symptom, con-sequent on. or arising from badlv cured eam ot VfcKAiKiiAL complaint, he would caution all having any secondary symptoms remaining, to be at oooe cured properly, before it has undermined the constitution, broke down the health, and destroyed the intellectual faculties' LOOK TO YOUR CASE LV TIME MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. Travelers supplied at a moment's none.

BTDr. Lake's office is so arranged that ont natisa will never come In contact with another N. B. 'All communication to Dr. J.

G. Like, will promptly attended to, by enclosing a reasonable ft. Address (post paid) Box 1670. ravaie consultation irom A. M- to 19 p.

m. aplMy CRYSTAL OIL. EXTRAORDINARY INVENTION. HOWE BAKEE, MANUFACTURERS, aud Wholesale aod Betail Dealers la the Greatest Improvement of tbe A era I The Crystal Oil and Lamps having the new Pat-nt Oota-bloailoo Burner aa a matter of eoonomy and for brilliancy light tbey are superior to any now iu us. For Dwellings, Halls and Stores.

It 1 Ihe Cheapest Light extant, lue following are a lew of the many advantage, claimed for this (ill and Lamp hatiro Safety; Eoonomy, producing a good light for of aeeat per hour; Pku tar Brilliancy of the light; Frae- uum irvni ciuua anu vuur iiuipie arrangement of the Lamps, so that tbey are manageable by any one. We have to store a great variety of styles or Lamps aud futurea, which we are prepared to offer at Low RATE. a-HJS Oil, MX I oo PfcB GALLON I Oan be had from ene barrel to tan a moment's oote. a liberal discount made to dealers having the ezaiuain right for the aale ia any Connty or Town HF Persons wishing to purcnart th. right of any County or be mads a Special Agent for the of ui Oil and Lamps, can get full itif iro atlon aa to terms.

Wees, Ac, by addrwiiog the subrli era. may oe carnea about, and 'hey burn Kero. aene. Ml better than the Lamp, patented for that Mirivw t-uat on in er.ry respect. Ur Kerosene, Fluid aad dolar Lm a alt, Howe bakkr, apia-ty No. Seneca reet and 180 ln at. THOMAS WRIGHT. 288 Mala Street. HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE AND desirable stock of J.lllluerT Goode, Lace. Embroideries), Drasa PI -In a mi, 11...

large verie of VEILS at much less than usual prieei. Spanish Lace Shawls I Anew and ifcalrahia. A lea rmtt L.ilrnanf atf ai.A Muslin. REAL SHAKER HOODS, Constantly on hand, are vastly superior to the eomrooD article. Every blng newnd dealrable In our line wh cb the market affoid, will be kept on bund, nff KiLtisii'vJLiBo Buipiieru a Try ittw pric BpZO-zm IN DI RUBBER PKNS -Tlia bai PTiS Use I They are anti-eorroaive, and nn fea't nwd be eatert lined of their lnory by the ebrmlcal Mtmn ef the Ink to which the; may be exposed.

For sale aad retail at tbe ladle Rubber arehuuM of tDBIl I I 1 SPECTACL new pas etc. In public, as in private life, there are a thousand ways to distinguish between the clod-hopper and the gentleman. This umbrel la test is one of them. rsr Accident at th Circds. Yesterday afternoon an accident took place at Dan Rice's Circus, by which the ankle of one of the em ployees, named James Talmadgb, was crushed.

At the conclusion of the "one horse act," in which a white highly trained animal appears, the horse was put upon a platform to be canied ont of the ring upon the shoulders of fourteen men, in a similar manner to that in which the celebrated horse Excelsior' was in the custom of making his obeisanGes and conges to the audience. In this case the horse had been raised upon the platform, and the bearers were pro ceeding across the ring with-it, when one or two of the men trod in some inequality ot the ground, causing the horse to lose his balauce on the platform. He endeavored to regain it, but failed, falling heavily on his side, without in juring him however, knocking one man nearly outside of tbe ring. This one was uninjured, but as the platform fell it caught Talmadge's foot and leg beneath, with the before mentioned result. He never uttered aery, and was carried out of the ring without a murmur.

He was afterwards taken to the Hospital where he is seeing every attention. The performances were only interrupted for a moment. Common Council Proceedings. The fol lowing is all of importance we can discover in the Council proceedings of yesterday COAL MINES, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES. The President stated that Orlando Allen, was present, and was desirous to make some statement in regard to the Act passed by the Legislature in relation to the Buffalo and Pittsburgh Railroad.

Aid. O'Brian moved that Mr. Allen be heard. Carried. Mr.

Allen then addressed the Council. By unanimous content Aid. BemIS offered the following. Resolved, That the President of the Council appoint a committee of five members of the Council, to join with a committee of citizens proposing to visit the coal mines ol McKean connty, Pennsylvania, and to report to this Coun cil the result of their investigation, preparatory to taking such action as maybe deemed necessary on the part of the city, to aid in the enterprise of introducing into the City of Buifalo, the coal and other productions from the ie-gion above mentioned. The Chair appointed the following as the committee Aid.

Bemis, Ambrose, Alberger, Clinton and Dubois. On motion of Aid. Clinton, the President of the Coun cil was added to said committee. Aid. AlberGER, from the Special Committee on that subject, called up the report of the Committee on Inter national Bridge, laid over from the last meeting, ana moved its adoption.

Aid. Tanner moved the previous resolution. Lost. Aid. Bhmis offered the following as a substitute for tbe report of the Committee Resolved, That the Latrobe plan for an International Bridge across the Niagara River at Buffalo, deemed by this Council to be the most advisable plan of any that came to the consideration ef the Committee having the matter in charge.

And if the City of Buffalo shall un dertake to aid in the construction of abridge, it will he upon the plan above referred to. But before any liability shall be created by the Council in to said bridge, it shall be satisfactorily ascertained if the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad Co. will adhere to its preposition to cross upon laid bridge, and pay therefor as stated and what other Company, if any, will agree to cross upon said bridge, and pay therefore and thereby remove all doubts as to the revenue that it is now supposed will a from said bridga. Beforo the vote was taken on the question under con sideration, Aid. Tanner offered a resolution that when the Council adjourns, it adjourn nntil Wednesday next at 2 o'clock, P.M.

I Theatre. First Appearakce of Miss Vandenhoff. Last night Miss Vandenhoff, made her first appearance in this city in a play written by herself, entitled "Woman's Heart." As a play it is admirably constructed, remarkable for the beauty of its diction, the poetry of its thought its smooth and easy transitions from inception to conclusion, its fidelity to senti ment, its gradual and beautiful approach to eclaircissement, and the deep, holy, pure and self-sacrificing love thai distinguishes the heroine. Without any attempt at effect, and with manner simple and natural, Miss Vandenhoff, as the heroine, carried the audienGe with her from first to last, and all joined deeply in the feelings that had actuated this "Woman's Heart," a type, we trust, of many women to come. The plot of the play is this.

Isolina (Miss Vandenhoff) is a beautiful blind giil, who, an infant, has been left in the cottage of Angelo (Mr. Swinbouene.) Angelo is a sculptor and a painter. Of all his beautiful productions, Isolina is his model. They love each other. The talents of young Angelo are discovered by tbe reigning prince, who delighted in fostering art, raises the young genius at once, to rank, wealth and station.

In the midst of his prosperity, and devoted only to fame, he neglects and finally scorns the helpless Isolina, who comes to his palace, with the vain hope of reviving in his soul the rapturous love of the past. Two yeais elapse. In the meanwhile Isolina has been discovered to be the daughter of the Marquis Al-brizzi a nobleman of grent wealth and rank, and by a miracle recovers her eyesight. Angelo has searched in vain for Isolina, who disappear ed immediately after his repulse, and with re turning love reproaches himself for his vile con duct toward tbe hapless, helpless girl. He is sent by the Prince, who is a suitor for the hand of Isolina, to take the picture of her.

He meets her, finds her an image of his lost Isolina but I alas, Isolina was blind. He is under a promise to her father not to speak a word to her, as though ihe does not recognize Angelo, a single note of his voice would at once proclaim her love. The ntcrview ends with Angelo's sudden arrest by the soldiers of the Prince, his startled exclamation, the recognition of his voice by Isolina, the mutual discovery and a sudden separation. The plot from this visit is one constant succession of beauties, and continues in added and increasing interest until the conclusion. Miss Vandenhoff is a beautiful woman, tall, and rounded in shape, and graceful in Btep and action.

The encomiums of the press have all been deserved by her. Mr. Swimbouehb played Angelo in a superior manner, but occasionally his languge was too hurried Miss Vakden- hoff'b delivery has also the same objection, but not often. Mr. Canoll, as tbe Marquis Albrizzi, and Mr.

Prior, as the Prince, were excellent. Woman's Heart 11 will be repeated to-night, and all who desire a really interesting treat will be certain to go and see it. THE BBOWN AND KEEP BANK ROBBERY CASE. Superior Court of Buffalo. Criminal Term.

Hon. Joseph G. Masten, Justice, Presiding Heoox and Talbot, Associates. The People vs Alexander R. Allen indicted for grand larceny in stealing some $13,000 from Brown Keep, bankers, on the night of the 14th of October, 1858.

Benj. Austin and Jo-srxH Cook, appeared for defendant, and District Attorney James M. Humphrey for the people. The District Attorney opened the case in a brief statement of the facts he intended to prove. if rod Thompson, sworn.

I have been in tbe busineps of taking charge of offices for the laat Ave yean had charge of Brown Keep's office during tbe month of Uc tober, 1868 went to the office on a day io that month, do not remember the exact day found tbe door opening into the bedroom shut; tbe first things that met niy cyei were some pantaloons and vests, a pocket book open, and some change lying on tbe floor tbe tin chest half full of money done up In paper there on the floor. Said I "hallo Prisoner was in bed when I spoke be rose up in bed, and then lay back again some one was in bed with him the gat was burning 1 went to put it out, it being near the vault door, and saw the vault door open I called to prisoner twice, and waited fur him some time be did not come, and I went to the room he was standing over tbe clothes that lay on the floor some conversation occured between us; do not remember what it was he then called Mr. Burns, who got up; next prisoner asked me to go after the Chief of Police on my return I met Burm running down Main street Allen was in the bank I then went up to the Chiefs house when I returned prisoner found a bottle of chloroform on the floor before this they both said they felt sick there was a package of powder and a wits lying on tbe table. (Package and vial shown witness.) These look like the articles too package seems larger the side door was open tbe key was in the lock on the inside watch and chain lay under tbe table. Csois Examined Prisoner called Barns twice, end tten shook him.

Said he, "Burns, we're robbed," Burns Reduction of Advertising and Subscription the wants of the people call for CHEAP inri'BPNiwi nri ithMti Cash Sobscrintioas for daily Journals, we hnve determined to introduce a Byateui of AdrertiiiQir which we think will meet the approval of the plUilC. priuw ruurcijr uc icoaua-ff, n-: a rnrni.h -t thA taw rain of FIVE DOLL VR-i a year, when paid in advance, and at reduced rates for hair-yeany ana quarterly Huiwur.p" (SgrSDTGLE COPIES TWO CENTS.J Rates of Adverliilf- Twelve lines of this type constitute a Square. One Square hrst insertion JJ Each subsequent time up to I 20 Square, first insertion 40 Each subsequent time up to 1 16 Quarter Square, first insertion 30 Each subsequent time op to 1 10 OWE flQUAHB. One month t'O I Six months $12 00 Two months 5 75 Nine 13 75 Three mouths 7 00 One year 15 00 II A LP RQrAKB. One month $3 00 Six months $8 00 Two toon ha 4 25 I Nine months 9 25 Three moutha 5 00 One year .10 00 QDAttTER SQUARE.

One month $2 60 I Six months $6 00 Two moutha 3 25 Nine months. 7 25 Three months 4 00 One year 8 00 IXDrCEMRN'TS TO PAT CASH In lieu of the Cash Column of Advertisements heretofore inserted at 3 cents a line, we make a deduction from the above low rates of iffim ow- for CASH at the time of insertion. Contracts for Yearly Advertising made at the Count-n? Room. Markiagks axd Deaths charged 25 cents each. SPECIAL NOTICES.

Advertisements in our Special Column (before the Edi-torial head) will be charged doable rate. PREFERKED ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements on the second page (preceding the Marring-iBiuid Deaths) will be charged ooe-halfmore than ordinary rates. IJMIPS ADVERTISEMENTS. Adver them -nts kept on the third page (adjoining the Telegraph Column) will be charged one-quarter moie than usual rates.

LOCAL NOTICES. Notices in the Loci! Column to a limited extent, will 9 inserted for tbv cents a line for the first insertion, and half that rate for each subsequent time. No reduction toill be made from these rates for cask. THE DAILY REPUBLIC Will be famished hereafter payable in advance at FIVE MO I. LA US A YEAR, Or TEX CENTS A WEEK, payable weekly.

srS-SlXGLE COPIES TWO CENTS.3 mE TRI-V7EBKLY REPUBLIC For One rear in advance. $3 00 1 75 1 00 Six Month, Three Months, THE WEEKLY REPUBLIC For One Year, in advance 00 PRINTING. We have facilities for doing all manner of Printing in arojsr fashionable STYLES, at the lowest prices, FOR CASH. For interesting reading matter, see first page. The Xew York Ledger, and the Waver-lj Magazine for May 2lst, and Frank Leslie's Paper for May 14, are ready at Hawk's depi-t No.

10 Seneca street. Personal. A. Andrews, and family, of this city, sail to-day from New York, for England, where they intend spending the summer. R.

Black, opposite the Post Office, has received the N. Y. Ledger, Mercury, Weekly, Waverly Magazine, for May 2lst. Also, Leslie's Illustrated, Line of Battle Ship, Ac, for May 14th. flg" Blunders.

There were a variety of ridiculous blunders in the article in yesterday's paper in regard to the Floral Exhibition, owirg to the proof having been read by another perst than the writer. The mistakes were very obti-ous to those who understand flowers and their names, but to others, it made not a particle difference. We learn with regret, says the the Albany Argus, that Henry Wells, of Aurora, well known as a leading proprietor of tbe Amejican Express Company, was thrown from a carriage at Aurora, on Saturday last, and very seriously injured. His hip was broken and, it was feared lie had sustained internal injuries. Sunday-School Teachers Should be in attendance at tie Union Sunday School Teacher's meeting this evening, at the "Old First," Dr.

Thompson's church. Question for discussion "What are the requisite qualifications of a good Sunday school teacher?" The teachers aod friends of Sunday schools will be welcome. 23" Rain. We have had quite rain enough for the city and country. It has brought with it a chilly atmosphere, and yesterday and this morning, coal and wood fires were comfortable enough.

The gardens have drank their fill ot it, and life and vegetaiion is quivering with rc-invigoration in every direction. Such 'rain, once a week, without the cold, would be very acceptable both to human and vegetable, and for the sake of strawberries and grapes in June, we hope this wish may not be denied. The Ague. If you get the Ague at this season of the year, you will most likely remain au invalid all summer, or run into typhoid fever in spite of any ordinary treatment. The only real specific for all forms of fever, attended with chills, is Dr.

Griswold's New Remedy. It breaks up the disease in 94 hours, and speedily restores the patient to perfect health and a permanent cure. This Remedy was used with great success in this city in 1854, and extensively in and about New York. Testimonials from persons of the highest authority, may be seen by enquiring at the principal office for its sale in this city, No. 3 Niagara street.

flF" Warren's Composition Roofs. In the introduction into this city of their improved method of roofing, the Warren Brothers have been unquestionably public benefactors. At the same time, they have made an excellent busi ness out of it, which they well deserved to do for their prompt and thorough mode of work deserved success. These roofs have now stood the test of several years here, and prove admirably adapted to this City of the Winds. Being flat, they avoid the enormous lateral pressure on the walls which results from steep shingle, or slatf roofs, under the fury of our heavy gales.

Indeed, all the requisites of a good roof are so well fulfilled by them, that we do not wonder they have been so generally adopted. We perceive that the enterprising proprietors also manufactures a Mastic Roofing, principally for re-covering old shingle roofs. This we have not tested, but much' prefer their old method, which we have fully tried and found reliable. See advertisement. Narrow Escape at tab Falls In regard to the men who were safd to have gone over the Falls, an account of which we published yesterday, the Rochester Union says: On Saturday a party of seven men' had a narrow escape from destruction at Niagara They were on board a stone scow, which was loaded, and being towed by a steam tug to the head of the Hydraulic Canal.

The steersman of the tug was not familiar with the channel, and run th craft upon a rock, leaving her almost a wreck. The scow floated down the river, and was in a fair way to soon go over the Falls, when the par ty on board, consisting of seven men, cast about for some method to saro themselves from the fate impending. They bad no small boat, and were nearly half a mile from shore. They had a long rope on board, to which they attached a quantity of stones, and threw it over as an an chor. Fortunately it caught and held, and the men were soon after taken off in skiffs.

The scow was Baved, and yesterday a tug came and took her back to her destination. ftST Umbrella Nuisance. If there is a nui sance in our streets, it consists in the boorish manner in which some people walk in rainy weather with an umbrella pulled down over their heads, making a bee-line along the side- walks regardless of who they run against. We met one of this type yesterday, bent forward half doubly, bis head hidden under his nmbrel la, striding suddenly through the crowd, which of course, just as tbe boor calculated, got out of his way to the right and left, rather than come into collision, in which case he could look out from his shed, if he chose, with an air of injured weeks previous I left off sleeping at tne Dan, anu pno-neralept there afterwards. I placed the money, in the vault the night previous to the robbery, I should think there wag $8,000 or $9,000 in bills in the tin box in the vault tbe different kinds in different packages.

We had some marked mils on one of the Hartford Banks. I think about $2,000. They were probably marked by the bank to ascertain if we gave it a good circulation. There were between $100 and $200 in silver in the bottom of the the bills plated on top. The vault haa two doors with a lock in each if.

was prisoner's business to lock the door. The lock on the outside door was a combination lock; don't think that I knew the combination on the night of the robbery. Prisoner had charge of the lockirg the vault, no other person but him was acquainted with tbe combination to my knowledge. I left the bank that night between five and six o'clock. The next morning I was called by Burns, and went immediately to the office; when I gotthere prisoner was walking the floor in the back room.

SECOND DAT. Court met at 9 o'clock. (Conclusion of Mr. Taylor's evidence yesterday. At the time of the robbery, Henry F.

Fox, Brown Keep, Allen and myself were the on persons who were in the bank. I went to the bank next morning, Barns having called for me at my hotel. I went to the office found Alien walking the floor. He was in his shirt sleeves. I saw some powder, and a wire on the table.

Allen called my attention to some chloroform. He said the robbers had administered it to him and Burna, and in that manner obtained the keys to the vault. In picking up the bottle he spilled some of it on the floor. I went to the American for Mr. Keep, and told him his bank was robbed .) Wm.

Keep, sworn. Am one of the firm of Brown Keep. Was at the time of the robbery in October last. It took place on the night of the 14th. Mr.

Taylor was the Teller. Mr. Brown was the bookkeeper, and 'a boy named Fox messenger. Mr. Allen slept at the office.

His duty was to keep the books. He had the keys of the vault and bad entire charge of them. The key a combination key, and his duty was to alter the combina tion whenever the vault was locked. During tho day the key was kept in a drawer' behind the money counter. The keys to the outer doors were distributed among those employed io the office, but were not relied upon at all for tbe safety of the vault.

Have learned that one of the keys to the outer door of the office, had been lost some time before. I think I left the office on the evening of the robbery at about 5 o'clock. I saw no one about the office, except Messrs. Brown, Taylor, Allen and Fox. I think all the money had been deposited in the vault before 1 left.

I have no knowledge of the amount of money in the vault, except from that obtained by au examination of the books the next morning. There was abjut $13,000 in bank notes and about $2,000 in gold aud silver. A portion of the bills were on broken and depreciated banks, $6,000 I believe. The New York State money was in a package by itself, also was the Canada money, the New England and the Western State money. The broken bank tills were similarly assorted, also.

The value of all the paper meney was between $9,000 and $10,000. regard to marks on the money, witness corroborates Mr. Taylor's evidence. About seven o'clock I was called at the American, by Mr. Taylor.

I went to the office immediately. there found Allen and Mr. Best, Chief of Police. They were in the front office, by the Teller's counter. Conversation immedutely turned upon the robbery, and we all went into the back room where Allen lept.

(Before we went into the back office, I saw that the vault door was open, and swung back.) In the back room, the trunk in which the money had been deposited, was on the floor open near the foot of the bed. Two large pocket books were lying near. There were a number of parcels of silver, in $5 and $10 packages, on the floor. The pocket-books were for the purpose of holding discounted notes, and other valuable papers. The pocket books were open valuable papers, a few, were scattered upon the floor.

A Bilver watch was also on the floor, and some silver change and gold pieces. Allen exhibited to me a wire, a picklock and some powder. He a'so showed me bottle like this (showing bottle); Btated that the wire was used to open the lock of the backdoor. Don't recollee anything particular that Allen said. He said, however, that he key of the Swan street door was feand inside in the lock, and the door was locked.

He said that Chas. L. Burns filept with him. Thathe locked the back door took the key out of the tbe lock, and laid it oa the table at the side of his beJ. I think Allen called my attention to the gunpowder.

Can't recollect what be said about it. He showed me the bottle of chloroform and paid '-(Aire's what it was done with." In regard to the key of the vault, that when he last locked the vault he took off the bits, deranged the combination, and put the stem in the where the key was pt during the day. That he then took the bit (the head of the key) wrapped them in a large shawl, and placed the shawl under his head. This was the key to the outer vault. The key to the inner door of the vault he placed under Burns shoulder.

Burns slept at the back Bide of the bed. The van It was laet locked he said at seven o'clock, or perhaps eight o'clock. I left the office at about 5 o'clock. Daring the evening Mr. E.

K. Brace came to me and urged me to direct Allen to open the vault and give him the money for his check for $110. I wrote a direction to Mr. Allen to give him the money. Allen says that Bruce came to him, and he (Allen) went with Bruce to the office; wsnt in the rear door; left Bruce in the hack room and went in the front office.

He arranged the key, opened the vault-took Bruce'a check, aud gave him $110; that he pinned the check in the parcel of money from which the amount was taken. He gave Bruce the money and Bruce left After Bruce had gone he took the key of the outer door of the vault into the back room, where the light was bright, and damaged the combination. He then placed the bits in his pocket, where he kept them until he went to bed. I found the check of Bruce's the next morning lying on the floor in the bedroom. He said that before he went to bed he tried all the window fastenings and the front door to tee that all was safe, and also the vault door, and looked under the counter.

This was his usual custom, he stated, before retiring. The amount taken in round numbers was $13,000. Mr. Taylor, the manufacturer of the lock of the back door, came there the same morning i and took it off. JL employed Mr.

Best and Mr J. K. Tyler to ferret the matter out. I did not know the combiua- 1 tion tojunlock the sare door, and could not have set the key. The moneys returned to me since were the bills ef the solvent banks, with the exception of $400 Canada money, Lave been returned, about $3,300 in bills of broken banks the same money stolen with the original straps around the packages.

This money was returned to me by Mr. Best and Mr. Tvler, about weeks after the rob bery the week after Thanksgiving. Allen and Burns wore arrested the day before Thanksgiving. Devereaux had been srrested a week or more previously.

The examination of Allen and Burns took place on the day of their arrest. No other examination of them was held-Thev were committed to jail before the money was found. After it was found they were brought out of jail, waived further examination, and were fully committed for trial. Mr. Jofiiah Cook was counsel for Devereaux at the Po- lice Court.

Messrs. Josiah Cook and Benjamin Austin were counsel for Allen and Burn. Had no knowledge of the locality of the money until I heard it was found. I heard through outside parties that it had been found before I was informed of it by Messrs. Best and Tyler.

know of no one who knew the combinations of the bits on the head of the key, except Allen. It lay in the drawer during the day, with the combination unaltered, so that anyone connected with the office could see and examine it. The curtains were raised at night in front of the office, and a jet of ga left burning iu front of the door of the vault. Cross-examined by Mr, Austin. Allen was bookkeeper all the time I was connected with the bank up to the time of his arrest.

I frequently sent him away with large sums of money. Whenever any money was to be sent away, he was always the messenger. We had an amount of money in New York, against which we could draw running up to $30,000 or $40,000. The rafts were printed in New York. It was frequently the case tbn Mr.

Brown and myBelf would both be absent, and no drafts would be issued unless previously signed by ur, made payable to Allen, or Taylor, more frequently to Allen. His endorsement on the back of a draft made it good. At the time of the robbery, we had a balance of funds in New York. There was no difficulty in Mr. Allen's at any time filling up one of these drafts to the amount of thai balance, and drawing the money.

So far as 4r. Allen's integrity was concerned, we had never had occasioo to find fault with him previous to his arrest. The drawer In which the key of the vault wag kept was ordinarily shot. Have seen It standing open-All there is about the combination, is to accurately arrange six numbers. Any one with a good memory could do it easy.

(Explained to the Jury.) There are six bits or leaves which slip on to a step. The lock can only be opnned by the same arrangement of the bits with which It was locked. Tbe hits turn over, making twelve bits io all. The number of combinations of which these bits are capable run up to millions. Allen said tbe next morning atter the robbery that the key had been worked upon its present combination for several months.

Allen gave me this account of the rob bry (detailed foregoing circumstance said be went to bed at 12 o'clock at night said he slept soundly untit awakened by the porter. Did nit know that Burns slept at the bank regularly, but heard that he had slept; Brown was in company with B. C. Caryl at one time. Burns was la Caryl's Banking office.

I saw him there My impression was that Burns slept there occasionally. Never bad an objection to it. There were $2,000 in gold, or about that, which were not taken. Allen said in regard to this, that when he went 1o get the money for Bruce, that he took out the bags of gold and silver from the tin box, and put the bag of gold and put ft into a pigeon at the south side of the vault The silver he set on the other side of the vault on a lanre wooden chest, and left them in that position. I fin them in that position the next morning.

(The keys of the vault were identified.) Mr. Keep took the key nptrt and explained the manner of arranging it, to the ju-v. That the head of the key oonld be disengaged ion the stem, and was canied in Allan's pocket duilog the night for safety. (The key wns xamlned with a great BY TELEGRAPH. Washi.vgtox, May 10.

Tho contract for car. rying the mail between New York and San Francisco, aad New Orleans and San Francisco, via Nicaragua connecting at Key West, has been awarded to Daniel H. Johnson, of New York, at $162,000, for a semi-ruonlbly service for nine moetbs, from the 1st of October, The schedule time between New York and Saa Francisco is not to exceed twenty-three days, and between New Orleans and San Francisco, 20 kays. The oceao service is to be performed in good an sufficient steamships, and the Isthmus service in good and sufficient steamboats and land carria ges. John Heart, formerly editor of the Charleston Mercury, has bean appointed superintendent of public printing.

Foreign despatches here, confirm the state, ments ef the English papers that Lord Derby re. pudiates Ousley's Nicaragua treaty, for non conforming to the original understanding with our Government, by which the Mosvnito protec. torate was to be relingnishcd simultaneously, and the Bay islands receded. New negotiations are to be immediately un dertaken. Advices from Captain Lavalette, of the Wab ash, dated at Spezzia, say that tbe four persons who some time ago committed the outrage on tbe American Missionary firaily at Jaffa, had been sentenced to imprieonmknt end hard labor for life.

New Yobk, May 10. The anniversary meeting last evening, of the American Seaman's Friend Society, was well attended. Addresses were made by Rev. Loomis, S. W.

Hawkes, Secretary from Mass, B. Giver, chaplain in the navy, and others. The report of the Secretary, indicates a state of high prosperity in the affairs of the society. The receipts for the year, includidg the contributions of auxiliaries, was nearly $65,000. The Frigate Sabine brought home Commis sioner Bowlin, anp Samuel Ward, Secretary of Legation.

Immediately after the Sabine anchored, the Secretary of Commander Shubrick set out for Washington, bearing important despatches from the Commander and CommiHsioner. Three first class trotting horses, Kate Miller, Lady Shean, and George Washington, were burned to death on Saturday, in the conflogera-tion of the stable at the Union Course, Long Is-land. $4,000 was recently refused for George ton. Bostox, May 10. The vote yesterday from 114 towns, give over 6000 majority for the two years amendment.

The total vote on that question will probably not exceed 40,000. New York market By Telegraph New Yobs, May 10 IK P. 111869 FLOOR 1020c better, eiclted. 15000 bbls $5 40SM 60 Superfine Staie, $6 107 10 for extra State, $6 07 k0 for common to good extra western, $7 207 60 for do round hoop Ohio. Canadian flour nominal, $6 767 60 for extras.

Small sales Rje flour at S3 761 65 for flne and superfine. WHEAT Also excited, and prices advanced 4flc. Sa'es 25,000 bushels at 95c for unsound Chicago 8bring, $1 60l 76 for winter red weaern, $1 70(1 86 for white do. Barley held higher. Rje qoiet.

Cora better. Sales 20,000 bushe at 94c for mUed western, 95S9Sc for white and yellow Jergey and Southern. Oats Arm at 60 62c for state, western and Canadian. PROVISIONS Pork firmer. Sales of 2000 bbls at $16 12 16 26 for new mess; $16 for old; $13 for prime.

Beet advancing. Beef hams are dull. Bacon quiet and nomi-al. Cut meals dull. La.d dull sales 100 bbls at 11 HKc.

Butter dull at 810c for Ohio; 2022c for aw. Cheese doll at 9lZ)ic. WHISKY Held at at 290, with buyers at 28c. MONEY Easy. W.

hear of $10,000 being oliered at 4 per cent, and refused. STERLING EXCHANGE -Very Arm, and flrmly active. STOCKS Dull aud lower. TRANSACTIONS AT THE BOABB: Chicago and Rock Island Railroad 60U Illinois Centra Railroad Illinois Central Bonds 86 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad! SX Michigan So. preferred 31 New York Central Railroad 70Ji Reading Railro-d 48 Pennsylvania Coal 81 Galeoaand Chicago 62W Cleveland and Toledo 26 Panama Erie Railroad.

7H Harlem preferred 33 United states 6s. '68 mou Tennessee ncu Virginia 6s aSH Virginia Shares 80 Missouri kf.u Erie bonds '76 25 La Crosse and Milwaukee Land Grant. 17 Cumberland Coal Company 38 uumoeriana o.tnas 60 Pacific Mail Steamship Company 83K Delaware and Hudson 95 Delaware and Hudson Shares 60 New Haven 4 Hartford Albany Market Hy Telegraph. Albant, May 10. FLOUR Weather stormy and unfavorable, but the majket lor flour good, some under the Influence of ad vices.

Prices advanced 20c per bbl overyeaterday. Sales 1600 bbls at $8 00 for Southern, $7 25 for common extr Ohio, $8 for double extra, $5 16 for stump tail. Higher rates paid for small p.rcels. icea continue sales since noon of 600 to 1,000 bbls. WHEAT Nothing doing in grain.

No wheat offerleg on rise. Sales 6000 state. Oats at 60c per measure. No ales of corn. IT IS NOT TOO MICH TO SAY SINCE ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, That Prof.

Wood's Hair ftestoraUre "Will preserve infallibly the growth and color of tb hair, if used two or three times a week, to any imaginable age. Perfectly restor tbe gray, cover the bald with nature's own ornameut, the hair; make it more aoft and beautiful than any oil, aud preserve the ncalp frim all diseases to tbe greatest age. Statesmen, Judge Attorneys, Clergymen, frof.ssional men and Gentlemen and Ladies of al classes, all over the world, bear testimony that we do not say too much lu its favor. Read tte fol. owing, and judge Hickory Grovb, St.

Charles Not. 10, '5T. Prof. O. J.

Wooo-DearSlr Some time last summer we were induced to use some of your Hair Restorative, and its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to report it. Our little son's head for some time had been perfee'lr covered with sores, aitd some cabled it scald head. The hair almost entirely came off in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sutferiam, advised us to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope of success, but to our surprise, and that of all our friends, a very few applications removed the disease entirely, and a new and luxuriant crop of hair soou started out, and we can now nay that our boy has ra healthy a iralp, aod as luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. We can, therefore, and do hereby, recommend yonr Restorative as a perfect remedy for all diseases of the Rcalp and bair. We are yours, respectfully, GEO.

W. flIOUlV BOTHA Sarah a. hwginbutham. Prof. Wood Dear Sir My hair bad, for several years, been becoming prematurely (tray.

acconDanid bv a harshoeBA which rendered the constant application of on ovcvoMr, iu virBMiuij ti tt uen i COtOlO. DCSQ USIDg your Hair Restorative about two months ago, it was iu that condition, and having continued ItsuBe til within the last three weeks, it has turned to Its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustie greatly to be preferred to those produced by the app ication of oils or any preparation I have ever ued. I regard it aa an India-pensable article for every lady's toilet, whetbe to be used a Hair Restorative ir for the simple purpose of dress-toK or beautiftine the hair You have nermissinn io r. fer to me all who entertain any djnbi of its performinc UKS. C.

STMON03, IU Third street Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 10, 1897. WELLINGTON. Deft ft. 1fV7 Prof.

Wood Desr Sir By the advice of a friend of mine, woo baa been using your Hair Restorative, I was induced to try it. I had he fever some time las May, and arly every hair in my head aame oat Now my hair has come in a great deal thicker than ever it was. Nothing but a duty and a sympathy that 1 feel to Com-municate to others who are afflicted as I hv h.n would induce me to give this public acknowledgment of me anneal i nave received irom rroi. Wood's Hair Re siorauve. iours respectfully.

A R. JACOBS. The Restorative is nut no in bottles of Mim -i-o-. large, medium, and small the email holds a pint, and rewia wr uu uvdM yvr uumu me menum no1 oi at least twenty per cent, more iu proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle the larra holds a ourt 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $3 a bot-U. J.

WOOD Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New hhumji Hixeet, au iionis, no. And aold by all good Druggists ani Fancy Goods ap29d TURNER BROTHERS. MAlftrPAOTTRlRS OF Turners' Syrups. Sarsaparilla, Ginger Wine, at New York, Buffalo, Saad BtawnnsuoQ, Csu. auaedly aahitdtT innocence and say Why do you run against.

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